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72.09-30.52 60.76-48.74 139.99-52.2 225.67Z"/></g><g class="cls-1"><path class="cls-2" d="M434.18 457.33H211.72a30 30 0 1 1 0-60h222.46a30 30 0 0 1 0 60Z"/></g><g class="cls-1"><path class="cls-2" d="M325.5 607.38H218.05a30 30 0 0 1 0-60H325.5a30 30 0 0 1 0 60Z"/></g><g class="cls-1"><path class="cls-2" d="M448.18 307.38H238.72a30 30 0 0 1 0-60h209.46a30 30 0 0 1 0 60Z"/></g></svg><span>Expense</span> </div> <ul class="sub-tools"> <li> <a href=""> Expense Report Generator </a> </li> <li> <a href=""> Per diem calculator </a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <header style="display: block;"> <div class="free-tool-header-top-band no-print"> <div class="free-tool-header-left"> <div><img src="/books/images/more.svg" class="free-tool-header-more-band" onclick="toggleNavBar()" alt="navbar expand icon"></div> <div class="zoho-title-wrapper"> <span style="font-weight: 600"> VAT Calculator </span> <a class="header-sub-heading" 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class="free-vat-calculator-header-tool"> <div class="d-flex free-vat-calculator-input-container"> <div class="free-vat-calculator-input-group"> <label for="free-vat-calculator-input-amt">Enter Amount (拢)</label> <input type="number" name="inputAmount" min="0" id="free-vat-calculator-input-amt" placeholder="0.00"> </div> <div class="free-vat-calculator-input-group" style="position: relative;"> <label for="free-vat-calculator-vat-rate">VAT Rate (%)</label> <input type="text" name="inputVatRate" id="free-vat-calculator-vat-rate" placeholder="0" max="100"> <div class="free-vat-calculator-input-drop-down d-none" id="free-vat-calculator-rate-option"> <div class="free-vat-calculator-input-drop-down-item" data-vat-rate="5">5%</div> <div class="free-vat-calculator-input-drop-down-item" data-vat-rate="20">20%</div> </div> </div> <div class="free-vat-calculator-input-group"> <label>Choose to</label> <input type="checkbox" name="isInclusiveTax" id="free-vat-calculator-tax-type-select" style="display: none;"> <label for="free-vat-calculator-tax-type-select" class="free-vat-calculator-tax-type"> <div class="free-vat-calculator-tax-type-toggle-btn"></div> <div class="d-flex free-vat-calculator-tax-type-list"> <p class="text-center">Add VAT</p> <p class="text-center">Remove VAT</p> </div> </label> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex free-vat-calculator-output-container"> <div class="free-vat-calculator-output-group"> <span class="d-block text-center"> 拢<span id="free-vat-rate-calculator-output-tax-amount">0.00</span> </span> <label style="color: #04ac38;">VAT Amount</label> </div> <div class="free-vat-calculator-output-group divider"></div> <div class="free-vat-calculator-output-group"> <span class="d-block text-center"> 拢<span id="free-vat-rate-calculator-output-tax-type-amount">0.00</span> </span> <label style="color: #0068eb;" id="free-vat-rate-calculator-output-tax-amount-label">Inclusive Amount</label> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="free-vat-calculator-intro-container"> <div class="free-vat-calculator-intro"> <h2>Introducing Zoho's VAT calculator</h2> <p> VAT, or Value Added Tax, is a type of consumption tax levied on the sale of goods and services in the UK since 1973. Since businesses collect VAT on behalf of the government, it is considered an indirect tax. Zoho brings you a free VAT calculator that helps you calculate VAT accurately regardless of the VAT rates. </p> </div> </section> <section class="free-vat-calculator-steps-container"> <div class="free-vat-calculator-steps"> <h2>How can you calculate VAT with this tool?</h2> <p> With the free VAT calculator, you can calculate the tax amount in three simple steps. The tool provides you with fields that have to be filled, and it calculates VAT automatically based on what you fill in. </p> <ul class="free-vat-calculator-points"> <li>Enter the price of the goods or services in the <b>Enter Amount</b> field.</li> <li> Select the tax rate from the tax rate section. You can also provide a custom tax rate if the goods or service doesn't fall under the <b>5%</b> or <b>20%</b> tax slab. </li> <li> Choose if the price that you entered is inclusive or exclusive of tax. <ul class="free-vat-calculator-sub-points"> <li> If the price you've entered is tax inclusive, the tool automatically calculates, and displays the <b>net amount</b> of the goods or service after subtracting the VAT. </li> <li> If the price you've entered is tax exclusive, the tool automatically calculates, and displays the <b>gross amount</b> after adding the VAT. </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </section> <section class="free-vat-calculator-more-vat-container"> <div class="free-vat-calculator-more-vat"> <h2>More on VAT</h2> <p> Any business that buys and sells products or services in the UK market and has a taxable annual turnover of more than 拢85,000 must register for VAT with HMRC. Other businesses can register voluntarily, but are not required to do so. There are three different VAT rates in the UK. </p> <ul class="free-vat-calculator-more-vat-rates"> <li>The standard rate of VAT is currently 20% and is charged on most goods and services.</li> <li>A reduced VAT rate of 5% is charged for children鈥檚 car seats, sanitary products, and domestic fuel or power.</li> <li>Zero-rated goods are still VAT-taxable, but the VAT for them is 0%. You still have to record these goods in your VAT accounts and report them on your VAT return. Zero-rated goods include most food, books, newspapers and children鈥檚 clothes.</li> </ul> <p> Exempt items, like postage stamps and financial and property transactions, carry a zero rate for VAT and need not be reported in your taxable turnover. <a href="" target="_blank">Read more about the different VAT rates imposed on various goods and services.</a> </p> <p> It is important for each business to file an accurate VAT return and repay the VAT it has collected to HMRC. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn more about VAT.</a> </p> </div> </section> <section class="free-vat-calculator-features-container"> <div class="free-vat-calculator-features"> <div class="free-vat-calculator-features-block"> <h2>Zoho Books does more than just calculating VAT</h2> <p> Zoho Books, a VAT-compliant accounting platform, helps businesses create VAT invoices, manage their finances, file tax returns directly, generate detailed reports, and much more. <a href="/uk/books/vat-accounting-software/" target="_blank">Learn how Zoho Books can be the right fit for your business.</a> </p> </div> <br> <br> <div class="free-vat-calculator-features-block"> <h2>More of Zoho Books' features for business</h2> <div class="free-vat-calculator-features-list"> <div class="d-flex free-vat-calculator-features-list-points-block"> <div class="free-vat-calculator-features-list-points"> <svg data-name="Layer 1" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14" d="M196.78 191.67v145.81M171.97 214.07l24.81-28.23 23.64 29.11M290.76 336.71V190.9M265.95 314.31l24.81 28.24 23.64-29.11"/><rect x="82.48" y="100.51" width="321.42" height="327.36" rx="75.85" fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14"/></svg> <p>Manage receivables and payables effortlessly</p> </div> <div class="free-vat-calculator-features-list-points"> <svg data-name="Layer 1" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M313.65 374.89H134a55.16 55.16 0 0 1-55.15-55.16V161.58A55.15 55.15 0 0 1 134 106.43h190.3a55.15 55.15 0 0 1 55.15 55.15v132" fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14"/><path d="M196.64 106.44h65V180a14.83 14.83 0 0 1-14.83 14.83h-35.34A14.83 14.83 0 0 1 196.64 180v-73.56h0ZM299.77 336.55c0-29.27 22.49-53 50.24-53s50.24 23.73 50.24 53c0 21.82-27.91 62.12-42.12 81.23a10 10 0 0 1-16.24 0c-14.21-19.11-42.12-59.41-42.12-81.23Z" fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14"/><circle cx="350.01" cy="329.53" r="14.99" fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14"/></svg> <p>Create items and track inventory</p> </div> <div class="free-vat-calculator-features-list-points"> <svg data-name="Layer 1" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><rect x="89.15" y="101.72" width="319.04" height="324.94" rx="75.85" fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14"/><path fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14" d="m159.92 227.79 17.61 19.19 17.31-17.45"/><path d="M322.77 208.19H195.42a18.27 18.27 0 0 0-18.27 18.26v16M304.25 297.7l18.89-19.19 19.05 19.19" fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14"/><path d="M177.15 323.43H304.5a18.27 18.27 0 0 0 18.27-18.26v-16" fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14"/></svg> <p>Reconcile bank accounts easily</p> </div> </div> <div class="d-flex free-vat-calculator-features-list-points-block"> <div class="free-vat-calculator-features-list-points"> <svg data-name="Layer 1" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M309 129.2h26.73A35.28 35.28 0 0 1 371 164.47v219.88a35.29 35.29 0 0 1-35.28 35.28H176.31A35.29 35.29 0 0 1 141 384.35V164.47a35.28 35.28 0 0 1 35.28-35.27h26.8" fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14"/><rect x="205.15" y="108.76" width="101.69" height="43.93" rx="13.8" fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14"/><path fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14" d="m236.85 222-37.75 36.75-19.16-18.38M240.31 291.85l-37.74 36.75-19.16-18.37M267.72 249.92h62.79M267.72 317.52h62.79"/></svg> <p>Create and manage multiple projects</p> </div> <div class="free-vat-calculator-features-list-points"> <svg data-name="Layer 1" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M443.27 417.55h-284.5A60.53 60.53 0 0 1 98.23 357V124.94" fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14"/><circle cx="159.43" cy="304.71" r="20.36" fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="14"/><circle cx="237.74" cy="241.81" r="20.36" fill="none" stroke="#0D2D72" stroke-linecap="round" 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