Eden Estuary Nature Reserve
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The bulk of the reserve is made up of rich intertidal mud and sand flats, home to millions of tiny plants and animals. These in turn provide the food for the thousands of birds. The reserve also contains the largest remnants of Fife saltmarshes, as well as areas of new and stable dune systems." /> <meta property="place:location:latitude" content="56.3664511" /> <meta property="place:location:longitude" content="-2.8545946" /> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" /> <meta name="twitter:url" content="" /> <meta name="twitter:title" content="Eden Estuary Nature Reserve - Wikimapia" /> <meta name="twitter:image" content="" /> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@wikimapia" /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="This publicly managed local nature reserve is the third oldest in Scotland. 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The bulk of the reserve is made up of rich intertidal mud and sand flats, home to millions of tiny plants and animals. These in turn provide the food for the thousands of birds. The reserve also contains the largest remnants of Fife saltmarshes, as well as areas of new and stable dune systems.<br /> <br /> <a href="/external_link?url=" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> </div> <div id="afterContentAdv" class="advertising-mobile"> <script type="text/javascript">if (!inwiki && isMobileDevice){ document.write('<div class="wrap mobile-ad"><div style=\"border:1px solid #cccccc;\"> <div id=\"adfox_172431301828651701\"></div> <scr'+'ipt> window.yaContextCb.push(()=>{ Ya.adfoxCode.createAdaptive({ ownerId: 332443, containerId: \'adfox_172431301828651701\', params: { p1: \'ddrqk\', p2: \'gxnb\' } }, [\'desktop\'], { tabletWidth: 830, phoneWidth: 480, isAutoReloads: false }) }) </scr'+'ipt> <scr'+'ipt> setInterval(function(){ window.Ya.adfoxCode.reload(\'adfox_172431301828651701\', {onlyIfWasVisible: true}) }, 30000); </scr'+'ipt></div></div>');}</script> </div> <div class="placeinfo-row placeinfo-additional nested-objects"> </div> <div> <b>Nearby cities:</b> <span class="city"></span> <span class="city"></span> <span class="city"></span> </div> <div><b>Coordinates: </b> 56°21'59"N 2°51'16"W</div> <div id="comments" class="placeinfo-row placeinfo-additional comments-block clearfix"> <div id="comments-form-toggle"> <button data-rel="comments-form-toggle" class="notinwikistyle btn btn-large btn-block" type="button"> Add your comment in english </button> </div> <span id="commentReply" class="comment-reply-object-sw likelink hide" onclick="showCommentReplyForm(-1)">Add comment for this object</span> <div id="commentReplyForm"> <!-- Add a comment --> <form action="/object/edit/?object_type=1&msend=1" method="post" name="comment-form" id="comment-form"> <input type="hidden" name="placeid" value="15497307" /> <input type="hidden" name="fid" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="tid" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="lang_id" value="0" /> <label><i class="icon-comment"></i> Your comment:</label> <textarea name="message" id="comment-input" rows="3" placeholder="Add your comment in english"></textarea> <button type="submit" id="send-comment" class="btn btn-primary-blue pull-right">Post comment</button> </form> </div> </div><!-- comments end --> </div><!-- /placeinfo --> <div id="near-info"> <div id="near-content"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs place-tabs"> <li class="active"><a data-target="#similar-places" data-toggle="tab">Similar places</a></li> <li><a data-target="#nearby-places" data-toggle="tab">Nearby places</a></li> <li><a data-target="#nearby-cities" data-toggle="tab">Nearby cities</a></li> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="adv-comments"> <div id="bottomAdv" class="advertising-mobile" style="width:740px"> </div> </div> <div class="tab-pane active" id="similar-places"> <!-- Similar places --> <ul> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Loch Leven</a> <span class="nearest-distance">39 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Murthly Castle Designed Landscape</a> <span class="nearest-distance">49 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">River Tay (Dunkeld) National Scenic Area</a> <span class="nearest-distance">57 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">脕lftaversg铆gar Nature Reserve</a> <span class="nearest-distance">1181 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Sk贸gafoss Nature Reserve</a> <span class="nearest-distance">1221 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Seljahjallagil Nature Reserve</a> <span class="nearest-distance">1265 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Oddafl贸冒 Nature Reserve</a> <span class="nearest-distance">1274 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Dettifoss, Selfoss and Hafragilsfoss Nature Reserve</a> <span class="nearest-distance">1276 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">M媒vatn and Lax谩 Nature Reserve</a> <span class="nearest-distance">1285 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Hraun 铆 脰xnadal Nature Reserve</a> <span class="nearest-distance">1329 km</span></li> </ul> </div> <div class="tab-pane " id="nearby-places"> <!-- Nearby places --> <ul> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">Leuchars Station</a> <span class="nearest-distance">1 km</span></li> <li><a data-rel="nearby" href="">St Andrews Links - 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