UxC: Special Reports

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In addition to these reports, UxC also provides many services through its traditional custom market research and analysis. </p> <div class="mb-3"> <span id="btnToggleDetails" class="btn btn-light">Toggle Details</span> </div> <table class="table"> <tr> <th style="width:100px;">Date</th> <th>Report Title</th> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2024</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/gnfi">Global Nuclear Fuel Inventories 2024</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC, LLC (UxC) is pleased to present the fifth edition of its special report on Global Nuclear Fuel Inventories. Over the past decade there have been important drivers for inventory growth, such as the dramatic ramp-up in China&#39;s new reactor program and fallout from the drop in demand after the 2011 Fukushima accident. Shifts in the uranium market towards a more &quot;normal commodity market&quot; have added to demand for inventories by financial players. From 2017 to 2021, production cutbacks reduced global supplies, and inventory drawdowns intensified. However, COVID-19 in 2020, a surge in financial-led buying in 2021, and Russia&#39;s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 have all created new dynamics affecting both inventory build-up and disposition. Understanding these drivers and how they shape the inventory equation is of utmost importance to all market participants. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2023</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2023</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2023</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/cesa">Conversion &amp; Enrichment Supplier Assessments</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC issued the fourth edition of its annual report on the topic of Conversion &amp; Enrichment Supplier Assessments (CESA) in December 2023. This report provides concise profiles of each of the suppliers in the conversion and enrichment markets with an emphasis on issues that affect their current state in the industry and ability to supply in the coming years. This analysis includes market shares based on current sales estimates. The CESA report also includes a risk rating for each supplier based on ten distinct factors that affect their operations and ability to consistently perform as suppliers. These assessments are based on UxC’s independent review and comprehensive understanding of each company’s latest performance and potential risk profile. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 2023</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/zirc">Nuclear Zirconium Alloy Market 2023</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This fully updated report, published in November 2023, offers UxC’s most recent analyses and opinions of the various sectors that make up the nuclear-grade zirconium sponge, alloy, materials, and tubing markets. Beginning with a detailed review of the latest situation in the upstream zirconium mineral market, this report provides a thorough analysis of all steps in the nuclear-grade zirconium supply chain. Additional details are included on the interplay of the nuclear fuel fabrication and zirconium alloy supply markets, and of the fabrication process itself. The report also assesses major trends in this unique industry by analyzing the global and regional supply and demand balances for nuclear-grade zirconium sponge, alloy, and tubing as well as the supply and demand situation based on reactor fuel types. We conclude with some final observations on the global market, recent emerging market trends, as well as the status and expectations for future price developments for zirconium alloy products. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2023</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/samra">Small, Advanced, and Micro Reactor Assessments</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> As the nuclear industry enters an exciting growth phase propelled by the global energy transition, small, advanced, and micro reactors (SAMRs) are at the forefront of shaping this new chapter for the nuclear industry. At the same time, this is still a nascent market sector, and thus requires detailed examination to assess the true state and prospects of the multitude of SAMR technologies and projects being proposed around the world. The SAMRA report is an unparalleled deep dive into this burgeoning market that delivers a unique and comprehensive evaluation of the global SAMR market, providing hard-hitting, fact-based analysis of the industry’s current status plus insightful projections for the future of SAMRs. There is truly no other report like this in the market today. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2023</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/upcs">Uranium Production Cost Study 2023</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2022</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2022</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2022</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/cesa">Conversion &amp; Enrichment Supplier Assessments</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC issued the third edition of its annual report on the topic of Conversion &amp; Enrichment Supplier Assessments (CESA) in December 2022. This report provides concise profiles of each of the suppliers in the conversion and enrichment markets with an emphasis on issues that affect their current state in the industry and ability to supply in the coming years. This analysis includes market shares based on current sales estimates. The CESA report also includes a risk rating for each supplier based on ten distinct factors that affect their operations and ability to consistently perform as suppliers. These assessments are based on UxC’s independent review and comprehensive understanding of each company’s latest performance and potential risk profile. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2022</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/gnfi">Global Nuclear Fuel Inventories 2022</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This is the fourth edition of UxC’s special report aimed at providing an updated review and analysis of global nuclear fuel inventories, which includes additional enhancements and updates since the 2020 report. Key questions addressed include: What are the total current inventory levels in each key region/country? How do current inventory levels compare to previous estimates? Who holds these inventories and in what form? How much of these inventories can be considered “excess” or “unobligated?” How much of these inventories is readily available to the market? What is the likely future course of disposition of both commercial and government-held inventories? What is the potential future impact of these inventories on each of the three nuclear fuel component markets? What critical market conditions will influence inventories over the long-term? </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2021</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2021</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2021</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/cesa">Conversion &amp; Enrichment Supplier Assessments</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC issued the second edition of its annual report on the topic of Conversion &amp; Enrichment Supplier Assessments (CESA) in December 2021. This report provides concise profiles of each of the suppliers in the conversion and enrichment markets with an emphasis on issues that affect their current state in the industry and ability to supply in the coming years. This analysis includes market shares based on current sales estimates. The CESA report also includes a risk rating for each supplier based on ten distinct factors that affect their operations and ability to consistently perform as suppliers. These assessments are based on UxC’s independent review and comprehensive understanding of each company’s latest performance and potential risk profile. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2021</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/upcs">Uranium Production Cost Study 2021</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 2021</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/zirc">Nuclear Zirconium Alloy Market 2021</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This fully updated report, published in April 2021, offers UxC’s most recent analyses and opinions of the various sectors that make up the nuclear-grade zirconium sponge, alloy, materials, and tubing markets. Beginning with a detailed review of the latest situation in the upstream zirconium mineral market, this report provides a thorough analysis of all steps in the nuclear-grade zirconium supply chain. Additional details are included on the interplay of the nuclear fuel fabrication and zirconium alloy supply markets, and of the fabrication process itself. The report also assesses major trends in this unique industry by analyzing the global and regional supply and demand balances for nuclear-grade zirconium sponge, alloy, and tubing as well as the supply and demand situation based on reactor fuel types. We conclude with some final observations on the global market, recent emerging market trends, as well as the status and expectations for future price developments for zirconium alloy products. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2020</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2020</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2020</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/cesa">Conversion &amp; Enrichment Supplier Assessments</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> In late 2020, UxC issued the inaugural edition of a special report on the topic of Conversion &amp; Enrichment Supplier Assessments (CESA). This report provides concise profiles of each of the suppliers in the conversion and enrichment markets with an emphasis on issues that affect their current state in the industry and ability to supply in the coming years. This analysis also includes latest market shares based on current sales estimates. The CESA report also includes a risk rating for each supplier based on ten distinct factors that affect their operations and ability to consistently perform as suppliers. These assessments are based on UxC’s independent review and comprehensive understanding of each company’s latest performance and potential risk profile. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 2020</td> <td> Uranium Market Report <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC provided a complete update to a previous report for a special client project in support of a uranium project developer’s feasibility study. The report covers a broad scope of the uranium market fundamentals for the period 2020 to 2035, including supply and demand, forecasted spot and long-term uranium prices, and market mechanics. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 2020</td> <td> Specialized Conversion Market Analysis <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC prepared this special report to analyze potential issues affecting the future outlook for the supply and prices for conversion services that could have arisen from actions taken by Honeywell concerning the Metropolis Works Facility (MWF) as well as in connection with legislative actions and intergovernmental negotiations related to the Russian Suspension Agreement (RSA). </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2020</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/gnfi">Global Nuclear Fuel Inventories 2020</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This is the third edition of UxC’s special report aimed at providing an updated review and analysis of global nuclear fuel inventories, which includes additional enhancements and updates since the 2018 report. Key questions addressed include: What are the total current inventory levels in each key region/country? How do current inventory levels compare to previous estimates? Who holds these inventories and in what form? How much of these inventories can be considered “excess” or “unobligated?” How much of these inventories is readily available to the market? What is the likely future course of disposition of both commercial and government-held inventories? What is the potential future impact of these inventories on each of the three nuclear fuel component markets? What critical market conditions will influence inventories over the long-term? </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2020</td> <td> IPCC 2050 Nuclear Market Analysis <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC prepared this special report to analyze global and regional world nuclear power outlooks over the next three decades through 2050 based on scenarios presented in the October 2018 report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). UxC used the pathways presented in the IPCC report to analyze the types of reactor technologies that could be deployed in various regions through 2050 to keep global temperatures at no higher than 1.5&#176;C above pre-industrial levels. In addition, UxC extrapolated the resulting potential global nuclear market size and interpreted what this means in terms of export opportunities for U.S. nuclear suppliers based on these projections. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2020</td> <td> U.S. Nuclear Utility Profiles <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC prepared this special report to provide insights and analysis on U.S. nuclear utilities with an emphasis on describing how they approach the nuclear fuel markets and procure all three nuclear fuel components for their existing and/or new nuclear power plants. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2020</td> <td> SWU Uncommitted Supply and U.S. Market Price Impact Analysis <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC conducted this special client project concerning the potential ramifications of U.S. import limitations placed on Russian enriched uranium product (EUP) and/or separative work units (SWU) as part of the renegotiation of the Russian Suspension Agreement (RSA). The study included: 1) Analysis of enricher uncommitted SWU levels through 2025; 2) Enricher SWU/EUP inventories analysis; 3) Japanese SWU/EUP inventories analysis; and, 4) Analysis of the impact on U.S. SWU market prices for the period 2020-2025 under different Russian import scenarios. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2019</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2019</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2019</td> <td> Global Nuclear Utility Profiles <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC prepared this special report to provide insights and analysis on each of the world’s active or high-potential prospective nuclear utilities with an emphasis on how they approach the nuclear fuel markets and procure uranium for their existing and/or new nuclear power plants. In addition to a discussion of overall market approaches by utilities in fuel procurement, this report looks at the position and behavior in the market of each utility to support supplier marketing efforts with respect to nuclear fuel (specifically uranium) sales. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2019</td> <td> Uranium Market Report <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC conducted this special client project in support of a uranium project developer’s feasi-bility study. The report covers a broad scope of the uranium market fundamentals for the period 2019 to 2035, including supply and demand, forecasted spot and long-term uranium prices, and market mechanics. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 2019</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/upcs">Uranium Production Cost Study 2019</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 2019</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/zirc">Nuclear Zirconium Alloy Market 2019</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC is pleased to present the seventh edition in its report series Nuclear Zirconium Alloy Market. This updated May 2019 report offers UxC&#39;s latest analysis of the various sectors that make up the nuclear-grade zirconium sponge, alloy, materials, and tubing markets. Using proprietary demand modeling and other unique research results, we identify the latest major trends in this industry by analyzing the global and regional supply and demand balances for nuclear-grade zirconium sponge, alloy, and tubing as well as the supply and demand situation based on reactor fuel types. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 2019</td> <td> Uranium Spot Market <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC prepared this special report for a global client to provide insights and analysis of the global uranium markets and the specific functions and activity of buyers and sellers in the spot market. The report offers detailed information and analysis of various topics, including spot uranium price indicators and reporting methodologies, comparing and contrasting all spot market participants spot market contracting and pricing features, the impact of different types of trades on spot prices, the role of swaps, options, and futures in the spot market, the influence of carry-trades and mid-term deals on the spot market, the role of inventories in the spot market, and recent trends and near-term outlook for spot market prices and activity. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2018</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2018</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2018</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/nivc">Nuclear Industry Value Chain 2018</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC, LLC is pleased to announce the publication of its seventh edition of a comprehensive report analyzing the entire global Nuclear Industry Value Chain (NIVC). This unique report includes detailed data and analysis of every aspect of the global nuclear markets with balanced perspectives on commercial and technical issues affecting all parts of the value chain. UxC&#39;s 2018 Nuclear Industry Value Chain report includes updated research and analysis of all sectors in the nuclear industry, including the front-end fuel markets, the broader reactor sector, as well as the back-end of the fuel cycle. There is no publicly distributed report currently available that provides such comprehensive coverage of the growing global nuclear marketplace. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2018</td> <td> Uranium Market Adviser for Initial Public Offering <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC was selected as the uranium market adviser to support the drafting of the uranium market section of a prospectus for a major uranium-related initial public offering (IPO). Also, as part of this work, UxC provided expert insights and data for the compiling of company marketing materials, valuation modeling, and other support for the IPO process and related advisers on the project team. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2018</td> <td> Review of U.S. Utility Delivered SWU &amp; U3O8 Fuel Pricing <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC provided data and other support under a special client project as part of an analysis related to the U.S. Department of Commerce administrative review of the Russian Suspension Agreement as amended. As part of this project, UxC compiled and evaluated pricing under uranium and enrichment deliveries to U.S. utilities and how this data relates to the question of whether Russian sales in the U.S. have caused any economic harm to domestic suppliers. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 2018</td> <td> Nuclear Fuel Procurement Strategy and Analysis <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> On behalf of a nuclear power utility, UxC provided expert support in advance of a long-term nuclear fuel procurement effort. As part of this support, UxC provided insights into all four of the nuclear fuel market sectors and how the utility could best conduct a competitive procurement in order to maximize its options and financial benefits from this effort. Various reports and in-person meeting support were provided. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2018</td> <td> Nuclear Fuel Disposition / Utilization Strategy <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> On behalf of a nuclear power utility, UxC performed a detailed evaluation of its existing nu-clear fuel inventories and provided valuations and analysis of various disposition or utilization options. This project included a detailed market report along with a presentation to company management. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2018</td> <td> Utility Nuclear Fuel Procurement Practices &amp; Price Forecasts Benchmarking <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> On behalf of a major international nuclear power utility, UxC conducted a specialized survey to benchmark the use of outside nuclear fuel price forecasts and the application of price forecasting to procurement activities, including future strategies, bid evaluations, and budgeting. Another portion of this project included detailed assessment of the utility’s own procurement approaches and how these compare to procurement practices by utilities around the world as defined by geography, size, and other characteristics. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2018</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/gnfi">Global Nuclear Fuel Inventories 2018</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This is the second edition of this special report aimed at providing an updated review and analysis of the global nuclear fuel inventories, which includes significant enhancements and updates since the 2015 report. Key questions that are addressed include: What are the total current inventory levels in each key region/country? Where could we still see additional growth in inventories? Who holds these inventories and in what form? What role does enrichment underfeeding/tails re-enrichment play? How much of these inventories can be considered “excess” or “unobligated?” How much of these inventories is readily available to the market? What is the likely future course of disposition of both commercial and government-held inventories? What is the potential future impact of these inventories on each of the three nuclear fuel component markets? </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2017</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2017</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2017</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/upcs">Uranium Production Cost Study 2017</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 2017</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/zirc">Nuclear Zirconium Alloy Market 2017</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC is pleased to present the sixth edition in its report series Nuclear Zirconium Alloy Market. Since 2008, UxC has presented this report as an in-depth look at the contemporary nuclear zirconium alloy industry. This updated report offers UxC&#39;s latest analysis of the various sectors that make up the nuclear-grade zirconium sponge, alloy, materials, and tubing markets. Using proprietary demand modeling and other unique research results, we identify the latest major trends in this industry by analyzing the global and regional supply and demand balances for nuclear-grade zirconium sponge, alloy, and tubing as well as the supply and demand situation based on reactor fuel types. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 2017</td> <td> <a href="/p/fuelcycle/China_2017_04.aspx">UxC White Paper - Prospects for China&#39;s Nuclear Program</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This White Paper has been prepared by Jonathan Hinze, Executive Vice President, International at Ux Consulting (UxC), which is a leading global nuclear market consultancy based in the United States. Significant input for this paper was also provided by Dr. Hui Zhang, Senior Research Associate at the Project on Managing the Atom in the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2016</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/china-2016">China’s Nuclear Reactor and Fuel Cycle Markets</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> No country in the world is more consequential for the nuclear markets than China. This special report provides in-depth coverage and forecasts for China’s nuclear power and reactor exports as well as the individual fuel cycle component markets of uranium, conversion, and enrichment. Additional insights and discussions on the current role and potential future direction of China’s nuclear program are also included. Relevant reference materials are also included with this report. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2016</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2016</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 2016</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/nivc">Nuclear Industry Value Chain 2016</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC has prepared this sixth edition of our special report on the Nuclear Industry Value Chain (NIVC) to provide an overview of each of the market sectors within the nuclear industry, including the front-end fuel markets, the overall nuclear reactor sector, as well as the back-end of the fuel cycle. This updated May 2016 edition includes detailed data and analysis of every aspect of the global nuclear markets with balanced perspectives on commercial and technical issues affecting all parts of the value chain. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2016</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/zhang">UxC Interview with Dr. Hui Zhang</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC&#39;s Jonathan Hinze, Executive Vice President, International, recently interviewed Dr. Hui Zhang, a respected Harvard University expert, regarding the current state and future prospects for China&#39;s nuclear energy program.&lt;br /&gt;Dr. Zhang is a Senior Research Associate at the Project on Managing the Atom in the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University&#39;s John F. Kennedy School of Government. Dr. Zhang has deep knowledge and insights into all aspects of China&#39;s nuclear energy program. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2015</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/gnfi">Global Nuclear Fuel Inventories 2015</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC is pleased to present this special report on the topic of Global Nuclear Fuel Inventories. There is perhaps no bigger issue to emerge over the last few years in the nuclear fuel markets than the enormous growth in nuclear fuel inventories. This report presents UxC’s detailed research and analysis on the topic of inventories in order to enhance market understanding of this important issue and to provide expert forecasts regarding the future role that inventories will play in the markets. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2015</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2015</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2015</td> <td> Spot Contracting and Pricing Approaches <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This paper was prepared for the utility perspective with regards to spot contracting in the current market and pricing approaches as well as various methods of buying and selling in today&#39;s market. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2015</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/upcs">Uranium Production Cost Study 2015</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 2015</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/zirc">Nuclear Zirconium Alloy Market Outlook 2015</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This updated report offers UxC’s most recent analyses and opinions of the various sectors that make up the nuclear-grade zirconium sponge, alloy, materials, and tubing markets. Additional details are included on the interplay of the nuclear fuel fabrication and the zirconium alloy supply markets. We then identify major trends in this unique industry by analyzing the global, regional, and selected country supply and demand balances for nuclear-grade zirconium alloy and tubing. We conclude with some final observations on the global market as well as expectations for future price developments for the related zirconium alloys and tubing. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2015</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/nfmr">Nuclear Fuel Market Review 2014</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The primary purpose of this report is to provide a concise review of the major developments in each of the four nuclear fuel markets over the previous year. This report provides a concise synopsis of all the important market developments in each of the nuclear fuel sectors (uranium, conversion, enrichment, and fabrication) that occurred in the year. It is an extremely useful tool for strategic planning and as a reference tool when discussing the fuel markets in such forums as Board meetings or Public Utility Commission hearings. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2015</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/esa">Enrichment Supplier Assessments 2015</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report is focused on in-depth descriptions and analyses of the major uranium enrichment suppliers, their sources of Separative Work Units (SWUs) supply , and the enrichment technologies they employ. Details on each enricher include, among other items: Company history, Ownership &amp; Organizational structure, Financial status &amp; performance, Importance of enrichment to its overall business, Current and future sources of enrichment supplies, Market strategy, Client base and contract portfolio, and Direct impact of any trade restrictions on its enrichment business. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2014</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2014</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 2014</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/nivc">Nuclear Industry Value Chain 2014</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The Ux Consulting Company (UxC) has prepared this fifth edition of our annual report on the Nuclear Industry Value Chain (NIVC) to provide an overview of each of the market sectors within the nuclear industry, including the front-end fuel markets, the overall nuclear reactor sector, as well as the back-end of the fuel cycle. This updated November 2014 edition includes detailed data and analysis of every aspect of the global nuclear markets with balanced perspectives on commercial and technical issues affecting all parts of the value chain. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2014</td> <td> China’s Evolving Role in the Enrichment Market <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The Ux Consulting Company (UxC) is pleased to announce the publication of its new essay, “China’s Evolving Role in the Enrichment Market,” as published in the Q3 2014 edition of the Enrichment Market Outlook (EMO). This new essay on China’s enrichment program includes the following: • Latest data on China’s historic SWU demand, production capacity, imports, and exports • Forecasts of future Chinese total SWU supply and demand through 2030 • Price sensitivity cases with forecasts to 2025 using UxC’s SWU-PRICE Model developed by Dr. Lydia Hsieh, UxC Special Consultant • Insights on China’s nuclear program provided by Dr. Yun Zhou, UxC Special Consultant </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 2014</td> <td> White Paper: Nuclear Decommissioning <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report provides a detailed yet concise overview of the market for commercial U.S. nuclear power plant decontamination and decommissioning (D&amp;D). Emphasis is placed on analysis of the market for services in this industry sector. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2014</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/nfmr">Nuclear Fuel Market Review 2013</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The primary purpose of this report is to provide a concise review of the major developments in each of the four nuclear fuel markets over the previous year. This report provides a concise synopsis of all the important market developments in each of the nuclear fuel sectors (uranium, conversion, enrichment, and fabrication) that occurred in the year. It is an extremely useful tool for strategic planning and as a reference tool when discussing the fuel markets in such forums as Board meetings or Public Utility Commission hearings. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jan 2014</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/usec-qtr">Analysis of USEC Notice for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> USEC recently declared its intention to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and re-emerge as a leaner, new enrichment company. What will happen to the American Centrifuge Project (ACP)? Where will USEC find the funding for the ACP? How will the new USEC survive until an ACP plant can be built? These are just a few of the multitude of questions raised by the USEC bankruptcy announcement. UxC’s USEC Watch subscriber service follows all of USEC’s activities in depth and analyzes their consequences for the company and also for their impact on the enrichment market as a whole. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2013</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/ru-swu">End of an Era: The HEU Agreement and Beyond</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> “End of an Era: The HEU Agreement and Beyond,” examines the HEU deal from an historical standpoint, and addresses the impact of the deal’s end on the parties to the deal and nuclear fuel market as a whole. In this regard, the essay takes a close look at the fate the Russian enrichment plants, Russia’s enrichment industry after the HEU Agreement, and the fate of USEC. Looking forward, we turn to examining the likelihood of follow-on to the HEU Agreement as well as the prospects for the SWU and uranium markets in the post-HEU era. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2013</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2013</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 2013</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/nivc">Nuclear Industry Value Chain 2013</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The Ux Consulting Company (UxC) has prepared this fourth edition of our annual report on the Nuclear Industry Value Chain (NIVC) to provide an overview of each of the market sectors within the nuclear industry, including the front-end fuel mar-kets, the overall nuclear reactor sector, as well as the back-end of the fuel cycle. This updated November 2013 edition includes detailed data and analysis of every aspect of the global nuclear markets with balanced perspectives on commercial and technical issues affecting all parts of the value chain. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2013</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/esa">Enrichment Supplier Assessments 2013</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report is focused on in-depth descriptions and analyses of the major uranium enrichment suppliers, their sources of Separative Work Units (SWUs) supply , and the enrichment technologies they employ. Details on each enricher include, among other items: Company history, Ownership &amp; Organizational structure, Financial status &amp; performance, Importance of enrichment to its overall business, Current and future sources of enrichment supplies, Market strategy, Client base and contract portfolio, and Direct impact of any trade restrictions on its enrichment business. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2013</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/upcs">Uranium Production Cost Study 2013</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 2013</td> <td> National Uranium Policies <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This custom report looks at two main topics: 1) mining policies of uranium producing countries and 2) uranium security policies of nuclear power counties. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2013</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/zirc">Nuclear Zirconium Alloy Market Outlook 2013</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This updated report offers UxC’s most recent analyses and opinions of the various sectors that make up the nuclear-grade zirconium sponge, alloy, materials, and tubing markets. Additional details are included on the interplay of the nuclear fuel fabrication and the zirconium alloy supply markets. We then identify major trends in this unique industry by analyzing the global, regional, and selected country supply and demand balances for nuclear-grade zirconium alloy and tubing. We conclude with some final observations on the global market as well as expectations for future price developments for the related zirconium alloys and tubing. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2013</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/smo">Small Modular Reactor Market Outlook</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC’s Small Modular Reactor Market Outlook (SMO) report responds to numerous questions while providing an all-inclusive SMR guide for any interested party. Ultimately, this report’s objective is to offer technical, economic, and other commercial assessments of each of the SMR designs being developed in the world today. In addition, the report provides an in-depth discussion of the broader issues impacting SMRs, such as the keys to successful deployment for SMRs, comparisons with larger reactor technologies, specific applications for SMRs, and the broader issues facing potential customers for SMRs. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2013</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/nfmr">Nuclear Fuel Market Review 2012</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The primary purpose of this report is to provide a concise review of the major developments in each of the four nuclear fuel markets over the previous year. This report provides a concise synopsis of all the important market developments in each of the nuclear fuel sectors (uranium, conversion, enrichment, and fabrication) that occurred in the year. It is an extremely useful tool for strategic planning and as a reference tool when discussing the fuel markets in such forums as Board meetings or Public Utility Commission hearings. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2012</td> <td> Supplier Overview &amp; Pricing Mechanism Considerations <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> In developing and applying their procurement strategies, utilities seek to successful-ly attain the overall goal of securing a reliable supply of uranium for their nuclear plants at a competitive cost. In doing so, utilities identify their major priorities such as price/cost, supply assurance, and price predictability. The relative importance of these priorities can vary from utility to utility and from time to time, based on such factors as a utility’s risk tolerance, its perception of current and future market condi-tions/trends, and whether it is operating in a regulated or unregulated environment. Utilities will consider and utilize, a number of different approaches to the market (term vs. spot procurement, contract length, material form, pricing mechanisms, etc.) based on their specific needs and priority assessments. It is the general intent of this report to provide utilities a review of sellers that are capable of supplying UF6, SWU, and/or en-riched uranium product (EUP). </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2012</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2012</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2012</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/nivc">Nuclear Industry Value Chain 2012</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This is the third edition of a comprehensive annual report analyzing the entire global Nuclear Industry Value Chain (NIVC). This updated 2012 report includes detailed data and analysis of every aspect of the global nuclear markets with balanced perspectives on commercial and technical issues affecting all parts of the value chain. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2012</td> <td> UxC SMR Research Center <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> Your source of reliable, independent information and data on Small Modular Reactor (SMR) designs under development around the world. UxC’s SMR Research Center aims to provide unbiased, up-to-date information and data on SMR technologies under development worldwide. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 2012</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/jw">UxC&#39;s Japan Watch</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC’s Japan Watch service will keep you updated with the most significant developments concerning Japan’s nuclear program while providing you with in-depth analysis of the impact of these developments on the international nuclear reactor and fuel markets. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 2012</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/kazakh-pf">Kazakhstan&#39;s Nuclear Energy Program after Fukushima</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The Ux Consulting Company (UxC) is pleased to announce a new special report on Kazakhstan’s Nuclear Industry after Fukushima. The motivation for this report is the dramatic changes that the nuclear industry has experienced in the aftermath of the Fukushima accident in Japan. In this light, the uranium production decisions made by the world’s largest uranium producing country will been critical for the industry. This comprehensive report analyzes the current status and future prospect of the country’s nuclear industry in light of the Fukushima accident. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 2012</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/china-pf">China’s Nuclear Energy Market after Fukushima</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The Ux Consulting Company (UxC) is pleased to announce a new special report on China’s Nuclear Energy Program after Fukushima. This comprehensive report analyzes China’s current nuclear industry status and prospects for the future in light of the Fukushima accident in Japan of March 11, 2011. For this study, UxC is combining its deep in-house knowledge on China’s nuclear industry with the expertise of Special Consultant, Dr. Yun Zhou, a respected authority on all aspects of China’s nuclear program. Dr. Zhou shares her time working as a Consultant to UxC as well as a Fellow at Harvard University. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 2012</td> <td> Overview of International Transportation Services for Uranium Products <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The purpose of this study is to review the current market for transportation and related services for uranium products, specifically, natural uranium oxide (U3O8) and both natural and enriched uranium hexafluoride (UF6). The study is focused primarily on sea transport of these products. The study provides background on the shipment of Class 7 (radioactive) materials and the nuclear industry’s dependence on the world commercial transportation sector for these crucial shipments. The study also discusses recent changes in the uranium industry and how those may influence the transportation market. In addition, this report explains the important issues to consider in the creation of an international nuclear transporting organization. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2012</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/japan">Japan’s Nuclear Energy Program after Fukushima-Update</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The primary goals of this report are to provide an overview of the most relevant developments that have occurred in Japan following the accidents at Fukushima Daiichi and to analyze the impact of the policy measures implemented by the Japanese government over the last seven months as well as the potential implications and viability of a nuclear power phase-out program. In addition, this study analyzes the actual and potential impacts of Japan’s post-Fukushima nuclear power policies on the country’s nuclear fuel cycle program, and, as an extension, the impacts that these changes will likely have on the global nuclear fuel market. The initial report was published in October 2011, with updates published as part of the Japan Watch service under Policy Watch in February and March 2012. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2012</td> <td> International PWR &amp; PHWR Fuel Fabricator Benchmarking <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This benchmarking study on the world’s fuel fabricators for PWRs and PHWRs provides detailed profiles of each relevant fuel fabrication company on the basis of Corporate Organization, Ownership Structure, Description of Fabrication Facilities in Various Countries (both UO2 and MOX), Nominal Capacities &amp; Plans for Expansion (including subsidiaries supplying fuel assembly components), Domestic &amp; Foreign Markets Served, Fuel Assembly Designs Currently Produced &amp; Under Development, Testing &amp; Analytical Capabilities, Ownership of Design Codes, Technological Level, and Price Competitiveness. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2011</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2011</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 2011</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/zirc">Nuclear-Grade Zirconium Alloy Market Outlook</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This updated report offers UxC’s most recent analyses and opinions of the various sectors that make up the nuclear-grade zirconium sponge, alloy, materials, and tubing markets. Additional details are included on the interplay of the nuclear fuel fabrica-tion and the zirconium alloy supply markets. We then identify major trends in this unique industry by analyzing the global, regional, and selected country supply and demand balances for nuclear-grade zirconium alloy and tubing. We conclude with some final observations on the global market as well as expectations for future price developments for the related zirconium alloys and tubing. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 2011</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/ru-swu">Russia’s Enrichment Industry in the Post-Fukushima Era</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This special report by the Ux Consulting Company (UxC) on Russia’s Enrichment Industry in the Post-Fukushima Era emanates from a recent essay on the same topic as published in our 2011-Q3 Enrichment Market Outlook (EMO) report. This de-tailed special report looks at the prospects for Russia’s enrichment business after the Fukushima accident. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2011</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/japan">Japan’s Nuclear Energy Program after Fukushima</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The primary goals of this report are to provide an overview of the most relevant developments that have occurred in Japan following the accidents at Fukushima Daiichi and to analyze the impact of the policy measures implemented by the Japanese government over the last seven months as well as the potential implications and viability of a nuclear power phase-out program. In addition, this study analyzes the actual and potential impacts of Japan’s post-Fukushima nuclear power policies on the country’s nuclear fuel cycle program, and, as an extension, the impacts that these changes will likely have on the global nuclear fuel market. The initial report was published in October 2011, with updates published as part of the Japan Watch service under Policy Watch in February and March 2012. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2011</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/fukushima">Nuclear Power in the Post-Fukushima Era</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> 350 page main report published in June 2011 and 180 page update report published in September 2011. UxC has prepared this special report to review the impacts of the March 11, 2011, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident both on a technical as well as commercial level in order to allow for in-depth analysis and forecasting of how Japan and the world will respond to this event. Detailed analysis considers the accident&#39;s impacts on operating and new reactors as well as the future of spent fuel management among various related technology and commercial ramifications. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 2011</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/upcs">Uranium Production Cost Study 2011</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 2011</td> <td> U.S. Utility Profiles <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report offers detailed procurement profiles of all U.S. nuclear power utilities. The report supplies specific information on the utilities’ contracting situation and procurement approaches to the extent that this information is available on a non-confidential basis. The profiles also include detailed discussion of each utilities’ nuclear power operations and future reactor plans. Finally, nuclear fuel requirements forecasts for each specific utility are also provided. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 2011</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/nivc">Nuclear Industry Value Chain 2011</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This is a nuclear industry primer, with coverage of every aspect of the nuclear cycle, including the front-end fuel markets, the reactor industry, as well as the back-end of the fuel cycle and decommissioning and waste handling. Each market sector is discussed through the prism of key players, market trends, supply and demand, and prices and profit margins. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2010</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/china">UxC Reports on China</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2010</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/smra">Small Modular Reactor Assessments</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC’s team of reactor market analysts has worked with our international consultants from industry and academia, who are authorities in reactor technology and design, on this comprehensive study on SMRs. Although few actual projects for SMR deployment exist today, many designs are being proposed by both established and start-up nuclear power companies. There are many reasons for the recent explosion of global attention on SMRs, and this new UxC special report provides an all-inclusive SMR guide for any interested party. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2010</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2010</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2010</td> <td> Conceptual Study for Both Transient and Ultimate Interim Storage of Used Nuclear Fuel <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> A major study for an international utility to compare the various options for used nuclear fuel storage and other management techniques. This highly technical analysis offers both economic and logistical evaluations to arrive at best options for used fuel management of a multi-reactor nuclear power plant. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2010</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/kazakh">Impact of Kazakh Production on the Uranium Market: Past and Prospective</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This study examines various questions from a number of perspectives in or-der to provide the reader with a thorough understanding of Kazakhstan’s past and prospective impact on the market and the key drivers behind this impact. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 2010</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/fmo">Fabrication Market Outlook</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2010</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/geo-china">The Changing Geopolitics of the Nuclear Energy Market: China - 2010 Update</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> In September 2009, UxC released its report, The Changing Geopolitics of the Nuclear Energy Market - China, in which we covered a large number of issues related to Chi-na’s nuclear energy program, including regulatory and financial aspects, reactor pro-jects, reactor construction and component manufacturing, and the nuclear fuel cycle. China’s nuclear power program is advancing very quickly and much has happened in the months since September 2009. This update to that report covers major develop-ments that have taken place in China since then. This update report mainly focuses on the latest information related to China’s nuclear reactor projects and also provides various additional details concerning China’s nuclear fuel cycle. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 2010</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/zirc">Nuclear Zirconium Alloy Market Outlook 2010</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This updated report offers UxC’s most recent analyses and opinions of the various sectors that make up the nuclear-grade zirconium sponge, alloy, materials, and tubing markets. Additional details are included on the interplay of the nuclear fuel fabrication and the zirconium alloy supply markets. We then identify major trends in this unique industry by analyzing the global, regional, and selected country supply and demand balances for nuclear-grade zirconium alloy and tubing. We conclude with some final observations on the global market as well as expectations for future price developments for the related zirconium alloys and tubing. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2010</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/npo">UxC Requirements Model (URM) Report</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report provides the results of the UxC Requirements Model (URM) for Q1 2010. This is a quarterly reporting service that accompanies the quarterly UxC Nuclear Power Outlook (NPO) service. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jan 2010</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/usec-qtr">USEC Watch</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2009</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2009</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2009</td> <td> Global Nuclear Reactor Supply Chain Market Analysis </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2009</td> <td> DOE Uranium Inventory Disposition Plans Shifted With July Barter Announcement: Impact on Nuclear Industry Not Clear <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The Ux Consulting Company, LLC (UxC) has prepared this special report for our Policy Watch subscribers and other valued customers. This report analyzes the status of the U.S. Government’s Uranium Inventory Management, and how the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) inventory disposition plans have shifted with an announcement in late July 2009 to barter material in exchange for accelerated environmental cleanup work at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (GDP) in Piketon, Ohio. As this update report indicates the impact of the latest DOE plans on the nuclear industry is not clear at this time. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2009</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/geo-china">The Changing Geopolitics of the Nuclear Energy Market: China</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2009</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/usec">Commercial Viability of USEC and ACP Update – 2009</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 2009</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/geo-russia">The Changing Geopolitics of the Nuclear Energy Market: Russia</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 2009</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/geo-india">The Changing Geopolitics of the Nuclear Energy Market: India</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 2009</td> <td> U.S. Enrichment Market <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The purpose of this special report is to analyze U.S. enrichment supply and demand between 2009 and 2020, with a focus on the mid-term situation through 2015. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2009</td> <td> Aspects of U3O8 Spot Market Trading </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2009</td> <td> Contracting in the World Uranium Market <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report was developed to look at four major areas: historical perspective of Russia’s past participation in the uranium market; reaction of utilities, competitors, and potential partners to Russian uranium sales; Likely impact of sales on uranium and enrichment markets; and recommendations of potential marketing strategies. In preparing this work, UxC performed a special survey of uranium market participants worldwide and combined these results with the considerable body of research that it had already accumulated, updating this information where appropriate. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2009</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/nivc">Nuclear Industry Value Chain 2009</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This is a nuclear industry primer, with coverage of every aspect of the nuclear cycle, including the front-end fuel markets, the reactor industry, as well as the back-end of the fuel cycle and decommissioning and waste handling. Each market sector is dis-cussed through the prism of key players, market trends, supply and demand, and prices and profit margins. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2008</td> <td> U3O8/UF6 Procurement Recommendations <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report proposed procurement actions for a utility for uranium concentrates (U3O8) and conversion services (UF6) over the period 2008-2020. UxC made recommendations based on its understanding of the utility’s procurement procedures, current contract commitments, and poli-cies. The objective of the recommended actions is a proper balance between economy, reliabil-ity of supply, and risk. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 2008</td> <td> Economic Assessment of Spent Fuel Management Options <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> On behalf of a major international utility, UxC undertook an extensive project commissioned to review and analyze the economic assessment of the utility’s spent fuel management options, including a detailed comparison of the costs and benefits of a closed versus open fuel cycle. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 2008</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/zirc">Nuclear Zirconium Alloy Market Outlook 2008</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> A comprehensive study of the current and future market for zirconium alloy metals for the nuclear fuel fabrication business. The study looks at the entire zircaloy cycle, from zircon sand through tubing and fuel component manufacture. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2008</td> <td> U.S. and Russian Government Uranium and Plutonium Stockpiles <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report analyzes the current status and potential future disposition of key uranium and plutonium inventories of U.S. and Russia and by doing so captures the vast majority of surplus military materials that may eventually be utilized as fuel for civilian nuclear electricity generation. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2008</td> <td> Hydrofluoric Acid Market Assessment <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The Hydrofluoric Acid Market Assessment report examines the current and potential future market demand for hydrofluoric acid (HF) from the uranium conversion in-dustry. HF is a key input for the conversion of uranium ore (U3O8) into uranium hexafluoride (UF6). This study analyzes the markets for fluorspar and sulfuric acid – the main inputs to HF – as well as the market for HF. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2008</td> <td> Nonproliferation and Nuclear Trade Review <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC supported a renowned international institute in its informational needs regarding the latest developments in nonproliferation and nuclear trade. UxC issued bi-monthly reports that updated all the latest issues related to nonproliferation, U.S. and Russian governmental nuclear policies, as well as the global trade regime as it effects the enrichment industry. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2008</td> <td> White Paper: Extended-Term Nuclear Fuel Price Analysis <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> In order to support a major utility’s new nuclear plant planning activities, UxC issued a detailed white paper that analyzes the long term future viability and trends for all front-end nuclear fuel markets. This assessment looks at the long-term pricing, supply and demand, and other relevant issues for nuclear fuel supply through 2075. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2008</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/nrta">Nuclear Reactor Technology Assessments: Addendum</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC prepared this special report in order to provide nuclear reactor technology as-sessments and overall evaluations of the major reactor designs currently available in the world. Technical and commercial analyses of all leading nuclear reactor designs in the world along with detailed comparative ratings for each design are presented. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2008</td> <td> AP1000 vs. EPR: Comparative Analysis <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> In this report, in-depth analysis is given of comparative economics of AREVA’s EPR and Westinghouse’s AP1000 from a utility procurement perspective. Detailed cost estimates for both designs as well as computer-assisted drawings to help in this comparative analysis are included. In addition, this report covers lessons learned from previous AP1000 and EPR projects as well as reactor contracting issues. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2008</td> <td> Uranium Production Cost Analysis <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This detailed study expands on the production cost data presented in UxC’s USA report. This report reviews and analyzes worldwide uranium production costs, presents a detailed uranium production cost curve through 2020 based on global data, analyzes the cost curve and reviews different producers’ positions within that curve, discusses uranium production cost expectations for 2020-2030 timeframe, and summarizes uranium market pricing and its relationship to production costs. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2008</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2008</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2008</td> <td> Utility Uranium Procurement Strategies <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC supported a major international utility in its needs to obtain high-value, up-to-date knowledge on the uranium market so as to support spot and long-term uranium market entry decisions. UxC’s study and follow-up support were invaluable to the utility in reducing uncertainties, maximizing market timing, and interfacing effectively with potential sellers. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2008</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/service/seminar">UxC Nuclear Fuel Procurement Seminar 2008</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC provides advanced training to utility nuclear fuel procurement managers. This three-day seminar reviews current and future market issues, looks at contracting practices, and helps to lay the groundwork for developing detailed procurement strategies. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2008</td> <td> Beryllium Market Assessment <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC completed a detailed special study on the Beryllium Market Assessment with a focus on future demand for this metal. A table of contents and introduction to this report can be provided. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 2008</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/nivc">Nuclear Industry Value Chain 2008</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This is a nuclear industry primer, with coverage of every aspect of the nuclear cycle, including the front-end fuel markets, the reactor industry, as well as the back-end of the fuel cycle and decommissioning and waste handling. Each market sector is dis-cussed through the prism of key players, market trends, supply and demand, and prices and profit margins. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 2008</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/nrta">Nuclear Reactor Technology Assessments</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC prepared this special report in order to provide nuclear reactor technology as-sessments and overall evaluations of the major reactor designs currently available in the world. Technical and commercial analyses of all leading nuclear reactor designs in the world along with detailed comparative ratings for each design are presented. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 2008</td> <td> Uranium and Thorium Market Issues <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC developed the Uranium and Thorium Market Issues report to provide additional insights and context regarding the global uranium and nuclear fuel market as well as some initial thoughts on the potential for the development of a thorium (Th) fuel cycle and concomitant thorium nuclear fuel market. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 2008</td> <td> Evaluating Nuclear Energy Possibilities: Belarus, Chile, Turkey, and Vietnam <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> During 2007/2008, UxC sponsored a group of graduate-level students from The George Washington University’s Elliot School of International Affairs in their Cap-stone Project for the completion of a Masters of Arts degree in International Trade and Investment Policy (ITIP). The culmination of this two-semester project is this report, which was designed by UxC and implemented by the following four stu-dents, who each covered a separate country: Anna Bryndza – Belarus, Ellis Chaplin – Turkey, Giselle Cubillos – Chile, Michael Lowe – Vietnam. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2008</td> <td> Uranium Supply Status and Procurement Strategy Review <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC conducted a review of a utility’s existing uranium concentrates (U3O8) supply contracts as well as its procurement strategy for the future. In this review, UxC focused on the following areas: supply and price risk of existing contract portfolio, procurement objectives and the consistency of utility’s current supply situation with such objectives, inventory policy and status, risk management alternatives, potential use of the spot market and uranium brokers, and future contracting recommendations. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2008</td> <td> SWU Contracting Terms &amp; Conditions <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The enrichment market is experiencing changing dynamics in the relationships between buyers and sellers and, consequently, in the terms and conditions of SWU contracts. Using utility sur-vey responses from the U.S., Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Asia., UxC attempted to cap-ture the latest SWU contracting terms and conditions and utility SWU purchasing behavior. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2008</td> <td> New Reactor Cost Modeling and Additional Considerations <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> As a follow-up to our February 2008 New Reactor Procurement Assessment &amp; Cost Estimates, UxC used computer-assisted modeling and other tools to further analyze cost variations and construction risks for specified Generation III+ reactor designs. In addition, this special study included analysis of new reactor construction techniques, NSSS vendor capabilities, new reactor contract optimization, and comparisons of various baseload electric power generation options. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2008</td> <td> Long-Term U3O8 Price Projections <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report is prepared as an adjunct to UxC’s Uranium Market Outlook report to extend that report’s price projections, which now go through 2020, out through 2025. The forecastsing methodology for the extened years is somewhat different than for the price projections contained in the UMO. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2008</td> <td> New Reactor Procurement Assessment &amp; Cost Estimates <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> In support of a large international utility’s new reactor procurement endeavor, UxC provided de-tailed cost and market data on specified new reactor designs and related bid evaluation consid-erations. In addition to bottom-up, full scope nuclear power plant cost estimates, UxC provided first core and refueling pricing forecasts for different reactor designs. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jan 2008</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/usec">Commercial Viability of USEC, Inc. – 2008 Update</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> In this new report, we look at USEC&#39;s present situation, where it must execute a complicated transition strategy, going from the current employment of the old, high-cost, high-volume gaseous diffusion technology to the commercialization of a new, more efficient, gas centrifuge technology – the American Centrifuge Plant (ACP). </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jan 2008</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/usec">The American Centrifuge: How Ready Is It? – 2008 Update</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This new UxC report updates our analysis of the readiness for ACP deployment in the context of the time and cost issues identified in our USEC viability study as well as incorporating the latest progress of the ACP project as reported by USEC over the course of the past year. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2007</td> <td> U3O8 Procurement Recommendations <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report proposed procurement actions for a utility for uranium concentrates (U3O8) over the period 2008-2020. UxC made recommendations based on its understanding of the utility’s pro-curement procedures, current contract commitments, and policies. The objective of the recom-mended actions is a proper balance between economy, reliability of supply, and risk. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2007</td> <td> General Survey of Uranium Projects - Kazakhstan <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This two report series looks at the uranium producing regions of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Each report covers uranium deposits, uranium reserves and resources, uranium production, ura-nium exploration and development projects, political status, country national policy on nuclear and/or mining industry, regulatory status, infrastructure, human resources, and risks. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2007</td> <td> Changing Geopolitics of the Nuclear Fuel Market: Uzbekistan <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The nuclear fuel market is changing dramatically as both a nuclear renaissance is emerging and major countries are beginning to enter the commercial markets in notable areas. This is the fifth in a five-part report series taking a look at the detailed affects of some of these countries. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2007</td> <td> General Survey of Uranium Projects - Uzbekistan <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This two report series looks at the uranium producing regions of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Each report covers uranium deposits, uranium reserves and resources, uranium production, ura-nium exploration and development projects, political status, country national policy on nuclear and/or mining industry, regulatory status, infrastructure, human resources, and risks. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 2007</td> <td> Nuclear Fuel Supply Risk Assessment <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC assisted a utility in evaluating its requirements, contracts, and inventory positions to deter-mine areas of potential risk and how to mitigate these risks in the case of a series of scenarios. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2007</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/npo">Nuclear Power Outlook</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2007</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/fmo">Fabrication Market Outlook</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2007</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2007</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2007</td> <td> Evaluation of Enrichment Technology and Cost for 2030 <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This study examines potential enrichment supplies over the next 20+ years (out to 2030) according to different enrichment technologies and different market scenarios. The approach used was to initially identify the possible technologies and then select the ones that were most likely to be successful. Next, a series of supply scenarios was developed, where enrichment from the most promising sources and technologies were used to meet SWU requirements. Finally, some findings on future costs are presented based on cost indices for the technologies. Note that most of the information in the report is contained in a series of extensive tables, and that UxC has endeavored to keep the report to a shorter overall length. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2007</td> <td> Evaluation of NPL Radiation Sites for New Nuclear Reactors <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC assisted one of the world’s largest investment banks in a study on the potential for EPA-designated radiation sites in the U.S. to host new nuclear power plants. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 2007</td> <td> US Utility Nuclear Fuel Procurement Strategy and Organization <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC assisted a utility procurement strategy/organization benchmarking effort in order to ascertain utility reactions to the recent nuclear fuel price increases and market volatility. Specifically, UxC used a set of questions and surveyed eight US utilities seeking to obtain their responses to the questions. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 2007</td> <td> Changing Geopolitics of the Nuclear Fuel Market: Kazakhstan <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The nuclear fuel market is changing dramatically as both a nuclear renaissance is emerging and major countries are beginning to enter the commercial markets in notable areas. This is the fourth in a five-part report series taking a look at the detailed affects of some of these countries. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 2007</td> <td> Changing Geopolitics of the Nuclear Fuel Market: India <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The nuclear fuel market is changing dramatically as both a nuclear renaissance is emerging and major countries are beginning to enter the commercial markets in notable areas. This is the third in a five-part report series taking a look at the detailed affects of some of these countries. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2007</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/service/seminar">UxC Nuclear Fuel Procurement Seminar 2007</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC provides advanced training to utility nuclear fuel procurement managers. This three-day seminar reviews current and future market issues, looks at contracting practices, and helps to lay the groundwork for developing detailed procurement strategies. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 2007</td> <td> Enrichment Market Post-2010 <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This brief report analyzes the enrichment market beyond the year 2010. Currently, the global uranium enrichment market is in a state of flux due to a number of factors, and thus the market’s prospects over the period 2010 to 2020 remain relatively uncertain. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2007</td> <td> Uranium Supplier Analysis <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report contains profiles on six uranium producers – BHP Billiton, Cameco Corporation, Rio Tinto Uranium (RTU), Paladin Resources Ltd, sxr Uranium One Inc., and UrAsia Energy. Due to the pending merger between Uranium One and UrAsia, the two profiles have been merged into one profile entitled sxr Uranium One Inc. Projects from six different countries are included among the profiles – Australia, Canada, Kazakhstan, Namibia, South Africa, and the United States. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2006</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/usec">The American Centrifuge: How Ready Is It?</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2006</td> <td> Changing Geopolitics of the Nuclear Fuel Market: China <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The nuclear fuel market is changing dramatically as both a nuclear renaissance is emerging and major countries are beginning to enter the commercial markets in notable areas. This is the second in a five-part report series taking a look at the detailed affects of some of these countries. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 2006</td> <td> Major Risks Facing Nuclear Fuel Supply: Status, Future Secenarios, and Recommendations <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report was developed to examine some of the major fuel supply risks facing the nuclear power industry, a representation of some of the challenges facing supply expansion in the com-ing years, and a set of recommendations of what can be done to mitigate the supply risks. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2006</td> <td> Analysis of the Market Impact of Proposed Uranium Sales by DOE <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> In this report, UxC evaluates the annual and cumulative impact of the proposed DOE inventory sales strategy, with particular emphasis on the uranium spot price and the conversion price. This analysis considers three levels of demand projections and the focus of the study is over the next ten years, or through 2015. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2006</td> <td> Uranium Market Overview <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> In this report, UxC reviews the market for U3O8 looking at the evolution and major develop-ments in the market from the early commercial stages through today, and gives a brief overview of potential future movements. Two other major sections are presented looking at demand and supply issues of the uranium market. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2006</td> <td> Utility Enrichment Proposal Review and Recommendations <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> As part of its consulting services, UxC reviews and makes recommendations on specific proposal and contract evaluations for utilities. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2006</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/service/seminar">UxC Nuclear Fuel Procurement Seminar 2006</a> <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> UxC provides advanced training to utility nuclear fuel procurement managers. This three-day seminar reviews current and future market issues, looks at contracting practices, and helps to lay the groundwork for developing detailed procurement strategies. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2006</td> <td> Nuclear Fuel Contracting Terms &amp; Conditions <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report takes a thorough look at the terms and conditions, including detailed pricing mechanisms, used in fuel contracting for uranium, conversion, and enrichment. Starting with a historical review of contracting practices for all markets during 1996-2000, the report then looks how practices changed during the 2001-2004 time period. The focus of the report then turns to recent term and conditions made during 2005 and 2006. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 2006</td> <td> Changing Geopolitics of the Nuclear Fuel Market: Russia <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The nuclear fuel market is changing dramatically as both a nuclear renaissance is emerging and major countries are beginning to enter the commercial markets in notable areas. This is the first in a three-part report taking a look at the detailed affects of some of these countries. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2006</td> <td> U.S. Utility Enrichment Survey <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This project follows numerous market and specialized surveys that UxC performs on a regular basis. This survey and summary report reviewed U.S. utility enrichment contracting practices, supplier preferences, and a number of other aspects of current and future expectations of the en-richment market. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2006</td> <td> Utility Enrichment Proposal Pricing Recommendations <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> As part of its procurement support work, UxC provides review and recommendations for clients when developing and submitting requests for proposals. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jan 2006</td> <td> World Fuel Cycle Status: Questions &amp; Answers </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2005</td> <td> Utility Nuclear Fuel Procurement Strategy Review <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report aided a utility in identifying the most effective strategy to secure long-term nuclear fuel supplies. It addition to term procurement, this report and follow-on services included pro-curement strategies on the spot uranium, enrichment and conversion markets, as well as address-ing inventory management, financial options such as loans, and specific procurement services. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2005</td> <td> Utility Uranium Contract Price Recommendations </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2005</td> <td> Fuel Procurement Advisor Services <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> As utilities put into practice their procurement strategies and plans, additional help is sometimes needed in the actual implementation. UxC provides additional services supporting utilities at various levels including, but not limited to, demand identification, RFP preparation, offer evaluation, and negotiation support. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 2005</td> <td> Long-Term Uranium Feed Analysis: Procurement Strategy <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report identified for a utility the most effective strategy to secure long-term nuclear fuel supplies. It addition to term procurement, this report and follow-on services included procurement strategies on the spot uranium, enrichment and conversion markets, as well as addressing inventory management, financial options such as loans, and specific procurement services. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2005</td> <td> Utility Inventory Policies <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report was requested by and prepared for a European utility. This project surveyed and summarized world utility inventory practices and policies, giving both specific examples and commonalities between regional utility policies, and how these policies have changed over the past three years. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2005</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2005</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2005</td> <td> Country Uranium Mining and Export Policies: Australia <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This six-report series looks at various issues related to uranium mining and export policies. General overviews are given on permitting, export and nonproliferation policies. Other topics include historical and political contexts, infrastructure, permitting, export policies and bilateral safeguard requirements, transportation issues, and related issues. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2005</td> <td> Country Uranium Mining and Export Policies: Canada <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This six-report series looks at various issues related to uranium mining and export policies. General overviews are given on permitting, export and nonproliferation policies. Other topics include historical and political contexts, infrastructure, permitting, export policies and bilateral safeguard requirements, transportation issues, and related issues. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2005</td> <td> Country Uranium Mining and Export Policies: Kazakhstan <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This six-report series looks at various issues related to uranium mining and export policies. General overviews are given on permitting, export and nonproliferation policies. Other topics include historical and political contexts, infrastructure, permitting, export policies and bilateral safeguard requirements, transportation issues, and related issues. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2005</td> <td> Country Uranium Mining and Export Policies: Namibia <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This six-report series looks at various issues related to uranium mining and export policies. General overviews are given on permitting, export and nonproliferation policies. Other topics include historical and political contexts, infrastructure, permitting, export policies and bilateral safeguard requirements, transportation issues, and related issues. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2005</td> <td> Country Uranium Mining and Export Policies: South Africa <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This six-report series looks at various issues related to uranium mining and export policies. General overviews are given on permitting, export and nonproliferation policies. Other topics include historical and political contexts, infrastructure, permitting, export policies and bilateral safeguard requirements, transportation issues, and related issues. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2005</td> <td> Country Uranium Mining and Export Policies: Uzbekistan <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This six-report series looks at various issues related to uranium mining and export policies. General overviews are given on permitting, export and nonproliferation policies. Other topics include historical and political contexts, infrastructure, permitting, export policies and bilateral safeguard requirements, transportation issues, and related issues. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2005</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/service/seminar">UxC Nuclear Fuel Procurement Seminar 2005</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2005</td> <td> Utility EUP Strategic Plan </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 2005</td> <td> Utility Uranium Price &amp; Ceiling Recommendations </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2005</td> <td> Analysis of the Supply/Demand Situation in the Uranium Market </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2005</td> <td> Radioactive Materials: Overview of the U.S. Regulatory System </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jan 2005</td> <td> Projections of EIA and Euratom Price Based on Price Analyses </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2004</td> <td> Uranium, Conversion and Transportation Issues and Events: 1990 to Present <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This study looked at events and incidents that did or could potential affect the physical supply of UF6 feed within the fuel cycle. Analysis was done on the probability of similar events in the fu-ture and the effects of these events on the supply chain. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2004</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/usa">Uranium Suppliers Annual 2004</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 2004</td> <td> Utility Procurement Strategies <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This report identified for a utility the most effective strategy to secure long-term nuclear fuel supplies. It addition to term procurement, this report and follow-on services included procurement strategies on the spot uranium, enrichment and conversion markets, as well as addressing inventory management, financial options such as loans, and specific procurement services. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2004</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/service/seminar">UxC Nuclear Fuel Procurement Seminar 2004</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2004</td> <td> World Uranium Suppliers &amp; Supply Sources </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2004</td> <td> U.S. Utility Nuclear Fuel Practices: Procurement Strategies </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 2003</td> <td> Analysis of Utility-Supplier Agreement and UF6 Disposition </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2003</td> <td> U.S. Utility Procurement Practices: Recent Trends <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> This study takes an in-depth review of how U.S. utility procurement practices have changed over the past several years. Specific emphasis was placed on contracting forms, terms and conditions. A review of how market events and fundamental changes affect utility procurement was also included. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2003</td> <td> Evolution of the British Nuclear Industry </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2003</td> <td> Evolution of the French Nuclear Industry </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 2003</td> <td> Nuclear Regulation in the United States, Great Britain and France: Part 1 - United States </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 2003</td> <td> Nuclear Regulation in the United States, Great Britain and France: Part 2 - Great Britain </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 2003</td> <td> Nuclear Regulation in the United States, Great Britain and France: Part 3 - France </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2003</td> <td> Report on Specific Questions Regarding the International Management of Nuclear Materials </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2003</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/report/pw">UxC Washington Watch</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2003</td> <td> The Future of the U.S. Enrichment Industry </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 2003</td> <td> Evolution of the British &amp; French Nuclear Industries </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2003</td> <td> UxC Supplier Profiles </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2003</td> <td> U.S. Utility Nuclear Fuel Practices: Procurement Strategies - Inventory Management <p class="description collapse small mb-0"> The purpose of this report was to provide an analysis of the strategies pursued by major U.S. utilities to procure their nuclear fuel product and service requirements. </p> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2003</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/service/seminar">UxC Nuclear Fuel Procurement Seminar 2003</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2003</td> <td> Evolution of the U.S. Nuclear Industry 1939-2003 </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 2002</td> <td> Transportation and Related Issues Affecting the Purchase of UF6 Conversion Services </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2002</td> <td> Russian HEU SWU Price Projections </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2002</td> <td> The Worldwide Impact of U.S. SWU Restrictions </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2002</td> <td> Uranium Market Contracting Practices </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2002</td> <td> NTI Roundtable Discussion on Accelerated HEU Blend-down </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2002</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/service/seminar">UxC Nuclear Fuel Procurement Seminar 2002</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2002</td> <td> Uranium Market Overview </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jan 2002</td> <td> Global Nuclear Fuel Suppliers </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jan 2002</td> <td> Market Role of Russian HEU SWU Supply </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jan 2002</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/usec">Market Viability of USEC, Inc. - 2002 Update</a> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 2001</td> <td> Evolution of U.S. Spot Enrichment Market: 1996-2001 </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2001</td> <td> Fuel Procurement Strategies </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2001</td> <td> Prospects for a New U.S. Enrichment Plant </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 2001</td> <td> Contracting for Russian HEU SWU Part II: Action Plan for Alternative Agency </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2001</td> <td> Contracting for Russian HEU SWU </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2001</td> <td> Fundamentals of the Uranium Enrichment Market </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 2000</td> <td> Enrichment Procurement Strategies </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2000</td> <td> U.S. Utility Nuclear Fuel Practices - Part I: Procurement Strategies </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 2000</td> <td> U.S. Utility Nuclear Fuel Practices - Part II: Inventory (Asset) Management </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2000</td> <td> HEU SWU Supply Opportunity Post 2001 </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 2000</td> <td> USEC Inventory Usage </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2000</td> <td> Long-Term vs. Spot U Contract Prices </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2000</td> <td> <a href="/p/product/archive/usec">Market Viability of USEC, Inc. - 2000</a> </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 2000</td> <td> Uranium Market Price Forecasts </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2000</td> <td> BNFL Reprocesing Status </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 2000</td> <td> BNFL Status Report </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2000</td> <td> Analysis of Petitioner&#39;s Comments Pertaining to the Proposed Amendment ot the Russian Suspension Agreement </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2000</td> <td> Kazakh EUP: Market Impact &amp; Impact on Stakeholders </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 2000</td> <td> USEC/Russia Price Negotiations </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2000</td> <td> Matching Sales Amendment Analysis </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 2000</td> <td> U.S. Nuclear Fuel Trade Restrictions: Past, Present, and Future </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jan 2000</td> <td> Uranium Contract Pricing Mechanisms </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 1999</td> <td> Fundamentals of the Uranium Enrichment Market </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 1999</td> <td> Projection of USEC&#39;s Average Prices </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 1999</td> <td> 1999 Nuclear Fuel Cycle Global Market Developments </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 1999</td> <td> Long-Term Versus Spot Contract Pricing </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 1999</td> <td> Report on USEC&#39;s Marketing Activities </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 1999</td> <td> The Saga of CIS Trade Restrictions Past, Present and Future </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 1999</td> <td> Examining the Impact of the Russian HEU Feed Deal </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 1999</td> <td> Expert Opinion on Uranium from Kazakhstan </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 1998</td> <td> Russian Fuel Cycle Activities </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 1998</td> <td> Market Impact of USEC Inventory Sales </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 1998</td> <td> Electric Utility Deregulation in the United States </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 1998</td> <td> Selected Papers on Nuclear Fuel Options </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 1998</td> <td> Supplemental Uranium Market Information </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 1998</td> <td> Electric Utility Deregulation in the United States </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 1997</td> <td> Enrichment Market Overview </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 1997</td> <td> Outlook for World Enrichment and Conversion Markets </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 1997</td> <td> U-PRICE Forecasting Model Version 1.5 </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 1997</td> <td> Uranium Marketing Plan - Part III </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 1997</td> <td> Analyzing Options for Uranium Assets </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 1997</td> <td> Fabrication Contracting Review </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 1997</td> <td> Analysis of World Nuclear Fuel Inventories </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 1997</td> <td> Russian HEU Feed Overview </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 1997</td> <td> Competitor Analysis - Part II </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 1996</td> <td> NSA Encyclopedias: Akouta, Artlit, Blizzard, Imouraren, Shootaring Canyon, Crow Butte, White Mesa </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 1996</td> <td> Uranium Market Analysis - Part I </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 1996</td> <td> Nuclear Supply Analysis: Producer Profiles </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 1996</td> <td> Uranium Price Outlook </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 1996</td> <td> Uranium Producer Marketing Strategy </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 1996</td> <td> U3O8 Bid Review/Recommendations </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 1996</td> <td> U-PRICE Forecasting Model Version 1.4 </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 1996</td> <td> Uranium Price Projection </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">May 1996</td> <td> SPC EUP Valuation </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 1996</td> <td> The Fabrication Market Outlook </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 1996</td> <td> Uranium Market Analysis: Cigar Lake Environmental Impact Statement </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 1996</td> <td> Nuclear Power Development in Asia </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 1996</td> <td> The Uranium Spot Market Outlook </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 1996</td> <td> Uranium Market Analysis: Midwest Project Environmental Impact Statement </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 1995</td> <td> 1995 Price Indicators Compared </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 1995</td> <td> Uranium Market Amalysis </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 1995</td> <td> The Evolving EUP Market: Implications for Suppliers, Utilities, and Government Agencies </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 1995</td> <td> Inventory Update: Russian, Other CIS, Eastern European, and Chinese </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 1995</td> <td> Nuclear Market Events </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 1995</td> <td> Preliminary Uranium Market Analysis </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 1995</td> <td> Uranium Enrichment Market Analysis </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jul 1995</td> <td> Uranium Market Analysis: McArthur River Project Environmental Impact Statement </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jun 1995</td> <td> Availability and Costs of Mid-Level Enriched Uranium Blendstock </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Feb 1995</td> <td> Enrichment Market Activity Report (Monthly Report) </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 1994</td> <td> Special Report: The Russian Amendment </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Dec 1992</td> <td> The Uranium Market Timing Service (UMTS): A Discussion </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Nov 1992</td> <td> The CIS Negotiated Settlements, HEU Supplies, and the Energy Policy Act: Meanings and Possibilities </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Sep 1992</td> <td> Marketing Strategy </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 1992</td> <td> Proposal for the Acquisiton of Uranium Producer </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Oct 1991</td> <td> Uranium Producer Profile </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 1991</td> <td> Nuclear Fuel Trading: An Overview </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 1991</td> <td> Uranium Marketing Strategy </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 1991</td> <td> USEC Termination Study </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Apr 1990</td> <td> Current Status: Long-Term Uranium Market </td> </tr> <tr class="table-secondary"> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Jan 1990</td> <td> Update on Long-Term Uranium Market </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Aug 1989</td> <td> Update on Long-Term Uranium Market </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="no-wrap text-right">Mar 1989</td> <td> Long-Term Uranium Market </td> </tr> </table> <div class="clearfix"></div> <div style='font-size:8pt;margin:10px 0 20px>;text-align:right;border-top:1px #3569a5 solid;padding-top:10px;'> For additional information, please contact<br /> <b>Eric Webb</b> <b class="bullet bullet-blue"></b> <b>+1 (770) 642-7745</b> <b class="bullet bullet-blue"></b> <b><span><script>document.write('<n uers="znvygb:revp.jroo@hkp.pbz">revp.jroo@hkp.pbz</n>'))</script><noscript><span style="unicode-bidi:bidi-override;direction:rtl;">moc.cxu@bbew.cire</span></noscript></span></b> </div><div class="text-only-content" data-content="\n"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-8" style="line-height:1rem;"> <a href="#top" onclick="window.scroll(0, 0); return false;"><span class="text-muted">BACK TO TOP</span></a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="/">HOME</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a href="/SiteMap.aspx">SITE MAP</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a class="no-wrap" href="/p/Terms.aspx">Terms of 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