WiMAX Forum Membership Terms & Conditions
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width: 720px; padding-left: 20px;"><div> <form method="post"> <h1>WiMAX Forum Membership Terms and Conditions</h1> <p><span style="font-size:13px"><strong>WiMAX Forum Membership Agreement</strong></span><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Download the WiMAX Forum Membership Agreement</a></p> <p> This is the legal contract that is the basis of your WiMAX Forum membership fees, rights, and benefits. When you complete the online application process, you are required to check the box signifying that you agree to the terms of this agreement. If your company would prefer a hard copy of the signed agreement, <em><strong>pl</strong></em><em><strong>ease print two (2) copies of this agreement, sign and mail both copies to:</strong></em></p> <p><strong>WiMAX Forum</strong><br /> Membership Services<br /> 9009 SE Adams St<br /> #2259<br /> Clackamas, OR 97015-2259 - USA</p> <p>The agreement will be countersigned and returned for your records. Please include a return address.</p> <p>In accepting the Membership Agreement, you also agree to the terms and conditions listed in the following documents:</p> <table> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <p><img src="" alt="Antitrust Compliance Policy and Guidelines" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: middle; width: 16px; height: 16px;" /> <a href="" target="_blank">Antitrust Compliance Policy and Guidelines</a></p> <p><img src="" alt="Bylaws" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: middle; width: 16px; height: 16px;" /> <a href="" target="_blank">Bylaws</a></p> <p><img src="" alt="Certification Mark License Agreement" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: middle; width: 16px; height: 16px;" /> <a href="" target="_blank">Certification Mark Usage Guideline</a></p> <p><img src="" alt="Member Company Communications Policy" /> <a href="" target="_blank">Member Company Communications Policy</a></p> <p><img src="" alt="Restated Articles of Incorporation" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: middle; width: 16px; height: 16px;" /> <a href="" target="_blank">Restated Articles of Incorporation</a></p> <p><img src="" alt="Technical Activities Procedure" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: middle; width: 16px; height: 16px;" /> <a href="" target="_blank">Technical Activities Procedure</a></p> <p><img src="" alt="WiMAX Intellectual Property Rights Policy" style="border: 0px; vertical-align: middle; width: 16px; height: 16px;" /> <a href="" target="_blank">WiMAX Intellectual Property Rights Policy</a></p> </td> </tr> </table> <p>Please read the Membership Agreement and the other documents listed above. The application form will also require you to confirm that you have read the membership agreement and agree, on behalf of your company, to be bound by their terms. You will also be required to agree to the following statements:</p> <ul style="list-style-type:disc"> <li>You acknowledge that you are authorized by your company to submit the application on its behalf and to bind it to the terms of the Membership Agreement.</li> <li>The applicant company agrees to be bound by the terms of the Membership Agreement effective with the activation of its membership.</li> </ul> </form> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer> <div style="overflow: auto; text-align: center; clear: left;" class="footer"> <div style="height: 3em;"> </div> <span style="color: #ffffff;"> <img alt="" src="/Content/footer_logo.png"> <p><a href="/Page/Membership/how-to-join">Join Now</a> | <a href="/Page/About/Privacy-Policy">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="/Page/About/site-terms">Site Usage and Terms</a></p> Copyright © 2001 - 2024 WiMAX Forum. 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