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The word "boarding" is used in the sense of "[[room and board]]", i.e. lodging and meals. As they have existed for many centuries, and now extend across many countries, their functioning, codes of conduct and ethos vary greatly. Children in boarding schools study and live during the school year with their fellow students and possibly teachers or administrators. Some boarding schools also have day students who attend the institution during the day and return home in the evenings. Boarding school pupils are typically referred to as "boarders". Children may be sent for one year to twelve years or more in boarding school, until the age of eighteen. There are several types of boarders depending on the intervals at which they visit their family. Full-term boarders visit their homes at the end of an academic year, semester boarders visit their homes at the end of an academic term, weekly boarders visit their homes at weekends. There are also semi-boarders who attend a boarding school in the school hours for formal instruction and activities but return home by the end of the day. In some cultures, boarders spend the majority of their childhood and adolescent life away from their families. Boarding schools are relatively more prevalent in the United Kingdom, India, China, and parts of Africa. These countries begin boarding schools at a very early age and for a longer span of time. However, boarding schools are relatively less prevalent in Europe and the US where it is mostly seen for grades seven or nine through grade twelve—the high school years. Some are for [[single-sex education|either boys or girls]] while others are [[co-education]]al. The United Kingdom has a long tradition of boarding school education and the term [[Public school (UK)|public school]] has an elitist association. There are also some [[List of state boarding schools in England|state boarding schools]], many of which serve children from remote areas. In some societies and cultures, boarding schools are the most privileged educational option (such as [[Eton College|Eton]] and [[Harrow School|Harrow]] in the UK, which have produced several prime ministers), whereas in other contexts, they serve as places to segregate children deemed a problem to their parents or wider society. The United States and Canada forcibly [[Cultural assimilation of Native Americans|assimilated indigenous children]] in the [[Canadian Indian residential school system]] and [[History of American Indian schools|American Indian boarding school institutions]]. Some functioned essentially as [[orphanage]]s, e.g. the [[G.I. Rossolimo Boarding School Number 49]] in Russia. Tens of millions of rural children are now educated at [[boarding schools in China]]. [[Therapeutic boarding school]]s offer treatment for psychological difficulties. [[Military academy|Military academies]] provide [[Discipline|strict discipline]]. [[Special education#Special schools|Education for children with special needs]] has a long association with boarding; see, for example, [[deaf education]] and [[Council of Schools and Services for the Blind]]. Some boarding schools offer an immersion into [[democratic education]], such as [[Summerhill School]]. Others are international, such as the [[United World Colleges]]. ==Description== ===Typical characteristics=== The term ''boarding school'' often refers to classic British boarding schools and many boarding schools around the world which are modeled on these.<ref name="Bamford">Bamford T.W. (1967) ''Rise of the public schools: a study of boys public boarding schools in England and Wales from 1837 to the present day''. London: Nelson, 1967.</ref> ====House system==== [[File: Croydon Shubra Hall PLC.JPG|thumb|right|Boarding house of the [[Presbyterian Ladies' College, Sydney]], [[New South Wales]]]] [[File:TASdorm1898.jpg|thumb|Dormitory at [[The Armidale School]], Australia, 1898]] {{Main|House system}} A typical boarding school has several separate residential houses, either within the school grounds or in the surrounding area. A number of senior teaching staff are appointed as housemasters, housemistresses, dorm parents, [[prefect]]s, or residential advisors, each of whom takes quasi-parental responsibility (''[[in loco parentis]]'') for anywhere from 5 to 50 students resident in their ''house'' or dormitory at all times but particularly outside school hours. Each may be assisted in the domestic management of the house by a housekeeper often known in U.K. or [[Commonwealth of Nations|Commonwealth]] countries as ''[[matron]]'', and by a ''house tutor'' for academic matters, often providing staff of each gender. In the U.S., boarding schools often have a resident family that lives in the dorm, known as dorm parents. They often have janitorial staff for maintenance and housekeeping, but typically do not have tutors associated with an individual dorm. Nevertheless, older students are often less supervised by staff, and a system of monitors or prefects gives limited authority to senior students. Houses readily develop distinctive characters, and a healthy rivalry between houses is often encouraged in sport. Houses or dorms usually include study-bedrooms or [[Dormitory|dormitories]], a dining room or [[refectory]] where students take meals at fixed times, a library and possibly [[Carrel desk|study carrels]] where students can do their homework. Houses may also have common rooms for television and relaxation and kitchens for snacks, and occasionally storage facilities for bicycles or other sports equipment. Some facilities may be shared between several houses or dorms. In some schools, each house has students of all ages, in which case there is usually a prefect system, which gives older students some privileges and some responsibility for the welfare of the younger ones. In others, separate houses accommodate the needs of different years or classes. In some schools, day students are assigned to a dorm or house for social activities and sports purposes. Most school dormitories have an "in your room by" and a "lights out" time, depending on their age when the students are required to prepare for bed, after which no talking is permitted. Such rules may be difficult to enforce; students may often try to break them, for example by using their laptop computers or going to another student's room to talk or play computer games. International students may take advantage of the time difference between countries (e.g. 7 hours between UK and China) to contact friends or family. Students sharing study rooms are less likely to disturb others and may be given more latitude. ====Other facilities==== As well as the usual academic facilities such as classrooms, halls, libraries, and laboratories, boarding schools often provide a wide variety of facilities for extracurricular activities such as music rooms, gymnasiums, sports fields and school grounds, boats, squash courts, swimming pools, cinemas, and theaters. A school chapel is often found on site. Day students often stay on after school to use these facilities. Many North American boarding schools are located in beautiful rural environments and have a combination of architectural styles that vary from modern to hundreds of years old. Food quality can vary from school to school, but most boarding schools offer diverse menu choices for many kinds of dietary restrictions and preferences. Some boarding schools have a dress code for specific meals like dinner or for specific days of the week. Students are generally free to eat with friends, teammates, as well as with faculty and coaches. Extra curricular activities groups, e.g. the French Club, may have meetings and meals together. The Dining Hall often serves as a central place where lessons and learning can continue between students and teachers or other faculty mentors or coaches. Some schools welcome day students to attend breakfast and dinner, in addition to the standard lunch, while others charge a fee. Many boarding schools have an on-campus school store or snack hall where additional food and school supplies can be purchased; may also have a student recreational center where food can be purchased during specified hours. Boarding schools also have [[First aid room|infirmary]], a small room with first aid or other emergencies medical aid. ====Time==== Students generally need permission to go outside defined school bounds; they may be allowed to travel off-campus at certain times. Depending on country and context, boarding schools generally offer one or more options: full (students stay at the school full-time), weekly (students stay in the school from Monday through Friday, then return home for the weekend), or on a flexible schedule (students choose when to board, e.g. during exam week). Each student has an individual timetable, which in the early years allows little discretion.<ref>Linton Hall Cadet, Linton Hall Military School Memories: One cadet's memoir, Arlington, VA.: Scrounge Press, 2014 {{ISBN|978-1-4959-3196-3}}</ref> Boarders and day students are taught together in school hours and in most cases continue beyond the school day to include sports, clubs and societies, or excursions. British boarding schools have three [[Academic term|terms]] a year, approximately twelve weeks each, with a few days' half-term holidays during which students are expected to go home or at least away from school. There may be several [[exeat]]s, or weekends, in each half of the term when students may go home or away (e.g. international students may stay with their appointed guardians, or with a host family). Boarding students nowadays often go to school within easy traveling distance of their homes, and so may see their families frequently; e.g. families are encouraged to come and support school sports teams playing at home against other schools, or for school performances in music, drama, or theatre. It is recommended that international boarding school students have an appointed educational guardian.<ref name="UK Guardian">{{cite web |title=YES Guardians - Premier Educational Guardianship for International Students |date=14 September 2022 |url= |accessdate=March 6, 2024 |publisher=YES Guardians}}</ref> Some boarding schools allow only boarding students, while others have both boarding students and day students who go home at the end of the school day. Day students are sometimes known as day boys or day girls. Some schools welcome day students to attend breakfast and dinner, while others charge a fee. For schools that have designated study hours or quiet hours in the evenings, students on campus (including day students) are usually required to observe the same "quiet" rules (such as no television, students must stay in their rooms, library or study hall, etc.). Schools that have both boarding and day students sometimes describe themselves as semi-boarding schools or day boarding schools. Some schools also have students who board during the week but go home on weekends: these are known as weekly boarders, quasi-boarders, or five-day boarders. ===Other forms of boarding schools=== [[File:Schloss in Torgelow, direkt am See.JPG|thumb|[[Torgelow am See|Schloss Torgelow]], a [[Gymnasium (Germany)|Gymnasium]] boarding school in [[Germany]], that leads to the [[Abitur]] exams]] [[File:THINK Global Students at BISS.jpg|thumb|Traveling boarding schools, like [[Think Global School|THINK Global School]], partner with an IB school in each country they visit.]] Boarding schools are residential schools; however, not all residential schools are "classic" boarding schools. Other forms of residential schools include: * [[Therapeutic boarding schools]] are tuition-based, out-of-home placements that combine therapy and education for children, usually teenagers, with emotional, behavioral, substance abuse, or learning disabilities.<ref>{{citation|last=Story|first=Louise|title=A Business Built on the Troubles of Teenagers|url=|newspaper=[[The New York Times]]|date=17 August 2005}}</ref> * Traveling boarding schools, such as [[Think Global School]], are four-year high schools that immerse the students in a new city each term. Traveling boarding schools partner with a host school within the city to provide the living and educational facilities.<ref name=":0">{{cite web|title=What is TGS?|url=|publisher=Think Global School|access-date=15 September 2014|archive-date=13 September 2014|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> * Sailing boarding schools, such as [[A+ World Academy]], are high schools based on ships that sail around the world and combine high school education with travel, and personal development. Classes typically take place both, onboard and in some of the ports they visit.<ref name=":0" /> * Outdoor boarding schools, which teach students independence and self-reliance through survival style camp outs and other [[outdoor activities]].<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Wilderness Therapy Program, Therapeutic Boarding School for Troubled Boys |publisher=Woodcreek Academy |access-date=2014-05-30 |archive-date=22 March 2018 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> * [[Residential education]] programs, which provide a stable and supportive environment for at-risk children. * Residential schools for students with [[Special education|special educational needs]], who may or may not be disabled * [[Semester school]]s, which complement a student's [[secondary education]] by providing a one [[semester]] residential experience with a central focusing curricular theme—which may appeal to students and families uninterested in a longer residential education experience * Specialist schools focused on a particular academic discipline, such as the public [[North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics]] or the private [[Interlochen Arts Academy]]. * The [[Youth village|Israeli youth villages]], where children stay and are educated in a commune, but also have everyday contact with their parents at specified hours. * Public boarding schools, which are operated by public school districts. In the U.S., general-attendance public boarding schools were once numerous in rural areas, but are extremely rare today. As of the 2013–2014 school year, the [[SEED Foundation]] administered public charter boarding schools in Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Maryland. One rural public boarding school is [[Crane Union High School]] in [[Crane, Oregon|Crane]], Oregon. Around two-thirds of its more than 80 students, mostly children from remote [[ranch]]es, board during the school week in order to save a one-way commute of up to {{convert|150|mi}} across [[Harney County, Oregon|Harney County]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The Oregon Story. Rural Voices: Three Days at Crane. Crane High School – OPB|access-date=24 March 2008|archive-date=25 August 2013|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref> * [[Ranch school]], once common in the western United States, incorporating aspects of the "dude ranch" ([[Guest ranch]]) ===Applicable regulations=== In the UK, most boarding schools are [[independent schools]], which are not subject to the national curriculum or other educational regulations applicable to [[state schools]]. Nevertheless, there are some regulations, primarily for health and safety purposes, as well as the general law. The [[Department for Children, Schools and Families]], in conjunction with the [[Department of Health (United Kingdom)|Department of Health]] of the United Kingdom, has prescribed guidelines for boarding schools, called the National Boarding Standards.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Boarding Schools – National Minimum Standards / Inspection Regulations |date=March 2002 |work=Department of Health |location=London |publisher=TSO |access-date=2005-12-11 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=14 February 2006}}</ref> One example of regulations covered within the National Boarding Standards are those for the minimum floor area or living space required for each student and other aspects of basic facilities. The minimum floor area of a dormitory accommodating two or more students is defined as the number of students sleeping in the dormitory multiplied by 4.2&nbsp;m<sup>2</sup>, plus 1.2&nbsp;m<sup>2</sup>. A minimum distance of 0.9&nbsp;m should also be maintained between any two beds in a dormitory, bedroom, or cubicle. In case students are provided with a cubicle, then each student must be provided with a window and a floor area of 5.0&nbsp;m<sup>2</sup> at the least. A bedroom for a single student should be at least of the floor area of 6.0&nbsp;m<sup>2</sup>. Boarding schools must provide a total floor area of at least 2.3&nbsp;m<sup>2</sup> living accommodation for every boarder. This should also be incorporated with at least one [[bathtub]] or shower for every ten students. ==History== Boarding schools manifest themselves in different ways in different societies. For example, in some societies children enter at an earlier age than in others. In some societies, a tradition has developed in which families send their children to the same boarding school for generations. One observation that appears to apply globally is that a significantly larger number of boys than girls attend boarding school and for a longer span of time. The practice of sending children, particularly boys, to other families or to schools so that they could learn together is of very long-standing, recorded in classical literature and in UK records going back over 1,000 years. In Europe, a practice developed by early medieval times of sending boys to be taught by literate clergymen, either in monasteries or as [[Page (servant)|pages]] in [[great house]]holds. [[The King's School, Canterbury]], arguably the world's oldest boarding school, dates its foundation from the development of the monastery school in around 597 AD. The author of the ''[[Croyland Chronicle]]'' recalls being tested on his grammar by [[Edward the Confessor]]'s wife [[Edith of Wessex|Queen Editha]] in the abbey cloisters as a [[Westminster School|Westminster schoolboy]], in around the 1050s. [[Monastic school]]s as such were generally [[Dissolution of the Monasteries|dissolved with the monasteries]] themselves under Henry VIII, although Westminster School was specifically preserved by the King's [[letters patent]], and it seems likely that most schools were immediately replaced. [[Winchester College]] founded by Bishop [[William of Wykeham]] in 1382 and [[Oswestry School]] founded by [[David Holbache]] in 1407 are the oldest boarding schools in continuous operation. ===United Kingdom=== {{See also|List of boarding schools in the United Kingdom}} [[File:Charterhouse School, Godalming, Surrey, June 2013 (3).jpg|thumb|[[Charterhouse School]]]] Boarding schools in Britain started in medieval times when boys were sent to be educated by literate clerics at a monastery or noble household. In the 12th century, the Pope ordered all [[Benedictine]] monasteries such as [[Westminster Abbey|Westminster]] to provide charity schools, and many [[Public school (UK)|public schools]] started when such schools attracted paying students. These public schools reflected the collegiate universities of [[Oxbridge|Oxford and Cambridge]], as in many ways they still do, and were accordingly staffed almost entirely by clergymen until the 19th century. Private [[Tutor|tuition]] at home remained the norm for aristocratic families, and for girls in particular, but after the 16th century, it was increasingly accepted that adolescents of any rank might best be educated collectively. The institution has thus adapted itself to changing social circumstances over 1,000 years. [[Preparatory school (United Kingdom)|Boarding preparatory schools]] tend to reflect the public schools they feed. They often have a more or less official tie to particular schools. The classic British boarding school became highly popular during the colonial expansion of the British Empire. British colonial administrators abroad could ensure that their children were brought up in British culture at public schools at home in the UK, and local rulers were offered the same education for their sons. More junior expatriates would send their children to local British-run schools, which would also admit selected local children who might travel from considerable distances. The boarding schools, which inculcated their own values, became an effective way to encourage local people to share British ideals, and so help the British achieve their imperial goals. One of the reasons sometimes stated for sending children to boarding schools is to develop wider horizons than their family can provide. A boarding school a family has attended for generations may define the culture parents aspire to for their children. Equally, by choosing a fashionable boarding school, parents may aspire to better their children by enabling them to mix on equal terms with children of the upper classes. However, such stated reasons may conceal other reasons for sending a child away from home.<ref name="EU-Canada">[ CWAB – Session 6.2 – Reasons for displacement] {{webarchive|url= |date=20 March 2012 }} European Union – Canada project Child welfare across borders (2003)</ref><ref name="duf">Duffell, N. "The Making of Them. The British Attitude to Children and the Boarding School System". (London: Lone Arrow Press, 2000).</ref><ref name=Schaverien>Schaverien, J. (2004) Boarding School: The Trauma of the Privileged Child, in Journal of Analytical Psychology, vol 49, 683–705</ref> These might apply to children who are considered too disobedient or underachieving, children from families with divorced spouses, and children to whom the parents do not much relate.<ref name="duf"/><ref name="Schaverien"/> These reasons are rarely explicitly stated, though the child might be aware of them.<ref name="duf"/><ref name="Schaverien"/> In 1998, there were 772 private-sector boarding schools in the United Kingdom with over 100,000 children attending them all across the country. They are an important factor in the [[British class system]]. About one percent of British children are sent to boarding schools.<ref name="Dansokhs">Dansokho, S., Little, M., & Thomas, B. (2003). ''Residential services for children: definitions, numbers, and classifications''. Chicago: Chapin Hall Center for Children.</ref><ref name="HealthDept">Department of Health. (1998). Caring for Children away from Home. Chichester: Wiley and Son</ref><ref name="Little">Little, M. Kohm, A. Thompson, R. (2005). "The impact of residential placement on child development: research and policy implications". ''International Journal of Social Welfare''; 14, 200–209. {{doi|10.1111/j.1468-2397.2005.00360.x}}</ref> Also in Britain children as young as 5 to 9 years of age are sent to boarding schools.<ref name="Power">Power A (2007) "Discussion of Trauma at the Threshold: The Impact of Boarding School on Attachment in Young Children", in ''ATTACHMENT: New Directions in Psychotherapy and Relational Psychoanalysis''; Vol. 1, November 2007: pp. 313–320</ref> ===United States=== {{See also|List of boarding schools in the United States}} [[File:Phillips Academy, Andover, MA - Samuel Phillips Hall.JPG|thumb|[[Phillips Academy]] Andover, MA]] Before the advent of universal public education in the United States, boarding school was often the only secondary school option for students in rural New England communities.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Howe |first=Daniel Walker |date=September 1973 |title=Review of "American Boarding Schools: A Historical Study" |url= |journal=The New England Quarterly |volume=46 |issue=3 |pages=493–94 |jstor=364217}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |last=Allis, Jr. |first=Frederick S. |title=Youth from Every Quarter: A Bicentennial History of Phillips Academy, Andover |publisher=[[University Press of New England]] |year=1979 |location=Hanover, NH |pages=38-41, 278-81}}</ref> Some states, especially [[Massachusetts]], sponsored and subsidized semi-public boarding schools, often called "academies," to educate students from the surrounding rural areas.<ref name=":1">{{Cite book |url= |title=The History of Milton, Mass.: 1640 to 1887 |publisher=Press of Rockwell and Churchill |year=1887 |editor-last=Teele |editor-first=Albert K. |location=Boston, MA |pages=327–38}}</ref><ref>{{Cite book |url= |title=Financial History of Lawrence Academy at Groton, Massachusetts |publisher=University Press |year=1895 |location=Cambridge, MA |pages=10}}</ref> Some of the oldest remaining academies include [[West Nottingham Academy]] (est. 1744), [[Linden Hall (school)|Linden Hall]] (est. 1756), [[The Governor's Academy]] (est. 1763), [[Phillips Academy]] (est. 1778), and [[Phillips Exeter Academy]] (est. 1781).<ref>{{Cite web |title=Boarding Schools with the Oldest Founding Date (2017–2018) |url= |access-date=2018-08-14 | |language=en}}</ref> The market for semi-public academies narrowed in the second half of the nineteenth century as local governments began establishing free, public secondary day schools. Some academies joined the public school system, and others shut down.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Orcutt |first=Leon Monroe |year=1934 |title=The influence of the academy in Western Massachusetts |url= |journal=Masters Theses 1911 - February 2014 |location=Amherst, MA |publisher=University of Massachusetts Amherst |pages=51 |doi=10.7275/6871421}}</ref><ref name=":1" /> Towards the turn of the twentieth century, a new generation of boarding schools was established. These schools generally followed the British public school model<ref name="nrhpinv">{{cite web |last=Pitts |first=Carolyn |date=July 1985 |title=Lawrenceville School |url={{NHLS url|id=86000158}} |access-date=22 May 2012 |work=National Register of Historic Places - Inventory Nomination Form |publisher=[[National Park Service]] |format=PDF}}</ref> and focused on preparing students aged roughly 14–18 for college entrance examinations.<ref>{{Cite book |last=Fortmiller, Jr. |first=Hubert C. |title=Find the Promise: Middlesex School, 1901-2001 |publisher=[[Middlesex School]] |year=2003 |location=Concord, MA |pages=32-34}}</ref> Because of their college-preparatory approach, they were dubbed [[College-preparatory school|prep schools]], although most American prep schools educate only day students. At the turn of the twenty-first century, 0.5% of U.S. school children attended boarding schools, about half the percentage of British children.<ref name="Dansokhs" /><ref name="HealthDept" /><ref name="Little" /> In recent years, various governments have established public boarding schools. Some provide additional resources for academically promising students, like the [[North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics]] (est. 1980).<ref>{{Cite news |last=Sparks |first=Sarah D. |date=2016-10-26 |title=Disadvantaged Students Outnumbered at Top Public Boarding Schools |url= |access-date=2024-10-15 |work=Education Week |language=en |issn=0277-4232}}</ref> Others provide a more focused environment for students from at-risk backgrounds.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Einhorn |first=Erin |date=2015-12-26 |title=How to Educate Traumatized Students |url= |access-date=2024-10-15 |website=The Atlantic |language=en}}</ref> Boarding schools for students below the age of 13 are called ''junior boarding schools'', and are relatively uncommon. The oldest junior boarding school is the [[Fay School]] in [[Southborough, Massachusetts]] (est. 1866).{{Cn|date=October 2024}} ==== Native American schools ==== [[File:Carlisle pupils.jpg|thumb|right|Students at [[Carlisle Indian Industrial School]], Pennsylvania ({{Circa|1900}})]] {{Main|Native American boarding schools}} {{See also|Americanization (of Native Americans)#Native American education and boarding schools|l1=Native American education and boarding schools}} {{See also|Carlisle Indian Industrial School}} In the late 19th century, the United States government undertook a policy of educating [[Native Americans in the United States|Native American]] youth in the ways of the dominant Western culture so that Native Americans might then be able to assimilate into Western society. At these boarding schools, managed and regulated by the government, Native American students were subjected to a number of tactics to prepare them for life outside their reservation homes.<ref name="Adams">Adams, David Wallace. Education for Extinction: American Indians and the Boarding School Experience, 1875–1928. University of Kansas Press, Lawrence: 1995.</ref> In accordance with the assimilation methods used at the boarding schools, the education that the Native American children received at these institutions centered on the dominant society's construction of gender norms and ideals. Thus boys and girls were separated in almost every activity and their interactions were strictly regulated along the lines of [[Victorian era|Victorian]] ideals. In addition, the instruction that the children received reflected the roles and duties that they were to assume once outside the reservation. Thus girls were taught skills that could be used in the home, such as "sewing, cooking, canning, ironing, child care, and cleaning"<ref name="Adams"/> (Adams 150). Native American boys in the boarding schools were taught the importance of an agricultural lifestyle, with an emphasis on raising livestock and agricultural skills like "plowing and planting, field irrigation, the care of stock, and the maintenance of fruit orchards"<ref name="Adams"/> (Adams 149). These ideas of domesticity were in stark contrast to those existing in native communities and on reservations: many indigenous societies were based on a matrilineal system where the women's lineage was honored and the women's place in society respected in different ways. For example, women in native society held powerful roles in their own communities, undertaking tasks that Western society deemed only appropriate for men: indigenous women could be leaders, healers, and farmers.{{citation needed|date=December 2013}} While the Native American children were exposed to and were likely to adopt some of the ideals set out by the whites operating these boarding schools, many resisted and rejected the gender norms that were being imposed upon them.{{Citation needed|date=December 2020}} ===Canada=== {{further|Canadian Indian residential school system}} [[File:Northcliff Campus, Columbia International College.jpg|thumb|left|[[Columbia International College]], [[Hamilton, Ontario]]]] In Canada, the largest independent boarding school is [[Columbia International College]], with an enrollment of 1,700 students from all over the world. [[Robert Land Academy]] in Wellandport, Ontario is Canada's only private military-style boarding school for boys in Grades 6 through 12. ===Other Commonwealth countries=== [[File:The Doon School India.jpg|thumb|right|[[The Doon School]], [[Dehradun]], India]] Most societies around the world decline to make boarding schools the preferred option for the upbringing of their children. However, boarding schools are one of the aspirational modes of education in some former British colonies or [[Commonwealth countries]] like India, Pakistan, Nigeria, and other former [[Africa]]n [[colony|colonies]] of Great Britain. For instance, in [[Ghana]] the majority of the secondary schools are boarding. In some countries, such as New Zealand and [[Sri Lanka]], a number of [[state school]]s have boarding facilities. These state boarding schools are frequently traditional single-sex state schools, whose ethos is much like that of their independent counterparts. Furthermore, the proportion of boarders at these schools is often much lower than at independent boarding schools, typically around 10%. === Malaysia === {{Main article|The International School of Penang (Uplands)|Dalat International School|Marlborough College Malaysia}} === Russia and former Soviet Union === [[File:Boarding school of humanities,facade.jpg|thumb|right|[[Boarding School of Humanities for Gifted Children in Aktanysh|Boarding School of Humanities]], [[Aktanysh]]]] In the former Soviet Union these schools were sometimes known as Internat-schools (Russian: ''Школа-интернат'') (from Latin: ''school-internat'' <ref name="Google Translate">Google Translate</ref>). They varied in their organization. Some schools were a type of specialized schools with a specific focus in a particular field or fields such as mathematics, physics, language, science, sports, etc. For example, in the 1960s Soviet official established a new type of boarding school, an AESC - Advanced educational scientific center (Russian: ''СУНЦ - Специализированный учебно-научный центр'') (SESC - Specialized Educational and Scientific Center <ref name="Google Translate"/>). Those schools were parts of some major universities and prepared students to study there. Now, only a few exist in Russia - in Moscow, Novosibirsk, and Yekaterinburg, though several boarding schools still operate in former Soviet republics, and even some new ones are being opened (e.g. MSU Gymnasium in Moscow, Russia, or Nazarbayev schools all over Kazakhstan). Other schools were associated with [[orphanage]]s after which all children enrolled in Internat-school automatically. Also, separate boarding schools were established for children with special needs (schools for the blind, deaf, and others). General schools offered "extended stay" programs (Russian: Группа продленного дня) featuring cheap meals for children and preventing them from coming home too early before parents were back from work (education in the Soviet Union was free). In post-Soviet countries, the concept of boarding school differs from country to country. ===Switzerland=== [[File:Rosenberg Main Building.jpg|thumb|[[Institut auf dem Rosenberg]]]] The [[Switzerland|Swiss]] government developed a strategy of fostering private boarding schools for foreign students as a business integral to the country's economy. Their boarding schools offer instruction in several major languages and have a large number of quality facilities organized through the ''Swiss Federation of Private Schools''. In 2015, a Swiss boarding school named A+ World Academy was established on the Norwegian Tall Ship Fullriggeren Sørlandet. Some of the most expensive boarding schools in the world include the Swiss schools [[Institut auf dem Rosenberg]], [[Institut Le Rosey]],<ref>{{cite web|url =|title = The most expensive boarding school in the world|date = 2015-01-28|access-date = 2015-02-09}}</ref> [[Collège Alpin International Beau Soleil|Beau Soleil]], [[Collège du Léman]], [[Collège Champittet]] and [[Leysin American School]]. ===Japan=== [[File:国際寮自習室.jpg|thumb|[[NUCB International College]]]] In [[Japan]], there are several international boarding schools operated by private institution. Notable examples of privately-run institutions include [[NUCB International College]]<ref>{{Cite news |date=April 20, 2022 |title=NUCB International College: A World-class International Boarding High School to Open in Japan |url= |work=Business Wire}}</ref> and Hallow International School. These boarding schools are affiliated with various educational boards, such as the [[International Baccalaureate|IB]] (International Baccalaureate), A-Level, and Article1 of the Japanese School Education Law. English is predominantly used as the primary medium of instruction in these institutions. === China === {{main|Boarding schools in China}} {{as of|2015}} there were about 100,000 boarding schools in rural areas of [[Mainland China]], with about 33 million children living in them.<ref name=Roberts>Roberts, Dexter. "[ China's Dickensian Boarding Schools]" ([ Archive]). ''[[Bloomberg Businessweek]]''. 6 April 2015. Retrieved on 13 July 2015.</ref> In China some children are sent to boarding schools at 2 years of age.<ref name="Markus">{{cite news|last=Markus |first=Francis |url= |title=Asia-Pacific &#124; Private school for China's youngest |work=[[BBC News]] |date=2004-06-10 |access-date=2016-09-18}}</ref> The majority of boarding schools are in western China, which generally is not as wealthy as eastern and central China.<ref name=ZZZp238>Zhao, Zhenzhou, p. 238</ref> Many migrant workers and farmers send their children to boarding schools.<ref>Hatton, Celia. "[ Search for justice after China school abuse]" ([ Archive]). [[BBC]]. 6 April 2015. Retrieved on 13 July 2015.</ref> ===India=== {{See also|List of boarding schools in India}} [[File:Student hostel (Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Barabanki).jpg|thumb| Boarder students at [[Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya]], Barabanki]] In [[India]], there exists a variety of boarding schools, which are operated by both private entities and governmental bodies at the state and central levels. Some notable examples government run institute include are [[Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya]], [[Eklavya Model Residential School|Ekalavya Model Residential School]], and Ashram Schools. Boarding schools in India are affiliated with various educational boards such as [[Central Board of Secondary Education|CBSE]], [[Indian Certificate of Secondary Education|ICSE]], [[International Baccalaureate|IB]], [[National Institute of Open Schooling|NIOS]], and [[All India Senior School Certificate Examination|AISSCE]]. Those institutions predominantly use English as the primary [[medium of instruction]]. ==Sociological issues== Some elite [[University-preparatory school|university-preparatory boarding schools]] for students from age 13 to 18 are seen by sociologists as centers of [[socialization]] for the next generation of the political [[upper class]] and reproduces an elitist [[class system]].<ref name="Cookson">{{Cite encyclopedia| publisher = University of Chicago Press| isbn = 978-0-226-47539-4| pages = 112–114| last1 = Cookson| first1 = Peter W. Jr.| last2 = Shweder| first2 = Richard A.| title = Boarding Schools| encyclopedia = The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion| date = 2009-09-15}}</ref> This attracts families who value power and [[Social hierarchy|hierarchy]] for the socialization of their family members.<ref name="Cookson"/> These families share a sense of entitlement to social class or hierarchy and power.<ref name="Cookson"/> Boarding schools are seen by certain families as centres of socialization where students mingle with others of similar social hierarchy<ref name="Cookson"/> to form what is called an [[old boy network]]. Elite boarding school students are brought up with the assumption that they are meant to control society.<ref name="Cookson" /> Significant numbers of them enter the political upper class of society or join the financial elite in fields such as [[international banking]] and [[venture capital]].<ref name="Cookson" /> Elite boarding school socialization causes students to internalize a strong sense of entitlement and social control or hierarchy.<ref name="Cookson" /> This form of socialization is called "deep structure socialization" by Peter Cookson & Caroline Hodges (1985).<ref name="Cookson" /><ref name="Cookson2">{{Cite book| publisher = Basic Books| isbn = 978-0-465-06269-0| last1 = Cookson| first1 = Peter W. Jr.| last2 = Hodges Persell| first2 = Caroline| title = Preparing For Power: America's Elite Boarding Schools| date = 1987-09-30| url-access = registration| url =}}</ref> This refers to the way in which boarding schools not only manage to control the students' physical lives but also their emotional lives.<ref name="Cookson" /><ref name="Cookson2" /> Boarding school establishment involves control of behavior regarding several aspects of life including what is appropriate and/or acceptable which [[Adolescence|adolescents]] would consider as intrusive.<ref name="Cookson" /><ref name="Cookson2"/> This boarding school socialization is carried over well after leaving school and into their dealings with the social world.<ref name="Cookson" /> Thus it causes boarding school students to adhere to the values of the elite social class which they come from or which they aspire to be part of.<ref name="Cookson" /> Nick Duffell, author of ''Wounded Leaders: British elitism and the Entitlement Illusion – A Psychohistory'', states that the education of the elite in the British boarding school system leaves the nation with "a cadre of leaders who perpetuate a culture of elitism, bullying and misogyny affecting the whole of society".<ref name="duffel">{{cite news|url=|title=Why boarding schools produce bad leaders|newspaper=The Guardian|date=2014-06-09|access-date=2017-09-24}}</ref> According to Peter W Cookson Jr (2009) the elitist tradition of preparatory boarding schools has declined due to the development of modern economy and the political rise of the liberal west coast of the United States of America.<ref name="Cookson" /><ref name="Cookson2"/> ===Socialization of role control and gender stratification=== The boarding school socialization of control and hierarchy develops deep rooted and strong adherence to [[Social Stratification|social roles]] and rigid [[Gender Roles|gender stratification]].<ref name="Cookson"/><ref name="Chase">{{Cite book| publisher = Oxford University Press| isbn = 978-0-19-530881-5| last = Chase| first = Sarah A.| title = Perfectly Prep: Gender Extremes at a New England Prep School| date = 2008-06-26}}</ref> In one studied school the [[social pressure]] for [[conformity]] was so severe that several students abused [[Performance-enhancing drugs|performance drugs]] like [[Adderall]] and [[Ritalin]] for both academic performance and to lose weight.<ref name="Cookson"/><ref name="Chase"/> The distinct and hierarchical nature of socialization in boarding school culture becomes very obvious in the manner students sit together and form [[cliques]], especially in the [[refectory]], or dining hall. This leads to pervasive form of explicit and implicit bullying, and excessive competition between cliques and between individuals.<ref name="Cookson"/><ref name="Chase"/> The rigid gender stratification and role control is displayed in the boys forming cliques on the basis of wealth and social background, and the girls overtly accepting that they would marry only for money, while choosing only rich or affluent males as boyfriends.<ref name="Cookson"/><ref name="Chase"/> Students are not able to display much sensitivity and emotional response and are unable to have closer relationships except on a superficial and [[Political correctness|politically correct]] level, engaging in social behaviour that would make them seem appropriate and rank high in social hierarchy.<ref name="Cookson"/><ref name="Chase"/> This affects their perceptions of gender and [[social stereotype|social roles]] later in life.<ref name="Cookson"/><ref name="Chase"/> ==Psychological issues== The aspect of boarding school life with its round the clock habitation of students with each other in the same environment, involved in studying, sleeping, and socializing can lead to pressures and stress in boarding school life.<ref name="Cookson"/> This is manifested in the form of [[Hypercompetition|hypercompetitiveness]], use of [[Recreational drug use|recreational or illegal drugs]] and [[Depression (mood)|psychological depression]] that at times may manifest in [[suicide]] or its attempt.<ref name="Cookson"/> Studies show that about 90% of boarding school students acknowledge that living in a [[total institution]] like boarding school has a significant impact and changed their perception and interaction with social relationships.<ref name="Cookson"/> ===Total institution and child displacement=== It is claimed that children may be sent to boarding schools to be given more opportunities than their families can provide. However, that involves spending significant parts of one's early life in what may be seen as a [[total institution]]<ref name="Goffman">Goffman, Erving (1961) ''Asylums: Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates''. (New York: Doubleday Anchor, 1961); (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968) {{ISBN|0-385-00016-2}}</ref> and possibly experiencing social detachment, as suggested by social-psychologist [[Erving Goffman]].<ref name="Goffman"/> This may involve long-term separation from one's parents and culture, leading to the experience of [[homesickness]]<ref name="Brewin">Brewin, C.R., Furnham, A. & Howes, M. (1989). Demographic and psychological determinants of homesickness and confiding among students. ''British Journal of Psychology'', 80, 467–477.</ref><ref name="fisher">Fisher, S., Frazer, N. & Murray, K (1986). Homesickness and health in boarding school children. ''Journal of Environmental Psychology'', 6, 35–47.</ref><ref name="Thurber">Thurber A. Christopher (1999) The phenomenology of homesickness in boys, ''Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology''</ref> and [[Abandonment (emotional)|emotional abandonment]]<ref name="duf"/><ref name="Schaverien"/><ref name="Power"/> and may give rise to a phenomenon known as the 'TCK' or [[third culture kid]].<ref name="pollock">Pollock DC and Van Reken R (2001). Third Culture Kids. Nicholas Brealey Publishing/Intercultural Press. Yarmouth, Maine. {{ISBN|1-85788-295-4}}.</ref> The celebrated British classicist and poet, [[Robert Graves]] (1895–1985), who attended six different preparatory schools at a young age during the early 20th century, wrote: {{blockquote|text=Preparatory schoolboys live in a world completely dissociated from home life. They have a different vocabulary, a different moral system, even different voices. On their return to school from the holidays the change-over from home-self to school-self is almost instantaneous, whereas the reverse process takes a fortnight at least. A preparatory schoolboy, when caught off his guard, will call his mother 'Please, matron,' and always addresses any male relative or friend of the family as 'Sir', like a master. I used to do it. School life becomes the reality, and home life the illusion. In England, parents of the governing classes virtually lose any intimate touch with their children from about the age of eight, and any attempts on their part to insinuate home feeling into school life are resented.<ref>Graves, Robert ''[[Goodbye to All That]]'', chapter 3, page 24 Penguin Modern Classics 1967 edition</ref>|author=Robert Graves}} Some modern philosophies of education, such as [[constructivism (pedagogical)|constructivism]] and new methods of music training for children including [[Orff Schulwerk]] and the [[Suzuki method]], make the everyday interaction of the child and parent an integral part of training and education. In children, separation involves [[maternal deprivation]].<ref name="Rutter">Rutter, M (1972) Maternal Deprivation Reassessed. London:Penguin</ref> The [[European Union]]–[[Canada]] project "Child Welfare Across Borders" (2003),<ref name="EU-Canada"/> an international venture on child development, considers boarding schools as one form of [[Child displacement|permanent displacement]] of the child.<ref name="EU-Canada"/> This view reflects a new outlook towards education and child growth in the wake of more [[scientific]] understanding of the [[human brain]] and [[cognitive development]]. Data have not yet been tabulated regarding the [[statistics|statistical]] ratio of boys to girls that matriculate boarding schools, the total number of children in a given population in boarding schools by country, the average age across populations when children are sent to boarding schools, and the average length of education (in years) for boarding school students. There is also little evidence or research about the complete circumstances or complete set of reasons about sending kids to boarding schools.<ref name="Little"/> ===Boarding school syndrome=== The term ''boarding school syndrome'' was coined by psychotherapist Joy Schaverien in 2011.<ref name=syndrome>{{Cite journal| doi = 10.1111/j.1752-0118.2011.01229.x| issn = 0265-9883| volume = 27| issue = 2| pages = 138–155| last = Schaverien| first = Joy| title = Boarding School Syndrome: Broken Attachments A Hidden Trauma| journal = British Journal of Psychotherapy| date = May 2011}}</ref> It is used to identify a set of lasting psychological problems that are observable in adults who, as children, were sent away to boarding schools at an early age. {{blockquote|text=Children sent away to school at an early age suffer the sudden and often irrevocable loss of their primary attachments; for many this constitutes a significant trauma. Bullying and sexual abuse, by staff or other children, may follow and so new attachment figures may become unsafe. In order to adapt to the system, a defensive and protective encapsulation of the self may be acquired; the true identity of the person then remains hidden. This pattern distorts intimate relationships and may continue into adult life. The significance of this may go unnoticed in psychotherapy. It is proposed that one reason for this may be that the transference and, especially the breaks in psychotherapy, replay, for the patient, the childhood experience between the school and home. Observations from clinical practice are substantiated by published testimonies, including those from established psychoanalysts who were themselves, early boarders.<ref name=syndrome />}} Scharverien's observations are echoed by a boarding schoolboy, [[George Monbiot]], who goes so far as to attribute some dysfunctionalities of the UK government to boarding schools.<ref>{{cite web |last1=Monbiot |first1=George |title=The Unlearning |url= |website=George Monbiot |access-date=19 November 2019 |date=11 November 2019}}</ref> British psychotherapist Nick Duffell refers to adults who have gone through boarding school separation as 'Boarding school survivors'. He has described some of these individuals to exhibit behaviors such as a sense of detachment from any relationships, workaholism, compulsive behavior, and a penchant to control.<ref name=guardian>{{cite web |first1=Renton|last1=Alex |date=2014-07-19 |title=The damage that boarding schools do |work=[[The Guardian]] |url=|access-date=2021-01-24}}</ref> ==In popular culture==<!-- This section is linked from [[School and university in literature]] --> {{further|School story}} ===Books=== <!-- Please add listings in chronological order with a consistent format a "North America" list follows the main list --> Boarding schools and their surrounding settings and situations became in the late Victorian period a genre in [[British literature]] with its own identifiable conventions. (Typically, protagonists find themselves occasionally having to break school rules for honorable reasons the reader can identify with and might get severely punished when caught – but usually, they do not embark on a total rebellion against the school as a system.) Notable examples of the [[school story]] include: * [[Sarah Fielding]]'s ''[[The Governess, or The Little Female Academy]]'' (1749) * [[Charles Dickens]]'s serialised novel ''[[Nicholas Nickleby]]'' (1838) * [[Charlotte Brontë]]'s novels ''[[Jane Eyre]]'' (1847) and ''[[Villette (novel)|Villette]]'' (1853) * [[Thomas Hughes]]'s novel ''[[Tom Brown's Schooldays]]'' (1857) * [[Frederic W. Farrar]]'s ''[[Eric, or, Little by Little]]'' (1858), a particularly religious and moralistic treatment of the theme * [[L. T. Meade]]'s ''A World of Girls'' (1886) and dozens more girls school stories<!-- "produced over 300 books" but her biography is a Stub or Start --><!-- 2012-05-01 entries Sarah Fielding, Susan Coolidge, L. T. Meade, and Frances Hodgson Burnett are adapted from [[Angela Brazil#Antecedents and influences]] --> * ''[[O Ateneu]]'' (1888), written by the [[Brazil]]ian [[Raul Pompeia]] and dealing openly with the issue of [[homosexuality]] in the boarding school * [[Frances Hodgson Burnett]]'s serial ''Sara Crewe: or what Happened at Miss Minchin's'' (1887), revised and expanded as ''[[A Little Princess]]'' (1905) * [[Greyfriars School]], created by Charles Hamilton (writing as [[Charles Hamilton (writer)|Frank Richards]]) in 1910 in the first of what became 1,670 stories, many featuring [[Billy Bunter]]. * George Orwell's essay "[[Boys' Weeklies]]" suggested in 1940 that [[Charles Hamilton (writer)|Frank Richards]] created a taste for public schools stories in readers who could never have attended public schools * ''[[Boy (autobiography)|Boy]]'' by [[Roald Dahl]] * Dozens of boys' school novels by [[Gunby Hadath]] (1871–1954) * [[Elinor Brent-Dyer]]'s ''[[Chalet School]]'' series of about sixty children's novels (1925–1970) * [[Erich Kästner]]'s ''[[The Flying Classroom]]'' (''Das Fliegende Klassenzimmer'') (1933) is a conspicuous non-British example. * [[James Hilton (novelist)|James Hilton]]'s novel ''[[Goodbye, Mr. Chips]]'' (1934) centers on a teacher, rather than on the students * [[Ludwig Bemelmans]]' ''[[Madeline]]'' series of children's picture books (1939–present) * [[Agatha Christie]]'s ''[[Cat Among the Pigeons]]'' (1959), involving a murder at a boarding school for girls * [[Penelope Farmer]]'s ''[[Charlotte Sometimes (novel)|Charlotte Sometimes]]'' (1969) * In [[Jill Murphy]]'s ''[[The Worst Witch]]'' stories (from 1974), the traditional boarding school themes are explored in a [[fantasy]] school that teaches magic. * {{anchor|jones}}[[Dianna Wynne Jones]]'s novel ''[[Witch Week]]'' (1982) features Larwood House where magic is not taught —its use is a capital crime— but many students grow into magic powers * {{anchor|rowling}}[[J. K. Rowling]]'s ''[[Harry Potter]]'' series (1997–2007) features [[Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry]] * {{anchor|nimmo}}[[Jenny Nimmo]]'s ''[[Children of the Red King]]'' series (2002–2009) features magically endowed children at Bloor Academy, which most students leave on weekends * {{anchor|bray}}[[Libba Bray]]'s ''[[Gemma Doyle Trilogy]]'', volumes one and two (2003, 2006), features a girl's discovery of magical capabilities and realms * [[Enid Blyton]]'s ''[[Malory Towers]]'', ''[[St Clare's series|St Clare's]]'' and ''[[Naughtiest Girl]]'' series * [[John van de Ruit]]'s ''[[Spud (novel)|Spud]]'' book and [[Spud (film)|movie]] series, that take place at a school based on [[Michaelhouse]] The setting has also been featured in notable North American fiction: * [[J.D. Salinger]]'s novel ''[[The Catcher in the Rye]]'' (1951) * [[John Knowles]]'s novels ''[[A Separate Peace]]'' (1959) and ''[[Peace Breaks Out]]'' (1981) * [[Robert Cormier]]'s young adult novel ''[[The Chocolate War]]'' (1974) * [[David Foster Wallace]]'s novel ''[[Infinite Jest]]'' (1996) * [[Edward Kay (writer)|Edward Kay]]'s science fiction novel ''[[STAR Academy (novel)|STAR Academy]]'' (2009) * [[John Green]]'s 2006 young adult novel ''[[Looking for Alaska]]'' There is also a huge boarding-school genre literature, mostly uncollected, in British [[comics]] and serials from the 1900s to the 1980s. The subgenre of books and films set in a military or naval academy has many similarities with the above. ===Films and television=== {{Main|Category:Films set in boarding schools}} {{div col}} * ''[[Tom Brown's Schooldays (1916 film)|Tom Brown's Schooldays]]'' (1916) * ''[[Mädchen in Uniform (1931 film)|Mädchen in Uniform]]'' (1931) * ''[[Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1939 film)|Goodbye, Mr. Chips]]'' (1939) * ''[[Tom Brown's School Days (1940 film)|Tom Brown's Schooldays]]'' (1940) * ''[[A Yank at Eton]]'' (1942) * ''[[The Guinea Pig (film)|The Guinea Pig]]'' (1948) * ''[[The Happiest Days of Your Life (film)|The Happiest Days of Your Life]]'' (1950) * ''[[The Browning Version (1951 film)|The Browning Version]]'' (1951) * ''[[Tom Brown's Schooldays (1951 film)|Tom Brown's Schooldays]]'' (1951) * ''[[The Belles of St. Trinian's]]'' (1954) * ''[[Blue Murder at St Trinian's]]'' (1957) * ''[[The Pure Hell of St Trinian's]]'' (1960) * ''[[The Children's Hour (film)|The Children's Hour]]'' (1961) * ''[[Les amitiés particulières (film)|Les amitiés particulières]]'' (1964) *'' [[The Great St Trinian's Train Robbery]]'' (1966) * ''[[The Trouble with Angels (film)|The Trouble with Angels]]'' (1966) * ''[[Young Törless]]'' (1966) * ''[[Hasta el viento tiene miedo]]'' (1968) * ''[[If....]]'' (1968) * ''[[Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969 film)|Goodbye, Mr. Chips]]'' (1969) * ''[[Tom Brown's Schooldays (TV serial)|Tom Brown's Schooldays]]'' (1971) * ''[[Candy Candy]]'' (1976) * ''[[You Are Not Alone (1978 film)|You Are Not Alone]]'' (1978) * ''[[The Facts of Life (TV series)|The Facts of Life]]'' (1979–1988) * ''[[The Wildcats of St Trinian's]]'' (1980) * ''[[Taps (film)|Taps]]'' (1981) * ''[[Pink Floyd – The Wall]]'' (1982) * ''[[Class (film)|Class]]'' (1983) * ''[[Another Country (1984 film)|Another Country]]'' (1984) * ''[[The Chocolate War (film)|The Chocolate War]]'' (1988) * ''[[Dead Poets Society]]'' (1989) * ''[[The Power of One (film)|The Power of One]]'' (1992) * ''[[Scent of a Woman (1992 film)|Scent of a Woman]]'' (1992) * ''[[School Ties]]'' (1992) * ''[[The Browning Version (1994 film)|The Browning Version]]'' (1994) * ''[[A Little Princess (1995 film)|A Little Princess]]'' (1995) * ''[[Boys (1996 film)|Boys]]'' (1996) * ''[[Ponette]]'' (1996) * ''[[Madeline (1998 film)|Madeline]]'' (1998) * ''[[Young Americans (TV series)|Young Americans]]'' (2000) * ''[[Lost and Delirious]]'' (2001) * ''[[Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (film)|Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone]]'' (2001) * ''[[Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (film)|Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets]]'' (2002) * ''[[Cadet Kelly]]'' (2002) * ''[[The Wild Thornberrys Movie]]'' (2002) * ''[[The Emperor's Club]]'' (2002) * ''[[Rebelde Way]]'' (2002–2004) * ''[[Strange Days at Blake Holsey High]]'' (2002–2006) * ''[[Code Lyoko]]'' (2003–2007) * ''[[That'll Teach 'Em]]'' (2003–2006) * ''[[Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (film)|Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban]]'' (2004) * ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh! GX]]'' (2004–2008) * ''[[Winx Club]]'' (2004–2019) * ''[[The Chorus (2004 film)|Les Choristes]]'' (2004) * ''[[La Mala Educación]]'' (2004) * '' [[Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film)|Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire]]'' (2005) * ''[[Zoey 101]]'' (2005–2008) * ''[[She's the Man]]'' (2006) * ''[[Hanazakarino Kimitachihe]]'' (2006) * ''[[5ive Girls]]'' (2006) * ''[[Four Eyes!]]'' (2006) * ''[[Loving Annabelle]]'' (2006) * ''[[Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film)|Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix]]'' (2007) * ''[[El Internado]]'' (2007–2010) * ''[[St Trinian's (film)|St Trinian's]]'' (2007) * ''[[Hanazakari no Kimitachi e]]'' (2007) * ''[[Taare Zameen Par]]'' (2007) * ''[[Wild Child (film)|Wild Child]]'' (2008) * ''[[Prom Wars]]'' (2008) * ''[[Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film)|Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince]]'' (2009) * ''[[Archer (2009 TV series)|Archer]]'' (2009–2023) * ''[[Cracks (film)|Cracks]]'' (2009) * ''[[Tanner Hall (film)|Tanner Hall]]'' (2009) * ''[[St Trinian's 2: The Legend of Fritton's Gold]]'' (2009) * ''[[Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1]]'' (2010) * ''[[Spud (film)|Spud]]'' (2010) * ''[[Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2]]'' (2011) * ''[[The Moth Diaries (film)|The Moth Diaries]]'' (2011) * ''[[Barbie: Princess Charm School]]'' (2011) * ''[[House of Anubis]]'' (2011–2013) * ''[[Our Fires Still Burn]]'' (2013) * ''[[Ever After High]]'' (2013–2016) * ''[[Descendants (2015 film)|Descendants]]'' (2015) * ''Descendants: School of Secrets'' (2015) * ''[[Descendants: Wicked World]]'' (2015–2017) * ''[[DC Super Hero Girls]]'' (2015–2018) * ''[[My Hero Academia]]'' (2016) * ''[[Descendants 2]]'' (2017) * ''[[Legacies (TV series)|Legacies]]'' (2018–2022) * ''[[Descendants 3]]'' (2019) * ''Descendants: The Royal Wedding'' (2021) * ''[[Fate: The Winx Saga]]'' (2021–2022) * ''[[The Boarding School: Las Cumbres]]'' (2021–2023) * ''[[Young Royals]]'' (2021–2024) * ''[[Pokémon Horizons: The Series]]'' (2023–present) * ''[[Descendants: The Rise of Red]]'' (2024) {{div col end}} ===Video games=== * ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]'' (1999) * ''[[Bully (video game)|Bully]]'' (2006) * ''[[The Sims 3]]'' (2009) * ''[[Katawa Shoujo]]'' (2012) * ''[[Life Is Strange (video game)|Life Is Strange]]'' (2015) * ''[[Fire Emblem: Three Houses]]'' (2019) * ''[[The Walking Dead: Final season]]'' (2018) ==See also== {{Portal|Schools}} * [[List of boarding schools]] == References == {{Reflist}} == Further reading == * Cadet, Linton Hall, Linton Hall Military School Memories: One cadet's memoir, Scrounge Press, 2014. {{ISBN|9781495931963}} Memoir of cadet who attended during the late 1960s, with copies of brochures from the 1940s and 1980s, and photos of the school. * Cookson, Peter W., Jr., and Caroline Hodges Persell. ''[ Preparing for Power: America's Elite Boarding Schools]''. (New York: Basic Books, 1985). * Cookson, P. W., Jr. (2009). "Boarding Schools" in ''The Child: an encyclopedic companion'' (ed.) Richard A Shweder. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. pp.&nbsp;112–114. * [ Duffel N. (2000) The making of them. London: Lone Arrow Press] * Fisher, S. & Hood, B. (1987). The stress of the transition to university: a longitudinal study of psychological disturbance, absent-mindedness and vulnerability to homesickness. ''British Journal of Psychology'', 78, 425–441 * Hein, David (1991). The High Church origins of the American boarding school. ''Journal of Ecclesiastical History'', 42, 577–95. * Hickson, A. "The Poisoned Bowl: Sex Repression and the Public School System". (London: Constable, 1995). * Johann, Klaus: ''Grenze und Halt: Der Einzelne im "Haus der Regeln". Zur deutschsprachigen Internatsliteratur.'' (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter 2003, Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte, 201.), {{ISBN|3-8253-1599-1}}. [ Review] * Ladenthin, Volker; Fitzek, Herbert; Ley, Michael: Das Internat. Aufgaben, Erwartungen und Evaluationskriterien. Bonn 2006 (7. Aufl.). * McLachlan, James. ''American Boarding Schools: A Historical Study'' (1970) [ online] * Schaverien, J. (2004) Boarding School: [ The Trauma of the Privileged Child], in Journal of Analytical Psychology, vol 49, 683–705 {{Clear}} {{Schools}} {{Authority control}} {{DEFAULTSORT:Boarding School}} [[Category:Boarding schools| ]] [[Category:Education in popular culture]] [[Category:School types]] [[Category:Total institutions]] </textarea><div class="templatesUsed"><div class="mw-templatesUsedExplanation"><p><span id="templatesused">Pages transcluded onto the current version of this page<span class="posteditwindowhelplinks"> (<a href="/wiki/Help:Transclusion" title="Help:Transclusion">help</a>)</span>:</span> </p></div><ul> <li><a href="/wiki/Template:Anchor" title="Template:Anchor">Template:Anchor</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:Anchor&action=edit" title="Template:Anchor">view source</a>) (template editor protected)</li><li><a href="/wiki/Template:As_of" title="Template:As of">Template:As of</a> (<a href="/w/index.php?title=Template:As_of&action=edit" title="Template:As of">view 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