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transform-origin: 0.5ch 13vh">m</span><span class="curved" style="transform: translateX(calc(13vh - 0.5ch)) rotate(27deg); transform-origin: 0.5ch 13vh">y</span><span class="curved" style="transform: translateX(calc(13vh - 0.5ch)) rotate(36deg); transform-origin: 0.5ch 13vh"> </span><span class="curved" style="transform: translateX(calc(13vh - 0.5ch)) rotate(45deg); transform-origin: 0.5ch 13vh">s</span><span class="curved" style="transform: translateX(calc(13vh - 0.5ch)) rotate(54deg); transform-origin: 0.5ch 13vh">i</span><span class="curved" style="transform: translateX(calc(13vh - 0.5ch)) rotate(63deg); transform-origin: 0.5ch 13vh">t</span><span class="curved" style="transform: translateX(calc(13vh - 0.5ch)) rotate(72deg); transform-origin: 0.5ch 13vh">e</span><span class="curved" style="transform: translateX(calc(13vh - 0.5ch)) rotate(81deg); transform-origin: 0.5ch 13vh">!</span> </div> <img class="home-circle-icon header-icon" src="/icons/yay_sheet.png" alt=""> </div> <span class="intro-text"> <div class="intro-spacer"></div> <span id="greeting" class="intro-line"><span id="home-greeting">hello!</span></span> <br> <span class="intro-line"> I’m Lean <a target="_blank" class="ipa" href="">/<span class="ipa-text">liˈan</span>/<span class="ipa-icon">🔊</span></a>, </span> <br> <span class="intro-line"> software engineer </span> <br> <span class="intro-line"> who likes making <a target="_self" class="text-link " href="/notes/">stuff</a>, </span> <br> <span class="intro-line"> <a target="_self" class="text-link " href="/wares/">code</a>, <a target="_self" class="text-link " href="/art/">art</a>, and <a target="_self" class="text-link " href="/music/">music</a>. </span> <br> <br> <span class="intro-line"> Nice to meet you. </span> <br> <span class="intro-line"> Please, <span class="great-time-trigger" onclick="haveAGreatTime(event)">have a great time.</span> </span> </span> </div> </section> <div id="great-time-counter" class="great-time-counter"> you now have <span id="great-time-num">0</span> great time(s) </div> <div class="section about-section"> <section class="about-subsection"> <h2 class="section-title">About this site</h2> <p>This site contains:</p> <ul> <li> A <a target="_self" class="text-link " href="/wares/">portfolio</a> of some of my projects </li> <li>Small section of my <a target="_self" class="text-link " href="/art/">art</a></li> <li> Programming <a target="_self" class="text-link " href="/notes/">blog</a> with interactive visualisations </li> <li>My <a target="_self" class="text-link " href="/music/">music</a></li> <li>Links to my other stuff</li> <li>idk, <a target="_self" class="text-link " href="/misc/">random things</a></li> <li>and more?</li> </ul> </section> <section class="about-subsection"> <h2 class="section-title">About me</h2> <p>My name is Lean Rada.</p> <p>I want to build good things.</p> <p> My interests are programming, interactive things, procedural animations, algorithms, art, music theory, games, and tech. </p> <p> Currently working at <a target="_blank" class="text-link " href="">Canva</a> doing frontend stuff. </p> <p>More <a target="_self" class="text-link " href="/about/">about me</a>.</p> </section> <magnetic-field-client class="magnetic-field"> <canvas> </canvas></magnetic-field-client> </div> <section class="section cursor-section"> <div class="cursor-provider" aria-hidden="true"> <h2 class="cursor-provider-title"><em>It’s dangerous to go alone!</em><br>Take these <strong>free cursors</strong>!</h2> <h2> <button class="cursor-provider-button" data-cursor="note"></button> <button class="cursor-provider-button" data-cursor="sword"></button> <button class="cursor-provider-button" data-cursor="boba"></button> </h2> </div> <style> .cursor-provider { display: inline-block; 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Learn about the local languages. Listen to local songs and other media. Made in vanilla JS with D3.js. Passion project. <span class="card-grid-action card-grid-story" aria-label="Read post - Wikawik">Read post</span> </div> </div> </a> <a class="card-grid-item card-grid-thumbalign-center" href="/wares/hypertangram/"> <div class="card-grid-image-container"> <img srcset="/gen/_wares_hypertangram_media_ht-thumb_546.generated.png 546w" sizes=" 546px" spec="546" loading="lazy" width="100%" data-placeholder="" style=";aspect-ratio: 1;background: #0838a8" class="card-grid-image" src="/wares/hypertangram/media/ht-thumb.png" alt=""> </div> <div class="card-grid-title-wrap"> <div class="card-grid-title-bar"> <div class="card-grid-title-content"> <div class="card-grid-title">Hypertangram</div> <div class="card-grid-posttitle">2018 · Geometric puzzle game</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-grid-content"> <div class="card-grid-posttitle card-grid-postitle-small"> 2018 · Geometric puzzle game </div> <div class="card-grid-actions"> <span class="card-grid-action card-grid-info">Deets…</span> <span class="card-grid-action card-grid-story">Read post</span> </div> <div class="card-grid-description"> A puzzle game about fitting shapes together. Just like tangram, but the pieces are resizable! Runs on Android. Supports multi-touch interactions for rotating and resizing! Hobby project. <span class="card-grid-action card-grid-story" aria-label="Read post - Hypertangram">Read post</span> </div> </div> </a> <a class="card-grid-item card-grid-thumbalign-center" href="/wares/dimensions/"> <div class="card-grid-image-container"> <img srcset="/gen/_wares_dimensions_media_dimensions_0_546.generated.jpg 546w" sizes=" 546px" spec="546" loading="lazy" width="100%" data-placeholder="" style=";aspect-ratio: 1;background: #a8c8a8" class="card-grid-image" src="/wares/dimensions/media/dimensions_0.jpg" alt=""> </div> <div class="card-grid-title-wrap"> <div class="card-grid-title-bar"> <div class="card-grid-title-content"> <div class="card-grid-title">Dimensions</div> <div class="card-grid-posttitle">2019 · Augmented reality generative art</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="card-grid-content"> <div class="card-grid-posttitle card-grid-postitle-small"> 2019 · Augmented reality generative art </div> <div class="card-grid-actions"> <span class="card-grid-action card-grid-info">Deets…</span> <span class="card-grid-action card-grid-story">Read post</span> </div> <div class="card-grid-description"> Generative art with extra dimensions. Web-based, uses Vue.js for the generator and a three.js-based mobile webapp for the AR experience. Made for a workplace event. <span class="card-grid-action card-grid-story" aria-label="Read post - Dimensions">Read post</span> </div> </div> </a> </div> <a target="_self" class="text-link more-projects" href="/wares/"> More <abbr aria-label="software" title="software">s/w</abbr> projects</a> </section> <section class="section notes-section"> <h2 class="section-title">Latest notes</h2> <div class="blog-list undefined"> <!-- textlint-disable --> <a class="blog-list-item" href="/notes/css-sprite-sheets/"> <span class="blog-list-item-title"> CSS sprite sheet animations <span class="tag-component p-category" style="background: #9b78ba; color: #3c2c49">css</span> </span> <span class="blog-list-item-date"> 3 Nov 2024 </span> </a><a class="blog-list-item" href="/notes/how-to-center-in-css/"> <span class="blog-list-item-title"> Centering a div in a div in 2020 <span class="tag-component p-category" style="background: #9b78ba; color: #3c2c49">css</span> <span class="tag-component p-category" title="micropost" style="background: #cccccc; color: #444444">µpost</span> </span> <span class="blog-list-item-date"> 17 Oct 2024 </span> </a><a class="blog-list-item" href="/notes/motion-sickness-app/"> <span class="blog-list-item-title"> I made an app to fix my motion sickness <span class="tag-component p-category" style="background: #84d39e; color: #265936">android</span> </span> <span class="blog-list-item-date"> 2 Sept 2024 </span> </a><a class="blog-list-item" href="/notes/stop-using-ease-out/"> <span class="blog-list-item-title"> Stop using ease-out in your UIs! <span class="tag-component p-category" style="background: #9b78ba; color: #3c2c49">css</span> <span class="tag-component p-category" title="essay" style="background: #eeeeee; color: #4a4a4a">essay</span> </span> <span class="blog-list-item-date"> 15 Jul 2024 </span> </a> <!-- textlint-enable --> </div> <a target="_self" class="text-link more-notes" href="/notes/"> More notes</a> </section> <section class="section labs-section"> <h2 class="section-title">From the lab</h2> <p><em>warning: unpolished experiences!</em></p> <div class="gallery-grid"> <div class="gallery-grid-item-block"> <a target="_blank" class="gallery-grid-item" href=""> <video muted="" autoplay="" loop="" playsinline="" aria-label="Baybayin calligraphy generator" class="gallery-grid-media" alt="Baybayin calligraphy generator" loading="lazy" data-src="/labs/baybayin.mp4"> <source src="/labs/baybayin.mp4"> Video: Baybayin calligraphy generator | Source: /labs/baybayin.mp4 </video> <span class="gallery-grid-label">Baybayin calligraphy generator</span> </a> </div> <div class="gallery-grid-item-block"> <a target="_blank" class="gallery-grid-item" href=""> <img srcset="/gen/_labs_wc-sim-9_280.generated.png 280w" sizes=" 280px" spec="280" loading="lazy" width="100%" data-placeholder="" style=";aspect-ratio: 1;background: #f8f8e8" class="gallery-grid-media" alt="Flowers in simulated watercolour [GPU heavy!]" src="/labs/wc-sim-9.png"> <span class="gallery-grid-label">Flowers in simulated watercolour [GPU heavy!]</span> </a> </div> <div class="gallery-grid-item-block"> <a target="_blank" class="gallery-grid-item" href=""> <video muted="" autoplay="" loop="" playsinline="" aria-label="3D hamburger menu animation" class="gallery-grid-media" alt="3D hamburger menu animation" loading="lazy" data-src="/labs/3d-hamburger.opt.mp4"> <source src="/labs/3d-hamburger.opt.mp4"> Video: 3D hamburger menu animation | Source: /labs/3d-hamburger.opt.mp4 </video> <span class="gallery-grid-label">3D hamburger menu animation</span> </a> </div> <div class="gallery-grid-item-block"> <a target="_blank" class="gallery-grid-item" href=""> <img srcset="/gen/_labs_pure-css-ai-tic-tac-toe_280.generated.png 280w" sizes=" 280px" spec="280" loading="lazy" width="100%" data-placeholder="" style=";aspect-ratio: 1;background: #f8f8f8" class="gallery-grid-media" alt="Tic-tac-toe AI written in pure CSS. Can you beat a stylesheet?" src="/labs/pure-css-ai-tic-tac-toe.png"> <span class="gallery-grid-label">Tic-tac-toe AI written in pure CSS. Can you beat a stylesheet?</span> </a> </div> <div class="gallery-grid-item-block"> <a target="_blank" class="gallery-grid-item" href=""> <img srcset="/gen/_labs_floridablanca_280.generated.png 280w" sizes=" 280px" spec="280" loading="lazy" width="100%" data-placeholder="" style=";aspect-ratio: 1;background: #f8f8e8" class="gallery-grid-media" alt="Floridablanca - flow art generator" src="/labs/floridablanca.png"> <span class="gallery-grid-label">Floridablanca - flow art generator</span> </a> </div> <div class="gallery-grid-item-block"> <a target="_blank" class="gallery-grid-item" href=""> <img srcset="/gen/_labs_poetry-gen_280.generated.png 280w" sizes=" 280px" spec="280" loading="lazy" width="100%" data-placeholder="" style=";aspect-ratio: 1;background: #f8f8f8" class="gallery-grid-media" alt="Poetry generator" src="/labs/poetry-gen.png"> <span class="gallery-grid-label">Poetry generator</span> </a> </div> </div> </section> <section class="section misc-section"> <div 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