Get a Free Month of Backblaze

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vertspacer-s w-container"><div class="rt-headings-bodyl rt-list-rednum w-richtext"><h2>Protect your data in three easy steps</h2><p>Simple, secure, and the only backup service that doesn&#x27;t require you to pick and choose files or folders.</p><ol start="" role="list"><li>Enter and verify your email address to create an account.</li><li>Download and install the Backblaze application.</li><li>Run Backblaze on your computer and your files will be backed up.</li></ol></div></div></div><div class="_5c_logowall"><div class="_5c_logowall_container w-container"><h2 class="_5c_logowall_heading rt-centeraligned">Recommended by</h2><div class="vertspacer-xs"></div><div class="w-layout-grid _5c_logowall-10_logos"><img src="" loading="lazy" width="180" height="70" alt="The Verge logo" id="w-node-b69fe57b-f925-5b36-15d3-735628bf5ce7-481df47f" class="_5c_logowall_logo animated-slide-in" /><img class="_5c_logowall_logo animated-slide-in" src="" width="180" height="70" alt="Macworld Logo" 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