Events | UWA Historical Society | UWA

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<span class="separator" role="presentation"></span> </li> <li class="breadcrumb-item last"> <a title="Events" href="/partners-and-community/community-engagement/historical-society/events">Past events</a> <span class="separator" role="presentation"></span> </li> </ol> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </header> <!-- /#header --> <!-- #content --> <main> <div id="content" class="grid-container full"> <div class="component promo small-12 cell"> <div class="component-content"> <div class="hero"><div class="hero-bkg"> <div class="hero-image"> <image width="1920" height="432" alt="O-Day 2024 DSC05293.jpg" src="" stylelabs-content-id="132909" stylelabs-content-type="Image" thumbnailsrc="" /> </div> </div><div class="hero-grid-container"><div class="hero-content-panel"><div class="hero-content"><div class="hero-copy"><h1 class="hero-title"><span class="font-novel-pro">UWA Historical Society events</span>&nbsp;</h1><div class="hero-description field-hero-description">The UWA Historical Society is proud to provide events for members, friends and the general public.&nbsp;</div><div class="hero-btn-container"></div></div></div></div></div></div> </div> </div> <div class="component container grid-container small-12 cell" > <div class="component-content grid-x grid-padding-x"> <div class="component component-heading component-heading--section small-12 cell container-padding--bottom-medium container-padding--top-small"> <div class="component-content"> <h2 class="section-title field-title">Upcoming events</h2> </div> </div> <div class="component image-liftout image-liftout--overlap small-12 cell"> <div class="component-content"> <div class="image-liftout-container"><figure class="image-liftout__column image-liftout__column--left"><div class="image-liftout__image-container"><div class="image-liftout__image-asset field-promoicon"><img src="/partners-and-community/-/media/project/uwa/uwa/partners-and-community/remembrance-day.jpg?h=3840&amp;iar=0&amp;w=5760&amp;hash=6EEA3E74D18AB359712B54B6BB3DB83A" alt="Poppy flowers in a field" width="5760" height="3840" loading="lazy" data-variantitemid="{438E53DA-2FB0-409A-A178-1B2723FE3393}" data-variantfieldname="PromoIcon" /></div></div></figure><div class="image-liftout__column image-liftout__column--right"><div class="image-liftout__content-container grid-x"><h2 class="image-liftout__content-heading">Remembrance Day 2024</h2><div class="image-liftout__content-asset field-promotext2"><p><span style="font-size: 1rem;">Monday November 11th 2024</span></p> <p>5:00pm to 6:00pm</p></div></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="component container grid-container small-12 cell" > <div class="component-content grid-x grid-padding-x"> <div class="component component-heading component-heading--section small-12 cell"> <div class="component-content"> <h2 class="section-title field-title">Past events</h2> </div> </div> <div class="component accordion small-12 cell" data-properties='{&quot;expandOnHover&quot;:false,&quot;expandedByDefault&quot;:false,&quot;speed&quot;:500,&quot;easing&quot;:&quot;swing&quot;,&quot;canOpenMultiple&quot;:true,&quot;canToggle&quot;:true,&quot;isControlEditable&quot;:false}'> <div class="component-content"> <div> <ul class="items"> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2024 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Date</td> <td style="width:54%;">Event</td> <td style="width:18%;">Venue</td> <td style="width:10%;">Time</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Tuesday 8th October 2024</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <p>2024 UWAHS General Meeting</p> <p><a href="/partners-and-community/-/media/project/uwa/uwa/partners-and-community/docs/uwahs-presidents-report-2024.pdf">UWAHS President's Report</a> [PDF]</p> </td> <td style="width:18%;">Irwin Street Building</td> <td style="width:10%;">4:30pm for 5:00pm start</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th April 2024</td> <td style="width:54%;"> 2024 Lotterywest Boorloo Heritage Festival<br /> Winthrop Hall has played host to world-famous artists and actors, royalty, prime ministers, presidents, heads of state, as well as thousands of students and staff, and this year UWA&rsquo;s majestic Winthrop Hall celebrated its 90th anniversary. The tour will then include the Edward de Courcy Clarke Earth Science Museum and the Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery. </td> <td style="width:18%;"> <span style="color: #0a0a0a;"><a href="">Winthrop Hall Entry</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</span> </td> <td style="width:10%;">10:30am and 2:00pm</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2023 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;"><strong>Date</strong></td> <td style="width:54%;"><strong>Event</strong></td> <td style="width:18%;"><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td style="width:10%;"><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd April 2023</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>City of Perth Heritage Weekend Tours 2023: Heritage Buildings of UWA Walking Tour</strong><br /> Discover the heritage buildings of the northern end of UWA&rsquo;s Crawley Campus. Starting near Winthrop Hall, the tour will take in the Hackett Memorial buildings, Winthrop Hall, Reid Library, Irwin Street Buildings, Arts Building, New Fortune Theatre, the Octagon and Dolphin theatres, and Somerville Auditorium, before finishing at Lawrence Jackson Court.<br /> <br /> Time: 10:30am to 11:30am<br /> Dates: Saturday 2 April 2023 and Sunday 3 April 2023 </td> <td style="width:18%;"><a href="">Winthrop Hall</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td style="width:10%;">10:30am - 11:30am</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd April 2023</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>Crawley Campus Historical Walking Tour</strong><br /> Discover the beginnings of WA&rsquo;s first university, and the vision the university&rsquo;s first Chancellor had for the campus. This guided walk describes his vision for a combined entity, and how today, architecture and landscape work in harmony to create a subtly beautiful environment.<br /> <br /> Time: 2:30pm to 3:30pm<br /> Dates: Saturday 2 April 2023 and Sunday 3 April 2023 </td> <td style="width:18%;"><a href="">Crawley Campus</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td style="width:10%;">2:30pm - 3:30pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Thursday 26th October 2023</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM)</strong><br /> Welcoming all Members, past, present, and future to this year's AGM. The meeting will be followed by the formal AGM, including the election of President/Chair and the UWAHS Committee for 2024. </td> <td style="width:18%;"><a href="">Boolong Room (G11), Bilya Marlee (School of Indigenous Studies)</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td style="width:10%;">4:30pm for 5:00pm start</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Saturday 11th November 2023</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>2023 Remembrance Day</strong><br /> Join representatives of the University, Guild, Convocation, and WA University Regiment on the Crawley Campus to remember those who served in times of conflict.<br /> <br /> Registration is essential. Please contact Fran: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#bbceccdad3c8fbceccda95dedfce95dace"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="d8adafb9b0ab98adafb9f6bdbcadf6b9ad">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </td> <td style="width:18%;"><a href="">Whitfeld Court</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td style="width:10%;">5:00pm - 6:00pm</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2022 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;"><strong>Date</strong></td> <td style="width:54%;"><strong>Event</strong></td> <td style="width:18%;"><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td style="width:10%;"><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Tuesday 18th January 2022</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>2022 Oral History WA joins with the UWA Historical Society</strong><br /> Did you know that the University of Western Australia&rsquo;s history began as an idea in 1910 and took three years to become a reality? It was in March 1913 that the inaugural academic year began with the admittance of its first cohort of students, both women and men, in Irwin Street, Perth.<br /> Learn more by joining us when Ron Bodycoat, Conservation and Heritage Architect, takes us on a journey through time while sharing his abundant knowledge of the history of the UWA&rsquo;s iconic buildings and gardens.<br /> After the walk, relax and chat while having morning tea at the UWA&rsquo;s Catalyst Caf&eacute; with other tour members.<br /> <br /> When: Tuesday 18 January 2022<br /> Time: 9:30 - 11:00 (finish time &amp; route subject to the morning's temperature*)<br /> Cost: (1) Tour: $15 per person. (2) Catalyst Caf&eacute; refreshments at your expense.<br /> Where to meet: Under the fig tree in the UWA carpark 3, entrance off Hackett Drive </td> <td style="width:18%;"><a href="">Carpark 3</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td style="width:10%;">9:30am - 11:00am</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th April 2022</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>2022 Heritage Perth Weekend</strong><br /> Morning tour: Discover the Heritage Buildings of UWA<br /> <a href="">Click here to register for the tour</a><br /> <br /> Afternoon tour: Historical Tour of UWA's Crawley Campus<br /> <a href="">Click here to register for the historical tour</a><br /> <br /> Each will feature guided tours on campus, the telling and re-telling of stories, and the enthralling history of WA&rsquo;s first university and of the heritage-listed Hackett Memorial Buildings.<br /> We welcome everyone to enjoy the guided tours on offer and to share in the stories of the past with friends and family. </td> <td style="width:18%;"><a href="">Hackett Memorial Buildings</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td style="width:10%;">Morning &amp; Afternoon Sessions</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Friday 11th November 2022</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>2022 Remembrance Day</strong><br /> Join representatives of the University, Guild, Convocation, and WA University Regiment on the Crawley Campus to remember those who served in times of conflict.<br /> <br /> Registration is essential. Please contact Fran: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#1d686a7c756e5d686a7c33787968337c68"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="423735232a31023735236c2726376c2337">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </td> <td style="width:18%;"><a href="">Whitfeld Court</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td style="width:10%;">5:00pm - 6:00pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Wednesday 14th December 2022</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>2022 Annual General Meeting (AGM)</strong><br /> Welcoming all Members, past, present, and future to this year's AGM. The meeting will be followed by the formal AGM, including the election of President/Chair and the UWAHS Committee for 2023. </td> <td style="width:18%;"><a href="">Convocation Council Room, Irwin Street Building</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td style="width:10%;">4:00pm - 5:00pm</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2021 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;"><strong>Date</strong></td> <td style="width:54%;"><strong>Event</strong></td> <td style="width:18%;"><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td style="width:10%;"><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Tuesday 27th July 2021 (Note new Date)</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>The Somerville Auditorium: Creating a Cathedral of Trees</strong><br /> 2019 marked the 75th anniversary of the first performance in the much-loved Somerville Auditorium. All are invited to join Emeritus Professor Jenny Gregory AM for this Members &amp; Friends Meeting presentation to find out more about the early history of this unique element of the University's campus and its founder William Somerville.<br /> <br /> Please register by emailing Fran at: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#f18486909982b1848690df949584df9084"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="e79290868f94a7929086c9828392c98692">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </td> <td style="width:18%;"> <a href="">Convocation Council Room, Irwin St Building (Cricket Pavilion)</a>, UWA Crawley Campus </td> <td style="width:10%;">5:30pm - 7:30pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Wednesday 12th May 2021</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>Development of the Sunken Garden</strong><br /> All are welcome to our first Members &amp; Friends Meeting for 2021. Our presenter is Gillian Lilleyman who will focus on the development of one of the best loved places on the University grounds. Find out about some of the early decision makers who shaped the campus landscape that we prize today. Followed by an opportunity to catch up after a long break!<br /> <br /> Please register by emailing Fran at: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#572220363f241722203679323322793622"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="87f2f0e6eff4c7f2f0e6a9e2e3f2a9e6f2">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </td> <td style="width:18%;"> <a href="">Convocation Council Room, Irwin St Building (Cricket Pavilion)</a>, UWA Crawley Campus </td> <td style="width:10%;">5:30pm - 7:30pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Saturday 17th April 2021</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>Perth Heritage Weekend: Heritage Buildings of UWA Walking Tour</strong><br /> Discover the heritage buildings of the northern end of UWA campus with tour guide Roy Stall. Starting near Winthrop Hall, the tour will take in the Hackett Memorial buildings, Winthrop Hall, Reid Library, Irwin Street Buildings, Arts Building and New Fortune Theatre, the Octagon and Dolphin Theatres and Somerville Auditorium, before finishing at Lawrence Jackson Court near Winthrop Hall.<br /> <br /> Please register by emailing Fran at: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#d4a1a3b5bca794a1a3b5fab1b0a1fab5a1"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="552022343d26152022347b3031207b3420">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </td> <td style="width:18%;"><a href="">Great Gateway, Winthrop Hall, UWA</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td style="width:10%;">10:00am - 11:00am</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Saturday 17th April 2021</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>Perth Heritage Weekend: Crawley Campus Historical Tour</strong><br /> Join tour guide Mihaela Safta on an historical tour of the Crawley campus. Discover the beginnings of WA&rsquo;s first university, and the vision the university&rsquo;s first Chancellor had for the campus. This guided walk describes his vision for a combined entity, and how today, architecture and landscape work in harmony to create a subtly beautiful environment.<br /> <br /> Please register by emailing Fran at: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#0a7f7d6b62794a7f7d6b246f6e7f246b7f"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="720705131a01320705135c1716075c1307">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </td> <td style="width:18%;"><a href="">Great Gateway, Winthrop Hall, UWA</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td style="width:10%;">2:30pm - 3:30pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Sunday 18th April 2021</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>Perth Heritage Weekend: Heritage Buildings of UWA Walking Tour</strong><br /> Discover the heritage buildings of the northern end of UWA campus with tour guide Roy Stall. Starting near Winthrop Hall, the tour will take in the Hackett Memorial buildings, Winthrop Hall, Reid Library, Irwin Street Buildings, Arts Building and New Fortune Theatre, the Octagon and Dolphin Theatres and Somerville Auditorium, before finishing at Lawrence Jackson Court near Winthrop Hall.<br /> <br /> Please register by emailing Fran at: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#5b2e2c3a33281b2e2c3a753e3f2e753a2e"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="dfaaa8beb7ac9faaa8bef1babbaaf1beaa">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </td> <td style="width:18%;"><a href="">Great Gateway, Winthrop Hall, UWA</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td style="width:10%;">10:00am - 11:00am</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Sunday 18th April 2021</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>Perth Heritage Weekend: Crawley Campus Historical Tour</strong><br /> Join tour guide Mihaela Safta on an historical tour of the Crawley campus. Discover the beginnings of WA&rsquo;s first university, and the vision the university&rsquo;s first Chancellor had for the campus. This guided walk describes his vision for a combined entity, and how today, architecture and landscape work in harmony to create a subtly beautiful environment.<br /> <br /> Please register by emailing Fran at: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#f28785939a81b2878593dc979687dc9387"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="681d1f09001b281d1f09460d0c1d46091d">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </td> <td style="width:18%;"><a href="">Great Gateway, Winthrop Hall, UWA</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td style="width:10%;">2:30pm - 3:30pm</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2020 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;"><strong>Date</strong></td> <td style="width:54%;"><strong>Event</strong></td> <td style="width:18%;"><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td style="width:10%;"><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Wednesday 9th December 2020</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>UWAHS Annual General Meeting</strong><br /> Welcoming all Members, past present and future to this year's AGM. This year's presentation will be Adjunct Professor Warren Kerr, followed by short presentations providing you with an update on the year's many successful projects. This will be followed by the formal AGM including election of President/Chair and the UWAHS Committee for 2021. Please note the change of venue to G28 in the Social Sciences Building directly opposite on James oval. G28 faces on to the Oak Lawn.<br /> <br /> Registration is essential. Please contact Fran: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#4e3b392f263d0e3b392f602b2a3b602f3b"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="d8adafb9b0ab98adafb9f6bdbcadf6b9ad">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </td> <td style="width:18%;"> <a href="">G28 Lecture Room, Social Sciences Building</a>, UWA Crawley Campus </td> <td style="width:10%;">5:00pm - 7:30pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Wednesday 11th November 2020</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>Remembrance Day Event</strong><br /> Join representatives of the University, Guild, Convocation and WA University Regiment on the Crawley Campus to remember those who served in times of conflict.<br /> <br /> Registration is essential. Please contact Fran: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#413436202932013436206f2425346f2034"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="ed989a8c859ead989a8cc3888998c38c98">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> </td> <td style="width:18%;"> <a href="">Whitfeld Court</a>, UWA Crawley Campus </td> <td style="width:10%;">5:00pm - 6:00pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%;">Tuesday 18th February 2020</td> <td style="width:54%;"> <strong>Members &amp; Friends Meeting: Two Reviews of The University of Western Australia, 1939-1942</strong><br /> On June 5, 1940 a brief report on the activities of the University of Western Australia was presented to the University by Sir Robert Strachan Wallace, the Vice-Chancellor of Sydney University. The contents of this review of the University led to a full Royal Commission into the University by the West Australian Government, the man who was chosen to head this inquiry was The Honourable Albert Asher Wolff, a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Western Australia. Join us for a lecture by E/Prof John Melville-Jones which will explore these two significant reviews of the University and the issues which they raised. </td> <td style="width:18%;"> <a href="">Irwin St Building</a>, UWA Crawley Campus </td> <td style="width:10%;">5:30pm to 7:30pm</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2019 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;"><strong>Date</strong></td> <td style="width:54%;"><strong>Event</strong></td> <td style="width:18%;"><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td style="width:10%;"><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%; style=;">Tuesday 10th December 2019</td> <td style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>UWAHS Members and Friends Meeting</strong><br /> Join us for a short presentation by Professor Alexandra Ludewig, in which she will explore recently uncovered links between UWA and the Internment Camp on Rottnest Island during World War One. <br /> <br /> Registration by email: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#d2a7a5b3baa192a7a5b3fcb7b6a7fcb3a7"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="790c0e18110a390c0e18571c1d0c57180c">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> <br /> Or phone/SMS Fran on: 0417 178 275 </td> <td style="width:18%; style=;"> Convocation Council Room,<br /> <a href="">Irwin Street Building</a>,<br /> UWA Crawley Campus </td> <td style="width:10%; style=;"> 5:30 to 7:30pm </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%; style=;">Tuesday 3rd December 2019</td> <td style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>UWA Historical Society Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2019</strong><br /> Join UWAHS members for our AGM with the election of our new committee. This year's speaker will be Maria Carvalho, UWA Archivist, who will talk about the history of UWA Archives. <br /> <br /> <div id="uwahs_agm_agenda"> <div class="listed_file"> <img alt="" src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" /> <div> <a href="" target="blank">AGM Agenda 2019 [PDF,&nbsp;81.2 KB]</a> <br /> <span class="filedate">Updated&nbsp;11 Nov 2019<br /> </span> <br /> <br /> </div> </div> </div> <div id="nomination_form"> <div class="listed_file"> <img alt="" src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" /> <div> <a href="" target="blank">AGM Nomination Form 2019 [PDF,&nbsp;76.0 KB]</a> <br /> <span class="filedate">Updated&nbsp;11 Nov 2019<br /> </span> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td style="width:18%; style=;"> Convocation Council Room,<br /> <a href="">Irwin Street Building</a>,<br /> UWA Crawley Campus </td> <td style="width:10%; style=;"> 5:30pm </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%; style=;">Monday 11th November 2019</td> <td style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>RWAHS Photographic Exhibition</strong><br /> Visit the RWAHS building for an exhibition hosted by the Royal WA Historical Society </td> <td style="width:18%; style=;"> <a href=""> 49 Broadway St</a>, Nedlands </td> <td style="width:10%; style=;"> 2:00pm to 4:00pm </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%; style=;">Monday 11th November 2019</td> <td style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>UWAHS Campus Walk </strong><br /> Following the exhibition will be a guided campus walk from the RWAHS building on Broadway to Whitfield Court </td> <td style="width:18%; style=;"> <a href=""> 49 Broadway St</a>, Nedlands </td> <td style="width:10%; style=;"> 4:00pm to 5:00pm </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:16%; style=;">Monday 11th November 2019</td> <td style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>Commemoration Service</strong><br /> Join us in commemorating all Western Australians past and present who have served their country at home and abroad. <br /> <br /> Register online at: <a href="">Remembrance Day Registration</a>. <br /> </td> <td style="width:18%; style=;"> <a href=""> Whitfeld Court</a>, UWA Crawley Campus </td> <td style="width:10%; style=;"> 5:00pm to 6:00pm </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="events_table_td2_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Tuesday 15th October 2019</td> <td id="events_table_td2_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>Celebration of 50 Years of the Octagon Theatre</strong> <br /> A personal experience of the unique aspects of presenting on the Octagon's stage. Our presenters took you through the history of the theatre and its 50 years in our community. <br /> <br /> Our presenters included Dr Joan Pope (also the evening's MC), Dr William (Bill) Dunstone and Rob Lines, followed by drinks and reminiscences through to 7:30pm. <br /> <br /> Register online at: <a href="">Celebration of 50 Years of the Octagon Theatre Registration</a>. </td> <td id="events_table_td2_2" style="width:18%; style=;"> <a href=""> Octagon Theatre</a>, UWA Crawley Campus </td> <td id="events_table_td2_3" style="width:10%; style=;"> 5:00 pm </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="events_table_td1_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Sunday 4th August 2019</td> <td id="events_table_td1_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>Open Day 2019</strong> <br /> Come join us for Open Day 2019 for a chat about the history of the university and what we do. Membership forms will be available, membership is $30 inc GST, cash preferred. A number of books about the university's history will also be available for purchase and order.</td> <td id="events_table_td1_2" style="width:18%; style=;"> <a href=""> Guild Village</a>, UWA Crawley Campus </td> <td id="events_table_td1_3" style="width:10%; style=;"> 9:00am to 3:00pm </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="events_table_td1_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Tuesday 16 July 2019</td> <td id="events_table_td1_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>Italian Studies at UWA, 1929-2019</strong> <br /> Learn how UWA became the first university in Australia to appoint a Lecturer in Italian in 1929, followed soon after by the Universities of Melbourne and Sydney, and why Francesco Vanzetti only retired, aged 85, in 1963. <div class="listed_file" style="margin-top: 1em;"><img alt="" src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" /> <div> <a href="" target="blank"> Italian Studies at UWA, 1929-2019 [PDF,&nbsp;208.5 KB] </a> <br /> <span class="filedate">Updated&nbsp;8 Jul 2019 </span> </div> </div> </td> <td id="events_table_td1_2" style="width:18%; style=;"> Convocation Council Room,&nbsp; <a href=""> Irwin Street Building </a> , UWA Crawley Campus </td> <td id="events_table_td1_3" style="width:10%; style=;"> 5:30pm to 7:30pm </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td1_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 18 May 2019&nbsp;</td> <td id="past_events_td1_1" style="width:54%; style=;"><strong>Campus Walk:&nbsp;Art and Architecture<br /> </strong>Join Conservation and Heritage Architect Ron Bodycoat&nbsp;for this popular tour of significant buildings and spaces on the Crawley Campus.&nbsp;This Campus Walk&nbsp;covers some of the most notable building embellishments and freestanding artworks inherent in and around the architectural design of buildings on the campus.</td> <td id="past_events_td1_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Near western entrance,&nbsp;<a href="">Winthrop Hall</a>, UWA Crawley Campus&nbsp;</td> <td id="past_events_td1_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2:00pm&nbsp;to&nbsp;<br /> 3:00pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td2_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 25 May 2019</td> <td id="past_events_td2_1" style="width:54%; style=;"><strong>Campus Walk:&nbsp;Crawley<strong>&nbsp;Campus - the early years<br /> </strong></strong>The time period covered starts from when the University moved from its existing location in Irwin Street, Perth, to its new Crawley Campus. This one hour tour takes you around these early UWA Crawley campus buildings and provides insight into how the campus developed from the early 1900s through to the 1970s.</td> <td id="past_events_td2_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Main Entrance,&nbsp;<a href="">Winthrop Hall</a>, UWA Crawley Campus&nbsp;</td> <td id="past_events_td2_3" style="width:10%; style=;">&nbsp;2:00pm&nbsp;to&nbsp;<br /> 3:00pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td3_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 11 May 2019&nbsp;</td> <td id="past_events_td3_1" style="width:54%; style=;"><strong>Campus Walk: Crawley Park House (now Shenton House)</strong><br /> Originally named Crawley Park House and renamed by the UWA Senate in 1963, Shenton House was the first building on the Crawley Campus. Originally owned by Henry Sutherland who farmed the property, this building remains today as part of the historical fabric of the University&rsquo;s Crawley Campus.<br /> </td> <td id="past_events_td3_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Shenton House, near&nbsp;<a href="">Hackett Drive Entrance 2</a>,&nbsp;UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td3_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2:00pm&nbsp;to&nbsp;<br /> 3:00pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td4_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 4 May 2019</td> <td id="past_events_td4_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <p><strong>Campus Walk:&nbsp;Early UWA Personalities and Places<br /> </strong>Join us for this general tour of the Crawley Campus exploring the early buildings and the history of their namesakes.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> </td> <td id="past_events_td4_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Whitfeld Court, near&nbsp;<a href="">Car Park 22</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td4_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2:00pm&nbsp;to&nbsp;<br /> 3:00pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td5_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 30 April 2019</td> <td id="past_events_td5_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <p><strong>Letters from the Field: <br /> Correspondence Between UWA Academic Curt Teichert and Wife Trude 1938-1950<br /> </strong>Palaeontologist Curt Teichert and his wife Trude fled Nazi Germany in 1937 and spent eight years in the Geology Department here under the Displaced German Scholars Programme. He travelled on fieldwork all over the State and regularly sent his wife delightful letters with his lively impressions of the interesting places and people he had encountered. </p> <p>A translation of these letters, archived in UWA&rsquo;s Geology Museum, provides the basis for this talk. Short excerpts chosen for their appeal and interest are accompanied by appropriate illustrations and give an insight to life in the remote areas of our State during this period, as well as introducing listeners to one of the more unusual UWA academics. <br /> <br /> Jenny Bevan is an Honorary Research Fellow in geology and was for many years the Senior Curator of the UWA Geology Museum.</p> </td> <td id="past_events_td5_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Convocation Council Room, <a href="">Irwin Street Building</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td5_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5:30&nbsp;to&nbsp;<br /> 7:30pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td6_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 27 April 2019</td> <td id="past_events_td6_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <p><strong>Campus Walk:&nbsp;Crawley<strong> Campus - the early years <br /> </strong></strong>The time period covered&nbsp;starts from when the University moved from its existing location in Irwin Street, Perth, to its new Crawley Campus. This one hour tour takes you around these early UWA Crawley campus buildings and provides insight into how the campus developed from the early 1900s through to the 1970s.</p> </td> <td id="past_events_td6_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Main Entrance,&nbsp;<a href="">Winthrop Hall</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td6_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2:00pm to <br /> 3:00pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td7_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 20 April 2019</td> <td id="past_events_td7_1" style="width:54%; style=;"><strong>Campus Walk:&nbsp;Early UWA Personalities and Places<br /> </strong>Join us for this general tour of the Crawley Campus exploring the early buildings and the history of their namesakes.&nbsp;&nbsp;</td> <td id="past_events_td7_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Whitfeld Court, near&nbsp;<a href="">Car Park 22</a>, UWA Crawley Campus&nbsp;</td> <td id="past_events_td7_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2:00pm to <br /> 3:00pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td8_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 13 April 2019 </td> <td id="past_events_td8_1" style="width:54%; style=;"><strong>Campus Walk: Crawley Campus - the early years</strong><br /> The time period covered starts from when the University moved from its existing location in Irwin Street, Perth, to its new Crawley Campus. This one hour tour takes you around these early UWA Crawley campus buildings and provides insight into how the campus developed from the early 1900s through to the 1970s. </td> <td id="past_events_td8_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Main Entrance,&nbsp;<a href="">Winthrop Hall</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td8_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2:00pm to <br /> 3:00pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td9_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Tuesday 19 March 2019</td> <td id="past_events_td9_1" style="width:54%; style=;"><strong>Spanish&nbsp;and Italian at UWA 1929-1931<br /> </strong>E/Professor John Melville-Jones provides unique insight into this early period of the University's history. At this time the University&nbsp;was still located at Irwin Street Perth. The University's Senate had decreed that Spanish and Italian should be taught at UWA. Spanish was initially taught by M. Rene Collot d'Herbois and Italian by Francesco (Francis) Vanzetti but it was not an easy start for the new University.</td> <td id="past_events_td9_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Convocation Council Room, <a href="">Irwin Street Building</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td9_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5pm for 5:30 start</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td10_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> <p>&nbsp;Tuesday&nbsp;12 February 2019</p> </td> <td id="past_events_td10_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <p><strong>The History of the UWA Law School<br /> </strong>Peter Handford taught in the Law School at the University of Western Australia from 1977 until his retirement in 2016. He was appointed a Professor in 2004 and is now an Emeritus Professor. Between 1983 and 1998 he was the Executive Officer and Director of Research of the Law Reform Commission of Western Australia. Peter has a long-standing interest in the history of the Law School and the legal profession in Western Australia and has just started work on a history of the Law School planned for its centenary. <em><br /> </em></p> </td> <td id="past_events_td10_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Convocation Council Room, <a href="">Irwin Street Building</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td10_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5pm for 5:30 start</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2018 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;"><strong>Date</strong></td> <td style="width:54%;"><strong>Event</strong></td> <td style="width:18%;"><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td style="width:10%;"><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td11_0" style="width:16%; style=;">&nbsp;Tuesday 4 December&nbsp;2018</td> <td id="past_events_td11_1" style="width:54%; style=;"><strong>UWA Historical Society annual general meeting (AGM) 2018</strong><br /> Join UWAHS members for our AGM with the election of our new committee. This year's speaker will be Ron Bodycoat,&nbsp;Conservation and Heritage&nbsp;Architect on the topic 'Art and Architecture'.&nbsp;</td> <td id="past_events_td11_2" style="width:18%; style=;">&nbsp;</td> <td id="past_events_td11_3" style="width:10%; style=;">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td12_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Sunday 11&nbsp;November&nbsp;2018</td> <td id="past_events_td12_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <p><strong>Centenary of the Armistice</strong><br /> Meeting at the updated UWA WWI Honour Board in Winthrop Hall Foyer, join the UWA Choral Society for several choruses from 'The Armed Man' by Karl Jenkins.&nbsp;From 5pm there will be a dedication to the Centenary of the Armistice at the newly laid Pavement Memorial in Whitfeld Court. Opening address by Mr Robert Webster, UWA's Executive Director Corporate Services.&nbsp;</p> </td> <td id="past_events_td12_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Winthrop Hall Foyer, then Whitfeld Court, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td12_3" style="width:10%; style=;">4&nbsp;to<br /> 5:45pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td13_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday&nbsp;20 October&nbsp;2018</td> <td id="past_events_td13_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <p><strong>Heritage </strong><strong>Perth </strong><strong>Weekend - UWAHS Campus Walks (2 Tours available)</strong><br /> These tours of the UWA Campus start from Shenton House (Hackett Drive Entrance No 2) and take you across the campus to the Hackett Buildings. The Tours are part of the Perth Heritage Weekend and will be provided by Conservation and Heritage Architect, Ron Bodycoat.</p> </td> <td id="past_events_td13_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Starting from Shenton House, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td13_3" style="width:10%; style=;">1&nbsp;to 2pm and<br /> 2:30 to 3:30pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td14_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Tuesday 16&nbsp;October&nbsp;2018</td> <td id="past_events_td14_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <p><strong>10th Anniversary and release of </strong><em><strong><em>Annual Lectures Compilation</em></strong></em><br /> The UWA Historical Society was first brought into being at its official launch on 16th October 2008. To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the UWAHS the <em>Annual Lectures Compilation</em> will be launched. This publication contains each of the Annual Lecture Booklets from 2009-2013.&nbsp;</p> </td> <td id="past_events_td14_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Convocation Council Room, <a href="">Irwin Street Building</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td14_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5:30 to 7:30pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td15_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 22 September&nbsp;2018</td> <td id="past_events_td15_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <p><strong>Tour Guide Training - UWAHS Campus Walks</strong><br /> The UWA Historical Society is looking for Tour Guides for its Campus Walks. These are tours of the Crawley Campus focusing on the University's history. To be eligible, you need to know something about the University's history and you need to have an interest in making this unique history available to others. Experienced Tour Guide Roy Stall will provide an example tour and review key elements of a successful guided tour.&nbsp;</p> </td> <td id="past_events_td15_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Start: Front of Shenton House, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td15_3" style="width:10%; style=;">1&nbsp;to 3pm<br /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td16_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Wednesday 15 August 2018</td> <td id="past_events_td16_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <p> <strong>Going International ? The Student Experience (Panel Session)</strong><br /> Koo Foo Cheng was a Columbo Plan student in the 1960s. He has some excellent memories of what it was like to be a student from overseas studying at UWA during the late 60s. He will be joined on the panel by modern day international students to compare and contrast their UWA experiences.&nbsp;</p> </td> <td id="past_events_td16_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Convocation Council Room, <a href="">Irwin Street Building</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td16_3" style="width:10%; style=;">6 to 8&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td17_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 14 July&nbsp;2018</td> <td id="past_events_td17_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <p><strong>Revisiting Personalities and Places - </strong><strong>Tour and High Tea</strong><br /> Join Conservation and Heritage Architect Ron Bodycoat for this tour of the UWA Campus followed by a high tea in the University Club's private dining room. Based on the&nbsp;UWAHS&nbsp;publication 'Personalities and Places',&nbsp;the tour and following presentation&nbsp;revisit the history&nbsp;behind some of our favourite&nbsp;named locations and introduces us to some of the new&nbsp;personalities and places on campus.&nbsp;</p> </td> <td id="past_events_td17_2" style="width:18%; style=;">University Club, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td17_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2&nbsp;to&nbsp;<br /> 4:30&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td18_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Wednesday 20 June 2018</td> <td id="past_events_td18_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">Oral Histories of UWA - why bother?</a></strong><br /> Julia Wallis will look at the value and importance of the UWA Oral History Program, the types of stories that emerged and the end use of the interview material. Dr Beverley Noakes, whose oral history forms part of the UWA Oral Histories Collection will provide insight from an interviewee's perspective. <br /> <br /> <a href="">UWAHS Oral History Portal</a> </td> <td id="past_events_td18_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Convocation Council Room, <a href="">Irwin Street Building</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td18_3" style="width:10%; style=;">6 to 8&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2017 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;"><strong>Date</strong></td> <td style="width:54%;"><strong>Event</strong></td> <td style="width:18%;"><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td style="width:10%;"><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td19_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Friday 15 December 2017</td> <td id="past_events_td19_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>UWA Historical Society annual general meeting (AGM) 2017</strong><br /> Join UWAHS members for our AGM with the election of our new committee (nomination form below). <div class="listed_file" style="margin-top: 1em;"> <img alt="" src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" /> <div> <a href="" target="blank">UWAHS AGM Notice &amp; Agenda 2017 [PDF,&nbsp;150 KB]</a> <br /> <span class="filedate"> Updated&nbsp;3 Dec 2017<br /> </span> </div> </div> <div class="listed_file" style="margin-top: 1em;"> <img alt="" src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" /> <div> <a href="" target="blank">UWAHS Committee Nomination Form 2017-2018 [PDF,&nbsp;150 KB]</a> <br /> <span class="filedate"> Updated&nbsp;3 Dec 2017<br /> </span> </div> </div> </td> <td id="past_events_td19_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Convocation Council Room</a>, Crawley</td> <td id="past_events_td19_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5&nbsp;pm for&nbsp;a 5.30&nbsp;pm start</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2015 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;"><strong>Date</strong></td> <td style="width:54%;"><strong>Event</strong></td> <td style="width:18%;"><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td style="width:10%;"><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td20_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Monday 14 December 2015</td> <td id="past_events_td20_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>UWA Historical Society annual general meeting (AGM) 2015</strong><br /> Join UWAHS members for our AGM and a Special General Meeting to amend our Constitution (details below). The election of our new committee (nomination form below) will be followed by a presentation from James Devenish on ?An Online Century for Oral Histories: 100 years of our voices and 100 more to come?. <div class="listed_file" style="margin-top: 1em;"> <img alt="" src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" /> <div> <a href="" target="blank">UWAHS AGM Notice &amp; Agenda 2015 [PDF,&nbsp;100 KB]</a> <br /> <span class="filedate"> Updated&nbsp;16 Nov 2015<br /> </span> </div> </div> <div class="listed_file" style="margin-top: 1em;"> <img alt="" src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" /> <div> <a href="" target="blank">UWAHS Committee Nomination Form 2015-2016 [PDF,&nbsp;125 KB]</a> <br /> <span class="filedate"> Updated&nbsp;16 Nov 2015<br /> </span> </div> </div> </td> <td id="past_events_td20_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Convocation Council Room</a>, Crawley</td> <td id="past_events_td20_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5&nbsp;pm for&nbsp;a 5.30&nbsp;pm start</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td21_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Tuesday 20 October 2015</td> <td id="past_events_td21_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">Building the Treasure House: Development of the Reid Library and Special Collections</a></strong><br /> A special presentation by Erin Fraser, Manager of Special Collections and Projects, UWA Library. <a href="">RSVP online.</a> <div class="listed_file" style="margin-top: 1em;"> <img alt="" src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" /> <div> <a href="" target="blank">UWAHS Flyer 20 Oct 2015 [PDF,&nbsp;383 KB]</a> <br /> <span class="filedate"> Updated&nbsp;28 Sep 2015<br /> </span> </div> </div> </td> <td id="past_events_td21_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Convocation Council Room</a>, Crawley</td> <td id="past_events_td21_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td22_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Tuesday 29 September 2015</td> <td id="past_events_td22_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">Dr Huang Qinguo, Chinese Consul General in Perth</a></strong><br /> In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Asia. <!-- With an introduction by the UWAHS President Ron Bodycoat AM and acknowledgements by UWA Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Johnson and the WA Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests the Honourable Dr Mike Nahan MLA. --> Please <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#d1a4a6b0b9a291a4a6b0ffb4b5a4ffb0a4eea2a4b3bbb4b2a5ec95a3f4e3e199a4b0bfb6f4e3e180b8bfb6a4befdf4e3e185a4b4f4e3e1e3e8f4e3e182b4a1f4e3e1e3e1e0e4">RSVP to <span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="a3d6d4c2cbd0e3d6d4c28dc6c7d68dc2d6">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> and by Thu 24 Sep 2015. <div class="listed_file" style="margin-top: 1em;"> <img alt="" src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" /> <div> <a href="" target="blank">UWAHS Flyer 29 Sep 2015 [PDF,&nbsp;240 KB]</a> <br /> <span class="filedate"> Updated&nbsp;17 Sep 2015<br /> </span> </div> </div> </td> <td id="past_events_td22_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Ernst &amp; Young Lecture Theatre</a>, UWA Business School</td> <td id="past_events_td22_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td23_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Tuesday 15 September 2015 </td> <td id="past_events_td23_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWAHS members? meeting September 2015</a></strong> <br /> &lsquo;The History of the Faculty of Agriculture: The rise and fall of a university icon&rsquo; by E/Prof David Lindsay. <a href="">RSVP online</a> and join us at 5&nbsp;pm Tuesday. <div class="listed_file" style="margin-top: 1em;"> <img alt="" src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" /> <div> <a href="" target="blank">UWAHS Flyer 15 Sep 2015 [PDF,&nbsp;426 KB]</a> <br /> <span class="filedate"> Updated&nbsp;28 Aug 2015<br /> </span> </div> </div> </td> <td id="past_events_td23_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Convocation Council Room</a>, Crawley</td> <td id="past_events_td23_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td24_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Wednesday 9-12 September 2015</td> <td id="past_events_td24_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">Fast Forward: Oral History in a Time of Change</a></strong><br /> The national biennial conference of Oral History Australia will be held in Perth in September 2015, presenting a great opportunity for oral history people and users of oral history! The major conference theme addresses the changes in technology and its impact on the recording, and application of oral history. <div class="listed_file" style="margin-top: 1em;"> <img alt="" src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" /> <div> <a href="./?a= 2782568" target="blank">OHAA Conf Flyer 2015 [PDF,&nbsp;360 KB]</a> <br /> <span class="filedate"> Updated&nbsp;15 Aug 2015<br /> </span> </div> </div> </td> <td id="past_events_td24_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href=""> State Library of UWA</a>, Ground floor registration desk</td> <td id="past_events_td24_3" style="width:10%; style=;">9am daily</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td25_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Thursday 10 September 2015</td> <td id="past_events_td25_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>An online century for oral histories: Building an audio portal website for the digital generation</strong><br /> Oral histories exist to be heard. Moving forward with its objective to improve access to history, the UWA Historical Society launched its audio website portal in November 2014. This digital interface means past, new and future recordings from multiple sources are accessible through a single convenient website. This is an afternoon session on day two of Fast Forward: Oral History in a Time of Change, the national biennial conference of Oral History Australia. </td> <td id="past_events_td25_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href=""> State Library of UWA</a>, Ground floor</td> <td id="past_events_td25_3" style="width:10%; style=;">4pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td26_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Sunday 23 August 2015</td> <td id="past_events_td26_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="./?a=2732396#anzaclegends-event">ANZAC Legends and Myths Revisited</a></strong><br /> Ronald Bodycoat AM will chair this researched forum with Geoffrey Bolton AO on the World War I ANZAC experiences of University personnel and of the Gallipoli Campaign of 1915. The Forum will include presenters, readings by Well Versed including a paper by Nicholas Hasluck AM, and a round-table audience discussion to challenge local myths and explore and reveal the true impact of war. Entry by gold coin donation. All welcome. No registrations required. </td> <td id="past_events_td26_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">St George?s College Dining Hall</a>, 44 Mounts Bay Road, Crawley <div class="listed_file" style="margin-top: 0.5em;"> <p> </p> </div> </td> <td id="past_events_td26_3" style="width:10%; style=;">3pm to 4.30pm</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2014 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;"><strong>Date</strong></td> <td style="width:54%;"><strong>Event</strong></td> <td style="width:18%;"><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td style="width:10%;"><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td27_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Tuesday 25 November 2014</td> <td id="past_events_td27_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">Members? Meeting: End-of-year get-together</a></strong><br /> Join your newly elected-committee for drinks and nibbles in a casual setting. For parking close to the Old Senate Room use Fairway Entrance 3. Park north of the entrance and walk through to James Oval. </td> <td id="past_events_td27_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href=""> Irwin Street Building</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td27_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5 to 6.30&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td28_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Wednesday 12 November 2014</td> <td id="past_events_td28_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">Oral histories online</a></strong><br /> Launch of the UWA Historical Society Oral History Collection audio online. An invitation-only event for members. </td> <td id="past_events_td28_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td28_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5.30&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td29_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Tuesday 28 October 2014 </td> <td id="past_events_td29_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWAHS members? meeting October 2014</a></strong><br /> Join the UWAHS committee and members at an informal gathering with a short presentation from Winthrop Professor Simon Anderson on the History of the Faculty of Architecture. </td> <td id="past_events_td29_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td29_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td30_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Tuesday 21 October 2014 </td> <td id="past_events_td30_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong> <x href="">UWA Historical Society annual general meeting 2014</x> </strong><br /> All members are invited to attend our AGM where elections for President and the new UWA Historical Society Committee will be held. This year?s guest speaker is Dr David Hough. </td> <td id="past_events_td30_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td30_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5.30&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td31_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Sunday 19 October 2014 </td> <td id="past_events_td31_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong> <x href="">Art in Architecture</x> </strong><br /> Tour Guide: Ron Bodycoat AM, Heritage Architect.<br /> Another popular tour by Ron, starting at Winthrop Hall, this tour travels across the campus to locate and learn about artwork in the architectural buildings on the campus. Please RSVP to <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#5d2f32333c31393f3239243e323c293c2f3e353429383e291d343433382973333829733c28622e283f37383e29601c2f29786f6d3433786f6d1c2f3e353429383e29282f38786f6d2a3c3136"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="c1b3aeafa0ada5a3aea5b8a2aea0b5a0b3a2a9a8b5a4a2b581a8a8afa4b5efafa4b5efa0b4">[email&#160;protected]</span></a> or 0418 917 757.<br /> </td> <td id="past_events_td31_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Winthrop Hall entrance</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td31_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td32_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Sunday 21 September 2014 </td> <td id="past_events_td32_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong> <a href="">Crawley Park (Shenton) House talk and tour</a> </strong><br /> Tour Guide: Ron Bodycoat AM, Heritage Architect.<br /> This popular tour returns to provide an insight into the first building on the Crawley Campus. Now known as Shenton House, Crawley Park House is located on Hackett Drive near Hackett Entrance 2 and now houses the School of Indigenous Studies. RSVP required.<br /> </td> <td id="past_events_td32_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Shenton House</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td32_3" style="width:10%; style=;"> 2&nbsp;pm </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td33_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Tuesday 2 September 2014 </td> <td id="past_events_td33_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWAHS members? meeting August/September 2014</a></strong><br /> Join the UWAHS committee and members at an informal gathering with a short presentation from Emeritus Professor John Melville Jones on the early study of Classics History at UWA. Please note, the change of date from August 2014. </td> <td id="past_events_td33_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td33_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td34_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Tuesday 19 August 2014 </td> <td id="past_events_td34_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWAHS members? meeting August 2014</a></strong><br /> Join the UWAHS committee and members at an informal gathering with a short presentation on Sir Lawrence Jackson by the Honourable Justice Nicholas Paul Hasluck AM. </td> <td id="past_events_td34_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td34_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td35_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Tuesday 15 July 2014 </td> <td id="past_events_td35_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWAHS members? meeting July 2014</a></strong><br /> Join the UWAHS committee and members at an informal gathering with a short presentation from Jenny Bevan on The Forgotten Explorers: pioneer geologists of WA. </td> <td id="past_events_td35_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td35_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td36_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Tuesday 24 June 2014 </td> <td id="past_events_td36_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWAHS members? meeting June 2014</a></strong><br /> Join the UWAHS committee and members at an informal gathering with a short presentation by Mr Kelly Smith (Director, UWA International Centre) and Professor Trish Todd (Head of Discipline, Management and Organisations). </td> <td id="past_events_td36_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td36_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td37_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Saturday 24 May 2014</td> <td id="past_events_td37_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong> <x href="">Ambles with a landscape architect</x> </strong><br /> A tour with former University Landscape Architect Lady Jean Brodie-Hall AM, about key campus changes made during the 1970?s. Please note, this event is now fully booked. </td> <td id="past_events_td37_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Whitfeld Court</a>, UWA Crawley Campus.</td> <td id="past_events_td37_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2.30&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td38_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Tuesday 13 May 2014</td> <td id="past_events_td38_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">Release of <cite>Personalities and Places on the Crawley Campus</cite></a></strong><br /> This 85-page book by Joan Pope, Wendy Birman and Ron Bodycoat provides vignettes of personalities after whom places on UWA?s Crawley Campus were named. It was funded by a University Centenary Grant. </td> <td id="past_events_td38_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td38_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td39_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Tuesday 29 April 2014 </td> <td id="past_events_td39_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWAHS members? meeting April 2014</a></strong><br /> Join the UWAHS committee and members at an informal gathering with a short presentation from Dr Yow on Internationalisation of UWA ? the Chinese Dimension. </td> <td id="past_events_td39_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td39_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2013 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;"><strong>Date</strong></td> <td style="width:54%;"><strong>Event</strong></td> <td style="width:18%;"><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td style="width:10%;"><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td40_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Tuesday 3 December 2013 </td> <td id="past_events_td40_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWAHS members meeting 2013 </a></strong><br /> Join the newly-elected 2014 UWAHS committee at an informal gathering to hear Jenny Bevan provide a short presentation on UWA?s first graduate, Edward Sydney Simpson. </td> <td id="past_events_td40_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td40_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td41_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> <!--<acronym title="To be announced">TBA</acronym>--> Tuesday 26 November 2013 (new date) </td> <td id="past_events_td41_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWA Historical Society 5th annual lecture 2013</a></strong> <br /> &lsquo;The Fly-out, Fly-in Professor&rsquo; by Emeritus Professor Reg Appleyard. <!--<em>Please note that this event has been postponed.</em>--> Join us at 4&nbsp;pm for tea and cake before the annual lecture starts at 5&nbsp;pm &mdash; RSVP by Fri 22 November. <div class="listed_file" style="margin-top: 1em;"> <img alt="" src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" /> <div> <a href="" target="blank">UWAHS Annual Lecture Flyer 2013 [PDF,&nbsp;646 KB]</a> <br /> <span class="filedate"> Updated&nbsp;19 Oct 2013<br /> </span> </div> </div> <!-- Pre-event drinks at the Old Senate Room in the <a href="">Irwin Street Building (Cricket Pavilion)</a> at 5.30pm.<br/> Suggested donation: $10 Members, $15 Non-members.--> </td> <td id="past_events_td41_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">St George?s College</a>, Crawley</td> <td id="past_events_td41_3" style="width:10%; style=;">4 to 6&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td42_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Friday 8 November 2013 </td> <td id="past_events_td42_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="" xhref="">Founding families reunion 2013</a></strong><br /> On Friday 8 November, Vice-Chancellor Professor Paul Johnson and Chair of the Centenary Committee Dr Sue Boyd greeted the sons, daughters, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nephews and nieces of UWA's founding cohort, in the Prescott Room of the Vice-Chancellery. A unique occasion indeed! <!-- UWAHS is seeking descendants of staff, students, Senate, Guild and Convocation from 1913. Please email <a href="">Fran Pesich</a> or call 0417&nbsp;178&nbsp;275. --> </td> <td id="past_events_td42_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Prescott Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td42_3" style="width:10%; style=;">4&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td43_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Sunday 20 October 2013 (new date)</td> <td id="past_events_td43_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWA Historical Society annual general meeting 2013</a></strong><br /> This AGM, to be held on the 6th birthday of UWAHS, includes annual committee elections. Join us at 2&nbsp;pm for a 2.30&nbsp;pm start, with cake and afternoon tea. </td> <td id="past_events_td43_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td43_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2.30&nbsp;pm (new time)</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td44_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Saturday 19 October 2013</td> <td id="past_events_td44_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">Ambles with a landscape architect</a></strong><br /> A tour with former University Landscape Architect Lady Jean Brodie-Hall AM, about key campus changes made during the 1970?s. </td> <td id="past_events_td44_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Whitfeld Court</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td44_3" style="width:10%; style=;">3.30&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td45_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 7 September 2013</td> <td id="past_events_td45_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">Art in Architecture walk</a></strong><br /> A free, public tour showcasing architectural art at UWA?s Crawley Campus. </td> <td id="past_events_td45_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Winthrop Hall entrance</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td45_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td46_0" style="width:16%; style=;"> Sunday 11 August 2013</td> <td id="past_events_td46_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWA Founding Professors: Panel Discussion</a></strong><br /> Chaired by Dr Joan Pope, this <a href="">Open Day</a> event is a repeat of the very popular panel run during <a href="">Alumni and Friends Weekend</a> in February 2013. </td> <td id="past_events_td46_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td46_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2-4&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td47_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Sunday 19 May 2013</td> <td id="past_events_td47_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">Well Versed recital</a></strong><br /> An afternoon of poetry readings. This event is now fully booked. <div class="listed_file"> <img alt="" src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" /><a href="" target="blank"> Well Versed Recital Flyer [PDF,&nbsp;88&nbsp;KB]</a><br /> <span class="filedate">Updated&nbsp;22 Apr 2013<br /> </span> </div> </td> <td id="past_events_td47_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td47_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2.30&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td48_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 6 April 2013</td> <td id="past_events_td48_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">Art in Architecture walk</a></strong><br /> A free, public tour showcasing architectural art at UWA?s Crawley Campus. </td> <td id="past_events_td48_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Winthrop Hall entrance</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td48_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td49_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Monday 4 March 2013</td> <td id="past_events_td49_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWAHS Convocation centenary photo shoot</a></strong><br /> To celebrate the centenary of Convocation?s first meeting, a photo-shoot of 100 graduates will take place at 10 am on Monday 4 March 2013. The UWA Historical Society is inviting UWA graduates to be photographed in this event. </td> <td id="past_events_td49_2" style="width:18%; style=;">St George's Hall, <a href="">500 Hay Street, Perth</a></td> <td id="past_events_td49_3" style="width:10%; style=;">10&nbsp;am</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td50_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 9 February 2013</td> <td id="past_events_td50_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>Founding Professors: Panel Discussion</strong><br /> Part of <a href="">Alumni and Friends Weekend</a>. This event is free but <a href="">please book online</a> as capacity is limited. </td> <td id="past_events_td50_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td50_3" style="width:10%; style=;">1.30 to 3.00&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td51_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Sunday 10 February 2013</td> <td id="past_events_td51_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>Founding Professors: Panel Discussion (Repeat)</strong><br /> Part of <a href="">Alumni and Friends Weekend</a>. This event is free but <a href="">please book online</a> as capacity is limited. </td> <td id="past_events_td51_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td51_3" style="width:10%; style=;">11.00 to 12.30&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td52_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Sunday 10 February 2013</td> <td id="past_events_td52_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>Tour of Crawley Park House</strong><br /> Part of <a href="">Alumni and Friends Weekend</a>. This event is free but <a href="">please book online</a> as capacity is limited. </td> <td id="past_events_td52_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Crawley Park (Shenton) House</a>, UWA</td> <td id="past_events_td52_3" style="width:10%; style=;">1.30 to 2.30&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2012 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;"><strong>Date</strong></td> <td style="width:54%;"><strong>Event</strong></td> <td style="width:18%;"><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td style="width:10%;"><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td53_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Wednesday 28 November 2012</td> <td id="past_events_td53_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWA Historical Society annual general meeting 2012</a></strong><br /> Includes annual committee elections and a brief report on the Oral History Project by John Bannister. </td> <td id="past_events_td53_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td53_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5.30&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td54_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Sunday 21 October 2012 </td> <td id="past_events_td54_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong> <a href="">Landscape talk and walk</a> </strong><br /> Presented by Gillian Lilleyman <!-- <div class="listed_file"> <img src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" alt=""><div><a href="" target="blank">UWAHS Landscape Talk and Walk flyer [PDF,&nbsp;91&nbsp;KB]</a><br/> <span class="filedate">Updated&nbsp;28 Aug 2012<br/></span> </div> </div> --> </td> <td id="past_events_td54_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td54_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2.30&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td55_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Sunday 26 August 2012 </td> <td id="past_events_td55_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong> <a href="">Thumbnail sketches Foundation Professors: supplemental presentation</a> </strong><br /> Panel Chaired by Joan Pope with Winthrop Professor John Melville-Jones on Prof Whitfeld.<br /> Free for members, others are welcome to contribute $5. </td> <td id="past_events_td55_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td55_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2.30-3.30 pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td56_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 4 August 2012 </td> <td id="past_events_td56_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong> Second Crawley Park Walk </strong><br /> A repeat of our <a href="">first Crawley Park Walk</a> for those who missed out.<br /> </td> <td id="past_events_td56_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Shenton House</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td56_3" style="width:10%; style=;"> 2&nbsp;pm </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td57_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Wednesday 25 July 2012 </td> <td id="past_events_td57_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWA Historical Society annual lecture 2012</a></strong><br /> &lsquo;Mathematics and Women: 36 years at The University of Western Australia&rsquo; by Winthrop Professor Cheryl Praeger AM FAA. <!--<br/> Pre-event drinks at the Old Senate Room in the <a href="">Irwin Street Building (Cricket Pavilion)</a> at 5.30pm.<br/> Suggested donation: $10 Members, $15 Non-members.--> </td> <td id="past_events_td57_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Weatherburn Lecture Theatre (Maths)</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td57_3" style="width:10%; style=;">6.15&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td58_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Friday 20 July 2012</td> <td id="past_events_td58_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <x><strong>Annual <em>Friends of UWA</em> Mixer</strong></x> </td> <td id="past_events_td58_2" style="width:18%; style=;"> <a href="">St George?s College</a> </td> <td id="past_events_td58_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5.30&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td59_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 19 May 2012 </td> <td id="past_events_td59_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong> <a href="">Thumbnail sketches of four of the Foundation Professors: a panel presentation</a> </strong><br /> Panel Chaired by Joan Pope with Panel Speakers:<br /> John Robins on Prof Ross, Brenton Knott on Prof Dakin, John Melville-Jones on Prof Whitfeld and Pamela Statham Drew?s paper on Prof Shann (read by J Pope).<br /> Cost for non-members: $5. Free for members. </td> <td id="past_events_td59_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td59_3" style="width:10%; style=;">2.30-3.30 pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td60_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Saturday 21 April 2012 </td> <td id="past_events_td60_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong> <a href="">Crawley Park Walk</a> </strong><br /> Tour Guide: Ron Bodycoat, Heritage Architect.<br /> A history of the property plus brief address by staff member School of Indigenous Studies. Suggested donation: $5 Members, $10 Non-members. Please RSVP by Monday 16 April 2012.<br /> </td> <td id="past_events_td60_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Shenton House</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td60_3" style="width:10%; style=;"> 2&nbsp;pm </td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2011 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;"><strong>Date</strong></td> <td style="width:54%;"><strong>Event</strong></td> <td style="width:18%;"><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td style="width:10%;"><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td61_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Wednesday 14 December 2011 </td> <td id="past_events_td61_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWA Historical Society Forties Forum</a></strong><br /> The Society invites you to participate in a panel presentation and discussion about UWA during the 1940s. RSVP requested.</td> <td id="past_events_td61_2" style="width:18%; style=;"> <a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus </td> <td id="past_events_td61_3" style="width:10%; style=;">3&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td62_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Wednesday 23 November 2011</td> <td id="past_events_td62_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWA Historical Society annual general meeting 2011</a></strong><br /> With guest speaker Emeritus Professor &amp; Honorary Senior Research Fellow Reg Appleyard AM </td> <td id="past_events_td62_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td62_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td63_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Thursday 3 November 2011</td> <td id="past_events_td63_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>The Professionalisation of Teaching</strong><br /> A talk by W/Professor David Plowman.<br /> <br /> <div class="listed_file"> <img alt="" src="/__lib/web/images/file_types/fixed/pdf.gif" /> <div><a href="" target="blank">The Professionalisation of Teaching Flyer [PDF,&nbsp;111&nbsp;KB]</a><br /> <span class="filedate">Updated&nbsp;19 Sep 2011<br /> </span> </div> </div> </td> <td id="past_events_td63_2" style="width:18%; style=;"> <a href="">Kurrajong Lecture Theatre, UWA Claremont Campus</a> </td> <td id="past_events_td63_3" style="width:10%; style=;"> 10&nbsp;am </td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td64_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Wednesday 29 June 2011 </td> <td id="past_events_td64_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWA Historical Society annual lecture 2011</a></strong><br /> Speaker: Don Watts.</td> <td id="past_events_td64_2" style="width:18%; style=;"> <a href="">The University Club Auditorium</a> </td> <td id="past_events_td64_3" style="width:10%; style=;">6&nbsp;pm</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2010 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;"><strong>Date</strong></td> <td style="width:54%;"><strong>Event</strong></td> <td style="width:18%;"><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td style="width:10%;"><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td65_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Thursday 11 November 2010</td> <td id="past_events_td65_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>Annual <em>Friends of UWA</em> Mixer</strong><br /> Various speakers: &lsquo;The Catalina flying base on Matilda Bay during World War II&rsquo;. Further details to be announced.</td> <td id="past_events_td65_2" style="width:18%; style=;"> <a href="">UWA Water Sports Complex</a> </td> <td id="past_events_td65_3" style="width:10%; style=;">Evening</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td66_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Wednesday 11 August 2010</td> <td id="past_events_td66_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>The <em>Old Dolphin</em> Decades</strong><br /> A UWA Historical Society event with Joan Pope &amp; Bill Dunstone. Cost: $10.</td> <td id="past_events_td66_2" style="width:18%; style=;"> UWA Claremont Campus </td> <td id="past_events_td66_3" style="width:10%; style=;">10-11.30 am</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td67_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Wednesday 7 July 2010</td> <td id="past_events_td67_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href=""><em>Walking the Campus</em> with Ron Bodycoat</a></strong><br /> Sponsored by UWA Cultural Precinct and UWA Historical Society as part of Winter Arts Festival. Take an historic stroll through UWA Crawley Campus and discover its rich heritage with well-known heritage architect Ron Bodycoat, who completed the first Conservation Management Plan for the Crawley Campus. The walk will focus on architecture of the campus. Cost: $10.</td> <td id="past_events_td67_2" style="width:18%; style=;"> TBA </td> <td id="past_events_td67_3" style="width:10%; style=;">10 am to noon</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td68_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Tuesday 6 July 2010</td> <td id="past_events_td68_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWA Historical Society second annual lecture</a></strong><br /> In association with Convocation and co-sponsored by the Institute of Advanced Studies: Dr Sue Boyd &lsquo;The Roots of Diplomacy&rsquo;. Free public lecture, all welcome (no RSVP required).</td> <td id="past_events_td68_2" style="width:18%; style=;"> <a href="">Octagon Theatre</a> </td> <td id="past_events_td68_3" style="width:10%; style=;">6.30 pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td69_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Wednesday 30 June 2010</td> <td id="past_events_td69_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><em>Old Dolphin Theatre</em> reunion and commemoration</strong><br /> In association with TheatrePush, the UWA Student Guild, the UWA Historical Society and performing arts groups on campus. This is a public event, all welcome!</td> <td id="past_events_td69_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Guild Village caf&eacute;</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td69_3" style="width:10%; style=;">Late afternoon</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td70_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Tuesdays, 11 to 25 May 2010</td> <td id="past_events_td70_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">Discover the Crawley Campus - Art, Architecture and Landscape</a></strong><br /> (A UWA Extension course, sponsored by UWA Historical Society) Three heritage walks focussed upon the architecture, landscape and artworks and architectural features of the Crawley campus with Ron Bodycoat heritage architect, Gillian Lilleyman landscape historian and Dr Robyn Taylor historian.</td> <td id="past_events_td70_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Advised on booking.</td> <td id="past_events_td70_3" style="width:10%; style=;"> 9.30-11.30 am</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td71_0" style="width:16%; style=;">February 2010</td> <td id="past_events_td71_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>Meet the Royals</strong><br /> </td> <td id="past_events_td71_2" colspan="2" style="width:18%; style=;">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td72_0" style="width:16%; style=;">January 2010</td> <td id="past_events_td72_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>Discover the Crawley Campus</strong><br /> Repeat event (A UWA Extension course, sponsored by UWA Historical Society)</td> <td id="past_events_td72_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Advised on booking.</td> <td id="past_events_td72_3" style="width:10%; style=;">&mdash;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2009 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:16%;"><strong>Date</strong></td> <td style="width:54%;"><strong>Event</strong></td> <td style="width:18%;"><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td style="width:10%;"><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td73_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Tuesday 10 November 2009</td> <td id="past_events_td73_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWA Historical Society annual general meeting 2009.</a></strong><br /> With a presentation on the UWA Centenary History by Professor Jenny Gregory and Assistant Professor Jean Chetkovich </td> <td id="past_events_td73_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td73_3" style="width:10%; style=;">5 pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td74_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Friday 24 July 2009</td> <td id="past_events_td74_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">UWA Historical Society first annual lecture.</a></strong><br /> With an oration entitled &lsquo;Halcyon Days: The Sixties at UWA&rsquo; by Robert French, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia</td> <td id="past_events_td74_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Winthrop Hall</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td74_3" style="width:10%; style=;">6 pm</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td75_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Tuesday 5-19 May 2009</td> <td id="past_events_td75_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong><a href="">Discover the Crawley Campus</a></strong><br /> (A UWA Extension course, sponsored by UWA Historical Society) Three heritage walks focussed upon the architecture, landscape and artworks and architectural features of the Crawley campus with Ron Bodycoat heritage architect, Gillian Lilleyman landscape historian and Dr Robyn Taylor historian.</td> <td id="past_events_td75_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Advised on booking.</td> <td id="past_events_td75_3" style="width:10%; style=;">&mdash;</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td76_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Wednesday 22 April 2009</td> <td id="past_events_td76_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>Historical Talk: UWA Claremont Campus.</strong><br /> Discover the hidden world of the old heritage-listed Claremont Teachers' College. Professor David Plowman and Dr Neville Green for a short lecture, followed by a talking tour of Cameron House. </td> <td id="past_events_td76_2" style="width:18%; style=;">Kurrajong Lecture Theatre, UWA Claremont Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td76_3" style="width:10%; style=;">10 am</td> </tr> <tr> <td id="past_events_td77_0" style="width:16%; style=;">Monday 16 February 2009</td> <td id="past_events_td77_1" style="width:54%; style=;"> <strong>Inaugural Members' Gathering.</strong></td> <td id="past_events_td77_2" style="width:18%; style=;"><a href="">Old Senate Room</a>, UWA Crawley Campus</td> <td id="past_events_td77_3" style="width:10%; style=;">&mdash;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> <li class="item"> <a href="#" class="toggle-header"> <div class="label"> 2008 </div> </a> <div class="toggle-content"> <div class="field-content"><table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Date</strong></td> <td><strong>Event</strong></td> <td><strong>Venue</strong></td> <td><strong>Time</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Monday 1 December 2008</td> <td> <p><strong>Backstage at the Dolphin</strong></p> <p>Join Joan Pope and Bill Dunstone in the recently-refurbished Dolphin foyer for an update on the history of UWA theatre which is being prepared for the Centenary, followed by a behind-the-scenes tour of the Dolphin with raconteur and stage manager John Doyle from University Theatres.</p> </td> <td><a href="">Dolphin Theatre, UWA Crawley Campus</a></td> <td>5 PM</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Thursday 16 October 2008</td> <td> <p><strong>Official Launch of UWA Historical Society</strong></p> <p>By the Vice-Chancellor of UWA, Professor Alan Robson AM. The UWA Historical Society (UWAHS) was established in 2008 to encourage appreciation of University history amongst staff, students, graduates, and the community.</p> </td> <td><a href="">Old Senate Room, UWA Crawley Campus</a></td> <td>&mdash;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table></div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <!-- /#content --> <!-- #footer --> <footer> <div id="footer" class="grid-container"> <div class="component col-12 cell"> <div class="component-content"> <div id="uwa-footer__row-back"> <div class="_inner"> <!-- Site home link <a class="_home" href="/">Optional site home link</a> --> <a class="_top" href="#uwa-header__container-logo">Back to top</a> </div> </div> <div id="uwa-footer__row-primary"> <div class="_inner"> <h1><a href="">The University of Western Australia</a></h1> <div class="uwa-footer__info"> <address><p>35 Stirling Highway<br />Perth WA 6009 Australia</p> <p><strong><a href="tel:+61864886000">(+61 8) 6488 6000</a></strong></p> 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