The Best New Dan Bongino Show Podcast Right Now - June 2024 -

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June 2024</h1><div class="entry-meta"> <span class="posted-on">Posted on <a href="" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date published" datetime="2024-07-16T11:00:18+00:00">July 16, 2024</time><time class="updated" datetime="2024-07-22T07:16:48+00:00">July 22, 2024</time></a></span><span class="byline"> by <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="">Castbox</a></span></span></div> </header> --><div class="entry-content"><style>.blog_header { display: none; } .blog-container { display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: 36px; align-items: center; font-optical-sizing: auto; font-style: normal; font-variation-settings: "slnt" 0; } .blog-container * { box-sizing: border-box; } .blog-container body, .blog-container html { scroll-behavior: smooth; } .blog-container .content { width: 1200px; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .blog-container .left { width: 800px; } .blog-container .head { width: 100vw; display: flex; color: #fff; background-color: #1d1d1d; padding: 50px 30px 64px; 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} });</script></p><div class="head"><h1 class="blog-title">The Best New Dan Bongino Show Podcast Right Now &#8211; June 2024</h1><p><img class="cover" src=";max-w=3000&amp;max-h=3000&amp;fit=crop&amp;auto=format,compress" /></p></div><div class="content"><div class="left"><p class="introduction">Dive into the world of conservative commentary with The Dan Bongino Show, where you&#8217;ll hear insightful analysis on current events, political figures, and the state of America. From dissecting the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and the deep state&#8217;s influence to exposing the Biden administration&#8217;s failures and challenging liberal narratives, Bongino delivers a no-holds-barred perspective on the issues that matter most. Each episode features engaging discussions with guests like Dr. Peter McCullough, Mike Benz, and Bill O&#8217;Reilly, offering diverse viewpoints and expert insights. Tune in to The Dan Bongino Show for a dose of truth, critical thinking, and a call to action for a better America.</p><h2 class="sub-title">The 10 Best Dan Bongino Show episodes</h2> <section class="ep-list"><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-1 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id710098514'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-1 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id710098514'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-1" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Get Ready, The Crackdown Is Coming (Ep. 2270)</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">Dan Bongino discusses Merrick Garland&#8217;s op-ed in the Washington Post, where Garland claims that attacks on the Justice Department are undermining trust in the justice process, and Bongino argues that Garland is a tyrant who is abusing his power.</p><p class="summary">Dan Bongino begins the show by discussing Donald Trump&#8217;s return to Capitol Hill and his thoughts on who should be considered for Vice President, suggesting Donald Trump Jr. as a potential candidate. He then delves into Merrick Garland&#8217;s op-ed in the Washington Post, where Garland claims that attacks on the Justice Department are undermining trust in the justice process. Bongino vehemently disagrees, arguing that Garland is a tyrant who is abusing his power and using the DOJ to target political opponents. He cites examples of Garland&#8217;s actions, including the Mar-a-Lago raid, the prosecution of Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro, and the targeting of Trump supporters. Bongino also criticizes the Democrats&#8217; claims about crime being down, DEI being beneficial for investment returns, and the Trump tax cuts causing the debt, providing evidence to debunk these claims. He concludes by discussing the importance of voter turnout and the need for Republicans to be more active in getting people to vote.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-2 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id707250241'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-2 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id707250241'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-2" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">The Fallout Grows! (Ep. 2262)</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">Dan Bongino discusses the fallout from Donald Trump&#8217;s conviction, analyzes the left&#8217;s reaction, and highlights the importance of voter turnout and donations in the upcoming election.</p><p class="summary">Dan Bongino dives into the aftermath of Donald Trump&#8217;s conviction, dissecting the left&#8217;s coping mechanisms and their attempts to downplay the significance of the event. He argues that the Democrats are terrified of the public&#8217;s reaction, particularly within the black community, and are resorting to tactics like playing the race card and labeling critics as &#8220;justice deniers.&#8221; Bongino emphasizes the importance of voter turnout and donations, highlighting the fact that people who donate to campaigns are more likely to vote. He also exposes Joe Biden&#8217;s hypocrisy by playing clips of him eulogizing a former KKK member and making racially insensitive remarks to black voters. Bongino concludes by warning listeners about the dangers of push polling and the left&#8217;s attempts to silence dissent, urging them to stay vigilant and fight for the future of the country.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-3 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id708145511'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-3 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id708145511'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-3" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Irrefutable Proof That The Deep State Stole The 2020 Election (Ep. 2265)</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">Dan Bongino discusses the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the deep state&#8217;s efforts to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story, and the ongoing threat to American democracy.</p><p class="summary">Dan Bongino begins the show by expressing his concern about the state of America on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, feeling that the country is a different place than it was when those patriots fought for freedom. He then dives into the Hunter Biden laptop story, highlighting the deep state&#8217;s efforts to suppress it and the media&#8217;s complicity in spreading disinformation. Bongino argues that the laptop story is a key piece of evidence exposing the deep state&#8217;s real players, including intelligence officials, media members, and bureaucrats. He calls for investigations into those involved in the cover-up, including John Brennan, Andy McCabe, and Yoel Roth. Bongino also discusses Dr. Peter McCullough&#8217;s recommendations for addressing potential vaccine-related clotting issues and Dr. Deborah Birx&#8217;s admission that there was a conspiracy to suppress the lab leak theory. He warns listeners to be cautious about the bird flu narrative, as it may be another attempt to manipulate the public for political gain. Bongino concludes by highlighting the dangers of concentrated interests and how they influence government policy, using the examples of immigration and green energy. He criticizes the Biden administration&#8217;s inability to deliver on its promises, citing the lack of progress on building electric charging stations. He also debunks the January 6th committee&#8217;s narrative about Donald Trump&#8217;s alleged attempt to choke out a Secret Service agent. Bongino ends the show by calling for a reckoning for those involved in the deep state conspiracy and urging listeners to stay informed and vigilant.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-4 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id707849341'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-4 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id707849341'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-4" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Biden鈥檚 Brain is GONE (Ep. 2264)</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">Dan Bongino discusses the Wall Street Journal article about Joe Biden&#8217;s mental state, the Biden administration&#8217;s border policy, and the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, arguing that the Democrats are trying to sabotage Biden and that there is a conspiracy to hide information from the public.</p><p class="summary">Dan Bongino begins by discussing a Wall Street Journal article that alleges Joe Biden has dementia and falls asleep in meetings. He argues that this is a sign that Democrats are trying to sabotage Biden and that they want him out of office. Bongino then moves on to discuss Biden&#8217;s new executive order on the border, which he claims is a scam designed to appease the Democrats&#8217; base while doing nothing to actually stop illegal immigration. He cites Obama&#8217;s DHS Secretary Jay Johnson and Attorney General Merrick Garland as evidence that the Democrats are aware of the border crisis but are choosing to ignore it. Bongino also discusses the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, arguing that there was a government conspiracy to suppress the story before the 2020 election. He calls for an investigation into the matter and argues that the 51 former intelligence officials who signed the letter claiming the laptop was Russian disinformation should have their clearances revoked. Bongino concludes by discussing the importance of having principled people in office and highlighting the speech given by Mark Robinson, a candidate for governor of North Carolina, who argues that elected officials should serve their country out of a sense of duty, not out of a desire for power or wealth. He also criticizes the Democrats&#8217; attempts to silence their critics and argues that they are more interested in maintaining power than in governing effectively.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-5 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id709199487'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-5 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id709199487'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-5" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Operation DUMP Joe Biden Has Begun (Ep. 2267)</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">Dan Bongino discusses his weekend update, including getting pulled over by a police officer, Joe Biden&#8217;s declining approval ratings, and the potential for a Russian collusion scandal involving the Biden family.</p><p class="summary">Dan Bongino begins by recounting his weekend update, which includes getting pulled over by a police officer after making a right turn on red. He emphasizes the importance of respecting police officers and explains why he didn&#8217;t tweet about the incident. He then shifts to discussing Joe Biden&#8217;s declining approval ratings and the growing movement to &#8220;dump Joey Boombats.&#8221; Bongino highlights the recent revelations about Hunter Biden&#8217;s business dealings and argues that the media is now forced to cover the story due to pressure from Republicans in the House. He also points to a suspicious pattern in Biden&#8217;s recent travel, suggesting that something may be amiss. Bongino then delves into the potential for a Russian collusion scandal involving the Biden family, citing a Wall Street Journal article by Holman Jenkins that questions why Vladimir Putin has remained silent about the Hunter Biden laptop story. He argues that Putin&#8217;s silence suggests a possible quid pro quo involving Biden&#8217;s actions in Ukraine. Bongino concludes by discussing the ongoing investigations into the January 6th Capitol riot and the potential for a soft coup by Mark Millie, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He also highlights the growing distrust in the government, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the increasing rebellion against leftist policies.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-6 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id709813710'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-6 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id709813710'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-6" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Be Very Careful About This Hunter Biden Scandal (Ep. 2269)</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">Dan Bongino discusses the recent Hunter Biden guilty verdict on gun charges, arguing it&#8217;s a trap to distract from the more serious tax fraud case, and criticizes the FBI&#8217;s handling of the Mar-a-Lago raid, highlighting inconsistencies in their claims of coordination with the Secret Service.</p><p class="summary">Dan Bongino discusses the recent Hunter Biden guilty verdict on gun charges, arguing that it&#8217;s a trap to distract from the more serious tax fraud case, which implicates both Biden and Obama. He believes the gun case was a &#8220;bullshit&#8221; sweetheart deal, only brought to light by IRS whistleblowers who exposed pressure to make the case disappear. Bongino predicts that the Biden administration will now try to downplay the tax fraud case, using the gun verdict to discredit criticism of their handling of the Trump investigations. He highlights the irony of Hunter Biden&#8217;s legal team appealing the gun charge on Second Amendment grounds while his father campaigns on gun control. Bongino also criticizes Biden&#8217;s recent speech on gun control, calling him a &#8220;moron&#8221; for claiming that the Constitution doesn&#8217;t allow for owning cannons, and for threatening the American people with F-15s. He further criticizes Biden&#8217;s race-baiting tactics, accusing him of trying to scare black voters into believing that Republicans want to prevent them from voting. Bongino then shifts his focus to the Mar-a-Lago raid, expressing skepticism about the FBI&#8217;s claims of coordination with the Secret Service. He cites evidence suggesting that the Secret Service was not properly informed about the raid, and criticizes the FBI&#8217;s actions, including the use of bolt cutters to open a storage room. Bongino concludes by promoting his friend Jim Verde&#8217;s new book, &#8220;The Dambon Geno Show Survival Guide,&#8221; and announces upcoming events, including a road show at the RNC and a book signing in Oklahoma City.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-7 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id708474842'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-7 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id708474842'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-7" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Who is going to be the VP? (Ep. 2266)</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">Dan Bongino discusses the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the deep state&#8217;s involvement in the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, and the importance of fighting for American values.</p><p class="summary">Dan Bongino begins the show by expressing his concern about the state of America on the 80th anniversary of D-Day, feeling that the country is a different place. He then delves into the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, highlighting the deep state&#8217;s role in suppressing the story and accusing individuals like John Brennan and Andy McCabe of being involved in a conspiracy to steal the 2020 election. Bongino also discusses the deep state&#8217;s influence on public health policy, citing Dr. Deborah Birx&#8217;s admission of a conspiracy to suppress the lab leak theory regarding COVID-19. He urges listeners to be cautious about the bird flu narrative, suggesting it could be another attempt to manipulate public opinion. Bongino concludes by emphasizing the importance of fighting for American values and challenging the deep state&#8217;s influence on our institutions.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-8 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id711172408'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-8 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id711172408'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-8" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Is This How They鈥檙e Going To Try And Steal It? (Ep. 2272)</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">Dan Bongino discusses how Democrats are using illegal immigration to expand government benefits and voter registration, and how this strategy is backfiring by alienating black and Hispanic voters.</p><p class="summary">Dan Bongino begins by discussing the importance of gauging the damage a political story is doing to a candidate by the left&#8217;s response. He then highlights Joe Biden&#8217;s recent gaffes, including wandering off stage at a fundraiser and during the G7 summit, and how the media is trying to cover them up. Bongino then delves into the issue of illegal immigration and how Democrats are using it to expand government benefits and voter registration. He argues that this strategy is backfiring by alienating black and Hispanic voters who are increasingly frustrated with crime and the economy. Bongino also discusses the dangers of artificial intelligence and how it could potentially expose the truth about the 2020 election. He concludes by urging listeners to support Rumble and fight for free speech.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-9 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id708830849'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-9 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id708830849'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-9" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">Sunday Special with President Donald Trump, Dr. Peter McCullough, Mike Benz and Pete Hegseth 06/09/24</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">This episode of the Dan Bongino Show features interviews with former President Donald Trump, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Mike Benz, discussing topics such as the weaponization of the Justice Department, the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccine, and the CIA&#8217;s role in the oil and gas industry.</p><p class="summary">The episode begins with a discussion about the importance of the Attorney General position and former President Trump&#8217;s thoughts on his previous selections. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about the COVID-19 vaccine with Dr. Peter McCullough, who warns about potential dangers and side effects. He also discusses the importance of natural immunity and the use of nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin for spike protein detoxification. The episode concludes with an interview with Mike Benz, who explains the CIA&#8217;s long history of involvement in the oil and gas industry and how this involvement has played a role in the Ukraine conflict. He also discusses the CIA&#8217;s role in protecting Hunter Biden and the use of plausible deniability to shield their activities from scrutiny.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav-10 .ep-title").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id712044587'); }); document.querySelector("#nav-10 .ep-cover").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'ep_title', event_label: 'ep_title_'+ getTime() });'https:\/\/\/episode\/id2664149-id712044587'); }); });</script></p><div id="nav-10" class="ep-item"><h3 class="ep-title">F Around And Find Out (Ep. 2275)</h3><p><img class="ep-cover" /></p><p class="summmary">Dan Bongino calls out Bill O&#8217;Reilly for hypocrisy and cowardice, while also highlighting the dangers of liberalism and the importance of critical thinking.</p><p class="summary">Dan Bongino starts the show by addressing Bill O&#8217;Reilly&#8217;s recent attack on him, calling him a &#8216;douchebag&#8217; and a &#8216;coward&#8217; for criticizing Bongino&#8217;s stance on voter fraud while simultaneously trying to get on his show to promote his books. Bongino argues that O&#8217;Reilly is a hypocrite who doesn&#8217;t believe in anything he says and is only interested in self-promotion. He also criticizes O&#8217;Reilly&#8217;s use of the term &#8216;fanatic&#8217; to describe Bongino&#8217;s views, highlighting the hypocrisy of O&#8217;Reilly&#8217;s own past actions. Bongino then moves on to discuss the dangers of liberalism, using examples of the Biden administration&#8217;s failures, such as the lack of progress on broadband internet expansion and the inability to vet immigrants at the border. He argues that liberalism is characterized by a &#8216;third party payer problem,&#8217; where government spending leads to inefficiency and a lack of accountability. Bongino also criticizes the liberal media&#8217;s attempts to portray Joe Biden as a strong leader, highlighting the numerous videos of Biden&#8217;s physical and mental decline. He concludes the show by discussing the importance of critical thinking and the need to challenge liberal narratives, using examples of the George Soros-funded media takeover and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. Bongino emphasizes the importance of facts and evidence in political discourse and encourages his audience to be skeptical of those who promote hatred and misinformation.</p><p><iframe src=";autoplay=0&amp;hide_list=1" width="100%" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe></p></div> </section> <section class="qa-list"><div class="title">Q&amp;A</div><div id="nav-11" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">Who is Dan Bongino, the author of the podcast &#8220;Cumulus Podcast Network | Dan Bongino&#8221;?</h5><p class="answer">Dan Bongino is a conservative political commentator, radio host, and former Secret Service agent. He is known for his outspoken views on politics, particularly his support for former President Donald Trump.</p></div><div id="nav-12" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What is the main focus of the podcast &#8220;Cumulus Podcast Network | Dan Bongino&#8221;?</h5><p class="answer">The podcast &#8220;Cumulus Podcast Network | Dan Bongino&#8221; focuses on conservative political commentary, covering topics such as the Biden administration, the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, the deep state, and the 2020 election.</p></div><div id="nav-13" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What are Dan Bongino&#8217;s main criticisms of the Biden administration?</h5><p class="answer">Dan Bongino criticizes the Biden administration for its handling of the border crisis, its policies on gun control, its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and its alleged attempts to silence dissent.</p></div><div id="nav-14" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What is Dan Bongino&#8217;s stance on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal?</h5><p class="answer">Dan Bongino believes the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is a significant story that exposes corruption within the Biden family and the deep state&#8217;s efforts to suppress it.</p></div><div id="nav-15" class="qa-item"><h5 class="question">What is Dan Bongino&#8217;s view on the deep state?</h5><p class="answer">Dan Bongino believes the deep state is a powerful network of individuals within the government and intelligence agencies who are working to undermine American democracy and promote their own agenda.</p></div> </section> <section class="related-list"><div class="title">Related Blogs</div><div class="related-wrapper"><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#related-blog-1").addEventListener('click', () =>'https:\/\/\/blog\/top-10-true-crime-podcasts')); })</script></p><div id="related-blog-1" class="blog-item"><div class="cover-wrapper"><img src="" /></div><h5 class="title">Top 10 True Crime Podcasts</h5></div><p><script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#related-blog-2").addEventListener('click', () =>'https:\/\/\/blog\/the-9-best-pokemon-podcasts-to-help-you-catch-em-all')); })</script></p><div id="related-blog-2" class="blog-item"><div class="cover-wrapper"><img src="" /></div><h5 class="title">The 9 Best Pokemon Podcasts To Help You Catch Em All</h5></div></div> </section></div><div class="right"><div class="nav-container"><h5 class="nav-title">Table of contents:</h5><ul><li id="nav_nav-1"><a href="#nav-1">Get Ready, The Crackdown Is Coming (Ep. 2270)</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-1").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-2"><a href="#nav-2">The Fallout Grows! (Ep. 2262)</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-2").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-3"><a href="#nav-3">Irrefutable Proof That The Deep State Stole The 2020 Election (Ep. 2265)</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-3").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-4"><a href="#nav-4">Biden鈥檚 Brain is GONE (Ep. 2264)</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-4").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-5"><a href="#nav-5">Operation DUMP Joe Biden Has Begun (Ep. 2267)</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-5").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-6"><a href="#nav-6">Be Very Careful About This Hunter Biden Scandal (Ep. 2269)</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-6").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-7"><a href="#nav-7">Who is going to be the VP? (Ep. 2266)</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-7").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-8"><a href="#nav-8">Is This How They鈥檙e Going To Try And Steal It? (Ep. 2272)</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-8").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-9"><a href="#nav-9">Sunday Special with President Donald Trump, Dr. Peter McCullough, Mike Benz and Pete Hegseth 06/09/24</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-9").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-10"><a href="#nav-10">F Around And Find Out (Ep. 2275)</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-10").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-11"><a href="#nav-11">Who is Dan Bongino, the author of the podcast &#8220;Cumulus Podcast Network | Dan Bongino&#8221;?</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-11").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-12"><a href="#nav-12">What is the main focus of the podcast &#8220;Cumulus Podcast Network | Dan Bongino&#8221;?</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-12").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-13"><a href="#nav-13">What are Dan Bongino&#8217;s main criticisms of the Biden administration?</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-13").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-14"><a href="#nav-14">What is Dan Bongino&#8217;s stance on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal?</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-14").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li><li id="nav_nav-15"><a href="#nav-15">What is Dan Bongino&#8217;s view on the deep state?</a> <script>window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector("#nav_nav-15").addEventListener('click', () => { gtag('event', 'blog_clk', { event_category: 'nav', event_label: 'nav_' + getTime() }); }); })</script></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><!-- .entry-content --></article><!-- #post-2391 --><p class="post-time"> <time datetime="2024-07-16T11:00:18+00:00" itemprop="datePublished">July 16, 2024</time></p></div> </main><!-- #main --></div><!-- #primary --></div><!-- #content --><footer id="colophon" class="site-footer"><div class="container"><div class="footer-d"> <section class="widget footer-widget wp_editor_widget-2"><p><a href="/"><img class="alignnone wp-image-275" src="" alt="" width="134" height="50"></a></p><p class="p1">Castbox is the best free podcast app with over 95 million volumes of content on Android, Apple iPhone, Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Carplay and Android Auto.</p><p><a id="index_footer_apple" href=";mt=8&amp;ct=web_index_page"><img class="alignnone wp-image-307" src="" alt="" width="106" height="32"> </a><a id="index_footer_google" href=";referrer=utm_source%3Dcastbox_web%26utm_medium%3Dlink%26utm_campaign%3Dweb_index_page%26utm_content%3D"><img class="alignnone wp-image-308" src="" alt="" width="106" height="32"> </a><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-306" src="" alt="" width="106" height="32"></a></p> </section> <section class="widget footer-widget nav_menu-3"><h2 class="widgettitle">About</h2><div class="menu-about-container"><ul id="menu-about-1" class="menu"><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-1189"><a href="/castbox-story">About Castbox</a></li><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1157"><a href="">Newsroom</a></li><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-1463"><a href="">FAQs</a></li></ul></div></section><div class="group-widget"> <section id="footer-socials" class="widget footer-widget"><h2 class="widgettitle">Connect</h2><div class="social-widget"> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/telegram.png"/> <span>Telegram</span> </a> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/Facebook.png"/> <span>Facebook</span> </a> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/Twitter.png"/> <span>Twitter</span> </a> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/Instagram.png"/> <span>Instagram</span> </a></div></section> <section id="footer-socials" class="widget footer-widget"><h2 class="widgettitle">Mail</h2><div class="social-widget"> <a class="social-item" href=""> </a></div> </section></div></div><div class="footer-m"><div class="group-widget"> <section id="footer-mobile-1" class="widget footer-widget"><h2 class="widgettitle">About</h2><div class="menu-about-container"><ul id="menu-about-2" class="menu"><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-1189"><a href="/castbox-story">About Castbox</a></li><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page menu-item-1157"><a href="">Newsroom</a></li><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-1463"><a href="">FAQs</a></li></ul></div></section></div><div class="group-widget"> <section id="footer-mobile-2" class="widget footer-widget"><h2 class="widgettitle">Connect</h2><div class="social-widget"> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/telegram.png"/> <span>Telegram</span> </a> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/Facebook.png"/> <span>Facebook</span> </a> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/Twitter.png"/> <span>Twitter</span> </a> <a class="social-item" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/Instagram.png"/> <span>Instagram</span> </a> <a class="social-item" href=""> <img src="/wp-content/themes/castbox/assets/icons/email.svg"/> <span></span> </a></div></section></div></div><div class="site-info"> <a href="/policy.html"> Privacy Policy </a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; 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