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d="m810.1,92.31c-1.06-1.83-2.53-3.26-4.41-4.3-1.88-1.03-3.98-1.55-6.32-1.55s-4.44.52-6.32,1.55c-1.88,1.04-3.35,2.47-4.41,4.3-1.06,1.83-1.59,3.9-1.59,6.21s.53,4.34,1.59,6.17c1.06,1.83,2.53,3.26,4.41,4.3,1.88,1.04,3.98,1.55,6.32,1.55s4.44-.52,6.32-1.55,3.35-2.47,4.41-4.3c1.06-1.83,1.59-3.88,1.59-6.17s-.53-4.38-1.59-6.21Zm-1.93,11.36c-.86,1.52-2.06,2.7-3.59,3.56-1.53.85-3.27,1.28-5.2,1.28s-3.72-.43-5.25-1.28c-1.53-.85-2.72-2.04-3.57-3.56-.85-1.51-1.27-3.23-1.27-5.15s.42-3.63,1.27-5.13c.85-1.5,2.04-2.68,3.57-3.53,1.53-.85,3.28-1.28,5.25-1.28s3.67.43,5.2,1.28c1.53.85,2.73,2.04,3.59,3.56.86,1.52,1.29,3.23,1.29,5.15s-.43,3.59-1.29,5.11Z"></path><path d="m803.56,98.29c.82-.6,1.23-1.4,1.23-2.39s-.4-1.83-1.2-2.43c-.8-.6-1.96-.9-3.48-.9h-5.36v11.2h2.59v-4.45h1.41l3.41,4.45h3.18l-3.73-4.72c.79-.15,1.46-.4,1.96-.77Zm-3.86-.99h-2.36v-2.74h2.45c.73,0,1.29.11,,1.06,0,.45-.21.79-.61,1.01-.41.23-.99.34-1.75.34Z"></path></g></svg> Spotify </span> </a></div> <nav role="navigation" class="mh-desktop 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translation-string">Welcome</span></h1><p id="sp_home_intro_p_1"><span class="jsx-580880694 translation-string">Spotify is a digital music, podcast and audiobook service that gives you access to millions of songs and other content from creators all over the world. We are committed to providing a safe environment and protecting our users' privacy. In support of that endeavor, our global teams work around the clock to protect users on Spotify from harm, help keep their data safe and ensure the experience is enjoyable for everyone.</span></p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><script id="__NEXT_DATA__" type="application/json">{"props":{"pageProps":{"marketInUrl":"sg-en","onPlainRoute":false,"_sentryTraceData":"c244ee0de2c54130a947d46fd8cc7aa1-88087dc3b1b1549d-1","_sentryBaggage":"sentry-environment=production,sentry-release=b177f1bd7a383d9a85837e0aec47424d8e74ef46,sentry-public_key=ecf40fcf520739138b93dfacfa61676a,sentry-trace_id=c244ee0de2c54130a947d46fd8cc7aa1,sentry-sample_rate=1,sentry-transaction=%2F%5Bmarket%5D%2Fsafetyandprivacy,sentry-sampled=true","translations":{"sp_home_nav_label":"Home","sp_home_big_header":"Welcome","sp_home_intro_p_1":"Spotify is a digital music, podcast and audiobook service that gives you access to millions of songs and other content from creators all over the world. We are committed to providing a safe environment and protecting our users' privacy. In support of that endeavor, our global teams work around the clock to protect users on Spotify from harm, help keep their data safe and ensure the experience is enjoyable for everyone.","sc_section_1_page_title":"Safety - Reporting content","sc_section_1_big_header_title":"Safety \u0026 Privacy Center","sc_section_1_title":"Safety","sc_section_1_subtitle":"Reporting content on Spotify","sc_section_1_nav_label":"Reporting content","sc_section_1_overview_subsection_heading":"Overview","sc_section_1_overview_subsection_p_1":"At Spotify we work hard to elevate creative expression and want our community to safely present their authentic selves, but that does not mean that anything goes.","sc_section_1_overview_subsection_p_2":"Our long-standing \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e outline what is and isn't allowed on Spotify. We prioritize the review of content that impacts minors, presents a greater risk of offline harm, or may be illegal.","sc_section_1_whattype_subsection_heading":"What type of actions are taken against illegal content or content that violates the Platform Rules?","sc_section_1_whattype_subsection_p_1":"When we find content that violates our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e or is illegal under local law, we may take a \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003erange of actions\u003c/a\u003e. These actions may include removing content, restricting distribution, applying content advisory labels and/or demonetisation.","sc_section_1_how_subsection_heading":"How can someone report content on Spotify?","sc_section_1_how_subsection_p_1":"If you feel that a piece of content may violate our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, please report it through our secure reporting \u003ca href=\"$(report_content_url)\"\u003eform\u003c/a\u003e. The content owner will not know who made the report.","sc_section_1_how_subsection_p_2":"To report content that you believe infringes your intellectual property rights or otherwise violates the law, please \u003ca href=\"$(legal_claim_url)\"\u003econtact us\u003c/a\u003e. Content reported through this form (unless it is being reported for intellectual property reasons) will also be reviewed for Platform Rules violations. More information on Spotify's policy to address intellectual property infringement can be found in our \u003ca href=\"$(copyright_policy_url)\"\u003eCopyright Policy\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_1_how_subsection_p_3":"Abuse of our reporting process can lead to restrictions on your ability to submit reports in the future, and repeated violations of the \u003ca href=\"$(terms_use_url)\"\u003eSpotify Terms of Use\u003c/a\u003e, including our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, may result in your account being suspended or terminated.","sc_section_1_how_subsection_p_4":"Authorities listed in the Official Journal of the European Union can report content for the purposes of the \u003ca href=\"$(eu_regulation_terrorist_content_url)\"\u003eRegulation (EU) 2021/784 on addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online\u003c/a\u003e by \u003ca href=\"mailto:\\u003e\"\u003eemailing us\u003c/a\u003e. We will not respond to requests sent by anyone other than relevant authorities.","sc_section_1_who_subsection_heading":"Who can report content?","sc_section_1_who_subsection_p_1":"Anyone with an email address can report content on Spotify, even if they do not have a Spotify account. Please note that abuse of our reporting process may restrict your ability to submit requests in the future.","sc_section_1_appeal_subsection_heading":"Can content decisions be appealed?","sc_section_1_appeal_subsection_p_1":"Options for appealing content decisions vary by location, and we will continue to expand our capabilities in the future. ","sc_section_1_appeal_subsection_p_2":"If you disagree with an enforcement decision taken on your content or in response to your report, you may be able to submit an appeal. To do this, please follow the instructions in the notification you may have received from Spotify.","sc_section_1_report_app_subsection_heading":"How do I report other problems with the app?","sc_section_1_report_app_subsection_p_1":"If you find inaccurate information or issues with app functionality, you can \u003ca href=\"$(inaccurate_metadata_url)\"\u003ereport them here\u003c/a\u003e. If you're an artist, your label or distributor can help fix problems with your music.","sc_section_2_page_title":"Safety - Understanding recommendations","sc_section_2_big_header_title":"Safety \u0026 Privacy Center","sc_section_2_title":"Safety","sc_section_2_subtitle":"Understanding recommendations on Spotify","sc_section_2_nav_label":"Understanding recommendations","sc_section_2_spotify_subsection_heading_H2":"How do Spotify recommendations work?","sc_section_2_spotify_subsection_p_1":"At Spotify, we aim to create great and unique experiences for each user. Our goal is to connect everyone with what they love and help them discover something new. No two listeners are the same, so everyone's Spotify experience, and many of our recommendations, are personalized. When asked what they like about Spotify, most listeners cite our personalization as their top feature. You might wonder how we generate these recommendations across the Home feed, playlists, search results or other parts of the service, and we want to help demystify how they work.","sc_section_2_spotify_subsection_p_2":"At Spotify, people and technology work together to deliver relevant recommendations. Some recommendations are based on editorial curation, like a pop playlist created by music editors. Other recommendations are tailored to each listener's unique taste, like a personalized playlist powered by our expert-designed algorithms.","sc_section_2_spotify_subsection_p_3":"We believe recommendations shouldn't just optimize for the next click, but evolve with your taste. We have dedicated teams in place making sure your recommendations enable real engagement and cultivate meaningful connections. We're always working on improving our recommendation systems to make sure we're showing you relevant and enjoyable content.","sc_section_2_curation_subsection_heading_H2":"Editorial curation","sc_section_2_curation_subsection_p_1":"Editors at Spotify use data insights, sharp ears, and an understanding of cultural trends to place content where it's likely to resonate most with fans around the world. They employ thoughtful curation to recommend content on Spotify, like in editorial playlists. Around the world, editors at Spotify have extensive knowledge about local music and culture, which allows them to make their programming decisions with the best listener experiences in mind.","sc_section_2_personalized_subsection_heading_H2":"Personalized recommendations","sc_section_2_personalized_subsection_p_1":"Spotify offers algorithmic recommendations that are relevant, unique, and specific to each user. Our algorithms select and order content across each listener's Spotify experience, including in Search, Home, and in personalized playlists.","sc_section_2_personalized_subsection_p_2":"To make these recommendations, our algorithms rely on a number of inputs. The importance of these inputs may vary over time, depending on your individual use of Spotify. We believe that your taste profile is the most important input for creating the best overall user experience. Below, you'll find more details on the most significant inputs and how they work.","sc_section_2_tasteprofile_subsection_heading_H3":"Your \"taste profile\"","sc_section_2_tasteprofile_subsection_p_1":"As you engage with Spotify, actions such as searching, listening, skipping, or saving to Your Library influence our interpretation of your taste. We call this your “taste profile,” and it gives our algorithms an indication of what you're interested in and how you like to listen.","sc_section_2_tasteprofile_subsection_li_1":"Example: If you listen to a certain artist, we might recommend more songs by that artist.","sc_section_2_tasteprofile_subsection_li_2":"Example: Our Release Radar playlist recommends the latest releases we think you'll enjoy based on similar music you've listened to.","sc_section_2_tasteprofile_subsection_li_3":"Example: If you listen to a sports podcast, we might recommend other sports podcasts to you.","sc_section_2_infoshare_subsection_heading_H3":"Information you share with us","sc_section_2_infoshare_subsection_p_1":"Recommendations are also based on information you share with Spotify, like your general (non-precise) location, your language, your age, and who you follow. This gives our algorithms signals about what topics you're interested in or which artists you want to keep up to date with.","sc_section_2_infoshare_subsection_li_1":"Example: If you follow a certain podcast, we might recommend an episode from that podcast.","sc_section_2_infoshare_subsection_li_2":"Example: If you choose German as your language on Spotify, we might recommend German-speaking podcasts.","sc_section_2_trends_subsection_heading_H3":"Trends","sc_section_2_trends_subsection_p_1":"Our algorithms consider trends and the general tastes and behaviors of users to improve recommendations for everyone. When users take similar actions on certain content, our algorithms have more information about how people might want to interact with it.","sc_section_2_trends_subsection_li_1":"Example: If many users interact with a specific search result (e.g. a song or a podcast), we are likely to recommend that result to other users who search for similar things.","sc_section_2_contentinfo_subsection_heading_H3":"Information about the content","sc_section_2_contentinfo_subsection_p_1":"Our algorithms take into account the characteristics of the content itself, such as its genre, release date, podcast category, etc. This allows us to identify which content has similar characteristics and might be enjoyed by similar listeners.","sc_section_2_contentinfo_subsection_li_1":"Example: If you listen to a lot of pop music, we might recommend other pop songs that are similar.","sc_section_2_contentinfo_subsection_li_2":"Example: if you listen to a lot of crime audiobooks, we might recommend other crime audiobooks.","sc_section_2_listener_subsection_heading_H3":"Listener safety","sc_section_2_listener_subsection_p_1":"As a platform, we evaluate the impact that we have on creators, listeners, and communities. Spotify works to ensure that appropriate safety measures and processes are in place, including measures to prevent exposure to harmful content. We take \u003ca href=\"$(algorithmic_responsibility_url)\"\u003ealgorithmic responsibility\u003c/a\u003e seriously and collaborate between policy, product, and research teams, as well as consult with external experts such as the \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_safety_advisory_council_url)\"\u003eSpotify Safety Advisory Council\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_2_listener_subsection_p_2":"Spotify's \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e apply to all content on the platform, including recommended content. These rules were developed by internal teams with input from a wide range of outside experts. When we become aware of potentially violating content, that content is reviewed against our policies, and the appropriate \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003eaction\u003c/a\u003e will be taken. These actions include, for example, restricting the violating content from being recommended.","sc_section_2_influence_subsection_heading_H2":"How can you influence what your recommendations are based on?","sc_section_2_influence_subsection_p_1":"Your recommendations are constantly influenced by your engagement with content on Spotify. The more you listen to content you like and the more you interact with the app, the more we think you'll enjoy your recommendations.","sc_section_2_influence_subsection_p_2":"We also offer ways for you to influence and give feedback on what shows up in your recommendations and see less of something specific. Some examples are listed below:","sc_section_2_influence_subsection_li_1":"\u003cb\u003eExclude from taste profile:\u003c/b\u003e When you \u003ca href=\"$(your_taste_profile_url)\"\u003eexclude a playlist\u003c/a\u003e from your taste profile, that playlist will have less influence on your future recommendations.","sc_section_2_influence_subsection_li_2":"\u003cb\u003eGiving feedback on recommendations:\u003c/b\u003e When you tap [not interested/thumbs down] for a recommendation on Spotify, you'll be given fewer recommendations that are similar to it.","sc_section_2_influence_subsection_li_3":"\u003cb\u003eExplicit content filter:\u003c/b\u003e When you turn off \u003ca href=\"$(explicit_content_url)\"\u003eexplicit content\u003c/a\u003e, anything with an explicit tag will be grayed out and you won't be able to play it.","sc_section_2_influence_subsection_p_3":"In some cases, you can also organize and filter your recommendations based on what you most want to see. For example, you can filter your Home page to only see podcasts, or only see music.","sc_section_2_commercial_subsection_heading_H2":"How do commercial considerations impact recommendations?","sc_section_2_commercial_subsection_p_1":"Spotify prioritizes listener satisfaction when recommending content. In some cases, commercial considerations, such as the cost of content or whether we can monetize it, may influence our recommendations. For example, \u003ca href=\"$(discovery_mode_url)\"\u003eDiscovery Mode\u003c/a\u003e gives artists and labels the opportunity to identify songs that are a priority for them, and our system will add that signal to the algorithms that determine the content of personalized listening sessions. When an artist or label turns on Discovery Mode for a song, Spotify charges a commission on streams of that song in areas of the platform where Discovery Mode is active (Discovery Mode is not active in our editorial playlists). This signal increases the likelihood of the selected songs being recommended, but does not guarantee it. We only recommend songs there is a high probability listeners will enjoy. As with all recommendations, we take note when a listener isn't engaging with a song — including those in Discovery Mode — and factor this in when determining what to recommend in the future.","sc_section_3_page_title_eu":"Safety - Digital Services Act Points of Contact","sc_section_3_big_header_title_eu":"Safety \u0026 Privacy Center","sc_section_3_title_eu":"Safety","sc_section_3_nav_label_eu":"Digital Services Act Points of Contact","sc_section_3_p_1_eu":"The Digital Services Act (“DSA”) regulates digital services that connect consumers with online content in the European Union (EU). A goal of the DSA is to create a safe environment online while ensuring fundamental rights are protected.","sc_section_3_p_2_eu":"Spotify operates a number of services that fall within scope of the Digital Services Act. The information listed on this page is intended to help Spotify users, creators, and authorities within the EU communicate with Spotify, as stated in the DSA.","sc_section_3_resources_h1_heading_eu":"User Resources","sc_section_3_support_h2_heading_eu":"Support and Customer Service","sc_section_3_support_p_1_eu":"For information concerning Spotify's websites, applications and services, you can visit our \u003ca href=\"$(support_help_url)\"\u003eHelp site\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_3_support_p_2_eu":"Users can also contact \u003ca href=\"$(support_contact_url)\"\u003eSpotify's Customer Support team\u003c/a\u003e for help with general inquiries.","sc_section_3_report_h2_heading_eu":"Report Content on Spotify","sc_section_3_report_p_1_eu":"At Spotify, we want to give users the best possible experience, and our long-standing \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e help us do that by outlining what is and isn't allowed on our services. If you believe content violates Spotify's Platform Rules, you can \u003ca href=\"$(content_policy_reporting_url)\"\u003ereport it\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_3_report_p_2_eu":"Spotify users must also comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and respect the intellectual property rights of third parties (read about \u003ca href=\"$(copyright_policy_url)\"\u003eour approach to intellectual property\u003c/a\u003e). To notify Spotify of content that infringes your intellectual property rights or otherwise violates the law, fill out \u003ca href=\"$(legal_claim_url)\"\u003ethis form\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_3_report_p_3_eu":"For more information, please visit our \u003ca href=\"$(safety_center_url)\"\u003eSafety Center\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_3_authorities_h1_heading_eu":"Support for EU Authorities","sc_section_3_authorities_p_1_eu":"Relevant national judicial or administrative authorities can contact us directly for the purposes of the DSA:","sc_section_3_authorities_li_1_eu":"For orders to act against illegal content or for other communication from regulatory authorities, please \u003ca href=\"mailto:\\u003e\"\u003eemail us\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_3_authorities_li_2_eu":"To request information about one or more specific individual recipients of Spotify's services, please \u003ca href=\"mailto:\\u003e\"\u003econtact us\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_3_authorities_p_2_eu":"Communications to the above email addresses can be in English or Swedish. Note that we will not respond to requests sent to these addresses by anyone other than the European Member States' authorities, the European Commission, and the European Board for Digital Services.","sc_section_3_information_h1_heading_eu":"Information on monthly active recipients in the EU ","sc_section_3_information_p_1_eu":"To review information about Spotify's average monthly active recipients of its service under the DSA, please visit \u003ca href=\"$(legal_DSA_se_URL)\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_4_subtitle":"Spotify Platform Rules","sc_section_4_nav_label":"Platform Rules","sc_section_4_p_1":"Spotify's mission is to unlock the potential of human creativity – by giving a million creative artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it. We believe achieving this mission on our platform is made possible by welcoming different forms of artistic expression, ideas, perspectives, and voices. This may mean that some content on our platform may not be to each individual's liking or is content that Spotify endorses.","sc_section_4_p_2":"However, that doesn't mean that anything goes on our platform. In addition to the terms that you agreed to governing your use of our services, these rules help ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience.","sc_section_4_rules_h2_heading":"What are the rules?","sc_section_4_rules_p_1":"Whether you are a musician, podcaster, or other contributor, it is important to be aware of what is not allowed on our platform. The examples in the below sections are for illustrative purposes and are not exhaustive.","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_h3_heading":"Dangerous Content","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_1":"Spotify is home to communities where people can create, express themselves, listen, share, learn, and be inspired. Don't promote violence, incite hatred, harass, bully, or engage in any other behavior that may place people at risk of serious physical harm or death. \u003cb\u003eWhat to avoid:\u003c/b\u003e","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_2":"\u003cb\u003eContent that advocates or glorifies serious physical harm towards an individual or group\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_1":"encouraging, promoting, or glorifying suicide and self-harm (if you or someone you know is struggling or thinking about self-harm, please see \u003ca href=\"$(resources_byspotify_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e for ways to get help)","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_2":"inciting or threatening serious physical harm or acts of violence against a specific target or specific group","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_3":"\u003cb\u003eContent that promotes or supports terrorism or violent extremism\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_3":"glorifying or praising violent extremist groups or their members","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_4":"coordinating, promoting, threatening, or praising an act of violence by or on behalf of violent extremist groups or their members","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_5":"providing instructions or instructional materials to commit an act of violent extremism","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_6":"soliciting an individual or group to finance, undertake an act of violent extremism, or become involved in the activities of a violent extremist group","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_4":"\u003cb\u003eContent that targets an individual or identifiable group for harassment or related abuse\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_7":"repeatedly targeting specific individuals with sexual advances","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_8":"repeatedly targeting a minor to shame or intimidate","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_9":"sharing or re-sharing non-consensual intimate content, as well as threats to distribute or expose such content","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_10":"sharing, threatening to share, or encouraging others to share someone's private information, including credit card or banking information, National Identity numbers, etc.","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_5":"\u003cb\u003eContent that incites violence or hatred towards a person or group of people based on race, religion, gender identity or expression, sex, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, veteran status, age, disability or other characteristics associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization includes,\u003c/b\u003e but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_11":"praising, supporting, or calling for violence against a person or group of people based on the characteristics listed above","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_12":"dehumanizing statements about a person or group based on the protected characteristics listed above","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_13":"promoting or glorifying hate groups and their associated images, and/or symbols","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_6":"\u003cb\u003eContent that promotes dangerous false or dangerous deceptive medical information that may cause offline harm or poses a direct threat to public health\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_14":"asserting that AIDS, COVID-19, cancer or other serious life threatening diseases are a hoax or not real","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_15":"encouraging the consumption of bleach products to cure various illnesses and diseases","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_16":"promoting or suggesting that vaccines approved by local health authorities are designed to cause death","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_17":"encouraging people to purposely get infected with COVID-19 in order to build immunity to it (e.g. promoting or hosting \"coronavirus parties\")","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_7":"\u003cb\u003eContent that illicitly promotes the sale of regulated or illegal goods\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_18":"selling illegal firearms or firearm parts","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_19":"selling illegal drugs","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_20":"selling endangered species or products derived from endangered species","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_8":"\u003cb\u003eContent that promotes, solicits, or facilitates child sexual abuse or exploitation\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_21":"visual depictions of a minor engaged in a sexual act or lascivious depictions of a nude minor","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_22":"promoting acts of sexual abuse against a child in exchange for money","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_23":"encouraging or promoting sexual attraction by adults towards minors","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_24":"promoting, normalizing, or glorifying child grooming behaviors","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_h3_heading":"Deceptive Content","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_p_0":"Creating great experiences on Spotify requires trust that people are who they say they are, that they won't be scammed, and that no one is trying to manipulate our platform. Don't use malicious practices to deceive others. \u003cb\u003eWhat to avoid:\u003c/b\u003e","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_p_1":"\u003cb\u003eContent that impersonates others in order to deceive\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_1":"replicating the same name, image, and/or description as another existing creator","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_2":"posing as another person, brand, or organization in a misleading manner","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_p_2":"\u003cb\u003eContent that promotes manipulated and synthetic media as authentic in ways that pose the risk of harm\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_3":"audio or video recording that comes from a real and valid source that has been altered in a way that changes the meaning or context of the original media and is purported to be true, thus posing a risk of harm to the speaker or other individuals","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_4":"audio or visual media artificially created through the use of technology that's purported to be true, such as digitally manufactured sexual audio and video content or content falsely suggesting that someone committed a crime","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_p_3":"\u003cb\u003eContent that attempts to manipulate or interfere with election-related processes\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_5":"misrepresentation of procedures in a civic process that could discourage or prevent participation","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_6":"misleading content promoted to intimidate or suppress voters from participating in an election","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_p_4":"\u003cb\u003eContent that attempts to take advantage of the Spotify community\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_7":"posting, sharing, or providing instructions on implementing malware or related malicious practices that seek to harm or gain unauthorized access to computers, networks, systems, or other technologies","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_8":"phishing or related attempts to deceptively solicit or collect sensitive information","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_9":"promoting investment and financial scams like get rich quick and pyramid schemes, or otherwise encouraging others to part with money under false pretenses","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_h3_heading":"Sensitive Content","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_p_1":"We have tons of amazing content on Spotify, but there are certain things that we don't allow on our platform. Don't post excessively violent or graphic content, and don't post sexually explicit content. \u003cb\u003eWhat to avoid:\u003c/b\u003e","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_p_2":"\u003cb\u003eContent that promotes graphic or gratuitous depictions of violence, gore, or other shocking imagery\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_li_1":"severely mutilated or dismembered bodies","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_li_2":"promoting animal cruelty or torture","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_p_3":"\u003cb\u003eContent that contains sexually explicit material\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_li_3":"pornography or visual depictions of genitalia or nudity presented for the purpose of sexual gratification","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_li_4":"advocating or glorifying sexual themes related to rape, incest, or beastiality","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_h3_heading":"Illegal Content","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_p_1":"The law is the law. No matter who you are, it is your responsibility to comply with applicable laws and regulations. \u003cb\u003eWhat to avoid:\u003c/b\u003e","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_p_2":"\u003cb\u003eContent that violates applicable laws and regulations\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_li_1":"content that does not comply with applicable sanctions and export regulations","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_li_2":"content that is intended to promote or commit an illegal act of any kind","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_p_3":"\u003cb\u003eContent that infringes the intellectual property rights of others\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_li_3":"content provided to Spotify without obtaining necessary permissions","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_li_4":"content that infringes third-party copyrights or trademarks","sc_section_4_rules_enforce_h2_heading":"How does Spotify enforce these rules?","sc_section_4_rules_enforce_p_1":"Spotify seeks to enforce these rules consistently and at scale across the world using a combination of technology and human review. In addition to user reports, we leverage automated tools that rely on a combination of signals to detect content that may violate our Platform Rules.","sc_section_4_rules_enforce_p_2":"We have global teams of experts who develop, maintain and enforce our Platform Rules. When potentially violating content is reported or detected, our teams will work to take the appropriate enforcement action.","sc_section_4_rules_broken_h2_heading":"What happens when the rules are broken?","sc_section_4_rules_broken_p_1":"We take these decisions seriously and keep context in mind when assessing possible Platform Rules violations. Breaking the rules may result in the violative content being removed from Spotify. Repeated or egregious violations may result in accounts being suspended and/or terminated. Learn more about other actions we may take on content or accounts \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_4_what_else_h2_heading":"What else do I need to know?","sc_section_4_what_else_p_1":"These Platform Rules will help ensure that Spotify remains an open and safe platform for all. We will continue to evaluate and update this information as needed, so please check back frequently. Depending on which Spotify products or features you use, you may be subject to additional requirements.","sc_section_4_report_issue_h2_heading":"How can I report an issue?","sc_section_4_report_issue_p_1":"Have you found an issue with a piece of content on Spotify? If so please let us know by reporting it \u003ca href=\"$(content_policy_reporting_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_5_subtitle":"Content Actions","sc_section_5_nav_label":"Content Actions","sc_section_5_action_content_h2_heading":"What actions can be taken on content?","sc_section_5_action_content_p_1":"There are a variety of actions that Spotify may take on content that violates the \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, applicable laws or that may contain sensitive topics. These actions include removing content, restricting content's discoverability, restricting the ability of content to be monetized, and/or applying content advisory labels.","sc_section_5_action_content_p_2":"We consider a variety of factors when determining what action(s) to take, such as the context behind a particular topic or current event and the severity and/or frequency of violations observed as part of our review process. We leverage a variety of algorithmic and human detection measures to help identify content that may need to be actioned, including user reports. Any abuse of our processes, including targeted reporting of the same content or user, may restrict your ability to submit requests in the future.","sc_section_5_remove_content_h2_heading":"Removing content","sc_section_5_remove_content_p_1":"If content violates our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, it may be removed from Spotify.","sc_section_5_remove_account_h2_heading":"Removing an account","sc_section_5_remove_account_p_1":"Repeated and/or egregious violations of the \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e may result in an account being suspended and/or terminated. Note that this may also include all related and affiliated Spotify accounts.","sc_section_5_restrict_content_discover_h2_heading":"Restricting the discoverability of content","sc_section_5_restrict_content_discover_p_1":"In instances when content comes close to the line but does not meet the threshold of removal under our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, we may take steps to restrict its reach. Though the content will remain available on Spotify, it may be:","sc_section_5_restrict_content_discover_li_1":"ineligible for on-platform promotion;","sc_section_5_restrict_content_discover_li_2":"reduced within recommendations;","sc_section_5_restrict_content_discover_li_3":"ranked lower in search results; and/or","sc_section_5_restrict_content_discover_li_4":"excluded from some Spotify product features.","sc_section_5_restrict_content_discover_p_2":"During periods of heightened risk there is often a greater threat of harmful content online, for example, during elections, violent conflict or mass-casualty events. Recognizing this, Spotify may take additional steps during such events, like restricting the reach of certain types of content and/or highlighting timely and trusted resources.","sc_section_5_restrict_content_monetization_h2_heading":"Restricting content monetization by Spotify","sc_section_5_restrict_content_monetization_p_1":"Not all content is eligible for monetization on Spotify. In addition to the \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, content that you wish to monetize will be reviewed against our \u003ca href=\"$(monetization_policies_url)\"\u003eMonetization Policies\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_5_content_advisory_monetization_h2_heading":"Including a content advisory","sc_section_5_content_advisory_monetization_p_1":"In situations when more context may be needed on a given topic, a content advisory label may be applied with relevant information and/or to link users to timely, trusted resources.","sc_section_5_restrict_content_country_h2_heading":"Restricting content in a specific country or region","sc_section_5_restrict_content_country_p_1":"Spotify is a global community and respects the laws of the countries in which we operate. Users must comply with applicable laws and regulations. Content that does not violate our Platform Rules may still be restricted in specific countries or regions where the content has been found to violate local law(s).","sc_section_5_appeals_h2_heading":"Appeals","sc_section_5_appeals_p_1":"Options for appealing content decisions vary by location, and we will continue to expand our capabilities in the future.","sc_section_5_appeals_p_2":"If you disagree with an enforcement decision taken on your content or in response to your report, you may be able to submit an appeal. To do this, please follow the instructions in the notification you may have received from Spotify.","sc_section_6_subtitle":"Our Approach to Dangerous and Deceptive Content","sc_section_6_nav_label":"Our Approach to Dangerous and Deceptive Content","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_1":"Spotify teams work around the clock to create a safe and enjoyable experience for our creators, listeners, and advertisers. While the majority of content on our platform is policy compliant and most listening time is spent on licensed content, bad actors do occasionally try to spoil the experience by sharing deceptive and/or manipulated information. When we identify content which violates our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, we move promptly to take the appropriate \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003eaction\u003c/a\u003e. Read on to learn more about the tactics we use to keep Spotify free from harm.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_2":"Deceptive content can take many forms, ranging from innocuous rumors to very serious, targeted campaigns designed to spread fear and harm amongst communities. In a changing world these trends evolve quickly and we leverage the expertise of our internal teams and external partners to better understand these types of manipulation.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_3":"In many cases, these sorts of malicious narratives may be shared by someone who might not know they are false or misleading. And while some falsehoods are not dangerous (\"my dog is the smartest in the world\"), other egregious examples clearly are (\"cancer is a hoax\"). The term 'misinformation' is frequently used to describe multiple types of manipulated information, including disinformation, which is content deliberately shared by malicious actors to sow doubt on authentic content.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_4":"Dangerous and deceptive content is nuanced and complex and requires a great deal of thoughtful evaluation. We believe that addressing these types of violations through multiple policy categories allows us to be more effective and precise in our decisions.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_5":"For example, within our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003eDangerous Content policies\u003c/a\u003e, we make it clear that we do not allow content promoting false or deceptive medical information that may cause offline harm or directly threaten public health. Another example is within our Deceptive Content policies, which outline that we take action on content that attempts to manipulate or interfere with election-related processes, including that which intimidates or suppresses voters from participating in an election.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_6":"When assessing these forms of online abuse, we take multiple factors into account, including:","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_li_1":"the substance of the content (for example, is the creator pretending to be someone else?)","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_li_2":"the context (for example, is it a news report about a dangerous narrative that is spreading, or is it endorsing the narrative itself?)","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_li_3":"the motivation (for example, is the creator attempting to trick a user into voting past the deadline?)","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_li_4":"the risk of harm (for example, is there a high likelihood the spread of the narrative will result in imminent physical harm?)","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_7":"Dangerous deception is often hyper-localized, targeting specific markets, languages, and particular at-risk populations. To address this, we leverage \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_kinzen_url)\"\u003elocal market expertise\u003c/a\u003e to help ensure we stay close to emerging trends that may present a serious risk of harm and scale this human knowledge using machine learning classifiers. This approach is known as \u0026quot;the human in the loop.\u0026quot;","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_8":"We recognize that this type of content can be more prevalent during periods of uncertainty and volatility, when authoritative information may be scarce. For this reason, we may also take a number of \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003econtent actions\u003c/a\u003e to help limit the spread of potentially abusive content during sensitive events when there is a more pronounced risk of harmful narratives leading to offline violence.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_9":"For example, we may restrict the content's discoverability in recommendations, include a content advisory warning, or elect to remove it from the platform. We may also surface content from authoritative sources to ensure our users have access to accurate and trusted information, such as links to official voting-related resources developed and maintained by election commissions.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_10":"We continuously iterate our policies and reviewer guidance based on inputs from within our own Spotify teams, external stakeholders, and our partners on the \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_safety_advisory_council_url)\"\u003eSpotify Safety Advisory Council\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_11":"You can read more about our safety work \u003ca href=\"$(safety_at_spotify_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e and see our guidance for creators during past elections \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_elections_toolkit)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_7_subtitle":"Election Integrity at Spotify","sc_section_7_nav_label":"Election Integrity at Spotify","sc_section_7_p_1":"Spotify is the place to find your favourite new creator, discover a new song from your favorite artist or unlock an audiobook that brings you into a whole new world. While the vast majority of content on our platform is licensed, we are realistic and vigilant about the types of content that can proliferate during sensitive events like elections. We are a home for creative expression and will always offer a wide range of content, but that does not mean anything goes.","sc_section_7_p_2":"Safeguarding our platform during critical global events is a top priority for our teams, and we've spent years developing and refining our approach. Elections are a particularly sensitive time both on and offline, and our primary focus is always to reduce risk, allowing our listeners, creators, and advertisers to enjoy our products.","sc_section_7_p_3":"To understand the types of harm that may occur during a country's election, we consider a variety of indicators, including Spotify's presence in the market, historical precedents for harm during voting periods, and emerging geo-political factors that may increase on-platform risks. We also look at factors that are especially relevant to the Spotify platform, for example, particular countries where audio content might present concerns.","sc_section_7_p_4":"We monitor these factors on an ongoing basis and use our learnings to inform policy and enforcement guidelines, customize in-product interventions, and determine where we may benefit from additional resourcing and/or third-party inputs. Ultimately, our primary focus is always to reduce risk, allowing our listeners, creators, and advertisers to enjoy our products.","sc_section_7_platform_rules_h2_heading":"Platform Rules","sc_section_7_platform_rules_p_1":"While political or news-related discourse is welcome on Spotify, we have \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e in place to help set the parameters for what type of content is and is not permitted. These rules apply to everyone on the Spotify platform and when they are violated we will always take \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003eaction\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_7_platform_rules_p_2":"Our Platform Rules clearly state that content that attempts to manipulate or interfere with election-related processes is prohibited. This includes, but may not be limited to, misrepresenting procedures in a civic process that could discourage or prevent participation and misleading content aimed at intimidating or suppressing voters from participating in an election.","sc_section_7_expert_partnerships_h2_heading":"Expert Partnerships","sc_section_7_expert_partnerships_p_1":"Elections worldwide vary in risk and scope and the types of harmful trends that manifest during these kinds of heightened events are often nuanced and hyper-localized. To augment our global expertise and detection capabilities, Spotify acquired \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_kinzen_url)\"\u003eKinzen\u003c/a\u003e in 2022. This has allowed us to carry out extensive, ongoing research in multiple languages and key policy areas like misinformation and hate speech. Our research is supported by a pioneering tool called 'Spotlight,' specifically designed to identify potential risks quickly within long-form audio content like podcasts.","sc_section_7_expert_partnerships_p_2":"Additionally, we partner closely with experts on specific types of harm that are commonly found during elections, like misinformation, hate speech, and violent extremism. These include our global \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_safety_advisory_council_url)\"\u003eSpotify Safety Advisory Council\u003c/a\u003e and the \u003ca href=\"$(institute_strategic_dialogue)\"\u003eInstitute for Strategic Dialogue\u003c/a\u003e to ensure we stay on top of emerging trends and risk mitigation tactics.","sc_section_7_in_product_resources_h2_heading":"In-Product Resources","sc_section_7_in_product_resources_p_1":"We also encourage non-partisan civic and community engagement during key elections. This work is focused on connecting listeners with reliable, local information during the election period. We leverage a combination of algorithmic and human curation to identify content which violates our guidelines, and may update our recommendations to curb potentially manipulated or dangerous information.","sc_section_7_in_product_resources_p_2":"In some cases, we also share trusted information on voting as part of non-partisan civic engagement campaigns we run on-platform, encouraging our users to make their voices heard, whatever their political affiliation. During these campaigns, our global and in-market teams collaborate to create timely, topical, and local content that's focused on overcoming barriers to voting by, for example, explaining how to register and where to cast your vote.","sc_section_7_in_product_resources_p_3":"Since we started our efforts, these campaigns have driven \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_equity_impact_report_url)\"\u003emillions of visits\u003c/a\u003e to resources on civic engagement, helping users check their voter status, register to vote, or learn more about their local elections.","sc_section_7_political_ads_h2_heading":"Political Ads","sc_section_7_political_ads_p_1":"Spotify currently accepts political advertisements in certain third-party podcasts via the Spotify Audience Network in a limited number of markets, including the United States and India.","sc_section_7_political_ads_p_2":"Political ads may be placed in Spotify Audience Network and Spotify's free, ad-supported service inventory. An account must be eligible for political ads, and the account holder must complete an advertiser identity verification process. Political ads are unavailable for purchase via our self-serve tool, Spotify Ad Studio.","sc_section_7_political_ads_p_3":"Additionally, we require that political advertisements clearly disclose the use of any synthetic or manipulated media, including media created or edited with the use of Artificial Intelligence tools, that depicts real or realistic-looking people or events. This disclosure must be included in the advertisement and must be clear and conspicuous.","sc_section_7_political_ads_p_4":"To read more about political ads in the markets where they are offered, and learn about how to report an ad you believe violates our policies, please review Spotify's \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_political_ads_policy_url)\"\u003epolitical advertising editorial policies\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_9_subtitle":"Our Approach to Violent Extremism","sc_section_9_nav_label":"Our Approach to Violent Extremism","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_1":"Spotify seeks to give artists an opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it. In support of that endeavor, our global teams work around the clock to ensure that the experience along the way is safe and enjoyable for creators, listeners, and advertisers.","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_2":"On Spotify, the vast majority of listening time is spent on licensed content. Regardless of who created the content, our top priority is to allow our community to connect directly with the music, podcasts, and audiobooks they love. However, this does not mean that anything goes.","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_3":"Spotify strictly prohibits content that promotes terrorism or violent extremism and takes action on content that violates our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e or the law.","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_4":"When it comes to violent extremism, we carefully review entities' on-platform and offline behavior, including (but not limited to) violent conduct and incitement of violence. We work closely with third-parties with \u003ca href=\"$(isd_violent_extremism_url)\"\u003eextremism expertise\u003c/a\u003e to ensure we are making the most informed decisions throughout these processes and taking local, regional, and cultural context into account.","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_5":"We address potential violent extremist content through multiple policies, which include, but are not limited to:","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_li_1":"Our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ehate policies\u003c/a\u003e prohibit content that explicitly incites violence or hatred toward people based on protected characteristics, including race, sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. ","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_li_2":"Our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003edangerous content policies\u003c/a\u003e clearly outline that material which promotes or supports terrorism or violent extremism is strictly not allowed on the Spotify platform.","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_6":"We identify potentially violative content for review using proactive monitoring methods, \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_kinzen_url)\"\u003eleveraging human expertise\u003c/a\u003e and user reports. We also use insights from global third-party \u003ca href=\"$(safety_advisory_council_url)\"\u003eexperts\u003c/a\u003e to monitor emerging abuse trends and ensure we're constantly improving our approach.","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_7":"When it comes to enforcement, we may take various \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003eactions\u003c/a\u003e, including removing content or the creator, reducing distribution, and/or demonetization. When determining what action to take, we consider the potential risk of the content to lead to offline harm. Additional factors may also include:","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_li_3":"Is there region-specific context or nuance?","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_li_4":"Could this content increase the risk of offline harm?","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_li_5":"What is the nature of the content (for example, is it news or a documentary? A comedy or satire?)","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_li_6":"Is the speaker discussing their personally lived experience?","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_8":"Additionally, when users search for violent extremist content, they may be pointed to resource hubs that offer support for those who have been exposed to radicalizing content. This material was created in partnership with third-party experts, including the \u003ca href=\"$(safety_advisory_council_url)\"\u003eSpotify Safety Advisory Council\u003c/a\u003e, and encourages users to critically evaluate the content they consume.","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_9":"This space is nuanced, complex, and always evolving. We are committed to iterating and improving upon our approach to keep violent extremist content off our platform. You can read more about our safety work \u003ca href=\"$(safety_at_spotify_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_10_subtitle":"Guidance for Parents or Caregivers","sc_section_10_nav_label":"Guidance for Parents or Caregivers","sc_section_10_p_0":"\u003cb\u003eA message from Alex Holmes\u003c/b\u003e","sc_section_10_alex_holmes_img_alt":"An image of Alex Holmes","sc_section_10_p_1":"Platforms like Spotify provide a unique opportunity for parents and kids to explore together, find educational content, and listen to music. Some of you have benefited from lullaby playlists to get your kids off to sleep, and many others have enjoyed introducing them to that particular song you loved when you were their age. In recent years, there has been a lot of growth in the amount of online spaces kids can use, and it can be overwhelming to know how best to keep them safe while they play.","sc_section_10_p_2":"I'm Alex Holmes, and I sit on the global safety advisory boards of a number of the major social media companies, advising them on their approach to safety and online harms, including \u003ca href=\"$(safety_advisory_council_url)\"\u003eSpotify\u003c/a\u003e. I am also Deputy CEO of the non-profit \u003ca href=\"$(diana_award_url)\"\u003eThe Diana Award\u003c/a\u003e, a legacy of Princess Diana's belief that young people have the power to change the world. I founded the peer-to-peer support programme \u003ca href=\"$(anti_bullying_pro_url)\"\u003eAnti-Bullying Ambassadors\u003c/a\u003e when I was 16 after being bullied myself. As you can imagine, I am keenly interested in addressing any barriers to children's happiness and well-being.","sc_section_10_p_3":"In the online world, I always suggest that parents should work together with their children to keep them safe. Discuss what types of content you are comfortable with them listening to, and help them understand what they can do if content makes them feel upset or worried. As a part of their commitment to keeping kids safe, Spotify has put together a guide below that outlines the latest tools and features they have designed for children, including parental controls you can use to protect them from explicit content and ways for you to \u003ca href=\"$(content_policy_reporting_url)\"\u003ereport\u003c/a\u003e any unwanted content or attention.","sc_section_10_p_4":"It is hard to navigate all the different platforms that your child might use, and I encourage every parent or carer to work with your child to understand Spotify, the kinds of music they are listening to, and the ways that they are engaging with others. It may also be useful to help them think about their actions towards other children and that they should be considerate of playlist titles, profiles, or playlist photos/uploads. Encourage them to share their playlists with you, as this could be an opportunity to curate and connect together and have a healthy dialogue.","sc_section_10_p_5":"Music and audio are important parts of how children learn to express themselves and understand the world. With the right support, you can use tools like Spotify to help them become more confident, resilient, and curious while balancing their privacy, freedom, and your own parenting style. Ultimately, talking with your child about these matters is the best way to show them that you are there to support them as they learn about the digital world.","sc_section_10_span_1":"Alex Holmes","sc_section_10_span_2":"\u003ci\u003eChild Safety Expert\u003c/i\u003e","sc_section_10_span_3":"\u003ca href=\"$(anti_bullying_pro_url)\"\\u003c/a\u003e","sc_section_10_safe_experience_h2_heading":"Creating a Safe Experience for Young People","sc_section_10_safe_experience_p_1":"Spotify is a digital music, podcast, and audiobook service that provides access to millions of songs and other content from creators from all over the world. We understand that navigating the digital world can be challenging for parents and that decisions around the content and experiences that are right for your family are often personal. To help craft an experience that is safe and enjoyable, we have developed an array of important measures.They include:","sc_section_10_safe_experience_li_1":"Establishing a zero-tolerance policy against content that exploits children and \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e ban illegal and/or abusive behaviors that harm children","sc_section_10_safe_experience_li_2":"Leveraging \u003ca href=\"$(understanding_recommendations_url)\"\u003emachine learning signals\u003c/a\u003e and establishing \u003ca href=\"$(content_policy_reporting_url)\"\u003euser reporting mechanisms\u003c/a\u003e to detect to potential policy and/or legal violations","sc_section_10_safe_experience_li_3":"Staffing teams around the clock to review and promptly action violative content","sc_section_10_safe_experience_li_4":"Connecting potentially vulnerable users' \u003ca href=\"$(resources_byspotify_url)\"\u003emental health resources\u003c/a\u003e when they search for content related to suicide, self-harm, and disordered eating content","sc_section_10_safe_experience_li_5":"Age-gating certain product features to reduce risks of an unwanted and/or potentially harmful experience","sc_section_10_safe_experience_li_6":"Providing parental controls so that Family Plan managers can design the most appropriate experience for their family","sc_section_10_safe_experience_li_7":"Proactively seeking feedback from experts on our \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_thorn_join_council_url)\"\u003eSpotify Safety Advisory Council\u003c/a\u003e, such as \u003ca href=\"$(thorn_url)\"\u003eThorn\u003c/a\u003e and the \u003ca href=\"$(diana_award_url)\"\u003eDiana Award\u003c/a\u003e and partners at the \u003ca href=\"$(jed_foundation_url)\"\u003eJed Foundation\u003c/a\u003e, \u003ca href=\"$(tech_coalition_url)\"\u003eTech Coalition\u003c/a\u003e, and \u003ca href=\"$(we_protect_url)\"\u003eWeProtect Alliance\u003c/a\u003e to ensure our teams stay up-to-date with emerging threats and mitigation techniques.","sc_section_10_safe_experience_p_2":"As the child safety landscape evolves, we will continue refining our policies, tools, and capabilities. In the meantime, please read on to learn more about steps you can take as a parent or guardian to help us create a safe experience.","sc_section_10_child_experience_h2_heading":"Your Child's Experience on Spotify","sc_section_10_creating_account_h3_heading":"Creating an account","sc_section_10_creating_account_p_1":"All users must meet the \u003ca href=\"$(terms_use_url)\"\u003eminimum age requirement\u003c/a\u003e for the country associated with their account. If your child is under the minimum age to use Spotify or does not otherwise meet the requirements of our \u003ca href=\"$(terms_use_url)\"\u003eTerms of Use\u003c/a\u003e, their account must be closed.","sc_section_10_creating_account_p_2":"When creating an account, it's important to represent your child's age accurately. This helps ensure compliance with local laws and helps us deliver an age-appropriate product experience.","sc_section_10_premium_family_plans_h3_heading":"Premium Family Plans","sc_section_10_premium_family_plans_p_1":"In certain markets, we currently offer the following experiences as part of our \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_premium_family_url)\"\u003ePremium Family Plan\u003c/a\u003e:","sc_section_10_premium_family_plans_li_1":"\u003cb\u003eSpotify Kids\u003c/b\u003e is a standalone app that offers a curated experience and includes content that may resonate more with younger children. To learn more, click \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_kids_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_10_premium_family_plans_p_2":"Whether you opt into a Premium Family Plan or not, Spotify provides various tools to help you curate the experience that's right for your family.","sc_section_10_design_safe_experience_h3_heading":"Designing a Safe Experience for your Child","sc_section_10_design_safe_experience_p_1":"Decisions about what types of content are most suitable for your family can be deeply personal. To help tailor your family's experience, you may consider skipping explicit content or controlling the playback of specific artists. ","sc_section_10_explicit_content_filter_h4_heading":"Explicit Content Filter","sc_section_10_explicit_content_filter_p_1":"Creators and rights-holders often mark content that may contain adult language or themes as \u0026quot;Explicit Content\u0026quot; or add an \u0026quot;E\u0026quot; tag. To skip content that's been tagged as explicit, you can follow the instructions \u003ca href=\"$(explicit_content_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_10_explicit_content_filter_p_2":"\u003ci\u003ePro Tip:\u003c/i\u003e If you're playing music from a shared device or in the presence of a child (for example, a family road trip or birthday party), turning on your Explicit Content Filter can help avoid unintentional awkward moments.","sc_section_10_explicit_content_filter_p_3":"\u003ci\u003ePro Tip:\u003c/i\u003e It is sometimes possible to find clean versions of content tagged as explicit on Spotify.","sc_section_10_explicit_content_filter_p_4":"To report a song, podcast, or audiobook that isn't tagged correctly, contact us \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_contact_us_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_10_controlling_playback_h4_heading":"Controlling the Playback for Specific Artists","sc_section_10_controlling_playback_p_1":"You can control the playback of specific artists on your mobile device or the mobile device of other members of your Family plan by going to the artist profile, clicking the 3 dots, and selecting 'Don't play this' within each account.","sc_section_10_mark_not_interested_h4_heading":"Marking content as \"not interested\"","sc_section_10_mark_not_interested_p_1":"Mobile users can also use the \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_not_interested_url)\"\u003e\u0026quot;not interested\u0026quot;\u003c/a\u003e button to control their experiences better. Content you mark as \u0026quot;not interested\u0026quot; will instantly be removed from your subfeed and won't show up again. Any other songs/albums/episodes by that artist/podcast show will also be filtered out from future recommendations.","sc_section_10_reporting_content_h4_heading":"Reporting Violative Content","sc_section_10_reporting_content_p_1":"All content on Spotify must comply with local laws and our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e. These Rules were developed by our in-house team of safety policy experts with feedback from trusted global safety experts, including our \u003ca href=\"$(safety_advisory_council_url)\"\u003eSpotify Safety Advisory Council\u003c/a\u003e. We also have teams staffed globally around the clock to help ensure content is promptly reviewed and \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003eactioned\u003c/a\u003e appropriately.","sc_section_10_reporting_content_p_2":"Our policies and enforcement approach are not static and evolve in response to changing abuse trends, the global regulatory landscape, new content types, and feedback from our trusted safety partners.","sc_section_10_reporting_content_p_3":"If you encounter content you believe may violate our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, please report it through \u003ca href=\"$(content_policy_reporting_url)\"\u003ethis form\u003c/a\u003e. To learn more about additional reporting options, visit our \u003ca href=\"$(safety_center_url)\"\u003eSafety and Privacy Center\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_10_privacy_spotify_h2_heading":"Privacy on Spotify","sc_section_10_privacy_spotify_p_1":"We're committed to protecting our users' personal data, including that of children, and have put mechanisms in place to help ensure users' information is safe. Some ways we might use personal data are to provide recommendations in your language, suggest a podcast we think you might enjoy, or help you discover your new favorite artist.","sc_section_10_privacy_spotify_p_2":"To learn more about how we use your data, your privacy rights and choices, and how to adjust your settings, please see our \u003ca href=\"$(learn_more_privacy_url)\"\u003eSafety and Privacy Center\u003c/a\u003e and read our \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e.","pc_section_1_page_title":"Privacy - Collecting your personal data","pc_section_1_big_header_title":"Safety \u0026 Privacy Center","pc_section_1_title":"Privacy","pc_section_1_subtitle":"Collecting your personal data","pc_section_1_nav_label":"Collecting your personal data","pc_section_1_p_1":"It is very important to us that you understand what personal data we collect about you, how we collect it, and why it's necessary.","pc_section_1_p_2":"We collect your personal data in the following ways:","pc_section_1_li_1":"\u003cb\u003eWhen you sign up for the Spotify Service or when you update your account\u003c/b\u003e - we collect certain personal data to create your Spotify account so you can use the Spotify Service. This includes your profile name and email address, as described in more detail in section 3 of our \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e.","pc_section_1_li_2":"\u003cb\u003eThrough your use of the Spotify Service\u003c/b\u003e - when you use or access the Spotify Service, we collect and process personal data about your actions. This includes the songs you have played and playlists you have created. This is the Usage Data category contained in section 3 of our \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e.","pc_section_1_li_3":"\u003cb\u003ePersonal data that you choose to give us\u003c/b\u003e - from time to time, you may also provide us with additional personal data or give us permission to collect personal data e.g. to provide you with more features or functionality. These could include Voice Data, Payment and Purchase Data and Survey and Research Data categories contained in section 3 of our \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e.","pc_section_1_li_4":"\u003cb\u003ePersonal data we receive from third party sources\u003c/b\u003e - if you sign up for Spotify using another service or connect your Spotify account to a third party application, service or device, we'll receive your data from those third parties. We may also receive your data from technical service providers, payment partners and advertising and marketing partners. See section 3 of the \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e for more details.","pc_section_2_page_title":"Privacy - Protecting your personal data","pc_section_2_big_header_title":"Safety \u0026 Privacy Center","pc_section_2_title":"Privacy","pc_section_2_subtitle":"Protecting your personal data","pc_section_2_nav_label":"Protecting your personal data","pc_section_2_p_1":"We're committed to protecting our users' personal data. We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to help protect the security of your personal data. However, please note that no system is ever completely secure.","pc_section_2_p_2":"We have put various safeguards in place to guard against unauthorised access and unnecessary retention of personal data in our systems. These include pseudonymisation, encryption, access, and retention policies.","pc_section_2_p_3":"To protect your user account, we encourage you to:","pc_section_2_li_1":"use a strong password which you only use for your Spotify account","pc_section_2_li_2":"never share your password with anyone","pc_section_2_li_3":"limit access to your computer and browser","pc_section_2_li_4":"log out once you have finished using the Spotify Service on a shared device","pc_section_2_li_5":"read more detail on \u003ca href=\"$(protect_your_account_url)\"\u003eprotecting your account\u003c/a\u003e","pc_section_2_p_4":"For more detail, see section 8 of our \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e.","pc_section_3_page_title":"Privacy - Your privacy controls","pc_section_3_big_header_title":"Safety \u0026 Privacy Center","pc_section_3_title":"Privacy","pc_section_3_subtitle":"Your privacy controls","pc_section_3_nav_label":"Your privacy controls","pc_section_3_p_1":"\u003cb\u003e\u003ca href=\"$(privacy_settings_page)\"\u003ePrivacy Settings page\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/b\u003e - control the processing of certain personal data, including tailored advertising.","pc_section_3_p_2":"\u003cb\u003e\u003ca href=\"$(notification_settings_page)\"\u003eNotification Settings page\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/b\u003e - set which marketing communication you get from Spotify.","pc_section_4_page_title":"Privacy - Learn more about privacy","pc_section_4_big_header_title":"Safety \u0026 Privacy Center","pc_section_4_title":"Privacy","pc_section_4_subtitle":"Learn more about privacy","pc_section_4_nav_label":"Learn more about privacy","pc_section_4_p_1":"Check out the below privacy resources and watch the videos on this page to learn more.","pc_section_4_learn_li_1":"Our \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e contains further detail about what personal data we collect, how we use it, and why we process it.","pc_section_4_learn_li_1_en":"Our \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e contains further detail about what personal data we collect, how we use it, and why we process it. If you reside in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah or Virginia, our \u003ca href=\"$(supplemental_US_privacy_notice_url)\"\u003eSupplemental U.S. State Privacy Notice\u003c/a\u003e applies in addition to the Privacy Policy.","pc_section_4_learn_li_2":"Our \u003ca href=\"$(cookie_policy_url)\"\u003eCookie Policy\u003c/a\u003e contains information about the cookies that Spotify uses, the role they play in helping us provide the best possible experience to you, and the choices you have when it comes to your cookie settings.","pc_section_4_learn_li_3_en":"Our \u003ca href=\"$(parental_guide_pdf)\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eguide to Spotify for parents and guardians\u003c/a\u003e provides advice on how to support and protect your teenage or younger child when using Spotify's services.","pc_section_4_learn_li_4":"Our \u003ca href=\"$(safety_privacy_support_url)\"\u003eSafety \u0026amp; Privacy Spotify Support\u003c/a\u003e pages provide extra support and answers to frequently asked questions.","pc_section_4_p_2":"For any questions or concerns about privacy, contact our Data Protection Officer any one of these ways:","pc_section_4_contact_li_1":"Email \u003ca href=\"mailto:\\u003e\"\\u003c/a\u003e","pc_section_4_contact_li_2_usa":"Write to us at: Spotify USA Inc., 150 Greenwich Street, Floor 62, New York, NY 10007, USA","pc_section_4_contact_li_2_row_notusa":"Write to us at: Spotify AB, Regeringsgatan 19, 111 53 Stockholm, Sweden","default":{"sp_home_nav_label":"Home","sp_home_big_header":"Welcome","sp_home_intro_p_1":"Spotify is a digital music, podcast and audiobook service that gives you access to millions of songs and other content from creators all over the world. We are committed to providing a safe environment and protecting our users' privacy. In support of that endeavor, our global teams work around the clock to protect users on Spotify from harm, help keep their data safe and ensure the experience is enjoyable for everyone.","sc_section_1_page_title":"Safety - Reporting content","sc_section_1_big_header_title":"Safety \u0026 Privacy Center","sc_section_1_title":"Safety","sc_section_1_subtitle":"Reporting content on Spotify","sc_section_1_nav_label":"Reporting content","sc_section_1_overview_subsection_heading":"Overview","sc_section_1_overview_subsection_p_1":"At Spotify we work hard to elevate creative expression and want our community to safely present their authentic selves, but that does not mean that anything goes.","sc_section_1_overview_subsection_p_2":"Our long-standing \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e outline what is and isn't allowed on Spotify. We prioritize the review of content that impacts minors, presents a greater risk of offline harm, or may be illegal.","sc_section_1_whattype_subsection_heading":"What type of actions are taken against illegal content or content that violates the Platform Rules?","sc_section_1_whattype_subsection_p_1":"When we find content that violates our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e or is illegal under local law, we may take a \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003erange of actions\u003c/a\u003e. These actions may include removing content, restricting distribution, applying content advisory labels and/or demonetisation.","sc_section_1_how_subsection_heading":"How can someone report content on Spotify?","sc_section_1_how_subsection_p_1":"If you feel that a piece of content may violate our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, please report it through our secure reporting \u003ca href=\"$(report_content_url)\"\u003eform\u003c/a\u003e. The content owner will not know who made the report.","sc_section_1_how_subsection_p_2":"To report content that you believe infringes your intellectual property rights or otherwise violates the law, please \u003ca href=\"$(legal_claim_url)\"\u003econtact us\u003c/a\u003e. Content reported through this form (unless it is being reported for intellectual property reasons) will also be reviewed for Platform Rules violations. More information on Spotify's policy to address intellectual property infringement can be found in our \u003ca href=\"$(copyright_policy_url)\"\u003eCopyright Policy\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_1_how_subsection_p_3":"Abuse of our reporting process can lead to restrictions on your ability to submit reports in the future, and repeated violations of the \u003ca href=\"$(terms_use_url)\"\u003eSpotify Terms of Use\u003c/a\u003e, including our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, may result in your account being suspended or terminated.","sc_section_1_how_subsection_p_4":"Authorities listed in the Official Journal of the European Union can report content for the purposes of the \u003ca href=\"$(eu_regulation_terrorist_content_url)\"\u003eRegulation (EU) 2021/784 on addressing the dissemination of terrorist content online\u003c/a\u003e by \u003ca href=\"mailto:\\u003e\"\u003eemailing us\u003c/a\u003e. We will not respond to requests sent by anyone other than relevant authorities.","sc_section_1_who_subsection_heading":"Who can report content?","sc_section_1_who_subsection_p_1":"Anyone with an email address can report content on Spotify, even if they do not have a Spotify account. Please note that abuse of our reporting process may restrict your ability to submit requests in the future.","sc_section_1_appeal_subsection_heading":"Can content decisions be appealed?","sc_section_1_appeal_subsection_p_1":"Options for appealing content decisions vary by location, and we will continue to expand our capabilities in the future. ","sc_section_1_appeal_subsection_p_2":"If you disagree with an enforcement decision taken on your content or in response to your report, you may be able to submit an appeal. To do this, please follow the instructions in the notification you may have received from Spotify.","sc_section_1_report_app_subsection_heading":"How do I report other problems with the app?","sc_section_1_report_app_subsection_p_1":"If you find inaccurate information or issues with app functionality, you can \u003ca href=\"$(inaccurate_metadata_url)\"\u003ereport them here\u003c/a\u003e. If you're an artist, your label or distributor can help fix problems with your music.","sc_section_2_page_title":"Safety - Understanding recommendations","sc_section_2_big_header_title":"Safety \u0026 Privacy Center","sc_section_2_title":"Safety","sc_section_2_subtitle":"Understanding recommendations on Spotify","sc_section_2_nav_label":"Understanding recommendations","sc_section_2_spotify_subsection_heading_H2":"How do Spotify recommendations work?","sc_section_2_spotify_subsection_p_1":"At Spotify, we aim to create great and unique experiences for each user. Our goal is to connect everyone with what they love and help them discover something new. No two listeners are the same, so everyone's Spotify experience, and many of our recommendations, are personalized. When asked what they like about Spotify, most listeners cite our personalization as their top feature. You might wonder how we generate these recommendations across the Home feed, playlists, search results or other parts of the service, and we want to help demystify how they work.","sc_section_2_spotify_subsection_p_2":"At Spotify, people and technology work together to deliver relevant recommendations. Some recommendations are based on editorial curation, like a pop playlist created by music editors. Other recommendations are tailored to each listener's unique taste, like a personalized playlist powered by our expert-designed algorithms.","sc_section_2_spotify_subsection_p_3":"We believe recommendations shouldn't just optimize for the next click, but evolve with your taste. We have dedicated teams in place making sure your recommendations enable real engagement and cultivate meaningful connections. We're always working on improving our recommendation systems to make sure we're showing you relevant and enjoyable content.","sc_section_2_curation_subsection_heading_H2":"Editorial curation","sc_section_2_curation_subsection_p_1":"Editors at Spotify use data insights, sharp ears, and an understanding of cultural trends to place content where it's likely to resonate most with fans around the world. They employ thoughtful curation to recommend content on Spotify, like in editorial playlists. Around the world, editors at Spotify have extensive knowledge about local music and culture, which allows them to make their programming decisions with the best listener experiences in mind.","sc_section_2_personalized_subsection_heading_H2":"Personalized recommendations","sc_section_2_personalized_subsection_p_1":"Spotify offers algorithmic recommendations that are relevant, unique, and specific to each user. Our algorithms select and order content across each listener's Spotify experience, including in Search, Home, and in personalized playlists.","sc_section_2_personalized_subsection_p_2":"To make these recommendations, our algorithms rely on a number of inputs. The importance of these inputs may vary over time, depending on your individual use of Spotify. We believe that your taste profile is the most important input for creating the best overall user experience. Below, you'll find more details on the most significant inputs and how they work.","sc_section_2_tasteprofile_subsection_heading_H3":"Your \"taste profile\"","sc_section_2_tasteprofile_subsection_p_1":"As you engage with Spotify, actions such as searching, listening, skipping, or saving to Your Library influence our interpretation of your taste. We call this your “taste profile,” and it gives our algorithms an indication of what you're interested in and how you like to listen.","sc_section_2_tasteprofile_subsection_li_1":"Example: If you listen to a certain artist, we might recommend more songs by that artist.","sc_section_2_tasteprofile_subsection_li_2":"Example: Our Release Radar playlist recommends the latest releases we think you'll enjoy based on similar music you've listened to.","sc_section_2_tasteprofile_subsection_li_3":"Example: If you listen to a sports podcast, we might recommend other sports podcasts to you.","sc_section_2_infoshare_subsection_heading_H3":"Information you share with us","sc_section_2_infoshare_subsection_p_1":"Recommendations are also based on information you share with Spotify, like your general (non-precise) location, your language, your age, and who you follow. This gives our algorithms signals about what topics you're interested in or which artists you want to keep up to date with.","sc_section_2_infoshare_subsection_li_1":"Example: If you follow a certain podcast, we might recommend an episode from that podcast.","sc_section_2_infoshare_subsection_li_2":"Example: If you choose German as your language on Spotify, we might recommend German-speaking podcasts.","sc_section_2_trends_subsection_heading_H3":"Trends","sc_section_2_trends_subsection_p_1":"Our algorithms consider trends and the general tastes and behaviors of users to improve recommendations for everyone. When users take similar actions on certain content, our algorithms have more information about how people might want to interact with it.","sc_section_2_trends_subsection_li_1":"Example: If many users interact with a specific search result (e.g. a song or a podcast), we are likely to recommend that result to other users who search for similar things.","sc_section_2_contentinfo_subsection_heading_H3":"Information about the content","sc_section_2_contentinfo_subsection_p_1":"Our algorithms take into account the characteristics of the content itself, such as its genre, release date, podcast category, etc. This allows us to identify which content has similar characteristics and might be enjoyed by similar listeners.","sc_section_2_contentinfo_subsection_li_1":"Example: If you listen to a lot of pop music, we might recommend other pop songs that are similar.","sc_section_2_contentinfo_subsection_li_2":"Example: if you listen to a lot of crime audiobooks, we might recommend other crime audiobooks.","sc_section_2_listener_subsection_heading_H3":"Listener safety","sc_section_2_listener_subsection_p_1":"As a platform, we evaluate the impact that we have on creators, listeners, and communities. Spotify works to ensure that appropriate safety measures and processes are in place, including measures to prevent exposure to harmful content. We take \u003ca href=\"$(algorithmic_responsibility_url)\"\u003ealgorithmic responsibility\u003c/a\u003e seriously and collaborate between policy, product, and research teams, as well as consult with external experts such as the \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_safety_advisory_council_url)\"\u003eSpotify Safety Advisory Council\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_2_listener_subsection_p_2":"Spotify's \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e apply to all content on the platform, including recommended content. These rules were developed by internal teams with input from a wide range of outside experts. When we become aware of potentially violating content, that content is reviewed against our policies, and the appropriate \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003eaction\u003c/a\u003e will be taken. These actions include, for example, restricting the violating content from being recommended.","sc_section_2_influence_subsection_heading_H2":"How can you influence what your recommendations are based on?","sc_section_2_influence_subsection_p_1":"Your recommendations are constantly influenced by your engagement with content on Spotify. The more you listen to content you like and the more you interact with the app, the more we think you'll enjoy your recommendations.","sc_section_2_influence_subsection_p_2":"We also offer ways for you to influence and give feedback on what shows up in your recommendations and see less of something specific. Some examples are listed below:","sc_section_2_influence_subsection_li_1":"\u003cb\u003eExclude from taste profile:\u003c/b\u003e When you \u003ca href=\"$(your_taste_profile_url)\"\u003eexclude a playlist\u003c/a\u003e from your taste profile, that playlist will have less influence on your future recommendations.","sc_section_2_influence_subsection_li_2":"\u003cb\u003eGiving feedback on recommendations:\u003c/b\u003e When you tap [not interested/thumbs down] for a recommendation on Spotify, you'll be given fewer recommendations that are similar to it.","sc_section_2_influence_subsection_li_3":"\u003cb\u003eExplicit content filter:\u003c/b\u003e When you turn off \u003ca href=\"$(explicit_content_url)\"\u003eexplicit content\u003c/a\u003e, anything with an explicit tag will be grayed out and you won't be able to play it.","sc_section_2_influence_subsection_p_3":"In some cases, you can also organize and filter your recommendations based on what you most want to see. For example, you can filter your Home page to only see podcasts, or only see music.","sc_section_2_commercial_subsection_heading_H2":"How do commercial considerations impact recommendations?","sc_section_2_commercial_subsection_p_1":"Spotify prioritizes listener satisfaction when recommending content. In some cases, commercial considerations, such as the cost of content or whether we can monetize it, may influence our recommendations. For example, \u003ca href=\"$(discovery_mode_url)\"\u003eDiscovery Mode\u003c/a\u003e gives artists and labels the opportunity to identify songs that are a priority for them, and our system will add that signal to the algorithms that determine the content of personalized listening sessions. When an artist or label turns on Discovery Mode for a song, Spotify charges a commission on streams of that song in areas of the platform where Discovery Mode is active (Discovery Mode is not active in our editorial playlists). This signal increases the likelihood of the selected songs being recommended, but does not guarantee it. We only recommend songs there is a high probability listeners will enjoy. As with all recommendations, we take note when a listener isn't engaging with a song — including those in Discovery Mode — and factor this in when determining what to recommend in the future.","sc_section_3_page_title_eu":"Safety - Digital Services Act Points of Contact","sc_section_3_big_header_title_eu":"Safety \u0026 Privacy Center","sc_section_3_title_eu":"Safety","sc_section_3_nav_label_eu":"Digital Services Act Points of Contact","sc_section_3_p_1_eu":"The Digital Services Act (“DSA”) regulates digital services that connect consumers with online content in the European Union (EU). A goal of the DSA is to create a safe environment online while ensuring fundamental rights are protected.","sc_section_3_p_2_eu":"Spotify operates a number of services that fall within scope of the Digital Services Act. The information listed on this page is intended to help Spotify users, creators, and authorities within the EU communicate with Spotify, as stated in the DSA.","sc_section_3_resources_h1_heading_eu":"User Resources","sc_section_3_support_h2_heading_eu":"Support and Customer Service","sc_section_3_support_p_1_eu":"For information concerning Spotify's websites, applications and services, you can visit our \u003ca href=\"$(support_help_url)\"\u003eHelp site\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_3_support_p_2_eu":"Users can also contact \u003ca href=\"$(support_contact_url)\"\u003eSpotify's Customer Support team\u003c/a\u003e for help with general inquiries.","sc_section_3_report_h2_heading_eu":"Report Content on Spotify","sc_section_3_report_p_1_eu":"At Spotify, we want to give users the best possible experience, and our long-standing \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e help us do that by outlining what is and isn't allowed on our services. If you believe content violates Spotify's Platform Rules, you can \u003ca href=\"$(content_policy_reporting_url)\"\u003ereport it\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_3_report_p_2_eu":"Spotify users must also comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and respect the intellectual property rights of third parties (read about \u003ca href=\"$(copyright_policy_url)\"\u003eour approach to intellectual property\u003c/a\u003e). To notify Spotify of content that infringes your intellectual property rights or otherwise violates the law, fill out \u003ca href=\"$(legal_claim_url)\"\u003ethis form\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_3_report_p_3_eu":"For more information, please visit our \u003ca href=\"$(safety_center_url)\"\u003eSafety Center\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_3_authorities_h1_heading_eu":"Support for EU Authorities","sc_section_3_authorities_p_1_eu":"Relevant national judicial or administrative authorities can contact us directly for the purposes of the DSA:","sc_section_3_authorities_li_1_eu":"For orders to act against illegal content or for other communication from regulatory authorities, please \u003ca href=\"mailto:\\u003e\"\u003eemail us\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_3_authorities_li_2_eu":"To request information about one or more specific individual recipients of Spotify's services, please \u003ca href=\"mailto:\\u003e\"\u003econtact us\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_3_authorities_p_2_eu":"Communications to the above email addresses can be in English or Swedish. Note that we will not respond to requests sent to these addresses by anyone other than the European Member States' authorities, the European Commission, and the European Board for Digital Services.","sc_section_3_information_h1_heading_eu":"Information on monthly active recipients in the EU ","sc_section_3_information_p_1_eu":"To review information about Spotify's average monthly active recipients of its service under the DSA, please visit \u003ca href=\"$(legal_DSA_se_URL)\"\u003e\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_4_subtitle":"Spotify Platform Rules","sc_section_4_nav_label":"Platform Rules","sc_section_4_p_1":"Spotify's mission is to unlock the potential of human creativity – by giving a million creative artists the opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it. We believe achieving this mission on our platform is made possible by welcoming different forms of artistic expression, ideas, perspectives, and voices. This may mean that some content on our platform may not be to each individual's liking or is content that Spotify endorses.","sc_section_4_p_2":"However, that doesn't mean that anything goes on our platform. In addition to the terms that you agreed to governing your use of our services, these rules help ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience.","sc_section_4_rules_h2_heading":"What are the rules?","sc_section_4_rules_p_1":"Whether you are a musician, podcaster, or other contributor, it is important to be aware of what is not allowed on our platform. The examples in the below sections are for illustrative purposes and are not exhaustive.","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_h3_heading":"Dangerous Content","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_1":"Spotify is home to communities where people can create, express themselves, listen, share, learn, and be inspired. Don't promote violence, incite hatred, harass, bully, or engage in any other behavior that may place people at risk of serious physical harm or death. \u003cb\u003eWhat to avoid:\u003c/b\u003e","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_2":"\u003cb\u003eContent that advocates or glorifies serious physical harm towards an individual or group\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_1":"encouraging, promoting, or glorifying suicide and self-harm (if you or someone you know is struggling or thinking about self-harm, please see \u003ca href=\"$(resources_byspotify_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e for ways to get help)","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_2":"inciting or threatening serious physical harm or acts of violence against a specific target or specific group","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_3":"\u003cb\u003eContent that promotes or supports terrorism or violent extremism\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_3":"glorifying or praising violent extremist groups or their members","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_4":"coordinating, promoting, threatening, or praising an act of violence by or on behalf of violent extremist groups or their members","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_5":"providing instructions or instructional materials to commit an act of violent extremism","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_6":"soliciting an individual or group to finance, undertake an act of violent extremism, or become involved in the activities of a violent extremist group","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_4":"\u003cb\u003eContent that targets an individual or identifiable group for harassment or related abuse\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_7":"repeatedly targeting specific individuals with sexual advances","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_8":"repeatedly targeting a minor to shame or intimidate","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_9":"sharing or re-sharing non-consensual intimate content, as well as threats to distribute or expose such content","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_10":"sharing, threatening to share, or encouraging others to share someone's private information, including credit card or banking information, National Identity numbers, etc.","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_5":"\u003cb\u003eContent that incites violence or hatred towards a person or group of people based on race, religion, gender identity or expression, sex, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, veteran status, age, disability or other characteristics associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization includes,\u003c/b\u003e but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_11":"praising, supporting, or calling for violence against a person or group of people based on the characteristics listed above","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_12":"dehumanizing statements about a person or group based on the protected characteristics listed above","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_13":"promoting or glorifying hate groups and their associated images, and/or symbols","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_6":"\u003cb\u003eContent that promotes dangerous false or dangerous deceptive medical information that may cause offline harm or poses a direct threat to public health\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_14":"asserting that AIDS, COVID-19, cancer or other serious life threatening diseases are a hoax or not real","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_15":"encouraging the consumption of bleach products to cure various illnesses and diseases","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_16":"promoting or suggesting that vaccines approved by local health authorities are designed to cause death","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_17":"encouraging people to purposely get infected with COVID-19 in order to build immunity to it (e.g. promoting or hosting \"coronavirus parties\")","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_7":"\u003cb\u003eContent that illicitly promotes the sale of regulated or illegal goods\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_18":"selling illegal firearms or firearm parts","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_19":"selling illegal drugs","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_20":"selling endangered species or products derived from endangered species","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_p_8":"\u003cb\u003eContent that promotes, solicits, or facilitates child sexual abuse or exploitation\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_21":"visual depictions of a minor engaged in a sexual act or lascivious depictions of a nude minor","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_22":"promoting acts of sexual abuse against a child in exchange for money","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_23":"encouraging or promoting sexual attraction by adults towards minors","sc_section_4_rules_dangerous_content_li_24":"promoting, normalizing, or glorifying child grooming behaviors","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_h3_heading":"Deceptive Content","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_p_0":"Creating great experiences on Spotify requires trust that people are who they say they are, that they won't be scammed, and that no one is trying to manipulate our platform. Don't use malicious practices to deceive others. \u003cb\u003eWhat to avoid:\u003c/b\u003e","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_p_1":"\u003cb\u003eContent that impersonates others in order to deceive\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_1":"replicating the same name, image, and/or description as another existing creator","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_2":"posing as another person, brand, or organization in a misleading manner","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_p_2":"\u003cb\u003eContent that promotes manipulated and synthetic media as authentic in ways that pose the risk of harm\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_3":"audio or video recording that comes from a real and valid source that has been altered in a way that changes the meaning or context of the original media and is purported to be true, thus posing a risk of harm to the speaker or other individuals","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_4":"audio or visual media artificially created through the use of technology that's purported to be true, such as digitally manufactured sexual audio and video content or content falsely suggesting that someone committed a crime","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_p_3":"\u003cb\u003eContent that attempts to manipulate or interfere with election-related processes\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_5":"misrepresentation of procedures in a civic process that could discourage or prevent participation","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_6":"misleading content promoted to intimidate or suppress voters from participating in an election","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_p_4":"\u003cb\u003eContent that attempts to take advantage of the Spotify community\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_7":"posting, sharing, or providing instructions on implementing malware or related malicious practices that seek to harm or gain unauthorized access to computers, networks, systems, or other technologies","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_8":"phishing or related attempts to deceptively solicit or collect sensitive information","sc_section_4_rules_deceptive_content_li_9":"promoting investment and financial scams like get rich quick and pyramid schemes, or otherwise encouraging others to part with money under false pretenses","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_h3_heading":"Sensitive Content","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_p_1":"We have tons of amazing content on Spotify, but there are certain things that we don't allow on our platform. Don't post excessively violent or graphic content, and don't post sexually explicit content. \u003cb\u003eWhat to avoid:\u003c/b\u003e","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_p_2":"\u003cb\u003eContent that promotes graphic or gratuitous depictions of violence, gore, or other shocking imagery\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_li_1":"severely mutilated or dismembered bodies","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_li_2":"promoting animal cruelty or torture","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_p_3":"\u003cb\u003eContent that contains sexually explicit material\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_li_3":"pornography or visual depictions of genitalia or nudity presented for the purpose of sexual gratification","sc_section_4_rules_sensitive_content_li_4":"advocating or glorifying sexual themes related to rape, incest, or beastiality","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_h3_heading":"Illegal Content","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_p_1":"The law is the law. No matter who you are, it is your responsibility to comply with applicable laws and regulations. \u003cb\u003eWhat to avoid:\u003c/b\u003e","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_p_2":"\u003cb\u003eContent that violates applicable laws and regulations\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_li_1":"content that does not comply with applicable sanctions and export regulations","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_li_2":"content that is intended to promote or commit an illegal act of any kind","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_p_3":"\u003cb\u003eContent that infringes the intellectual property rights of others\u003c/b\u003e includes, but may not be limited to:","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_li_3":"content provided to Spotify without obtaining necessary permissions","sc_section_4_rules_illegal_content_li_4":"content that infringes third-party copyrights or trademarks","sc_section_4_rules_enforce_h2_heading":"How does Spotify enforce these rules?","sc_section_4_rules_enforce_p_1":"Spotify seeks to enforce these rules consistently and at scale across the world using a combination of technology and human review. In addition to user reports, we leverage automated tools that rely on a combination of signals to detect content that may violate our Platform Rules.","sc_section_4_rules_enforce_p_2":"We have global teams of experts who develop, maintain and enforce our Platform Rules. When potentially violating content is reported or detected, our teams will work to take the appropriate enforcement action.","sc_section_4_rules_broken_h2_heading":"What happens when the rules are broken?","sc_section_4_rules_broken_p_1":"We take these decisions seriously and keep context in mind when assessing possible Platform Rules violations. Breaking the rules may result in the violative content being removed from Spotify. Repeated or egregious violations may result in accounts being suspended and/or terminated. Learn more about other actions we may take on content or accounts \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_4_what_else_h2_heading":"What else do I need to know?","sc_section_4_what_else_p_1":"These Platform Rules will help ensure that Spotify remains an open and safe platform for all. We will continue to evaluate and update this information as needed, so please check back frequently. Depending on which Spotify products or features you use, you may be subject to additional requirements.","sc_section_4_report_issue_h2_heading":"How can I report an issue?","sc_section_4_report_issue_p_1":"Have you found an issue with a piece of content on Spotify? If so please let us know by reporting it \u003ca href=\"$(content_policy_reporting_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_5_subtitle":"Content Actions","sc_section_5_nav_label":"Content Actions","sc_section_5_action_content_h2_heading":"What actions can be taken on content?","sc_section_5_action_content_p_1":"There are a variety of actions that Spotify may take on content that violates the \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, applicable laws or that may contain sensitive topics. These actions include removing content, restricting content's discoverability, restricting the ability of content to be monetized, and/or applying content advisory labels.","sc_section_5_action_content_p_2":"We consider a variety of factors when determining what action(s) to take, such as the context behind a particular topic or current event and the severity and/or frequency of violations observed as part of our review process. We leverage a variety of algorithmic and human detection measures to help identify content that may need to be actioned, including user reports. Any abuse of our processes, including targeted reporting of the same content or user, may restrict your ability to submit requests in the future.","sc_section_5_remove_content_h2_heading":"Removing content","sc_section_5_remove_content_p_1":"If content violates our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, it may be removed from Spotify.","sc_section_5_remove_account_h2_heading":"Removing an account","sc_section_5_remove_account_p_1":"Repeated and/or egregious violations of the \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e may result in an account being suspended and/or terminated. Note that this may also include all related and affiliated Spotify accounts.","sc_section_5_restrict_content_discover_h2_heading":"Restricting the discoverability of content","sc_section_5_restrict_content_discover_p_1":"In instances when content comes close to the line but does not meet the threshold of removal under our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, we may take steps to restrict its reach. Though the content will remain available on Spotify, it may be:","sc_section_5_restrict_content_discover_li_1":"ineligible for on-platform promotion;","sc_section_5_restrict_content_discover_li_2":"reduced within recommendations;","sc_section_5_restrict_content_discover_li_3":"ranked lower in search results; and/or","sc_section_5_restrict_content_discover_li_4":"excluded from some Spotify product features.","sc_section_5_restrict_content_discover_p_2":"During periods of heightened risk there is often a greater threat of harmful content online, for example, during elections, violent conflict or mass-casualty events. Recognizing this, Spotify may take additional steps during such events, like restricting the reach of certain types of content and/or highlighting timely and trusted resources.","sc_section_5_restrict_content_monetization_h2_heading":"Restricting content monetization by Spotify","sc_section_5_restrict_content_monetization_p_1":"Not all content is eligible for monetization on Spotify. In addition to the \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, content that you wish to monetize will be reviewed against our \u003ca href=\"$(monetization_policies_url)\"\u003eMonetization Policies\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_5_content_advisory_monetization_h2_heading":"Including a content advisory","sc_section_5_content_advisory_monetization_p_1":"In situations when more context may be needed on a given topic, a content advisory label may be applied with relevant information and/or to link users to timely, trusted resources.","sc_section_5_restrict_content_country_h2_heading":"Restricting content in a specific country or region","sc_section_5_restrict_content_country_p_1":"Spotify is a global community and respects the laws of the countries in which we operate. Users must comply with applicable laws and regulations. Content that does not violate our Platform Rules may still be restricted in specific countries or regions where the content has been found to violate local law(s).","sc_section_5_appeals_h2_heading":"Appeals","sc_section_5_appeals_p_1":"Options for appealing content decisions vary by location, and we will continue to expand our capabilities in the future.","sc_section_5_appeals_p_2":"If you disagree with an enforcement decision taken on your content or in response to your report, you may be able to submit an appeal. To do this, please follow the instructions in the notification you may have received from Spotify.","sc_section_6_subtitle":"Our Approach to Dangerous and Deceptive Content","sc_section_6_nav_label":"Our Approach to Dangerous and Deceptive Content","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_1":"Spotify teams work around the clock to create a safe and enjoyable experience for our creators, listeners, and advertisers. While the majority of content on our platform is policy compliant and most listening time is spent on licensed content, bad actors do occasionally try to spoil the experience by sharing deceptive and/or manipulated information. When we identify content which violates our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, we move promptly to take the appropriate \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003eaction\u003c/a\u003e. Read on to learn more about the tactics we use to keep Spotify free from harm.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_2":"Deceptive content can take many forms, ranging from innocuous rumors to very serious, targeted campaigns designed to spread fear and harm amongst communities. In a changing world these trends evolve quickly and we leverage the expertise of our internal teams and external partners to better understand these types of manipulation.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_3":"In many cases, these sorts of malicious narratives may be shared by someone who might not know they are false or misleading. And while some falsehoods are not dangerous (\"my dog is the smartest in the world\"), other egregious examples clearly are (\"cancer is a hoax\"). The term 'misinformation' is frequently used to describe multiple types of manipulated information, including disinformation, which is content deliberately shared by malicious actors to sow doubt on authentic content.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_4":"Dangerous and deceptive content is nuanced and complex and requires a great deal of thoughtful evaluation. We believe that addressing these types of violations through multiple policy categories allows us to be more effective and precise in our decisions.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_5":"For example, within our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003eDangerous Content policies\u003c/a\u003e, we make it clear that we do not allow content promoting false or deceptive medical information that may cause offline harm or directly threaten public health. Another example is within our Deceptive Content policies, which outline that we take action on content that attempts to manipulate or interfere with election-related processes, including that which intimidates or suppresses voters from participating in an election.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_6":"When assessing these forms of online abuse, we take multiple factors into account, including:","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_li_1":"the substance of the content (for example, is the creator pretending to be someone else?)","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_li_2":"the context (for example, is it a news report about a dangerous narrative that is spreading, or is it endorsing the narrative itself?)","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_li_3":"the motivation (for example, is the creator attempting to trick a user into voting past the deadline?)","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_li_4":"the risk of harm (for example, is there a high likelihood the spread of the narrative will result in imminent physical harm?)","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_7":"Dangerous deception is often hyper-localized, targeting specific markets, languages, and particular at-risk populations. To address this, we leverage \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_kinzen_url)\"\u003elocal market expertise\u003c/a\u003e to help ensure we stay close to emerging trends that may present a serious risk of harm and scale this human knowledge using machine learning classifiers. This approach is known as \u0026quot;the human in the loop.\u0026quot;","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_8":"We recognize that this type of content can be more prevalent during periods of uncertainty and volatility, when authoritative information may be scarce. For this reason, we may also take a number of \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003econtent actions\u003c/a\u003e to help limit the spread of potentially abusive content during sensitive events when there is a more pronounced risk of harmful narratives leading to offline violence.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_9":"For example, we may restrict the content's discoverability in recommendations, include a content advisory warning, or elect to remove it from the platform. We may also surface content from authoritative sources to ensure our users have access to accurate and trusted information, such as links to official voting-related resources developed and maintained by election commissions.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_10":"We continuously iterate our policies and reviewer guidance based on inputs from within our own Spotify teams, external stakeholders, and our partners on the \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_safety_advisory_council_url)\"\u003eSpotify Safety Advisory Council\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_6_dangerous_deceptive_content_p_11":"You can read more about our safety work \u003ca href=\"$(safety_at_spotify_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e and see our guidance for creators during past elections \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_elections_toolkit)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_7_subtitle":"Election Integrity at Spotify","sc_section_7_nav_label":"Election Integrity at Spotify","sc_section_7_p_1":"Spotify is the place to find your favourite new creator, discover a new song from your favorite artist or unlock an audiobook that brings you into a whole new world. While the vast majority of content on our platform is licensed, we are realistic and vigilant about the types of content that can proliferate during sensitive events like elections. We are a home for creative expression and will always offer a wide range of content, but that does not mean anything goes.","sc_section_7_p_2":"Safeguarding our platform during critical global events is a top priority for our teams, and we've spent years developing and refining our approach. Elections are a particularly sensitive time both on and offline, and our primary focus is always to reduce risk, allowing our listeners, creators, and advertisers to enjoy our products.","sc_section_7_p_3":"To understand the types of harm that may occur during a country's election, we consider a variety of indicators, including Spotify's presence in the market, historical precedents for harm during voting periods, and emerging geo-political factors that may increase on-platform risks. We also look at factors that are especially relevant to the Spotify platform, for example, particular countries where audio content might present concerns.","sc_section_7_p_4":"We monitor these factors on an ongoing basis and use our learnings to inform policy and enforcement guidelines, customize in-product interventions, and determine where we may benefit from additional resourcing and/or third-party inputs. Ultimately, our primary focus is always to reduce risk, allowing our listeners, creators, and advertisers to enjoy our products.","sc_section_7_platform_rules_h2_heading":"Platform Rules","sc_section_7_platform_rules_p_1":"While political or news-related discourse is welcome on Spotify, we have \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e in place to help set the parameters for what type of content is and is not permitted. These rules apply to everyone on the Spotify platform and when they are violated we will always take \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003eaction\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_7_platform_rules_p_2":"Our Platform Rules clearly state that content that attempts to manipulate or interfere with election-related processes is prohibited. This includes, but may not be limited to, misrepresenting procedures in a civic process that could discourage or prevent participation and misleading content aimed at intimidating or suppressing voters from participating in an election.","sc_section_7_expert_partnerships_h2_heading":"Expert Partnerships","sc_section_7_expert_partnerships_p_1":"Elections worldwide vary in risk and scope and the types of harmful trends that manifest during these kinds of heightened events are often nuanced and hyper-localized. To augment our global expertise and detection capabilities, Spotify acquired \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_kinzen_url)\"\u003eKinzen\u003c/a\u003e in 2022. This has allowed us to carry out extensive, ongoing research in multiple languages and key policy areas like misinformation and hate speech. Our research is supported by a pioneering tool called 'Spotlight,' specifically designed to identify potential risks quickly within long-form audio content like podcasts.","sc_section_7_expert_partnerships_p_2":"Additionally, we partner closely with experts on specific types of harm that are commonly found during elections, like misinformation, hate speech, and violent extremism. These include our global \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_safety_advisory_council_url)\"\u003eSpotify Safety Advisory Council\u003c/a\u003e and the \u003ca href=\"$(institute_strategic_dialogue)\"\u003eInstitute for Strategic Dialogue\u003c/a\u003e to ensure we stay on top of emerging trends and risk mitigation tactics.","sc_section_7_in_product_resources_h2_heading":"In-Product Resources","sc_section_7_in_product_resources_p_1":"We also encourage non-partisan civic and community engagement during key elections. This work is focused on connecting listeners with reliable, local information during the election period. We leverage a combination of algorithmic and human curation to identify content which violates our guidelines, and may update our recommendations to curb potentially manipulated or dangerous information.","sc_section_7_in_product_resources_p_2":"In some cases, we also share trusted information on voting as part of non-partisan civic engagement campaigns we run on-platform, encouraging our users to make their voices heard, whatever their political affiliation. During these campaigns, our global and in-market teams collaborate to create timely, topical, and local content that's focused on overcoming barriers to voting by, for example, explaining how to register and where to cast your vote.","sc_section_7_in_product_resources_p_3":"Since we started our efforts, these campaigns have driven \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_equity_impact_report_url)\"\u003emillions of visits\u003c/a\u003e to resources on civic engagement, helping users check their voter status, register to vote, or learn more about their local elections.","sc_section_7_political_ads_h2_heading":"Political Ads","sc_section_7_political_ads_p_1":"Spotify currently accepts political advertisements in certain third-party podcasts via the Spotify Audience Network in a limited number of markets, including the United States and India.","sc_section_7_political_ads_p_2":"Political ads may be placed in Spotify Audience Network and Spotify's free, ad-supported service inventory. An account must be eligible for political ads, and the account holder must complete an advertiser identity verification process. Political ads are unavailable for purchase via our self-serve tool, Spotify Ad Studio.","sc_section_7_political_ads_p_3":"Additionally, we require that political advertisements clearly disclose the use of any synthetic or manipulated media, including media created or edited with the use of Artificial Intelligence tools, that depicts real or realistic-looking people or events. This disclosure must be included in the advertisement and must be clear and conspicuous.","sc_section_7_political_ads_p_4":"To read more about political ads in the markets where they are offered, and learn about how to report an ad you believe violates our policies, please review Spotify's \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_political_ads_policy_url)\"\u003epolitical advertising editorial policies\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_9_subtitle":"Our Approach to Violent Extremism","sc_section_9_nav_label":"Our Approach to Violent Extremism","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_1":"Spotify seeks to give artists an opportunity to live off their art and billions of fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it. In support of that endeavor, our global teams work around the clock to ensure that the experience along the way is safe and enjoyable for creators, listeners, and advertisers.","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_2":"On Spotify, the vast majority of listening time is spent on licensed content. Regardless of who created the content, our top priority is to allow our community to connect directly with the music, podcasts, and audiobooks they love. However, this does not mean that anything goes.","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_3":"Spotify strictly prohibits content that promotes terrorism or violent extremism and takes action on content that violates our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e or the law.","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_4":"When it comes to violent extremism, we carefully review entities' on-platform and offline behavior, including (but not limited to) violent conduct and incitement of violence. We work closely with third-parties with \u003ca href=\"$(isd_violent_extremism_url)\"\u003eextremism expertise\u003c/a\u003e to ensure we are making the most informed decisions throughout these processes and taking local, regional, and cultural context into account.","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_5":"We address potential violent extremist content through multiple policies, which include, but are not limited to:","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_li_1":"Our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ehate policies\u003c/a\u003e prohibit content that explicitly incites violence or hatred toward people based on protected characteristics, including race, sex, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. ","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_li_2":"Our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003edangerous content policies\u003c/a\u003e clearly outline that material which promotes or supports terrorism or violent extremism is strictly not allowed on the Spotify platform.","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_6":"We identify potentially violative content for review using proactive monitoring methods, \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_kinzen_url)\"\u003eleveraging human expertise\u003c/a\u003e and user reports. We also use insights from global third-party \u003ca href=\"$(safety_advisory_council_url)\"\u003eexperts\u003c/a\u003e to monitor emerging abuse trends and ensure we're constantly improving our approach.","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_7":"When it comes to enforcement, we may take various \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003eactions\u003c/a\u003e, including removing content or the creator, reducing distribution, and/or demonetization. When determining what action to take, we consider the potential risk of the content to lead to offline harm. Additional factors may also include:","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_li_3":"Is there region-specific context or nuance?","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_li_4":"Could this content increase the risk of offline harm?","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_li_5":"What is the nature of the content (for example, is it news or a documentary? A comedy or satire?)","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_li_6":"Is the speaker discussing their personally lived experience?","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_8":"Additionally, when users search for violent extremist content, they may be pointed to resource hubs that offer support for those who have been exposed to radicalizing content. This material was created in partnership with third-party experts, including the \u003ca href=\"$(safety_advisory_council_url)\"\u003eSpotify Safety Advisory Council\u003c/a\u003e, and encourages users to critically evaluate the content they consume.","sc_section_9_violent_extremism_approach_p_9":"This space is nuanced, complex, and always evolving. We are committed to iterating and improving upon our approach to keep violent extremist content off our platform. You can read more about our safety work \u003ca href=\"$(safety_at_spotify_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_10_subtitle":"Guidance for Parents or Caregivers","sc_section_10_nav_label":"Guidance for Parents or Caregivers","sc_section_10_p_0":"\u003cb\u003eA message from Alex Holmes\u003c/b\u003e","sc_section_10_alex_holmes_img_alt":"An image of Alex Holmes","sc_section_10_p_1":"Platforms like Spotify provide a unique opportunity for parents and kids to explore together, find educational content, and listen to music. Some of you have benefited from lullaby playlists to get your kids off to sleep, and many others have enjoyed introducing them to that particular song you loved when you were their age. In recent years, there has been a lot of growth in the amount of online spaces kids can use, and it can be overwhelming to know how best to keep them safe while they play.","sc_section_10_p_2":"I'm Alex Holmes, and I sit on the global safety advisory boards of a number of the major social media companies, advising them on their approach to safety and online harms, including \u003ca href=\"$(safety_advisory_council_url)\"\u003eSpotify\u003c/a\u003e. I am also Deputy CEO of the non-profit \u003ca href=\"$(diana_award_url)\"\u003eThe Diana Award\u003c/a\u003e, a legacy of Princess Diana's belief that young people have the power to change the world. I founded the peer-to-peer support programme \u003ca href=\"$(anti_bullying_pro_url)\"\u003eAnti-Bullying Ambassadors\u003c/a\u003e when I was 16 after being bullied myself. As you can imagine, I am keenly interested in addressing any barriers to children's happiness and well-being.","sc_section_10_p_3":"In the online world, I always suggest that parents should work together with their children to keep them safe. Discuss what types of content you are comfortable with them listening to, and help them understand what they can do if content makes them feel upset or worried. As a part of their commitment to keeping kids safe, Spotify has put together a guide below that outlines the latest tools and features they have designed for children, including parental controls you can use to protect them from explicit content and ways for you to \u003ca href=\"$(content_policy_reporting_url)\"\u003ereport\u003c/a\u003e any unwanted content or attention.","sc_section_10_p_4":"It is hard to navigate all the different platforms that your child might use, and I encourage every parent or carer to work with your child to understand Spotify, the kinds of music they are listening to, and the ways that they are engaging with others. It may also be useful to help them think about their actions towards other children and that they should be considerate of playlist titles, profiles, or playlist photos/uploads. Encourage them to share their playlists with you, as this could be an opportunity to curate and connect together and have a healthy dialogue.","sc_section_10_p_5":"Music and audio are important parts of how children learn to express themselves and understand the world. With the right support, you can use tools like Spotify to help them become more confident, resilient, and curious while balancing their privacy, freedom, and your own parenting style. Ultimately, talking with your child about these matters is the best way to show them that you are there to support them as they learn about the digital world.","sc_section_10_span_1":"Alex Holmes","sc_section_10_span_2":"\u003ci\u003eChild Safety Expert\u003c/i\u003e","sc_section_10_span_3":"\u003ca href=\"$(anti_bullying_pro_url)\"\\u003c/a\u003e","sc_section_10_safe_experience_h2_heading":"Creating a Safe Experience for Young People","sc_section_10_safe_experience_p_1":"Spotify is a digital music, podcast, and audiobook service that provides access to millions of songs and other content from creators from all over the world. We understand that navigating the digital world can be challenging for parents and that decisions around the content and experiences that are right for your family are often personal. To help craft an experience that is safe and enjoyable, we have developed an array of important measures.They include:","sc_section_10_safe_experience_li_1":"Establishing a zero-tolerance policy against content that exploits children and \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e ban illegal and/or abusive behaviors that harm children","sc_section_10_safe_experience_li_2":"Leveraging \u003ca href=\"$(understanding_recommendations_url)\"\u003emachine learning signals\u003c/a\u003e and establishing \u003ca href=\"$(content_policy_reporting_url)\"\u003euser reporting mechanisms\u003c/a\u003e to detect to potential policy and/or legal violations","sc_section_10_safe_experience_li_3":"Staffing teams around the clock to review and promptly action violative content","sc_section_10_safe_experience_li_4":"Connecting potentially vulnerable users' \u003ca href=\"$(resources_byspotify_url)\"\u003emental health resources\u003c/a\u003e when they search for content related to suicide, self-harm, and disordered eating content","sc_section_10_safe_experience_li_5":"Age-gating certain product features to reduce risks of an unwanted and/or potentially harmful experience","sc_section_10_safe_experience_li_6":"Providing parental controls so that Family Plan managers can design the most appropriate experience for their family","sc_section_10_safe_experience_li_7":"Proactively seeking feedback from experts on our \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_thorn_join_council_url)\"\u003eSpotify Safety Advisory Council\u003c/a\u003e, such as \u003ca href=\"$(thorn_url)\"\u003eThorn\u003c/a\u003e and the \u003ca href=\"$(diana_award_url)\"\u003eDiana Award\u003c/a\u003e and partners at the \u003ca href=\"$(jed_foundation_url)\"\u003eJed Foundation\u003c/a\u003e, \u003ca href=\"$(tech_coalition_url)\"\u003eTech Coalition\u003c/a\u003e, and \u003ca href=\"$(we_protect_url)\"\u003eWeProtect Alliance\u003c/a\u003e to ensure our teams stay up-to-date with emerging threats and mitigation techniques.","sc_section_10_safe_experience_p_2":"As the child safety landscape evolves, we will continue refining our policies, tools, and capabilities. In the meantime, please read on to learn more about steps you can take as a parent or guardian to help us create a safe experience.","sc_section_10_child_experience_h2_heading":"Your Child's Experience on Spotify","sc_section_10_creating_account_h3_heading":"Creating an account","sc_section_10_creating_account_p_1":"All users must meet the \u003ca href=\"$(terms_use_url)\"\u003eminimum age requirement\u003c/a\u003e for the country associated with their account. If your child is under the minimum age to use Spotify or does not otherwise meet the requirements of our \u003ca href=\"$(terms_use_url)\"\u003eTerms of Use\u003c/a\u003e, their account must be closed.","sc_section_10_creating_account_p_2":"When creating an account, it's important to represent your child's age accurately. This helps ensure compliance with local laws and helps us deliver an age-appropriate product experience.","sc_section_10_premium_family_plans_h3_heading":"Premium Family Plans","sc_section_10_premium_family_plans_p_1":"In certain markets, we currently offer the following experiences as part of our \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_premium_family_url)\"\u003ePremium Family Plan\u003c/a\u003e:","sc_section_10_premium_family_plans_li_1":"\u003cb\u003eSpotify Kids\u003c/b\u003e is a standalone app that offers a curated experience and includes content that may resonate more with younger children. To learn more, click \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_kids_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_10_premium_family_plans_p_2":"Whether you opt into a Premium Family Plan or not, Spotify provides various tools to help you curate the experience that's right for your family.","sc_section_10_design_safe_experience_h3_heading":"Designing a Safe Experience for your Child","sc_section_10_design_safe_experience_p_1":"Decisions about what types of content are most suitable for your family can be deeply personal. To help tailor your family's experience, you may consider skipping explicit content or controlling the playback of specific artists. ","sc_section_10_explicit_content_filter_h4_heading":"Explicit Content Filter","sc_section_10_explicit_content_filter_p_1":"Creators and rights-holders often mark content that may contain adult language or themes as \u0026quot;Explicit Content\u0026quot; or add an \u0026quot;E\u0026quot; tag. To skip content that's been tagged as explicit, you can follow the instructions \u003ca href=\"$(explicit_content_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_10_explicit_content_filter_p_2":"\u003ci\u003ePro Tip:\u003c/i\u003e If you're playing music from a shared device or in the presence of a child (for example, a family road trip or birthday party), turning on your Explicit Content Filter can help avoid unintentional awkward moments.","sc_section_10_explicit_content_filter_p_3":"\u003ci\u003ePro Tip:\u003c/i\u003e It is sometimes possible to find clean versions of content tagged as explicit on Spotify.","sc_section_10_explicit_content_filter_p_4":"To report a song, podcast, or audiobook that isn't tagged correctly, contact us \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_contact_us_url)\"\u003ehere\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_10_controlling_playback_h4_heading":"Controlling the Playback for Specific Artists","sc_section_10_controlling_playback_p_1":"You can control the playback of specific artists on your mobile device or the mobile device of other members of your Family plan by going to the artist profile, clicking the 3 dots, and selecting 'Don't play this' within each account.","sc_section_10_mark_not_interested_h4_heading":"Marking content as \"not interested\"","sc_section_10_mark_not_interested_p_1":"Mobile users can also use the \u003ca href=\"$(spotify_not_interested_url)\"\u003e\u0026quot;not interested\u0026quot;\u003c/a\u003e button to control their experiences better. Content you mark as \u0026quot;not interested\u0026quot; will instantly be removed from your subfeed and won't show up again. Any other songs/albums/episodes by that artist/podcast show will also be filtered out from future recommendations.","sc_section_10_reporting_content_h4_heading":"Reporting Violative Content","sc_section_10_reporting_content_p_1":"All content on Spotify must comply with local laws and our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e. These Rules were developed by our in-house team of safety policy experts with feedback from trusted global safety experts, including our \u003ca href=\"$(safety_advisory_council_url)\"\u003eSpotify Safety Advisory Council\u003c/a\u003e. We also have teams staffed globally around the clock to help ensure content is promptly reviewed and \u003ca href=\"$(content_actions_url)\"\u003eactioned\u003c/a\u003e appropriately.","sc_section_10_reporting_content_p_2":"Our policies and enforcement approach are not static and evolve in response to changing abuse trends, the global regulatory landscape, new content types, and feedback from our trusted safety partners.","sc_section_10_reporting_content_p_3":"If you encounter content you believe may violate our \u003ca href=\"$(platform_rules_url)\"\u003ePlatform Rules\u003c/a\u003e, please report it through \u003ca href=\"$(content_policy_reporting_url)\"\u003ethis form\u003c/a\u003e. To learn more about additional reporting options, visit our \u003ca href=\"$(safety_center_url)\"\u003eSafety and Privacy Center\u003c/a\u003e.","sc_section_10_privacy_spotify_h2_heading":"Privacy on Spotify","sc_section_10_privacy_spotify_p_1":"We're committed to protecting our users' personal data, including that of children, and have put mechanisms in place to help ensure users' information is safe. Some ways we might use personal data are to provide recommendations in your language, suggest a podcast we think you might enjoy, or help you discover your new favorite artist.","sc_section_10_privacy_spotify_p_2":"To learn more about how we use your data, your privacy rights and choices, and how to adjust your settings, please see our \u003ca href=\"$(learn_more_privacy_url)\"\u003eSafety and Privacy Center\u003c/a\u003e and read our \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e.","pc_section_1_page_title":"Privacy - Collecting your personal data","pc_section_1_big_header_title":"Safety \u0026 Privacy Center","pc_section_1_title":"Privacy","pc_section_1_subtitle":"Collecting your personal data","pc_section_1_nav_label":"Collecting your personal data","pc_section_1_p_1":"It is very important to us that you understand what personal data we collect about you, how we collect it, and why it's necessary.","pc_section_1_p_2":"We collect your personal data in the following ways:","pc_section_1_li_1":"\u003cb\u003eWhen you sign up for the Spotify Service or when you update your account\u003c/b\u003e - we collect certain personal data to create your Spotify account so you can use the Spotify Service. This includes your profile name and email address, as described in more detail in section 3 of our \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e.","pc_section_1_li_2":"\u003cb\u003eThrough your use of the Spotify Service\u003c/b\u003e - when you use or access the Spotify Service, we collect and process personal data about your actions. This includes the songs you have played and playlists you have created. This is the Usage Data category contained in section 3 of our \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e.","pc_section_1_li_3":"\u003cb\u003ePersonal data that you choose to give us\u003c/b\u003e - from time to time, you may also provide us with additional personal data or give us permission to collect personal data e.g. to provide you with more features or functionality. These could include Voice Data, Payment and Purchase Data and Survey and Research Data categories contained in section 3 of our \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e.","pc_section_1_li_4":"\u003cb\u003ePersonal data we receive from third party sources\u003c/b\u003e - if you sign up for Spotify using another service or connect your Spotify account to a third party application, service or device, we'll receive your data from those third parties. We may also receive your data from technical service providers, payment partners and advertising and marketing partners. See section 3 of the \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e for more details.","pc_section_2_page_title":"Privacy - Protecting your personal data","pc_section_2_big_header_title":"Safety \u0026 Privacy Center","pc_section_2_title":"Privacy","pc_section_2_subtitle":"Protecting your personal data","pc_section_2_nav_label":"Protecting your personal data","pc_section_2_p_1":"We're committed to protecting our users' personal data. We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to help protect the security of your personal data. However, please note that no system is ever completely secure.","pc_section_2_p_2":"We have put various safeguards in place to guard against unauthorised access and unnecessary retention of personal data in our systems. These include pseudonymisation, encryption, access, and retention policies.","pc_section_2_p_3":"To protect your user account, we encourage you to:","pc_section_2_li_1":"use a strong password which you only use for your Spotify account","pc_section_2_li_2":"never share your password with anyone","pc_section_2_li_3":"limit access to your computer and browser","pc_section_2_li_4":"log out once you have finished using the Spotify Service on a shared device","pc_section_2_li_5":"read more detail on \u003ca href=\"$(protect_your_account_url)\"\u003eprotecting your account\u003c/a\u003e","pc_section_2_p_4":"For more detail, see section 8 of our \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e.","pc_section_3_page_title":"Privacy - Your privacy controls","pc_section_3_big_header_title":"Safety \u0026 Privacy Center","pc_section_3_title":"Privacy","pc_section_3_subtitle":"Your privacy controls","pc_section_3_nav_label":"Your privacy controls","pc_section_3_p_1":"\u003cb\u003e\u003ca href=\"$(privacy_settings_page)\"\u003ePrivacy Settings page\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/b\u003e - control the processing of certain personal data, including tailored advertising.","pc_section_3_p_2":"\u003cb\u003e\u003ca href=\"$(notification_settings_page)\"\u003eNotification Settings page\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/b\u003e - set which marketing communication you get from Spotify.","pc_section_4_page_title":"Privacy - Learn more about privacy","pc_section_4_big_header_title":"Safety \u0026 Privacy Center","pc_section_4_title":"Privacy","pc_section_4_subtitle":"Learn more about privacy","pc_section_4_nav_label":"Learn more about privacy","pc_section_4_p_1":"Check out the below privacy resources and watch the videos on this page to learn more.","pc_section_4_learn_li_1":"Our \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e contains further detail about what personal data we collect, how we use it, and why we process it.","pc_section_4_learn_li_1_en":"Our \u003ca href=\"$(privacy_policy_url)\"\u003ePrivacy Policy\u003c/a\u003e contains further detail about what personal data we collect, how we use it, and why we process it. If you reside in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Utah or Virginia, our \u003ca href=\"$(supplemental_US_privacy_notice_url)\"\u003eSupplemental U.S. State Privacy Notice\u003c/a\u003e applies in addition to the Privacy Policy.","pc_section_4_learn_li_2":"Our \u003ca href=\"$(cookie_policy_url)\"\u003eCookie Policy\u003c/a\u003e contains information about the cookies that Spotify uses, the role they play in helping us provide the best possible experience to you, and the choices you have when it comes to your cookie settings.","pc_section_4_learn_li_3_en":"Our \u003ca href=\"$(parental_guide_pdf)\" target=\"_blank\"\u003eguide to Spotify for parents and guardians\u003c/a\u003e provides advice on how to support and protect your teenage or younger child when using Spotify's services.","pc_section_4_learn_li_4":"Our \u003ca href=\"$(safety_privacy_support_url)\"\u003eSafety \u0026amp; Privacy Spotify Support\u003c/a\u003e pages provide extra support and answers to frequently asked questions.","pc_section_4_p_2":"For any questions or concerns about privacy, contact our Data Protection Officer any one of these ways:","pc_section_4_contact_li_1":"Email \u003ca href=\"mailto:\\u003e\"\\u003c/a\u003e","pc_section_4_contact_li_2_usa":"Write to us at: Spotify USA Inc., 150 Greenwich Street, Floor 62, New York, NY 10007, USA","pc_section_4_contact_li_2_row_notusa":"Write to us at: Spotify AB, Regeringsgatan 19, 111 53 Stockholm, Sweden"}},"content":[[{"id":"sp_home_big_header","translationKey":"sp_home_big_header","type":"Text_H1"}],[{"id":"sp_home_intro_p_1","translationKey":"sp_home_intro_p_1","type":"Text_P"}]],"navItemsBasedOnCountry":[{"title":"sp_home_nav_label","id":"home","childItems":[{"title":"","id":"home"}],"noDisplayChildren":true},{"title":"sc_section_1_title","id":"safety","childItems":[{"title":"sc_section_4_nav_label","id":"platform-rules"},{"title":"sc_section_5_nav_label","id":"content-actions"},{"title":"sc_section_1_nav_label","id":"reporting-content"},{"title":"sc_section_10_nav_label","id":"parental-guide"},{"title":"sc_section_7_nav_label","id":"elections-integrity"},{"title":"sc_section_6_nav_label","id":"dangerous-deceptive-content"},{"title":"sc_section_9_nav_label","id":"violent-extremism"},{"title":"sc_section_2_nav_label","id":"understanding-recommendations"}],"noDisplayChildren":false},{"title":"pc_section_1_title","id":"privacy","childItems":[{"title":"pc_section_1_nav_label","id":"personal-data-collected"},{"title":"pc_section_2_nav_label","id":"protecting-personal-data"},{"title":"pc_section_3_nav_label","id":"privacy-controls"},{"title":"pc_section_4_nav_label","id":"learn-more-about-privacy"}],"noDisplayChildren":false}],"indices":{"sectionIndex":0,"subSectionIndex":0},"marketAttribute":{"market":"sg-en","status":"LAUNCHED","language":"en","languageFallbacks":["en_SG","en"],"preferredLocale":"en","endianness":"LITTLE","textDirectionality":"tb-lr","displayNameWithLanguage":"Singapore (English)"}},"__N_SSP":true},"page":"/[market]/safetyandprivacy","query":{"market":"sg-en"},"buildId":"PyZz1Gy_QFqOeSEs00-t1","assetPrefix":"/privacy/static","isFallback":false,"gssp":true,"appGip":true,"scriptLoader":[]}</script></body></html>

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