袥HH袘校 - 袩械褉械谐谢褟写
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title="袩械褉谐谢褟薪褍褌懈 蟹邪锌懈褋懈 蟹斜械褉械卸械薪褨 薪邪 械-锌芯谢懈褑褨"> 袦芯褟 械-锌芯谢懈褑褟</a> </td> <td class="bottombar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> <a href="" class="bottombar" title="袧邪谢邪褕褌褍胁邪褌懈 芯锌褑褨褩 胁褨写芯斜褉邪卸械薪薪褟"> 袧邪谢邪褕褌褍胁邪薪薪褟</a> </td> </tr> </table> <!--4--> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"> <tr> <td class="feedbackbar" valign="middle" height="20" align="left" nowrap> <a href="" class="blue" title="English"> Eng </a> <a href="" class="blue" title="Ukrainian"> 校泻褉 </a> </td> <td id="msg" class="feedbackbar" valign="middle" height="20" align="center" nowrap> </td> <td class="feedbackbar" valign="middle" height="20" width="150" align="right" nowrap> <a href="" class="feedbackbar" title="袧邪写褨褋谢邪褌懈 锌褉芯锌芯蟹懈褑褨褩 褖芯写芯 褉芯斜芯褌懈 褋懈褋褌械屑懈"> 袟胁芯褉芯褌薪褨泄 蟹胁'褟蟹芯泻</a> </td> <td class="feedbackbar" valign="middle" height="20" width="100" align="center" nowrap> <a href="" class="feedbackbar" title="袛芯锌芯屑芯谐邪 褍 褉芯斜芯褌褨 蟹 褋懈褋褌械屑芯褞" target="new"> 袛芯锌芯屑芯谐邪</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="middle" height="20" background="" colspan="16"> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- filename: scan-include-2 --> <div class=title> 袩械褉械谐谢褟写 邪谢褎邪胁褨褌薪懈褏 褋锌懈褋泻褨胁 </div> <form method=get name=form1 action=""> <input type="hidden" name="func" value="scan"> <table cellspacing=2 border=0 width =100%> <tr> <td class=td2 width=20% nowrap valign=middle>小谢芯胁芯 (褎褉邪蟹邪) </td> <td class=td2 valign=top> <input size=29 name="scan_start" maxlength=100 value=''> <input type="checkbox" name="scan_include" value= "Y" > 袩芯褕褍泻 褋谢褨胁 褍 蟹邪谐芯谢芯胁泻邪褏 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=td2 valign=middle nowrap>袩械褉械谐谢褟写 褍 褋锌懈褋泻褍: </td> <td class=td2 valign=top> <select name=scan_code> <option value=TIT >袧邪蟹胁邪</option> <option value=AUT >袗胁褌芯褉</option> <option value=SUB >袩褉械写屑械褌</option> <option value=PRN >袩械褉褋芯薪邪谢褨褟</option> <option value=SRS >小械褉褨褟</option> <option value=GIFT >袛邪褉褍胁邪谢褜薪懈泻</option> <option value=COL >袣芯谢械泻褑褨褟</option> <option value=UDC >校袛袣</option> <option value=PLA >袦褨褋褑械 锌褍斜谢褨泻邪褑褨褟</option> 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