code,description/en,License,access/availableOnline,access/exampleIdentifiers,access/guidanceOnLocatingIds,access/languages,access/onlineAccessDetails,access/publicDatabase,confirmed,coverage,data/availability,data/dataAccessDetails,data/features,data/licenseDetails,data/licenseStatus,deprecated,formerPrefixes,links/opencorporates,links/wikipedia,listType,meta/lastUpdated,meta/source,name/en,name/local,quality,quality_explained/Availability: API,quality_explained/Availability: Bulk download,quality_explained/Availability: CSV format,quality_explained/Availability: Excel format,quality_explained/Availability: JSON format,quality_explained/Availability: PDF format,quality_explained/Availability: RDF format,quality_explained/Availability: XML format,quality_explained/License: Closed License,quality_explained/License: No License,quality_explained/License: Open License,quality_explained/List type: Local,quality_explained/List type: Primary,quality_explained/List type: Secondary,quality_explained/List type: Third Party,registerType,sector,structure,subnationalCoverage,url AD-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Andorra.",,True,AD,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Andorra Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AE-ACCI,There are 2 types of search available: Commercial search and Industrial search. You can also use an online enquiry form to find the required information. The contact details of Ajman Chamber and the heads of its sectors are also available.,,False,,,,,,True,AE,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,ProZorro Business Register Research,Ajman Chamber of Commerce and Industry,غرفة تجارة وصناعة عجمان,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,AE-AJ, AE-ADCD,"This register includes information on companies' Unified no., Membership no., name, address, phone number, email, activity etc.",,False,,,,,,True,AE,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,ProZorro Business Register Research,Abu Dhabi Commercial Directory,دليل أبوظبي التجاري,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,AE-AZ, AE-AFZ,"The authority's website can be used to find its address, email and call center contacts. No clear search functionality directly on the website.",,False,,,,,,True,AE,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,ProZorro Business Register Research,Ajman Free Zone Authority,سلطة المنطقة الحرة في عجمان,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,AE-AJ, AE-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for United Arab Emirates (the).",,True,AE,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,United Arab Emirates (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AE-DCCI,"This register includes information on companies name, address, phone number, website, activity and branches.",,False,,,,,,True,AE,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,ProZorro Business Register Research,Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry ,غرفة تجارة وصناعة دبي,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,AE-DU, AE-DFSA,"This register includes information on companies' name, DFSA reference number, address, phone number, legal status, services.",,False,,,,,,True,AE,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,ProZorro Business Register Research,Dubai Financial Services Authority ,هيئة دبي للخدمات المالية,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,AE-DU, AE-DIFC,"This register includes information on companies' name, registration number, activity, phone number, address, etc.",,False,,,,,,True,AE,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,ProZorro Business Register Research,Dubai International Financial Centre,مركز دبي المالي العالمي,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,AE-DU, AE-DMCC,"Dubai Multi Commodities Centre is a Free Zone Authority established by the government of Dubai in 2002. The DMCC authority registers and licenses companies to operate in the DMCC Free Zone. N.B There is a 'Business Directory', however, this does not provide registration numbers[1] [1]:",,False,JLT-65609,Use the license number given for the company (not the plot number).,"AE, EN",,,True,AE,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2018-01-09,Desk research (prompted by request from publisher),Dubai Multi Commodities Centre,مركز دبي للسلع المتعددة,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,AE-DU, AE-FCCI,"There is no company information available directly from this registry, but Chamber of Commerce and Industry can be contacted via the form on the website, phone or email to request more information.",,False,,,,,,True,AE,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,ProZorro Business Register Research,Fujairah Chamber of Commerce and Industry,غرفة تجارة وصناعة الفجيرة,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,AE-FU, AE-FFZ,"There is no search available in this registry, but there is a list of companies with corresponding phone and fax numbers.",,False,,,,,,True,AE,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,ProZorro Business Register Research,Fujairah Free Zone Company Listing,شركة الفجيرة للمنطقة الحرة,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,AE-FU, AE-HFZA,"A register that contains company names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, license numbers, activities, etc.",,False,TRUE,,,,,True,AE,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,ProZorro Business Register Research,Hamriyah Free Zone Authority,سلطة المنطقة الحرة بالحمرية,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,AE-SH, AE-RAKIA,"The Ras al-Khaimah Investment Authority is the registering body for companies in the (RAK) free trade zone. There is no open registry but you can request more information via the contact form on the website or a phone call.",,False,,,,,,True,AE,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,ProZorro Business Register Research,Ras al-Khaimah Investment Authority,هيئة رأس الخيمة للاستثمار,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,AE-RK, AE-RK_CR,This entry was imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.,,False,,,,,,True,AE,,,,,closed_license,,,,,,2018-01-12,,Ras al-Khaimah Chamber of Commerce and Industry,,0,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,company,AE-RK, AE-SAIF,"This register contains information on company name, business type, phone number, email, PO box.",,False,,,,,,True,AE,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,ProZorro Business Register Research,Sharjah Airport International Free Zone,المنطقة الحرة في مطار الشارقة الدولي,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,AE-SH, AE-SCCI,"This business directory allows you to search for company names and provides information on their address, email, phone number, activity.",,False,,,,,,True,AE,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,ProZorro Business Register Research,Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry,غرفة تجارة وصناعة الشارقة: دليل الأعمال,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,AE-SH, AE-UQCCI,"This register includes information about company name, PO box, address, activity, registration date.",,False,,,,,,True,AE,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,ProZorro Business Register Research,Umm al-Quwain Chamber of Commerce and Industry,غرفة تجارة وصناعة أم القيوين,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,AE-UQ, AF-CBR,"The Afghan Central Business Registry is a service which allows a single place to register a business in Afghanistan. All companies, groups and individuals are required to register at the ACBR, where they receive confirmation of their registration, become published in the ACBR Gazette and receive the Tax Identification Number. ""The new Central Registry is a one stop shop to register your business. It brings together all of the functions previously done by the commercial courts, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Finance."" [1] ""ACBR exists to provide services to businesses in Afghanistan intending to register their names and protect their intellectual property rights."" [2] ""All corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies and sole proprietorships doing Trade are required to register with ACBR, which facilitates the registration process, including assistance for completing the application form, paying fees, publishing key business information in the Official Gazette and reporting specification of businesses to the Revenue Department of MoF. Registration is required only one time unless a business makes major changes (i.e., change in ownership, executive management, or location or if the initial capital increases or decreases). Businesses are referred to ACBR from either the Trader License office located in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, from AISA, or from any other license departments after they acquire a business license."" [3] [1] [2] [3]",,True,"102164, 121048, 14941","An online search is available at This returns access to four identifiers (Reference, Registration, TIN Number, License). The Registration Number should be used. ","en, ar",, ,True,AF,data_not_available,,"directors_trustees_governors, registered_address, industry_classifications, date_of_registration, registration_number, tax_id_number",,no_license,False,,,,primary,2018-07-24,Desk research,Afghanistan Central Business Registry,,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,, AF-COA,"The Government of Afghanistan provide a Chart of Accounts spreadsheet on an annual basis. This includes codes for each ministry or portfolio, each sub-organization and each organizational unit assigned funds within the budget covering centrally budgeted government departments and agencies, hospitals, universities and services. ",,True,"20000, 28010, 42000",The five-digit 'Unit' code from the Organization tab of the Chart of Accounts spreadsheet should be used. ,en,An excel spreadsheet is provided for download. This contains an 'Organization' tab.,,True,AF,excel,A download of the Chart of Accounts is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2018-07-24,Desk research,Afghanistan Chart of Accounts,,56,,,,1,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AF-MOE,"NGOs wishing to operate in Afghanistan must register with the NGOs Department of the Ministry of Economy. The register contains government departments, national NGOs and international NGOs.",,False,"89, 176, 2620",,en,"The system provides an online interface to browse a list of organisations. An 'Export to Excel' option is presented, but does not appear to work. ",,True,AF,"available:_stated_as_available,_but_unable_to_access"," - button for Excel download, but not found to be working","date_of_registration, e-mail_address, registration_number, phone_number, organisation_name",,no_license,,,,,secondary,2016-11-18,Desk research,Ministry of Economy NGO Department , وزارة الاقتصاد انسجام موسسات غیر دولتی,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,charity,, AF-TIN,"TIN is a ten digit number which is issued to all individuals, companies and organizations that operate in Afghanistan. It is a permanent identification number and never changes, but the date of issue has to be renewed annually on the date of expiration.",,True,"9000082348, 9000453309","Enter the name, or one of reference number, registration number, licence number, or TIN number of the desired business or organisation. Note that only the top 50 results are shown, so a generic search such as ""consulting"" will likely not show the desired results. As such it is advisable to include the full name.",en,"Information on the Afghanistan Tax Identification Number can be found here: An identifier lookup portal can be found here:",,True,AF,data_not_available,"Research suggests that the information can only be accessed via a web portal, and no download function is provided.",,Copyright © 2017 Directorate General of Afghanistan Central Business Registry & Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2018-10-16,"Information provided by a github issue, and found on the portal pages linked within the record.",Afghanistan Tax Identification Number,,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,"charity, company, trust",, AG-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Antigua and Barbuda.",,True,AG,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Antigua and Barbuda Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AI-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Anguilla.",,True,AI,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Anguilla Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AL-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Albania.",,True,AL,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Albania Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AL-QKB,"The list is the trade register of all the businesses registered with the National Business Center (NBC) of Albania. The NBC provides service in the territory, through service desks at local government units, through service desks open to the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and / or chambers of commerce through the electronic desks. ",,True,"L39308501E, L62406015S, K31712102D, J91807001S","Each business is assigned a Numri i Identifikimit për Personin e Tatueshëm (NIPT) aka a NUIS code which consists of two letters, one at the beginning and one at the end, and 8 numbers from 0 to 9 in the middle. ","al, en","An online search is available at the center's website. It is possible to search by NUIS (equivalent of a VAT number), name of company, address, shareholder name, trade name and identification number.",,True,AL,pdf,Following a search on the database it is possible to download PDFs with the registration details of individual businesses.,"shareholders, registered_address, date_of_registration, legal_representatives, registration_number, tax_id_number, post_code_zip_code, objectives_purpose, status","At the bottom of each page on the NBC website there is ""© 2018 QKB ALL RIGHTS RESERVED"". Individual records can be downloaded as pdfs. They contain no license information.",no_license,False,,,,,2018-12-17,original desk research,Albanian National Business Center,Qendra Kombetare e Biznesit,6,,,,,,1,,,,5,,,,,,,,"company/sole_trader, company, company/limited_company",, AM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"101001, 101002",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,AM,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Armenia Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AM-SRALE,The State Register Agency of Legal Entities of Armenia maintains an Electronic Register where on line applications for the registration of legal entities can be made. It also has a search function that allows unregistered users to see limited details about existing companies. Full information about any company requires registration and the payment of a fee.,,True,"16.110.00666, 26.180.01938","The free, unregistered search facility provides basic information about a company or indivdual. At present search is only available in Armenian and the charters of companies registered before April 2011 are not available electronically.","en, am, ru",,,True,AM,Data not available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2019-11-19,,State Register Agency of Legal Entities of Armenia,իրավաբանական անձանց պետական ռեգիստրի,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,"Company, Company > Listed company, Company > Limited Company, Company > Mutual, Company > Partnership, Company > Sole trader, Government Agency, Government Agency > Local Government, Government Agency > Public service, Trust",, AO-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Angola.",,True,AO,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Angola Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AQ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Antarctica.",,True,AQ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Antarctica Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AR-CENOC,"Law Nº 25.855, de Voluntariado Social (Social Volunteering) established in 2004 a role for El Centro Nacional de Organizaciones de la Comunidad to maintain a database of civil society organisations (CSOs). ""The CSOs that receive or intend to receive public funds must be included in the database, to carry out projects financed in whole or in part with state resources, whatever the subject matter."" Registration for the database requests detailed information, including capturing a CUIT number for the organisation (where known), address and contact information. However, only a basic list of identifiers and names is currently published. ",,True,"9316-A, 10434-A, 11890-A",Download the Excel spreadsheet and use the search function to locate an organization name. ,es,An excel spreadsheet of the list is available to download from the CENOC website.,,True,AR,"bulk, excel",,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-7-14,IATI -,The National Centre of Community Organisations (Argentina), El Centro Nacional de Organizaciones de la Comunidad ,58,,2,,1,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,charity,, AR-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Argentina.",,True,AR,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Argentina Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AR-CUIT,"Any citizen or company starting an economic activity in Argentina must register with the AFIP (Federal Administration of Public Revenues) and receive a Unique Tax Identification Code (CUIT). This is an 11 digit number, consisting two digits, hyphen, eight digits, and a one digit checksum. ",,,"30-69330706-2, 30-70737344-6",Use a third-party service to search for identifiers. Identifiers can be verified at,es,Third party search services such as exist and provide name based search of CUIT (tax identifier) and CUIL (labour identifier).,,True,AR,,,"industry_classifications, status",,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-06-26,Open Contracting,Unique Tax Identification Code (Argentina),Clave Única Identificación Tributaria (Argentina),55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"company, unincorporated_body",, AS-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for American Samoa.",,True,AS,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,American Samoa Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AT-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Austria.",,True,AT,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Austria Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AT-FB,Available only in German. Access can be obtained by using services of special companies like that are entitled to provide it (for full list see,,True,,,de,"The query of the company book is subject to a charge. Charges are billed via the billing agencies commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Justice, in which the customer must obtain an access authorization or an ""account"". The fees for the inquiry are governed by the tariff post 10 Z IV Court Fees Act (GGG), whereby the clearing offices may charge a surcharge to be approved by the Federal Minister of Justice in addition to the fees stated there.",,True,AT,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-10-24,ProZorro Business Register Research,Austria Company Register,Firmenbuch,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,, AT-UID,"""Since July 11, 2005, the records of all commercial register courts are kept electronically. The general ledger is kept by storing the entries in a central database, the so-called ""Firmenbuchdatenbank"" in the Federal Computing Center in Vienna.""[1] Clearing houses commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Justice (Die Österreichische Justiz) provide the only access to the database.[2] Interfaces are mostly available only in German, and access/fees vary between the different operators. Consider using the Business Register number with the prefix AT-FB (see list AT-FB) - which is a primary rather than secondary list - instead of the VAT number. [1] [2] A full list of authorized clearing houses is available at",,True,U12345678,,de,Choose a clearing house from the list at,,True,AT,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,secondary,2017-11-08,ProZorro Business Register Research,VAT number (Austria Company Register),Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (Die Firmenbuchdatenbank),50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,company,, AT-ZVR,"The central register of associations contains information about associations that have been established and formed under Austrian law [1]. They are identified by their official registration number, their ZVR-Zahl. Anyone can use the Central Register of Associations (ZVR) to search for an association, using its ZVR number, its name, or part of its name. A summary extract of the association is returned as a PDF. Additional details of an association can be requested where there is legitimate interest. [1]:",,True,555769679,Use the search boxes at the foot of the page to find an association's details. Search by registration number (ZVR-Zahl) or by supplying all or part of its name (Vereinsname). The latter type of search can be temperamental.,de,,,True,AT,pdf,"Details of individual associations are returned in a PDF. There is no bulk access facility. 'The Association Act 2002 takes comprehensive precautions to protect personal data. This includes that information can only be queried for a clearly identifiable club (""individual query"").' (","registered_address, contact_address, date_of_registration, legal_representatives, registration_number",,open_license,False,,,,primary,2020-12-02,Official Records,Austrian Central Register of Associations,Zentrales Vereinsregister,86,,,,,,1,,,,,10,,75,,,,,"charity, trust",, AU-ABN,"""The Australian Business Number (ABN) enables businesses in Australia to deal with a range of government departments and agencies using a single identification number. The ABN is a public number which does not replace an organisations tax file number."" ""ABN registration details become part of the Australian Business Register (ABR)"" Each ABN should equate to a single 'business structure', although that structure may be used to carry out a range of business activities. A range of kinds of entity are issued ABNs, including individuals, corporations, partnerships, unincorporated associations, trusts and superannuation funds. Entities must be carrying on a business in or connection to Australia to receive an ABN. Charities are issued ABNs when they are formed. See:",,True,52093617380,"It is possible to search for identifiers at The Australian Business Number (ABN) is a unique 11 digit identifier issued to all entities registered in the Australian Business Register (ABR). The 11 digit ABN is structured as a 9 digit identifier with two leading check digits. The identifiers are displayed on the website with spaces in the number. All the spaces should be removed when making use of the number within an identifier.",en,,,True,AU,"api, bulk","Bulk downloads are provided at in XML format, and an API is provided at","akas, date_of_registration",,open_license,False,,,,primary,2024-11-13,IATI + Additional Reseach,Australian Business Register,,89,2,2,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,"unincorporated_body, trust, company, charity",, AU-ACNC,"This list and prefix is deprecated in favour of, since all charities are registered under their ABN. Deprecated description: ""In Australia, charities must register with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) before they can receive charity tax concessions from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)."" Charity Status can be applied to organisations that have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and that take a range of legal forms [1] including Australian Private Company, Australian Public Company, State level registered 'Other Incorporated Entity', Discretionary Investment Trust, Fixed Trusts, Co-operatives and Other Unincorporated Identities. [1]:",,False,,,en,,,True,AU,,,,,open_license,True,,,,secondary,2024-11-13,Primary research,Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission,,60,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,50,,,,charity,, AU-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Australia.",,True,AU,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Australia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AW-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Aruba.",,True,AW,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Aruba Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AX-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Åland Islands.",,True,AX,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Åland Islands Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AZ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Azerbaijan.",,True,AZ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Azerbaijan Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, AZ-IVI,Available only in Azerbaijani,,True,"990001490, 3100073821",10-digit TIN (aka company registration number) is under 'VÖEN' header,az,"Company can be searched by VÖEN or legal name. Name searches return a list of possible company name matches and their VÖEN codes. If searching by the VOEN more information will be provided: name of commercial organization, taxpayer's name, organizational-legal form, legal address, charter capital, fiscal year, legal representative, registration date. No English interface.",,True,AZ,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-08,ProZorro Business Register Research,State Register of Commercial Entities (Ministry of Taxes of Azerbaijan Republic),Kommersiya qurumlarının dövlət reyestri,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,, BA-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Bosnia and Herzegovina.",,True,BA,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Bosnia and Herzegovina Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BB-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Barbados.",,True,BB,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Barbados Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BD-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"101, 102",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,BD,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Bangladesh Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BD-NAB,"All NGOs wishing to carry out programmes in Bangladesh must gain permission from the Bangladesh NGO Affairs Bureau. The Bureau keeps a list of NGOs, monitors funding and ensures the accountability of NGO projects. ""Its prime objective is to provide one-stop service to the NGOs operating with foreign assistance and registered under the Foreign Donations (Voluntary Activities) Regulation Ordinance, 1978. In addition, it facilitates the activities of the NGOs in the country, and ensures their accountability to the state and thereby to the people of the country"" [1] ""Bureau approves the project proposals submitted by NGOs"" [2] ""NGOs much certify in the project proposal that they receive foreign donation or contribution from legal sources."" [3] ""Bureau has the responsibility to make sure that money being channelized by NGOs is from legal sources. Bureau also realizes government revenue-both tax (income tax, VAT etc) and non-tax (registration fee). Bureau always coordinates with NGOs, line ministries, different state agencies and development partners in discharging its duty as the regulatory authority. Here the spirit is to facilitate the NGO activities, not to regulate them"" [4] [1][2][3][4]",,True,"2330, 2830, 2427",Registration numbers are contained in a PDF published by the Bureau. The latest version of this list can be found at:,"en, bn","A list of all NGOs registered with the NGO Affairs Bureau, and thus all NGOs who have projects in Bangladesh, is available on the website",,True,BD,pdf,,"registered_address, date_of_registration, registration_number, country_of_origin",,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2024-10-29,,Bangladesh NGO Affairs Bureau , এনজিও বিষয়ক ব্যুরো,56,,,,,,1,,,,5,,,,50,,,,charity,, BD-NBR,"The National Board of Revenue is the authority for tax administration in Bangladesh, including customs excise, VAT, and income tax. Organisations and companies registered with the NBR will be issued with a Value Added Tax Registration Certificate containing their BIN registration number. ",,True,000697679-0101,A BIN search is available on the NBR homepage. Organisations can also provide their Value Added Tax Registration Certificate which contains their BIN. ,"BN, EN",,,True,BD,data_not_available,,,No open dataset is available,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2024-09-24,Original research,National Board of Revenue,জাতীয় রাজস্ব বোর্ড,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"company, charity, trust",, BD-ROC,"The Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC) is the institution responsible for registering and preserving documentation of the following types of organizations: (A) Public companies (B) Private companies (C) Foreign companies (D) Trade Organizations (E) Societies, and (F) Partnership firms RJSC registers various organizations and ensures that they operate according to the rules of applicable law. Applicable laws include: (A) Company and Trade Organization: Company Act, 1994 (Amendment to Company Law, 1913) (B) Societies : Societies Registration Act, 1860 (C) Partnership Deed: Partnership Act, 1932.",,True,"3-S123, C-69103, CH-5884, 66885",Organisations can be searched by name following completion of a CAPTCHA. ,en,"A search is available at The result includes a registration number.",,True,BD,data_not_available,No open data version of this list was discovered from government sources - but a search of firms is available from OpenCorporates at suggesting it may be possible to get hold of a list from some source.,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2024-05-28,Desk research,Bangladesh Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms ,,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"charity, company",, BE-BCE_KBO,"The Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (BCE, ECB, CBE) is the registration office for companies in Belgium. The ECB compiles a list of business identification numbers, maintains the database and provides the list in an available format. ""The following companies must register with the ECB: 1. legal persons under Belgian law 2. institutions, organizations and Belgian law services which perform tasks of general interest or related to public order and that have a distinct financial and accounting autonomy from that of the legal person under Belgian public law governing them; 3. legal persons of foreign or international law which have a seat in Belgium or who are required to register pursuant to an obligation imposed by Belgian law; 4. to any individual as an autonomous entity: a) carries on an economic and professional activity in Belgium, as usual, the main or supplementary basis; b) or must register in fulfillment of an obligation imposed by legislation Belgium other than that covered by this Act; 5. associations without legal personality must be registered pursuant to an obligation imposed by Belgian legislation other than that covered by this Act; 6. the establishment of units of the above mentioned companies."" [3] ""The Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (BCE) is a register of the Ministry of Economy which includes all the companies basic identification data and their business units. The ECB's management department is responsible for recording, backup, manage and make available data from the ECB. The ECB is one of the authority for initiatives, application of the principle of single data collection, to simplify administrative procedures for businesses and improve the efficiency of public services."" [1] ""It centralises the basic identification data of enterprises and establishment units and communicate them to the various authorities. The ECB gives each company and business unit a unique identification number that allows the authorities to exchange information about them."" [2] [1][2] [3]",,False,"0521.749.439, 0518.884.078, 0505.665.156","Company information is available in various search methods - by number, by name, by activity, by license or by address -","en, fr, de, nl",Bulk access is only available for a fee,,True,BE,pdf,"Data can be search using a number of terms. Lists of results can be downloaded as a PDF. Information on individual enterprises can be viewed, but no download feature seems to be available","registered_address, date_of_registration, organisation_name, registration_number, phone_number, status",,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-11-18,Desk research,Crossroads Bank for Enterprises , Banque Carrefour des entreprises ,76,,,,,,1,,,0,,,,75,,,,,"unincorporated_body, company, charity",, BE-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Belgium.",,True,BE,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Belgium Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BE-GTCF,"'The Registry of the Francophone Brussels Commercial Court' does not appear to be an organisation registration agency. The one identifier we have found in use for this list appears to be derived instead from the BE-BCE_KBO register. ",,False,,,,,,True,BE,,,,,,True,,,,deprecated,,,Au Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce Francophone de Bruxelles,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BF-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"14, 01",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,BF,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Burkina Faso Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BF-MATD,"The Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation is in charge of the organisation and administration of the national territory and the management of decentralisation. Civil society organizations (CSOs) are able to form freely and can seek and secure registration by submitting declarations of their existence along with draft bylaws, internal regulations, and other information to the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization (MATD). ",,False,RNRD00045,The website is very buggy and slow and doesn't appear to have a searchable list of organisations. However a registration certificate provided by an organisation shows the name and official stamp of the MATD as the registration agency.,fr,,,True,BF,data_not_available,Registration certificate from organisation showing MATD as the registration agency,"directors_trustees_governors, registered_address, date_of_registration, registration_number, phone_number, country_of_origin",No license specified,no_license,False,,,,primary,2021-11-16,Original research,Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation,Ministère de l'Administration Territoriale et de la Décentralisation,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,charity,, BG-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Bulgaria.",,True,BG,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Bulgaria Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BG-EIK,This register uses Unified identification Codes (UIC) which certify the legality of one's business and under which one's company is signed in the National Statistics Agency.,,True,204853663,,"bg, en",,,True,BG,,,,,open_license,False,,,,primary,2017-10-24,ProZorro Business Register Research,Commercial Register,Търговски регистър,85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,company,, BH-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Bahrain.",,True,BH,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Bahrain Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BI-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,BI,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Burundi Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BI-NIF,"Any individual, company, cooperative, non-profit association, non-governmental organisation or international organisation starting a commercial activity in Burundi must register with the Office Burundais des Recettes (OBR) and receive a Tax Identification Number (Numero d’Identification Fiscale) [1]. There is a publicly available site to verify the ownership and validity of the Tax Identification Numbers. The search is done using the NIF number and the result returns plain text stating who the NIF belongs to and whether the number is recognised by the OBR. [1]",,True,"4000742330, 4000942310","The NIF number needs to be requested from the company or organisation. After obtaining the NIF number, the publicly available web page can be used to verify the ownership and validity of the NIF number. On the web page, for Type de document select 'NIF contribuable' and enter the NIF number in the displayed textbox. The result returns plain text stating who the NIF belongs to and whether the number is recognised by the OBR.",fr,,,True,BI,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2021-01-25,Original research,"Tax Identification Number, Burundi","Numero d’Identification Fiscale, Burundi",55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"charity, company, unincorporated_body, trust",, BJ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"001, 002",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,BJ,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Benin Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BJ-IFU,"The Benin 'Unique Fiscal Identifier' was created by Decree No 2006-201 of 8 May 2006, and is linked to a national directory of persons, institutions and associations. ""The IFU's main objective is: * To uniquely register natural or legal persons throughout the national territory; * To avoid assigning several identifiers (INSAE number, taxpayer number, declaring code, etc.) to the same person; * Consolidate and secure information about any identified person; * To establish a reliable database for information, cross-checking and management purposes; * Improve and modernize the management of public finances with the introduction of a development tax system;""[1] Identifiers are assigned to: "" * Enterprises engaged in commercial or non-commercial activity in the territory of Benin, regardless of their form, legal status or nationality; * Employees in the public or private sector; * Corporate officers; * Embassies, international organizations and non-governmental organizations; * Landowners; * Individuals over eighteen (18) years of age engaged in self-employed or non-commercial activities; * Central government, public institutions and local authorities; * Trade unions and political parties, any natural or legal person governed by private law""[1]. An IFU is 13 characters long. The first digit indicate the type of entity identified: * 1- Individual / male * 2- Individual / female * 3- Legal entity / company * 4- Legal person / state structure * 5- Legal person / international organization and mission diplomatic * 6- Legal person / non-governmental organization The subsequent 4 digits give the year. The next six digits are a unique identifier within that year. The next digit indicates either (1) a parent company; (2-9) subsidiary or agencies; (0) other types of person or taxpayer. The final digit is a checksum. [1]: EXAMPLE: 3200901353510, ",,False,3200901353510,,fr,No online source for the register of assigned identifiers could be found. Sometimes searching for an organisation + 'IFU' can locate documents containing their IFU. ,,True,BJ,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2017-04-03,Primary research,Unique Tax Identifier,L’identifiant Fiscal Unique,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"company, government_agency",, BL-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Saint Barthélemy.",,True,BL,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Saint Barthélemy Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Bermuda.",,True,BM,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Bermuda Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BN-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Brunei Darussalam.",,True,BN,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Brunei Darussalam Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BO-CINS,"This is a list of public sector entities in Bolivia, published through SICOES (Sistema de Contraciones Estatales), which is the national state contracting system. It publishes identifiers for a range of entities, including: ministries, departmental and municipal government; national, regional and municipal companies and universities",,True,"BO-CINS-0065-10, BO-CINS-0025-57, BO-CINS-0359-00","Use the provided link and the code is in the column titled ""Código""",es,Access is via the portal which may be filtered,,True,BO,pdf,,"contact_address, phone_number",,no_license,,,,,secondary,,,Bolivia Institutional Classifier,Bolivia Clasificador Institucional,56,,,,,,1,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"government_agency, company",, BO-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"0006, 0010",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,BO,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BO-NIT,"The Número de Identificación Tributaria (NIT), or Tax Identification Number, is the number assigned by the National Tax Service of Bolivia to a taxable natural person or legal entity. It is assigned once an individual or entity registers with the Service, acknowledging that their economic activity can, by law, be taxed.",,False,"BO-NIT-301140029, BO-NIT-4746889017, BO-NIT-308468025","Although there is no NIT lookup service (whereby the NIT number of an individual or entity can be sought or verified) NITs are published in specific cases. For example, there are yearly lists of named providers to government (nomina de proveedores) at the following URL Open a PDF link and you may find identifiers using the NIT column",es,,,True,BO,,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2020-07-23,Original Research,Tax Identification Number,Número de Identificación Tributaria ,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,company,, BQ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba.",,True,BQ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,"Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Chart of Accounts",,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BR-CNPJ,"The CNPJ is the national registry that administers identification numbers issued by the Ministério da Fazenda, for all non-personal legal entities in Brazil. Organizations register exclusively on the Federal Revenue website. After filling in the necessary data online, relevant documents are sent by mail or presented in person. The CNPJ Registration Number is a fourteen digit number that must be included on all receipts and invoices. Tax authorities assign an eight-digit company registration number that makes up the first part of the CNPJ. The following four digits refer to the business place or branch. Company headquarters are usually assigned the number 0001 for this section of the identification number, with other branches receiving different numbers. The final two numbers are check digits.",,True,"02326629-0001-51, 24367342-0001-02, 02881697-0001-82","Download all zip files that contains tables in csv format. Load them in a database or other tool capable of browsing large datasets. Make a query on the table EMPRESAS, search for the field CNPJ BASICO (the first one), which is the org id.",,,,True,BR,bulk,"There are several (currently 30) files to be downloaded in zipped csv format. They take a long time to download and also to load and process in database tools (the data volume is too large for spreadsheet software). Several third party sites exist, which do provide faster downloads, api, end-user queries and are generally easier to use.","directors_trustees_governors, registered_address, akas, e-mail_address, industry_classifications, date_of_registration, legal_representatives, registration_number, phone_number, country_of_origin, tax_id_number, post_code_zip_code, activities_sector_code, expiry_date, status",,no_license,False,,,,primary,2020-06-08,Original research,National Registry of Legal Entities,Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica,82,,2,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"company, trust, unincorporated_body, government_agency",, BR-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Brazil.",,True,BR,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Brazil Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BS-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Bahamas (the).",,True,BS,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Bahamas (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BT-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"101.01, 102.01",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,BT,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Bhutan Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BV-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Bouvet Island.",,True,BV,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Bouvet Island Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BW-CIPA,"The Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA) is the official register of businesses in Botwana under the Companies Act (CAP 42:01), which provides for the incorporation of companies and the Registration of Business Names Act (CAP 42:05), which provides for registration of business names and post registration notices such as change of ownership and cessation of businesses. Both domestic and foreign companies may be registered with the Registrar of Companies. [1]: [2]:",,True,,Use the search at or ask organizations for their company registration number. ,en,A name search is available at but was not working when last tested.,,True,BW,data_not_available,,,Access to the company name search is only possible following a disclaimer. ,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2017-08-05,IATI,Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (Botswana),,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,, BW-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"0100, 0101",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,BW,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Botswana Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BW-TIN,"The Botswana Unified Revenue Service (BURS) issues Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN) to individuals, companies and other entities that may have a tax obligation. An organisation should be able to supply details of their TIN. ",,False,"C00123402021, T087389",Ask an organisation to supply you with their TIN. Sometimes these may be provided with dash-separated digits. Remove the dashes when constructing an organisation identifier,en,No online search or service to check Taxpayer Identification Numbers was located. ,,True,BW,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2018-07-26,Desk Research,Botswana Taxpayers Identification Number,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,,, BY-ADR,"""The Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as the USR) has been operating since 2003. In accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 23, 2009 No. 229 ""On the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs"", information on legal entities, state bodies and state legal entities, provisions on which are approved by legislative acts, and also about individual entrepreneurs.""[1] ""A legal entity is considered established from the moment of its state registration, unless otherwise established by the President of the Republic of Belarus.""[2] [1] [2] ",,True,"100373962, 100281343, 600124881",Use the 9-digit Registration Number (Регистрационный номер) from the search results for the matching organisation.,"en, ru, be","Companies can be searched by legal name or registration number with the online service Search results provide registration number (Регистрационный номер), legal entity's name, registration body, registration date, company status etc. There is an English interface, yet not complete. ",,True,BY,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-08,ProZorro Business Register Research,Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs (Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus),Адзіны дзяржаўны рэестр,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,"company, government_agency",, BY-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Belarus.",,True,BY,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Belarus Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, BZ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Belize.",,True,BZ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Belize Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CA-CC,"Corporations Canada are the federal company register. CA-CC should be used for the Canada Corporation Number Companies in Canada register with their provincial authority, e.g. British Columbia. While there is currently no complete national database for companies in Canada, Corporations Canada are piloting a Business Search Registry, which allows for the search of multiple jurisdictions at once, but not all - Corporations Canada also provides a Federal Corporation search - This entry was imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.",,False,"784899-4 , 2212809, 260354410, 7541724","Federal Corporation Search: Users can find identifiers by using the simple, searchable database which is hosted by the Canadian Government, on a website separate to the Canadian Revenue Agency. The two identifiers available to the user are the Corporate Number and the Business Number. The identifiers will be next to these names, respectively. Business Search Registry Users can find identifiers by using this incomplete database. To find identifiers, click on the hyperlinked name or the 'More' drop-down menu to the right of the name. Users should note that results that have been pulled from Ontario's registry will not successfully link to corporate information, but will take the user to the homepage for the public record search. But clicking 'More' will reveal the identifer' When using the Business Search Registry, identifiers from different state registration authorities are provided. This means they use different formats.","en, fr",Limited details from an incomplete database," ,",True,CA,html,,"directors_trustees_governors, accounts, date_of_registration, registration_number, financial_turnover/details, organisation_name, organisation_type, registered_address",,closed_license,,,,,secondary,2016-12-14,Desk research,Corporations Canada,,50,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,50,,,,company,, CA-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Canada.",,True,CA,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Canada Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CA-CRA_ACR,"Companies in Canada register with their provincial authority, e.g. British Columbia, and then they register with the Canadian Revenue Agency in order to pay corporate income tax and receive a Business Number. The code CA-CRA_ACR is used for Canadian Business Numbers. Non-profits and other kinds of legal entities may also have a Canadian Business Number. The business number is sometimes reported with a Program Account code (e.g. RP0001 to indicate a payroll program account, leading a number such as 123456789RP0001). In constructing an organisation identifier, only the first nine digits should be used. Companies can be searched by using the Business Number, as assigned by the CRA, on this incomplete registry hosted by the Canadian govt - ## More detail: Not all companies need a Canadian Business Number. Detailed information can be found here - Not all charities need to register with the Canadian Revenue Agency. Detailed information can be found here - Not all non-profit organisations must register to become a charity. Detailed information can be found here - ""Your Business Number is a nine-digit account number that identifies your business to federal, provincial, and municipal governments.""[1] [1]",,False,"101182509, 820336113","Users can find identifiers by using the simple, searchable database which is hosted by the Canadian Government, on a website separate to the Canadian Revenue Agency. Two identifiers are returned: the Corporate Number and the Business Number. The identifiers will be next to these names, respectively. For CA-CRA_ACR the business number should be used. The business number is sometimes reported with a Program Account code (e.g. RP0001 to indicate a payroll program account, leading a number such as 123456789RP0001). In constructing an organisation identifier, only the first nine digits should be used. ","en, fr",Data is available on a website separate to the CRA. The database is incomplete,,True,CA,html,,"registered_address, registration_number, organisation_name, status, directors_trustees_governors, accounts, business_id_history",,closed_license,,,,,secondary,2016-12-14,Desk research,Canadian Revenue Agency , Agence du revenu du Canada,50,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,50,,,,"company, charity",, CA-GOV,"""The dataset includes a list of legal department names and their respective numbers. The department number is assigned by the Receiver General to an organization listed in Schedules I, 1.1 and II of the Financial Administration Act authorized to use the Consolidated Revenue Fund and interface with the central systems operated by Public Works and Government Services Canada.""",,True,"001, 097, 124","Identifiers are in the ""Department_number-Ministère_numéro"" column in the downloadable spreadsheet.","en, fr",CSV and Excel versions of the list are available for download. ,,True,CA,"bulk, csv, excel",,,Open Government Licence - Canada,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-11-28,,List of legal department names (Government of Canada),Liste d’appellation légale des ministères ,64,,2,1,1,,,,,,,10,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CA_AB-ABT,This entry was imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.,,False,,,en,,,True,CA,,,,,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-14,Desk research,Corporate Registry Office , Bureau d'enregistrement des sociétés,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,CA-AB, CA_BC-BRC_CBR,This entry was imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.,,False,,,en,,,True,CA,,,,,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-14,Desk research,British Columbia Corporate Registry , Registre des sociétés,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,CA-BC, CA_MB-MTB,This entry was imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.,,False,,,"en, fr",,,True,CA,,,,,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-14,Desk research,"Manitoba Companies Office, Department of Entrepreneurship, Training and Trade "," Bureau des entreprises du Manitoba, ministère de l'Entrepreneuriat, de la Formation et du Commerce",75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,CA-MB, CA_NB-NWB_NOB,This entry was imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.,,False,,,"en, fr",,,True,CA,,,,,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-14,Desk research,Corporate Registry , Registre corporatif,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,CA-NB, CA_NL-NFL_TNL,This entry was imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.,,False,,,en,,,True,CA,,,,,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-14,Desk research,"Registry of Companies, Department of Government Services",,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,CA-NL, CA_NS-NVS_NVE,"Find business or non-profit information on file for the province of Nova Scotia with the Registry of Joint Stock Companies. This includes official names, addresses, registration dates, names and addresses of recognized agents, and names of partners, directors and officers. This list entry was originally imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.",,True,"1542067, 3276546",,"en, fr","Organisations can be searched by name on this webpage: The registration number is given in the search results, in the column headed 'Number'.",,True,CA,,,,,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2025-02-04,Desk research,Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies , Registre des sociétés de capitaux,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,"company, charity",CA-NS, CA_NT-NWT_TNO,This entry was imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.,,False,,Log-in required for business search,"en, fr",,,True,CA,"available:_stated_as_available,_but_unable_to_access",,,,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-14,Desk research,Canadian Provincial Corporate Registration - Northwest Territories , Territoires du Nord-Ouest,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,CA-NT, CA_NU-NNV,This entry was imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.,,False,,,en,,,True,CA,,,,,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-14,Desk research,Nunavut Department of Justice - Corporate Registries,,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,CA-NU, CA_ON-ONT,This entry was imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.,,False,,,"en, fr",,,True,CA,,,,,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-14,Desk research,"ServiceOntario, Ministry of Government Services ", Ministère des Services gouvernementaux,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,CA-ON, CA_PE-PEI_IPE,This entry was imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.,,False,,,,,,True,CA,,,,,no_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-14,Desk research,Prince Edward Island Corporate,Business Names Registry,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,CA-PE, CA_QC-QBC,This entry was imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.,,False,,,"en, fr",,,True,CA,,,,,no_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-14,Desk research,Quebec Business Registrar , Registraire des entreprises,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,CA-QC, CA_SK-SKN,This entry was imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.,,False,,,en,,,True,CA,,,,,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-14,Desk research,Saskatchewan Corporate Registry , Registre des sociétés,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,CA-SK, CA_YT-YKT,This entry was imported from the Open Corporates Jurisdiction List.,,False,,,"en, fr",,,True,CA,,,,,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-14,Desk research,Yukon Corporate Affairs ," Direction des entreprises, associations et coopératives",75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,CA-YT, CC-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the).",,True,CC,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CD-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"10, 11",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,CD,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Congo (the Democratic Republic of the) Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CD-MJDH,"NGOs and associations apply to the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (Le Ministre de la Justice et Droits Humain) and are issued with a certificate of registration. The Official Journal of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is the government gazette of the country. It publishes major legal official information including a bulletin of acts of companies, associations and political parties registered with the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. This is referred to as the second part (Deuxieme parties) and is published on the 1st and on the 15th of each month. The ministerial decree number, under which the organisation is registered, can be used as an identifier. This appears both on the organisation's certificate and in the gazette.",,True,"123-CAB-MIN-JDH-2022, 160-CAB-MIN-JDH-2014","Select ""Actes légaux et réglementaires : loi, ordonnance, décret, arrêté, décision, circulaire, etc."" from the drop down box and the name, or part of, the charity or NGO you are looking for. If you are successful you will be presented with a text similar to Arrêté ministériel n°123/CAB/MIN/J&DH/2022 du 30 avril 2022 accordant la personnalité juridique à l'Association sans but lucratif non confessionnelle dénommée « Name Of Charity or NGO », en sigle « IPDH » The identifier is constructed by using the number quoted (n°123/CAB/MIN/J&DH/2022) and replacing slashes for dashes",,,,True,CD,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2023-11-13,original research,Ministry of Justice and Human Rights,Ministère de la Justice et Droits Humains,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,charity,, CF-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,CF,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Central African Republic (the) Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CG-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,CG,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Congo (the) Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CH_BS-CR," As statated on the Register website: 'The purpose of the commercial register is to record and disclose the business-relevant facts of the more than 17,200 companies, foundations and associations based in the canton of Basel-Stadt, thereby contributing to transparency and ensuring legal certainty in business transactions.'",,True,CHE-109-991-002,"Type the company name or id into the 'company' field and click the search button. Any matching entities will be returned, with their IDs in a 'UID company identification number' field.",en,,,True,CH,pdf,"All company files deposited with the Basel-Stadt commercial register office can be accessed free of charge on the Internet. To do this, proceed as follows: 1. Open the extract from the online commercial register and in the area with the entry and publication data, click on the blue file symbol behind the daily register entry that interests you. 2. Complete the dialog box that appears and click ""View"" . You will receive the desired company files in a reduced resolution as a PDF file immediately and free of charge to the e-mail address you have provided.","directors_trustees_governors, registered_address, contact_address, date_of_registration, country_of_origin, tax_id_number, status",,no_license,False,CH-BS-CR,,,primary,2022-03-25,Original research and official records,"Commercial Register of the Canton of Basel-Stadt, Switzerland",Offizielle Handelsregisterinformationen des Kantons Basel-Stadt,81,,,,,,1,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,CH-BS, CH-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Switzerland.",,True,CH,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Switzerland Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CH-FDJP,"The Swiss Commercial Register is administered by the cantons under the supervision of the Swiss Confederation. All the commercial register entries made by the cantonal register offices are published in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) after having been checked and approved by the Federal Commercial Registry Office. Since January 2011, all companies, foreign branches and associations / foundations registered in the various Swiss Commerce Registries are assigned a unique federal Company Identification Number, locally known as IDE (French), UID (German), IDI (Italian). Previously, identifiers were of the format CH-RRR.X.XXX.XXX-P, where RRR is the canton number, X.XXX.XXX is the company number, and P is a check-digit. Some older or inactive companies may still have identifiers of this form. [1]: ",,True,"CHE250363279, CHE106009709, CHE104867501","New and active companies should have a UID assigned by the Federal Statistics Office. This begins 'CHE' and may be displayed with spaces and punctuation. All punctuation should be removed when recording the identifier. This is the preferred identifier to use with the CH-FDJP prefix. In some cases, it may not be available, and the commercial register number found in the CHID field and starting 'CH', or the ""EHRA ID"" (English: Federal Commercial Registry Office Identifier or ""FCRO ID"") may be used. Note that Open Corporates uses the EHRA ID, but displays the UID when this is available. ","de, fr, en, it",A unified search of commercial registries from each canton is available at,,True,CH,data_not_available,Data can only be accessed through the search interface. No bulk data is available. ,"registered_address, tax_id_number, status",,no_license,False,CH-ZEFIX,,,primary,2017-08-05,IATI and ProZorro,"Commercial Registry, Federal Office of Justice (Switzerland)",,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,, CI-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"101, 102",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,CI,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Côte d'Ivoire Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CI-MOI,"The Ministry of the Interior and Security is the ministerial department of the Ivorian Government responsible for the administration of the territory and public freedoms, the organization of administrative districts, civil status and associations. This includes the registration of private enterprises, foundations, non-governmental organisations and civil society organisations.",,False,474-MIS-DGAT-DAG-SDVA,"The Ministry website is currently undergoing changes, so is it not available for any searches. Where identifiers are found on registration certificates, forward slashes should be replaced with dashes.",fr,,,True,CI,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2022-03-25,Original research,Ministry of the Interior (Ivory Coast),Ministère de l'Intérieur (Côte d'Ivoire),80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"company, charity",, CK-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Cook Islands (the).",,True,CK,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Cook Islands (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CL-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Chile.",,True,CL,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Chile Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CL-MP,"[Mercado Público]( is an electronic platform managed by Chilecompra, part of the Ministry of Finance, which public organizations use to make purchases. Organizations registered as buyers or suppliers on the Mercado Público platform are assigned an identifier in the system. This identifier is used in the data from the Mercado Público OCDS API. The use of Mercado Público identifiers is considered a temporary measure. They should only be used when no other stable identifier for a government agency or company is available",,True,"2544,2391,26797",,es,"The only access to Mercado Publico data available online is through the API, which is freely available and requires no sign up.",{CodigoOrganismo},True,CL,API,"The API accepts an identifier as a parameter and returns the name and taxpayer number ([RUT]( for the organization. The `/comprador/` endpoint covers both buyers and suppliers, whilst the [`/proveedor/` endpoint]({CodigoOrganismo}) covers only suppliers. There is no public list of identifiers, however the identifiers are used in Chile's [OCDS API]( which includes links to the appropriate endpoint for each identifier.",,,open_license,False,,,,local,2020-09-24T00:00:00Z,,"Public Market Suppliers and Buyer Units, Chile","Proveedores y Unidades Compradoras Mercado Público, Chile",15,,,,,,,,,,,10,5,,,,,,"company, government_agency",, CL-RUT,"Any company that will be subject to taxes in Chile must obtain a Rol Único Tributario (RUT). A RUT has 7 or 8 digits, plus a check digit. Identifiers should be presented without any punctuation and including the check digit. ",,True,"764241355, 616021214, 764957423","Search for registered government suppliers by name or RUT at and then view the profile of the organisation to find the RUT under the heading 'RUTH'. You can ask other organisations to provide their RUT, and in some cases will find this from a google search.",es,A search of government suppliers is available. ,,True,CL,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2018-05-30,GitHub issue:,Rol Único Tributario de Chile (Taxpayer Number),Rol Único Tributario de Chile,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"company, charity",, CM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,CM,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Cameroon Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CM-NIU,"The Directorate General of Tax (Direction Générale des Impôts) of Cameroon issues a unique tax identification number (Numéro d'Identifiant fiscal Unique, or NIU) to all individuals and legal persons liable to pay tax in the country. ",,True,M099600009248R,At use the link ' Vérifier un NIU' to check an NIU. Alternatively you can search via name or NIU here:,fr,,,True,CM,excel,Tax filing information including NIUs is available under 'Archives' here:,"registered_address, phone_number, tax_id_number, activities_sector_code",,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2020-09-22,Original research,Tax Identification Number (Cameroon),Numéro d'Identifiant fiscal Unique (NIU),56,,,,1,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"charity, company, trust, unincorporated_body",, CN-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for China.",,True,CN,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,China Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CN-SAIC,"The SAIC is the national body which ensures business rights in China, for both domestic and foreign enterprises. Businesses must register with the SAIC. The Enterprise Registration Bureau is the department responsible for enterprise registration. For further details on the procedure for starting a business entity, see this WikiProcedure - The database is only available in Chinese language ""The State Administration for Industry & Commerce (SAIC) of the People’s Republic of China is the competent authority of ministerial level directly under the State Council in charge of market supervision/regulation and related law enforcement through administrative means. With creating a regulated and harmonized market environment of fairness, justice and faithfulness for the coordinated socioeconomic development as its objective, SAIC functions in maintaining market order and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of businesses and consumers by carrying out regulations in the fields of enterprise registration, competition, consumer protection, trademark protection and combating economic illegalities."" [1] ""Our responsibilities: 2. Carry out and administer registration of enterprises (including foreign-invested enterprises), agricultural cooperatives, entities or individuals engaged in business operation and resident representative offices of foreign companies; and take charge of the investigation and ban on unlicensed business operation according to law."" [2] ""Enterprise Registration Bureau - Draft measures and practice directions regarding enterprise registration; - Coordinate and guide enterprise registration nationwide; - Take charge of registration of certain enterprises and supervises the registrants’ registration practices; - Organize and guide credit rating of businesses; - Establish and maintain the national database of enterprise registration information, and analyze and publish registration information of domestic enterprises."" [3] [1][2] [3]",,False,,,,,,True,CN,,,,,,,,,,primary,2016-11-21,Desk research,State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC),,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,,, CN-USCI,"Unified Social Credit Identifiers (USCIs) are used for businesses and other entities in China as a general tax identification number (TIN), but the online registry mentioned here only shows non-domestic NGOs. There is also a website for businesses ( but you will need to know the organisation’s name in Chinese to find the USCI. NGOs and businesses should be able to provide their USCI easily. NGOs have to have their registration checked and reconfirmed every year in accordance with the Overseas NGO Management Law which came into effect in January 2017.",,True,"G1610000713522976L, G1330000MCW06863XQ, G11100007178352756","This list only shows non-domestic NGOs. Your browser may be able to translate the page if necessary. First field in the form is the name of the organisation. Click the blue button and a new table with results should appear, with the Unified Social Credit Identifier in the third column. For other domestic entities, ask the organisation for their USCI or go to You will need the name of the organisation in Chinese.",zh,,,True,CN,,,"registered_address, industry_classifications, legal_representatives, registration_number, tax_id_number, objectives_purpose",,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2020-08-04,"Original research, official government records",Unified Social Credit Identifier,统一社会信用代码,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,"charity, company",, CO-CCB,"Each region of Colombia has a Chamber of Commerce to which all corporate entities must register. Bogota Chamber of Commerce (CCB) is responsible for Bogota. Users should refer to CO-RUE for unique identifiers for Colombia. CO-CCB has ben deprecated in favour of CO-RUE. ""We are a private, non-for-profit organization whose goal is to foster a sustainable Bogota-Region in the long term, by promoting its residents' prosperity, through services which enhance and strengthen the enterprise capabilities present in the region, and which improve the business environment with an impact over public policies."" [1] [1]",,False,,,"en, es",,None located,True,CO,data_not_available,,,,closed_license,,,,,deprecated,2016-12-19,Desk research,Bogota Chamber of Commerce , Cámara de Comercio de Bogota,0,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,company,CO-DC, CO-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Colombia.",,True,CO,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Colombia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CO-RUE,"The Unified Commercial and Social Registry (RUES) integrates multiple commercial registries, including the NIT (Número de Identificación Tributaria) which can be used as the unique identifier. This database can be searched online for free. ""The CCB hereby informs that, in accordance with Resolution 71029 issued by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, starting as of November 13, 2013, entrepreneurs must fill out the new Unified Commercial and Social Registry (RUES), a form that integrates the information from the following forms and records: * Merchant's Certificate. * Unified Offeror Registry. * Non-For-Profit Organizations Registry. * Common Regime (Associations, Foundations and Corporations) and * Solidary Economy Institutions (Cooperatives, Precooperatives, Employee Funds and Mutual Associations). * Activity, games and gambling Registry. * Citizen Oversight Associations Registry (applicable only when registering or signing-up). * Solidarity Economy Registry."" [1] [1]",,False,"830093516, 900563742","Users can find identifiers by searching the simple database. The identifier will be under the column header 'Número Identificación'. The database is available in Spanish. Users should note that some identifiers are provided with a checksum (e.g. 900876653-3). Details on how this number is formed can be found in Spanish on Wikipedia - You should provide the identifier without the checksum. ",es,It is possible to search the register online,,True,CO,,,"industry_classifications, date_of_registration, number_of_employees, legal_representatives",No license is given,no_license,,,,,secondary,2016-12-19,Desk research,Unified Commercial and Social Registry (RUES) , Registro Único Empresarial y Social,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"company, charity",, CR-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Costa Rica.",,True,CR,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Costa Rica Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CR-RPJ,"Companies and foundations may be registered with the Registro de Personas Jurídicas managed by the National Registry (Registro Nacional). Numbers are assigned in with the structure N-NNN-NNNNNN. Sometimes, these are written without leading zeros for the second set of numbers, but in the leading zeros should be include (e.g. 3-001-111111 rather than 3-1-1111111). ",,True,"3-006-125548, 3-101-711395, 3-102-742470","Use the search at after registering and logging in. This is accessed from the 'Consultas Gratuitas' menu, and then the 'Consulta por Nombre Social' option. The name to search for is entered into the 'Buscar Por', and a captcha completed to allow search. In the search results, click the value in the 'Identificación' column to get the full identifier (CEDULA JURÍDICA). ",es,A free online search by organisation name is available (after free registration) through the platform (Under 'Consultas Gratuitas > Consulta por Nombre Social'),,True,CR,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2018-07-13,,Registro de Personas Jurídicas (Costa Rica),Registro de Personas Jurídicas (Costa Rica),80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"charity, company",, CU-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Cuba.",,True,CU,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Cuba Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CV-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Cabo Verde.",,True,CV,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Cabo Verde Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CW-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Curaçao.",,True,CW,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Curaçao Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CX-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Christmas Island.",,True,CX,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Christmas Island Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CY-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Cyprus.",,True,CY,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Cyprus Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CY-DRCOR,"Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver maintains the register of companies, partnerships, business names, and overseas companies.",,True,12032,Company registration number can be found under `Reg. Number` header,"el, tr, en","Company can be searched by its name or registration number. Search results show the company's name, registration number, type, name status, and organisation status. There is English, Greek, and Turkish interface.",,True,CY,data_not_available,,"directors_trustees_governors, registered_address",,open_license,False,,,,primary,2017-10-24,ProZorro Business Register Research,Cyprus Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver (DRCOR),Şirketler Mukayyidi ve Resmi Sendik Dairesi,85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,company,, CZ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Czechia.",,True,CZ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Czechia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, CZ-DIC,"A VAT registration number (DIČ) is a unique and unambiguous identification of each tax entity, a legal or natural person who is a taxpayer (taxpayer). The tax identification number is assigned only after the entity, natural or legal person, obtains its IČO - its unique identification number. Note that the list [CZ-ICO](/list/CZ-ICO) might therefore provide a better set of identifiers for legal entities. You can search by VAT (DIČ) number for a of the VAT payer registered in the Czech Republic. You can also use your company ID or company name or your business name and surname if you want to verify your VAT payer details.",,True,CZ25111299,DIČ number will be under `DIČ` header,cs,DIČ number can be validated by entering it in the `Vyhledávání v registru plátců DPH` section and then clicking `Vyhledat registraci`. Search results will provide company details,,True,CZ,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,third_party,2017-11-08,ProZorro Business Register Research,Tax ID (DIČ) Czech Republic,Daňové identifikační číslo,30,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,25,,,company,, CZ-ICO,"The ARES is an information system which collates data from several public registers in the Czech Republic. These include: Public registers comprising: the Commercial Register Federal Register, the Register of Foundations Register’s Institute, Register of Public Service Companies, Trade Register, and the Register of Economic Entities. Enterprises do not register with the ARES. They must be register with the relevant registration authority. ""The purpose of the ARES web sites of the Ministry of Finance is to provide a single-point access to all data concerning economic entities kept in particular registers or maintained in files of the state administration. ARES provides an easy access to the data transferred from the source registers to the ARES database. It allows also to switch directly to www applications of the state administration bodies provided that such applications already exist."" [1] ""It is not possible to make a registration in the Information System ARES directly. It is necessary to proceed in accordance with applicable laws and to make a registration at the registration points of the public administration authorities. Likewise, data changes or termination of the registration must be reported to the institution that maintains the source registry. List of source registers and responsible institutions is presented in the tab REGISTRATION AUTHORITIES."" [2] Information on companies is searchable in English and is free-of-charge. [1] [2]",,False,"28179609, 74750542, 01146131","Users can search for a company using this web page - Identifiers will be under the Registration No. column on the left-hand side of the search results","en, cs","Data is available in two ways - through a simple, searchable database and also via an XML interface, which can be accessed through the GET or POST method - / When using the easy to search interface, more details about the entity can be found by clicking on the link in References",,True,CZ,"xml, html",,"registered_address, registration_number, date_of_registration, organisation_name",Information is Copyright Ministry of Finance of the CR. No other license details provided. ,closed_license,,,,,secondary,2016-11-21,Desk research,Access to Registers of Economic Subjects , Entities (ARES),51,,,,,,,,1,0,,,,,50,,,,"company, government_agency, charity",, DE-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Germany.",,True,DE,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Germany Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, DE-CR,"Companies, partnerships and co-operatives are registered in Germany at the level of local courts. Each court issues it's own registration numbers, so registration number 0001 from one court is not the same organisation as registration number 0001 from a different court. The Common Register Portal of the German Federal States allows a search across all the court records. To distinguish between the identifiers from different courts, the individual 'Registration Agency' identifier from each court, from the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation's Registration Authorities list ( should be used, giving identifiers of the form: > DE-CR-[COURT IDENTIFIER]-[COMPANY IDENTIFIER] Court identifiers * RA000197 - Aachen * RA000198 - Ahlen * RA000199 - Altenburg * RA000200 - Amberg * RA000201 - Ansbach * RA000202 - Apolda * RA000203 - Arnsberg * RA000204 - Arnstadt * RA000205 - Aschaffenburg * RA000206 - Augsburg * RA000207 - Aurich * RA000208 - Bad Hersfeld * RA000209 - Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe * RA000210 - Bad Kreuznach * RA000211 - Bad Langensalza * RA000212 - Bad Lobenstein * RA000213 - Bad Oeynhausen * RA000214 - Bad Salzungen * RA000215 - Bamberg * RA000216 - Bayreuth * RA000217 - Berlin-Charlottenburg * RA000218 - Bielefeld * RA000219 - Bochum * RA000220 - Bonn * RA000221 - Braunschweig * RA000222 - Bremen * RA000223 - Bünde * RA000224 - Chemnitz * RA000225 - Coburg * RA000226 - Coesfeld * RA000227 - Cottbus * RA000228 - Darmstadt * RA000229 - Deggendorf * RA000230 - Dortmund * RA000231 - Dresden * RA000232 - Duisburg * RA000233 - Düren * RA000234 - Düsseldorf * RA000235 - Eisenach * RA000236 - Erfurt * RA000237 - Erkelenz * RA000238 - Eschwege * RA000239 - Essen * RA000240 - Flensburg * RA000241 - Frankfurt (Oder) * RA000242 - Frankfurt am Main * RA000243 - Freiburg * RA000244 - Friedberg (Hessen) * RA000245 - Fritzlar * RA000246 - Fulda * RA000247 - Fürth * RA000248 - Geldern * RA000249 - Gelsenkirchen * RA000250 - Gera * RA000251 - Gießen * RA000252 - Gotha * RA000253 - Göttingen * RA000254 - Greifswald * RA000255 - Greiz * RA000256 - Güstrow * RA000257 - Gütersloh * RA000258 - Hagen * RA000259 - Hamburg * RA000260 - Hamm * RA000261 - Hanau * RA000262 - Hannover * RA000263 - Heilbad Heiligenstadt * RA000264 - Herford * RA000265 - Herne * RA000266 - Hildburghausen * RA000267 - Hildesheim * RA000268 - Hof * RA000269 - Homburg * RA000270 - Ilmenau * RA000271 - Ingolstadt * RA000272 - Iserlohn * RA000273 - Jena * RA000274 - Kaiserslautern * RA000275 - Kassel * RA000276 - Kempten * RA000277 - Kiel * RA000278 - Kleve * RA000279 - Koblenz * RA000280 - Köln * RA000281 - Königstein im Taunus * RA000282 - Korbach * RA000283 - Krefeld * RA000284 - Landau in der Pfalz * RA000285 - Landshut * RA000286 - Lebach * RA000287 - Leipzig * RA000288 - Lemgo * RA000289 - Limburg a. d. Lahn * RA000290 - Lübeck * RA000291 - Ludwigshafen am Rhein * RA000292 - Ludwigslust * RA000293 - Lüneburg * RA000294 - Lünen * RA000295 - Mainz * RA000296 - Mannheim * RA000297 - Marburg * RA000298 - Meiningen * RA000299 - Memmingen * RA000300 - Merzig * RA000301 - Mönchengladbach * RA000302 - Montabaur * RA000303 - Mühlhausen * RA000304 - München * RA000305 - Münster * RA000306 - Neubrandenburg * RA000307 - Neunkirchen * RA000308 - Neuruppin * RA000309 - Neuss * RA000310 - Nordhausen * RA000311 - Nürnberg * RA000312 - Oberhausen * RA000313 - Offenbach am Main * RA000314 - Oldenburg * RA000315 - Osnabrück * RA000316 - Ottweiler * RA000317 - Paderborn * RA000318 - Pasewalk * RA000319 - Passau * RA000320 - Pinneberg * RA000321 - Pößneck * RA000322 - Potsdam * RA000323 - Ratingen * RA000324 - Recklinghausen * RA000325 - Regensburg * RA000326 - Remscheid * RA000327 - Ribnitz * RA000328 - Rostock * RA000329 - Rudolstadt * RA000330 - Saalfeld * RA000331 - Saarbrücken * RA000332 - Saarlouis * RA000333 - Sankt Ingbert * RA000334 - Sankt Wendel * RA000335 - Schleiden * RA000336 - Schweinfurt * RA000337 - Schwerin * RA000338 - Siegburg * RA000339 - Siegen * RA000340 - Soest * RA000341 - Solingen * RA000342 - Sömmerda * RA000343 - Sondershausen * RA000344 - Sonneberg * RA000345 - Stadthagen * RA000346 - Stadtroda * RA000347 - Steinfurt * RA000348 - Stendal * RA000349 - Stralsund * RA000350 - Straubing * RA000351 - Stuttgart * RA000352 - Suhl * RA000353 - Tostedt * RA000354 - Traunstein * RA000355 - Ulm * RA000356 - Völklingen * RA000357 - Wadern * RA000358 - Walsrode * RA000359 - Warburg * RA000360 - Waren * RA000361 - Warstein * RA000362 - Weiden i.d. OPf. * RA000363 - Weimar * RA000364 - Wetzlar * RA000365 - Wiesbaden * RA000366 - Wismar * RA000367 - Witten * RA000368 - Wittlich * RA000369 - Wuppertal * RA000370 - Würzburg * RA000371 - Zweibrücken",,True,"RA000220-VR8726, RA000351-HRB758147, RA000290-HRA7672HL",To construct an identifier you need to (a) lookup the identifier for the court from the GLEIF Registration Authority list ( and then combine this with the identifier from the search results ( Remove all spaces from the identifier.,"en, de, es, fr","Without registration, one may find out about the company's legal name, registered office, and status. Any further information can be obtained upon registration. Retrieving published information is free of charge, any other is subject to a fee. There is English, French, Italian, and Spanish interface.",,True,DE,,,,,open_license,False,,,,primary,2025-02-12,ProZorro Business Register Research /,Common Register Portal of the German Federal States (CRP),Gemeinsames Registerportal der Länder,85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,company,, DJ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Djibouti.",,True,DJ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Djibouti Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, DK-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Denmark.",,True,DK,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Denmark Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, DK-CVR,"The CBR is the national body for registering companies and maintaining this information in Denmark. The Central Business Register at Virk is available with English headings and categories. It can be used to search for information on all Danish businesses. ""The Danish Central Business Register (aka CVR — Det Centrale Virksomhedsregister) is the central government register containing primary data on all businesses in Denmark, regardless of economic and organizational structure, except personally owned companies with an annual turnover of less than 50,000 Danish krones."" [1] [1]",,False,"36729929, 29614288, 10053021","It is possible to search for identifiers on this database - This is the English version - Identifiers are underneath the CVR heading. Extracts from the register are also available: ","en, da","Data is available through a simple, searchable database. ",,True,DK,"html, excel, csv, bulk_download","After using the searchable database, search results can be downloaded as an Excel file. The content of the Excel file is in Danish","registered_address, registration_number, status, date_of_registration, organisation_type",,open_license,,,,,primary,2016-11-21,Desk research,Danish Central Business Register,,87,,,1,1,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,company,, DM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Dominica.",,True,DM,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Dominica Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, DO-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Dominican Republic (the).",,True,DO,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Dominican Republic (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, DZ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Algeria.",,True,DZ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Algeria Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, EC-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Ecuador.",,True,EC,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Ecuador Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, EC-RUC,"To carry out economic activity in Ecuador, an organisation must have a unique taxpayer identifier (RUC). Both individuals and organisations may hold a taxpayer identifier. The Superintendency of Companies provides a search of companies, with each record showing their RUC. ",,True,"1790027740001, 1790004104001, 0992231815001","The portal at provides links to the Directorio de Companias, which has a search facility. The RUC is provided in the results. ",,An online search with company details is available from the Superintendency of Companies.,,True,EC,"csv, xml, excel, pdf",An export of search results is available through the portal. ,"directors_trustees_governors, registered_address, industry_classifications, date_of_registration, tax_id_number, objectives_purpose, financial_turnover_details, status",No license given,no_license,False,,,,primary,2018-05-30,GitHub and research,Ecuador Unique Taxpayer Registry,Registro Único de Contribuyentes (Ecuador),84,,,1,1,,1,,1,,5,,,75,,,,,"company, charity, unincorporated_body",, EE-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Estonia.",,True,EE,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Estonia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, EE-KMKR,"""Central Commercial Register is an online service based on the central database of Estonian registration department of the court. The central database includes digital data from the commercial register, the commercial pledge register, the register of state agencies and local government institutions, the register of non-profit associations and foundations. ""[1] Records contain information about the legal entity including e.g. annual reports, address, registration status, tax debt information and legal form. It also includes a Registry Code (""Registrikood""). [1]",,True,"10345833, 80352598, 70003684","Use the 8-digit Registry Co""""(Registrikood"") that appears on organisation records. Take care not to use the ""Number of old business register"" if that appears.","et, en","To find a company enter its name, registry code or VAT number. Search results provide company details, and there is a hyperlink on the company's name to click on. There are English and Estonian language interfaces, search is free of charge. Paid users can get more advanced info.",,True,EE,"bulk, csv, xml","Visit on the Estonian Open Data Portal for a bulk download. This appears to be a complete list of the e-Äriregistri business registry including registration numbers. Update status is ""once a week"". ",,,open_license,False,,,,primary,2017-11-08,ProZorro Business Register Research,e-Business Register (Estonia),E-äriregister,89,,2,1,,,,,1,,,10,,75,,,,,"company, charity, government_agency, trust",, EE-RIK,"The Centre of Registers and Information Systems (RIK) provides a number of services for Estonian individuals and business, in particular electronic services. These include the maintenance of the land registry database, criminal records database, company registry database and more. They also have a portal for the online registration of companies. ""COMPANY REGISTRATION PORTAL This environment allows companies to submit electronic documents to the Business Register without using the services of a notary. The portal allows submitting applications for registering a new company, for amending the registry data, for liquidating and for deleting a company from the registry. You can view the data related to you free-of-charge by logging in with your ID-card."" [1] [1]",,False,"11975756 , 12964097, 10483761","Users can search for a company using the E-BUSINESS REGISTER search bar on the homepage - . Users can also download the Commercial Register as a file from this list of open datasets - The data is available as either a CSV or XML zip file, which can then be opened and searched. The file is approx. 42mb. The identifiers will be under the column header 'ariregistri_kood'","en, et",The data is also linked on the national data portal at,,True,EE,"csv, xml, html, bulk_download",Entire Commercial Register available as CSV and XML from this page -,"organisation_name, status, registered_address, date_of_registration, registration_number, website",Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0,open_license,,,,,primary,2016-11-21,Desk research,Centre of Registers and Information Systems (RIK),,87,,,1,,,,,1,,,10,,75,,,,,company,, EG-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Egypt.",,True,EG,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Egypt Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, EG-CR,"The Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade, Internal Trade Development Authority is in charge of registering limited liability companies, joint stocks, foreign branches and representative offices and maintaining the Commercial Registry in Egypt [1]. [1].",,True,117508,Egyptian citizens can request extracts from the register. Registration is required prior to searching the registry.,ar,,,True,EG,data_not_available,,,,open_license,False,,,,primary,2022-01-19,Original research,"Commercial Registry, Egypt",السجل التجارى المصرى,85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,company,, EG-MOSS,The Ministry of Social Solidarity and Justice is the main registration body for associations and foundations in Egypt.,,False,"27-20, 1-10135, 1-10120","Either ask an organisation for their registration number, or use the directory on the NGO portal. The list of organisations can be filtered using a geographic filter. ",ar,"The NGO Portal provides a list of associations, along with registration dates and registration numbers. ",,True,EG,data_not_available,,"directors_trustees_governors, industry_classifications, date_of_registration, registration_number, status",,no_license,False,,,,primary,2017-08-05,IATI,Ministry of Social Solidarity and Justice (Egypt),,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,charity,, EH-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Western Sahara.",,True,EH,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Western Sahara Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, ER-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Eritrea.",,True,ER,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Eritrea Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, ES-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Spain.",,True,ES,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Spain Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, ES-DIR3,"The Common Directory of Organizational Units and Offices (DIR3) is a project to improve interoperability between public administration units in Spain. As a part of this, a list of all the public bodies is maintained by the Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología (Technology Transfer Centre). ""The Common Directory is conceived as a Inventory information on the organizational structure of the public administration, and its citizens care offices. That is, a catalogue of functional units, public agencies and registry offices and attention to the citizen of the administration"" [1] [1] EXCEL Tables:",,False,"E04100802, E00142804, E00003301","Users can download a dataset containing information on government agencies in Spain using this link - or and looking for the file 'Listado de información básica de oficinas de la AGE' Identifiers are under Column Header - C_ID_UNIDAD_RESPONSABLE.","en, es, ca, eu",,,True,ES,"excel, rdf","Data is available online, but is hard to find on the website. Users must go to 'DIR3 reusable Data (minhap.gob)' or to This opens a list with many options. The correct spreadsheet is 'Listado de información básica de oficinas de la AGE'.","registration_number, date_of_registration",Custom Spanish Government License,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2018-02-06,Desk research,Common Directory of Organizational Units and Offices - DIR3,,62,,,,1,,,1,,,,10,,,50,,,,government_agency,, ES-MDJ,"The Ministry of Justice keeps a broad array of records, covering organisations, events, and individuals. Some of these records (such as organisations) are public and searchable, whilst others (civil registration) are not. This list covers the following types of organisations (roughly translated): ""Property and Mercantile"", ""Mediators and Mediation Institutions"", and ""Foundations Under the Jurisdiction of the State"".",,True,539SND; 842EDU,Search using the appropriate finder interface.,es,"High level records page (including non-organisation sections): Navigable from this page, there are multiple search interfaces for each of the organisation types which can be accessed through the direct links below, though there does not appear to be any way of bulk downloading the data. Note that this search is very brittle. Searching for ""AYUDA EN ACCION"" yields a result for the organisation of that name, but searching ""AYUDA ACCION"" does not yield any results, nor does searching for all three words in the wrong order. Mediator Institutions: Mediation Institutions: Foundations:",,True,ES,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,secondary,2024-01-22,Original research; official website,"Ministry of Justice, Spain",Ministerio de Justicia,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,"charity, company",, ES-NIF,"The Tax Identification Number, Número de Identificación Fiscal (NIF), is a unique number given to every legal person and organisation (companies, associations, civil societies, public institutions etc.) required to pay taxes. The NIF is allocated by the Tax Agency [1]. There is no publicly available site to verify the ownership and validity of the number. Prior to 2008 the NIF number was called CIF. These two numbers are now merged; however, some still refer to the number as CIF. [1]:",,False,"G02766913, G85960730",Ask the organisation you wish to identify to provide its NIF/CIF number.,en,,http://,True,ES,data_not_available,,,,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2021-04-22,Original research,Tax Identification Number,Número de Identificación Fiscal,60,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,50,,,,"company, charity, government_agency, trust, unincorporated_body",, ES-RMC,"The Central Mercantile Register (1) provides the access to the companies information supplied by the Regional Mercantile Registers after the 1 January 1990, once the data has been organized and processed in accordance with Section 379 of the Mercantile Register Regulations currently in effect. (1) Central Commercial Register - Central Corporate Register - Central Business Register",,True,,,"en, es","The Central Mercantile Register offers two methods of obtaining information about registered companies and/or company names: 1) USERS WITHOUT AGREEMENT - They should pay the corresponding legal tax by credit card. 2) USERS WITH AGREEMENT - They must use the password assigned by the Central Mercantile Register after the Agreement has been signed.",,True,ES,,,,,open_license,False,,,,primary,2017-10-24,ProZorro Business Register Research,Central Commercial Register of the Kingdom of Spain,El Registro Mercantil Central,85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,company,, ET-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"111, 112",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,ET,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Ethiopia Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, ET-CSA,"Most Charities and Societies which operate in Ethiopia are required to register with the Charities and Societies Agency, an institution of the Federal Government, which issues certificates of legal personality to those registered.",,,,,EN,,,True,ET,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-10-17T10:00:00Z,original research,Charities and Societies Agency (Ethiopia),የበጎ አድራጎት ድርጅቶችና ማህበራት ኤጀንሲ,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,charity,, ET-MFA,"All charities wishing to operate in Ethiopia must register with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). Details for how they register can be found in this document - Charities are registered but no openly searchable database yet available.",,False,Unable to find,Unable to find,"en, am",,Unable to find,True,ET,data_not_available,,,,,,,,,secondary,2016-11-23,Desk research,Ministry of Foreign Affairs,,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,charity,, ET-MOT,"The Ministry of Trade is the official ministry for business registration in Ethiopia. ""The Ministry of Trade was re-established in August1995 under -- proclamation No 4/1995 issued to provide for the definition of powers and duties of the executive organs of the Federal Democratic Republic ofEthiopia (FDRE). The Ministry was again reorganized with a proclamation No 619/2003 issued to amend the reorganization of the executive organs of the Federal Democratic Republic Ethiopia Proclamation No 256/2001. With this proclamation and by other laws, the Ministry has been given the power to supervise and coordinate five government institutions that are involved in the promotion & development of trade, industry and investment activities. The Ministry of Trade shall have the powers and duties to: Encourage and register the establishment of chambers of commerce and sectorial associations including consumers associations and strengthen those already established(Chambers of Commerce and Sectorial Association Establishment Proclamation No.341/2003)."" [1] [1]:",,False,020/4/007,"A computerised system exists for checking company names, but it is not accessible online. Identifiers will need to be requested from the organisation to be identified, and should be available from the documents originally issued when they registered. ",en,,,True,ET,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2017-07-06,IATI -,Ministry of Trade (Ethiopia),,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"company, charity",, FI-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Finland.",,True,FI,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Finland Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, FI-PRO,"All business operating in Finland must obtain a Business ID (""Y-tunnus"" in Finnish) from the Finnish Trade Register. The Finnish Trade Register is maintained by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH), which is also responsible for maintaining the Business Information System, which can be used to search for all companies in Finland, and the API which allows users to download company information in bulk. ""The Finnish Trade Register (Finnish: Kaupparekisteri, Swedish: Handelsregistret) is a company register in Finland. It provides official information on businesses in the whole country, including data from current and old register entries, articles of association, partnership agreements or rules."" [1] ""The Finnish Trade Register is a public register that contains information about businesses and companies. As a rule, all businesses have to be registered at the Trade Register. Businesses also have to notify the register of any changes in their registered details. Most businesses must also submit their financial statements (annual accounts) to the register. "" [2] ""The Business Information System BIS (""YTJ"" in Finnish) is a service jointly maintained by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office and the Finnish Tax Administration, enabling you to file information to both authorities using one single notification. You can use the BIS to: start a business or an organization report changes close down a business or an organization search for basic details of companies and organizations using the company search"" [3] [1] [2] [3]",,True,"1680140-0, 2261873-3, 0551253-1","Users can search for identifiers on this webpage. They must provide a minimum of a company name or company identifier number - It is also available in English - The identifier will be located above the information box next to the heading 'Business ID' (""Y-tunnus"" in Finnish). The API for the Finnish Trade Register is available here - It is also available in English -","en, fi, sv","Data is either available in a simple, searchable database, or using an API"," ,",True,FI,api,,"registered_address, website, date_of_registration, akas, business_id_history",Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 -,open_license,False,,,,primary,2021-07-07,Desk research,Finnish Patent and Registration Office , PRH - Patentti- ja rekisterihallitus ,87,2,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,company,, FI-VERO,"The Finnish Tax Administration (Finnish: Verohallinto, Swedish: Skatteförvaltningen) maintains the register of Finnish companies registered to pay Value Added Tax (VAT). “A company selling goods or services in the conduct of business is usually liable to pay VAT and has to be entered in the VAT register. In some cases, for example if the company’s turnover is small, VAT registration is voluntary. In addition, some operations are exempt from VAT. A company conducting VAT-exempt operations cannot be entered in the VAT register.” [1] “VAT number is ’ALV-numero’ in Finnish and ’momsnummer’ or ‘mervärdesskattenummer’ in Swedish.” [2] '[1]' '[2]",,True,"FI-VERO-FI08974643, FI-VERO-FI01120389, FI-VERO-FI01113162","Users can search for identifiers on this webpage. They must provide a minimum of a company name or company identifier number - It is also available in English - and Swedish - Select the Business ID (“Y-tunnus” in Finnish) of the company of interest and if they are registered for VAT this will be listed on the company’s page in the “Registrations in force” (“Voimassaolevat rekisteröinnit” in Finnish, “Giltiga registreringar” in Swedish) table. The VAT number can be constructed from the Business ID by adding FI as a prefix and omitting the dash before the final digit.","fi, en, sv",,,True,FI,api,"The API for the Finnish Business Information System is available here - It is also available in English - and Swedish -",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,,original research,Finnish Tax Administration,Verohallinto/Skatteförvaltningen,57,2,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"company, company/community_interest_company, company/limited_company, company/mutual, company/partnership, company/sole_trader",, FJ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Fiji.",,True,FJ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Fiji Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, FK-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas].",,True,FK,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas] Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, FM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Micronesia (Federated States of).",,True,FM,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Micronesia (Federated States of) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, FO-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Faroe Islands (the).",,True,FO,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Faroe Islands (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, FR-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for France.",,True,FR,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,France Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, FR-INSEE,"The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies provide a registration service for companies and associations with details being held on the SIRENE database. Information from INSEE is also contained in the RCS dataset, and so this organisation list is deprecated in favour of FR-RCS. ",,False,,,,,,True,FR,,,,,,True,,,,deprecated,,,The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies , Institute National de la Statistique et des etudes economiques,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FR-RCS,"In France, companies register through a number of institutions, predominantly the local centres de formalités des entreprises, but all companies must eventually be registered with the Trade and Companies Register. Once registered, companies receive a SIREN or SIRET number, which is a unique business identifier. This information is maintained by Infogreffe. Infogreffe provide a basic overview of company information for free, and bulk download of data for a fee. A note on identifiers: - A SIRET number is constituted by the SIREN number, plus the NIC code. - The SIREN number relates to a business, whereas a SIRET number relates to a specific geographically located establishment which will be owned by a business. - ""A SIREN number is your unique French business identification number. This 9 digit number will be requested by all French administration when dealing with you.. It is a proof that you are a fully registered French business"" [1] ""The SIRET code/number is an INSEE code which allows the geographic identification of any French establishment or business. The 14-digit number consists of three parts: - first, the SIREN code of the business (or legal unit or person) that owns the unit represented by the SIRET code, - second, the NIC (French: Numéro interne de classement), is a sequential four-digit number unique to the establishment, - and finally, a check digit that verifies the entire SIRET number. For example, 732 829 320 00074 would refer to the seventh establishment of the business with SIREN number 732 829 320."" [2] ""Registration is administered by local centres de formalités des entreprises ( CFE), which checks your application and submits details to the relevant agencies (for a small fee). The CFE will provide you with a form M0, which is for the creation of a company."" [3] ""Creating a company requires that it is registered with the Trade and Companies Register (RCS)."" [4] ""WHAT SOURCE IS USED FOR INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THE INFOGREFFE WEBSITE? Information concerning companies entered on the Trade and Companies Register with Registries of the Commercial Courts is taken directly from public registers held by said registries. Information concerning companies entered on the Trade and Companies Register with other jurisdictions (district courts with commercial jurisdiction, mixed commercial courts in the overseas departments and territories) is provided by the National Industrial Property Institute (INPI). Information concerning companies not entered on the Trade and Companies Register is taken from data on the SIRENE listing held by INSEE."" [5] ""WHAT DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE ON THE INFOGREFFE WEBSITE? Infogreffe makes the following information available to the general public. Free information: • Company search and information form • Key figures concerning a company • Implementing tracking (free alert, paid consultation). • Lists of articles of association and company deeds available. [6] [1] [2] [3] [4][5] [6]",,True,"799 640 131, 512 788 308 00025, 798 620 860","Users can find identifiers using the simple, search bar present near the top of every webpage on the Infogreffe website: After searching for a company, address, director or number, the identifier is under the column header 'SIREN / SIRET' Please note : users may have to click on the record in order to see the full SIREN / SIRET identifier number. Users can also analyse datasets on the Infogreffe Open Data portal: The Identifier is under the column header 'SIREN'. The SIREN directory is available as zipped csv files in daily updates published to An (unofficial) API for access data from this directly is accessible from, which also allows searching with a geofilter.","en, fr","Basic data is available through a simple search for free, and more detailed data through a bulk download for a fee. There is also an open data portal."," ,",True,FR,"bulk, csv, excel, json, geojson, kml, shapefile, api","Basic company information is available using the home page search bar, but for more detailed information, users should go to the datainfogreffe portal, or pay for bulk download.","registered_address, date_of_registration, registration_number, activities_sector_code, financial_turnover_details",,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2025-02-05,Desk research,Trade and Companies Register , Les Greffes des Tribunaux de Commerce,67,2,2,1,1,1,,,,,,10,,,50,,,,company,, GA-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Gabon.",,True,GA,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Gabon Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GB-CASC,"This is the list of Community amateur sports clubs (CASCs) registered with HMRC, and as listed at HMRC [1], which has been enhanced with unique identifiers. [1]:",,True,"df679063,2a36d1ee,18e597ee",,EN,The list is available in CSV and JSON formats,,True,GB,"csv, json","In addition to the CSV format, the repository contains a JSON file:",,"The original list of CASCs from HMRC is licensed under an Open Government Licence, v3:",open_license,False,,,,third_party,2020-02-28,"HMRC, UK Government",Community amateur sports clubs (CASCs) registered with HMRC,,37,,,1,,1,,,,,,10,,,,25,,,unincorporated_body,, GB-CHC,"The Charity Commission registers and regulates charities in the nations of England and Wales within the United Kingdom. There are four main types of charity structure in the UK: (1) Charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) (2) charitable company (limited by guarantee) (3) unincorporated association (4) trust ",,True,"279417, 1090095, 1173575","Identifiers are listed as ""Charity numbers"" and are shown in the list returned by a search.","en, cy","Information about the data and information available through the search is at'. Click through to ""Find a charity"" for a simple text search of a charity's name. Use the advanced search to filter the search across multiple different aspects of the dataset.",,True,GB,bulk,Bulk download available at,"directors_trustees_governors, registered_address, contact_address, akas, website, e-mail_address, date_of_registration, registration_number, phone_number, objectives_purpose, activities_sector_code, financial_turnover_details",Open Government Licence v2.0,open_license,False,,,,primary,2020-10-13,original research,Charity Commission/Comisiwn Elusennau,en/cy,87,,2,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,charity,"GB-WLS, GB-ENG", GB-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the).",,True,GB,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GB-COE,"Church Codes are a unique identification number supplied to each church building by the Church of England Central Services, which is part of the administrative bodies of the National Church Institutions that work together to support the mission and ministries of the Church of England. This code provides a unique number for the property assets of the Church of England. The codes are used to represent the church as an entity as well as everything connected to it such as financial and congregational records. The churches are owned locally, held in trust by the incumbent of the church (priest) and the management is run by a committee, a Parochial Church Council (PCC). These organisations are often not registered for a GB-CHC number due their income being less than £100,000 number despite being otherwise regulated by the Charity Commission. They are also excluded from the UK Register of Trusts. For this reason, these church codes may be used to identified PCCs.",,True,"608393, 616142, 625011","Search interface by Church name and select the church from the dropdown, then select it on the map and follow the link through to a web page for the entry. Alternatively, use the map to navigate to a known church and click it. Then click through the link to reach the page for the entry.",en,,,True,GB,,,,,no_license,False,,,,local,2024-02-13,Original research submitted by a community member with citations and links to resources.,Church of England Church Codes,,10,,,,,,,,,,5,,5,,,,,,"charity, trust",, GB-COH,"Companies House is the United Kingdom's register of companies. It contains entries for many kinds of companies, including: * Public limited company (PLC) * Private company limited by shares (Ltd, Limited) * Private company limited by guarantee, typically a non-commercial membership body such as a charity * Private unlimited company (either with or without a share capital) * Limited liability partnership (LLP) * Limited partnership (LP) * Societas Europaea (SE): European Union-wide company structure * Companies incorporated by Royal Charter (RC) * Community interest company",,True,"09506232, 07444723",,en,,,True,GB,api,An API is available at and bulk data is provided at,"registered_address, directors_trustees_governors","“Supplied under section 47 and 50 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Schedule 1 of the Database Regulations (SI 1997/3032)”",open_license,False,,,,primary,2016-09-17,,Companies House,,87,2,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,"company/listed_company, company/community_interest_company, company/partnership, company/limited_company, charity, company",, GB-EDU,"Schools and Colleges in England must be registered with the Department of Education.[1] The Register of Schools is maintained by the Department of Education and provides a URN for each school, university and other educational establishment in England. The full Register of Schools in England is available at **The register for Welsh schools used to be part of this list, but is now the responsibility of the Welsh Government. Details of the Welsh list are available on** [1] This includes independent schools which meet the criteria on [2]",,True,"125554, 125756, 134533","After conducting a search and selecting a school, college etc from the search results, the identifier will be next to the heading 'URN'. Users can also download a CSV or Excel file of search results data by clicking on 'Download these search results', or access the full open data register from in a variety of alternative formats.",en,Users can search for an educational establishment on this webpage,,True,GB,"bulk, csv, excel",The 'School Eng Register' is available at and contains the URN or 'key' as the identifier.,"date_of_registration, number_of_employees, registration_number, expiry_date, status",UK Open Government Licence v3,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-10-14,Desk research,Register of Schools (England and Wales),"Get information about schools, UK Register of Learning Providers",64,,2,1,1,,,,,,,10,,,50,,,education,"government_agency/public_service, government_agency",GB-ENG, GB-GOR,"The UK Government Organisation Register was a service provided by the Government Digital Service which retired on March 15 2021. It contained an identifier for every government body with a presence on the single domain. This covered government departments, agencies and Arms Length Bodies (ALBs). Each organisation was assigned an alphanumeric identifier, and the register also included website addresses, that could be mapped to entries in the GB-GOVUK identifier list.",,True,"OT1211, PB1204, EA1113, D1198",The identifier is available in the 'government-organisation' field within the register. Identifiers are short alphanumeric strings. ,en,The list was accessible as open data as part of the OpenRegister platform. The historic data is provided by the National Archives Government web archive.,,True,GB,"bulk, csv, json, rdf",The full list and individual records are available in a number of machine-readable formats.,"date_of_registration, expiry_date",Open Government Licence v3.0,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2023-09-20,,Government Organisation Register,,65,,2,1,,1,,1,,,,10,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GB-GOV,"IATI Version 2.x codes for use by IATI for UK Government Departments. Users looking for non-IATI codes for government organsiations should use the UK Government Organsiation Register GB-GOR",,False,"1, 4, 9","Users can download an ODS file at this webpage - The identifiers for use are under the column headers 'IATI 2.x'.",en,Available as ODS file,,True,GB,"csv, ods",,"organisation_name, registration_number",,open_license,,GB-GOVUK,,,secondary,2016-11-23,Desk research,UK Government Departments Reference Numbers (IATI Standard),,61,,,1,,,,,,,,10,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GB-GOVUK,"This list is deprecated in favour of GB-GOR, the Government Organisation Registry which assigns a unique code to each agency with a page at To construct a legacy GB-GOVUK identifier, use the final segment of the url of a body at (below /organisations) as the ""registration number"", converting all ""-"" to ""_"". Keep ""registration number"" portion all lowercase. It should be possible to map form GB-GOVUK to GB-GOR identifiers. ",,False,,,,,,True,GB,,,,,,True,,,,secondary,,,"GOV.UK - UK Government Departments, Agencies & Public Bodies",,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GB-HESA,"This is a list of all higher education providers that provide data to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). Those providers include all publicly funded universities and other higher educations institutions (HEIs) in the UK, alternative HE providers (APs) that offer HE courses but do not receive annual public funding, and further education colleges (FECs) in Wales which provide some HE level courses. The list is maintained for statistical purposes by the Higher Education Statistics Agency. It contains institutions' names alongside the internal ID that HESA assigns them. This internal higher education provider ID is given in the INSTID field. (Higher education providers submit their UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN) as part of the data submission process to HESA. The mapping to a HESA higher education provider identifier (INSTID) is carried out through the use of a static data lookup table [1].) Use a UKPRN identifier in preference to this list. See: [1]: See for more information. ",,True,"0177,0069",The identifier for an institution is given in the INSTID column.,EN,The list can be searched at the URL,,True,GB,csv,"For a CSV download, see",,"From ""Data published on the HESA website is free to copy, use, share, and adapt for any purpose. HESA open data is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence. You must give appropriate credit (HESA,, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if any changes have been made.""",open_license,False,,,,secondary,2019-10-14,Original research ,Higher Education Statistics Agency,,61,,,1,,,,,,,,10,,,50,,,education,,, GB-IRN,"Schools Plus is a directory of institutions, including schools, youth clubs, containing contact information and relevant statistics. Only Open schools seem to be on the list currently.",,True,"542-0059, 201-1873, 311-6220",Use the reference number (sometimes known as 'institution number') given in the search results and bulk download.,en,Visit the database and search the whole list of institutions by name or reference number.,,True,GB,"bulk, csv, excel",Use the 'Export' tool to download either an Excel or CSV (Text) of the full set.,"contact_address, e-mail_address, contact_address, registration_number, phone_number",UK Open Government Licence v3.0,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-11-08,Desk research,"Schools Plus, Department of Education (Northern Ireland)",,64,,2,1,1,,,,,,,10,,,50,,,education,"government_agency/public_service, government_agency",GB-NIR, GB-LAE,"The Local Authorities for England Register has been developed with the UK Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG), and contains identifiers for 350+ local authorities. It also includes the 'local authority type' (e.g. Unitary Authority, London Borough) for each. It uses the second portion of [ISO_3166-2]( codes where these are available, and creates new codes where they are not. For more information on GOV.UK Registers, visit",,True,"WOT, BAS, GED",Look for the value of the 'Local-authority-eng' field. ,en,,,True,GB,"api, bulk, csv, json, rdf","The list is available in CSV, TSV, JSON, YAML and TTL formats. There is also an open API, for guidance on how to use this visit","date_of_registration, registration_number, expiry_date, status",Open Government Licence v3.0,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-10-03,,Local Authorities for England Register,,67,2,2,1,,1,,1,,,,10,,,50,,,,"government_agency/local_government, government_agency",GB-ENG, GB-LANI,"The Local Authorities for Northern Ireland Register is published by the Department for Communities (Northern Ireland), and contains identifiers for 36 local authorities, of which 11 are current.",,True,"ANN, AND, BFS",Look for the value of the 'Local authority nir' field,en,,,True,GB,"api, bulk, csv, json",,"website, date_of_registration, registration_number, expiry_date",Open Government Licence v3.0,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2019-03-04,,Local authorities for Northern Ireland register,,66,2,2,1,,1,,,,,,10,,,50,,,,"government_agency/local_government, government_agency",, GB-LAS,"The Local Authority SCT Register has been developed with the Scottish Government and Government Digital Service (GDS), and contains identifiers for 32 local authorities. It uses the second portion of [ISO_3166-2]( codes and includes all codes listed for Scotland (SCT). ",,True,"ZET, WLN, ORK","Look for the value of the 'local-authority-sct' column. ",en,,,True,GB,"api, csv, json",'[Bulk download](' a copy of this register. Each register has an '[open API](' you can use to access the data without any authentication. There's more information about using the register APIs in the technical documentation.,"date_of_registration, expiry_date, status",Open Government Licence v3.0,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-03-07,Desk research,Scottish Local Authority Register,,64,2,,1,,1,,,,,,10,,,50,,secondary,,"government_agency/local_government, government_agency",GB-SCT, GB-MPR,"The Mutuals Public Register is the public record of registered mutual societies: * building societies * credit unions * friendly societies * registered societies It contains: * details of societies’ registered offices, contact information and services * public documents such as yearly returns and accounts",,True,"235C, IP031455",Search for an organisation through the interface. Their registration number is returned as part of the results.,,It is possible to search the register online; documents that have been digitised are freely available. It is also possible to bulk download data although this does not include the organisation's unique identifier on the register.,,True,GB,bulk,,registered_address,Copyright information on the site places restrictions on re-use.,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2023-08-25,,Mutuals Public Register,,77,,2,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,"company/mutual, company",, GB-NHS,"""The Organisation Data Service (ODS) is responsible for publishing organisation and practitioner codes, along with related national policies and standards. We're also responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the organisation and person nodes of the Spine Directory Service, the central data repository used within various NHS systems and services. Find out more about Organisation Reference data by reading the fundamental standard.""[1][2] Codes are allocated for:[3] * Independent Sector Healthcare Providers (ISHP) * NHS organisations * Non-NHS organisations * optical organisations * private dental practices * system suppliers [1]: [2]: Information standard SCCI0090 (Health and Social Care Organisation Reference Data): [3]: List from allocation",,True,"01F, 7A1A5, Z1070, RAX","In most cases, the organisation code is in the first column of each csv. A pdf is usually included in each distribution so that this can be confirmed, as there are no header rows in the datasets themselves.",en,"Search across organisations and practitioners at This also allows users to view each entry in more detail. It does not have a download facility. Download the relevant zipped files from Regular users can also subscribe to the TRUD (Technology Reference Data Update Distribution) service to receive XML format updates of new distributions: ",,True,GB,"api, bulk, csv, xml","Bulk downloads are available on an organsiation type basis (e.g. health authorities and support agencies, GP practices) for England and Wales, and separately for Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man. All can be accessed via The full organsiation reference data is available in XML format, but only from the TRUD (Technology Reference Data Update Distribution) service to which users can subscribe for updates. See for more information. N.B. The API is currently under development and expected to be available from March/April 2018","date_of_registration, registration_number",Open Government Licence (,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2018-02-14,Github request (David Kane),NHS Digital - Organisation Data Service,,66,2,2,1,,,,,1,,,10,,,50,,,,"government_agency/public_service, government_agency",, GB-NIC,"The Register of Charities is an accurate and up-to-date list of all organisations in Northern Ireland considered by law to be charitable. Currently, registration is a managed process and only organisations called forward by the Commission are considered eligible to register. For more information on the Register please visit",,True,"100019,100048,100050","Use the 'Reg charity number' field, as this is a unique registration identifier to each organisation. Though 'Sub charity number' is intended for those that are subsidiaries, in reality this is not used.",en,"Visit, select relevant filters and download the csv. The data is updated daily.",,True,GB,"csv, bulk","Visit, select relevant filters and download the csv. The data is updated daily.","date_of_registration, registration_number, status, website, registered_address, contact_address, e-mail_address, phone_number, objectives_purpose, financial_turnover_details",UK Open Government Licence v3.0 (uk-ogl),open_license,False,,,,primary,2017-08-17,,The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland,Register of Charities Northern Ireland (CCNI),88,,2,1,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,charity,GB-NIR, GB-PLA,"The Principal Local Authority Register has been developed with the Welsh Government and Government Digital Service (GDS), and contains identifiers for 22 county and county borough councils. The register may not cover all local authorities as it focuses on bodies providing mainstream local government services. It uses the second portion of [ISO_3166-2]( codes and includes all codes listed for Wales (WLS). ",,True,"AGY, TOF, NTL","Look for the value of the 'principal-local-authority' field. ","en, cy",,,True,GB,"api, csv, json, rdf","[Bulk download]( a copy of this register. Each register has an [open API]( you can use to access the data without any authentication. There's more information about using the register APIs in the technical documentation.","date_of_registration, expiry_date, status",Open Government Licence v3.0,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-06-25,,Principal Local Authority Register for Wales,,65,2,,1,,1,,1,,,,10,,,50,,,,"government_agency/local_government, government_agency",GB-WLS, GB-REV,"Some UK charitable organisations are exempt or excepted from registering with the Charity Commission. This may be due to the nature of the organisation, it's historical status, or income threshold. However, these organisations can register for tax purposes with HM Revenue and Customs, and receive a registration number. This may be reported prefixed with XC (for eXempt Charity).",,False,X6243,HMRC do not publish a list of these numbers. ,en,,,True,GB,,,,,no_license,,,,,secondary,2016-12-14,,HM Revenue and Customs,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,charity,, GB-SC,"The Office of the Scottish Charity Register (OSCR) regulates charities in Scotland and maintains a public registry of these charities. ""The OSCR perform a range of functions which includes:[5] Determining whether bodies are charities. Keeping a public Register of charities. Facilitating compliance by charities with the legislation. Investigating any apparent misconduct in the administration of charities. Giving information or advice to Scottish Ministers."" [1] [1]",,False,"SC042386, SC025693, SC000587","Users can find identifiers using the easy, searchable database at this webpage - Identifiers are located on the left under the column heading 'Charity Number' Users can also download a CSV of the dataset at this webpage - They will need to accept the Terms and Conditions, and then open the resulting zip file. Identifiers are under the column header ' Charity Number'",en,,,True,GB,"csv, bulk_download, html",,"organisation_name, date_of_registration, registration_number, akas, status, directors_trustees_governors, website, post_code/zip_code, objectives/purpose",Open Government Licence v.2.0. ,open_license,,,,,primary,2016-11-23,Desk research,Scottish Charity Register,,86,,,1,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,charity,GB-SCT, GB-SCOTEDU,"Schools and other education establishments in Scotland must be registered with the Department of Education in the Scottish Government. The Register of Schools is maintained by the Department of Education which provides a SEED code as the unique identifier for each school or other educational establishment in Scotland. Universities are not registered through this registrar",,True,"8212627, 5520924, 5237521",Upon downloading the .xlsx file the seven digit SEED code can be found in the first column of the worksheet that lists the currently open schools and education establishments.,en,Users can download an .xlsx file at,,True,GB,"bulk, csv, excel",The 'School Contact List' is available at and contains the SEED code as the identifier.,"date_of_registration, number_of_employees, registration_number, expiry_date, status",The web page claims Crown Copyright. There are no license details in the file.,no_license,False,,,,primary,2019-10-06,Desk research,Register of Schools (Scotland),Scottish Government - School Contact List,84,,2,1,1,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,education,"government_agency/public_service, government_agency",GB-SCT, GB-SHPE,"A statutory register of not-for-profit (housing associations), for-profit private, and local authority social housing providers, who are registered to operate in England. The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA)[1] is the regulator for social housing providers in England and maintains the list. Fields indicate the designation of the social housing provider (e.g. private, non-profit, local authority) and the legal entity type (by their inclusion on the FCA Mutual Register, the Charity Register and Companies House). A *monthly* published list also appears on the HCA website, which includes new registrations and deregistrations [1]:",,True,"LH4401, H4244, 4793",The field 'social-housing-provider-eng' is the Registered Provider code of a social housing provider in England that is used as the identifier.,EN,"The register is updated daily, and is viewable online in HTML format, and as a bulk download in CSV, TSV, Excel, JSON, YAML and TTL formats. To find out more about the API see the [technical documentation](",,True,GB,"api, bulk, csv, json, excel",By visiting users will find all of the different formats and be able to access the register in full.,"date_of_registration, registration_number",UK Open Government Licence (OGL) v3.0,open_license,False,,,,secondary,,Original reserach (OpenDataServices),Registered Social Housing Providers (England),,67,2,2,1,1,1,,,,,,10,,,50,,,,"charity, company/mutual, company/limited_company, trust, government_agency/local_government, company, government_agency",GB-ENG, GB-SRS,"The UK Government Supplier Registration Service (SRS) is used by both buyers and suppliers to log in to procurement-related systems. The system assigns an identifier to each registered organisation, and may record details of other identifiers for the organisation, such as a DUNS number. Crown Commercial Service (part of the Cabinet Office) publishes a list of the identifiers for all organisations that are registered in the system as **buyers**. Whilst primarily covering government agencies from all levels of government, the list also includes some private companies, trusts and charities who have been assigned the buyer role within the system. The use of Supplier Registration System identifiers is considered a temporary measure. They should only be used when no other stable identifier for a government agency is available, and should not be used to identify private organisations, for which company registration numbers are preferred. ",,True,",,","Identifiers are given in the 'Buyer Corporate Identifier' column, and consist of a domain, followed by / and a unique string. This full value should be used as part of identifiers. E.g. """" or """"",en,A CSV download of buyers recorded within the Supplier Registration System is available. ,,True,GB,csv,,,,no_license,False,,,,third_party,2018-08-23,,"Supplier Registration Service, Crown Commercial Service, UK",,31,,,1,,,,,,,5,,,,,25,,,government_agency,, GB-UKPRN,A UKPRN is a unique number allocated to a provider on successful registration on the UK Register of Learning Providers. ,,False,"10000346, 10010014",,,Requests for data can be made to the UK Register of Learning Providers by e-mail.,,True,GB,,,"registered_address, website, e-mail_address",Requests for data must state the intended re-use. ,closed_license,,,,,secondary,,,UK Register of Learning Providers,,50,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,50,,,education,,, GB-WALEDU,"Schools and other education establishments in Wales must be registered with the Department of Education in the Welsh Government. The Register of Schools is maintained by the Department of Education which provides a School number as the unique identifier for each school or other educational establishment in Wales. Universities are not registered through this registrar. Welsh schools used to be registered by the Department of Education for England and Wales and, although it is not the registrar, the English Department of Education still held records for Welsh schools as of October 2019. Use this list in preference over the English one for Welsh schools.",,True,"6602130, 6612060, 6614039","Upon downloading the .ods file the seven digit School number can be found in the first column of the relevant worksheet. Each type of school or educational establishment is listed twice, once in Welsh and again in English. The School number is the same. It consist of a seven digit number. The first three digits identify the local authority in which the school is located and the final four digits uniquely identify the school within that authority.","en, cy",Users can download an .ods file at,,True,GB,"bulk, csv",The 'Address list of schools' for Wales is available at and contains the School number as the identifier.,"registration_number, registered_address, phone_number, post_code_zip_code, status","The web site states that the information featured (not including logos) can be used and/or re-used free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government License. The file states that its content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0 .",open_license,False,,,,primary,2019-10-06,Desk research,Register of Schools (Wales),Welsh Government - Address List of Schools,88,,2,1,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,education,"government_agency/public_service, government_agency",GB-WLS, GD-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Grenada.",,True,GD,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Grenada Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GE-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Georgia.",,True,GE,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Georgia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GE-NAPR,The National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR) of Georgia registers all legal entities in Georgia. This includes government and non-government bodies (including the private sector). The Identification Code assigned by NAPR is the same as the VAT number in Georgia. NAPR assigns codes for government bodies in addition to all non-governmental organisations (private and non-profit).,,,"233105449, 416337084, 202378480","Search for a company using it's title (using the Georgian language). This will return a list of matches with an 'identification code' (საიდენტიფიკაციო კოდი). Search by registration number, and other parameters, is also available. ",GE,"Through this web site you can search for any legal entity (individual entrepreneur, commercial legal entity, nonprofit legal entity, etc.) in Georgia. You can also obtain their statements and scanned archive documents, as well as information about the legal form of the organization, persons with representative authority, liquidation process and other registered data.",,True,GE,,A simple web search. There is no bulk download facility.,,None,,False,,,,primary,2018-09-24,Github proposal,"Register of Entrepreneurial and Non-Entrepreneurial Legal Entities, Georgia",მეწარმეთა და არასამეწარმეო (არაკომერციულ) იურიდიულ პირთა რეესტრი,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,"charity, company, trust, government_agency",, GE-RS,"The Revenue Service of Georgia (RS) operates under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Georgia. All individuals and institutions with a relationship to the tax authority are issued with an identification number. Governmental organisations and individuals register directly with the Revenue Service of Georgia (RS). Entrepreneurs (Limited Companies, Joint Stock Companies, Co-operatives etc.) register with the Ministry of Justice/National Agency of Public Registry, but are immediately entered also into the Revenue Service register. ",,True,"226166895, 404384297, 401985027",The identifiers are displayed in search results under the 'Identification code' heading.,"en, ka","A search by name, or registered number, of the Taxpayer Register is available on the Revenue Service website. A CAPTCH needs to be completed. ",,True,GE,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2018-08-21,,Georgian Revenue Service,,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"charity, company, government_agency",, GF-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for French Guiana.",,True,GF,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,French Guiana Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GG-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Guernsey.",,True,GG,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Guernsey Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GG-RCE,"All companies in Guernsey must register with the Guernsey Registry. This also applies to most charities and NPOs. The Guernsey Registry maintain a registry of all companies, charities and all NPOs in Guernsey. These are recorded in a publicly searchable webpage database for companies and also two separate lists for charities and NPOs. Please Note: According to OpenCorporates, the identifiers are not unique across the Guernsey Registry, as there a five separate registries that can be assigned to organisation information and up to five companies my have the same identifier. OC have thus added their own identifier number based on each registry type. Further details available here - qa_public/register_problems/guernsey ""All Guernsey companies must file an Annual Validation submission with the Registry during January 2017 (unless incorporated in December 2016). Submissions received after 31 January 2017 will be subject to a £100 late filing fee."" [1] ""The Charities and Non Profit Organisation (Registration) (Guernsey) Law, 2008 requires all Non Profit organisations based in the Islands of Guernsey, Alderney, Herm and Jethou to register with the Office of the Registrar. A failure to do so is an offence. However there is an exemption from this requirement. This applies to Non Profit organisations based in the Islands of Guernsey, Alderney, Herm and Jethou with gross assets and funds of less than £10,000, or gross annual income of less than £5,000."" [2] [1] [2]",,False,"56234, CH441, NP3, 14392, 28419, CH1, CH545, NP126, NP219","Users can find identifiers using the simple, searchable database: The identifier will be under the column heading 'Number' in the results returned. More information will be shown about the organisation if the user clicks 'View' on the right of the record.",en,"Data for companies available in a free, simple search. Further details and documents can be requested at a fee. Users can search for a charity or NPO and then download a PDF of the charity/NPO statement",,True,GG,pdf,,"registered_address, registration_number, status, date_of_registration, akas",,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2025-02-05,Desk research,Guernsey Registry,,76,,,,,,1,,,0,,,,75,,,,,"company, charity",, GH-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"001, 002",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,GH,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Ghana Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GH-DSW,"All NGOs wishing to operate in Ghana must first register with the General Registrar's Office, and then apply for NGO status from the Department of Social Welfare (DSW). NGOs are then issued with a certificate that contains their registration number. There is no database available for search. ""The Social Welfare Department is the regulator of NGOs in Ghana and is therefore mandated to issue certificates of recognition to organizations to operate as NGOs. "" [1] [1]",,False,258,,en,,None available,True,GH,data_not_available,The DSW website does not refer to NGO registration,,,closed_license,False,,,,secondary,2016-12-27,Desk research,Department of Social Developments,,50,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,50,,,,charity,, GH-RGD,"The Registrar General's Department is Ghana's register of companies. It contains entries for various kinds of companies, including: * Limited Liability Companies * Companies limited by guarantee * External Companies * Partnership Searches of the register, by company name, can be made at ",,True,"CS160152013, CS142392016",,en,,,True,GH,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2019-04-29,Desk research based on,Registrar General's Department,,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"company/partnership, company/limited_company, company",, GI-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Gibraltar.",,True,GI,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Gibraltar Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GL-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Greenland.",,True,GL,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Greenland Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,GM,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Gambia (the) Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GN-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"04, 06",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,GN,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Guinea Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GP-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Guadeloupe.",,True,GP,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Guadeloupe Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GQ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,GQ,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Equatorial Guinea Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GR-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Greece.",,True,GR,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Greece Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GS-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.",,True,GS,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GT-CISP,"The Ministry of Finance of Guatemala provide a classification of all public institutions in receipt of budget allocations. This can be used to provide organisation identifiers for public sector entities, including central and local government, and public enterprises. ",,True,"21100078, 11120002, 12100102","The ""Manual de Clasificaciones Presupuestarias para el Sector Público de Guatemala"" contains a table labelled 'Clasificador del Sector Público"" which consists of five numeric columns, and then the agency name. The numbers should be concatenated to produce an identifier. ",es,"The identifiers can be constructed using the latest edition of the ""Manual de Clasificaciones Presupuestarias para el Sector Público de Guatemala"". ",,True,GT,pdf,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2018-09-24,,Public Sector Institution Classifications (Guetmala),Clasificador Institucional del Sector Público (Guetmala),56,,,,,,1,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GT-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Guatemala.",,True,GT,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Guatemala Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GT-NIT,"The Número de Identificación Tributaria (NIT) is a number assigned by the Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria in Guatemala to every tax payer, including both companies, and individuals. Companies must register with the Commercial Registry (Registro Mercantil) online at to be incorporated and assigned an NIT number.",,True,7555605-7,,ES,It is possible to search the list by NIT number.,,True,GT,,,,,,False,,,,,2020-09-07,"Github proposal, World Bank Doing Business website, agency websites",Guatemala Tax Identification Number,Número de Identificación Tributaria de Guatemala,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"charity, company, trust, government_agency, unincorporated_body",, GT-RPJ,"This is the primary registry for domestic non-profits (churches, civil society organisations, NGOs, foundations, etc) and also where 'Branches or Agencies of Foreign Entities' should register. Without registration, NGOs cannot operate in Guatemala. Not to be confused with the Registro Nacional de las Personas (for individuals) or the NIT, which is the tax identification number. The length of ID varies, and consists of a combination of several columns in registries or several numbers in a document. The document could say 'partida no 236, folio(s) 413, de(l) (los) libro(s) 45' which results in the ID 23641345.",,True,"38634663461, 17272, 23641345",The website has a list of several PDF files which can be opened and searched by Ctrl-F. The names of the organisations are in Spanish. Combine the numbers in the first four (sometimes three) columns to find the ID.,es,,,True,GT,pdf,PDFs are linked to from,"date_of_registration, registration_number, activities_sector_code",,no_license,False,,,,primary,2020-08-21,"Government websites, legal documents provided by organisation",Registry for Legal Entities (Guatemala),Registro de las Personas Jurídicas,81,,,,,,1,,,,5,,,75,,,,,charity,, GU-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Guam.",,True,GU,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Guam Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GW-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"1, 2",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,GW,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Guinea-Bissau Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, GY-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Guyana.",,True,GY,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Guyana Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, HK-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Hong Kong.",,True,HK,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Hong Kong Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, HK-CR,"All businesses operating in Hong Kong, including non-Hong Kong businesses with a place of business in Hong Kong must register with the Companies Register. This includes Sole-proprietorship, Partnership and Unincorporated body of persons, Non-Hong Kong company, and Branch business, as well as companies incorporated under the Companies Ordinance. Businesses are issued with a registration certificate that is valid for three years, and which can be renewed. ",,True,"2524613, F0002727","Enter the search system, and search by name or company particulars. The identifier is given in the CR No. column of the results. ",", en, zh",,,True,HK,data_not_available,,"directors_trustees_governors, akas, date_of_registration, registration_number, status",,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2017-06-25,Desk research,Hong Kong Companies Register,,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,"company, unincorporated_body",, HM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Heard Island and McDonald Islands.",,True,HM,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Heard Island and McDonald Islands Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, HN-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Honduras.",,True,HN,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Honduras Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, HN-RTN,"The National Tax Registry register taxpayers in Honduras. The following organisations and individuals are obliged to register with the National Tax Registry: 1 All individuals or legal entities, national or foreign, domiciled in the country as taxpayers with tax obligations such as: payment of taxes, fees and contributions. 2 Taxpayers with formal obligations: for filing different tax returns and withholdings. 3 Taxpayers with tax obligations: * Importers, exporters and those who re-apply wholesale purchase purchase management. * The companies legally constituted according to the Commercial Code. * Foreign companies that carry out operations in Honduras. * Irregular or de facto societies. * The Undivided Successions (Undivided Heritage). * Charitable institutions and Organized Groups for scientific, political, cultural or sporting purposes without profit and that have employees under their charge. * Cooperatives of any degree. * The Deconcentrated Institutions. * The Decentralized Institutions. * Others. 4. Institutions that must register for control purposes: * Secretaries of State * Autonomous Institutions * Semi-autonomous institutions * State Corporations * City Halls [1] [1]",,True,"05019002058739, 07039015796732",It is necessary to know an organisation's National Tax Registry Number beforehand. There is no sign up. Upon successfully completing the lookup only the organisation's name is shown.,es,"The complete list is not open, but you can query by code. ",,True,HN,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2019-06-24,desk research based on,National Tax Registry,Registro Tributario Nacional,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,"company, government_agency, unincorporated_body, charity",, HR-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Croatia.",,True,HR,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Croatia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, HR-MBS,"The court business register is maintained by the Croatian Ministry of Justice (Ministarstvo Pravosuda Republike Hrvatske). Registered corporations each have a court-assigned company registration number (matični broj poslovnog subjekta - MBS)",,True,"080229250, 080026895","Use the MBS (company court registration number) returned in search results. If used, the OIB (tax-registration number) would be used with the prefix HR-OIB) Take care not to drop leading zeros ('0') from the number e.g. 080229250, not 80229250",hr,"Companies can be searched by MBS, OIB number or legal name. Search results provide MBS and OIB numbers, registration court, company name, status, company name current status, and address. There is no English interface, search is free-of-charge.",,True,HR,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-08,Prozorro Business Register Research,Croatian Court Business Register,Sudski registar (Hrvatska),75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,, HR-OIB,Maintained by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia.,,True,82229652860,,hr,"Company can be searched by MBS, OIB number or legal name. Search results provide MBS and OIB numbers, registration court, company name, status, company name current status, and address. There is no English interface, search is free-of-charge.",,True,HR,,,,,,False,,,,secondary,,,Croatia Court Register,Sudski Registar,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,company,, HT-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"1111, 1112",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,HT,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Haiti Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, HU-AFA,The Ministry of Justice Information and Electronic Company Registration Service website provides free accesss to individual company data online from 1 January 2008. Only available in Hungarian.,,True,"Reg, number: 01-03-022165, Tax number: 28592822-2-43",,hu,,,True,HU,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-10-24,ProZorro Business Register Research,Information and Electronic Company Registration Service,Elektronikus Cégeljárásban Közreműködő Szolgálat,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,, HU-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Hungary.",,True,HU,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Hungary Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, ID-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"1, 2",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,ID,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Indonesia Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, ID-DJP,"The Directorate General of Taxes is Indonesia's tax office. The Tax Identification Number (TIN) is known in Indonesia as Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) and is issued by the Directorate General of Taxes to individuals and entities. ",,False,"010117771077000, 312666837412000",,ID,No searchable database of Tax identification Numbers (TINs) has been found.,,True,ID,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2024-05-28,Desk research,Indonesian Directorate General of Taxes,Direktorat Jenderal Pajak,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,, ID-KDN,"The Ministry of Home Affairs conducts a series of tasks in relation to legal practice and administration within Indonesia. However, no link has been found between the Ministry of Home Affairs and NGO/company registration. As a result, this code has been deprecated. Users can refer to ID-KLN (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and ID-PRO for the registration of NGOs. Users can refer to ID-SMR (SMERU) for an independent body that maintains a database of NGOs. ""The Ministry of Home Affairs has the task of conducting government affairs in the country to assist the President in running the state government. The Ministry of Interior has the functions: 1. formulation, determination and implementation of policies in the field of politics and public governance, decentralization, development of the regional administration, coaching village government, formation of government affairs and regional development, development of local finance, as well as the population and civil registration, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation; 2. coordinating the implementation of tasks, coaching, and providing administrative support to all elements of the organization within the Ministry of the Interior; 3. management of property / wealth of the country is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior; 4. supervise the execution of duties in the Ministry of the Interior; 5. implementation of the technical guidance and supervision over the implementation of the affairs of the Interior Ministry in the area; 6. coordinating, coaching and general supervision, facilitation, and evaluation of the regional administration in accordance with the provisions of the legislation; 7. implementation of research and development in the field of governance in the country; 8. implementation of human resource development in the field of governance in the country; 9. implementation of the technical activities of the center to the regions; and 10. the implementation of a substantial support to all elements of the organization within the Ministry of Interior."" [1] [1] NGO registration can also be done through Ministry Home affairs/ Kementerian Dalam Negeri",,False,,None available,id,,None available,True,ID,data_not_available,,,,no_license,True,,,,deprecated,2016-12-28,Desk research,Ministry of Home Affairs , Kementerian Dalam Negeri,5,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,,, ID-KHH,Company registration is done through Ministry of Justice & Human Rights. ,,False,,,,,,True,ID,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,,2017-08-05,IATI,Ministry of Justice & Human Rights, Kementerian Hukum Dan Hak,5,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,company,, ID-KLN,"All NGOs foreign to Indonesia who wish to operate in the country must register through the Ministry of Foreign affairs/ Kementerian Luar Negeri. ""Registration Process: 1. INGO submit complete application documents to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs"" [1] [1]",,False,,No source of identifiers was found during research. ,"en, id",,,True,ID,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-10-25,,Ministry of Foreign affairs, Kementerian Luar Negeri,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,,, ID-PRO,"Registration for NGO in Indonesia can be done at the provincial level. Because there is regional autonomy, each provincial has different requirements. This list was in the original IATI list, but current research has not been able to identify any publicly accessible registries nor lists of unique identifiers. A search of the IATI database finds no instances of use of ID-PRO as part of an identifier. For these reasons the list has been deprecated.",,False,,None available,,,None available,True,ID,data_not_available,,,,closed_license,True,,,,deprecated,2016-12-19,Desk researching,Indonesia - NGOs registered at Provinicial Level,,0,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,charity,, ID-SMR,"The SMERU Research Institute is an independent body which conducts research on social issues in Indonesia. They also maintains a database of NGOs working in Indonesia. ""The SMERU Research Institute is an independent institution for research and public policy studies. We professionally and proactively provide accurate and timely information, as well as objective analyses, on various socioeconomic and poverty issues considered most urgent and relevant for the people of Indonesia."" [1] ""SMERU manages Indonesia's most comprehensive online database of national and regional non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Currently, there are almost 3,000 NGOs in the database, which provides information on the NGOs’ name, address, contact person, vision, mission, legal form, activities, and sector."" [2] [1] [2]",,False,,Organisation identifiers are not provided as part of this database,"en, id","Users can search an NGO by name, province or sector. Ornop - NGO / Provinsi - Province / Sektor kegiatan - Sector activity / Kata kunci lain - Other keywords",,True,ID,html,,"organisation_name, website, registered_address, e-mail_address, phone_number, objectives/purpose, organisation_type, activities/sector_code",,no_license,,,,,third-party,2016-11-29,Desk research,The SMERU Research Institute,,5,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,charity,, IE-CHY,"All charities operating in Ireland must register with the Charities Regulatory Authority. The Charities Regulator maintains a publicly searchable database of these organisations, in webpage and Excel form. ""Our work as a Regulator is to increase public trust and confidence in the management and administration of charitable organisations and to ensure the accountability of charitable organisations to donors, beneficiaries and the public. All charitable organisations carrying out activities in the state are required to be registered with the Charities Regulator. All registered charities are required to report on their activities and finances to the Regulator on an annual basis. "" [1] [1]",,False,"20015763, 20072278, 20066628","Users can find an identifier by using the simple, searchable database on this webpage - The identifier will appear to the right of the organisations name, in the box with the search results. Users can also click onto the organisation for more details, and the identifier will appear next to the heading 'Registered Charity Number' Users can also download an Excel spreadsheet of the registry from this webpage - Identifiers can be found under the column header 'Registered Charity Number'","en, ga",Searchable database and Excel dataset of registry," ,",True,IE,"excel, html",,"objectives/purpose, directors_trustees_governors, organisation_name, status, akas, registration_number, registered_address",,no_license,,,,,primary,2016-11-24,Desk research,Charities Regulatory Authority of Ireland,,81,,,,1,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,charity,, IE-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Ireland.",,True,IE,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Ireland Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, IE-CRO,"The Companies Registration Office of Ireland is responsible for the incorporation of business operating in Ireland and maintaining an online database of the information. Data is provided for free and also for a fee, depending on the amount/type requested. ""The CRO has a number of core functions: * The incorporation of companies and the registration of business names. * The receipt and registration of post incorporation documents. * The enforcement of the Companies Act 2014 in relation to the filing obligations of companies. * Making information available to the public."" [1] [1]",,False,"123260, 83424, 549061","Users can find identifiers by using this simple, searchable database - The identifiers are under the column heading 'Number'",,"Data is available, for free, through simple webpage search, and RESTful API (sign up required for latter). Specific company documents and bulk data consisting of information and/or document images of all companies also available for annual fee"," ,,",True,IE,"bulk_download, api, html",,"organisation_type, organisation_name, registration_number, registered_address, date_of_registration, status",,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-11-24,Desk research,Irish CompaniesRegistration Office,,77,2,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,, IL-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Israel.",,True,IL,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Israel Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, IL-RA,"In Israel, charitable organisations may take two forms: * Companies registered for public benefit (which are in the Register of Companies - IL-ROC) * Charities registered with the register of charities (Rasham Ha'amutot) which are contained within this list (IL-RA) Rasham Ha'amutot registration numbers begin with '58'. ",,True,"580197770, 580166452",Names may need to be translated into Hebrew before searching. Enter organisation names in to the 'Name of Amuta' search box. The results will provide the name and number of the organisation. ,he,A search service is available.,,True,IL,bulk,Bulk data is available from ,"registered_address, industry_classifications, date_of_registration, registration_number, activities_sector_code, financial_turnover_details",,open_license,False,,,,primary,2018-07-24,Desk research,Israel Charity Registry,Rasham Ha'amutot ,87,,2,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,charity,, IL-ROC,"The Register of Companies is maintained by the Israeli Corporations Authority and can be searched using part or all of a company name in English or Hebrew, or by entering the company number. The search interface and the results are in Hebrew. Free information on a company includes type of company, address, legal status and purpose of the company. Additional information such as details of directors, total authorized capital, division of share capital, shareholders, charges and liabilities is priced.",,True,510230055,Registration number will be under `מספר` header.,he,"Companies can be searched by their number or legal name. Information provided includes total debts, status of a lawbreaking society, company status, type of corporation, name (English and Hebrew), and company number. Their is no English interface, search is free of charge.",,True,IL,data_not_available,,, seems to be a 'Fair use' license,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2017-11-08,ProZorro Business Register Research,Registrar of Companies (Israel),רשות תאגידים,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,, IM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Isle of Man.",,True,IM,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Isle of Man Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, IM-CR,The Isle of Man Companies Registry provides registration for domestic and foreign companies registered or operating on the Isle of Man. ,,False,"005095V, 014872C, 087750C, 023628B",,,,,True,IM,data_not_available,"Data is accessible via OpenCorporates, but not from the registry itself as bulk data. ","registered_address, status","OGL All content is available under the Open Government Licence, except where otherwise stated",open_license,False,,,,primary,2017-08-05,IATI / Open Corporates,Isle of Man Companies Registry,,85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,company,, IM-GR,"All charities in the Isle of Man must be registered with the General Registry. The General Registry maintain information about charities in the Index of Registered Isle of Man Charities ""The General Registry has specific statutory roles in relation to the registration of charities and the receipt of statutory statements, accounts and other documents in relation to charities."" [1] ""The General Registry is the department which administers – the civil and criminal Courts of the Isle of Man the High Court of Justice of the Isle of Man Courts of General Gaol Delivery courts of summary jurisdiction the Registries Deeds and Probate Registry Land Registry Civil Registry, responsible for registration of births, deaths and marriages registration of charities Legal Aid the Public Record Office criminal injuries compensation registration of legal practitioners (other than advocates)"" [2] [1] [2]",,True,"1184, 962, 1169","Users can find identifiers by searching the PDF of the public Index of Registered Charities. Once opened, they should use Ctrl-F to search for a name or other detail. Identifiers will be under the column heading 'No'",en,Data is available in a searchable PDF file,,True,IM,pdf,,"registration_number, registered_address, e-mail_address, phone_number, website","Isle of Man Open Government Licence For Public Sector Information (Based on statement in footer of that ""OGL All content is available under theOpen Government Licence,except where otherwise stated"")",open_license,False,,,,primary,2017-03-05,Desk research,Isle of Man Index of Registered Charities , Isle of Man General Registry,86,,,,,,1,,,,,10,,75,,,,,charity,, IN-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for India.",,True,IN,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,India Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, IN-MCA,"Companies in India register with the Registrar of Companies in their state. While each Registrar of Companies maintains their own database, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs regulates the corporate sector and maintains a database of national company information. Companies are issued with a 21-digit alphanumeric Corporate Identification Number (CIN), and Limited Liability Partnerships with a Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number (LLPIN). Both of these can be used with the IN-MCA prefix. **More information** ""The Registrar of Companies (ROC) is an office under the Indian Ministry of Corporate Affairs that deals with administration of the Companies Act 1956 and Companies Act, 2013. There are currently 22 Registrars of Companies (ROC) operating from offices in all major states of India. Some states, such as Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu, have two ROCs each. Section 609 of the Companies Act, 1956 tasks the ROCs with the primary duty of registering companies and LLPs floated in the respective states and the union territories under their administration. The Registrar of Company takes care of company registration (also known as incorporation) in India, completes reporting and regulation of companies and their directors and shareholders, and also oversees government reporting of various matters including the annual filling of various documents."" [1] [1],_India ",,True,"L24111UR1986PLC015895, U01111UR1995PLC017979, AAE-8458","The online search at requires you to choose whether you are searching for an LLP or Company, and to select that you are searching on name. Searches also require completion of a CAPTCHA. The identification number is given in the results table under the heading 'CIN / LLPIN' To access bulk data, users can also go to website and apply the filter for the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Company data is then represented in a number of datasets. Users can click on the 'Company Master Data' box and will be presented with datasets for each Registrar of Companies. These datasets can either be accessed through the API or downloaded as a CSV. If downloaded as a CSV, the identifier will be under the column header 'CORPORATE_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER'","en, hi","An online search is available which requires the user to select which kind of entity they are looking for (Company, LLP), and to search on full or partial name. Bulk data is also available from",,True,IN,"api, csv",,"date_of_registration, status, registration_number",,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2023-08-24,Desk research,"Government of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs",,78,2,,1,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,"company, company/partnership",, IN-MHA,"The Foreign Contributions (Regulation) Act required NGOs in receipt of foreign funding in India to register with the government. They are assigned an FRCA Registration Number. Lists of registered organisations can be found online by state and year:",,,"104860017, 147040594","Some states appear to publish lists of local FRCA numbers, and a web search for an organisation name and 'FRCA' may identify it's number, which can be verified through the FRCA Online website. Organisations may also be able to provide their own identifiers. ",en,"A full search service for identifiers does not appear to be available. However, a service is available from the website to verify identifiers: This will return information on the address and validity of an FRCA certificate when an identifier is supplied.",,True,IN,data_not_available,,"registered_address, date_of_registration, expiry_date, status",,,False,,,",_2010",secondary,2025-02-04,IATI,Ministry of Home Affairs (India) Foreign Contributions (Regulation) Act Register,,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,charity,, IO-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for British Indian Ocean Territory (the).",,True,IO,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,British Indian Ocean Territory (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, IQ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Iraq.",,True,IQ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Iraq Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, IQ-NGO,"The NGO Directory registers both local and international NGOs operating in Iraq, and assigns a registration number to each. ",,False,1Z2364,Organisations are provided with a registration certificate which contains their registration number.,ar,,,True,IQ,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2018-08-06,Desk research,NGO Directorate (Republic of Iraq),,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,charity,, IR-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Iran (Islamic Republic of).",,True,IR,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Iran (Islamic Republic of) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, IS-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Iceland.",,True,IS,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Iceland Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, IS-KEN,"**Identification number - kennitala**. In Iceland, persons and enterprises are issued a unique identification number which is recorded in the national register and register of enterprises. Individuals are identified with the ID numbers in the national registry system. There are two types of personal ID number registered in the national registry i.e. system ID No. and personal ID No. Personal ID numbers are issued at birth to all children born in Iceland and Icelandic citizens born abroad. Personal ID numbers are also assigned to all individuals who register their domicile in Iceland. A system ID number is only issued to individuals who intend to stay less than 3-6 months in Iceland or do not intend to stay in the country at all. ",,True,"5711160300, 5512982489, 7105101130","Entities can be searched by name, address, Kennitala or VAT number. ",is,,,True,IS,api,Closed API is documented at,"directors_trustees_governors, shareholders, registered_address, contact_address, industry_classifications, date_of_registration, tax_id_number, post_code_zip_code, objectives_purpose, activities_sector_code, financial_turnover_details, expiry_date","It is not permitted to copy, change, distribute, rent, sell, publish or produce any content based on information from the search engine of the company register, annual accounts register and value added tax register. ",closed_license,False,,,,primary,2024-02-13,Original research,Icelandic Social Security Number,Íslensk kennitala,77,2,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,, IT-CF,"Companies (and some other entities) in Italy must register with the Business Register of the Chambers of Commerce. They are assigned a Codice Fiscale (CF) or Tax Code which also acts as their Partitia IVA (P.IVA) or VAT Number. Entities may also be assigned an Economic and Administrative Directory (REA) identifier.",,True,"80078410588, 91016940925","The identifier to use along with the IT-CF code is reported as the 'Codice Fiscale' ('CF') and often as the 'Partitia IVA' ('P.IVA'). Some organisations will publish this number on their websites. Check the Business Register or, for NGOs, the AICS register","it, en","An online search allows the existence of a company to be confirmed. To access identifiers requires registration, and the payment of a small fee to conduct a search that will return identifiers. The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo or 'AICS') maintain a list of civil society organisations ('Elenco CSO') registered with them. This includes those organsiations' names and CF/P.IVA as well as other information (address, website) which can be found here ",,True,IT,data_not_available,,,,closed_license,False,"IT-RI, IT-CR",,,primary,2017-09-15,Desk research,Italian Tax Code / VAT Number,Codice Fiscale (CF) / Partitia IVA (P.IVA),75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,"charity, company",, IT-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Italy.",,True,IT,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Italy Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, IT-CUUO,"The Codice Univoco Unità Organizzativa (CUUO) is a unique identifier for all organizational units of public bodies, authorities and public services in Italy. Codes are issued by Agenzia per l’Italia Digital (AGID) as part of the Indice dei domicili digitali della Pubblica Amministrazione (IPA). Accreditation to IPA is mandatory for all Administrations.",,True,"7GEM3B, PL20QL, NAELZU, E7F7SL, UFFTT8",,,,,True,IT,"api, bulk, csv, xml, json, excel","","registered_address, contact_address, e-mail_address, date_of_registration, registration_number, phone_number, tax_id_number, post_code_zip_code",,open_license,False,,,,primary,2021-07-28,Original research,Unique Organizational Unit Code,Codice Univoco Unità Organizzativa,93,2,2,1,1,1,,,1,,,10,,75,,,,,government_agency,, IT-RI,"Companies (and some other entities) in Italy must register with the Business Register of the Chambers of Commerce. They are assigned a Codice Fiscale (CF) or Tax Code. Entities may also be assigned an Economic and Administrative Directory (REA) identifier. ",,True,80078410588,The identifier to use along with the IT-RI code is reported as the 'Codice Fiscale' or 'CF'. Some organisations will publish this number on their websites. ,"it, en","An online search allows the existence of a company to be confirmed. To access identifiers requires registration, and the payment of a small fee to conduct a search that will return identifiers.",,True,IT,data_not_available,,,,closed_license,True,,,,primary,2017-11-08,Desk research,Business Register of the Italian Chambers of Commerce,Registro Imprese delle Camere di Commercio (Italia),75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,"charity, company",, JE-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Jersey.",,True,JE,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Jersey Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, JE-FSC,"Companies and Non Profit Organisations operating in Jersey register with the Financial Services Commission (JFSC). A search of company information is freely available on the Commission website. There was no search available for NPOs at the time of last checks. Users should be aware that the identifier numbers are not unique, as there are multiple types of companies and identifiers can be repeated. For example, there are two companies with the number '1381' - an LP (limited partnership) and an RC (Registered Private Company) It is recommended that those creating identifiers for JSFC use the business codes as part of the identifier. For example, the limited partnership company described above should have the identifier: JE-FSC-LP_1381 ""The Non-Profit Organizations (Jersey) Law 2008 (the “NPO Law”) was registered by the Royal Court on 25 July 2008 and came into effect on 8 August 2008. This legislation requires NPOs to register with the Commission in certain circumstances. The definition of an NPO, as provided by Article 1 of the NPO Law, is given below: “An organization is a non-profit organization for the purposes of this Law if – (a) it is established solely or primarily for charitable, religious, cultural, educational, social, or fraternal purposes with the intention of benefiting the public or a section of the public; and (b) it raises or disburses funds in pursuance of those purposes.” "" [1] [1]",,False,"RC_119821, RC_87846, RBN_94687","Users can find company identifiers by using the simple, searchable online database. Identifiers will be under the column heading 'Number'. Users can find more information by clicking on one of the search results. Users should be aware that the identifier numbers are not unique, as there are multiple types of companies and identifiers can be repeated. For example, there are two companies with the number '1381' - an LP (limited partnership) and an RC (Registered Private Company) It is recommended that those creating identifiers for JSFC use the business codes as part of the identifier. For example, the limited partnership company described above should have the identifier: JE-FSC-LP_1381 Open Corporates adopt a slightly different approach, using the URL of the company register entry to generate an identifier. See ",en,"Data is available for search for free, and records are available for download for a fee",,True,JE,,,"registered_address, registration_number, date_of_registration, status"," ,",closed_license,False,JE-CR,,,primary,2017-08-05,,Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC),,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,"company, charity",, JE-JCR,"The Jersey Charity Register register contains key information about each registered charity and, with some limited exceptions, is fully open to public inspection so that people can if they wish understand more about the purposes, finances and public benefit delivery of the charities registered in Jersey.",,True,"345, 69, 120","Using the website link go to the Public Register webpage. The identifier is the ""Jersey Charity Number"" column in the table. Further details are available by clicking through to the pages for each organization.",EN,,,True,JE,,"Although there is no means of accessing records as structured data, it is possible to browse the data fields across multiple web pages.","directors_trustees_governors, registered_address, website, date_of_registration, registration_number, objectives_purpose, status",,no_license,False,,,,primary,2020-05-19,Original Research,Jersey Charity Register,,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"charity, company/limited_company, unincorporated_body, trust, company",, JE-OAC,"The Jersey Overseas Aid Commission is responsible for distributing international development funds from Jersey. But they are not responsible for registration of NGOs. No database for organisation identifiers has been found. ""Jersey has been funding international aid and development since 1968, but the current ‘Jersey Overseas Aid Commission’ was established by law in 2005. It is an independent body within the responsibilities of the Chief Minister. It is governed by three States Commissioners and three non-States Commissioners, all of whom are appointed by the States of Jersey."" [1] ""The Non-Profit Organizations (Jersey) Law 2008 (the “NPO Law”) was registered by the Royal Court on 25 July 2008 and came into effect on 8 August 2008. This legislation requires NPOs to register with the Commission in certain circumstances. "" [2] [1] [2]",,False,,None available ,en,,None available ,True,JE,data_not_available,,,,no_license,True,,,,deprecated,2016-12-27,Desk research,Jersey Overseas Aid Commission,,5,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,charity,, JM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"1000, 2000",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,JM,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Jamaica Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, JO-CCD,"The Companies Control Department is an independent national financial and administrative institution affiliated to the Minister of Industry and Trade in Jordan under the provisions of the amended Companies Law No. (40) of 2002. The work of the department is governed by the 1997 Companies Law No. The Department is responsible for registration of various types of companies within the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, including non-profit companies. It maintains a number of online services for searching company information at available in Arabic only.",,True,"200105534, 200138796, 200063296, 200115256","Search terms and results are only available in Arabic. You may need to use a translation service to access information in English. The search will generally return two identifiers. It is the national number of origin/establishment or national identifier that should be used with the JO-CCD prefix. For some old companies, a national number may not be available. The other identifier will be accompanied by an organisation type (e.g. non-profit, limited company) and these numbers may only be unique for that type of organisation not across all organisations. These numbers should be be used with the JO-CCD prefix. ",ar,"The CCD offer e-Services which provide search via company name, board members, company number and national identifier numbers. ",,True,JO,"bulk, csv, xml, json, excel",The Government of Jordan Online Portal ( has a number of datasets that appear to provide registered organisation information.,"directors_trustees_governors, registered_address, contact_address, industry_classifications, date_of_registration, contact_address, status",The CCD website states Copyright - All Rights Reserved,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2018-01-10,Desk research,Companies Control Department (Jordan), دائرة مراقبة الشركات,81,,2,1,1,1,,,1,0,,,,75,,,,,"company, charity",, JO-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"0101, 0201",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,JO,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Jordan Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, JO-MSD,"""The register of associations was established in the Ministry of Social Development in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan by virtue of the Associations Law No. (51) of 2008 and its amendments which abolished the Law of Associations and Voluntary Organizations No. 33 of 1966 and its amendments. The register of associations is the regulator of the associations sector in the Kingdom and in line with the legislation in force.""[1] [1]: (translated from Arabic)",,True,"2013011100066, 2017011116227, 2017011116153","Use the ""national number of association"" (الرقم الوطني للجمعية in original Arabic) as found on the search results page. These are typically 13-digit numbers.",ar,The front page of has a search box where NGOs can be searched by name. The interface is available in Arabic only.,,True,JO,,,,,open_license,False,,,,primary,2018-01-15,Desk research Open Data Services (request from IATI publisher),"Register of Associations, Jordan",سجل الجمعيات,85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,charity,, JP-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Japan.",,True,JP,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Japan Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, JP-JCN,"On this website, the Corporate Number of each organization that has such number designated, and the name and the address of the head office or principal place of business of each organization that has registered its indications in English are made public. The registry is open and searchable by Japanese Corporate Number (JCN) (in Japanese only), but only limited information is available. More information on the corporate number (JCN) can be found here - (National Tax Agency website). ",,True,3000020278670,,"jp, en","Company can be searched by legal name and corporate number. Search results provide corporate number, name, address, change history information. English interface available, search is free of charge. ",,True,JP,,,,,open_license,False,,,,primary,2017-10-24,ProZorro Business Register Research,National Tax Agency Corporate Number Publication Site,法人登記),85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,company,, KE-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"101, 1011",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,KE,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Kenya Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, KE-KRA,"The Personal Identification Number (PIN) is a number which identifies a person or legal entity for purposes of transacting business with Kenya Revenue Authority, other Government agencies and service providers in Kenya. A PIN may be issued to both individuals and 'artificial persons' such as companies, clubs, trusts and partnerships. ",,False,"P00000000150Q, A0000001059V, P051365947M",Consult with an organisation to ask for their PIN. This will be available on a PIN Certificate. ,en,The Kenya Revenue Authority provide a PIN Checker service at which can be used to verify a PIN and lookup the address and tax registration details of an organisation. ,,True,KE,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2023-08-15,,Kenya Revenue Authority PIN,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"charity, company, government_agency, trust, unincorporated_body",, KE-NCB,"The NGO Coordination Board of Kenya registers NGOs and maintains a registry of organisation information. This information can be accessed by through request and after paying a fee. ""The Board has the responsibility of regulating and enabling the NGO sector in Kenya. Our Mandate: To maintain the register of National and International NGOs operating in Kenya, with the precise sectors, affiliations and locations of their activities."" [1] ""Under section 31 of the NGOs Regulations 1992, any member of the public is allowed to inspect the files and the documents therein of any registered organization during normal working hours. They can also obtain copies of documents in the files. To conduct a records search a letter should be written to the ED of the NGOB stating the name of the applicant as well as the organization whose details they wish to search and the information they seek. The applicant can decide whether to carry out the records search themselves or have the Board conduct it on their behalf. This will be upon a requisite payment of Kenya Shillings Three Thousand (KES 3000)"" [2] [1] [2]",,False,,"A unified registry list of NGO identifiers not found. But other organisations have referred to NGO identifiers. An OIPA search returns example ID KE-NCB-200201282375. Searching on the second part of that finds . Which has a slightly different format of ID: OP.218/051/2002/0128/2375. There are also some IDs in the dataset with the OP component such as KE-NCB-OP-218-051-9399-80 It is possible that the government issues them with slashes, but people are replacing that with different characters, and stripping some parts off in cases. We recommend following the pattern of stripping out the slashes, and removing the preceding OP component. ",en,"There are several links which suggest the user can access data, but they do not lead to a searchable registry e.g. 'Name Search', 'Register of NGOs' and 'Records Search' do not provide access to data",None available,True,KE,data_not_available,,,,closed_license,,,,,secondary,2016-12-27,Desk research,NGO's Coordination Board,,50,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,50,,,,charity,, KE-RCO,"The Registrar of Companies is under the remit of the Registrar General, which is a part of the Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice. This Registrar is responsible for the registration of companies within Kenya, and maintains a database, the records of which can be accessed on request for a fee.",,False,,None available,en,"A company name search can be conducted by either registering with the service, or asking the government to search the name at a cost of KES 100 per name",None available,True,KE,data_not_available,,,,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-11-25,Desk research,Registar of Companies,,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,, KE-RSO,"The Registrar of Societies is held under the Office of the Attorney General and Department of Justice. Interest groups in Kenya apply to the Registrar of Societies for both registration and exemption from registration of being a 'society'. But there is no indication that societies have legal/corporate foundation. There is also no publicly available database of the Registrar of Societies. For Kenya's NGO registry list, users should look to KE-NCB. Please note there is currently no publicly available dataset for this registry. ""In summary, State Law Office and Department of Justice is mandated to promote the rule of law and public participation; support Government’s investment in socio-economic development; promote transparency, accountability, ethics and integrity; spearhead policy, legal and institutional reforms; promote economic governance and empowerment; promotion, fulfillment and protection of human rights; undertake administrative management; capacity building; and enhance access to justice."" [1] [1]",,False,,None available,en,,None available,True,KE,data_not_available,,,,no_license,True,,,,deprecated,2016-12-27,Desk research,Registrar of Societies,,5,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,"unincorporated_body, charity",, KG-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Kyrgyzstan.",,True,KG,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Kyrgyzstan Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, KG-ID,"The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kyrgyz maintains the register of legal entities. It contains entries for many kinds of organizations, including: * Companies * Partnerships * Co-operatives * Trade unions * Local and state enterprises * Joint ventures * Small businesses * Political Parties * Credit unions This list references the company registration number scheme",,True,48206-3303-ООО,Registration number is the 'Рег. №' which should be used as the identifier,"ky, ru","Company can be searched by its name ('наименование'), registration number ('Рег. №'), tax number ('ИНН'), OKPO code ('Код ОКПО', assigned to each legal entity for statistics purposes), company status ('Статус'), registration date ('Дата') etc. Search is free-of-charge, no English interface.",,True,KG,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-08,ProZorro Business Register Research,Electronic database of legal entities and branches (Krygyzstan),"Юридикалык жактардын, филиалдардын электрондук базасы",75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,"company, charity, company/limited_company, company/mutual, company/partnership, government_agency",, KG-INN,The Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic maintains the register of legal entities. Only Russian and Kyrgyz interfaces are available.,,True,1207199510092,Tax number is under `ИНН` header.,"kg, ru","Company can be searched by its name (`наименование`), registration number (`Рег. №`), tax number (`ИНН`), OKPO code (assigned to each legal entity for statistics purposes), company status, registration date etc. Search is free-of-charge, no English interface.",,True,KG,,,,,,False,,,,secondary,2017-10-24,ProZorro Business Register Research,Kyrgyz Republic Register of Legal Entities,"Юридикалык жактарды, Кыргыз Республикасынын кароо",50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,company,, KG-OKPO,"The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kyrgyz maintains the register of legal entities. It contains entries for many kinds of organizations, including: * Companies * Partnerships * Co-operatives * Trade unions * Local and state enterprises * Joint ventures * Small businesses * Political Parties * Credit unions This list references the (National Classifier of Businesses and Organisations) OKPO codes scheme.",,True,"29693656, 22383800","To find an OKPO code you will need to know one of company name ('наименование'), registration number ('Рег. №'), tax number ('ИНН'). A search for one of these will return a link to the full company details, which includes the OKPO code","ky, ru","Company can be searched by its name ('наименование'), registration number ('Рег. №'), tax number ('ИНН'), OKPO code ('Код ОКПО', assigned to each legal entity for statistics purposes). Additional search criteria exist for company status ('Статус'), registration date ('Дата') etc. Search is free-of-charge, no English interface.",,True,KG,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2019-01-29, ProZorro Business Register Research,Electronic database of legal entities and branches (Krygyzstan) OKPO codes,"Юридикалык жактардын, филиалдардын электрондук базасы Код ОКПО",75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,"company, charity, company/limited_company, company/mutual, company/partnership, government_agency",, KG-TIN,"The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kyrgyz maintains the register of legal entities. It contains entries for many kinds of companies, including: * Companies * Partnerships * Co-operatives * Trade unions * Local and state enterprises * Joint ventures * Small businesses * Political Parties * Credit unions This list references the Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN) scheme. ",,True,"02507199510010, 20502198100469","To find a company's TIN you will need to know one of company name ('наименование'), registration number ('Рег. №'), OKPO code (Код ОКПО). A search for one of these will return a link to the full company details, which includes the TIN","ky, ru","Company can be searched by its name ('наименование'), registration number ('Рег. №'), tax number ('ИНН'), OKPO code ('Код ОКПО', assigned to each legal entity for statistics purposes). Additional search criteria exist for company status ('Статус'), registration date ('Дата') etc. Search is free-of-charge, no English interface.",,True,KG,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2019-01-29, ProZorro Business Register Research,Electronic database of legal entities and branches (Krygyzstan) TIN,"Юридикалык жактардын, филиалдардын электрондук базасы ИНН",75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,"company, charity, company/limited_company, company/mutual, company/partnership, government_agency",, KH-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Cambodia.",,True,KH,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Cambodia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, KH-INGO,"A foreign NGO must register with the MOFA by entering into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with MOFA. After the MOFA has entered into the MOU with a foreign NGO, the NGO must sign a Project Agreement with the MOFA before starting its work. A foreign NGO may be established for a three (3) year duration which must be renewed with the MOFA before the expiration of the term. An organization registered as a foreign NGO by the MOFA is considered properly licensed to carry out its activities in Cambodia and no further registration is required. However, in the event a foreign organization was to carry out business activities pursuant to Article 272 of the LOCE it may remain subject to registration as in accordance with that provision. After obtaining MOFA or MOI approval to be established, a foreign or local NGO must also register with the CDC if it wishes to import duty free materials to serve its program. The CDC will periodically require the NGO complete several forms.",,True,,,,,,True,KH,,,,,open_license,False,,,,secondary,06/10/2022,Research and official records,Ministry of Foreign Affairs,,60,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,50,,,humantiarian_relief,charity,, KH-NNGO,"The Ministry of Interior is responsible for registering national non-governmental organizations (NGOs), as well as monitoring the proper implementation of its laws and regulations [1]. There are two distinct types of NGOs in Cambodia, national and foreign [2]. Only national NGOs are registered with the Ministry of Interior [2]. [1] [2]",,False,502,Ask the organisation you wish to identify to provide their registration number.,en,,http://,True,KH,data_not_available,,,,open_license,False,,,,primary,2021-11-15,Original research,Ministry of Interior National NGO Registrar,,85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,charity,, KI-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 11",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,KI,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Kiribati Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, KM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Comoros (the).",,True,KM,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Comoros (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, KN-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,KN,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Saint Kitts and Nevis Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, KP-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of).",,True,KP,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, KR-BRN,"The Business Registration Number covers the following types of organization, as designated by the middle two digits of the number [1]: - 01-79 sole proprietor liable for value-added tax (VAT) - 90-99 sole proprietor exempted from value-added tax (VAT) - 89 non-corporate religious organization - 80 non-corportate organization excluding religious group - 81,86-88 head office of a for-profit organization - 82 head or branch office of a non-profit corporation - 83 country, local government or local government association - 84 head, branch or liaison office of a foreign corporation - 85 branch office of a for-profit corporation An individual or corporation starting a business should obtain a Business Registration Number from the head of the district tax office in their jurisdiction [2]. The Business Registration Number can be found on the Business Registration Certificate issued by the National Tax Service [3]. [1,2,3]",,True,402-82-24197,"The service cannot be used to look up the identifier for an organization, only to validate the authenticity of an identifier.","KR, EN","A Check Certificate Authenticity service is available on the website. Both the Issuance Number and the Business Registration Number are required to look up an organization's registration certificate. Either Internet Explorer or a user agent switcher which enables your browser to be identified as Internet Explorer are required to access the service.",,True,KR,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,secondary,2018-04-18,Original research -,National Tax Service Business Registration Number,국세청 사업자 등록 번호,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,"charity, company, government_agency",, KR-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Korea (the Republic of).",,True,KR,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Korea (the Republic of) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, KW-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Kuwait.",,True,KW,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Kuwait Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, KY-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Cayman Islands (the).",,True,KY,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Cayman Islands (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, KZ-BIN,"""Business Identification Number (BIN) is a unique number consisting of 12 digits created for legal person (branch and agency) and individual entrepreneur operating in form of joint entrepreneurship. [...] as from January 1, 2013 [...] BIN (Business Identification Number) will be implemented in the Republic of Kazakhstan instead of Taxpayer’s Registration Number (TRN).""[1] The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan maintains the business register. [1]",,True,"950440001673, 990940003030, 000640002067",Use the BIN (Business Identification Number).,"KK, RU, EN",Visit the ,,True,KZ,,,,,open_license,False,,,,primary,2017-11-08,ProZorro Business Register Research,Business Identification Number (BIN),Бизнес сәйкестендіру номері (БИН),85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,company,, KZ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Kazakhstan.",,True,KZ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Kazakhstan Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, LA-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"1, 2",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,LA,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Lao People's Democratic Republic (the) Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, LB-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Lebanon.",,True,LB,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Lebanon Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, LB-CR,"'Article 23 of the Lebanese Trade Law stipulates that 'every court of first instance shall have a record carefully recorded by the author under the supervision of the President or a judge appointed by the President specifically in each year'. The Clerk of the Court is limited to the recording of data submitted by stakeholders without examination or scrutiny and without verifying their validity. The Commercial Register is divided into two types: - a general register in which traders and companies register. - A special register in which commercial establishments and contracts are registered'[1] [1]: (translated)",,True,"77621, 77668, 1500001",Use the registration number (رقم التسجيل) given for each company.,ar,"There is a freely accessible serach interface at where companies can be searched by name or record number (in Arabic only). More information about each company is given in the search results, including address, type of activites, officers, date of registration and legal form.",,True,LB,,,,,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2018-01-12,Desk research,"Lebanese Ministry of Justice, Commercial Register", وزارة العدل اللبنانية، السجل التجاري,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,, LB-MOI,The Ministry of Interior is the main registration body in Lebanon. All NGOs are required to register with the Ministry of Interior.,,False,,"Ask organisations for their registration number, as issued by the Ministry of Interior. ",ar,No online list could be located.,,True,LB,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-08-05,IATI,Ministry of Interior (Lebanon),,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,charity,, LC-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Saint Lucia.",,True,LC,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Saint Lucia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, LI-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Liechtenstein.",,True,LI,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Liechtenstein Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, LK-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Sri Lanka.",,True,LK,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Sri Lanka Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, LK-DRC,"Companies ins Sri Lanka are registered through the Department of the Registrar of Companies. Under the Companies Act No 7. of 2007, DRC are responsible for: * Incorporation of Private Limited Liability Companies * Incorporation of Public Limited Liability Companies * Registration of Foreign Companies * Registration of Off-Shore Companies * Incorporation of Unlimited Companies * Incorporation of Public Quoted Companies * Incorporation of Guarantee Companies * Incorporation of Associations * Registration of Auditors and Company Secretaries Under the Societies Ordinance No 16. of 1891 they also have responsibility for registration of societies. ",,True,"GA139, PV82258, NPVS171, NPVS20325","Search by name, and the registration number is returned under the 'Registration No.' column. (Note: in testing, we found some spelling mistakes in names in the register. If you cannot find an organisation by it's full name, try searching for individual words)",en,A simple search of company names and registration numbers is available through the 'EROC' online services. ,!,True,LK,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2018-09-25,Desk research,Department of the Registrar of Companies (Sri Lanka),,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,, LK-NGO,The National Secretariat for Non-Governmental Organisations maintain a directory of registered NGOs. ,,True,"80505, 146512, 32912","Search by name, and use the identifier in the 'Reg No' column.",en,A simple online directory providing registration numbers for currently active NGOs is available. ,,True,LK,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2018-09-24,Desk research,Sri Lanka - National Secretariat for Non-Governmental Organisations,,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,charity,, LR-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"101, 104",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,LR,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Liberia Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, LR-MFDPNGO,"The Ministry of Finance and Development Planning keeps a registry of all registered and accredited NGOs and CSOs in Liberia [1]. [1.]",,False,0961,Ask the organisation you wish to identify to provide their registration number.,en,,http://,True,LR,data_not_available,,,,open_license,False,,,,primary,2022-01-13,Original research,Ministry of Finance and Development Planning NGO,,85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,charity,, LS-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"001, 002",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,LS,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Lesotho Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, LS-LCN,"The Lesotho Council of NGOs provides a range of support services and advocacy to civil society organisations in Lesotho. They do not appear to have the responsibility of either registering NGOs or maintaining a database of identifiers. ""The Lesotho Council of Non-Governmental Organisations (LCN) is an umbrella organizations for NGOs in Lesotho. It was established in May 1990 with an objective of providing supportive services to the NGO Community. The Council implements this through networking and leadership training and development, information dissemination, capacity building, coordination, advocacy and representation when dealing with the government and the international community."" [1] [1]",,False,,No identifiers returned on OIPA request,en,,,True,LS,data_not_available,,,,closed_license,True,,,,deprecated,2016-11-26,,Lesotho Council of Non Governmental Organisations,,0,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,charity,, LT-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Lithuania.",,True,LT,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Lithuania Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, LT-PVM,"The State Tax Inspectorate is Lithuania's institution responsible for tax administration. The tasks of the State Tax Inspectorate include: helping taxpayers and withholding agents to exercise their rights and obligations; implementing tax laws; ensuring the payment of taxes to the budget; ensuring the efficient work of the Bank of Lithuania by coordinating, controlling and methodically managing it. The State Tax Inspectorate issues Pridetines Vertes Mokestis (PVM) codes (VAT in English), the identifiers that can be referenced using this code.",,True,LT100006480716,"Searches can be conducted for individuals, companies or groups. Individuals can be searched for by their name and identification number, their VAT number or their Individual activity certificate number. Companies can be searched for by their name, their identification number or their VAT code. Searches are free, but a captcha must be completed.","lt, en",,,True,LT,Data not available,,,no_license,,False,,,,secondary,2020-12-14,desk research,Lithuanian State Tax Inspectorate (PVM),Lietuvos Valstybinė Mokesčių Inspekcija (PVM),50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,company,, LT-RC,"""The Register of Legal Entities registers businesses, institutions and NGOs and collects detailed data about Lithuanian legal entities as well as branches and representative offices of foreign companies and organizations. The Register contains complete information (and historical data) about legal form and status of legal entities, fields of its activity, size and structure of the authorized capital, members of sole and collective management bodies, licenses acquired, etc. It is obligatory for the most of business companies to submit annual financial statements to the Register of Legal Entities since 2004. Starting from March 2010 private limited liability companies are obliged to declare current list of shareholders to the Register. ""[1] Government agencies are also included in the register. [1]",,True,"111484678, 304140248, 302308327",Use the 'code' returned in search results.,,"There is a public search providing limited information (code, name, registered address, legal form, legal status) free of charge (100 searches/day). Searches can be performed by legal entity name (including historical names) or code. Companies, non-profit organisations and government agencies are included on the database. Detailed data on the registration of legal entities are provided only to registered users who have concluded service provision agreement. There is an English interface.",,True,LT,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-08,ProZorro Business Register Research,Information Platform of Legal Entities (Lithuania),Juridinių asmenų dalyvių informacinė sistema,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,"company, charity, government_agency",, LU-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Luxembourg.",,True,LU,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Luxembourg Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, LU-RCS,"The Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register (Registre de commerce et des sociétés – RCS) is a public register and can be freely accessed. It contains information about traders and companies which, by law, must be disclosed and published, alongside their RCS number. This information is published on the RESA publication platform ( The RCS is managed by the Luxembourg Business Registers (LBR) ( The information that is published serves to identify the trader or company, and includes particulars such as a company's articles of association, its rules of procedure, the liability of its directors and officers, and the company accounts. The information that the trader/company will be required to disclose for publication depends on the legal form of the business, its size and its sector of activity. All companies that are newly incorporated in Luxembourg must be registered with the RCS, and their articles of association must be filed with the latter in full or in extract form depending of the legal form of the business. Subsequent amendments to published information must also be published. The LBR ensures interoperability between the Luxembourg RCS and the business registers of other EU member states through the Business Registers Interconnection System.",,True,"B247312, G157",,"fr, de, en",,,True,LU,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2022-10-13,Desk Research,Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register,Registre de commerce et des sociétés – RCS,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,, LV-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Latvia.",,True,LV,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Latvia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, LV-RE,"The Register of Enterprises registers companies and maintains a database of organisation information. This information is searchable on the website and can be found in CSV form. ""Register of Enterprises is the central institution which keeps all data and records up to date. It is mandatory to submit incorporation documents with the registry at the moment of company establishment, as well as to file all amendments in the company board (directors) or shareholder registry. The unified register is also available electronically. The Register of Enterprises has the following functions: to register undertakings and their branches, representative offices and representatives of foreign undertakings and organisations, co-operative companies,"" [1] [1] Free of charge information includes type of legal entity; registered office; new or current name or trade name and previously registered or historical name or trade name; registration number; Single Euro Payment Area beneficiary identification code (if allocated); registration date; date of deletion of the legal entity from the register (or the date of reorganisation if the reason for the deletion is a reorganisation); deadline for registration of religious organisations that are subject to re-registration.",,True,"40008124830, 51203041201, 40003108882","# Users can find identifiers by using the search bar which is present near the top of every page on the website [1]. Users must have a name or key word, and select 'Company / Organisation' on the drop-down box to the right of the search bar. The identifier will be next to the heading 'Registration number' ('Reģistrācijas numurs') in the results shown. # Users can also download a CSV of the entire registry[2], where the identifier appears under the 'regcode' # Users can also use the search on the Lursoft website in English[3]. After opening one of the results, the identifier can be found under the heading 'VAT number' and should have the LV prefix removed before use as an org-id format identifier. [1] [2] [3]","en, lv","Data is available through simple, searchable function on government webpage, on an alternative website (Lursoft) and also CSV and Excel open data downloads",,True,LV,"bulk, csv, excel",The full company registry dataset can be found at in the register/register.csv and register/register.xlsx files and also at,"registered_address, date_of_registration, registration_number, activities_sector_code, expiry_date, status",Creative Commons Zero (CC0 1.0),open_license,False,,,,primary,2017-11-17,Desk research,Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia,Latvijas Republikas Uzņēmumu Reģistrs,89,,2,1,1,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,company,, LY-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Libya.",,True,LY,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Libya Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MA-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"02, 03",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,MA,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Morocco Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MC-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Monaco.",,True,MC,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Monaco Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MC-RCI,"""The Trade and Industry Registry is an official register of all commercial activities, companies other than non-trading companies, and economic interest groups. It ensures that all the legal formalities relating to setting up a business, and authorisation to run and advertise a business, have been met. Registration with the Trade and Industry Registry (click here for the factsheet : “How to register your company on the Trade and Industry Registry"") is obligatory and must be completed within the two months which follow the commencement of activity. ""[1] Registration follows the establishment of the entity and this being recognised by publication of its new status in the Journal de Monaco [2]. Sole traders (Personne Physique) are also registered and issued RCI numbers, as are some foreign commercial establishments [3]. [1]: , retrieved 12th Dec 2020 [2]:, retrieved 12th Dec 2020 [3]:, retrieved 12th Dec 2020",,True,"00S03773,01S03983,17P07673","When search results are returned, the RCI is found in the 'Numéro RCI' column. Numbers are formed by ""the year in two digits, the letters ""P"" or ""S"" and five digits corresponding to the registration number"". The year appears to be the year of formation. P signifies a sole trader (personne physique) and S a company (an SAM, SARL, SCS, SNC or a foreign company).","FR, EN",,,True,MC,,,"registered_address, registration_number, post_code_zip_code, activities_sector_code, status",,no_license,False,,,,primary,2020-12-12,Original research,Trade and Industry Registry Number,Numéro de Répertoire du Commerce et de l'Industrie,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,, MD-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Moldova (the Republic of).",,True,MD,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Moldova (the Republic of) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MD-IDNO,"""General information about the legal entities incorporated on the Republic of Moldova’s territory, except political parties, non-governmental organizations and press agencies. Data from the State Chamber of Registration is published once per month on the Government Portal of Open Data ( and can be searched in a convenient way via dedicated platform""[1] The unique state identification number (IDNO) assigned to the legal entity also constitutes its fiscal code. ""The platform has been developed to facilitate access to open government data and to help citizens gain added value by using them. The project is based on the reuse of public data about registered companies in the Republic of Moldova, presenting them in a user-friendly way so that everyone can easily analyze and process them. The platform allows users to search through data, track company history, and generate infotainment based on available data. At present, information is available about over 215,000 companies that have been registered in Moldova since 1991. The data on is updated monthly, automatically. The team has long envisioned to integrate other information that will be available to the public, including information on public procurement connected with companies that have won tenders over the years.""[1] More information about companies and their administrators / founders can be requested at the State Registration Chamber. [1] (Nov, 2017) [2] (Nov, 2017)",,True,"1003600158022, 1003600136646",The IDNO identifier is found under 'Cod Fiscal/IDNO/NUMREG' header on a company's record page.,ro,"Company can be searched by legal name and IDNO number. Search results provide company registration number, legal name, registration date. Basic information can be obtained free-of-charge. Complete information is available for LEI 100.",,True,MD,"bulk, excel","Search for ""Registrul de stat al unităţilor de drept privind întreprinderile înregistrate"" on the Moldova Open Data Portal (","website, registration_number, status",Please pay attention to,no_license,False,,,,primary,2017-11-08,ProZorro Business Register Research,Legal entity registration number (IDNO) Moldova,Numărul de înregistrare al persoanei juridice,83,,2,,1,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,, ME-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Montenegro.",,True,ME,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Montenegro Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MF-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Saint Martin (French part).",,True,MF,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Saint Martin (French part) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MG-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,MG,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Madagascar Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MG-NIF,Madagascar's General tax office (DGI) are responsible for issuing 'Numéro d'Identification Fiscale' (NIF) identification numbers.,,False,4001257310,,"fr, mg, en",,,True,MG,,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2024-02-16,Original research,Directorate General of Taxes,Direction Générale des Impôts (DGI),55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"charity, company",, MH-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Marshall Islands (the).",,True,MH,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Marshall Islands (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MK-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for North Macedonia.",,True,MK,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,North Macedonia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, ML-CCIM,"The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mali (CCIM) is responsible for the organization and professional representation of organisations and legal persons working in the various branches of commercial, industrial and service activities in Mali.",,False,,Ask organisations for their registration number as issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mali.,,,,True,ML,,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2017-08-05,IATI,The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mali,,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,, ML-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"110, 110",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,ML,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Mali Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, ML-MAT,"The list consists of associations and NGOs in the Republic of Mali, excluding: trading companies; mutuals; cultural associations; congregations; cooperatives; unions; political parties ; professional orders and foundations. Associations/NGOs in Mali ""form freely without authorization or declaration, but they will only enjoy the legal capacity if they"" make a declaration to the Ministre chargé de l'administration territoriale if they are political, humanitarian or foreign associations. Otherwise ""The preliminary declaration will be made to the representative of the State in the District of Bamako or in the Circle in whose jurisdiction the head office is located""[1]. ""Within three months, the association will be made public by the care of its founders by means of an insertion in the Official Journal""[1]. We have been unable to find an online version of the journal, which in this case is the list. [1]",,False,"0003 (dated 2013), 0603-G-DB (dated 2016)","An organisation's registration certificate is the means by which their id can be determined. An historic list is available (accessed 2019-05-13) through the menu item ""ASSOCIATIONS ET ONG"". This appears to have a different coding scheme to one shown in a certificate provided to org-id from 2016.",fr,,,True,ML,"data_not_available, pdf",,"registered_address, industry_classifications, date_of_registration, registration_number, post_code_zip_code, activities_sector_code",,no_license,False,,,,primary,2019-05-13,Desk research based on,Ministere de l'Administration Territoriale ,,81,,,,,,1,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"charity, unincorporated_body, trust",, ML-NIF,"The Tax Identification Number (Numero d’Identification Fiscale) is issued to registered companies, and to branches of foreign organisations operating in Mali. There is publicly available register of assigned Tax Identification Numbers. ",,False,085101101W,"When individuals, organisations or branches of organisations are issued with a Tax Identification Number they will be given a pink form that provides their 'No Fiscal'. In general, these do not appear to be published, but may be requested from an organisation. ",fr,,,True,ML,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,secondary,2017-06-05,Desk research,Tax Identification Number,Numero d’Identification Fiscale ,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,"charity, company, government_agency, unincorporated_body",, MM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"1, 2",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,MM,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Myanmar Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MM-MHA,"The MHA assigns a registration number to each NGO - this number is time limited, for example 4 years, after which the registration is reviewed. There is no URL for the Ministry, nor is there a publicly available database of NGO information.",,False,,No identifiers returned on OIPA request,,,,True,MM,data_not_available,,,,no_license,,,,,secondary,2016-11-26,Desk research,Ministry of Home Affairs - Central Committee for the Registration and Supervision of Organisations,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,charity,, MN-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Mongolia.",,True,MN,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Mongolia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MO-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Macao.",,True,MO,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Macao Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MP-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Northern Mariana Islands (the).",,True,MP,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Northern Mariana Islands (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MQ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Martinique.",,True,MQ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Martinique Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MR-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"12, 17",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,MR,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Mauritania Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MS-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Montserrat.",,True,MS,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Montserrat Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MT-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Malta.",,True,MT,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Malta Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MU-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Mauritius.",,True,MU,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Mauritius Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MU-CR,"The Corporate and Business Registration Department has the following main functions: - The incorporation, registration and striking-off of companies - The registration of documents that must be filed under the Companies Act 2001 - The provision of company information to the public - The enforcement of compliance with the legal requirements - Registration of Businesses - The Insolvency Service - Registration of Limited Partnerships and Foundations",,True,"C136127, I06004428, C078008","For companies, use the ""Company/Partnership No"" that appears in search results and company information pages. Users should be aware that a ""business registration number"" is also in use for some companies, which differs from the Company No/File No. For business other than companies/partnerships (e.g. societies), use the Business Registration Number.",en,Visit,,True,MU,,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2024-08-28,Desk research,"Companies and Businesses Registration Integrated System, Mauritius",,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,AF-BDS, MV-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Maldives.",,True,MV,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Maldives Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MW-CNM,"The Council for NGOs in Malawi provides a range of support services and advocacy initiatives to NGOs working in Malawi. They do not appear to have the responsibility of registering organisations or maintaining a database with information. ""Objectives: 1. To represent the collective interests of NGOs in Malawi. 2. To enhance and improve the operational environment within which NGOs function. 3. To promote and facilitate networking, coordination and collaboration within the NGO community, and between the NGOs and government, donor community and private sector. 4. To further the standing of NGOs as competent, professional and suitable agents of development. 5. To support member NGOs to build and strengthen their institutional capacity. 6. To support NGOs carry out their functions under the NGO Act 2000."" [1] [1]",,False,,"Results from OIPA request suggest the identifier has been used incorrectly e.g, BCM-CF-UKAID-IMP-131, MW-CNM-21-secondyearprojectreport, MW-CNM-21-WomenEmpowermentviaFarmersClubProject ",en,,,True,MW,data_not_available,,,,no_license,True,,,,deprecated,2016-11-26,,The Council for Non Governmental Organisations in Malawi,,5,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,charity,, MW-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"010, 020",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,MW,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Malawi Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MW-MRA,"The Malawi Revenue Authority is responsible for processing tax payments and investigating cases of tax evasion in Malawi. They do not appear to be responsible for the registration of companies or maintaining a database of organisations. Company registration in Malawi is done through the Department of Registrar General, under the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. ""The Ministry of Industry and Trade is responsible for providing application forms for Registration of Business Name. Applications may be submitted to the Department of Registrar General’s Head Office in Blantyre and its Regional Office in Lilongwe."" [1] [1]",,False,,OIPA search returned no results,en,,,True,MW,data_not_available,,,,no_license,True,,,,deprecated,2016-11-26,Desk research,Malawi Revenue Authority,,5,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,government_agency,, MW-NBM,"All NGOs operating in Malawi must register with the NGO Board of Malawi. All NPOs must also register with the Registrar General. There is a pdf file with a list of registered NGOs, but they do not have registration numbers. New database is planned. ""In line with Section 20 of the NGO Act, every organization that wishes to operate or is operating in Malawi as an NGO must register with the NGO Board of Malawi. The Board is a regulatory Body for NGOs in Malawi and failure to register with it means the NGO will be operating illegally."" [1] ""We are currently improving our directory which will not only show a list of registered NGOs when this process is completed, but will also provide an overview of each registered NGO, contacts, and will be searchable by sector and/or location (District)."" [2] ""The Registrar General is responsible for the registration and the administration non-profit entities under the Trustees Incorporation Act Cap. 5:03. "" [3] [1][2] [3]",,False,,"The PDF documents provide a list of organisation names but no detailed information. The list is numbered, and descends according to alphabetic order OIPA results shows one organisation using MW-NBM : Theatre for Change MW-NBM-00139 This number relates to the PDF list 'Paid up list of National (Local) NGOs as at 20 August, 2014' 139 Theatre for a Change This does not look to be a reliable, unique organisation number.",en,," , ,",True,MW,pdf,,organisation_name,,no_license,,,,,secondary,2016-11-26,Desk research,NGO Board of Malawi,,56,,,,,,1,,,,5,,,,50,,,,charity,, MW-RG,"The Department of Registrar General under the Department of Justice and Constitutional Affairs is where companies and NPOs register in Malawi. They do not have a database of company information available online. ""We are a government department under the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs responsible for the registration and administration of business entities, Non Profit Organizations and Industrial Property Rights"" [1] [1]",,False,,OIPA search returned no results,en,,,True,MW,data_not_available,,,,no_license,,,,,primary,2016-11-26,Desk research,"Registrar General, Department of Justice",,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"company, charity",, MX-CMX_CPA,"Catalog of dependencies and municipalities that are registered as entities that receive a budget according to the budget for expenditures for the current year. This list provides Mexico City's administrative classification, with the same meanings as [MX-CPA]( but at the level of Mexico City.",,True,"01C001, 01CD03, 01CD06","From the URL, click the ""Entes Públicos de la Ciudad de México"" button. This takes you to a download page. From the download page you can access a bulk download in CSV format which is highlighted appropriately. The CSV is formatted in the local language (es) and the identifier column is UNIDAD_RESPONSABLE",es,,,True,MX,"api, bulk, csv",The API documentation and bulk download links are available [here](,"registered_address, contact_address, industry_classifications",No license provided as of 2021-11-22,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2021-11-22T11:44:00Z,Original research using the website,Budget Classification of Public Entities (Mexico City),Entes Públicos de la Ciudad de México,65,2,2,1,,,,,,,,10,,,50,,,,"government_agency/local_government, government_agency",MX-DIF, MX-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Mexico.",,True,MX,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Mexico Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MX-CPA,"This list provides Mexico's administrative classification, which includes the following concepts: * Ramo: a concept that groups all the specific organizations from Mexico's Public Administration. * Unidad Responsable: the specific organizations from Mexico's Public Administration By combining the Ramo, and Unidad Responsable codes, a unique identifier can be created for government entities. For example: 4-121 for Dirección General de Protección Civil",,True,"4-121, 10-156, 16-713","From the Unidad Responsable tab of the spreadsheet, combine the Ramo and Clave de Unidad Responsable values with a dash. ",es,A spreadsheet of the latest values is provided. ,,True,MX,,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2011-11-06,,Budget Classification of Public Entities (Mexico),Catálogo Presupuestario de la Administración Pública Federal de México,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MX-RFC,"The Registro Federal de Contribuyentes de México assigns an RFC identifier to both individual and corporate taxpayers. Registration takes place through Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) and registrants are provided with their RFC. Whilst there is no public database of RFCs available, a web service to validate RFCs is available at The structure of an RFC encodes information about the initials and date of registration of a company ",,False,ABC680524P-76,Ask the organisation you wish to identify to provide it's RFC. ,es,,,True,MX,data_not_available,,date_of_registration,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-11-06,,Federal Taxpayers Registry,Registro Federal de Contribuyentes de México,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"company, unincorporated_body",, MY-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Malaysia.",,True,MY,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Malaysia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MY-SSM,"The Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) is a statutory body formed as a result of a merger between the Registrar of Companies (ROC) and the Registrar of Businesses (ROB) in Malaysia which regulates companies and businesses. SSM came into operation on 16 April 2002. ",,True,"993856H, 255990P","Use the registration number which appears in search results. Any special characters should be removed (e.g. '993856-H' becomes '993856H') ",ML,"You first need to register a free account on e- Info is an internet based service to provide search and purchase of company and business information online. Companies can be searched by legal name and registration number. Search results provide registration number and entity type. Company profile, particular of registered address, certificates of incorporation/registration, particular of directors/officers can be purchased for +15.00 MYR each).",,True,MY,,,,,open_license,False,,,,primary,2017-11-09,ProZorro Business Register Research,Companies Commission of Malaysia,Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM),85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,company,, MZ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01A000141, 01A000541",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,MZ,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Mozambique Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, MZ-CR,"The purpose of the Commercial Registry is to make known the status of merchant of natural and legal persons, being defined as mandatory for the formation of companies. ",,False,,,PT,,,True,MZ,data_not_available,,,,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,Desk research,Mozambique Commercial Registry,O registo Comercial de Moçambique,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,, MZ-MOJ,"'Domestic NGOs are required to register with the Ministry of Justice.'[1] [1] ",,False,,Ask organisations for their registration number as issued by the Ministry of Justice.,,,,True,MZ,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,Desk research,Mozambique Ministry of Justice,,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,charity,, MZ-NUIT,"NUIT is the Mozambique Taxpayer Single Identification Number. It is made up of 9 digits split into 3 parts: the first digit stands for the type of entity, the middle part is a sequential number, and the last digit provides a checksum. Both individuals and corporate entities are assigned an NUIT. ",,False,,Ask each organisation for a record of it's NUIT. ,"en, pt",,,True,MZ,,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2011-11-21,,Taxpayer Single Identification Number (Mozambique),Número Unico de Identificacao Tributaria,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,,, NA-BIPA,"Namibia's Business and Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA) is the focal point for the registration of business and industrial property, and is responsible for the administration and protection of business and intellectual property. It registers domestic enterprises, non-governmental organisations, and foreign companies, issuing Business Registration Numbers and - in the case of foreign enterprises - Foreign Registration Numbers. BIPA is established as a juristic person in terms of section 3 of the BIPA Act, 2016 (Act No.8 of 2016) and is a Public Enterprise as defined in the Public Enterprises Governance Act, 2019 (Act No.1 of 2019) of Republic of Namibia.",,True,CC-2017-11330,Forward slashes in the registration number should be replaced by hyphens.,,,,True,NA,,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2024-09-24,Information supplied by BIPA officer,"Business and Intellectual Property Authority, Republic of Namibia",,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"company, charity",, NA-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,NA,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Namibia Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, NA-NAMRA,"The Namibia Revenue Agency maintains the details of all businesses, non-profits and individuals who are required to submit income tax returns. All legal entities must be registered with the Revenue Agency upon incorporation. Information regarding an entity can be requested from the Revenue Agency by the registered representative of the entity, accountants or auditors. ",,False,"04822224, 04413362","An online search of organisations is not available. Request a registration certificate from an organisation based in Namibia, or through appropriate channels from the Namibia Revenue Agency",,,,True,NA,,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2025-02-04,desk research,Namibia Revenue Agency ,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"company, charity",, NC-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for New Caledonia.",,True,NC,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,New Caledonia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, NE-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"47, 0",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,NE,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Niger (the) Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, NE-DGI,"All people, companies, NGOs and organisations undertaking economic or professional activity in Niger must have a Tax Identification Number (Numéro d'Identification Fiscale, or NIF). Theoretically, any natural or legal person, carrying out a professional activity, whatever its nature, is bound by the following registration requirements: * To sign a declaration of existence to which is attached a registration form in the month of the beginning of the activity or the creation of the enterprise; * To request the assignment of a Tax Identification Number, commonly known as NIF [1]. [1]:",,False,5412,,fr,,,True,NE,,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2023-08-14,Original research,Tax Directorate,Direction Générale des Impôts,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"charity, company",, NF-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Norfolk Island.",,True,NF,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Norfolk Island Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, NG-BPP,"The Nigerian Bureau of Public Procurement are responsible for monitoring and oversight of public procurement in Nigeria. The Contractor and Service Provider Database System is a government vendor registration database system that assigns a unique contractor identification number, categories, and classification of firms who have applied for, or been involved in, government contracts. ",,True,"BPP_5125283435, BPP_1383871299, ","Search based on contractor name. The full identifier, including 'BPP_' should be used.",en,An online search of registered contractors is available.,,True,NG,,,"website, e-mail_address, industry_classifications, status",,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-06-28,Open Contracting,Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) Contractor Registration System (Nigeria),,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,company,, NG-CAC,"All companies operating in Nigeria must register with the Corporate Affairs Commission. NGOs also register with the Commission. This database is available through a searchable webpage. ""The Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) of Nigeria was established in 1990 vide Companies and Allied Matters Decree no 1 (CAMD) 1990 as amended, now on Act cap C20 Laws of federation of Nigeria. It is an autonomous body charged with the responsibility to regulate the formation and management of companies in Nigeria."" [1] ""In Nigeria NGOs may be registered as a company limited by guarantee or as incorporated trustees (by which trustees of the NGO, rather than the NGO itself, obtains the status of a body corporate)... The duly completed application is then submitted to the Corporate Affairs Commission."" [2] [1],_Nigeria [2]",,False,,"Public search is currently unavailable, the link does not work.",,,,True,NG,data_not_available,,,,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-14,Desk research,Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission,,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,"company, charity",, NG-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"0111, 0112",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,NG,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Nigeria Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, NG-TIN,"The Tax Identification Number (TIN) is a unique number given to Individuals, Limited Liability Companies, Incorporated Trustees, Enterprises, Cooperative Society, MDAs, Trade Association etc. for the purpose of tax payment [1]. The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) is the agency responsible for providing the Tax Identification Number (TIN)[2]. There is a publicly available site to verify the ownership and validity of the Tax Identification Numbers [3]. The search is done using the TIN number and the result returns plain text stating who the TIN belongs to. [1]: [2]: [3]:",,True,"23227964-0001, 01567727-0001",The search is done using the TIN number and the result returns plain text stating who the TIN belongs to.,en,"The TIN number needs to be requested from the company or organisation. After obtaining the TIN number, you can search using the number.",,True,NG,data_not_available,,,,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2021-04-16,Original research,Taxpayer Identification Number,,60,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,50,,,,"company, government_agency, trust, unincorporated_body",, NI-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"1, 2",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,NI,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Nicaragua Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, NL-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Netherlands (Kingdom of the).",,True,NL,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Netherlands (Kingdom of the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, NL-KVK,"All companies and entities (including most NGOs) in the Netherlands must enrol with the Commercial Register, which is hosted by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. Each entity receives a Chamber of Commerce (KVK) number upon registration. Basic company information is available for free and more detailed information, such as a Business Register extract or financial statements, can be downloaded for a fee. [1] According to the Chamber of Commerce, you have a business when you supply goods or services, you demand more than symbolic payment for these, and you take part in regular commercial transactions [2]. NGOs must register as a foundation [3]. [1] [2] [3]",,True,"41202535, 54416485, 66140285","Users can search the online database on the Chamber of Commerce website by company name, Chamber of Commerce (KVK) number or keyword. The identifier for this register is the KVK number ('Chamber of Commerce' number in English).","nl, en",Basic company data is available on the Chamber of Commerce (KVK) website for free. More detailed information is available for download for a fee.,,True,NL,data_not_available,Basic information available for free. Detailed company records can be downloaded for a fee,"website, registration_number, registered_address",,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2024-10-29,Desk research (including review as part of ProZorro Business Register Research),Chamber of Commerce (Netherlands),Kamer van Koophandel (KVK),75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,"company, charity, trust",, NL-OWMS," is the central access point to all information about government organisations of the Netherlands. The Web Metadata Standard ( OWMS ) is the metadata standard for information from the Dutch government on the Internet. It contains URIs for a wide range of government bodies, including national, local and regional government and water boards. It provides a linked open dataset which contains ontological information about the relationship between those organisations (e.g. listing parent agencies, or noting organisations that succeed previous organisations). A management plan is in place for updating of the information [1]. [1]: ",,False,"rfmcie, 's-Graveland_(gemeente)","Look for the list of values for the kind of organisation you wish to identify [1]. A full list of government entieis can be accessed at Each organisation is assigned a URL in the list. Use the last portion of this URL as the identifier. For example: """" is the identifier given for the 'Referendum Commission'. To construct an identifier from this, use 'NL-OWMS-rfmcie'. Note: some identifiers may contain ' and ( and other similar characters. [1]:",nl,Linked data available,,True,NL,api,,akas,No license information given,no_license,,,,,secondary,2016-12-14,Desk research, Web Metadata Standard , Web Metadata Standaard,57,2,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, NO-BRC,"Companies in Norway must be Registered with the Register of Business Enterprises. Non-profits are eligible for registry with the Register of Non-Profit Organizations. These registries are maintained by the Brønnøysundregistrene. Businesses can be incorporated by applying to the online 'coordinated register notification' - Altinn, which is also maintained by Brønnøysundregistrene. This database can be searched by the public for free from the organisation homepage, and can be downloaded in various data format. ""The Register of Business Enterprises registers all Norwegian and foreign businesses in Norway, ensuring legal protection and financial overview."" [1] ""Non-profit organizations that run voluntary activities not motivated by profit are eligible to register. Examples of such organizations are: - associations - non-commercial foundations that do not distribute funds, or that only - distribute funds to non-profit activities - commercial foundations that only distribute funds to non-profit activities - limited liability companies that only distribute funds to non-profit activities."" [2] ""Brønnøysund Register Centre (Norwegian Bokmål: Brønnøysundregistrene, Norwegian Nynorsk: Brønnøysundregistra) is a Norwegian government agency that is responsible for the management of numerous public registers for Norway, and governmental systems for digital exchange of information."" [3] [1][2] [3]",,False,"972417920, 894961902, 968253980","Users can find identifiers by searching on the homepage of the Brønnøysundregistren. Identifiers will be under the column heading 'Orgnr.'. If the user clicks on the result for more details, the identifier will be next to 'Organisasjonsnummer' , or 'Organisation number' in English. Users can also search the database before downloading extracts (or the entire dataset). The identifiers will be under the column heading 'Organisasjonsnummer' , or 'Organisation number' in English.",no,Data is available to search for free," ,",True,NO,"html, csv, json, xml, api","There is an option to translate the home page into English, but this feature does not move to other pages. ","registered_address, objectives/purpose, organisation_name, registration_number, directors_trustees_governors, activities/sector_code, date_of_registration",,open_license,,,,,primary,2016-11-30,Desk research,Brønnøysundregistrene,,90,2,,1,,1,,,1,,,10,,75,,,,,"company, government_agency, charity",, NO-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Norway.",,True,NO,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Norway Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, NP-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"101, 102",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,NP,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Nepal Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, NP-CRO,"All companies operating in Nepal must register with the Office of the Company Registrar Office. This database is available for search on the Office homepage. ""To register a company, the promoter must submit an application as prescribed by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Supplies. Online filing of the required documents has been introduced and made mandatory. After the online filing, entrepreneurs are required to visit the Office of Company Registrar and submit all the original documents for further verification."" [1] [1]",,True,"45995, 34774, 105299","Identifiers will be under the column heading 'Registration No.' in the search results. Company numbers are sometimes reported in the format: 45995-063-064 This is made up of two parts - a CRO number and a registration year. For example: Searching for 45995 in the Registrar database returns Young Innovations. This is their CRO number. 063-064 refers to the financial year that Young Innovations was registered. When included within the identifier, this should be reported with a dash-separator, and not slash.","en, ne","There is a searchable database on the Office website. A search by company registration number is available here: A search by company name may be partially available here:",,True,NP,,,,,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2025-02-04,Desk research,Nepal Company Registrar Office,,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,, NP-IRD,"The Inland Revenue Department is responsible for the administration of Value Added Tax, Income Tax, and Excise Duty. In the performance of these duties it maintains a register of Permanent Account Numbers (PANs) the unique taxpayer identification number for Nepal. This register covers individuals as well as legal entities. Org-id does not recommend using the PAN of an individual person as a unique identifier. The PAN is described as follows [1]: - A unique identification number, which is issued to all the taxpayers and Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) withholding agents throughout the kingdom. - It identifies each taxpayer or TDS withholding agent uniquely countrywide. - It is necessary to process taxpayers or TDS withholding agents using computer systems. - It is allotted only once in the lifetime of a taxpayer or TDS withholding agent. It never changes. [1]",,True,302274734,You need to know the identifier in advance. Lookups are from identifier to company only.,"en, ne","A Tax Identifier Lookup is available at It is necessary to know an organisation's PAN in order to perform the lookup. The lookup requires a captcha to be completed before showing the result. There is no sign up. Upon successfully completing the lookup the organisation's details are shown in a mix of English and Nepali.",,True,NP,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,secondary,2025-02-04,Desk research based on enquiry made to org-id contact address,Inland Revenue Department,आन्तरिक राजस्व विभागको ,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,"charity, company",, NP-SWC,"International NGOs wishing to operate in Nepal must register with the Social Welfare Council. Upon registration, these INGOs receive an Affiliation Certificate and an SWC Affiliation Number. This database can be searched on the website. Local NGOs do not need to be associated with the SWC, but may register with their local District Administration Office (DAO). The SWC list is thus not a complete list of all NGOs working in Nepal. ""1. As laid down in article 12, Section 1, of the Social Welfare Act 2049, the international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) seeking to work in the Kingdom of Nepal must apply to the Social Welfare Council and seek permission prior to starting work."" [1] [1] Document available for download at -",,False,"37625, 14902, 28632","Users can find identifiers on the simple, searchable database on the SWC website. Identifiers will be under the column heading 'Swc Aff No'","en, ne","Data available in simple, searchable databse",,True,NP,html,,"registered_address, organisation_name, phone_number, registration_number, activities/sector_code",,closed_license,,,,,secondary,2016-12-02,Desk research,Social Welfare Council Nepal,,50,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,50,,,,charity,, NR-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,NR,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Nauru Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, NU-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Niue.",,True,NU,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Niue Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, NZ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for New Zealand.",,True,NZ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,New Zealand Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, OM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Oman.",,True,OM,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Oman Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PA-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Panama.",,True,PA,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Panama Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PA-PRP,"The Public Registry of Panama is a dependency of the Ministry of Government and Justice and it's the sole property registry of Panama [1]. Corporations and Foundations are required to be registered in the Public Registry of Panama. [1].",,True,5789,Search for an organisation through the interface. Their registration number is returned as part of the results and it's called File number.,"es, en",Organisations and their identifiers can be located on the Panadata website which is not a state-run platform.,,True,PA,data_not_available,,,,open_license,False,,,,primary,2021-12-06,Original research,Public Registry of Panama,Registro Público de Panamá,85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,"charity, trust, unincorporated_body, company",, PE-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Peru.",,True,PE,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Peru Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PE-RUC,"The 'Registro Único del Contribuyente' (RUC) number is an 11-digit tax ID number for any natural or legal person (such as a company) in Peru, and is provided and maintained by The Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria (The SUNAT). The SUNAT, according to its creation Law No. 24829, is a specialized technical agency, attached to the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Its main purpose is to administer the taxes of the national government and the tax and non-tax concepts entrusted to it by Law or according to the inter-institutional agreements entered into, providing the resources required for fiscal solvency and macroeconomic stability; ensuring the correct application of the regulations governing the matter and combating tax and customs crimes in accordance with its powers.",,True,"20496123116, 20510446497, 20489461430","The search functionality is available via the RUC number directly or the legal name. To locate an identifier, enter a search term in the ""name"" (Por Nomb.) field, and the results clearly show the organization names alongside the RUC (tax identifier number).","es, en","Head to the list URL, where you can search for company information. Alternatively, it is navigable via the SUNAT website:",,True,PE,,,"registered_address, date_of_registration, tax_id_number, activities_sector_code, expiry_date, status",No license is listed on the SUNAT website,no_license,,,,,secondary,2021-06-08T09:00:00+1,Original research performed on 2021-06-08 via the SUNAT website and supporting sites to confirm the scope of the RUC,RUC Number (Peru),Registro Único del Contribuyente (Perú),55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"government_agency, company, charity",, PE-SUNARP,"The SUNARP is an autonomous decentralized body of the Justice Sector in Peru and the governing body of the National System of Public Registries. It maintains the register of Legal Entities (""Registro De Personas Juridicas"") which covers corporate and non-corporate bodies including: * Non Corporate * Associations * Foundations * Committees * Peasant and native communities * Cooperatives * Grassroots social organizations * Corporate * Public Limited Companies (open and closed) * Collective Societies * Limited Partnerships * Limited Liability Company * Civil Companies ",,True,"12623829, 00890227, 13964442","For a successful search, identifiers are displayed in the 'Partida' column. Organisations may also be able to find their identifier on their registration certificate prefixed by 'Nº Partida'. ",es,"A search service is available supporting search by name. The search appears to look for complete strings, so the name, or a fragment of the name, must be provided exactly as registered to get results. ",,True,PE,data_not_available,,registration_number,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2018-03-26,,Peruvian National Superintendency of Public Registries - Registered Legal Entities ,Superintendencia Nacional de los Registros Públicos - Personas Jurídicas Inscritas,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"charity, company",, PF-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for French Polynesia.",,True,PF,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,French Polynesia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PG-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"201, 202",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,PG,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Papua New Guinea Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PH-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,PH,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Philippines (the) Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PH-SEC,"The Securities and Exchange Commission in the Philippines provides licenses so that corporations, partnerships or associations can transact business in the Philippines. For domestic companies, this may come in the form of a 'Certificate of Incorporation'. For foreign firms or organisations, branches may obtain a 'License to transact business'. ",,True,"FS200813283, CS2010407120, AN094003039","It is possible to search by either company name or SEC number. Note that search results are returned in alphabetical order and are limited to just ten results. It might be necessary to change the text of the search to find the company being searched for. Where a company can't be found via the search, companies are issued with a Certificate or Incorporation, or a License to Transact Business. Sometimes these are published by those organisations, or otherwise the 'Company Reg No.' value contained on them can be requested from the organisation.",en,"A search of registered names exists, and provides access to identifiers.",,True,PH,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2024-01-19,IATI -,Securities and Exchange Commission (Philippines),,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,, PK-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Pakistan.",,True,PK,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Pakistan Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PK-NTN,"National Tax Number, commonly known as NTN is a unique ID issued by Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) – the apex tax regulatory authority in Pakistan, to verify the registration of business. Individuals and organisations that are liable to pay income tax must have a National Tax Number (NTN). Organisations registered with the Inland Revenue in Pakistan should be found on this list. The NTN is 7 digits and sometimes includes a dash and additional digit (the check number) at the end. Eg 4174941-3",,True,4174941-3,"From homepage use the drop down on the left to choose Active Taxpayer List (income tax) Parameter type: NTN Enter Registration number Verify Note - National Tax Number format is 4174941-3 The number after the dash is the check number - remove this when you search.",en,,,True,PK,"bulk, excel",Available to print from the website,"registration_number, status",,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2021-07-15,Official records - Govt website,Pakistan National Tax Number,English,58,,2,,1,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"company, charity, trust, unincorporated_body",, PK-PCP,"The Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy provides certification for NGOs working in Pakistan. Registration with the PCP is not obligatory for working in Pakistan and therefore not all NGOs will be recorded on the 'PCP Certified CSO List'. However, this list can be searched online. All NGOs are required to register with their local Voluntary Social Welfare department. ""This voluntary assessment aims to enhance a CSOs' credibility and resultantly its access to funding. Through the allied activities of this programme, PCP promotes certified CSOs in an annual directory and on its website and also builds capacities of civil society organisations for greater effectiveness."" [1] [1]",,False,,NGOs do not receive an identifier after being certified by the PCP. Unique identifiers are not available on the CSO list.,en,A bulk dataset is available at although it is not clear how far this is kept updated,,True,PK,"html, google_drive","Data is available through simple online search, and also as Google Drive link. For the latter, users may need a Google Drive account","organisation_name, organisation_type, directors_trustees_governors, date_of_registration, objectives/purpose, registered_address, e-mail_address, phone_number",,closed_license,True,,,,third-party,2016-12-01,Desk research,Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy,,0,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,charity,, PK-SEC,Companies and other forms of association in Pakistan can be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). ,,True,"0086650, 0081550, 0078867",Search at and look for the Incorporation Number (CUIN),en,A search of company names is provided on the Securities and Exchange Commission website. ,,True,PK,data_not_available,,date_of_registration,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2018-05-31,User request & desk research,Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan,,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"company, charity",, PK-VSWA,"All NGOs are required to register with their local Voluntary Social Welfare (VSWA) department. The VSWA assigns each organisation with an organisation identifier that is made up of a number and the year of registration. There is no searchable database. The VSWA number should be used as a unique identifier, but users should be aware that the entire sequence is needed (number and year), as it is possible that the number is unique to the year of registration, but is repeated for other years, i.e, 511-2007 is ASFP, but there may be another org with 511-1998. ""Any person intending to establish an agency, and any person intending that an agency already in existence should be continued as such, shall, in the prescribed form, and on payment of the prescribed fee, make an application to the Registration Authority"" [1] ""9.Registration, professional guidance and financial assistance to voluntary Social Welfare agencies for strengthening, improving and promoting their activities, coordination amongst NGOs / Donors and concerned government departments."" [2] [1] [2]",,False,,"The VSWA number should be used as a unique identifier, but users should be aware that the entire sequence is needed (number and year), as it is possible that the number is unique to the year of registration, but is repeated for other years, i.e, 511-2007 is ASFP, but there may be another org with 511-1998.",en,,,True,PK,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2016-12-16,Desk research,Pakistan Voluntary Social Welfare Agency,,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,charity,, PL-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Poland.",,True,PL,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Poland Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PL-KRS,"The National Court Register (KRS standing for Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy) number is required to be acquired by several types of organizations: companies (without Sole Proprietorships that register in CEiDG), non-profits (associations, foundations, charities), unions and public health institutions. An organization has to apply for a KRS number and pay a fee (around 25$). ",,True,"0000359730, 0000511485, 0000172011","1. Check both boxes: ""Przedsiębiorcy"" (companies) and ""Stowarzyszenia, inne organizacje społ. i zawodowe, fundacje, ZOZ"" (associations, foundations, charities, unions, public health institutions) 2. Input KRS number in the relevant field (or search by other means, such as a name or a city) 3. Enter captcha ""Kod z obrazka"" 4. Start search: ""Szukaj"" 5. Choose one of the results by clicking ""Wyświetl"" 6. You will get a page with basic details. To get whole info click ""Pobierz wydruk"" to get a PDF with all the information KRS number is mentioned as ""Numer KRS"". Commonly it is prefixed by zeros, but they are non-significant and in other sources (such as a company's website) may be dropped.",PL,"There is only search available, secured by captcha. No bulk download (expected to appear in 2018).",,True,PL,data_not_available,"This registry is planned to be opened (API + bulk download access) at the end of 2017, beginning of 2018.","directors_trustees_governors, shareholders, registered_address, website, e-mail_address, industry_classifications, date_of_registration, legal_representatives, registration_number, phone_number, country_of_origin, tax_id_number, business_id_history, post_code_zip_code, activities_sector_code","Non-profits and companies has been reusing this data for several years now, treating it as if openly licensed. ",no_license,False,,,,primary,2017-07-03,Research done by ePanstwo Foundation,The National Court Register (Poland),Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"charity, company",, PL-NIP,"The Tax Identification Number (NIP) is used for tax purposes and can be assigned to any organization: companies including sole proprietorships, non-profits, government agencies. NIP is assigned to organizations in process of their registration. Till 2011 NIP number was also assigned to natural people (tax payers).",,True,1231216692,"To validate a known identifier: 1. Type in organization's NIP in the NIP field 2. Start by clicking ""Szukaj"" 3. Click on the first column (REGON number) to get details and the NIP code. To search for the identifier or an organisation by their address, select 'Address' and use the drill-down menus to narrow down the search. You must select options down to the lowest geographic level. NIP number consists of 10 digits, the last one is a check digit. For convenience the digits may be separated by non-significant hyphens (xxx-xxx-xx-xx or xxx-xx-xx-xxx for legal persons). ",PL,"A search service is available which allows validation of known identifiers, or search for identifiers by the registered address of the organisation. ",,True,PL,api,"There is no dedicated NIP registry website online, but NIP registry is searchable via REGON registry on There is an API available also:","registered_address, industry_classifications, date_of_registration, registration_number, phone_number, tax_id_number, status",Non-profits and companies has been reusing this data for several years now as if it was under an open license. ,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-07-08,Research done by ePanstwo Foundation,Tax Identification Number (Poland),Numer Identyfikacji Podatkowej,57,2,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"charity, company, government_agency",, PL-REGON,"A unique number assigned to national economic entities, and to the local units of these entities in the national official register of national economy entities, REGON. The identifier provides no implicit or explicit information on the features of an entity. Every organization receives REGON number during the registration phase. Looking at REGON/NIP relations: most often all organizations having NIP (PL-NIP) will have REGON (PL-REGON) and vice-versa. One of a few exceptions are, for example, schools that will have REGON numbers (for statistical purposes), but they are not required to have NIP tax id number (because they are executing municipalities' budgets).",,True,142445947,"1. Type in organization's REGON in the REGON field 2. Start by clicking ""Szukaj"" 3. Click on the first column (REGON number) to get details REGON identification number of legal units (legal persons, organisational units with no legal personality and natural persons conducting economic activity) consists of 9 digits, of which the first eight digits constitute a serial number, and the ninth - a control digit. REGON identification number of a local unit consists of fourteen digits, of which the first nine digits constitute identification number of a legal unit, the next four digits are a serial number assigned to the local unit, and the fourteenth digit is a control digit.",PL,There is search is available on There is also an API available.,,True,PL,api,There is an API available at,"registered_address, date_of_registration, phone_number, post_code_zip_code, status",Non-profits and companies has been reusing this data for several years now as if it is openly lincesed,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-07-08,Research done by ePanstwo Foundation,REGON - Statistical number of an economy entity,REGON - Krajowy Rejestr Urzędowy Podmiotów Gospodarki Narodowej,57,2,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"charity, company, government_agency, unincorporated_body",,",term.html" PM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Saint Pierre and Miquelon.",,True,PM,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Saint Pierre and Miquelon Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PN-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Pitcairn.",,True,PN,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Pitcairn Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PR-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Puerto Rico.",,True,PR,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Puerto Rico Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PS-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Palestine, State of.",,True,PS,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,"Palestine, State of Chart of Accounts",,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PS-MOI,"The Palestine Ministry of Interior provide a registration list of NGOs, divided by province and responsible ministry. ",,,"HB-4157-C, JN-8179-C","Use the filters to locate the organisation you wish to identify. The identifier will be given in the 'Registration number' column. This will consist of letters, numbers, and dashes. The numbers may be displayed as eastern arabic numerals. When copied and pasted these should convert to western arabic numerals, and should always be entered into a database using western arabic numerals.",ar,A simple filter by province and Ministry of Jurisdiction exists on the Ministry of Interior website.,,True,PS,,,,© 2017 - Palestinian Interior Ministry,,False,,,,secondary,2017-06-25,IATI Submission,Ministry of Interior (Palestine),وزارة الـداخـلـيــة,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,charity,, PS-TIN,The Palestinian National Authority's Ministry of Finance issues a certificate with taxpayer registration data (بيانات تسجيل دافعي الضرائب). The number (الرقم) is the Tax Identification Number for the given organisation.,,False,684014271,,,,,True,PS,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2023-11-13,original research,"Tax Identifier Number, Palestine",,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"charity, company",, PT-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Portugal.",,True,PT,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Portugal Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PT-NIPPC,"The business register is governed by the Business Registry Code, adopted by Decree-Law No 403/86 of 3 December 1986, and is the responsibility of the business registry offices throughout the country; these offices are external services of the Institute of Registrars and Notaries (IRN), a public body supported by the Ministry of Justice. ",,True,,9 digits; the last digit is the check digit. The first digit depends on what the number refers to (5 are companies.),"pt, en","The search is made using the tax identification number of the entity, which is the entity's registration number in the business register as well as its tax number. Paper extracts must be applied for at registry offices but the relevant information may be accessed on the one-stop-shop website for entrepreneurs (Balcão do Empreendedor[1]) in the form of an electronic extract on the entity's legal situation, which is constantly updated and available in Portuguese and English. Extracts from the register and of related documents, whether in paper or electronic form, must be paid for. [1]:{0AB79FDE-92FE-4BEF-84CE-962D954F4D59}",,True,PT,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-10-24,ProZorro Business Register Research,Portal of Public Services,Portal do cidadão,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,, PW-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"1, 2",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,PW,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Palau Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PY-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Paraguay.",,True,PY,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Paraguay Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PY-PGN,"Provides identifiers for organizations and institutions from the Paraguayan State, including national public bodies, administrative departments, and municipalities. From the National Budget Law (Presupuesto General de la Nación (PGN)) of 2016 from Paraguay: “The objective of the classification by entities is to organize information related income, spending and budgetary credits from the different state organisms and entities at various institutional levels according to their functions, nature, characteristics and dependencies.”[1] The list is yearly updated given each the yearly national budget law. N.B. Please note, many government organisations also have an 'RUC' code (list [PY-RUC](/list/PY-RUC)), which is preferred to this list. [1]:",,True,"12,12.001,12.002,12.006","Combine the 'nivel' (level code) with the 'codigoEntidad' (entity code) using a dot ('.') to concatenate. e.g. for Vicepresidencia de la Republica use '12' (which identifies the level/nivel of Poder Ejecutivo) with the entity code/codigo entidad '002' for the Vice President together with the prefix PY-PGN as 'PY-PGN-12.002'. Leading zeros should remain in the codes (e.g. '01.001', '02.012') Nivel/level codes can also be used on their own without entity codes: e.g. PY-PGN-12 to identify the level of Poder Ejecutivo. N.B. The 'RUC' code in the dataset is a different code, from the list [PY-RUC](/list/PY-RUC) which is preferred use for entity identifiers.",es,The list of all entities from 2011 to 2016 is available in an open data format at,,True,PY,csv,A list of entities is available in open data format form from with a data dictionary,,,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2018-02-06,github proposal from juanpane,Classification of Entities in the National Budget for Paraguay,Clasificación por Entidades del Presupuesto General de la Nación del Paraguay,61,,,1,,,,,,,,10,,,50,,,,government_agency,, PY-RUC,"The Registro Único del Contribuyente (RUC) is the unique taxpayer registry that maintains the personal, non-transferable, identification number for all those physical persons (national or foreign) and legal entities (for-profit and non-profit) that carry out economic activities in the Paraguayan territory. The identification number is created primarily for tax purposes.",,True,"80013889-9, 80007525-0, 80005190-4",Search for organisations by name and use the 'RUC' number returned by the system.,es,The online interface allows free searches of the RUC database to be performed.,,True,PY,csv,"The registry can be downloaded from separate files (zipped text format) located at To then use the identifer as they are presented on, one must combine the numbers in the first and the third columns,e.g 80013889 and 9 to make '80013889-9' The licence is unknown.",registration_number,License unknown.,no_license,False,,,,primary,2018-02-02,Request via github,"Unique Taxpayer Registry, Paraguay",Registro Único de Contribuyente del Paraguay,81,,,1,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"company, charity, trust, government_agency",, QA-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Qatar.",,True,QA,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Qatar Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, RE-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Réunion.",,True,RE,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Réunion Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, RO-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Romania.",,True,RO,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Romania Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, RO-CUI,"The National Trade Register Office (NTRO) is a public institution with legal personality, subordinated to the Ministry of Justice, entirely financed from the state budget, whose activity is regulated by the Law no. 26/1990 on trade register, as republished and subsequently amended and supplemented. The National Trade Register Office carries out the following activities: * keeping the trade register; * providing documents and information; * archiving documents based on which the registrations in the trade register are made; * assisting legal and natural persons subject to registration in the trade register; * editing and publishing the Insolvency Proceedings Bulletin.",,True,,Use the 'unique registration number',"ro, en","Upon registration and payment of 8 lei, a company's details can be requested through the ONRC Portal InfoCert service[1] Information regarding a company including the following details: * order number in the trade register * company name * legal form * unique registration code * registered office * company’s status * main activity * share capital * administrators, partners/shareholders * data registered in the trade register attesting that a certain document or fact is/is not registered. [1] Other access choices are described at",,True,RO,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2017-11-08,ProZorro Business Register Research,National Trade Register (Romania),Național al Registrului Comerțului,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,, RS-APR,"The Serbian Business Registrations Agency (APR) provides a single place of registration for all companies and individuals - domestic and foreign - operating in Serbia. Each entity is given an identification number and a tax number in the Business Entities Register. The Матични број / identification number should be used for identifiers. A searchable database of the Business Entities Register is available online. ""The SBRA runs business registers as single, centralized, public electronic databases: The Business Register, in accordance with the Law on Business Entities Registration (operative as of 1/1/2005): *Register of Companies (in effect as of 1 January 2005) * Register of Entrepreneurs (in effect as of 1 January 2006) * Register of foreign parties (in effect as of 1 January 2006)"" [1] ""Serbian term or phrase: matični broj / identification number This is the identification number contained in the Company Register "" [2] [1] [2]",,False,"06115403, 20203641, 29500258","Users can find identifiers by using the simple, searchable database. The database is provided in Serbian. In the search results, identifiers will be under the column heading 'Матични број' (or 'Identification Number' in English). Companies of different types appear to have similar identification structure.",sr,"Data available through simple, searchable database. Search terms and results are in Serbian, so English speakers will need to use translation service",,True,RS,,,"registered_address, akas, date_of_registration, registration_number, tax_id_number, status",,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2017-11-08,Desk research,Serbian Business Registrations Agency , Агенција за српски пословни Пријаве,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,, RS-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Serbia.",,True,RS,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Serbia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, RS-PIB,"Ordinary taxpayer registration numbers start from the number 10000001 and end with the number 99999999. The PIB is determined so that the first eight digits are the regular registration number of the taxpayer, and the last digit is the control number. ",,True,100000709,"Registration number will be under `МБР` header, PIB - under `ПИБ` header.",sr,"There is a simple form to enter taxpayer's PIB number to acess information from PIB registry (in Serbian, free of charge). English interface of the website does not allow to search the registry.",,True,RS,,,,,,False,,,,secondary,2017-10-24,ProZorro Business Register Research,Tax identification number register,Poreski identifikacioni broj (PIB),50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,company,, RU-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Russian Federation (the).",,True,RU,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Russian Federation (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, RU-INN,"This register offers information reports on any legal entity registered on the territory of the Russian Federation in the on-line mode directly from the respective registers. There are following types of products available at this moment: * Extract from USRLE - price 1 credit (1 credit is equal to 10.8 Euro, discounts available, see Rates/Prices) * Annual Accounts - price 2 credits * Extended Report - price 2 credits * Extended Report + Finances - price 4 credits * Court records + Enforcement proceedings - price 4 credits",,True,7723861614,,"en, ru",Company information cannot be obtained without prior registration and/or payment (see prices at Example extract:,,True,RU,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-10-24,ProZorro Business Register Research,Uniform State Register of Legal Entities of Russian Federation,Единый государственный реестр юридических лиц,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,, RU-OGRN,"""The USRLE (Uniform State Register of Legal Entities) (also EGRUL) is a federal information resource. The USRLE recording is performed by the registering authorities according to the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Here you can get information about any legal entity registered in the territory of the Russian Federation in the form of an information extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In addition, access to foreign state registers of more than 200 countries of the world is open, including to most European countries. Information is provided from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the form of an electronic document.""",,True,1137746072375,Use the Primary State Registration Number (OGRN/ОГРН),"ru, en","To get started, you need to complete the registration procedure, specifying contact details and details (for legal entities). Registration is free. To gain access to the system, you must pay the required number of requests according to the tariffs (see prices at Information statements are provided in the form of an electronic document in Word or PDF format (at the user's option), available for download from the User's personal page. Example extract:",,True,RU,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-08,ProZorro Business Register Research,"Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), Russian Federation",Единый государственный реестр юридических лиц (EGRUL),75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,, RW-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,RW,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Rwanda Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, RW-RGB,"Rwanda Governance Board registers and grants legal personality to national non-governmental organisations and religious based organisations. [1] National non-governmental organisations are classified into three categories [2]: * Public interest organisations * Common interest organisations * Foundations Common interest organisations and foundations may operate for up to two years before registering with Rwanda Governance Board. [2] Organisations registering with Rwanda Governance Board are issued a temporary operational certificate of registration, valid for a period 12 months, and must apply for legal personality within 9 months from the issue of the temporary certificate [2]. Decisions to grant legal personality to national non-governmental organisations are published in the [Official Gazette of the Republic of Rwanda]( [2] Based on examples from the Official Gazette the final four digits of the identifier represent either the year of issue of the temporary certificate or the year legal personality was granted and the preceding 3 characters identify the type of organisation as follows [3]: * NGO for non-governmental organisatios * RBO for religious based organisations [1] [2] [3]",,False,"57-RGB-RBO-2016,92-RGB-NGO-2016",,,The Rwanda Governance Board website includes a placeholder page for the list of national non-governmental organisations.,,True,RW,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2018-04-23,Original research - see,Rwanda Governance Board,Urwego rw'Igihugu rw'Imiyoborere,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,charity,, RW-RRA,"The Rwanda Revenue Authority issues Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN) for all physical and moral persons (people and companies/legal entities) undertaking taxable activities: ""This is a unique number which is issued to a taxpayer by the tax Administration. It is obligatory for every taxpayer to have this unique number. Taxpayers have the obligation to indicate this number on all correspondences they do with RRA. This number has to be indicated on all documents which the taxpayer provides to the tax administration as proof."" A TIN is issued after the person or entity submits the required papers to the Revenue Authority. Note that from Feb 2015, no RRA TIN certificate is issued to newly registered companies. Instead, a TIN is issued at the point of company registration with the Rwanda Development Board ( and the registration certificate contains the TIN. See:",,False,RW-RRA-103197639,,,,,True,RW,,,,,open_license,False,,,,primary,,,Rwanda Revenue Authority,,85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,company,, SA-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Saudi Arabia.",,True,SA,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Saudi Arabia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SB-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"470, 474",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,SB,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Solomon Islands Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SC-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Seychelles.",,True,SC,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Seychelles Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SD-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Sudan (the).",,True,SD,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Sudan (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SE-BLV,This code was previously used for the Swedish Companies Registration Office's (Bolagsverket) organisation references. It has been deprecated in favour of and should no longer be used.,,False,"556698-6849, 769611-2163, 969698-3833",,sv,,,True,SE,,,"registration_number, status",,open_license,True,,,,primary,2025-01-31,Desk research,Bolagsverket , Swedish Companies Registration Office,85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,education,company,, SE-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Sweden.",,True,SE,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Sweden Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SE-KK,"This code was previously used for the Swedish Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency's organisation references. It has been deprecated in favour of and should no longer be used.",,False,,,se,,,True,SE,data_not_available,,,,no_license,True,,,,secondary,2025-01-31,IATI,"Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency (Sweden)",Kammarkollegiet,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"charity, unincorporated_body",, SE-ON,"""The organization number is a unique identifier assigned to legal entities, such as companies and associations. The authority that registers the company or association when it is to be started assigns the organizational number. Most companies and associations have their organization number from the Swedish Companies Registration Office [Bolagsverket]( But also, for example, the Swedish Tax Agency and Land Survey allocate organizational numbers. From the Swedish Companies Registration Office, the company or association has its organization number when we have decided to register. The organization number is on the registration certificate that we send out.""[1] ""The first digit of the organization number is called ""Group Number"" and specifies the company form or other legal form to which the legal entity is grouped. The following group numbers may occur. 1 - Death certificate 2 - State, county council, municipalities, parishes 3 - Foreign companies engaged in business activities or own real estate in Sweden 5 - Aktiebolag 6 - Single company 7 - Economic associations , tenant-owner associations 8 - Ideal associations and foundations 9 - Trading companies , limited companies and simple companies""[2] Non-commerical organsiation are searchable through other third-party applications, e.g. [1] [2]",,True,"556091-2148, 556012-5790",Look for an organisationsnummer (or registration number) which is a 10-digit number in the format 000000-0000,SE,"The business register can be accessed for free through the Bolagsverket search interface or Users can search for a organisation by name, or by their organisationsnummer and find basic information without registering. An alternative free-online name checker can be found at The Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) searches in the reverse manner: an organisationsnummer can be confirmed to be that of a particular organisation. Non-business organsations are included in the search interface and also use the SE-ON prefix code.",,True,SE,data_not_available,,,,,False,"SE-KK, SE-BLV",,,primary,2017-11-08,Desk research,"Business Registration Number (Organisationsnummer), Sweden","Organisationsnummer, Sverige",75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,"company, trust",, SG-ACRA,"The Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) is the national regulator of business entities, public accountants and corporate service providers in Singapore. Each corporate entity receives a Unique Entity Number (UEN), which should be used as the identifier. ""Registering or setting up a company in Singapore is accomplished through contacting Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)."" [1] ""From 1 January 2009, all entities that are registered in Singapore, such as businesses, local companies, limited liability partnerships (LLPs), societies, representative offices, healthcare institutions and trade unions, will have a Unique Entity Number (UEN) as its identification number. "" [2] [1] [2]",,False,"199100421C, 201528336R, 52813269E","Users can find identifiers by using the simple, searchable database hosted on a third-party website. Users will have to complete a Captcha box in order to see search results. The identifiers will be under the column heading 'UEN'. ",en,Users can be directed to the third-party website from the ACRA homepage. They will need to follow a link from the box 'SEARCH Directory of Registered Entities',,True,SG,html,"Basic information is searchable for fee, more detailed company information can be downloaded for a fee","registration_number, registered_address, status, organisation_name",,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-07,Desk research,Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA),,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,, SG-COC,The Commissioner of Charities (COC) in Singapore maintains a register of Charities and Institutions of a Public Character.,,True,"S83SS0014K, 200400944W, T01SS0187E, 199500566R",Identifiers are the 'UEN' or 'UEN No' listed against a charity's entry on the register,en,"The search function on the Commission of Charities website allows the user to browse by sector or to search by specific criteria. No login is required to make a search nor to view information about the organisation with the exception of financial information"" and ""annual report"". The latter require a 'SingPass' login.",,True,SG,"bulk, excel","You may obtain a list of registered charities by performing an Advanced Search at the Charity Portal. Select the criteria “Registered charities” and click “Search”, the results will be generated which you can download into an Excel file","directors_trustees_governors, registered_address, website, e-mail_address, industry_classifications, date_of_registration, legal_representatives, registration_number, phone_number, country_of_origin, activities_sector_code, status",,no_license,False,,,,primary,2019-06-17,desk research provided by KDuerden see,Commissioner of Charities,,83,,2,,1,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,charity,, SG-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Singapore.",,True,SG,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Singapore Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SH-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha.",,True,SH,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Chart of Accounts",,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SI-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Slovenia.",,True,SI,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Slovenia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SI-PRS,"The Slovenian Business Register (PRS) is a central database containing information about all business entities involved in a profit or non-profit activity having their principal place of business located on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia, as well as information on their subsidiaries and other divisions of business entities performing business activities in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia.",,True,5092108,,sl,,,True,SI,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-10-24,ProZorro Business Register Research,Slovenian Business Register,Poslovni register Slovenije,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,, SI-TIN,"A unique tax identifier code (Davčna številka) which every legal entity or an individual entrepreneur must obtain. These are entered on to the Slovenian Business Register (Poslovni register Slovenije)",,True,"90493826, 78310130, SI99190591, SI43301673","Use the Tax Number, including any non-numerical digits that appear as part of the code. Some tax identifiers are displayed on the website with spaces in the number. All the spaces should be removed when making use of the number within an identifier.","SL, EN",You will need to register (free) and log in to the business register to perform a search.,,True,SI,bulk,From a paid service,,,closed_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-11-08,ProZorro Business Register Research,Tax Identification Number (Slovenia),Davčna številka,52,,2,,,,,,,0,,,,,50,,,,company,, SJ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Svalbard and Jan Mayen.",,True,SJ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Svalbard and Jan Mayen Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SK-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Slovakia.",,True,SK,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Slovakia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SK-ICO,"The organization identification number (IČO) is an identifier assigned to all types of legal entities, entrepreneurs and public authorities by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. IČO numbers are registered in the Register and identifier of legal entities, entrepreneurs and public authorities (RPO). The RPO is the single source of basic data on all legal entities. It provides data from more than 70 source registers and records, including the Commercial Register and the registers of the Ministry of the Interior (trade register, register of political parties, associations, non-profit organizations). According to Act no. 272/2015 Coll. on the Register of Legal Entities, Entrepreneurs and Public Authorities the IČO number is assigned to assigned to: * every legal entity, every natural person - entrepreneur and every public authority * each branch plant, each enterprise of a foreign person and each organizational unit of the enterprise of a foreign person * each registered organizational unit",,True,"47686065,31398871,48112739",Click **Continue without signing in** and enter your search criteria. The ICO number is in the **ICO** column of the search results.,,,,True,SK,"api, bulk, json","JSON data is available via two access methods: * API: * Bulk download: Bulk downloads consist of monthly full exports and daily differential exports.","shareholders, registered_address, akas, date_of_registration, registration_number, business_id_history, status",Creative Commons Attribution License (cc-by) 4.0,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2021-10-15,Original research,"Organization Identification Number - Register and identifier of legal entities, entrepreneurs and public authorities","Identifikačných čísiel organizácií - Register a identifikátor právnických osôb, podnikateľov a orgánov verejnej moci",65,2,2,,,1,,,,,,10,,,50,,,,"charity, company, government_agency",, SK-ORSR,"""The companies register is administered by the Ministry of Justice. Entry to the register is obligatory for companies, cooperatives and for some specific physical entities stated by law. Information in the register is searchable by trade name, identification number, registered office, registration number and name of a person."" [1] ""The Obchodný register (commercial register) is a public list containing statutory data concerning entrepreneurs, companies and other legal entities, where this is laid down by separate legislation. The list is administered by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic."" [2] [1] [2]",,False,"35919043, 47364319, 36781673","Users can find identifiers using the simple, searchable online database. Users will have to click on the link for 'Aktuálny' or 'Úplný' under the column heading Výpis - or in English, for 'Actual' or 'Full' under the column heading 'Extract' - of one of the companies in the search results in order to see company details. Identifiers will be next to the heading 'IČO' or 'Identification' in English","en, sk",,,True,SK,html,,"registered_address, date_of_registration, registration_number, directors_trustees_governors, accounts, organisation_type, objectives/purpose",,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-07,Desk research,Ministry of Justice Business Register,,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,, SK-ZRSR,"The Ministry of Interior Trade Register does have a database of companies, but users should refer to the Ministry of Justice Business Register in SK-ORSR for the unique identifier list for Slovakia. The Ministry of Justice has been shown to be the organisation responsible for company registration, and thus SK-ZRSR has been deprecated in favour of SK-ORSR.",,False,"35919043, 47364319, 36781673","Users can find identifiers using the simple, searchable online database. Users will have to click on the link for 'Aktuálny' or 'Úplný' under the column heading Výpis - or in English, for 'Actual' or 'Full' under the column heading 'Extract' - of one of the companies in the search results in order to see company details. Identifiers will be next to the heading 'IČO' or 'Identification' in English","en, sk",Database can be searched using the simple search. ,,True,SK,html,,"registered_address, registration_number, date_of_registration, directors_trustees_governors, organisation_type, accounts, objectives/purpose",,closed_license,True,,,,deprecated,2016-12-07,Desk research,Slovakia Ministry Of Interior Trade Register,,0,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,company,, SL-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"101, 105",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,SL,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Sierra Leone Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SL-NRA,"The Taxpayer Identification Number, or TIN, is a unique computer-generated number allocated to each taxpayer, whether they are an individual, a commercial business, a Government department, public corporation, or a special body. As its name implies, the TIN identifies taxpayers for the purpose of all their tax and other revenue liabilities, including: Goods and Services Tax (GST) Income Tax on personal income Corporation Tax Capital Gains Tax Non-tax revenues Customs Duties Excise Duties Property Tax The TIN is also required for identification in all other transactions and dealings with the NRA.",,False,,"Organisations receive a certificate recording their TIN. In the absence of an online, searchable list this should be the means of identification.",en,,,True,SL,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2019-06-10,desk research,National Revenue Agency,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"charity, company, government_agency",, SL-OARG,"The Office of Administrator and Registrar General in Sierra Leone is responsible for the ""administration of and registration of entities such as business registration, land transactions, industrial property, marriages and administration of the estates of deceased persons as mandated by law"". The types of business that can be registered through the OARG include sole proprietors, partnerships and companies. The registration process is available online on the office's website. I was not able to find a searchable list of company registrations. The registration process includes a search to check whether the applicant's desired company name already exists.",,False,CF-218-2018 ,,en,,,True,SL,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2019-03-15,Original research,Office of Administrator and Registrar General,,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,"company, company/sole_trader, company/partnership, charity",, SM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for San Marino.",,True,SM,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,San Marino Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SN-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"10, 21",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,SN,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Senegal Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SN-NINEA,"Any organization (company, association, NGO) operating in Senegal must be included in a directory of legal entities ([Source]( Registration takes place through several agencies, and a Numéro d’Identification National des Entreprises et des Associations (NINEA) (National Identification Number for Companies and Associations) is provided to incorporated bodies. A directory or lookup of companies and numbers is not available online, however most legal entities will have an NINEA which can be used as an identifier.",,True,"006478110, 006470108, 006480256",A NINÉA number can be used in conjunction with the list code prefix to produce a unique identifier.,"EN, FR",A (possible partial) and freely accessible online list is available from the Senegalese Bureau d'appui à la Création d'Entreprise (BCE),,True,SN,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2017-11-05T17:30:00Z,Research by Open Data Services.,"National Identification Number of Companies and Associations (NINEA), Senegal",Numéro d'Identification Nationale des Entreprises et des Associations - NINEA (Senegal),80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"charity, company, trust",, SO-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"101, 102",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,SO,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Somalia Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SO-MPND,"This Ministry covers the registration and operation of non-governmental, independent and not-for-profit organizations within Somaliland (Local, National and International NGOs). Registrations have to be regularly renewed. International NGOs can register or renew their certificates at and local NGOs at Local NGOs will be assigned with an identifier after registering. International NGOs should provide a copy of their home-country registration details. The list does not include any regulation for the activities of UN organizations, Professional Associations, Private Companies, Industrial and Employee Associations, or those not relating to humanitarian activities. The General Register for Non-Governmental Organizations records and maintains all information and data relating to NGOs. It has separate registration sections for National, International, Foreign, and Umbrellas NGOs. An NGO is entered into the General Register using the official name of the NGO and the date of registration, serial number and registration number of the certificate.",,False,L43135002018MJ,,,,,True,SO,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2023-08-14,Original research -,Ministry of Planning and National Development - General Register for Non-Governmental Organizations (Somaliland),,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"charity, trust",, SR-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Suriname.",,True,SR,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Suriname Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SS-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for South Sudan.",,True,SS,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,South Sudan Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SS-RRC,The South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (SSRRC) is an agency of the Government of South Sudan. It is the operational arm of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management. The NGO Act 2016 added additional powers to the agency to register any NGO interested in operating in South Sudan. ,,False,,Ask organisations registered with the South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission for their registration number. ,,,,True,SS,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-08-05,IATI,South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,charity,, ST-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Sao Tome and Principe.",,True,ST,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Sao Tome and Principe Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SV-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for El Salvador.",,True,SV,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,El Salvador Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SV-NIT,"The NIT is required for all organisations, including businesses and NGOs. First step is online pre-registration at then in person with the Dirección General de Impuestos Internos (DGII) del Ministerio de Hacienda. Structure (all numerical): xxxx-xxxxxx-xxx-x digit (like 0614-241287-102-5). The first section (4 digits) is a municipality code, the second section of 6 digits is the date the organisation was established (or date of birth in case of a natural person). The third 3-digit section is a running number. The last digit is a verification digit.",,False,0614-030915-112-5,Ask the organisation for their NIT. ,,,,True,SV,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2020-08-21,"Government website, original research",Tax Identification Number (El Salvador),Numero de Identificacion Tributaria (El Salvador),55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"charity, company",, SX-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Sint Maarten (Dutch part).",,True,SX,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Sint Maarten (Dutch part) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SY-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Syrian Arab Republic (the).",,True,SY,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Syrian Arab Republic (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, SZ-CIT,"Companies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are registered with the Government of Eswatini (Swaziland)'s Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade. They receive a registration ID, which does not change over time. A full list of services that the Ministry provides can be found at, and specific information on company registration here: ",,True,201710132021804,"Companies can be searched using this online database, though this only confirms the registration status and date of the company. Asking the organisation for their registration certificate will be needed to confirm their unique company ID.",,,,True,SZ,,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2024-03-13,Original research and information from a local company,"Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Trade, Eswatini",,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"company, charity",, SZ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,SZ,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Eswatini Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TC-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Turks and Caicos Islands (the).",,True,TC,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Turks and Caicos Islands (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TD-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"1, 3",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,TD,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Chad Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TF-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for French Southern Territories (the).",,True,TF,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,French Southern Territories (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TG-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"210, 110",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,TG,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Togo Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TH-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Thailand.",,True,TH,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Thailand Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TH-MOI,"The Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Thailand (Abrv: MOI; Thai: กระทรวงมหาดไทย, RTGS: Krasuang Mahatthai) is a cabinet-level department in the Government of Thailand. The ministry has wide ranging responsibilities. It is responsible for local administration, internal security, citizenship, disaster management, road safety, land management, issuance of national identity cards, and public works. The ministry is responsible for appointing the 76 governors of the Provinces of Thailand. Types of organisation registered by the Ministry include private enterprise, foundations, non-governmental organisations and associations.",,False,"Khor Thor 2882 (""Khor Thor"" is Thai alphabet. The registration number usually starts with Thai alphabet. ",Registration numbers cannot currently be found on the website.,th,,,True,TH,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2022-03-25,Original Research,Ministry of Interior of the Kingdom of Thailand,กระทรวงมหาดไทย (Krasuang Mahatthai),80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,"company, charity",, TH-TIN,"This is the standard tax number issued to legal entities, domestic and foreign, that pay taxes or that pay income to employees. NGOs require one, too. Individuals can be issued with a TIN if they are a foreigner or if they want to register for Value Added Tax or Specific Business Tax. The procedure is here: The government site still mentions a 10-digit number but the law changed in 2012 and the TIN is now 13 digits long (see: The TIN should not be confused with the PIN, for individuals.",,False,0994000368968 (Plan International Regional Office for Asia) ,,TH,,,True,TH,api,There is a SOAP API for checking whether TINs are valid. Details provided here:,,,closed_license,False,,,,secondary,2020-10-14,"Government website, original research, local NGO",Thai Revenue Department - Tax Identification Number,หมายเลขประจำตัวผู้เสียภาษี,52,2,,,,,,,,0,,,,,50,,,,"charity, company, trust",, TJ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Tajikistan.",,True,TJ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Tajikistan Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TK-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Tokelau.",,True,TK,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Tokelau Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TL-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"1, 2",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,TL,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Timor-Leste Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Turkmenistan.",,True,TM,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Turkmenistan Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TN-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Tunisia.",,True,TN,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Tunisia Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TN-RNE,"The National Register of Companies - RNE- is a public database to collect data and information relating to companies and their availability to the public as well as to State institutions. This is where companies (legal and natural persons) are registered as well as their amending entries. ",,False,"1540791/F, 1616343A, C18022000","Click on ""Recherche sociétés"" to start. There are multiple search tabs to search for organisations, by their name, by the name of a specific person or with the company registration number.",FR,"Individual records can be found via the search form. For bulk downloads, there's a fee to pay.",,True,TN,bulk,"There is an option on the page called ""Extrait du Registre"" which allows you to do a bulk download, but there's a fee to pay.","registered_address, industry_classifications, registration_number",,no_license,False,,,,primary,2021-12-06,Official records,"The National Register of Companies, Tunisia",Registrie National Des Enterprises,82,,2,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,, TO-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Tonga.",,True,TO,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Tonga Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TR-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Türkiye.",,True,TR,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Türkiye Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TR-MERSIS,"Central Trade Registry System (MERSIS) is a centralized information system allowing for the implementation of the commercial registry processes and storing them and commercial registry data electronically. MERSIS can be accessed by registered users or using the e-signature from the website of the Ministry of Customs and Trade. It contains titles of companies, addresses, contact information, capital information, companies' partners, joint capital information, field of business, executive bodies of companies. Some information can also be found at",,True,XXX-XXX-XXX-XX,,tr,,,True,TR,,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-10-24,ProZorro Business Register Research,MERSIS - Central Trade Registry System,Merkezi Sicil Kayıt Sistemi,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,, TR-MOI,"All non-profit associations operating in Turkey should register with the Department of Associations. During registration, they will be given a registration number. ",,False,27-018-163,Identifiers are provided to organisations when they first register. Ask the organisation to check their registration certificate. ,"tr, en",An online information system is available at but it appears to require log-in only accessible to registered NGOs. ,,True,TR,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2017-07-18,IATI,"Department of Associations (Ministry of Interior, Turkey)",Dernekler Dairesi Başkanlığı,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,charity,, TT-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Trinidad and Tobago.",,True,TT,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Trinidad and Tobago Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TV-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Tuvalu.",,True,TV,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Tuvalu Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TW-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Taiwan (Province of China).",,True,TW,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Taiwan (Province of China) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TZ-BRLA,"The Business Registrations and Licensing Agency (BRELA)[ (] registers companies in Tanzania. Based on the data available on Open Corporates, it appears that BRELA assigns each organisation with a unique identifier . ""The Business Registrations and Licensing Agency (BRELA) is an Executive Agency under the Ministry of Industry and Trade responsible for business administration and regulation of the laws; namely Companies Registration, Business Names Registration, Trade and Service Marks Registration, granting of Patents and issuing of Industrial License."" [1] The Business Registrations and Licencing Agency (BRELA) has started to list registered companies in Tanzania through the Online Registration System (ORS) which can be searched for business and company names by the general public. Please note, however, that not all businesses may yet be present on the ORS as updated data or annual returns are required in order to populate the database.[2] [1] [2]",,False,"135919098, 435285, 402006","The Online Registration System (ORS)[] can be searched for free and without registration by business name or company number. Please note that organisations seem to be separated into 'business' and 'company', though the reasons for this distinction is not clear. After searching for an organsiation, the number in 'object header' should be used as part of the identifier. Users can also find identifiers by searching the OpenCorporates list of companies in Tanzania. The identifier will be next to the header 'Company Number' ","en, sw",,,True,TZ,,"Data has not been updates since August 2015, and is held on a third-party website - OpenCorporates","registration_number, status, date_of_registration",,closed_license,False,,,,primary,2018-03-19,Desk research,Tanzania Business Registrations and Licensing Agency,,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,, TZ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,TZ,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,"Tanzania, the United Republic of Chart of Accounts",,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, TZ-NNCB,"The National NGO Coordination Board is part of the Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children and is responsible for registration of [1]: * National NGOs, which are established via registration with the Board * International NGOS, which are established outside Tanzania but must register with the Board to operate in the country NGOs must submit an application for registration to the public officer appointed by the Board at either district, regional or national level depending on the scope of their activities [1], [2], [3]. Successful applicants will be issued with a certificate of registration as evidence of authority to operate as an NGO [1]. [1] [2] [3]",,False,"00NGO/1787,00NGO/00007227,00NGO/0008891,00NGO00002182","Clicking the name of an entry in the list displays the NGO profile view which includes links to annual and financial reports. Where organisations have provided an annual report the identifier may be found in the registration number field, where this is completed.",EN,"The list of NGOs is published on the [Tanzania National NGO Coordination Board website]( with a search by name, category, region and district available on the [homepage]( However identifiers are not published for most organisations on the list and the list appears to be incomplete or out of date",,True,TZ,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,",_Gender_and_Children",primary,2018-04-27,original research (see,Tanzania National NGO Coordination Board,Bodi ya Taifa ya Uratibu wa NGOs,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,charity,, TZ-TRA,"""The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) was established by Act of Parliament No. 11 of 1995, and started its operations on 1st July 1996. In carrying out its statutory functions, TRA is regulated by law, and is responsible for administering impartially various taxes of the Central Government.""[1] The Tanzanian Revenue Authority provides Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN) for organisations registered in Tanzania. This is issued under section 3A(4) of the Income Tax Act no. 33 of 1973. As amended by the financial laws (miscellaneous amendments) 2000. There is no searchable database for TIN. It's possible that a company with a TIN could be on the Tanzanian Business Registrations and Licensing Agency (BRELA) Online Registration System, which can be searched free of charge. It is worth checking list TZ-BRLA before deciding to use this list. [1]: ",,False, 101091759,Use Taxpayer Identifiers Numbers (TINs) without any hyphens or spaces.,en,"TINs are not accessible online. Please use a known TIN, or check the list TZ-BRLA as an alternative.",,True,TZ,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,secondary,2018-03-19,,Tanzania Revenue Agency,,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,,, UA-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Ukraine.",,True,UA,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Ukraine Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, UA-EDR,"The Ministry of Justice hosts the United State Register for all corporate entities, individuals and community groups who are registered in Ukraine. Each corporate entity is assigned an identification code which can be used as a unique identifier. The is a free search and a paid search of the database, and there is a third party search in Russian. ""The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine introduced online service to obtain information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, individual entrepreneurs and community groups"" [1] [1]",,False,"38422948, 19280108","Users can find identifiers by using the database on the Ministry website. Users will need to complete a Captcha puzzle in order to search, and the identifiers will be under the column header 'Ідентифіка- ційний код юридичної особи' .This website is in Ukrainian. Users can find identifiers using the third-party website, Papir. The Identifiers will be next to the column header 'Код регистрации'. This website is in Russian.","uk, ru",,Ministry - Third-party -,True,UA,html,Users must complete a Captcha puzzle in order to search,"registered_address, registration_number, organisation_name, status, directors_trustees_governors",,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-16,Desk research,United State Register , Єдиного державного реєстру юридичних осіб,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,, UG-204CBO,"Community Based Organisations (CBOs) operating in Jinja District in Uganda are required to register at the district level by the District NGO Monitoring Committee (DNMC) [1]. DNMC will issue a certificate of registration and a permit to the CBO. The certificate of registration will be issued once, while the permit is renewed annually. The certificate of registration contains a unique registration number that belongs to the CBO. There is no publicly available site to verify the ownership and validity of this number. [1]",,False,JJA02202000348,Ask the organisation you wish to identify to provide its registration number.,,,http://,True,UG,data_not_available,,,,open_license,False,,,,primary,2021-09-28,Original research,"CBO Registration number, Uganda (Jinja District)",,85,,,,,,,,,,,10,,75,,,,,charity,UG-E, UG-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"001, 002",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,UG,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Uganda Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, UG-NGB,"All NGOs wishing to operate in Uganda must register with the NGO Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. ""The National NGO Board under the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is the lead Ministry, is legally mandated to register, regulate, coordinate and monitor NGOs in Uganda.""",,False,"80010001803086/BN-55471 , R1000000336259 , 80010003208981/101303A","Users can search for NGO identifiers on the Uganda Registration Services Bureau database. Users should note that current research has not found this database to work when selecting 'NGO' on the 'Business type' drop-down menu. It is possible to search for NGO names and find results. Users should be aware that identifiers are not formed in a uniform manner, and use slashes and hyphens.",en,,,True,UG,,,"registration_number, date_of_registration, expiry_date, status",,closed_license,True,,,,secondary,2016-12-19,,"NGO Board, Ministry of Internal Affairs (Uganda)",,50,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,50,,,,charity,, UG-NGO,"The Ugandan National Bureau for NGOs (NGO Bureau) is a semi-autonomous body under the Ministry of Internal Affairs established by the NGO Act 2016 .The Act mandates it to register, regulate, coordinate, inspect, monitor and oversee all NGO operations in the country. It issues certificates of registration to NGOs.",,True,"INDR160665542NB, FORR69845421NB","Organisations should be able to find their own registration number (approx 13-15 characters) on their certificate of registration, or refer to the link with searchable table above.",en,A searchable table of organisations and their registration number (column: REG NUMBER) can be found here:,,True,UG,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2023-08-28,Desk research,National Bureau for NGOs (Uganda),,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,charity,, UG-RSB,Businesses and NGOs in Uganda register with the Registration Services Bureau and receive an identification number. This number can be used as an identifier. A publicly available database can be searched on the Bureau website.,,True,"80010001803086 / BN-55471 , R1000000336259 , 80010003208981 / 101303A","Users can search organisations by name to find their identifier on the bureau website: Users must complete a Captcha puzzle in order to search. The identifiers will be under the column header 'Nr'. Users should be aware that identifiers are not formed in a uniform manner, and use slashes and hyphens.",en,,,True,UG,,Users must complete Captcha puzzle in order to search,"date_of_registration, registration_number, status, expiry_date",,no_license,False,,,,primary,2025-01-31,Desk research,Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB),,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,,, UM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for United States Minor Outlying Islands (the).",,True,UM,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,United States Minor Outlying Islands (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, US-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for United States of America (the).",,True,US,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,United States of America (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, US-DOS,This code was present in the IATI Organization Registration Agency codelist. It should no longer be used. ,,False,,,,,,True,US,,,,,,True,,,,,,,Corporation registration is the responsibility of each state (see link),,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, US-EIN,"The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assigns companies an Employer Identification Number (EIN) upon application. However, not all corporate entities are required to have an EIN. For tax-exempt entities (non-profits, charities etc.) the IRS maintains a list of EINs. Public listed company EINs are available via the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Other EINs may be available by asking the organisation concerned, and are sometimes published on their websites. ""An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, and is used to identify a business entity. Generally, businesses need an EIN. "" [1] ""An employer identification number (EIN), also called a tax ID number or taxpayer ID, is required for most business entities... A tax ID number is not required if you operate a sole proprietorship or an LLC with no employees, in which case you would simply use your own Social Security Number as a tax ID."" [2] In the US, corporate registration happens at the state level. The timeliness, availability, and licensing of this data varies among all 50 states. There is no federal dataset that contains all corporate registrations. Across the states, performance varies widely and in many cases data is not available in bulk, is not machine readable, is not openly licensed etc. For more detail, see the per state summary on Open Corporates. ""The Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) or the Federal Tax Identification Number, is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to business entities operating in the United States for the purposes of identification. When the number is used for identification rather than employment tax reporting, it is usually referred to as a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), and when used for the purposes of reporting employment taxes, it is usually referred to as an EIN."" [3] [1] [2] [3]",,False,"03-0413726, 47-1850312","To search EINs of Exempt Orgs (nonprofits and charities, including: charitable organizations, churches and religions organizations, political organizations, private foundations, and more): To search most public companies (those that are required to file forms with the US SEC):",en,,,True,US,bulk,,,,,False,,,,secondary,2023-08-15,,Employer Identification Number - Internal Revenue Service,,52,,2,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,"company/listed_company, company/sole_trader, company/partnership, company, charity",, US-SAM,"The System for Award Management (SAM) of U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). The System for Award Management website ( is an official website of the U.S. Government that allows users to register to do business with the U.S. Government. issues entities with a Unique Entity ID (UEI) which is used across the federal government when they apply for federal awards as a prime awardee. Previously a D-U-N-S Number was used. Entities must re-register annually. If registration lapses it is still possible to re-register. In all cases the UEI is persistent and is retained by the entity. To apply for federal funds, and to use other functionality such as full search, requires a login through the US government's service. states that The service is operated within the United States, but is accessible globally for public use.",,True,"YNDUZMUZF8H8, T53MCMLTWK59, UYDJJ1S8DR85","To fully search the UEI database requires a login to the US government's service. Alternatively, there are open data aggregation sites that replicate the data, for example The identifier is a 12-digit alphanumeric code that should be used unedited.",,,,True,US,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2024-07-23,original research,"System for Award Management (SAM) Unique Entity ID, USA",,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"company, charity",, US-USAGOV,"The U.S. Government website has an index of departments and agencies. This index can be searched, and the URL paths for agencies used to construct government agency identifiers. ",,False,,"Use the final segment of the url (below /federal and excluding the extension) as the “registration number”, converting all “-” to “_”. Keep “registration number” portion all lowercase. ADD EXAMPLE","en, es",,,True,US,html,,"registered_address, e-mail_address, phone_number, website, organisation_name, organisation_type",,no_license,,,,,third-party,2016-12-27,Desk research,Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies,,5,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,government_agency,, UY-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Uruguay.",,True,UY,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Uruguay Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, UZ-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Uzbekistan.",,True,UZ,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Uzbekistan Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, UZ-KTUT,The State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan maintans the United State Register of Corporate Entites and organizations (Корхоналар ва ташкилотларнинг ягона давлат),,False,2365119,"There is no free-of-charge search functionality or English interface. There are a couple of ways to place an enquiry (via phone, email, fax etc). An extract from the registry contains entity's legal name, KTUT number (OKPO, legal entity indentification code), INN number (taxpayer's number), registration details etc. Example extract can be found at",uz,,,True,UZ,data_not_available,,,,,False,,,,primary,2017-11-16,ProZorro Business Register Research,United State Register of Corporate Entites,Корхоналар ва ташкилотларнинг ягона давлат,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,, VA-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Holy See (the).",,True,VA,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Holy See (the) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, VC-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.",,True,VC,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, VE-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).",,True,VE,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, VG-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Virgin Islands (British).",,True,VG,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Virgin Islands (British) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, VI-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Virgin Islands (U.S.).",,True,VI,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Virgin Islands (U.S.) Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, VN-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Viet Nam.",,True,VN,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Viet Nam Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, VN-MOST,"The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST, Vietnamese: Bộ Khoa học và Công nghệ) is a government ministry in Vietnam responsible for state administration of science and technology activities; development of science and technology potentials; intellectual property; standards, metrology and quality control; atomic energy, radiation and nuclear safety. The Registration Office of Science and Technology activities (hereinafter called the Registration Office) is a professional agency, which assists the Minister to fulfil functions of management and registration of scientific research organizations with the Ministry’s authority. Organisations are provided with a registration certificate.",,False,A399,"There is no public database of the registration numbers, so organisations need to provide their registration certificate. The number is located in the registration certificate and starts with a letter, followed by a dash and a three digit number.","en, vn",,,True,VN,data_not_available,,,,open_license,False,,,,secondary,6/28/2021,Original research plus information obtained from,Ministry of Science and Technology, Bộ Khoa học và Công nghệ,60,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,50,,,research,"charity, company, trust, government_agency",, VU-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Vanuatu.",,True,VU,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Vanuatu Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, WF-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Wallis and Futuna.",,True,WF,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Wallis and Futuna Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, WS-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Samoa.",,True,WS,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Samoa Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, XE-EXAMPLE,List code prefix reserved for use in example data which require a valid prefix (e.g. for use in data validator testing).,,False,,,,,,True,,,,,,,False,,,,third_party,2018-02-12,,Example Data Prefix,en,25,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,25,,,,, XI-BRIDGE,"As of August 2020 the BRIDGE project has been shut down. It was led by four nonprofit partners – GlobalGiving, TechSoup Global, GuideStar, and Foundation Center – BRIDGE assigned a unique identification number, known as a BRIDGE number, to individual social sector entities around the world. Each 10-digit BRIDGE number was randomly generated and unique to an organization. **The legal form or organizations that the list covers**: BRIDGE covered a variety of entities. Any private organization or program anywhere in the world devoted to social good could be assigned a BRIDGE number. The historical data archives of BRIDGE are no longer maintained or updated, but can be accessed at ",,True,XI-BRIDGE-7924198567; XI-BRIDGE-1241896123; XI-BRIDGE-62155056,,en,"The historical data archives of BRIDGE are no longer maintained or updated, but can be accessed at",,True,,"bulk, csv","The historical data archives of BRIDGE are no longer maintained or updated, but can be accessed at","registration_number, country_of_origin",BRIDGE open data is made available for reuse under a [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International]( license.,open_license,True,,,,third_party,2020-09-21,"Information and copy provided by a member of the consortium responsible for the list. See this [github issue]( along with the pages it links to for full details. Update on closure of BRIDGE received from Petya Kangalova, with thanks.",Basic Registry of Identified Global Entities,,38,,2,1,,,,,,,,10,,,,25,,,"charity, company, trust, unincorporated_body",, XI-DUNS,"The D-U-N-S Number is a unique nine-digit number that identifies organizations on a location-specific basis. Companies, charities, and government agencies can all receive a D-U-N-S Number [1][2]. Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) assigns and maintains D-U-N-S Numbers. The process for requesting a D-U-N-S Number varies by country, but organizations can typically request a D-U-N-S Number via the D&B website for their country. In the UK and Ireland, all registered businesses are automatically issued with a D-U-N-S Number [3][4]. D-U-N-S Numbers are location-specific so one legal entity may have many associated D-U-N-S Numbers, one for each business location [2]. [1] [2] [3] [4]",,True,"242183440,752489963,593348001","The process for accessing the list varies by country. For more information, see the D&B website for each country. The D&B websites for the US, Canada, and the UK and Ireland offer lookup tools that return D-U-N-S Numbers via email.",,,,True,XI,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,third_party,2021-06-30,Original research,D-U-N-S Number,,30,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,25,,,"charity, company, government_agency",, XI-EORI,"This site allows to validate EORI numbers and provides access to the information related to Authorised Economic Operators (AEO). An EORI number is unique throughout the EU, assigned by a customs authority in a member state to economic operators (businesses) or persons. ",,False,NL810656371,An EORI number must start with two uppercase letters (the ISO code of the country that granted the number) followed by maximum 15 alphanumeric characters,,,,True,XI,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2017-07-18,,Economic Operators Identification and Registration system,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"company, charity",, XI-GRID,"The Global Research Identifiers Database previously assigned unique identifiers to research institutions. It has been deprecated in favour of and should no longer be used. It recorded information on the nature of the research organisation, covering companies, education establishments, healthcare, non-profits, government and other entity types. GRID also recorded parent-child relationships between entities, related relationships and cross-linkages to a range of other identifier sources.",,True,"grid.17063.33, grid.419696.5, grid.1957.a",,en,Previous releases of the GRID database are available to download up until September 2021.,,True,XI,"bulk, api",,"contact_address, website, akas",The dataset is accessible under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. API access is a premium service.,open_license,True,,,,third_party,2025-01-15,Desk research,Global Research Identifiers Database,,39,2,2,,,,,,,,,10,,,,25,,"education, research",,, XI-IATI,"XI-IATI is a list of organisation identifiers that is maintained by the IATI Secretariat. Any publisher may apply to the IATI Technical Team for an identifier to be generated. ""If a bona fide organisation is not registered with any recognised or appropriate registration agency ( they should contact the IATI Technical Team who will exceptionally allocate an organisation identifier using the XI-IATI prefix. While some of these identifiers have been derived from DAC codes, this ‘meaning’ is not carried forward. i.e. IATI generated identifiers have no intrinsic meaning. For general guidance about constructing Organisation Identifiers, please see"" [1] [1]",,False,"IADB, WAI, 1001","Users can find the codelist in three formats - CSV, JSON and XML - from the IATI Organisation Identifier website. The codelist is also available in the three different versions of the IATI Standard. Once users have downloaded the file, the identifiers will be under the column header/tag ""code""",en,,,True,,"csv, html, json, xml",,"registration_number, organisation_name, objectives/purpose, organisation_type, website",,open_license,,,,,third-party,2016-12-27,Desk research,International Aid Transparency Initiative Organisation Identifier,,13,,,1,,1,,,1,,,10,,,,,,,"company, government_agency, charity",, XI-LEI,"Maintained by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation, the Index contains current and historical Legal Entity Identifier records. ""The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-character, alpha-numeric code based on the ISO 17442 standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It connects to key reference information that enables clear and unique identification of legal entities participating in financial transactions. Each LEI contains information about an entity’s ownership structure and thus answers the questions of 'who is who’ and ‘who owns whom’. Simply put, the publicly available LEI data pool can be regarded as a global directory, which greatly enhances transparency in the global marketplace."" [1] LEIs are granted not by the Foundation but by designated issuers. Any legal entity making financial transactions can apply for an LEI, including non-registered entities such as trusts and government bodies. In general, natural persons are not eligible for LEIs [2]. [1]: From [2]: See this for exceptions:",,True,"724500PMK2A2M1SQQ228,959800Q2SYC34EQAPG59,549300ITS31QK8VRBQ14",Type an entity name or its LEI into the search box to locate its record. You can also search for entities which own or are owned by a given entity.,,,,True,XI,"api, bulk, xml, json",Links to source data are available here - Full documentation is provided.,"registered_address, contact_address, date_of_registration, registration_number, country_of_origin, business_id_history, post_code_zip_code, status",Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0). Details at:,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2023-08-31,"Original research, Official records",Global Legal Entity Identifier Index,,66,2,2,,,1,,,1,,,10,,,50,,,,"charity, company, government_agency, trust, unincorporated_body",, XI-PB,"Public Bodies is an Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) project that aims to provide a unique ID for every part of every government. The main website is a portal for linking to profile pages for countries whose public bodies OKF has recorded. There are also links to directly download CSVs of this information. Data available on the following countries/regions - Brazil, European Union, Germany, Greece, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States ",,False,"gb/aberdeen-city-council, de/14-panzergrenadierdivision-hanse, ch/bundesrat-eidgenoessisches-departement-fuer-auswaertige-angelegenheiten-direktion-fuer-ressourcen-logistik-eda-bundesreisezentrale-pool-2-evd-edi-uvek-vbs-ejpd","Users can click on the link for a country profile to access a webpage with a list of public bodies from that country. Once they open a link to a specific body, the data is available in JSON format. Identifiers will be under the tag 'id'. Users can also download a CSV file which contains information on each public body. Identifiers will be under the column header 'id'.","pt, de, el, en",,,True,"BR, CH, GR, US, DE, GB, NZ","csv, html, json"," - CSV download available for Brazil, European Union, Germany, Greece, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States","registration_number, organisation_name, objectives/purpose, organisation_type, registered_address, website, date_of_foundation, e-mail_address",,open_license,,,,,third-party,2016-12-28,Desk research,Public Bodies - Open Knowledge Foundation ,,12,,,1,,1,,,,,,10,,,,,,,government_agency,, XI-PID,"Thomson Reuters Permanent Identifier (PermID) is a machine readable identifier that provides a unique reference for data item. PermID provides comprehensive identification across a wide variety of entity types including organizations, instruments, funds, issuers and people. PermID never changes and is unambiguous, making it ideal as a reference identifier.",,,"4295895031, 5000661835, 5035254535",Search for an entity and use the value in the 'PermID' field,en,"PermID can be accessed via Without registration, users can search for organisations. Registration (free) is required to view some more fields (e.g. industry sectors, address), to use the bulk download facility and to use the entity search API.",,True,XI,"api, bulk","Entity search allows one-off lookups of entity records. Bulk download (requires registration) enables the retrieval of Thomson Reuters’ entity data in .gz files, one per entity. Currently Turtle and Ntriples file formats are supported.",,Basic data (including the PermID) is licensed under CC-BY 4.0. Extended data (viewable by registered users only) is licensed under CC-NC 4.0. Some further fields are under commercial or third-party licences. Please see for full details of each.,,False,,,,third_party,2017-10-03,,PermID: Thompson Reuters Permanent Identifier,,29,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,25,,,"company, government_agency, charity, trust",, XI-ROR,"The Research Organization Registry (ROR) is a community-led project to develop an open, sustainable, usable, and unique identifier for every research organization in the world. The definition ROR use for a ""research organization"" is ""any organization that conducts, produces, manages, or touches research"". The ROR list became independent from the Global Research Identifier Database (GRID) in 2021 and should be used in preference as GRID identifiers are no longer being maintained.[1] [1]",,True,"05asf4e91, 01kj2bm70, 049e6bc10",,en,Go to and use the 'search the registry' box to search research organizations by name or ROR identifier.,,True,XI,"api, bulk, json","API: Bulk Download:","akas, website, industry_classifications, country_of_origin, status",,open_license,False,,,,third_party,2025-01-06,Desk Research,Research Organization Registry,,40,2,2,,,1,,,,,,10,,,,25,,"research, education","charity, company, company/community_interest_company, company/limited_company, company/listed_company, company/mutual, company/partnership, government_agency, government_agency/local_government, government_agency/public_service, trust",, XI-WIKIDATA,"Wikidata is a free knowledge base that anyone can edit. It holds linked open data about tens of millions of entities and more than one million of them are organizations. Each instition item can hold a wide range of statements, names in hundreds of languages and identifiers in other databases.",,True,"Q1377, Q152057",Search for an organization on Wikidata. There are also a wide range of tools to retrieve a Wikidata item using other identifiers or reconciliation heuristics.,"aa, ab, ace, ady, ady-cyrl, aeb, aeb-arab, aeb-latn, af, ak, aln, als, am, an, ang, anp, ar, arc, arn, arq, ary, arz, as, ase, ast, atj, av, avk, awa, ay, az, azb, ba, ban, bar, bat-smg, bbc, bbc-latn, bcc, bcl, be, be-tarask, be-x-old, bg, bgn, bh, bho, bi, bjn, bm, bn, bo, bpy, bqi, br, brh, bs, bto, bug, bxr, ca, cbk-zam, cdo, ce, ceb, ch, cho, chr, chy, ckb, co, cps, cr, crh, crh-cyrl, crh-latn, cs, csb, cu, cv, cy, da, de, de-at, de-ch, de-formal, din, diq, dsb, dtp, dty, dv, dz, ee, egl, el, eml, en, en-ca, en-gb, eo, es, et, eu, ext, fa, ff, fi, fit, fiu-vro, fj, fo, fr, frc, frp, frr, fur, fy, ga, gag, gan, gan-hans, gan-hant, gd, gl, glk, gn, gom, gom-deva, gom-latn, gor, got, grc, gsw, gu, gv, ha, hak, haw, he, hi, hif, hif-latn, hil, ho, hr, hrx, hsb, ht, hu, hy, hz, ia, id, ie, ig, ii, ik, ike-cans, ike-latn, ilo, inh, io, is, it, iu, ja, jam, jbo, jut, jv, ka, kaa, kab, kbd, kbd-cyrl, kbp, kea, kg, khw, ki, kiu, kj, kk, kk-arab, kk-cn, kk-cyrl, kk-kz, kk-latn, kk-tr, kl, km, kn, ko, ko-kp, koi, kr, krc, kri, krj, krl, ks, ks-arab, ks-deva, ksh, ku, ku-arab, ku-latn, kv, kw, ky, la, lad, lb, lbe, lez, lfn, lg, li, lij, liv, lki, lmo, ln, lo, loz, lrc, lt, ltg, lus, luz, lv, lzh, lzz, mai, map-bms, mdf, mg, mh, mhr, mi, min, mk, ml, mn, mo, mr, mrj, ms, mt, mus, mwl, my, myv, mzn, na, nah, nan, nap, nb, nds, nds-nl, ne, new, ng, niu, nl, nl-informal, nn, no, nod, nov, nrm, nso, nv, ny, nys, oc, olo, om, or, os, ota, pa, pag, pam, pap, pcd, pdc, pdt, pfl, pi, pih, pl, pms, pnb, pnt, prg, ps, pt, pt-br, qu, qug, rgn, rif, rm, rmy, rn, ro, roa-rup, roa-tara, ru, rue, rup, ruq, ruq-cyrl, ruq-latn, rw, rwr, sa, sah, sat, sc, scn, sco, sd, sdc, sdh, se, sei, ses, sg, sgs, sh, shi, shi-latn, shi-tfng, shn, si, simple, sje, sk, skr, skr-arab, sl, sli, sm, sma, smj, sn, so, sq, sr, sr-ec, sr-el, srn, srq, ss, st, stq, su, sv, sw, szl, ta, tay, tcy, te, tet, tg, tg-cyrl, tg-latn, th, ti, tk, tl, tly, tn, to, tokipona, tpi, tr, tru, ts, tt, tt-cyrl, tt-latn, tum, tw, ty, tyv, tzm, udm, ug, ug-arab, ug-latn, uk, ur, uz, uz-cyrl, uz-latn, ve, vec, vep, vi, vls, vmf, vo, vot, vro, wa, war, wo, wuu, xal, xh, xmf, yi, yo, yue, za, zea, zh, zh-classical, zh-cn, zh-hans, zh-hant, zh-hk, zh-min-nan, zh-mo, zh-my, zh-sg, zh-tw, zh-yue, zu","Wikidata is free to read, reuse and modify. It is released under the Creative Commons CC0 license.",,True,XI,"api, bulk","A wide range of APIs is supplied, and bulk download is possible in various formats.","activities_sector_code, akas, contact_address, date_of_registration, directors_trustees_governors, e-mail_address, expiry_date, financial_turnover_details, industry_classifications, legal_representatives, number_of_employees, phone_number, post_code_zip_code, registered_address, registration_number, shareholders, status, tax_id_number, website",Creative Commons CC0 License,,False,,,,third_party,2017-01-28,,Wikidata,,29,2,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,25,,,"charity, company, government_agency, trust, unincorporated_body",, XK-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Kosovo.",,True,XK,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Kosovo Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, XM-DAC,"The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) maintain a list of organisations whom are involved in the transfer of 'Official Development Assistance' (ODA) financial flows. This list provides a useful fall-back source of identification for government agencies and multilateral organisations involved in aid, and in some cases, for international NGOs. The list is updated perioidically in response to demand for new entries from DAC members. Users should note that this list is designed to identify both organisations *and* funds or programmes, and so not all entries in this list equate to legally registered organisations. The list is available as a spreadsheet containing multiple codelists. Two can be used to construct organisation identifiers. * The **Agency** list is used to construct identifiers for aid donor and recipient government agencies. This is constructed by combining the **donorcode** and **AgencyCode**, separated with a dash. For example, XM-DAC-1-8 identifies the Austrian (1) Development Agency (8). * The **Channel codes** list is used to construct identifiers for multilateral organisations, and international NGOs for whom no other identifier is available. The 'Channel ID' should be used. For example, XM-DAC-41301 is the identifier for the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). * The **Donor** list contains donor code values referring to the donor country as a whole. To maximise consistency, donor codes should not be used unless a specific agency, government department or fund is not identified for the reporting. In all other cases codes should be published in their 'Agency' form (e.g. XM-DAC-1-8 for Austrian Development Agency, rather than XM-DAC-1). Users should also note that some organisations exist in both the 'Channel Codes' and 'Agency' lists. As the Channel Codes list provides a cross-walk, use of the Channel Codes is preferred in these cases.",,True,"963-1, 1-8, 41301","Users can download an Excel file of the DAC and CRS codes from the OECD website. If you are searching for a multilateral organisation or international NGO, search the 'Channel codes' list. If you find the organisation you are looking for, use the value of the 'Channel ID' column. If you are searching for government agency, search the 'Agency' list, and when you find the row you want, combine the 'donorcode' and 'AgencyCode' columns, separated by '-'. ","en, fr",,,True,,excel,Data is available in Excel file that contains much formatting.,,,no_license,False,,,,third_party,2025-02-14,Desk research,OECD Development Assistance Committee,,31,,,,1,,,,,,5,,,,,25,,,"company, government_agency, charity",, XM-OCHA,"OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) is the part of the United Nations Secretariat responsible for bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. OCHA assigns it's own organisation identifiers to parties involved in funding or delivery of humanitarian work, which are used in UN OCHA data, and may be used by some third-parties. Previously OCHA used identifiers from its Financial Tracking System (FTS) list. It has now changed and uses identifiers from its Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) list. Organisations may have different identifiers on the two lists. For example, if an organisation has a legacy code of XM-OCHA-FTS3524 then it does NOT automatically have a new code of XM-OCHA-HPC3524.The deprecated list may be found at although this should only be used for checking historic data and there is no guarantee that it will remain accessible in the future.",,True,HPC8597. HPC9324,"A list of identifiers is available in XML and JSON form from the UN OCHA Humanitarian Programme Cycle API [1] at '' The identifier, following the UNOCHA pattern of usage, is made up of the id field from the XML or JSON, prefixed with 'HPC' to give identifiers of the form: > 'XM-OCHA-HPC8908 [1]:",en,"A list of identifiers is available via an API, which provides data in JSON or XML formats. ",,True,,"xml, api","A list of identifiers is available via an API, which provides data in JSON or XML formats. ","akas, organisation_name",No explicit license is given. Note that the data may contain contributions from multiple sources.,no_license,,XM-OCHA-FTS,,,local,2019-03-27,Desk research,United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - Humanitarian Programme Cycle Identifiers,,13,2,,,,,,,1,,5,,5,,,,,humanitarian_relief,,, XR-EUCB,"The European Union Publications Office maintain a list of 'Corporate Bodies' covering offices and bodies of the European Union (labelled EU), as well as external bodies referenced regularly in European Systems (labelled INT). The list is more authoritative for EU Institutions, than for International institutions the EU works with. Note that not all of the bodies in the list are legal entities: some represent 'projects' as opposed to organizations that the European Union institutions have worked with. The list contains some meta-data on organisational hierarchy, and succession where one organization has replaced another. ",,True,"ACP_MIN, COR_COM5, DEL_SSD","When viewing an individual entry in the list, identifiers are given in the field 'Authority code'","bg, hr, cs, da, nl, en, et, fi, fr, de, el, hu, ga, it, lv, lt, mt, pl, pt, ro, sk, sl, es, sv","Through EU Vocabularies it is possible to browse the list, which is also available for download in a variety of formats. ",,True,XI,"bulk, xml, rdf",The data is available for download in Excel in each of the European Union Languages. ,"akas, business_id_history",,open_license,False,,,,third_party,2018-05-31,GitHub issue:,European Union Corporate Bodies authority list,,39,,2,,,,,1,1,,,10,,,,25,,,government_agency,, XR-NUTS,"The European Union's Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) provides codes for territorial areas at a number of different levels. Where no primary identifiers for regional and local government entities are available, then NUTS level 2 and 3 codes, and Local Administrative Unit (LAU 1 and LAU 2 level) codes could be used as a proxy for the primary local government body responsible for that area. EuroStat currently maintain a cross-walk between different levels, codes and area names for each jurisdiction. To construct an identifier: For NUTS 2 and 3 codes, use the prefix (XR-NUTS-) and then the NUTS code provided. For LAU1 and 2 codes (Local authority/ward), use the prefix (XR-NUTS-), the country prefix and underscore (e.g. UK_) , and then the LAU_NAT_Code provided (e.g. E05004874) For example: XR-NUTS-UK_E07000105 ",,False,,,,,,True,"HR, PT, AT, SK, NL, MT, ES, LT, GR, IE, EE, CY, CZ, FI, DE, LV, GB, SI, BG, SE, FR, HU, PL, LU, BE, IT, RO",,,,,,,,,,secondary,,Primary research,NUTS - European Union Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics,,50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,50,,,,"government_agency/local_government, government_agency",, YE-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Yemen.",,True,YE,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Yemen Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, YE-CR,The Yemen Ministry of Industry and Trade manages the commercial registry of trade names for corporations and sole traders.,,True,,Company numbers or identifiers are not available via the public search facility.,,,,True,YE,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2023-11-27,original research,"Commercial Registry, Yemen",,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,, YE-MOPIC,"The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation registers foreign non-profit and non-governmental organisations with a physical location and address in Yemen. Organisations are granted a registration number that is provided on a certificate granting or renewing the license. This registration is renewed every two years but the number does not change. Registered organisations must re-register upon changing their name, logo, or nature of their activities. ",,False,0036,Ask the organisation to provide their 'Principal Cooperation Agreement'. The identifier will be provided as the Registration Number.,,,,True,YE,data_not_available,,,"No open dataset is available, no license on the Principal Cooperation Agreement",no_license,False,,,,secondary,2024-04-12,Original research,Yemen Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation,وزارة التخطيط والتعاون الدولي ,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"charity, company, trust",, YE-MSAL,"The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor, Social Development Sector, issue licenses for the operation of associations, civil organisations and unions. These include a license number that appears to be based on the date of incorporation, and that is provided on a certificate granting or renewing the license. The license is renewed yearly, but the license number remains the same. ",,False,4/M/2012,"Ask the organisation to provide their 'License for practicing civil society for Associations, Civil Organisation and Unions'. The identifier will be provided as the License Number.",en,No online source was located.,,True,YE,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2018-09-03,,Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,"charity, trust",, YT-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,False,,,,"Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. However, no codes have yet been extracted for Mayotte.",,True,YT,,"Look at the government budget or Chart of Accounts. If you find identifiers, you can also submit them for inclusion to Gov Org ID Finder:",,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Mayotte Chart of Accounts,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, ZA-CIP,"The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) is responsible for company registration in South Africa. There is a basic free database search, or users can subscribe to the CIPC website. ""Functions of the Commission Registration of Companies, Co-operatives and Intellectual Property Rights (trade marks, patents, designs and copyright) and maintenance thereof Disclosure of Information on its business registers"" [1] [1]",,False,"6713-713839-07, 2007-031592-07 , 1994-010680-07","Users can search for identifiers using the Cipro name. Identifiers will be under the Column header 'Enterprise number'. Users should note that this is a very basic search function, and current research finds that only Search Option 1 works, thus users must have the exact name of the corporate entity to find an identifier number. The resulting data is very basic. Users can also search the OpenCorporates database.",en,,", ,",True,ZA,html,"Data available is very basic, and searches can only be completed when the exact name of the corporate entity is known","organisation_name, registration_number",,closed_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-21,Desk research,Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC),,75,,,,,,,,,0,,,,75,,,,,company,, ZA-CIT,"The Corporate Income Tax (CIT) is a tax imposed on companies resident in the Republic of South Africa. The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is South Africa’s tax collecting authority responsible for issuing CIT numbers [1]. Businesses can receive multiple tax numbers from SARS such as CIT, VAT, PAYE etc., however CIT is the preferred identifier to be used. [2] Businesses that receive CIT numbers include public and private companies, co-operatives, universities, trusts, governments and embassies. [1]. [2].",,False,"9415005603, 9045478147","Ask the organisation you wish to identify to provide its Corporate Income Tax number, sometimes referred to as Income Tax number.",en,,http://,True,ZA,data_not_available,,,,open_license,False,,,,secondary,2021-06-03,Original research,South African Corporate Income Tax (CIT) number,,60,,,,,,,,,,,10,,,50,,,,"company, trust, unincorporated_body, government_agency",, ZA-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,ZA,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,South Africa Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, ZA-NPO,"The Nonprofit Organisation Directorate is held under the South African Department of Social Development. NPOs register with the Nonprofit Organisation Directorate and are assigned a registration number. Users can refer to ZA-NPO for unique identifiers for NGOs in South Africa. The database can be searched for free. Users should note that they should not include ""NPO"" to the end of the identifier. ""The Nonprofit Organisations Directorate was established in terms of the Nonprofit Organisations Act 71 of 1997 to essentially administer the Register of Nonprofit Organisations in South Africa. The Register of Nonprofit Organisations (NPOs) is a voluntary registration facility that enhances the credibility of the registered NPO as it reports to a public office. The NPO Directorate, as a public office, holds information about registered NPOs for the public to access. "" [1] [1]",,False,"181-465, 015-712, 56-058","Users can find identifiers by using the simple, searchable database. Identifiers will be under the column header 'Registration No.' Users should note that they do not need to attach ""NPO"" to the end of the identifier.",en,,,True,ZA,html,,"date_of_registration, registration_number, organisation_name, organisation_type, registered_address, directors_trustees_governors, phone_number, e-mail_address",,no_license,,,,,secondary,2016-12-21,Desk research,Nonprofit Organisation Directorate - South African Department of Social Development,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,charity,, ZA-PBO,"Non-profit organisations (NPOs) can apply for Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) status from the South Africa Revenue Service in order to become tax exempt. However, not all NPOs will be awarded this status, therefore the ZA-PBO should not be referred to as the Primary list of unique identifiers for NPOs in South Africa. No searchable database of PBOs has been found. ""The mere fact that an organisation has a non-profit motive or is established or registered as an NPO registered under the NPO Act, or is established as an NPC, does not mean that it automatically qualifies for preferential tax treatment or approval as a PBO. An organisation will enjoy preferential tax treatment only after it has applied for and been granted approval as a PBO by the Commissioner, and continues to comply with the relevant prescribed requirements. "" [1] [1]",,False,,None available,en,,None available,True,ZA,data_not_available,,,,no_license,True,,,,deprecated,2016-12-21,Desk research,SA Revenue Service Tax Exemption Unit , Public Benefit Organisations,5,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,,,,,company,, ZM-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"01, 02",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,ZM,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Zambia Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, ZM-PCR,"The Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) is responsible for company registration in Zambia. ""The Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) is a semi-autonomous executive agency of the Zambian Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry. Its principal functions are to operate a legal system for registration and protection of commercial and industrial property and to serve as a legal depository of the information tendered for registration.."" [1] [1]",,False,,"It is stated on the government website that there is a database which can be search for company names, but this is currently unavailable and results in Error 404. It is possible this is because the PACRA website is undergoing maintenance. ""The System is under going maintenace. Please note that online services will not be available during this time. We regret the inconvinience caused."" [1] [1]",en,Currently unavailable due to website maintenance,,True,ZM,"available:_stated_as_available,_but_unable_to_access",Currently unavailable due to website maintenance,,,no_license,,,,,primary,2016-12-21,Desk research,Patents and Companies Registration Agency,,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,company,, ZM-RNGO,"All NGOs, including INGOs, are required since 2009 to be registered here to be allowed to operate (Act 16, 2009). Registration needs to be renewed every 5 years. The year of registration/renewal is part of the ID but should be omitted.",,False,RNGO1010147,NGOs and INGOs should be able to provide this number on request. Remove slashes and the year of registration/renewal (last four digits),,,,True,ZM,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2020-08-21,Official records ,Department of Registrar for NGOs,,55,,,,,,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,charity,, ZW-COA,"A government's budget (or 'Chart of Accounts') often refers to government agencies, departments and ministries with stable codes. These can be reliably used in open data publications as identifiers. This entry is generated and maintained by Gov Org ID Finder [1] from Development Initiatives. Where available, Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes Chart of Accounts codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts. [1]",,True,"1, 2",The codes from the Organisation or Administrative classification should be used. ,en,Codes can be found in the government budget or Chart of Accounts. Gov Org ID Finder extracts and makes some of these codes available for the convenience of users. The authoritative source remains the government's budget or Chart of Accounts.,,True,ZW,"json, csv",A download of the data is available from,,,no_license,False,,,,secondary,2022-03-23,Desk research,Zimbabwe Chart of Accounts,,57,,,1,,1,,,,,5,,,,50,,,,government_agency,, ZW-PVO,"""NGOs in Zimbabwe are mainly registered under the Private Voluntary Organization Act (PVO Act). Registration is done through the Department of Social Welfare under the Ministry of Public Service Labour and Social Welfare."" [1] [1]",,False,"15/2003, 42/10 ","Identifiers are not available online. Organizations should have a ""PVO Registered Number"" on their registration paperwork. Ask the organization to supply this.",,,,True,ZW,data_not_available,,,,no_license,False,,,,primary,2017-11-28,IATI Registration Agency List,Private Voluntary Organisations Council (Zimbabwe),,80,,,,,,,,,,5,,,75,,,,,charity,, ZW-ROD,"Companies in Zimbabwe must register with the Registrar of Deeds. Currently, all Zimbabwe government websites appear not to be working. ""Reserve the company name with the Chief Registrar of Companies Agency: Chief Registrar of Companies Forms are available online but all documents must be physically lodged at Companies and Deeds Registry. The reservation is valid for 30 days and can be extended for another 30 days for an additional fee."" [1] [1]",,False,,All Zimbabwe government websites are unavailable at time of research.,,All Zimbabwe government websites are unavailable at time of research.,,True,ZW,,,,,,,,,,primary,2016-12-21,Desk research,Registrar of Deeds,,75,,,,,,,,,,,,,75,,,,,company,, ZZ-EBID,"The EBID is an initiative of the CAS Group. Via they provide a free directory of German and Austrian companies and production facilities. ""The Unternehmensverzeichnis provides you with all the very latest company information. This information helps to make cooperation with potential business partners much easier."" [1] German and Austrian companies can apply at to have their company issued an EBID, listed and to manage their listing [2]. Once issued an EBID number is not re-used [3]. [1]: [2]: [3]:",,True,"2-500897-444478,2-511576-798133,2-510004-542942",Search fields are provided on the homepage. Search via Company Name (Firmenname) or search by EBID (Suche nach EBID-Nummer ein).,"de, en","A free search returns a limited amount of information about a company: address information, contact information, short company profile, company changes, address history. There is a fee associated with the following information: management team, balance sheets, credit rating reports, industry codes, customer references.",,True,"DE, AT",api,Limited API information can be found here:,"directors_trustees_governors, shareholders, registered_address, contact_address, website, e-mail_address, registration_number, phone_number, country_of_origin, tax_id_number, post_code_zip_code, objectives_purpose, financial_turnover_details",,closed_license,False,,,,third_party,2020-12-21,Original research,European Business Identifier (EBID),,27,2,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,25,,,company,,