International ASET Inc.
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View the <a href=""> proceedings</a>.</p> </li> <li> <img src="../img/Avestia3.png" class="flex-header1" alt="Avestia"> <img src="../img/Avestia3.png" class="flex-header" alt="Avestia"> </li> <li> <img src="../img/W2S2.png" class="flex-header" alt="Where2Submit"> <p class="flex-caption">Find the right place to submit your work!<a href=""><br>Read more</a></p> </li> <!-- <li> <img src="../img/mob4.png" class="flex-header1"> <img src="../img/4.png" class="flex-header"> <p class="flex-caption">Several journals are in press by Avestia Publishing. <a href="">Read more</a>.</p> </li> --> </ul> </div> </section><!-- END SLIDESHOW --> <!-- ABOUT / UPCOMING EVENTS / PAST EVENTS / WHATS NEW --> <div class="grid info-section info-section-a" id="about"> <div class="unit unit-s-1 unit-m-2-3 unit-l-2-3 about"> <div class="unit-space1"> <h2>A NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE FROM THE CEO OF INTERNATIONAL ASET </h2> <!-- <p class="body" align="justify"><b>Dear International ASET Community,</b><br><br> As we approach the end of 2023, I want to express my sincere appreciation to each member of our vibrant community. This year has highlighted the shared commitment, creativity, and teamwork that characterize International ASET.<br> Extending heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed conference chairs, plenary and keynote speakers, scientific committee members, authors, all participants, and everyone who contributed to the success of our conferences. Your dedication to advancing knowledge has been crucial to our achievements and your diverse contributions have transformed our conferences into hubs of intellectual growth and inspiration. Thank you for being an integral part of our collaborative journey.<br> A special note of gratitude goes to the Journals' Editor-in-Chiefs and Editorial Board members. Your commitment to maintaining the high standards of academic excellence in our publications has been instrumental. Your insightful reviews and dedication have played a crucial role in shaping the quality of research disseminated through our journals.<br> I also want to extend heartfelt thanks to the dedicated conferences and journals teams at International ASET. Your hard work and commitment behind the scenes have been invaluable in organizing and managing our events and publications. Your teamwork and dedication have contributed significantly to our collective success.<br> Reflecting on the year, I am immensely proud of the strides we have taken together. The enthusiasm and commitment each of you brings to our community propel us forward. Thank you for being a vital part of International ASET. I look forward to our continued cooperation in the coming year and the years ahead.<br> Wishing you and your loved ones a year full of prosperity, good health, and joy and a cheerful holiday season. May the New Year bring more accomplishments and shared success!<br><br> Best regards,<br> Dr. Seyed G. Etemad,<br> CEO of International ASET Inc.<br> December 18, 2023</p>--> <p class="body" align="justify"><b> Dear International ASET Community,</b><br><br> As we enter 2025, we celebrate 15 years of growth, progress, and impact in the scientific community. Our evolution from a small startup in 2010 to a key player in global science and technology is a journey we've all shared, and I am filled with pride and gratitude for everyone's contributions.<br><br> A heartfelt thank you to our conference chairs, speakers, committee members, authors, and participants. Your enthusiasm and hard work have transformed our conferences into vibrant centers for knowledge exchange and development.<br><br> I also want to recognize the exceptional efforts of our journal editors and their teams. Your dedication to maintaining high standards ensures that our research reaches a wide audience, fostering connections among scholars across the globe.<br><br> Our successes wouldn't be possible without our dedicated behind-the-scenes teams, whose thorough planning and execution make our initiatives run smoothly. Your commitment is crucial to our achievements.<br><br> Reflecting on our past accomplishments, I am inspired by the future and what we can achieve together. Your ongoing passion and dedication are vital as we continue to push the boundaries of what we can accomplish.<br><br> Thank you for being an essential part of International ASET. Together, let's step into the new year with optimism and a shared commitment to advancing science and technology for a better tomorrow. Happy New Year 2025! Wishing you all health, happiness, and success as we embark on another exciting year together.<br><br> Warm regards,<br> Dr. Seyed G. Etemad,<br> CEO of International ASET Inc.<br><br> </p> <h2>Important News</h2> <p class="body" align="justify">International ASET is pleased to announce: events are now hybrid! Clients can join the conferences physically or virtually at their convenience. It allows researchers and scholars to present their research even with travel restrictions. Many thanks to the community that has supported International ASET since its inception in 2010. The International ASET team looks forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming 2025 conferences! </p> <br> <h2>About Us</h2> <p class="body" align="justify">The International Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology (International ASET Inc.) is a young, growing, and independent institution created in 2010 to serve in the field of research and education involving science and engineering. Our mission is to promote the rapid dissemination of knowledge within the scientific community and the public. The Academy also strives to aid in science and engineering advancements by organizing thematic conferences on modern technological themes, courses, and workshops on modern science and engineering topics and publishing highly technical journals and books. By doing so, the Academy aims to enhance and distribute high-level scientific literature to its many participants. The Academy is governed and operated by several University Professors, Graduate Students, and Industry Professionals. By collaborating with scientists, scholars, researchers, world-renowned institutions, and industries, International ASET can grasp a unique understanding involving the requirements and modern trends of academia.<br> <a href="" target="_blank">Avestia</a>, a division of International ASET, manages all conferences proceedings and journal publications, and blog initiatives. <br> Also, a division of International ASET, <a href="" target="_blank">Where2Submit</a>, is a platform that manages initiatives for journal and conference listings. </p> <p class="body"><a href="../about">Learn more about our organization >></a></p><br> <hr> <!-- <h2>Short Courses 2023</h2> <p class="body" align="justify"><a href="" target="_blank">PILE FOUNDATIONS</a> </p> <p class="body" align="justify"><a href="" target="_blank">MACHINE LEARNING FOR ENGINEERS</a> </p> <p class="body"><a href="" target="_blank">Read More >></a></p>--> </div> </div> <!-- UP COMING EVENTS --> <div class="unit unit-s-1 unit-m-1-3-1 unit-m-1-3-2 unit-l-1-3-1 upcoming-events" id="upcoming"> <div class="unit-space"> <h3>Upcoming Events</h3> <div class="events"> <p class="body"><strong>10<sup>th</sup> World Congress on Recent Advances in Nanotechnology (RAN 2025) </strong> </strong></p> <p class="body">06 - 08 April, 2025 | Barcelona, Spain </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="events"> <p class="body"><strong>10<sup>th</sup> World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT 2025)</strong> </strong></p> <p class="body">08 - 10 April , 2025 | Barcelona, Spain </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences" class="view">View a full list of our events</a> </div> <hr><br> <!-- ----- NewsLetter --> <h3>Newsletters</h3> <div class="events"> <p class="body"><Strong>NANOTECHNOLOGY NEWSLETTER <span style="color:darkred;">"New"</span></Strong></p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="PDF/NanoTech_Newsletter.pdf">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="events"> <p class="body"><Strong>ENERGY NEWSLETTER</Strong></p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="Newsletter/Energy.pdf">Read more</a> <!-- <a href="Newsletter/Energy.html">Read more</a> --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End of NewsLetter --> <!-- PAST EVENTS --> <div class="unit unit-s-1 unit-m-1-3 unit-m-1-3-2 unit-l-1-3-1 past-events" id="past"> <div class="unit-space"> <h3>Quick Links</h3> <div class="events"> <p class="body"> <a href="../conferences/" target="_blank">Upcoming Conferences</a><br></p> <p class="body"> <a href="" target="_blank">Conferences Proceedings</a><br></p> <p class="body"> <a href="../past_events" target="_blank">Past Events</a><br></p> <p class="body"> <a href="">Avestia Journals</a><br></p> <p class="body"> <a href="../FAQ" target="_blank">Frequently Asked Questions</a></p></p> <!--<div class="events"> <p class="body-bold"> The October 2022 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> ICCEFA'22, ICESA'22, ICFFTS'22 and ICAERA'22 conferences are now complete! Although they had to be held virtually due to continued travel restrictions and concerns related to the COVID outbreak, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held in Ottawa, Canada. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="events"> <p class="body-bold"> The August 2022 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> ICSTA'22, EECSS'22, MCM'22, NewTech'22 congresses are now complete! Although they had to be held physically in Prague, Czech Republic, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held in London, United Kingdom. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div>--> <!--<div class="events"> <p class="body-bold"> The June 2022 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> CDSR'22, TANN'22, ICCSTE'22, RTESE'22, FFHMT'22 and EHST'22 conferences are now complete! Although they had to be held physically in Niagara Falls, Canada, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held in Ottawa, Canada. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div> --> <!-- <div class="events"> <p class="body-bold"> The April 2022 congresses have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> RAN'22, MHMT'22, CSEE'22 congresses are now complete! Although they had to be held virtually instead due to COVID-19, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held Physically this year. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div> --> <!--<div class="events"> <p class="body-bold"> The May 2021 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> CDSR'21, TANN'21, RTESE'21, ICCSTE'21, FFHMT'21 conference as well as EHST'21 conference are now complete! Although they had to be held virtually instead due to COVID-19, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held physically next year. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div> --> <!--<div class="events"> <p class="body-bold"> The October 2020 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> RAN'20, MHMT'20, CSEE'20 congresses are now complete! Although they had to be held virtually instead due to COVID-19, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held virtually as well this year. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div>--> </div> </div> </div> <!-- WHATS NEW --> <div class="unit unit-s-1 unit-m-2-3 unit-l-2-3 whats-new" id="whats-new"> <div class="unit-space"> <h3>Past Events</h3> <div class="whats-new"> <p class="body-bold"> The November 2024 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> ICCEFA'24, ICESA'24, ICFFTS'24, and ICAERA'24 conferences are now complete! Although they had to be held physically in Lisbon, Portugal, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held in Barcelona, Spain. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="whats-new"> <p class="body-bold"> The August 2024 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> ICSTA'24, EECSS'24, MCM'24, and NewTech'24 Congresses are now complete! Although they had to be held physically in Barcelona, Spain, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held in Paris, France. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="whats-new"> <p class="body-bold"> The June 2024 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> CDSR'24, TANN'24, ICCSTE'24, RTESE'24, FFHMT'24 and EHST'24 Conferences are now complete! Although they had to be held physically in Toronto, Canada, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held in London, Uinted kingdom. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="whats-new"> <p class="body-bold"> The April 2024 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> RAN'24, MHMT'24 and CSEE'24 Congresses are now complete! Although they had to be held physically in London, United Kingdom, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held in Barcelona, Spain. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div> <div class="whats-new"> <p class="body-bold"> The December 2023 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> ICCEFA'23, ICESA'23, ICFFTS'23 and ICAERA'23 conferences are now complete! Although they had to be held physically in Lisbon, Portugal, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held in Lisbon, Portugal. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div> <!-- <div class="whats-new"> <p class="body-bold"> The August 2023 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> ICSTA'23, EECSS'23, MCM'23 and NewTech'23 conferences are now complete! Although they had to be held physically in Brunel University, London, United Kingdom, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held in Barcelona, Spain. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div>--> <!-- <div class="whats-new"> <p class="body-bold"> The June 2023 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> CDSR'23, TANN'23, ICCSTE'23, RTESE'23, LACP3'23 FFHMT'23 and EHST'23 conferences are now complete! Although they had to be held physically in Carleton University, Ottawa , Canada, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held in Toronto, Canada. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div> --> <!-- <div class="whats-new"> <p class="body-bold"> The March 2023 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> RAN'23, MHMT'23 and CSEE'23 congresses are now complete! Although they had to be held physically in Lisbon, Portugal, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held in London, United Kingdom. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div> --> <!-- <div class="whats-new"> <p class="body-bold"> The October 2022 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> RAN'23, ICESA'22, ICFFTS'22 and ICAERA'22 conferences are now complete! Although they had to be held virtually due to continued travel restrictions and concerns related to the COVID outbreak, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held in Ottawa, Canada. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div> --> <!-- <div class="whats-new"> <p class="body-bold"> The August 2022 conferences have successfully concluded </p> <p class="body"> ICSTA'22, EECSS'22, MCM'22, NewTech'22 congresses are now complete! Although they had to be held physically in Prague, Czech Republic, they attracted delegates from all around the world and they were successfully accomplished. Now we are moving on to the next main conferences which will be held in London, United Kingdom. Please visit the respective websites for more information. </p> <div class="r-link"> <a href="../conferences">Read more</a> </div> </div>--> </div> </div> <!-- END --> <!-- PARTNERS --> <div class="grid" id="partners"> <div class="unit unit-s-1 unit-m-1 unit-l-1 partners"> <h2>Current or past partners for our conferences</h2> </div> <div class="mobile"> <section class="slider"> <div class="flexslider1 carousel"> <ul class="slides"> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="../partners/Technische.png" class="flex-img" alt="Technische Universität Darmstadt"></a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="../partners/UK-Heat.jpg" class="flex-img" alt="UK National Heat Transfer Committee"></a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="../partners/uottawa.svg" class="flex-img" alt="uottawa"></a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="../partners/carleton.svg" class="flex-img" alt="carleton"></a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="../partners/mcgill.svg" 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