Refund Policy

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“us”,   “our”   or  “Company”),   a   company<br/>incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office at 1st Floor, Wework Vijay<br/>Diamond, Opp. SBI Branch, Cross Road B, Ajit Nagar, Kondivita, Andheri East, Mumbai 400093.</p><p>‍<br/>The terms and conditions as set out hereinbelow (“Terms”) constitute an agreement between the Company<br/>and any natural or legal person who browses, accesses, registers on the Platform, creates an account<br/>and/or uses the Platform in any manner, and/, or uses any current or future Service(s) (defined hereinafter)<br/> or functionality or offer made available on Platform, as updated from time to time.</p><p>‍<br/>The Platform offers accelerated learning program for freshers and experienced professionals (referred to as<br/>“you”, “your”, “User”) to upscale their practical skills via live courses available on the Platform along with<br/>aligning academic education with industry standards, providing opportunities to network with like-minded<br/>peers, access a resource library and gain career assistance (collectively, “Service(s)”).</p><p>‍<br/>By using or accessing the Platform, you signify your acceptance to be bound by these Terms and any other<br/>policies as may be updated on the Platform from time to time (collectively called as “Platform Policies”)<br/>along with any schedule(s), addendum(s), annexures(s), Statement of Work(s) (SOW), Standard Operating<br/>Process(es) (SOP), Service Order(s) as may be executed and amended from time to time, which shall<br/>constitute your binding obligations and agreement, with us (hereinafter “Agreement”). </p><p>‍<br/>If you do not agree with any of the Terms, please do not use the Platform. If you have any questions about<br/>the Terms, please contact us at. These Terms govern your use of the Platform and transaction or dealings<br/>thereon.</p><p>‍<br/>This document is an electronic record in terms of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules made<br/>thereunder as may be applicable, and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various<br/>statutes as amended by the Information Technology Act, 2000. This electronic record is generated by a<br/>computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.</p><p>‍<br/>This document is published in accordance with the provisions of Rule 3(1) of the Information Technology<br/>(Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011 that require publishing the rules and regulations, privacy policy and<br/>terms &amp; conditions for access or usage of the Platform. </p><p>‍<br/>We and you are hereinafter individually referred to as “Party” and collectively as “Parties”.</p><p>‍<br/>1. GENERAL</p><p>‍<br/>1.1 By using the Platform, you acknowledge and agree that we are not a recognized university, institute,<br/>or accredited educational institution. The Platform serves as a gateway to online learning programs<br/>and should not be considered a substitute for traditional educational establishments like schools,<br/>colleges, or universities. Subject to successful completion of a course on the Platform and basis your<br/>performance while availing the Service(s), we may offer certifications upon your course completion.</p><p>‍</p><p>1.2 You acknowledge that these certifications are granted by Fynd Academy and do not hold the same<br/>status as awards, degrees, certificates, or other recognitions provided by any other formal<br/>educational institutions.</p><p>‍<br/>1.3 The Terms specifically govern your access and use of the Service(s) offered on the Platform.</p><p>‍<br/>1.4 By accepting this Agreement, you affirm that you are 18 (Eighteen) years of age or above and are fully<br/>competent to enter into this Agreement, and to abide by and comply with this Agreement. If you are<br/>below 18 (Eighteen) years of age, it is assumed that you are using/browsing the Platform under the<br/>supervision of a parent or legal guardian and that such parent or legal guardian has read these Terms<br/>and agrees with the same. In the event we are made aware that you are under the age of 18 years<br/>and have been using/browsing the Platform without the supervision of your parent or legal guardian,<br/>then in such case, we reserve the right to deactivate such account without further notice. Further, if<br/>you are using the Platform on behalf of a company or organisation, you represent that you have<br/>authority to act on behalf of such entity, and that such entity accepts these Terms.</p><p>‍<br/>2. MODIFICATIONS</p><p>‍<br/>2.1 Please note that we reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to update or change any portion of the<br/>Terms at any time that govern your use of the Platform. Every time you wish to use our Platform,<br/>please check these Terms to ensure you understand the terms and conditions that apply at that time.<br/>Further, please note that we reserve the right to either change the format and/or the content of the<br/>Platform or suspend the operation(s) of the Platform for support or maintenance work, at any time.</p><p>‍<br/>2.2 Any changes to the Terms will be effective immediately upon posting of such updated terms at this<br/>location. We may require you to provide your consent to the updated Terms in a specified manner<br/>prior to any further use of the Platform. Further, your continued access to or use of the Platform after<br/>we post such updated Terms, constitutes your acceptance of the changes and consent to be bound<br/>by these Terms, as amended. If you do not agree to the amended Terms, you must stop accessing<br/>and using the Platform.</p><p>‍<br/>2.3 We reserve the right to deny access, at any time, including the termination of your subscription and/or<br/>revocation of your registration on the Platform and/or deletion of your account (if any), if we believe<br/>User has violated any provision of these Terms or any other Platform Policies.</p><p>‍<br/>3. REGISTRATION PROCESS</p><p>‍<br/>3.1 In order to avail the Service(s), you shall be required to register on the Platform, wherein you may be<br/>asked fill up basic information including your full name, a valid email address, phone number, course<br/>to be opted, years of experience and/or any other information as may be required, from time to time,<br/>to  avail the Service(s) (“Registration Process”). </p><p> <br/>3.2 You agree that the sole purpose of registering on or using the Platform, is to avail the Service(s) and<br/>that you shall not use the Platform in any manner whatsoever for any other purpose other than as<br/>mentioned in these Terms or for purposes which are not permitted under the applicable law.</p><p>‍<br/>3.3 You may register and create an account (“Account”) in one of the following ways:</p><p>‍<br/>3.3.1 By Signing up to the Platform: A User can create an Account on the Platform by<br/>providing basic information as may be required on the Platform viz a valid email</p><p>address, or any other information as may be indicated on the Platform from time to<br/>time. Following this, an Account with an exclusive username and password (basis your<br/>inputs) will be created on the Platform for the User; or</p><p>‍<br/>3.3.2 By using a third-party account: A User can use the login credentials of a third party<br/>account maintained by the User with a third-party service provider (illustratively,<br/>Google), in which case User will also be subject to relevant third-party terms and<br/>conditions applicable to such third-party account as may be imposed by the relevant<br/>third party service provider from time to time. It may be noted that any fraudulent<br/>activity or abuse of your Account due to login via third party account is not attributable<br/>to the Company.</p><p>‍<br/>3.4 Registration is a one-time process. Post successful completion of creation of Account, you may be<br/>provided a free access of the limited Service(s), if any, on the Platform, subject to the Terms thereof. <br/>We have the right to reject/revoke your registration, in case if any information, data, documents<br/>provided by the User is inaccurate, false, misleading, or for any reason, at the sole discretion of the<br/>Company.</p><p>‍<br/>3.5 User shall be responsible for: (a) ensuring that while , accessing the Platform and/or availing the<br/>Service(s), one complies with these Terms; and (b) any breach of these Terms by the User. .</p><p>‍<br/>3.6 You understand that it is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of the Account details<br/>provided to you and for restricting access to your computer/mobile/other similar devices to prevent<br/>unauthorized access. You shall remain solely liable for all the actions undertaken through your<br/>Account on the opted Service(s) and/or the Platform and/or while availing the Service(s).</p><p>‍<br/>3.7 You will immediately inform us of any unauthorized use of your Account or any other security breach.<br/>We, our employees, agents, directors and officers will not be liable for any loss, direct or indirect<br/>damage arising from your failure to comply with these Terms. You may be held liable for any losses<br/>incurred to us or any other user due to unauthorized use of their login credentials of your Account by<br/>you. We reserve the right to refuse access to the Platform, deactivate accounts, revoke your<br/>registration and or remove or edit Content (defined hereinafter) on the Platform, at any time without<br/>notice to you.</p><p>‍<br/>3.8 Your usage of the Service(s) may be monitored by us through our computer resources or systems.</p><p>‍<br/>3.9 If you are signing up on the Platform on behalf of your company or organization or employer, then<br/>such company/organization/employer shall be deemed to be the User. You represent and warrant<br/>that you have the authority to bind such company/organization/employer to these Terms.</p><p>‍<br/>4. FEES &amp; PAYMENT TERMS</p><p>‍<br/>4.1 The Company may charge its Users for the Service(s) availed by the User on the Platform (“Fees”).<br/>Fees for the Service(s) shall be provided/updated on the Platform. We reserve the right to introduce<br/>any new Service(s) and/or plans, including any free, premium or paid services or modify or<br/>discontinue any existing Service(s) provided on the Platform.</p><p>‍</p><p>4.2 You may pay the Fees by using the methods of payments as available, published and updated on the<br/>Platform, from time to time. Fees will be regarded as paid only after your payment has been<br/>confirmed. The Service(s) will be available to you after you have paid the Fees.</p><p>‍<br/>4.3 Payments will be inclusive of applicable taxes. You will pay all Fees and applicable taxes in a timely<br/>manner in order to avail the Service(s) on the Platform.</p><p>‍<br/>4.4 While availing any of the payment method/s available on the Platform, we will not be responsible or<br/>assume any liability, whatsoever in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly to you<br/>due to:</p><p>‍<br/>i. Lack of authorization for any transaction;</p><p>‍<br/>ii. Exceeding the preset limit mutually agreed by you and between you and the bank;</p><p>‍<br/>iii. Any payment issues arising out of the transaction; or</p><p>‍<br/>iv. Decline of transaction for any other reason.</p><p>‍<br/>4.5 You acknowledge and agree that you shall not use the details of credit card/debit card/net-banking or<br/>any other payment instrument which is not lawfully owned by you.</p><p>‍<br/>5. REFUND POLICY</p><p>‍<br/>5.1 The Company provides a 100% “No-Questions-Asked” refund for the Service(s) opted and paid by the User, subject to receipt of refund request from the User within 2 (two) days post the 1st class/lecture conducted by the Company (“<strong>Refund Window</strong>”). Upon expiration of the Refund Window, the Fees shall be non-refundable.</p><p>‍</p><p>‍<br/>5.2 A request for refund shall be raised during the Refund Window period at </p><p>‍<br/>5.3 The accepted refund request shall be processed within a period of 30 (thirty) working days following<br/>the date of acceptance of such refund request by the Company.</p><p>‍<br/>6. TAX COMPLIANCES</p><p>‍<br/>6.1 Domestic Transactions/Sales: In case of Service(s) being provided within the territories of India,<br/>then Goods and Service Tax (GST) at the applicable rate under the prevailing GST Act shall be<br/>levied.</p><p>‍<br/>6.2 Export Transactions/Sales:  In case of Service(s) being availed in jurisdiction outside India, the<br/>Service(s) shall be classified as “Zero-Rated” Service(s), as stipulated under section 16(1) of the<br/>Integrated Goods and Service Tax Act 2017. This categorization implies that when a User avails the<br/>Service(s) in jurisdiction outside India, the Company is not liable to pay any taxes for it.</p><p>‍<br/>7. TERM </p><p>‍<br/>7.1 Term: The Term of this Agreement shall come into force and effect from the date you complete your<br/>Registration Process on the Platform and shall continue unless otherwise terminated by either or both<br/>Parties in accordance with Clause 8 (Breach and Termination). </p><p>‍</p><p>7.2 Notwithstanding anything contained under Clause 5 (Refund Policy) of the Terms, You may cancel<br/>your   Service(s),   and/or   terminate   this   Agreement   at   any   time,   by   contacting   us   at<br/> and then following the specific instructions indicated to you by us.</p><p>‍<br/>8. BREACH AND TERMINATION</p><p>‍<br/>8.1 Without limiting other remedies that the Company may pursue, the Company may at its sole<br/>discretion take such action as it deems fit, limit your activity on the Platform, immediately remove your<br/>information,   forthwith   temporarily/indefinitely   suspend   or   terminate   or   block   your   Account,<br/>reject/revoke your registration on the Platform, and/or refuse to provide you with access to the<br/>Platform or initiate any legal action it may deem fit, particularly in the event:</p><p>‍<br/>8.1.1 Any material breach omission, non-performance, violation of these Terms or the documents<br/>and/or any Platform Policies by you and have failed to remedy the same within a period of 7<br/>(seven) days from the date of receipt of a notice of breach from us; </p><p>‍<br/>8.1.2 Misuse the Account provided by the Company to you, if any; </p><p>‍<br/>8.1.3 The Company is unable to verify or authenticate any information including KYC details,<br/>provided by you; </p><p>‍<br/>8.1.4 The Company believes that your actions may cause legal liability to the Company, other users<br/>or yourself; and</p><p>‍<br/>8.1.5 the Company suspects that you (by conviction, settlement, insurance or escrow investigation,<br/>or otherwise) have engaged in fraudulent or criminal activity in connection with the use of the<br/>Service(s). </p><p>‍<br/>8.2 You understand and acknowledge that, in case you opt in for any third party service(s) on or through<br/>the Platform; then you shall be additionally governed by the terms of such third party, for the<br/>service(s) you have opted for. You further acknowledge that in case the agreement or understanding<br/>between Company and such third party is terminated due to any reason, then your service(s) with<br/>such third party shall also be terminated immediately.</p><p>‍<br/>8.3 In case your access or use of the Service(s) is terminated for any of the reasons mentioned<br/>hereinabove, Company and its personnel shall not be liable for any damages, losses, direct, indirect,<br/>immediate or remote, interests or claims that may occur to you or to any third party.</p><p>‍<br/>8.4 You agree and acknowledge that we, in our sole discretion, without prior notification or intimation,<br/>may terminate your access, to all or part of the Platform including Platform’s Content (defined<br/>hereinafter), or cease to provide accessibility to the Platform, for reasons including but not limited to:</p><p>‍<br/>i. In response to the requests of law enforcement agencies or other government institutions;</p><p>‍<br/>ii. In response to your own request;</p><p>‍<br/>iii. Unforeseeable technical issues;</p><p>‍<br/>iv. Occurrence of an event outside our control.</p><p>‍<br/>8.5 No actions, omissions or decisions taken by the Company shall waive any rights or claims that the<br/>Company may have against you. Once your registration for any Service(s) on the Platform has been<br/>suspended or blocked, you may not register or attempt to re-register on the Platform or use the<br/>Platform in any manner whatsoever. Notwithstanding the above, if you breach the Terms or the<br/>Platform   Policies   or   other   guidelines   incorporated   therein   by   reference   or   any   other<br/>agreements/additional terms entered into by the Company and you in addition to these Terms, the</p><p>Company reserves the right to take strict legal action including but not limited to referral to the<br/>appropriate police or other authorities for initiating criminal or civil or other proceedings against you.</p><p>‍<br/>8.6 All your obligations and liabilities incurred prior to the termination date shall survive the termination of<br/>this Agreement for all purposes.</p><p>‍<br/>8.7 Consequences of Termination. Upon such termination of this Agreement by either Party for any<br/>reason:</p><p>‍<br/>i. We shall revoke /discontinue our Service(s) on the Platform for you and/or revoke your registration<br/>or Account in order to stop further usage of Service(s) on the Platform;</p><p>‍<br/>ii. We shall enforce that you cease to use and return any/all intellectual property, confidential<br/>information (if any) that belongs to us;</p><p>‍<br/>iii. Both Parties will be regarded as discharged from any further obligations upon expiry of date of<br/>termination under his Agreement; and</p><p>‍<br/>iv. Unless otherwise provided in these Terms, you will not be entitled to any refunds of any Fees, pro<br/>rata or otherwise.</p><p>‍<br/>9. COMMUNICATION AND UNSUBSCRIPTION</p><p>‍<br/>9.1 By accepting these Terms, you also accept to receive news, updates, offers/ campaign related SMS<br/>and emails to the mobile phone number and primary email address provided by you. By accessing<br/>and using the  Platform and/ or verifying your contact number / primary email address with us; by<br/>accepting these Terms; by accepting or receiving and not unsubscribing expressly on the consent  a<br/>vailed by us from you via SMS, email-s, voice calls, IVR (Interactive Voice Response) or any other<br/>modes and methods of communication, you explicitly consent to receive such communications<br/>(through call, SMS, email or other digital and electronic means) from us and/or our authorized<br/>representatives regarding any new services or offerings, even if your contact number is registered<br/>under the DND/NCPR list under the Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference<br/>Regulations, 2018.</p><p>‍<br/>9.2 The effectiveness, clarity, and timeliness of communications are influenced by multiple factors.<br/>Company assumes no responsibility for non-delivery, delayed delivery, or any distortion of<br/>communication in any manner whatsoever.</p><p>‍<br/>9.3 You can unsubscribe/ opt-out from receiving marketing/ promotional communications, newsletters<br/>and   other   notifications   from   us   at   any   time   by   following   the   instructions   set   out   in   such<br/>communications or writing to us on</p><p>‍<br/>10. USER OBLIGATIONS</p><p>‍<br/>10.1 You agree to provide true, accurate, up to date and complete information at the time of Registration<br/>Process while registering for any Service(s) on the Platform or for any other purpose when prompted<br/>or requested to do so on the Platform including any documents that might be required for verification<br/>purpose.</p><p>‍<br/>10.2 For availing the Service(s), you may be required to use certain devices, software, and data<br/>connections, which we otherwise do not supply. You are responsible for all carrier data plan and other<br/>fees and taxes associated with your use of the Platform and/or Service(s). </p><p>‍</p><p>10.3 You are prohibited from misrepresenting your identity and agree not to represent yourself as another<br/>user or login / register using the identity of any other person. You are responsible to maintain and<br/>promptly update the information provided while signing up or verifying or for any other purpose on the<br/>Platform to ensure that the information provided by you is true, accurate, current, complete and not<br/>misleading, at all times. We shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever, for the authenticity of<br/>the personal information or sensitive personal data or information supplied by you to us or to any<br/>other person acting on behalf of / representing your company or organisation or employer.</p><p>‍<br/>10.4 You may not use the Platform for any illegal or unauthorized purpose or in violation of any applicable<br/>laws. You ensure that you will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in your use of the<br/>Platform and your performance of obligations under this Terms.</p><p>‍<br/>10.5 You shall not share any information, including personal details such as your address, your financial<br/>information or other details to any other user and/or to the tutors, trainers, mentors etc engaged by the<br/>Company to provide you the Service(s). The Company shall not be liable for any disputes, claims,<br/>losses, injuries, or damage of any kind that may arise out of or relate to the conduct of any such tutors,<br/>trainers, mentors or Users, post your sharing of any information enumerated above.</p><p>‍<br/>10.6 You shall not abuse or misuse the Platform or engage in any activity which violates these Terms. In<br/>any such case, Company may revoke your registration and/or suspend your account (if any) or<br/>permanently debar you from accessing the Platform.</p><p>‍<br/>10.7 You confirm that these Terms hereunder will not conflict with, result in a breach of or constitute a<br/>default (or any event that, with notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute a default) or result in<br/>the acceleration of any obligation under any of the terms, conditions or provisions of any other<br/>agreement or instrument to which you are a party or by which you are bound or to which any of your<br/>property or assets are subject, conflict with or violate any of the provisions of its charter documents, or<br/>violate any statute or any order, rule or regulation of any authority that would materially and adversely<br/>affect the performance of your obligations hereunder. You have obtained all consent, approval,<br/>authorization of authority required for the execution, delivery and performance of your respective<br/>obligations hereunder. If the Company suffers any loss or damages or a claim is made by any person<br/>against the Company or on the Platform, as a result of a breach or default or contravention on your<br/>part of these Terms, you agree to forthwith upon delivery of notice by the Company, make good such<br/>losses or damages or claim amounts suffered by the Company.</p><p>‍<br/>10.8 You confirm that there is no action, suit or proceeding pending against you or to your knowledge,<br/>threatened in any court or by or before any other authority which would prohibit your entering into or<br/>performing obligations as per these Terms.</p><p>‍<br/>10.9 We authorize you to view and access the Platform solely for personal use and in accordance with the<br/>Terms provided under this Agreement and refrain from any actions that endanger the functionality or<br/>operation of the Platform. The Platform is in no way meant for your commercial use. In particular, the<br/>User is prohibited from carrying out any actions that scan or test weak points of the Platform,<br/>Service(s), software, bypass security systems or access systems of the software or integrate<br/>malware into the Platform.</p><p>‍<br/>10.10 When you use the Platform, you agree that you are involved in the transmission of sensitive and<br/>personal information including but not limited to Information (collectively &quot;SPI&quot;) which falls within the</p><p>ambit of the Information Technology (Reasonable Security practices and procedures and sensitive<br/>personal data or information) Rules, 2011. However, you acknowledge that Company will not be<br/>liable for any disclosure of your SPI as a result of an error in transmission or unauthorized actions of<br/>third parties.</p><p>‍<br/>10.11 You understand that the Company reserves the right to discontinue any old/outdated feature(s)<br/>and/or introduce/add any new feature(s) on the Platform in order to improve the provision of<br/>Service(s) on the Platform. </p><p>‍<br/>10.12 You agree not to work around, bypass, or circumvent any of the technical limitations of the Platform,<br/>including using any tool to enable features or functionalities that are otherwise disabled on the<br/>Platform and/or in the Service(s), or decompile, disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer the<br/>Platform.</p><p>‍<br/>10.13 You represent and warrants that you are not subject to sanctions or otherwise designated on any list<br/>of prohibited or restricted parties or owned or controlled by such a party, including but not limited to<br/>the lists maintained by the United Nations Security Council, the US Government (e.g., the US<br/>Department of Treasury&#x27;s Specially Designated Nationals list and Foreign Sanctions Evaders list and<br/>the US Department of Commerce’s Entity List), the European Union or its member states, or other<br/>applicable government authority. It is essential that you strictly comply with all relevant trade laws,<br/>export control laws. Any use of our Service(s) for purposes that contravene the stipulations of<br/>pertinent trade laws is expressly forbidden. Additionally, your User Content should refrain from<br/>including material or information that necessitates a government license for release or export.</p><p>‍<br/>11. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES, INACCURACIES OR ERRORS</p><p>‍<br/>11.1 We will try to ensure that all information and recommendations, whether in relation to the Service(s),<br/>offerings or otherwise (hereinafter “Information”) is correct at the time of inclusion on the Platform.<br/>We do not guarantee the accuracy of the Information. We make no representations or warranties as<br/>to the completeness or accuracy of Information.</p><p>‍<br/>11.2 You agree that Information is being supplied to you on the condition that you will make your own<br/>determination as to the suitability of such Information for your purpose prior to use or in connection<br/>with the making of any decision. No Information on the Platform shall constitute an invitation to invest<br/>in us or any affiliates. Any use of this Platform or the Information is at your own risk. Neither we, our<br/>affiliates, nor their officers, employees or agents shall be liable for any loss, damage or expense<br/>arising out of any access to, use of, or reliance upon, this Platform, the Information, or any third-party<br/>website linked to this Platform. We are not responsible for the content of any third-party sites and do<br/>not make any representations regarding the content or accuracy of material on such sites. If you<br/>decide to access links of any third-party platforms, you are doing so entirely at your own risk and<br/>expense.</p><p>‍<br/>11.3 As means to assist the Users in identifying the Service(s) of their choice, we may provide visual<br/>representations on the Platform including graphics, illustrations, photographs, images, videos,<br/>charts, screenshots, info graphics and other visual aids. While reasonable efforts are made to provide<br/>accurate visual representation, we disclaim any guarantee or warranty of exactness of such visual<br/>representation or description of the Service(s), with the actual Service(s) ultimately delivered to<br/>Users. The appearance of the Service(s) when delivered may vary for various reasons.</p><p>‍</p><p>11.4 Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a recommendation to use any service, process,<br/>equipment, or formulation, in conflict with any patent, or otherwise and we make no representation or<br/>warranty, express or implied that, the use thereof will not infringe any patent, or otherwise.</p><p>‍<br/>11.5 We do not covenant or provide any representations and warranties:</p><p>‍<br/>i. in respect of quality, suitability, accuracy, reliability, performance, safety, merchantability, fitness<br/>of the Service(s) for a particular purpose/consumption by the User;</p><p>‍<br/>ii. that the Service(s) will be always made available; and</p><p>‍<br/>iii. that the operation of Platform, including the functions contained in any Content, information and<br/>materials on Platform or any third-party sites or services linked to Platform will be uninterrupted,<br/>or that the defects will be rectified, or that Platform or the servers that make such content,<br/>information and materials available are free of viruses or other harmful components.</p><p>‍<br/>11.6 THE   PLATFORM   AND   THE   SERVICE(S)   ARE   PROVIDED   TO   YOU   ON   AN   “AS   IS”   AND<br/>“WHERE-IS”   BASIS,   WITHOUT   ANY   REPRESENTATIONS   OR   WARRANTIES.   WE,   FOR<br/>OURSELVES AND ANY THIRD-PARTY PROVIDING MATERIALS, SERVICE(S), OR CONTENT<br/>TO THE WEBSITE(S), MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS,<br/>IMPLIED,   STATUTORY   OR   OTHERWISE   OF   MERCHANTABILITY,   FITNESS   FOR   A<br/>PARTICULAR   PURPOSE,   OR   NON-INFRINGEMENT   OF   THIRD-PARTY   RIGHTS,   WITH<br/>RESPECT TO THE PLATFORM, THE INFORMATION OR ANY PRODUCTS OR SERVICE(S) TO<br/>WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. WE WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD<br/>PARTY FOR ANY, DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, DIRECT,<br/>INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, ARISING FROM OR<br/>CONNECTED WITH THE PLATFORM, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, YOUR USE OF THIS<br/>PLATFORM OR YOUR INABILITY TO USE THE PLATFORM AND/OR SERVICE(S), EVEN IF WE<br/>HAVE PREVIOUSLY BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.</p><p>‍<br/>11.7 Disclaimer: To the extent permitted by applicable law, we, our officers, agents, employees, and<br/>directors, disclaim any liability against any loss, damage, expenses, liabilities, claim, injury caused<br/>due to the failure of performance, omission, defect of Service(s), or deletion, interruption, error, delay,<br/>virus, communication, unauthorized access, theft, destruction, alteration or use of records on the<br/>Platform. We are not responsible for any of your tax obligations or liabilities related to the use of the<br/>Platform. </p><p>‍<br/>12. AVAILABILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY OF PLATFORM</p><p>‍<br/>12.1 We control and operate this Platform from India and make no representation that the materials and<br/>the content available on the Platform are appropriate to be used or will be available for use in other<br/>locations outside India. If you use this Platform from outside India, you are entirely responsible for<br/>compliance with all applicable local laws. These Terms do not constitute, nor may these Terms be<br/>used for or in connection with any promotional activities or solicitation by anyone in any jurisdiction in<br/>which such promotional activities or solicitation are not authorized or to any person to whom it is<br/>unlawful to promote or solicit.</p><p>‍<br/>12.2 We have several websites offering products, service(s), content, and various other functionalities to<br/>specific regions worldwide. The Service(s) offered in one region may differ from those in other regions</p><p>due to availability, local or regional laws, shipment, and other considerations. We do not make any<br/>warranty or representation that a User in one region may obtain the Service(s) from our site in another<br/>region and we may cancel a User&#x27;s order or redirect a User to the site for that User&#x27;s region if a User<br/>attempts to order Service(s) offered on a site in another region.</p><p>‍<br/>12.3 Information that we publish on the World Wide Web may contain references or cross references to<br/>our products, programs and Service(s) that are not announced or available in your country. Such<br/>references do not imply that we intend to announce such products, programs, or Service(s) in your<br/>country.</p><p>‍<br/>12.4 We have a strong notice and takedown mechanism in place in case it is brought to our knowledge that<br/>the Platform is being misused for any illegal or fraudulent activity by any User. We reserve the right to<br/>initiate legal proceedings against such persons for fraudulent use of the Platform and any other<br/>unlawful acts or omissions in breach of these terms and conditions. In the event of detection of any<br/>fraudulent or declined transaction, prior to initiation of legal actions, we reserve the right to<br/>immediately delete such an account and dishonor all past and pending orders without any liability. For<br/>the purpose of this clause, we shall owe no liability for any refunds.</p><p>‍<br/>12.5 We frequently monitor the activity on the Platform in order to avoid fraudulent accounts and<br/>transactions. We reserve the right to initiate legal proceedings against such persons for fraudulent<br/>use of the Platform and any other unlawful acts or omissions in breach of these terms and conditions.<br/>In the event of detection of any fraudulent transaction, prior to initiation of legal actions, we reserve<br/>the right to immediately delete your account, revoke your access on the Platform and/or cancel your<br/>registration for any Service(s) availed.</p><p>‍<br/>13. THIRD PARTY INTERACTION AND LINKS TO THIRD PARTY SITES</p><p>‍<br/>13.1 In your use of the Platform, you may enter into correspondence with, any third-party service providers<br/>or purchase any goods and/or service(s) from or participate in promotions of advertisers or members<br/>or sponsors of Platform or access any other third-party website linked to the Platform. Unless<br/>otherwise stated, any such correspondence, advertisement, purchase or promotion, including the<br/>delivery of and the payment for goods and/or service(s), and any other term, condition, warranty or<br/>representation associated with such correspondence, purchase or promotion, is solely between you<br/>and the applicable third-party service providers. You agree that we have no liability, obligation or<br/>responsibility for any such correspondence, purchase or promotion, access or usage of any third-<br/>party website and the contract under such instances remains between you and any such third party.</p><p>‍<br/>13.2 You agree and understand that the Platform is mere a facilitator in providing you to collaborate,<br/>transfer, centralize and/or automate your workflow across different platform(s). We are not<br/>responsible to collect, store, gather, process etc any data that you provide on the Platform. You<br/>understand that the Platform provides a software solution for any User to export data/information etc<br/>to certain third-party platform(s), that are made available on the Platform. </p><p>‍<br/>14. COPYRIGHTS IN CONTENT</p><p>‍</p><p>14.1 The Platform may contain and provide you material, including text, study materials and/or any other<br/>learning resources, video recordings, knowledge base, discussion forum, quizzes, graphics and<br/>sound, which is protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights (“Content”). All<br/>copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Content are either owned by us or have been<br/>licensed to us by the owner(s) of those rights so that we can use the Content as part of Service(s). All<br/>Information, including text, graphics and sound and all trademarks displayed on the Platform are<br/>either owned by or licensed to us.</p><p>‍<br/>14.2 You may print off one copy, and may download extracts, of any page(s) from the Platform for your<br/>personal reference and you may draw the attention of others within your organization to material<br/>available on the Platform.</p><p>‍<br/>14.3 You must not modify the paper or digital copies of any materials you have printed off or downloaded in<br/>any way, and you must not use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences or any<br/>graphics separately from any accompanying text.</p><p>‍<br/>14.4 You must not use any part of the Content on the Platform for commercial purposes without obtaining<br/>a license to do so from us or our licensors.</p><p>‍<br/>14.5 You may use and display the Content on your personal computer for your internal business use<br/>subject to the grant of a limited, revocable, personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable license to<br/>you by us. </p><p>‍<br/>14.6 You may not: (a) copy (whether by printing off onto paper, storing on disk, downloading or in any other<br/>way), distribute (including distributing copies), download, display, perform, reproduce, distribute,<br/>modify, edit, alter, enhance, broadcast or tamper within any way or otherwise use any Content<br/>contained on the Platform, except as set out in these Terms. These restrictions apply in relation to all<br/>or part of the Content available on the Platform You will not (a) copy and distribute the Information on<br/>any other server, or modify or re-use text or graphics on this system or another system; (b) reproduce<br/>any part of the Content or sell or distribute the same for commercial gain nor shall it be modified or<br/>incorporated in any other work, publication or web site, whether in hard copy or electronic format,<br/>including postings to any other web site; (c) remove any copyright, trademark or other intellectual<br/>property notices contained in the original material from any material copied or printed off from the<br/>Content or Platform; or (d) link any other material to the Content displayed on the Platform, without<br/>our express written consent.</p><p>‍<br/>14.7 The license granted to you does not include a license for: (a) resale of Service(s) or use of the<br/>Platform or Content other than as specified or provided under this Terms, (b) use of Service(s) in any<br/>derogatory or in violation of any laws, (c) any use of Platform, the Service(s) and/or of Content other<br/>than as contemplated in these Terms, and (d) any downloading or copying of login credentials of<br/>User, (e) any use of data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools to extract<br/>(whether once or many times) any parts of our Content<br/>‍<br/>14.8 If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been used in a way that raises concerns of<br/>infringement, please write to us at<br/> <br/>15. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS</p><p>‍</p><p>15.1 Each Party shall, solely and exclusively own worldwide, in perpetuity, including renewal and<br/>extension periods, their respective intellectual property and nothing in these Terms shall be<br/>construed as conferring ownership of the intellectual property rights to other Party in any manner<br/>whatsoever.</p><p>‍<br/>15.2 Notwithstanding anything contained in these Terms, the intellectual property rights in any software,<br/>including   routines,   data   structures,   protocols,   programs,   templates,   interfaces,   application<br/>programming interfaces, software development kits, developer tools, technical documentation,<br/>updates, and other related materials, whether tangible or intangible for, that has been made available<br/>to you by the Company including   the Platform, account or any other products/Service(s) or<br/>deliverables created, suggested and/or developed by you for and on behalf of the Company<br/>(“Company’s Proprietary Rights”) either before or after your acceptance of these Terms, shall<br/>exclusively vest with Company, in perpetuity.</p><p>‍<br/>15.3 You recognize that the Company is the owner of the Platform and the logo, trademark, if any,<br/>including but not limited to its variants and you shall not directly or indirectly, attack or assist another<br/>in attacking the validity of, or Company’s or its affiliates proprietary rights in, the licensed marks or any<br/>registrations thereof, or file any applications for the registration of the licensed marks or any names or<br/>logos derived from or confusingly similar to the licensed marks, any variation thereof, or any<br/>translation or transliteration thereof in another language, in respect of any products/service(s) and in<br/>any territory throughout the world. If you become aware or acquire knowledge of any infringement of<br/>Company’s Proprietary Rights, you shall report the same at      with all relevant<br/>information.</p><p>‍<br/>15.4 Company hereby grants to you, for the Term, a limited, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-sub-<br/>licensable and revocable license to use Company’s Proprietary Rights or any other rights only to the<br/>extent as may be specifically allowed by Company in writing and as per these Terms.</p><p>‍<br/>15.5 Except as specified hereinabove, nothing contained in these Terms shall be construed to grant any<br/>rights and title to the User in Company’s Proprietary Rights.</p><p>‍<br/>15.6 In addition to any other remedies available to Company under these Terms or otherwise, any<br/>unauthorized use, alteration, modification, reproduction, publication, disclosure or transfer of<br/>Company’s Proprietary Rights will entitle Company to any available equitable remedy against the<br/>User.</p><p>‍<br/>15.7 Upon termination by either or both Parties, all rights relating to Company’s Proprietary Rights, along<br/>with modifications thereto, shall continue to vest with Company.</p><p>‍<br/>15.8 You shall not reverse assemble or reverse compile or reverse engineer in any manner whatsoever or<br/>directly or indirectly allow or cause a third-party to reverse assemble or reverse compile or reverse<br/>engineer in any manner whatsoever the whole or any part of Company’s Proprietary Rights.</p><p>‍<br/>16. LICENSE AND USE OF YOUR CONTENT</p><p>‍<br/>16.1 You shall grant to us a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to adopt,<br/>publish, reproduce, disseminate, transmit, distribute, copy, use, create derivative works from, display<br/>worldwide, or act on any material, data, document(s) etc. that may be posted/imported by you on the<br/>Platform (&quot;User   Content”) including by not limited to feedbacks for the purpose of providing</p><p>Service(s) under the Terms without additional approval. We do not claim ownership of the User<br/>Content i.e. materials, information, data, images etc. that you provide to us. We may use our rights<br/>under this license to perform our obligations and exercise our rights under the Terms. You represent,<br/>warrant, and agree that you have all necessary rights in the User Content to grant this license.</p><p>‍<br/>16.2 Submissions and unauthorised use of any materials contained on the Platform may violate copyright<br/>laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, certain communications statutes and<br/>regulations and other applicable laws and regulations. You alone are responsible for your actions or<br/>the actions of any person using your username and/or password. </p><p>‍<br/>16.3 We do not pre-screen User Content and it is in our sole discretion to refuse or remove any User<br/>Content from any part of the Service(s), including if we determine in our sole discretion that the<br/>products or service(s) that are offered violates these Terms and/or applicable laws.</p><p>‍<br/>16.4 We reserve the right to terminate access to this Platform at any time and without notice. Further this<br/>limited license terminates automatically, without notice to you, if you breach any of these Terms.<br/>Upon termination, you must immediately destroy any downloaded and printed materials. Any<br/>provision of the Terms which imposes an obligation or creates a right that by its nature will be valid<br/>after termination or expiration of the Terms shall survive the termination or expiration of the Terms.</p><p>‍<br/>17. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION</p><p>‍<br/>17.1 During the Term, a Party (“Receiving Party”) may receive or have access to certain Confidential<br/>Information (defined hereinafter) belonging and/or relating to the other Party and its affiliates<br/>(“Disclosing Party”).</p><p>‍<br/>17.2 Confidential information shall mean to include but not be limited to prospective products and / or<br/>service(s),   know-how,   algorithms,   schematics,   formulae,   strategic   data   (technical,   financial,<br/>commercial or otherwise, process information, methods of operation, flowcharts, or diagrams;<br/>prospective new ventures; policies and procedures regarding the design, development, marketing,<br/>pricing and distribution of existing and prospective products and / or service(s); research methods<br/>and results; creative and programming tools, methodologies, techniques; the identities of customers,<br/>employees, business partners, distributors and / or suppliers (actual or prospective), business plans,<br/>financial accounts, and sales records; business practices, operation or security procedures, internal<br/>policies; employment and contractor relationships; or consulting services (“Confidential Information<br/>”)</p><p>‍<br/>17.3 The Receiving Party shall keep Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party in confidence. The<br/>Receiving Party shall use commercial reasonable and necessary safety measures and steps to<br/>maintain the confidentiality and secrecy of Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information from public<br/>disclosure, and the Receiving Party shall, at all times, maintain appropriate measures to protect the<br/>security and integrity of the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information. The Receiving Party shall not,<br/>without the Disclosing Party’s prior written consent, divulge any of its Confidential Information to any<br/>third-party other than the Receiving Party’s officers, employees, agents, affiliates or representatives<br/>who have a need to know for the purposes of these Terms, ensuring that they comply with same level<br/>of obligation in maintaining the Confidentiality as per these Terms.</p><p>‍<br/>17.4 Exceptions: The aforesaid confidentiality obligations shall impose no obligation on the Receiving<br/>Party with respect to any portion of Confidential Information which:</p><p>‍</p><p>i. Was at the time received or which thereafter becomes, through no act or failure on the part of the<br/>Receiving Party, generally known or available to the public;</p><p>‍<br/>ii. Is at the time of receipt, known to the Receiving Party as evidenced by written documentation<br/>then rightfully in the possession of either Party;</p><p>‍<br/>iii. Was already acquired by the Receiving Party from a third-party who does not thereby breach an<br/>obligation of confidentiality to the Disclosing Party and who discloses it to the Receiving Party in<br/>good faith;</p><p>‍<br/>iv. Is developed by the Receiving Party without use of the Disclosing Party’s Confidential<br/>Information in such development; and</p><p>‍<br/>v. Has been disclosed pursuant to the requirements of applicable law, any governmental authority,<br/>provided however, that the Disclosing Party shall have been given a reasonable opportunity to<br/>resist disclosure and/or to obtain a suitable protective order.</p><p>‍<br/>17.5 Neither Party shall disclose these Terms to any other person without the consent of the other Party.</p><p>‍<br/>17.6 The Parties acknowledge and understand that any disclosure or misappropriation of any of the<br/>Confidential Information in violation of these Terms, may cause irreparable harm to the non-<br/>disclosing Party, the amount of which may be difficult to ascertain. Without prejudice to any other<br/>rights available to the disclosing Party under these Terms or otherwise, Disclosing Party shall have<br/>the right to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for specific performance and/or an order<br/>restraining and enjoining any such further disclosure or breach and for such other relief as such non-<br/>disclosing Party shall deem appropriate. To clarify, such right shall be in addition to the remedies<br/>otherwise available to a Party, at law or in equity.</p><p>‍<br/>17.7 These Terms shall not restrict the Receiving Party from complying with any legal requirement to<br/>disclose Confidential Information, provided that the Receiving Party shall to the extent that it is not<br/>prohibited from doing so by applicable law, promptly notify the Disclosing Party of such legal<br/>requirement so that the Disclosing Party may seek to quash such order and to obtain a protective<br/>order requiring that the relevant Confidential Information be held in confidence by such court or<br/>agency or, if disclosed, be used only for the purposes for which the order was issued. The Receiving<br/>Party shall cooperate fully with the Disclosing Party in any such proceeding.</p><p>‍<br/>17.8 The confidentiality obligations enlisted hereinabove for the Company shall survive for the Term of this<br/>Agreement.</p><p>‍<br/>18. USER WARRANTIES AND RESTRICTIONS</p><p>‍<br/>18.1 You represent and warrant that: (a) your use of Platform and/or Service(s) will not violate any<br/>applicable law or regulation; (b) all information that is submitted to us in connection with personal<br/>information and/or Service(s) is true, accurate and lawful; (c) use of the User Content and material<br/>you supply does not breach any applicable Agreement or these Terms and will not cause injury to any<br/>person or entity (including that the User Content or material is not defamatory). If at any time, the<br/>information provided by you is found to be false or inaccurate, we will have the right to reject<br/>registration, cancel and/or restrict you from using the Service(s) and other affiliated services in the<br/>future without any prior intimation whatsoever. You agree to indemnify us and our affiliates for all<br/>claims brought by a third party against it or its affiliates arising out of or in connection with a breach of<br/>any of these warranties.</p><p>‍</p><p>18.2 You will use Platform for lawful purposes only and will not undertake any activity that is harmful to<br/>Platform or its Content or otherwise not envisaged through the Platform. You have a limited license to<br/>access and use Platform, solely for the purpose of availing the Service(s), subject to these Terms.</p><p>‍<br/>18.3 You will not do any of the following:</p><p>‍<br/>i. Delete or modify any Content on Platform, such as any information regarding the Service(s),<br/>their performance, sales or pricing;</p><p>‍<br/>ii. Use any engine, software, tool, agent or other mechanism (such as spiders, robots, avatars,<br/>worms, time bombs etc.) to navigate or search Platform;</p><p>‍<br/>iii. Make false or malicious statements against the Service(s), Platform or us;</p><p>‍<br/>iv. Post, copy, submit, upload, distribute, or otherwise transmit or make available any software or<br/>other computer files that contain a virus or other harmful component, or otherwise disrupt or<br/>damage Platform and/or Service(s) or any connected network, or otherwise interfere with any<br/>person or entity’s use or enjoyment of Platform and/or the Service(s);</p><p>‍<br/>v. Introduce any trojans, viruses, any other malicious software, any bots or scrape on Platform for<br/>any information;</p><p>‍<br/>vi. Probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any system, security or authentication measures<br/>implemented by us or otherwise tamper or attempt to tamper with our technological design and<br/>architecture;</p><p>‍<br/>vii. Hack into or introduce malicious software of any kind onto Platform;</p><p>‍<br/>viii. Harass other users, instructors, tutors, Company’s personnel;</p><p>‍<br/>ix. Disparage or defame any person;</p><p>‍<br/>x. Promote a negative or confrontational attitude, engage in bullying behavior, or contribute to<br/>discord among users or external third parties;</p><p>‍<br/>xi. Downloading or acquire the Content available on the Platform illegally;</p><p>‍<br/>xii. Sell or otherwise transfer your account;</p><p>‍<br/>xiii. Gain unauthorized access to, or interfere with, or damage, or disrupt the server on which the<br/>details connected to the Service(s) are stored, or any other server, computer, or database<br/>connected to the Service(s); </p><p>‍<br/>xiv. Engage in any form of antisocial, disruptive, or destructive acts, including “flaming,” “spamming,”<br/>“flooding,” “trolling,”, “phishing” and “griefing” as those terms are commonly understood and<br/>used on the internet;</p><p>‍<br/>xv. importing or gathering any User Content including data that is unlawful, defamatory, libelous, or<br/>infringes upon privacy; or</p><p>‍<br/>xvi. use or apply, directly or indirectly, the Service(s) in any manner competitive with the Platform.</p><p>‍<br/>18.4 You are prohibited from hosting, displaying, uploading, modifying, publishing, transmitting, updating<br/>or sharing on or through Platform, any information that:</p><p>‍<br/>i. belongs to another person and to which you do not have any right;</p><p>‍<br/>ii. is harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, pedophilic, invasive of<br/>another’s privacy, hateful, relating to or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise<br/>harmful in any manner whatsoever;</p><p>‍<br/>iii. harms minors in any way;</p><p>‍<br/>iv. infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights;</p><p>‍<br/>v. violates any law for the time being in force;</p><p>‍<br/>vi. deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of such messages or communicates any<br/>information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature;</p><p>‍</p><p>vii. impersonates or defames another person; </p><p>‍<br/>viii. contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt,<br/>destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource;</p><p>‍<br/>ix. threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with<br/>foreign States, or public order, or causes incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence<br/>or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting other nation; or</p><p>‍<br/>x.  is patently false and untrue, and is written or published in any form, with the intent to mislead or<br/>harass a person, entity or agency for financial gain or to cause any injury to any person.</p><p>‍<br/>19. INDEMNIFICATION AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY</p><p>‍<br/>19.1 You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless us, our affiliates, officers, directors, employees,<br/>consultants, licensors, agents, and representatives from and against any and all third- party claims,<br/>losses, liabilities, damages, and/or costs (including reasonable attorney fees and costs) arising from<br/>your access to or use of Platform or the Content or the Service(s) or in relation to User Content, which<br/>is in violation of any applicable laws, this Terms and/or Platform Policies, or infringement of any of our<br/>or any third-party intellectual property or other rights. We will notify you promptly of any such claim,<br/>loss, liability, or demand, and in addition to the foregoing, you agree to provide us with reasonable<br/>assistance, at your expense, in defending any such claim, loss, liability, damage, or cost.</p><p>‍<br/>19.2 In no event will we be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental,<br/>special, consequential or exemplary damages, damages arising from personal injury/wrongful death,<br/>and damages resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption), whether based on<br/>warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory and whether or not we are advised of the possibility<br/>of such damages.<br/>.<br/>19.3 Limitation of Liability: In no event, Company’s aggregate liability, if any, that is proven and ordered<br/>by a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to a claim by you or person acting on your behalf, shall<br/>extend beyond Rs. 5,000/- (Indian Rupees Five Thousand only) made pursuant to an order under<br/>which   such   liability   has   arisen   and   been   established.   Notwithstanding   anything   contained<br/>hereinabove, the Company disclaims itself from all liabilities having incurred due to contraventions of<br/>any applicable laws or rules including laws of any foreign jurisdictions by the Users.</p><p>‍<br/>20. BETA SERVICES</p><p>‍<br/>From time to time, the Platform, in its sole discretion, may invite you to use, on a trial basis, pre-<br/>release or beta features that are in development and not yet available to all Users (“Beta Service(s)”<br/>). Beta Service(s) are not part of the Service(s), and Beta Service(s) may be subject to additional<br/>terms and conditions, which we will provide to you prior to your use of the Beta Service(s). Such Beta<br/>Service(s) and all associated conversations and materials relating thereto will be considered<br/>Confidential Information and subject to the confidentiality provisions in this Agreement. Without<br/>limiting the generality of the foregoing, you agree that you will not make any public statements or<br/>otherwise disclose your participation in the Beta Service(s) without our prior written consent. We<br/>make no representations or warranties that the Beta Service(s) will function. We may discontinue the<br/>Beta Service(s) at any time in our sole discretion. We will have no liability for any harm or damage<br/>arising out of or in connection with a Beta Service. The Beta Service(s) may not work in the same way<br/>as a final version. We may change or not release a final or commercial version of a Beta Service in our<br/>sole discretion.</p><p>‍</p><p>21. ANTI BRIBERY AND ANTI CORRUPTION POLICY</p><p>‍<br/>Both Parties agree to conduct all their dealings in an ethical manner and with the highest business<br/>standards. Both Parties agree to adopt appropriate processes to prevent offering any illegal<br/>gratification in the form of bribes or gifts either in cash or in kind, in the course of all dealings with each<br/>other or any other third parties for the purpose of this Agreement and to comply with any anti-bribery<br/>and anti-corruption laws. Any instances of such violations will be viewed in a serious manner and<br/>Company reserves the right to take all appropriate actions or remedies as may be required under the<br/>circumstances including terminating this Agreement with immediate effect. You will provide all<br/>possible assistance to the Company in order to investigate any possible instances of unethical<br/>behavior or business conduct violations of employees or hired persons or agents of yours.</p><p>‍<br/>22. ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING (AML)</p><p>‍<br/>You shall, at all times, ensure compliance of law and complete all KYC/AML requirements as per law<br/>for the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. Any instances of such violations will be<br/>viewed in a serious manner and Company reserves the right to take all appropriate actions or<br/>remedies as may be required under the circumstances. You will provide all possible assistance to the<br/>Company, in order to investigate any possible instances of anti-money laundering.</p><p>‍<br/>23. CUSTOMER CARE SUPPORT:</p><p>‍<br/>In accordance with the applicable law, any concern, feedback which you may have with respect to the<br/>information shared by you with us hereunder and its treatment or any grievance related to Service(s)<br/>being availed hereunder, may be directed by you to such customer support personnel at the below<br/>mentioned coordinates:</p><p>‍<br/>Shopsense Retail Technologies Limited<br/>1st Floor, Wework Vijay Diamond, Opp. SBI Branch, Cross Road B, <br/>Ajit Nagar, Kondivita, Andheri East, Mumbai 400093<br/>Email:</p><p>‍<br/>24. GRIEVANCE OFFICER</p><p>‍<br/>In accordance with the applicable law, any grievances which you may have with respect to the<br/>information shared by you with us hereunder and its treatment or any grievance related to Service(s)<br/>being availed hereunder, may be directed by you to such grievance officer at the below mentioned<br/>coordinate:</p><p>‍<br/>Name: Ms Sana Kazi<br/>Designation: Grievance Officer<br/>Email Address:<br/>25. NODAL OFFICER<br/>Name: Mr Abhimanyu Mallik</p><p>Designation: Nodal Officer<br/>Email Address:</p><p>‍<br/>26. APPLICABLE LAW AND JURISDICTION</p><p>‍<br/>These Terms are governed by and to be interpreted in accordance with the applicable laws of India,<br/>without regard to the choice or conflicts of law provisions of any jurisdiction. Subject to the dispute<br/>resolution in the clause set out below, Parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts located<br/>at Mumbai, India for the resolution of all such disputes.</p><p>‍<br/>27. DISPUTE RESOLUTION</p><p>‍<br/>Parties shall endeavour to amicably, through discussions, settle and resolve any dispute or difference<br/>arising out of or in relation to this Terms (“Dispute”) within 15 (fifteen) days from the commencement<br/>of such Dispute. In case of such failure, the Dispute shall upon the expiry of the aforesaid period, be<br/>referred to e-arbitration to be conducted by a sole arbitrator, who shall be jointly appointed by the<br/>Parties from the panel of available e-arbitrators. All arbitration proceedings may be conducted<br/>through mode available on the internet or any other information and communication technology<br/>(including but not limited to video call system, telephone or mobile, fax, e-mail facilities) which can be<br/>beneficially used to solve disputes. All Arbitration proceedings shall be held in accordance to the<br/>provisions of Arbitration and conciliation Act, 1996. The Language of Arbitration shall be English. The<br/>arbitral award shall be final and binding on the Parties. The award may include costs, including<br/>reasonable advocates’ fees and disbursement.</p><p>‍<br/>28. FORCE MAJEURE</p><p>‍<br/>We will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to comply with its obligations if the delay or<br/>failure arises from any cause which is beyond our reasonable control.</p><p>‍<br/>29. WAIVER</p><p>‍<br/>No provision in these Terms will be deemed waived and no breach excused, unless such waiver or<br/>consent is in writing and signed by us. Any consent by us to, or waiver of your breach, whether<br/>expressed or implied, will not constitute consent to, waiver of, or excuse for any other different or<br/>subsequent breach.</p><p>‍<br/>30. SEVERABILITY</p><p>‍<br/>If any provision of these Terms is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable under<br/>applicable law, then such provision will be excluded from these Terms and the remainder of these<br/>Terms will be interpreted as if such provision were so excluded and will be enforceable in accordance<br/>with its terms; provided however that, in such event, these Terms will be interpreted so as to give<br/>effect, to the greatest extent consistent with and permitted by applicable law, to the meaning and<br/>intention of the excluded provision as determined by such court of competent jurisdiction.</p><p>‍<br/>31. MISCELLANEOUS</p><p>‍</p><p>31.1 These Terms supersedes all previous oral and written terms and conditions (if any) communicated to<br/>you by us, for the use of Platform, and the rights and liabilities with respect to any Service(s) to be<br/>provided by us shall be limited to the scope of these Terms.</p><p>‍<br/>31.2 Both the Parties agree that these Terms are accepted by both the Parties on a non-exclusive basis<br/>and that both Parties shall be free to engage any third-party as its client/service provider to<br/>procure/provide similar or identical Service(s).<br/>*****</p><p>‍</p></div></div></div></div><div class="section"><div class="padding-global-v1"><div class="padding-vertical-60px-60px pad-top-5em"><div class="center-cta"><div class="div-block-469"><h2 class="heading-style-h2">Kickstart your career with Fynd Academy</h2></div><div class="max-600"><div class="custom-18px">Decode the fundamentals of coding, product design and other interesting fields. 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