Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland | NHS inform
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</a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19): Check your symptoms </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Use our self-help guide to find out what to do next if you have coronavirus symptoms </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Helps to reduce your risk of developing coronavirus and makes your symptoms milder if you do </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19): Treatments </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Treatments available to certain groups at highest risk of serious coronavirus </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19): Longer-term effects (long COVID) </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Learn about the symptoms of long COVID and how you can manage them </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col small-12" id="caring-for-a-cough-or-fever"> <div class="panel-bg-line"> <h2 id="Caring for a cough or fever" class="alpha bold primary-color push--ends panel-bg-line__text"> Caring for a cough or fever </h2> </div> </div> <div class="col small-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="cf js-equal-height"> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Caring for a cough </h2> <p class="module__desc"> How to look after a cough at home, and when to seek help </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Caring for a fever </h2> <p class="module__desc"> How to look after yourself if you have a fever, and when to seek help </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Caring for a fever in children </h2> <p class="module__desc"> How to look after your child if they have a fever, and when to seek help </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Check your fever symptoms </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Use our self-help guide to find out whether you can care your symptoms at home or need to seek help </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Check your baby's fever symptoms </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Use our self-help guide to find out whether you can care for them at home or need to seek help </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col small-12" id="care"> <div class="panel-bg-line"> <h2 id="Care" class="alpha bold primary-color push--ends panel-bg-line__text"> Care </h2> </div> </div> <div class="col small-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="cf js-equal-height"> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Talking about your care </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Read advice on talking about care and making plans in advance. </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19): Visiting care homes </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Information about visiting residents in adult care homes, outings, and safeguards in place. </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col small-12" id="parents-and-families"> <div class="panel-bg-line"> <h2 id="Parents and families" class="alpha bold primary-color push--ends panel-bg-line__text"> Parents and families </h2> </div> </div> <div class="col small-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="cf js-equal-height"> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19): Pregnancy and newborn babies </h2> <p class="module__desc"> How coronavirus will affect your maternity care and how to reduce the risk to your baby </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col small-12" id="complications"> <div class="panel-bg-line"> <h2 id="Complications" class="alpha bold primary-color push--ends panel-bg-line__text"> Complications </h2> </div> </div> <div class="col small-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="cf js-equal-height"> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> PIMS </h2> <p class="module__desc"> PIMS is a rare complication of coronavirus, mainly in school-age children </p> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col small-12" id="other-languages-and-formats"> <div class="panel-bg-line"> <h2 id="Other languages and formats" class="alpha bold primary-color push--ends panel-bg-line__text"> Other languages and formats </h2> </div> </div> <div class="col small-12"> <div class="row"> <div class="cf js-equal-height"> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice in Arabic </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Latest guidance about coronavirus in Arabic </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (Covid-19) advice in Bengali </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Latest guidance about coronavirus in Bengali </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice in Chinese (simplified) </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Latest guidance about coronavirus in Chinese (simplified), including protective measures, testing and self-isolation advice </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice in Chinese (traditional) </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Latest guidance about coronavirus including treatments | Chinese (traditional) </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice in Dari </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Latest guidance about coronavirus in Dari </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice in Farsi </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Latest guidance about coronavirus in Farsi, including protective measures, testing and self-isolation advice </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice in Hindi </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Latest guidance about coronavirus in Hindi </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice in Pashto </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Latest guidance about coronavirus in Pashto </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice in Polish </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Latest guidance about coronavirus in Polish </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice in Punjabi </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Latest guidance about coronavirus in Punjabi </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice in Romanian </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Latest guidance about coronavirus in Romanian, including protective measures, testing and self-isolation advice </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 class="module__title nhsuk-card__heading nhsuk-heading-s"> Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice in Russian </h2> <p class="module__desc"> Latest guidance about coronavirus in Russian </p> </a> <a href="/web/20230320233243/" class="col small-12 medium-6 large-4 module"> <!-- Please ensure image is using class and remove me after completed --> <!-- Ensure you use the featurePanelSmall Image and the css will do the rest --> <h2 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