ERIC FAQ - Online Submission
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Examples of non-awardees are those funded by a foundation, state or local government agency, other federal agency, non-profit or for-profit entity, international government or organization, or those receiving no funding at all.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>Who can use the ERIC online submission portal?</h3> <p>Individual authors of documents or article manuscripts, if the source is not under agreement with ERIC, may use the online submission portal to upload work for review and possible inclusion in ERIC. The online submission form must be completed and a full-text, 508 compliant PDF uploaded. Information provided in the online submission form must also appear on the PDF. The system can be accessed at <a href=""></a></p> <p>Publishers or editors may not submit on behalf of authors. </p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>Do you have any tips for using the ERIC online submission portal?</h3> <p>Please access the video <a href="">Tips for Using the Online Submission System</a> and the infographic <a href="">Tips For A Successful Online or Awardee Submission to ERIC</a> for guidance on how to ensure your online submission will be accepted.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>Is my work eligible for online submission?</h3> <p>ERIC accepts materials that are education research and meet the standard and criteria set forth in the <img src="img/pdficon_large.png" alt="PDF on ERIC" /> <a href="/pdf/policy.pdf">ERIC Selection Policy</a>. Preference is given to content funded by the U.S. Department of Education or other federal agencies, professional conference papers or proceedings, reports from credible sources not yet reviewed for selection, and dissertations. ERIC will no longer accept published journal articles from non-awardees via the online submission system.</p> <p>Publishers or editors may not use the online submission system. If they are interested in having their source cataloged in ERIC, they should email <a href=""></a></p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>Does ERIC accept published journal articles through the online submission portal?</h3> <p>The original intent of the online submission system was to receive conference papers, white papers, and reports produced by sources not under agreement. ERIC had previously allowed individual authors to submit journal articles from sources that were not regularly cataloged in ERIC to be submitted as a way to supplement the collection. In the past 10 years, ERIC has noticed an increasing number of editors submitting their complete journal volumes to ERIC. This includes both sources that ERIC intends to approve in future rounds of source selection, as well as sources that ERIC has decided not to catalog. To prioritize sources going through formal source selection, we made the decision that the only journal articles eligible for online submission are those funded by the U.S Department of Education.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>I presented a paper at a conference several years ago but forgot to submit it to ERIC. May I still do so? </h3> <p>Yes. ERIC welcomes contributions from non-awardees of non-journal materials meeting the selection standard and criteria, regardless of the date.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>How can I contribute my work to ERIC? </h3> <p>Individual authors (not editors or publishers) may submit materials using ERIC’s online submission portal.</p> <p>Before you begin, be sure your PDF is ready for submission.</p> <ul> <li>reate a cover page that includes the title of the document, author name(s), conference, or book information, publication date (for unpublished works, use the date of document completion), and abstract</li> <li>Remove personally identifying information about research participants such as names, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, or addresses.</li> <li>Remove your CV or resume if it is appended or included in the document.</li> <li>Verify that all edits and corrections are complete and that any editing marks from tracked changes are removed.</li> <li>Make sure the document is a single, 508-compliant PDF.</li> </ul> <p>For additional information on how to submit work to ERIC, access the webinar <a href="">Contributing Research to ERIC Through the Online Submission System</a>, the short video <a href="">Tips for Using ERIC’s Online Submission System</a>, and the infographic <img src="img/pdficon_large.png" alt="PDF on ERIC" /> <a href="">Tips for a Successful Online or Awardee Submission to ERIC</a>.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>Will ERIC catalog my report and link to my website for access to the full text?</h3> <p>No. Authors submitting documents through ERIC’s online submission system must grant permission for the full text to be displayed in ERIC.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>Do I need to provide an abstract?</h3> <p>Yes. Abstracts must be in paragraph form; bullet points or lists are not acceptable abstract formats. For guidance on how to create an abstract, please access our video <a href="">Tips and Best Practices for Writing ERIC Abstracts</a>.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>I am submitting an unpublished or “in press” work. What should I enter for the publication date? </h3> <p>ERIC requires a publication year, at a minimum, for online submissions—on both the PDF and in the submission form. You can use the date the document was completed. The date on the cover page of your document must match the date recorded in the online submission form.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>I coauthored a paper with two other authors. Who is eligible to submit the work to ERIC?</h3> <p>The paper may be submitted by any of the copyright holders. All copyright holders should agree to the submission prior to providing the paper to ERIC. During the submission process, you will be required to check a box confirming that you are authorized to submit the material and that no other source holds a copyright that would prohibit you from submitting the work to ERIC.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>We have more coauthors than spaces for author names are provided on the submission form. What should we do?</h3> <p>You can enter up to 6 author names in the submission form. The ERIC cataloging team can enter more names and will complete the list from the submitted PDF.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>My references, tables, slides, and text are in different files. Can't I just submit them one after the other?</h3> <p>No. Your submission must be one complete PDF file.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>How will I know if ERIC has accepted my submission? How long does it take for an accepted item to appear in the database? How will it appear?</h3> <p>You will receive an email confirmation of receipt when you submit your material. Upon review, if your material is deemed incomplete or not meeting ERIC selection criteria you will receive an email to that effect. Materials selected for inclusion in ERIC will be added to the collection within approximately 90 days of submission. You will not receive separate confirmation of acceptance. Accepted materials are cataloged with an ED (ERIC Document) accession number, and Online Submission or Awardee Submission is indicated in the Source field.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>I am the editor of a journal not regularly cataloged in ERIC. May I submit a complete issue PDF or individual articles through online submission?</h3> <p>No. The online system was established as an opportunity for individual authors to submit their work to ERIC and not as an alternative for editors to submit articles for the authors. Editors or other publisher representatives may submit a request to <a href=""></a> to have a journal reviewed for possible inclusion in ERIC under an agreement with the U.S. Department of Education. Be sure to read the <img src="img/pdficon_large.png" alt="PDF on ERIC" /><a href="/pdf/ERIC_Selection_Policy.pdf" target="_blank">ERIC Selection Policy</a> to make sure your publication is a good fit for ERIC.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>If I submit a paper to ERIC, and it is added to the database, can I still publish the paper elsewhere?</h3> <p>Yes. ERIC is not a publisher. When you contribute your work to ERIC, you grant permission to catalog the material and disseminate it online. You do not transfer copyright to ERIC and may seek publication. However, once you submit a document to ERIC, it will not be removed per the Preservation Policy in the <a href="/?selection">ERIC Selection Policy</a>.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>My unpublished paper is in ERIC via the online submission system and now journals will not accept it because the full text is already available online—will you remove it from ERIC so I can have it published?</h3> <p>No. ERIC is not a publisher, but when you contribute your work to ERIC, you grant permission to catalog the material and disseminate it online, in perpetuity. Please access the Preservation Policy in the <a href="/?selection">ERIC Selection Policy</a>. You do not transfer copyright to ERIC and may seek publication elsewhere. However, before submitting to ERIC it is an author's responsibility to check the publication policies of journals in which you may wish to be published. </p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>My institution requires that my publication appears in ERIC for promotion and tenure advancement. I submitted it but I can’t find it in ERIC—why?</h3> <p>ERIC is not responsible for fulfilling requirements set by academic institutions. ERIC must adhere to the selection policies and processing procedures approved by the U.S. Department of Education. If your article appears in a journal that is regularly cataloged in ERIC, your work will appear when the articles from that journal are cataloged and uploaded to the ERIC website. If the journal is selectively cataloged, it may be that your article was not deemed to meet the ERIC selection standard and criteria and it will not appear in ERIC. As of the May 2024 update to the ERIC Selection Policy, the only journal articles eligible for online submission are those funded by the U.S Department of Education (awardee).Work sent via the online submission portal is evaluated against the <a href="/?selection">ERIC Selection Policy</a> and must meet the same standard and criteria.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>What if I have multiple papers from the same study? </h3> <p>It is possible that an individual author may prepare and submit multiple papers addressing aspects of the same topic. For ERIC to consider them all as unique contributions, however, they must differ in major, substantive ways. Papers in which the content has been reorganized, but whole passages are repeated from previous works, or for which only the title has been slightly reworded, are not eligible for inclusion in ERIC.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>Will the ERIC record indicate whether my paper has been peer reviewed?</h3> <p>The peer-review indicator is assigned if the submitter provides acceptable proof that the content has been peer reviewed. You must provide a URL that goes to a webpage explaining the peer review process or the submitted PDF must include a description of the process. ERIC considers either one of the following processes to be peer review:</p> <ul> <li><em>Blind, or Anonymous, Peer Review</em> — Content is reviewed by external reviewers and the author’s identity is unknown to the reviewer. A double-blind peer-review process is where both the reviewer and the author remain anonymous throughout the process.</li> <li><em>Expert Peer Review</em> — Content is reviewed by internal or external reviewers, and the author’s identity may or may not be known to the reviewer.</li> </ul> <p>A peer-review process employing at least two reviewers with scholarly affiliation is preferred.</p> <p>Internal, editorial reviews and dissertation reviews are not recognized by ERIC as accepted types of peer review.</p> <p>Access the infographic <img src="img/pdficon_large.png" alt="PDF on ERIC" /> <a href="/pdf/ERIC_Evidence_of_Peer_Review_Infographic.pdf">How Do I Provide Evidence that My Online Submission Was Peer Reviewed</a>?</p> <p>If the submitter claims that a work has been peer reviewed, but does not provide adequate evidence, the work will not be marked as peer reviewed.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>What does “Process Included” refer to as evidence of peer review?</h3> <p>If you want the peer-review indicator assigned to your work, you must provide documentation of the peer-review process in one of two ways: In the online submission form enter a link to the process as shown on the publication website, or on the PDF’s first or cover page include an explanation of the peer-review process that was followed. “Process Included” does not mean the research process outlined in your document.</p> <p>Access the infographic <img src="img/pdficon_large.png" alt="PDF on ERIC" /> <a href="/pdf/ERIC_Evidence_of_Peer_Review_Infographic.pdf">How Do I Provide Evidence that My Online Submission Was Peer Reviewed</a>?</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>I submitted a paper to ERIC’s online submission portal prior to when the peer-review indicator was established for online submissions. Can I apply for the peer-review indicator to be added to the ERIC record?</h3> <p>No. The proof of peer-review must be included at the time of submission and is not added retroactively.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>May I make changes to my paper after submission or inclusion in the database?</h3> <p>No. Please be sure to check all files carefully before uploading them to ERIC so that your document is the final, edited version. ERIC assumes all submissions are final.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>I receive funding from the U.S. Department of Education for my research. Must I submit my published work to ERIC?</h3> <p>Access the <a href="/?faq-requirements">“Awardee and Contractor Requirement”</a> section of the FAQ.</p> </div> <div class="toggleBlock"> <h3>Our organization produces materials (e.g., research reports) that are funded by the U.S. Department of Education (ED). How should they be submitted to ERIC</h3> <p>Access the <a href="/?faq-requirements">“Awardee and Contractor Requirement”</a> section of the FAQ.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="divFooter"><div id="ftrPadding"><div id="ftr"><div id="ftrSocial"> <a href="" id="facebook" style="padding-bottom:5px"><img src="img/icon_facebook.gif" alt="Facebook" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a> <a href="" id="twitter"><img src="img/icon_twitter.gif" alt="Twitter" width="16" height="16" border="0"></a></div><div id="ftrLogos"><a href=""><img src="img/logo_ed.gif" alt="Department of Education"></a><a href=""><img src="img/logo_ies.gif" alt="Institute of Education Statistics"></a></div><div id="centerLinks"><a href="?privacy">Privacy</a> | <a href="?copyright">Copyright</a> | <a href="?contact">Contact Us</a> | <a href="?selection">Selection Policy</a> | <a href="?api">API</a> | <a href="metrics">Metrics</a><div><a href="?journals">Journals</a> | <a href="?nonjournals">Non-Journals</a> | <a href="?download">Download</a> | <a href="submit">Submit</a> | <a href="?multimedia">Multimedia</a> | <a href="?widget">Widget</a></div></div></div><script id="_fed_an_ua_tag" language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/js/Universal-Federated-Analytics-Min.js?pga4=55622235&agency=ED&subagency=ERIC"></script></div></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[ if(self!=top) {top.location=self.location;} //]]></script> </body> </html>