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<i class = "bi bi-caret-down"></i></a> <div class = "small collapse mt-2" style = "width:80%" id = "more_12095"> <div class = "mb-2">2:00 PM (ET) | 45 minutes</div> <div class = "mb-3">The assessment authoring tool, powered by Learnosity, offers a wide variety of pre-built, feature-rich question experiences, making assessment varied and engaging. With over 40 different question types,聽including audio and video response, fill in the blank, drawing and essay, you can easily create and assign assessments to your students all within the <i>Gale In Context: For Educators</i> platform.</div> <div><a class = "me-2 btn btn-sm btn-secondary" href = "/doc/u-assess-022725">View More</a> <a class = "btn btn-sm btn-primary" href = "">Register</a></div> </div> </td> <td class = "td-sm"> <a class = "bi-arrow-right-circle fs-4 text-primary" aria-label = "View" href = ""></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "td-sm"> <i class = "bi bi-calendar-event fs-4 text-primary"></i> </td> <td class = "pt-3" style = "width:100px"> 3/26/25 </td> <td class = "pt-3"> <a data-bs-toggle="collapse" role = "button" href="#more_12205">Beyond the Battlefield: The American Civil War鈥檚 Global Impact <i class = "bi bi-caret-down"></i></a> <div class = "small collapse mt-2" style = "width:80%" id = "more_12205"> <div class = "mb-2">5:30 AM (ET) | 60 minutes</div> <div class = "mb-3">In this webinar we鈥檒l explore the historical sources that illuminate the involvement of the European continent in the history of the Civil War in America鈥攖heir internal discussions, their reactions to approaches by Union or Confederate representatives, the challenges and advantages that the American conflict brought to their borders and shores, as well as its impact on their own internal politics and society.</div> <div><a class = "me-2 btn btn-sm btn-secondary" href = "/doc/upcoming-AmCivW-acad-Mar25">View More</a> <a class = "btn btn-sm btn-primary" href = "">Register</a></div> </div> </td> <td class = "td-sm"> <a class = "bi-arrow-right-circle fs-4 text-primary" aria-label = "View" href = ""></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "td-sm"> <i class = "bi bi-calendar-event fs-4 text-primary"></i> </td> <td class = "pt-3" style = "width:100px"> 4/08/25 </td> <td class = "pt-3"> <a data-bs-toggle="collapse" role = "button" href="#more_12195">Empowering Research with StoryMaps: Leveraging Gale Digital Scholar Lab for Engaging Narratives <i class = "bi bi-caret-down"></i></a> <div class = "small collapse mt-2" style = "width:80%" id = "more_12195"> <div class = "mb-2">2:00 PM (ET) | 45 minutes</div> <div class = "mb-3">Join us for an engaging webinar featuring Dr. Sarah Ketchley, our Senior Digital Humanities Specialist, Egyptologist, and faculty member in the Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures at the University of Washington. In this session, Dr. Ketchley will explore how to leverage the tools in <i>Gale Digital Scholar Lab</i> to create StoryMaps: a digital tool that combines maps, multimedia, and narrative to create interactive and engaging storytelling experiences. Attendees will gain insights into how to effectively utilize the Lab鈥檚 capabilities to enhance StoryMapping projects, enabling the incorporation of multimedia content, geospatial data, and interactive elements. Through examples from her own teaching and student projects, Dr. Ketchley will showcase the practical applications of StoryMaps, demonstrating how they can effectively present research findings, share narratives, and visualize data in a compelling and interactive manner. Additionally, she will provide pedagogical tips for implementing StoryMapping in the classroom, enhancing digital literacy skills and research outcomes. Don't miss this opportunity to explore how <i>Gale Digital Scholar Lab</i> can help in the creation of StoryMaps and actively engage students in the exciting realm of digital humanities.</div> <div><a class = "me-2 btn btn-sm btn-secondary" href = "/doc/upcoming-DSL-acad-Apr25">View More</a> <a class = "btn btn-sm btn-primary" href = "">Register</a></div> </div> </td> <td class = "td-sm"> <a class = "bi-arrow-right-circle fs-4 text-primary" aria-label = "View" href = ""></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "td-sm"> <i class = "bi bi-calendar-event fs-4 text-primary"></i> </td> <td class = "pt-3" style = "width:100px"> 4/03/25 </td> <td class = "pt-3"> <a data-bs-toggle="collapse" role = "button" href="#more_12199">Exploring Cross-Search Opportunities Across the Gale Platform <i class = "bi bi-caret-down"></i></a> <div class = "small collapse mt-2" style = "width:80%" id = "more_12199"> <div class = "mb-2">2:00 PM (ET) | 45 minutes</div> <div class = "mb-3">If your library offers multiple Gale resources, you can find many documents quickly by searching several resources together. In this webinar we鈥檒l explore the differences between four cross-search interfaces: <i>Gale Primary Sources, Gale Literature, Gale Research Complete</i>, and the original <i>PowerSearch</i>. Learn navigational tips, discuss the advantages of cross-searching, and discover where cross-searching techniques can fit into the academic research process.</div> <div><a class = "me-2 btn btn-sm btn-secondary" href = "/doc/upcoming-Xsearch-acad1-Apr25">View More</a> <a class = "btn btn-sm btn-primary" href = "">Register</a></div> </div> </td> <td class = "td-sm"> <a class = "bi-arrow-right-circle fs-4 text-primary" aria-label = "View" href = ""></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class = "td-sm"> <i class = "bi bi-calendar-event fs-4 text-primary"></i> </td> <td class = "pt-3" style = "width:100px"> 4/15/25 </td> <td class = "pt-3"> <a data-bs-toggle="collapse" role = "button" href="#more_12201">Exploring Cross-Search Opportunities Across the Gale Platform <i class = "bi bi-caret-down"></i></a> <div class = "small collapse mt-2" style = "width:80%" id = "more_12201"> <div class = "mb-2">4:30 AM (ET) | 45 minutes</div> <div class = "mb-3">If your library offers multiple Gale resources, you can find many documents quickly by searching several resources together. In this webinar we鈥檒l explore the differences between four cross-search interfaces: <i>Gale Primary Sources, Gale Literature, Gale Research Complete</i>, and the original <i>PowerSearch</i>. Learn navigational tips, discuss the advantages of cross-searching, and discover where cross-searching techniques can fit into the academic research process.</div> <div><a class = "me-2 btn btn-sm btn-secondary" href = "/doc/upcoming-Xsearch-acad2-Apr25">View More</a> <a class = "btn btn-sm btn-primary" href = "">Register</a></div> </div> </td> <td class = "td-sm"> <a class = "bi-arrow-right-circle fs-4 text-primary" aria-label = "View" href = ""></a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class = "tab-pane" id = "featured-videos"> <table class = "table"> <tr class = "align-middle"> <td class = "td-sm"> <i class = "text-center fs-4 bi bi-heart-pulse"></i> </td> <td> <a class = "gtm-doc text-primary" href = "/marketing/themes/heart2022" aria-label="American Heart Month"> American Heart Month </a> </td> <td class = "td-sm"> <a class = "text-primary bi-arrow-right-circle fs-4" aria-label = "View /marketing/themes/heart2022" href = "/marketing/themes/heart2022"></a> </td> </tr> <tr class = 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