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border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">ProShares Trust: UltraShort Real Estate ProShares</a> </td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 6.95</td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 6.56</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">ProFunds: Precious Metals UltraSector ProFund; Investor Shares</a> </td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 2.55</td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 5.36</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">ProFunds: Precious Metals UltraSector ProFund; Service Shares</a> </td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 2.46</td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 5.36</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">ProShares Trust: UltraShort MSCI Japan ProShares</a> </td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 4.43</td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 5.07</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">ProFunds: UltraShort Japan ProFund; Service Class Shares</a> </td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 1.97</td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 4.74</td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="4" bgcolor="efefef" height="1"><img src="" height="1" width="1" border="0"></td></tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">MACROshares Oil Down Tradeable Trust: MACROshares Oil Down Tradeable Shares</a> </td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -1.22</td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -11.47</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">ProShares Trust: Ultra Real Estate ProShares</a> </td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -2.1</td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -6.38</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">Northern Lights Fund Trust: Ladenburg Thalmann Gaming & Casino Fund; Invest</a> </td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -0.5</td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -5.14</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">Northern Lights Fund Trust: Ladenburg Thalmann Gaming & Casino Fund; Class</a> </td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -0.5</td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -5.12</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">ProFunds: Real Estate UltraSector ProFund; Investor Shares</a> </td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -1.76</td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -4.83</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="5" bgcolor="efefef" height="1"><img src="" height="1" width="1" border="0"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" class="smalllink" colspan="4"> Daily data from 2.08.08<br>Provided by Lipper </td> </tr> </table> <!-- </oparam> </droplet> --> <!-- <DROPLET BEAN="Cache"> <param name="key" value="param:timeframe"> <param name="hasNoURLs" value="false"> <oparam name="output"> --> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="418"> <tr valign="bottom"> <td colspan="4" class="smallblack" height="25">YTD Performers</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="4" class="lnspace2" height="1"><img src="" height="1" width="416" border="0"></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">Direxion Funds: NASDAQ-100 Bear 2.5x Fund; Investor Class Shares</a> </td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -0.47</td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 46.70</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">ProShares Trust: UltraShort Semiconductors ProShares</a> </td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -1.81</td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 40.97</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">ProShares Trust: UltraShort Technology ProShares</a> </td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -2.15</td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 39.31</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">Rydex Dynamic Funds: Inverse OTC 2x Strategy Fund; A-Class Shares</a> </td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -0.38</td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 36.25</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">Rydex Dynamic Funds: Inverse OTC 2x Strategy Fund; H-Class Shares</a> </td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -0.38</td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 36.19</td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="4" bgcolor="efefef" height="1"><img src="" height="1" width="1" border="0"></td></tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">Direxion Funds: NASDAQ-100 Bull 2.5x Fund; Investor Class Shares</a> </td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 0.41</td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -35.13</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">Direxion Funds: China Bull 2X Fund; Investor Class Shares</a> </td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -0.41</td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -35.00</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">ProFunds: Mobile Telecommunications UltraSector ProFund; Service Shares</a> </td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -0.06</td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -34.90</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">ProFunds: Mobile Telecommunications UltraSector ProFund; Investor Shares</a> </td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -0.06</td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -34.83</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20"><img src="" width="11" height="11" border="0" vspace="1"></td> <td width="296"> <a href="/web/20080211122325/" class="smallblack">ProShares Trust: Ultra Semiconductors ProShares</a> </td> <td class="smallgreen" align="right" width="50"> 1.01</td> <td class="smallred" align="right" width="50"> -34.21</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="5" bgcolor="efefef" height="1"><img src="" height="1" width="1" border="0"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" class="smalllink" colspan="4"> Daily data from 2.08.08<br>Provided by Lipper </td> </tr> </table> <!-- </oparam> </droplet> --> <br> <table border="0" width="418" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <hr size="1" color="#cccccc" width="100%"> <a name="<b>Best Of The Web: Fund Selection</b>"> </a> <a href=""><span class="inside"><b>Best Of The Web: Fund Selection</b> ></span></a> <br><br> <table width="418" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="80" valign="top"><a href=""><img src="" width="80" height="78" alt="" align="left" border="0" vspace="2" hspace="1"></a></td> <td width="5"> </td> <td width="251"> <span class="mainsubindexsubtitle">Read our reviews of the top sites:</span><br> <a href="" class="bowhed"></a><br> <a href="" class="mainartlink">FolioFn</a><br> <a href="" class="mainartlink">FundAlarm</a><br> <a href="" class="mainartlink">MSN 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