Herbarium Catalogue (S) -- How to search
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The purpose is to promote knowledge dissemination and research in systematics and biodiversity. In order for the objects to have a scientific value, the location, the date of collection and the name of the collector must be indicated on the label attached to the object, according to an international standard. The collection information is recorded in a collection database and presented through the Herbarium Catalogue (, which is available to the public as well as to the scientific community worldwide. </p> <p>The Department of Botany collects, records, stores and presents personal data in the database </p> <p> • to ensure that complete and necessary information is linked to each preserved specimen for future research. </p> <p> We also process personal data to fulfill our obligations as a government authority on the preservation of official documents and the agency's archives. </p> <h3>Personal data being processed</h3> <p>We process your name, geographical location and collection date linked to the object in question. By submitting an item to the museum, you consent to the preservation and incorporation of this information related to the submitted specimen into the museum's collection database of plant objects, and that the information is made public. </p> <h3>Legal grounds for processing of personal data</h3> <p>The collection of information, including personal data, is part of the Swedish Natural History Museum's work to carry out our duties of promoting interest of, and knowledge and research on, the structure and development of the universe, the earth and life, biodiversity, human biology as well as the environment and landscape. This, in accordance with the government ordinance (2007: 1176), with instructions for the Swedish Natural History Museum. </p> <p> The Swedish Natural History Museum should especially work to </p> <p> • care, register, scientifically process and through new acquisitions enrich the collections entrusted to the authority, keep a selection of the collections available to the public </p> <p> • increase the understanding and perspective on issues within the authority's field of activity, especially with regard to long-term effects on biodiversity, the environment and the landscape. </p> <p> The lawful ground for the processing of personal data in connection with the Swedish Natural History Museum performing these tasks is carried out in the public interest. The processing is necessary to carry out a task in the public interest in accordance with Article 6 (1) (e) of the General Data Protection Regulation and chapter 2, 2 § of the Data Protection Act. </p> <p> In addition, the Swedish Natural History Museum processes personal data in order to fulfill the requirements for proper handling of the authority's official documents. The processing of personal data required by the Public Access to information and Secrecy and Archives Act, and which is compatible with the General Data Protection Regulation, is considered necessary for reasons of important public interest. </p> <h3>Those who can access the information</h3> <p>Since the Swedish Natural History Museum is a government authority, the information that is sent to us becomes, as a general rule, a registered official document. Such documents shall be disclosed upon request if its information is not covered by confidentiality. This means that collection data may be shared in accordance with the principle of publicity. In addition, collection information is made available both nationally and internationally (, as well as Sweden's Virtual Herbarium, and GBIF). Period during which personal data will be stored Your personal data is stored as long as the database contains information about registered objects. </p> <p> Apart from this, your personal data is also otherwise stored as long as required by the Archives Act (1990: 782) for the proper handling of public documents and government archives. </p> <h3>Your legal rights</h3> <p>You have the right to receive information about, when and how the Swedish Natural History Museum processes personal data that concerns you and in that case obtain a copy of these in a so-called subject access request. </p> <p> If you have questions about the Swedish Natural History Museum’s processing of your personal data or if you want to exercise your rights, you can contact the authority's Data Protection Officer, You can also send a request to or to the Swedish Natural History Museum, P. O. Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden. </p> <p> You can read more about data protection on The Swedish Data Protection Authority website: </p> <h3 >Contact</h3> <p> E-mail: </p> </div> </div> <footer> <ul class="list-inline text-center"> <li><a href=""></a></li> </ul> <ul class="list-inline text-center"> <li><a href="">Contact</a></li> <li><a href="">Visit the museum</a></li> <li><a href="">Research and collections</a></li> <li><a href="/gdpr/">Processing of personal data</a></li> <li><a href="/accessibility/">Accessibility</a></li> </ul> </footer> </div> <script src="/static/kryptos/js/jquery-3.6.0.min.8fb8fee4fcc3.js"></script> <script src="/static/kryptos/js/bootstrap-3.4.1.min.2f34b630ffe3.js"></script> <script src="/static/kryptos/js/kryptos.134b4c7884dd.js"></script> </body> </html>