Browse Lakes and Dams in South Australia
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Why not upload them into Bonzle and share your information with other Bonzle users. <a href="/c/a?a=f&sc=rp&sr=new">Click here</a> to view recently uploaded photos from other users. Here are some examples: </p><p align=center><a href="/c/a?a=p&p=168663&cmd=sp&d=pics" class=tooltip><img src="/h/9/x/z/vsxyj.jpg" width="47" height="60" class=thumbnailfl align=bottom alt="Picture relating to Queensland - titled 'George Lansley Beal'" title="Picture relating to Queensland - titled 'George Lansley Beal'" /><span>Queensland</span></a> <a href="/c/a?a=p&p=286227&cmd=sp&d=pics" class=tooltip><img src="/h/9/y/0/1yofp.jpg" width="45" height="60" class=thumbnailfl align=bottom alt="Picture relating to Parkes - titled 'Many different coloured tulips at Floriade'" title="Picture relating to Parkes - titled 'Many different coloured tulips at Floriade'" /><span>Parkes</span></a> <a href="/c/a?a=p&p=168328&cmd=sp&d=pics" class=tooltip><img src="/h/9/y/0/xgvy3.jpg" width="80" height="60" class=thumbnailfl align=bottom alt="Picture relating to Lake Burrendong - titled 'Lake Burrendong'" title="Picture relating to Lake Burrendong - titled 'Lake Burrendong'" /><span>Lake Burrendong</span></a> <a href="/c/a?a=p&p=1058&cmd=sp&d=pics" class=tooltip><img src="/h/9/y/1/eb0qi.jpg" width="80" height="60" class=thumbnailfl align=bottom alt="Picture relating to Sisters Beach - titled 'Sisters Beach'" title="Picture relating to Sisters Beach - titled 'Sisters Beach'" /><span>Sisters Beach</span></a> <a href="/c/a?a=p&p=170498&cmd=sp&d=pics" class=tooltip><img src="/h/9/y/1/fr9j7.jpg" width="76" height="60" class=thumbnailfl align=bottom alt="Picture relating to Northbourne Avenue - titled 'View from City Hill up Northbourne Avenue showing foundations of Civic Centre'" title="Picture relating to Northbourne Avenue - titled 'View from City Hill up Northbourne Avenue showing foundations of Civic Centre'" /><span>Northbourne Avenue</span></a> <a href="/c/a?a=p&p=213193&cmd=sp&d=pics" class=tooltip><img src="/h/9/y/2/5r5et.jpg" width="80" height="60" class=thumbnailfl align=bottom alt="Picture relating to Burdekin River - titled 'Burdekin River'" title="Picture relating to Burdekin River - titled 'Burdekin River'" /><span>Burdekin River</span></a> </p></div><p align=center style="clear: left;">©2024 Digital Atlas Pty Limited | <a href="/c/a?a=ut">Usage Terms</a> | <a href="/c/a?a=ds">Data Sources</a><br>If you do not agree with the <a href="/c/a?a=ut">Usage Terms</a> then do not access this website.</p></div></body> <script type="text/javascript"> function Set_Cookie( name, value, expires, path, domain, secure ) { var today = new Date(); today.setTime( today.getTime() ); if ( expires ) { expires = expires * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; } var expires_date = new Date( today.getTime() + (expires) ); document.cookie = name + "=" +escape( value ) + ( ( expires ) ? 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