Award-winning Padma Resort Ubud invites guests to immerse themselves in nature - The Jakarta Post

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</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="longform-container columns"> <div class="main-banner col-xs-12 first-banner"> <img src="/longforms/longform-padma/skin/img/longform/padma/padma01.jpg" class="" alt="Padma Resort Ubud"> <div class="center-longform"> <div class="caption"> <h1>Award-winning Padma Resort Ubud invites guests to immerse themselves in nature</h1> </div> </div> </div> <div align="right" style="padding-right: 2%" class="created">(Courtesy of Padma Resort Ubud)</div> <div class="col-xs-12 no-padding clear"> <div class="center-longform main-content"> <div class="headline col-xs-12"> <p>The town of Ubud in Bali has all that it takes to attract travelers who are seeking fresh air, closeness to nature and scenic views.</p> </div> <hr> <p>Not to mention the cultural experiences that await in its surroundings, as well as easy access to art galleries, one-of-a-kind boutiques and hidden gems in the form of gourmet restaurants.</p> <p>So, you’re finally set to spend your next vacation in Ubud. Choices of accommodations in the midst of lush greens are abundant, and from almost every corner of the town, access to the bustling Ubud Central is relatively easy. Vacationers in Ubud can quickly and easily shift between nature and city life.</p> <p>An address to consider for a vacation in Ubud is Padma Resort Ubud, that recently received accolades from Trip Advisor’s Travelers’ Choice 2020 Best of the Best Awards. The resort made it to the top 25 in several categories, namely Top Hotels in Asia, Luxury Hotels in Asia and in the world, as well as Hotels with the best service in Asia.</p> <p>Accolades were also given to sister properties of Padma Resort Ubud, namely Padma Hotel Bandung, which ranks second in Top 25 Hotels for Families in the World, and Resinda Hotel Karawang, which is managed by Padma Hotels, as number 16 in Top 25 Hotels for Families in Asia.</p> <p>Embracing its roots, Padma Resort Ubud upholds the traditional culture through its genuine hospitality, as well as the contemporary Balinese architecture and artworks in a natural setting that showcases a commitment to preserve diversity and locality.</p> <p>Padma Resort Ubud hosts 149 rooms and suites with artisan-crafted furnishings, spa-inspired en-suite bathrooms and private balconies.</p> <div class="long-medium-img"> <img src="/longforms/longform-padma/skin/img/longform/padma/padma02.jpg" class="" alt="Padma Resort Ubud"> <span class="created">(Courtesy of Padma Resort Ubud)</span> </div> <p>Guests should expect to wake up in a room overlooking parts of the well-designed resort with the rainforest in the background. And to start the day, the choices they have include swimming in an infinity pool or jogging on a track designed to meander through the resort’s lush tropical gardens and along the clear waters of the river that flows beneath the resort.</p> <p>For guests with a green thumb, Agroforestry Tour is one of the resort’s in-house activities that could be of interest. The tour is available daily from 9 a.m., bringing guests to explore a world full of enchanting flowers, herbs, shrubs, fruits, vegetables and tropical greenery. Some of the produce might also end up on dining tables in the resort, as part of its commitment to use local produce for sustainability.</p> <p>Imagine a leisurely stroll or a guided tour to discover durian, mangosteen and other seasonal fruits that can be eaten within the resort premises when in season.</p> <p>From the agroforestry garden, it’s a short walk to a garden that houses rescued animals, the fishing lagoon and the miniature rice fields. At the latter, guests are also able to experience village life as the resort also provides facilities and conducts related activities.</p> <div class="long-medium-img"> <img src="/longforms/longform-padma/skin/img/longform/padma/padma03.jpg" class="" alt="Padma Resort Ubud"> <span class="created">(Courtesy of Padma Resort Ubud)</span> </div> <p>On the other side of the resort, one of its most renown features, the infinity swimming pool, is connected to the building by an enchanting glass-top tunnel. Taking a dip in the pool or just lounging around it come with a reward of scenic views and the refreshing mountain air of Ubud. In need of further relaxation? The Jacuzzi is ready at your disposal.</p> <p>The pool, measuring a remarkable 89-meter long, serves as an invigorating oasis that alternates between cooler and heated water for different times of day. When the pool water is heated for the morning, the steam that comes from the water is highly favourable for guests who like to take dramatic photos of their pool time.</p> <p>Meanwhile, for those in the mood for a good read by the pool, a stylish deck with comfortable sun loungers and umbrellas await. Feel like enjoying a tipple? The Pool Café & Bar offers signature cocktail as well as family-friendly fresh fruit smoothies.</p> <p>Speaking of family-friendly, Padma Resort Ubud understands that when children are happy on a holiday, only then do parents have the luxury to indulge in quality me-time. The kids club, which is called Wolly Kids Club and Game Center, has many daily activities to keep the children busy. Among the activities are jungle tours, yoga, offering making, flower garland making and many others.</p> <p>Now entering the era of living with new health and safety protocols, staying at Padma Resort Ubud will assure you with a worry-free and memorable experience.</p> <p>Padma Resort Ubud, as well as other properties under Padma Hotels, has elevated the COVID-19 prevention measures by rolling out the Padma CARE initiative, in which CARE stands for Commitment Action Reassurance Encouragement.</p> <p>Under Padma CARE, the resort has enhanced the standard of guest rooms’ cleanliness, as well as increasing the frequency of disinfecting its public spaces using hospital grade disinfectant products. These public spaces include the lobby, public toilets, all restaurant outlets and the fitness center. As for the guest rooms, cleaning of all kinds of surfaces are conducted thoroughly while air sterilizer is also put to use.</p> <div class="long-medium-img"> <img src="/longforms/longform-padma/skin/img/longform/padma/padma04.jpg" class="" alt="Padma Resort Ubud"> <span class="created">(Courtesy of Padma Resort Ubud)</span> </div> <p>Padma Resort Ubud ensures that all guests will check-in to sanitized and cleaned rooms.</p> <p>Indonesian residents and KITAS holders who can’t wait any longer to go to Ubud, enjoy special room rates at Padma Resort Ubud starting from Rp 1.3 million nett per night.</p> <p>The booking period is until Sept. 30 for stays from Sept. 15 to Oct. 31 2020, valid only for reservations made through It already includes breakfast and afternoon tea for two persons, as well as complimentary activities such as yoga.</p> <p>Send your inquiries now to or call 0361 752111.</p> <hr> <div align="center"> <p><a target="_blank" href="">About this article</a></p> </div> </div> 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