Culley C Carson III, PhD | Editor | SciTechnol | Andrology & Gyn

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<a href="../universities/University_of_North_Carolina/"> University of North Carolina</a>, USA</p> <a class="team-v3-member-contact" href="editor-profile/Culley_C_Carson_III/"><i>Contact Culley C Carson III, PhD</i></a> </div> </div><!-- End row --> </div> <!-- End Team v3 --> </div> <div class="col-md-5"> <!-- Team v3 --> <div class="team-v3 equal-height"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="team-v3-header"> <h4 class="team-v3-member">Department / University Information</h4> </div> <!-- Progress Box --> <div class="progress-box"> <h4 class="progress-title"> <a href="">University of North Carolina</a></h4> <div class="progress radius-0 progress-xs"> <div class="progress-bar bg-color-base" role="progressbar" data-width="88"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- End row --> </div> <!-- End Team v3 --> </div> </div> <!-- Blog Grid --> <article class="blog-grid margin-b-30"> <!-- Blog Grid Content --> <div class="divider-v4 divider-v4-left-double blog-grid-content"> <h3 class="divider-v4-title">Biography</h3> <div>Culley C. Carson III is the Rhodes Distinguished Professor in the UNC Department of Urology. He received his medical degree from the George Washington University School of Medicine. He then completed two years of residency in general surgery at the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Hanover, NH before serving as a flight surgeon in the United States Air Force for two years. After serving in the Air Force, Dr. Culley Carson completed his urology residency at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Following residency at the Mayo Clinic, he joined the faculty at Duke University Medical Center, advancing from Assistant Professor to Professor of Urology. Dr. Carson served as Chief of the UNC Division of Urology from 1993 to 2010.</div> <h3 class="divider-v4-title">Research Interest</h3> <div>Dr. Culley C. Carson specializes in the area of Men's Health, including the treatment of Peyronie's Disease and Erectile Dysfunction. His research is also focused in the area of Men&rsquo;s Health, including Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronie&rsquo;s Disease, and penile prostheses.</div> <!-- End Blog Grid Content -->

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