Icons for Google Slides and Google Docs

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'interface icons packs', url_icons: '', url_search_icon_packs: '/packs', url_stickers: '', url_animated_icons: '', url_sticker_detail: 'free-sticker', url_sticker_latest: 'latest-stickers', url_sticker_premium: 'premium-sticker', url_uicons: '', pack: 'pack', style: 'style', category: 'category', free_icon: '/free-icon/', icons_format: 'Download all icons in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS format or as webfonts', collections: 'collections/', view_icon: 'View icon', search_related_icons: 'Search related icons', browse_pack: 'Browse pack', author_packs: 'Author\\\'s pack', free: 'free', cc_exp_title: 'Attention!', cc_exp_desc: 'Your credit card is about to expire, please <a href=\"\">update your card here</a> and continue with your premium plan', download: 'Download', downloadAsset: 'Download asset', more_info: 'More information', downloads: 'downloads', view_all: 'View all', view_detail: 'View detail', more: 'More', edit: ' Edit', download_svg: 'Download SVG', download_png: 'Download PNG', read_more: 'Read more', more_icons_author: 'More icons from this author', more_formats: 'More formats', search_author_resources: 'Search author resources', search_icons_style: 'Search icons with this style', url_search: '/search', url_free_icons: 'free-icons/', cancel: 'Cancel', send: 'Send', show_more: 'Show more', premium_download: 'Premium download', download_pack: 'Download Pack', login: 'Log in', register: 'Sign up', register_download: 'Register & Download', see_more: 'See more', url_downloads_limit: 'downloads-limit', copy: 'copy', copyPNG: "Copy PNG to clipboard", copyPNGbutton: "Copy PNG", copySVG: "Copy SVG to clipboard", copySVGbutton: "Copy SVG", copy_png_svg: "Copy PNG/SVG to clipboard", faqs: 'Any more questions? Read the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"medium\">FAQs</a>', whats_news_url: '/whats-new', size: 'size', svg_type: 'SVG type', regular_svg: 'Regular SVG', regular_svg_text: 'The one you have been always using in Flaticon (With expanded objects).', editable_svg: 'Editable SVG', editable_svg_text: 'This format make it easier to adjust the thickness of the strokes and change the objects shapes.', other_formats: 'other formats', animatedIcon : 'free animated icon', svg_files: "svg files", editable_strokes: "Editable strokes", editable_strokes_text: "Non-expanded SVG file with customizable strokes and shapes.", simplified : "Simplified", simplified_text: "Flattened SVG file with limited editing options.", new: "new", pageTitle: "Page", }, animatedIconDetail: { exploreRelated: "Explore related %s animated icons", see: "See our %s animated icon in action", look: "Look like a pro with this %s animated icon and see how amazing it will look on your website, mobile or any interface design.", looksGreat: "Looks great on an interface", onNotification: "%s animated icon on a notification", mobileInterface: "%s animated icon works amazingly in your next mobile interface project.", mobile: "%s animated icon on a mobile", worldwide: "Worldwide", briefcase: "Briefcase", menu: "%s animated icon on a menu", sizes: "Use %s animated icon in different sizes", stunning: "Stunning animated icons to impress everyone", highQuality: "Download high-quality animated icons for free & give your projects the wow factor you're looking for.", explore: "Explore animated icons", animatedIconsMostDownloadedUrl: "", }, og: { 'webtitle': '{0} - Free {1} icons', 'title': '{0} designed by {1}', 'desc': 'Download now this vector icon in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS format or as webfonts. Flaticon, the largest database of free icons.', 'animatedIconTitle': '{0} Animated Icon | Free {1} Animated Icon', }, limit: { registered: 'You have reached the icons limit <a href="" onclick="ga(\'send\', \'event\', \'Collection\', \'Go to premium\', \'Alert icons limit\'); " title="Get unlimited collections!">Become premium</a> and get unlimited collections', guest: 'You have reached your limit of icons. <a href="" title="Register and get up to 256 icons">Register</a> and get up to 256 icons', collection: 'You have reached the icons limit per collection (256 icons)', max_size: "Max file size exceeded", backup_max_size: "There is not enough space in this collection to add your backup files", downloaded_icons_perc: "You have reached {0}% of your download limit", personal_limit: "If you include these {0} personal icons in this collection, you will reach the maximum limit of personal icons per collection ({1} icons))" }, limit_anonymous: { title: 'You\\\'re almost out of downloads!', paragraph1: 'Time to become a registered user', paragraph2: 'Create an account for free and continue downloading', button: 'Sign up for free' }, external_icon: { title: 'Icon added', message: 'This icon is not part of Flaticon Selection. Please add the attribution of the author in order to use it' }, report: { message: 'This icon is not part of Flaticon Selection. Please add the attribution to the author in order to use it.', report_icon: "Report this icon", indicate_problem: "Please indicate what problem has been found. Thanks!", download: 'The download is not working', owner: 'I am the owner of this icon', link: "I can\'t find the download link", other: 'Other', describe_problem: 'Describe the problem' }, search: { search: 'Search', minimal_characters: 'Please type a minimum of one character in order to search', max_page_number: "Please type a correct page number to search", placeholder_icons: 'Search for icons', placeholder_packs: 'Search for packs', placeholder_stickers: 'Search for stickers', placeholder_animated_icons: "Search for animated icons", placeholder_interface_icons: 'Search for interface icons', placeholder_icon_packs: 'Search for icon packs', placeholder_icon_styles: 'Search for icon styles', placeholder_sticker_packs: "Search for sticker packs", placeholder_sticker_styles: "Search for sticker styles", placeholder_interface_icons_packs: 'Search for interface icons packs,', }, filters: { order_by: 'Order by', style: 'Style', stroke: 'Stroke', detail: 'Detail level', date: 'Latest', popularity: 'Popularity', downloads: 'Most Downloaded', all: 'All', detailed: 'Detailed', simple: 'Simple', mixed: 'Mixed', rounded: 'Rounded', handmade: 'Handmade', filled: 'Filled', linear: 'Linear', angular: 'Angular', '3d': '3D', color: 'Color', monocolor: 'Monocolor', multicolor: 'Multicolor', appliedFilters: 'Applied filters', clearAll: 'Clear all' }, errors: { connectivity: 'We cannot establish connection with flaticon servers, please check your network settings.', inactive_user: 'In order to download you must activate your account.' }, collection: { add_icon: 'Add to collection', delete_icon: 'Remove from collection', default_name: 'My icons collection', aware: 'Be aware', iconfont_colors: 'For technical reasons, the multicoloured icons won\\\'t be included in icon fonts', add_premium: 'This icon is only available to premium users. You can get more info <a target="_blank" href="" class="track" data-track-arguments="all, event, collection, go-to-premium, alert-icon-premium" title="Become premium!">here</a>', locked: 'Your collection is locked, you can <a target="_blank" href="" class="track" data-track-arguments="all, event, collection, go-to-premium, alert-locked" title="Become premium!">upgrade your account</a> and get unlimited collection', iconfont_tooltip: 'Download as icon fonts and use the icons in your web, fully customizable with only CSS.', iconfont_disabled: "In your collection there are only multicolor icons. These icons can\'t be used with icon fonts", duplicated_disabled: "Your account doesn\'t allow more collections", share_disabled: "Register to share!", upload_disabled: "Become premium to upload icons!", upload_icons: "Upload SVG icons!", duplicate: "Duplicate", download_personal: "Your Collection has personal icons. These icons will not be downloaded in Icon Font format", svg_incorrect: "Malformed SVG format", only_svg: "Only svg icons are allowed", fetch_premium: 'Premium icons cannot be added to the new collection <a target="_blank" href="" onclick="ga(\'send\', \'event\', \'Collection\', \'Go to premium\', \'Fetch collection premium error\'); " title="Become premium!">Become a premium user now!</a>', fetch_personal: "Personal icons can't be included in your new collection", friendly_reminder: "Friendly reminder:", no_custom_icons_in_backup: "Your backup file won't include edited icons", restore_personal: "Personal icons can\'t be restored to your new collection", upload_enabled: "Upload your svg icons", upload_disabled: "Disabled upload in sort mode", color_disabled: "This collection has no icons or all icons are multicolor", success_restore: "You have successfully restored {0} of {1} icons", icons_skiped: "{0} of {1} icons have not been imported into your collection because you already had them in it", locked_title: "You have locked collections", locked_text: "Unlock your collections, don't limit your work", locked_button: "Upgrade", locked_url: "", empty_collection_limit: "You can't create any more collections with an empty collection. Please, add items first." }, fonts: { error_svg: 'This SVG file isn\\\'t a font file' }, url: { most_download: '/most-downloaded', latest_icons: '/latest-icons', search: '/search', packs_search: 'packs/search', style_search: 'style/search', packs: 'packs', authors: 'authors', guest_limit: 'guest', premium_limit: 'premium', free_icons: 'free-icons', pricing: 'pricing', craft: '', craft_purchases: '' }, attribution: { type_icon: 'icons', type_sticker: 'stickers', type_animated_icon: 'animated icons', uicons_made_by: 'Uicons by', icons_made_by: 'Icons made by', stickers_made_by: 'Stickers made by', animatedIcon_made_by: 'Animated Icons made by', icons_created_by: 'icons created by', stickers_created_by: 'stickers created by', animatedIcon_created_by: 'animated icons created by', is_licensed_by: 'is licensed by', description: "Select your favorite social network and share our icons with your contacts or friends, if you do not have these social networks copy the link and paste it in the one you use. For more information read the %sattribution guide%s or %sdownload the license.%s", title: "Hey! Remember you have to attribute %s", unicorn_text: "Every time you attribute, a horse gets its horn and becomes a unicorn", designer_text: "Every time you attribute, you make a designer happy", rex_text: "Every time you attribute t-rex can drink his coffee", karma_text: "Every time you attribute, you get +10 to your Karma", download_problems: "Download Problems?", dont_want_credit: "Don't want to credit the author?", go_premium: 'You can go <a href="" class="track" data-track-arguments="ga, event, premium, icon-attribute-modal"><strong><i class="icon icon--premium inline-block"></i> Premium</strong></a> easily and use more than icons without attribution. <a class="link link--text medium inline track" href="" data-track-arguments="ga, event, premium, icon-attribute-modal"><strong>Learn more here</strong></a>', go_premium_detail: 'You can go <a href="" class="track" data-track-arguments="ga, event, premium, icon-attribute-modal"><strong>Premium</strong></a> easily and use more than icons and stickers without attribution.', copy_and_attribute: "Copy and attribute", copy: "Copy link", copied: "Copied!", freepik_url: "" }, typeform: { multi_question_search: "What would you improve about the search process?", tell_us: "Tell us!" }, feedback: { thanks_message: "Thank you for your feedback!" }, blockers: { is_present: "It seems you have an ad blocker installed. Please turn it off to get the best use out of Flaticon.", }, link: { copied: "Link copied", success: "The share url has been copied to the clipboard" }, clipboard: { copied: "Copied to the clipboard", errorFirefox: '<b>Copying is disabled in Firefox.</b> Learn how to enable it <b><a href="" target="_blank" class="bold">here</a></b>.', png: { success: "Copied to the clipboard succesfully", error: "Error when copying to clipboard" } }, follows: { followIcon: "Follow Icon", unFollowIcon: "Unfollow Icon", followAuthor: "Follow", unFollowAuthor: "Unfollow", followStyle: "Follow Style", unFollowStyle: "Unfollow Style" }, easterEggs: { halloween: { findMe: "Find me!", close: "Close", pressEsc: "Press ESC or ", modalP1: "You came, you saw,<br> you captured it!", modalP2: "You are a true ghostbuster, and the world deserves to know it.", share: "Share", shareText: "Flaticon is haunted, help us clear it" } }, detail: { savePinterest: "Save", search_placeholder: "Search more icons in this style", icon: "icon", sticker: "sticker", animatedicon: "animatedicon", free: "free", premium: "premium", license: "License", report_this_icon: "Report this icon", download_free_icon_in_png: "Download free icon in PNG format", download_free_sticker_in_png: "Download free sticker in PNG format", download_vector_icon_in_svg: "Download vector icon in SVG format", download_vector_sticker_in_svg: "Download vector sticker in SVG format", download_vector_icon_in_eps: "Download vector icon in EPS format", download_vector_icon_in_psd: "Download vector icon in PSD format", download_vector_icon_in_base64: "Download vector icon in base64 format", download_vector_icon_in_PDF: "Download vector icon in PDF format", download_vector_icon_in_JPG: "Download vector icon in JPG format", download_free_icon_font_in_png: "Download free icon font in PNG format", download_free_icon_font_in_svg: "Download free icon font in SVG format", download_free_icon_font_for_android: "Download free icon font for Android", download_free_icon_font_for_ios: "Download free icon font for iOS", available_formats: "Available in <b>PNG</b>, <b>SVG</b>, <b>EPS</b>, <b>PSD</b> and <b>BASE 64</b> formats.", add_to_collection: "Add to collection", necessary_credit_author: "Attribution is required.", how_to_credit: "How to attribute?", how_to_credit_authorship: "How to credit the authorship of the icons?", how_to_credit_authorship_stickers: "How to credit the authorship of the stickers?", follow: "Follow", following: "Following", unfollow: "Unfollow", download_unlimited: "Download unlimited icons", download_unlimited_info: '<span>Download</span>unlimited Premium icons for <p class="js-currency" data-pricing="annualPerMonth" style="display:inline;"></p>/month', more_icons_pack: 'More icons from', more_stickers_pack: 'More stickers from', more_icons_style: 'More icons in', style: 'Style', add_to_bookmarks: "Add to bookmarks", remove_from_bookmarks: "Remove from bookmarks", published: "Published", related_tags: "Related tags", search_related_icon: "search-related-icon", what_is_this: "What is this?", share_in_tw: "Share in Twitter", share_in_fb: "Share in Facebook", share_in_pt: "Share in Pinterest", flaticon_license_title: "Flaticon License", flaticon_license: "Free for personal and commercial purpose with attribution.", more_info: "More info", flaticon_premium_license: "Premium Flaticon License", flaticon_premium_license_expl: "Go Premium and you will receive the commercial license.", flaticon_license_allow: "Our License Allows you to use the content <a href=\"#\" class=\"link--normal track modal__trigger mg-bottom-lv2\" data-modal=\"modal-license\" data-track-arguments=\"all, event, detail-view, click-flaticon-license\">in these cases</a>.", sidebar_download_pack: "Register for free and download the full pack", sidebar_download_pack_button: "Register & Download", sidebar_download_pack_button_mobile: "Sign up", view_all_icons: "View all icons", all_styles: "All styles", sidebar_banner_premium: " icons to use without attribution, <strong>only for premium users</strong>", sidebar_see_plans: "See plans", sidebar_banner_premium_cart: "-20% on our premium plans", sidebar_apply_discount: "Apply discount", pack: "Pack", edit_icon: "Edit icon", edit_sticker: "Edit sticker", edit_animated_icon: "<span class=\"mg-left-lv1\">Learn how to <b>edit</b></span>", download_license: "Download license", share: "Share", free_sticker: "free sticker", premium_sticker: "premium sticker", flaticon_editorial_license: "Flaticon Editorial License", editorial_license_text: "This graphic resource is exclusively for editorial use. <a href=\"\" title = \"Terms of use\" class= \"link--text medium\">Terms of use</a>.", stickers_banner_text: "Free quality Stickers for Websites and Apps", free_download: "Free download", banner_craft_title: "Merchandising License", banner_craft_new: "New", banner_craft_text: "Customize any physical or digital product with our icons.", banner_craft_buy: "Buy license ", }, christmas: { condition_1: "Valid until 8th of December", description_1: "<b>3 months</b> of Monthly Premium Plan", price_1: "for %s", title_1: "Cook something creative this Christmas with <b class=\"christmas-banner__premium\">Premium</b>", url: "Go Premium", url_upgrade: "Upgrade your plan", condition_2: "Valid until 15th of December", description_2: "<b>7 days</b> of", price_2: "Premium for %s", title_2: "Your Secret Santa left you a <b class=\"christmas-banner__premium\">Premium</b> present!", condition_3: "Valid until 22nd of December", description_3: "<b>Annual</b> Premium Plan", title_3: "Keep the spirit of <b class=\"christmas-banner__premium\">Premium</b> all year long", condition_4: "Valid until 2nd of January 2020", description_4: "<b>Two years</b> Premium Plan", title_4: "Merry <b class=\"christmas-banner__premium\">Premium</b> and happy discount!", description_5: "Treat yourself and get Annual Premium!", price_5: "This Christmas <b>upgrade</b> your plan and save <strong class=\"font-lg\">50%</strong>", description_6: "Gain access to over 5 million vectors, photos and PSD files", price_6: "<b>Save</b> <strong class=\"font-lg\">50%</strong> on Freepik Annual Plan" }, cookies: { text: "This web uses cookies to improve your experience. <a href=\"\" title = \"Cookie policy\" class= \"link--text link-inverted medium\">More information</a>", }, ga: { view_details: 'view-details', add_to_collection: 'add-to-collection', view_details: 'edit', download_svg: 'download-svg', download_png: 'download-png', more_icons_authors: 'more-icons-authors', more_icons_style: 'more-icons-style', brownse_pack: 'brownse-pack', search_related_icon: 'search-related-icon', copyPNG: 'copyPNG' }, cancellation: { form_title: "We're sorry you decided to leave the Premium family", form_subtitle: "We'd like to know why you're leaving:", info_message: "You can still enjoy all the perks of being Premium until your current plan expires. After that, you will <strong>no longer have access to new Premium resources</strong> and <strong>will have to attribute</strong> the author each time. That doesn’t feel right, does it?", option_0: "I needed icons for a project that is currently over", option_1: 'Flaticon is too expensive for me', coupon_monthly_claim: 'Upgrade your plan with 30% OFF', coupon_annual_claim: 'Get 30% OFF your renewal for Premium Annual Plan', coupon_premium_plus_claim: 'Get 30% OFF your renewal for Premium Plus Plan', option_2: "I don\'t use it that often", option_3: 'There are not many quality icons', option_4: "I\'ve had a lot of technical issues with my Premium account", option_5: "I\'ve decided to use another similar website", keep_premium: 'Keep Premium', cancel_premium: 'Cancel Premium', step_select: 'Select', step_confirm: 'Confirm', step_finish: 'Finish', more_info: 'more info', generic_title_fp: 'Too bad you’ll lose all Freepik Premium features once your current plan expires:', generic_title_fi: 'Too bad you’ll lose all Flaticon Premium features once your current plan expires:', generic_blq1_title: 'Unlimited downloads', generic_blq1_desc: 'As a Premium member, you\'ll be able to download as many resources as you want more info.', generic_blq2_title: 'No attribution', generic_blq2_desc: 'Use any resource either for commercial or personal use without crediting the author.', generic_blq3_title: 'Exclusive content', generic_blq3_desc: 'Get access to our exclusive icons which only Premium Members can download for free.', generic_blq4_title: 'No ads', generic_blq4_desc_flaticon: 'Browse Flaticon ads-free. No publicity, no interruptions.', generic_blq4_desc_freepik: 'Browse Freepik ads-free. No publicity, no interruptions.', offer_price_title: 'Maybe we can win you back? Give us another chance!', offer_price_subtitle: "Here’s a little treat so we can have a fresh start", offer_price_coupon_text: "Give us one more chance, reactivate your plan and save 30%", offer_title: 'Finished a project? The next one is right around the corner!', offer_subtitle: "Get ready for the new beginnings with a little treat from us", offer_coupon_text: "Prepare for the future today and enjoy 30% off Premium!", offer_get_discount: 'Get the discount', quality_title: "We're heartbroken you <b class='bold premium inline'>don't want to renew your Premium subscription</b>", quality_subtitle: "You can always come back, we'll be right here, waiting for you with our Premium resources and no-attribution license ", quality_discover: 'Discover Flaticon', options_title: "We're heartbroken you <span class='premium'>don't want to renew your Premium subscription</span>", options_subtitle: "You can always come back, we'll be right here, waiting for you with our Premium resources and no-attribution license ", thank_you: 'Thank you', response_send_email: 'Our Support Team received your message and will contact you shortly. Meanwhile, take a look at the selection of our best resources', top_icons: "Top icons", stay_title: "We're happy you decided to stay!", stay_subtitle: "Here's to the bright future together!", stay_action_flaticon: "Explore Flaticon", stay_action_freepik: "Explore Freepik", explore_premium: "Explore Premium", support_title: "How can we help you?", support_subtitle: "Technical issues are a bummer, and we do not want them to affect your experience with Flaticon. Let us know about the problems you're experiencing, and we help you to fix them", support_name: 'Name', support_name_placeholder: 'Your name', support_email: 'Email', support_comment: 'Comment', support_comment_placeholder: 'Comment here', support_submit: 'Send', support_cancel: 'Cancel Premium', support_legacy: "Please enter the details of your request and, if you have any questions regarding our Terms of Use, please include specific samples of the usage you wish to give our resouces. If you're reporting a problem, make sure to include as much information as possible. Once your request is submitted, a member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.", support_legacy_second_part: "<b>Basic information on Data Protection:</b> Freepik Company collects your data to be able to answer to questions, suggested, or complaints filed. +Info <a href='' class='text-link' target='_blank'>Privacy Policy</a>", confirmation_title: "As long as you're happy, that's all that matters!", confirmation_subtitle: "Your Premium has been canceled. Come back at any time; we'll be right here" }, sponsor: { sponsored_by: "Sponsored results by", coupon_title: "Get 10 free photos", empty_results_promo: "Click Here to Get 10 Free Icon Sets from our Sponsor Adobe Stock", banner_test_title: "Get 10 free icon sets from our sponsor Adobe Stock", banner_test_button: "Try for free", banner_shutterstock_title: "Try 1 FREE month and get up to 10 downloads!", banner_shutterstock_title_coupon: "Get 15% off with code: 15FREEPIK", banner_istock_title_coupon: "Get 20% off with code: FREEPIK20", banner_shutterstock_coupon: "Get 15% off with code: 15FREEPIK", banner_istock_coupon: "Get 20% off with code: FREEPIK20", banner_istock_404_button: "Get iStock", }, pricing: { upgrade_error: "There has been a internal error, please try again later.", coupon_applied: "Discount applied:", coupon_use_only: "This coupon can only be used once.", coupon_invalid: "Your coupon is not valid." }, cart: { claim_text: "Still thinking about <span><i class='icon icon--crown-filled inline-block'></i>Premium</span>?", dto_text: "Get 10% OFF <br><span>Today!</span>", button: "Apply Discount" }, autopromo: { go_premium: "Go Premium", search_premium_banner: { claim_text: "Create your own limits", description: 'Gain access to over <span class="premium premium--text inline-block medium"><i class="icon icon--premium inline-block"></i> Premium</span> icons', description_freePng: 'Gain access to over <span class=\"premium premium--text inline-block medium\">icons in formats <i class=\"icon icon--premium inline-block\"></i> SVG, EPS, PSD, & BASE64</span>', download_cancel: "Download what you want, cancel when you want" } }, download: { downloading: "Downloading..." }, slidesgo: { banner_text: 'Make the most of your favorite icons in our <strong>free templates</strong> for <strong>Google Slides</strong> and <strong>PowerPoint</strong>', }, uicons: { uicons_info: 'UIcons is the broadest interface icons library. Use + vector icons available in SVG or icon font format in your web and app projects for iOS or Android. <a href=\" \" class=\"link--normal\">More info</a>', need_help: 'Need help to <a href="" class="link--normal" ">start?</a>', full_style: 'Download full style', other_styles: "Other styles", size: "size", new: "new", empty_search: "Sorry we couldn’t find any matches for ", try_search: "Try searching for another term", error_search : "There has been a internal error, please try again later.", use_this_icons: "Use these icons as Iconfonts or through a CDN", register_start: "Register and start", cdn_text: "Use the <strong class='capitalize'></strong> icons pack by adding the link to the &lt;head&gt; section of your web or through an @import in your CSS.", download_text: "Include the <strong class='capitalize'></strong> icons pack + the font files + CSS + a sample HTML", download_size_advice: "Zip file with more than %s icons", clear_all: "Clear all", view_details: "View Details", icon_font: "icon font", see_all_icons: "See all icons", free_icon_font: "free icon font", packageManager: "Package manager", packageManagerText: "Install the latest version of Uicons and easily keep your project up to date with the latest icons and enhancements through the npm package manager.", findOutMoreHere: "Find out more <b><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">here</a></b>", in_action_title: "Check our %s icon font in action", in_action_text: "See how our %s icon font will look on your web interfaces or Android and iOS apps projects.", in_action_mobile_app: "See how %s icon looks like in a mobile app", in_action_button: "%s icon in a button", in_action_briefcase: "Briefcase", in_action_stadistics: "Stadistics", in_action_currency: "Currency", in_action_tablet: "%s icon", in_action_interface: "Is perfect in your next interface design.", find_best_1: "Find the best %s icon font for your project.", find_best_2: "Search among <b></b> icons fonts including your favorite <b>brands</b> icons!", find_best_see_all: "See all icons", doubts: "Any doubts?", doubts_1: "Take a quick look at our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">starting guide</a> where we easily explain how to use our interface icons, download, using CSS, switch styles, and more!", support: "Contact us", support_1: "We listen to you. Have you had any issues or suggestions about our Uicons? <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Our support team</a> will help you with them.", register_to_download: "Register to download the full icon pack as icon fonts or use them via NPM or CDN.", see_all_icons_url: "", regular: "regular", bold: "bold", solid: "solid", straight: "straight", rounded: "rounded", brands: "brands", thin: "thin", released: "Released", latest_version: "Latest version" }, modal: { premium: { title: 'The benefits of <strong class=\"premium\"><i class=\"icon icon--premium inline-block\"></i> Premium </strong>', benefit_1: '+ million <br><strong> Premium icons </strong>', benefit_2: 'Unlimited <br><strong> downloads </strong>', benefit_3: 'Browse <br><strong> with no ads </strong>', benefit_4: 'No attribution <br><strong> required </strong>', }, license: { title: 'License summary', subtitle: 'Our license allows you to use the content:', use_1: 'For commercial and <strong>personal projects</strong>', use_2: 'On digital or <strong>printed media</strong>', use_3: 'For an <strong>unlimited number of times</strong> and perpetually', use_4: '<strong>Anywhere</strong> in the world', use_5: 'To make <strong>modifications</strong> and derived works', summary: '*This text is a summary for information only. It does not constitute any contractual obligations. For more information, please read our <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"link--normal medium\">Terms of Use</a> before using the content.', }, attribution: { title: 'How to attribute?', subtitle: 'Creating quality icons takes a lot of time and effort. We only ask you to add a small attribution link. Choose the medium in which you are going to use the resource.', social: 'Social Networks', web: 'Web', printed: 'Printed Elements', video: 'Video', apps: 'Apps/Games', social_title: 'Social media platforms ', social_subtitle: 'Select your favorite social network and share our icons with your contacts or friends, if you do not have these social networks copy the link and paste it in the one you use', web_title: 'For example: websites, social media, blogs, ebooks, newsletters, etc.', web_subtitle: 'Copy this link and paste it wherever it\'s visible, close to where you’re using the resource. If that\'s not possible, place it at the footer of your website, blog or newsletter, or in the credits section.', printed_title: 'For example: books, clothing, flyers, posters, invitations, publicity, etc.', printed_subtitle: '<span>Insert the attribution line</span> close to where you\'re using the resource. If it\'s not possible, place it in the credits section.', printed_subtitle_2: 'For example: \'image:\'. This cover has been designed using resources from', video_title: 'Online video platforms ', video_subtitle: '<span>Paste this link</span> in the appropiate area of the video description.', apps_title: 'Apps, games, desktop apps, etc', apps_subtitle: '<span>Paste this link</span> on the website where your app is available for download or in the description section of the platform or marketplace you’re using.', faqs: 'If you have any other questions, please check the <a href="" class="link--normal" target="_blank">FAQ section</a>', footer_title: 'Don\'t you want to attribute the author?', footer_subtitle: 'You can go <i class="icon icon--premium inline-block"></i> <span>Premium</span> easily and use more than icons without attribution. <a href="" class="track" data-track-arguments="ga, event, premium, modal-attribution">Get information here</a>', copy_uicons: 'Uicons by &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Flaticon&lt;/a&gt;' }, premium_add_icon: { title: "Premium users only", subtitle: "Create unlimited collections and add all the Premium icons you need.", }, premium_download_icon_only_premium: { title: "Premium users only", subtitle: "Download all the icon formats you need.", }, craft_more_info: { title: "Merchandising License", subtitle: "Extend your licensing possibilities and personalize any physical or digital product and merchandise with our icons.", printed_title: "Create physical products you want to print ", printed_text: "Use our icons on t-shirts, mugs, posters, greeting or invitation cards, calendars, etc.", electronics_title: "Design electronic or physical products for resale ", electronics_text: "For example: web templates, electronical devices, apps, videogames, advertising spots o any audiovisual animation.", learn_more: "Learn more", buy_license: "Buy license ", }, download: { attributionRequired: "Attribution required", browseAdFree: "Browse ad-free", freeDownload: "Free download", goPremium: "Go Premium from 7.50 EUR / month", totalResources: "6M+ icons & stickers in SVG, EPS, PSD & BASE64", totalResourcesAnimated: "6M+ Resources in professional formats", noAttributionRequired: "No attribution required", premiumSubscription: "Premium Subscription", unlimitedDownloads: "Unlimited downloads", downloadFormats: "Download formats", staticFormats: "Static formats", animatedFormats: "Animated format", }, confirmCopyContent: { title: "For security reasons, your browser needs you to confirm this action", subtitle: "If you don’t want to take this extra step, we recommend you trying on Chrome browser.", processing: "Processing your image...", confirmCopy: "Confirm copy to clipboard", copySuccess: "Image ready!", }, copySvgNotPremiumUser:{ countDownloading: "Copy to clipboard. Copying this asset count as a download", copyToClipboard: "Copy to clipboard", } }, whatsNew: { preTitleShare: "What’s New in Flaticon" }, cardsProducts: { title: "Search in other categories", iconDescription: "The largest database of free icons for any project.", uiconDescription: "Icons specially designed for your interfaces.", animated_icons_description: "Motion icons for creating stunning projects", sticker_description: "Stickers for websites, apps or any place you need", new: "New" }, colorPalette: { save: "Save", alredyExist: "This color already exists in the palette", exceeded: "You have exceeded the number of color samples for this palette", modals: { areYouSure: "Are you sure you want to remove your custom palette?", youWillLose: "You will lose your custom palette", noThanks: "No, Thanks", remove: "Remove", create: "Create custom palettes and unlock more features with Premium", subscribe: "Subscribe from 7.50 EUR/month and get access to:", iconsStikers: " icons and stickers in formats SVG, EPS, PSD & BASE64", noAttribution:"No attribution required", unlimitedDownloads: "Unlimited downloads and collections", unlimitedUse: "Unlimited use of the editor", support: "Priority support", noAds: "No ads", goPremium: "Go Premium", urlPricing: "" }, updatingError: "a problem occurred while updating the palette", noGradients: "You cannot edit or transform degraded colors into solid ones.", }, winback: { beingProcessed: "<b>Payment is being processed.</b> Your subscription will be reactivated as soon as payment is processed. Check the status of your subscription on your profile.", mySubscription: "My subscription", }, ogDescriptions: { standard: "Free vector icon. Download thousands of free icons of %s in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS format or as ICON FONT", sticker: "Free %s sticker available to download in PNG, SVG format. Download more free %s stickers.", uicon: "Free %s icon fonts available in different styles to download in PNG, SVG, android and iOS.", animatedIcon: "Free %s animated icons available to download in JSON for Lottie, GIF, or static SVG files.", } }; </script> <main id="main"> <header id="header"> <div class="pd-lv4 pd-y-none mg-none"> <a href="" class="logo block"> <img class="show-mobile push-center block" src="" alt="Flaticon logo" width="172" height="46"> <img class="hide-mobile push-center block" src="" alt="Flaticon logo" width="277" height="26"> </a> </div> </header> <section class="hero alignc"> <div class="container"> <div class="row row--vertical-center row--horizontal-center mg-bottom-lv4"> <img src="" width="60"> <span class="font-xl mg-lv3 mg-y-none">+</span> <img src="" width="49"> </div> <h1 class="font-h1 bold mg-bottom-lv4 first line-height-md">Icons for Google Slides and Google Docs</h1> <p class="paragraph-readable push-center font-xl mg-bottom-lv4"> With Icons for Slides & Docs, access to 17.5+ million of free customizable icons for your Slides, Docs, and Sheets. </p> <div class="row row--horizontal-center"> <a href="" target="_blank" class="bj-button bj-button--lg bj-button--green mg-lv2 mg-y-none button--install mg-bottom-lv2-i">Install now</a> <a href="#steps" class="scrollTo bj-button bj-button--lg bj-button--outline bj-button--green mg-lv2 mg-y-none mg-bottom-lv2-i">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </section> <section class="example"> <div class="container"> <video width="970" height="600" autoplay muted loop poster=""> <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> </section> <section class="steps" id="steps"> <div class="container"> <ul class="row row--space-between mg-none"> <li class="col steps__item"> <div class="steps__content"> <p class="font-xs bold uppercase mg-none">Step 1</p> <p class="font-h6 medium text-inverted line-height-sm mg-bottom-lv2">Get add-on in <span class="nowrap">Google Workspace</span> Marketplace</p> <a class="link--arrow button--install special" href="" target="_blank"> <span>Install now</span> <i class="icon icon--sm icon--right"></i> </a> </div> </li> <li class="col steps__item"> <div class="steps__content"> <p class="font-xs bold uppercase mg-none">Step 2</p> <p class="font-h6 medium text-inverted line-height-sm mg-bottom-lv2">Start the add-on to access icons</p> <p class="mg-none text-inverted">Go to Add-ons > Icons for Slides & Docs > Start</p> </div> </li> <li class="col steps__item"> <div class="steps__content"> <p class="font-xs bold uppercase mg-none">Step 3</p> <p class="font-h6 medium text-inverted line-height-sm mg-bottom-lv2">Start working with icons!</p> <p class="mg-none text-inverted">Search, edit and insert icons</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="applications"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="font-h4 bold alignc">Add icons to your <span class="nowrap">Google Workspace</span> applications</h2> <div class="row alignc"> <div class="col applications__item"> <div class="applications__content"> <img src="" width="60" class="mg-bottom-lv3 block push-center"> <p class="font-h6 medium text__general--heading mg-bottom-lv1">Google Slides</p> <p class="applications__text mg-none">Energize your presentations and capture your audience's attention</p> </div> </div> <div class="col applications__item"> <div class="applications__content"> <img src="" width="60" class="mg-bottom-lv3 block push-center"> <p class="font-h6 medium text__general--heading mg-bottom-lv1">Google Docs</p> <p class="applications__text mg-none">Make your documents stand out and bring essential content to the point</p> </div> </div> <div class="col applications__item"> <div class="applications__content"> <img src="" width="60" class="mg-bottom-lv3 block push-center"> <p class="font-h6 medium text__general--heading mg-bottom-lv1">Google Spreadsheets</p> <p class="applications__text mg-none">Create personalized reports and analytics</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="blocks"> <div class="container"> <div class="row blocks__item blocks__item--search content--in"> <div class="col__xs--12 col__sm--12 col__md--5 col--center blocks__text"> <h2 class="font-h4 first bold">Millions of free icons available</h2> <p>Find easily the icon you need and insert it in your document with one click</p> <a class="link--arrow button--install special" href="" target="_blank"> <span>Install now</span> <i class="icon icon--sm icon--right"></i> </a> </div> <div class="col__xs--12 col__sm--12 col__md--1"></div> <div class="col__xs--12 col__sm--12 col__md--6 blocks__image"> <img src=""> <img src="" class="slide-in"> </div> </div> <div class="row blocks__item blocks__item--style content--in"> <div class="col__xs--12 col__sm--12 col__md--6 blocks__image"> <img src=""> <img src="" class="slide-in"> </div> <div class="col__xs--12 col__sm--12 col__md--1"></div> <div class="col__xs--12 col__sm--12 col__md--5 col--center blocks__text"> <h2 class="font-h4 first bold">Choose icons in the same style</h2> <p>It will help to give your project consistency</p> <a class="link--arrow button--install" href="" target="_blank"> <span>Install now</span> <i class="icon icon--sm icon--right"></i> </a> </div> </div> <div class="row blocks__item blocks__item--color content--in"> <div class="col__xs--12 col__sm--12 col__md--5 col--center blocks__text"> <h2 class="font-h4 first bold">Customize any icon</h2> <p>Change the size and color of icons directly in the document</p> <a class="link--arrow button--install" href="" target="_blank"> <span>Install now</span> <i class="icon icon--sm icon--right"></i> </a> </div> <div class="col__xs--12 col__sm--12 col__md--1"></div> <div class="col__xs--12 col__sm--12 col__md--6 blocks__image"> <img src=""> <img src="" class="slide-in"> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="features"> <div class="container"> <h2 class="font-h4 bold first mg-bottom-lv3 alignc">Why Flaticon?</h2> <div class="row"> <div class="col__xs--12 col__sm--12 col__md--6 hide-mobile circles-holder"> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> <img src=""> </div> <div class="col__xs--12 col__sm--12 col__md--6"> <ul> <li> <div class="row mg-none"> <i class="icon icon--md icon--search text__state--green icon--mg-sm"></i> <div class="col mg-none"> <p class="bold text__general--heading font-lg mg-bottom-lv2">Variety</p> <p>Flaticon has more than 17.5 million high-quality icons in 16 styles for your personal and commercial projects.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="row mg-none"> <i class="icon icon--md icon--palette text__state--green icon--mg-sm"></i> <div class="col mg-none"> <p class="bold text__general--heading font-lg mg-bottom-lv2">Customizable icons</p> <p>All our icons are totally customizable to make sure you get the look you want.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="row mg-none"> <i class="icon icon--md icon--collection text__state--green icon--mg-sm"></i> <div class="col mg-none"> <p class="bold text__general--heading font-lg mg-bottom-lv2">Built-in features</p> <p>Use collections, icon font, patterns generator, and online icon editor.</p> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="row mg-none"> <i class="icon icon--md icon--file text__state--green icon--mg-sm"></i> <div class="col mg-none"> <p class="bold text__general--heading font-lg mg-bottom-lv2">Google Workspace extension </p> <p>Google Workspace extension for your Google Slides, Google Docs, and Google Sheets applications</p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="banner"> <div class="container"> <div class="banner__container"> <div class="alignc banner__content"> <h2 class="font-h4 text-inverted bold first mg-bottom-lv3">Reinforce your message with Flaticon Extension</h2> <p class="font-lg mg-bottom-lv4 text-inverted">The essential tool for companies, teachers, students, and everyone who's using Google Workspace in their daily life.</p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="bj-button bj-button--lg bj-button--flat button--install bj-button--white">Install now</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> <footer id="footer" class="alignc"> <div class="text-inverted pd-lv2"> <p class="mg-bottom-lv2"><img src="" width="16" class="v-alignc mg-right-lv1">Flaticon is a project by Freepik Company &reg; 2013-2024 Freepik Company S.L. All rights reserved</p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Terms & conditions">Terms &amp; conditions</a><span>|</span></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Privacy policy">Privacy policy</a><span>|</span></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Cookies policy">Cookies policy</a><span>|</span></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" title="Copyrights Notification">Copyrights Notification</a></li> </ul> </div> </footer> </main> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){ document.querySelectorAll('.button--install').forEach(item => { item.addEventListener('click', event => { EventTracker.send('ga', 'event', 'web', 'click-to-install', 'gsuite-extension'); }); }); }); </script> </body> </html>

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