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href="#list">Company list</a></div> <!-- end .anchor_link --> </div> <!-- end .anchor_links --> </div> <!-- end .anchor_links_wrapper --> </div> <!-- end .content_wrapper --> </div> <!-- end .anchor_links_content_wrapper --> <div class="content_wrapper"> </div> <!-- end .content_wrapper --> <div class="content_wrapper"> <div id="conversation" class="style-grid"> <div class="content_wrapper"> <div class="post_item scrollshow curve-right " style=" background-color: #ffde00; color: #000; " data-link=""> <div class="post_hover_photo" style=" background-color: #ffde00; background-image: url(; "> <img src="" alt="MotherDuck" /> </div> <!-- end .post_hover_photo --> <div class="post_title"> MotherDuck&#8217;s <div class="founder_name">Joran Tigani</div> on shaping serverless data with DuckDB </div> </div> <!-- end .post_item --> <div class="post_item scrollshow curve-left " style=" background-color: #473ff4; color: #fff; " data-link=""> <div class="post_hover_photo" style=" background-color: #473ff4; background-image: url(; "> <img src="" alt="Runway" /> </div> <!-- end .post_hover_photo --> <div class="post_title"> Runway&#8217;s <div class="founder_name">Cristóbal Valenzuela</div> on AI-driven art and lifelong learning </div> </div> <!-- end .post_item --> <div class="post_item scrollshow curve-right " style=" background-color: #f15a23; color: #fff; " data-link=""> <div class="post_hover_photo" style=" background-color: #f15a23; background-image: url(; "> <img src="" alt="Rec Room" /> </div> <!-- end .post_hover_photo --> <div class="post_title"> Rec Room&#8217;s <div class="founder_name">Nick Fajt</div> on democratizing game development </div> </div> <!-- end .post_item --> <div class="post_item scrollshow curve-left " style=" background-color: #bdf9df; color: #000; " data-link=""> <div class="post_hover_photo" style=" background-color: #bdf9df; background-image: url(; "> <img src="" alt="Common Room" /> </div> <!-- end .post_hover_photo --> <div class="post_title"> Common Room&#8217;s <div class="founder_name">Linda Lian</div> on integrating community into your company </div> </div> <!-- end .post_item --> <div class="post_item scrollshow curve-left " style=" background-color: #805ac3; color: #000; " data-link=""> <div class="post_hover_photo" style=" background-color: #805ac3; background-image: url(; "> <img src="" alt="Pulumi" /> </div> <!-- end .post_hover_photo --> <div class="post_title"> Pulumi&#8217;s <div class="founder_name">Joe Duffy</div> on bringing more power to developers </div> </div> <!-- end .post_item --> <div class="post_item scrollshow curve-left " style=" background-color: #d9eef9; color: #000; " data-link=""> <div class="post_hover_photo" style=" background-color: #d9eef9; background-image: url(; "> <img src="" alt="Statsig" /> </div> <!-- end .post_hover_photo --> <div class="post_title"> Statsig&#8217;s <div class="founder_name">Vijaye Raji</div> on using data to build better products </div> </div> <!-- end .post_item --> </div> <!-- end .content_wrapper --> </div> <!-- end #conversation --> <div class="more_companies"> <a href="">All conversations with company leaders</a> </div> <!-- end .more_companies --> <div id="company_list_wrapper" class="companies_list"> <div id="list" class="content_wrapper"> <h3 style="text-align: center;">Company List</h3> <div class="companies_filter"> <div class="filter_wrapper"> <div class="filter_option" id="filter-status"> <div class="show_dropdown">Status</div> <div class="filter_dropdown" id="filter_dropdown-status"> <div class="close_filter_dropdown">close</div> <div class="filter_dropdown_link active"><a href="">All</a></div> <div class="filter_dropdown_link "> <a href="">Active</a> </div> <div class="filter_dropdown_link "> <a href="">Exit</a> </div> </div> <!-- end #filter_dropdown-status --> </div> </div> <div class="filter_wrapper"> <div class="filter_option" id="filter-status"> <div class="show_dropdown">Category</div> <div class="filter_dropdown" 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id="filter_dropdown-category"> <div class="close_filter_dropdown">close</div> <div class="filter_dropdown_link active"><a href="">All</a></div> <div class="filter_dropdown_link "> <a href="">Acceleration</a> </div> <div class="filter_dropdown_link "> <a href="">Early</a> </div> <div class="filter_dropdown_link "> <a href="">Seed</a> </div> </div> <!-- end #filter_dropdown-status --> </div> </div> <div id="company_search"> <input class="search" placeholder="Search by name" /> </div> </div> <!-- end .companies_filter --> <div class="companies_section" id="company_list"> <!-- <input class="search" placeholder="Search" /> --> <ul class="list"> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-a-alpha-bio" data-company="company-a-alpha-bio"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">A-Alpha Bio</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="A-Alpha Bio" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="A-Alpha Bio" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>A-Alpha Bio is a biotechnology company harnessing synthetic biology and machine learning to measure, predict, and engineer protein-protein interactions. The company has developed a proprietary platform technology, called AlphaSeq, that uses genetically engineered cells to experimentally measure millions of protein-protein interaction affinities simultaneously at a library-on-library scale, generating enormous amounts of data to inform the discovery and development of the next generation of high-impact therapeutics. A-Alpha Bio was founded in 2017 by a team of synthetic biologists from the University of Washington's Institute for Protein Design and Center for Synthetic Biology.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> A-Alpha Bio is a biotechnology company harnessing synthetic biology and machine learning to measure, predict, and engineer protein-protein interactions. The company has developed a proprietary platform technology, called AlphaSeq, that uses genetically engineered cells to experimentally measure millions of protein-protein interaction affinities simultaneously at a library-on-library scale, generating enormous amounts of data to inform the discovery and development of the next generation of high-impact therapeutics. A-Alpha Bio was founded in 2017 by a team of synthetic biologists from the University of Washington's Institute for Protein Design and Center for Synthetic Biology. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>David Younger<br /> Randolph Lopez </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-accolade" data-company="company-accolade"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Accolade</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Accolade" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Accolade" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Accolade is an on-demand healthcare concierge for employers, health plans and health systems. Accolade customers experience industry-leading engagement levels, satisfaction scores unseen in healthcare, better health outcomes, and cost savings of 5%-15%.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Accolade is an on-demand healthcare concierge for employers, health plans and health systems. Accolade customers experience industry-leading engagement levels, satisfaction scores unseen in healthcare, better health outcomes, and cost savings of 5%-15%. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Rajeev Singh </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Public July 2020<br /> NASDAQ: ACCD </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-algorithmia" data-company="company-algorithmia"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Algorithmia</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Algorithmia" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Algorithmia" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Algorithmia’s AI Layer managed the machine learning lifecycle and automates the deployment of machine learning models at scale.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Algorithmia’s AI Layer managed the machine learning lifecycle and automates the deployment of machine learning models at scale. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Kenny Daniel<br /> Diego Oppenheimer </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Datarobot 2021 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-ally-io" data-company="company-ally-io"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;"></span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Ally was a business and goal management software platform with roots in the OKR (objectives and key results) goal alignment framework that is transforming businesses and employees’ work lives.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Ally was a business and goal management software platform with roots in the OKR (objectives and key results) goal alignment framework that is transforming businesses and employees’ work lives. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Vetri Vellore </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Microsoft 2021 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-amazon" data-company="company-amazon"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Amazon</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Amazon" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Amazon" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Amazon is a Fortune 500 company based in Seattle that seeks to be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online, and endeavors to offer its customers the lowest possible prices.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>1995 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Amazon is a Fortune 500 company based in Seattle that seeks to be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online, and endeavors to offer its customers the lowest possible prices. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Andy Jassy </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Public May 1997<br /> NASDAQ: AMZN </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>1995 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-amperity" data-company="company-amperity"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Amperity</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Amperity" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Amperity" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Amperity is the leading Customer Data Platform provider that helps companies use data to improve marketing performance, build long-term customer loyalty and drive growth. Amperity's flagship enterprise CDP is used by many of the world's most loved brands, such as Alaska Airlines, Crocs, Endeavour Drinks, Kendra Scott, Kroger, Lucky Brand, Planet Fitness, Seattle Sounders FC, Under Armour and Wyndham Hotels &amp; Resorts.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Amperity is the leading Customer Data Platform provider that helps companies use data to improve marketing performance, build long-term customer loyalty and drive growth. Amperity's flagship enterprise CDP is used by many of the world's most loved brands, such as Alaska Airlines, Crocs, Endeavour Drinks, Kendra Scott, Kroger, Lucky Brand, Planet Fitness, Seattle Sounders FC, Under Armour and Wyndham Hotels &amp; Resorts. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Berry Padgett </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-animoto" data-company="company-animoto"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Animoto</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Animoto" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Animoto" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>The founders of Animoto Productions™ share a passion for helping people share their stories and express themselves through online media by innovating technologies in the field of video production.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2009 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> The founders of Animoto Productions™ share a passion for helping people share their stories and express themselves through online media by innovating technologies in the field of video production. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Brad Jefferson<br /> Jason Hsiao<br /> Stevie Clifton<br /> Tom Clifton </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Redbrick 2023 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2009 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-anomaly" data-company="company-anomaly"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Anomaly</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Anomaly" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Anomaly" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Anomaly is streamlining healthcare payments—reducing healthcare costs and complexity. Over $300B is lost every year to avoidable denials and payment errors, impacting the affordability of healthcare. Anomaly is working with the country’s largest healthcare companies to enable instant, accurate healthcare payments. Our AI-enabled products integrate in the claims flow, analyzing billions of transactions to predict and prevent payment issues before they occur. Our fast-growing team brings together top engineering and healthcare talent committed to making healthcare more efficient and affordable.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Anomaly is streamlining healthcare payments—reducing healthcare costs and complexity. Over $300B is lost every year to avoidable denials and payment errors, impacting the affordability of healthcare. Anomaly is working with the country’s largest healthcare companies to enable instant, accurate healthcare payments. Our AI-enabled products integrate in the claims flow, analyzing billions of transactions to predict and prevent payment issues before they occur. Our fast-growing team brings together top engineering and healthcare talent committed to making healthcare more efficient and affordable. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Jacob Shiff<br /> Jon Hoffman </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-smartassist" data-company="company-smartassist"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">AnsweriQ</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="AnsweriQ" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="AnsweriQ" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>AnsweriQ applied AI to the challenge of customer support ticket routing and helps human customer support agents answer questions faster.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> AnsweriQ applied AI to the challenge of customer support ticket routing and helps human customer support agents answer questions faster. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Prashant Luthra<br /> Pradeep Rathinam </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Freshworks 2020 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-appfog" data-company="company-appfog"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">AppFog</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="AppFog" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="AppFog" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>AppFog was the leading polyglot and infrastructure agnostic Platform-as-a-Service provider.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2010 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> AppFog was the leading polyglot and infrastructure agnostic Platform-as-a-Service provider. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Lucas Carlson </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Savvis, a CenturyLink company 2013 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2010 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-apptio" data-company="company-apptio"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Apptio</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Apptio" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Apptio" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Apptio builds advanced data and analytics applications for Technology Business Management.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2007 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Apptio builds advanced data and analytics applications for Technology Business Management. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Sunny Gupta<br /> Paul McLachlan<br /> Kurt Shintaffer </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Public Sept. 2016<br /> Acquired by Vista 2018<br /> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2007 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-archon-biosciences" data-company="company-archon-biosciences"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Archon Biosciences</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Archon Biosciences" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Archon Biosciences" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div>Archon Biosciences is a biotechnology company pioneering computationally designed Antibody Cages (AbCs) to unlock powerful therapeutic targets beyond the reach of existing modalities.</div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div>Archon Biosciences is a biotechnology company pioneering computationally designed Antibody Cages (AbCs) to unlock powerful therapeutic targets beyond the reach of existing modalities.</div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>James Lazarovits<br /> George Ueda </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-archway" data-company="company-archway"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Archway</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Archway" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Archway" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Archway is a platform for banks to easily create innovative digital services in weeks, not years. It provides a single access point to seamlessly connect any banking platform to third-party financial software providers — with pre-assembled integrations.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Archway is a platform for banks to easily create innovative digital services in weeks, not years. It provides a single access point to seamlessly connect any banking platform to third-party financial software providers — with pre-assembled integrations. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Dustin Hubbard </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-battlesnake" data-company="company-battlesnake"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Battlesnake</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Battlesnake" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Battlesnake" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Battlesnake is a multi-player programming game for experienced web developers where your code is the controller. We build games for programmers that encourage self-directed learning, are challenging to master, and are fun to share with friends and family. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Battlesnake is a multi-player programming game for experienced web developers where your code is the controller. We build games for programmers that encourage self-directed learning, are challenging to master, and are fun to share with friends and family. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Brad Van Vugt<br /> Noah Warder<br /> Chris Hoefgen </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by DevCycle in 2023. </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-bizible" data-company="company-bizible"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Bizible</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Bizible" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Bizible" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Bizible is a B2B marketing attribution solution that enables hundreds of companies to measure marketing on the basis of revenue. <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Bizible is a B2B marketing attribution solution that enables hundreds of companies to measure marketing on the basis of revenue. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2012 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Bizible is a B2B marketing attribution solution that enables hundreds of companies to measure marketing on the basis of revenue. <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Bizible is a B2B marketing attribution solution that enables hundreds of companies to measure marketing on the basis of revenue. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Aaron Bird<br /> Andy Turman<br /> Peter Thompson </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Marketo 2018 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2012 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-bobsled" data-company="company-bobsled"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Bobsled</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Bobsled" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Bobsled" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Bobsled provides a data sharing platform that helps data providers, SaaS companies and other providers of valuable analytics share data products into the platforms where their customers and partners work.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Bobsled provides a data sharing platform that helps data providers, SaaS companies and other providers of valuable analytics share data products into the platforms where their customers and partners work. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Jake Graham<br /> Andy Jefferson<br /> Josh Neckes </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-bocada" data-company="company-bocada"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Bocada</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Bocada" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Bocada" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Bocada automates backup operations oversight, asset protection, and compliance audits via one single pane. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2001 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Bocada automates backup operations oversight, asset protection, and compliance audits via one single pane. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Mark Silverman </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by private strategic purchaser 2016 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2001 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-booster" data-company="company-booster"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Booster</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Booster" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Booster" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Booster Fuels delivers competitively priced gas to your car while you work.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Booster Fuels delivers competitively priced gas to your car while you work. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Frank Mycroft<br /> Diego Netto<br /> Tyler Raugh </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-branch-metrics" data-company="company-branch-metrics"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Branch</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Branch" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Branch" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Branch is the leader in deep linking increasing mobile conversion, customer retention, and engagement. Branch is used by top brands such as Pinterest, Redfin and Hotel Tonight to make app content more easily shared and discovered. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Branch is the leader in deep linking increasing mobile conversion, customer retention, and engagement. Branch is used by top brands such as Pinterest, Redfin and Hotel Tonight to make app content more easily shared and discovered. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>David Karnstedt </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-buuteeq" data-company="company-buuteeq"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">buuteeq</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="buuteeq" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="buuteeq" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Buuteeq was an early provider of software for hotels to build and manage websites for marketing and customer reservations.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2012 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Buuteeq was an early provider of software for hotels to build and manage websites for marketing and customer reservations. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Adam Brownstein<br /> Brian Saab<br /> Forest Key </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by 2014 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2012 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-cedexis" data-company="company-cedexis"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Cedexis</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Cedexis" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Cedexis" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Cedexis was a real-time, data-driven service for dynamically optimizing the flow of traffic across public clouds, data centers, CDNs, and ISPs.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2011 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Cedexis was a real-time, data-driven service for dynamically optimizing the flow of traffic across public clouds, data centers, CDNs, and ISPs. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Julien Coulon<br /> Marty Kagan </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Citrix 2018 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2011 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-essential" data-company="company-essential"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Chatitive</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Chatitive" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Chatitive" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Chatitive provided intelligent messaging experiences for businesses. The company was incubated with Madrona Venture Labs. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Chatitive provided intelligent messaging experiences for businesses. The company was incubated with Madrona Venture Labs. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Andy Hollenbeck<br /> Daniel Pirone </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Mailchimp 2021 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-clari" data-company="company-clari"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Clari</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Clari" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Clari" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Clari is the leader in Revenue Collaboration &amp; Governance, providing the first enterprise platform to run the most important business process: revenue. Clari’s Revenue Platform connects all revenue-critical employees, processes, and systems to drive a breakthrough in revenue precision. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Clari is the leader in Revenue Collaboration &amp; Governance, providing the first enterprise platform to run the most important business process: revenue. Clari’s Revenue Platform connects all revenue-critical employees, processes, and systems to drive a breakthrough in revenue precision. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Andy Byrne<br /> Venkat Rangan </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-classmates-com" data-company="company-classmates-com"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;"></span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> was a provider of online social networking. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>1999 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> was a provider of online social networking. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Randy Conrads </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by United Online, Inc. </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>1999 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-clerk" data-company="company-clerk"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Clerk</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Clerk" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Clerk" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div> Clerk is the drop-in authentication and user management solution for the modern web, tuned for React and Next.js. <div></div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div> Clerk is the drop-in authentication and user management solution for the modern web, tuned for React and Next.js. <div></div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder/s or CEO</div>Colin Sidoti<br /> Braden Sidoti </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-cloudcoreo" data-company="company-cloudcoreo"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">CloudCoreo</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="CloudCoreo" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="CloudCoreo" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> CloudCoreo was a next-generation cloud management platform that enabled DevOps and SecOps teams to scale efficiently within and across cloud providers. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> CloudCoreo was a next-generation cloud management platform that enabled DevOps and SecOps teams to scale efficiently within and across cloud providers. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Jason Needham<br /> Paul Allan </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by VMware 2018 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-clozd" data-company="company-clozd"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Clozd</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Clozd" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Clozd" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Clozd is a win/loss solution for B2B customers, providing interview and automated survey-based data collection, subject matter expertise and methodology, and dashboards for analytics and scoring of win/loss drivers and customer feedback. Clozd helps B2B customers systematically and holistically capture and analyze the reasons why their company wins or loses business from customers. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Clozd is a win/loss solution for B2B customers, providing interview and automated survey-based data collection, subject matter expertise and methodology, and dashboards for analytics and scoring of win/loss drivers and customer feedback. Clozd helps B2B customers systematically and holistically capture and analyze the reasons why their company wins or loses business from customers. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Andrew Peterson<br /> Spencer Dent </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-coda" data-company="company-coda"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Coda</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Coda" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Coda" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Coda is the all-in-one doc for teams. It starts with a blank canvas and a blinking cursor and has infinite room to grow your ideas. Coda comes with a new set of building blocksーlike tables that talk to each other, buttons that take action, and Packs that connect your doc to the apps you use every day. Coda launched to the general public in early 2019, and is used by tens of thousands of teams globally, spanning startups and enterprise businesses like Robinhood, Square, The New York Times, and Uber. Coda is a distributed company with offices in Seattle, San Francisco, and Mountain View, Calif. and is backed by top investment firms such as Kleiner Perkins, Greylock, and General Catalyst. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Coda is the all-in-one doc for teams. It starts with a blank canvas and a blinking cursor and has infinite room to grow your ideas. Coda comes with a new set of building blocksーlike tables that talk to each other, buttons that take action, and Packs that connect your doc to the apps you use every day. Coda launched to the general public in early 2019, and is used by tens of thousands of teams globally, spanning startups and enterprise businesses like Robinhood, Square, The New York Times, and Uber. Coda is a distributed company with offices in Seattle, San Francisco, and Mountain View, Calif. and is backed by top investment firms such as Kleiner Perkins, Greylock, and General Catalyst. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Alex DeNeui<br /> Shishir Mehrotra </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-codified" data-company="company-codified"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Codified</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Codified" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Codified" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><p class="h2_hero" data-w-id="983a87e4-ca49-5321-ac2d-0ac18cf27ca2">Codified provides a simple, fast experience for tools and humans to request access to data, delivering customers the ability to access data in accordance with all the rules of <span class="no_wrap">the company.</span></p></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <p class="h2_hero" data-w-id="983a87e4-ca49-5321-ac2d-0ac18cf27ca2">Codified provides a simple, fast experience for tools and humans to request access to data, delivering customers the ability to access data in accordance with all the rules of <span class="no_wrap">the company.</span></p> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Yatharth Gupta </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-cohesity" data-company="company-cohesity"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Cohesity</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Cohesity" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Cohesity" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Cohesity is a leader in AI-powered data security and management. Aided by an extensive ecosystem of partners, Cohesity makes it easy to secure, protect, manage, and get value from data — across the data center, edge, and cloud. Cohesity helps organizations defend against cybersecurity threats with comprehensive data security and management capabilities, including immutable backup snapshots, AI-based threat detection, monitoring for malicious behavior, and rapid recovery at scale. Cohesity solutions can be delivered as a service, self-managed, or provided by a Cohesity-powered partner.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Cohesity is a leader in AI-powered data security and management. Aided by an extensive ecosystem of partners, Cohesity makes it easy to secure, protect, manage, and get value from data — across the data center, edge, and cloud. Cohesity helps organizations defend against cybersecurity threats with comprehensive data security and management capabilities, including immutable backup snapshots, AI-based threat detection, monitoring for malicious behavior, and rapid recovery at scale. Cohesity solutions can be delivered as a service, self-managed, or provided by a Cohesity-powered partner. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Sanjay Poonen </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-college-pulse" data-company="company-college-pulse"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">College Pulse</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="College Pulse" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="College Pulse" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> College Pulse is an online survey research and data analytics company dedicated to understanding today’s college students. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> College Pulse is an online survey research and data analytics company dedicated to understanding today’s college students. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Robin Jayaswal<br /> Terren Klein </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-boomerang-commerce" data-company="company-boomerang-commerce"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">CommerceIQ</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="CommerceIQ" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="CommerceIQ" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>CommerceIQ is the leading Retail Ecommerce Management Platform, powering profitable market share growth for consumer brands across 450 global online retailers in 41 countries. CommerceIQ’s all-in-one platform applies machine learning across sales, supply chain, and retail media automations, along with digital shelf analytics, to create a single source of truth that empowers brands to boost share-of-voice (SOV), minimize out-of-stock (OOS), optimize assortment and inventory, and prevent revenue leakage. More than 2,200 brands globally, including Nestle, Colgate, and Whirlpool, trust CommerceIQ to manage and grow their retail ecommerce businesses across global retailers including Amazon, Walmart, and Instacart.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> CommerceIQ is the leading Retail Ecommerce Management Platform, powering profitable market share growth for consumer brands across 450 global online retailers in 41 countries. CommerceIQ’s all-in-one platform applies machine learning across sales, supply chain, and retail media automations, along with digital shelf analytics, to create a single source of truth that empowers brands to boost share-of-voice (SOV), minimize out-of-stock (OOS), optimize assortment and inventory, and prevent revenue leakage. More than 2,200 brands globally, including Nestle, Colgate, and Whirlpool, trust CommerceIQ to manage and grow their retail ecommerce businesses across global retailers including Amazon, Walmart, and Instacart. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Guru Hariharan </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-common-room" data-company="company-common-room"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Common Room</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Common Room" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Common Room" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Common Room is the intelligent community growth platform that helps organizations deepen relationships, build better products, and drive business impact. Common Room brings together community engagement, product usage, and customer data into a single place, and uses intelligence to surface actionable insights so teams can discover what’s most important, nurture advocates, collaborate more effectively, and measure outcomes. Today’s fastest growing companies trust Common Room to power their community growth, including Asana, Chainlink, Confluent, Figma, Grafana Labs, HubSpot, Notion, Webflow and more. The company is backed by Greylock Partners, Index Ventures, and Madrona Venture Group and is headquartered in Seattle. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Common Room is the intelligent community growth platform that helps organizations deepen relationships, build better products, and drive business impact. Common Room brings together community engagement, product usage, and customer data into a single place, and uses intelligence to surface actionable insights so teams can discover what’s most important, nurture advocates, collaborate more effectively, and measure outcomes. Today’s fastest growing companies trust Common Room to power their community growth, including Asana, Chainlink, Confluent, Figma, Grafana Labs, HubSpot, Notion, Webflow and more. The company is backed by Greylock Partners, Index Ventures, and Madrona Venture Group and is headquartered in Seattle. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Linda Lian<br /> Tom Kleinpeter<br /> Viraj Mody<br /> Francis Luu </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-crowd-cow" data-company="company-crowd-cow"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Crowd Cow</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Crowd Cow" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Crowd Cow" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Crowd Cow enables independent farmers and producers in the U.S. beef industry to sell to consumers directly online through the Crowd Cow platform. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Crowd Cow enables independent farmers and producers in the U.S. beef industry to sell to consumers directly online through the Crowd Cow platform. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Joe Heitzeberg<br /> Ethan Lowry </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-datacoral" data-company="company-datacoral"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Datacoral</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Datacoral" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Datacoral" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> DataCoral provided a fully managed, cloud-native end-to- end data infrastructure as-a-service solution to data driven enterprises. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> DataCoral provided a fully managed, cloud-native end-to- end data infrastructure as-a-service solution to data driven enterprises. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Raghotham Murthy </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Cloudera 2021 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-decide" data-company="company-decide"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Decide</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Decide" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Decide" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Decide was an online shopping research service that predicted whether prices were going up or down on consumer electronics, housewares and other products.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2010 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Decide was an online shopping research service that predicted whether prices were going up or down on consumer electronics, housewares and other products. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Brian Ma<br /> Ian Ma<br /> Han Hsu<br /> Ken Hsu<br /> Oren Etzioni </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Ebay 2013 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2010 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-deepgram" data-company="company-deepgram"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Deepgram</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Deepgram" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Deepgram" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Deepgram is an enterprise automated speech recognition and understanding company that enables companies to build foundational and specialized language models for a range of applications.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Deepgram is an enterprise automated speech recognition and understanding company that enables companies to build foundational and specialized language models for a range of applications. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Scott Stephenson </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-devzero" data-company="company-devzero"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">DevZero</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="DevZero" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="DevZero" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>DevZero makes developers more productive by providing a platform for cloud-based software development environments that work with all IDEs, existing dev tooling, and enterprise integrations. Their mission is to be the de facto dev platform for modern enterprises.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> DevZero makes developers more productive by providing a platform for cloud-based software development environments that work with all IDEs, existing dev tooling, and enterprise integrations. Their mission is to be the de facto dev platform for modern enterprises. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Debo Ray<br /> Rob Fletcher </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-direct-travel" data-company="company-direct-travel"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Direct Travel</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Direct Travel" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Direct Travel" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Direct Travel is a leading provider of corporate travel management services. The company has been providing travel management since 2011, working with clients to develop highly customized travel programs. By leveraging both the expertise of its people and innovative solutions, Direct Travel enables clients to derive the greatest value from their travel program in terms of superior service, progressive technologies and significant cost savings.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Direct Travel is a leading provider of corporate travel management services. The company has been providing travel management since 2011, working with clients to develop highly customized travel programs. By leveraging both the expertise of its people and innovative solutions, Direct Travel enables clients to derive the greatest value from their travel program in terms of superior service, progressive technologies and significant cost savings. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Christal Bemont </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-doorstead" data-company="company-doorstead"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Doorstead</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Doorstead" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Doorstead" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Doorstead, the premier full-service property management brokerage, has redefined the industry with its upfront rental guarantee product. Doorstead eliminates the headaches, friction and uncertainty involved with owning and managing long-term rental property. Its application of data and technology enables the company to provide steady cash flow to landlords, and superior service to both landlords and tenants alike. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 2"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Doorstead, the premier full-service property management brokerage, has redefined the industry with its upfront rental guarantee product. Doorstead eliminates the headaches, friction and uncertainty involved with owning and managing long-term rental property. Its application of data and technology enables the company to provide steady cash flow to landlords, and superior service to both landlords and tenants alike. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Ryan Waliany<br /> Jennifer Bronzo </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-echodyne" data-company="company-echodyne"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Echodyne</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Echodyne" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Echodyne" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 3"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Echodyne designs and builds advanced radar solutions that unlock new capabilities for intelligent systems and autonomous machines and shatter price-performance barriers for sensor arrays. Our combination of patented metamaterials electronically scanned array (MESA®) technology with powerful software ultimately means significantly greater situational awareness that increases safety and saves lives. Our first radar is the size of a paperback book, weighs less than a bowling pin, draws less power than a light bulb, and outperforms every comparable radar on the market. We are just getting started. Echodyne delivers commercial radar solutions for end users and integrators in Government and Defense, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS), and Autonomous Vehicle markets globally. The company is based in Kirkland, Washington, and is backed by Bill Gates, NEA, Madrona Venture Group, Baillie Gifford, Vulcan Capital, Vanedge Capital, and Irongrey, among others. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 3"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Echodyne designs and builds advanced radar solutions that unlock new capabilities for intelligent systems and autonomous machines and shatter price-performance barriers for sensor arrays. Our combination of patented metamaterials electronically scanned array (MESA®) technology with powerful software ultimately means significantly greater situational awareness that increases safety and saves lives. Our first radar is the size of a paperback book, weighs less than a bowling pin, draws less power than a light bulb, and outperforms every comparable radar on the market. We are just getting started. Echodyne delivers commercial radar solutions for end users and integrators in Government and Defense, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS), and Autonomous Vehicle markets globally. The company is based in Kirkland, Washington, and is backed by Bill Gates, NEA, Madrona Venture Group, Baillie Gifford, Vulcan Capital, Vanedge Capital, and Irongrey, among others. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Eben Frankenberg<br /> Tom Driscoll </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-eclypsium" data-company="company-eclypsium"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Eclypsium</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Eclypsium" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Eclypsium" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 3"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Eclypsium’s cloud-based platform identifies, verifies, and fortifies firmware in laptops, servers, network gear, and connected devices. The Eclypsium platform secures your device supply chain by monitoring devices for threats, critical risks, and patching firmware across the entire device fleet. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 3"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Eclypsium’s cloud-based platform identifies, verifies, and fortifies firmware in laptops, servers, network gear, and connected devices. The Eclypsium platform secures your device supply chain by monitoring devices for threats, critical risks, and patching firmware across the entire device fleet. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Yuriy Bulygin<br /> Alex Bazhaniuk </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-edgerunner-ai" data-company="company-edgerunner-ai"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">EdgeRunner AI</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="EdgeRunner AI" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="EdgeRunner AI" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>EdgeRunner AI is on a mission to build generative AI for the edge that is safe, secure, and transparent. EdgeRunner AI develops small, task-specific ultra-efficient language models (UELMs) that operate without needing internet access, improving data privacy, security, and compliance. By providing generative AI solutions that run locally on any device or hardware, EdgeRunner AI enables enterprises and organizations to leverage AI technology responsibly, without compromising performance or security.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> EdgeRunner AI is on a mission to build generative AI for the edge that is safe, secure, and transparent. EdgeRunner AI develops small, task-specific ultra-efficient language models (UELMs) that operate without needing internet access, improving data privacy, security, and compliance. By providing generative AI solutions that run locally on any device or hardware, EdgeRunner AI enables enterprises and organizations to leverage AI technology responsibly, without compromising performance or security. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Tyler Xuan Saltsman<br /> Colton Malkerson </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-envisagenics" data-company="company-envisagenics"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Envisagenics</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Envisagenics" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Envisagenics" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Envisagenics is an Artificial Intelligence-driven biotechnology company that focuses on the discovery of novel RNA splicing variants that cause cancer and other genetic diseases. Its principal technology is the SpliceCore® discovery platform. The platform re-envisions the human genome with a validated exon-centric approach, combined with machine learning algorithms and high-performance computing. It is up to 250 times more likely to discover novel targets than gene-centric discovery tools. Using innovative technology and RNA analysis expertise, Envisagenics accelerates the development of highly specific therapeutics that modulate RNA splicing events that drive pathogenesis of oncology, neurodegenerative, and metabolic disorders.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Envisagenics is an Artificial Intelligence-driven biotechnology company that focuses on the discovery of novel RNA splicing variants that cause cancer and other genetic diseases. Its principal technology is the SpliceCore® discovery platform. The platform re-envisions the human genome with a validated exon-centric approach, combined with machine learning algorithms and high-performance computing. It is up to 250 times more likely to discover novel targets than gene-centric discovery tools. Using innovative technology and RNA analysis expertise, Envisagenics accelerates the development of highly specific therapeutics that modulate RNA splicing events that drive pathogenesis of oncology, neurodegenerative, and metabolic disorders. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Maria Luisa Pineda<br /> Martin Akerman </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-esper" data-company="company-esper"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Esper</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Esper" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Esper" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 3"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Esper offers a DevOps SaaS platform for dedicated devices. As the industry’s leading solution for Android DevOps, Esper is on a mission to let software teams ship without worrying about the hardware. Esper’s device infrastructure enables developers, mid-market organizations, and enterprise fleets of 100,000+ devices to deliver their software as a service. Esper has rapidly- growing global customer adoption among some of the world’s most innovative major brands in retail, hospitality, logistics, healthcare, education and more. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 3"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Esper offers a DevOps SaaS platform for dedicated devices. As the industry’s leading solution for Android DevOps, Esper is on a mission to let software teams ship without worrying about the hardware. Esper’s device infrastructure enables developers, mid-market organizations, and enterprise fleets of 100,000+ devices to deliver their software as a service. Esper has rapidly- growing global customer adoption among some of the world’s most innovative major brands in retail, hospitality, logistics, healthcare, education and more. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Yadhu Gopalan<br /> Shiv Sundar<br /> </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-eventbase" data-company="company-eventbase"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Eventbase</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Eventbase" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Eventbase" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Eventbase is the leading mobile app platform for premium events. Trusted by global brands to create event apps for their Tier 1 conferences, Eventbase’s clients include Microsoft, SAP, HP, Cisco, Salesforce, Cannes Lions and South By Southwest (SXSW).</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Eventbase is the leading mobile app platform for premium events. Trusted by global brands to create event apps for their Tier 1 conferences, Eventbase’s clients include Microsoft, SAP, HP, Cisco, Salesforce, Cannes Lions and South By Southwest (SXSW). </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Ben West<br /> Jeff Sinclair </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-evocalize" data-company="company-evocalize"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Evocalize</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Evocalize" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Evocalize" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 3"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Evocalize technology empowers enterprises to combine corporate-level marketing polish and efficiency with the relevance of local-level knowledge to increase marketing coordination, save time, and generate revenue to grow the entire business. Our Collaborative Marketing Platform brings together the right data, audiences, creative, messaging, best practices, and more to create unique marketing programs that can be run at any level of the business with just a few clicks or be fully automated to autonomously respond to real-time business data. Evocalize runs some of the largest-scale national-to-local paid marketing campaigns in the world, across Meta, Google, TikTok, and more. Regions, locations, and users all seamlessly execute sophisticated and unique marketing programs, achieving results together that would be impossible to run on their own. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 3"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Evocalize technology empowers enterprises to combine corporate-level marketing polish and efficiency with the relevance of local-level knowledge to increase marketing coordination, save time, and generate revenue to grow the entire business. Our Collaborative Marketing Platform brings together the right data, audiences, creative, messaging, best practices, and more to create unique marketing programs that can be run at any level of the business with just a few clicks or be fully automated to autonomously respond to real-time business data. Evocalize runs some of the largest-scale national-to-local paid marketing campaigns in the world, across Meta, Google, TikTok, and more. Regions, locations, and users all seamlessly execute sophisticated and unique marketing programs, achieving results together that would be impossible to run on their own. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Kumar Srinivasan<br /> Matthew Marx </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-extrahop-networks" data-company="company-extrahop-networks"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">ExtraHop</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="ExtraHop" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="ExtraHop" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>ExtraHop provides cloud-native network detection and response that helps you quickly investigate threats, deliver critical applications, and secure your investment in the cloud.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2007 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> ExtraHop provides cloud-native network detection and response that helps you quickly investigate threats, deliver critical applications, and secure your investment in the cloud. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Jesse Rothstein<br /> Raja Mukerji </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Bain/Crosspoint 2021 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2007 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-farecast-com" data-company="company-farecast-com"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;"></span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 3"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Farecast was the pioneer in using big data to predict price increases and decreases for airfare and other travel expenses. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2004 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 3"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Farecast was the pioneer in using big data to predict price increases and decreases for airfare and other travel expenses. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Oren Etzioni<br /> Jay Bartot </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Microsoft 2008 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2004 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-fauna" data-company="company-fauna"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Fauna</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Fauna" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Fauna" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 3"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Fauna is a global, serverless database that gives ubiquitous, low latency access to application data. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 3"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Fauna is a global, serverless database that gives ubiquitous, low latency access to application data. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Eric Berg </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-finpilot" data-company="company-finpilot"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Finpilot</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Finpilot" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Finpilot" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Finpilot is an AI copilot for finance to speed up investment research. Financial analysts can use it to scour financial data, analyze companies, write reports, and visualize data — all from verifiable sources.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Finpilot is an AI copilot for finance to speed up investment research. Financial analysts can use it to scour financial data, analyze companies, write reports, and visualize data — all from verifiable sources. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Lakshay Chauhan<br /> John Alberg </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-fixie" data-company="company-fixie"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Fixie</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Fixie" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Fixie" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div>Fixie is a platform that makes it easy to build applications that integrate LLMs in any software system — databases, APIs, websites, documents, and more — to enable entirely new products and experiences.</div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div>Fixie is a platform that makes it easy to build applications that integrate LLMs in any software system — databases, APIs, websites, documents, and more — to enable entirely new products and experiences.</div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Matt Welsh<br /> Zack Koch<br /> Justin Uberti<br /> Hessam Bagherinezhad </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-flexe" data-company="company-flexe"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Flexe</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Flexe" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Flexe" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Flexe solves the most difficult omnichannel logistics problems for the world’s largest retailers and brands. Integrating technology, open logistics networks, and elastic economic models allows Flexe customers to move fast, at scale, and with precision. Founded in 2013 and headquartered in Seattle, Flexe brings deep logistics expertise and enterprise-grade technology to deliver innovative eCommerce fulfillment, retail distribution, same-day delivery, and network capacity programs to the Fortune 500. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Flexe solves the most difficult omnichannel logistics problems for the world’s largest retailers and brands. Integrating technology, open logistics networks, and elastic economic models allows Flexe customers to move fast, at scale, and with precision. Founded in 2013 and headquartered in Seattle, Flexe brings deep logistics expertise and enterprise-grade technology to deliver innovative eCommerce fulfillment, retail distribution, same-day delivery, and network capacity programs to the Fortune 500. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Karl Siebrecht<br /> Edmond Yue<br /> Francis Duong, </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow active " id="company-game-jolt" data-company="company-game-jolt"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Game Jolt</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Game Jolt" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Game Jolt" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Game Jolt is a creator-focused community revolutionizing social media for Gen Z gamers with immersive gamified experiences, customizable engagement and interactive content. Creative options for collaboration, community building and virtual events are paired with image, video and livestream sharing for the millions that call Game Jolt their online home. Available on web, desktop and mobile. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Game Jolt is a creator-focused community revolutionizing social media for Gen Z gamers with immersive gamified experiences, customizable engagement and interactive content. Creative options for collaboration, community building and virtual events are paired with image, video and livestream sharing for the millions that call Game Jolt their online home. Available on web, desktop and mobile. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>David DeCarmine<br /> Yaprak DeCarmine </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-give-inkind" data-company="company-give-inkind"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Give InKind</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Give InKind" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Give InKind" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Give InKind is a platform for organizing support for anyone, from anywhere. Each InKind page allows friends, families, and communities to provide help in a way that works for them. From sending a meal to new parents to supporting a sick coworker, more than 3M people have come to Give InKind to answer the question “how can I help?” </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Give InKind is a platform for organizing support for anyone, from anywhere. Each InKind page allows friends, families, and communities to provide help in a way that works for them. From sending a meal to new parents to supporting a sick coworker, more than 3M people have come to Give InKind to answer the question “how can I help?” </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Laura Malcolm </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Wolfe 2022 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-go1" data-company="company-go1"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Go1</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Go1" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Go1" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Go1 delivers an onboarding, compliance and professional development platform for employee education and training.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Go1 delivers an onboarding, compliance and professional development platform for employee education and training. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Andrew Barnes<br /> Chris Hood<br /> Chris Eigeland<br /> Vu Tran </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-gradial" data-company="company-gradial"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Gradial</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Gradial" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Gradial" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Gradial is a generative AI and workflow solution for marketing and sales teams. Its platform combines the latest image and text generation models with customers' existing design systems so creative teams can build websites, campaigns, and experiences as fast as they can describe them.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Gradial is a generative AI and workflow solution for marketing and sales teams. Its platform combines the latest image and text generation models with customers' existing design systems so creative teams can build websites, campaigns, and experiences as fast as they can describe them. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Doug Tallmadge<br /> Anish Chadalavada<br /> Deip Kumar </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-groundlight" data-company="company-groundlight"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Groundlight</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Groundlight" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Groundlight" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div>Groundlight is an AI platform simplifying computer vision integration for businesses, enabling seamless automation, monitoring, and robotics solutions.</div> <div></div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div>Groundlight is an AI platform simplifying computer vision integration for businesses, enabling seamless automation, monitoring, and robotics solutions.</div> <div></div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Leo Dirac<br /> Avi Geiger </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-hellotech" data-company="company-hellotech"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">HelloTech</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="HelloTech" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="HelloTech" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>HelloTech is changing the way consumers purchase and get support for new technology. Utilizing a background- checked, vetted on-demand workforce, HelloTech provides in home support and consultation for consumers looking to manage and upgrade the technology within their home.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> HelloTech is changing the way consumers purchase and get support for new technology. Utilizing a background- checked, vetted on-demand workforce, HelloTech provides in home support and consultation for consumers looking to manage and upgrade the technology within their home. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Greg Steiner </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-heptio" data-company="company-heptio"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Heptio</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Heptio" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Heptio" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Founded by the creators of Google Compute Engine and Kubernetes, Heptio brought Kubernetes to enterprises to help accelerate software development, increase infrastructure efficiency and reduce the complexity of managing software at scale. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Founded by the creators of Google Compute Engine and Kubernetes, Heptio brought Kubernetes to enterprises to help accelerate software development, increase infrastructure efficiency and reduce the complexity of managing software at scale. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Criag McLuckie<br /> Joe Beda </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by VMware 2018 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-highspot" data-company="company-highspot"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Highspot</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Highspot" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Highspot" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Highspot is the sales enablement platform that increases the performance of sales teams. With the content to engage customers, guidance to land strategy, training to improve skills, coaching to elevate performance, and analytics to inform action, Highspot equips every rep to execute with impact — empowering you to drive strategy and revenue with the full force of your sales team. Highspot has more than 1,000 employees, five global offices, and is trusted by companies across industries and geographies, including Aetna, DocuSign, Siemens, Staples, and Yahoo.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Highspot is the sales enablement platform that increases the performance of sales teams. With the content to engage customers, guidance to land strategy, training to improve skills, coaching to elevate performance, and analytics to inform action, Highspot equips every rep to execute with impact — empowering you to drive strategy and revenue with the full force of your sales team. Highspot has more than 1,000 employees, five global offices, and is trusted by companies across industries and geographies, including Aetna, DocuSign, Siemens, Staples, and Yahoo. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Robert Wahbe<br /> Oliver Sharp<br /> David Wortendyke<br /> Scot Gellock </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-icebrg" data-company="company-icebrg"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Icebrg</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Icebrg" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Icebrg" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Icebrg provides next-generation network security. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Icebrg provides next-generation network security. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>William Peteroy<br /> Josh Carlson </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Gigamon 2018 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-iconclude" data-company="company-iconclude"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">iConclude</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="iConclude" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="iConclude" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> iConclude was a software platform and preconfigured repair packs that empowered frontline IT staff to priortize and resolve data center problems. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2005 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> iConclude was a software platform and preconfigured repair packs that empowered frontline IT staff to priortize and resolve data center problems. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Sunny Gupta<br /> Jeff Gerber </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Opsware 2007 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2005 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-igneous" data-company="company-igneous"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Igneous</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Igneous" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Igneous" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> As cloud infrastructure continues to change the enterprise landscape, Igneous is excited to bring a modern approach to the data center. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> As cloud infrastructure continues to change the enterprise landscape, Igneous is excited to bring a modern approach to the data center. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Jeff Hughes<br /> Byron Rakitzis<br /> Kiran Bhageshpur </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Rubrik 2020 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-impinj" data-company="company-impinj"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Impinj</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Impinj" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Impinj" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Impinj is a leader in the RFID market, delivering item intelligence for a broad set of industries including retail and healthcare. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2000 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Impinj is a leader in the RFID market, delivering item intelligence for a broad set of industries including retail and healthcare. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Carver Mead<br /> Chris Diorio </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Public 2016<br /> NASDAQ: PI </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2000 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-indochino" data-company="company-indochino"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Indochino</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Indochino" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Indochino" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Indochino is the world’s premier online custom clothier, specializing in custom suits for men.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2011 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Indochino is the world’s premier online custom clothier, specializing in custom suits for men. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Drew Green </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2011 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-integris" data-company="company-integris"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Integris</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Integris" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Integris" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Integris was a data risk intelligence solution that enables companies to discover, classify and control how they use customer data. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Integris was a data risk intelligence solution that enables companies to discover, classify and control how they use customer data. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Kristina Bergman<br /> Uma Raghavan<br /> Raghuram Gollamudi </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by OneTrust 2020 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-isilon-systems" data-company="company-isilon-systems"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Isilon Systems</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Isilon Systems" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Isilon Systems" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Isilon pioneered clustered storage systems and software for digital content and unstructured data. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2001 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 4"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Isilon pioneered clustered storage systems and software for digital content and unstructured data. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Sujal Patel<br /> Paul Mikesell </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by EMC 2010 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2001 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-ispot-tv" data-company="company-ispot-tv"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;"></span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span> helps advertisers measure the brand and business impact of TV and streaming advertising, from concept to airing to conversion. Fast, accurate and actionable measurement and attribution solutions enable advertisers to assess creative effectiveness, enhance media plans and attribute advertising results for cross-platform campaigns, all while benchmarking against competitors and historical norms. Unlike legacy and ad hoc solutions, iSpot is purpose- built to measure the performance of every ad on television with digital-like precision and granularity in real time. With always-on performance insights unified across linear and streaming TV, advertisers can take quick and confident action to consistently drive business results.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> helps advertisers measure the brand and business impact of TV and streaming advertising, from concept to airing to conversion. Fast, accurate and actionable measurement and attribution solutions enable advertisers to assess creative effectiveness, enhance media plans and attribute advertising results for cross-platform campaigns, all while benchmarking against competitors and historical norms. Unlike legacy and ad hoc solutions, iSpot is purpose- built to measure the performance of every ad on television with digital-like precision and granularity in real time. With always-on performance insights unified across linear and streaming TV, advertisers can take quick and confident action to consistently drive business results. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Sean Muller </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-jama-software" data-company="company-jama-software"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Jama Software</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Jama Software" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Jama Software" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Jama is a cloud-based collaborative solution used by Global 1,000 companies to define, build and test products.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Jama is a cloud-based collaborative solution used by Global 1,000 companies to define, build and test products. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Marc Osofsky </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Francisco Partners 2024 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-stack" data-company="company-stack"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Jetson</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Jetson" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Jetson" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Jetson is the mentor-in-your-pocket for student entrepreneurs.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Jetson is the mentor-in-your-pocket for student entrepreneurs. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Will Rush<br /> Natalie Young<br /> Angela Mascarenas </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-jintronix" data-company="company-jintronix"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Jintronix</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Jintronix" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Jintronix" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> A medical software company developing a system for physical and cognitive rehabilitation. As a pioneer in tele-rehabilitation, Jintronix is leveraging new low-cost motion tracking technology to create customized rehabilitation regimens for clients to access at home and powerful remote monitoring and management tools for clinicians. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2012 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> A medical software company developing a system for physical and cognitive rehabilitation. As a pioneer in tele-rehabilitation, Jintronix is leveraging new low-cost motion tracking technology to create customized rehabilitation regimens for clients to access at home and powerful remote monitoring and management tools for clinicians. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Daniel Schacter<br /> Justin Tan </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2012 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-jobaline-com" data-company="company-jobaline-com"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Jobalign</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Jobalign" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Jobalign" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Jobalign was a mobile-first, bilingual jobs marketplace that makes it easy for the more than 75 million hourly workers in the United States to find and apply for jobs from any mobile phone, tablet or computer. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2012 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Jobalign was a mobile-first, bilingual jobs marketplace that makes it easy for the more than 75 million hourly workers in the United States to find and apply for jobs from any mobile phone, tablet or computer. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Miki Mullor<br /> Bill Davidheiser </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by OneTrust 2020 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2012 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-kitt-ai" data-company="company-kitt-ai"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;"></span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column">’s was an early spin out from the Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence focused on conversational intelligence. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column">’s was an early spin out from the Allen Institute of Artificial Intelligence focused on conversational intelligence. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Xuchen Yao<br /> Kenji Sagae<br /> Guoguo Chen </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Baidu 2017 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-knock" data-company="company-knock"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Knock</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Knock" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Knock" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Knock is building a modern marketing cloud for the multifamily property market.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Knock is building a modern marketing cloud for the multifamily property market. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Demetri Themelis<br /> Thomas Petry<br /> Jay Zeng </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by RealPage 2022 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-lassen-peak" data-company="company-lassen-peak"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Lassen Peak</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Lassen Peak" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Lassen Peak" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div>Lassen Peak is utilizing ultra high speed wireless and imaging technology to build a handheld device for concealed weapons detection for public safety officials.</div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div>Lassen Peak is utilizing ultra high speed wireless and imaging technology to build a handheld device for concealed weapons detection for public safety officials.</div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Hatch Graham and Dr. Ehsan Afhshari </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-lattice-data" data-company="company-lattice-data"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Lattice Data</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Lattice Data" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Lattice Data" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Lattice turned dark data such as text and images into actionable, analyzable structured data with human-caliber quality and at machine scale. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Lattice turned dark data such as text and images into actionable, analyzable structured data with human-caliber quality and at machine scale. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Christopher Ré<br /> Feng Niu<br /> Michael Cafarella<br /> Raphael Hoffmann </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Apple 2017 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-leaf-logistics" data-company="company-leaf-logistics"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Leaf Logistics</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Leaf Logistics" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Leaf Logistics" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Leaf Logistics was founded in 2017 with the mission to improve transportation planning through strategic use of data analytics and machine learning. The Leaf Grid connects shippers, providers, and partners to gain network efficiencies, reduce their carbon footprint, and unlock a forward view of tomorrow's transportation market. Today, Leaf technologies like the Leaf Adapt continuous optimization solution and Leaf Flex committed contracts allow users to engage in the Grid and build their most resilient transportation plan. Join us at</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Leaf Logistics was founded in 2017 with the mission to improve transportation planning through strategic use of data analytics and machine learning. The Leaf Grid connects shippers, providers, and partners to gain network efficiencies, reduce their carbon footprint, and unlock a forward view of tomorrow's transportation market. Today, Leaf technologies like the Leaf Adapt continuous optimization solution and Leaf Flex committed contracts allow users to engage in the Grid and build their most resilient transportation plan. Join us at </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Anshu Prasad<br /> Stefan Friederichs<br /> Mithun Sheth<br /> Ari Ojalvo </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-lexion" data-company="company-lexion"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Lexion</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Lexion" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Lexion" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Lexion is a SaaS application of AI and NLP applied to managing the information buried in corporate contracts.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Lexion is a SaaS application of AI and NLP applied to managing the information buried in corporate contracts. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Gaurav Oberoi<br /> Emad Elwany<br /> James Baird </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Docusign May 2024 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-saltsolver" data-company="company-saltsolver"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">LumaTax</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="LumaTax" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="LumaTax" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>LumaTax’s mission is to alleviate the burdensome process of state and local tax compliance for the 20 million plus small and medium sized businesses across America.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> LumaTax’s mission is to alleviate the burdensome process of state and local tax compliance for the 20 million plus small and medium sized businesses across America. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Robert Schulte </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-magnify" data-company="company-magnify"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Magnify</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Magnify" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Magnify" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Magnify is an intelligent application focused on post-sales engagement with customers – providing a platform to consolidate customer interaction data, draw insight, and create cross-functional workflows to improve customer retention, expansion and adoption. Magnify was incubated with Madrona Venture Labs.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Magnify is an intelligent application focused on post-sales engagement with customers – providing a platform to consolidate customer interaction data, draw insight, and create cross-functional workflows to improve customer retention, expansion and adoption. Magnify was incubated with Madrona Venture Labs. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Josh Crossman<br /> Saju Jacob </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-matcherino" data-company="company-matcherino"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Matcherino</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Matcherino" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Matcherino" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Matcherino is an eSports engagement platform. Matcherino gives eSports fans the ability to discover and fund matches they want to see and promotes streamers to new audiences.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Matcherino is an eSports engagement platform. Matcherino gives eSports fans the ability to discover and fund matches they want to see and promotes streamers to new audiences. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>John Maffei </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-maxpoint" data-company="company-maxpoint"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">MaxPoint</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="MaxPoint" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="MaxPoint" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> MaxPoint provides a leading business intelligence and digital marketing solution that enables national brands to drive local, in-store sales. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2010 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> MaxPoint provides a leading business intelligence and digital marketing solution that enables national brands to drive local, in-store sales. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Joe Epperson<br /> Kurt Carlson </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Valassis 2017 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2010 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-reply-yes" data-company="company-reply-yes"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">MessageYes</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="MessageYes" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="MessageYes" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> MessageYes offers an ecommerce over mobile messaging solution for brands that personalizes the experience for their most important consumers, those they text with regularly. MessageYes was incubated with Madrona Venture Labs. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> MessageYes offers an ecommerce over mobile messaging solution for brands that personalizes the experience for their most important consumers, those they text with regularly. MessageYes was incubated with Madrona Venture Labs. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Dave Cotter </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Nordstrom 2018 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-spare5" data-company="company-spare5"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Mighty AI</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Mighty AI" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Mighty AI" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Mighty AI delivers the human insights artificial intelligence (AI) engines need to see, hear, talk and “think” like humans. Its Training Data as a ServiceTM platform helps companies get the accurate, high-quality data sets they need to train and scale their computer vision and natural language models. Mighty AI was incubated with Madrona Venture Labs. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Mighty AI delivers the human insights artificial intelligence (AI) engines need to see, hear, talk and “think” like humans. Its Training Data as a ServiceTM platform helps companies get the accurate, high-quality data sets they need to train and scale their computer vision and natural language models. Mighty AI was incubated with Madrona Venture Labs. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Matthew Bencke<br /> Daryn Nakhuda<br /> Patrick O'Donnell<br /> Matt Shobe </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Uber 2019 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-mobilewalla" data-company="company-mobilewalla"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Mobilewalla</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Mobilewalla" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Mobilewalla" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Mobilewalla provides innovative AI solutions that give data scientists flexible tools and highly predictive data to improve the feature engineering process, increasing efficiency, and creating high performing machine learning models.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Mobilewalla provides innovative AI solutions that give data scientists flexible tools and highly predictive data to improve the feature engineering process, increasing efficiency, and creating high performing machine learning models. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Anindya Datta<br /> Jay Clark </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-245" data-company="company-245"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Mobilisafe</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Mobilisafe" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Mobilisafe" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Mobilisafe provided a simple yet powerful solution for companies to understand and manage the risk of personal mobile devices coming to their corporate networks. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2011 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 5"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Mobilisafe provided a simple yet powerful solution for companies to understand and manage the risk of personal mobile devices coming to their corporate networks. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Dirk Sigurdson<br /> Giri Sreenivas </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Rapid7 2012 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2011 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-modulus-therapeutics" data-company="company-modulus-therapeutics"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Modulus Therapeutics</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Modulus Therapeutics" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Modulus Therapeutics" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Modulus Therapeutics is a seed-stage cell therapy design studio developing an internal pipeline of NK cell anti-solid tumor programs. Failures in cell therapy efficacy can be traced to poor conceptualization, design and integration of engineered components. Modulus is uniting whole-cell synthetic biology with machine learning into a cell therapy design solution to dramatically reduce pipeline risk and accelerate the path to the clinic. The team is a diverse group of cell therapy veterans along with bioengineering and machine learning experts laser focused on driving therapeutic efficacy by accessing the full cell design space.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Modulus Therapeutics is a seed-stage cell therapy design studio developing an internal pipeline of NK cell anti-solid tumor programs. Failures in cell therapy efficacy can be traced to poor conceptualization, design and integration of engineered components. Modulus is uniting whole-cell synthetic biology with machine learning into a cell therapy design solution to dramatically reduce pipeline risk and accelerate the path to the clinic. The team is a diverse group of cell therapy veterans along with bioengineering and machine learning experts laser focused on driving therapeutic efficacy by accessing the full cell design space. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Bryce Daines<br /> Max Darnell </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Ginkgo Bioworks<br /> 2024 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-montycloud" data-company="company-montycloud"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">MontyCloud</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="MontyCloud" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="MontyCloud" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>MontyCloud is a multi-cloud management and governance company.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> MontyCloud is a multi-cloud management and governance company. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Walter Rogers </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-motherduck" data-company="company-motherduck"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">MotherDuck</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="MotherDuck" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="MotherDuck" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div>MotherDuck makes analytics fun, frictionless, and ducking awesome. In partnership with the team building open-source database <a href="">DuckDB</a>, MotherDuck was founded by former leaders at some of the most innovative companies in data.  It is on a mission to combine the elegance and speed of DuckDB with the collaboration and scalability of the cloud to provide a serverless, easy-to-use data analytics platform for data, small and large.</div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div>MotherDuck makes analytics fun, frictionless, and ducking awesome. In partnership with the team building open-source database <a href="">DuckDB</a>, MotherDuck was founded by former leaders at some of the most innovative companies in data.  It is on a mission to combine the elegance and speed of DuckDB with the collaboration and scalability of the cloud to provide a serverless, easy-to-use data analytics platform for data, small and large.</div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Jordan Tigani </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-ignite-biosciences" data-company="company-ignite-biosciences"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Nautilus Bio</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Nautilus Bio" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Nautilus Bio" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Based in Seattle, Washington, Nautilus is a development stage life sciences company creating a platform technology for quantifying and unlocking the complexity of the proteome. Nautilus’ mission is to transform the field of proteomics by democratizing access to the proteome and enabling fundamental advancements across human health and medicine. To learn more about Nautilus, visit</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Based in Seattle, Washington, Nautilus is a development stage life sciences company creating a platform technology for quantifying and unlocking the complexity of the proteome. Nautilus’ mission is to transform the field of proteomics by democratizing access to the proteome and enabling fundamental advancements across human health and medicine. To learn more about Nautilus, visit </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Sujal Petal<br /> Parag Mallick </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Public June 2021<br /> NASDAQ: NAUT </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-numbers-station" data-company="company-numbers-station"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Numbers Station</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Numbers Station" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Numbers Station" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Numbers Station is Automating the Data Stack starting with AI Powered Data Transformation.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Numbers Station is Automating the Data Stack starting with AI Powered Data Transformation. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Chris Aberger<br /> Ines Chami<br /> Sen Wu<br /> Chris Re </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-observe" data-company="company-observe"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Observe Inc</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Observe Inc" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Observe Inc" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Observe is an observability platform that enables finding issues faster, fixing them faster and at a lower cost.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Observe is an observability platform that enables finding issues faster, fixing them faster and at a lower cost. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Jeremy Burton </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-octoml" data-company="company-octoml"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">OctoAI</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="OctoAI" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="OctoAI" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>OctoAI's mission is to build easy and efficient AI systems that enable customers to turn AI models into production applications people value.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> OctoAI's mission is to build easy and efficient AI systems that enable customers to turn AI models into production applications people value. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Luis Ceze<br /> Tianqi Chen<br /> Jared Roesch<br /> Jason Knight<br /> Thierry Moreau </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-ollion" data-company="company-ollion"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Ollion</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Ollion" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Ollion" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Ollion is the global, born-in-the-cloud consultancy working together to unify business-shaping tech for good.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2012 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Ollion is the global, born-in-the-cloud consultancy working together to unify business-shaping tech for good. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Peter Wright </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2012 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-opal-labs" data-company="company-opal-labs"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Opal</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Opal" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Opal" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Opal is the planning platform that enables brands to show up consistently across all channels. Marketing and communications teams working in Opal collaborate more efficiently, keep everyone in the loop and preview their work through the eyes of their customers. Opal is trusted by renowned companies around the world such as Starbucks, Microsoft and Target.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Opal is the planning platform that enables brands to show up consistently across all channels. Marketing and communications teams working in Opal collaborate more efficiently, keep everyone in the loop and preview their work through the eyes of their customers. Opal is trusted by renowned companies around the world such as Starbucks, Microsoft and Target. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>George Huff<br /> Matt Oxley<br /> David Gorman </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-othersideai" data-company="company-othersideai"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">OthersideAI</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="OthersideAI" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="OthersideAI" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Otherside AI is building artificial intelligence-powered productivity and communication tools that increase the speed of communication.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Otherside AI is building artificial intelligence-powered productivity and communication tools that increase the speed of communication. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Matt Shumer<br /> Miles Feldstein<br /> Jason Kuperberg </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-otto" data-company="company-otto"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Otto</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Otto" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Otto" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div>An AI Agent for business travelers.</div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div>An AI Agent for business travelers.</div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Michael Gulmann </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-outbound-ai" data-company="company-outbound-ai"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Outbound AI</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Outbound AI" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Outbound AI" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Outbound AI is Conversation AI built for healthcare. Founded in 2021, the Seattle-based startup is breaking new ground with cloud technologies that serve as workforce multipliers to drive productivity while improving the daily job experience for human talent. The company’s inaugural offering includes a portfolio of AI-powered virtual agents specially trained to streamline administrative work across the revenue cycle, including claims status, eligibility and benefits verification, prior authorization, and more. Outbound AI is led by a passionate team of health and voice tech veterans and backed by several preeminent venture capital firms.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Outbound AI is Conversation AI built for healthcare. Founded in 2021, the Seattle-based startup is breaking new ground with cloud technologies that serve as workforce multipliers to drive productivity while improving the daily job experience for human talent. The company’s inaugural offering includes a portfolio of AI-powered virtual agents specially trained to streamline administrative work across the revenue cycle, including claims status, eligibility and benefits verification, prior authorization, and more. Outbound AI is led by a passionate team of health and voice tech veterans and backed by several preeminent venture capital firms. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Stead Burwell<br /> Jonathan Wiggs<br /> Kshitij Moghe<br /> Justin Ith </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-ovation" data-company="company-ovation"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Ovation</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Ovation" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Ovation" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Ovation is a next-generation clinical informatics company.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Ovation is a next-generation clinical informatics company. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Curt Medeiros </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-ozette-technologies" data-company="company-ozette-technologies"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Ozette</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Ozette" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Ozette" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Ozette Technologies, Inc. is engineering a transformative leap in cell discovery and annotation of the human immune system. The Seattle-based (remote-first) life sciences technology startup is building a groundbreaking high-resolution, intelligent, single-cell immune monitoring platform and corpus of high-resolution data leveraging its novel AI technologies. Founded in late 2020, Ozette was spun-out from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center and incubated at the Allen Institute for AI. Ozette’s interdisciplinary team is made up of a deep bench of scientists, engineers, and designers with a wide range of experience spanning Genentech, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Airbnb, and leaders and pioneers in the field of medical research and single cell analysis.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Ozette Technologies, Inc. is engineering a transformative leap in cell discovery and annotation of the human immune system. The Seattle-based (remote-first) life sciences technology startup is building a groundbreaking high-resolution, intelligent, single-cell immune monitoring platform and corpus of high-resolution data leveraging its novel AI technologies. Founded in late 2020, Ozette was spun-out from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center and incubated at the Allen Institute for AI. Ozette’s interdisciplinary team is made up of a deep bench of scientists, engineers, and designers with a wide range of experience spanning Genentech, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Airbnb, and leaders and pioneers in the field of medical research and single cell analysis. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Ali Ansary<br /> Greg Finak<br /> Evan Greene<br /> Raphael Gottardo </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-paro" data-company="company-paro"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Paro</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Paro" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Paro" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Paro is a curated marketplace connecting freelance finance professionals with mid-market and enterprise companies that are seeking quality subject matter experts for project-based work.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Paro is a curated marketplace connecting freelance finance professionals with mid-market and enterprise companies that are seeking quality subject matter experts for project-based work. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Anita Samojednick </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-payscale" data-company="company-payscale"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">PayScale</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="PayScale" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="PayScale" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 6"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> PayScale is a market leader in global online compensation data. With the world’s largest database of individual employee compensation profiles, PayScale provides an immediate and precise snapshot of the job market. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2004 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 6"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> PayScale is a market leader in global online compensation data. With the world’s largest database of individual employee compensation profiles, PayScale provides an immediate and precise snapshot of the job market. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Joe Giordano </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Warburg Pincus 2014 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2004 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-peach" data-company="company-peach"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Peach</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Peach" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Peach" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Peach works with local restaurants to deliver lunch to your office via SMS text. Meals are always under $12 with delivery, tax, and tip included.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Peach works with local restaurants to deliver lunch to your office via SMS text. Meals are always under $12 with delivery, tax, and tip included. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Nishant Singh </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2014 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-pendulum" data-company="company-pendulum"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Pendulum</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Pendulum" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Pendulum" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Pendulum is an AI/ML-powered platform for companies and government organizations to detect and understand harmful narratives on social media platforms and elsewhere.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Pendulum is an AI/ML-powered platform for companies and government organizations to detect and understand harmful narratives on social media platforms and elsewhere. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Mark Listes<br /> Sam Clark </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-performant" data-company="company-performant"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Performant</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Performant" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Performant" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 6"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Performant provided software that allowed Fortune 500 companies to analyze and eliminate website performance bottlenecks. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2000 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 6"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Performant provided software that allowed Fortune 500 companies to analyze and eliminate website performance bottlenecks. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Ashutosh Tiwary<br /> Przemyslaw Pardyak<br /> Hank Levy </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Mercury Interactive 2003 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2000 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-placed" data-company="company-placed"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Placed</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Placed" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Placed" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 6"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Placed is the leader in location-driven insights and ad intelligence. Measuring billions of locations across the world’s largest opt-in mobile location panel. Placed provides the most comprehensive understanding of consumers’ offline behaviors. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2011 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 6"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Placed is the leader in location-driven insights and ad intelligence. Measuring billions of locations across the world’s largest opt-in mobile location panel. Placed provides the most comprehensive understanding of consumers’ offline behaviors. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>David Shim </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Snap 2017 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2011 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-playfab" data-company="company-playfab"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">PlayFab</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="PlayFab" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="PlayFab" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 6"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> PlayFab offers the most complete backend and operations platform built exclusively for live games. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 6"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> PlayFab offers the most complete backend and operations platform built exclusively for live games. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>James Gwertzman<br /> Matt Augustine </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Microsoft 2018 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2015 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-plextrac" data-company="company-plextrac"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">PlexTrac</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="PlexTrac" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="PlexTrac" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>PlexTrac is a modern collaboration and workflow automation platform for cybersecurity teams.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> PlexTrac is a modern collaboration and workflow automation platform for cybersecurity teams. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Daniel DeCloss </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-plus" data-company="company-plus"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Plus</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Plus" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Plus" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Plus is a data platform that provides the easiest way to capture, see, and share current data from any source without APIs or complex integrations.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Plus is a data platform that provides the easiest way to capture, see, and share current data from any source without APIs or complex integrations. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Dan Li<br /> Chloe Qi </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-pluto" data-company="company-pluto"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Pluto</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Pluto" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Pluto" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Pluto develops applications for people to communicate within virtual reality. Pluto wants to give people a feeling of connection, no matter where they are.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Pluto develops applications for people to communicate within virtual reality. Pluto wants to give people a feeling of connection, no matter where they are. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Forest Gibson<br /> Jared Cheshier<br /> John Vechey<br /> Jonathan Geibel </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-polly" data-company="company-polly"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Polly</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Polly" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Polly" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Polly is a modern workflow measurement solution for collaboration platforms including Slack and Microsoft Teams.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Polly is a modern workflow measurement solution for collaboration platforms including Slack and Microsoft Teams. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Samir Diwan<br /> Bilal Aijazi </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-pro-com" data-company="company-pro-com"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;"></span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 7"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> was a national technology-driven, licensed General Contractor that offered mobile-friendly quotes, easy to understand digital invoices, and reliable project management – across small home improvement projects up to major renovations and new home construction. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 7"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> was a national technology-driven, licensed General Contractor that offered mobile-friendly quotes, easy to understand digital invoices, and reliable project management – across small home improvement projects up to major renovations and new home construction. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Matt Williams </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Opendoor 2021 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-proof-diagnostics" data-company="company-proof-diagnostics"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Proof Diagnostics</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Proof Diagnostics" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Proof Diagnostics" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Proof is a startup working to make powerful CRISPR-based molecular testing affordable and accessible to everyone</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Proof is a startup working to make powerful CRISPR-based molecular testing affordable and accessible to everyone </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Feng Zhang<br /> Jonathan Gootenberg<br /> Omar Abudayyeh<br /> Siddharth Shenai </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Ginkgo Bioworks<br /> 2024 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-pulse-labs" data-company="company-pulse-labs"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Pulse Labs</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Pulse Labs" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Pulse Labs" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Pulse Labs is a platform that helps brands design voice apps that real people can understand.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Pulse Labs is a platform that helps brands design voice apps that real people can understand. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Abhishek Suthan<br /> Dylan Zwick </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-pulumi" data-company="company-pulumi"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Pulumi</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Pulumi" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Pulumi" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Pulumi is a platform for cloud software development. It is designed for developers and DevOps teams to build and manage cloud native software, from containers, serverless functions, APIs, to infrastructure, using one consistent approach.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Pulumi is a platform for cloud software development. It is designed for developers and DevOps teams to build and manage cloud native software, from containers, serverless functions, APIs, to infrastructure, using one consistent approach. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Joe Duffy<br /> Eric Rudder </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-qumulo" data-company="company-qumulo"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Qumulo</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Qumulo" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Qumulo" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Qumulo fundamentally changes how enterprises store and manage enormous numbers of digital assets. By creating the world’s first data-aware scale-out NAS software, Qumulo enables customers to answer critical questions about their data footprint in real-time and at incredible scale.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2012 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Qumulo fundamentally changes how enterprises store and manage enormous numbers of digital assets. By creating the world’s first data-aware scale-out NAS software, Qumulo enables customers to answer critical questions about their data footprint in real-time and at incredible scale. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Douglas Gourlay </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2012 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-read-ai" data-company="company-read-ai"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Read AI</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Read AI" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Read AI" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Read enables better meetings through measurement with a team of products that make up the Chief Meeting Officer Suite. The team of products that make up the Chief Meeting Officer Suite includes Read Meeting Manager, Executive Assistant, and Meeting Navigator, which are designed to deliver insights in and across meetings. Read's mission is to make every human interaction meaningfully better, smarter, and happier starting with the more than 500 million people worldwide using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Webex every day.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Read enables better meetings through measurement with a team of products that make up the Chief Meeting Officer Suite. The team of products that make up the Chief Meeting Officer Suite includes Read Meeting Manager, Executive Assistant, and Meeting Navigator, which are designed to deliver insights in and across meetings. Read's mission is to make every human interaction meaningfully better, smarter, and happier starting with the more than 500 million people worldwide using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Webex every day. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>David Shim<br /> Rob Williams<br /> Elliott Waldron </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-rec-room" data-company="company-rec-room"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Rec Room</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Rec Room" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Rec Room" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Rec Room is an online universe where you play and create games with your friends.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Rec Room is an online universe where you play and create games with your friends. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Nick Fajt<br /> Cameron Brown<br /> John Bevis<br /> Dan Kroymann<br /> Josh Wehrly, Bilal Orhan </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-redfin" data-company="company-redfin"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Redfin</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Redfin" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Redfin" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 7"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column">Redfin is a technology-powered real estate company. We help people find a place to live with brokerage, instant home-buying (iBuying), rentals, lending, title insurance, and renovations services. We sell homes for more money and charge half the fee. We also run the country’s #1 real-estate brokerage site. Our home-buying customers see homes first with on-demand tours, and our lending and title services help them close quickly. Customers selling a home can take an instant cash offer from Redfin or have our renovations crew fix up their home to sell for top dollar. Our rentals business empowers millions nationwide to find apartments and houses for rent. Since launching in 2006, we’ve saved customers more than $1 billion in commissions. We serve more than 100 markets across the U.S. and Canada and employ over 6,000 people.</div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2005 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 7"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column">Redfin is a technology-powered real estate company. We help people find a place to live with brokerage, instant home-buying (iBuying), rentals, lending, title insurance, and renovations services. We sell homes for more money and charge half the fee. We also run the country’s #1 real-estate brokerage site. Our home-buying customers see homes first with on-demand tours, and our lending and title services help them close quickly. Customers selling a home can take an instant cash offer from Redfin or have our renovations crew fix up their home to sell for top dollar. Our rentals business empowers millions nationwide to find apartments and houses for rent. Since launching in 2006, we’ve saved customers more than $1 billion in commissions. We serve more than 100 markets across the U.S. and Canada and employ over 6,000 people.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Glenn Kelman </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Public 2017<br /> NASDAQ: RDFN </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2005 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-relationalai" data-company="company-relationalai"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">RelationalAI</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="RelationalAI" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="RelationalAI" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>RelationalAI is building a groundbreaking relational knowledge graph system for developing intelligent data apps. Knowledge graphs are databases that model business concepts, the relationships between them, and the associated application logic. RelationalAI complements the modern data stack to accelerate the development of intelligent data applications. RelationalAI brings together a team of industry experts and researchers across the globe with an extensive list of innovations and awards. The RelationalAI knowledge graph system is available for early deployments with enterprise customers.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> RelationalAI is building a groundbreaking relational knowledge graph system for developing intelligent data apps. Knowledge graphs are databases that model business concepts, the relationships between them, and the associated application logic. RelationalAI complements the modern data stack to accelerate the development of intelligent data applications. RelationalAI brings together a team of industry experts and researchers across the globe with an extensive list of innovations and awards. The RelationalAI knowledge graph system is available for early deployments with enterprise customers. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Molham Aref </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-rhythms" data-company="company-rhythms"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Rhythms</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Rhythms" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Rhythms" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>An AI powered operating system that understands, streamlines and orchestrates your organization’s rhythms.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> An AI powered operating system that understands, streamlines and orchestrates your organization’s rhythms. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Vetri Vellore </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-rigado" data-company="company-rigado"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Rigado</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Rigado" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Rigado" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Rigado is a secure edge-as-a-service system for commercial Internet of Things applications, including an edge module, a connectivity gateway and a software platform integrated with leading cloud providers. The company’s products are used for next-generation retail, hospitality services, logistics/supply chain, and building management systems.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Rigado is a secure edge-as-a-service system for commercial Internet of Things applications, including an edge module, a connectivity gateway and a software platform integrated with leading cloud providers. The company’s products are used for next-generation retail, hospitality services, logistics/supply chain, and building management systems. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Sean Riley </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-route" data-company="company-route"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Route</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Route" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Route" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Route offers an eCommerce platform enabling consumers to track and protect orders, across merchants, on a post- purchase basis and enables merchants to enrich D2C merchandising capabilities and offload white-glove support.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Route offers an eCommerce platform enabling consumers to track and protect orders, across merchants, on a post- purchase basis and enables merchants to enrich D2C merchandising capabilities and offload white-glove support. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Evan Walker<br /> Mike Moreno </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-rover" data-company="company-rover"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Rover</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Rover" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Rover" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Rover is an online marketplace that connects pet owners with local pet sitters and real homes in hundreds of cities across the United States.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2011 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Rover is an online marketplace that connects pet owners with local pet sitters and real homes in hundreds of cities across the United States. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Aaron Easterly<br /> Philip Kimmey<br /> Gregory Gottesman </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Public August 2021<br /> Acquired by Blackstone 2024 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2011 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-runway" data-company="company-runway"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Runway</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Runway" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Runway" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Runway is building the next generation of creative tools that makes machine learning easy and accessible for all types of creatives. With an active and growing community, Runway is pioneering how content and media are created. With a focus on video automation and synthetic media, Runway reduces the costs of creating visual media across creative industries.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Runway is building the next generation of creative tools that makes machine learning easy and accessible for all types of creatives. With an active and growing community, Runway is pioneering how content and media are created. With a focus on video automation and synthetic media, Runway reduces the costs of creating visual media across creative industries. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Cristóbal Valenzuela<br /> Anastasis Germanidis<br /> Alejandro Matamala-Ortiz </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-saykara" data-company="company-saykara"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Saykara</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Saykara" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Saykara" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 8"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Saykara provides an AI-powered, voice activated virtual scribe for physicians. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 8"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Saykara provides an AI-powered, voice activated virtual scribe for physicians. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Harjinder Sandu </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Nuance 2021 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-seekout" data-company="company-seekout"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">SeekOut</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="SeekOut" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="SeekOut" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>SeekOut is the leading Enterprise Talent Optimization Platform that companies use to quickly hire, grow, and retain great talent while focusing on diversity, technical expertise, and other hard-to-find skillsets. In 2022, SeekOut was named on the Forbes annual list of America’ s Best Startup Employers and CEO Anoop Gupta was crowned GeekWire’s CEO of the Year. Throughout 2021, SeekOut was ranked number two in the B2B category of The Information’s 50 Startups to Watch list, and was included on Madrona’s Intelligent Apps Top 40 list. Founded in 2017, SeekOut has raised $189 million in funding, is backed by Tiger Global Management, Madrona Venture Group, Mayfield, and Founders Circle Capital and is valued at $1.2 billion.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> SeekOut is the leading Enterprise Talent Optimization Platform that companies use to quickly hire, grow, and retain great talent while focusing on diversity, technical expertise, and other hard-to-find skillsets. In 2022, SeekOut was named on the Forbes annual list of America’ s Best Startup Employers and CEO Anoop Gupta was crowned GeekWire’s CEO of the Year. Throughout 2021, SeekOut was ranked number two in the B2B category of The Information’s 50 Startups to Watch list, and was included on Madrona’s Intelligent Apps Top 40 list. Founded in 2017, SeekOut has raised $189 million in funding, is backed by Tiger Global Management, Madrona Venture Group, Mayfield, and Founders Circle Capital and is valued at $1.2 billion. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Anoop Gupta<br /> Aravind Bala<br /> Vikas Manocha<br /> John Tippett </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-shaped" data-company="company-shaped"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Shaped</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Shaped" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Shaped" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Shaped's AI platform empowers businesses to create personalized user experiences that deliver measurable results. By analyzing user behavior and content, Shaped helps tailor recommendations and search for increased engagement, conversions, and customer satisfaction.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Shaped's AI platform empowers businesses to create personalized user experiences that deliver measurable results. By analyzing user behavior and content, Shaped helps tailor recommendations and search for increased engagement, conversions, and customer satisfaction. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Tullie Murrell <br /> Daniel Camilleri </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-sharebuilder" data-company="company-sharebuilder"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">ShareBuilder</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="ShareBuilder" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="ShareBuilder" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 8"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Sharebuilder was a provider of low-cost, online investment products and tools that help people build wealth over the long term. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2000 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 8"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Sharebuilder was a provider of low-cost, online investment products and tools that help people build wealth over the long term. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Jeff Seeley </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by ING Direct 2007 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2000 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-shippable" data-company="company-shippable"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Shippable</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Shippable" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Shippable" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Shippable is a cloud-based continuous integration and delivery platform (CI/CD) that developers use to ship code and deliver app and microservices updates and plans to integrate it into its enterprise+ platform.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Shippable is a cloud-based continuous integration and delivery platform (CI/CD) that developers use to ship code and deliver app and microservices updates and plans to integrate it into its enterprise+ platform. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Manisha Sahasrabudhe<br /> Avi Cavale </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by JFrog 2019 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-shyft" data-company="company-shyft"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Shyft</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Shyft" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Shyft" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Shyft serves the huge market of shift workers worldwide – from retail to food service and beyond. Using their mobile app, workers can easily trade and cover a shift. It is a real time communication system that has been broadly embraced by users.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Shyft serves the huge market of shift workers worldwide – from retail to food service and beyond. Using their mobile app, workers can easily trade and cover a shift. It is a real time communication system that has been broadly embraced by users. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Brett Patrontasch<br /> Kyle Liu </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-sila" data-company="company-sila"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Sila</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Sila" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Sila" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Sila is a fintech software platform that provides payment infrastructure as a service, a business-critical element for all companies that need to integrate with the US banking system and blockchain quickly, securely, and in compliance with applicable US regulation. Sila offers Banking, Digital Wallet &amp; ACH Payments APIs for Software Teams. The firm was recognized as a ‘2021 best place to work in financial technology’. Sila is headquartered in Portland, Oregon.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Sila is a fintech software platform that provides payment infrastructure as a service, a business-critical element for all companies that need to integrate with the US banking system and blockchain quickly, securely, and in compliance with applicable US regulation. Sila offers Banking, Digital Wallet &amp; ACH Payments APIs for Software Teams. The firm was recognized as a ‘2021 best place to work in financial technology’. Sila is headquartered in Portland, Oregon. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Shamir Karkal<br /> Isaac Hines<br /> Angela Angelovska-Wilson<br /> Alexander Lipton </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-skytap" data-company="company-skytap"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Skytap</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Skytap" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Skytap" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Skytap is a global cloud provider that accelerates enterprise innovation by modernizing traditional applications with cloud-native development and services.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2006 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Skytap is a global cloud provider that accelerates enterprise innovation by modernizing traditional applications with cloud-native development and services. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Brad Schick </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Kyndryl 2024 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2006 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-smartsheet-com" data-company="company-smartsheet-com"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Smartsheet</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Smartsheet" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Smartsheet" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 8"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Smartsheet is a leading work management platform designed to empower teams of any size to create custom processes, programs and portfolios that fit the way they work. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2007 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 8"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Smartsheet is a leading work management platform designed to empower teams of any size to create custom processes, programs and portfolios that fit the way they work. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Mark Mader </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Public April 2018<br /> NYSE: SMAR </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2007 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-snowflake-computing" data-company="company-snowflake-computing"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Snowflake</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Snowflake" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Snowflake" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 8"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Snowflake enables every organization to mobilize their data with Snowflake’s Data Cloud. Customers use the Data Cloud to unite siloed data, discover and securely share data, and execute diverse analytic workloads. Wherever data or users live, Snowflake delivers a single data experience that spans multiple clouds and geographies. Thousands of customers across many industries use Snowflake Data Cloud to power their businesses. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 8"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Snowflake enables every organization to mobilize their data with Snowflake’s Data Cloud. Customers use the Data Cloud to unite siloed data, discover and securely share data, and execute diverse analytic workloads. Wherever data or users live, Snowflake delivers a single data experience that spans multiple clouds and geographies. Thousands of customers across many industries use Snowflake Data Cloud to power their businesses. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Frank Slootman </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Public Sept. 2020<br /> NYSE: SNOW </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-spice-ai" data-company="company-spice-ai"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Spice AI</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Spice AI" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Spice AI" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Spice AI is the fastest, smartest, and easiest way to access web3 data and to build data and AI-driven apps. Spice AI removes the complexity of managing AI infrastructure, providing developers and engineers with the technology and tools to deliver the next generation of apps.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Spice AI is the fastest, smartest, and easiest way to access web3 data and to build data and AI-driven apps. Spice AI removes the complexity of managing AI infrastructure, providing developers and engineers with the technology and tools to deliver the next generation of apps. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Luke Kim<br /> Phillip LeBlanc<br /> Lane Harris </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-spotnana" data-company="company-spotnana"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Spotnana</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Spotnana" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Spotnana" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Spotnana powers unparalleled global travel experiences. We are rebuilding the infrastructure of the travel industry in order to bring freedom, simplicity, and trust to travelers everywhere. Our Travel-as-a-Service platform enables corporations, agencies, suppliers, and technology providers to personalize travel booking, lower operating costs, and build deeper customer relationships.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Spotnana powers unparalleled global travel experiences. We are rebuilding the infrastructure of the travel industry in order to bring freedom, simplicity, and trust to travelers everywhere. Our Travel-as-a-Service platform enables corporations, agencies, suppliers, and technology providers to personalize travel booking, lower operating costs, and build deeper customer relationships. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Sarosh Waghmar<br /> Shikhar Agarwal </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-stacklok" data-company="company-stacklok"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Stacklok</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Stacklok" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Stacklok" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Stacklok builds products that help developers securely develop and deploy software. Trusty is a free-to-use service that helps developers vet the safety and trustworthiness of open-source packages as they're importing them into their code. Minder is an open-source platform that helps software project owners automate their security posture by applying and continuously enforcing security policies and best practices across groups of repos.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Stacklok builds products that help developers securely develop and deploy software. Trusty is a free-to-use service that helps developers vet the safety and trustworthiness of open-source packages as they're importing them into their code. Minder is an open-source platform that helps software project owners automate their security posture by applying and continuously enforcing security policies and best practices across groups of repos. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Craig McLuckie<br /> Luke Hinds </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-statsig" data-company="company-statsig"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Statsig</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Statsig" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Statsig" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Statsig is a Modern Product Experimentation platform that, unlike other A/B testing tools, tracks the impact of every single feature release thereby quantifying impact of all efforts. The “observability” nature of Statsig lets teams catch metric drops within hours of launching features, divest quickly on features that aren’t working, and invest more on the ones that do. The team behind Statsig comes from Facebook and is rebuilding the entire set of data tools infrastructure that powered all of Facebook’s growth in the last decade.Companies like Notion, Flipkart, Ancestry, Whatnot and OpenSea use Statsig to power their modern stack and have shown marked increase in product velocity since adoption.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Statsig is a Modern Product Experimentation platform that, unlike other A/B testing tools, tracks the impact of every single feature release thereby quantifying impact of all efforts. The “observability” nature of Statsig lets teams catch metric drops within hours of launching features, divest quickly on features that aren’t working, and invest more on the ones that do. The team behind Statsig comes from Facebook and is rebuilding the entire set of data tools infrastructure that powered all of Facebook’s growth in the last decade.Companies like Notion, Flipkart, Ancestry, Whatnot and OpenSea use Statsig to power their modern stack and have shown marked increase in product velocity since adoption. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Vijaye Raji </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-stratify" data-company="company-stratify"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Stratify</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Stratify" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Stratify" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Stratify enables organizations to collaboratively create operating budgets, monitor performance, and analyze their business in real time. Designed by finance professionals, Stratify connects to every system that runs your business. We provide guided workflows for coordinated, data-informed planning, and automatically generate analytics that have historically burdened finance teams and are stale upon delivery. Stratify is a machine learning-based, intelligent application. We proactively identify business insights and empower finance teams and budget owners to evolve their business in changing market environments.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Stratify enables organizations to collaboratively create operating budgets, monitor performance, and analyze their business in real time. Designed by finance professionals, Stratify connects to every system that runs your business. We provide guided workflows for coordinated, data-informed planning, and automatically generate analytics that have historically burdened finance teams and are stale upon delivery. Stratify is a machine learning-based, intelligent application. We proactively identify business insights and empower finance teams and budget owners to evolve their business in changing market environments. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Brian Camposano </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-strike-graph" data-company="company-strike-graph"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Strike Graph</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Strike Graph" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Strike Graph" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Strike Graph simplifies security certifications, such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR, and more, so companies can focus on driving their business forward. Our innovative, easy-to-use platform adapts to your company’s specific needs and then integrates with common business systems and infrastructure to automatically collect evidence for auditor review. Strike Graph empowers companies to create trust, pass audits, and close enterprise deals at a fraction of the time and cost of traditional methods. Helps companies prepare for, complete and maintain their security certifications such as SOC 2, FedRAMP and ISO, via an intelligent application.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Strike Graph simplifies security certifications, such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, PCI DSS, GDPR, and more, so companies can focus on driving their business forward. Our innovative, easy-to-use platform adapts to your company’s specific needs and then integrates with common business systems and infrastructure to automatically collect evidence for auditor review. Strike Graph empowers companies to create trust, pass audits, and close enterprise deals at a fraction of the time and cost of traditional methods. Helps companies prepare for, complete and maintain their security certifications such as SOC 2, FedRAMP and ISO, via an intelligent application. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Justin Beals<br /> Brian Bero </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-spruce-up" data-company="company-spruce-up"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Style Genome</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Style Genome" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Style Genome" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 9"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Style Genome was a fully scalable 100% personalization SaaS solution for creating a unique shopping experience for individual customers in real time. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 9"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Style Genome was a fully scalable 100% personalization SaaS solution for creating a unique shopping experience for individual customers in real time. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Mia Lewin<br /> Mike Dierken </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Wayfair 2021 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-suplari" data-company="company-suplari"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Suplari</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Suplari" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Suplari" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 9"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Suplari applied AI-automated analytics and insights for procurement and finance teams. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 9"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Suplari applied AI-automated analytics and insights for procurement and finance teams. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Nikesh Parekh<br /> Jeff Gerber<br /> Brian White </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Microsoft 2021 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-traceme" data-company="company-traceme"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Tally</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Tally" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Tally" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 9"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Tally was a mobile tech platform deepening engagement around live events—built around a unique, free-to-play predictions experience. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 9"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Tally was a mobile tech platform deepening engagement around live events—built around a unique, free-to-play predictions experience. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Russell Wilson<br /> Jason LeeKeenan </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Nike 2019 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-tangibly" data-company="company-tangibly"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Tangibly</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Tangibly" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Tangibly" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Tangibly's platform enables companies to implement best-in-class management of their trade secrets. Trade secrets can be almost anything, from algorithms to chemical processes to client lists and are among the most valuable assets for many companies. Tangibly helps streamline and simplify legal requirements and implement best practices to establish company assets as legally protectable trade secrets. These best practices include cataloging assets, acknowledgment workflow, access management, tracking required legal agreements (NDAs, employment agreements, partnership agreements, etc.), as well as employee/partner education and training</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Tangibly's platform enables companies to implement best-in-class management of their trade secrets. Trade secrets can be almost anything, from algorithms to chemical processes to client lists and are among the most valuable assets for many companies. Tangibly helps streamline and simplify legal requirements and implement best practices to establish company assets as legally protectable trade secrets. These best practices include cataloging assets, acknowledgment workflow, access management, tracking required legal agreements (NDAs, employment agreements, partnership agreements, etc.), as well as employee/partner education and training </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Tim Londergan </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-taskhuman" data-company="company-taskhuman"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">TaskHuman</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="TaskHuman" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="TaskHuman" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Founded in 2017, TaskHuman is the world’s first real-time digital coaching platform, allowing users to amplify their daily work and personal life with 1:1 personalized guidance from LIVE specialists over video calls. With TaskHuman, instantly discover and connect with the world’s most comprehensive global network of coaches, instructors, and specialists covering over 1,000 aspects of your well-being, such as physical fitness, mental well-being, spiritual, emotional, financial, career &amp; leadership coaching, and more. With this platform, users can focus on self care anytime — privately and cost effectively. The company has over 100 full-time team members and more than 1,000 coaches around the world across nearly 50 different countries. TaskHuman is backed by USVP, Impact Ventures, Madrona, RingCentral Ventures, and several notable individual investors.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Founded in 2017, TaskHuman is the world’s first real-time digital coaching platform, allowing users to amplify their daily work and personal life with 1:1 personalized guidance from LIVE specialists over video calls. With TaskHuman, instantly discover and connect with the world’s most comprehensive global network of coaches, instructors, and specialists covering over 1,000 aspects of your well-being, such as physical fitness, mental well-being, spiritual, emotional, financial, career &amp; leadership coaching, and more. With this platform, users can focus on self care anytime — privately and cost effectively. The company has over 100 full-time team members and more than 1,000 coaches around the world across nearly 50 different countries. TaskHuman is backed by USVP, Impact Ventures, Madrona, RingCentral Ventures, and several notable individual investors. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Ravi Swaminathan<br /> Daniel Mazzella<br /> David Tell </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-taxbit" data-company="company-taxbit"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">TaxBit</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="TaxBit" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="TaxBit" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>TaxBit is a cryptocurrency tax software for consumers, enterprises, and governments.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> TaxBit is a cryptocurrency tax software for consumers, enterprises, and governments. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Austin Woodward<br /> Brandon Woodward<br /> Justin Woodward </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-tektonic-ai" data-company="company-tektonic-ai"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Tektonic AI</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Tektonic AI" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Tektonic AI" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div>Tektonic is developing GenAI Agents for enterprise workflows.</div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div>Tektonic is developing GenAI Agents for enterprise workflows.</div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Nic Surpatanu </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-temporal" data-company="company-temporal"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Temporal</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Temporal" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Temporal" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Temporal is an open-source microservices orchestration engine for running mission-critical code at any scale.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Temporal is an open-source microservices orchestration engine for running mission-critical code at any scale. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Maxim Fateev<br /> Samar Abbas </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-terraclear" data-company="company-terraclear"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">TerraClear</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="TerraClear" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="TerraClear" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>TerraClear frees farmers from the worst jobs on the farm. Founded in 2017, TerraClear integrates computer vision, artificial intelligence, and robotics to automate what many consider the most frustrating problem in agriculture—rock removal. Impacting hundreds of millions of acres around the world, TerraClear is transforming this manual and slow task into state of the art solutions that work for every farmer. TerraClear’s diverse team of farmers, engineers, and business leaders is passionate about solving the labor crisis in agriculture one painful job at atime.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> TerraClear frees farmers from the worst jobs on the farm. Founded in 2017, TerraClear integrates computer vision, artificial intelligence, and robotics to automate what many consider the most frustrating problem in agriculture—rock removal. Impacting hundreds of millions of acres around the world, TerraClear is transforming this manual and slow task into state of the art solutions that work for every farmer. TerraClear’s diverse team of farmers, engineers, and business leaders is passionate about solving the labor crisis in agriculture one painful job at atime. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Brent Frei<br /> Vivek Nayak<br /> Koos du Preez </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-terray" data-company="company-terray"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Terray</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Terray" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Terray" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Terray Therapeutics is an emerging biotechnology company led by pioneers and long-time leaders in AI, medicinal chemistry, biology and preclinical development, automation, and nanotechnology to propel drug discovery into the information age. Terray’s proprietary integrated computational and experimental platforms generate massively scaled, powerfully agnostic chemical data that are purpose-built to power computational learning and reveal new interactions. This foundation is building an iterative, flexible chemistry engine that aims to deliver more precise therapies to patients faster than ever before.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Terray Therapeutics is an emerging biotechnology company led by pioneers and long-time leaders in AI, medicinal chemistry, biology and preclinical development, automation, and nanotechnology to propel drug discovery into the information age. Terray’s proprietary integrated computational and experimental platforms generate massively scaled, powerfully agnostic chemical data that are purpose-built to power computational learning and reveal new interactions. This foundation is building an iterative, flexible chemistry engine that aims to deliver more precise therapies to patients faster than ever before. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Jacob Berlin<br /> Eli Berlin </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-tesorio" data-company="company-tesorio"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Tesorio</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Tesorio" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Tesorio" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Tesorio is revolutionizing the way B2B businesses manage their Accounts Receivables. Tesorio’s Accounts Receivable platform replaces tedious and manual collections processes with accurate, real-time predictions, optimized workflows, and actionable insights based on behavioral trends. Accounting teams are empowered to achieve breakthrough cash flow performance and predictability while improving customer experience and relationships. Tesorio is trusted by the world's best finance teams at companies like Slack, Box, Veeva Systems, Twilio, Domo, and others. The company has raised a total of $37.6 million in funding to date from investors such as Madrona Venture Group, BAMCAP, First Round Capital, Floodgate, and Y Combinator.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Tesorio is revolutionizing the way B2B businesses manage their Accounts Receivables. Tesorio’s Accounts Receivable platform replaces tedious and manual collections processes with accurate, real-time predictions, optimized workflows, and actionable insights based on behavioral trends. Accounting teams are empowered to achieve breakthrough cash flow performance and predictability while improving customer experience and relationships. Tesorio is trusted by the world's best finance teams at companies like Slack, Box, Veeva Systems, Twilio, Domo, and others. The company has raised a total of $37.6 million in funding to date from investors such as Madrona Venture Group, BAMCAP, First Round Capital, Floodgate, and Y Combinator. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Carlos Vega<br /> Fabio Fleitas </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-the-riveter" data-company="company-the-riveter"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">The Riveter</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="The Riveter" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="The Riveter" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>The Riveter is a female-forward workspace and community designed for business and impact.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> The Riveter is a female-forward workspace and community designed for business and impact. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Amy Nelson </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-tier-3" data-company="company-tier-3"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Tier 3</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Tier 3" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Tier 3" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Tier 3 was a Seattle-based infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform and advanced cloud management company</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2011 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Tier 3 was a Seattle-based infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform and advanced cloud management company </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Jared Wray </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Savvis, a CenturyLink company 2013 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2011 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-tigera" data-company="company-tigera"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Tigera</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Tigera" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Tigera" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Tigera provides the industry’s only active Cloud- Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) with full-stack observability for containers, Kubernetes, and cloud. The company’s platform prevents, detects, troubleshoots, and automatically mitigates exposure risks of security issues in build, deploy, and runtime stages. Tigera delivers its platform as a fully managed SaaS (Calico Cloud) or a self-managed service (Calico Enterprise). Its open-source offering, Calico Open Source, is the most widely adopted container networking and security solution. Tigera’s platform specifies security and observability as code to ensure consistent enforcement of security policies, which enables DevOps, platform, and security teams to protect workloads, detect threats, achieve continuous compliance, and troubleshoot service issues in real time. Powering more than 100M containers across 2M+ nodes in 166 countries, Calico software is supported across all major cloud providers and Kubernetes distributions, and is used by leading companies including AT&amp;T, Discover, Merck, ServiceNow, HanseMerkur, RealPage, L3Harris, and Mindbody.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Tigera provides the industry’s only active Cloud- Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) with full-stack observability for containers, Kubernetes, and cloud. The company’s platform prevents, detects, troubleshoots, and automatically mitigates exposure risks of security issues in build, deploy, and runtime stages. Tigera delivers its platform as a fully managed SaaS (Calico Cloud) or a self-managed service (Calico Enterprise). Its open-source offering, Calico Open Source, is the most widely adopted container networking and security solution. Tigera’s platform specifies security and observability as code to ensure consistent enforcement of security policies, which enables DevOps, platform, and security teams to protect workloads, detect threats, achieve continuous compliance, and troubleshoot service issues in real time. Powering more than 100M containers across 2M+ nodes in 166 countries, Calico software is supported across all major cloud providers and Kubernetes distributions, and is used by leading companies including AT&amp;T, Discover, Merck, ServiceNow, HanseMerkur, RealPage, L3Harris, and Mindbody. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Ratan Tipirmeni </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-trade-coffee" data-company="company-trade-coffee"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Trade Coffee</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Trade Coffee" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Trade Coffee" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Trade is the leading coffee marketplace connecting the best independent roasters to customers across the country.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Trade is the leading coffee marketplace connecting the best independent roasters to customers across the country. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Mike Lackman </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-troop" data-company="company-troop"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Troop</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Troop" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Troop" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Troop is a next-generation corporate travel meeting management platform.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Troop is a next-generation corporate travel meeting management platform. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Leonard Cremer<br /> Dennis Vilovic </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-trovatrip" data-company="company-trovatrip"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">TrovaTrip</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="TrovaTrip" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="TrovaTrip" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Headquartered in Portland, Oregon, TrovaTrip is the first travel planning and booking platform that connects creators and communities directly with tour operators to offer unforgettable group travel experiences around the globe. TrovaTrip makes it possible for topic experts, creatives, and entrepreneurs to host trips around the globe with their communities. With itineraries in 49 different countries and over 15,000 Travelers booked, TrovaTrip is changing the way people see and connect with the world by enabling them to follow their passion while traveling. Enhancing lives through meaningful connections, learning and exploration, TrovaTrip’s mission is to make travel safer and more accessible to all.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Headquartered in Portland, Oregon, TrovaTrip is the first travel planning and booking platform that connects creators and communities directly with tour operators to offer unforgettable group travel experiences around the globe. TrovaTrip makes it possible for topic experts, creatives, and entrepreneurs to host trips around the globe with their communities. With itineraries in 49 different countries and over 15,000 Travelers booked, TrovaTrip is changing the way people see and connect with the world by enabling them to follow their passion while traveling. Enhancing lives through meaningful connections, learning and exploration, TrovaTrip’s mission is to make travel safer and more accessible to all. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Nick Poggi<br /> Brandon Denham<br /> Lauren Schneider </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-turi" data-company="company-turi"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Turi</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Turi" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Turi" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 10"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Turi was an AI and Machine Learning platform. </div> </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 10"> <div class="section"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Turi was an AI and Machine Learning platform. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Carlos Guestrin<br /> Yucheng Low<br /> Danny Bickson </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Apple 2016 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-twinstrand-biosciences" data-company="company-twinstrand-biosciences"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">TwinStrand</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="TwinStrand" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="TwinStrand" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>TwinStrand Biosciences is a Seattle genomics company building a platform around Duplex Sequencing, a proprietary process that helps physicians, patients and drug researchers make life saving decisions faster based on DNA data.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> TwinStrand Biosciences is a Seattle genomics company building a platform around Duplex Sequencing, a proprietary process that helps physicians, patients and drug researchers make life saving decisions faster based on DNA data. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Jesse Salk </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2019 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-typeface" data-company="company-typeface"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Typeface</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Typeface" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Typeface" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Typeface is the enterprise-grade generative AI platform to supercharge personalized content creation. By uniting content velocity with brand personalization and control, any enterprise can now create exceptional, on-brand content faster and easier than ever before.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Typeface is the enterprise-grade generative AI platform to supercharge personalized content creation. By uniting content velocity with brand personalization and control, any enterprise can now create exceptional, on-brand content faster and easier than ever before. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Abhay Parasnis </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-uipath-inc" data-company="company-uipath-inc"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">UiPath</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="UiPath" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="UiPath" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 11"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> UiPath has a vision to deliver the Fully Automated EnterpriseTM, one where companies use automation to unlock their greatest potential. UiPath offers an end-to-end platform for automation, combining the leading Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution with a full suite of capabilities that enable every organization to rapidly scale digital business operations. </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 11"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> UiPath has a vision to deliver the Fully Automated EnterpriseTM, one where companies use automation to unlock their greatest potential. UiPath offers an end-to-end platform for automation, combining the leading Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution with a full suite of capabilities that enable every organization to rapidly scale digital business operations. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Andra Ciorici<br /> Daniel Dines<br /> Marius Tirca<br /> Prabhdeep Singh </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Public April 2021<br /> NYSE: PATH </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-unearth" data-company="company-unearth"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Unearth</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Unearth" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Unearth" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Unearth delivers a cloud-native collaboration and communication platform for building physical infrastructure from scratch or maintaining existing assets.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Unearth delivers a cloud-native collaboration and communication platform for building physical infrastructure from scratch or maintaining existing assets. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Amy Hutchins<br /> Brian Saab<br /> Nate Miller </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Procore 2023 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-union-bay-networks" data-company="company-union-bay-networks"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Union Bay Networks</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Union Bay Networks" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Union Bay Networks" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 11"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Union Bay Networks worked to change the way applications and data can be accessed across public and private cloud infrastructure. </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 11"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Union Bay Networks worked to change the way applications and data can be accessed across public and private cloud infrastructure. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Benn Bollay<br /> Jason Needham<br /> Tom Hull </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired in 2015 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-unstructured" data-company="company-unstructured"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Unstructured</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Unstructured" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Unstructured" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div>Unstructured is the leader in data transformation for enterprise AI.</div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div>Unstructured is the leader in data transformation for enterprise AI.</div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Brian Raymond </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-uplevel" data-company="company-uplevel"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Uplevel</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Uplevel" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Uplevel" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Uplevel gives you a data-driven look into your engineering efforts, providing the business intelligence you need to report on team impact — without micromanaging your people. We measure a multitude of data points that reveal indicators of work, focus, collaboration, and process. To do this, we look to the everyday engineering tools that software developers use to get work done, such as code repositories, messaging apps, and calendars (e.g., Github, Jira, Slack/Teams, Gerritt, and more). You get a powerful data platform plus a team of consultants to analyze your data, helping identify blockers to success across your people and operational health.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Uplevel gives you a data-driven look into your engineering efforts, providing the business intelligence you need to report on team impact — without micromanaging your people. We measure a multitude of data points that reveal indicators of work, focus, collaboration, and process. To do this, we look to the everyday engineering tools that software developers use to get work done, such as code repositories, messaging apps, and calendars (e.g., Github, Jira, Slack/Teams, Gerritt, and more). You get a powerful data platform plus a team of consultants to analyze your data, helping identify blockers to success across your people and operational health. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Dave Matthews<br /> David Youssefnia<br /> Joe Levy<br /> Ravs Kaur </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2018 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-vilya" data-company="company-vilya"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Vilya</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Vilya" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Vilya" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div>Vilya is an AI enabled biotech company leveraging advanced computational approaches to design novel macrocycles with atomic-level accuracy and enhanced drug-like properties.</div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div>Vilya is an AI enabled biotech company leveraging advanced computational approaches to design novel macrocycles with atomic-level accuracy and enhanced drug-like properties.</div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">CEO</div>Cyrus Harmon </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2024 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-visual-layer" data-company="company-visual-layer"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Visual Layer</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Visual Layer" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Visual Layer" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Visual Layer is a visual asset management platform for the era of generative AI. With Visual Layer you can simplify visual data ops, ingest data from any source, gain insights, and automatically find and fix data quality issues.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Visual Layer is a visual asset management platform for the era of generative AI. With Visual Layer you can simplify visual data ops, ingest data from any source, gain insights, and automatically find and fix data quality issues. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Danny Bickson<br /> Amir Alush<br /> Carlos Guestrin </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2023 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-vndly" data-company="company-vndly"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">VNDLY</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="VNDLY" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="VNDLY" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 11"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> VNDLY was a cloud-based workforce management system. </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 11"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> VNDLY was a cloud-based workforce management system. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Shashank Saxena<br /> Narayan Surabhi </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Workday<br /> Public Oct. 2021<br /> NYSE: WDAY </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-whylabs" data-company="company-whylabs"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">WhyLabs</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="WhyLabs" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="WhyLabs" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>As teams across industries adopt AI, WhyLabs enables them to operate with certainty by providing model monitoring, preventing costly model failures, and facilitating cross-functional collaboration. Incubated at the Allen Institute for AI, WhyLabs is a privately-held, venture-funded company based in Seattle.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> As teams across industries adopt AI, WhyLabs enables them to operate with certainty by providing model monitoring, preventing costly model failures, and facilitating cross-functional collaboration. Incubated at the Allen Institute for AI, WhyLabs is a privately-held, venture-funded company based in Seattle. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Alessya Visnjic<br /> Sam Gracie<br /> Andy Dang<br /> Maria Karaivanova </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2020 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-wicket-labs" data-company="company-wicket-labs"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Wicket Labs</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Wicket Labs" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Wicket Labs" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 11"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Wicket Labs was a video analytics platform that provides customer insights into conversion, engagement and likelihood to churn across traditional and Over-the-Top channels. </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 11"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Wicket Labs was a video analytics platform that provides customer insights into conversion, engagement and likelihood to churn across traditional and Over-the-Top channels. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Martin Roberts<br /> Ian Blaime<br /> Eric Knutson </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Brightcove 2022 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-wonder-workshop" data-company="company-wonder-workshop"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Wonder Workshop</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Wonder Workshop" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Wonder Workshop" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Wonder Workshop is a platform that makes programming fun and accessible for children while they play.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Wonder Workshop is a platform that makes programming fun and accessible for children while they play. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Imran Khan<br /> Mikal Greaves<br /> Saurabh Gupta<br /> Vikas Gupta </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2013 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-world-wide-packets" data-company="company-world-wide-packets"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">World Wide Packets</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="World Wide Packets" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="World Wide Packets" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 11"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> World Wide Packets designed high-performance ethernet networking equipment and software that provide total solutions for broadband fiber deployments. </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2003 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 11"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> World Wide Packets designed high-performance ethernet networking equipment and software that provide total solutions for broadband fiber deployments. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Bernard Daines<br /> Kevin Daines </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Ciena 2008 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2003 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-wrench" data-company="company-wrench"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Wrench</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Wrench" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Wrench" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Wrench brings the mechanic to your car, making maintenance and repair easy and convenient.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Wrench brings the mechanic to your car, making maintenance and repair easy and convenient. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Ed Petersen<br /> Douglas Stevens<br /> William Beaver<br /> Casey Willis </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2016 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-xethub" data-company="company-xethub"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">XetHub</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="XetHub" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="XetHub" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div>XetHub brings data and code together so that hybrid and remote teams can collaborate seamlessly in a git-enabled environment at scale and speed. XetHub was acquired by Hugging Face in 2024.</div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div>XetHub brings data and code together so that hybrid and remote teams can collaborate seamlessly in a git-enabled environment at scale and speed. XetHub was acquired by Hugging Face in 2024.</div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder/s or CEO</div>Yucheng Low<br /> Rajat Arya<br /> Ajit Banerjee </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2022 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-xnor-ai" data-company="company-xnor-ai"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;"></span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 11"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> pioneered a lightweight AI framework that enabled deep learning, machine vision, and speech recognition to be done directly on resource constrained devices such as phones, embedded systems and Raspberry Pi Zero. </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 11"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> pioneered a lightweight AI framework that enabled deep learning, machine vision, and speech recognition to be done directly on resource constrained devices such as phones, embedded systems and Raspberry Pi Zero. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Ali Farhadi<br /> Mohammad Rastegari </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by Apple 2020 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2017 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-yieldex" data-company="company-yieldex"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Yieldex</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Yieldex" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Yieldex" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Yieldex was a market leader in publisher forecasting, pricing, and direct-sales analytics tools.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2009 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Yieldex was a market leader in publisher forecasting, pricing, and direct-sales analytics tools. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Doug Cosman<br /> Tom Shields </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by AppNexus 2015 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2009 </div> <div class="co_links"> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-yoodli" data-company="company-yoodli"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Yoodli</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Yoodli" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Yoodli" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span>Yoodli is developing an AI-powered technology that provides feedback on your communication skills.</span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> Yoodli is developing an AI-powered technology that provides feedback on your communication skills. </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founders</div>Esha Joshi<br /> Varun Puri </div> <div class="co_journey desktop "> </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div class="section_title">Initial Investment</div>2021 </div> <div class="co_links"> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><a href="" class="button" target="_blank">Jobs</a> </div> <div class="co_photo mobile"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end .more_co_item_content --> </li> <!-- end .post_item --> <li class="post_item scrollshow " id="company-z2live" data-company="company-z2live"> <div class="co_close"></div> <span class="co_name" style="display: none !important;">Z2</span> <div class="co_item_content"> <div class="co_logo"> <img class="logo_off" src="" alt="Z2" /><img class="logo_on" src="" alt="Z2" /> </div> <div class="co_text desktop"> <span><div class="page" title="Page 11"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Z2 creates original next-generation, free-to-play, social and multiplayer games for mobile devices. </div> </div> </div></span> </div> <div class="co_year"> <div>Initial Investment</div>2008 </div> </div> <!-- end .co_item_content --> <div class="more_co_item_content"> <div class="co_text mobile"> <div class="page" title="Page 11"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> Z2 creates original next-generation, free-to-play, social and multiplayer games for mobile devices. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div class="co_photo desktop"> </div> <div class="co_founder"> <div class="section_title">Founder</div>Damon Danieli </div> <div class="co_journey "> <div class="section_title">Investment Journey</div>Acquired by King Digital Entertainment 2015 </div> <div class="co_year2"> <div 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