small amount meaning: Limited quantity, relatively minor scale - OneLook
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If there are other senses of the word, they are shown below." class="ol_inbrief"><span class="ol_inbrief_title">Might mean (unverified):</span> Limited quantity, relatively minor scale. </div> <div class="ol_tabs"> <b class="ol_selected_tab">Definitions</b> [<b class="ol_nonselected_tab"><a href="/?w=small_amount&related=1">Related words</a></b>] [<b class="ol_nonselected_tab"><a href="/?w=small_amount&mentions=1">Mentions</a></b>] </div> <div id='main'> <div id='section-dicts'> We found 2 dictionaries that define the word <b>small amount</b>: <br><br> <IMG src=/img/a.gif alt="Business dictionaries"> <a name=all_bus></a><u><b>Business</b></u> (1 matching dictionary)<br> <OL START=1> <li><a rel="nofollow" href="">small amount</a>: Legal dictionary </ol><br> <IMG src=/img/a.gif alt="Miscellaneous dictionaries"> <a name=all_misc></a><u><b>Miscellaneous</b></u> (1 matching dictionary)<br> <OL START=2> <font color=grey><li> Encyclopedia of Graphic Symbols <i>(No longer online)</i></font> </ol><br> </div> <div id='section-defn'> <table class="info-box" cellpadding=0 width=><tr><td> <div class="entry" type="normal"> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Phrases:</b></div><div class=rellist> <nobr><a href=/?w=small+indefinite+amount&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>small indefinite amount</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=a+small+amount&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>a small amount</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=very+small+amount&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>very small amount</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=a+small+amount+of+something&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>a small amount of something</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=small+amount+of&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>small amount of</a>, </nobr> <a href="/?w=**small_amount**&ssbp=1"><i>more...</i></a> </div> <div id="dmapi_cls"></div> <script language=javascript type='text/javascript'> var query = 'small_amount'; 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var baseurl = '/?loc=dmapirel&w=' </script> <br>▸ <a target="_" href="">Rhymes of <i>small amount</i></a><br> <br>▸ <a href="pm/#?w1=small_amount">Invented words related to <i>small amount</i></a><br> </td></tr></table></td></tr> </table></div> </div></div> <br> <center><table class="info-box" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1" width=80%><tr><td><a name=phrases></a> <div class=relheader><b>Similar:</b></div><div class=rellist> <div id="dmapi_ml"></div> <script language=javascript type='text/javascript'> var query = 'small_amount'; var baseurl = '/?loc=dmapirel&w=' toggle_dmapi_res('ml'); </script> </div> <div class=relheader><b>Phrases:</b></div><div class=rellist> <nobr><a href=/?w=small+indefinite+amount&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>small indefinite amount</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=a+small+amount&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>a small amount</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=very+small+amount&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>very small amount</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=a+small+amount+of+something&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>a small amount of something</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=small+amount+of&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>small amount of</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=small+amount+of+money&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>small amount of money</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=a+small+amount+of&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>a small amount of</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=a+very+small+amount&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>a very small amount</a>, </nobr> <nobr><a href=/?w=small+amount+of+liquid&ls=a&loc=rel_phrase>small amount of liquid</a>, </nobr> <a href="/?w=**small_amount**&ssbp=1"><i>more...</i></a> </div> <br> <div class=relheader><b>Crossword clues:</b></div><div class=rellist> <nobr><i>a bit of something, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>ha'p'orth, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>a dab, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>a modicum, </i></nobr> <nobr><i>two penn'orth</i></nobr> <img src="/img/0.gif?x=revdictmatch"> </div> </td></tr></table></center> <br><br> Search for <i>small amount</i> on <a href="">Google</a> or <a href="">Wikipedia</a><br><br> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/threepeat/tp.css?4"><center>Tap below and start typing to play <a href="/threepeat">Threepeat</a>!</center><center><br> <div id="threepeat"></div> <div id="beacon"></div> <script src="/threepeat/libs/confettisplosion.js?4"></script> <script src="/threepeat/tp.js?4"></script> <script> const threepeat = new Threepeat("#threepeat"); 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