TFRRS | Ed Boitano Invitational 2024 - Men's Meet Results

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.round_4_5089026_72 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089026_95 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089026_38 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089026_14 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089026_63 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s 100 Meters </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089026_84">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089026_72">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089026_95">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089026_97">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089026_38">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089026_14">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089026_63">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="5" scope="col">WIND</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a href="">Alexander Donigian</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Olympia Track Club </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 12.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 8.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 8.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 10.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 8.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 13.41 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 10.54 </td> <td> 10 </td> <td> <nobr>-0.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Keola Sanchez</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 13.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 9.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 8.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 10.80 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 7.56 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 10.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 10.48 </td> <td> 8 </td> <td> <nobr>-0.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a href="">Cameron Andrews</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 7.79 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 12.12 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 10.17 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 10.82 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 12.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 9.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 9.63 </td> <td> 6 </td> <td> <nobr>-0.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kellen Meade</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 14.45 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 14.45 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 14.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.11 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 11.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 11.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 7.78 </td> <td> 5 </td> <td> <nobr>-0.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Christian Howell</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 12.07 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 10.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 12.07 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.17 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 13.63 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 7.93 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 9.28 </td> <td> 4 </td> <td> <nobr>-0.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Howmiller</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 8.36 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 11.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 14.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.29 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 9.26 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 13.89 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 9.83 </td> <td> 3 </td> <td> <nobr>-1.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Liam Naicker</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Everett CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 11.56 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 9.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 8.93 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 10.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 11.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 14.65 </td> <td> 2 </td> <td> <nobr>-0.4</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ashton Rodriguez</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 11.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 11.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 12.20 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 12.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 12.20 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 12.20 </td> <td> 1 </td> <td> <nobr>-0.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Camden Koerner</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 12.35 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 8.20 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 9.12 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 11.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 12.70 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 9.70 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">LeBron Smith</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 13.66 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 11.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 9.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.57 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 9.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 10.07 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 9.38 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.4</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evan Carpenter</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 9.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 13.78 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 11.58 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.58 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 12.63 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 13.09 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 10.08 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-1.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a href="">Garrett Lowe</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 14.59 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 9.85 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 14.59 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.58 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 10.19 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 13.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 14.25 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.4</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brogan Murphy</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 14.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 13.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 11.25 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.59 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 11.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 12.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 11.01 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.4</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Joshua Hodges</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Everett CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 8.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 11.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 15.10 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 13.59 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 8.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 9.99 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.4</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Matthew Hannah</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 9.29 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 11.85 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 9.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 14.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 11.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 8.94 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a href="">Jaquan Means</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 11.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 8.50 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 11.18 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 13.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 8.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 14.32 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Hernandez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 8.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 14.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 9.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 14.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 9.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 12.31 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kamaehuokalani Makanui</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 8.91 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 13.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 8.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 11.49 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 12.78 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 14.77 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jonathan Fritz</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 11.26 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 9.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 9.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 13.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 12.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 11.84 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-1.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a href="">Jaedon Allen-Grant</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 13.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 15.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 9.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 13.14 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 9.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 12.20 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aiden Yost</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 13.14 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 14.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 14.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 12.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 13.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 10.91 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.4</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a href="">Ryan Cole</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 14.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 12.80 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 13.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 8.69 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 13.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 8.93 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a href="">Solomon Wittrell</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 10.84 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 12.14 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 8.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.78 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 13.20 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 11.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 8.37 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Chris Sheckles</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 13.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 9.07 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 13.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.78 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 9.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 11.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 9.90 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Christian Le</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 13.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 11.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 15.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.80 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 8.50 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 10.98 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 13.46 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a href="">Zedrick Cabrera</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 14.94 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 14.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 9.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.85 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 13.28 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 10.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 11.38 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-1.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Davyn Waters</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 10.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 10.45 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 9.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 11.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 13.89 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 8.31 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> <a href="">Caleb Lenard</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 10.69 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 12.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 8.91 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 12.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 11.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 10.09 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>29</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dante Stokes</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 10.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 11.92 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 11.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.92 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 12.16 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 13.83 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 14.07 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-1.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>30</td> <td> Johahn Barney </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 11.63 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 13.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 14.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 11.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 15.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 9.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 14.15 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>31</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jai Alapai</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 9.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 12.84 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 10.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.00 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 14.28 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 14.16 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 11.76 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>32</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Tyger Willingham</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 8.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 8.88 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 15.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.00 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 10.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 10.80 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 14.40 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>33</td> <td> <a href="">Lyle Dolojan</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 14.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 13.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 11.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 13.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 9.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 12.37 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>34</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Jones</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 12.09 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 13.91 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 11.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.09 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 12.70 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 10.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 12.09 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>35</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kevin Hanis</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 15.65 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 8.50 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 11.41 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 13.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 11.65 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 15.77 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>36</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jake Schuh</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 10.07 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 15.29 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 8.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 15.05 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 12.50 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 13.71 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>37</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Leighton Gooding</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 9.28 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 13.30 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 9.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.20 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 13.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 13.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 14.52 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>38</td> <td> <a href="">Keetaan DeWitz</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 10.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 15.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 15.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 12.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 14.41 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 12.95 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>39</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Elliott Harrison</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 15.89 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 11.25 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 10.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.22 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 15.28 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 11.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 11.12 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>40</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nathan Atkinson</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 10.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 12.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 15.77 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.22 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 10.88 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 11.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 12.35 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>41</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Connor Meade</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 15.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 14.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 8.84 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 12.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 13.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 13.38 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>42</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Joren Rentie</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 13.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 10.19 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 15.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 13.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 13.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 13.26 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>43</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jaelin McQueen</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 11.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 9.63 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 13.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 11.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 9.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 11.73 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>44</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nadav Dicovski</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 12.59 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 11.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 14.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 12.10 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 15.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 11.36 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>45</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Will Laskey</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 11.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 12.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 8.80 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 11.40 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 11.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 15.12 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>46</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Morgan</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 12.93 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 10.07 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 9.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 13.93 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 9.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 16.16 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>47</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mikel Saxon</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 13.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 8.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 14.07 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.45 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 14.07 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 12.58 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 11.96 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>48</td> <td> <a href="">Alp Tanrikulu</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Redmond Sprint Club </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 9.14 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 12.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 12.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 10.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 9.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 9.89 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>49</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Wang</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 11.00 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 13.66 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 11.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 13.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 15.93 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 10.62 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>50</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Thaden Bauch</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 14.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 9.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 14.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.78 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 13.93 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 11.25 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 13.42 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>51</td> <td> <a href="">Fraser McKay</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Universal Athletics </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 10.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 13.22 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 12.45 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.83 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 12.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 10.14 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 15.40 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>52</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Lin</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 13.29 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 9.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 15.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 12.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 9.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 14.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 15.35 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>53</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sebastian Vizcarra</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_84"> 10.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_72"> 18.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_95"> 9.93 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_97"> 14.18 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_38"> 11.35 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_14"> 18.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5089026_63"> 14.33 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.2</nobr> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <!-- TODO and not team filter --> <!-- heat by heat results, by 2 --> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_1_5089026_29 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089026_76 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089026_5 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089026_66 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 100 Meters Section 1 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: -0.8</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089026_29">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089026_10">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089026_76">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089026_5">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089026_66">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a href="">Alexander Donigian</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Olympia Track Club </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_29"> 12.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_10"> 10.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_76"> 13.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_5"> 9.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_66"> 11.92 </td> <td> 10 </td> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Keola Sanchez</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_29"> 9.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_10"> 10.80 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_76"> 8.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_5"> 13.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_66"> 8.21 </td> <td> 8 </td> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a href="">Cameron Andrews</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_29"> 11.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_10"> 10.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_76"> 10.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_5"> 12.88 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_66"> 8.77 </td> <td> 6 </td> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kellen Meade</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_29"> 12.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_10"> 11.11 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_76"> 13.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_5"> 7.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_66"> 11.11 </td> <td> 5 </td> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Christian Howell</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_29"> 12.96 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_10"> 11.17 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_76"> 9.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_5"> 11.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_66"> 12.85 </td> <td> 4 </td> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a href="">Jaquan Means</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_29"> 10.83 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_10"> 11.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_76"> 15.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_5"> 10.83 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_66"> 12.46 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> <a href="">Caleb Lenard</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_29"> 12.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_10"> 11.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_76"> 13.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_5"> 11.28 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089026_66"> 10.81 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_2_5089026_36 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089026_11 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089026_43 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089026_95 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089026_88 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089026_55 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 100 Meters Section 2 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: -1.0</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089026_36">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089026_11">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089026_30">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089026_43">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089026_95">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089026_88">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089026_55">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Howmiller</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_36"> 8.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_11"> 9.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_30"> 11.29 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_43"> 8.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_95"> 9.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_88"> 11.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_55"> 9.60 </td> <td> 3 </td> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evan Carpenter</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_36"> 10.66 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_11"> 11.01 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_30"> 11.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_43"> 9.27 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_95"> 10.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_88"> 8.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_55"> 11.35 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jonathan Fritz</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_36"> 11.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_11"> 14.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_30"> 11.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_43"> 11.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_95"> 9.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_88"> 13.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_55"> 8.91 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a href="">Zedrick Cabrera</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_36"> 14.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_11"> 12.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_30"> 11.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_43"> 14.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_95"> 8.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_88"> 11.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_55"> 14.34 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>29</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dante Stokes</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_36"> 10.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_11"> 14.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_30"> 11.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_43"> 13.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_95"> 13.47 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_88"> 15.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089026_55"> 11.80 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_3_5089026_85 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_3_5089026_34 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_3_5089026_75 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 100 Meters Section 3 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: -0.4</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089026_88">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089026_85">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089026_34">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089026_75">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Liam Naicker</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Everett CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_88"> 11.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_85"> 9.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_34"> 12.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_75"> 8.01 </td> <td> 2 </td> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">LeBron Smith</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_88"> 11.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_85"> 12.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_34"> 15.05 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_75"> 12.50 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a href="">Garrett Lowe</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_88"> 11.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_85"> 13.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_34"> 11.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_75"> 14.94 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brogan Murphy</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_88"> 11.59 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_85"> 13.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_34"> 11.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_75"> 9.28 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Joshua Hodges</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Everett CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_88"> 11.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_85"> 8.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_34"> 8.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_75"> 9.76 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aiden Yost</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_88"> 11.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_85"> 8.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_34"> 15.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089026_75"> 10.21 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_4_5089026_8 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_4_5089026_46 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_4_5089026_22 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 100 Meters Section 4 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: 0.1</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5089026_8">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5089026_46">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5089026_22">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5089026_16">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Camden Koerner</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_8"> 12.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_46"> 13.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_22"> 13.51 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_16"> 11.54 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Hernandez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_8"> 14.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_46"> 9.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_22"> 9.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_16"> 11.72 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kamaehuokalani Makanui</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_8"> 9.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_46"> 11.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_22"> 9.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_16"> 11.72 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a href="">Jaedon Allen-Grant</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_8"> 12.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_46"> 10.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_22"> 8.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_16"> 11.73 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a href="">Solomon Wittrell</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_8"> 10.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_46"> 14.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_22"> 10.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_16"> 11.78 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>33</td> <td> <a href="">Lyle Dolojan</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_8"> 12.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_46"> 15.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_22"> 11.29 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089026_16"> 12.01 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_5_5089026_44 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_5_5089026_16 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_5_5089026_19 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_5_5089026_81 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_5_5089026_2 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_5_5089026_30 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 100 Meters Section 5 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: -0.2</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5089026_41">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5089026_44">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5089026_16">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5089026_19">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5089026_81">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5089026_2">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5089026_30">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a href="">Ryan Cole</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_41"> 11.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_44"> 15.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_16"> 12.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_19"> 11.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_81"> 9.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_2"> 14.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_30"> 11.74 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Chris Sheckles</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_41"> 11.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_44"> 11.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_16"> 13.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_19"> 11.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_81"> 13.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_2"> 13.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_30"> 8.84 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Christian Le</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_41"> 11.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_44"> 8.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_16"> 12.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_19"> 12.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_81"> 11.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_2"> 8.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_30"> 8.26 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>30</td> <td> Johahn Barney </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_41"> 11.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_44"> 14.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_16"> 12.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_19"> 13.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_81"> 10.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_2"> 13.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_30"> 11.99 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>31</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jai Alapai</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_41"> 12.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_44"> 9.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_16"> 10.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_19"> 9.60 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_81"> 14.88 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_2"> 14.88 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_30"> 14.64 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>34</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Jones</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_41"> 12.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_44"> 10.04 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_16"> 12.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_19"> 11.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_81"> 10.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_2"> 9.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_30"> 12.58 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>38</td> <td> <a href="">Keetaan DeWitz</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_41"> 12.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_44"> 9.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_16"> 14.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_19"> 10.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_81"> 14.05 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_2"> 9.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_30"> 12.70 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>43</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jaelin McQueen</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_41"> 12.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_44"> 11.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_16"> 8.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_19"> 13.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_81"> 9.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_2"> 10.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089026_30"> 12.59 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_6_5089026_63 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_6_5089026_61 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_6_5089026_93 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_6_5089026_44 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_6_5089026_70 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 100 Meters Section 6 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: 0.3</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_6_5089026_63">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_6_5089026_6">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_6_5089026_61">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_6_5089026_93">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_6_5089026_44">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_6_5089026_70">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Davyn Waters</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_63"> 10.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_6"> 11.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_61"> 11.28 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_93"> 14.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_44"> 9.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_70"> 14.49 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>39</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Elliott Harrison</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_63"> 11.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_6"> 12.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_61"> 14.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_93"> 12.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_44"> 11.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_70"> 9.66 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>40</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nathan Atkinson</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_63"> 8.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_6"> 12.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_61"> 12.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_93"> 12.47 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_44"> 8.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_70"> 14.30 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>44</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nadav Dicovski</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_63"> 14.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_6"> 12.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_61"> 10.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_93"> 10.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_44"> 11.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_70"> 11.85 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>45</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Will Laskey</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_63"> 10.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_6"> 12.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_61"> 12.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_93"> 13.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_44"> 14.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_70"> 14.38 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>48</td> <td> <a href="">Alp Tanrikulu</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Redmond Sprint Club </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_63"> 15.28 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_6"> 12.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_61"> 12.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_93"> 9.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_44"> 11.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_70"> 14.65 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>51</td> <td> <a href="">Fraser McKay</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Universal Athletics </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_63"> 9.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_6"> 12.83 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_61"> 9.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_93"> 16.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_44"> 15.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_70"> 10.78 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>52</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Lin</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_63"> 14.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_6"> 12.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_61"> 16.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_93"> 12.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_44"> 14.32 </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089026_70"> 12.13 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_7_5089026_23 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_7_5089026_64 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_7_5089026_12 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_7_5089026_94 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_7_5089026_38 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_7_5089026_61 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 100 Meters Section 7 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: -0.2</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5089026_23">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5089026_64">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5089026_12">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5089026_17">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5089026_94">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5089026_38">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5089026_61">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Matthew Hannah</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_23"> 12.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_64"> 10.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_12"> 8.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_17"> 11.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_94"> 10.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_38"> 12.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_61"> 14.05 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>36</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jake Schuh</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_23"> 9.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_64"> 13.59 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_12"> 12.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_17"> 12.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_94"> 10.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_38"> 13.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_61"> 9.95 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>41</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Connor Meade</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_23"> 11.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_64"> 11.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_12"> 10.19 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_17"> 12.27 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_94"> 10.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_38"> 14.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_61"> 10.31 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>46</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Morgan</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_23"> 11.19 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_64"> 14.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_12"> 8.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_17"> 12.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_94"> 13.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_38"> 12.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_61"> 13.80 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>47</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mikel Saxon</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_23"> 14.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_64"> 11.96 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_12"> 8.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_17"> 12.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_94"> 13.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_38"> 15.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_61"> 11.58 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>49</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Wang</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_23"> 10.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_64"> 15.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_12"> 11.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_17"> 12.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_94"> 13.66 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_38"> 11.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_61"> 11.89 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>50</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Thaden Bauch</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_23"> 12.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_64"> 11.63 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_12"> 9.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_17"> 12.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_94"> 9.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_38"> 16.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_61"> 14.45 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>53</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sebastian Vizcarra</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_23"> 14.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_64"> 13.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_12"> 17.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_17"> 14.18 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_94"> 17.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_38"> 16.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089026_61"> 15.32 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_8_5089026_9 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_8_5089026_14 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_8_5089026_35 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 100 Meters Section 8 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: -0.3</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_8_5089026_9">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_8_5089026_29">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_8_5089026_14">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_8_5089026_35">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ashton Rodriguez</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_9"> 8.29 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_29"> 11.51 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_14"> 11.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_35"> 13.70 </td> <td> 1 </td> <tr> <td>32</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Tyger Willingham</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_9"> 12.96 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_29"> 12.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_14"> 9.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_35"> 13.08 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>35</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kevin Hanis</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_9"> 13.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_29"> 12.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_14"> 12.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_35"> 12.74 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>37</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Leighton Gooding</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_9"> 9.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_29"> 12.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_14"> 10.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_35"> 9.52 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>42</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Joren Rentie</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_9"> 12.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_29"> 12.27 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_14"> 15.96 </td> <td class="heat_4_8_5089026_35"> 15.71 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" name="5089047"></a> <style> .round_4_5089047_95 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s 200 Meters </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089047_27">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089047_95">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="5" scope="col">WIND</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a href="">Cameron Andrews</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 21.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 27.76 </td> <td> 10 </td> <td> <nobr>2.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alexander Rhodes</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 21.94 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 25.02 </td> <td> 8 </td> <td> <nobr>2.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a href="">Alexander Donigian</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Olympia Track Club </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 22.22 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 18.45 </td> <td> 6 </td> <td> <nobr>2.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> Braxton Claridy </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 22.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 22.32 </td> <td> 5 </td> <td> <nobr>2.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jordan Lahusky</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 22.67 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 25.85 </td> <td> 4 </td> <td> <nobr>2.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Howmiller</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 22.98 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 25.05 </td> <td> 3 </td> <td> <nobr>1.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Christian Howell</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 23.16 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 21.08 </td> <td> 2 </td> <td> <nobr>1.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cooper Rolfs</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 23.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 28.31 </td> <td> 1 </td> <td> <nobr>1.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Boyd</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 23.47 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 30.05 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evan Carpenter</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 23.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 19.06 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a href="">Jaedon Allen-Grant</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 23.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 29.64 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a href="">Garrett Lowe</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 23.78 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 25.45 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Davyn Waters</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 23.84 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 19.08 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Matthew Hannah</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 23.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 27.44 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Joshua Hodges</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Everett CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 23.92 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 28.47 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a href="">Ryan Cole</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 23.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 20.86 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a href="">Solomon Wittrell</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 24.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 22.30 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Christian Le</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 24.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 23.83 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aiden Yost</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 24.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 20.77 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Morse</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 24.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 26.63 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Elliott Harrison</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 24.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 25.83 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Robert Lane</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Everett CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 24.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 23.20 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a href="">Caleb Lenard</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 24.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 29.90 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nadav Dicovski</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 24.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 23.50 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Donnelly</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 24.78 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 20.82 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.9</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a href="">Guyland Charles</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 24.98 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 17.49 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a href="">Lyle Dolojan</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 25.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 26.39 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> Johahn Barney </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 25.19 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 20.66 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>29</td> <td> Calvin Hume </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 25.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 22.79 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>30</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Will Laskey</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 25.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 30.76 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>31</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Leighton Gooding</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 25.50 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 29.07 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>32</td> <td> <a href="">Alp Tanrikulu</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Redmond Sprint Club </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 25.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 22.22 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>33</td> <td> <a href="">Fraser McKay</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Universal Athletics </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 27.20 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 26.39 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>34</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Thaden Bauch</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 27.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 28.47 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.9</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>35</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sebastian Vizcarra</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> 30.07 </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> 27.37 </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.9</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Joren Rentie</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_27"> DQ </td> <td class="round_4_5089047_95"> DQ </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-</nobr> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <!-- TODO and not team filter --> <!-- heat by heat results, by 2 --> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_1_5089047_49 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089047_2 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089047_31 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089047_44 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 200 Meters Section 1 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: 2.0</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089047_49">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089047_59">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089047_2">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089047_31">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089047_44">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a href="">Cameron Andrews</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_49"> 23.68 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_59"> 21.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_2"> 23.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_31"> 25.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_44"> 25.40 </td> <td> 10 </td> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alexander Rhodes</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_49"> 25.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_59"> 21.94 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_2"> 21.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_31"> 23.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_44"> 25.23 </td> <td> 8 </td> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a href="">Alexander Donigian</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Olympia Track Club </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_49"> 27.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_59"> 22.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_2"> 24.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_31"> 18.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_44"> 20.67 </td> <td> 6 </td> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> Braxton Claridy </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_49"> 24.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_59"> 22.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_2"> 23.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_31"> 21.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_44"> 23.90 </td> <td> 5 </td> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jordan Lahusky</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_49"> 26.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_59"> 22.67 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_2"> 26.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_31"> 16.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_44"> 18.59 </td> <td> 4 </td> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evan Carpenter</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_49"> 26.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_59"> 23.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_2"> 30.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_31"> 24.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089047_44"> 27.99 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_2_5089047_55 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089047_56 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089047_36 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089047_45 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 200 Meters Section 2 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: 1.2</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089047_55">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089047_56">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089047_36">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089047_45">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089047_32">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Howmiller</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_55"> 17.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_56"> 28.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_36"> 21.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_45"> 17.01 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_32"> 22.98 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 3 </td> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Christian Howell</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_55"> 30.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_56"> 29.19 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_36"> 19.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_45"> 26.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_32"> 23.16 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 2 </td> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cooper Rolfs</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_55"> 25.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_56"> 18.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_36"> 28.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_45"> 18.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_32"> 23.39 </td> <td> 1 </td> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a href="">Lyle Dolojan</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_55"> 28.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_56"> 23.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_36"> 30.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_45"> 23.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089047_32"> 25.13 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_3_5089047_27 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 200 Meters Section 3 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: 1.3</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089047_20">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089047_27">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a href="">Jaedon Allen-Grant</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089047_20"> 23.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089047_27"> 18.26 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a href="">Garrett Lowe</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089047_20"> 23.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089047_27"> 23.78 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a href="">Solomon Wittrell</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089047_20"> 24.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089047_27"> 28.61 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aiden Yost</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089047_20"> 24.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089047_27"> 25.90 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_4_5089047_14 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_4_5089047_80 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_4_5089047_97 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_4_5089047_61 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_4_5089047_54 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 200 Meters Section 4 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: 2.1</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5089047_14">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5089047_80">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5089047_97">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5089047_75">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5089047_61">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_4_5089047_54">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Davyn Waters</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_14"> 21.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_80"> 25.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_97"> 16.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_75"> 23.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_61"> 29.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_54"> 22.41 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Joshua Hodges</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Everett CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_14"> 24.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_80"> 30.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_97"> 27.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_75"> 23.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_61"> 19.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_54"> 22.73 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Christian Le</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_14"> 18.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_80"> 31.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_97"> 22.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_75"> 24.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_61"> 23.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_54"> 19.21 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Elliott Harrison</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_14"> 22.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_80"> 23.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_97"> 19.93 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_75"> 24.60 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_61"> 29.28 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_54"> 29.03 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a href="">Caleb Lenard</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_14"> 26.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_80"> 25.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_97"> 30.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_75"> 24.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_61"> 19.28 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_54"> 25.95 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nadav Dicovski</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_14"> 19.29 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_80"> 23.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_97"> 20.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_75"> 24.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_61"> 23.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_4_5089047_54"> 24.49 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_5_5089047_88 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_5_5089047_38 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_5_5089047_83 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_5_5089047_75 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_5_5089047_66 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_5_5089047_35 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 200 Meters Section 5 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: 1.8</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5089047_88">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5089047_38">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5089047_8">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5089047_83">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5089047_75">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5089047_66">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_5_5089047_35">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Matthew Hannah</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_88"> 27.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_38"> 21.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_8"> 23.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_83"> 20.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_75"> 21.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_66"> 19.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_35"> 20.29 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a href="">Ryan Cole</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_88"> 27.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_38"> 17.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_8"> 23.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_83"> 24.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_75"> 28.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_66"> 18.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_35"> 22.54 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Robert Lane</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Everett CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_88"> 25.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_38"> 27.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_8"> 24.68 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_83"> 24.19 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_75"> 30.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_66"> 21.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_35"> 29.62 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a href="">Guyland Charles</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_88"> 25.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_38"> 24.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_8"> 24.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_83"> 29.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_75"> 31.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_66"> 30.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_35"> 17.74 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>30</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Will Laskey</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_88"> 25.93 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_38"> 23.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_8"> 25.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_83"> 32.29 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_75"> 30.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_66"> 20.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_35"> 29.75 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>31</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Leighton Gooding</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_88"> 22.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_38"> 28.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_8"> 25.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_83"> 17.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_75"> 22.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_66"> 19.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_35"> 27.29 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>32</td> <td> <a href="">Alp Tanrikulu</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Redmond Sprint Club </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_88"> 27.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_38"> 27.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_8"> 25.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_83"> 23.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_75"> 22.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_66"> 32.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_5_5089047_35"> 24.52 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 200 Meters Section 6 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: 1.8</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_6_5089047_9">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Boyd</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089047_9"> 23.47 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Morse</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089047_9"> 24.43 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> Johahn Barney </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089047_9"> 25.19 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>29</td> <td> Calvin Hume </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089047_9"> 25.32 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>33</td> <td> <a href="">Fraser McKay</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Universal Athletics </td> <td class="heat_4_6_5089047_9"> 27.20 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_7_5089047_65 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_7_5089047_41 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_7_5089047_71 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_7_5089047_32 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_7_5089047_51 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 200 Meters Section 7 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: 0.9</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5089047_65">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5089047_41">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5089047_71">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5089047_32">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5089047_18">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_7_5089047_51">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Donnelly</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_65"> 31.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_41"> 27.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_71"> 21.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_32"> 28.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_18"> 24.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_51"> 25.78 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>34</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Thaden Bauch</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_65"> 23.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_41"> 35.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_71"> 25.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_32"> 25.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_18"> 27.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_51"> 27.09 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>35</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sebastian Vizcarra</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_65"> 22.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_41"> 28.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_71"> 33.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_32"> 38.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_18"> 30.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_51"> 24.36 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Joren Rentie</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_65"> DQ </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_41"> DQ </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_71"> DQ </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_32"> DQ </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_18"> DQ </td> <td class="heat_4_7_5089047_51"> DQ </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" name="5089058"></a> <style> .round_4_5089058_84 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089058_29 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089058_44 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089058_92 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s 400 Meters </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089058_84">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089058_93">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089058_29">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089058_44">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089058_92">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alexander Rhodes</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 49.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 47.94 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 35.00 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 52.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 38.84 </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Avery Keith</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 1:01.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 49.97 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 34.98 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 36.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 47.98 </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jordan Lahusky</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 36.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 50.05 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 40.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 36.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 42.55 </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> Braxton Claridy </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 43.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 50.28 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 47.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 44.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 35.70 </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cameron Lantagne</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 39.58 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 51.40 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 35.98 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 45.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 1:00.66 </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cooper Rolfs</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 45.35 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 51.53 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 44.84 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 42.77 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 56.17 </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Zachary Franco</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 50.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 52.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 1:02.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 1:06.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 1:07.35 </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mercer Stauch</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 46.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 52.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 51.28 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 41.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 1:06.08 </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Connor Olmstead</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 1:01.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 52.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 1:01.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 48.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 1:02.43 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lucas Paul</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 50.80 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 54.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 1:09.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 54.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 1:00.53 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Matt Cooper</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 1:05.91 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 54.47 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 40.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 1:04.28 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 1:00.47 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Luke Reiss</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 38.85 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 54.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 1:07.30 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 49.79 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 50.34 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Schaal</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 46.41 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 55.25 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 57.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 38.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 1:04.65 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a href="">Guyland Charles</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 1:11.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 55.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 41.16 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 49.50 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 1:10.07 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Robert Lane</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Everett CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 1:01.25 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 55.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 43.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 55.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 1:04.04 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Doughty</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 41.94 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 55.91 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 1:10.45 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 1:09.89 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 1:08.77 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Samuel Lingwall</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 41.70 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 56.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 50.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 46.77 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 46.77 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a href="">Jaedon Allen-Grant</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 50.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 56.36 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 54.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 1:04.82 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 1:04.82 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">George Fernandez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_84"> 41.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_93"> 56.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_29"> 1:01.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_44"> 45.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5089058_92"> 55.31 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <!-- TODO and not team filter --> <!-- heat by heat results, by 2 --> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_1_5089058_63 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089058_77 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089058_30 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 400 Meters Section 1 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089058_63">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089058_77">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089058_30">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089058_79">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alexander Rhodes</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_63"> 49.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_77"> 41.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_30"> 34.04 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_79"> 47.94 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 10 </td> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Avery Keith</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_63"> 41.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_77"> 46.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_30"> 57.47 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_79"> 49.97 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 8 </td> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jordan Lahusky</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_63"> 52.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_77"> 1:00.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_30"> 56.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_79"> 50.05 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 6 </td> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> Braxton Claridy </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_63"> 53.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_77"> 49.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_30"> 47.27 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_79"> 50.28 </td> <td> 5 </td> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cameron Lantagne</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_63"> 57.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_77"> 56.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_30"> 59.63 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_79"> 51.40 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 4 </td> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Zachary Franco</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_63"> 49.60 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_77"> 58.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_30"> 39.68 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089058_79"> 52.21 </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_2_5089058_72 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089058_89 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089058_98 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 400 Meters Section 2 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089058_72">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089058_89">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089058_98">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089058_82">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cooper Rolfs</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_72"> 41.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_89"> 1:06.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_98"> 42.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_82"> 51.53 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 3 </td> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mercer Stauch</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_72"> 41.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_89"> 46.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_98"> 47.05 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_82"> 52.86 </td> <td> 1 </td> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Connor Olmstead</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_72"> 51.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_89"> 1:02.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_98"> 37.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_82"> 52.90 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Luke Reiss</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_72"> 1:07.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_89"> 39.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_98"> 1:07.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_82"> 54.71 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Doughty</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_72"> 1:04.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_89"> 54.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_98"> 58.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_82"> 55.91 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Samuel Lingwall</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_72"> 52.96 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_89"> 1:09.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_98"> 1:01.41 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_82"> 56.34 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">George Fernandez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_72"> 1:07.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_89"> 1:07.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_98"> 1:02.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089058_82"> 56.43 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_3_5089058_26 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 400 Meters Section 3 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089058_26">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089058_76">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lucas Paul</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089058_26"> 46.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089058_76"> 54.04 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Matt Cooper</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089058_26"> 46.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089058_76"> 54.47 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Schaal</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089058_26"> 45.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089058_76"> 55.25 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a href="">Guyland Charles</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089058_26"> 1:07.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089058_76"> 55.61 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Robert Lane</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Everett CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089058_26"> 1:06.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089058_76"> 55.68 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a href="">Jaedon Allen-Grant</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089058_26"> 1:04.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089058_76"> 56.36 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" name="5089022"></a> <style> .round_4_5089022_90 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089022_53 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s 800 Meters </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089022_90">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089022_53">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089022_16">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kainalu Pagente</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 2:22.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:15.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 1:55.89 </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a href="">Tristan Heinicke</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 2:18.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:05.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 1:57.49 </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a href="">Michael Kolor</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:59.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 1:29.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 1:58.09 </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a href="">Gabriel Kary</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Johnson Joggers </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:32.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 1:59.83 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 1:58.64 </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lalik Buggs</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:39.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:17.45 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 1:59.52 </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kainoa Figueira</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:34.98 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 1:45.80 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:00.22 </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Maximus Richmond</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 2:21.05 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 1:34.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:00.55 </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Isaac Akiyama</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:53.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:07.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:01.07 </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Francis (Timmy) Higgins</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 2:24.12 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:27.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:01.11 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Will Dennis</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 2:01.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:20.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:01.24 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Blake Wayman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Everett CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:44.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 1:52.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:01.36 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a href="">Connor Morris</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a href="">Thriller Track &amp; Field</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:59.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 1:30.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:01.82 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Hanisch</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:52.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:22.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:01.99 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Noe Ortega</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:36.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 1:42.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:02.45 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a href="">Ben Li</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 2:32.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:21.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:04.06 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jonathan Lieb</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:45.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 1:42.00 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:04.38 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jaydon Blackburn</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:40.82 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:05.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:04.46 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gabriel Velazquez</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 2:38.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:05.83 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:05.83 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Oliver Kreimer</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 2:31.83 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 1:38.69 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:06.52 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Tommy Wirth</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:42.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:15.69 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:06.81 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Baba Cisse</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 2:41.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 1:37.82 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:07.03 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Johnathan Brooks</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:41.84 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:25.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:07.30 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nick Baker</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:40.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 1:43.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:09.15 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Will Moore</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 2:15.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:37.07 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:09.81 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ben Sheirbon</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 2:04.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:33.91 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:11.54 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Michael Harwell</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:40.17 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:42.12 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:11.80 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jordan Wu</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 1:48.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 1:43.17 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:13.98 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Dozier</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 2:51.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:41.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:14.27 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>29</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kade Franco</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_90"> 2:21.16 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_53"> 2:57.70 </td> <td class="round_4_5089022_16"> 2:46.07 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <!-- TODO and not team filter --> <!-- heat by heat results, by 2 --> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_1_5089022_31 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089022_85 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089022_17 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089022_10 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089022_9 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 800 Meters Section 1 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089022_31">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089022_85">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089022_17">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089022_93">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089022_10">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089022_9">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kainalu Pagente</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_31"> 2:27.18 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_85"> 2:02.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_17"> 1:39.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_93"> 1:55.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_10"> 2:21.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_9"> 1:38.51 </td> <td> 10 </td> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a href="">Tristan Heinicke</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_31"> 2:11.59 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_85"> 2:13.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_17"> 1:23.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_93"> 1:57.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_10"> 2:11.59 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_9"> 1:28.12 </td> <td> 8 </td> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a href="">Michael Kolor</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_31"> 2:02.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_85"> 1:43.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_17"> 2:21.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_93"> 1:58.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_10"> 1:48.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_9"> 2:15.81 </td> <td> 6 </td> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a href="">Gabriel Kary</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Johnson Joggers </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_31"> 1:50.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_85"> 1:45.59 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_17"> 2:02.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_93"> 1:58.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_10"> 2:17.63 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_9"> 1:28.98 </td> <td> 5 </td> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lalik Buggs</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_31"> 2:13.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_85"> 1:58.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_17"> 1:32.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_93"> 1:59.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_10"> 1:57.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_9"> 2:23.43 </td> <td> 4 </td> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kainoa Figueira</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_31"> 2:15.85 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_85"> 1:26.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_17"> 1:45.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_93"> 2:00.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_10"> 2:12.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_9"> 2:01.43 </td> <td> 3 </td> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Isaac Akiyama</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_31"> 2:34.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_85"> 1:58.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_17"> 2:01.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_93"> 2:01.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_10"> 2:27.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_9"> 1:39.28 </td> <td> 1 </td> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Will Dennis</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_31"> 2:26.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_85"> 2:35.19 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_17"> 2:15.79 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_93"> 2:01.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_10"> 2:24.28 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_9"> 2:36.40 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Blake Wayman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Everett CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_31"> 2:30.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_85"> 1:52.87 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_17"> 2:15.93 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_93"> 2:01.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_10"> 1:38.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_9"> 1:38.31 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Noe Ortega</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_31"> 2:39.19 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_85"> 2:14.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_17"> 2:07.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_93"> 2:02.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_10"> 2:12.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_9"> 2:08.58 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a href="">Ben Li</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_31"> 1:40.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_85"> 2:12.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_17"> 1:50.42 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_93"> 2:04.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_10"> 1:45.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089022_9"> 2:16.47 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_2_5089022_2 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089022_25 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 800 Meters Section 2 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089022_2">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089022_44">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089022_25">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Maximus Richmond</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_2"> 2:17.43 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_44"> 2:00.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_25"> 2:35.51 </td> <td> 2 </td> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Francis (Timmy) Higgins</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_2"> 1:39.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_44"> 2:01.11 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_25"> 1:32.05 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a href="">Connor Morris</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a href="">Thriller Track &amp; Field</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_2"> 1:30.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_44"> 2:01.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_25"> 1:30.15 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Hanisch</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_2"> 1:41.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_44"> 2:01.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_25"> 1:29.06 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gabriel Velazquez</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_2"> 2:13.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_44"> 2:05.83 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_25"> 1:54.51 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Oliver Kreimer</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_2"> 1:32.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_44"> 2:06.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_25"> 1:52.61 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Tommy Wirth</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_2"> 2:25.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_44"> 2:06.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_25"> 2:23.30 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Johnathan Brooks</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_2"> 1:49.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_44"> 2:07.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_25"> 2:45.49 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nick Baker</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_2"> 2:18.19 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_44"> 2:09.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_25"> 2:13.03 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>29</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kade Franco</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_2"> 2:11.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_44"> 2:46.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089022_25"> 2:17.84 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_3_5089022_8 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_3_5089022_63 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_3_5089022_1 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 800 Meters Section 3 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089022_8">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089022_63">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089022_60">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089022_1">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jonathan Lieb</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_8"> 2:25.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_63"> 2:19.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_60"> 2:04.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_1"> 2:00.65 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jaydon Blackburn</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_8"> 1:59.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_63"> 2:38.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_60"> 2:04.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_1"> 2:41.80 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Baba Cisse</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_8"> 1:41.63 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_63"> 2:03.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_60"> 2:07.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_1"> 2:32.44 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Will Moore</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_8"> 1:51.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_63"> 1:58.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_60"> 2:09.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_1"> 2:03.32 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ben Sheirbon</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_8"> 1:53.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_63"> 2:03.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_60"> 2:11.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_1"> 2:32.59 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Michael Harwell</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_8"> 2:05.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_63"> 2:47.39 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_60"> 2:11.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_1"> 1:34.90 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jordan Wu</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_8"> 2:05.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_63"> 2:05.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_60"> 2:13.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_1"> 2:40.78 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Dozier</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_8"> 2:26.36 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_63"> 2:43.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_60"> 2:14.27 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089022_1"> 2:07.56 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" name="5089049"></a> <style> .round_4_5089049_54 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s 1500 Meters </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089049_26">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089049_54">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a href="">Michael Kolor</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 3:59.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 5:03.84 </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a href="">Logan Singer</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:00.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:57.90 </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a href="">Tyler Van Dooren</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:02.30 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 3:09.00 </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Will Dennis</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:03.51 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:27.87 </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a href="">Alec Ritter</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:04.35 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 5:12.77 </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Isaac Akiyama</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:06.92 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 2:55.32 </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Perkins</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:07.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 5:01.60 </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Frankie Reid</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:09.18 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 3:26.82 </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kai Sorensen</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:09.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 5:12.03 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jason Cerda</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:10.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:47.88 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Max Stewart</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:10.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:13.23 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">London Haley</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:11.10 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:48.77 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Noe Ortega</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:11.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 3:13.80 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Noah Friedrich</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:12.00 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:49.80 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Stefans Lusis</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:12.16 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:22.25 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Luke Reiss</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:12.25 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:09.73 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Donagh Palmer</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:12.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 3:32.07 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gabriel Velazquez</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:12.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 3:34.94 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jaydon Blackburn</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:13.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 3:30.45 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> Colin Monaghan </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:15.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:28.26 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">George Fernandez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:16.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:28.89 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Blake Wayman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Everett CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:18.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 3:21.67 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Donavyn Adair</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:19.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:26.99 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nick Baker</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:19.26 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 5:24.08 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a href="">Ben Iten</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:20.35 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 3:02.25 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a href="">Ethan Coon</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:21.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:21.13 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jackson Rye</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:23.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:44.05 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Will Moore</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:24.82 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:35.42 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>29</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Tommy Wirth</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:25.66 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:23.01 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>30</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Raul Najera</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:26.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:53.29 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>31</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nicolas Nava Roman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:30.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 5:05.27 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>32</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cole Dozier</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:30.95 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 3:23.22 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>33</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Dozier</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:36.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 3:52.31 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>34</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jordan Wu</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:39.47 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 3:54.76 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>35</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Barkley</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:42.82 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 3:43.43 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>36</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Chase Fidiam</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evergreen St.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:43.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:20.67 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>37</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Baba Cisse</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:43.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:12.43 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>38</td> <td> Jonah Andrews </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Pacific Lutheran </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:48.41 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 4:19.57 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>39</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brian Cortez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 4:59.77 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 3:50.83 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>40</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kaleb Everson</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evergreen St.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 5:03.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 6:16.67 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>41</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">River Scheurell</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evergreen St.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> 5:38.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> 5:34.63 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a href="">Mac Franks</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_26"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089049_54"> DNF </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <!-- TODO and not team filter --> <!-- heat by heat results, by 2 --> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_1_5089049_66 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089049_80 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089049_54 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 1500 Meters Section 1 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089049_66">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089049_80">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089049_37">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089049_54">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a href="">Michael Kolor</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_66"> 4:13.60 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_80"> 3:11.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_37"> 3:59.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_54"> 3:18.57 </td> <td> 10 </td> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a href="">Logan Singer</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_66"> 4:48.29 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_80"> 5:09.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_37"> 4:00.24 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_54"> 3:00.18 </td> <td> 8 </td> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a href="">Tyler Van Dooren</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_66"> 3:13.84 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_80"> 4:48.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_37"> 4:02.30 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_54"> 4:38.65 </td> <td> 6 </td> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Will Dennis</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_66"> 3:36.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_80"> 3:09.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_37"> 4:03.51 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_54"> 4:49.78 </td> <td> 5 </td> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a href="">Alec Ritter</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_66"> 5:17.66 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_80"> 4:16.57 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_37"> 4:04.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_54"> 3:54.58 </td> <td> 4 </td> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Isaac Akiyama</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_66"> 3:12.60 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_80"> 4:58.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_37"> 4:06.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_54"> 4:09.39 </td> <td> 3 </td> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Perkins</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_66"> 4:22.05 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_80"> 4:17.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_37"> 4:07.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_54"> 5:21.38 </td> <td> 2 </td> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Frankie Reid</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_66"> 4:34.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_80"> 3:04.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_37"> 4:09.18 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_54"> 4:06.69 </td> <td> 1 </td> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kai Sorensen</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_66"> 5:04.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_80"> 3:27.19 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_37"> 4:09.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_54"> 3:07.22 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Luke Reiss</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_66"> 5:10.27 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_80"> 5:10.27 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_37"> 4:12.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_54"> 2:56.58 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Donagh Palmer</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_66"> 4:02.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_80"> 3:32.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_37"> 4:12.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_54"> 3:34.60 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> Colin Monaghan </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_66"> 3:06.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_80"> 4:38.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_37"> 4:15.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_54"> 4:20.59 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">George Fernandez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_66"> 3:01.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_80"> 5:17.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_37"> 4:16.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_54"> 3:24.87 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a href="">Mac Franks</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_66"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_80"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_37"> DNF </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089049_54"> DNF </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_2_5089049_17 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089049_7 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089049_47 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089049_0 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089049_5 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 1500 Meters Section 2 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089049_17">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089049_7">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089049_47">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089049_0">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089049_56">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089049_5">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jason Cerda</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 4:52.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 3:47.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 4:02.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 5:02.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:10.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 4:30.36 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Max Stewart</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 3:18.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 3:43.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 3:33.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 4:00.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:10.72 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 3:23.09 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">London Haley</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 3:38.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 3:38.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 4:11.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 3:45.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:11.10 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 5:13.88 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Noe Ortega</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 5:14.60 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 4:41.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 3:44.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 4:51.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:11.68 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 3:23.86 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Noah Friedrich</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 4:44.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 3:19.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 5:17.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 3:09.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:12.00 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 4:19.56 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Stefans Lusis</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 4:39.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 3:36.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 2:56.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 5:22.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:12.16 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 4:14.69 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gabriel Velazquez</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 4:38.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 3:32.41 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 3:27.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 5:11.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:12.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 4:17.92 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jaydon Blackburn</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 5:22.01 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 3:58.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 5:27.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 5:01.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:13.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 4:41.44 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Blake Wayman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Everett CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 4:36.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 4:21.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 4:00.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 4:52.17 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:18.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 3:32.02 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nick Baker</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 3:22.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 5:18.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 5:08.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 4:52.97 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:19.26 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 4:14.08 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a href="">Ben Iten</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 4:04.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 4:35.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 4:38.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 4:20.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:20.35 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 3:02.25 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a href="">Ethan Coon</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 3:36.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 4:55.08 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 4:31.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 5:08.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:21.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 4:15.91 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Will Moore</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 4:11.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 4:19.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 4:11.58 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 3:34.51 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:24.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 5:28.38 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>29</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Tommy Wirth</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 5:26.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 4:15.04 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 4:38.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 5:18.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:25.66 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 4:44.26 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>30</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Raul Najera</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_17"> 4:15.96 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_7"> 5:09.28 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_47"> 4:29.29 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_0"> 5:17.28 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_56"> 4:26.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089049_5"> 3:19.97 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_3_5089049_53 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_3_5089049_75 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_3_5089049_10 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_3_5089049_64 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 1500 Meters Section 3 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089049_53">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089049_16">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089049_75">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089049_10">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_3_5089049_64">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Donavyn Adair</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_53"> 3:42.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_16"> 4:19.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_75"> 3:06.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_10"> 4:24.40 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_64"> 4:47.73 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jackson Rye</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_53"> 5:26.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_16"> 4:23.01 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_75"> 5:28.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_10"> 5:15.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_64"> 5:15.62 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>31</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nicolas Nava Roman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_53"> 3:22.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_16"> 4:30.15 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_75"> 4:08.54 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_10"> 5:24.18 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_64"> 4:49.06 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>32</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cole Dozier</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_53"> 3:17.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_16"> 4:30.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_75"> 5:49.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_10"> 4:47.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_64"> 5:35.98 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>33</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Dozier</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_53"> 4:17.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_16"> 4:36.55 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_75"> 5:09.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_10"> 4:25.49 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_64"> 4:50.38 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>34</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jordan Wu</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_53"> 5:29.78 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_16"> 4:39.47 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_75"> 4:53.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_10"> 3:21.22 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_64"> 3:57.55 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>35</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Barkley</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_53"> 4:48.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_16"> 4:42.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_75"> 5:30.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_10"> 3:26.46 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_64"> 4:48.48 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>36</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Chase Fidiam</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evergreen St.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_53"> 3:49.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_16"> 4:43.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_75"> 6:02.67 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_10"> 6:08.33 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_64"> 4:20.67 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>37</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Baba Cisse</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_53"> 5:43.18 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_16"> 4:43.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_75"> 4:43.62 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_10"> 5:11.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_64"> 4:37.95 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>38</td> <td> Jonah Andrews </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Pacific Lutheran </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_53"> 4:33.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_16"> 4:48.41 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_75"> 4:13.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_10"> 3:36.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_64"> 4:08.04 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>39</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brian Cortez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_53"> 5:23.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_16"> 4:59.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_75"> 6:02.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_10"> 4:26.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_64"> 6:29.70 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>40</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kaleb Everson</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evergreen St.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_53"> 6:19.70 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_16"> 5:03.76 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_75"> 4:57.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_10"> 6:04.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_64"> 5:37.18 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>41</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">River Scheurell</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evergreen St.</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_53"> 4:16.89 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_16"> 5:38.01 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_75"> 6:11.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_10"> 4:06.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_3_5089049_64"> 4:27.03 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" name="5089040"></a> <style> .round_4_5089040_13 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089040_44 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s 5000 Meters </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089040_13">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089040_44">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089040_30">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a href="">Mac Franks</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 14:33.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 14:07.18 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 14:33.38 </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cian Monaghan</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 15:56.40 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 16:33.18 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 15:19.61 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brennan LeBlanc</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 15:33.83 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 19:15.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 15:24.58 </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a href="">Jamin King</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 15:00.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 19:20.70 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 15:28.56 </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a href="">Jack Gray</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 12:44.18 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 15:22.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 15:31.92 </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Max Stewart</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 15:33.19 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 13:30.65 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 15:42.61 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Silas Demmert</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 15:40.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 15:12.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 15:50.04 </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eli Dale</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 17:36.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 14:07.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 15:51.95 </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ben Kerr</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 17:28.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 15:51.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 16:01.48 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a href="">Saul Johnson</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 21:01.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 15:41.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 16:10.11 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a href="">Garrett Mohammadioun</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 17:20.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 14:53.16 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 16:21.49 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a href="">Garrett Knight</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 12:01.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 19:36.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 16:28.84 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Donavyn Adair</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 16:52.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 11:41.70 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 16:42.43 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a href="">Benjamin Eudeline</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 17:46.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 19:38.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 16:56.09 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Rowan Hicks</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 22:29.25 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 17:13.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 17:34.10 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Miles Cole</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 14:58.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 22:53.58 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 17:36.60 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Elijah Morrow</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 21:08.29 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 14:23.29 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 17:45.79 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a href="">Timothy Lara</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Washed Up </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> 21:03.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> 14:09.58 </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> 18:09.20 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Raul Najera</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> DNF </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Liam Monaghan </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Tacoma City Running Club </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> DNF </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Owen Windrope</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_13"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_44"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089040_30"> DNF </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <a class="anchor" name="5089043"></a> <style> .round_4_5089043_32 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089043_88 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089043_17 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089043_29 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s 10,000 Meters </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089043_32">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089043_88">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089043_17">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089043_29">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089043_81">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Clough</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 23:03.36 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 34:44.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 22:27.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 38:55.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 29:56.56 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NCAA DII Prov"/> </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Oslin</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 26:18.93 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 37:56.59 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 30:35.96 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 27:14.01 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 30:35.96 </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> Colin Monaghan </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 35:43.00 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 27:05.72 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 23:24.04 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 25:51.83 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 30:47.41 </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Owen Ladinig</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 23:06.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 25:34.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 33:53.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 30:30.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 30:48.51 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jonah Billings</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 24:01.65 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 30:16.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 33:04.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 37:26.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 31:12.27 </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jared Alderfer</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 22:21.00 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 24:14.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 40:55.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 25:48.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 31:28.72 </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Peters</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 27:06.26 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 26:09.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 40:01.56 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 33:24.45 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 31:30.99 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Samuel Lingwall</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 38:51.05 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 30:38.31 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 38:32.10 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 28:25.65 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 31:35.16 </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=";Day.html">Cale O&#39;Day</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 39:51.85 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 23:05.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 34:29.14 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 31:38.29 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 31:38.29 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Miles Voenell</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 24:22.82 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 25:38.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 33:14.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 39:34.70 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 31:39.76 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Luke Hurd</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 24:10.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 27:40.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 40:04.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 30:51.22 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 31:48.47 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Leo Rutledge</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 22:36.96 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 29:56.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 36:18.78 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 36:37.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 31:51.21 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eduardo Tobon</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 37:55.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 35:59.69 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 28:36.18 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 34:23.27 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 32:08.29 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eric Anthony Souza-Ponce</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 23:29.19 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 25:05.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 31:12.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 41:30.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 32:10.39 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cian Monaghan</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 40:53.30 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 37:40.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 39:55.35 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 32:11.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 32:11.73 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">James Dugenet</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 32:50.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 33:48.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 37:01.57 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 31:13.85 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 32:11.80 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spencer Zeljak</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 27:42.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 28:40.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 38:40.00 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 38:01.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 32:13.33 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a href="">Jonathan Quimby</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Bellingham Distance Proje </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 34:30.80 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 35:48.94 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 29:18.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 40:41.98 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 32:33.58 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Tyler Eakin</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 28:46.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 27:08.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 39:14.36 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 34:39.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 32:41.96 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Matt Buckley</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 33:21.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 23:13.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 33:21.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 23:13.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 32:42.26 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mark Tiersma</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Evergreen St.</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 27:50.36 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 30:27.57 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 38:38.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 38:19.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 32:45.13 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="Cascade Conference"/> </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ethan Bursch</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 25:56.36 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 39:04.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 24:17.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 35:27.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 32:50.07 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Anders Norman</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 37:31.89 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 42:47.95 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 25:01.26 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 42:47.95 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 32:55.34 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Isaac Venable</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 35:34.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 36:13.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 38:12.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 36:53.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 32:56.24 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Quinn Higgins</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 43:08.12 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 39:29.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 31:51.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 25:52.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 33:10.86 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sam Garcia</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 28:17.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 39:16.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 23:57.89 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 33:17.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 33:17.06 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> Francis Reynolds </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Tacoma City Running Club </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 23:22.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 35:23.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 29:22.58 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 42:23.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 33:22.93 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Stracke</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 35:44.47 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 25:03.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 28:23.55 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 40:45.09 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 33:24.17 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>29</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Marc Dugenet</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 31:45.17 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 30:24.95 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 28:24.63 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 31:25.12 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 33:25.44 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>30</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Diego Rodriguez</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 34:28.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 29:07.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 38:49.48 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 43:10.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 33:28.17 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>31</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nathaniel Gale</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 32:52.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 34:53.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 33:12.88 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 38:55.10 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 33:33.01 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>32</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Colin Shimabukuro</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 30:15.71 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 33:57.63 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 26:13.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 41:41.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 33:37.45 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>33</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gabe Endresen</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 36:41.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 28:56.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 33:59.95 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 23:54.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 33:39.75 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>34</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jackson Rye</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 43:06.83 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 23:45.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 27:09.50 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 33:36.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 33:56.87 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>35</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Souza</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 34:18.35 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 38:02.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 40:45.57 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 33:37.59 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 33:57.97 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>36</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nicolas Nava Roman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 33:36.64 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 29:29.70 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 27:05.66 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 30:52.02 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 34:17.79 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>37</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Tom McKee</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 24:01.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 30:32.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 39:07.40 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 38:46.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 34:19.12 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>38</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Theron Plumb</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 43:19.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 43:19.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 30:30.21 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 37:05.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 34:39.78 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>39</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Joseph Naylor</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 32:03.07 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 39:22.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 27:31.33 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 38:19.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 34:50.29 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>40</td> <td> Liam Monaghan </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Tacoma City Running Club </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 33:42.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 42:29.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 34:03.83 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 37:13.47 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 35:07.04 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>41</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Rigoberto Castellanos</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 46:40.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 35:11.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 25:50.98 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 36:58.77 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 35:54.14 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>42</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Miles Cole</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 37:55.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 41:14.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 35:43.06 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 35:20.97 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 36:49.34 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>43</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jonathan Ochoa</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> 44:06.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> 29:39.12 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> 46:19.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> 36:41.66 </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> 37:03.89 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a href="">Thomas Mikkelson</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> DNF </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">George Karamitsos</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> DNF </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Jones</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_32"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_88"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_17"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_29"> DNF </td> <td class="round_4_5089043_81"> DNF </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <a class="anchor" name="5089029"></a> <style> .round_4_5089029_8 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089029_40 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s 110 Hurdles </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089029_96">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089029_8">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089029_40">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Grady Lemma</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_96"> 15.13 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_8"> 13.92 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_40"> 15.59 </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nicholas Stade</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_96"> 16.09 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_8"> 20.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_40"> 18.19 </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Daniel Watts</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_96"> 16.33 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_8"> 18.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_40"> 18.46 </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jonathan Fritz</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_96"> 16.38 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_8"> 18.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_40"> 17.86 </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jalen Martin</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_96"> 16.59 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_8"> 21.41 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_40"> 20.91 </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Darius Chaffin</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_96"> 17.20 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_8"> 16.17 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_40"> 17.55 </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> Calvin Hume </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_96"> 17.34 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_8"> 22.37 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_40"> 12.14 </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Stingle</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_96"> 17.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_8"> 16.69 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_40"> 13.32 </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">TJ Lynch</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_96"> 18.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_8"> 17.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_40"> 21.33 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Owen Windrope</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_96"> 18.38 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_8"> 21.32 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_40"> 20.22 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Isaac Vaughn</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_96"> 18.45 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_8"> 16.42 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_40"> 22.51 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a href="">Fraser McKay</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Universal Athletics </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_96"> 21.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_8"> 26.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_40"> 26.71 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Stephen Pittman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_96"> FS </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_8"> FS </td> <td class="round_4_5089029_40"> FS </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <!-- TODO and not team filter --> <!-- heat by heat results, by 2 --> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_1_5089029_6 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089029_32 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089029_38 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089029_37 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 110 Hurdles Section 1 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: -1.1</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089029_6">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089029_95">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089029_32">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089029_38">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089029_37">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Grady Lemma</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_6"> 16.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_95"> 15.13 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_32"> 16.80 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_38"> 11.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_37"> 17.86 </td> <td> 10 </td> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nicholas Stade</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_6"> 20.92 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_95"> 16.09 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_32"> 14.65 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_38"> 17.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_37"> 13.04 </td> <td> 8 </td> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Daniel Watts</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_6"> 14.86 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_95"> 16.33 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_32"> 16.82 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_38"> 14.21 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_37"> 13.72 </td> <td> 6 </td> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jonathan Fritz</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_6"> 17.53 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_95"> 16.38 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_32"> 20.64 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_38"> 17.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_37"> 12.13 </td> <td> 5 </td> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jalen Martin</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_6"> 19.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_95"> 16.59 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_32"> 21.41 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_38"> 11.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_37"> 12.45 </td> <td> 4 </td> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Darius Chaffin</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_6"> 12.56 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_95"> 17.20 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_32"> 12.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_38"> 14.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089029_37"> 12.04 </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_2_5089029_10 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089029_93 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089029_90 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 110 Hurdles Section 2 </h5> <span class="wind-text">W: -0.4</span> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089029_10">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089029_6">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089029_93">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089029_90">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> Calvin Hume </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_10"> 20.12 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_6"> 17.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_93"> 15.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_90"> 13.36 </td> <td> 2 </td> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Stingle</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_10"> 15.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_6"> 17.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_93"> 21.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_90"> 22.37 </td> <td> 1 </td> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">TJ Lynch</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_10"> 12.77 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_6"> 18.23 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_93"> 19.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_90"> 13.86 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Owen Windrope</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_10"> 18.02 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_6"> 18.38 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_93"> 22.06 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_90"> 17.65 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Isaac Vaughn</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_10"> 16.61 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_6"> 18.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_93"> 19.93 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_90"> 20.48 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a href="">Fraser McKay</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Universal Athletics </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_10"> 26.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_6"> 21.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_93"> 26.71 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_90"> 25.24 </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Stephen Pittman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_10"> FS </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_6"> FS </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_93"> FS </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089029_90"> FS </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" name="5089024"></a> <style> .round_4_5089024_54 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089024_20 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089024_68 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s 400 Hurdles </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089024_54">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089024_20">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089024_65">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089024_68">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nicholas Stade</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_54"> 40.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_20"> 49.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_65"> 56.45 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_68"> 1:08.31 </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Grady Lemma</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_54"> 1:14.41 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_20"> 1:09.80 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_65"> 57.68 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_68"> 1:07.49 </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Harrison Fung</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_54"> 47.83 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_20"> 1:11.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_65"> 58.32 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_68"> 41.99 </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Daniel Watts</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_54"> 1:11.87 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_20"> 53.61 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_65"> 58.91 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_68"> 1:11.87 </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cameron Lantagne</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_54"> 58.52 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_20"> 44.19 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_65"> 59.71 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_68"> 51.35 </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Noah Boyd</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_54"> 1:11.70 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_20"> 1:00.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_65"> 1:00.25 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_68"> 1:17.73 </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jaelin McQueen</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_54"> 1:06.94 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_20"> 55.68 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_65"> 1:02.56 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_68"> 1:15.08 </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Hernandez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_54"> 54.56 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_20"> 1:17.29 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_65"> 1:04.95 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_68"> 1:18.59 </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Carson Olmstead</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_54"> 1:09.24 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_20"> 1:30.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_65"> 1:09.94 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_68"> 1:15.54 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nathaniel Gray</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_54"> 1:29.73 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_20"> 1:23.94 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_65"> 1:12.36 </td> <td class="round_4_5089024_68"> 1:26.84 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <!-- TODO and not team filter --> <!-- heat by heat results, by 2 --> <div class="row"> <style> </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 400 Hurdles Section 1 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089024_71">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nicholas Stade</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089024_71"> 56.45 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 10 </td> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Grady Lemma</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089024_71"> 57.68 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 8 </td> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Harrison Fung</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089024_71"> 58.32 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 6 </td> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Daniel Watts</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089024_71"> 58.91 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 5 </td> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Noah Boyd</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089024_71"> 1:00.25 </td> <td> 3 </td> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jaelin McQueen</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089024_71"> 1:02.56 </td> <td> 2 </td> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nathaniel Gray</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089024_71"> 1:12.36 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_2_5089024_46 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089024_47 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089024_72 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 400 Hurdles Section 2 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089024_0">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089024_46">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089024_47">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089024_72">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cameron Lantagne</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089024_0"> 59.71 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089024_46"> 48.37 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089024_47"> 1:08.07 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089024_72"> 41.80 </td> <td> 4 </td> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Hernandez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089024_0"> 1:04.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089024_46"> 1:06.25 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089024_47"> 1:24.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089024_72"> 1:04.95 </td> <td> 1 </td> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Carson Olmstead</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089024_0"> 1:09.94 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089024_46"> 1:06.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089024_47"> 1:18.34 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089024_72"> 1:19.74 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" name="5089057"></a> <style> .round_4_5089057_43 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089057_67 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089057_95 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s 3000 Steeplechase </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089057_34">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089057_43">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089057_67">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089057_95">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a href="">Mac Franks</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Club Northwest </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 8:57.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 9:34.63 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 7:15.00 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 8:57.03 </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jeret Gillingham</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 9:09.33 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NCAA DII Prov"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 8:30.88 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 8:08.91 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 9:20.32 </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ian Eifert</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 9:31.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 12:12.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 11:54.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 11:54.99 </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jalen Javurek</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 9:37.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 12:14.05 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 7:30.84 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 7:59.74 </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Logan Werner</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 9:39.74 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 6:51.62 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 10:14.53 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 11:53.08 </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jason Blinn</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 9:46.35 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 12:07.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 9:28.76 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 10:03.94 </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Ireton</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 9:50.10 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 10:49.11 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 7:40.28 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 7:52.08 </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Joel Nealon</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 9:55.91 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 11:01.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 9:55.91 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 7:09.06 </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a href="">Luke Frazier</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Bellingham Distance Proje </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 9:58.67 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 8:16.90 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 10:46.57 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 11:04.53 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Matthew Salazar</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 9:58.86 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 12:46.54 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 8:05.08 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 11:46.66 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brendan Creeks</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 10:05.75 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 7:46.43 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 7:10.09 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 10:29.98 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Nate Bay</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 10:11.46 <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 7:38.60 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 10:05.35 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 8:33.63 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Maxwell Jacob-Kurilo</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 10:40.18 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 10:59.39 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 11:31.40 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 8:12.94 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Caleb Silverman</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 11:14.59 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 14:30.23 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 9:40.15 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 10:54.36 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a href="">Timothy Lara</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Washed Up </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 11:55.46 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 10:00.99 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 9:25.22 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 8:56.60 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brandon Apresa</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_34"> 11:59.66 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_43"> 11:52.47 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_67"> 11:30.88 </td> <td class="round_4_5089057_95"> 8:59.75 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <a class="anchor" name="5089021"></a> <style> </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s 4 x 100 Relay </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="5%" scope="col">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="20%" scope="col">TEAM </th> <!-- show squad if there is a team that shows up twice --> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="50%" scope="col">ATHLETES</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="10%" scope="col" class="round_4_5089021_97">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Jacob</span> Howmiller</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Avery</span> Keith</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Brogan</span> Murphy</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Alexander</span> Rhodes</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089021_97"> 42.41 </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Keola</span> Sanchez</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Kellen</span> Meade</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Aiden</span> Yost</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Alec</span> Serrao</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089021_97"> 43.37 </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <a class="anchor" name="5089042"></a> <style> .round_4_5089042_89 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s 4 x 400 Relay </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="5%" scope="col">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="20%" scope="col">TEAM </th> <!-- show squad if there is a team that shows up twice --> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" class="hidden-xs-down" width="5%" scope="col">SQUAD</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="50%" scope="col">ATHLETES</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="10%" scope="col" class="round_4_5089042_10">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="10%" scope="col" class="round_4_5089042_89">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="hidden-xs-down">A</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Daniel</span> Watts</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Kainoa</span> Figueira</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Cameron</span> Lantagne</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Cooper</span> Rolfs</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_10"> 3:29.03 </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_89"> 4:10.84 </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> <!-- For smaller than iphone 6 we show relay squad here - but not A squad! --> <div style="display:inline-block;" class="hidden-sm-up">(B>)</div> </td> <td class="hidden-xs-down">B</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Nicholas</span> Stade</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Harrison</span> Fung</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Will</span> Dennis</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Elliott</span> Harrison</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_10"> 3:33.45 </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_89"> 3:37.72 </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="hidden-xs-down">A</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Maximus</span> Richmond</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">David</span> Stingle</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Stephen</span> Pittman</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Jacob</span> Goude</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_10"> 3:34.51 </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_89"> 3:06.63 </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="hidden-xs-down">A</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Jacob</span> Howmiller</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Mercer</span> Stauch</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Jason</span> Cerda</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Avery</span> Keith</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_10"> 3:35.95 </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_89"> 3:55.39 </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="hidden-xs-down">A</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Jordan</span> Lahusky</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Nadav</span> Dicovski</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Jonathan</span> Fritz</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Will</span> Laskey</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_10"> 3:38.69 </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_89"> 3:58.38 </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="hidden-xs-down">A</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Evan</span> Carpenter</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Jonathan</span> Lieb</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Ethan</span> Erickson</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Ben</span> Sheirbon</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_10"> 3:40.13 </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_89"> 2:47.30 </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> <!-- For smaller than iphone 6 we show relay squad here - but not A squad! --> <div style="display:inline-block;" class="hidden-sm-up">(B>)</div> </td> <td class="hidden-xs-down">B</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Lucas</span> Paul</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Andrew</span> Doughty</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">James</span> Dugenet</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Matt</span> Buckley</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_10"> 3:42.44 </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_89"> 4:22.48 </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="hidden-xs-down">A</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">LeBron</span> Smith</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Jai</span> Alapai</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Kamaehuokala</span> Makanui</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Nathan</span> Atkinson</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_10"> 3:42.81 </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_89"> 3:33.90 </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> <!-- For smaller than iphone 6 we show relay squad here - but not A squad! --> <div style="display:inline-block;" class="hidden-sm-up">(C>)</div> </td> <td class="hidden-xs-down">C</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Tommy</span> Wirth</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Nick</span> Baker</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Jalen</span> Martin</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href=""><span class="hidden-xs-down">Nathaniel</span> Gray</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_10"> 3:51.75 </td> <td class="round_4_5089042_89"> 3:14.67 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <!-- TODO and not team filter --> <!-- heat by heat results, by 2 --> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_1_5089042_23 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089042_20 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089042_61 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089042_5 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089042_93 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 4 x 400 Relay Section 1 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">ATHLETES </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="10%" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089042_34">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="10%" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089042_23">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="10%" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089042_20">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="10%" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089042_61">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="10%" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089042_5">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="10%" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089042_93">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Watts</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Figueira</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lantagne</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Rolfs</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_34"> 3:29.03 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_23"> 4:02.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_20"> 2:53.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_61"> 4:12.93 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_5"> 3:12.31 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_93"> 3:26.94 </td> <td> 10 </td> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Richmond</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Stingle</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pittman</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Goude</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_34"> 3:34.51 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_23"> 3:04.48 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_20"> 4:10.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_61"> 4:10.98 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_5"> 3:43.09 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_93"> 3:43.09 </td> <td> 6 </td> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Howmiller</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Stauch</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cerda</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Keith</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_34"> 3:35.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_23"> 3:48.91 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_20"> 3:18.68 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_61"> 3:16.52 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_5"> 4:19.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_93"> 3:55.39 </td> <td> 5 </td> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Carpenter</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lieb</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Erickson</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sheirbon</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_34"> 3:40.13 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_23"> 3:51.14 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_20"> 3:57.74 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_61"> 2:38.50 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_5"> 2:42.90 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_93"> 2:49.50 </td> <td> 3 </td> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Smith</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alapai</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Makanui</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Atkinson</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_34"> 3:42.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_23"> 3:53.95 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_20"> 3:42.81 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_61"> 3:24.99 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_5"> 3:51.73 </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089042_93"> 4:34.06 </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_2_5089042_12 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s 4 x 400 Relay Section 2 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">ATHLETES </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="10%" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089042_76">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" width="10%" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089042_12">TIME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> <!-- For smaller than iphone 6 we show relay squad here - but not A squad! --> <div style="display:inline-block;" class="hidden-sm-up">(B>)</div> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Stade</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Fung</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dennis</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Harrison</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089042_76"> 3:33.45 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089042_12"> 2:59.30 </td> <td> 8 </td> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lahusky</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dicovski</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Fritz</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Laskey</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089042_76"> 3:38.69 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089042_12"> 3:47.44 </td> <td> 4 </td> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> <!-- For smaller than iphone 6 we show relay squad here - but not A squad! --> <div style="display:inline-block;" class="hidden-sm-up">(B>)</div> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Paul</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Doughty</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dugenet</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Buckley</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089042_76"> 3:42.44 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089042_12"> 4:04.69 </td> <td> 2 </td> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> <!-- For smaller than iphone 6 we show relay squad here - but not A squad! --> <div style="display:inline-block;" class="hidden-sm-up">(C>)</div> </td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Wirth</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Baker</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Martin</a>, <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gray</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089042_76"> 3:51.75 </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089042_12"> 4:33.47 </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" name="5089031"></a> <style> .round_4_5089031_47 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s High Jump </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089031_51">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089031_47">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="1">CONV</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Daniel Watts</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_51"> 1.84m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_47"> 1.53m </td> <td> 6&#39; 0.5&quot; </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>1.44</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.49</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.54</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.59</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.64</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>1.69</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>1.74</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>1.79</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>1.84</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>1.89</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Antwan Salmon</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_51"> 1.84m </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_47"> 1.58m </td> <td> 6&#39; 0.5&quot; </td> <td> 7 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>1.44</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.49</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.54</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.59</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.64</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>1.69</div> <div>PPP</div> </li> <li> <div>1.74</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>1.79</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>1.84</div> <div>XXO</div> </li> <li> <div>1.89</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Morse</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_51"> 1.84m </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_47"> 2.37m </td> <td> 6&#39; 0.5&quot; </td> <td> 7 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>1.44</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.49</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.54</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.59</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.64</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.69</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.74</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>1.79</div> <div>XXO</div> </li> <li> <div>1.84</div> <div>XXO</div> </li> <li> <div>1.89</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ian Stapf</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_51"> 1.79m </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_47"> 1.61m </td> <td> 5&#39; 10.5&quot; </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>1.44</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.49</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.54</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.59</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.64</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.69</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.74</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>1.79</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>1.84</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a href="">Nathan Shin</a> </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_51"> 1.79m </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_47"> 1.38m </td> <td> 5&#39; 10.5&quot; </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>1.44</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.49</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.54</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.59</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.64</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>1.69</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>1.74</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>1.79</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>1.84</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kevin Hanis</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_51"> 1.74m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_47"> 1.44m </td> <td> 5&#39; 8.5&quot; </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>1.44</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.49</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.54</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.59</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.64</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.69</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>1.74</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>1.79</div> <div>X</div> </li> <li> <div>1.84</div> <div>XX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jaden Bluitt</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_51"> 1.69m </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_47"> 1.98m </td> <td> 5&#39; 6.5&quot; </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>1.44</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.49</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.54</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.59</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.64</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>1.69</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>1.74</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> <li> <div>1.79</div> <div></div> </li> <li> <div>1.84</div> <div></div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Owen Windrope</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_51"> 1.59m </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_47"> 1.76m </td> <td> 5&#39; 2.5&quot; </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>1.44</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.49</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.54</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>1.59</div> <div>XXO</div> </li> <li> <div>1.64</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Connor Olmstead</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_51"> NH </td> <td class="round_4_5089031_47"> NH </td> <td> NH </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>1.79</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> <li> <div>1.84</div> <div></div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <a class="anchor" name="5089030"></a> <style> .round_4_5089030_53 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089030_42 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089030_55 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089030_61 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089030_24 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089030_30 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s Pole Vault </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089030_53">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089030_42">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089030_55">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089030_61">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089030_24">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089030_30">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089030_71">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="1">CONV</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> Andrew Shirley </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 5.25m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 3.60m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 4.13m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 4.57m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 5.93m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 6.03m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 4.86m </td> <td> 15&#39; 11.25&quot; </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>4.71</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>4.86</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>5.16</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> Jordan Lasher </td> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 4.19m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 5.32m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 5.42m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 5.98m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 5.42m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 3.63m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 4.71m </td> <td> 15&#39; 5.5&quot; </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>4.41</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>4.56</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>4.71</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>4.86</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Doidge</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 4.05m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 4.17m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 4.60m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 5.03m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 4.86m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 4.05m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 4.26m </td> <td> 13&#39; 11.75&quot; </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>3.96</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>4.11</div> <div>XXO</div> </li> <li> <div>4.26</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>4.41</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a href="">Garrett Armbruster</a> </td> <td>Junior</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 4.35m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 3.54m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 4.64m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 3.96m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 3.92m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 4.86m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 4.26m </td> <td> 13&#39; 11.75&quot; </td> <td> 4.5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>3.66</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.81</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.96</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>4.11</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>4.26</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>4.41</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Jones</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 4.86m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 4.90m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 3.62m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 4.90m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 3.28m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 4.77m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 4.26m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 13&#39; 11.75&quot; </td> <td> 4.5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>3.81</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.96</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>4.11</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>4.26</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>4.41</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gavin Hoskinson</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 4.81m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 4.22m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 3.66m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 4.56m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 4.43m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 5.03m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 4.26m </td> <td> 13&#39; 11.75&quot; </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>4.26</div> <div>XXO</div> </li> <li> <div>4.56</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Kainoa Lee</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 3.49m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 3.70m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 3.86m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 4.73m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 2.96m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 3.95m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 4.11m </td> <td> 13&#39; 5.75&quot; </td> <td> 1.5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>3.96</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>4.11</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>4.26</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Blake Leahy</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 2.92m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 4.56m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 4.85m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 3.41m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 4.73m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 3.82m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 4.11m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 13&#39; 5.75&quot; </td> <td> 1.5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>3.81</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.96</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>4.11</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>4.26</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Owen Windrope</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 2.75m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 4.50m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 2.82m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 4.72m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 3.33m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 4.36m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 3.66m </td> <td> 12&#39; 0&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>2.46</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>2.61</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>2.76</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>2.91</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>3.06</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.21</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.36</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.51</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.66</div> <div>XXO</div> </li> <li> <div>3.81</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eli Cach</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 4.10m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 2.82m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 3.29m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 3.73m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 2.93m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 3.70m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 3.66m </td> <td> 12&#39; 0&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>3.06</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>3.21</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.36</div> <div>XXO</div> </li> <li> <div>3.51</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.66</div> <div>XXO</div> </li> <li> <div>3.81</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Boyd</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 3.86m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 2.95m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 2.95m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 2.60m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 2.56m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 3.97m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 3.51m </td> <td> 11&#39; 6.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>3.06</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.21</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.36</div> <div>XXO</div> </li> <li> <div>3.51</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.66</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> <li> <div>3.81</div> <div></div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Donnelly</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 4.32m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 2.98m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 2.74m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 4.32m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 2.56m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 2.63m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 3.51m </td> <td> 11&#39; 6.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>3.36</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>3.51</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>3.66</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Marc Hruschka</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 3.09m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 4.04m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 4.42m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 2.91m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 4.49m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 4.46m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 3.51m </td> <td> 11&#39; 6.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>3.36</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>3.51</div> <div>XXO</div> </li> <li> <div>3.66</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Cordeiro</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 3.19m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 2.35m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 3.90m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 3.83m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 2.89m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 3.19m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 3.36m </td> <td> 11&#39; 0.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>2.46</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>2.61</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>2.76</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>2.91</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>3.06</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>3.21</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.36</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.51</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mikel Saxon</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 2.76m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 3.46m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 3.86m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 3.29m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 2.65m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 4.27m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 3.36m </td> <td> 11&#39; 0.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>2.46</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>2.61</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>2.76</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>2.91</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.06</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>3.21</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.36</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.51</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Zack Takeshita</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 2.82m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 2.65m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 2.65m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 3.43m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 3.39m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 2.42m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 3.36m </td> <td> 11&#39; 0.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>2.46</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>2.61</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>2.76</div> <div>P</div> </li> <li> <div>2.91</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.06</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.21</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>3.36</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.51</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Vaughn Baldemor</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 2.35m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 3.63m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 4.20m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 4.03m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 3.12m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 3.90m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 3.36m </td> <td> 11&#39; 0.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>3.21</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>3.36</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>3.51</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ezekiel Stansberry</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 4.37m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 3.73m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 3.60m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 2.99m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 3.39m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 4.10m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 3.36m </td> <td> 11&#39; 0.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>3.36</div> <div>XO</div> </li> <li> <div>3.51</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Grantland Unterseher</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> 2.10m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> 2.27m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> 2.85m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> 2.07m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> 2.97m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> 2.53m </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> 2.91m </td> <td> 9&#39; 6.5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>2.46</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>2.61</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>2.76</div> <div>O</div> </li> <li> <div>2.91</div> <div>XXO</div> </li> <li> <div>3.06</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Klein</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_53"> NH </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_42"> NH </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_55"> NH </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_61"> NH </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_24"> NH </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_30"> NH </td> <td class="round_4_5089030_71"> NH </td> <td> NH </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="no-scrollbar"> <li> <div>3.81</div> <div>XXX</div> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <a class="anchor" name="5089044"></a> <style> .round_4_5089044_0 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089044_18 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s Long Jump </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089044_0">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089044_18">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089044_30">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="1">CONV</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="5" scope="col">WIND</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Schulz</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 5.10m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 5.16m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 6.62m </td> <td> 21&#39; 8.75&quot; </td> <td> 10 </td> <td> <nobr>-1.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 6.21 (<nobr>1.0</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 6.52 (<nobr>1.7</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.29 (<nobr>0.7</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 6.62 (<nobr>-1.0</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Anouthai Vongphet</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 6.88m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 6.35m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 6.55m </td> <td> 21&#39; 6&quot; </td> <td> 8 </td> <td> <nobr>2.3</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 6.50 (<nobr>-0.7</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 6.43 (<nobr>0.6</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.53 (<nobr>2.0</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.55 (<nobr>2.3</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Riley Flanagan</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 6.95m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 6.32m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 6.38m </td> <td> 20&#39; 11.25&quot; </td> <td> 6 </td> <td> <nobr>1.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 6.04 (<nobr>0.6</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 6.38 (<nobr>1.0</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.19 (<nobr>+0.0</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.19 (<nobr>0.4</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.33 (<nobr>1.7</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Logan Wright</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 5.38m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 5.19m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 6.33m </td> <td> 20&#39; 9.25&quot; </td> <td> 5 </td> <td> <nobr>2.5</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 6.11 (<nobr>0.7</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.12 (<nobr>+0.0</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.33 (<nobr>2.5</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.14 (<nobr>1.6</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.16 (<nobr>1.6</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.17 (<nobr>0.9</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Njeri</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 5.17m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 4.42m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 6.31m </td> <td> 20&#39; 8.5&quot; </td> <td> 4 </td> <td> <nobr>2.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 6.31 (<nobr>2.1</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.20 (<nobr>-0.5</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Goude</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 8.05m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 7.67m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 6.29m </td> <td> 20&#39; 7.75&quot; </td> <td> 3 </td> <td> <nobr>1.4</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 5.88 (<nobr>+0.0</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.94 (<nobr>-0.6</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.29 (<nobr>1.4</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 6.24 (<nobr>2.1</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.99 (<nobr>1.2</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a href="">Zedrick Cabrera</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 6.95m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 5.32m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 6.26m </td> <td> 20&#39; 6.5&quot; </td> <td> 2 </td> <td> <nobr>1.5</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 6.26 (<nobr>1.5</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.94 (<nobr>0.5</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.90 (<nobr>1.8</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.64 (<nobr>2.2</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Tyger Willingham</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 4.56m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 4.37m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 6.24m </td> <td> 20&#39; 5.75&quot; </td> <td> 1 </td> <td> <nobr>0.4</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 6.24 (<nobr>0.4</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.94 (<nobr>1.0</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.91 (<nobr>3.6</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brogan Murphy</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 4.54m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 5.78m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 6.22m </td> <td> 20&#39; 5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.7</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 6.09 (<nobr>+0.0</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.22 (<nobr>0.7</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.98 (<nobr>1.7</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.13 (<nobr>0.6</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.14 (<nobr>0.7</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a href="">Caleb Lenard</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 7.66m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 7.11m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 6.13m </td> <td> 20&#39; 1.5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 6.13 (<nobr>1.0</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Connor Meade</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 4.28m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 6.57m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 6.03m </td> <td> 19&#39; 9.5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 5.95 (<nobr>+0.0</nobr>) </li> <li> 6.03 (<nobr>0.8</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.64 (<nobr>0.8</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seth Kramer</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 6.95m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 7.13m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.99m </td> <td> 19&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.4</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 5.99 (<nobr>0.4</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cooper Claxton</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 6.63m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 6.22m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.92m </td> <td> 19&#39; 5.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.6</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 5.86 (<nobr>1.0</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.92 (<nobr>0.6</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.57 (<nobr>0.4</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gavin Hoskinson</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 4.83m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 5.18m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.82m </td> <td> 19&#39; 1.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.5</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 5.82 (<nobr>0.5</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brady Boun</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 6.74m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 7.38m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.81m </td> <td> 19&#39; 0.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 5.81 (<nobr>2.1</nobr>) </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Khai Tong</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 6.31m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 4.11m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.79m </td> <td> 19&#39; 0&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>+0.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 5.66 (<nobr>+0.0</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.79 (<nobr>+0.0</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.69 (<nobr>+0.0</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Lin</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 4.61m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 6.88m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.69m </td> <td> 18&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.6</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 5.69 (<nobr>0.6</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.62 (<nobr>+0.0</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.56 (<nobr>2.4</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Hernandez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 5.18m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 7.06m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.69m </td> <td> 18&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.2</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 5.69 (<nobr>2.2</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 5.33 (<nobr>1.9</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a href="">Mosi Slotten</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 5.74m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 4.11m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.63m </td> <td> 18&#39; 5.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.5</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 5.63 (<nobr>0.5</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.52 (<nobr>-0.6</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.38 (<nobr>+0.0</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Antwan Salmon</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 5.42m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 6.65m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.59m </td> <td> 18&#39; 4.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.1</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 5.51 (<nobr>0.5</nobr>) </li> <li> 3.53 (<nobr>0.5</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.59 (<nobr>2.1</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Camden Koerner</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 6.82m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 4.47m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.59m </td> <td> 18&#39; 4.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>+0.0</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 5.59 (<nobr>+0.0</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Stephen Pittman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 6.85m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 6.41m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.57m </td> <td> 18&#39; 3.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 5.57 (<nobr>2.8</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.49 (<nobr>0.4</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.55 (<nobr>1.6</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a href="">Garrett Armbruster</a> </td> <td>Junior</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 4.73m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 6.95m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.56m </td> <td> 18&#39; 3&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.5</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 5.41 (<nobr>0.5</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.56 (<nobr>0.5</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.45 (<nobr>-0.4</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Stingle</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 6.74m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 5.50m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.39m </td> <td> 17&#39; 8.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.6</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 5.39 (<nobr>1.6</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.28 (<nobr>1.4</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.23 (<nobr>1.1</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">TJ Lynch</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 6.18m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 5.66m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.19m </td> <td> 17&#39; 0.5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.5</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 5.19 (<nobr>0.5</nobr>) </li> <li> 4.96 (<nobr>2.0</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Jones</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 4.82m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 4.82m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 5.13m </td> <td> 16&#39; 10&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.8</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 5.13 (<nobr>-0.8</nobr>) </li> <li> 5.11 (<nobr>2.2</nobr>) </li> <li> 4.67 (<nobr>0.5</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a href="">Fraser McKay</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Universal Athletics </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_0"> 3.86m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_18"> 4.39m </td> <td class="round_4_5089044_30"> 4.82m </td> <td> 15&#39; 9.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.5</nobr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 4.82 (<nobr>0.5</nobr>) </li> <li> 4.44 (<nobr>1.7</nobr>) </li> <li> 4.61 (<nobr>-0.4</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <!-- TODO and not team filter --> <!-- heat by heat results, by 2 --> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_1_5089044_18 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089044_91 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089044_15 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089044_75 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089044_47 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s Long Jump Flight 1 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089044_18">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089044_91">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089044_4">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089044_15">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089044_75">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089044_47">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="4" scope="col">ENGLISH</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="5" scope="col">WIND </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a href="">Caleb Lenard</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_18"> 6.87m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_91"> 5.15m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_4"> 6.13m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_15"> 5.76m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_75"> 5.64m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_47"> 6.93m </td> <td> 20&#39; 1.5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.0</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Gavin Hoskinson</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_18"> 7.57m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_91"> 5.94m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_4"> 5.82m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_15"> 6.23m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_75"> 4.54m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_47"> 4.60m </td> <td> 19&#39; 1.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.5</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brady Boun</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_18"> 6.10m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_91"> 4.13m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_4"> 5.81m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_15"> 4.76m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_75"> 4.07m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_47"> 4.59m </td> <td> 19&#39; 0.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.1</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Khai Tong</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_18"> 5.85m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_91"> 6.43m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_4"> 5.79m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_15"> 5.04m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_75"> 5.38m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_47"> 6.83m </td> <td> 19&#39; 0&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>+0.0</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Hernandez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_18"> 4.15m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_91"> 7.11m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_4"> 5.69m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_15"> 4.38m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_75"> 4.44m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_47"> 5.75m </td> <td> 18&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.2</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Lin</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_18"> 4.32m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_91"> 5.18m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_4"> 5.69m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_15"> 6.71m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_75"> 7.00m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_47"> 4.38m </td> <td> 18&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.6</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a href="">Mosi Slotten</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_18"> 5.86m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_91"> 5.69m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_4"> 5.63m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_15"> 4.22m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_75"> 6.02m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_47"> 6.42m </td> <td> 18&#39; 5.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.5</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Antwan Salmon</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_18"> 4.75m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_91"> 6.32m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_4"> 5.59m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_15"> 6.04m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_75"> 4.19m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_47"> 4.81m </td> <td> 18&#39; 4.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.1</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Stephen Pittman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_18"> 7.19m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_91"> 4.07m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_4"> 5.57m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_15"> 5.35m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_75"> 6.57m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_47"> 4.34m </td> <td> 18&#39; 3.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>2.8</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a href="">Garrett Armbruster</a> </td> <td>Junior</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_18"> 6.95m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_91"> 5.73m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_4"> 5.56m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_15"> 5.67m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_75"> 4.84m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_47"> 4.11m </td> <td> 18&#39; 3&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.5</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Stingle</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_18"> 4.64m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_91"> 4.64m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_4"> 5.39m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_15"> 7.01m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_75"> 6.25m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_47"> 4.31m </td> <td> 17&#39; 8.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>1.6</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">TJ Lynch</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_18"> 4.36m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_91"> 4.93m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_4"> 5.19m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_15"> 3.89m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_75"> 4.46m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_47"> 6.28m </td> <td> 17&#39; 0.5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.5</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Jones</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_18"> 5.13m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_91"> 4.62m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_4"> 5.13m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_15"> 6.46m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_75"> 5.23m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_47"> 4.05m </td> <td> 16&#39; 10&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>-0.8</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a href="">Fraser McKay</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Universal Athletics </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_18"> 4.77m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_91"> 5.59m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_4"> 4.82m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_15"> 5.54m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_75"> 5.30m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089044_47"> 4.43m </td> <td> 15&#39; 9.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.5</nobr> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_2_5089044_5 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089044_98 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s Long Jump Flight 2 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089044_5">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089044_29">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089044_98">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="4" scope="col">ENGLISH</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="5" scope="col">WIND </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Schulz</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_5"> 7.81m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_29"> 6.62m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_98"> 5.03m </td> <td> 21&#39; 8.75&quot; </td> <td> 10 </td> <td> <nobr>-1.0</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Anouthai Vongphet</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_5"> 5.44m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_29"> 6.55m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_98"> 7.07m </td> <td> 21&#39; 6&quot; </td> <td> 8 </td> <td> <nobr>2.3</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Riley Flanagan</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_5"> 6.00m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_29"> 6.38m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_98"> 5.36m </td> <td> 20&#39; 11.25&quot; </td> <td> 6 </td> <td> <nobr>1.0</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Logan Wright</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_5"> 5.57m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_29"> 6.33m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_98"> 7.22m </td> <td> 20&#39; 9.25&quot; </td> <td> 5 </td> <td> <nobr>2.5</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Njeri</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_5"> 7.89m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_29"> 6.31m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_98"> 5.36m </td> <td> 20&#39; 8.5&quot; </td> <td> 4 </td> <td> <nobr>2.1</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Goude</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_5"> 5.28m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_29"> 6.29m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_98"> 6.60m </td> <td> 20&#39; 7.75&quot; </td> <td> 3 </td> <td> <nobr>1.4</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a href="">Zedrick Cabrera</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_5"> 5.76m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_29"> 6.26m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_98"> 6.51m </td> <td> 20&#39; 6.5&quot; </td> <td> 2 </td> <td> <nobr>1.5</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Tyger Willingham</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_5"> 8.05m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_29"> 6.24m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_98"> 7.36m </td> <td> 20&#39; 5.75&quot; </td> <td> 1 </td> <td> <nobr>0.4</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Brogan Murphy</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_5"> 6.10m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_29"> 6.22m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_98"> 7.59m </td> <td> 20&#39; 5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.7</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Connor Meade</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_5"> 5.13m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_29"> 6.03m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_98"> 4.52m </td> <td> 19&#39; 9.5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.8</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seth Kramer</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_5"> 4.31m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_29"> 5.99m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_98"> 5.75m </td> <td> 19&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.4</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cooper Claxton</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_5"> 6.63m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_29"> 5.92m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_98"> 7.40m </td> <td> 19&#39; 5.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>0.6</nobr> </td> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Camden Koerner</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_5"> 6.04m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_29"> 5.59m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089044_98"> 6.65m </td> <td> 18&#39; 4.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <td> <nobr>+0.0</nobr> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" name="5089038"></a> <style> .round_4_5089038_34 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089038_35 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s Triple Jump </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089038_34">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089038_81">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089038_35">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="1">CONV</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Njeri</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Seattle Pacific</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_34"> 16.20m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_81"> 13.50m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_35"> 15.52m </td> <td> 44&#39; 3.5&quot; </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 13.50 (<nobr>2.2</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Riley Flanagan</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_34"> 10.14m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_81"> 12.52m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_35"> 9.52m </td> <td> 41&#39; 1&quot; </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 12.52 (<nobr>-0.4</nobr>) </li> <li> 12.38 (<nobr>2.1</nobr>) </li> <li> 12.23 (<nobr>1.3</nobr>) </li> <li> 12.50 (<nobr>+0.0</nobr>) </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 12.37 (<nobr>2.1</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cooper Claxton</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_34"> 11.45m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_81"> 12.45m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_35"> 10.33m </td> <td> 40&#39; 10.25&quot; </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 12.04 (<nobr>0.4</nobr>) </li> <li> 12.17 (<nobr>1.3</nobr>) </li> <li> 11.77 (<nobr>+0.0</nobr>) </li> <li> 12.10 (<nobr>+0.0</nobr>) </li> <li> 12.45 (<nobr>1.7</nobr>) </li> <li> 12.34 (<nobr>1.9</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jalen Martin</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_34"> 12.19m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_81"> 12.31m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_35"> 9.85m </td> <td> 40&#39; 4.75&quot; </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 12.31 (<nobr>2.6</nobr>) </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Khai Tong</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_34"> 9.95m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_81"> 12.28m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_35"> 14.37m </td> <td> 40&#39; 3.5&quot; </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 12.05 (<nobr>1.3</nobr>) </li> <li> 11.55 (<nobr>2.2</nobr>) </li> <li> 11.85 (<nobr>0.7</nobr>) </li> <li> 12.13 (<nobr>0.6</nobr>) </li> <li> 12.28 (<nobr>2.2</nobr>) </li> <li> 11.92 (<nobr>1.5</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Anouthai Vongphet</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_34"> 12.11m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_81"> 12.11m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_35"> 11.87m </td> <td> 39&#39; 8.75&quot; </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 11.41 (<nobr>-0.6</nobr>) </li> <li> 11.44 (<nobr>1.8</nobr>) </li> <li> 11.81 (<nobr>0.5</nobr>) </li> <li> 12.11 (<nobr>4.1</nobr>) </li> <li> 11.83 (<nobr>0.5</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Logan Wright</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_34"> 11.47m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_81"> 12.07m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_35"> 12.07m </td> <td> 39&#39; 7.25&quot; </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 12.07 (<nobr>0.6</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 11.70 (<nobr>2.4</nobr>) </li> <li> 11.58 (<nobr>1.8</nobr>) </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a href="">Mosi Slotten</a> </td> <td>Freshman</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_34"> 8.61m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_81"> 11.79m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_35"> 9.55m </td> <td> 38&#39; 8.25&quot; </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 11.79 (<nobr>1.3</nobr>) </li> <li> 11.74 (<nobr>1.7</nobr>) </li> <li> 11.54 (<nobr>3.1</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 11.78 (<nobr>0.7</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Antwan Salmon</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_34"> 14.86m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_81"> 11.70m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_35"> 11.70m </td> <td> 38&#39; 4.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 11.70 (<nobr>0.4</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Thaden Bauch</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_34"> 12.68m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_81"> 10.93m </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_35"> 11.26m </td> <td> 35&#39; 10.5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 10.93 (<nobr>1.3</nobr>) </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Joren Rentie</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_34"> FOUL </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_81"> FOUL </td> <td class="round_4_5089038_35"> FOUL </td> <td> NM </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <a class="anchor" name="5089020"></a> <style> .round_4_5089020_11 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s Shot Put </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089020_11">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089020_71">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="1">CONV</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Smith</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 12.71m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 13.10m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 42&#39; 11.75&quot; </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 12.56 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 12.92 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 12.47 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 13.10 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Baum</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 9.89m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 12.85m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 42&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 11.84 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 11.74 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 11.62 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 12.48 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 12.14 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 12.85 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cody Wheeler</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 14.16m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 12.76m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 41&#39; 10.5&quot; </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 11.35 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 12.20 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 12.28 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 11.29 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 12.76 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 12.64 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eddie Vu</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 13.29m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 12.54m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 41&#39; 1.75&quot; </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 12.54 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 12.27 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 12.49 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ivan Picazo</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 14.91m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 12.12m </td> <td> 39&#39; 9.25&quot; </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 12.12 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 11.56 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 11.81 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alejandro Vargas</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 12.44m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 11.96m </td> <td> 39&#39; 3&quot; </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 9.95 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 10.04 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 11.92 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 11.96 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Flack</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 9.05m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 11.75m </td> <td> 38&#39; 6.75&quot; </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 10.95 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 11.75 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 10.81 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">George Sonko</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 12.49m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 11.67m </td> <td> 38&#39; 3.5&quot; </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 11.22 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 10.72 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 11.41 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 11.67 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Griffin Montana</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 9.90m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 11.38m </td> <td> 37&#39; 4&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 11.28 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 11.38 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 11.32 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 10.65 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.66 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Akre</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 9.98m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 11.09m </td> <td> 36&#39; 4.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 11.09 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cristian Martinez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 12.09m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 11.09m </td> <td> 36&#39; 4.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 11.09 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 10.47 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Micah Ragaza-Bourassa</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 12.30m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 11.08m </td> <td> 36&#39; 4.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 11.08 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 10.93 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Taylor Rees</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 10.80m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 11.02m </td> <td> 36&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 11.02 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.65 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 10.12 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jalen Martin</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 12.40m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 10.42m </td> <td> 34&#39; 2.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 10.42 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">William Hasten</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 11.76m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 10.41m </td> <td> 34&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 10.41 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.88 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Zach Budnek</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 11.88m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 10.24m </td> <td> 33&#39; 7.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 9.76 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 10.24 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.95 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Braeden McCurdy</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 10.25m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 10.05m </td> <td> 32&#39; 11.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 9.00 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.26 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 10.05 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Bryer Putney-Moore</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 10.93m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 9.94m </td> <td> 32&#39; 7.5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 9.92 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.94 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jason Schillinger</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 7.62m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 9.90m </td> <td> 32&#39; 5.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 9.90 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.43 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Donovan McEwan</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 8.72m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 9.80m </td> <td> 32&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 9.32 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.40 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.80 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Farrell</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 7.80m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 9.75m </td> <td> 32&#39; 0&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 8.82 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.19 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.75 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mason Bridges</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 9.78m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 9.68m </td> <td> 31&#39; 9.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.68 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.66 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Andrews</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 9.74m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 9.55m </td> <td> 31&#39; 4&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.55 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Elliott Krane</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 12.04m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 9.48m </td> <td> 31&#39; 1.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 9.48 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 8.53 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Morningdove</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 9.66m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 9.47m </td> <td> 31&#39; 1&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 9.47 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ian Roeber</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 6.99m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 9.44m </td> <td> 30&#39; 11.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 9.44 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 8.88 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Liam Stanley</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 8.77m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 9.23m </td> <td> 30&#39; 3.5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 9.07 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 9.23 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 8.80 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Blanco</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 10.55m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 8.58m </td> <td> 28&#39; 1.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 7.74 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 8.58 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 7.75 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>29</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Izac Stoilkovich</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 8.32m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 7.85m </td> <td> 25&#39; 9.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 7.79 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 7.71 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 7.85 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>30</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santigo Dunn</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_11"> 8.83m </td> <td class="round_4_5089020_71"> 7.81m </td> <td> 25&#39; 7.5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 7.61 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 7.81 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 7.21 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <!-- TODO and not team filter --> <!-- heat by heat results, by 2 --> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_1_5089020_91 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089020_6 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089020_62 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089020_89 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089020_75 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s Shot Put Flight 1 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089020_91">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089020_6">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089020_62">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089020_78">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089020_89">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089020_75">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="4" scope="col">ENGLISH</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ivan Picazo</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 12.85m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 8.73m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 10.18m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 12.12m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 13.09m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 14.06m </td> <td> 39&#39; 9.25&quot; </td> <td> 4 </td> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alejandro Vargas</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 9.57m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 8.37m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 10.88m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 11.96m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 12.92m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 10.05m </td> <td> 39&#39; 3&quot; </td> <td> 3 </td> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Griffin Montana</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 9.45m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 7.97m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 10.70m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 11.38m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 10.70m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 13.20m </td> <td> 37&#39; 4&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Micah Ragaza-Bourassa</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 11.41m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 7.76m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 12.30m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 11.08m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 8.86m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 11.63m </td> <td> 36&#39; 4.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">William Hasten</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 13.53m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 7.29m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 13.01m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 10.41m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 10.41m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 10.10m </td> <td> 34&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Braeden McCurdy</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 9.75m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 10.65m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 8.24m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 10.05m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 8.74m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 12.06m </td> <td> 32&#39; 11.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Farrell</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 10.73m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 10.53m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 11.31m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 9.75m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 8.19m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 8.29m </td> <td> 32&#39; 0&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Andrews</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 7.07m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 11.36m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 8.79m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 9.55m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 7.16m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 11.08m </td> <td> 31&#39; 4&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Elliott Krane</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 10.14m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 6.92m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 8.72m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 9.48m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 9.86m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 9.76m </td> <td> 31&#39; 1.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Morningdove</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 10.61m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 11.55m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 6.91m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 9.47m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 11.36m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 8.81m </td> <td> 31&#39; 1&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ian Roeber</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 10.38m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 7.74m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 10.20m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 9.44m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 6.99m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 11.14m </td> <td> 30&#39; 11.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Liam Stanley</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 8.31m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 9.32m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 7.48m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 9.23m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 11.08m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 12.00m </td> <td> 30&#39; 3.5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Blanco</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 10.38m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 7.12m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 6.01m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 8.58m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 10.30m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 6.52m </td> <td> 28&#39; 1.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>29</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Izac Stoilkovich</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 6.36m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 8.32m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 6.12m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 7.85m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 5.89m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 7.46m </td> <td> 25&#39; 9.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>30</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santigo Dunn</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_91"> 7.81m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_6"> 5.78m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_62"> 6.79m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_78"> 7.81m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_89"> 9.29m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089020_75"> 10.07m </td> <td> 25&#39; 7.5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_2_5089020_37 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s Shot Put Flight 2 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089020_29">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089020_37">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="4" scope="col">ENGLISH</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Smith</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 13.10m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 10.74m </td> <td> 42&#39; 11.75&quot; </td> <td> 10 </td> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Baum</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 12.85m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 15.81m </td> <td> 42&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> 8 </td> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cody Wheeler</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 12.76m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 15.57m </td> <td> 41&#39; 10.5&quot; </td> <td> 6 </td> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eddie Vu</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 12.54m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 8.78m </td> <td> 41&#39; 1.75&quot; </td> <td> 5 </td> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Flack</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 11.75m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 10.34m </td> <td> 38&#39; 6.75&quot; </td> <td> 2 </td> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">George Sonko</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 11.67m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 15.05m </td> <td> 38&#39; 3.5&quot; </td> <td> 1 </td> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cristian Martinez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 11.09m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 9.87m </td> <td> 36&#39; 4.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Akre</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 11.09m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 9.98m </td> <td> 36&#39; 4.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Taylor Rees</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 11.02m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 7.82m </td> <td> 36&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jalen Martin</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 10.42m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 11.15m </td> <td> 34&#39; 2.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Zach Budnek</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 10.24m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 10.96m </td> <td> 33&#39; 7.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Bryer Putney-Moore</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 9.94m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 7.95m </td> <td> 32&#39; 7.5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jason Schillinger</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 9.90m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 12.08m </td> <td> 32&#39; 5.75&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Donovan McEwan</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 9.80m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 12.64m </td> <td> 32&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mason Bridges</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_29"> 9.68m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089020_37"> 7.94m </td> <td> 31&#39; 9.25&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" name="5089039"></a> <style> </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s Discus </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089039_84">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="1">CONV</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eddie Vu</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 44.36m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 145&#39; 6&quot; </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 43.67 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 43.42 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 42.86 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 44.36 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">George Sonko</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 38.70m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 127&#39; 0&quot; </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 37.12 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 36.12 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 37.24 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 38.70 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Smith</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 38.07m </td> <td> 124&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 35.49 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 38.07 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 35.56 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Akre</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 37.84m </td> <td> 124&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 32.78 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 36.26 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 37.84 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 34.59 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 35.35 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Baum</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 36.89m </td> <td> 121&#39; 0&quot; </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 35.61 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 35.52 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 36.89 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 35.10 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jason Schillinger</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 36.17m </td> <td> 118&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 32.53 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 34.24 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 36.17 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 33.99 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 35.94 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cristian Martinez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 33.99m </td> <td> 111&#39; 6&quot; </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 33.90 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 33.99 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 28.34 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mason Bridges</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 33.97m </td> <td> 111&#39; 5&quot; </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 33.88 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 33.09 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 32.40 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 33.62 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 33.97 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alejandro Vargas</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 33.40m </td> <td> 109&#39; 7&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 33.17 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 32.45 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 33.30 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 33.40 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Stingle</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 32.39m </td> <td> 106&#39; 3&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 29.72 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 32.39 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Donovan McEwan</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 30.68m </td> <td> 100&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 30.68 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">William Hasten</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 30.38m </td> <td> 99&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 30.38 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 29.33 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ian Roeber</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 29.39m </td> <td> 96&#39; 5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 27.04 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 28.23 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 29.39 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ivan Picazo</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 29.11m </td> <td> 95&#39; 6&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 29.11 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Goude</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 28.61m </td> <td> 93&#39; 10&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 26.72 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 28.61 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Zach Budnek</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 28.09m </td> <td> 92&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 27.71 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 28.09 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Andrews</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 27.79m </td> <td> 91&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 27.78 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 27.79 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Liam Stanley</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 27.72m </td> <td> 90&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 24.00 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 25.18 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 27.72 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Farrell</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 27.31m </td> <td> 89&#39; 7&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 27.31 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 25.49 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Valdez</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 26.85m </td> <td> 88&#39; 1&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 22.78 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 23.33 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 26.85 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Izac Stoilkovich</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 26.41m </td> <td> 86&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 26.41 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Stephen Pittman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 26.12m </td> <td> 85&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 21.56 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 24.55 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 26.12 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">TJ Lynch</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 24.74m </td> <td> 81&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 24.74 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Braeden McCurdy</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 23.65m </td> <td> 77&#39; 7&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 22.76 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 23.65 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 23.37 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Flack</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 23.15m </td> <td> 75&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 23.15 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a href="">Fraser McKay</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Universal Athletics </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 22.80m </td> <td> 74&#39; 10&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 22.51 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 22.80 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Blanco</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 20.07m </td> <td> 65&#39; 10&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 20.07 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santigo Dunn</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089039_84"> 18.43m </td> <td> 60&#39; 5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 18.43 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 17.66 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <!-- TODO and not team filter --> <!-- heat by heat results, by 2 --> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_1_5089039_35 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s Discus Flight 1 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089039_35">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089039_9">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="4" scope="col">ENGLISH</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Smith</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_35"> 42.64m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_9"> 38.07m </td> <td> 124&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> 6 </td> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Akre</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_35"> 49.19m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_9"> 37.84m </td> <td> 124&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> 5 </td> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alejandro Vargas</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_35"> 29.39m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_9"> 33.40m </td> <td> 109&#39; 7&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Stingle</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_35"> 40.81m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_9"> 32.39m </td> <td> 106&#39; 3&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ian Roeber</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_35"> 20.57m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_9"> 29.39m </td> <td> 96&#39; 5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ivan Picazo</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_35"> 34.93m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_9"> 29.11m </td> <td> 95&#39; 6&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>18</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Liam Stanley</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_35"> 36.04m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_9"> 27.72m </td> <td> 90&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>19</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Farrell</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_35"> 30.31m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_9"> 27.31m </td> <td> 89&#39; 7&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>20</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jack Valdez</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_35"> 29.27m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_9"> 26.85m </td> <td> 88&#39; 1&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>21</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Izac Stoilkovich</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_35"> 20.60m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_9"> 26.41m </td> <td> 86&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>24</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Braeden McCurdy</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Green River College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_35"> 26.49m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_9"> 23.65m </td> <td> 77&#39; 7&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>27</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Blanco</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_35"> 18.67m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_9"> 20.07m </td> <td> 65&#39; 10&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>28</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Santigo Dunn</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_35"> 16.77m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089039_9"> 18.43m </td> <td> 60&#39; 5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_2_5089039_38 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089039_97 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s Discus Flight 2 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089039_83">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089039_38">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089039_97">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="4" scope="col">ENGLISH</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eddie Vu</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 44.36m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 46.13m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 47.91m </td> <td> 145&#39; 6&quot; </td> <td> 10 </td> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">George Sonko</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 38.70m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 32.12m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 39.86m </td> <td> 127&#39; 0&quot; </td> <td> 8 </td> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Baum</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lewis &amp; Clark</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 36.89m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 31.36m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 43.16m </td> <td> 121&#39; 0&quot; </td> <td> 4 </td> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jason Schillinger</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 36.17m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 28.57m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 43.40m </td> <td> 118&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> 3 </td> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cristian Martinez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 33.99m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 24.81m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 30.25m </td> <td> 111&#39; 6&quot; </td> <td> 2 </td> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Mason Bridges</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 33.97m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 36.69m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 42.80m </td> <td> 111&#39; 5&quot; </td> <td> 1 </td> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Donovan McEwan</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 30.68m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 23.01m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 35.28m </td> <td> 100&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">William Hasten</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 30.38m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 30.38m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 33.72m </td> <td> 99&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jacob Goude</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 28.61m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 36.62m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 26.32m </td> <td> 93&#39; 10&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Zach Budnek</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 28.09m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 21.07m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 22.75m </td> <td> 92&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>17</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Andrews</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 27.79m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 23.34m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 25.84m </td> <td> 91&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>22</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Stephen Pittman</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 26.12m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 30.56m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 26.64m </td> <td> 85&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>23</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">TJ Lynch</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 24.74m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 25.98m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 25.23m </td> <td> 81&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>25</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Flack</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 23.15m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 28.24m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 26.16m </td> <td> 75&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>26</td> <td> <a href="">Fraser McKay</a> </td> <td>Senior</td> <td> Universal Athletics </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_83"> 22.80m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_38"> 29.18m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089039_97"> 19.15m </td> <td> 74&#39; 10&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" name="5089056"></a> <style> .round_4_5089056_47 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s Hammer </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089056_47">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089056_48">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="1">CONV</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ivan Picazo</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 43.04m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 46.78m </td> <td> 153&#39; 6&quot; </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 43.42 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 46.76 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 46.78 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cody Wheeler</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 54.28m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 42.74m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 140&#39; 3&quot; </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 38.16 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 40.75 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 41.19 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 39.31 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 42.74 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Flack</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 30.13m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 42.43m </td> <td> 139&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 42.43 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 42.14 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 42.04 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 37.62 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Akre</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 50.21m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 38.62m </td> <td> 126&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 36.98 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 35.92 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 34.89 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 38.62 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Dewey</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 49.65m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 38.49m </td> <td> 126&#39; 3&quot; </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 33.52 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 38.26 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 38.49 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 37.51 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 37.50 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eddie Vu</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 33.80m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 37.98m </td> <td> 124&#39; 7&quot; </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 37.98 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 36.29 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 37.58 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 33.56 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Micah Ragaza-Bourassa</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 31.67m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 36.40m </td> <td> 119&#39; 5&quot; </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 34.62 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 33.74 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 34.65 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 36.40 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 35.92 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 32.85 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cristian Martinez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 29.33m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 35.34m </td> <td> 115&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 33.64 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 35.34 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 30.66 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Andrews</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 30.21m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 34.72m </td> <td> 113&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 33.33 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 34.72 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 24.55 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 20.37 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Rudy Stilnovich</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 29.00m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 31.52m </td> <td> 103&#39; 5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 31.52 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 29.21 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ian Roeber</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 24.23m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 30.67m </td> <td> 100&#39; 7&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 30.67 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Smith</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 26.64m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 29.93m </td> <td> 98&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 28.86 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 29.93 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alejandro Vargas</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 35.28m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 29.16m </td> <td> 95&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 29.16 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 23.66 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Donovan McEwan</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 33.64m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 26.49m </td> <td> 86&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 25.30 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 26.49 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Elliott Krane</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 17.74m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 24.99m </td> <td> 82&#39; 0&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 23.36 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 24.99 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 22.51 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Calvin Cummings</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> 26.49m </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> 21.89m </td> <td> 71&#39; 10&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 21.89 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Taylor Rees</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_47"> FOUL </td> <td class="round_4_5089056_48"> FOUL </td> <td> NM </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <!-- TODO and not team filter --> <!-- heat by heat results, by 2 --> <div class="row"> <style> </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s Hammer Flight 1 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089056_23">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="4" scope="col">ENGLISH</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ivan Picazo</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089056_23"> 46.78m </td> <td> 153&#39; 6&quot; </td> <td> 10 </td> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Flack</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089056_23"> 42.43m </td> <td> 139&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> 6 </td> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eddie Vu</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089056_23"> 37.98m </td> <td> 124&#39; 7&quot; </td> <td> 3 </td> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Micah Ragaza-Bourassa</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089056_23"> 36.40m </td> <td> 119&#39; 5&quot; </td> <td> 2 </td> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cristian Martinez</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089056_23"> 35.34m </td> <td> 115&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> 1 </td> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">David Andrews</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089056_23"> 34.72m </td> <td> 113&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alex Smith</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089056_23"> 29.93m </td> <td> 98&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Donovan McEwan</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089056_23"> 26.49m </td> <td> 86&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_2_5089056_90 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089056_6 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s Hammer Flight 2 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089056_90">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089056_42">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089056_6">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="4" scope="col">ENGLISH</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cody Wheeler</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_90"> 35.90m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_42"> 42.74m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_6"> 47.44m </td> <td> 140&#39; 3&quot; </td> <td> 8 </td> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Dylan Akre</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_90"> 44.80m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_42"> 38.62m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_6"> 33.99m </td> <td> 126&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> 5 </td> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Dewey</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_90"> 35.80m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_42"> 38.49m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_6"> 47.34m </td> <td> 126&#39; 3&quot; </td> <td> 4 </td> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Rudy Stilnovich</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_90"> 27.11m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_42"> 31.52m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_6"> 40.66m </td> <td> 103&#39; 5&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ian Roeber</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_90"> 26.38m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_42"> 30.67m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_6"> 37.11m </td> <td> 100&#39; 7&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Alejandro Vargas</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Olympic College</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_90"> 34.41m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_42"> 29.16m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_6"> 23.62m </td> <td> 95&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Elliott Krane</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_90"> 22.24m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_42"> 24.99m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_6"> 17.99m </td> <td> 82&#39; 0&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>16</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Calvin Cummings</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_90"> 27.14m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_42"> 21.89m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_6"> 22.77m </td> <td> 71&#39; 10&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Taylor Rees</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_90"> FOUL </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_42"> FOUL </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089056_6"> FOUL </td> <td> NM </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <a class="anchor" name="5089046"></a> <style> .round_4_5089046_62 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089046_92 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089046_54 { display: none !important; } .round_4_5089046_49 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="custom-table-title "> <h3 class="font-weight-500 pl-5"> Men&#39;s Javelin </h3> <span class="top-anchor"><a href="#top"><h5>Top&uarr;</h5></a></span> <span class="printer-action hidden-sm-down"> <a href="javascript:void'')"> <span class="fa fa-print blue font-size-18"></span></a> </span> </div> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">PL </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist">NAME</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089046_62">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089046_92">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089046_54">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089046_49">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="round_4_5089046_27">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="1">CONV</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">SC</th> </tr></thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lucas De Dora</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 69.37m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 69.37m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 52.03m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 56.81m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 59.80m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 196&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> 10 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 59.80 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 58.08 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 56.97 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 52.51 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 55.91 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jakob Braunstein</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 71.10m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 50.70m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 71.68m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 47.79m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 58.28m </td> <td> 191&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> 8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 57.90 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 57.98 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 55.35 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 54.72 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 56.69 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 58.28 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ethan Guidry</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 41.06m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 39.99m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 62.38m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 55.45m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 53.32m </td> <td> 174&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> 6 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 53.32 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 48.62 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 45.13 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 48.88 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 47.05 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 50.89 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Max Berger</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 43.17m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 51.60m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 46.86m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 63.71m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 52.65m </td> <td> 172&#39; 9&quot; </td> <td> 5 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 49.28 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 52.14 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 52.65 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 49.92 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Nelson</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 57.46m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 40.82m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 56.95m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 58.46m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 50.40m </td> <td> 165&#39; 4&quot; </td> <td> 4 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 50.40 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 49.74 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 49.06 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Darius Chaffin</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 48.18m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 50.69m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 44.67m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 50.19m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 50.19m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 164&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> 3 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 47.23 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 49.27 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 50.19 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cameron Ditter</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 46.57m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 64.10m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 55.59m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 43.57m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 50.08m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td> 164&#39; 4&quot; </td> <td> 2 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 50.08 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 43.55 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 38.26 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> PASS <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sean Witters</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 47.24m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 55.70m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 38.29m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 39.29m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 49.73m </td> <td> 163&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> 1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 49.73 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 48.61 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 48.42 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 47.04 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Landon Armstrong</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 62.23m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 43.42m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 52.58m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 51.13m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 48.24m </td> <td> 158&#39; 3&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 48.05 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 44.27 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 45.38 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 46.46 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 46.64 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 48.24 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Carson Olmstead</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 60.67m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 57.83m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 50.72m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 50.24m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 47.40m </td> <td> 155&#39; 6&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 47.40 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> FOUL <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 46.00 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Dewey</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 40.33m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 47.27m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 52.48m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 33.39m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 43.37m </td> <td> 142&#39; 3&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 42.53 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 43.12 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 43.37 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a href="">Guyland Charles</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 39.83m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 34.69m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 42.40m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 32.98m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 42.83m </td> <td> 140&#39; 6&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 42.83 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 41.28 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 40.99 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eli Cach</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 39.66m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 51.59m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 34.96m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 31.55m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 42.64m </td> <td> 139&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 41.90 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 42.64 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 35.56 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Morningdove</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 46.41m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 27.04m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 35.08m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 28.14m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 36.54m </td> <td> 119&#39; 10&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 34.70 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 34.04 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 36.54 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Owen Windrope</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_62"> 26.69m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_92"> 35.59m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_54"> 35.59m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_49"> 33.94m </td> <td class="round_4_5089046_27"> 32.95m </td> <td> 108&#39; 1&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="border-right-0"></td><td colspan="100%" class="border-left-0"> <div class="div-subRow-table"> <ul class="horizontal_field_series no-scrollbar" style="overflow: visible;"> <li> 25.16 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 32.95 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> <li> 32.53 <!-- need this for layout --> <nobr>&nbsp;</nobr> </li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <!-- heats loop by 2 --> <!-- TODO and not team filter --> <!-- heat by heat results, by 2 --> <div class="row"> <style> .heat_4_1_5089046_11 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089046_87 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_1_5089046_33 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s Javelin Flight 1 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089046_11">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089046_63">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089046_87">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_1_5089046_33">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="4" scope="col">ENGLISH</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>7</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Cameron Ditter</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_11"> 56.09m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_63"> 50.08m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_87"> 51.08m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_33"> 50.58m </td> <td> 164&#39; 4&quot; </td> <td> 2 </td> <tr> <td>10</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Carson Olmstead</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_11"> 41.71m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_63"> 47.40m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_87"> 41.71m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_33"> 59.72m </td> <td> 155&#39; 6&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>11</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ryan Dewey</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Spokane CC</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_11"> 42.50m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_63"> 43.37m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_87"> 34.70m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_33"> 53.78m </td> <td> 142&#39; 3&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>12</td> <td> <a href="">Guyland Charles</a> </td> <td>Sophomore</td> <td> Unattached </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_11"> 32.55m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_63"> 42.83m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_87"> 51.82m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_33"> 53.11m </td> <td> 140&#39; 6&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>13</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Eli Cach</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Whitworth</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_11"> 44.35m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_63"> 42.64m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_87"> 47.33m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_33"> 53.30m </td> <td> 139&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>14</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Aidan Morningdove</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_11"> 42.75m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_63"> 36.54m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_87"> 34.35m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_33"> 46.77m </td> <td> 119&#39; 10&quot; </td> <td> - </td> <tr> <td>15</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Owen Windrope</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_11"> 42.84m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_63"> 32.95m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_87"> 29.33m </td> <td class="heat_4_1_5089046_33"> 33.28m </td> <td> 108&#39; 1&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <style> .heat_4_2_5089046_21 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089046_45 { display: none !important; } .heat_4_2_5089046_4 { display: none !important; } </style> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="custom-table-title"> <div> <h5> Men&#39;s Javelin Flight 2 </h5> </div> </div><!-- /custom table title --> <table class="tablesaw table-striped table-bordered table-hover" data-tablesaw-mode="columntoggle"> <thead> <tr> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">PL</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">NAME </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="2" scope="col">YEAR </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col">TEAM </th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089046_21">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089046_70">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089046_45">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="persist" scope="col" class="heat_4_2_5089046_4">MARK</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="4" scope="col">ENGLISH</th> <th data-tablesaw-priority="3" scope="col">SC</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Lucas De Dora</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Puget Sound</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_21"> 74.15m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_70"> 59.80m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_45"> 75.35m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_4"> 63.99m </td> <td> 196&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> 10 </td> <tr> <td>2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Jakob Braunstein</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_21"> 58.28m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_70"> 58.28m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_45"> 44.88m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_4"> 43.71m </td> <td> 191&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> 8 </td> <tr> <td>3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Ethan Guidry</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_21"> 54.39m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_70"> 53.32m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_45"> 46.92m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_4"> 55.99m </td> <td> 174&#39; 11&quot; </td> <td> 6 </td> <tr> <td>4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Max Berger</a> </td> <td>FR-1</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_21"> 51.07m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_70"> 52.65m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_45"> 63.18m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_4"> 64.76m </td> <td> 172&#39; 9&quot; </td> <td> 5 </td> <tr> <td>5</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Andrew Nelson</a> </td> <td>SO-2</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_21"> 46.87m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_70"> 50.40m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_45"> 49.39m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_4"> 45.86m </td> <td> 165&#39; 4&quot; </td> <td> 4 </td> <tr> <td>6</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Darius Chaffin</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Pacific Lutheran</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_21"> 41.66m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_70"> 50.19m <!-- TODO link to list --> <img src="" title="NWC"/> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_45"> 57.72m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_4"> 51.19m </td> <td> 164&#39; 8&quot; </td> <td> 3 </td> <tr> <td>8</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Sean Witters</a> </td> <td>JR-3</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Western Washington</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_21"> 44.26m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_70"> 49.73m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_45"> 49.73m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_4"> 43.76m </td> <td> 163&#39; 2&quot; </td> <td> 1 </td> <tr> <td>9</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Landon Armstrong</a> </td> <td>SR-4</td> <td> <a data-turbo-frame="_top" data-turbo="false" href="">Saint Martin&#39;s</a> </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_21"> 54.99m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_70"> 48.24m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_45"> 42.45m </td> <td class="heat_4_2_5089046_4"> 38.59m </td> <td> 158&#39; 3&quot; </td> <td> - </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="fixed-bottom"> <div class="col-md-12 d-flex justify-content-center" style="padding-top: 0px;"> <div id='mobile-re-bottom' class="d-md-none re-placement" style="width: 320px; height: 50px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; border: 1px solid #cccccc; margin-top: 100px; background-color: white;"> </div> <div id='desktop-re-bottom' class="d-none d-md-flex re-placement" style="width: 728px; height: 90px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; border: 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