Illinois Identity Provider Selection
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Illinois Identity Provider Selection</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta name="keywords" content="Home Organisation, Discovery Service, WAYF, Shibboleth, Login, AAI"> <meta name="description" content="Select your university to log in"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/discovery/DS/styles.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/discovery/DS/ImprovedDropDown.css" type="text/css"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!--<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>--> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- // Prevent that WAYF is loaded in an IFRAME function preventIframeEmbedding(){ if (top != self) { top.location = self.location; } } // Set focus to submit button or drop down list function setFocus(){ // Skip this if we cannot access the form elements if ( !document.IdPList || !document.IdPList.Select ){ return; } if ( document.IdPList.user_idp && document.IdPList.user_idp.selectedIndex == 0 ){ // Set focus to select document.IdPList.user_idp.focus(); } else { // Set focus to submit button document.IdPList.Select.focus(); } } // Perform input validation on WAYF form function checkForm(){ if( document.IdPList.user_idp && document.IdPList.user_idp.selectedIndex == 0 ){ alert(unescape('You must select an organisation.')); return false; } else { return true; } } // Init WAYF function init(){ preventIframeEmbedding(); setFocus(); if (false){ var searchText = 'Enter the name of the organisation you are affiliated with...'; $("#userIdPSelection:enabled option[value='-']").text(searchText); // Convert select element into improved drop down list $("#userIdPSelection:enabled").improveDropDown({ iconPath:'', noMatchesText: 'No organisation found for this search text', noItemsText: 'No organisation available', disableRemoteLogos: false }); } } // Call init function when DOM is ready $(document).ready(init); --> </script> </head> <body> <div id="pageWrapper"> <header id="customheader" role="banner"> <img id="Image1" src="images/Illinois-System-Logo__Horizontal-Colors.svg" alt="Illinois logo" /> </header> <main id="maincontent" role="main"> <!-- Body: Start --> <!-- Identity Provider Selection: Start --> <h1>Select Your University</h1> <p class="text"> This service, <span class="serviceName">University of Illinois KnowledgeBase</span>, supports multiple groups associated with the University of Illinois System. Select one of the following to go to the appropriate login screen. </p> <div class="list"> <form id="IdPList" name="IdPList" method="post" onSubmit="return checkForm()" action="/discovery/DS?"> <fieldset class="no-border"> <legend><h2>Choose from the following:</h2></legend> <div id="userIdPSelection"> <p class="campus-list-item"><input type="radio" name="user_idp" value="" id="" data=" University of Illinois Chicago" ><label for="">University of Illinois Chicago</label></p> <p class="campus-list-item"><input type="radio" name="user_idp" value="" id="" data=" University of Illinois Springfield" ><label for="">University of Illinois Springfield</label></p> <p class="campus-list-item"><input type="radio" name="user_idp" value="" id="" data=" University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign" ><label for="">University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign</label></p> </div> </fieldset> <input type="submit" name="Select" accesskey="s" value="Select"> <!-- Value permanent must be a number which is equivalent to the days the cookie should be valid --> <input type="checkbox" name="permanent" id="rememberPermanent" value="3650"> <label for="rememberPermanent">Remember my choice</label> </form> </div> <!-- Identity Provider Selection: End --> </main> <!-- Body: End --> <footer id="footer" role="contentinfo"> <p class="text"> Need assistance? Send email to <a href=""></a> with a description. </p> </footer><!-- #footer --> </div><!-- #pageWrapper --> </body> </html>