Visit the Innovation Zone | CWIEME Berlin
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style="color: #000;"><p id="isPasted">Formerly known as the <em>Start-Up Zone</em>, our Innovation Zone has evolved to become a dedicated space showcasing the most cutting-edge and groundbreaking new businesses in the coil winding and electrical manufacturing industry. This area was reimagined in response to industry demand for advanced digital solutions and is designed to highlight emerging technologies that push the boundaries of energy efficiency and grid modernisation.</p><p>Whether you're a seasoned industry professional aiming to stay ahead of the curve or an aspiring entrepreneur eager to make your mark, the Innovation Zone is the place to be.</p></div> <style> #a8e16c2fe-408f-4927-83ee-6cdb4b322769 { background-color: #00CCCC !important; color: #fff !important; } #a8e16c2fe-408f-4927-83ee-6cdb4b322769:hover { background-color: #00a0a4 !important; color: #fff !important; } </style> <style> #a36cc2582-072d-45b5-82aa-623004bba53a { background-color: #00CCCC !important; color: #004357 !important; } #a36cc2582-072d-45b5-82aa-623004bba53a:hover { background-color: #00a0a4 !important; color: #004357 !important; } </style> <a id="a36cc2582-072d-45b5-82aa-623004bba53a" target="_self" href="" class="ctaBtn TwoColumnImageVideoAndTitleText btnRight">REGISTER INTEREST</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> #cwac222b4560b44c05b75b7726b6c46ec2 .boxy{ min-height: ; } </style> <div style="background: #00C19C;; " class="cw_Four_Col_Image_Title_Text_CTA" id="cwac222b4560b44c05b75b7726b6c46ec2"> <div class="ite-body-wrapper bg-none"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row cw-d-flex"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-lg-3 cw-col-auto"> <div class="cw_Four_Col_Image_Title_Text_Item cw_Four_Col_Image_Text_center"> <img src="/getmedia/da751916-c44f-4d86-9381-33c872034d38/Discover-Innovative-Solutions-min.jpg" alt=""> <div style="background: #00C19C;" class="cwFourContent"> <div class="boxy"> <h2 style="color: #000000;">Discover Innovative Solutions</h2> <div style="color: #000000;"><p>Explore a world of innovation and creativity in the <strong id="isPasted">Innovation Zone</strong> at CWIEME Berlin. Here, you'll discover cutting-edge solutions and groundbreaking technologies shaping the future of coil winding and electrical manufacturing. From revolutionary products to innovative processes, this is your chance to stay ahead and explore the next big developments in our dynamic industry.</p></div> </div> <style> #ae24ae0c0-0c91-45ae-9db7-9bd003dcc4d9 { background-color: #E74A9A !important; color: #fff !important; } #ae24ae0c0-0c91-45ae-9db7-9bd003dcc4d9:hover { background-color: #a2346c !important !important; color: #fff !important; } </style> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 col-lg-3 cw-col-auto"> <div class="cw_Four_Col_Image_Title_Text_Item cw_Four_Col_Image_Text_center "> <img src="/getmedia/2414a853-c2ee-4aeb-ad09-6c4eb6891470/Connect-with-Emerging-Entrepreneurs-min.jpg" alt=""> <div style="background: #00C19C;" class="cwFourContent"> <div class="boxy"> <h2 style="color: #000000;">Connect with Emerging Entrepreneurs</h2> <div style="color: #000000;"><p>Forge valuable connections and network with some of the most promising entrepreneurs in the industry at CWIEME Berlin's <strong id="isPasted">Innovation Zone</strong>. Whether you’re seeking collaborators, investors, or simply exchanging ideas, this dedicated space provides an ideal environment to engage with emerging talent and visionary leaders. Connect with like-minded professionals, share insights, and explore partnerships that could drive your business forward.</p></div> </div> <style> #a7719c4af-bf07-465d-b6b0-092d1cdc4d17 { background-color: #E74A9A !important; color: #fff !important; } #a7719c4af-bf07-465d-b6b0-092d1cdc4d17:hover { background-color: #a2346c !important !important; color: #fff !important; } </style> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6 col-lg-3 cw-col-auto"> <div class="cw_Four_Col_Image_Title_Text_Item cw_Four_Col_Image_Text_center "> <img src="/getmedia/5645f401-0781-4c62-8783-3fe57d36e645/Gain-Insights-into-the-latest-Industry-Trends-min.jpg" alt=""> <div style="background: #00C19C;" class="cwFourContent"> <div class="boxy"> <h2 style="color: #000000;">Gain Insights into the latest Industry Trends</h2> <div style="color: #000000;"><p>Stay informed and gain valuable insights into the latest trends and developments shaping the coil winding and electrical manufacturing industry. The <strong id="isPasted">Innovation Zone</strong> at CWIEME Berlin offers a platform to learn from industry experts, thought leaders, and pioneering new businesses at the forefront of change. Attend <a href="/speaker-list/jonas-nyvang"><span style="color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"><u>insightful presentations</u></span></a>, participate in interactive discussions, and gain a deeper understanding of the trends that are shaping the future of our industry.</p></div> </div> <style> #a65ec62c1-4ef3-4f3e-bb04-610c7f587338 { background-color: #E74A9A !important; color: #fff !important; } #a65ec62c1-4ef3-4f3e-bb04-610c7f587338:hover { background-color: #a2346c !important !important; color: #fff !important; } </style> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <style> .cwabcae1512d9c4e069d8c8240ea82ae40 ul.slick-dots li { background: #D9D8CD;; } .cwabcae1512d9c4e069d8c8240ea82ae40 ul.slick-dots li.slick-active { background: #E74A9A;; } .cwabcae1512d9c4e069d8c8240ea82ae40 .slick-arrow { background: #D9D8CD;; color: #000; } .cwabcae1512d9c4e069d8c8240ea82ae40 .slick-arrow:hover { background: #E74A9A;; color: #fff; } @media (min-width: 768.1px){ .cw7ddc993ae31b494eb9ff0bb5e0134fbd .slick-arrow.slick--prev { margin-left: -50px; } .cw7ddc993ae31b494eb9ff0bb5e0134fbd .slick-arrow.slick--next { margin-right: -50px; } } @media (max-width: 768px){ .cw7ddc993ae31b494eb9ff0bb5e0134fbd .slick-arrow.slick--prev { margin-left: -10px; } .cw7ddc993ae31b494eb9ff0bb5e0134fbd .slick-arrow.slick--next { margin-right: -10px; } } </style> <div class="ColumnTextAndQuoteCarousel cwd988de73e9964e278e475fa15f675972 " style=""> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-6 px-0"> <div style="background: #004357;; text-align: left" class="sectionHeading qhoteTxtBg pb-100 pt-100"> <div> <h1 style="color: #fff;;"> Connect with pioneering innovators, discover game-changing solutions, and unlock new possibilities </h1> <div style="color: #fff;"> <p>Join CWIEME Berlin’s <strong id="isPasted">Innovation Zone</strong> and be part of the excitement as we revolutionise the future of coil winding and electrical manufacturing!</p></div> <style> #ab2f2ffe5-d748-479a-93d1-7c369e6d3ce7 { background-color: #00CCCC !important; color: #004357 !important; } #ab2f2ffe5-d748-479a-93d1-7c369e6d3ce7:hover { background-color: #00a0a4 !important; color: #fff !important; } </style> <a id="ab2f2ffe5-d748-479a-93d1-7c369e6d3ce7" target="_self" href="" class="ctaBtn TwoColumnTextAndCarousel">REGISTER INTEREST</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-6 px-0"> <div style="background: #D9D8CD;" class="quoteCarouselBg cwabcae1512d9c4e069d8c8240ea82ae40 pb-100 pt-100"> <div class="quoteCarousel cw7ddc993ae31b494eb9ff0bb5e0134fbd"> <div class="singleQuoteCarousel"> <div class="quoteIcon"> <i style="color: #004357;" class="fa fa-quote-left ite-social-icon"></i> </div> <h3 style="color: #000">“CWIEME has been great for us so far, we've come here to showcase one of our new resin products. We've met about 15 or 20 new leads, major big OEMs”</h3> <p style="color: #000">George Irven, <b>R&D Project Manager, FAC Technology</b></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function () { // 12_2-ColumnTextAndQuoteCarousel carousel $('.cw7ddc993ae31b494eb9ff0bb5e0134fbd').slick({ dots: true, infinite: true, speed: 300, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, prevArrow: '<div class="slick--prev"><i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i></div>', nextArrow: '<div class="slick--next"><i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></div>', responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1024, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, infinite: true, dots: true } }, { breakpoint: 600, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } }, { breakpoint: 480, settings: { slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 } } ] }); // End carousel }); </script> <div id="cw602db2281e664815aed3d66f3d90cd2c" style="padding-top: 20px;" class="richTextWidget"> <h3 style="text-align: center"><span style="font-size: 48px">Discover more</span></h3> </div> <style> .leftBg { background: #fff; 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