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Review the information below for assistance if you do not believe that you have done anything wrong.<div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div> <p>This block affects editing on all Wikimedia wikis. </p><p>The IP address or range has been globally <a href="/wiki/Wikipedia:Blocking_policy" title="Wikipedia:Blocking policy">blocked</a> by <a href="/wiki/User:Jon_Kolbert" title="User:Jon Kolbert">Jon Kolbert</a> for the following reason(s): </p> <div style="padding:10px; background:var(--background-color-base, white); color:inherit; border:1px #666 solid;"> <p><a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/NOP">Open proxy/Webhost</a>: See the <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:WM:OP/H">help page</a> if you are affected </p> </div> <p>This block will expire on 15:12, 27 August 2028. Your current IP address is </p> <div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div style="font-size: 16px;"> <p>Even while globally blocked, you will <i>usually</i> still be able to edit pages on <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:">Meta-Wiki</a>. </p> </div> <div class="paragraphbreak" style="margin-top:0.5em"></div><div style="font-size: 16px;"> <p>If you believe you were blocked by mistake, you can find additional information and instructions in the <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Special:MyLanguage/No open proxies">No open proxies</a> global policy. Otherwise, to discuss the block please <a href="" class="extiw" title="m:Steward requests/Global">post a request for review on Meta-Wiki</a>. 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[[List of places in Lincolnshire|Lincolnshire]] }} | Northamptonshire | [[Northamptonshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Northamptonshire | maptitle = [[Northamptonshire]] | ambulance = [[East Midlands Ambulance Service|East Midlands]] | fire = [[Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service|Northamptonshire]] | police = [[Northamptonshire Police|Northamptonshire]] | footer = [[List of places in Northamptonshire|Northamptonshire]] }} | Nottinghamshire | [[Nottinghamshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Nottinghamshire | maptitle = [[Nottinghamshire]] | ambulance = [[East Midlands Ambulance Service|East Midlands]] | fire = [[Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service|Nottinghamshire]] | police = [[Nottinghamshire Police|Nottinghamshire]] | footer = [[List of places in Nottinghamshire|Nottinghamshire]] }} | Rutland | [[Rutland]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Rutland | maptitle = [[Rutland]] | ambulance = [[East Midlands Ambulance Service|East Midlands]] | fire = [[Leicestershire and Rutland Fire and Rescue Service|Leicestershire]] | police = [[Leicestershire Police|Leicestershire]] | footer = [[List of places in Rutland|Rutland]] }}}}}} | East of England = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | ambulance = [[East of England Ambulance Service|East of England]] | region = [[East of England|East]] | #default = {{#switch: {{{level3}}} | Bedfordshire | [[Bedfordshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Bedfordshire | maptitle = [[Bedfordshire]] | fire = [[Bedfordshire and Luton Fire and Rescue Service|Bedfordshire and Luton]] | police = [[Bedfordshire Police|Bedfordshire]] | footer = [[List of places in Bedfordshire|Bedfordshire]] }} | Cambridgeshire | [[Cambridgeshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Cambridgeshire | maptitle = [[Cambridgeshire]] | fire = [[Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service|Cambridgeshire]] | police = [[Cambridgeshire Constabulary|Cambridgeshire]] | footer = [[List of places in Cambridgeshire|Cambridgeshire]] }} | Essex | [[Essex]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Essex | maptitle = [[Essex]] | fire = [[Essex County Fire and Rescue Service|Essex]] | police = [[Essex Police|Essex]] | footer = [[List of places in Essex|Essex]] }} | Hertfordshire | [[Hertfordshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Hertfordshire | maptitle = [[Hertfordshire]] | fire = [[Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service|Hertfordshire]] | police = [[Hertfordshire Constabulary|Hertfordshire]] | footer = [[List of places in Hertfordshire|Hertfordshire]] }} | Norfolk | [[Norfolk]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Norfolk | maptitle = [[Norfolk]] | fire = [[Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service|Norfolk]] | police = [[Norfolk Constabulary|Norfolk]] | footer = [[List of places in Norfolk|Norfolk]] }} | Suffolk | [[Suffolk]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Suffolk | maptitle = [[Suffolk]] | fire = [[Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service|Suffolk]] | police = [[Suffolk Constabulary|Suffolk]] | footer = [[List of places in Suffolk|Suffolk]] }}}}}} | London | Greater London = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Greater London | maptitle = [[Greater London]] | ambulance = [[London Ambulance Service|London]] | fire = [[London Fire Brigade|London]] | region = [[Greater London|London]] | footer = [[List of places in London|London]] | #default = {{#switch: {{{level3}}} | City of London = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[City and East (London Assembly constituency)|City and East]] | borough = [[City of London]] | boroughhead = Sui&nbsp;generis | countyhead = Administrative area | police = [[City of London Police|City of London]] }} | #default = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | boroughhead = [[Districts of England|London&nbsp;borough]] | countyhead = [[Ceremonial counties of England|Ceremonial&nbsp;county]] | police = [[Metropolitan Police|Metropolitan]] | #default = {{#switch: {{{level4}}} | Barking and Dagenham | Barking & Dagenham = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[City and East (London Assembly constituency)|City and East]] | borough = [[London Borough of Barking and Dagenham|Barking & Dagenham]] }} | Barnet = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Barnet and Camden (London Assembly constituency)|Barnet and Camden]] | borough = [[London Borough of Barnet|Barnet]] }} | Bexley = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Bexley and Bromley (London Assembly constituency)|Bexley and Bromley]] | borough = [[London Borough of Bexley|Bexley]] }} | Brent = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Brent and Harrow (London Assembly constituency)|Brent and Harrow]] | borough = [[London Borough of Brent|Brent]] }} | Bromley = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Bexley and Bromley (London Assembly constituency)|Bexley and Bromley]] | borough = [[London Borough of Bromley|Bromley]] }} | Camden = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Barnet and Camden (London Assembly constituency)|Barnet and Camden]] | borough = [[London Borough of Camden|Camden]] }} | Croydon = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Croydon and Sutton (London Assembly constituency)|Croydon and Sutton]] | borough = [[London Borough of Croydon|Croydon]] }} | Ealing = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Ealing and Hillingdon (London Assembly constituency)|Ealing and Hillingdon]] | borough = [[London Borough of Ealing|Ealing]] }} | Enfield = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Enfield and Haringey (London Assembly constituency)|Enfield and Haringey]] | borough = [[London Borough of Enfield|Enfield]] }} | Greenwich = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Greenwich and Lewisham (London Assembly constituency)|Greenwich and Lewisham]] | borough = [[Royal Borough of Greenwich|Greenwich]] }} | Hackney = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[North East (London Assembly constituency)|North East]] | borough = [[London Borough of Hackney|Hackney]] }} | Hammersmith and Fulham | Hammersmith & Fulham = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[West Central (London Assembly constituency)|West Central]] | borough = [[London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham|Hammersmith & Fulham]] }} | Haringey = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Enfield and Haringey (London Assembly constituency)|Enfield and Haringey]] | borough = [[London Borough of Haringey|Haringey]] }} | Harrow = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Brent and Harrow (London Assembly constituency)|Brent and Harrow]] | borough = [[London Borough of Harrow|Harrow]] }} | Havering = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Havering and Redbridge (London Assembly constituency)|Havering and Redbridge]] | borough = [[London Borough of Havering|Havering]] }} | Hillingdon = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Ealing and Hillingdon (London Assembly constituency)|Ealing and Hillingdon]] | borough = [[London Borough of Hillingdon|Hillingdon]] }} | Hounslow = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[South West (London Assembly constituency)|South West]] | borough = [[London Borough of Hounslow|Hounslow]] }} | Islington = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[North East (London Assembly constituency)|North East]] | borough = [[London Borough of Islington|Islington]] }} | Kensington and Chelsea | Kensington & Chelsea = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[West Central (London Assembly constituency)|West Central]] | borough = [[Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea|Kensington & Chelsea]] }} | Kingston upon Thames | Kingston = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[South West (London Assembly constituency)|South West]] | borough = [[Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames|Kingston]] }} | Lambeth = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Lambeth and Southwark (London Assembly constituency)|Lambeth and Southwark]] | borough = [[London Borough of Lambeth|Lambeth]] }} | Lewisham = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Greenwich and Lewisham (London Assembly constituency)|Greenwich and Lewisham]] | borough = [[London Borough of Lewisham|Lewisham]] }} | Merton = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Merton and Wandsworth (London Assembly constituency)|Merton and Wandsworth]] | borough = [[London Borough of Merton|Merton]] }} | Newham = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[City and East (London Assembly constituency)|City and East]] | borough = [[London Borough of Newham|Newham]] }} | Redbridge = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Havering and Redbridge (London Assembly constituency)|Havering and Redbridge]] | borough = [[London Borough of Redbridge|Redbridge]] }} | Richmond upon Thames | Richmond = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[South West (London Assembly constituency)|South West]] | borough = [[London Borough of Richmond upon Thames|Richmond]] }} | Southwark = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Lambeth and Southwark (London Assembly constituency)|Lambeth and Southwark]] | borough = [[London Borough of Southwark|Southwark]] }} | Sutton = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Croydon and Sutton (London Assembly constituency)|Croydon and Sutton]] | borough = [[London Borough of Sutton|Sutton]] }} | Tower Hamlets = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[City and East (London Assembly constituency)|City and East]] | borough = [[London Borough of Tower Hamlets|Tower Hamlets]] }} | Waltham Forest = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[North East (London Assembly constituency)|North East]] | borough = [[London Borough of Waltham Forest|Waltham Forest]] }} | Wandsworth = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[Merton and Wandsworth (London Assembly constituency)|Merton and Wandsworth]] | borough = [[London Borough of Wandsworth|Wandsworth]] }} | Westminster = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | assembly = [[West Central (London Assembly constituency)|West Central]] | borough = [[City of Westminster|Westminster]] }}}}}}}}}} | North East England = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | ambulance = [[North East Ambulance Service|North East]] | region = [[North East England|North East]] | #default = {{#switch: {{{level3}}} | [[County Durham]] | [[County Durham|Durham]] = {{#switch: {{{level4}}} | [[Borough of Stockton-on-Tees]] | [[Borough of Stockton-on-Tees|Stockton-on-Tees]] | [[Stockton-on-Tees (borough)|Stockton-on-Tees]] | [[Stockton-on-Tees (borough)]] | [[Redcar and Cleveland]] | [[Borough of Hartlepool]] | [[Borough of Hartlepool|Hartlepool]] | [[Hartlepool (borough)]] | [[Hartlepool (borough)|Hartlepool]] | [[Middlesbrough]] | [[Middlesbrough (borough)]] | [[Middlesbrough (borough)|Middlesbrough]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom County Durham | maptitle = [[County Durham]] | fire = [[Cleveland Fire Brigade|Cleveland]] | police = [[Cleveland Police|Cleveland]] | footer = [[List of places in County Durham|County Durham]] }} | #default = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom County Durham | maptitle = [[County Durham]] | fire = [[County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service|County Durham and Darlington]] | police = [[Durham Constabulary|Durham]] | footer = [[List of places in County Durham|County Durham]] }}}} | Northumberland | [[Northumberland]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Northumberland | maptitle = [[Northumberland]] | fire = [[Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service|Northumberland]] | police = [[Northumbria Police|Northumbria]] | footer = [[List of places in Northumberland|Northumberland]] }} | North Yorkshire | [[North Yorkshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom North Yorkshire | maptitle = [[North Yorkshire]] | fire = [[Cleveland Fire Brigade|Cleveland]] | police = [[Cleveland Police|Cleveland]] | footer = [[List of places in Yorkshire|Yorkshire]] }} | [[Tyne and Wear]] | [[Tyne & Wear]] | [[Tyne and Wear|Tyne & Wear]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Tyne and Wear | maptitle = [[Tyne and Wear]] | fire = [[Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service|Tyne and Wear]] | police = [[Northumbria Police|Northumbria]] | footer = [[List of places in Tyne and Wear|Tyne and Wear]] }}}}}} | North West England = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | ambulance = [[North West Ambulance Service|North West]] | region = [[North West England|North West]] | #default = {{#switch: {{{level3}}} | Cheshire | [[Cheshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Cheshire | maptitle = [[Cheshire]] | fire = [[Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service|Cheshire]] | police = [[Cheshire Constabulary|Cheshire]] | footer = [[List of places in Cheshire|Cheshire]] }} | Cumbria | [[Cumbria]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Cumbria | maptitle = [[Cumbria]] | fire = [[Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service|Cumbria]] | police = [[Cumbria Constabulary|Cumbria]] | footer = [[List of places in Cumbria|Cumbria]] }} | Greater Manchester | [[Greater Manchester]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Greater Manchester | maptitle = [[Greater Manchester]] | fire = [[Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service|Greater Manchester]] | police = [[Greater Manchester Police|Greater Manchester]] | footer = [[List of places in Greater Manchester|Greater Manchester]] }} | Lancashire | [[Lancashire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Lancashire | maptitle = [[Lancashire]] | fire = [[Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service|Lancashire]] | police = [[Lancashire Constabulary|Lancashire]] | footer = [[List of places in Lancashire|Lancashire]] }} | Merseyside | [[Merseyside]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Merseyside | maptitle = [[Merseyside]] | fire = [[Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service|Merseyside]] | police = [[Merseyside Police|Merseyside]] | footer = [[List of places in Merseyside|Merseyside]] }}}}}} | South East England = {{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|region|[[South East England|South East]]|{{#switch: {{{level3}}} | Berkshire | [[Berkshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Berkshire | maptitle = [[Berkshire]] | ambulance = [[South Central Ambulance Service|South Central]] | fire = [[Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service|Royal Berkshire]] | police = [[Thames Valley Police|Thames Valley]] | footer = [[List of places in Berkshire|Berkshire]] }} | Buckinghamshire | [[Buckinghamshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Buckinghamshire | maptitle = [[Buckinghamshire]] | ambulance = [[South Central Ambulance Service|South Central]] | fire = [[Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service|Buckinghamshire]] | police = [[Thames Valley Police|Thames Valley]] | footer = [[List of places in Buckinghamshire|Buckinghamshire]] }} | East Sussex | [[East Sussex]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom East Sussex | maptitle = [[East Sussex]] | ambulance = [[South East Coast Ambulance Service|South East Coast]] | fire = [[East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service|East Sussex]] | police = [[Sussex Police|Sussex]] | footer = [[List of places in East Sussex|East Sussex]] }} | Hampshire | [[Hampshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | fire = [[Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service|Hampshire and Isle of Wight]] | police = [[Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary|Hampshire and Isle of Wight]] | footer = [[List of places in Hampshire|Hampshire]] | #default = {{#switch: {{{level4}}} | Southampton | [[Southampton]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Southampton | maptitle = [[Southampton]] | ambulance = [[South Central Ambulance Service|South Central]] }} | Rushmoor | [[Rushmoor]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Hampshire | maptitle = [[Hampshire]] | ambulance = [[South East Coast Ambulance Service|South East Coast]] }} | [[Hart (district)|Hart]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Hampshire | maptitle = [[Hampshire]] | ambulance = [[South Central Ambulance Service|South Central]] }} | #default = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Hampshire | maptitle = [[Hampshire]] | ambulance = [[South Central Ambulance Service|South Central]] }}}}}} | Isle of Wight | [[Isle of Wight]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Isle of Wight | maptitle = the [[Isle of Wight]] | ambulance = [[Isle of Wight NHS Trust|Isle of Wight]] | fire = [[Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service|Hampshire and Isle of Wight]] | police = [[Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary|Hampshire and Isle of Wight]] | footer = [[List of places on the Isle of Wight|Isle of Wight]] }} | Kent | [[Kent]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Kent | maptitle = [[Kent]] | ambulance = [[South East Coast Ambulance Service|South East Coast]] | fire = [[Kent Fire and Rescue Service|Kent]] | police = [[Kent Police|Kent]] | footer = [[List of places in Kent|Kent]] }} | Oxfordshire | [[Oxfordshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Oxfordshire | maptitle = [[Oxfordshire]] | ambulance = {{#ifeq: {{{official_name}}}|Shrivenham|[[South Western Ambulance Service|South Western]]|[[South Central Ambulance Service|South Central]]}} | fire = [[Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service|Oxfordshire]] | police = [[Thames Valley Police|Thames Valley]] | footer = [[List of places in Oxfordshire|Oxfordshire]] }} | Surrey | [[Surrey]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Surrey | maptitle = [[Surrey]] | ambulance = [[South East Coast Ambulance Service|South East Coast]] | fire = [[Surrey Fire and Rescue Service|Surrey]] | police = [[Surrey Police|Surrey]] | footer = [[List of places in Surrey|Surrey]] }} | West Sussex | [[West Sussex]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom West Sussex | maptitle = [[West Sussex]] | ambulance = [[South East Coast Ambulance Service|South East Coast]] | fire = [[West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service|West Sussex]] | police = [[Sussex Police|Sussex]] | footer = [[List of places in West Sussex|West Sussex]] }}}}}} | South West England = {{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|region|[[South West England|South West]]|{{#switch: {{{level3}}} | Bristol | [[Bristol]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Bristol | maptitle = [[Bristol]] | ambulance = [[South Western Ambulance Service|South Western]] | fire = [[Avon Fire and Rescue Service|Avon]] | police = [[Avon and Somerset Constabulary|Avon and Somerset]] | footer = [[List of places in Bristol|Bristol]] }} | Cornwall | [[Cornwall]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = {{#ifeq:{{{level4}}}|[[Isles of Scilly]]|United Kingdom Isles of Scilly|United Kingdom Cornwall (mainland)}} | maptitle = {{#ifeq:{{{level4}}}|[[Isles of Scilly]]|[[Isles of Scilly]]|[[Cornwall]]}} | ambulance = [[South Western Ambulance Service|South Western]] | police = [[Devon and Cornwall Police|Devon and Cornwall]] | footer = [[List of places in Cornwall|Cornwall]] | fire = {{#switch: {{{level4}}} | Isles of Scilly | [[Isles of Scilly]] = [[Isles of Scilly Fire and Rescue Service|Isles of Scilly]] | #default = [[Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service|Cornwall]] }}}} | Devon | [[Devon]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Devon | maptitle = [[Devon]] | ambulance = [[South Western Ambulance Service|South Western]] | fire = [[Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service|Devon and Somerset]] | police = [[Devon and Cornwall Police|Devon and Cornwall]] | footer = [[List of places in Devon|Devon]] }} | Dorset | [[Dorset]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Dorset | maptitle = [[Dorset]] | ambulance = [[South Western Ambulance Service|South Western]] | fire = [[Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service|Dorset and Wiltshire]] | police = [[Dorset Police|Dorset]] | footer = [[List of places in Dorset|Dorset]] }} | Gloucestershire | [[Gloucestershire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Gloucestershire | maptitle = [[Gloucestershire]] | ambulance = [[South Western Ambulance Service|South Western]] | footer = [[List of places in Gloucestershire|Gloucestershire]] | #default = {{#switch: {{{level4}}} | South Gloucestershire | [[South Gloucestershire]] = {{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|fire|[[Avon Fire and Rescue Service|Avon]]}}{{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|police|[[Avon and Somerset Constabulary|Avon and Somerset]]}} | #default = {{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|fire|[[Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service|Gloucestershire]]}}{{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|police|[[Gloucestershire Constabulary|Gloucestershire]]}} }}}} | Somerset | [[Somerset]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Somerset | maptitle = [[Somerset]] | police = [[Avon and Somerset Constabulary|Avon and Somerset]] | footer = [[List of places in Somerset|Somerset]] | #default = {{#switch: {{{level4}}} | [[Bath and North East Somerset]] | North Somerset | [[North Somerset]] = {{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|ambulance|[[South Western Ambulance Service|South Western]]}}{{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|fire|[[Avon Fire and Rescue Service|Avon]]}} | #default = {{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|ambulance|[[South Western Ambulance Service|South Western]]}}{{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|fire|[[Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service|Devon and Somerset]]}} }}}} | Wiltshire | [[Wiltshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Wiltshire | maptitle = [[Wiltshire]] | ambulance = [[South Western Ambulance Service|South Western]] | fire = [[Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service|Dorset and Wiltshire]] | police = [[Wiltshire Police|Wiltshire]] | footer = [[List of places in Wiltshire|Wiltshire]] }}}}}} | West Midlands = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | ambulance = [[West Midlands Ambulance Service|West Midlands]] | region = [[West Midlands (region)|West Midlands]] | #default = {{#switch: {{{level3}}} | Herefordshire | [[Herefordshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Herefordshire | maptitle = [[Herefordshire]] | fire = [[Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service|Hereford and Worcester]] | police = [[West Mercia Police|West Mercia]] | footer = [[List of places in Herefordshire|Herefordshire]] }} | Shropshire | [[Shropshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Shropshire | maptitle = [[Shropshire]] | fire = [[Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service|Shropshire]] | police = [[West Mercia Police|West Mercia]] | footer = [[List of places in Shropshire|Shropshire]] }} | Staffordshire | [[Staffordshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Staffordshire | maptitle = [[Staffordshire]] | fire = [[Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service|Staffordshire]] | police = [[Staffordshire Police|Staffordshire]] | footer = [[List of places in Staffordshire|Staffordshire]] }} | Warwickshire | [[Warwickshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Warwickshire | maptitle = [[Warwickshire]] | fire = [[Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service|Warwickshire]] | police = [[Warwickshire Police|Warwickshire]] | footer = [[List of places in Warwickshire|Warwickshire]] }} | [[West Midlands (county)|West Midlands]] | West Midlands | [[West Midlands]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom West Midlands | maptitle = the [[West Midlands (county)|West Midlands]] | fire = [[West Midlands Fire Service|West Midlands]] | police = [[West Midlands Police|West Midlands]] | footer = [[List of places in West Midlands (county)|West Midlands]] }} | Worcestershire | [[Worcestershire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Worcestershire | maptitle = [[Worcestershire]] | fire = [[Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service|Hereford and Worcester]] | police = [[West Mercia Police|West Mercia]] | footer = [[List of places in Worcestershire|Worcestershire]] }}}}}} | Yorkshire and the Humber = {{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|region|[[Yorkshire and the Humber]]|{{#switch: {{{level3}}} | East Riding of Yorkshire | [[East Riding of Yorkshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom East Riding of Yorkshire | maptitle = the [[East Riding of Yorkshire]] | ambulance = [[Yorkshire Ambulance Service|Yorkshire]] | fire = [[Humberside Fire and Rescue Service|Humberside]] | police = [[Humberside Police|Humberside]] | footer = [[List of places in Yorkshire|Yorkshire]] }} | Lincolnshire | [[Lincolnshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Lincolnshire | maptitle = [[Lincolnshire]] | ambulance = [[East Midlands Ambulance Service|East Midlands]] | fire = [[Humberside Fire and Rescue Service|Humberside]] | police = [[Humberside Police|Humberside]] | footer = [[List of places in Lincolnshire|Lincolnshire]] }} | North Yorkshire | [[North Yorkshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom North Yorkshire | maptitle = [[North Yorkshire]] | ambulance = [[Yorkshire Ambulance Service|Yorkshire]] | fire = [[North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service|North Yorkshire]] | police = [[North Yorkshire Police|North Yorkshire]] | footer = [[List of places in Yorkshire|Yorkshire]] }} | South Yorkshire | [[South Yorkshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | ambulance = [[Yorkshire Ambulance Service|Yorkshire]] | fire = [[South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service|South Yorkshire]] | police = [[South Yorkshire Police|South Yorkshire]] | footer = [[List of places in Yorkshire|Yorkshire]] | #default = {{#switch: {{{level4}}} | [[City of Sheffield]] | Sheffield | [[Sheffield]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Sheffield | maptitle = [[Sheffield]] }} | #default = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom South Yorkshire | maptitle = [[South Yorkshire]] }}}}}} | West Yorkshire | [[West Yorkshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom West Yorkshire | maptitle = [[West Yorkshire]] | ambulance = [[Yorkshire Ambulance Service|Yorkshire]] | fire = [[West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service|West Yorkshire]] | police = [[West Yorkshire Police|West Yorkshire]] | footer = [[List of places in Yorkshire|Yorkshire]] }}}}}} | #default = {{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|map|United Kingdom}}{{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|maptitle|the [[United Kingdom]]{{Infobox UK place/NoLocalMap}}}} }} | Isle of Man = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Isle of Man | maptitle = the [[Isle of Man]] | ambulance = [[Isle of Man Ambulance Service|Isle of Man]] | fire = [[Isle of Man Fire and Rescue Service|Isle of Man]] | police = [[Isle of Man Constabulary|Isle of Man]] | footer = [[List of places in the Isle of Man|Isle of Man]] }} | Northern Ireland = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = {{#switch: {{{level2}}} | County Antrim | [[County Antrim]] = Northern Ireland | County Armagh | [[County Armagh]] = Northern Ireland | County Londonderry | [[County Londonderry]] = Northern Ireland | County Down | [[County Down]] = County Down | County Fermanagh | [[County Fermanagh]] = Northern Ireland | County Tyrone | [[County Tyrone]] = Northern Ireland | #default = Northern Ireland }} | maptitle = {{#switch: {{{level2}}} | County Antrim | [[County Antrim]] = [[Northern Ireland]] | County Armagh | [[County Armagh]] = [[Northern Ireland]] | County Londonderry | [[County Londonderry]] = [[Northern Ireland]] | County Down | [[County Down]] = [[County Down]] | County Fermanagh | [[County Fermanagh]] = [[Northern Ireland]] | County Tyrone | [[County Tyrone]] = [[Northern Ireland]] | #default = [[Northern Ireland]] }} | ambulance = [[Northern Ireland Ambulance Service|Northern Ireland]] | fire = [[Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service|Northern Ireland]] | police = [[Police Service of Northern Ireland|Northern Ireland]] | footer = {{#switch: {{{level2}}} | County Antrim | [[County Antrim]] = [[List of places in County Antrim|Antrim]] | County Armagh | [[County Armagh]] = [[List of places in County Armagh|Armagh]] | County Londonderry | [[County Londonderry]] = [[List of places in County Londonderry|County Londonderry]] | County Down | [[County Down]] = [[List of places in County Down|Down]] | County Fermanagh | [[County Fermanagh]] = [[List of places in County Fermanagh|Fermanagh]] | County Tyrone | [[County Tyrone]] = [[List of places in County Tyrone|Tyrone]] }}}} | Scotland = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | ambulance = [[Scottish Ambulance Service|Scottish]] | fire = [[Scottish Fire and Rescue Service|Scottish]] | police = [[Police Scotland|Scotland]] | #default = {{#switch: {{{level2}}} | Clackmannanshire | [[Clackmannanshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Clackmannanshire | maptitle = [[Clackmannanshire]] }} | [[Falkirk (council area)|Falkirk]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Falkirk | maptitle = the [[Falkirk (council area)|Falkirk]] council area }} | [[Stirling Council|Stirling]] | [[Stirling Council]] | [[Stirling (district)|Stirling]] | [[Stirling (council area)|Stirling]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Stirling | maptitle = the [[Stirling (council area)|Stirling]] council area }} | Dumfries and Galloway | [[Dumfries and Galloway]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Dumfries and Galloway | maptitle = [[Dumfries and Galloway]] }} | Fife | [[Fife]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Fife | maptitle = [[Fife]] }} | [[Aberdeen]] | [[City of Aberdeen]] | [[Politics of Aberdeen|City of Aberdeen]] | [[Politics of Aberdeen|Aberdeen]] | [[City of Aberdeen|Aberdeen]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|Aberdeen|Scotland|Scotland Aberdeen}} | maptitle = {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|Aberdeen|[[Scotland]]|the [[Aberdeen|City of Aberdeen]]}} | footer = [[Areas of Aberdeen|Aberdeen]] }} | Aberdeenshire | [[Aberdeenshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Aberdeenshire | maptitle = [[Aberdeenshire]] }} | Moray | [[Moray]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Moray | maptitle = [[Moray]] }} | [[Highland]] | [[Highland (council area)|Highland]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = {{#switch: {{{level3}}} |Skye |Isle of Skye |[[Skye|Isle of Skye]] = Scotland Isle of Skye |Caithness | Caithness |[[Caithness]] = Scotland Caithness |Lochaber | Lochaber |[[Lochaber]] = Scotland Lochaber |Nairn |[[Nairn (lieutenancy)|Nairn]] |[[Lord Lieutenant of Nairn|Nairn]] | Nairn |[[Nairn]] = Scotland Nairn |Inverness | Inverness |[[Inverness]] = Scotland Inverness |Badenoch and Strathspey | Badenoch and Strathspey |[[Badenoch and Strathspey]] = Scotland Badenoch and Strathspey |Sutherland | Sutherland |[[Sutherland]] = Scotland Sutherland |Ross and Cromarty | Ross and Cromarty |[[Ross and Cromarty]] = Scotland Ross and Cromarty |#default = Scotland Highland }} | maptitle = {{#switch: {{{level3}}} |Skye |Isle of Skye |[[Skye|Isle of Skye]] = the [[Skye|Isle of Skye]] |Caithness | Caithness |[[Caithness]] = the [[Caithness]] area |Lochaber | Lochaber |[[Lochaber]] = the [[Lochaber]] area |Nairn |[[Nairn (lieutenancy)|Nairn]] |[[Lord Lieutenant of Nairn|Nairn]] | Nairn |[[Nairn]] = the [[Lord Lieutenant of Nairn|Nairn]] area |Inverness | Inverness |[[Inverness]] = the [[Inverness-shire|Inverness]] area |Badenoch and Strathspey | Badenoch and Strathspey |[[Badenoch and Strathspey]] = the [[Badenoch and Strathspey]] area |Sutherland | Sutherland |[[Sutherland]] = the [[Sutherland]] area |Ross and Cromarty | Ross and Cromarty |[[Ross and Cromarty]] = the [[Ross and Cromarty]] area |#default = the [[Highland (council area)|Highland]] council area }} }} | [[Orkney Islands]] | [[Orkney Isles]] | Orkney | [[Orkney]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Orkney | maptitle = [[Orkney]] }} | [[Shetland Islands]] | [[Shetland Isles]] | Shetland | [[Shetland]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Shetland | maptitle = [[Shetland]] }} | [[Na h-Eileanan Siar]] | [[Outer Hebrides]] | [[Outer Hebrides|Na h-Eileanan Siar]] | Western Isles | [[Western Isles]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Outer Hebrides | maptitle = the [[Outer Hebrides]] }} | East Lothian | [[East Lothian]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland East Lothian | maptitle = [[East Lothian]] }} | Midlothian | [[Midlothian]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Midlothian | maptitle = [[Midlothian]] }} | Scottish Borders | [[Scottish Borders]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Scottish Borders | maptitle = the [[Scottish Borders]] }} | West Lothian | [[West Lothian]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland West Lothian | maptitle = [[West Lothian]] }} | [[Edinburgh]] | [[City of Edinburgh]] | [[Politics of Edinburgh|Edinburgh]] | [[Politics of Edinburgh|City of Edinburgh]] | [[City of Edinburgh|Edinburgh]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = United Kingdom Edinburgh | maptitle = [[Edinburgh]] | footer = [[Areas of Edinburgh|Edinburgh]] }} | Argyll and Bute | [[Argyll and Bute]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Argyll and Bute | maptitle = [[Argyll and Bute]] }} | East Ayrshire | [[East Ayrshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland East Ayrshire | maptitle = [[East Ayrshire]] }} | East Dunbartonshire | [[East Dunbartonshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland East Dunbartonshire | maptitle = [[East Dunbartonshire]] }} | East Renfrewshire | [[East Renfrewshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland East Renfrewshire | maptitle = [[East Renfrewshire]] }} | Inverclyde | [[Inverclyde]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Inverclyde | maptitle = [[Inverclyde]] }} | North Ayrshire | [[North Ayrshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland North Ayrshire | maptitle = [[North Ayrshire]] }} | North Lanarkshire | [[North Lanarkshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland North Lanarkshire | maptitle = [[North Lanarkshire]] }} | Renfrewshire | [[Renfrewshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Renfrewshire | maptitle = [[Renfrewshire]] }} | South Ayrshire | [[South Ayrshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland South Ayrshire | maptitle = [[South Ayrshire]] }} | South Lanarkshire | [[South Lanarkshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland South Lanarkshire | maptitle = [[South Lanarkshire]] }} | West Dunbartonshire | [[West Dunbartonshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland West Dunbartonshire | maptitle = [[West Dunbartonshire]] }} | [[Glasgow]] | [[Politics of Glasgow|Glasgow City Council]] | [[Politics of Glasgow|Glasgow City]] | [[Politics of Glasgow|Glasgow]] | [[Glasgow City Council|City of Glasgow]] | [[City of Glasgow]] | [[City of Glasgow|Glasgow]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Glasgow | maptitle = [[Glasgow]] | footer = [[List of places in Glasgow|Glasgow]] }} | Angus | [[Angus]] | [[Angus, Scotland|Angus]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Angus | maptitle = [[Angus, Scotland|Angus]] }} | [[Dundee]] | [[City of Dundee]] | [[City of Dundee|Dundee]] | [[Politics of Dundee|Dundee City]] | [[Politics of Dundee|Dundee]] | Dundee City Council | [[Dundee City Council]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|Dundee|Scotland|Scotland Dundee}} | maptitle = {{#ifeq:{{PAGENAME}}|Dundee|[[Scotland]]|the [[City of Dundee]]}} }} | Perth and Kinross | [[Perth and Kinross]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Scotland Perth and Kinross | maptitle = [[Perth and Kinross]] }} | #default = {{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|map|UK Scotland}}{{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|maptitle|[[Scotland]]{{Infobox UK place/NoLocalMap}}}} }}}} | Wales = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | ambulance = [[Welsh Ambulance Service|Welsh]] | #default = {{#switch: {{{level2}}} | Carmarthenshire | [[Carmarthenshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Carmarthenshire | maptitle = [[Carmarthenshire]] | fire = [[Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service|Mid and West Wales]] | police = [[Dyfed–Powys Police|Dyfed-Powys]] | footer = [[List of places in Carmarthenshire|Carmarthenshire]] }} | Ceredigion | [[Ceredigion]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Ceredigion | maptitle = [[Ceredigion]] | fire = [[Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service|Mid and West Wales]] | police = [[Dyfed–Powys Police|Dyfed-Powys]] | footer = [[List of places in Ceredigion|Ceredigion]] }} | Pembrokeshire | [[Pembrokeshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Pembrokeshire | maptitle = [[Pembrokeshire]] | fire = [[Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service|Mid and West Wales]] | police = [[Dyfed–Powys Police|Dyfed-Powys]] | footer = [[List of places in Pembrokeshire|Pembrokeshire]] }} | Powys | [[Powys]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Powys | maptitle = [[Powys]] | fire = [[Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service|Mid and West Wales]] | police = [[Dyfed–Powys Police|Dyfed-Powys]] | footer = [[List of places in Powys|Powys]] }} | Neath Port Talbot | [[Neath Port Talbot]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Neath Port Talbot | maptitle = [[Neath Port Talbot]] | fire = [[Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service|Mid and West Wales]] | police = [[South Wales Police|South Wales]] | footer = [[List of places in Neath Port Talbot|Neath Port Talbot]] }} | Swansea | [[Swansea]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Swansea | maptitle = [[Swansea]] | fire = [[Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service|Mid and West Wales]] | police = [[South Wales Police|South Wales]] | footer = [[List of places in Swansea|Swansea]] }} | [[Anglesey]] | Isle of Anglesey | [[Isle of Anglesey]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Anglesey | maptitle = [[Isle of Anglesey|Anglesey]] | fire = [[North Wales Fire and Rescue Service|North Wales]] | police = [[North Wales Police|North Wales]] | footer = [[List of places in Anglesey|Anglesey]] }} | [[Conwy]] | [[Conwy (county borough)|Conwy]] | [[Conwy County Borough|Conwy]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Conwy | maptitle = [[Conwy County Borough|Conwy]] | fire = [[North Wales Fire and Rescue Service|North Wales]] | police = [[North Wales Police|North Wales]] | footer = [[List of places in Conwy County Borough|Conwy]] }} | Denbighshire | [[Denbighshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Denbighshire | maptitle = [[Denbighshire]] | fire = [[North Wales Fire and Rescue Service|North Wales]] | police = [[North Wales Police|North Wales]] | footer = [[List of places in Denbighshire|Denbighshire]] }} | Flintshire | [[Flintshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Flintshire | maptitle = [[Flintshire]] | fire = [[North Wales Fire and Rescue Service|North Wales]] | police = [[North Wales Police|North Wales]] | footer = [[List of places in Flintshire|Flintshire]] }} | Gwynedd | [[Gwynedd]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Gwynedd | maptitle = [[Gwynedd]] | fire = [[North Wales Fire and Rescue Service|North Wales]] | police = [[North Wales Police|North Wales]] | footer = [[List of places in Gwynedd|Gwynedd]] }} | [[Wrexham]] | [[Wrexham (county borough)|Wrexham]] | [[Wrexham County Borough|Wrexham]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Wrexham | maptitle = [[Wrexham County Borough|Wrexham]] | fire = [[North Wales Fire and Rescue Service|North Wales]] | police = [[North Wales Police|North Wales]] | footer = [[List of places in Wrexham County Borough|Wrexham]] }} | Blaenau Gwent | [[Blaenau Gwent]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Blaenau Gwent | maptitle = [[Blaenau Gwent]] | fire = [[South Wales Fire and Rescue Service|South Wales]] | police = [[Gwent Police|Gwent]] | footer = [[List of places in Blaenau Gwent|Blaenau Gwent]] }} | [[Caerphilly]] | [[Caerphilly (county borough)|Caerphilly]] | [[Caerphilly County Borough|Caerphilly]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Caerphilly | maptitle = [[Caerphilly County Borough|Caerphilly]] | fire = [[South Wales Fire and Rescue Service|South Wales]] | police = [[Gwent Police|Gwent]] | footer = [[List of places in Caerphilly County Borough|Caerphilly]] }} | Monmouthshire | [[Monmouthshire]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Monmouthshire | maptitle = [[Monmouthshire]] | fire = [[South Wales Fire and Rescue Service|South Wales]] | police = [[Gwent Police|Gwent]] | footer = [[List of places in Monmouthshire|Monmouthshire]] }} | [[Newport, Wales|Newport]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Newport | maptitle = [[Newport, Wales|Newport]] | fire = [[South Wales Fire and Rescue Service|South Wales]] | police = [[Gwent Police|Gwent]] | footer = [[List of places in Newport|Newport]] }} | Torfaen | [[Torfaen]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Torfaen | maptitle = [[Torfaen]] | fire = [[South Wales Fire and Rescue Service|South Wales]] | police = [[Gwent Police|Gwent]] | footer = [[List of places in Torfaen|Torfaen]] }} | [[Bridgend]] | [[Bridgend (county borough)|Bridgend]] | [[Bridgend County Borough|Bridgend]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Bridgend | maptitle = [[Bridgend County Borough|Bridgend]] | fire = [[South Wales Fire and Rescue Service|South Wales]] | police = [[South Wales Police|South Wales]] | footer = [[List of places in Bridgend county borough|Bridgend]] }} | Cardiff | [[Cardiff]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Cardiff | maptitle = [[Cardiff]] | fire = [[South Wales Fire and Rescue Service|South Wales]] | police = [[South Wales Police|South Wales]] | footer = [[List of places in Cardiff|Cardiff]] }} | Merthyr Tydfil | [[Merthyr Tydfil]] | [[Merthyr Tydfil County Borough|Merthyr Tydfil]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Merthyr Tydfil | maptitle = [[Merthyr Tydfil]] | fire = [[South Wales Fire and Rescue Service|South Wales]] | police = [[South Wales Police|South Wales]] | footer = [[List of places in Merthyr Tydfil|Merthyr Tydfil]] }} | [[Rhondda Cynon Taf]] | Rhondda Cynon Taff | [[Rhondda Cynon Taff]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Rhondda Cynon Taf | maptitle = {{{level2}}} | fire = [[South Wales Fire and Rescue Service|South Wales]] | police = [[South Wales Police|South Wales]] | footer = {{#switch: {{{level2}}} | Rhondda Cynon Taf | [[Rhondda Cynon Taf]] = [[List of places in Rhondda Cynon Taf|Rhondda Cynon Taf]] | Rhondda Cynon Taff | [[Rhondda Cynon Taff]] = [[List of places in Rhondda Cynon Taff|Rhondda Cynon Taff]] }}}} | Vale of Glamorgan | [[Vale of Glamorgan]] = {{#switch: {{{retrieve}}} | map = Wales Vale of Glamorgan | maptitle = the [[Vale of Glamorgan]] | fire = [[South Wales Fire and Rescue Service|South Wales]] | police = [[South Wales Police|South Wales]] | footer = [[List of places in Vale of Glamorgan|Vale of Glamorgan]] }} | #default = {{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|map|Wales}}{{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|maptitle|[[Wales]]{{Infobox UK place/NoLocalMap}}}} }}}} | #default = {{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|map|United Kingdom}}{{#ifeq: {{{retrieve}}}|maptitle|the [[United Kingdom]]{{Infobox UK place/NoLocalMap}}}} }}<noinclude>{{doc|content= This is a subtemplate of {{tl|Infobox UK place}} and should not be used directly in articles. 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