ISAR|For Presentation

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class="about-text"> 1 - Only authentic works of research will be considered for publication uthors should make sure that their research has not been published in any form prior to submission and also will not be published in any form subsequent to submission.<br> 2 - Prior to submitting their research papers to be considered for presentation at the ISAR conference, all authors and their co-authors are required to provide their Department Heads, Principals, and Research Guides, with the intimation of doing so. .<br> 3 - Authors and their co-authors are requested to clearly specify any and all of their affiliates in their research papers. .<br> 4 - The ISAR Conference Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject any papers that may be submitted late, i.e., after the registration deadline.<br> 5 - Every research paper submitted to the ISAR conference is subject to the review of three ISAR Reviewers and is accepted only after the approval of all three reviewers.<br> 6 - The ISAR Conference Organizing Committee never consents to or willingly, of its own accord, publishes the names, email addresses, or other details of authors and co-authors.<br> 7 - No addition, modification, or deletion of an author or co-author’s name can be carried out by ISAR Conference Organizing Committee without first receiving the permission of the author who submitted the paper.<br> 8 - Unregistered papers are never published by the ISAR Conference Organizing Committee..<br> 9 - The ISAR Conference Organizing Committee does not go out of its way to ascertain who the original author or co-authors of a submitted paper are but recognizes the submitter of a research paper as the original author. <br> 10 - In the event that the ISAR Conference Organizing Committee received a tip-off or a formal complaint of any form about the original author of a submitted research paper, the Committee will look into the matter. If it finds that the accusations are true, the Committee will then suspend the paper from being published with immediate effect.<br> 11 - Upon the suspension of a research paper, the ISAR Conference Organizing Committee will not be able to consider it for publication ever again, either for the current instance of the conference or for future instances.<br> 12 - The ISAR Conference does not bear any responsibility for the issuance of travel visas. The ISAR Conference Organizing Committee will also not extend its assistance in any form with regard to the issuance of such visas on behalf of registrants, i.e., the ISAR Conference Organizing Committee will not contact, serve as a liaison, or advocate for the issuance of a travel visa to any registrant. The obtaining of such visas for the purpose of attending the ISAR Conference is to be carried out at the sole volition of registrants.<br> 13 -In the event of a registrant’s travel visa application getting rejected by the concerned embassy, the ISAR Conference will not be issuing any refunds of the conference registration fee paid by the registrant. However, this registration fee can be used for any future instance of the ISAR Conference either by the registrant themselves or any other person, provided this is done within a period of one year. Additionally, in the event of the rejection of a travel visa application, the registrant may choose to participate in the conference online by partaking and presenting virtually. The registrant can even get a Certificate and get their research paper published by doing so.<br> 14 -The ISAR Conference doesn’t offer registrants any guarantees or any kind and at any point that their travel visas (for any particular country) will be issued.<br><br></p> </div> </section> <!-- End Main content --> <style> .associates{ padding-left: 90px; padding-right: 90px; padding-top: 60px; padding-bottom: 30px; margin-left:20px; margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom:20px; background-image: url(./assets/images/associates-bg.jpg); background-size: cover; } .associates .card{ /* width: 30%; */ margin-right: 30px; margin-bottom: 50px; /* box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px #ccc; */ border: none; } .associates .card-img{ width: 100%; /* opacity: 0.35; */ } .associates .conf-btn{ margin-top: 5%; } .associates .conf-btn a{ padding: 10px 10px; border-radius: 8px; font-size: 18px; background: #08A6DB; } .associates .card .card-title{ /* margin-top: 30px; */ padding: 15px 15px; /* background: #F1ECE5; 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