Cancel/Renew ABC Shows - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings |

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tenbot"><div class="title"><h1> Archive for the &#8216;Cancel/Renew ABC Shows&#8217; Category </h1></div></div> <div class="excerpt"> <a href="" title="ABC: Only Syndication Can Save 'Cougar Town' From Being Canceled Now"> <img width="205" height="125" src="" class="arthumb wp-post-image" alt="badly-titled-cougar-town" title="badly-titled-cougar-town"/> </a> <div class="artexcerpt"><p class="signline"><em>March 13th, 2012 at 10:39 am</em></p> <h2><a href="" title="ABC: Only Syndication Can Save 'Cougar Town' From Being Canceled Now">ABC: Only Syndication Can Save 'Cougar Town' From Being Canceled Now</a></h2> <p>Cougar Town keeps falling, but GCB rises.</p><a href="" title="ABC: Only Syndication Can Save 'Cougar Town' From Being Canceled Now" class="readmore" rel="nofollow">[Read-More]</a> </div> </div> <div class="excerpt"> <a href="" title="ABC: 'GCB' Opens As A &quot;Toss Up&quot; To Be Canceled Or Renewed"> <img width="205" height="125" src="" class="arthumb wp-post-image" alt="gcb-pilot" title="gcb-pilot"/> </a> <div class="artexcerpt"><p class="signline"><em>March 6th, 2012 at 9:27 am</em></p> <h2><a href="" title="ABC: 'GCB' Opens As A &quot;Toss Up&quot; To Be Canceled Or Renewed">ABC: 'GCB' Opens As A "Toss Up" To Be Canceled Or Renewed</a></h2> <p>Renewal chances are less than "modest".</p><a href="" title="ABC: 'GCB' Opens As A &quot;Toss Up&quot; To Be Canceled Or Renewed" class="readmore" rel="nofollow">[Read-More]</a> </div> </div> <div class="excerpt"> <a href="" title="ABC: 'The River' Is Likely To Be Canceled; Can Syndication Save 'Cougar Town'?"> <img width="205" height="125" src="" class="arthumb wp-post-image" alt="BACK ROW: PAUL BLACKTHORNE, DANIEL ZACAPA, THOMAS KRETSCHMANN; MIDDLE ROW: PAULINA GAITAN, SHAUN PARKES, LESLIE HOPE, ELOISE MUMFORD; FRONT: JOE ANDERSON, BRUCE GREENWOOD" title="BACK ROW: PAUL BLACKTHORNE, DANIEL ZACAPA, THOMAS KRETSCHMANN; MIDDLE ROW: PAULINA GAITAN, SHAUN PARKES, LESLIE HOPE, ELOISE MUMFORD; FRONT: JOE ANDERSON, BRUCE GREENWOOD"/> </a> <div class="artexcerpt"><p class="signline"><em>February 28th, 2012 at 10:19 am</em></p> <h2><a href="" title="ABC: 'The River' Is Likely To Be Canceled; Can Syndication Save 'Cougar Town'?">ABC: 'The River' Is Likely To Be Canceled; Can Syndication Save 'Cougar Town'?</a></h2> <p>Let The River ending metaphors begin...</p><a href="" title="ABC: 'The River' Is Likely To Be Canceled; Can Syndication Save 'Cougar Town'?" class="readmore" rel="nofollow">[Read-More]</a> </div> </div> <div class="excerpt"> <a href="" title="Bubble Watch ABC: Despite the Ratings, 'Castle' Still Likely to Be Renewed; 'The River' Is Up a Creek; 'Cougar Town' on the Bubble"> <img width="205" height="125" src="" class="arthumb wp-post-image" alt="BRIAN VAN HOLT, DAN BYRD, BUSY PHILIPPS, IAN GOMEZ, COURTENEY COX, JOSH HOPKINS, CHRISTA MILLER, BOB CLENDENIN" title="BRIAN VAN HOLT, DAN BYRD, BUSY PHILIPPS, IAN GOMEZ, COURTENEY COX, JOSH HOPKINS, CHRISTA MILLER, BOB CLENDENIN"/> </a> <div class="artexcerpt"><p class="signline"><em>February 21st, 2012 at 11:33 am</em></p> <h2><a href="" title="Bubble Watch ABC: Despite the Ratings, 'Castle' Still Likely to Be Renewed; 'The River' Is Up a Creek; 'Cougar Town' on the Bubble">Bubble Watch ABC: Despite the Ratings, 'Castle' Still Likely to Be Renewed; 'The River' Is Up a Creek; 'Cougar Town' on the Bubble</a></h2> <p>Cougar Town is more than an additional season away from syndication, but...</p><a href="" title="Bubble Watch ABC: Despite the Ratings, 'Castle' Still Likely to Be Renewed; 'The River' Is Up a Creek; 'Cougar Town' on the Bubble" class="readmore" rel="nofollow">[Read-More]</a> </div> </div> <div class="excerpt"> <a href="" title="ABC: 'The River' Started Slowly, But That Won't Save 'Body Of Proof' From Being Canceled"> <img width="205" height="125" src="" class="arthumb wp-post-image" alt="the-river" title="the-river"/> </a> <div class="artexcerpt"><p class="signline"><em>February 14th, 2012 at 11:41 am</em></p> <h2><a href="" title="ABC: 'The River' Started Slowly, But That Won't Save 'Body Of Proof' From Being Canceled">ABC: 'The River' Started Slowly, But That Won't Save 'Body Of Proof' From Being Canceled</a></h2> <p>Potential failure for The River will not help Body of Proof.</p><a href="" title="ABC: 'The River' Started Slowly, But That Won't Save 'Body Of Proof' From Being Canceled" class="readmore" rel="nofollow">[Read-More]</a> </div> </div> <div class="excerpt"> <a href="" title="ABC: Of Course 'Pan Am' Is Canceled, Don't Believe The PR Nonsense"> <img width="205" height="125" src="" class="arthumb wp-post-image" alt="pan-am" title="pan-am"/> </a> <div class="artexcerpt"><p class="signline"><em>February 7th, 2012 at 11:31 am</em></p> <h2><a href="" title="ABC: Of Course 'Pan Am' Is Canceled, Don't Believe The PR Nonsense">ABC: Of Course 'Pan Am' Is Canceled, Don't Believe The PR Nonsense</a></h2> <p>Reality check!</p><a href="" title="ABC: Of Course 'Pan Am' Is Canceled, Don't Believe The PR Nonsense" class="readmore" rel="nofollow">[Read-More]</a> </div> </div> <div class="excerpt"> <a href="" title="ABC: 'Castle' Ratings Without 'Dancing With The Stars' Aren't Good, But It's Still Likely Renewed"> <img width="205" height="125" src="" class="arthumb wp-post-image" alt="STANA KATIC, NATHAN FILLION" title="STANA KATIC, NATHAN FILLION"/> </a> <div class="artexcerpt"><p class="signline"><em>January 31st, 2012 at 10:23 am</em></p> <h2><a href="" title="ABC: 'Castle' Ratings Without 'Dancing With The Stars' Aren't Good, But It's Still Likely Renewed">ABC: 'Castle' Ratings Without 'Dancing With The Stars' Aren't Good, But It's Still Likely Renewed</a></h2> <p>Everybody needs a little help.</p><a href="" title="ABC: 'Castle' Ratings Without 'Dancing With The Stars' Aren't Good, But It's Still Likely Renewed" class="readmore" rel="nofollow">[Read-More]</a> </div> </div> <div class="excerpt"> <a href="" title="ABC: 'Body Of Proof' Still Certain To Be Canceled, No Other Shows Currently In Jeopardy"> <img width="205" height="125" src="" class="arthumb wp-post-image" alt="body of proof" title="body of proof"/> </a> <div class="artexcerpt"><p class="signline"><em>January 24th, 2012 at 10:23 am</em></p> <h2><a href="" title="ABC: 'Body Of Proof' Still Certain To Be Canceled, No Other Shows Currently In Jeopardy">ABC: 'Body Of Proof' Still Certain To Be Canceled, No Other Shows Currently In Jeopardy</a></h2> <p>Awaiting more spring premieres.</p><a href="" title="ABC: 'Body Of Proof' Still Certain To Be Canceled, No Other Shows Currently In Jeopardy" class="readmore" rel="nofollow">[Read-More]</a> </div> </div> <div class="cbox"> <div id="wp_page_numbers"> <ul><li class="page_info">Page 1 of 12</li><li class="active_page"><a href="">1</a></li> <li><a href="">2</a></li> <li><a href="">3</a></li> <li><a href="">4</a></li> <li><a href="">5</a></li> <li><a href="">6</a></li> <li><a href="">7</a></li> <li><a href="">8</a></li> <li><a href="">9</a></li> 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