Frequent questions • Letterboxd
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network for grass-roots film discussion and discovery. Use it as a diary to record and share your opinion about films as you watch them, or just to keep track of films you’ve seen in the past. Showcase your favorites on your profile page. Rate, review and tag films as you add them. Find and follow your friends to see what they’re enjoying. Keep a watchlist of films you’d like to see, and create lists/collections on <a href="">any given topic</a>. We’ve been described as “like <a href="" rel="external noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">GoodReads</a> for movies”.</p> <p class="js-hide-in-app">We have <a href="">apps</a> for iOS, Android and Apple TV. <a href="/about/pro/">Paying members</a> get an ad-free experience, personalized all-time and annual stats pages, the option to select and filter by what’s available on their favorite streaming services, watchlist notifications, the ability to filter activity streams by entry type and to clone other members’ lists, and much more. <a href="/about/pro/">Learn about Pro.</a></p> <p class="js-show-in-app">We have <a href="">apps</a> for iOS, Android and Apple TV. <a href="/about/pro-ios/">Paying members</a> get an ad-free experience, personalized all-time and annual stats pages, the option to select and filter by what’s available on their favorite streaming services, watchlist notifications, the ability to filter activity streams by entry type and to clone other members’ lists, and much more. <a href="/about/pro-ios/">Learn about Pro.</a></p> <p>Read more about <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">the genesis of Letterboxd</a> and follow us on <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">X/Twitter</a>, <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>, <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Instagram</a>, <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">YouTube</a> and <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">TikTok</a>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="name">Why is it called Letterboxd?</h1> <p>Wikipedia defines <a href="" rel="external noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">letterboxing</a> as the practice of transferring film shot in a widescreen aspect ratio to standard-width video formats while preserving the original aspect ratio. Generally this is accomplished by adding mattes (or ‘black bars’) above and below the picture area. Letterboxd is named for our love of the widescreen format, and has nothing whatsoever to do with <a href="" rel="external noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">orienteering</a> or that <a href="" rel="external noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">thing in <em>Stand By Me</em></a>. Here’s some <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank">history</a>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">Membership</h2> <h1 id="account-required">Do I need to create an account to use this site?</h1> <p>No. You may freely browse all of Letterboxd without an account, but you’ll need to create one if you want to log any films or otherwise participate.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="become-member">How do I become a member?</h1> <p class="js-hide-in-app"><a href="">Create an account</a>—there is no requirement to be invited by another member.</p> <p class="js-show-in-app">Create an account in this app or on our website—there is no requirement to be invited by another member.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="pricing">Does it cost to use this service?</h1> <p>No. Letterboxd will always remain free to use. Some features are only available by upgrading to a <a href="">Pro or Patron account</a>. <span class="js-hide-in-app">See <a href="#upgrading">below</a> for more details on upgrading.</span></p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="paid-reviews">Will I be paid for my reviews?</h1> <p>No. We don’t offer payment for reviews, but we’re very happy for our members to build their own paying audience via services such as <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank">Patreon</a>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="community">Do you have a community policy?</h1> <p><a href="/legal/community-policy/">Yes.</a> (Also, check out the full <a href="/legal/terms-of-use/">legal version</a>.)</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="close-account">How do I close my account?</h1> <p>Instructions for deactivating your Letterboxd account are <a href="">here</a>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">General use</h2> <h1 id="use-of-service">How should I use Letterboxd?</h1> <p>Short answer: however you like. We invite new members to read our <a href="">Welcome page</a>, which covers a number of common actions and helpful tips. The easiest interaction is to mark films you’ve seen using the ‘eye’ icon on each poster. You can rate films and perform other actions from the Actions menu on the poster as well. Each film you mark as watched is added to your profile, allowing others to see what you’ve watched, and the site to optionally hide films we know you’ve seen when browsing some pages.</p> <p>Use the ‘+ Log’ button in the website header or the ‘+’ button in our apps to log a film, including the date you watched it and an optional review. Do this as you watch films (to populate your Diary) or to share your opinion of a film you’ve seen in the past (providing a watched date is optional). When logging/reviewing a film, you can also rate and/or like it, and add tags (for the film itself or to remind you how/with whom you watched it). We provide easy tools for making and sharing lists/collections of films too.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="streaming">Can I watch films on Letterboxd?</h1> <p>No, we are not a streaming service, but we do link to films on other services.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="watched-vs-logged">What’s the difference between marking a film watched and logging it?</h1> <p>Marking a film as ‘watched’ (using the ‘eye’ icon on the film’s poster or controls, or by rating the film if you haven’t already marked it as watched) tells Letterboxd you’ve seen the film at some point in the past. It’s the best way to ‘back-fill’ films on the service, without having to recall exactly when you watched them. Marking films ‘watched’ adds to your overall tally of films, is useful when browsing lists (we show the percentage of each list you’ve watched) and allows you to optionally hide the films you’ve seen when browsing some screens.</p> <p class="js-hide-in-app">Logging a film (via the ‘+ Log’ button) allows you to record that you watched a film on a particular date. Adding films in this manner builds up your Diary (a record of when you saw each film) and the Recent Activity section of your Profile—films are also marked as watched when you log them, if that flag is not already set. A minimum of ten diary entries in a given year is required to generate a Year in Review page (<a href="/about/pro/">Pro</a> members only), or the email summary that we send in January (to all members who choose to receive our general news emails). Most members keep an up-to-date Diary only from the time they join the platform, but it is possible to <a href="">import</a> your viewing history if you have that data from another service or spreadsheet.</p> <p class="js-show-in-app">Logging a film (via the ‘+ Log’ button) allows you to record that you watched a film on a particular date. Adding films in this manner builds up your Diary (a record of when you saw each film) and the Recent Activity section of your Profile—films are also marked as watched when you log them, if that flag is not already set. A minimum of ten diary entries in a given year is required to generate a Year in Review screen (<a href="/about/pro-ios/">Pro</a> members only), or the email summary that we send in January (to all members who choose to receive our general news emails). Most members keep an up-to-date Diary only from the time they join the app, but it is possible to <a href="">import</a> your viewing history if you have that data from another service or spreadsheet.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="remove-from-watched">Can I remove a film from my watched list?</h1> <p>Yes, you can unmark a film as watched by clicking the green “eye” icon to toggle it off, but you’ll need to remove any diary entries or reviews for the film, as well as its rating (this can be removed on the film’s page).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="fix-diary">I’ve been marking films watched instead of logging them to my Diary. How can I fix this?</h1> <p class="js-hide-in-app">You can retrospectively add diary entries for films you’ve marked as watched, in order to complete your Diary. If you need the activity dates for when you marked each film, these are included in your account export bundle, which you can download in <a href="">Settings</a>. (If you’d like to automate this process and you know your way around a computer, grab the relevant CSV file from the export bundle, rename the <code>Date</code> column to <code>Watched Date</code>, and then use our <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">importer</a> to add the diary entries to your account—you’ll have the chance to check them before they’re finalized.)</p> <p class="js-show-in-app">You can retrospectively add diary entries for films you’ve marked as watched, in order to complete your Diary. If you need the activity dates for when you marked each film, these are included in your account export bundle, which you can download from your Settings screen in our website. (If you’d like to automate this process and you know your way around a computer, grab the relevant CSV file from the export bundle, rename the <code>Date</code> column to <code>Watched Date</code>, and then use our <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">importer</a> to add the diary entries to your account—you’ll have the chance to check them before they’re finalized.)</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="like-vs-rate">What’s the difference between liking and rating a film?</h1> <p>You can ‘like’ a film any time to show you enjoyed it, which builds up your Profile and Likes pages, or rate films (via the film’s page, or by logging it, or using the Actions menu on any poster) to give your friends a better idea of how much you loved (or hated) it, and they’ll see this on your Ratings page and in their activity feed (if it’s part of a review or diary entry). If you provide ratings for films, you can later sort films by these ratings, useful for making year-end lists. It’s no problem to use both ratings and likes (or neither).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="review-later">Can I log a film and review it later?</h1> <p>Yes. You may edit a diary entry and/or add a review at any time after logging a film. Go to the diary entry (from the Diary tab in your Films section) and find the option to ‘Add a Review’. Your review will show in your followers’ activity as soon as you save it (if this is the first time you’ve added one), even if your followers already saw activity when you first logged the film.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="rating-films">When I rate a film, do all my ratings for it change?</h1> <p>No. Ratings attached to previous diary entries or reviews are not updated. This allows your rating to change over time, should you log or review a film multiple times, rather than keeping the same rating for the film for all time. Note that each time you add a rating as part of a diary entry/review (or update the rating in an old diary entry/review), your ‘default’ rating for the film is updated to match.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="account-caches">Why is my number of watched films or diary entries incorrect?</h1> <p class="js-hide-in-app">We keep temporary caches for many different types of content, including counts of films watched and logged. If one of your totals is incorrect, try saving changes to your <a href="">Settings</a> page on our website in order to reset your account caches (there is no need to change any settings).</p> <p class="js-show-in-app">We keep temporary caches for many different types of content, including counts of films watched and logged. If one of your totals is incorrect, try saving changes to your Settings page on our website in order to reset your account caches (there is no need to change any settings).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="films-vs-diary">Why does my films total differ from my diary entries total?</h1> <p>Your ‘Films’ total counts each film <em>once</em> for the period (all time or within a single year), while your ‘Diary Entries’ total counts every individual watch of a film. If you’ve logged any films two or more times within the period, your Diary Entries total will exceed your Films total. (Note that a re-watch will still count towards your ‘Films’ total for the year the <em>first</em> time you watch it during that year, but not on subsequent views.)</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="most-watched">Why is a particular actor missing from my most watched stats?</h1> <p>Some cast contributions are internally marked as ‘cameo’ roles, for instance if there is no character name associated with the role or it is listed as ‘uncredited’. These roles do not count towards ‘Most Watched’ stats. (Also known as the ‘Stan Lee Rule’.)</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="recommendations">Can Letterboxd generate recommendations for me?</h1> <p>While we view the whole of Letterboxd as one big, organic recommendation engine, we don’t have a section specifically labeled as such. You can, however, use our sorting and filters to find films that may be of interest. For example, <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">this page</a> shows a selection of films you haven’t seen, based on your watched and liked films (you’ll need to use the ‘heart’ icon on a few films to get meaningful results, as this method doesn’t consider your ratings). Many films also have a ‘Similar Films’ list; tapping through to see all similar films for a given title surfaces the themes and ‘nanogenres’ for that title, another great way to discover new films to watch based on your particular areas of interest.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem js-hide-in-app"> <h2 class="section-heading">Profile and settings</h2> <h1 id="validate-email">How do I validate my email address?</h1> <p>Each time you change the email address associated with your account, we send you an email containing a link, to ensure you’ve provided an address that you can receive messages to. To resend the email for a non-validated account, Save Changes on your <a href="">Settings</a> page. If you don’t receive our automated emails, please check your junk/spam folder, and try adding <em><a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="93e1fcf1fce7d3fff6e7e7f6e1f1fcebf7bdf0fcfe">[email protected]</a></em> to your email contacts to increase the likelihood of receiving them.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem js-show-in-app"> <h1 id="validate-email-ios">How do I validate my email address?</h1> <p>Each time you change the email address associated with your account, we send you an email containing a link, to ensure you’ve provided an address that you can receive messages to. To resend the email for a non-validated account, Save Changes on your Settings page on our website. If you don’t receive our automated emails, please check your junk/spam folder, and try adding <em><a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="b5c7dad7dac1f5d9d0c1c1d0c7d7dacdd19bd6dad8">[email protected]</a></em> to your email contacts to increase the likelihood of receiving them.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="2fah">Does Letterboxd have two-factor authentication for increased account security?</h1> <p>Yes, you may enable/disable two-factor authentication (sometimes called second-factor or 2FA) in <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Settings</a>. We support time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) via authenticator or password management apps. We do not support SMS- or email-based 2FA at this time, nor do we provide backup codes—if you lose access to your 2FA rolling codes, please <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">reset your password</a> using your email address in order to regain access to your account, or <a href="/contact/">contact support</a> if you require assistance.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="avatars">How do I add an avatar image to my account?</h1> <p>You can upload your avatar <a href="/settings/avatar/">via the Settings screen</a> of our website. If you have not uploaded an avatar, but have <a href="">connected</a> your X/Twitter account, or you have a <a href="" rel="external noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Gravatar</a> attached to your registered Letterboxd email address, we’ll use that image instead. The avatar upload screen allows you to pick which avatar you’d like to use: your uploaded one, an image from X/Twitter or Gravatar, or none.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="pinned-content">How do I pin content to my profile?</h1> <p>If you’re a <a class="js-hide-in-app" href="/about/pro/">Pro or Patron member</a><a class="js-show-in-app" href="/about/pro-ios/">Pro or Patron member</a>, you can pin up to two reviews and two lists on your profile by tagging them as <code>profile</code>. Your two most recently tagged reviews and lists are prominently displayed on your profile page. (App support for pinned lists will be added in a future release.)</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="change-username">Can I change my username?</h1> <p>Yes. Free members may change their username a maximum of once per year, and <a class="js-hide-in-app" href="/about/pro/">Pro</a><a class="js-show-in-app" href="/about/pro-ios/">Pro</a> subscribers (or above) may change theirs once every 30 days. Changes must be performed via the <a href="">Settings</a> screen on our website. Exceptions to this policy will be considered where privacy concerns or deadnames are involved (please <a href="/contact/">contact support</a>).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="username-taken">My preferred username is showing as unavailable but there is no corresponding profile. Can I have it?</h1> <p>There are a couple reasons why an unavailable username may not have a corresponding profile: we reserve some usernames for our own future possible use; and there are also a number of deactivated accounts that still have their original username attached. Please <a href="/contact/">contact us</a> to see if we can free up a name you’d like to use.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="username-trademark">Someone else has registered a username I have a trademark for. Can I have it?</h1> <p>Not necessarily. We have a single username space across all global territories, offered on a first-come, first-served basis. While you’re welcome to send us proof of your trademark, the use of a trademark in a username doesn’t always qualify as a trademark infringement in and of itself, and we aren’t in a position to adjudicate in situations that require a detailed trademark analysis.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="profile-sharing">What’s the easiest way to share my account with others?</h1> <p>Your username represents you on Letterboxd. If you give someone else your username, they can find you either via search, or by constructing a URL in the form of <code></code>.</p> <p>On our website, there are three methods for sharing a member profile:</p> <ul> <li>Copy the URL from the browser’s location bar</li> <li>From the options menu at the top of the profile, select <em>Copy profile link</em></li> <li>From the options menu at the top of the profile, select <em>Show QR code</em></li> </ul> <p>In our apps, the two supported methods to share a profile are:</p> <ul> <li>From the options menu at the top of the profile, select Share → Copy Link</li> <li>From the options menu at the top of the profile, select Share → View QR Code</li> </ul> <p>Using the link option copies a short URL to your clipboard (using our <code></code> format), perfect for use in messaging apps or email. The QR-code option opens a new view containing a QR code that someone else can scan, perfect for in-person profile follows.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="bio-placement">Why do some member bios appear in the sidebar of their profile on your desktop website?</h1> <p>Bios that are 140 characters or fewer are displayed in the header of the member’s desktop web profile. If a member’s bio exceeds 140 characters, we shift it to the sidebar, so it can be expanded without displacing the page’s main content column.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="comment-control">Can I control who comments on my content?</h1> <p>Yes. By default anyone can comment on your reviews and lists, but you can update your <a href="">settings</a> to allow only people you follow to comment, or disable others from commenting at all. You can override your profile default on any individual comment thread if you wish, for example to close comments on a single review but leave others open to replies.</p> <p>In addition, as a content owner you can also delete comments made by other members on <em>your</em> reviews and lists, and (if you need to) you can <a href="#blocking-members">block</a> them from commenting on your content in future.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="url-filters">Can I find films I’ve logged but not rated, or other combinations?</h1> <p>Yes. The following filters on our website allow members to reduce the set of films shown, both in their own profile and around the site. Use the grey “eye” icon at the top of a poster grid to access the Filters menu (a slash through the icon indicates that one or more filters are active). Some filters are automatically disabled when redundant; for example, you can’t show or hide watched films when looking at your own list of films (by definition, the list of films on your profile is <em>already</em> your watched films).</p> <h3>Account filters</h3> <ul> <li><a href="/films/?filters=show-watched">Show</a> or <a href="/films/?filters=hide-watched">hide watched films</a></li> <li><a href="/films/?filters=show-liked">Show</a> or <a href="/films/?filters=hide-liked">hide liked films</a></li> <li><a href="/films/?filters=show-rated">Show</a> or <a href="/films/?filters=hide-rated">hide rated films</a></li> <li><a href="/films/?filters=show-logged">Show</a> or <a href="/films/?filters=hide-logged">hide logged films</a></li> <li><a href="/films/?filters=show-reviewed">Show</a> or <a href="/films/?filters=hide-reviewed">hide reviewed films</a></li> <li><a href="/films/?filters=show-watchlisted">Show films in watchlist</a> or <a href="/films/?filters=hide-watchlisted">Hide films in watchlist</a></li> <li><a href="/films/?filters=show-owned">Show films you own</a> or <a href="/films/?filters=hide-owned">Hide films you own</a> (for <a href="/pro/">Pro</a> members only, <a href="#ownership">learn more</a>)</li> </ul> <h3>Content filters</h3> <ul> <li><a href="/films/?filters=show-shorts">Show</a> or <a href="/films/?filters=hide-shorts">hide short films</a></li> <li><a href="/films/?filters=show-tv">Show</a> or <a href="/films/?filters=hide-tv">hide TV shows</a></li> <li><a href="/films/?filters=hide-docs">Hide documentaries</a></li> <li><a href="/films/?filters=hide-unreleaed">Hide unreleased titles</a></li> </ul> <p>Each link above applies the specified filter and cancels any other active filter. You can apply multiple filters by selecting them in the UI, or by chaining query parameters, as follows: <code>?filters=show-logged+hide-rated</code>. (Options to show documentaries and unreleased titles are not offered as they duplicate <a href="/films/genre/documentary/">existing</a> <a href="/films/upcoming/">views</a>.)</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="connect-twitter">What happens when I connect my X/Twitter account?</h1> <p>We request read-only access to your X/Twitter account for three reasons: to fetch your avatar, to make it harder to impersonate other members, and so that we can show a list of your friends on X who also have Letterboxd accounts. We never tweet on your behalf (it’s impossible with read-only access).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="connect-facebook">What happens when I connect my Facebook account?</h1> <p>We request read-only access to your Facebook account so that we can show a list of your Facebook friends who also have Letterboxd accounts. We never post on your behalf unless you manually share content using our Share options (see below).</p> <p>As of August 2018, Facebook <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">no longer permits</a> external services to automatically publish content to its users’ timelines. Please use the Share option on a film, review or list to publish it manually to your Facebook timeline.</p> <p>As of October 2020, Facebook’s permissions model has changed. Only members who have re-authenticated their Facebook account since 15 October 2020 will show in your Facebook friends list.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="connect-netflix">Can I connect my Netflix account?</h1> <p>No. Netflix closed its public API a few years back, so we removed the account connection option. See the section on <a href="/about/importing-data/">importing</a> for alternative ways to import your watch history.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="auto-publish">Can I auto-publish my reviews to other sites?</h1> <p>You can auto-publish content from your profile’s RSS feed (namely new diary entries/reviews and lists) to selected third-party services using a service such as <a href="" rel="external noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">IFTTT</a>. IFTTT has example applets for <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">X/Twitter</a>, <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Tumblr</a>, <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">WordPress</a> and <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">others</a>. Publishing to Facebook is no longer supported due to <a href="#connect-facebook">past policy changes</a>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="facebook-activity">Can I auto-publish Letterboxd activity to my Facebook timeline?</h1> <p>No. Facebook removed these permissions in August 2018 (<a href="#connect-facebook">see above</a>). You may still post activity to your Facebook timeline manually.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">Following and blocking</h2> <h1 id="follow-member">What happens when I follow people?</h1> <p>Letterboxd works like X/Twitter: when you follow other people, you’ll see the films they add or review, the stuff they like, and the comments they make on your other friends’ stuff, appear in your <a href="">Activity</a> timeline and elsewhere. Members you select to follow are referred to as your ‘friends’ on the platform.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="find-friends">How do I find accounts to follow?</h1> <p class="js-hide-in-app">In the <a href="">Members</a> section, directly from review (and other) pages, via the Following and Follower pages of other members, or by using Find Friends on X/Twitter or Facebook from your <a href="">Settings</a> page (you’ll need to authorize read-only access to these services first).</p> <p class="js-show-in-app">In the <a href="">Members</a> section, directly from review (and other) pages, via the Following and Follower pages of other members, or by using Find Friends on X/Twitter or Facebook from your Settings page on our website (you’ll need to authorize read-only access to these services first).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="blocking-members">Can I block another member?</h1> <p>Yes. Use the flag icon on a member’s profile or comment to block or report them (in our apps, go to their profile screen and open the action sheet from the more-options icon). When you block a member, the follower relationship is terminated in both directions, comments they’ve posted on <em>your</em> reviews and lists are hidden for everyone who visits those pages, and their avatar and content (including comments they’ve posted elsewhere) is hidden for you. The blocked member is also prevented from replying to (or liking) any of your content, and you won’t see activity relating to them in your feed.</p> <p>If you feel that a member’s content is generally inappropriate or otherwise contravenes our <a href="/legal/community-policy/">Community Policy</a>, we encourage you to report the content via the flag icon, in addition to blocking them.</p> <p>Blocking a member does <em>not</em> hide your content from them, as Letterboxd does not have private accounts, which would be required to protect your content in this way.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="remove-member-comments">Can I remove another member’s comment from my content?</h1> <p>Yes, you can remove individual comments made by other members on <em>your</em> content, or you can remove all of a member’s comments by blocking them. <a href="#blocking-members">Learn more.</a></p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">Reviews and tags</h2> <h1 id="community-policy">Are there rules concerning what I can say?</h1> <p>Yes. We have a <a href="/legal/community-policy/">community policy</a> that governs all written contributions to Letterboxd. Please abide by these guidelines, and report any breaches using the flag icon on the respective content.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="review-removal">My review was removed. Do I have any recourse?</h1> <p>At Letterboxd, we strive to create an open, inclusive space for all film lovers, including members from communities that have too often been marginalized or been the recipients of hateful rhetoric. As a result, we moderate with that sensitivity in mind. We have zero tolerance for overt or coded hate speech, racism, white supremacy, homophobia, transphobia or any communication that intends to harm or marginalize a particular group or individual based on any protected attribute (as described <a href="/legal/community-policy/">here</a>).</p> <p><span>Our moderators will remove content that appears to violate or undermine these principles. However, we also acknowledge that we are human, and that o</span><span>ur moderation team cannot begin to grasp or encompass the full spectrum of humanity and lived experiences that comprise our wonderful community. We may misinterpret or misunderstand your intent. In our sincere desire to foster inclusiveness, we may inadvertently silence the very voices we most want to hear from.</span></p> <p>If your content has been removed and you believe we were in error, please <a href="/contact/">get in touch</a> with all relevant details. Our support crew will let you know if specific changes might result in the reinstatement of your content. We all benefit when we have the opportunity to learn and better understand one another.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="review-formatting">How do I apply formatting in my reviews?</h1> <p>We support a limited set of HTML tags on our website for formatting and linking to other content. These are: <code><strong></code> or <code><b></code> tags for <strong>bold</strong> text, <code><em></code> or <code><i></code> tags for <em>italics</em>, <code><a href="[URL]"></code> for <a href="" rel="external noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">links</a> and <code><blockquote></code> tags for quoting others.</p> <p>For all of these tags, place an opening tag (eg. <code><strong></code>) and its corresponding closing tag (eg. <code></strong></code>) on either side of the content you’d like to format. For links, include the URL to link to as the <code>href</code> parameter, and ensure it is surrounded by straight quotes (<code>"</code>) rather than smart or curly quotes.</p> <p>Our native apps provide toolbar buttons for applying formatting while editing content.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="old-activity">Why do my reviews sometimes not appear in Activity?</h1> <p>When logging diary entries for films you watched more than two weeks in the past, we show your followers a maximum of one item per hour, to prevent this activity from saturating their feeds. To avoid followers missing your updates, log watched films in a timely fashion, and add your review later—your review will show in your friends’ activity the first time you save the diary entry with review text.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="reviewing-trailers">Can I review a trailer?</h1> <p>We’d prefer you didn’t. Letterboxd is for reviews of films you’ve seen, not those you want to see. Feel free to use the Report function (flag icon) to alert us to any trailer or other pre-release reviews, which we’ll remove at our discretion.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="edit-review">Can I edit or delete my reviews (and lists)?</h1> <p>Yes. There is an Edit option on each of your reviews and lists. On the web, this option appears in the actions panel on the relevant page. In edit mode, you can make changes to your content and save these to replace the previous version. Older revisions of reviews and lists are not stored when you make updates, so it is not possible to restore an older version. Edit mode also provides a Delete option to remove the review or list.</p> <p>In our apps, the Edit and Delete options are in the actions menu available from the title bar of a review or list.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="#deleted-content">I deleted a review (or list). Can I retrieve it?</h1> <p>Yes. Your <a href="/settings/data/">account export bundle</a> includes all of your deleted content in CSV format. You can retrieve and repost (or import) deleted reviews and lists from your bundle. Starting 1 May 2024, any content you delete will remain in your bundle for <a href="/about/faq/#deleted-content">30 days following its deletion</a>, after which time it will be permanently removed from our servers.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="deleted-films">You removed a film I reviewed. Is my review lost?</h1> <p>No. See <a href="#recover-review">this section</a> for instructions on retrieving reviews for deleted films.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="tags">How do tags work?</h1> <p>You can tag films (when reviewing and/or adding them to your diary) and curated lists. Use tags as you would on a blog or X/Twitter, to add context to your content. Tags may reflect your own genre taxonomy, an occasion or festival, where/how/with whom you saw a film, the type or style of a list, or anything else you care to use them for. Each diary entry or curated list displays its list of keyword tags, which you can use to cross-reference your own content, your friends’ content, or community-wide.</p> <p>Nested tags are supported, e.g. <code>with:mom</code>. If you re-use the first part of the nested tag (e.g. <code>with:mom</code> and <code>with:dad</code>), you can use our search tool to find all content tagged <code>with:[someone]</code> (the search string in this case would be <code>tag:with</code> and is best paired with <code>m:[username]</code> to limit results to those from a single account).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="unicode-tags">Can I use unicode tags?</h1> <p>Yes. We support unicode characters in tags and tag URLs. If you mix unicode and latin characters in a single tag, only the latin characters will be used to generate the tag URL, which may cause multiple tags to ‘collapse’ into a single tag for purposes of aggregation.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="tag-management">Can I edit or delete tags en masse?</h1> <p>Yes, <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">paying subscribers</a> can rename and delete tags across all of their diary entries, reviews and lists, from their main Tags page on our desktop website (app support will be added in a future update). Place your pointer over any tag to reveal the Edit and Delete icons. The Edit option lets you rename a single tag across all your tagged content, and can be used to merge two tags (by renaming one tag to the same name as another of your tags)—you’ll be warned if editing a tag will result in a merge, and given the option to cancel or proceed. The Delete option removes a tag from all your tagged content. <em>There is no undo for these actions, so please be careful!</em></p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">Lists and ownership</h2> <h1 id="about-lists">What are lists for?</h1> <p>With lists, you can collect and share groups of films (or keep private lists for yourself). All Letterboxd members have a watchlist to collect films they’d like to see. Create as many curated lists as you wish, for favorite genre films, your collection of physical discs, or your <a href="">favorite heist films</a>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="lists-vs-watchlist">What’s the difference between my lists and my watchlist?</h1> <p>Your watchlist is where you keep track of films you’d like to watch. It doesn’t have an edit page, but it does have a single-click add/remove toggle on a film’s page (the clock icon), and from the ‘More Options’ menu on any film poster. Films in your watchlist are automatically removed when you mark them as watched, or log, review or rate them. Just like curated lists, you can set your watchlist to be visible to others or private.</p> <p>When signed in and browsing films on the Letterboxd website (with a non-touch-based device), those that are in your watchlist show with a blue outline when your pointer is placed over the poster, as opposed to the regular green outline.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="compare-watchlists">Can I compare my watchlist with another member’s?</h1> <p>Yes. Visit the other member’s watchlist and filter by ‘In your watchlist’ (to show films you both want to see) or ‘Hide watched films’ (to show films you haven’t seen)—or both! These filters are located in the menu attached to the ‘eye’ icon above the watchlist posters (and in the filters page in our iOS app).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="draft-lists">Can I work on a list without others seeing it?</h1> <p>Yes. Deselect the ‘Public’ option when you first save a new list. When you’re ready for others to see it, select the ‘Public’ option and save the list. Your followers will be notified that you’ve published a new list if this is the <em>first</em> time you’ve made it public.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="list-size">Is there a maximum list size?</h1> <p>No! There used to be an editing limitation of around 3,300 items when using our website, but this has been eliminated. There is a limit to the number of characters in a list title, however (256 characters, or fewer if you use unicode characters).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="reorder-lists">Is there an easy way to move items in a long list (aside from dragging them)?</h1> <p>Yes. When editing a list on our website, temporarily enable the Ranked List option if it’s not already checked. With this option active, you can click the list position of any film, type in a new position and press Return on your keyboard. The film will move to the new position, and the remaining films in your list will be renumbered accordingly. Once the list is in your desired order, remember to disable the Ranked List option prior to saving (for lists that aren’t ranked).</p> <p>The list editor also offers a Sort By control that can be used to change the current order of the list prior to saving, based on metadata associated with each film (such as its title or your rating). Note: this option changes the actual order of items in the list, and does not change the default sort order for anyone viewing the list (at present there is no way to change the <em>default</em> viewing mode for a list).</p> <p>Our apps offer similar reordering options—tap a row in the list while in edit mode to edit its notes and change its position in the list.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="ownership">How do I keep track of films I own?</h1> <p>We support a special tag to denote digital or physical ownership of films for <a href="/pro/">paid members</a>. Tag one or more of your (public or private) lists with <code>own</code> or <code>owned</code> to indicate you own the films included in the list(s), and two new filters will appear in the Filters menu on most list or grid pages on our website, and in the Filters screen in our apps. These filters let you show or hide films you own while viewing the content in question, and can be used in conjunction with our streaming availability filters. You’ll also see an indication if you own the film in the Where to Watch panel for each film on our website (we’ll bring that to our apps soon).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">Posters and backdrops</h2> <h1 id="custom-posters">Can I change a film’s poster or backdrop?</h1> <p>Yes, if you have a <a href="">Patron</a> (or HQ) subscription, you’ll see a <em>Change Poster / Backdrop</em> option for each film. (Sometimes these are split into two separate options.) In our apps, they live in the film’s action sheet, and on our website they’re on the film’s main page and also in the fly-out menu on its poster. Selecting one of these options opens a modal dialog with multiple tabs: for posters, <em>Popular</em>, <em>TMDb</em> and <em>Posteritati</em>, and for backdrops, <em>Popular</em> and <em>All</em>.</p> <p>You may select replacement art for the film from any tab by clicking/tapping the desired poster or backdrop, then saving changes. The poster you select will represent the film for your use of the platform on both app and web, as described below. The backdrop you select will represent the film on the film’s main page, along with your diary entries, reviews, lists (where it is the first film) and profile (where it is the first of your four favorites), and as long as you haven’t disabled backdrops on those content types in Settings. </p> <p>If your subscription tier gives access to the custom-poster option, you’ll see four modes available in Settings (and replicated in the Filters menu for ease of access) that govern which poster you see for each film:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Any</strong>: your selection is shown <em>unless</em> you’re viewing the profile or content of another member with a custom selection for the film, in which case their poster takes priority over yours (this is the default mode)</li> <li><strong>Theirs</strong>: the profile or content owner’s selection is always shown when applicable, with your selections shown otherwise</li> <li><strong>Yours</strong>: your selection is <em>always</em> shown, including on other members’ content</li> <li><strong>None</strong>: the feature is disabled and our platform-default poster is always shown</li> </ul> <p>If you <em>do not</em> have access to the custom-poster option, there are two modes that govern which poster you see for each film:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Enabled</strong>: when viewing the profile or content of a member with a custom selection for the film, their poster is shown (this is the default mode)</li> <li><strong>Disabled</strong>: the platform-default poster is always shown</li> </ul> <p>There are no corresponding modes for backdrops; your selection does not override another member’s backdrop, so you see your own choices on your content, and their choices (or the platform default) on their content.</p> <p>Patron/HQ members may select one poster and backdrop for each film on our platform, and change this selection as often as they wish, in addition to modifying the poster and/or backdrop on diary entries/reviews, lists and their profile. Our apps support long-pressing a backdrop to change it, for members with access to this feature. See below for notes on image sourcing.</p> <p><em>Note: some sections on our website may show an older poster selection for another member due to caching—our caches are cleared in all cases within 24 hours, after which time you’ll see the correct selection.</em><em></em></p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="custom-poster-single">Can I change a poster or backdrop on a particular list or review, or on my profile, without affecting the film everywhere?</h1> <p>By default, poster and backdrop changes apply platform-wide (as described above) but individual changes are possible in three scenarios: your own review (or diary entry), your own list, and your profile favorites. Look for a checkbox labeled <em>This item only</em> when invoking the modal dialog from these content types—if this option is checked, the customization will only apply to this item. (For lists and favorites, customizing the backdrop on the first film sets it for the list or profile.)</p> <p>Resetting the poster for a film <strong>outside</strong> of the item in question will not affect any custom selections made in other reviews, diary entries or lists. To remove an individually customized poster or backdrop, return to the relevant selection dialog and use the <em>Reset for item</em> button in the modal dialog (the <em>This item only</em> option will be checked, indicating the poster or backdrop is customized specifically for this content), then select <em>Save for item</em>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="reset-custom-poster">Can I undo a custom-poster or backdrop selection?</h1> <p>Yes, there is a <em>Reset Poster</em> or <em>Reset Backdrop</em> option in the selection dialog for each film, which reverts your account back to the platform-default poster or backdrop (don’t forget to save your changes after invoking this option). This approach is preferred over manually selecting the platform-default poster or backdrop, as that action still counts as a customization, and your selection won’t change if our default image for the film is changed in future. (In situations where our default poster or backdrop for a given film is no longer available on TMDb—and is therefore not shown as an option in the selection dialog—the only way to restore that selection is via the <em>Reset Poster</em> or <em>Reset Backdrop</em> option.)</p> <p>The <em>Reset Poster</em> option does not remove cutomizations made inside individual lists (see above). To reset these selections, you must individually edit each list and remove the relevant customized poster(s).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="poster-filter">How do I see all the posters and backdrops I’ve customized?</h1> <p>We’ve added <em>Show/hide films you’ve customized filters</em> on the web and in our apps. These will be extended to support backdrops as well. Enable the <em>Show</em> version of the relevant filter while browsing your own watched films, or all films (from the Browse tab/main Films section) to see your full list of customizations.</p> <p>The above-mentioned filter does not show films that have been individually customized within a single diary entry/review, list or profile (see above). The <em>Change Poster / Backdrop</em> modal dialog on our desktop website has a link to each of your lists that includes an individually customized poster for the film in question.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="upload-images">Can I upload my own poster or backdrop image to Letterboxd?</h1> <p>No (with one exception: HQ accounts can upload a backdrop profile image).</p> <p>The poster and backdrop images offered on Letterboxd are sourced from <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">TMDb</a> (and <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Posteritati</a> for additional posters), and there is no option to upload your own image directly to our platform. TMDb accepts user submissions, but please follow <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">the published guidelines</a> when uploading images, as abuse of TMDb’s rules may lead to customization features being suspended on your Letterboxd account. Infringing content includes, but is not limited to, images containing: spoilers, inappropriate nudity, graphic violence, fan art and memes. TMDb submissions can take up to seven hours to appear on Letterboxd due to caching at their end.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="poster-hovers">What do the poster hover colors on your website mean?</h1> <p>If you’re signed in to our website, the hover color on each of our posters indicates one of three states for the film in question:</p> <ul> <li><strong>White:</strong> you haven’t watched the film</li> <li><strong>Green:</strong> you have watched the film (this state is triggered when you log, rate, mark as watched or review the film)</li> <li><strong>Blue:</strong> the film is in your watchlist (this state takes precedence over the film’s watched state)</li> </ul> <p>You may initially see the default (white) hover state for a watched or watchlisted film if the browser hasn’t received information about your watched state yet (this additional data is requested separately, once the base page is loaded). If you’re not signed in, all of the hover states are green.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">Advanced search</h2> <h1 id="advanced-search">What advanced search options are supported?</h1> <p>The table below contains several text triggers that can be included in your search (separately, or in combination with other triggers or additional search terms) to produce more accurate results. See this <a href=""><em>Journal</em> article</a> for more details and examples.</p> <table class="sticky-header"> <thead> <tr> <th>Trigger</th> <th>Aliases</th> <th>Examples</th> <th>Applies to</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><code>film</code></td> <td><code>f</code></td> <td><code>film:interstellar</code><br /><code>film:4VZ8</code><br /><code>f:interstellar</code><br /><code>f:4VZ8</code></td> <td>reviews, lists, stories, articles—include multiple films to return common cast/crew or lists that include all films</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>member</code></td> <td><code>m</code></td> <td><code>member:jack</code><br /><code>member:1hpZ</code><br /><code>m:jack</code><br /><code>m:1hpZ</code></td> <td>reviews, lists, stories, articles</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>cast</code></td> <td><code>c</code>*<br /><code>actor</code></td> <td><code>cast:margot‑robbie</code><br /><code>cast:3ZwF</code><br /><code>c:margot‑robbie</code><br /><code>c:3ZwF</code><br /><code>actor:margot‑robbie</code><br /><code>actor:3ZwF</code></td> <td>films—include multiple cast members to return common films</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>crew</code></td> <td><code>c</code>*<br /><code>director</code> (or <code>d</code>)<br /><code>producer</code><br /><code>writer</code><br /><code>casting</code><br /><code>editor</code><br />etc.†</td> <td><code>crew:greta‑gerwig</code><br /><code>crew:1aAd</code><br /><code>c:greta‑gerwig</code><br /><code>c:1aAd</code><br /><code>director:greta‑gerwig</code><br /><code>director:1aAd</code><br /><code>d:greta‑gerwig</code><br /><code>d:1aAd</code></td> <td>films—include multiple crew members to return common films</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>year</code></td> <td><code>y</code></td> <td><code>year:2024</code><br /><code>y:2024</code><br /><code>year:1970‑1979</code><br /><code>y:1970‑1979</code></td> <td>films, reviews, lists, stories, articles, podcast episodes—include start and end years to return results published within the given period</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>tag</code></td> <td> </td> <td><code>tag:showdown</code><br /><code>tag:showdown:debut</code></td> <td>reviews, lists</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>favorite</code></td> <td><code>fav</code><br /><code>fave</code><br /><code>favourite</code><br /><code>fan</code></td> <td><code>favorite:interstellar</code><br /><code>favorite:4VZ8</code><br /><code>fan:interstellar</code><br /><code>fan:4VZ8</code></td> <td>members—include multiple favorites to return members with those films in their four favorites</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>boxd</code></td> <td> </td> <td><code>boxd:4VZ8</code></td> <td><em>all types</em>—find content by Letterboxd short code</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>tmdb</code></td> <td> </td> <td><code>tmdb:157336</code></td> <td>films—find films by <a href="" rel="external noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">TMDb</a> ID</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>imdb</code></td> <td> </td> <td><code>imdb:tt0816692</code></td> <td>films—find films by <a href="" rel="external noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">IMDb</a> ID</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>* The <code>c:</code> trigger returns results for any cast or crew role on a film, thus <code>c:greta‑gerwig</code> will return more results than <code>actor:greta‑gerwig</code> or <code>director:greta‑gerwig</code>, as Greta sometimes <a href="">performs other roles</a>.</p> <p>† Crew roles (<code>director</code>, <code>producer</code>, <code>writer</code>, etc.) follow the same format as in our website URLs for crew members.</p> <h3>Tips and tricks</h3> <p>You may combine multiple search terms to find specific results, for example:</p> <ul> <li>Include multiple films to find cast/crew that worked on the films, or lists containing all films.</li> <li>Include multiple cast/crew to find films they worked on in common.</li> <li>Include multiple favorites to find members with that combination in their profile favorites.</li> <li>Include a member and a film to find a member’s review of the film (or their lists containing the film).</li> <li>Include a member, a tag and a year range to find a member’s tagged content published within the given period.</li> </ul> <p>Results from individual triggers may be excluded by prefixing the trigger with a minus sign (<code>-</code>), e.g. <code>actor:greta‑gerwig ‑director:greta‑gerwig</code> to return films in which Greta acted but didn’t direct.</p> <p>Individual triggers may be combined using a logical <code>OR</code> to return results based on either, e.g. <code>actor:greta‑gerwig (director:greta‑gerwig OR writer:greta‑gerwig)</code> to return films in which Greta acted as well as either wrote or directed.</p> <p>Nested tags (e.g. <code>with:mom</code>) may be searched for by their base tag (in this example, <code>with:</code>) by searching for <code>tag:with</code>—this will return all reviews or lists tagged <code>with:[someone]</code>. A tag search is best paired with <code>m:[username]</code> to limit results to those from a single account.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">Notifications and newsletters</h2> <h1 id="notifications">What notifications does Letterboxd send?</h1> <p class="js-hide-in-app">You can select the following notification types (in <a href="">Settings</a> or via our <a href="">apps</a>):</p> <p class="js-show-in-app">You can select the following notification types (in the Notifications tab in Settings, available from your profile screen):</p> <ul> <li>New followers (email, push)</li> <li>New comments in subscribed threads—use the bell icon to subscribe (email, push)</li> <li>New likes for your reviews and lists (push only)</li> <li>General service and account alerts (email, push)</li> </ul> <p>Members can also subscribe to a weekly digest and/or monthly newsletter via email.</p> <p><strong>New:</strong> we’ve added watchlist notifications (email and/or push) to alert our paid members when a film that’s in their watchlist arrives on one or more of their favorite services. <a href="#watchlist-notifications">See below</a> for details.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="watchlist-notifications">Can I get notified when films in my watchlist are ready to watch?</h1> <p>Yes, <a href="">paying members</a> have the option of being notified (once per day via email and/or push notification) if a film in their watchlist arrives on one (or more) of their <a href="">favorite streaming services</a>. You must have at least one favorite service selected, and at least one relevant film in your watchlist in order to receive this type of notification.</p> <p>The notification settings are split into three tiers, based on the type of new availability: i.e. whether the film is available to buy, rent or stream. We do our best to combine push notifications into a single alert, where it makes sense (for example, when a single film arrives on multiple services).</p> <p>Watchlist alerts are powered by data from <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">JustWatch</a>, and may lag updates to its service by up to 24 hours. Because we receive updates once new films are available, we are unable to offer alerts when films are due to <em>leave</em> their respective services (we aren’t warned ahead of time for removals).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="notifications-opt-in">Why am I receiving notifications for someone else’s content?</h1> <p>When you comment on another member’s review or list, you are automatically opted in to receive push or email notifications (according to your Settings) for subsequent comments in the same thread. If you do not wish to receive comments for a particular thread, press the bell icon above the thread to mute notifications for that thread.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="undeliverable-email">Why am I not receiving Letterboxd emails, despite being subscribed?</h1> <p>There are several reasons why email might not arrive, but the most common is due to failed email authentication. Letterboxd uses technologies (including Sender Policy Framework or SPF) to ensure that only we are legitimately able to send email from the <em></em> domain. Most large email providers respect SPF headers, and refuse to deliver email that did not originate from our servers. If you have configured an address to “forward” mail on your behalf (say, from iCloud to Hotmail, or similar), the receiving party may reject the email as it has come from the forwarding party, rather than directly from Letterboxd. The solution is to change the email address on your Letterboxd profile to the final receiving address (in this example, your Hotmail account), thus avoiding the forwarding step.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">Pro and Patron subscriptions</h2> <h1 id="upgrading">Why should I upgrade my account?</h1> <p class="js-hide-in-app">Letterboxd is supported by membership fees as our chief source of income. If you enjoy using Letterboxd and want to send a little goodwill our way, this is the best way to do so. The material benefits of upgrading to Pro or Patron are <a href="/about/pro/">listed here</a>. Big kisses to all subscribers—past, present and future!</p> <p class="js-show-in-app">Letterboxd is supported by membership fees as our chief source of income. If you enjoy using Letterboxd and want to send a little goodwill our way, this is the best way to do so. The material benefits of upgrading to Pro or Patron are <a href="/about/pro-ios/">listed here</a>. Big kisses to all subscribers—past, present and future!</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="upgrade-options">How do I upgrade my account?</h1> <p class="js-hide-in-app">You can upgrade your account (or gift a subscription to another member) <a href="">on our website</a>, or upgrade your account directly in our <a href="">iOS app</a> (you’ll see a banner at the top of the first tab). All subscriptions are charged annually; there is no monthly option. There is no need to upgrade in both places; upgrading your account using either option covers you for all use of our website and apps on that account.</p> <p class="js-show-in-app">You can upgrade your account directly in our iOS app (tap the banner at the top of the first tab). All subscriptions are charged annually; there is no monthly option. Upgrading your account via iOS also covers you for all use of our website and other apps on that account.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="subscribe-to-both">Do I need to subscribe in the app and on the web?</h1> <p>No! Whether you subscribe in our iOS app or via our website, you are covered for all use of the service. There is no harm in switching payment methods at the end of your subscription period (don’t forget to turn off auto-renewal first!).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem js-hide-in-app"> <h1 id="account-renewal">Will my subscription renew automatically?</h1> <p>Yes, both our web (Paddle) and iOS subscriptions auto-renew unless cancelled prior. An email reminder will be sent shortly before the renewal date. (Our legacy non-renewing PayPal subscriptions have been phased out.)</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem js-show-in-app"> <h1 id="account-renewal-ios">Will my subscription renew automatically?</h1> <p>Yes. Upgrades purchased via the in-app purchase option in our iOS app automatically renew each year unless cancelled prior. Apple sends a reminder shortly before the renewal date.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="account-expiry">What happens when my subscription expires?</h1> <p>If your subscription expires, all stats pages disappear from your account, and you’ll lose access to any Pro- or Patron-level features that were enabled for you, such as the ability to select and filter by your favorite streaming services (including notifications when films arrive on your favorite services) or to clone lists. If you’ve used Pro- or Patron-level features during your subscription period to alter your account (for example, to change your username more frequently than once per year), these changes will remain in place, but you’ll be unable to use the features again until you renew. As a free member you’ll also see third-party advertising in our website and apps.</p> <p>If your subscription expires, and you lose your stats pages, you can restore them in full by renewing at any time—nothing is lost that can’t be restored by renewing.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem js-hide-in-app"> <h1 id="regenerate-stats">I’ve upgraded (or renewed a lapsed subscription) but my stats pages are missing. Can I get them back?</h1> <p>If your stats pages don’t auto-generate following an upgrade or renewal, try hitting ‘Save Changes’ on your <a href="">Settings</a> page to force them to regenerate—there’s no need to change any settings before doing this.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem js-hide-in-app"> <h1 id="account-payment">What payment options do you accept on the web?</h1> <p>Our web subscriptions are provided by, and they accept <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">a range of payment options</a>, including credit cards, PayPal and wire transfers.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem js-hide-in-app"> <h1 id="pro-to-patron">Can I upgrade from Pro to Patron during my subscription?</h1> <p>Yes. If you subscribe <strong>via Paddle on our website</strong>, we offer the option to upgrade on the <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Manage Subscriptions</a> screen, and tier changes are pro-rated according to the time remaining in the current period. Upgrades to higher tiers can also be <a href="#gift-subscription">given as gifts</a>. (If you wish to downgrade, you’ll need to cancel your subscription, then re-subscribe at the lower tier once the subscription ends.)</p> <p>If your subscription is <strong>via our iOS app</strong>, you can upgrade from Pro to Patron from the app’s Settings screen. Apple refunds the unused portion of your Pro fee and charges you for a full year of Patron. (You can also downgrade. There is no refund issued; Apple changes your subscription from Patron to Pro <em>the next time your subscription renews</em>.)</p> <p>If your subscription is <strong>via our Android app</strong>, you can upgrade from Pro to Patron from the app’s Settings screen. Google pro-rates the upgrade fee based on the time remaining on your subscription.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem js-show-in-app"> <h1 id="pro-to-patron-ios">Can I upgrade from Pro to Patron during my subscription?</h1> <p>Yes. For iOS subscriptions, you can upgrade from Pro to Patron from the app’s Settings screen. Apple refunds the unused portion of your Pro fee and charges you for a full year of Patron. (You can also downgrade. There is no refund issued; Apple changes your subscription from Patron to Pro <em>the next time your subscription renews</em>.)</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="transfer-subscription">Can I transfer a subscription between accounts?</h1> <p>Yes, this option is available <a href="">on our website</a>. Look for the ‘kebab’ menu (three vertical dots) to the right-hand side of your active subscription, then select the ‘Transfer Subscription’ option and follow the directions. You may not transfer a subscription to an account that already has an active subscription, and you must transfer <em>before</em> you deactivate an account. We require you to enter the password for both accounts, because this mechanism transfers the payment authority to the new account, including the ability to upgrade and/or change the stored payment details. See below for information on giving a subscription <a href="#gift-subscription">as a gift</a>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem js-hide-in-app"> <h1 id="gift-subscription">Can I gift a subscription to another member?</h1> <p>Yes, you may gift a subscription to another member as long as they don’t already have an active subscription, or they have a non-renewing subscription that is within 90 days of expiring. Gifting is now built into our subscription process, so head to our <a href="">Pro page</a>, select the ‘Give as a Gift’ option and follow the instructions to nominate a recipient and complete payment.</p> <p>When you gift a subscription, the payment authority for the subscription remains with you (meaning you can cancel or change your payment details at any time), but the member benefits are applied to another nominated account. If you gift a higher-tier (e.g. Patron) subscription to a lower-tier member (e.g. Pro) who is in the 90-day expiration window, the remaining days on their subscription are upgraded to the higher tier.</p> <p>If you’ve bought a gift subscription for another member, you can manage or cancel it from your <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">Subscriptions</a> dashboard.</p> <p>If you wish to gift a subscription to an Apple/iOS subscriber, please consider buying them an <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">App Store gift card</a>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem js-show-in-app"> <h1 id="gift-subscription-ios">Can I gift a subscription to another member?</h1> <p>If you wish to gift a subscription to an Apple/iOS subscriber, you may do so by buying them an <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">App Store gift card</a>. Please visit the About section of our website for more details on gifting options.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="upgrade-refund">If I’m not satisfied with Pro, will you refund me?</h1> <p>Yes, if you aren’t happy with your upgrade we will refund your Paddle (web) or Google payment during the first 30 days of your subscription. Please <span id="x-protectfilter-1">contact us</span><script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/if (document.getElementById('x-protectfilter-1') != null) { document.getElementById('x-protectfilter-1').innerHTML=function(e){var r='';for(var i=108;i>=0;i-=2){r+=e.charAt(i);}return r;}('\u003epax/4\u003crsjuw AtccvaHt\u003enaofcV\u003e8\"SmYojc5.Pd0xmoDb6rReAtXt0erlw@uste\u003cdTarragKp8ud:BomtylgiIaWm9\"2=Tfce@rWhs Yav\u003cV'); document.getElementById('x-protectfilter-1').removeAttribute('id'); }/*]]>*/</script> to request a refund. If your subscription is via Apple in-app purchase, you’ll need to contact Apple support as we are unable to issue refunds for Apple payments ourselves. This offer is limited to <strong>one refund per account</strong>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="hq-subscription">How do I upgrade to HQ tier?</h1> <p>HQ tier is in private beta at this time. Please <span id="x-protectfilter-2">contact us</span><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/if (document.getElementById('x-protectfilter-2') != null) { document.getElementById('x-protectfilter-2').innerHTML=function(e){var r='';for(var i=96;i>=0;i-=2){r+=e.charAt(i);}return r;}('\u003eAac/v\u003cHs\u003eua ftVc8aStYnjo5cP\u003e0\"mmDo6cR.AdXx0orbwruett\u003ctTerla@Kq8hd:BomtylgiIaWm9\"2=Tfce@rWhs Yav\u003cV'); document.getElementById('x-protectfilter-2').removeAttribute('id'); }/*]]>*/</script> for details and admission.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">Data and privacy</h2> <h1 id="content-privacy">Are my profile, reviews and lists publicly visible?</h1> <p>Yes (with the exception of any list or watchlist you’ve set as private). Since the launch of our public beta, all content (excluding private lists) is visible by any visitor to the site, and to search engines. If you would like your content hidden from search engines, please <a href="/contact/">contact support</a>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="private-accounts">Does the site have protected/private accounts?</h1> <p>Not at this time. If there’s sufficient demand, these may be added in future as a paid option.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="exporting-data">Can I get a copy of my account data?</h1> <p class="js-hide-in-app">Yes, there’s an account export option in <a href="">Settings</a> that bundles your entire account (including deleted content, and reviews for deleted films) into a single zip file of CSV documents.</p> <p class="js-show-in-app">Yes, there’s an account export option in your Settings screen on our website that bundles your entire account (including deleted content, and reviews for deleted films) into a single zip file of CSV documents.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="recover-review">You removed a film. Can I get my review back?</h1> <p class="js-hide-in-app">Yes, we include all your published and deleted reviews in our account export bundle (available in <a href="">Settings</a>). Reviews that you have deleted are included in the <code>deleted</code> folder, and reviews for deleted films are included in the main <code>reviews.csv</code> file.</p> <p class="js-show-in-app">Yes, we include all your published and deleted reviews in our account export bundle (available from your Settings screen on our website). Reviews that you have deleted are included in the <code>deleted</code> folder, and reviews for deleted films are included in the main <code>reviews.csv</code> file.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="deleted-content">What happens when I delete content from my account?</h1> <p>Deleted content appears in your <a href="/settings/data/">data export bundle</a>. Starting 1 May 2024, all deleted content will be permanently removed from our servers 30 days after it is deleted. Please <a href="/contact/">contact support</a> to recover a review or list within 30 days of deleting it.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">Importing data</h2> <h1 id="importing">Can I import films, ratings or lists from other services?</h1> <p>Yes. Importing is free for all members, and there are three ways to import:</p> <ol> <li class="js-hide-in-app">Use the ‘Import your data’ link in <a href="">Settings</a> (also available <a href="">here</a>) to import films, ratings, diary entries, reviews and more into your account using the <a href="/about/importing-data/">Letterboxd CSV format</a>. Our importer is compatible with the export format used by IMDb, and can be made to work with other export files by editing the column headers in those files to match the ones we expect.</li> <li class="js-show-in-app">Use the ‘Import your data’ link in your Settings screen on our website to import films, ratings, diary entries, reviews and more into your account using the <a href="/about/importing-data/">Letterboxd CSV format</a>. Our importer is compatible with the export format used by IMDb, and can be made to work with other export files by editing the column headers in those files to match the ones we expect.</li> <li>Import directly to a list using the above CSV approach, with support for both IMDb and Delicious Library formats (you’ll need to use their export functions first, see below).</li> <li>Import directly to your watchlist using the above CSV approach.</li> </ol> <p>When performing an import, you’ll be able to check and fix any mis-matched titles before confirming the changes, and to select relevant options depending upon import type, such as whether you’d like all imported titles to be marked as watched, or all existing titles in a list to be removed first, as part of the process.</p> <p>To export a list from IMDb, go to your <a href="" rel="external noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Lists</a> page, find and open the specific list, scroll to the bottom and click ‘Export this list’. You’ll receive a CSV file which you can import via the edit page of an existing list, or as part of <a href="">creating a new list</a>. For more information, see our <a href="/about/migrating-from-imdb/">Migrating from IMDb</a> guide.</p> <p>To export from Delicious Library (version 2 or 3), use the <em>File > Export > Export to Another Application…</em> option. Select the shelf or library to export, select the ‘XML’ output format, and click ‘Export…’ to select the output file name and location. You’ll receive an XML file which you can import via the edit page of an existing list, or when <a href="">creating a new list</a>.</p> <p>Netflix no longer provides an API to directly import your viewing history, but there are user scripts <a href="" rel="external noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">like this one</a> that could be made to work with the CSV import facility described above.</p> <p>If you use Flixster, there’s a <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank">handy guide</a> to exporting your ratings via its API.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="import-size">I can’t import very large files. Is there a size limit?</h1> <p>Yes. There is a maximum upload file size limit of 1 MB. Try breaking larger files into smaller chunks (but remember to include the header row at the top of each file).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">Film data</h2> <h1 id="film-data">Where does Letterboxd get its film data from?</h1> <p>Letterboxd sources all film-related data from <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">The Movie Database</a>, a crowd-sourced database of film-related information. Read more on our <a href="/about/film-data/">film data</a> page, and please report any duplicate or non-film content to us using the Report option on each film’s page.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="adding-films">How do I add or update a film’s details?</h1> <p>You’ll need to create an account at <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">TMDb</a>, and follow their guidelines for adding or updating film details. Changes to TMDb’s data will become visible on Letterboxd within 30 hours, or you can use the shortcut described on our <a href="/about/film-data/">film data page</a> to import brand new entries.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="release-years">Why is the release year for a film different from its release date in my country?</h1> <p>We display the earliest-known release date for each film (according to <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">TMDb</a>), including premieres and festival screenings. This is the same approach used by <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">IMDb</a>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="posters">Why does a film on TMDb have a different poster?</h1> <p>To maintain a consistent user experience, we lock the posters of popular films from being updated once they are released. If you spot a released film with an incorrect or inferior poster, please <a href="/contact/">let us know</a> and we’ll consider updating it (due to the volume of requests we are not able to respond individually to poster requests). Posters for unreleased films are updated regularly based on <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">TMDb</a> user votes.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="missing-films">I see a film entry on TMDb, why isn’t it on Letterboxd?</h1> <p>We import all non-compilation titles and <a href="/adult-titles/">some adult titles</a> from <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">TMDb</a>’s Movies section daily, and we manually add limited and miniseries from its TV section. If a film has not been imported, chances are it’s marked as ‘Video’ or is a TV entry, or it is marked as ‘Adult’ but doesn’t meet our criteria for import. The Video tag on TMDb is <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">mostly for compilations</a> (such as collections of exercise or music videos) and the Adult tag is for pornographic material. We <em>do</em> import entries marked ‘Video’ if they have a theatrical release date listed. If an entry has been miscategorized according to TMDb’s <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">guidelines</a>, change the appropriate setting at TMDb and we’ll restore the film on our next scheduled import (TMDb’s API has a six-hour cache and we import once per day, so the update process may take up to 30 hours).</p> <p>If you find a non-compilation or qualifying adult entry on TMDb that doesn’t appear on Letterboxd, please email details (including the TMDb URL) to <span id="x-protectfilter-3"></span><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/if (document.getElementById('x-protectfilter-3') != null) { document.getElementById('x-protectfilter-3').innerHTML=function(e){var r='';for(var i=118;i>=0;i-=2){r+=e.charAt(i);}return r;}('\u003eTaF/y\u003ctmoopcx.4drxjowbArcevtHt\u003eealf@Va8tSaYdj\u003e5\"Pm0omcD.6dRxAoXb0rrewtutte\u003clT@raatKa8dd:BomtylgiIaWm9\"2=Tfce@rWhs Yav\u003cV'); document.getElementById('x-protectfilter-3').removeAttribute('id'); }/*]]>*/</script> and request a manual import.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="reporting-duplicates">How do I report duplicate films in your database?</h1> <p>Duplicate film entries are sometimes created in <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">TMDb</a>, which means they end up on our service as well. If/when the duplicate is removed from TMDb, we retain it as it may have been logged or reviewed by our members. If you spot a duplicate, use the Report function on the film’s page (web and iOS app) and we’ll merge the duplicate(s) into a single entry in our database (we take care to move all member activity related to the duplicate film onto the correct entry). When reporting duplicate entries, please include the URL of the correct entry, as this speeds up the process for our moderators.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="reporting-content">Should I report non-film content?</h1> <p>Yes. Please use the Report function on a film’s page (web or iOS) to report non-film content such as returning TV series (some exceptions are listed <a href="#tv">below</a>). These will be removed at Letterboxd’s discretion. You may also use the Report function to report inappropriate content throughout the site, including reviews of trailers.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="tv">Do you support TV shows?</h1> <p>No, we do not support ‘returning’ TV shows. For historic reasons, we support a small selection of television content that was originally <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">allowed by TMDb</a> in its Movies section (limited or miniseries, TV movies) as well as some notable exceptions like <em>Black Mirror</em> episodes and shows that were initially marketed as limited series but subsequently given second seasons (like <em>Big Little Lies</em>). TMDb has since moved this content to a new TV section; as a result, some films on Letterboxd link to TV entries instead of movies (so that we continue to receive content updates).</p> <p class="js-hide-in-app">We reserve the right to remove television-related content from our service at any time. If we remove content that you have reviewed, your review will disappear from the site, but will always be available in your account export bundle in <a href="">Settings</a>.</p> <p class="js-show-in-app">We reserve the right to remove television-related content from Letterboxd at any time, without warning. If we remove content that you have reviewed, your review will disappear from the site, but will always be available in your account export bundle in your Settings screen on our website.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="ppv">What happened to the PPV and wrestling entries?</h1> <p class="js-hide-in-app">These were (mostly) removed from the site as the result of a policy change at <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">TMDb</a>. PPV and similar events are now classified as ‘Video’ content (a designation mostly used for compilations of content including music and exercise videos), and we do not import such entries. Your reviews for deleted content are included in your account export bundle (available in <a href="">Settings</a>).</p> <p class="js-show-in-app">These were (mostly) removed from the site as the result of a policy change at <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">TMDb</a>. PPV and similar events are now classified as ‘Video’ content (a designation mostly used for compilations of content including music and exercise videos), and we do not import such entries. Your reviews for deleted content are included in your account export bundle (available in your Settings screen on our website).</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">Average ratings</h2> <h1 id="average-rating">How is the average rating calculated for a film?</h1> <p>We use a weighted calculation to compute the average rating for each film, rather than using the true mean value of all the ratings cast. Only one rating is considered per member (this is the most recent rating cast by the member for the film).</p> <p>The ‘weighted’ part of the calculation refers to the mechanism we use to compute the average rating. <span>Every rating cast after a film’s release is considered, with weightings applied based on the number or ratings received for the film, and other heuristics. For example, a film with only a handful of five-star ratings has its average weighted down to account for its lower volume of ratings compared to a film with tens or hundreds of thousands of ratings. Our approach also identifies unusual patterns of rating activity, and accounts for these in the final score. We do not disclose the specifics of our approach to protect its integrity.</span></p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="ratings-patterns">What does Letterboxd do about campaigns designed to manipulate a film’s rating up or down?</h1> <p>Our weighted-average calculations are formulated to reduce the effects of unusual rating patterns, and to accurately represent the global consensus for each film. We do not disclose the specific details of this approach in order to protect its integrity, and we may make changes to the approach from time to time, to ensure its effectiveness. While you’re welcome to report a member who has, for example, cast a single five-star (or half-star) vote for a particular film as part of an online campaign, our approach is designed to ensure that such ratings have no bearing on the film’s weighted average.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">Apps and API</h2> <h1 id="api-or-apps">Do you have mobile apps or an API?</h1> <p>Yes. We have <a href="/apps/">iOS, Android and Apple TV apps</a> that offer a subset of the website’s features. We are working towards the release of a public API and if you have a specific project in mind, you may <a href="/api-beta/access/">apply for beta access</a>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="workflow">Does Letterboxd work with Apple’s Shortcuts app?</h1> <p>Yes. We support Siri Shortcuts (look in the Settings screen of our iOS app) as well as <code>x-callback-url</code> for several common actions, which means you can script our app using the Shortcuts app (previously named Workflow). See Github for <a href="" rel="external noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">documentation and sample workflows</a>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="android-connection">My Android app won’t connect or shows errors. Is there a fix?</h1> <p>If your Android app shows failure messages when you’re trying to perform actions, please try emptying the local Letterboxd app cache in Android’s Settings area. You may also need to sign out, then sign in again after emptying the cache. If this solution doesn’t remedy the issue, please try deleting and reinstalling the app from the Play Store.</p> <p>Please also note that our API authentication layer requires that your device’s time and time zone match each other. If your country or area has changed or cancelled its daylight savings approach, you’ll need to change your device time zone to that of a location with the correct time, rather than manually adjusting your device’s local time by an hour.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="android-images">Why don’t images load on my Android (or other old) device?</h1> <p>Our CDN provider requires <a href="" rel="external noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">TLS</a> 1.2 to load image assets. Some older devices (including several Android handsets) don’t support this security protocol and therefore aren’t able to load our image assets. Please contact your handset or tablet manufacturer for upgraded OS libraries that support this security protocol.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="carousel-mode">When I first opened the app, it showed me a full-screen poster view. How can I get back to that?</h1> <p>This mode is called Carousel view, and is available in our apps when viewing a list or any of the sections in the Search/Browse by tab. Depending on the view you’re in, Carousel view can be launched from an icon (it’s a ‘coverflow’-style depiction of three posters, with the center poster in front) or from the ellipsis menu if you’re on a list (as ‘View in Carousel mode’). Carousel mode can be used in conjunction with sorting and filters; for example: engage the <em>Hide watched films</em> filter to skip films you’ve already marked or logged.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h2 class="section-heading">Miscellaneous</h2> <h1 id="account-access">Someone else has access to my account. Have you been hacked?</h1> <p>No. The most common method used by an attacker to gain access to another person’s account (on any online service that supports sign-ins) is to find the account owner’s credentials in a “data leak” and use them to change the account password and/or delete the account. Data leaks can occur when an online service’s servers or datastore are compromised by an attacker, and the contents published online. The best defense against such an attack is to use unique, complex passwords for each different service you join.</p> <p>Letterboxd requires the account password for email address changes and account deactivations, among other actions. If you believe your Letterboxd account has been compromised by an attacker, please <a href="/contact/">get in touch</a> with us at your earliest convenience and we will do our best to restore access for you. (In cases where permanent deletion has been requested and actioned for a deactivated account, we are unable to restore access.)</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="embeds">Can I embed content from Letterboxd into my site?</h1> <p>We have previously conducted a pilot program where selected partners were able to show a summary of Letterboxd activity for a film on their websites. Recent changes to browser security policy have limited our ability to customize content embeds, because we can no longer determine if the visitor to the third-party website is signed in to a Letterboxd account (required to show their rating or their friends’ activity, etc). We are not accepting new content-embed partners at this time. It’s possible we might look at embeddable reviews and/or lists in the future, but this facility is not available today.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="logo-usage">Can I use your logo on my site, video or elsewhere?</h1> <p>Yes, provided you do so respectfully. You’ll find versions for download <a href="/about/brand/">here</a>.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="logo-bleeding">Why is the logo on your website bleeding?</h1> <p>What started as a Hallowe’en gag is now a permanent feature: if you browse the <a href="">Horror genre</a> on our site, or visit the profile of a <a href="">Pro</a> member that mentions <a href=""><code>#horror</code></a> in their bio, or you just <a href=""><em>live</em> horror</a>, you’ll see this effect.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="old-browsers">Why doesn’t Letterboxd support old browsers?</h1> <p>It takes time and effort to support legacy browsers, and we’d rather spend that time watching films.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="missing-feature">Letterboxd is missing a vital feature! Who should I tell?</h1> <p>Please direct your feedback <a rel="noopener" href="" target="_blank">here</a>. We are continually improving our platform and would welcome your thoughts on the service’s future direction.</p> </li> <li class="js-filter-listitem"> <h1 id="security">Where should I report a security vulnerability?</h1> <p>Please <span id="x-protectfilter-4">email us</span><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/if (document.getElementById('x-protectfilter-4') != null) { document.getElementById('x-protectfilter-4').innerHTML=function(e){var r='';for(var i=104;i>=0;i-=2){r+=e.charAt(i);}return r;}('\u003e4ar/j\u003cwsAuc vlHi\u003eaamfeV\u003e8\"SmYojc5.Pd0xmoDb6rReAtXt0erlw@uytt\u003ciTrruacKe8sd:BomtylgiIaWm9\"2=Tfce@rWhs Yav\u003cV'); document.getElementById('x-protectfilter-4').removeAttribute('id'); }/*]]>*/</script> if you have discovered a security flaw in Letterboxd.</p> </li> </ul> <script type="application/ld+json"> /* <![CDATA[ */ {"mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"What is Letterboxd?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Letterboxd is a global social network for grass-roots film discussion and discovery. Use it as a diary to record and share your opinion about films as you watch them, or just to keep track of films you\u2019ve seen in the past. Showcase your favorites on your profile page. Rate, review and tag films as you add them. Find and follow your friends to see what they\u2019re enjoying. Keep a watchlist of films you\u2019d like to see, and create lists/collections on any given topic. We\u2019ve been described as \u201clike GoodReads for movies\u201d.\r\nWe have apps for iOS, Android and Apple TV. Paying members get an ad-free experience, personalized all-time and annual stats pages, the option to select and filter by what\u2019s available on their favorite streaming services, watchlist notifications, the ability to filter activity streams by entry type and to clone other members\u2019 lists, and much more. Learn about Pro.\r\nWe have apps for iOS, Android and Apple TV. Paying members get an ad-free experience, personalized all-time and annual stats pages, the option to select and filter by what\u2019s available on their favorite streaming services, watchlist notifications, the ability to filter activity streams by entry type and to clone other members\u2019 lists, and much more. Learn about Pro.\r\nRead more about the genesis of Letterboxd and follow us on X/Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why is it called Letterboxd?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Wikipedia defines letterboxing as the practice of transferring film shot in a widescreen aspect ratio to standard-width video formats while preserving the original aspect ratio. Generally this is accomplished by adding mattes (or \u2018black bars\u2019) above and below the picture area. Letterboxd is named for our love of the widescreen format, and has nothing whatsoever to do with orienteering or that thing in Stand By Me. Here\u2019s some history."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Do I need to create an account to use this site?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No. You may freely browse all of Letterboxd without an account, but you\u2019ll need to create one if you want to log any films or otherwise participate."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I become a member?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Create an account\u2014there is no requirement to be invited by another member.\r\nCreate an account in this app or on our website\u2014there is no requirement to be invited by another member."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Does it cost to use this service?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No. Letterboxd will always remain free to use. Some features are only available by upgrading to a Pro or Patron account. See below for more details on upgrading."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Will I be paid for my reviews?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No. We don\u2019t offer payment for reviews, but we\u2019re very happy for our members to build their own paying audience via services such as Patreon."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Do you have a community policy?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. (Also, check out the full legal version.)"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I close my account?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Instructions for deactivating your Letterboxd account are here."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How should I use Letterboxd?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Short answer: however you like. We invite new members to read our Welcome page, which covers a number of common actions and helpful tips. The easiest interaction is to mark films you\u2019ve seen using the \u2018eye\u2019 icon on each poster. You can rate films and perform other actions from the Actions menu on the poster as well. Each film you mark as watched is added to your profile, allowing others to see what you\u2019ve watched, and the site to optionally hide films we know you\u2019ve seen when browsing some pages.\r\nUse the \u2018+ Log\u2019 button in the website header or the \u2018+\u2019 button in our apps to log a film, including the date you watched it and an optional review. Do this as you watch films (to populate your Diary) or to share your opinion of a film you\u2019ve seen in the past (providing a watched date is optional). When logging/reviewing a film, you can also rate and/or like it, and add tags (for the film itself or to remind you how/with whom you watched it). We provide easy tools for making and sharing lists/collections of films too."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I watch films on Letterboxd?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No, we are not a streaming service, but we do link to films on other services."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What\u2019s the difference between marking a film watched and logging it?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Marking a film as \u2018watched\u2019 (using the \u2018eye\u2019 icon on the film\u2019s poster or controls, or by rating the film if you haven\u2019t already marked it as watched) tells Letterboxd you\u2019ve seen the film at some point in the past. It\u2019s the best way to \u2018back-fill\u2019 films on the service, without having to recall exactly when you watched them. Marking films \u2018watched\u2019 adds to your overall tally of films, is useful when browsing lists (we show the percentage of each list you\u2019ve watched) and allows you to optionally hide the films you\u2019ve seen when browsing some screens.\r\nLogging a film (via the \u2018+ Log\u2019 button) allows you to record that you watched a film on a particular date. Adding films in this manner builds up your Diary (a record of when you saw each film) and the Recent Activity section of your Profile\u2014films are also marked as watched when you log them, if that flag is not already set. A minimum of ten diary entries in a given year is required to generate a Year in Review page (Pro members only), or the email summary that we send in January (to all members who choose to receive our general news emails). Most members keep an up-to-date Diary only from the time they join the platform, but it is possible to import your viewing history if you have that data from another service or spreadsheet.\r\nLogging a film (via the \u2018+ Log\u2019 button) allows you to record that you watched a film on a particular date. Adding films in this manner builds up your Diary (a record of when you saw each film) and the Recent Activity section of your Profile\u2014films are also marked as watched when you log them, if that flag is not already set. A minimum of ten diary entries in a given year is required to generate a Year in Review screen (Pro members only), or the email summary that we send in January (to all members who choose to receive our general news emails). Most members keep an up-to-date Diary only from the time they join the app, but it is possible to import your viewing history if you have that data from another service or spreadsheet."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I remove a film from my watched list?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, you can unmark a film as watched by clicking the green \u201ceye\u201d icon to toggle it off, but you\u2019ll need to remove any diary entries or reviews for the film, as well as its rating (this can be removed on the film\u2019s page)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"I\u2019ve been marking films watched instead of logging them to my Diary. How can I fix this?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You can retrospectively add diary entries for films you\u2019ve marked as watched, in order to complete your Diary. If you need the activity dates for when you marked each film, these are included in your account export bundle, which you can download in Settings. (If you\u2019d like to automate this process and you know your way around a computer, grab the relevant CSV file from the export bundle, rename the Date column to Watched Date, and then use our importer to add the diary entries to your account\u2014you\u2019ll have the chance to check them before they\u2019re finalized.)\r\nYou can retrospectively add diary entries for films you\u2019ve marked as watched, in order to complete your Diary. If you need the activity dates for when you marked each film, these are included in your account export bundle, which you can download from your Settings screen in our website. (If you\u2019d like to automate this process and you know your way around a computer, grab the relevant CSV file from the export bundle, rename the Date column to Watched Date, and then use our importer to add the diary entries to your account\u2014you\u2019ll have the chance to check them before they\u2019re finalized.)"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What\u2019s the difference between liking and rating a film?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You can \u2018like\u2019 a film any time to show you enjoyed it, which builds up your Profile and Likes pages, or rate films (via the film\u2019s page, or by logging it, or using the Actions menu on any poster) to give your friends a better idea of how much you loved (or hated) it, and they\u2019ll see this on your Ratings page and in their activity feed (if it\u2019s part of a review or diary entry). If you provide ratings for films, you can later sort films by these ratings, useful for making year-end lists. It\u2019s no problem to use both ratings and likes (or neither)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I log a film and review it later?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. You may edit a diary entry and/or add a review at any time after logging a film. Go to the diary entry (from the Diary tab in your Films section) and find the option to \u2018Add a Review\u2019. Your review will show in your followers\u2019 activity as soon as you save it (if this is the first time you\u2019ve added one), even if your followers already saw activity when you first logged the film."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"When I rate a film, do all my ratings for it change?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No. Ratings attached to previous diary entries or reviews are not updated. This allows your rating to change over time, should you log or review a film multiple times, rather than keeping the same rating for the film for all time. Note that each time you add a rating as part of a diary entry/review (or update the rating in an old diary entry/review), your \u2018default\u2019 rating for the film is updated to match."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why is my number of watched films or diary entries incorrect?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We keep temporary caches for many different types of content, including counts of films watched and logged. If one of your totals is incorrect, try saving changes to your Settings page on our website in order to reset your account caches (there is no need to change any settings).\r\nWe keep temporary caches for many different types of content, including counts of films watched and logged. If one of your totals is incorrect, try saving changes to your Settings page on our website in order to reset your account caches (there is no need to change any settings)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why does my films total differ from my diary entries total?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Your \u2018Films\u2019 total counts each film once for the period (all time or within a single year), while your \u2018Diary Entries\u2019 total counts every individual watch of a film. If you\u2019ve logged any films two or more times within the period, your Diary Entries total will exceed your Films total. (Note that a re-watch will still count towards your \u2018Films\u2019 total for the year the first time you watch it during that year, but not on subsequent views.)"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why is a particular actor missing from my most watched stats?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Some cast contributions are internally marked as \u2018cameo\u2019 roles, for instance if there is no character name associated with the role or it is listed as \u2018uncredited\u2019. These roles do not count towards \u2018Most Watched\u2019 stats. (Also known as the \u2018Stan Lee Rule\u2019.)"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can Letterboxd generate recommendations for me?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"While we view the whole of Letterboxd as one big, organic recommendation engine, we don\u2019t have a section specifically labeled as such. You can, however, use our sorting and filters to find films that may be of interest. For example, this page shows a selection of films you haven\u2019t seen, based on your watched and liked films (you\u2019ll need to use the \u2018heart\u2019 icon on a few films to get meaningful results, as this method doesn\u2019t consider your ratings). Many films also have a \u2018Similar Films\u2019 list; tapping through to see all similar films for a given title surfaces the themes and \u2018nanogenres\u2019 for that title, another great way to discover new films to watch based on your particular areas of interest."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I validate my email address?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Each time you change the email address associated with your account, we send you an email containing a link, to ensure you\u2019ve provided an address that you can receive messages to. To resend the email for a non-validated account, Save Changes on your Settings page. If you don\u2019t receive our automated emails, please check your junk/spam folder, and try adding to your email contacts to increase the likelihood of receiving them."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I validate my email address?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Each time you change the email address associated with your account, we send you an email containing a link, to ensure you\u2019ve provided an address that you can receive messages to. To resend the email for a non-validated account, Save Changes on your Settings page on our website. If you don\u2019t receive our automated emails, please check your junk/spam folder, and try adding to your email contacts to increase the likelihood of receiving them."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Does Letterboxd have two-factor authentication for increased account security?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, you may enable/disable two-factor authentication (sometimes called second-factor or 2FA) in Settings. We support time-based one-time passwords (TOTP) via authenticator or password management apps. We do not support SMS- or email-based 2FA at this time, nor do we provide backup codes\u2014if you lose access to your 2FA rolling codes, please reset your password using your email address in order to regain access to your account, or contact support if you require assistance."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I add an avatar image to my account?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You can upload your avatar via the Settings screen of our website. If you have not uploaded an avatar, but have connected your X/Twitter account, or you have a Gravatar attached to your registered Letterboxd email address, we\u2019ll use that image instead. The avatar upload screen allows you to pick which avatar you\u2019d like to use: your uploaded one, an image from X/Twitter or Gravatar, or none."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I pin content to my profile?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"If you\u2019re a Pro or Patron memberPro or Patron member, you can pin up to two reviews and two lists on your profile by tagging them as profile. Your two most recently tagged reviews and lists are prominently displayed on your profile page. (App support for pinned lists will be added in a future release.)"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I change my username?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. Free members may change their username a maximum of once per year, and ProPro subscribers (or above) may change theirs once every 30 days. Changes must be performed via the Settings screen on our website. Exceptions to this policy will be considered where privacy concerns or deadnames are involved (please contact support)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"My preferred username is showing as unavailable but there is no corresponding profile. Can I have it?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"There are a couple reasons why an unavailable username may not have a corresponding profile: we reserve some usernames for our own future possible use; and there are also a number of deactivated accounts that still have their original username attached. Please contact us to see if we can free up a name you\u2019d like to use."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Someone else has registered a username I have a trademark for. Can I have it?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Not necessarily. We have a single username space across all global territories, offered on a first-come, first-served basis. While you\u2019re welcome to send us proof of your trademark, the use of a trademark in a username doesn\u2019t always qualify as a trademark infringement in and of itself, and we aren\u2019t in a position to adjudicate in situations that require a detailed trademark analysis."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What\u2019s the easiest way to share my account with others?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Your username represents you on Letterboxd. If you give someone else your username, they can find you either via search, or by constructing a URL in the form of\r\nOn our website, there are three methods for sharing a member profile:\r\n\r\nCopy the URL from the browser\u2019s location bar\r\nFrom the options menu at the top of the profile, select Copy profile link\r\nFrom the options menu at the top of the profile, select Show QR code\r\n\r\nIn our apps, the two supported methods to share a profile are:\r\n\r\nFrom the options menu at the top of the profile, select Share → Copy Link\r\nFrom the options menu at the top of the profile, select Share → View QR Code\r\n\r\nUsing the link option copies a short URL to your clipboard (using our format), perfect for use in messaging apps or email. The QR-code option opens a new view containing a QR code that someone else can scan, perfect for in-person profile follows."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why do some member bios appear in the sidebar of their profile on your desktop website?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Bios that are 140 characters or fewer are displayed in the header of the member\u2019s desktop web profile. If a member\u2019s bio exceeds 140 characters, we shift it to the sidebar, so it can be expanded without displacing the page\u2019s main content column."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I control who comments on my content?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. By default anyone can comment on your reviews and lists, but you can update your settings to allow only people you follow to comment, or disable others from commenting at all. You can override your profile default on any individual comment thread if you wish, for example to close comments on a single review but leave others open to replies.\r\nIn addition, as a content owner you can also delete comments made by other members on your reviews and lists, and (if you need to) you can block them from commenting on your content in future."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I find films I\u2019ve logged but not rated, or other combinations?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. The following filters on our website allow members to reduce the set of films shown, both in their own profile and around the site. Use the grey \u201ceye\u201d icon at the top of a poster grid to access the Filters menu (a slash through the icon indicates that one or more filters are active). Some filters are automatically disabled when redundant; for example, you can\u2019t show or hide watched films when looking at your own list of films (by definition, the list of films on your profile is already your watched films).\r\nAccount filters\r\n\r\nShow or hide watched films\r\nShow or hide liked films\r\nShow or hide rated films\r\nShow or hide logged films\r\nShow or hide reviewed films\r\nShow films in watchlist or Hide films in watchlist\r\nShow films you own or Hide films you own (for Pro members only, learn more)\r\n\r\nContent filters\r\n\r\nShow or hide short films\r\nShow or hide TV shows\r\nHide documentaries\r\nHide unreleased titles\r\n\r\nEach link above applies the specified filter and cancels any other active filter. You can apply multiple filters by selecting them in the UI, or by chaining query parameters, as follows: ?filters=show-logged+hide-rated. (Options to show documentaries and unreleased titles are not offered as they duplicate existing views.)"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What happens when I connect my X/Twitter account?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We request read-only access to your X/Twitter account for three reasons: to fetch your avatar, to make it harder to impersonate other members, and so that we can show a list of your friends on X who also have Letterboxd accounts. We never tweet on your behalf (it\u2019s impossible with read-only access)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What happens when I connect my Facebook account?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We request read-only access to your Facebook account so that we can show a list of your Facebook friends who also have Letterboxd accounts. We never post on your behalf unless you manually share content using our Share options (see below).\r\nAs of August 2018, Facebook no longer permits external services to automatically publish content to its users\u2019 timelines. Please use the Share option on a film, review or list to publish it manually to your Facebook timeline.\r\nAs of October 2020, Facebook\u2019s permissions model has changed. Only members who have re-authenticated their Facebook account since 15 October 2020 will show in your Facebook friends list."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I connect my Netflix account?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No. Netflix closed its public API a few years back, so we removed the account connection option. See the section on importing for alternative ways to import your watch history."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I auto-publish my reviews to other sites?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You can auto-publish content from your profile\u2019s RSS feed (namely new diary entries/reviews and lists) to selected third-party services using a service such as IFTTT. IFTTT has example applets for X/Twitter, Tumblr, WordPress and others. Publishing to Facebook is no longer supported due to past policy changes."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I auto-publish Letterboxd activity to my Facebook timeline?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No. Facebook removed these permissions in August 2018 (see above). You may still post activity to your Facebook timeline manually."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What happens when I follow people?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Letterboxd works like X/Twitter: when you follow other people, you\u2019ll see the films they add or review, the stuff they like, and the comments they make on your other friends\u2019 stuff, appear in your Activity timeline and elsewhere. Members you select to follow are referred to as your \u2018friends\u2019 on the platform."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I find accounts to follow?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"In the Members section, directly from review (and other) pages, via the Following and Follower pages of other members, or by using Find Friends on X/Twitter or Facebook from your Settings page (you\u2019ll need to authorize read-only access to these services first).\r\nIn the Members section, directly from review (and other) pages, via the Following and Follower pages of other members, or by using Find Friends on X/Twitter or Facebook from your Settings page on our website (you\u2019ll need to authorize read-only access to these services first)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I block another member?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. Use the flag icon on a member\u2019s profile or comment to block or report them (in our apps, go to their profile screen and open the action sheet from the more-options icon). When you block a member, the follower relationship is terminated in both directions, comments they\u2019ve posted on your reviews and lists are hidden for everyone who visits those pages, and their avatar and content (including comments they\u2019ve posted elsewhere) is hidden for you. The blocked member is also prevented from replying to (or liking) any of your content, and you won\u2019t see activity relating to them in your feed.\r\nIf you feel that a member\u2019s content is generally inappropriate or otherwise contravenes our Community Policy, we encourage you to report the content via the flag icon, in addition to blocking them.\r\nBlocking a member does not hide your content from them, as Letterboxd does not have private accounts, which would be required to protect your content in this way."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I remove another member\u2019s comment from my content?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, you can remove individual comments made by other members on your content, or you can remove all of a member\u2019s comments by blocking them. Learn more."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Are there rules concerning what I can say?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. We have a community policy that governs all written contributions to Letterboxd. Please abide by these guidelines, and report any breaches using the flag icon on the respective content."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"My review was removed. Do I have any recourse?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"At Letterboxd, we strive to create an open, inclusive space for all film lovers, including members from communities that have too often been marginalized or been the recipients of hateful rhetoric. As a result, we moderate with that sensitivity in mind. We have zero tolerance for overt or coded hate speech, racism, white supremacy, homophobia, transphobia or any communication that intends to harm or marginalize a particular group or individual based on any protected attribute (as described here).\r\nOur moderators will remove content that appears to violate or undermine these principles. However, we also acknowledge that we are human, and that our moderation team cannot begin to grasp or encompass the full spectrum of humanity and lived experiences that comprise our wonderful community. We may misinterpret or misunderstand your intent. In our sincere desire to foster inclusiveness, we may inadvertently silence the very voices we most want to hear from.\r\nIf your content has been removed and you believe we were in error, please get in touch with all relevant details. Our support crew will let you know if specific changes might result in the reinstatement of your content. We all benefit when we have the opportunity to learn and better understand one another."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I apply formatting in my reviews?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We support a limited set of HTML tags on our website for formatting and linking to other content. These are: <strong> or <b> tags for bold text, <em> or <i> tags for italics, <a href="[URL]"> for links and <blockquote> tags for quoting others.\r\nFor all of these tags, place an opening tag (eg. <strong>) and its corresponding closing tag (eg. </strong>) on either side of the content you\u2019d like to format. For links, include the URL to link to as the href parameter, and ensure it is surrounded by straight quotes (") rather than smart or curly quotes.\r\nOur native apps provide toolbar buttons for applying formatting while editing content."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why do my reviews sometimes not appear in Activity?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"When logging diary entries for films you watched more than two weeks in the past, we show your followers a maximum of one item per hour, to prevent this activity from saturating their feeds. To avoid followers missing your updates, log watched films in a timely fashion, and add your review later\u2014your review will show in your friends\u2019 activity the first time you save the diary entry with review text."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I review a trailer?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We\u2019d prefer you didn\u2019t. Letterboxd is for reviews of films you\u2019ve seen, not those you want to see. Feel free to use the Report function (flag icon) to alert us to any trailer or other pre-release reviews, which we\u2019ll remove at our discretion."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I edit or delete my reviews (and lists)?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. There is an Edit option on each of your reviews and lists. On the web, this option appears in the actions panel on the relevant page. In edit mode, you can make changes to your content and save these to replace the previous version. Older revisions of reviews and lists are not stored when you make updates, so it is not possible to restore an older version. Edit mode also provides a Delete option to remove the review or list.\r\nIn our apps, the Edit and Delete options are in the actions menu available from the title bar of a review or list."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"I deleted a review (or list). Can I retrieve it?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. Your account export bundle includes all of your deleted content in CSV format. You can retrieve and repost (or import) deleted reviews and lists from your bundle. Starting 1 May 2024, any content you delete will remain in your bundle for 30 days following its deletion, after which time it will be permanently removed from our servers."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"You removed a film I reviewed. Is my review lost?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No. See this section for instructions on retrieving reviews for deleted films."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do tags work?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You can tag films (when reviewing and/or adding them to your diary) and curated lists. Use tags as you would on a blog or X/Twitter, to add context to your content. Tags may reflect your own genre taxonomy, an occasion or festival, where/how/with whom you saw a film, the type or style of a list, or anything else you care to use them for. Each diary entry or curated list displays its list of keyword tags, which you can use to cross-reference your own content, your friends\u2019 content, or community-wide.\r\nNested tags are supported, e.g. with:mom. If you re-use the first part of the nested tag (e.g. with:mom and with:dad), you can use our search tool to find all content tagged with:[someone] (the search string in this case would be tag:with and is best paired with m:[username] to limit results to those from a single account)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I use unicode tags?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. We support unicode characters in tags and tag URLs. If you mix unicode and latin characters in a single tag, only the latin characters will be used to generate the tag URL, which may cause multiple tags to \u2018collapse\u2019 into a single tag for purposes of aggregation."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I edit or delete tags en masse?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, paying subscribers can rename and delete tags across all of their diary entries, reviews and lists, from their main Tags page on our desktop website (app support will be added in a future update). Place your pointer over any tag to reveal the Edit and Delete icons. The Edit option lets you rename a single tag across all your tagged content, and can be used to merge two tags (by renaming one tag to the same name as another of your tags)\u2014you\u2019ll be warned if editing a tag will result in a merge, and given the option to cancel or proceed. The Delete option removes a tag from all your tagged content. There is no undo for these actions, so please be careful!"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What are lists for?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"With lists, you can collect and share groups of films (or keep private lists for yourself). All Letterboxd members have a watchlist to collect films they\u2019d like to see. Create as many curated lists as you wish, for favorite genre films, your collection of physical discs, or your favorite heist films."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What\u2019s the difference between my lists and my watchlist?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Your watchlist is where you keep track of films you\u2019d like to watch. It doesn\u2019t have an edit page, but it does have a single-click add/remove toggle on a film\u2019s page (the clock icon), and from the \u2018More Options\u2019 menu on any film poster. Films in your watchlist are automatically removed when you mark them as watched, or log, review or rate them. Just like curated lists, you can set your watchlist to be visible to others or private.\r\nWhen signed in and browsing films on the Letterboxd website (with a non-touch-based device), those that are in your watchlist show with a blue outline when your pointer is placed over the poster, as opposed to the regular green outline."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I compare my watchlist with another member\u2019s?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. Visit the other member\u2019s watchlist and filter by \u2018In your watchlist\u2019 (to show films you both want to see) or \u2018Hide watched films\u2019 (to show films you haven\u2019t seen)\u2014or both! These filters are located in the menu attached to the \u2018eye\u2019 icon above the watchlist posters (and in the filters page in our iOS app)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I work on a list without others seeing it?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. Deselect the \u2018Public\u2019 option when you first save a new list. When you\u2019re ready for others to see it, select the \u2018Public\u2019 option and save the list. Your followers will be notified that you\u2019ve published a new list if this is the first time you\u2019ve made it public."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is there a maximum list size?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No! There used to be an editing limitation of around 3,300 items when using our website, but this has been eliminated. There is a limit to the number of characters in a list title, however (256 characters, or fewer if you use unicode characters)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is there an easy way to move items in a long list (aside from dragging them)?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. When editing a list on our website, temporarily enable the Ranked List option if it\u2019s not already checked. With this option active, you can click the list position of any film, type in a new position and press Return on your keyboard. The film will move to the new position, and the remaining films in your list will be renumbered accordingly. Once the list is in your desired order, remember to disable the Ranked List option prior to saving (for lists that aren\u2019t ranked).\r\nThe list editor also offers a Sort By control that can be used to change the current order of the list prior to saving, based on metadata associated with each film (such as its title or your rating). Note: this option changes the actual order of items in the list, and does not change the default sort order for anyone viewing the list (at present there is no way to change the default viewing mode for a list).\r\nOur apps offer similar reordering options\u2014tap a row in the list while in edit mode to edit its notes and change its position in the list."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I keep track of films I own?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We support a special tag to denote digital or physical ownership of films for paid members. Tag one or more of your (public or private) lists with own or owned to indicate you own the films included in the list(s), and two new filters will appear in the Filters menu on most list or grid pages on our website, and in the Filters screen in our apps. These filters let you show or hide films you own while viewing the content in question, and can be used in conjunction with our streaming availability filters. You\u2019ll also see an indication if you own the film in the Where to Watch panel for each film on our website (we\u2019ll bring that to our apps soon)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I change a film\u2019s poster or backdrop?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, if you have a Patron (or HQ) subscription, you\u2019ll see a Change Poster\u2009/\u2009Backdrop option for each film. (Sometimes these are split into two separate options.) In our apps, they live in the film\u2019s action sheet, and on our website they\u2019re on the film\u2019s main page and also in the fly-out menu on its poster. Selecting one of these options opens a modal dialog with multiple tabs: for posters, Popular, TMDb and Posteritati, and for backdrops, Popular and All.\r\nYou may select replacement art for the film from any tab by clicking/\u200btapping the desired poster or backdrop, then saving changes. The poster you select will represent the film for your use of the platform on both app and web, as described below. The backdrop you select will represent the film on the film\u2019s main page, along with your diary entries, reviews, lists (where it is the first film) and profile (where it is the first of your four favorites), and as long as you haven\u2019t disabled backdrops on those content types in Settings. \r\nIf your subscription tier gives access to the custom-poster option, you\u2019ll see four modes available in Settings (and replicated in the Filters menu for ease of access) that govern which poster you see for each film:\r\n\r\nAny: your selection is shown unless you\u2019re viewing the profile or content of another member with a custom selection for the film, in which case their poster takes priority over yours (this is the default mode)\r\nTheirs: the profile or content owner\u2019s selection is always shown when applicable, with your selections shown otherwise\r\nYours: your selection is always shown, including on other members\u2019 content\r\nNone: the feature is disabled and our platform-default poster is always shown\r\n\r\nIf you do not have access to the custom-poster option, there are two modes that govern which poster you see for each film:\r\n\r\nEnabled: when viewing the profile or content of a member with a custom selection for the film, their poster is shown (this is the default mode)\r\nDisabled: the platform-default poster is always shown\r\n\r\nThere are no corresponding modes for backdrops; your selection does not override another member\u2019s backdrop, so you see your own choices on your content, and their choices (or the platform default) on their content.\r\nPatron/HQ members may select one poster and backdrop for each film on our platform, and change this selection as often as they wish, in addition to modifying the poster and/or backdrop on diary entries/reviews, lists and their profile. Our apps support long-pressing a backdrop to change it, for members with access to this feature. See below for notes on image sourcing.\r\nNote: some sections on our website may show an older poster selection for another member due to caching\u2014our caches are cleared in all cases within 24 hours, after which time you\u2019ll see the correct selection."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I change a poster or backdrop on a particular list or review, or on my profile, without affecting the film everywhere?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"By default, poster and backdrop changes apply platform-wide (as described above) but individual changes are possible in three scenarios: your own review (or diary entry), your own list, and your profile favorites. Look for a checkbox labeled This item only when invoking the modal dialog from these content types\u2014if this option is checked, the customization will only apply to this item. (For lists and favorites, customizing the backdrop on the first film sets it for the list or profile.)\r\nResetting the poster for a film outside of the item in question will not affect any custom selections made in other reviews, diary entries or lists. To remove an individually customized poster or backdrop, return to the relevant selection dialog and use the Reset for item button in the modal dialog (the This item only option will be checked, indicating the poster or backdrop is customized specifically for this content), then select Save for item."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I undo a custom-poster or backdrop selection?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, there is a Reset Poster or Reset Backdrop option in the selection dialog for each film, which reverts your account back to the platform-default poster or backdrop (don\u2019t forget to save your changes after invoking this option). This approach is preferred over manually selecting the platform-default poster or backdrop, as that action still counts as a customization, and your selection won\u2019t change if our default image for the film is changed in future. (In situations where our default poster or backdrop for a given film is no longer available on TMDb\u2014and is therefore not shown as an option in the selection dialog\u2014the only way to restore that selection is via the Reset Poster or Reset Backdrop option.)\r\nThe Reset Poster option does not remove cutomizations made inside individual lists (see above). To reset these selections, you must individually edit each list and remove the relevant customized poster(s)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I see all the posters and backdrops I\u2019ve customized?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We\u2019ve added Show/hide films you\u2019ve customized filters on the web and in our apps. These will be extended to support backdrops as well. Enable the Show version of the relevant filter while browsing your own watched films, or all films (from the Browse tab/main Films section) to see your full list of customizations.\r\nThe above-mentioned filter does not show films that have been individually customized within a single diary entry/review, list or profile (see above). The Change Poster\u2009/\u2009Backdrop modal dialog on our desktop website has a link to each of your lists that includes an individually customized poster for the film in question."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I upload my own poster or backdrop image to Letterboxd?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No (with one exception: HQ accounts can upload a backdrop profile image).\r\nThe poster and backdrop images offered on Letterboxd are sourced from TMDb (and Posteritati for additional posters), and there is no option to upload your own image directly to our platform. TMDb accepts user submissions, but please follow the published guidelines when uploading images, as abuse of TMDb\u2019s rules may lead to customization features being suspended on your Letterboxd account. Infringing content includes, but is not limited to, images containing: spoilers, inappropriate nudity, graphic violence, fan art and memes. TMDb submissions can take up to seven hours to appear on Letterboxd due to caching at their end."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What do the poster hover colors on your website mean?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"If you\u2019re signed in to our website, the hover color on each of our posters indicates one of three states for the film in question:\r\n\r\nWhite: you haven\u2019t watched the film\r\nGreen: you have watched the film (this state is triggered when you log, rate, mark as watched or review the film)\r\nBlue: the film is in your watchlist (this state takes precedence over the film\u2019s watched state)\r\n\r\nYou may initially see the default (white) hover state for a watched or watchlisted film if the browser hasn\u2019t received information about your watched state yet (this additional data is requested separately, once the base page is loaded). If you\u2019re not signed in, all of the hover states are green."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What advanced search options are supported?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The table below contains several text triggers that can be included in your search (separately, or in combination with other triggers or additional search terms) to produce more accurate results. See this Journal article for more details and examples.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nTrigger\r\nAliases\r\nExamples\r\nApplies to\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nfilm\r\nf\r\nfilm:interstellar\nfilm:4VZ8\nf:interstellar\nf:4VZ8\r\nreviews, lists, stories, articles\u2014include multiple films to return common cast/crew or lists that include all films\r\n\r\n\r\nmember\r\nm\r\nmember:jack\nmember:1hpZ\nm:jack\nm:1hpZ\r\nreviews, lists, stories, articles\r\n\r\n\r\ncast\r\nc*\nactor\r\ncast:margot\u2011robbie\ncast:3ZwF\nc:margot\u2011robbie\nc:3ZwF\nactor:margot\u2011robbie\nactor:3ZwF\r\nfilms\u2014include multiple cast members to return common films\r\n\r\n\r\ncrew\r\nc*\ndirector (or d)\nproducer\nwriter\ncasting\neditor\netc.\u2020\r\ncrew:greta\u2011gerwig\ncrew:1aAd\nc:greta\u2011gerwig\nc:1aAd\ndirector:greta\u2011gerwig\ndirector:1aAd\nd:greta\u2011gerwig\nd:1aAd\r\nfilms\u2014include multiple crew members to return common films\r\n\r\n\r\nyear\r\ny\r\nyear:2024\ny:2024\nyear:1970\u20111979\ny:1970\u20111979\r\nfilms, reviews, lists, stories, articles, podcast episodes\u2014include start and end years to return results published within the given period\r\n\r\n\r\ntag\r\n \r\ntag:showdown\ntag:showdown:debut\r\nreviews, lists\r\n\r\n\r\nfavorite\r\nfav\nfave\nfavourite\nfan\r\nfavorite:interstellar\nfavorite:4VZ8\nfan:interstellar\nfan:4VZ8\r\nmembers\u2014include multiple favorites to return members with those films in their four favorites\r\n\r\n\r\nboxd\r\n \r\nboxd:4VZ8\r\nall types\u2014find content by Letterboxd short code\r\n\r\n\r\ntmdb\r\n \r\ntmdb:157336\r\nfilms\u2014find films by TMDb ID\r\n\r\n\r\nimdb\r\n \r\nimdb:tt0816692\r\nfilms\u2014find films by IMDb ID\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n* The c: trigger returns results for any cast or crew role on a film, thus c:greta\u2011gerwig will return more results than actor:greta\u2011gerwig or director:greta\u2011gerwig, as Greta sometimes performs other roles.\r\n\u2020 Crew roles (director, producer, writer, etc.) follow the same format as in our website URLs for crew members.\r\nTips and tricks\r\nYou may combine multiple search terms to find specific results, for example:\r\n\r\nInclude multiple films to find cast/crew that worked on the films, or lists containing all films.\r\nInclude multiple cast/crew to find films they worked on in common.\r\nInclude multiple favorites to find members with that combination in their profile favorites.\r\nInclude a member and a film to find a member\u2019s review of the film (or their lists containing the film).\r\nInclude a member, a tag and a year range to find a member\u2019s tagged content published within the given period.\r\n\r\nResults from individual triggers may be excluded by prefixing the trigger with a minus sign (-), e.g. actor:greta\u2011gerwig \u2011director:greta\u2011gerwig to return films in which Greta acted but didn\u2019t direct.\r\nIndividual triggers may be combined using a logical OR to return results based on either, e.g. actor:greta\u2011gerwig (director:greta\u2011gerwig OR writer:greta\u2011gerwig) to return films in which Greta acted as well as either wrote or directed.\r\nNested tags (e.g. with:mom) may be searched for by their base tag (in this example, with:) by searching for tag:with\u2014this will return all reviews or lists tagged with:[someone]. A tag search is best paired with m:[username] to limit results to those from a single account."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What notifications does Letterboxd send?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You can select the following notification types (in Settings or via our apps):\r\nYou can select the following notification types (in the Notifications tab in Settings, available from your profile screen):\r\n\r\nNew followers (email, push)\r\nNew comments in subscribed threads\u2014use the bell icon to subscribe (email, push)\r\nNew likes for your reviews and lists (push only)\r\nGeneral service and account alerts (email, push)\r\n\r\nMembers can also subscribe to a weekly digest and/or monthly newsletter via email.\r\nNew: we\u2019ve added watchlist notifications (email and/or push) to alert our paid members when a film that\u2019s in their watchlist arrives on one or more of their favorite services. See below for details."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I get notified when films in my watchlist are ready to watch?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, paying members have the option of being notified (once per day via email and/or push notification) if a film in their watchlist arrives on one (or more) of their favorite streaming services. You must have at least one favorite service selected, and at least one relevant film in your watchlist in order to receive this type of notification.\r\nThe notification settings are split into three tiers, based on the type of new availability: i.e. whether the film is available to buy, rent or stream. We do our best to combine push notifications into a single alert, where it makes sense (for example, when a single film arrives on multiple services).\r\nWatchlist alerts are powered by data from JustWatch, and may lag updates to its service by up to 24 hours. Because we receive updates once new films are available, we are unable to offer alerts when films are due to leave their respective services (we aren\u2019t warned ahead of time for removals)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why am I receiving notifications for someone else\u2019s content?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"When you comment on another member\u2019s review or list, you are automatically opted in to receive push or email notifications (according to your Settings) for subsequent comments in the same thread. If you do not wish to receive comments for a particular thread, press the bell icon above the thread to mute notifications for that thread."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why am I not receiving Letterboxd emails, despite being subscribed?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"There are several reasons why email might not arrive, but the most common is due to failed email authentication. Letterboxd uses technologies (including Sender Policy Framework or SPF) to ensure that only we are legitimately able to send email from the domain. Most large email providers respect SPF headers, and refuse to deliver email that did not originate from our servers. If you have configured an address to \u201cforward\u201d mail on your behalf (say, from iCloud to Hotmail, or similar), the receiving party may reject the email as it has come from the forwarding party, rather than directly from Letterboxd. The solution is to change the email address on your Letterboxd profile to the final receiving address (in this example, your Hotmail account), thus avoiding the forwarding step."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why should I upgrade my account?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Letterboxd is supported by membership fees as our chief source of income. If you enjoy using Letterboxd and want to send a little goodwill our way, this is the best way to do so. The material benefits of upgrading to Pro or Patron are listed here. Big kisses to all subscribers\u2014past, present and future!\r\nLetterboxd is supported by membership fees as our chief source of income. If you enjoy using Letterboxd and want to send a little goodwill our way, this is the best way to do so. The material benefits of upgrading to Pro or Patron are listed here. Big kisses to all subscribers\u2014past, present and future!"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I upgrade my account?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You can upgrade your account (or gift a subscription to another member) on our website, or upgrade your account directly in our iOS app (you\u2019ll see a banner at the top of the first tab). All subscriptions are charged annually; there is no monthly option. There is no need to upgrade in both places; upgrading your account using either option covers you for all use of our website and apps on that account.\r\nYou can upgrade your account directly in our iOS app (tap the banner at the top of the first tab). All subscriptions are charged annually; there is no monthly option. Upgrading your account via iOS also covers you for all use of our website and other apps on that account."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Do I need to subscribe in the app and on the web?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No! Whether you subscribe in our iOS app or via our website, you are covered for all use of the service. There is no harm in switching payment methods at the end of your subscription period (don\u2019t forget to turn off auto-renewal first!)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Will my subscription renew automatically?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, both our web (Paddle) and iOS subscriptions auto-renew unless cancelled prior. An email reminder will be sent shortly before the renewal date. (Our legacy non-renewing PayPal subscriptions have been phased out.)"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Will my subscription renew automatically?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. Upgrades purchased via the in-app purchase option in our iOS app automatically renew each year unless cancelled prior. Apple sends a reminder shortly before the renewal date."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What happens when my subscription expires?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"If your subscription expires, all stats pages disappear from your account, and you\u2019ll lose access to any Pro- or Patron-level features that were enabled for you, such as the ability to select and filter by your favorite streaming services (including notifications when films arrive on your favorite services) or to clone lists. If you\u2019ve used Pro- or Patron-level features during your subscription period to alter your account (for example, to change your username more frequently than once per year), these changes will remain in place, but you\u2019ll be unable to use the features again until you renew. As a free member you\u2019ll also see third-party advertising in our website and apps.\r\nIf your subscription expires, and you lose your stats pages, you can restore them in full by renewing at any time\u2014nothing is lost that can\u2019t be restored by renewing."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"I\u2019ve upgraded (or renewed a lapsed subscription) but my stats pages are missing. Can I get them back?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"If your stats pages don\u2019t auto-generate following an upgrade or renewal, try hitting \u2018Save Changes\u2019 on your Settings page to force them to regenerate\u2014there\u2019s no need to change any settings before doing this."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What payment options do you accept on the web?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Our web subscriptions are provided by, and they accept a range of payment options, including credit cards, PayPal and wire transfers."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I upgrade from Pro to Patron during my subscription?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. If you subscribe via Paddle on our website, we offer the option to upgrade on the Manage Subscriptions screen, and tier changes are pro-rated according to the time remaining in the current period. Upgrades to higher tiers can also be given as gifts. (If you wish to downgrade, you\u2019ll need to cancel your subscription, then re-subscribe at the lower tier once the subscription ends.)\r\nIf your subscription is via our iOS app, you can upgrade from Pro to Patron from the app\u2019s Settings screen. Apple refunds the unused portion of your Pro fee and charges you for a full year of Patron. (You can also downgrade. There is no refund issued; Apple changes your subscription from Patron to Pro the next time your subscription renews.)\r\nIf your subscription is via our Android app, you can upgrade from Pro to Patron from the app\u2019s Settings screen. Google pro-rates the upgrade fee based on the time remaining on your subscription."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I upgrade from Pro to Patron during my subscription?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. For iOS subscriptions, you can upgrade from Pro to Patron from the app\u2019s Settings screen. Apple refunds the unused portion of your Pro fee and charges you for a full year of Patron. (You can also downgrade. There is no refund issued; Apple changes your subscription from Patron to Pro the next time your subscription renews.)"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I transfer a subscription between accounts?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, this option is available on our website. Look for the \u2018kebab\u2019 menu (three vertical dots) to the right-hand side of your active subscription, then select the \u2018Transfer Subscription\u2019 option and follow the directions. You may not transfer a subscription to an account that already has an active subscription, and you must transfer before you deactivate an account. We require you to enter the password for both accounts, because this mechanism transfers the payment authority to the new account, including the ability to upgrade and/or change the stored payment details. See below for information on giving a subscription as a gift."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I gift a subscription to another member?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, you may gift a subscription to another member as long as they don\u2019t already have an active subscription, or they have a non-renewing subscription that is within 90 days of expiring. Gifting is now built into our subscription process, so head to our Pro page, select the \u2018Give as a Gift\u2019 option and follow the instructions to nominate a recipient and complete payment.\r\nWhen you gift a subscription, the payment authority for the subscription remains with you (meaning you can cancel or change your payment details at any time), but the member benefits are applied to another nominated account. If you gift a higher-tier (e.g. Patron) subscription to a lower-tier member (e.g. Pro) who is in the 90-day expiration window, the remaining days on their subscription are upgraded to the higher tier.\r\nIf you\u2019ve bought a gift subscription for another member, you can manage or cancel it from your Subscriptions dashboard.\r\nIf you wish to gift a subscription to an Apple/iOS subscriber, please consider buying them an App Store gift card."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I gift a subscription to another member?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"If you wish to gift a subscription to an Apple/iOS subscriber, you may do so by buying them an App Store gift card. Please visit the About section of our website for more details on gifting options."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"If I\u2019m not satisfied with Pro, will you refund me?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, if you aren\u2019t happy with your upgrade we will refund your Paddle (web) or Google payment during the first 30 days of your subscription. Please contact us to request a refund. If your subscription is via Apple in-app purchase, you\u2019ll need to contact Apple support as we are unable to issue refunds for Apple payments ourselves. This offer is limited to one refund per account."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I upgrade to HQ tier?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"HQ tier is in private beta at this time. Please contact us for details and admission."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Are my profile, reviews and lists publicly visible?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes (with the exception of any list or watchlist you\u2019ve set as private). Since the launch of our public beta, all content (excluding private lists) is visible by any visitor to the site, and to search engines. If you would like your content hidden from search engines, please contact support."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Does the site have protected/private accounts?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Not at this time. If there\u2019s sufficient demand, these may be added in future as a paid option."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I get a copy of my account data?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, there\u2019s an account export option in Settings that bundles your entire account (including deleted content, and reviews for deleted films) into a single zip file of CSV documents.\r\nYes, there\u2019s an account export option in your Settings screen on our website that bundles your entire account (including deleted content, and reviews for deleted films) into a single zip file of CSV documents."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"You removed a film. Can I get my review back?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, we include all your published and deleted reviews in our account export bundle (available in Settings). Reviews that you have deleted are included in the deleted folder, and reviews for deleted films are included in the main reviews.csv file.\r\nYes, we include all your published and deleted reviews in our account export bundle (available from your Settings screen on our website). Reviews that you have deleted are included in the deleted folder, and reviews for deleted films are included in the main reviews.csv file."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What happens when I delete content from my account?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Deleted content appears in your data export bundle. Starting 1 May 2024, all deleted content will be permanently removed from our servers 30 days after it is deleted. Please contact support to recover a review or list within 30 days of deleting it."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I import films, ratings or lists from other services?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. Importing is free for all members, and there are three ways to import:\r\n\r\nUse the \u2018Import your data\u2019 link in Settings (also available here) to import films, ratings, diary entries, reviews and more into your account using the Letterboxd CSV format. Our importer is compatible with the export format used by IMDb, and can be made to work with other export files by editing the column headers in those files to match the ones we expect.\r\nUse the \u2018Import your data\u2019 link in your Settings screen on our website to import films, ratings, diary entries, reviews and more into your account using the Letterboxd CSV format. Our importer is compatible with the export format used by IMDb, and can be made to work with other export files by editing the column headers in those files to match the ones we expect.\r\nImport directly to a list using the above CSV approach, with support for both IMDb and Delicious Library formats (you\u2019ll need to use their export functions first, see below).\r\nImport directly to your watchlist using the above CSV approach.\r\n\r\nWhen performing an import, you\u2019ll be able to check and fix any mis-matched titles before confirming the changes, and to select relevant options depending upon import type, such as whether you\u2019d like all imported titles to be marked as watched, or all existing titles in a list to be removed first, as part of the process.\r\nTo export a list from IMDb, go to your Lists page, find and open the specific list, scroll to the bottom and click \u2018Export this list\u2019. You\u2019ll receive a CSV file which you can import via the edit page of an existing list, or as part of creating a new list. For more information, see our Migrating from IMDb guide.\r\nTo export from Delicious Library (version 2 or 3), use the File > Export > Export to Another Application\u2026 option. Select the shelf or library to export, select the \u2018XML\u2019 output format, and click \u2018Export\u2026\u2019 to select the output file name and location. You\u2019ll receive an XML file which you can import via the edit page of an existing list, or when creating a new list.\r\nNetflix no longer provides an API to directly import your viewing history, but there are user scripts like this one that could be made to work with the CSV import facility described above.\r\nIf you use Flixster, there\u2019s a handy guide to exporting your ratings via its API."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"I can\u2019t import very large files. Is there a size limit?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. There is a maximum upload file size limit of 1 MB. Try breaking larger files into smaller chunks (but remember to include the header row at the top of each file)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Where does Letterboxd get its film data from?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Letterboxd sources all film-related data from The Movie Database, a crowd-sourced database of film-related information. Read more on our film data page, and please report any duplicate or non-film content to us using the Report option on each film\u2019s page."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I add or update a film\u2019s details?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You\u2019ll need to create an account at TMDb, and follow their guidelines for adding or updating film details. Changes to TMDb\u2019s data will become visible on Letterboxd within 30 hours, or you can use the shortcut described on our film data page to import brand new entries."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why is the release year for a film different from its release date in my country?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We display the earliest-known release date for each film (according to TMDb), including premieres and festival screenings. This is the same approach used by IMDb."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why does a film on TMDb have a different poster?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"To maintain a consistent user experience, we lock the posters of popular films from being updated once they are released. If you spot a released film with an incorrect or inferior poster, please let us know and we\u2019ll consider updating it (due to the volume of requests we are not able to respond individually to poster requests). Posters for unreleased films are updated regularly based on TMDb user votes."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"I see a film entry on TMDb, why isn\u2019t it on Letterboxd?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We import all non-compilation titles and some adult titles from TMDb\u2019s Movies section daily, and we manually add limited and miniseries from its TV section. If a film has not been imported, chances are it\u2019s marked as \u2018Video\u2019 or is a TV entry, or it is marked as \u2018Adult\u2019 but doesn\u2019t meet our criteria for import. The Video tag on TMDb is mostly for compilations (such as collections of exercise or music videos) and the Adult tag is for pornographic material. We do import entries marked \u2018Video\u2019 if they have a theatrical release date listed. If an entry has been miscategorized according to TMDb\u2019s guidelines, change the appropriate setting at TMDb and we\u2019ll restore the film on our next scheduled import (TMDb\u2019s API has a six-hour cache and we import once per day, so the update process may take up to 30 hours).\r\nIf you find a non-compilation or qualifying adult entry on TMDb that doesn\u2019t appear on Letterboxd, please email details (including the TMDb URL) to and request a manual import."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I report duplicate films in your database?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Duplicate film entries are sometimes created in TMDb, which means they end up on our service as well. If/when the duplicate is removed from TMDb, we retain it as it may have been logged or reviewed by our members. If you spot a duplicate, use the Report function on the film\u2019s page (web and iOS app) and we\u2019ll merge the duplicate(s) into a single entry in our database (we take care to move all member activity related to the duplicate film onto the correct entry). When reporting duplicate entries, please include the URL of the correct entry, as this speeds up the process for our moderators."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Should I report non-film content?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. Please use the Report function on a film\u2019s page (web or iOS) to report non-film content such as returning TV series (some exceptions are listed below). These will be removed at Letterboxd\u2019s discretion. You may also use the Report function to report inappropriate content throughout the site, including reviews of trailers."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Do you support TV shows?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No, we do not support \u2018returning\u2019 TV shows. For historic reasons, we support a small selection of television content that was originally allowed by TMDb in its Movies section (limited or miniseries, TV movies) as well as some notable exceptions like Black Mirror episodes and shows that were initially marketed as limited series but subsequently given second seasons (like Big Little Lies). TMDb has since moved this content to a new TV section; as a result, some films on Letterboxd link to TV entries instead of movies (so that we continue to receive content updates).\r\nWe reserve the right to remove television-related content from our service at any time. If we remove content that you have reviewed, your review will disappear from the site, but will always be available in your account export bundle in Settings.\r\nWe reserve the right to remove television-related content from Letterboxd at any time, without warning. If we remove content that you have reviewed, your review will disappear from the site, but will always be available in your account export bundle in your Settings screen on our website."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What happened to the PPV and wrestling entries?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"These were (mostly) removed from the site as the result of a policy change at TMDb. PPV and similar events are now classified as \u2018Video\u2019 content (a designation mostly used for compilations of content including music and exercise videos), and we do not import such entries. Your reviews for deleted content are included in your account export bundle (available in Settings).\r\nThese were (mostly) removed from the site as the result of a policy change at TMDb. PPV and similar events are now classified as \u2018Video\u2019 content (a designation mostly used for compilations of content including music and exercise videos), and we do not import such entries. Your reviews for deleted content are included in your account export bundle (available in your Settings screen on our website)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How is the average rating calculated for a film?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We use a weighted calculation to compute the average rating for each film, rather than using the true mean value of all the ratings cast. Only one rating is considered per member (this is the most recent rating cast by the member for the film).\r\nThe \u2018weighted\u2019 part of the calculation refers to the mechanism we use to compute the average rating. Every rating cast after a film\u2019s release is considered, with weightings applied based on the number or ratings received for the film, and other heuristics. For example, a film with only a handful of five-star ratings has its average weighted down to account for its lower volume of ratings compared to a film with tens or hundreds of thousands of ratings. Our approach also identifies unusual patterns of rating activity, and accounts for these in the final score. We do not disclose the specifics of our approach to protect its integrity."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What does Letterboxd do about campaigns designed to manipulate a film\u2019s rating up or down?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Our weighted-average calculations are formulated to reduce the effects of unusual rating patterns, and to accurately represent the global consensus for each film. We do not disclose the specific details of this approach in order to protect its integrity, and we may make changes to the approach from time to time, to ensure its effectiveness. While you\u2019re welcome to report a member who has, for example, cast a single five-star (or half-star) vote for a particular film as part of an online campaign, our approach is designed to ensure that such ratings have no bearing on the film\u2019s weighted average."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Do you have mobile apps or an API?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. We have iOS, Android and Apple TV apps that offer a subset of the website\u2019s features. We are working towards the release of a public API and if you have a specific project in mind, you may apply for beta access."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Does Letterboxd work with Apple\u2019s Shortcuts app?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes. We support Siri Shortcuts (look in the Settings screen of our iOS app) as well as x-callback-url for several common actions, which means you can script our app using the Shortcuts app (previously named Workflow). See Github for documentation and sample workflows."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"My Android app won\u2019t connect or shows errors. Is there a fix?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"If your Android app shows failure messages when you\u2019re trying to perform actions, please try emptying the local Letterboxd app cache in Android\u2019s Settings area. You may also need to sign out, then sign in again after emptying the cache. If this solution doesn\u2019t remedy the issue, please try deleting and reinstalling the app from the Play Store.\r\nPlease also note that our API authentication layer requires that your device\u2019s time and time zone match each other. If your country or area has changed or cancelled its daylight savings approach, you\u2019ll need to change your device time zone to that of a location with the correct time, rather than manually adjusting your device\u2019s local time by an hour."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why don\u2019t images load on my Android (or other old) device?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Our CDN provider requires TLS 1.2 to load image assets. Some older devices (including several Android handsets) don\u2019t support this security protocol and therefore aren\u2019t able to load our image assets. Please contact your handset or tablet manufacturer for upgraded OS libraries that support this security protocol."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"When I first opened the app, it showed me a full-screen poster view. How can I get back to that?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"This mode is called Carousel view, and is available in our apps when viewing a list or any of the sections in the Search/Browse by tab. Depending on the view you\u2019re in, Carousel view can be launched from an icon (it\u2019s a \u2018coverflow\u2019-style depiction of three posters, with the center poster in front) or from the ellipsis menu if you\u2019re on a list (as \u2018View in Carousel mode\u2019). Carousel mode can be used in conjunction with sorting and filters; for example: engage the Hide watched films filter to skip films you\u2019ve already marked or logged."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Someone else has access to my account. Have you been hacked?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No. The most common method used by an attacker to gain access to another person\u2019s account (on any online service that supports sign-ins) is to find the account owner\u2019s credentials in a \u201cdata leak\u201d and use them to change the account password and/or delete the account. Data leaks can occur when an online service\u2019s servers or datastore are compromised by an attacker, and the contents published online. The best defense against such an attack is to use unique, complex passwords for each different service you join.\r\nLetterboxd requires the account password for email address changes and account deactivations, among other actions. If you believe your Letterboxd account has been compromised by an attacker, please get in touch with us at your earliest convenience and we will do our best to restore access for you. (In cases where permanent deletion has been requested and actioned for a deactivated account, we are unable to restore access.)"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I embed content from Letterboxd into my site?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"We have previously conducted a pilot program where selected partners were able to show a summary of Letterboxd activity for a film on their websites. Recent changes to browser security policy have limited our ability to customize content embeds, because we can no longer determine if the visitor to the third-party website is signed in to a Letterboxd account (required to show their rating or their friends\u2019 activity, etc). We are not accepting new content-embed partners at this time. It\u2019s possible we might look at embeddable reviews and/or lists in the future, but this facility is not available today."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I use your logo on my site, video or elsewhere?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, provided you do so respectfully. You\u2019ll find versions for download here."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why is the logo on your website bleeding?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"What started as a Hallowe\u2019en gag is now a permanent feature: if you browse the Horror genre on our site, or visit the profile of a Pro member that mentions #horror in their bio, or you just live horror, you\u2019ll see this effect."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Why doesn\u2019t Letterboxd support old browsers?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"It takes time and effort to support legacy browsers, and we\u2019d rather spend that time watching films."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Letterboxd is missing a vital feature! Who should I tell?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Please direct your feedback here. We are continually improving our platform and would welcome your thoughts on the service\u2019s future direction."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Where should I report a security vulnerability?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Please email us if you have discovered a security flaw in Letterboxd."}}],"@type":"FAQPage","@context":""} /* ]]> */ </script> </article> </div> </div> </div> <footer id="page-footer" class="page-footer js-page-footer js-hide-in-app"> <div class="content-wrap"> <nav class="footer-nav js-footer-nav"> <ul> <li><a href="/about/">About</a></li> <li class="js-hide-in-app"><a href="/pro/">Pro</a></li> <li><a href="/journal/">News</a></li> <li><a href="/apps/">Apps</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Podcast</a></li> <li><a href="/year-in-review/">Year in Review</a></li> <li><a href="/gift-guide/">Gifts</a></li> <li><a href="/welcome/">Help</a></li> <li><a href="/legal/terms-of-use/">Terms</a></li> <li><a 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