OpenStack Docs: Rocky API references
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Rocky API Reference Documentation </h1> <p> This page contains documentation about the OpenStack API and how to use it. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="mid-docs-wrapper" id="docs-main-body"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> </div> </div> <div class="row docs-toc"> <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6"> <div class="docs-link-sections"> <h3> <i class="fa fa-book"> </i> API References </h3> Application Catalog service (murano): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Bare Metal service (ironic): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Block Storage service (cinder): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Clustering service (senlin): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Compute service (nova): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <a href=""> API Guide </a> <br/> Container Infrastructure Management service (magnum): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Containers service (zun): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Data Processing service (sahara): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Data Protection Orchestration Service (karbor): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Database service (trove): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> DNS service (designate): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> EC2 API compatibility layer (ec2-api): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Identity service (keystone): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Image service (glance): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Infrastructure Optimization service (watcher): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <a href="/watcher/rocky/api/"> API Documentation </a> <br/> Key Manager service (barbican): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <a href="/barbican/rocky/api/"> API Documentation </a> <a href=""> API Guide </a> <br/> Load-balancer service (octavia): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Messaging service (zaqar): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Networking service (neutron): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> NFV Orchestration service (tacker): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Object Storage service (swift): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Orchestration service (heat): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <a href="/heat/rocky/api/"> API Documentation </a> <br/> Resource reservation service (blazar): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Shared File Systems service (manila): <a href=""> API Reference </a> <br/> Telemetry Event service (panko): <a href="/panko/rocky/api/"> API Documentation </a> <br/> Workflow service (mistral): <a href="/mistral/rocky/api/"> API Documentation </a> <br/> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6"> <div class="docs-link-sections"> <h3> <i class="fa fa-cloud"> </i> User Guides </h3> <a href="/api-quick-start/"> API Guide </a> <br/> <a href="../user/"> OpenStack End User Guides (includes Python SDK) </a> <br/> <a href=""> Open source software for application development </a> <br/> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row docs-contribute-wrapper"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <p> Documentation treated like code, powered by the 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