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0h45.5v34.1h-45.5zm0 100.74h45.5v34.1h-45.5z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cuse xlink:href='%23D' class='h'/%3E%3Cpath d='M439.85 482.48s1.33 5.52 0 5.67-20.43.73-20.54-.15c-.38-3 15.23-5.82 16.76-5.52s3.6-.8 3.78 0z' class='d'/%3E%3Cuse xlink:href='%23D' x='-37.37' class='h'/%3E%3Cpath d='M395.1 476.55a55.75 55.75 0 0 0 6.83-.63c-6.8-36.3-11.93-85.05 6.23-119l-16.62-8c-13.27 29.6-1.96 96.4 3.56 127.63z' class='f'/%3E%3Cpath d='M432.7 475.52a68.32 68.32 0 0 0 6.73-2.29c-17-33.23-29.42-85.5-26.42-123.3l-18.55-.7c2.27 37.84 23.55 92.2 38.24 126.3z' fill='%233b3e54'/%3E%3Cpath d='M402.5 482.48s1.33 5.52 0 5.67-20.43.73-20.54-.15c-.38-3 15.24-5.82 16.77-5.52s3.6-.8 3.77 0z' class='d'/%3E%3Cpath d='M386.57 361.3c3.62-1.2 11.08.73 14.68 0 5.3-1.08 7.9-.68 13.15-.37.67-16.44.1-33.64 1.3-49.76.26-3.4.43-5.4-.2-7.95a10.47 10.47 0 0 0-4.94-7c-2.83-1.55-6.45-1.43-10.1.44a8.21 8.21 0 0 0-1.59 1c-2.17 1.66-4.17 4.9-4.5 11-.8 15.2-4.92 36.78-7.8 52.64z' class='g'/%3E%3Cpath d='M418.85,354.82s-11,3.78-12,6.53,9.86.34,14.38-5Z' class='h'/%3E%3Cpath d='M418 353.82l3.08 4.84c27.73-21.8 26-35-4.08-58.05-4.6-3.53-4.8-2.7-7 .8-.83-.28-.82-.32 0 0-2.23 3.48-.48 4.47 3.14 7.24 23.7 18.14 28.86 27.94 4.86 45.18z' class='g'/%3E%3Cpath d='M346.24 332.35s-11-3.73-12-6.48 9.86-.38 14.4 5z' class='h'/%3E%3Cpath d='M344.74 334.33c.13-2.12.5-4.2.8-6.42 25.63 3 38.62 13.1 50-23.3 1.75-5.57 2.9-5.1 6.5-2.86.66-.6.65-.6 0 0 3.62 2.25 3.14 3.3.66 8.34-16.22 32.9-26.3 29.22-57.97 24.24z' class='g'/%3E%3Cg class='h'%3E%3Cpath d='M409.77 286.23c-3.53 5.43-10.18 7.38-13.5 5.22s-2.05-7.6 1.48-13.05 8-6.45 11.36-4.3 4.2 6.68.67 12.12z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M411 289.7c-.83 1.27-3.14 2.07-4.05 1.47s-.48-1.77.34-3 2.34-2 3.25-1.37a1.94 1.94 0 0 1 .46 2.9z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M409 285.33l-6.78-.66c-.1.92-.8 9.76-.46 13.1.25 1 1.94 1.5 3.78 1.05 1.65-.4 2.84-1.4 2.9-2.34h0a88.24 88.24 0 0 1 .57-11.14z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg class='d'%3E%3Cpath d='M406.46 288.1c-1-1.08-1.94-.1-4.34 1.24s-6.7 1-7-4.62c-.2-3.6-2.2 2.27-2.2 2.28-.4 2.94.4 4.72 2.36 6 2.72 1.77 7.06 1.52 10.9-.78.6-1.44.97-3.38.28-4.12z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M394.93 284.5l.23.12c1.2.64 6.56 3.66 7.1 5.88.6 2.5-2.9-1-3.94-2.57s-2.35-1.4-3.5-1.72-1.67-1.78.1-1.7zm17.9-1.22s1.1-4.23-.8-7.26-7.3-6.23-11.57-2.15c0 0-2.77 3.18 1.35 6.2s4.6.25 5.57 3.63 3.8 2.83 3.93 3.55z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cpath d='M395.07 336.28l1.67 8.84 5.6-8.47 2.38-35.7h-2.37l-7.27 35.33z' fill='%232b596e'/%3E%3Cpath d='M344.99 356.417l-7.142 2.54-29.902-84.113 7.142-2.54z' class='f'/%3E%3Cpath d='M347.91 357.775l-11.448 4.07-21.7-61.038 11.448-4.07z' class='b'/%3E%3Cpath d='M251.3 247a47.81 47.81 0 1 0 29-61.07 47.82 47.82 0 0 0-29 61.07zm4.06-1.45A43.5 43.5 0 1 1 310.93 272a43.49 43.49 0 0 1-55.56-26.43z' class='f'/%3E%3Cg class='c'%3E%3Cpath d='M268.57 197.5a43.52 43.52 0 0 0 62 60.38 43.51 43.51 0 1 1-62-60.38z' opacity='.8'/%3E%3Cpath d='M261.78,239a43.46,43.46,0,0,1,6.79-41.47,43.51,43.51,0,0,1,62,60.38A43.54,43.54,0,0,1,261.78,239Z' opacity='.4'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg class='b'%3E%3Cpath d='M99.14 478l-3.24-2.34c.4-.55 36.7-55 39.4-93l6.72.3c-2.8 39.05-41.26 92.75-42.9 95.05z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M165 485.2c-.2-.66-22.74-65.84-24.28-102.34l6.67-.17c1.52 36 21.24 100.68 21.44 101.33z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cpath d='M97.3 472.66s-4.15 2.7-3.4 3.58S106.4 489 107 488.46c2.05-1.68-6.14-12.8-7.3-13.54s-1.8-2.66-2.4-2.26z' class='d'/%3E%3Cpath d='M182.22 297.14s3.45-9 5.76-9.72 0 8.2-4.58 11.78z' class='c'/%3E%3Cpath d='M181.4 296.35l4.33 1.66c-9.65 22.8-16.12 31.73-41.53 33.13-3.9.2-4.16-1.3-3.68-4.26h0c.48-2.95 1.65-3.23 5-3.38 22.3-1 25.62-8.5 35.88-27.15z' class='b'/%3E%3Cpath d='M132.58 430.78l3.4 2.53a51.63 51.63 0 0 0 8.38 4.83 30 30 0 0 0 5.3 2.07 21.3 21.3 0 0 0 8.6.31c-3.83-25.82-1.87-49.4-10.2-73.92l-2.46.92c0-.94.06-1.87.06-2.82l-16 1.92C131 391 127.3 409.4 120 427.37a20.94 20.94 0 0 1 12.58 3.41z' fill='%233c3f57'/%3E%3Cg class='d'%3E%3Cpath d='M150.23 294.15a4.86 4.86 0 0 0-4.71 2.86c-.65 1.8.7 3.7 2.42 4.32s5.23-1.15 5.9-3-1.3-4-3.6-4.18z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M144.2 291.66c-3.3-2.66-9.15-3.25-12.74-.64s-3.43 8-.95 11.42 10 5.5 15.7 2c3.8-2.33 2.18-9.44-2-12.78z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M146.26 303.45c-2.43-2-6.68-2.54-9.23-.68s-2.36 5.83-.5 8.38 8.43 3.57 11 1.72 1.82-6.87-1.27-9.42z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg class='c'%3E%3Cpath d='M142.34 306.8c2.4 5.12 7.9 7.6 11 6.14s2.7-6.32.3-11.43-6.15-6.54-9.27-5.08-4.37 5.25-2.03 10.37z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M140.86 309.63c.56 1.2 2.46 2.16 3.32 1.76s.62-1.47.07-2.66-1.78-2-2.64-1.58a1.69 1.69 0 0 0-.75 2.48z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cpath d='M140.08 303.88s-.46-3.78 1.55-6.17 7.05-4.5 10.25-.45c0 0 2 3.07-1.92 5.18s-4-.35-5.24 2.45-3.62 2-3.82 2.6z' class='d'/%3E%3Cpath d='M150.92 377.38c-4.48.14-7.95-1.44-11.75-3.73-2.9-1.75-6.67-2.52-9.74-3.75-2.25-13.86.87-36.37 6.28-45.24 4.75-7.8 4.76-6.5 6.5-7.23a6.51 6.51 0 0 1 7.06 1.1l.1.1c2.2 2.12 2.27 6.7 2.6 11.5s2.17 3.9-2 12.2c-1.86 3.58 1.1 27.93.94 35.05z' fill='%23ff7190'/%3E%3Cpath d='M144.13 307.54l5.9.52c-.07.8-.87 8.5-1.7 11.3-.38.84-1.9 1-3.4.3-1.35-.6-2.22-1.66-2.1-2.48h0a77.88 77.88 0 0 0 1.3-9.63z' class='c'/%3E%3Cpath d='M163.78 482.34s-1.16 4.8 0 4.93 17.8.64 17.9-.13c.33-2.64-13.28-5.07-14.6-4.8s-3.14-.7-3.3 0z' class='d'/%3E%3Cpath d='M130.9 375.1s6.87 7.42 6.5 9.93-7.72-3.8-9-9.78z' class='c'/%3E%3Cpath d='M132.82 376.68l-3.87 2.88c-16.25-27.45-12.24-36 8.85-57.77 3.23-3.33 9.12 2.1 3.18 7.13-20.88 17.66-19.38 22.25-8.16 47.76z' class='b'/%3E%3Cg fill='none' class='j k l m'%3E%3Cpath d='M843.1 494.05V354.9m0 35.3l14.8-14.8'/%3E%3Cpath d='M843.1 441.2l14.8-14.8m-14.8-20.5l-15.34-15.34'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cpath d='M843.1 332.1v45.6s9.5-10.2 9.5-22.8-9.5-22.8-9.5-22.8z' class='b'/%3E%3Cpath d='M833.6 354.9c0 12.6 9.52 22.8 9.52 22.8v-45.6s-9.52 10.2-9.52 22.8z' class='e'/%3E%3Cpath d='M880.6 352.83l-28 28s12.1-.43 19.83-8.16 8.17-19.84 8.17-19.84z' class='b'/%3E%3Cpath d='M860.78 361c-7.73 7.72-8.16 19.83-8.16 19.83l28-28s-12.12.43-19.84 8.17z' class='e'/%3E%3Cpath d='M880.6 403.7l-28 28s12.1-.43 19.83-8.15 8.17-19.85 8.17-19.85z' class='b'/%3E%3Cpath d='M860.78 411.84c-7.73 7.73-8.16 19.83-8.16 19.83l28-28s-12.12.44-19.84 8.17zM831 393.78l-26.17-26.17s.4 11.32 7.63 18.54 18.54 7.63 18.54 7.63z' class='e'/%3E%3Cpath d='M823.37 375.23c-7.22-7.22-18.54-7.62-18.54-7.62L831 393.78s-.4-11.32-7.63-18.55z' class='b'/%3E%3Cg fill='none' class='j k l m'%3E%3Cpath d='M925.74 443.6l98.38-98.4m-24.95 24.98h20.92'/%3E%3Cpath d='M963.12 406.23h20.92m4.04-24.96v-21.7'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cpath d='M1040.25 329.1L1008 361.35s14-.5 22.85-9.4 9.4-22.85 9.4-22.85z' class='b'/%3E%3Cpath d='M1017.4 338.5c-8.9 8.9-9.4 22.86-9.4 22.86l32.25-32.25s-13.95.5-22.85 9.4z' class='e'/%3E%3Cpath d='M1052.1 370.27h-39.58s8.86 8.25 19.8 8.25 19.8-8.25 19.8-8.25z' class='b'/%3E%3Cpath d='M1032.32 362c-10.93 0-19.8 8.26-19.8 8.26h39.58s-8.86-8.26-19.8-8.26z' class='e'/%3E%3Cpath d='M1016.15 406.23h-39.58s8.86 8.25 19.8 8.25 19.8-8.25 19.8-8.25z' class='b'/%3E%3Cpath d='M996.36 398c-10.93 0-19.8 8.26-19.8 8.26h39.58s-8.86-8.26-19.8-8.26zm-8.28-33.85v-37s-7.72 8.3-7.72 18.5 7.72 18.5 7.72 18.5z' class='e'/%3E%3Cpath d='M995.8 345.64c0-10.22-7.72-18.5-7.72-18.5v37s7.72-8.27 7.72-18.5z' class='b'/%3E%3Cpath d='M926.1 485.42V309.9m0 35.3l14.8-14.8m-14.8 65.8l14.8-14.8m-14.8-20.5l-15.34-15.34' fill='none' class='j k l m'/%3E%3Cpath d='M926.1 287.1v45.6s9.5-10.2 9.5-22.8-9.5-22.8-9.5-22.8z' class='b'/%3E%3Cpath d='M916.6 309.9c0 12.6 9.52 22.8 9.52 22.8v-45.6s-9.52 10.2-9.52 22.8z' class='e'/%3E%3Cpath d='M963.6 307.83l-28 28s12.1-.43 19.83-8.16 8.17-19.84 8.17-19.84z' class='b'/%3E%3Cpath d='M943.78 316c-7.73 7.72-8.16 19.83-8.16 19.83l28-28s-12.12.43-19.84 8.17z' class='e'/%3E%3Cpath d='M963.6 358.7l-28 28s12.1-.43 19.83-8.15 8.17-19.85 8.17-19.85z' class='b'/%3E%3Cpath d='M943.78 366.84c-7.73 7.73-8.16 19.83-8.16 19.83l28-28s-12.12.44-19.84 8.17zM914 348.78l-26.17-26.17s.4 11.32 7.63 18.54 18.54 7.63 18.54 7.63z' class='e'/%3E%3Cpath d='M906.37 330.23c-7.22-7.22-18.54-7.62-18.54-7.62L914 348.78s-.4-11.32-7.63-18.55z' class='b'/%3E%3Cg fill='%23003057'%3E%3Cpath d='M750 464.58a58.17 58.17 0 0 0-55.92 42.16h111.8A58.17 58.17 0 0 0 750 464.58zm152.53 0a58.17 58.17 0 0 0-55.92 42.16h111.84a58.18 58.18 0 0 0-55.92-42.16z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M829.84 446.52A83.08 83.08 0 0 0 750 506.74h159.72a83.09 83.09 0 0 0-79.88-60.22z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cpath d='M755.32 463.2a2.34 2.34 0 0 0 .26-.34 2.11 2.11 0 0 0-.68-2.92l-12.9-8.1a2.12 2.12 0 1 0-2.25 3.6l12.94 8.1a2.13 2.13 0 0 0 2.63-.34z' class='c'/%3E%3Cpath d='M755.1 459.32s4.86 2.8 4.07 3.87-13.42 15.17-14.17 14.64c-2.43-1.8 6.22-14.9 7.48-15.8s1.93-3.13 2.62-2.7z' class='d'/%3E%3Cpath d='M670.44 294.58s6.42-8.87 9.17-9-2.4 9-8.48 11.6z' class='c'/%3E%3Cpath d='M669.6 294.15l5.75 2.5c-15.47 31.46 1.78 42.94 11.62 6.85 1.5-5.52 4.2-4.08 7.13-1.24.52-1 .5-1 0 0 2.93 2.85 3.35 1.86.76 7.78-16.95 38.74-46.53 22.3-25.26-15.88z' class='f'/%3E%3Cpath d='M690.47 485.36a2 2 0 0 0 .43 0 2.14 2.14 0 0 0 1.66-2.51l-3-15a2.12 2.12 0 1 0-4.16.85l3 15a2.11 2.11 0 0 0 2.07 1.66z' class='c'/%3E%3Cpath d='M685.8 476.66a56.8 56.8 0 0 0 6.76-.62c-6.73-36-11.82-84.26 6.18-117.88q-8.2-4-16.47-7.9c-13.15 29.3-1.95 95.44 3.53 126.4z' class='f'/%3E%3Cpath d='M746 461.68l4.28-5.63c-41-27.5-55.07-53.45-46.57-103.78-6.13-1.06-12.3-1.93-18.45-2.78 1.5 58.6 15.47 77.85 60.74 112.2z' fill='%233b3e54'/%3E%3Cpath d='M693.13 482.54s1.32 5.46 0 5.6-20.24.73-20.35-.15c-.38-3 15.1-5.76 16.6-5.46s3.6-.8 3.74 0z' class='d'/%3E%3Cpath d='M677.35 362.5c3.6-1.2 11 .72 14.55 0 5.25-1.07 7.83-.67 13-.37.67-16.28.1-33.32 1.3-49.3.26-3.36.43-5.36-.2-7.88a10.37 10.37 0 0 0-4.89-7c-2.8-1.54-6.4-1.42-10 .44a7.56 7.56 0 0 0-1.57.95c-2.15 1.64-4.13 4.85-4.45 10.9-.8 15.16-4.87 36.54-7.73 52.25z' class='f'/%3E%3Cpath d='M689.53 299.38l.3 10.2.37 12.8 10.9-24.37c-2.8-1.54-6.4-1.42-10 .44a7.56 7.56 0 0 0-1.59.94z' fill='%23bef6f7'/%3E%3Cg class='c'%3E%3Cpath d='M700.34 288.12c-3.5 5.4-10.1 7.3-13.38 5.17s-2-7.53 1.47-12.92 8-6.4 11.24-4.25 4.18 6.62.67 12z'/%3E%3Cpath 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When it become available we can delete the English and uncomment out the translation. var elementList = []; var locale = { de: { "not-found.body": "Wir können Ihnen zwar helfen, buchstäblich Milliarden von Aufzeichnungen zu durchsuchen, aber die von Ihnen gesuchte Seite können wir nicht finden.", "not-found.header": "Das war jetzt nicht zu erwarten …", "not-found.option-help-center": "Hilfe aufrufen", "not-found.option-other": "Oder wählen Sie eine andere Aktivität aus dem Hauptmenü dieser Seite aus.", "not-found.option-records": "Historische Aufzeichnungen ausfindig machen", "not-found.option-reload": "Seite erneut laden", "not-found.option-site-map": "Seitenübersicht ansehen", "not-found.whats-next": "Was kommt als Nächstes?" }, en: { "not-found.header":"Well, this is unexpected...", "not-found.body":"We can help you search literally billions of records, but we can't seem to find the page you're looking for.", "not-found.whats-next":"What's Next", "not-found.option-reload":"Reload the page", "not-found.option-help-center":"Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-records":"Find historical records", "not-found.option-site-map":"View the site map", "not-found.option-other":"Or choose a new activity from the main site menu." }, es: { "not-found.body": "Podemos ayudarte a buscar, literalmente, miles de millones de registros, pero al parecer no podemos encontrar la página que buscas.", "not-found.header": "No contábamos con esto…", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visitar el Centro de ayuda", "not-found.option-other": "O elige una nueva actividad del menú principal del sitio.", "not-found.option-records": "Buscar registros históricos", "not-found.option-reload": "Volver a cargar la página", "not-found.option-site-map": "Ver el mapa del sitio", "not-found.whats-next": "¿Qué sigue?" }, fr: { "not-found.body": "Nous pouvons vous aider à parcourir des millions de documents d’archives, mais la page que vous recherchez est introuvable.", "not-found.header": "Il semble que nous rencontrions un problème…", "not-found.option-help-center": "Consulter le centre d’aide", "not-found.option-other": "Ou sélectionner une nouvelle activité depuis le menu principal du site.", "not-found.option-records": "Trouver des documents d’archives", "not-found.option-reload": "Actualiser la page", "not-found.option-site-map": "Voir le plan du site", "not-found.whats-next": "Que pouvez-vous faire d’autre ?" }, it: { "not-found.body": "Possiamo aiutarti a trovare letteralmente miliardi di documenti, ma sembra che non riusciamo a trovare la pagina che stai cercando.", "not-found.header": "Errore inatteso", "not-found.option-help-center": "Vai al Centro assistenza", "not-found.option-other": "Oppure scegli un’altra attività nel menu principale del sito.", "not-found.option-records": "Trova documenti storici", "not-found.option-reload": "Ricarica la pagina", "not-found.option-site-map": "Visualizza la mappa del sito", "not-found.whats-next": "Cosa fare" }, ja: { "not-found.body": "わたしたちは実に何十億もの記録を皆さんが検索できるよう助けることができますが,現在お探しのページは見つからないようです。", "not-found.header": "予期せぬ結果となりました。", "not-found.option-help-center": "ヘルプセンターにアクセスする", "not-found.option-other": "あるいは,メインサイトメニューから新たな活動を選択してください。", "not-found.option-records": "歴史記録を検索する", "not-found.option-reload": "ページを再度読み込む", "not-found.option-site-map": "サイトマップを見る", "not-found.whats-next": "どうすればよいでしょうか" }, ko: { "not-found.body": "수억 개의 기록을 검색하는 것을 도와드릴 수는 있지만, 요청하신 페이지를 찾을 수 없었습니다.", "not-found.header": "예상치 못한 일이네요...", "not-found.option-help-center": "도움 센터 방문하기", "not-found.option-other": "또는 메인 홈페이지 메뉴에서 새로운 활동 선택하기", "not-found.option-records": "역사 기록 찾기", "not-found.option-reload": "페이지를 다시 로드하기", "not-found.option-site-map": "사이트 맵 살펴보기", "not-found.whats-next": "어떻게 할까요?" }, pt: { "not-found.body": "Podemos ajudá-lo a encontrar literalmente bilhões de registros, mas não encontramos a página que você está procurando.", "not-found.header": "Ocorreu algo inesperado…", "not-found.option-help-center": "Acessar o Centro de Ajuda", "not-found.option-other": "Escolher uma nova atividade do menu do site principal.", "not-found.option-records": "Encontrar registros históricos", "not-found.option-reload": "Atualizar a página", "not-found.option-site-map": "Ver mapa do site", "not-found.whats-next": "O que fazer?" }, ru: { "not-found.body": "Мы без преувеличения можем помочь вам найти миллиарды записей, но нам не удается найти страницу, которую вы ищете.", "not-found.header": "Что-то пошло не так...", "not-found.option-help-center": "Посетите Справочный центр", "not-found.option-other": "Или выберите новое задание в главном меню сайта.", "not-found.option-records": "Найдите исторические записи", "not-found.option-reload": "Обновите страницу", "not-found.option-site-map": "Посмотрите карту сайта", "not-found.whats-next": "Что дальше?" }, zh: { "not-found.body": "我們真的可以幫助你搜尋上百萬筆紀錄,但是好像沒辦法找到你要找的那個頁面。", "not-found.header": "哎呀,真是意外……", "not-found.option-help-center": "造訪「幫助中心」", "not-found.option-other": "或從主要網站選單中選擇新活動。", "not-found.option-records": "尋找歷史紀錄", "not-found.option-reload": "請重新載入頁面", "not-found.option-site-map": "檢視網站地圖", "not-found.whats-next": "接下來呢" }, bg: { "not-found.body": "Можем да ви помогнем да търсите сред буквално милиарди документи, но изглежда не можем да намерим страницата, която търсите.", "not-found.header": "Това беше неочаквано…", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Посетете помощния център", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Или изберете нова дейност от менюто на главната страница.", "not-found.option-records": "Намери исторически документи", "not-found.option-reload": "Зареди страницата отново", "not-found.option-site-map": "Покажи карта на сайта", "not-found.whats-next": "Какво следва" }, cs: { "not-found.body": "Můžeme vám pomoci bádat v doslova miliardách záznamů, ale vypadá to, že jsme nenašli stránku, kterou hledáte.", "not-found.header": "Stalo se něco nečekaného…", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Navštívit Středisko nápovědy", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "nebo vybrat novou aktivitu z hlavní nabídky stránek.", "not-found.option-records": "Najít historické záznamy", "not-found.option-reload": "Načíst stránku znovu", "not-found.option-site-map": "Zobrazit mapu stránek", "not-found.whats-next": "Co dál" }, da: { "not-found.body": "Vi kan hjælpe dig med at søge i bogstaveligt talt milliarder er optegnelser, men vi kan ikke rigtig finde den side, du leder efter.", "not-found.header": "Dette er uventet …", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Besøg Help Center", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Eller vælg en ny aktivitet fra hjemmesidens hovedmenu.", "not-found.option-records": "Find historiske optegnelser", "not-found.option-reload": "Genindlæs siden", "not-found.option-site-map": "Se hjemmesidens kort", "not-found.whats-next": "Hvad nu" }, fi: { "not-found.body": "Voimme auttaa sinua kirjaimellisesti miljardien asiakirjojen etsimisessä, mutta emme tunnu löytävän hakemaasi sivua.", "not-found.header": "Tämäpä on odottamatonta…", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Käy tukikeskuksessa", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Tai valitse jokin uusi toiminto sivuston päävalikosta.", "not-found.option-records": "Etsi historiallisia asiakirjoja", "not-found.option-reload": "Lataa sivu uudelleen", "not-found.option-site-map": "Katso sivustokarttaa", "not-found.whats-next": "Mitä seuraavaksi" }, fj: { "not-found.body": "E rawa ni keitou vukei iko mo vakasaqara e bilioni na itukutuku, ia e vaka ni keitou sega ni kunea rawa na tabana ko vakasaqara tiko.", "not-found.header": "E sega ni namaki o koya oqo...", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Sikova na Valenivolavola ni Veivuke", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Se digia e dua na itaviqaravi vou mai na vanua ni digidigi levu.", "not-found.option-records": "Vakasaqara na ivolatukutuku ni itukutuku makawa", "not-found.option-reload": "Mo dolava vou tale na tabana oqo", "not-found.option-site-map": "Raica na mape ni vanua", "not-found.whats-next": "Na Cava e Tarava" }, hu: { "not-found.body": "Feljegyzések milliárdjainak átkutatásában segíthetünk neked, de úgy tűnik, nem találjuk az általad keresett oldalt.", "not-found.header": "Nos, ez váratlan…", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Látogasd meg a Súgóközpontot", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "vagy válassz egy új tevékenységet a főoldal menüjéből!", "not-found.option-records": "Találj történelmi feljegyzéseket", "not-found.option-reload": "Töltsd újra az oldalt", "not-found.option-site-map": "Tekintsd meg az oldaltérképet", "not-found.whats-next": "Újdonságok" }, id: { "not-found.body": "Kami dapat membantu Anda secara harfiah mencari miliaran catatan, namun tampaknya kami tidak menemukan halaman yang Anda cari.", "not-found.header": "Nah! ini yang tidak diharapkan ...", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Kunjungi Pusat Bantuan", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Atau pilih kegiatan baru dari menu situs utama.", "not-found.option-records": "Temukan catatan bersejarah", "not-found.option-reload": "Muat ulang halaman", "not-found.option-site-map": "Lihat peta situs", "not-found.whats-next": "Apa Berikutnya" }, km: { "not-found.body": "យើងអាចជួយអ្នកឲ្យស្រាវជ្រាវរកកំណត់ត្រារាប់ពាន់លាន ប៉ុន្ដែយើងហាក់រកមិនឃើញទំព័រ ដែលអ្នកកំពុងរកនេះទេ ។", "not-found.header": "មែនហើយ វាមិនត្រូវបានរំពឹងទុកឡើយ...", // "not-found.option-help-center": "ចូលទៅមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលផ្ដល់ជំនួយ", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "ឬ ជ្រើសរើសសកម្មភាពថ្មីមួយមកពីបញ្ជីទំព័រដើម ។", "not-found.option-records": "ស្រាវជ្រាវកំណត់ត្រាប្រវត្តិ", "not-found.option-reload": "ផ្ទុកទំព័រឡើងវិញ", "not-found.option-site-map": "មើលលើផែនទី", "not-found.whats-next": "តើអ្វីបន្ទាប់" }, mn: { "not-found.body": "Бид танд хэдэн тэрбум бүртгэлийг хайхад тусалж чадна, гэвч таны хайж байгаа энэ хуудсыг олж чадсангүй.", "not-found.header": "Өө, ингэж бодсонгүй…", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Тусламжийн төв дээр дарах", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Эсвэл гол сайтын цэснээс шинэ үйл ажиллагаа сонгох", "not-found.option-records": "Түүхэн бүртгэлийн бичиг баримт олох", "not-found.option-reload": "Хуудсыг дахин ачаалах", "not-found.option-site-map": "Сайтын газрын зураг дээр харах", "not-found.whats-next": "Дараа нь яах вэ" }, nl: { "not-found.body": "We kunnen u helpen om miljarden documenten te doorzoeken, maar de pagina die u zoekt, is niet te vinden.", "not-found.header": "Dit is onverwacht…", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Bezoek het Helpcentrum", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Of kies in het menu van de website een andere activiteit.", "not-found.option-records": "Zoek historische documenten", "not-found.option-reload": "Laad de pagina opnieuw", "not-found.option-site-map": "Bekijk de sitemap", "not-found.whats-next": "Wat nu?" }, no: { "not-found.body": "Vi kan hjelpe deg med å søke i bokstavelig talt milliarder av opptegnelser, men det ser ikke ut til at vi finner siden du leter etter.", "not-found.header": "Dette var uventet …", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Besøk Hjelpesenteret", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Eller velg en ny aktivitet fra nettstedets hovedmeny.", "not-found.option-records": "Finn historiske opptegnelser", "not-found.option-reload": "Last inn siden på nytt", "not-found.option-site-map": "Vis nettstedkartet", "not-found.whats-next": "Hva nå?" }, pl: { "not-found.body": "Możemy pomóc ci przeszukać dosłownie miliardy zapisów, ale wygląda na to, że nie możemy znaleźć szukanej przez ciebie strony.", "not-found.header": "Tego się nie spodziewaliśmy…", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Odwiedź centrum pomocy", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Możesz też wybrać nowe zadanie z głównego menu strony.", "not-found.option-records": "Znajdź dokumenty historyczne", "not-found.option-reload": "Załaduj stronę ponownie", "not-found.option-site-map": "Zobacz mapę strony", "not-found.whats-next": "Co dalej?" }, ro: { "not-found.body": "Te putem ajuta să cauți printre practic miliarde de înregistrări, dar se pare că nu putem găsi pagina pe care o cauți.", "not-found.header": "Ei bine, nu ne așteptam la aceasta…", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Vizitează Centrul de asistență", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Sau alege o nouă activitate din meniul principal al site-ului.", "not-found.option-records": "Găsește înregistrări istorice", "not-found.option-reload": "Reîncarcă pagina", "not-found.option-site-map": "Vezi harta site-ului", "not-found.whats-next": "Ce urmează" }, sk: { "not-found.body": "Môžeme vám pomôcť vyhľadať doslova miliardy záznamov, ale vyzerá to tak, že nemôžeme nájsť stránku, ktorú hľadáte.", "not-found.header": "Toto je neočakávané…", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Navštívte Centrum pomoci", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Alebo vyberte novú aktivitu z hlavnej ponuky stránky.", "not-found.option-records": "Nájsť historické záznamy", "not-found.option-reload": "Znova načítať stránku", "not-found.option-site-map": "Zobraziť mapu stránky", "not-found.whats-next": "Čo ďalej" }, sm: { "not-found.body": "E mafai ona matou fesoasoani ia te oe e saili moni ia faamaumauga e piliona, ae e foliga mai e le mafai ona matou mauaina le itulau o loo e sailia.", "not-found.header": "Ia, e le’i fuafuaina lenei mea...", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Asiasi atu i le Nofoaga Autu mo Fesoasoaniga", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Po o le filifili se gaoioiga fou mai le lisi o le nofoaga autu.", "not-found.option-records": "Saili faamaumauga o talafaasolopito", "not-found.option-reload": "Toe uta i luga le itulau", "not-found.option-site-map": "Maimoa i le faafanua o le nofoaga", "not-found.whats-next": "O Le A le Mea e Sosoo Ai" }, sq: { "not-found.body": "Ne mund t’ju ndihmojmë që të bëni kërkime njëmend në miliarda dokumente, por me sa duket nuk mund ta gjejmë faqen që po kërkoni.", "not-found.header": "Epo, kjo ishte e papritur…", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Vizitoni Qendrën e Ndihmës", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Ose zgjidhni një veprimtari të re nga menuja e faqes kryesore.", "not-found.option-records": "Gjeni dokumentet historike", "not-found.option-reload": "Ringarkoje faqen", "not-found.option-site-map": "Shikoni hartën e vendndodhjes", "not-found.whats-next": "Po më Tej" }, sv: { "not-found.body": "Vi kan bokstavligen hjälpa dig söka bland miljarder uppteckningar, men vi hittar visst inte sidan du letar efter.", "not-found.header": "Oj, det här var oväntat …", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Gå till Hjälpcenter", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "eller välj en ny aktivitet från huvudmenyn.", "not-found.option-records": "Hitta historiska uppteckningar", "not-found.option-reload": "Uppdatera sidan", "not-found.option-site-map": "Visa webbplatskartan", "not-found.whats-next": "Vad gör vi nu?" }, th: { "not-found.body": "ที่จริงแล้ว เราสามารถช่วยท่านค้นหาบันทึกต่างๆ ได้เป็นพันล้านรายการ แต่ดูเหมือนว่าเราไม่สามารถหาหน้าที่ท่านต้องการได้", "not-found.header": "นี่เป็นเรื่องไม่คาดหมาย...", // "not-found.option-help-center": "เข้าไปที่ศูนย์ให้ความช่วยเหลือ", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "หรือเลือกกิจกรรมใหม่จากเมนูของไซต์หลัก", "not-found.option-records": "หาบันทึกทางประวัติศาสตร์", "not-found.option-reload": "โหลดหน้านี้อีกครั้ง", "not-found.option-site-map": "ดูแผนที่ของไซต์", "not-found.whats-next": "ต้องทำอย่างไรต่อ" }, to: { "not-found.body": "ʻOku mau lava ‘o tokoniʻi koe ke fekumi ki ha ngaahi lekooti ʻe lauipiliona, ka ʻoku hangē ʻoku ‘ikai lava ʻo maʻu e peesi ‘okú ke fekumi ki aí.", "not-found.header": "Sai, ‘oku taʻe‘amanekina ʻeni...", // "not-found.option-help-center": "ʻAʻahi ki he Senitā Tokoní", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Pe fili ha ‘ekitivitī foʻou mei he fakahokohoko ‘o e uepisaiti tefitó.", "not-found.option-records": "Fekumi ki ha ngaahi lekooti fakahisitōlia", "not-found.option-reload": "Toe load ʻa e pēsí", "not-found.option-site-map": "Vakai ki he mape ‘o e uepisaití", "not-found.whats-next": "Ko e Hā e Meʻa Hokó" }, vi: { "not-found.body": "Chúng tôi có thể giúp bạn tìm kiếm trong hàng tỷ hồ sơ, nhưng dường như chúng tôi không thể tìm thấy trang mà bạn đang tìm kiếm.", "not-found.header": "Ồ, điều này thật là ngoài dự đoán...", // "not-found.option-help-center": "Hãy vào Trung Tâm Trợ Giúp", "not-found.option-help-center": "Visit the Help Center", "not-found.option-other": "Hoặc chọn một sinh hoạt mới từ bảng chọn trang chính.", "not-found.option-records": "Tìm các hồ sơ lịch sử", "not-found.option-reload": "Tải lại trang", "not-found.option-site-map": "Xem bản đồ của trang", "not-found.whats-next": "Tiếp Theo Là Gì" }, // 'zh-hans': { // "not-found.body": "我们真的可以帮助你搜寻上亿万笔纪录,但是好像没办法找到你要找的那个页面。", // "not-found.header": "哎呀,真是意外……", // "not-found.option-help-center": "造访“帮助中心”", // "not-found.option-other": "或从主要网站选单中选择新活动。", // "not-found.option-records": "寻找历史纪录", // "not-found.option-reload": "重新载入页面", // "not-found.option-site-map": "检视网站地图", // "not-found.whats-next": "接下来呢" // }, }; var readCookie = function(name) { var value = "; " + document.cookie; var parts = 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