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This page is still available for those who need to access the classic system, but we encourage you to update to the new feature if possible. A <a href="">description</a> of the new system is available on the arXiv blog.</p> </div> <p>index.html doesn't appear to be a valid archive. Some older archives have been subsumed by other archives - these old archives can still be searched by searching the larger subject archive. Choose the appropriate group below</p><br /><hr width="75%" /> <form action="/find" id="metadata-search" method="post"> <table width="94%" bgcolor="#f0eee4" cellpadding="5" align="center" summary="arXiv metadata search"> <tbody> <tr><td><h2>Author/title/abstract search</h2></td></tr> <tr><td> <b>Select subject areas to restrict search</b> (default is to search all subject areas)<br /> <input type="checkbox" name="group" value="grp_cs" />Computer Science <input type="checkbox" name="group" value="grp_econ" />Economics <input type="checkbox" name="group" value="grp_eess" />Electrical Engineering and Systems Science <input type="checkbox" name="group" value="grp_math" />Mathematics </td></tr> <tr><td> <input type="checkbox" name="group" value="grp_physics" onclick="select_all()" />Physics [archive: <select name="archive" onchange="checkbox()"> <option value="grp_physics" selected="selected">All</option> <option value="astro-ph">astro-ph</option> <option value="cond-mat">cond-mat</option> 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Record:</option> <option value="cat">Category:</option> <option value="prim">Primary Category:</option> <option value="subj">Subject Description:</option> <option value="co">Comments:</option> <option value="jr">Journal-ref:</option> <option value="sc">ACM/MSC Class:</option> <option value="rn">Report-no:</option> <option value="id">Identifier:</option> </select> <input size="34" name="query_2" /> <select name="boolean_2"> <option selected="selected" value="AND">AND</option> <option value="OR">OR</option> <option value="ANDNOT">AND NOT</option> </select><br /> <select name="field_3"> <option value="au">Author(s):</option> <option value="ti">Title:</option> <option selected="selected" value="abs">Abstract:</option> <option value="all">Full Record:</option> <option value="cat">Category:</option> <option value="prim">Primary Category:</option> <option value="subj">Subject Description:</option> <option value="co">Comments:</option> <option value="jr">Journal-ref:</option> <option value="sc">ACM/MSC Class:</option> <option value="rn">Report-no:</option> <option value="id">Identifier:</option> </select> <input size="34" name="query_3" /> <br /> Show <select name="per_page"> <option>10</option> <option selected="selected">25</option> <option>50</option> <option>100</option> </select> hits per page<br /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Do Search" /> or <input type="reset" value="Reset" /> selections to default values. </td></tr> <tr><td> <p><a href="#help">Hints for more fulfilling searches</a></p> </td></tr> </tbody> </table> </form> <hr width="75%"/> <form action="" id="fulltext-search" method="get"> <table width="94%" bgcolor="#b0b0a8" cellpadding="5" align="center" summary="arXiv full text search"> <tbody> <tr><td><h2>Experimental full text search</h2></td></tr> <tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff"> Search for: <input size="40" name="query" value="" type="text" /> in <select name="in"> <option value="">Everything</option> <option value="grp_cs">Computer Science</option> <option value="grp_econ">Economics</option> <option value="grp_eess">Electrical Engineering and Systems Science</option> <option value="grp_math">Mathematics</option> <option value="grp_physics">Physics</option> <option value="grp_q-bio">Quantitative Biology</option> <option value="grp_q-fin">Quantitative Finance</option> <option value="grp_stat">Statistics</option> </select> <input value="Do Search" type="submit" /> </td></tr> <tr><td> <p>The full text search facility is an experimental service which may be less up-to-date than the normal search. See <a href="">full text search help</a> for details (the query syntax is different from that described below for the normal search).</p> </td></tr> </tbody> </table> </form> <hr width="75%" /> <div id="help-div" style="font-size: small;"> <h3><a id="help">Hints for more fulfilling searches</a></h3> <dl> <dt><b>Boolean Operators</b></dt> <dd>'AND', 'AND NOT', and 'OR'</dd> <dt><b>Metacharacters</b></dt> <dd>The bad news: In general, punctation and other non-alphanumeric characters are not indexed and cannot currently be searched for. Currently some interesting characters like (,), and = are not searchable. Regrettably, this means that one cannot search for SU(3) or c=1 at this time (but searching for 'c' AND '1' will give hits on 'c = 1').<br /> The good news: The characters ^,_,{,},+, and - are indexed. For example, searching for K^+ or nu_e will work - be aware that authors are not always consistent in how super- and subscripts are presented.<br /> Non-indexed characters are stripped out from the search query.</dd> <dt><b>Stemming</b></dt> <dd>Most fields stem words automatically (searching for superconductors will match superconducting)</dd> <dt><b>Wild card truncation</b></dt> <dd>Wild card (*) can only be used anywhere but at the beginning of a term (but see author examples below).</dd> <dt><b>Grouping</b></dt> <dd>Grouping can be done with parentheses<br /> Binary Booleans are not associative - parentheses are mandatory if a field has multiple Booleans<br /> First two fields are grouped together in form before third field is added in</dd> <dt><b>Exact phrases</b></dt> <dd>Use double quotes (") - Warning: can be slow (try AND instead)</dd> <dt><b>Hyphenated terms</b></dt> <dd>Hyphens are removed from most phrases (domain-wall becomes domain wall). This is because the use of hyphens is often inconsistent. Hyphens are not removed from archive and category names, nor are they removed when it would result in a single letter being left over: c-theorem remains hypenated and is searchable. Try searching for domain AND wall or for "domain wall". The latter is more accurate, but can be much slower than the former</dd> <dt><b>Example author searches</b></dt> <dd>T Bhattacharya<br /> T Bhattacharya AND NOT (S R Sharpe OR Rajan Gupta)<br /> 'Bhatta*' is OK, but 'T Bhatta*' will not work because initials and '*' cannot be used together<br /></dd> <dt><b>Example journal references</b></dt> <dd>"Phys Rev Lett"</dd> <dt><b>Year searches</b></dt> <dd>'Past Year' overrides individual years</dd> <dt><b>Subject Description</b></dt> <dd>Keywords in the descriptive names of archives and categories</dd> <dt><b>ACM/MSC Class</b></dt> <dd>Covers ACM-class and MSC-class</dd> </dl> </div> <p>Link back to: <a href="">arXiv</a>, <a href="/form">form interface</a>, <a href="/help/contact">contact</a>.</p> </div> </div> <footer style="clear: both;"> <div class="columns is-desktop" role="navigation" aria-label="Secondary" style="margin: -0.75em -0.75em 0.75em -0.75em"> <!-- Macro-Column 1 --> <div class="column" style="padding: 0;"> <div class="columns"> <div class="column"> <ul style="list-style: none; 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