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1468.54 934.06 1459.11 955.92 1445.15 957.72 1440.71 957.82 1434.42 963.77 1433.75 968.19 1435.23 969.89 1428.43 982.59 1422.5 982.91 1432.15 985.74 1432.16 987.67 1439.59 990.84 1438 996.32 1438.6 998.75 1445.81 996.72 1451.15 1009.05 1453.98 1009.94 1463.28 1009.59 1469.35 1013.01 1473.3 1034.2 1465.89 1044.37 1467.5 1049.44 1461.8 1064.72 1469.04 1066.28 1465.08 1063.81 1459.07 1070.54 1445.61 1074.71 1446.36 1076.4 1437.82 1067.74 1434.17 1062.66 1437.87 1058.5 1431.51 1061.25 1426.46 1070.78 1431.24 1074.63 1428.26 1065.1 1416.29 1063.25 1405.89 1069.48 1401.18 1091.05 1397.41 1097.43 1401.76 1099.78 1410.03 1108.56 1406.85 1117.6 1408.21 1123.46 1411.28 1129.54 1409.66 1147.52 1412.34 1153.93 1406.51 1157.14 1406.36 1167.14 1392.09 1184.33 1389.62 1189.09 1391.99 1193.52 1386.74 1189.7 1384.56 1185.81 1377.58 1189.82 1369.52 1197.43 1367.89 1202.59 1388.67 1199.14 1405.26 1191.88 1422.39 1191.22 1438.8 1187.15 1456.49 1175.77 1464.49 1162.36 1481.71 1156.23 1486.49 1159.99 1492.56 1150.13 1506.15 1135.02 1511.93 1132 1506.95 1117.27 1515.99 1119.54 1519.95 1126.05 1518.62 1125.15 1535.06 1127.75 1537 1110.54 1554.63 1101.56 1553.24 1099.83 1562.29 1105.08 1566.96 1094.99 1570.13 1089.36 1576.4 1101.93 1577.53 1104.3 1572.03 1111.5 1567.52 1120.05 1570.26 1127.55 1575.15 1124.55 1581.09 1134.84 1581.65 1137.48 1578.66 1154.58 1575.28 1168.12 1574.26 1173.89 1572.06 1180.33 1572.95 1178.87 1583.91 1173.88 1583.45 1174.27 1589.38 1177.97 1602.82 1177.36 1612.36 1167.45 1620.18 1152.02 1627.61 1141.03 1631.93 1134.18 1644 1136.06 1654.12 1132.82 1655.71 1113.81 1654.01 1105.32 1662.95 1093.45 1667.33 1076.85 1671.83 1068.13 1678.6 1060.92 1687.82 1054.93 1688.23 1048.42 1685.18 1044.86 1684.87 1038.51 1681.85 1015.69 1675.73 1002.53 1675.43 985.74 1680.03 972.45 1681.03 956.17 1685.79 949.89 1694.27 940.87 1687.78 933.5 1685.21 917.62 1686.04 911.35 1686.67 900.85 1679.83 885.79 1669.37 894.37 1679.94 890.83 1684.96 878.28 1689.45 871.26 1690.5 866.07 1697.22 851.56 1693.96 847.95 1697.73 831.57 1698.72"/> <polygon class="cls-2" points="866.25 1704.16 871.6 1697.91 888.16 1692.54 895.33 1687.7 904.66 1692.79 915.65 1694.94 920.09 1701.05 916.58 1704.96 909.85 1708.63 908.65 1715.67 895.6 1720.36 885.58 1711.69 879.58 1709.19 874.75 1705.06 867.38 1706.15 866.25 1704.16"/> </g> <g id="london" class="node"> <path id="path152" class="cls-3" d="M999,1529.86c4.4-2.72,9.76-1.63,14.66-1.62.62,2.18.31,5,2.25,6.55,2.77,2.38,5.54,4.79,8.53,6.92,1.35,1.2,3.17.43,4.73.18,5.4-1.31,10.68-3.22,16.25-3.73,1.54,3.82,3.1,7.65,4.38,11.58-2.49,3.61-5.86,6.53-8.23,10.23-2.63,8.26-5.93,16.31-8.81,24.49a14.27,14.27,0,0,1-8.21,8.63c-3.72-.56-6.74-3.25-10.26-4.49-2.78,2.36-5.34,5-8,7.49-1.77-2.22-3.36-4.58-4.93-6.94-2.18-.27-4.36-.46-6.53-.71a53.21,53.21,0,0,0-2.79-7.31c-3.29-.18-4.73,3.83-7,5.72-.12-2.48,1.23-5.8-1.38-7.39-6.42-4.57-13.39-8.36-19.74-13-.46-4.46,2.92-8.38,3.18-12.8-.77-3.29-2.28-6.35-3.26-9.58,5.13-1.09,10.52-.8,15.53-2.37C986.09,1538.14,992.33,1533.67,999,1529.86Z"/> </g> <g id="wales" class="node"> <polygon class="cls-4" points="750.94 1547.25 746.19 1553.86 741.29 1553.42 731.65 1559.03 723.14 1560.64 715.43 1561.02 703.03 1568.01 698.55 1575.94 697.74 1582.2 687.47 1585.12 672.82 1586.04 661.81 1583.08 658.34 1583.11 656.33 1582.21 652.5 1575.43 649.09 1573.1 647.99 1570.4 645.3 1569.17 641.75 1570.06 637.32 1565.27 633.74 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542.21 1457.38 555.35 1455.19 559.58 1456.88 566.4 1451.56 575.83 1443.32 579.55 1444.39 585.93 1439.58 593.84 1433.79 604.5 1413.87 608.33 1394.72 604.55 1384.56 601.57 1379.48 604.94 1368.89 608.7 1362.57 604.52 1353.03 599.61 1344.64 603.09 1339.34 600.12 1331.48 609.25 1327.2 598.49 1329.59 593.63 1327.26 583.43 1328.97 582.82 1331.43 576.35 1330.8 575.63 1332.88 564.87 1341.74 566.82 1345.61 562.04 1350.03 560.02 1347.95 558.92 1344.33 553.46 1342.32 546.06 1346.39 541.24 1348.54 537.43 1346.35 549.64 1328.29 558.58 1322 564.81 1320.6 571.89 1312.6 575.67 1311.34 581.81 1303.56 582.15 1292.37 594.9 1282.69 580.25 1291.16 573.66 1286.31 566.15 1281.74 566.36 1277.78 561.01 1270.93 556.73 1272.24 554.03 1265.88 548.77 1265.22 549.21 1257.61 556.01 1260.37 559.38 1263.63 560.41 1261.23 558.44 1257.13 561.47 1249.84 559.92 1244.52 567.02 1243.66 574.92 1240.52 581.14 1241.86 582.54 1244.45 585.68 1242.97 588.65 1243.9 591.21 1252.43 594.72 1255.7 596.73 1263.56 602.63 1262.02 605.31 1259.79 611.73 1260.72 608.55 1269.71 601.18 1275.72 607.29 1273.8 612.21 1274.09 627.34 1266.07 632.95 1264.44 632.23 1260.68 629.1 1257.03 633.77 1257.1 637.27 1259.56 643.03 1261.09 649.05 1264.79 659.45 1264.51 670.02 1259.12 685.29 1254.85 689.74 1260.73 696.77 1265.24 707.35 1274.11 706.91 1270.13 717.41 1276.39 725.55 1285.21 719.6 1289.34 724.59 1295.12 728.84 1294.99 727.59 1300.04 731.42 1311.36 735.04 1316.95 741.45 1316.91 743.64 1321.01 742.79 1327.34 734.54 1331.45 732.04 1324.93 724.11 1325.07 719.38 1321.53 707.48 1326.44 702.12 1332.69 700.99 1339.13 701 1349.38 706.16 1350.23 712.11 1354.45 720.65 1360.02 716.62 1361.68 711.79 1364.2 710.05 1376.93 702.21 1384.8 702.63 1392.52 706.03 1393.31 710.55 1389.82 715.08 1385.9 715.61 1393.43 712.5 1397.83 701.66 1399.96 697.54 1404.95 692.48 1406.33 693.81 1412.2 700.13 1415.28 704.02 1419.73 711.95 1425.21 718.97 1423.67 719.95 1425.6 716.11 1428.16 714.75 1434.06 719.76 1436.39 719.4 1438.38 714.08 1438.55 711.11 1442.41 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1126.13 716.13 1125.5 717.6 1120.04 713.55 1114.78 712.65 1120.71 706.64 1129.13 701.91 1134.47 701.45 1139.91 698.52 1140.53 691.4 1129.82 690.7 1123.56 692.56 1122.43 693.87 1124.34 694.47 1122.08 693.53 1121.91 692.74 1119.37 694.12 1118.39 696.52 1117.78 697.1 1112.72 698.88 1109.55 696.85 1105.11 695.41 1110.02 693.98 1111.05 695.08 1113.78 692.68 1116.08 690.35 1115.3 685.84 1115.35 676.75 1099.07 676.62 1090.45 672.47 1085.47 670.98 1081.81 663.4 1071.92 659.88 1066.1 658.03 1065.22 656.31 1060.12 659.02 1058.48 661.89 1051.29 661.7 1048.29 663.19 1044.66 662.6 1039.16 667.47 1032.23 669.52 1026.79 670.67 1026.79 674.67 1022.3 676.64 1015.98 676.13 1013.32 680.11 1002.1 686.1 996.53 691.16 999.76 691 997.81 693.68 997.4 690.03 995.95 688.5 993.7 691.74 989.47 695.15 989.1 698.78 987.5 702.31 989.65 706.3 991.31 711.02 990.77 713.83 988.76 710.9 989.69 709.04 988.29 709.66 985.49 713.88 981.92 714.9 976.56 716.18 974.33 713.83 972.35 715.09 970.69 722.92 971.74 725.42 968.19 729.41 966.39 732.66 962.01 736.07 957 741.11 955.86 748.95 948.59 750.81 951.22 750.81 954.51 752.39 957.51 757.72 959.71 760.3 964.65 761.67 966.36 768.29 965.85 769.13 973.75 761.81 977.61 757.9 985.29 760.94 987.63 763.05 992.9 761.79 995.32 757.52 1000.03 760.41 1004.9 759.98 1007.35 764.26 1012.66 769.67 1010.82 772.22 1007.7 775.92 1003.57 779.16 1009.73 784.59 1014.53 785.74 1017.76 783.82 1025.35 781.82 1032.69 783.52 1034.59 787.53 1036.48 787.89 1039.42 784.65 1042.38 786.52 1048.05 795.57 1055.24 799.84 1060.8 799.96 1065.94 800.54 1070.12 797.34 1073.11 793.22 1071.46 787.85 1074.84 786.41 1079.68 787.84 1082.43 787 1085.24 784.42 1085.32 780.08 1088.69 778.45 1086.17 774.71 1087 772.05 1085.88 766.16 1086.61 762.93 1082.63 759.95 1082.8 759.15 1087.86 760.85 1091.97 760 1095.92 763.36 1097.42 767.45 1100.8 765.73 1103.97 769.9 1106.65 771.41 1106.47 770.98 1110.66 766.67 1117.99 761.72 1122.74 761.35 1127.23 765.04 1130.9 771.04 1135.1 770.42 1140.61 767.54 1141.82 767.31 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712.87 416.79 700.82 428.21 688.47 433.8 679.25 446.97 670.17 454.98 655.55 466.29 650.38 468.39 647.54 476.73 640.15 480.23 634.58 485.35 634.44 492.99 633.04 499.16 621.91 502 629.89 504.71 638.53 500.59 642.61 505.23 645.92 505.1 649.71 499.16 654.54 499.16 646.25 512.6 637.93 524.39 634.24 528.7 629.15 528.12 627.09 524.21 617.04 527.95 606.04 531.95 597.61 541.24 610.94 531.54 618.64 530.2 623.88 533.11 628.83 529.41 633.49 530.96 622.71 542.28 623.36 546.62 617.74 549.04 616.13 552.95 611.6 559.06 598.14 559.01 606.13 562.18 611.04 560.96 616.11 560.79 621.45 554.99 627.76 549.47 625.01 546.2 630.91 542.79 634.61 544.21 643.88 545.28 652.21 538.95 656.07 534.9 665.26 532.71 672.54 533.59 677.19 530.65 677.1 526.91 681.75 526.28 692.72 523.19 696.99 523.55 719.88 533.87 725.18 531.21 730.59 528 738.33 528.62 749.21 529.28 754.38 533.45 770.65 532.8 780.71 533.61 782.14 530.27 785.96 529.01 794.54 532.65 799.08 529.03 801.68 527.68 810.45 528.11 814.34 531.68 818.02 531.48 823.21 539.03 828.34 542.42 828.41 549.99 834.04 562.18 828.77 572.39 821.23 583.94 816.21 588.95 806.38 608.45 806.31 621.42 808.54 622.43 799.54 641.54 793.21 656.28 792.98 666.35 783.36 680.31 777.31 683.58 774.04 684.78 771.88 696.45 769.03 700.94 767.45 707.11 768.88 709.64 759.1 721.26 748.53 729.86 744.11 735.8 727.35 735.45 709.54 740.86 695.48 753.5 712.82 742.85 726.45 737.68 746.24 738.53 738.96 743.77 738.77 751.29 744.2 756.99 751.24 758.68 757.95 764.4 759.59 766.56 752.54 772.45 740.45 780.38 734.05 782.07 729.62 778.71 723.29 779.22 714.83 786.74 707.04 793.12 703.88 801.11 695.08 803.52 686.04 807.61 679.03 809.25 667.84 806.08 656.71 803.78 646.58 795.54 654.95 805.32 668.81 809.91 684.26 813.65 689.09 812.3 694.72 814.79 704.39 815.21 712.7 820.84 715.38 819.7 719.4 820.11 725.64 816.51 728.67 815.62 729.19 811.2 732.67 806.3 734.83 805.64 737.71 800.78 746.48 802.6 750.64 802.2 756.76 805.52 761.17 810.82 770.11 813.29 777.35 818.41 778.04 822.45 790.35 824.78 795.54 823.95 799.36 826.88 801.41 826.7 802.01 831.04 806.4 833.76 811.19 844.36 805.7 847.65 805.65 852.04 803.67 854.19 801.63 855.7 799.62 858.59 797.25 859.96 797.96 861.74 794.57 865.35 793.31 868.97 790.61 871 791.62 872.76 790.96 872.95 790.11 872.27 784.37 872.17 782.36 874.06 783.3 875.75 786.71 879.55 786.43 882.21 787.13 884.04 792.09 889.38 792.08 891.99 792.87 893.05 792.57 895.47 794.75 898.42 795.42 901.33 798.13 901.99 793.44 907.59 789.93 907.59 786.55 909.71 784.76 911.97 783.2 911.83 781.59 913.9 782.86 916.54 781.44 918.23 781.86 919.08 778.4 921.71 777.01 921.85 776.26 920.71 774.13 920.04 772.17 920.04 770.7 920.97 767.84 921.49 765.24 925.85 761.97 927.45 760.13 930.12 756.37 932.94 752.71 936.98 754.75 938.83 753.92 942.56 752.88 943.37 750.84 943.3 748.95 948.59 741.11 955.86 736.07 957 729.41 966.39 725.42 968.19 722.92 971.74 715.09 970.69 713.83 972.35 716.18 974.33 714.9 976.56 713.88 981.92 710.16 984.92"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="504.54 853.78 515.42 860.98 518.92 874.1 516.53 878.46 520.3 879.87 523.07 888.31 522.85 900.11 516.83 904.28 504.54 902.28 496.11 890.5 497.1 881.62 493.97 875.15 495.46 862.45 504.54 853.78"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="541.83 848.37 541.83 843.61 537.55 845.51 536.07 851.64 536.6 852.63 533.98 855.53 535.16 857.86 536.43 857.59 537.53 854.59 537.24 853.12 538.15 851.23 541.12 850.81 541.83 848.37"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="464.38 852.95 461.57 863.54 459.57 865.34 457.54 860.38 461.72 852.85 464.38 852.95"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="517.12 846.13 515.5 844.28 515.94 841.11 517.75 843.24 517.12 846.13"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="468.04 780.9 469.81 787.43 461.6 801.25 457.53 807.59 453.59 814.82 448.29 826.79 444.95 827.59 443.02 832.67 443.69 834.35 441.32 840.01 434.04 840.01 430.27 835.24 429.3 824.69 431.55 819.53 435.25 813.87 440.93 812.79 445.63 812.03 440.93 810.24 439.94 809.93 438.64 807.33 442.25 802.29 443.21 799.56 450.38 793.74 456.37 790.4 456.71 788.11 463.5 784.35 463.62 783.18 468.04 780.9"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="427.6 814.46 427.84 817.55 426.29 823.36 428.25 828.78 429.35 837.86 431.04 841.44 433.29 844.16 433.04 848.46 434.73 850.95 433.75 855.01 434.87 856.11 435.16 857.91 430.1 861.2 429.5 864.72 427.61 864.92 422.79 865.7 420.52 867.36 417.85 865.86 416.15 866.11 416.37 867.79 412.8 872.54 409.62 874.15 404.96 873.03 403.54 870.11 406.77 863.21 407.71 860.78 410.45 861.77 411.3 859.39 409.35 853.78 406.85 851.16 404.52 850.63 405.88 845.11 408.54 844.31 412.21 842.95 410.31 840.6 406.95 839.36 403.54 840.01 401.54 846.36 396.91 853.31 390.81 857.75 386.54 853.78 389.77 850.41 388.46 848.95 392.56 844 393.8 839.28 391.8 838.33 391.8 836 394.12 834.34 395.29 826.9 402.79 824.05 407.17 821.04 409.62 823.57 413.54 822.61 420.06 815.65 421.96 815.99 423.51 814.9 427.6 814.46"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="427.22 781.71 423.41 783.89 422.99 786.04 421.41 785.41 416.29 789.28 412.8 796.61 414.38 799.78 413.53 801.52 416.11 803.93 419.64 800.51 423.24 795.95 422.33 793.5 425.75 788.62 428.22 784.01 427.22 781.71"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="471.64 778.33 469.85 767.53 466.79 769.86 469.07 772.84 465.13 775.11 463.93 779.1 468.57 779.94 470.47 778.47 471.64 778.33"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="464.65 765.69 464.61 763.97 462.57 764.4 461.8 766.51 464.65 765.69"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="480.02 729.19 482.02 727.28 482.5 723.71 485.77 722.24 493.36 713.49 495.58 714.05 493.97 718.2 489.37 723.99 485.79 726.03 483.58 728.49 481.6 729.96 480.02 729.19"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="475.52 729.72 475.65 735.62 473.67 741.58 468.13 748.06 457.29 754.13 452.12 751.94 455.83 747.84 454.95 746.87 451.79 746.87 447.92 751.84 443.95 751.6 437.34 756.03 434.65 754.46 427.96 757.04 418.79 756.36 417.4 759.55 410.13 757.89 405.65 754.27 407.71 747.3 410.64 744.63 413.71 745.59 416.13 746.16 418.8 749.59 418.88 746.1 423.96 746.44 424.96 747.69 432.64 746.47 435.75 744.25 438.04 744.25 441.26 742.1 440.44 739.39 436.39 741.79 433.04 744.25 429.05 743.46 424.96 744.28 422.7 740.2 428.42 734.87 429.13 731.02 427.37 730.04 428.85 728.53 432.26 728.4 437.55 728.66 439.26 726.9 441.97 725.39 443.24 723.13 441.79 721.76 433.5 725.11 431.74 725.39 430.49 725.67 428.59 726.97 424.04 726.51 418.88 725.03 415.46 723.2 414.21 719.53 419.95 720.36 422.47 719.6 426.79 721.76 429.97 722.42 429.46 720.82 426.27 718.99 422.42 715.79 418.1 716.17 412.79 714.24 412.4 710.72 415.55 709.52 417.11 707.22 414.8 707 414.3 702.3 420.43 700.61 423.23 701.92 423.43 697.48 427.3 695.99 430.44 695.21 433.84 694.43 435.72 696.64 439.03 697.65 438.82 700.61 439.21 701.58 440.49 701.35 443.92 706.56 446.12 709.4 445.54 710.78 447.04 713.36 448.21 717.16 450.79 717.16 458.63 719.38 461.8 719.23 465.08 722.74 466.75 725.03 469.71 724.69 471.29 727.64 475.52 729.72"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="402.88 751.84 406.64 747.43 407.44 744.75 404.16 744.55 401.21 746.61 402.42 748.3 400.57 749.85 400.4 751.28 402.88 751.84"/> <polyline class="cls-8" points="418.57 729.04 418.26 726.96 420.45 727.96 420.45 728.66 418.2 728.69"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="433.62 726.48 436.13 725.39 436.58 726.97 435.36 727.62 433.62 726.48"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="404.09 719.04 405.37 720.79 403.48 722.68 401.96 721.76 404.09 719.04"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="352.3 724.19 352.23 714.82 356.29 710.45 362.06 711.43 362.98 712.87 367.41 709.72 372.63 708.9 374.03 707.59 374.83 707.49 375.85 709.69 376.88 709.69 377.42 712.94 376.22 713.83 371.04 713.57 369.58 714.69 370.57 715.99 368.38 719.04 362.75 719.28 360.54 721.86 361.54 723.34 360.81 726.01 358.57 726.82 356.77 726.32 355.88 724.07 354.33 723.66 352.3 724.19"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="376.01 706.95 378.06 705.91 379.14 706.7 377.63 707.73 376.01 706.95"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="378.4 703.78 383.5 701.87 387.61 695.99 396.39 688.76 402.13 686.52 403.95 688.21 400.4 695.96 397.21 700.2 391.96 703.78 385.46 705.11 383.07 704.56 381.09 707.46 378.4 703.78"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="427.2 655.3 427.86 651.75 431.55 650.77 431.5 647.66 434.96 645.82 437.43 649.54 436.65 655.93 433.35 658.64 430.94 658.14 427.2 655.3"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="420.84 663.51 422.07 661.8 426.17 661.99 427.12 664.45 424.47 666.18 423.42 665.05 422.54 665.91 420.84 665.45 420.84 663.51"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="416.85 647.04 412.88 643.53 412.88 640.2 405.55 633.11 411.15 628.96 418.19 625.54 423.33 629.09 425.5 631.03 423.52 633.87 425.72 634.49 425.35 639.28 422.71 643.53 420.6 646.37 416.85 647.04"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="393.05 627.52 392.24 625.67 395.05 624.13 397.14 624 397.98 622.89 403.58 623.37 404.38 625.2 405.54 627.85 402.44 627.65 400.98 626.96 400.71 625.56 398.65 625.69 396.56 627.43 393.05 627.52"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="433.09 609.74 427.63 609.74 425.51 611.54 428.27 615.44 431.02 614.2 430.42 612.64 433.09 612.01 433.09 609.74"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="461.36 591 463.71 590.59 464.45 592.61 462.53 593.73 461.3 592.62 461.36 591"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="463.71 579.73 464.41 582.6 465.67 583.12 467.05 582.49 465.45 579.11 463.71 579.73"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="444.99 582.39 443.1 577.09 443.1 568.2 446.44 559.89 450.11 560.01 448.5 556.36 448.68 555.11 451.38 555.11 450.93 551.32 451.81 546.83 453.8 545.99 453.21 540.86 457.25 540.09 457.25 543.78 455.36 548.91 454.21 552.32 454.22 555.11 451.3 562.41 449.31 564.56 450.63 574.1 451.8 575.11 451.8 578.99 448.11 582.39 444.99 582.39"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="293.9 664.65 294 655.33 306.6 645.41 304.68 636.29 317.36 619.44 328.04 627.66 320.2 636.29 312.88 645.82 302.07 655.33 298.27 664.78 293.9 664.65"/> <polyline class="cls-8" points="329.13 620.95 320.78 608.69 322.55 576.13 324.25 557.45 328.21 543.41 319.17 533.47 313.88 528.23 321.66 518.13 333.26 518.03 350.23 507.39 350.62 518.41 360.01 521.21 352.5 534.2 340.93 552.11 340.62 572.29 339.55 584.41 335.34 593.43 336.14 607.82 339.23 611.48 330.43 622.05"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="366.73 510.81 353.73 491.41 367.85 483.12 357.97 481.91 363.43 476.76 370.74 481.27 379.04 480.25 368.15 472.34 354.01 467.64 352.65 459.06 361.78 461.45 364.81 459.71 355.99 450.22 361.79 430.5 368.15 422.2 374.57 426.04 378.71 433.93 381.13 430.68 380.5 418.95 385.53 426.24 390.79 433.59 390.41 429.44 386.02 419.6 391.11 414.29 402.39 407.6 411.68 407.6 426.41 393 437.67 382.35 444.69 391.67 443.1 398.91 441.8 409.05 444.15 411.7 433.57 424.54 429.61 430.88 431.6 433.34 440.12 427.94 444.56 425.09 446.95 427.7 442.28 435.82 435.49 439.34 431.16 434.94 424.86 437.68 424.86 446.93 424.06 456.77 426.45 464.99 420.66 468.56 414.84 467.7 414.75 477.99 407.64 482.03 396.1 479.78 396.64 485.85 398.1 491.26 395.02 492.44 386.63 483.85 385.33 486.73 389.64 495.59 378.7 499.38 370.91 506.56 366.73 510.81"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="729.41 355.54 697.16 347.76 686.3 328.37 693.21 289.34 712.4 290.76 716.49 277.02 732.13 283.47 738.41 276.66 719.25 262.61 719.45 255.19 737.4 243.28 744.55 271.46 752.9 269.93 764.75 256.74 772.54 257.87 772.42 245.35 777.18 244.54 774.85 264.39 761.25 271.69 751.14 279.48 760.83 287.94 764.69 295.36 760.73 306.94 751.4 292.92 746.24 286.86 733.38 288.24 732.34 299.11 741.45 295.09 743.38 304.29 740.65 311.66 747.21 311.95 748.75 321.66 738.08 332.1 734.28 337.12 735.17 349.04 729.41 355.54"/> <polygon class="cls-8" points="859.9 159.52 863.43 123.62 861.97 106.5 852.78 117.02 836.35 107.29 829.51 86.17 840.42 84.49 841.03 90.89 855.42 86.99 854.88 68.89 843.05 59.28 832.88 62.59 837.8 47.84 863.43 35.29 864.1 52.75 871.73 59.19 873.52 38.09 877.9 17.94 891.23 20.99 892.65 2.61 899.47 0 908.85 1.61 899.21 28.97 890.84 32.83 904.55 37.15 910.13 44.28 899.44 47.8 889.61 39.34 886.8 60.29 878.85 68.89 886.54 66.6 884.84 77.04 897.55 76.86 897.21 83.4 892.82 86.51 880.92 87.51 879.14 101.34 881.88 113.28 892.65 112.28 885.84 124.66 877.99 120.29 875.05 127.79 875.96 141.87 870.47 165.98 859.9 159.52"/> </g> <g id="sw" class="node"> <polygon class="cls-9" points="425.53 1804.03 421.12 1798.75 424.05 1794.39 424 1784.94 445.94 1773.32 452.56 1777.97 456.08 1774.23 456.81 1770.6 462.52 1770.95 473.46 1763.04 474.53 1758.13 478.08 1757.83 483.43 1752 483.25 1746.66 491.56 1742.32 495.55 1739.95 496.04 1728.54 497.17 1720.2 502.64 1721.39 509.6 1713.64 513.65 1715.14 517.49 1712.74 523.65 1712.34 527.34 1700.92 532.93 1698.29 538.9 1690.51 548.92 1682.5 548.5 1665.72 548.85 1661.59 552.51 1652.54 553.3 1643.86 564.6 1644.66 567.64 1647.48 574.75 1648.43 581.97 1641.15 586.59 1635.59 583.83 1626.9 582.49 1622.92 585.96 1623.25 587.39 1619.08 586.01 1616.17 596.5 1612.43 606.3 1612.83 615.35 1610.94 621.38 1610.73 627.58 1609.49 632.92 1607.38 640.87 1609.98 652.57 1611.63 657.86 1609.89 668.73 1614.42 671.93 1618.3 685.82 1619.06 703.15 1614.77 712.79 1614.16 713.48 1607.79 713.6 1595.35 717.96 1584.77 724.1 1583.3 732.93 1571.78 744.27 1565.84 749.95 1554.58 758.47 1545.28 767.62 1532.9 778.26 1523.24 770.21 1526.39 760.7 1535.82 750.94 1547.25 748.29 1537.9 750.14 1523.77 752.84 1509.29 763.92 1501.18 773.64 1499.37 767.95 1488.54 768.14 1480.77 771.65 1479.06 775.45 1483.27 778.21 1480.46 782.66 1478.9 782.95 1483.61 779.97 1488.1 784.37 1491.07 788.72 1487.39 794.56 1481.73 800.47 1478.65 803.76 1474.39 807.25 1475.56 809.54 1478.06 814.65 1475.07 820.07 1470.39 828.72 1471.51 833.63 1469.5 834.04 1460.49 837.74 1456.64 836.21 1455 846.21 1452.69 853.24 1455.5 848.88 1469.59 858.65 1476.26 859.41 1488.8 848.25 1518.16 852.69 1533.61 851.52 1551.99 855.43 1553.45 868.93 1573.8 866.2 1590.81 868.36 1606.73 864.43 1606.32 859.37 1610.15 851.45 1610.35 855.75 1628.66 859.07 1629.73 858.84 1644.08 865.13 1652.63 862.74 1661.64 858.81 1656.04 837.47 1650.12 833.48 1652.18 839.92 1662.38 837.17 1666.6 835.88 1685.28 831.25 1693.74 831.57 1698.72 826.54 1703.2 826.5 1708.74 829.19 1709.36 826.23 1712.92 826.39 1717.67 820.3 1718.34 814.87 1720.92 813.16 1718.33 804.95 1715.26 793.28 1713.92 780.97 1711.61 774.07 1712.71 771.69 1718.38 775.95 1722.82 775.81 1727.55 771.91 1731.54 772.29 1725.41 771.13 1722.05 759.63 1711.45 744.22 1701.4 732.05 1696.71 723.84 1694.85 716.21 1698.72 710.23 1700.78 706.4 1699.84 703.71 1701.28 702.91 1702.59 694.89 1702.69 686.51 1705.04 683.05 1710.95 679.52 1712.41 675.96 1715.01 672.86 1715.11 669.55 1714.46 664.74 1720.68 664.46 1722.79 661.21 1727.54 659.77 1735.74 661.96 1737.51 662.67 1739.29 660.84 1739.97 657.63 1740.31 655.59 1741.17 654.76 1745.7 656.06 1748.74 659.38 1749.24 662.49 1749.09 660.55 1751.75 659.24 1754.48 659.3 1757.48 658.71 1758.91 655.86 1760.57 651.4 1762.16 647.68 1764.97 645.02 1769.68 643.65 1775.78 644.52 1779.01 643.72 1780.05 640.99 1779.39 636.25 1782.57 634.67 1780.54 630.36 1778.77 630.46 1780.21 629.18 1781.18 625.23 1779.71 620.35 1775.36 621.51 1774.41 620.81 1772 616.29 1766.8 612.35 1765.57 609.39 1764.54 605.71 1765.21 601.34 1766.63 598.63 1764.45 595.61 1763 593.8 1760.33 593 1755.33 588.51 1754.56 589.33 1757.34 586.95 1758.51 587.06 1760.93 587.05 1762.22 583.46 1762.8 582.28 1761.9 582.9 1760.94 578.97 1756.98 573.96 1754.73 567.95 1754.83 561.51 1754.28 558.21 1755.78 558.71 1757.1 556.07 1759.01 554.04 1758.35 549.25 1760.34 544.32 1758.84 537.85 1759.4 534.84 1761.46 533.35 1759.99 533.68 1757.26 532.51 1755.91 529.32 1757.5 525.59 1759.01 526.56 1762.47 524.78 1764.05 523.68 1766.77 524.55 1770.04 522.78 1774.33 520.91 1776.8 517.59 1774.93 514.31 1773.95 510.75 1777.49 507.57 1780.51 506.26 1778.55 504.03 1779.26 502.25 1782.62 502.34 1785.05 499.58 1787.98 496.99 1788.97 495.61 1785.76 496.47 1783 494.38 1777.82 493.58 1780.84 494.56 1782.97 493.23 1787.3 487.32 1795.88 491.44 1800.79 490.88 1806.83 487.25 1811.84 483.62 1811.12 479.96 1812.39 477.98 1816.17 478.35 1817.49 474.52 1818.75 472.02 1815.99 469.13 1811.72 470.27 1807.9 467.98 1804.1 465.41 1798.94 461.35 1796.05 459.17 1796.39 456.82 1794.08 452.42 1794.24 446.68 1789.5 442.62 1789.61 440.22 1792.43 441.54 1795.33 438.98 1800.39 434.74 1801.62 425.53 1804.03"/> <polygon class="cls-9" points="345.22 1816.11 355.7 1809.32 361.64 1813.55 363.6 1817.89 355.72 1824.92 347.85 1829.64 344.55 1829.64 343.85 1827.68 353.96 1822.18 351.81 1820.03 347.72 1819.13 345.22 1816.11"/> </g> <g id="ni" class="node"> <path class="cls-10" d="M483.22,1053.51l-3.16-6.15-.38-5.24-4.78-9.62-1.65-8.26-8.82-1.71v1.77l-7-.31-6.15.31-13,9.18,2.44-9.9,5.18-5,8.92-3.22,5.1-5.48.63-7.5-3.95-6.86-6.26.9-3.59-7.77L445,984l-6.87-7.87-5.29-3.16,2-5-.43-5.83-7.55-1.18,3-12-2.51-7.64-8.75-7.37-7.73,3.46-6.23-6.24-8.26.31-10.41-1.2L373.59,936l-9.52,5.59-9.39.55-12.27-4.48L340,948.3l-3.57,4.43-2,7.28-8.11.12-4.8-2-7.74,3.13-3.35,5.24-2.72,4.32-5.07,4.38-2.87,1.32L294.81,978l-.13,8.44-.7,3.66-.52,3.6-6,4.41-2.49,4.16-1.06,5.9-7.19-1.1-4.54,3.39-5.78,3.55-2.23,0-4.22-4.75-6,4.34-3.63-.37-.18,6.13,4.08,4.12,2.72,3,5.67.42,6.93.27,1.51,2.52-9.53,4.05-4.2,4.9L258,1042l7.43,1.36-1.06,2,2.31,3,.58,3.9,2.33,6.17,4.77,7-1.11,3.28-4-6.29-4.9-7.53-6.3-3.28-12.29-.59,1.81-5.67,6.91-2.74,2-1.7-5.79-.1-8.44-1.63-2.72,2.4-2.58,6.48-4.42.26-7,2.34,3.56,8.84,7.15,9.24,4.68.37,3.25,8.19,6.49,1.94,1.67,12.06,3.37,3.51,9.61.31,6.42,4.36,11.14,9.29,1.39-1.5,4.95,2,4.07-4.28-3.15-3-3.68-8.08-7.23-6.91,3.07-2.47,6.47,6.51,4.57,10.61,1.25,5.2,7.05,2.93,5.75,0,3.73-5.1-.13-5.7,5.35-4.14,5.11-1.77-.92-7.49-4.2-3.77,2.63-5.73,7-4,6.14-9.83,6.53,4.24,7.24,7.62,3,7.2-2.63,2.75,2.13,3.79,6.82,10.72,6.35,1.47,4,0,2.71,5-2.51,7.66-.57,6.95,5.72,3.8,10.35-2.43,4,.08,6.46-1,3.54-7.7,6.18,1.65,7.38-.84,5,6.7,6.15,1.32-1.53,1.52,3.95,4.11,3.84-2.47,9.46-8.37,3.12-4.31,2.12-7.64-1.61-5.9,2.6-3.48,4.26-2.37,11.33-1,3.5,4.06,5.06-3.68,3.33-3.91,3.4-7.56-.28-4.45-4.68-6.25-6,2.59,1.71-6.77,2.11-5.26-2.05-5.83,2.3-4.54-8.17-4.85,2.65-6.59,8.66,8.28,3.31,5.59-.35,9.31L470,1070.3l5.58,8.79,5.12-9-1.75-7.08,3.71-3.85Zm-77.38-32.82-4.12,5.22-1.88,6.65,5.29,1.34-2.9,3.73-5.35,6.64-.8,5.34-3.25,2.6-2.51-5.34-6-.63-6.4,1.28-4.45-4.29,3.33-4.42,4.58-8.24,1-7.1-1-8.34,5-4.91-.27,4.29,3.69,2.18,9.39-.77,6.75-1.9,2.11,2.18Zm-142.44,26-1-1H259.1l-5.28,1.67-.19,1.73,2.31.27,3.79-1.84,2.72,0ZM415.14,929.31l1.95-6.93-7.83-1.69-5,2.76,7.38.22Z"/> </g> <g id="lines" class="node"> <path class="cls-11" d="M686.34,991l6.42-2.58,11.74-.52,5.16-2.44,4.22-3.57,1-5.36,1.28-2.23-2.35-2,1.26-1.66,7.83,1,2.5-3.55,4-1.8,3.25-4.38,3.41-5,5-1.14,7.83-7.27,1.89-5.29,2,.06,1-.8.83-3.73-2-1.85,3.66-4,3.76-2.82,1.84-2.67,3.27-1.6,2.6-4.36,2.86-.52,1.48-.93h1.94l2.14.67.75,1.14,1.39-.14,3.46-2.64-.42-.84,1.42-1.69-1.28-2.64,1.62-2.07,1.56.14,1.8-2.26,3.37-2.12h3.51l4.69-5.6-2.71-.66-.67-2.91-2.18-2.95.3-2.42-.8-1.06,0-2.61-5-5.33-.7-1.84.28-2.66-3.41-3.8-.94-1.69,2-1.89,,2.7-2,1.26-3.62,3.39-3.61-.71-1.78,2.37-1.37,2-2.89,2-1.51,2-2.15.05-4.39,5.49-3.29,19.49-7.5"/> <polyline class="cls-11" points="748.95 948.59 750.81 951.22 750.81 954.51 752.39 957.51 757.72 959.71 760.3 964.65 761.67 966.36 768.29 965.85 769.13 973.75 761.81 977.61 757.9 985.29 760.94 987.63 763.05 992.9 761.79 995.32 757.52 1000.03 760.41 1004.9 759.98 1007.35 764.26 1012.66 769.67 1010.82 775.92 1003.57 779.16 1009.73 784.59 1014.53 785.74 1017.76 781.82 1032.69 783.52 1034.59 787.53 1036.48 787.89 1039.42 784.65 1042.38 786.52 1048.05 795.57 1055.24 799.84 1060.8 799.96 1065.94 800.54 1070.12 797.34 1073.11 793.22 1071.46 787.85 1074.84 786.41 1079.68 787.84 1082.43 787 1085.24 784.42 1085.32 780.08 1088.69 778.45 1086.17 774.71 1087 772.05 1085.88 766.16 1086.61 762.93 1082.63 759.95 1082.8 759.15 1087.86 760.85 1091.97 760 1095.92 763.36 1097.42 767.45 1100.8 765.73 1103.97 769.9 1106.65 771.41 1106.47 770.98 1110.66 766.67 1117.99 761.72 1122.74 761.35 1127.23 765.04 1130.9 771.04 1135.1 770.42 1140.61 767.54 1141.82 767.31 1144.74 765.21 1144.73 763.16 1144.92 760.42 1145.95 760.02 1148.89 761.59 1152.06 758.57 1155.02 755.56 1156.27 753.31 1155.52 752.94 1156.26 755.28 1159.4 756.21 1160.99 760.75 1160.01 763.74 1158.83 765.63 1161.54 764.82 1162.64 764.02 1167.11 768.72 1167.28 772 1170.71 772.5 1173.4 773.73 1174.27 775.72 1172.21 774.83 1170.31 777.25 1166.66 781.53 1163.38 788.64 1164.38 791.14 1167.23 793.43 1166.73 794.2 1168.78 799.2 1165.59 801.79 1166.72 806.77 1165.73 808.87 1168.33 808.7 1169.22 812.33 1172.59 812.45 1176.36 804.58 1181.63 804.27 1189.2 802.98 1191.45 806.73 1194.5 810.45 1199.4 813.65 1204.4 814.67 1213.1 811.57 1216.54 811.69 1219.83 810.57 1224.45 812.72 1227.89 814.91 1226.41 820.23 1229.08 824.92 1229.45 824.92 1225.07 829.16 1224.26 834.11 1227.03 837.84 1230.96 836.7 1232.34 820.82 1236.32 812.55 1244.77 812.27 1250.32 816.32 1254.63 819.18 1258.56 819.31 1272.9 815.73 1283.04 804.19 1284.28 802.94 1288.42 793.54 1298.12 787.27 1301.16 779.63 1305.72 780.38 1312.5 773.26 1319.9 766.74 1320.61 761.33 1320.98 756.48 1317.09 747.1 1315.9 743.64 1321.01"/> <polyline class="cls-11" points="706.91 1270.13 717.41 1276.39 725.55 1285.21 719.6 1289.34 724.59 1295.12 728.84 1294.99 727.59 1300.04 731.42 1311.36 735.04 1316.95 741.45 1316.91 743.64 1321.01 742.79 1327.34 734.54 1331.45 732.04 1324.93 724.11 1325.07 719.38 1321.53 707.48 1326.44 702.12 1332.69 700.99 1339.13 701 1349.38 706.16 1350.23 712.11 1354.45 720.65 1360.02 716.62 1361.68 711.79 1364.2 710.05 1376.93 702.21 1384.8 702.63 1392.52 706.03 1393.31 715.08 1385.9 715.61 1393.43 712.5 1397.83 701.66 1399.96 697.54 1404.95 692.48 1406.33 693.81 1412.2 700.13 1415.28 704.02 1419.73 712.17 1425.22 718.97 1423.67 719.95 1425.6 716.11 1428.16 714.75 1434.06 719.76 1436.39 719.4 1438.38 714.08 1438.55 711.11 1442.41 705.55 1448.36 705.54 1454.7 701.65 1461.95 706.24 1474.25 705.38 1478.89 714.59 1493.15 715.98 1495.72 718.54 1494.57 718.58 1498.64 726.16 1495.39 728.85 1495.04 737.82 1502.41 739.75 1507.1 745.84 1509.17 752.84 1509.29 763.92 1501.18 773.64 1499.37 767.95 1488.54 768.14 1480.77 771.65 1479.06 775.45 1483.27 778.21 1480.46 782.66 1478.9 782.95 1483.61 779.97 1488.1 784.37 1491.07 794.56 1481.73 800.47 1478.65 803.76 1474.39 807.25 1475.56 809.54 1478.06 814.65 1475.07 820.07 1470.39 828.72 1471.51 833.63 1469.5 834.04 1460.49 837.74 1456.64 836.21 1455 846.21 1452.69 853.24 1455.5 848.88 1469.59 858.65 1476.26 859.41 1488.8 848.25 1518.16 852.69 1533.61 851.52 1551.99 855.43 1553.45 868.93 1573.8 866.2 1590.81 868.36 1606.73 864.43 1606.32 859.37 1610.15 851.45 1610.35 855.75 1628.66 859.07 1629.73 858.84 1644.08 865.13 1652.63 862.74 1661.64 858.81 1656.04 837.47 1650.12 833.48 1652.18 839.92 1662.38 837.17 1666.6 835.88 1685.28 831.25 1693.74 831.57 1698.72 836.46 1708.56"/> <polyline class="cls-11" points="859.41 1488.8 867.8 1482.69 872.18 1466.03 878.26 1461.64 884.58 1464.25 885.4 1458.03 887.2 1453.41 893.2 1457.61 896.44 1465.74 888.15 1470.49 893.13 1476.96 895.41 1484.28 908.22 1481.31 909.55 1473.18 926.83 1466.82 933.43 1475.28 938.88 1468.54 934.06 1459.11 955.92 1445.15 957.72 1440.71 957.82 1434.42 963.77 1433.75 968.19 1435.23 969.89 1428.43 982.59 1422.5 982.91 1432.15 985.74 1432.16 987.67 1439.59 990.84 1438 996.32 1438.6 998.75 1445.81 996.72 1451.15 1009.05 1453.98 1009.94 1463.28 1009.59 1469.35 1013.01 1473.3 1034.2 1465.89 1044.37 1467.5 1049.44 1461.8 1064.72 1469.04 1066.28 1465.08 1063.81 1459.07 1070.54 1445.61 1074.71 1446.36 1076.4 1437.82 1067.74 1434.17 1062.66 1437.87 1058.5 1431.51 1061.25 1426.46 1070.78 1431.24 1074.63 1428.26 1065.1 1416.29 1063.25 1405.89 1069.48 1401.18 1091.05 1397.41 1097.43 1401.76 1099.78 1410.03 1108.56 1406.85 1117.6 1408.21 1123.46 1411.28 1129.54 1409.66 1147.52 1412.34 1153.93 1406.51 1157.14 1406.36 1167.14 1392.09 1184.33 1389.62 1189.09 1391.99 1193.52 1386.74 1189.7 1384.56 1185.81 1377.58 1189.82 1369.52 1197.43 1367.89 1198.95 1373.46 1207.09 1380.61"/> <path id="path152-2" data-name="path152" class="cls-11" d="M999,1529.86c4.4-2.72,9.76-1.63,14.66-1.62.62,2.18.31,5,2.25,6.55,2.77,2.38,5.54,4.79,8.53,6.92,1.35,1.2,3.17.43,4.73.18,5.4-1.31,10.68-3.22,16.25-3.73,1.54,3.82,3.1,7.65,4.38,11.58-2.49,3.61-5.86,6.53-8.23,10.23-2.63,8.26-5.93,16.31-8.81,24.49a14.27,14.27,0,0,1-8.21,8.63c-3.72-.56-6.74-3.25-10.26-4.49-2.78,2.36-5.34,5-8,7.49-1.77-2.22-3.36-4.58-4.93-6.94-2.18-.27-4.36-.46-6.53-.71a53.21,53.21,0,0,0-2.79-7.31c-3.29-.18-4.73,3.83-7,5.72-.12-2.48,1.23-5.8-1.38-7.39-6.42-4.57-13.39-8.36-19.74-13-.46-4.46,2.92-8.38,3.18-12.8-.77-3.29-2.28-6.35-3.26-9.58,5.13-1.09,10.52-.8,15.53-2.37C986.09,1538.14,992.33,1533.67,999,1529.86Z"/> <polyline class="cls-11" points="837 1231.99 844.26 1244.8 852.35 1249.41 851.52 1253.41 865.21 1258.75 869.49 1254.12 883.73 1254.39 888.79 1259.65 895.67 1262.87 900.82 1258.49 908.23 1242.32 915.31 1240.36 914.5 1233.14 924.43 1224.19 927.76 1223.17 925.5 1216.63 934.2 1206.36 940.43 1204.61 946.46 1195.27 953.88 1191.3 961.83 1196.18 971.68 1193.25 972.09 1195.06 986 1191.79 995.07 1202.63 1007.7 1213.57 1021.93 1209.68"/> <polyline class="cls-11" points="752.84 1509.29 747.81 1539.19 750.94 1547.25 746.19 1553.86 739.17 1563.86 727.42 1569.03"/> <polyline class="cls-11" points="376.04 920.31 321.26 945.96 311.98 960.17 302.55 964.29 299.74 976.54 294.81 978.01 294.68 986.46 293.46 993.72 287.41 998.13 284.92 1002.29 283.86 1008.2 276.67 1007.09 266.35 1014.03 264.12 1013.99 259.9 1009.23 253.92 1013.57 250.29 1013.2 250.11 1019.33 256.91 1026.41 269.7 1027.42 271.02 1029.62 261.49 1033.67 257.41 1038.44 256.4 1040.97 250.62 1040.87 242.18 1039.24 239.46 1041.64 236.88 1048.12 232.46 1048.38 225.45 1050.72 229.01 1059.56 236.16 1068.8 240.84 1069.17 244.09 1077.36 250.58 1079.3 252.25 1091.36 255.62 1094.87 265.23 1095.18 282.79 1108.83 284.18 1107.33 289.13 1109.33 293.2 1105.05 290.05 1102.07 286.37 1093.99 279.13 1087.08 282.21 1084.61 288.68 1091.12 293.25 1101.73 294.5 1106.93 301.55 1109.86 307.31 1109.89 311.03 1104.8 310.9 1099.11 316.25 1094.96 321.37 1093.19 320.44 1085.7 316.24 1081.93 318.87 1076.2 325.85 1072.22 331.99 1062.39 338.52 1066.63 345.76 1074.25 348.79 1081.45 346.16 1084.2 355.11 1098.71 361.46 1100.18 365.4 1100.2 368.12 1105.25 365.61 1112.91 365.04 1119.86 370.76 1123.66 381.11 1121.23 385.1 1121.31 391.56 1120.34 395.1 1112.64 401.28 1114.29 403.77 1114.59 436.1 1149.51"/> </g> </svg> </div> <div class="vector-map-details"> <div id="details-ne" class="vector-details-inner"> <h2>North East &amp; Yorkshire</h2> <p><p>If you&rsquo;re visiting the North East and Yorkshire, we&rsquo;ve got several parking options for you. We&rsquo;ve got central car parks next to popular and lively locations in Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, York and Newcastle to make your journey easier. To make your journey hassle free, pre-book your parking to guarantee your space, giving you more time to explore the city.</p> </p> </div> <div id="details-nw" class="vector-details-inner"> <h2>North West</h2> <p><p>If you&rsquo;re planning a visit to the North West, we&rsquo;ve got car parks central to Bolton, Chester, Liverpool, Manchester, Preston and&nbsp;Salford. To make your journey hassle free, pre-book your parking to guarantee your space, giving you more time to explore the restaurants and activities of interest in the local area. Also, check out our weekend and day rates can help you save.</p> </p> </div> <div id="details-mid" class="vector-details-inner"> <h2>Midlands &amp; East Anglia</h2> <p><p>Within this region we are car parks central to these main areas: Birmingham, Coventry, Derby, Leicester, Lincoln, Newark-on-Trent, Norwich, Nottingham, Stratford upon Avon, Wolverhampton, Worcester. By booking your space you&rsquo;ll guarantee your space<ins cite="mailto:MarshaR" datetime="2016-09-29T09:35">,</ins>&nbsp;giving you more time to spend exploring the city. Also, check out our weekend and day rates that give you remarkable savings.</p> </p> </div> <div id="details-london" class="vector-details-inner"> <h2>Greater London &amp; Essex</h2> <p><p>Within Greater London and Essex we have car parks central to Bromley, City of Westminster, Colchester, Croydon, Crawley, Epsom, London, Wandsworth, Kingston and Richmond. This makes it as hassle free as possible when visiting these busy areas, where other parking may be hard to find or secure. We would suggest Pre-booking your parking in these areas, whether you are parking for the day or several days.</p> </p> </div> <div id="details-se" class="vector-details-inner"> <h2>South East</h2> <p><p>In the South East we have car parks in Brighton, Cambridge, Chelmsford, Ely, Ipswich, Portsmouth, Reading, Southampton, St Albans and Worthing. Famed for their ebbing and flowing countryside&rsquo;s, beaches and attractions; these destinations are great for city breaks or holiday retreats. Our central car parks make it convenient for you to make day trips and take advantage of our money-saving daily rates. To guarantee your space, plan and pre-book your car parking for the day.</p> </p> </div> <div id="details-sw" class="vector-details-inner"> <h2>South West</h2> <p><p>Within these regions are the beautiful cities and towns of Bournemouth, Bristol, Hereford, Gloucester, Truro, Exeter. A great region to visit if you are hoping to find a seaside retreat or a family holiday; nonetheless a good place to enjoy nightlife, restaurants and shopping. To make your journey to the cities as hassle free as possible, plan and pre-book your car parking for the day. You&rsquo;ll guarantee your space<ins cite="mailto:MarshaR" datetime="2016-09-29T09:35">,</ins>&nbsp;giving you more time to spend exploring the city.</p> </p> </div> <div id="details-scot" class="vector-details-inner"> <h2>Scotland</h2> <p><p>If you&rsquo;re visiting Scotland and parking in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow, you can take advantage of our great deals. To make your journey convenient and hassle free, pre-book your parking to guarantee your space, giving you more time to explore the city.</p> </p> </div> <div id="details-wales" class="vector-details-inner"> <h2>Wales</h2> <p><p>We have car parks in the major cities of Bangor, Cardiff, Newport and Swansea. Here you will find an array of different settings, from the bustling nightlife in Cardiff to the beautiful scenery in Bangor. Whatever your plans are, make them as hassle free as possible. Get ahead of the crowds by planning and pre-booking your car parking with us for the day. Make sure you check out our weekend and day rates that are sure to offer you remarkable savings.</p> </p> </div> <div id="details-ni" class="vector-details-inner"> <h2>Northern Ireland</h2> <p><p>Our conveniently placed car parks allow you to visit popular attractions in Belfast like the Grand Opera House and CastleCourt shopping centre. To make your journey hassle free, pre-book your parking to guarantee your space, giving you more time to explore the city. You can also check out our weekend rate to help you save.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="city-tabs"> <div class="tabbed-content-wrapper"> <div id="tab-ne" class="tabbed-content-item city"> <h2 class="tabbed-content-title city">North East &amp; Yorkshire</h2> <div class="tabbed-content-inner city"> <ul class="airportKey nobullet"> <li><a title="Bradford" href="/web/20240419094058/"><span class="map-markers"><img src="/web/20240419094058im_/" alt="Bradford Marker"></span>Bradford</a></li> <li><a title="Leeds" href="/web/20240419094058/"><span class="map-markers"><img src="/web/20240419094058im_/" alt="Leeds Marker"></span>Leeds</a></li> <li><a title="Newcastle" href="/web/20240419094058/"><span class="map-markers"><img src="/web/20240419094058im_/" alt="Newcastle Marker"></span>Newcastle</a></li> <li><a title="Sheffield" href="/web/20240419094058/"><span class="map-markers"><img src="/web/20240419094058im_/" alt="Sheffield Marker"></span>Sheffield</a></li> <li><a title="York" 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