The Largest Academic Conferences: A Must-Attend List for Researchers, Scholars, and Academics - Peeref

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These conferences are critical for advancing knowledge, fostering collaborations, and inspiring new ideas. Here, we present a list of the largest academic conferences across different disciplines, highlighting their significance and key features.</p><p>To further enhance the visibility and impact of research, platforms like <a href="">Peeref</a> offer a complementary and permanent solution for showcasing research posters. By submitting to Peeref, you not only participate in a global competition but also gain the benefit of having their work permanently accessible online. Peeref assigns individual DOIs to the posters, ensuring they are citable and discoverable in academic and professional contexts. This dual approach – participating in major conferences and utilizing Peeref – maximizes the reach and long-term influence of your work.</p><p><strong>Overview of the largest academic conferences and their key focus areas</strong></p><table><tr><td><p><strong>Conference</strong></p></td><td><p><strong>Key Focus Areas</strong></p></td></tr><tr><td><p>American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting</p></td><td><p>Interdisciplinary Research, Science Policy, Public Engagement, Innovation, Global Collaboration</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)</p></td><td><p>Autonomous Systems, Robotic Surgery, Industrial Automation, AI in Robotics, Human-Robot Interaction</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Annual Meeting</p></td><td><p>Neurodegenerative Diseases, Neural Circuitry, Behavioral Neuroscience, Developmental Neuroscience, Translational Research</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting &amp; Exposition</p></td><td><p>Chemical Research, Green Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Materials Science, Chemical Education</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting</p></td><td><p>Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science, Quantum Science, Soft Matter, Biophysics, High-Energy Physics</p></td></tr><tr><td><p>American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting</p></td><td><p>Earth Sciences, Climate Change, Natural Hazards, Hydrology, Space Weather</p></td></tr></table><p><strong>American Association for the Advancement of Science (</strong><a href=""><strong>AAAS</strong></a><strong>) Annual Meeting</strong></p><p><img alt="" src="" /></p><p>Overview</p><p>The AAAS Annual Meeting is one of the world’s most prestigious interdisciplinary science events, drawing thousands of attendees from various scientific fields. It serves as a hub for groundbreaking research and cross-disciplinary collaboration. Abstracts and papers presented at the AAAS Annual Meeting are often published in the journal <a href="">Science</a> and other affiliated publications.</p><p>Key Focus Areas</p><ul><li>Interdisciplinary Research: The meeting emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing complex scientific challenges. Sessions often explore how integrating knowledge from different fields can lead to innovative solutions and breakthroughs.</li><li>Science Policy and Advocacy: The conference serves as a platform for discussing the role of science in policy making and advocating for evidence-based decision-making. Key sessions focus on how scientific research can inform and shape public policy on critical issues such as climate change, healthcare, and education.</li><li>Public Engagement with Science: AAAS is dedicated to enhancing public understanding and appreciation of science. The annual meeting includes sessions on effective science communication, strategies for engaging diverse audiences, and the role of scientists in public discourse.</li><li>Scientific Innovation and Technology: The meeting showcases the latest advancements in science and technology, highlighting cutting-edge research and technological innovations that have the potential to transform society.</li><li>Global Science Collaboration: Recognizing the importance of international collaboration, the AAAS Annual Meeting features sessions on global scientific initiatives, partnerships, and the role of science in addressing global challenges.</li></ul><p>Information about Attendees, Sponsors, and Exhibitors</p><p>The AAAS Annual Meeting is renowned for attracting a diverse and expansive audience from across the global scientific community. Each year, the meeting draws on average 4,000+ attendees from 65+ countries, including researchers, educators, policymakers, journalists, and science enthusiasts from a wide array of disciplines and backgrounds.</p><p><img alt="" src="" /></p><p>(Source: <a href="">AAAS Sponsors and Exhibitors</a>)</p><p>The AAAS Annual Meeting attracts a significant number of exhibitors and sponsors, reflecting its status as a major event in the scientific community. Each year, the exhibition hall features over 100 exhibitors, including prestigious research institutions, leading scientific publishers, cutting-edge technology companies, and influential non-profit organizations. Previous exhibitors have included renowned entities such as NASA and Thermo Fisher Scientific. Its recent sponsor includes industry giants like IBM, which supports the conference's initiatives in technological innovation and data science, and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which supports various scientific endeavors.</p><p>Keynote Speakers from Recent Conferences</p><p><strong>Dr. Anthony Fauci</strong></p><p>Renowned immunologist and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. During the 2021 AAAS annual meeting, Dr. Fauci delivered a focus on the scientific and public health challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of science in combating the virus, and lessons learned for future pandemic preparedness during his keynote “COVID-19 in 2021: Lessons Learned and Remaining Challenges”.</p><p>Dr. Fauci has authored or co-authored more than 1,300 scientific publications. Some of his notable works include:</p><ul><li>“<a href="">HIV and AIDS: 20 Years of Science</a>” (2003)</li></ul><p><strong>Dr. Jennifer Doudna</strong></p><p>Nobel laureate in Chemistry for her work on CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing. Some of her significant publications include:</p><ul><li>“<a href="">A Programmable Dual-RNA–Guided DNA Endonuclease in Adaptive Bacterial Immunity</a>” (2012)</li><li>“<a href="">The New Frontier of Genome Engineering with CRISPR-Cas9</a>” (2014)</li></ul><p>Dr. Doudna’s keynote titled “Rewriting the Code of Life: CRISPR-Cas9 and Beyond” highlighted the revolutionary potential of CRISPR technology in genetics, its applications in medicine and agriculture, and the ethical considerations surrounding gene editing.</p><p><strong>Dr. Marcia McNutt</strong></p><p>President of the National Academy of Sciences and former Editor-in-Chief of Science. He has contributed extensively to the fields of geophysics and science policy.</p><p>In her keynote speech titled “Science and Policy: Bridging the Divide,” Dr. McNutt discussed the crucial role of science in policymaking, the challenges of communicating scientific findings to policymakers, and strategies for bridging the gap between scientific research and policy decisions.</p><p>Poster Submission</p><p>The AAAS Annual Meeting is a premier venue for presenting scientific research, and the poster sessions are a vital component of this event. Researchers interested in submitting a poster must follow specific guidelines. These include submitting an abstract summarizing their research by a specified deadline, ensuring the content aligns with the conference’s theme, and adhering to formatting requirements, such as size and layout specifications. Abstracts are reviewed by a panel of experts, who evaluate them based on the significance, originality, and clarity of the research.</p><p>Accepted posters are displayed prominently at the conference venue, allowing presenters to engage with attendees and receive valuable feedback. Additionally, these posters are often included in the digital library or conference proceedings, making them accessible to a broader audience even after the event concludes. <a href="">See</a> detailed poster submission guideline for AAAS 2025 Student E-poster Competition.</p><p><img alt="" src="" /></p><p>To further enhance the visibility and impact of your research, consider publishing your poster on <a href="">Peeref</a>. Our platform allows your work to be permanently accessible online and assigns individual DOIs to posters, ensuring they are citable and discoverable in academic and professional contexts.</p><p>Special or Innovative Aspects</p><p>Lightning Talks: Short, dynamic presentations. designed to quickly convey innovative research and ideas. Offer early career researchers the opportunity to have the stage to themselves for ten minutes.</p><p>Digital Poster Stations: Interactive digital displays that allow attendees to explore research posters in a more engaging format. </p><p>Public Outreach: The AAAS Annual Meeting includes a variety of public outreach events aimed at increasing public understanding and appreciation of science. These events often involve hands-on activities, science fairs, and open lectures that are accessible to the general public. For example, “<a href="">Family Science Days</a>” is a popular outreach event that features interactive science exhibits and activities for children and families, promoting science education and literacy.</p><p><strong>IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (</strong><a href=""><strong>ICRA</strong></a><strong>)</strong></p><p><img alt="" src="" /></p><p>Overview</p><p>The IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) is one of the most prestigious events in the field of robotics, drawing thousands of attendees from across the globe. The conference serves as a premier forum for the presentation and discussion of advances in robotics and automation. Abstracts and papers presented at ICRA are published in the <a href="">IEEE Xplore Digital Library</a>, making them widely accessible to the research community.</p><p>Key Focus Areas</p><ul><li>Autonomous Systems: ICRA features extensive sessions on the development and implementation of autonomous systems, including self-driving cars, drones, and robotic companions.</li><li>Robotic Surgery: The conference highlights innovations in medical robotics, showcasing advancements in robotic surgery and healthcare technologies.</li><li>Industrial Automation: ICRA explores the latest technologies in industrial automation, including robotics in manufacturing and production processes.</li><li>Artificial Intelligence in Robotics: Discussions on the integration of AI in robotics, focusing on machine learning, computer vision, and intelligent systems.</li><li>Human-Robot Interaction: Sessions dedicated to improving the interaction between humans and robots, emphasizing safety, usability, and ethical considerations.</li></ul><p>Information about Sponsors/Exhibitors</p><p>The IEEE ICRA is known for attracting a diverse group of attendees, including researchers, engineers, industry professionals, and students. Each year, the conference typically draws around 3,000 to 5,000 participants from over 50 countries, offering a platform for networking and collaboration.</p><p>The exhibition hall features over 100 exhibitors, including leading robotics companies, research institutions, and technology providers. Previous exhibitors have included companies like Boston Dynamics, ABB Robotics, and NVIDIA.</p><p>Key sponsors include renowned entities such as Google, Microsoft, and Toyota Research Institute, which support the conference's initiatives in promoting cutting-edge research and technological innovation. These sponsors play a crucial role in enhancing the conference experience by hosting workshops, providing demos, and engaging in technical sessions.</p><p>Keynote Speakers from Recent Conferences</p><p><strong>Dr. Daniela Rus</strong></p><p>Director of <a href="">MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory</a> (CSAIL). Dr. Rus is known for her work in distributed robotics, mobile computing, and programmable matter. Notable publications include:</p><ul><li>“<a href="">Autonomous Soft Robotic Fish Capable of Escape Maneuvers Using Fluidic Elastomer Actuators</a>” (2014)</li><li>“<a href="">Decentralized path planning for coverage tasks using gradient descent adaptive control</a>” (2014)</li></ul><p><strong>Dr. Vijay Kumar</strong></p><p>Dean of the University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied Science. Dr. Kumar has made significant contributions to the field of robotics, particularly in the area of multi-robot systems. Key publications include:</p><ul><li>“<a href="">A Systematic Review on Firefly Algorithm: Past, Present, and Future</a>” (2021)</li><li>“<a href="">Advancements in arithmetic optimization algorithm: theoretical foundations, variants, and applications</a>” (2023)</li></ul><p><strong>Dr. Raquel Urtasun</strong></p><p>Leading expert in computer vision and self-driving technology. Dr. Urtasun’s notable works include:</p><ul><li>“<a href="">Are we ready for Autonomous Driving? The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite</a>” (2012)</li></ul><p><a id="OLE_LINK9"></a><a id="OLE_LINK10"></a>Poster Submission</p><p>Each poster for ICRA must be a physical paper poster with dimensions not exceeding 35 inches wide by 59 inches high. Authors are encouraged to choose a format that best represents their research without a specific template. All posters must be placed on the designated boards at least five minutes before the session starts. Authors are expected to be present during their session to discuss their research with attendees. Additionally, ICRA allows for the submission of a PDF version of the poster to the <a href="">InfoVaya platform</a>, making it accessible to virtual attendees as well. See more detailed instructions from ICRA <a href="">here</a>. For broader dissemination and impact, consider publishing your poster on <a href="">Peeref</a>, which provides individual DOIs and ensures your work is discoverable and citable.</p><p>Special or Innovative Aspects</p><ul><li>Robot Demonstrations: ICRA features live demonstrations of cutting-edge robotic technologies, allowing attendees to see the latest innovations in action. These demos provide an interactive experience, showcasing the practical applications of research.</li><li>Hands-on Tutorials: The conference offers practical, hands-on tutorials that provide in-depth training on various topics in robotics and automation. These sessions are led by experts and are designed to enhance the skills of participants.</li><li>Interactive Workshops: ICRA includes a variety of interactive workshops that encourage active participation and collaboration. These workshops cover a wide range of topics, from the technical aspects of robot design to the ethical implications of AI in robotics.</li><li>E-Poster Sessions: Similar to the AAAS Annual Meeting, ICRA utilizes digital technology to enhance traditional poster presentations. E-poster sessions allow for multimedia integration, making research presentations more dynamic and engaging.</li></ul><p><a id="OLE_LINK7"></a><a id="OLE_LINK8"></a><strong>Society for Neuroscience (</strong><a href=""><strong>SfN</strong></a><strong>) Annual Meeting</strong></p><p><img alt="" src="" /></p><p>Overview</p><p>The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) Annual Meeting is one of the largest and most prestigious conferences in the field of neuroscience. It attracts thousands of researchers, clinicians, and industry professionals from around the world, providing a platform for presenting and discussing the latest advancements in neuroscience. Abstracts and papers presented at the SfN Annual Meeting are often published in <a href="">The Journal of Neuroscience</a> and other affiliated publications.</p><p>Key Focus Areas</p><ul><li>Neurodegenerative Diseases: Sessions and presentations on research related to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other neurodegenerative disorders, exploring underlying mechanisms, diagnostics, and potential treatments.</li><li>Neural Circuitry: Advances in understanding the connectivity and function of neural circuits, including studies on synaptic transmission, plasticity, and network dynamics.</li><li>Behavioral Neuroscience: Research on the neural basis of behavior, cognition, and emotion, with applications ranging from mental health to learning and memory.</li><li>Developmental Neuroscience: Insights into the processes that govern the development of the nervous system, from genetic and molecular mechanisms to the formation of neural networks.</li><li>Translational Research: Focus on translating basic neuroscience discoveries into clinical applications, including novel therapies and interventions for neurological disorders.</li></ul><p>Information about Sponsors/Exhibitors</p><p>The SfN Annual Meeting is known for its diverse and expansive audience. Each year, the meeting attracts approximately 30,000 attendees from over 70 countries, including neuroscientists, clinicians, educators, policymakers, and industry representatives. </p><p>The exhibition hall features over 500 exhibitors, including leading academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies, technology providers, and non-profit organizations. Previous exhibitors have included companies like Pfizer, Thermo Fisher Scientific, and BrainVision. </p><p>Key sponsors include major pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms such as Eli Lilly, Merck, and the Allen Institute for Brain Science, which support the conference’s initiatives in advancing neuroscience research and education. These sponsors play a crucial role in enhancing the conference experience by hosting workshops, providing demos, and engaging in technical sessions.</p><p>Keynote Speakers from Recent Conferences</p><p><strong>Dr. Eric Kandel</strong></p><p>Nobel laureate and professor of biochemistry and biophysics at Columbia University. Notable publications include:</p><ul><li>“<a href="">The Molecular Biology of Memory Storage: A Dialogue Between Genes and Synapses</a>” (2001)</li></ul><p><strong>Dr. May-Britt Moser</strong></p><p>Nobel laureate and co-director of the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience. Known for her discovery of grid cells in the entorhinal cortex. Key publications include:</p><ul><li>“<a href="">Frequency of theta rhythm is controlled by acceleration, but not speed, in running rats</a>” (2021)</li><li>“<a href="">Place Cells, Grid Cells, and the Brain's Spatial Representation System</a>” (2014)</li></ul><p>Poster Submission</p><p>The primary submitting author must be a member of SfN, and all co-authors must have a My SfN account, although membership is not required for co-authors. Abstracts are reviewed for compliance with SfN policies and must report original research not previously published or presented at another meeting. Accepted posters will be displayed during the conference. Posters should be prepared for physical presentation and can also be submitted as PDFs for virtual access, ensuring broader visibility. Enhance the reach of your neuroscience research by publishing your poster on <a href="">Peeref</a>, which assigns DOIs to ensure your work is citable and discoverable permanently.</p><p>Special or Innovative Aspects</p><p><a href="">Meet-the-Expert Sessions</a>: These sessions provide opportunities for early-career scientists to engage with established experts in various fields of neuroscience. The format encourages informal discussions, mentorship, and networking. </p><p><a href="">Brain Awareness Campaigns</a>: The meeting includes public outreach initiatives like Brain Awareness Week, designed to increase public understanding of neuroscience and promote brain health. These events often involve hands-on activities, public lectures, and educational exhibits.</p><p>Digital Poster Stations: Interactive digital displays that enhance the traditional poster presentation experience.</p><p><strong>American Chemical Society (</strong><a href=""><strong>ACS</strong></a><strong>) National Meeting &amp; Exposition</strong></p><p><img alt="" src="" /></p><p>Overview</p><p>The American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting &amp; Exposition is a premier event in the field of chemistry, drawing thousands of chemists, researchers, and industry professionals from around the world. The meeting provides a platform for the dissemination and discussion of the latest research in chemical sciences. Abstracts and papers presented at the ACS National Meeting are often published in ACS’s suite of high-impact journals, including <a href="">Journal of the American Chemical Society</a>, <a href="">ACS Nano</a>, and <a href="">ACS Chemical Biology</a>.</p><p>Key Focus Areas</p><ul><li>Chemical Research and Innovation: The meeting covers a broad range of topics in chemical research, from organic and inorganic chemistry to physical and analytical chemistry. Sessions highlight innovative research and technological advancements in these areas.</li><li>Sustainability and Green Chemistry: Emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices, the meeting includes sessions on green chemistry, renewable energy, and environmental chemistry, focusing on how chemistry can contribute to sustainable development.</li><li>Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Discussions on the latest developments in drug discovery, chemical biology, and medicinal chemistry. These sessions explore the chemistry behind new therapeutics and diagnostic tools.</li><li>Materials Science and Nanotechnology: Presentations on the synthesis, characterization, and application of new materials, including nanomaterials, polymers, and advanced composites.</li><li>Chemical Education: Dedicated sessions for educators to discuss innovations in teaching chemistry, curriculum development, and outreach programs aimed at promoting chemical education.</li></ul><p>Information about Attendees, Sponsors, and Exhibitors</p><p>The ACS National Meeting is known for attracting a diverse audience, including academic researchers, industry professionals, students, and educators. Each year, the meeting typically draws around 12,000 to 15,000 attendees from over 100 countries, providing a platform for networking and collaboration.</p><p>The exposition hall features over 250 exhibitors, including leading chemical companies, research institutions, and technology providers. Previous exhibitors have included companies like Merck, Dow, and Thermo Fisher Scientific.</p><p>Key sponsors include renowned entities such as Pfizer, BASF, and the National Science Foundation, which support the conference’s initiatives in advancing chemical research and education. These sponsors play a crucial role in enhancing the conference experience by hosting workshops, providing demos, and engaging in technical sessions.</p><p>Keynote Speakers from Recent Conferences</p><p><strong>Dr. Carolyn Bertozzi</strong></p><p>Dr. Bertozzi is known for her work in bioorthogonal chemistry and glycobiology. Notable publications include:</p><ul><li>“<a href="">Bioorthogonal Chemistry: Fishing for Selectivity in a Sea of Functionality</a>” (2004)</li><li>“<a href="">Degradation from the outside in: Targeting extracellular and membrane proteins for degradation through the endolysosomal pathway</a>” (2021)</li></ul><p><strong>Dr. Carol Robinson</strong></p><p>Dr. Robinson holds the Chair of Dr. Lee’s Professor of Chemistry at the University of Oxford and is the first Director of the Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery at Oxford. She is recognized for establishing mass spectrometry as a viable technology to study the structure, function, and interactions of proteins and their complexes. Her notable publications include:</p><ul><li>“Understanding glycoprotein structural heterogeneity and interactions: Insights from native mass spectrometry” (2022)</li><li>“Native Top-Down Mass Spectrometry Reveals a Role for Interfacial Glycans on Therapeutic Cytokine and Hormone Assemblies” (2022)</li></ul><p><strong>Dr. </strong><a id="OLE_LINK5"></a><a id="OLE_LINK6"></a><strong>Frances Arnold</strong></p><p>Dr. Arnold, a Nobel Laureate and a Linus Pauling Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering and Biochemistry and director of the Donna and Benjamin M. Rosen Bioengineering Center at Caltech. ACS has announced that it would honor Dr Arnold with the 2025 Priestley Medal, the society’s highest honor. Her notable works include:</p><ul><li>“<a href="">Expanding the Enzyme Universe: Accessing Non-Natural Reactions by Mechanism-Guided Directed Evolution</a>” (2015)</li><li>“<a href="">Informed training set design enables efficient machine learning-assisted directed protein evolution</a>” (2021)</li></ul><p>Poster Submission</p><p>At the ACS National Meeting &amp; Exposition, poster presentations take place during scheduled in-person and virtual sessions. In-person presenters receive a scheduled poster board assignment and must mount their posters on a 4' high by 8' wide display board. Presenters are expected to be present with their posters for the duration of their session to interact with attendees. While uploading the poster to the virtual platform is not required for in-person presenters, it is recommended to ensure broader accessibility. Virtual posters will be available on demand throughout the meeting. <a href="file:///Users/emilyjin/Downloads/instructions-for-undergraduate-poster-authors.pdf">See</a> more details on ACS conference poster submission guidelines. For greater impact, consider publishing your poster on <a href="">Peeref</a>, ensuring it is permanently accessible and citable with an assigned DOI.</p><p>Special or Innovative Aspects</p><ul><li><a href="">Sci-Mix Sessions</a>: The ACS National Meeting features Sci-Mix sessions, which are large, interdisciplinary poster sessions. These sessions provide a dynamic environment for networking and exchanging ideas across various fields of chemistry.</li></ul><p><strong>American Physical Society (</strong><a href=""><strong>APS</strong></a><strong>) March Meeting</strong></p><p><img alt="" src="" /></p><p>Overview</p><p>The American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting is one of the largest and most significant annual events in the field of physics, drawing thousands of physicists, researchers, and industry professionals from around the world. The meeting serves as a comprehensive platform for presenting and discussing the latest advancements in various branches of physics. Abstracts and papers presented at the APS March Meeting are published in the APS’s journals, including <a href=";utm_medium=Search+Ads&amp;utm_campaign=TBI+APS+-+Evergreen+Submissions+-+Chemical+-+June+2024&amp;utm_content=PRL&amp;creative=701034689004&amp;keyword=physical%20review%20letters&amp;matchtype=b&amp;network=g&amp;device=c&amp;gad_source=1&amp;gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkcedz56uhwMV7FFHAR1SgQOwEAAYASAAEgJ3nvD_BwE">Physical Review Letters</a>, <a href="">Physical Review X</a>, and <a href="">Reviews of Modern Physics</a>.</p><p>Key Focus Areas</p><ul><li>Condensed Matter Physics: The meeting covers extensive research on the properties of condensed phases of matter, including superconductors, semiconductors, and complex fluids.</li><li>Materials Science: Discussions on the development and characterization of new materials, including nanomaterials, quantum materials, and biomaterials.</li><li>Quantum Information Science: Advances in quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum communication are key topics at the meeting, reflecting the growing importance of quantum technologies.</li><li>Soft Matter Physics: Research on polymers, colloids, liquid crystals, and biological materials, focusing on their unique properties and applications.</li><li>Biophysics: Sessions dedicated to the physical principles underlying biological systems, including the study of cellular processes, biomolecular dynamics, and neural networks.</li><li>High-Energy Physics: Presentations on particle physics, including studies of fundamental particles, accelerators, and cosmology.</li></ul><p>Information about Attendees, Sponsors, and Exhibitors</p><p>The APS March Meeting attracts a diverse and expansive audience. Each year, the meeting draws approximately 10,000 to 12,000 attendees from over 50 countries, including academic researchers, industry professionals, and students.</p><p>The exhibition hall features over 200 exhibitors, including leading research institutions, technology companies, and scientific publishers. Previous exhibitors have included IBM, Intel, and Oxford Instruments.</p><p>Key sponsors include major corporations and institutions such as Google Quantum AI, IBM Research, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). These sponsors play a crucial role in supporting the conference’s initiatives and enhancing the overall experience for attendees.</p><p>Keynote Speakers from Recent Conferences</p><p><strong>Dr. John Preskill</strong></p><p>Dr. Preskill is a prominent theoretical physicist known for his work in quantum computing and quantum information theory. Notable publications include:</p><ul><li>“<a href="">Information-Theoretic Bounds on Quantum Advantage in Machine Learning</a>” (2021)</li><li>“<a href="">Provably efficient machine learning for quantum many-body problems</a>” (2022)</li></ul><p><strong>Dr. Donna Strickland</strong></p><p>Dr. Strickland, a Nobel laureate, is renowned for her pioneering work in laser physics. Key publications include:</p><ul><li>“<a href="">Compression of Amplified Chirped Optical Pulses</a>” (1985)</li><li>“<a href="">Generation of ultrahigh peak power pulses by chirped pulse amplification</a>” (1988)</li></ul><p><strong>Dr. Steven Chu</strong></p><p>Dr. Chu, a Nobel laureate, has made significant contributions to atomic physics and energy science. Notable works include:</p><ul><li>“<a href="">Opportunities and challenges for a sustainable energy future</a>” (2012)</li><li>“<a href="">Observation of a single-beam gradient force optical trap for dielectric particles</a>” (1986)</li></ul><p>Poster Submission</p><p>At the APS March Meeting, posters are presented during scheduled in-person sessions, typically lasting two to three hours, where presenters display their work on designated poster boards (8' wide by 4' high). Presenters are required to set up their posters at least 30 minutes before the session starts and remain with their posters throughout the session to discuss their research with attendees. Posters are not equipped with audiovisuals and must rely on printed visuals for communication. Additionally, presenters are encouraged to upload a PDF version of their poster and an optional five-minute explanatory video to the virtual platform. These digital versions are accessible on ePoster Kiosks at the convention center and available on-demand throughout the conference. <a href="">See</a> more details provided by APS. For extended reach, publish your poster on <a href="">Peeref</a>, which assigns DOIs and makes your work permanently discoverable and citable.</p><p>Special or Innovative Aspects</p><ul><li>Focus Sessions: The APS March Meeting includes focus sessions that concentrate on specific, cutting-edge topics in physics. These sessions bring together experts to discuss recent advances and emerging trends in focused areas of research.</li></ul><p><strong>American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting</strong></p><p><img alt="" src="" /></p><p>Overview</p><p>The American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting is the largest international Earth and space science meeting in the world. It draws tens of thousands of scientists, researchers, educators, and policy makers from around the globe. The meeting serves as a comprehensive platform for the presentation and discussion of cutting-edge research in Earth and space sciences. Abstracts and papers presented at the AGU Fall Meeting are often published in AGU’s journals, including <a href="">Journal of Geophysical Research</a>, <a href=";utm_medium=paidsearch&amp;utm_campaign=R3MR425&amp;utm_content=EarthSpaceEnvirSci&amp;gad_source=1&amp;gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjK2U0KOuhwMV9zMIBR0mCgWkEAAYASAAEgKRn_D_BwE">Geophysical Research Letters</a>, and <a href="">Earth’s Future</a>.</p><p>Key Focus Areas</p><ul><li>Earth and Space Sciences: The meeting covers a wide array of topics related to Earth and space sciences, including geophysics, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, and planetary sciences. Sessions highlight the latest research and technological advancements in these fields.</li><li>Climate Change and Environmental Science: Emphasizing the importance of understanding and mitigating climate change, the meeting includes sessions on climate science, environmental impact assessments, and sustainable development practices.</li><li>Natural Hazards: Discussions on the prediction, impact, and mitigation of natural hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and volcanic eruptions. These sessions explore the science behind these events and strategies for reducing their impact on society.</li><li>Hydrology and Water Resources: Research on the movement, distribution, and quality of water in the Earth’s system. Sessions focus on water resource management, hydrological modeling, and the impacts of climate change on water systems.</li><li>Space Weather and Space Physics: Advances in understanding space weather phenomena, including solar storms and their effects on Earth‘s magnetosphere and technological systems.</li></ul><p>Information about Attendees, Sponsors, and Exhibitors</p><p>The AGU Fall Meeting is renowned for attracting a diverse and expansive audience. Each year, the meeting typically draws over 25,000 attendees from more than 100 countries, including scientists, engineers, educators, students, and policymakers.</p><p>The exhibition hall features over 200 exhibitors, including leading research institutions, technology companies, and scientific publishers. Previous exhibitors have included NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the United States Geological Survey (USGS).</p><p>Key sponsors include major organizations and institutions such as the National Science Foundation (NSF), ExxonMobil, and Esri. These sponsors play a crucial role in supporting the conference’s initiatives and enhancing the overall experience for attendees.</p><p>Keynote Speakers from Recent Conferences</p><p><strong>Dr. Susan Solomon</strong></p><p>Dr. Solomon is a prominent atmospheric chemist known for her work on the ozone layer and climate change. Notable publications include:</p><ul><li>“<a href="">Irreversible climate change due to carbon dioxide emissions</a>” (2009)</li><li>“<a href="">Interpretation of recent Southern Hemisphere climate change</a>” (2002)</li></ul><p><strong>Dr. James Hansen</strong></p><p>Dr. Hansen is a leading climate scientist known for his research on global warming. Key publications include:</p><ul><li>“<a href="">Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the Safe Operating Space for Humanity</a>” (2016)</li></ul><p>Poster Submission</p><p>At the AGU Fall Meeting, posters are presented during both in-person and online sessions, ensuring wide accessibility and engagement. In-person posters are displayed at the convention center during designated sessions, where presenters set up their posters on assigned boards and remain available for discussions. Posters are typically displayed for two-hour sessions, with presenters encouraged to arrive early for setup and stay throughout the session for maximum interaction. Additionally, presenters can upload a digital version of their posters, along with an optional explanatory video, to the online platform, making them accessible on ePoster Kiosks at the venue and available on demand for virtual attendees.</p><p>Online poster sessions are scheduled separately, providing an opportunity for presenters to interact with attendees in a virtual environment. These sessions are held in January following the in-person meeting, and presenters can engage with viewers through live Q&amp;A sessions. This hybrid format ensures that research presented at the AGU Fall Meeting reaches a broad audience. <a href="">See</a> more information provided by AGU. To further enhance the impact of your research, consider publishing your poster on <a href="">Peeref</a>, which provides individual DOIs and ensures your work is citable and discoverable.</p><p>Special or Innovative Aspects</p><p><a href="">Town Hall Meetings</a>: The AGU Fall Meeting includes town hall meetings where attendees can engage in open discussions with leading experts and policymakers. These meetings provide a platform for dialogue on pressing scientific issues and policies.</p><p><a href="">eLightning Presentations</a>: This innovative presentation format combines the visual impact of a traditional poster with the dynamic aspects of an oral presentation. eLightning sessions use large touch-screen displays to present research in an interactive and engaging manner.</p> </article> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <div> <a href="" class="d-block text-dark"> <div class="panel-box p-0"> <div class="webinar-thumbnail-sidebar"> <img src="" alt="Female representation in STEM across geographic regions"> </div> <dl class="m-3"> <dt class="text-ellipsis-2">Female representation in STEM across geographic regions</dt> </dl> </div> </a> <a href="" class="d-block text-dark"> <div class="panel-box p-0"> <div class="webinar-thumbnail-sidebar"> <img src="" alt="The 10 Countries with the Most Nobel Laureates"> </div> <dl class="m-3"> <dt class="text-ellipsis-2">The 10 Countries with the Most Nobel Laureates</dt> </dl> </div> </a> </div> <div class="mt-3"> <div class="panel-box" style="background-color: #948484; color: #fff;"> <h4 class="mt-0">Find Funding. 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