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From migrating to Canada in her high school years to working as a full time correctional officer to her first Canadian feature film and actively working for the Vancouver International South Asian Film Festival... Mannu shares with us her insights into the Canada - India connect and potential in entertainment industry linkages. Host: Annie Dubé, Consul General of Canada in Mumbai Guest: Mannu Sandhu Support Team: Etienne Lambert, Jayita Phulsunge, Vanessa Fernandes Production Team: Chhavi @Sonologue Sound Engineer: Vijay Doiphode Logo design: Jasmine Bharathan Music by ValentineMusic, Music Standard License Copyright 2021, Consulate General of Canada in Mumbai Note: This episode was recorded in 2020 before the pandemic and the host now has a new role with the Canadian government. 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Host: Annie Dubé, Consul General of Canada in Mumbai Guest: Mannu Sandhu Support Team: Etienne Lambert, Jayita Phulsunge, Vanessa Fernandes Production Team: Chhavi @Sonologue Sound Engineer: Vijay Doiphode Logo design: Jasmine Bharathan Music by ValentineMusic, Music Standard License Copyright 2021, Consulate General of Canada in Mumbai Note: This episode was recorded in 2020 before the pandemic and the host now has a new role with the Canadian government. 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Though Canadian by birth, Mariellen considers India to be her "soul culture.” </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="19399064"> <img src="" alt="Ailish Campbell show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Ailish Campbell</span> <p class="show-title">The Canada In India Show</p> <p class="episode-body">A special tete-e-tete with Ailish Campbell from her last visit to Mumbai (February 2020), while she was the assistant deputy minister for international business development and chief trade commissioner of Canada. She led a global team of trade and international business development experts to help Canadian companies & educational institutions go global, grow & create jobs. Discover the evolving trade linkages between Canada & India and more on the Trade Commissioner Services which is now over 100 years old.</p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="19398881"> <img src="" alt="Mannu Sandhu show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Mannu Sandhu</span> <p class="show-title">The Canada In India Show</p> <p class="episode-body">Mannu Sandhu is an Indo-Canadian Actress, Model, Dancer and Producer of the Vancouver International South Asian Film Festival. From migrating to Canada in her high school years to working as a full time correctional officer to her first Canadian feature film and actively working for the Vancouver International South Asian Film Festival... Mannu shares with us her insights into the Canada - India connect and potential in entertainment industry linkages.</p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="13659953"> <img src="" alt="Cynapse show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Cynapse</span> <p class="show-title">The Canada In India Show</p> <p class="episode-body">Apurva Roy Choudhury, CEO, and Romasha Roy Choudhury, VP - Product Design, at Cynapse chat with our host Annie Dubé about their journey from Mumbai to Prince Edward Island. Cynapse designs real-time business dashboards for IOS devices, allowing companies to see KPIs instantly. </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="13594358"> <img src="" alt="Asad Lalljee show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Asad Lalljee</span> <p class="show-title">The Canada In India Show</p> <p class="episode-body">Asad Lalljee, SVP Essar Group, CEO at Avid Learning and Curator of the Royal Opera House joins our host Annie Dubé on this episode to chat about a public programming initiative, the only surviving opera house in the country, India's 4th largest conglomerate Essar Group, the evolution of art & culture in the city, cultural ties between Canada-India and more!</p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="13087397"> <img src="" alt="Mark Cohon show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Mark Cohon</span> <p class="show-title">The Canada In India Show</p> <p class="episode-body">Mark Cohon, the 12th commissioner of the Canadian Football League, and currently the Chair at the Juno Awards and with Toronto Global, is also an active partner in the rapidly growing Georgian Bay Spirit company. On this episode, he chats with our host Consul General Annie Dubé about investment, Canadian innovation ecosystem, tech, sports diplomacy & more!</p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="13087373"> <img src="" alt="Shaili Chopra show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Shaili Chopra</span> <p class="show-title">The Canada In India Show</p> <p class="episode-body">"A award winning Indian business journalist, author, entrepreneur and founder of India's no.1 digital media platform for women She The People TV - Shaili Chopra chats with our host Annie Dubé about women empowerment, feminism in India, the digital boom, media consumption, women's economy & more. </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="13087277"> <img src="" alt="Amy Kim show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Amy Kim</span> <p class="show-title">The Canada In India Show</p> <p class="episode-body">Amy Kim is a Canadian with Korean-Taiwanese origin. She is a McGill Alumni who worked as the Marketing Director at Reality Tours in Dharavi Mumbai, one of the largest slums in the world. </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="13087049"> <img src="" alt="Deval Desai show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Deval Desai</span> <p class="show-title">The Canada In India Show</p> <p class="episode-body">Deval Desai, the dynamic Vice President and Country Head for India at Magna International, chats with Consul General Annie Dubé about Magna International, the world's 3rd largest automotive supplier and the journey of this leading Canadian automotive supplier in India, after establishing its presence in here way back in 2004. Also some key pointers of success for Canadian businesses looking to enter the Indian market. </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="13027178"> <img src="" alt="Parmesh Shahani show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Parmesh Shahani</span> <p class="show-title">The Canada In India Show</p> <p class="episode-body">Parmesh Shahani is the the Vice President of Godrej industries ltd. and the head of India Culture Lab in Mumbai. On this episode, he shares the significance of the experimental space he runs, the cross pollination of ideas, pop-up museums, pink capitalism, and his love for all things Canadian. </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <div id="episode-endpoint" class="collection-item">&nbsp;</div> </div> </div> </div> <a class="btn center-block" id="show-more-episodes" style="display:block!important;">More Episodes</a> </div> <div class="col s12 m8" id="info-panel"> <div class="card-panel"> <div class="episode-description"> <p>Mannu Sandhu is an Indo-Canadian Actress, Model, Dancer and Producer of the Vancouver International South Asian Film Festival. From migrating to Canada in her high school years to working as a full time correctional officer to her first Canadian feature film and actively working for the Vancouver International South Asian Film Festival... Mannu shares with us her insights into the Canada - India connect and potential in entertainment industry linkages.</p> <p><br /> Host: Annie Dubé, Consul General of Canada in Mumbai<br /> Guest: Mannu Sandhu<br /> Support Team: Etienne Lambert, Jayita Phulsunge, Vanessa Fernandes<br /> Production Team: Chhavi @Sonologue<br /> Sound Engineer: Vijay Doiphode<br /> Logo design: Jasmine Bharathan<br /> Music by ValentineMusic, Music Standard License<br /> Copyright 2021, Consulate General of Canada in Mumbai</p> <p>Note: This episode was recorded in 2020 before the pandemic and the host now has a new role with the Canadian government.</p> <p>Cliquez ici pour la transcription en Français:</p> <p><a href= ""></a></p> <p>Click here for the transcript in English:</p> <p><a href= ""></a></p> <pre class="moz-quote-pre"> </pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row col sm12 m8"> <div id="fb-root"></div> <!-- facebook comment --> <div id="comments" style="height:100%" class="fb-comments" data-href="" data-width="100%" data-numposts="5" data-mobile="true"></div> </div> </div> <script> //Displays bulletpoints $('.episode-description ul').addClass('browser-default'); 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