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Please make sure that the your email address which is registered with the Academy works and is not outdated. If you are not sure, please contact <a class="external" href="" target="_blank"></a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" />. </p> <p><img src='' title='-->' alt='-->' /><b>Note:</b> the nomination system can be accessed on PC or tablet. It does <b>not</b> function on a cell phone. </p> <h3 id="section-Acad_Main_2FNominations-Howtosubmitanomination">How to submit a nomination<a class="hashlink" href="#section-Acad_Main_2FNominations-Howtosubmitanomination">#</a></h3> <ul><li>Go to the <a class="external" href="" target="_blank">online nomination system</a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" />. You'll be asked to identify. <ul><li>To identify, enter either your user name or your email address and the password </li><li>If you have forgotten your password, you can obtain a new one by clicking on the button "Get Passsword" at the AE webpages (top right corner) at <a class="external" href="" target="_blank"></a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" /> . </li><li>Now enter your user name or your email address and click on the button "Send me new password". A new password will then be sent to the address registered in the Academy database. You can change the password after you have logged in. </li><li><b>Attention:</b> your email address must be the <b>same one</b> as the one registered with the Academy. If you are not sure which email address is registered and/or you do not receive a mail after the request for a new password, contact the AE office (<a class="external" href="" target="_blank"></a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" />) which will let you know which email address is registered. </li></ul></li></ul><ul><li>Click on the button "<b>New nomination</b>". </li></ul><ul><li>Fill in (at least) the <b>family</b> and <b>first name</b> of the nominee and her/his <b>nationality</b> (!) in the nomination form. </li></ul><ul><li>Fill in the rest of the form and/or invite the nominee to fill in sections 1, 2, 3 and 6 <ul><li>To invite the nominee click on the “Grant Access to Nominee” button at the end of section 1, copy the generated link and send it to the nominee. The link gives the nominee access to the 1, 2, 3 and 6 sections of the nomination form. </li></ul></li></ul><ul><li>Invite the co-nominator by going to Section 5. Choose a member and click on the “<b>Send notification email to the 2nd nominator</b>” button. An automatic mail will be sent to the second nominator asking him to accept his support of the nomination. You have to wait for acceptance by the co-nominator before the nomination form can be submitted. </li></ul><ul><li>The content of the nomination form is <b>saved automatically</b> each time the nomination form is edited (there is no "Save" button). </li></ul><ul><li>Submit the form by clicking on the <b>SUBMIT</b> button at the bottom of the page. You will receive an automatic notification form that the nomination was correctly received. </li></ul><ul><li>You can edit the nomination form until the end of the nomination period, the content of the form is automatically saved. To register the latest version of the nomination form, click on the <b>SUBMIT</b> button. </li></ul><ul><li><b>Attention:</b> since an automatic mail with a copy of the current version of the nomination form is sent to the section chair each time the SUBMIT button is clicked, please click on the SUBMIT button only when you think the nomination form was completed in order to avoid spamming the section chair’s inbox. </li></ul><ul><li>You can access an overview page of your nominations by going to <a class="external" href="" target="_blank"></a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" />. </li></ul><ul><li>If you have questions, please contact Dana Kaiser (<a class="external" href="" target="_blank"></a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" />) or the AE office (<a class="external" href="" target="_blank"></a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" />). </li></ul><br /> <hr /> <h3 id="section-Acad_Main_2FNominations-Nominationsprocessgeneralguidelines">Nominations process - general guide lines<a class="hashlink" href="#section-Acad_Main_2FNominations-Nominationsprocessgeneralguidelines">#</a></h3> <ul><li>Nomination of new candidates can only be submitted by two (and only two) <b>ORDINARY</b> members of Academia Europaea <b>who have paid their membership fee in the current year, or have an official exemption</b>. Self-nomination (application) is <b>not</b> possible. </li></ul><ul><li>Both nominators must have <b>personal and professional knowledge of the distinction of the candidate.</b> </li></ul><ul><li>Before making a nomination, please check that the candidate is not already a registered <b>member of Academia Europaea</b> (and not just your Section). </li></ul><ul><li>A list with the names of all nominees is available to all members. The content of the nomination forms can only be viewed by Class and Section chairs. </li></ul><ul><li>Before making a nomination, please check that the candidate has not already been nominated. To do this, go to the <a class="wikipage" href="/ae/Acad_Main/Forums/Nominations">List of Nominations</a>. You can search either in the complete list of all nominations or by sections. </li></ul><ul><li>Nominators must use the same name and email address to the one that is registered in the AE database (if in doubt, go to your personal AE web page). </li></ul><ul><li>The lead nominator and one co-nominator have to fill out all fields marked * in the online nomination form. </li></ul><ul><li>There is no limitation of the number of nominations a nominator can submit. </li></ul><ul><li>Nominators can submit candidates to all Classes and all Sections – not just their own. </li></ul><ul><li>During the nomination period, an individual nomination can be edited, amended and re-submitted. </li></ul><ul><li>An automatic notification about a successful registration of a nomination is sent to the two nominators and the chair of the relevant Section. </li></ul><ul><li>Nominators can upload additional information on candidates in the nomination form. The additional documents will be made available to the members of the Section committee responsible for the candidates’ evaluation. This will be done soon after the close of the nomination call. The use of additional materials will be at the discretion of the Sections. </li></ul><ul><li>It is the responsibility of the lead nominator, to ensure that the “case for election” is fully and correctly completed. Both of the nominators must authorise the nomination for the nomination to be valid. The permission of the candidate must be obtained before submission. </li></ul><ul><li>For the purpose of designating a candidate as an ORDINARY or as a FOREIGN member: a person's nationality and citizenship are irrelevant. </li></ul><ul><li><b>ORDINARY</b> member candidates must live and work ‘permanently’ in Europe (the continent, or in Israel) (a minimum of 6 months per year). If the candidate at the time of nomination lives and works (permanently, or more than 6 months in a year) outside of Europe (and Israel), then they will be considered as a FOREIGN candidate. If a candidate has a dual position and spends a minimum of 6 months in Europe, she/he can be nominated as Ordinary member. </li></ul><ul><li>Nomination of candidates for <b>ORDINARY</b> membership. <ul><li>When a candidate is nominated as an <b>ORDINARY</b> member, one of the two nominators must be resident in a <b>different</b> country from that of the candidate. The nationality and citizenship of the nominators is not relevant to the process. </li></ul></li></ul><ul><li>Nomination of candidates for <b>FOREIGN</b> membership. <ul><li><b>FOREIGN</b> member candidates are expected to possess “in outstanding measure, all of the qualities and attributes necessary for ordinary membership”. </li><li>If a candidate is nominated as <b>FOREIGN</b> member, the nominators <b>must also</b> present <b>clear</b> evidence of a <b>strong and sustained collaboration and working links</b> with European institutions and centres of scholarship. The award of honours by European institutions and periods of residence at European centres may provide additional evidence of such links (such as substantive positions held, honorary Professorships and visiting Professorships). Attendance at summer schools/conferences or short study visits are not accepted as evidence of collaboration with European institutions. </li></ul></li></ul><br /> Download the <a class="attachment" href="/attach/Acad_Main/Nominations/Nominations%20rules%20amended%20on%2026%20March%202024%20-%20for%20approval%20%28applicable%20to%202024-25%20onwards%29.pdf">detailed guidelines</a><a href="/PageInfo.jsp?page=Acad_Main/Nominations/Nominations%20rules%20amended%20on%2026%20March%202024%20-%20for%20approval%20%28applicable%20to%202024-25%20onwards%29.pdf" class="infolink"><img src="/images/attachment_small.png" border="0" alt="(info)" /></a> that describe the full process and additional guidelines issued by the Board of trustees describing measures to addressing gaps and imbalances in membership. <br /> <br /> The Academia Europaea is a signatory to the CoARA (<a class="external" href="" target="_blank">Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment</a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" />) initiative. The Academy is committed to the main CoARA principle, to base evaluation primarily on qualitative evaluation by peers, supported by responsible use of quantitative indicators. <h4 id="section-Acad_Main_2FNominations-Evaluationofcandidatessynopsis">Evaluation of candidates (synopsis) <a class="hashlink" href="#section-Acad_Main_2FNominations-Evaluationofcandidatessynopsis">#</a></h4> <p>The AE Academic Sections are aggregated into Classes: <br /> </p> <ul><li>Class A1 – Humanities (Sections A1, A2, A3, A4, A6 and A7) </li><li>Class A2 – Social and Related Sciences (Sections A8, A9, A10, A11, A12 and A13) </li><li>Class B – Exact Sciences (Sections B1, B2, B3, B4 and B5) </li><li>Class C – Life Sciences (Sections C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5) </li></ul><br /> Each Class has a Class chair who is also a member of the Board of trustees. <br /> <br /> After the closing date for applications, each Section committee evaluates their own candidate lists and make recommendations on a candidates’ suitability for election. Each Section committee evaluates against the published criteria and uses a common scoring system (agreed at individual Class level). The Class chairs each convene a plenary meeting where all of the Section chairs are present to discuss their recommended lists and undertake a comparative quality audit to ensure assessment consistency. The Class meetings agree a single consolidated class list for each Class. <br /> <br /> These are formal hearings, where the individual Section lists are compared, discussed and moderated. An agreed and consolidated Class list is then submitted by the Class chairs on behalf of the Section committees the Board of trustees. The Board carries out a final check and then elects the new members. <p>All newly elected members receive a formal invitation from the President, inviting them to accept membership and an invitation to participate in the induction ceremony at the next annual member conference. </p> <h4 id="section-Acad_Main_2FNominations-Assessment">Assessment<a class="hashlink" href="#section-Acad_Main_2FNominations-Assessment">#</a></h4> <p>From 2023 onwards, Section committees will focus on assessment of excellence of a candidate and their suitability for membership. Emphasis will be placed on adherence to CoARA (<a class="external" href="" target="_blank">Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment</a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" />) principles and commitments with a reduction in reliance on standard traditional metrics. <br /> <br /> Each Section Committee will assess its own candidates against a set of eligibility and professional criteria and score according to this scheme: <br /> </p> <ol><li>Should be elected </li><li>Not elected </li></ol><br /> Each Section chair will provide an assessment report for their Sections’ nominations (including, if appropriate, a ranked list of candidates) to the appropriate Class chair and the archive. <h4 id="section-Acad_Main_2FNominations-CriteriaforsubmissionofanominationtotheBoardlist"> Criteria for submission of a nomination to the Board list<a class="hashlink" href="#section-Acad_Main_2FNominations-CriteriaforsubmissionofanominationtotheBoardlist">#</a></h4> <p>Candidates that might be included into such a list could include: </p> <ul><li>scholars who might for unknown reasons have been overlooked; </li><li>or sometime scholars who by virtue of their having changed [career] direction at some time in the past, might have moved out of frontline research and into otherwise high profile administrative, political or other occupations that were still closely allied to Higher Education and Research and who because of these factors might have similarly been overlooked, even where past academic achievements were of acceptable quality; </li><li>or high profile persons who may be internationally recognised for popular cultural works that nonetheless have (substantial) scholarly merit, but who might not <i>per se</i>, be associated with traditional mainstream academic positions </li><li>Candidates referred to the Board by the Classes, and that were nominated in the standard way but where no agreement could be reached, or where there were technical or other issues preventing an objective assessment to be reached). </li></ul><br /> All Board list candidates should be people who through their association with the Academia, will bring prestige and benefit additional to that associated with highest levels of international scholarship. <br /> <br /> All such candidates should be nominated in the normal way using the online form and selecting the Board list in the drop down Section lists. <br /> <br /> These nominations will be assessed through Classes and recommendations put to the Board of trustees who will then decide on their suitability for election. <p /> <p /> <p /> <p /> <p /> <p /> <p /> <p /> <p /> <p /> <p /> <p /> <p /> <div style="display:none;"> <p><b>The nomination period will end at midnight (CET - Central European Time) on January 31, 2024. </b> </p> <h4 id="section-Acad_Main_2FNominations-Attentionnoextensionsofthedeadlineispossible_21">Attention: no extensions of the deadline is possible!<a class="hashlink" href="#section-Acad_Main_2FNominations-Attentionnoextensionsofthedeadlineispossible_21">#</a></h4> <p /> <h4 id="section-Acad_Main_2FNominations-Nominationsguidelinesandcriteria">Nominations guidelines and criteria <a class="hashlink" href="#section-Acad_Main_2FNominations-Nominationsguidelinesandcriteria">#</a></h4> <ul><li><a class="wikipage" href="/ae/Acad_Main/Membership/Nomination_and_Election_Process">Detailed description of the nominations guidelines and criteria</a> (revised October 2020). </li></ul><br /> <br /> </div> <p /> <p /> <div style="display:none;"> <img src='' title='-->' alt='-->' />Download the <a class="createpage" href="/Edit.jsp?page=AE-Nomination-Form_2023.pdf" title="Create "AE-Nomination-Form_2023.pdf"" saveas="true">AE Nomination Form 2022/2023</a> <br /> <br /> <ul><li>Please download and use <b>this year's</b> nomination form. Send the filled-in nomination form as <b>attachment</b> to <a class="external" href="" target="_blank"></a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" />. </li></ul><ul><li>Hint: If downloading the form by clicking on it does not work, please try to right-click and choose "Save-As" from the context menu (see also the NOTE below). If you are still having difficulties, do not keep trying, but contact the AE office (<a class="external" href="" target="_blank"></a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" />) and the form will be sent to you. </li></ul><ul><li>If you have difficulties opening the form, start your Adobe Reader first and open the form <b>through</b> the Adobe Reader by selecting the appropriate file. </li></ul><ul><li>If you cannot use the pdf nomination form, download the <a class="createpage" href="/Edit.jsp?page=Nomination_Form_2022_23.docx" title="Create "Nomination_Form_2022_23.docx"">MsWord form</a>, fill it in and send it to Dana Kaiser at <a class="external" href="" target="_blank"></a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" />. The content of the form will then be transferred to the pdf form which will then be submitted on your behalf. </li></ul><ul><li>If you have any other problems or questions, contact the AE office at <a class="external" href="" target="_blank"></a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" /> or Dana Kaiser at <a class="external" href="" target="_blank"></a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" /> </li></ul></div> <div style="display:none;"> <ul><li><a class="wikipage" href="/ae/Acad_Main/Forums/Nominations">List of nominations</a><br />Here you can either view all nominations (names only) or choose the relevant section where you will find an alphabetic list of the nominees. </li></ul><ul><li><a class="wikipage" href="/ae/Acad_Main/Nominations/How_to_access_nominations">Detailed instruction on how to access the 2022/23 nominations of your section</a> (Access is only possible for authorized persons.)<br />Once you have opened a dossier (nomination), you can click on the button "Show printer-friendly version" to get a good print-out. </li></ul><br /> <b>NOTE:</b> <br /> <ul><li>Download the nomination file by clicking on it. </li></ul><ul><li>If you get the message "<i>To view the full contents of this document, you need a later version of the PDF viewer. You can upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Reader from</i>" although you <b>do</b> have the latest version of the Adobe Reader, download the file by making the <b>Ctrl-click</b> (or <b>right-click</b>) on the link and select "<b>Save as</b>" or "<b>Download</b>" from the contextual menu (depending on which browser you use, you may also select "load linked data" or other wording). In this way, you won't be using a default preview program which cannot deal with the nomination form. </li></ul><ul><li>To fill the AE Nomination Form please use Adobe's PDF Reader Version 8 or higher. Note that current versions are already 10.x , so if the PDF's don't work for you please update your pdf Reader. </li></ul><ul><li>If you cannot download the file, please contact <a class="external" href="" target="_blank"></a><img class="outlink" src="/images/out.png" alt="" /> and the file will be sent to you and assistance will be provided. </li></ul><br /> <b>MAC USERS:</b> <br /> <ul><li><b>Downloading the nomination form:</b> Download the file by clicking on it. Alternatively, you can save it by making Ctrl-click (or right-click) on the link and select "Save as" or "Download" from the contextual menu (depending on which browser you use, you may also select "load linked data" or other wording). </li><li><b>Opening and filling the form:</b> make sure that you open the nomination form using the Adobe Reader and not by means of the (default) MacOS "preview" viewer (i.e. the built-in PDF viewer). </li></ul><br /> </div> <p /> <p /> </div> <div style="clear:both;" ></div> </div> </div> <div class="clearbox"></div> </div> <div id="eventsandnews" style="clear: both"> <script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"> var baseurl ="";</script> </div> <div id='actionsBottom' class="pageactions" style=" background-color: #2759AB; "> <div id="pageactionsbottom" style="background-color: #2759AB; margin-left:10px;margin-top:10px"> <a href="/ae/Acad_Main/Imprint" style="float:left;">Imprint</a> <a href="/ae/Acad_Main/PrivacyPolicy" style="float:left;margin-left:10px">Privacy policy</a> <!-- --> <a href="#top" class="action quick2top" title="Go to top">«</a> This page (revision-385) was last changed on <a href="/Diff.jsp?page=Acad_Main/Nominations&r1=385&r2=384"> Tuesday, 29. 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