AUT - Z谩kladn铆 vyhled谩v谩n铆

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border:2.5pt double red; display:inline-block"> V pond臎l铆 28. 艡铆jna 2024 (st谩tn铆 sv谩tek) bude N谩rodn铆 knihovna 膶R uzav艡ena. </div> </div--> <!--div id="notice"> <a href="" style="color:red" target=_blank> Provoz N谩rodn铆 knihovny 膶R v prosinci 2023 </a> <br> </div--> <table style="margin-top:0" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="95%"> <tr class="text3" height="25" valign=top> <td colspan="4" align="right" nowrap> <a href="" target="_blank">Informace o N谩rodn铆ch autorit谩ch 膶R</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="text3" valign=top> <td> Z谩kladn铆 vyhled谩v谩n铆 </td> <td align=right> <!--a href=""--> <a href="">Soubor tematick媒ch autorit</a> &nbsp; </td> <td width=20% align="right" nowrap> &nbsp; <a href="">Soubor geografick媒ch autorit</a> </td> <td width=20% align="right" nowrap> &nbsp; <a href="">Soubor form谩ln铆ch autorit</a> </td> </tr> </table> <form method=get name=form1 style="margin-top:0" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="func" value="find-b"> <table style="margin-top:10" border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=3 width="95%"> <tr> <td class="td2" width="30%" nowrap>Vyberte 煤daj pro vyhled谩v谩n铆:&nbsp; </td> <td class="td2" id="small"> <!-- filename: find-code-include-aut10 --> <select name=find_code> <option value=WRD >V拧echny 煤daje</option> <option value=WAU >Jmenn谩 autorita (osoba, korporace)</option> <option value=ISN >Standardn铆 膷铆slo</option> <option value=WBD >Rok narozen铆</option> <option value=WDD >Rok 煤mrt铆</option> <option value=WBP >M铆sto narozen铆</option> <option value=WDP >M铆sto 煤mrt铆</option> <option value=WCT >Souvisej铆c铆 zem臎</option> <option value=WRP >S铆dlo korporace</option> <option value=WOP >M铆sto p暖soben铆</option> <option value=WFA >Oblast p暖sobnosti</option> <option value=WOC >Povol谩n铆</option> <option value=WAG >Souvisej铆c铆 organizace</option> <option value=WLN >Souvisej铆c铆 jazyk</option> <option value=WUT >Unifikovan媒 n谩zev</option> <option value=WSH >V臎cn谩 autorita</option> <option value=WSK >Skupina Konspektu</option> <!--option value=MDT >MDT</option--> <option value=ICA >Identifika膷n铆 膷铆slo</option> <option value=SYS >Syst茅mov茅 膷铆slo</option> </select> </td> <td class=td2 width=25% align=center rowspan=3> <input type="image" alt=" Hledej " src="" border=0> <a href="javascript:document.form1.reset();"> <img src="" border=0 alt="Zru拧it"></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="td2" nowrap>Zadejte slovo nebo slovn铆 spojen铆:&nbsp; </td> <td class="td2" id="small"> <input size=50 name="request" value=''> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=td2 nowrap> Bl铆zkost slov? </td> <td class=td2 id="small"> <input type="radio" name="adjacent" value="N" checked>Ne <input type="radio" name="adjacent" value="Y">Ano </td> </tr> </table> <img src="" border="0" alt="N谩pov臎da"> <font class="text1">P艡i vyhled谩v谩n铆 podle <i>m铆sta narozen铆, 煤mrt铆, m铆sta p暖soben铆, povol谩n铆</i> apod. (tj. podle <i>煤daj暖 z pol铆 370-377</i>) m臎jte, pros铆m, na pam臎ti, 啪e tyto 煤daje jsou uvedeny zat铆m jen asi u 50% z celkov茅ho po膷tu z谩znam暖 jmenn媒ch autorit. V媒sledky vyhled谩v谩n铆 tedy <b>mohou b媒t zav谩d臎j铆c铆</b>. </font> </form> <br> <div class="text3"> Prohl铆啪en铆 rejst艡铆k暖 </div> <form method=get name=form2 style="margin-top:0" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="func" value="scan"> <table style="margin-top:10" cellspacing=2 cellpadding=3 border=0 width=95%> <tr> <td class=td2 width=30% nowrap>Vyberte rejst艡铆k k prohl铆啪en铆:&nbsp; </td> <td class=td2> <!-- filename: scan-code-include-aut10 --> <select name=scan_code> <option value=AU >Jm茅no osobn铆</option> <option value=CP >Korporace, konference</option> <option value=ISN >Standardn铆 膷铆sla</option> <option value=UT >Unifikovan媒 n谩zev</option> <option value=SH >V臎cn茅 t茅ma</option> <option value=EN >V臎cn茅 t茅ma (angl.)</option> <option value=GE >Geografick媒 term铆n</option> <option value=CH >Chronologick媒 煤daj</option> <option value=FD >Form谩ln铆 deskriptor</option> <option value=FN >Form谩ln铆 deskriptor (angl.)</option> <option value=DC >MDT</option> <option value=SK >Skupina Konspektu</option> <option value=KS >Konspekt pro autority</option> <option value=PP >M铆sto vyd谩n铆 - star茅 tisky</option> <option value=ICA >Identifika膷n铆 膷铆slo</option> </select> </td> <td class=td2 width=25% rowspan=2 align=center> <input type="image" alt=" Hledat " src="" border=0> <a href="javascript:document.form2.reset();"> <img src="" border=0 alt="Zru拧it"></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class=td2 nowrap>Zadejte heslo k otev艡en铆 rejst艡铆ku:&nbsp; </td> <td class=td2 id="small" nowrap> <input size=50 name="scan_start" maxlength=100 value=''> &nbsp; <!--input type="checkbox" name="scan_include" value= "Y" > vyhledat slovo v heslech &nbsp;--> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <hr style="margin:20px auto 20px auto; width:85%"> <div class="text3">Nej膷ast臎j拧铆 dotazy za posledn铆 m臎s铆c:</div> <div class="cloud" style="margin-top:15"> &nbsp; <nobr><a href="谩+chemie&local_base=aut" style="font-size:130%" title="wrd=analytick谩 chemie - 12x">analytick谩 chemie</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:110%" title="wrd=astronomie - 7x">astronomie</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:80%" title="wrd=bibliografie - 5x">bibliografie</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:100%" title="wrd=botanika - 6x">botanika</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:100%" title="wrd=brno - 6x">brno</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:130%" title="wrd=cejnar jan baptista - 10x">cejnar jan baptista</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="谩-膷van膷arov谩+bo啪ena&local_base=aut" style="font-size:90%" title="wrd=cerhov谩-膷van膷arov谩 bo啪ena - 6x">cerhov谩-膷van膷arov谩 bo啪ena</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="铆n+pomuck媒+jaroslav+maria&local_base=aut" style="font-size:90%" title="wrd=cipr铆n pomuck媒 jaroslav maria - 6x">cipr铆n pomuck媒 jaroslav ...</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="艡铆novsk谩+nat谩lie&local_base=aut" style="font-size:130%" title="wau=d艡铆novsk谩 nat谩lie - 14x">d艡铆novsk谩 nat谩lie</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:120%" title="wrd=elektrochemie - 9x">elektrochemie</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:130%" title="wrd=fytoncidy - 9x">fytoncidy</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="谩ln铆+chemie&local_base=aut" style="font-size:120%" title="wrd=fyzik谩ln铆 chemie - 8x">fyzik谩ln铆 chemie</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:120%" title="wrd=fyziologie rostlin - 8x">fyziologie rostlin</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:100%" title="wrd=geologie - 7x">geologie</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:120%" title="wrd=harry potter - 9x">harry potter</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:90%" title="wrd=igor chaun - 6x">igor chaun</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="铆nova&local_base=aut" style="font-size:70%" title="wrd=jan hynek z vel铆nova - 5x">jan hynek z vel铆nova</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:140%" title="wrd=jx20100301005 - 29x">jx20100301005</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="拧ek+rosenm眉ller&local_base=aut" style="font-size:70%" title="wrd=karel franti拧ek rosenm眉ller - 5x">karel franti拧ek rosenm眉ller</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:70%" title="wrd=karel iv - 5x">karel iv</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="谩n铆&local_base=aut" style="font-size:90%" title="wrd=kmit谩n铆 - 6x">kmit谩n铆</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:110%" title="wrd=knihovny - 7x">knihovny</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="臎topsk媒+vojt臎ch&local_base=aut" style="font-size:110%" title="wrd=kon臎topsk媒 vojt臎ch - 7x">kon臎topsk媒 vojt臎ch</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="铆艡+jan+karel&local_base=aut" style="font-size:110%" title="wrd=kon铆艡 jan karel - 7x">kon铆艡 jan karel</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="谩+inventura&local_base=aut" style="font-size:70%" title="wrd=mal谩 inventura - 5x">mal谩 inventura</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:70%" title="wrd=martan pavel - 5x">martan pavel</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="铆nek+josef+karel&local_base=aut" style="font-size:90%" title="wrd=mart铆nek josef karel - 6x">mart铆nek josef karel</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:80%" title="wau=masson sylvia - 5x">masson sylvia</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:100%" title="wrd=mikrobiologie - 7x">mikrobiologie</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="拧tef谩nik&local_base=aut" style="font-size:90%" title="wrd=milan rastislav 拧tef谩nik - 6x">milan rastislav 拧tef谩nik</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:90%" title="wrd=mineralogie - 6x">mineralogie</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="臎sta&local_base=aut" style="font-size:120%" title="wrd=m臎sta - 8x">m臎sta</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="臎meck谩+literatura&local_base=aut" style="font-size:130%" title="wrd=n臎meck谩 literatura - 9x">n臎meck谩 literatura</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="谩+chemie&local_base=aut" style="font-size:100%" title="wrd=organick谩 chemie - 6x">organick谩 chemie</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="谩rovit铆&local_base=aut" style="font-size:70%" title="wrd=pakom谩rovit铆 - 5x">pakom谩rovit铆</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:80%" title="wrd=ph127820 - 5x">ph127820</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="艡ibyslav&local_base=aut" style="font-size:110%" title="wrd=p艡ibyslav - 7x">p艡ibyslav</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="铆+makedonie&local_base=aut" style="font-size:80%" title="wrd=republika severn铆 makedonie - 5x">republika severn铆 makedonie</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="拧ebek+tom谩拧&local_base=aut" style="font-size:80%" title="wrd=拧ebek tom谩拧 - 5x">拧ebek tom谩拧</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:110%" title="wrd=vliv - 7x">vliv</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="谩clav+hanka&local_base=aut" style="font-size:130%" title="wrd=v谩clav hanka - 9x">v谩clav hanka</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="啪ivot&local_base=aut" style="font-size:110%" title="wrd=啪ivot - 7x">啪ivot</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="臎d臎lstv铆&local_base=aut" style="font-size:80%" title="wrd=zem臎d臎lstv铆 - 5x">zem臎d臎lstv铆</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="" style="font-size:100%" title="wrd=zoologie - 6x">zoologie</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <nobr><a href="膷eskoslovensko&local_base=aut" style="font-size:120%" title="wrd=膷eskoslovensko - 9x">膷eskoslovensko</a></nobr> &nbsp;&nbsp; </div> <!-- filename: help-find-b --> <hr style="margin:20px auto 20px auto; width:85%"> <div class="text3"> Z谩kladn铆 n谩pov臎da k vyhled谩v谩n铆: </div> <div class="help"> <p><img src="" border="0" alt="N谩pov臎da"> Nez谩le啪铆 na tom, zda pou啪ijete velk谩 nebo mal谩 p铆smena. V souladu s 膶SN 976030 jsou za samostatn谩 pova啪ov谩na p铆smena 膷,艡,拧,啪, ostatn铆 p铆smena s diakritikou lze zapisovat i bez diakritiky (t.j. z谩pisem <em>capek</em> se vyhled谩 <em>capek</em> i <em>c谩pek</em>, ale nikoli <em>膷apek</em>). Ciz铆 啪ensk谩 p艡铆jmen铆 je t艡eba zad谩vat v p暖vodn铆 podob臎, tj. bez koncovky <em>"-ov谩"</em>. <p><img src="" border="0" alt="N谩pov臎da"> <em>V拧echny 煤daje</em> zahrnuj铆 slova z n谩zvu, jm茅na autor暖 a dal拧铆ch p暖vodc暖, m铆sto vyd谩n铆, nakladatele, rok vyd谩n铆, kl铆膷ov谩 slova (p艡edm臎t dokumentu). Slova se zapisuj铆 vedle sebe bez ohledu na druh 煤daje. Pro vyhled谩v谩n铆 podle dal拧铆ch 煤daj暖 (nap艡. ISBN / ISMN / ISSN, k贸d zem臎 vyd谩n铆, k贸d jazyka atd.) si m暖啪ete vybrat z nab铆dky v menu. <p><img src="" border="0" alt="N谩pov臎da"> Pro kr谩cen铆 (zleva i zprava) se pou啪铆v谩 znak <em>?</em> nebo <em>*</em> (nap艡. zad谩n铆m <em>geolog?</em> se vyhledaj铆 z谩znamy, kter茅 obsahuj铆 slova <em>geolog, geologie, geological, geologick媒</em> atd.). Znak <em>?</em> slou啪铆 i jako z谩stupn媒 znak, nap艡. pro nalezen铆 slov v r暖zn媒ch pravopisech (<em>pre?ident</em> vyhled谩 jak z谩znamy se slovem <em>president</em>, tak <em>prezident</em>). P艡i vyhled谩v谩n铆 je mo啪no tak茅 pou啪铆t logick茅 oper谩tory AND, OR a NOT. Ozna膷en铆m <em>Ano</em> pro <em>Bl铆zkost slov?</em> se vyhledaj铆 pouze z谩znamy, kde jsou zadan谩 slova vedle sebe v p艡铆slu拧n茅m po艡ad铆. <p><img src="" border="0" alt="N谩pov臎da"> Pro otev艡en铆 rejst艡铆ku nen铆 t艡eba zad谩vat cel谩 hesla, ale znaky pro kr谩cen铆 se nepou啪铆vaj铆. Kliknut铆m na heslo v rejst艡铆ku zobraz铆te p艡ipojen茅 z谩znamy. Kliknut铆m na <em>autoritn铆 z谩znam</em> u p艡铆slu拧n茅ho hesla zobraz铆te dal拧铆 煤daje k heslu. <p><img src="" border="0" alt="N谩pov臎da"> Pro slo啪it臎j拧铆 vyhled谩vac铆 kombinace zvolte <em>Roz拧铆艡en茅 vyhled谩v谩n铆</em> z nab铆dkov茅 li拧ty. Podrobn臎j拧铆 informace k vyhled谩v谩n铆 nab铆z铆 <a href="" target=_blank><em>N谩pov臎da</em></a> k pou啪铆v谩n铆 syst茅mu. <p><img src="" border="0" alt="N谩pov臎da"> Dotaz generovan媒 syst茅mem do adresn铆ho 艡谩dku nen铆 po ukon膷en铆 relace platn媒. Jak ulo啪it p艡铆stup do katalogu nebo konkr茅tn铆 dotaz mezi <em>Obl铆ben茅</em> v谩m porad铆 <em><a href="" target=_blank>n谩vod k vytv谩艡en铆 z谩lo啪ek</a></em>. </div> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- function get_counter() { var counter = document.createElement("img"); var doc_ref = document.referrer.replace(/\/F\/[0-9A-Z-]+/,"/F/"); counter.setAttribute("src","" + escape(doc_ref) + "&wi="+escape(window.screen.width) + "&he="+escape(window.screen.height) + "&t="+escape(document.title)); counter.setAttribute("width","1"); counter.setAttribute("height","1"); counter.setAttribute("border","0"); document.body.insertBefore(counter,document.getElementById("copyright")); } //--> </script> <noscript> <img src="" alt="TOPlist" border="0" width="1" height="1"/> </noscript> </a> <p class="copyright"> The Dewey Decimal Classification is &copy; 1996-2003. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Incorporated. 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