Palaeontographica A - Instructions to Authors — Schweizerbart science publishers

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Where required by their funder, authors retain the right to distribute their author accepted manuscript (AAM), such as via an institutional and/or subject repository (e.g. Europe PMC), under a <a href="" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)</a> licence for release not earlier than the date of first online publication. </p> <p> <i>Section A</i> of <i>Palaeontographica</i> publishes original and qualified papers on Paleozoology and Stratigraphy in English language. Articles in English from none native-language authors have to be proofread before submission by a native speaker to be quoted in the acknowledgements. German or French language is possible in exceptional cases, but authors should contact one of the editors-in-chief before submission. <br/> All manuscripts are peer-reviewed. The editor-in-chief has to decide about the final acceptance of a manuscript after the review process and occasionally revisions by the authors. The authors themselves are responsible for the content of the scientific contributions. <br/> Papers should not exceed 80 printed pages excluding photo plates in Palaeontographica format (17.5 by 23 cm; 6.91” by 9.09”). </p> <h2>Editors-in chief</h2> <p> Original manuscripts on <b>Invertebrata</b> and <b>Micropalaeontology</b> are to be sent to <br/> Torsten Wappler, Natural History Department - Geology, Palaeontology & Mineralogy, Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt,<br/> Friedensplatz 1, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany<br/> Phone: +49-(0)6151-1657061, e-mail: <a href=""></a><br/> Original manuscripts on <b>Vertebrata</b> are to be sent to<br/> Daniela C. Kalthoff, Department of Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History,<br/> P.O. Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden<br/> Phone: +46-(0)8-5195-4108, e-mail: <a href=""></a> </p> <h2>Submission policy / declarations</h2> <p> Submission of a manuscript for publication in Palaeontographica Section A is considered binding assurance from the author that this work has not been published previously in this form, has not been submitted elsewhere for publication, and if accepted will not be published elsewhere in this form, length, language and any other language. The manuscript has to be approved by all authors and should be free of any potential conflict of interests. Research work presented in this article must be carried out with the rules of good scientific practice.</p> <p>With acceptance and publication of a manuscript the exclusive copyright for every language and country is transferred to the publishers. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article including reprints, microfilm or any other reproductions and translations.</p> <p>For technical reasons, printing of papers in order of receipt cannot be guaranteed.</p> <h2>Submission</h2> <p> Original manuscripts are to be submitted electronically by e-mail attachments or by a file sharing / file transfer service to one of the editors-in-chief. </p> <p> Submission must include a cover letter, the manuscript and illustrations. Tables, text-figures and plates are not embedded in the manuscript text and have to be submitted as separate files. Files of illustrations and plates can be delivered on CD/DVD if file sizes prevent sending as e-mail attachments. When submitting by e-mail please reduce figure resolution or use file transfer services. Upon acceptance of an article authors need to be able to supply the Publishers with high resolution figure/plate files. </p> <h2>Manuscript preparation</h2> <p> Manuscripts are accepted as .doc, .docx, .rtf. For the review phase a pdf version of the manuscript is also acceptable. The text body has to be outlined as follows: single column, 12 pt font size, double-spaced, left justification. Lines are consecutively numbered from the beginning. Please avoid hyphenation of words at the end of lines. Please use italics only for genera and species names, not for names of higher taxa, not for names with Latin suffixes; not for additions like "cf.", ”aff.”, ”sp.” and “sp. nov.”; not for accentuation of words within the text. Do not attempt to indicate different type faces for headings and subtitles. Use of footnotes should be avoided. </p> <p> Title of the paper, abstract, keywords, all figure and plate captions and table explanations have to be given additionally in English, if the article is not written in English. </p> <h2>Structure of the paper</h2> <ul> <li>Title page should contain:</li> <ul> <li>Title of the paper (as short and precise as possible; subtitles and words in parentheses are to be avoided)</li> <li>First and last names of author(s), affiliations, addresses, contact details of the corresponding author (e-mail address, telephone number).</li> </ul> <li>Abstract</li> <li>Keywords: Up to 5 key words. These should facilitate correct classification in subject areas for data processing (e. g. Keywords: conodonts; ultrastructure; biogenic calcium phosphate; Jurassic; India)</li> <li>Table of contents: The sections and subtitles of the table of contents must correspond to the structure of the main text.) Sections and subsections are numbered using Arabic numbers. Please avoid more than three levels of subsections.</li> <li>Introduction should contain:</li> <ul> <li>General description of the topic / the objectives of interest</li> <li>Discussion of previous work (background)</li> <li>Explanations of special features and abbreviations in the text</li> </ul> <li>Methology and techniques used in the investigations, material investigated</li> <li>Results and discussion</li> <li>Conclusions or Summary</li> <li>Acknowledgements or recognition of research assistance</li> <li>References</li> <li>Appendix or glossary</li> <li>Plates and explanation of plates</li> </ul> <h2>Systematic descriptions</h2> <p> Nomenclature must strictly follow the most recent issue of the Rules of Zoological Nomenclature when presenting new species. After the acceptance of the manuscript new taxon names and the publication must be registered in ZooBank ( and the resulting IDs sent to the handling editor-in-chief. In open nomenclature abbreviations cf., aff., sp. nov., gen. nov., gen. nov. et sp. nov., comb. nov. etc. are to be used without further additions.</p> <p>In synonymy lists, species names and literature references are separated by a dash in cases where the describer is not the original describer of the species.</p> <p>Examples:</p> <p>1856<i>Ammonites ixus</i> <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Oppel</span>, p. 4, pl. 1, fig. 3.<br/> 1885 <i>Ammonites ixus</i> – <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Quenstedt</span>, p. 5, pl. 2, fig. 4.</p> <p>Referring to types and typoids indicate the location of collection (abbreviated) and catalogue number of the fossil.</p> </p> <h2>Stratigraphic nomenclature</h2> <p> Please observe the guidelines of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) on their website for using stratigraphic divisions and names of the most recent International Stratigraphic Chart and for correct use of any stratigraphic terms. </p> <h2>Illustrations and plates</h2> <b>Illustrations</b> (line-drawings; diagrams; photographs if necessary) in the text are to be labeled as "Text-fig." and numbered consecutively. Labeling must be large enough to allow necessary reductions in size (characters must have a final size of at least 2 mm (after reduction)). Indicate the scale for all figures in the explanatory text and use a scale bar whenever possible. Use Helvetica or Arial typeface when labeling illustrations. Please indicate the approximate place(s) in the text where the text-figure(s) should be located.<br/> Photographs are digitally mounted on <b>photo plates</b>; the individual photographs on the plates are called "Fig.". Both plates and figures are numbered using Arabic numbers. Spaces between individual photographs have to be equally sized on all plates and should not exceed 2 mm. If inscriptions are in need please use Helvetica or Arial typeface. If necessary use arrows or arrowheads and explain them in the plate captions.<br/> The type area for plates is 17.5 x 23 cm and should not be exceeded. Please avoid plates that have a size less than the maximum type area. Only a maximum number of 20 photo plates can be accepted for each paper without printing charges. The appropriate number of plates will be fixed by one of the editors-in-chief. If you wish to publish more than 20 photo plates please contact one of the editors-in-chief before manuscript preparation.<br/> <p> <b>File format</b>: Files of line-art figures must be supplied in tif- or eps-format (please avoid Corel Draw graphics) at a resolution not less than 600 dpi. Photographs and photo plates must be provided at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi in tif-, eps- or jpg-format. Please be sure that in eps-files all fonts are embedded.</p> <p> <b>Colour figures and plates</b>: For each paper each page printed in full colour is charged with EUR 34.90. All prices plus VAT. </p> <h2>Literature references</h2> <p>All publications referred to in the text, tables and figure captions must be included in the reference list and vice versa. The format of in-text citations should be as follows: for one author: (<span style="font-variant:small-caps">Jones</span> 2003), for two authors: (<span style="font-variant:small-caps">Cumchal</span> & <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Drenner</span> 2004), and for more than two authors: (<span style="font-variant:small-caps">Jones</span> et al. 2006). Use semicolons to separate multiple citations. Multiple citations in-text should be ordered chronologically.<br/> <p><b>Reference list:</b> <a href="/resources/downloads/style-files/schweizerbart_endnote_style_palaeontographica.ens"></a>. Authors not using EndNote shall follow the APA 6 reference formatting style; only authors names are to be written in small capitals. If possible, please also supply the Endnote reference file.</p> <p><b>Journal Article:</b></p> <p><span style="font-variant:small-caps">Ito</span>, L., <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Omori</span>, T., <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Yoneda</span>, M., <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Yamaguchi</span>, T., <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Kobayashi</span>, R., & <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Takahashi</span>, Y. (2018). Origin and migration of trace elements in the surface sediments of Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. <i>Chemosphere, 202</i>, 65–75. <a href=""></a></p> <p><b>Book:</b></p> <p><span style="font-variant:small-caps">Aitken</span>, C. G. G., & <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Taroni</span>, F. (2004). <i>Statistics and the Evaluation of Evidence for Forensic Scientists</i>. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. <a href=""></a></p> <p><b>Book Chapter:</b></p> <p><span style="font-variant:small-caps">Wantzen</span>, K. M., <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Callil</span>, C., & <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Butakka</span>, C. M. M. (2011). Benthic invertebrates of the Pantanal and its tributaries. In W. J. <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Junk</span>, C. J. <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Silva</span>, C. N. <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Cunha</span>, & K. M. <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Wantzen</span> (Eds.), <i>The Pantanal: Ecology, biodiversity and sustainable management of a large neotropical seasonal wetland</i> (pp. 127–141). Sofia, Moscow: Pensoft.</p> <p><b>Thesis</b></p> <p><span style="font-variant:small-caps">Králík</span>, M. (2004). <i>Paleodermatoglyphics. Analysis of fingerprintson ancient ceramics: theoretical basis, methodological issues and practical recommendations</i>. PhD thesis, Masaryk University, Brno.</p> <p><b>Web:</b></p> <p><span style="font-variant:small-caps">Zdravković</span>, M. (2011): <i>Srbija 1955-2011: BDP, zaposlenost i produktivnost. Makroekonomija, Ekonomske analize, Srbija, okruženje i međunarodna ekonomija</i>. <a href=""></a> <p><b>Other:</b></p> <p><span style="font-variant:small-caps">Rivaldería</span>, N., <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Expósito</span>, N., <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Gómez-Herrero</span>, F. J., <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Juanino</span>, R. M., <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Cruz</span>, R., <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Hernández-Hurtado L. E.,...</span> <span style="font-variant:small-caps">Alonso-Rodriguez, C. G. R.</span> (2017). Diferencias intra e interpoblacionales en la frecuencia de aparición de los distintos tipos de deltas (o trirradii) dactilares. <i>XX Congreso Sociedad Española de Antropología Física.</i></p> <h2>Proofs</h2> <p> The corresponding author will receive a low resolution PDF of the proofs prior to printing by e-mail. This proof is supplied for proofing purposes only (no further distribution on any website, via mailing lists, no storage in private or institutional repositories etc.). We request that the annotated PDF proofs will be returned to the publishers due to the given deadline. If the proofs are not returned in time, the paper will be published without author’s corrections. Author's corrections in proof must not exceed 10% of the typesetting costs; above that, the authors will be charged. </p> <h2>Reprints</h2> <p> A PDF for personal use only will be supplied free of charge; additional copies may be obtained at cost price. </p> <p style="text-align:right;"> December 2023 </p> <div class="clearing"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div id="footer_text"> &copy; 2025 by Schweizerbart science publishers<br /> Johannesstr. 3A&nbsp; D-70176 Stuttgart, Germany<br /> Phone ++49-(0)711-3514560 / Fax ++49-(0)711-351456-99<br /> 2025-02-27 19:28:19<br /> <a href="/home/contact?af=footer">Contact us</a> | <a href="/shop/agb?af=footer">General Business Terms</a> | <a href="/home/privacy_policy?af=footer">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="/home/feeds?af=footer">RSS feeds</a> | <a href="/home/press?af=footer">Press</a> | <a href="/home/impress?af=footer">Impress</a> </div> </body> </html>

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