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selected by a panel of judges as winner of The Hindu Prize for the Best Fiction 2013 for his novel <em>Vanity Bagh</em> which depicts humour and imagination. The Hindu Prize consists of Rs 5 lakh and a plaque. The announcement of Anees Salim winning the prize was made on 13 December at the valedictory session of the Hindu Lit for Life. The writer, Anees Salim was not present at the award function but in his award acceptance speech, read out by his representative and publisher, Pranav Kumar, said that the award was an acknowledgement of ugliness in the world. Pranav Kumar said about the book that it is about distress and religious intolerance that can divide humanity and win elections. <strong>ZIAUDDIN RIZVI</strong>, an MLA from District Ballia’s Sikandarpur assembly constituency has been appointed by UP government Chairman of state’s Minorities, Financial and Development Corporation. <strong>SIRAJUDDIN QURESHI</strong>, chairman of India Islamic Cultural Centre, New Delhi was elected chairman of this Centre consecutively for the third time with a huge margin. Whereas Sirajuddin Qureshi secured 1215 votes, his rival Dr Shakiluz Zaman Ansari, a former minister of Bihar could secure 432 votes only. Safdar H. Khan, Chairman of Delhi’s Minorities Commission was elected Vice Chairman of India Islamic Cultural Centre. Whereas Safdar Khan secured 1184 votes, his rival Dr Fakhruddin secured 479 votes only. <strong>SHEIKH MATIUR RAHMAN MADNI</strong>, Chairman of Tauheed Educational Trust, Kishanganj and founder of Human Development, social worker who is also associated with many milli and religious organisations has been appointed a member of All India Muslim Personal Law Board. <strong>ARIF USMAN</strong>, son of a poor farmer in the backward village Noshera of Noh (Mewat) is among the selected 20 candidates out of 12000 candidates from all over the world by Sans Francisco University (USA) for admission in MIB (Master in International Business) at a monthly scholarship of Rs 1,50,000. After qualifying in various tests and interviews when he put his Bio Data on internet, he received offers of admission from Malayasia, Japan, Australia and England. After interview through video conferencing and securing 93 marks out of 100 (he was required to answer 125 questions in 48 minutes) he was finally interviewed in a 7-star hotel in Mumbai and was selected by San Francisco University. In addition to this scholarship he was offered a part-time job of 3.5 hours daily at a salary of Rs. 1,35,000. The entire village of Noshera and neighbouring areas rightly celebrated his unique success, seeing that he is the only lad from India selected this year by the San Francisco University for admission. As many as 14 scholars of Arabic and Persian including, among others,<strong>MUFTI AHMAD HASAN KHAN</strong>, <strong>Prof KAFEEL QASMI</strong>, <strong>Prof ZIKRUR RAHMAN</strong>, <strong>Prof AHMAD NASEEM SIDDIQI </strong>(Arabic) and <strong>HAFIZ ABDUL MANNAN</strong>, <strong>HAFIZ SHAH TARIQ ANWAR</strong>, <strong>Prof QAMAR GHAFFAR</strong> are among the 57 scholars of classical languages of India including Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian, Pali and Prakrit were honoured by President of India Pranab Mukherji for the year 2012-13 at a function held at Rashtrapati Bhavan’s Darbar Hal on 17 January. Of them,<strong>Dr ASHFAQ AHMAD </strong>(Arabic) and <strong>MUHAMAD EHTASHAMUDDIN</strong> and <strong>SHADAAB ANWAR ALVI </strong>(Persian) were honoured with Maharishi Badrayan Vyas Award. <strong>MAULANA MUHAMMAD SALIM QASMI</strong>, religious scholar, Vice President of AI Muslim Personal Law Board and Rector of Darul Uloom (Waqf) Deoband has been selected for being honoured with Imam Nanotvi Award this year. </div></div> </article> </main> <aside class="Layout-col -sidebar"> <div class="Section"> <h3 class="Section-title">More from Community News</h3> <ul class="List -news"> <li class="List-item"> <small>02/08/24</small> <a href="/news/1-community-news/34116-acquittal-of-two-delhi-riots-victims-a-victory-for-justice-and-apcr/" class="Link">Acquittal of Two Delhi Riots Victims: A Victory for Justice and APCR</a> </li> <li class="List-item"> <small>26/12/23</small> <a href="/news/1-community-news/34086-history-professor-tasneem-suhrawardy-passes-away/" class="Link">History 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