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id="displayText" href="javascript:toggle();">Check here for upgrade eligibility</a></div> <div id="UpgradeEligibility"> <div id="UpgradeInfo"><p><strong>Upgrade Eligibility</strong></p><table width="95%" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#000000"><tr><td width="50%" valign="bottom"><strong>You own:</strong></td><td width="50%" valign="bottom"><strong>You qualify for the following upgrade:</strong></td></tr><tr> <td width="50%" valign="top"> Creative Suite 5 Production Premium; Creative Suite 5.x Design Standard, Master Collection, or Web Premium;</td><td width="50%" valign="top"><p>Upgrade from any Creative Suite 5 edition</p></td></tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Design Standard CS4, Design Premium CS4, Web Standard CS4, Web Premium CS4, Production Premium CS4, or Master Collection CS4</td> <td valign="top">Upgrade from any Creative Suite 4 edition</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Creative Suite 3.x Design Premium, Design Standard, Web Premium, Web Standard, Production Premium, or Master Collection; Creative Suite 2.x Design Premium or Standard; Production Studio Premium or Standard; Studio 8; Web Bundle; Design Bundle; Video Bundle</td> <td valign="top">Upgrade from 1 Suite</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Photoshop, Photoshop Extended, Illustrator, Flash Pro, Flash Basic, After Effects Std or Pro, After Effects, Premiere Pro, or Premiere</td> <td valign="top">Upgrade requires 2 Upgrade Plans</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">After Effects CS5.x, CS4, or CS3; After Effects Professional or Standard 7.0</td> <td valign="top">Upgrade from After Effects</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.x, CS4, CS3, 2.0, or 1.0, or any version of Premiere</td> <td valign="top">Upgrade from Adobe Premiere Pro</td> </tr> </table></div> </div> <div id="dr_purchaseDetails2"> <div id="prodctOptions"> <div id="dr_variationPanel"> <fieldset> <div class="dr_formLine" id="varPanelHeader"> <div class="pd_label"><label for="0" class="dr_variationType">Configuration</label></div> <input type="hidden" name="ORIG_VALUE_dynamicentryName$$13136" value="Configuration"/><input type="hidden" name="dynamicentryName$$13136" value="Configuration"/> <input type="hidden" name="ORIG_VALUE_dynamicentryID$$13136" value="4603200"/><input type="hidden" name="dynamicentryID$$13136" value="4603200"/> <input type="hidden" name="ORIG_VALUE_dynamicisFamily$$13136" value="false"/><input type="hidden" name="dynamicisFamily$$13136" value="false"/> <input type="hidden" name="ORIG_VALUE_dynamicselectedEntryValue$$13136" value=""/><select name="dynamicselectedEntryValue$$13136" onchange="onSelect()" id="0"><option value="SELECT_ONE">Select One</option> <option value="Full">Full</option> <option value="Upgrade from any Creative Suite 4 edition - see Upgrade Eligibility">Upgrade from any Creative Suite 4 edition - see Upgrade Eligibility</option> <option value="Upgrade from 1 Suite - see Upgrade Eligibility">Upgrade from 1 Suite - see Upgrade Eligibility</option> <option value="Upgrade from any Creative Suite 5 edition - see Upgrade Eligibility">Upgrade from any Creative Suite 5 edition - see Upgrade Eligibility</option> <option value="Upgrade requires 2 Upgrade Plans - see Upgrade Eligibility">Upgrade requires 2 Upgrade Plans - see Upgrade Eligibility</option> <option value="Upgrade from Photoshop Extended CS5, CS4, or CS3">Upgrade from Photoshop Extended CS5, CS4, or CS3</option> <option value="Upgrade from After Effects - see Upgrade Eligibility">Upgrade from After Effects - see Upgrade Eligibility</option> <option value="Upgrade from Flash Professional CS5.x, CS4, CS3, or 8, or Flash Basic 8">Upgrade from Flash Professional CS5.x, CS4, CS3, or 8, or Flash Basic 8</option> <option value="Upgrade from Illustrator CS5, CS4, CS3, or CS2">Upgrade from Illustrator CS5, CS4, CS3, or CS2</option> <option value="Upgrade from Photoshop CS5, CS4, CS3, or CS2">Upgrade from Photoshop CS5, CS4, CS3, or CS2</option> <option value="Upgrade from Adobe Premiere Pro - see Upgrade Eligibilty">Upgrade from Adobe Premiere Pro - see Upgrade Eligibilty</option></select> </div> <div class="dr_formLine"> <div class="pd_label"><label for="1" class="dr_variationLabel">Language</label></div> <input type="hidden" name="ORIG_VALUE_dynamicentryName$$13138" value="Language"/><input type="hidden" name="dynamicentryName$$13138" value="Language"/> <input type="hidden" name="ORIG_VALUE_dynamicentryID$$13138" value="4603900"/><input type="hidden" name="dynamicentryID$$13138" value="4603900"/> <input type="hidden" name="ORIG_VALUE_dynamicisFamily$$13138" value="false"/><input type="hidden" name="dynamicisFamily$$13138" value="false"/> <input type="hidden" name="ORIG_VALUE_dynamicselectedEntryValue$$13138" value=""/><select name="dynamicselectedEntryValue$$13138" onchange="onSelect()" disabled="disabled" id="1"><option value="SELECT_ONE">Select One</option></select> </div> <div class="dr_formLine"> <div class="pd_label"><label 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software. Produce your best work with game-changing innovation, such as the Mercury Playback Engine and the most efficient post-production workflow in the industry. With tightly integrated best-of-breed video, animation, compositing, audio, and design tools, CS5.5 Production Premium provides the creative features you need to accelerate your production workflow and deliver high-quality results.</p></div> </dd> <dt id="dr_tab2Title">Reasons to Upgrade</dt> <dd id="dr_tab2Content"> <h2>Reasons to Upgrade</h2> <div id="TabContent02"><table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="50%" valign="top"><p><strong>Efficient workflow</strong><br/> Trim and edit with efficiency and precision in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5. Use widely accepted NLE shortcuts and easily sync separately recorded field audio with your video, thanks to dual-system sound support.</p> <p><strong>Advanced audio-for-video editing in Audition</strong><br/> Record, edit, mix, master, and sweeten audio with Adobe Audition® CS5.5—now available for both Mac and Windows®. Roundtrip edit with Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5, or use OMF and XML to speed up project exchange with Avid Pro Tools and other NLEs.</p> <p><strong>Mercury Playback Engine</strong><br/> Experience dramatically faster effects processing and rendering on both laptop and desktop computers with the native 64-bit, multicore, GPU-accelerated Adobe Mercury Playback Engine in Adobe Premiere Pro.</p> <p><strong>Warp Stabilizer</strong><br/> Smooth a bumpy camera move, or lock a shot automatically. Warp Stabilizer removes jitter and compensates for motion-related irregularities.</p> <p><strong>Fast, reliable encoding for multiple devices</strong><br/> Output your work for PCs, smartphones, tablets, and television with Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5. Use intuitive presets and contextual menus to set up sequences once for multiple formats, and batch encode while you keep editing.</p> <p><strong>RAW digital cinema</strong><br/> Gain new workflow flexibility with RAW digital cinema files and other file-based footage. Experience faster performance for high-resolution RED footage, as well as enhanced support for RED, Sony XDCAM, Canon XF, and CinemaDNG formats.</p> <p><strong>Camera Lens Blur and camera property in After Effects</strong><br/> Create soft-focus effects with Camera Lens Blur. Set iris shape, blade curvature, and diffraction fringe characteristics for beautiful bokeh, and use these same settings for fantastic depth-of-field control with the After Effects 3D camera.</p></td> <td valign="top"><img src="" alt="" width="10" height="1"/></td> <td width="50%" valign="top"><p><strong>Asset intelligence for faster post-production</strong><br/> Locate assets and dialogue quickly in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 with integrated support for metadata from Adobe Story, an Adobe CS Live online service.* CS Live services are complimentary for a limited time.</p> <p><strong>Streamlined collaboration</strong><br/> Collaborate using CS Live online services* including Adobe Story, a collaborative script-development tool; CS Review, an online review service; and services that simplify sharing project information.</p> <p><strong>Closed-caption playback in timeline</strong><br/> Play back and display 608 and 708 closed captions, synced to your video sequence and viewable in the Program Monitor.</p> <p><strong>Source time code support in After Effects</strong><br/> Refer to specific frames in a clip with accuracy using source time code support in After Effects.</p> <p><strong>Better stereoscopic 3D workflow in After Effects</strong><br/> Composite and animate stereoscopic projects in After Effects. Set up stereo camera rigs quickly and render multiple cameras simply and easily.</p> <p><strong>Light falloff in After Effects</strong><br/> Control how light intensity falls off across 3D distances, just like in the real world.</p> <p><strong>Added support for color LUTs</strong><br/> Share a broad range of color lookup tables (LUTs) with After Effects, such as 3DL and CUBE formats and support for 1D LUTs.</p></td> </tr> </table> <p><font color="#999999">* CS Live online services are complimentary until April 12, 2012. Adobe CS Live services are available only to users 13 and older and require agreement to additional terms and Adobe's online privacy policy (available at Online services are not available in all countries or languages, may require user registration and may be subject to change or discontinuation without notice. Additional fees or subscription charges may apply. Visit for details. </font></p></div> </dd> <dt id="dr_tab3Title">Reasons to Buy</dt> <dd id="dr_tab3Content"> <h2>Reasons to Buy</h2> <div id="TabContent03"><table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="50%" valign="top"><p><strong>Best-of-breed production tools</strong><br/> Get best-of-breed video, motion graphics, compositing, audio, and design tools packed with innovations that accelerate production workflows, inspire creativity, and help deliver high-quality productions to any screen.</p> <p><strong>Native 64-bit operating system support</strong><br/> Work fluidly on HD and higher resolution projects using all the RAM on your system thanks to native 64-bit operating system support in After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Photoshop Extended.</p> <p><strong>Mercury Playback Engine</strong><br/> Experience fast effects processing and rendering on both laptop and desktop computers with the native 64-bit, multicore, GPU-accelerated Mercury Playback Engine in Adobe Premiere Pro.</p> <p><strong>Broad format support in Adobe Premiere Pro</strong><br/> Maximize the efficiency of your file-based workflow and edit virtually any format including DV, HDV, RED, DPX, Sony XDCAM, XDCAM 50, XDCAM EX and XDCAM HD, Panasonic P2, DVCPRO HD, AVCHD, AVC-Intra, and footage from DSLR cameras.</p> <p><strong>Groundbreaking motion graphics</strong><br/> Create motion graphics and visual effects with industry-standard After Effects. Rotoscope quickly with Roto Brush, eliminate unwanted camera movement with Warp Stabilizer, and create photo-realistic lens blurs using Camera Lens Blur.</p> <p><strong>Rich 2D and 3D images from Photoshop Extended</strong><br/> Magically remove objects with Content-Aware Fill in Photoshop Extended. Paint with lifelike brush strokes and use creative 3D tools. Roundtrip images and motion-based content to Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Encore.</p> <p><strong>Timesaving integration</strong><br/> Save time on every project thanks to deep integration; roundtrip editing; and Dynamic Link, which eliminates intermediate rendering as you refine assets between After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Encore.</p></td> <td valign="top"><img src="" alt="" width="10" height="1"/></td> <td width="50%" valign="top"><p><strong>Advanced audio-for-video editing in Audition</strong><br/> Record, edit, mix, master, and sweeten audio with Adobe Audition® CS5.5—now available for both Mac and Windows®. Roundtrip edit with Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5, or use OMF and XML to speed up project exchange with Avid Pro Tools and other NLEs.</p> <p><strong>Fast, reliable encoding for multiple devices</strong><br/> Output your work for PCs, smartphones, tablets, and television with Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5. Use intuitive presets and contextual menus to set up sequences once for multiple formats, and batch encode while you keep editing.</p> <p><strong>Compatibility with large-scale workflows</strong><br/> Work with multiple NLEs thanks to roundtrip editing between Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro or Avid NLEs. Leverage industry-standard formats such as AAF, EDL, OMF, and XML to integrate with a variety of systems.</p> <p><strong>Integrated metadata for faster post-production</strong><br/> Develop scripts or outlines with Adobe Story, an Adobe CS Live online service.* Leverage metadata acquired in production to search assets and dialogue and edit faster. Create searchable web DVDs to make assets discoverable online.</p> <p><strong>Integration with CS Live online services</strong><br/> Collaborate with the Adobe Story scriptwriting tool, a CS Live online service.* Initiate reviews and collect feedback on dailies, storyboards, and works in progress with Adobe CS Review, a CS Live online service, and</p> <p><strong>Vector graphics with Illustrator</strong><br/> Import native Adobe Illustrator® artwork into After Effects with layers, masks, blend modes, gradients, and effects intact. After Effects can continuously rasterize vector shapes for smooth edge detail at any size.</p> <p><strong>Interactive design</strong><br/> Create interactive designs with Flash Catalyst or Flash Professional. Use Flash Catalyst for content such as simple video portfolios, or use powerful controls in Flash Professional to add video content to interactive experiences.</p></td> </tr> </table> <p><font color="#999999">* CS Live online services are complimentary until April 12, 2012. Adobe CS Live services are available only to users 13 and older and require agreement to additional terms and Adobe's online privacy policy (available at Online services are not available in all countries or languages, may require user registration and may be subject to change or discontinuation without notice. Additional fees or subscription charges may apply. Visit for details.</font></p></div> </dd> <dt id="dr_tab5Title">System Requirements</dt> <dd id="dr_ta53Content"> <h2>System Requirements</h2> <div id="TabContent04"><table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="50%" valign="top"><p><strong>Windows</strong></p> <ul> <li>64-bit support required: Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor (Intel Core™ i3, i5, or i7 or AMD Phenom® II recommended); Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Phenom II required for Adobe Premiere Pro</li> <li>64-bit operating system required: Microsoft® Windows Vista® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (Service Pack 2 recommended) or Windows® 7</li> <li>2GB of RAM (4GB or more recommended)</li> <li>16.3GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)</li> <li>1280x900 display (1280x1024 recommended) with qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card, 16-bit color, and 256MB of VRAM</li> <li>Adobe-certified GPU card for GPU-accelerated performance in Adobe Premiere Pro; visit for the latest list of supported cards</li> <li>Some GPU-accelerated features in Adobe Photoshop® Extended require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0</li> <li>Some features in Adobe Bridge rely on a DirectX 9–capable graphics card with at least 64MB of VRAM</li> <li>7200 RPM hard drive for editing compressed video formats; RAID 0 for uncompressed</li> <li>Adobe-certified card for capture and export to tape for SD/HD workflows</li> <li>OHCI-compatible IEEE 1394 port for DV and HDV capture, export to tape, and transmit to DV device</li> <li>Sound card compatible with ASIO protocol or Microsoft Windows Driver Model</li> <li>DVD-ROM drive compatible with dual-layer DVDs (DVD+-R burner for burning DVDs; Blu-ray burner for creating Blu-ray Disc media)</li> <li>Java™ Runtime Environment 1.5 (32 bit) or 1.6</li> <li>QuickTime 7.62 software required for QuickTime features</li> <li>Adobe Flash® Player 10 software required to play back DVD projects exported as SWF files</li> <li>Broadband Internet connection required for online services and to validate Subscription Edition (if applicable) on an ongoing basis*</li> </ul></td> <td width="50%" valign="top"><p><strong>Mac OS</strong></p> <ul> <li>Multicore Intel® processor with 64-bit support</li> <li>Mac OS X v10.5.8 or v10.6.3; Mac OS X v10.6.3 required for GPU-accelerated performance in Adobe Premiere® Pro</li> <li>2GB of RAM (4GB or more recommended)</li> <li>20.6GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on removable flash storage devices)</li> <li>1280x900 display (1280x1024 recommended) with qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card, 16-bit color, and 256MB of VRAM</li> <li>Adobe-certified GPU card for GPU-accelerated performance in Adobe Premiere Pro</li> <li>Some GPU-accelerated features in Adobe Photoshop® Extended require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0</li> <li>7200 RPM hard drive for editing compressed video formats; RAID 0 for uncompressed</li> <li>Core Audio–compatible sound card</li> <li>DVD-ROM drive compatible with dual-layer DVDs (SuperDrive for burning DVDs; external Blu-ray burner for creating Blu-ray Disc media)</li> <li>Java™ Runtime Environment 1.5 or 1.6</li> <li>QuickTime 7.62 software required for QuickTime features</li> <li>Adobe Flash® Player 10 software required to play back DVD projects exported as SWF files</li> <li>Broadband Internet connection required for online services and to validate Subscription Edition (if applicable) on an ongoing basis*</li> </ul></td> </tr> </table> <p><font color="#999999">Visit the NVIDIA website for system requirements and compatibility. The list of graphics cards that are compatible with Adobe® Premiere® Pro CS5 is updated on a regular basis.</font> </p> <p><font color="#999999">* Adobe online services, including Adobe CS Live Services, are available only to users 13 and older and require agreement to additional terms and Adobe's online privacy policy (available at Online services are not available in all countries or languages, may require user registration and may be subject to change or discontinuation without notice. Additional fees or subscription charges may apply.</font> </p></div> </dd> <dt id="dr_tab3Title">Volume Benefits</dt> <dd id="dr_tab3Content"> <h2>Volume Benefits</h2> <div id="TabContent05"><p>Purchasing software licenses through the Adobe Business store allows:</p> <p><strong>Ordering flexibility</strong></p> <ul> <li>No membership requirement </li> <li>Discounts are automatically applied to transactions </li> </ul> <p><strong>Potential savings over retail</strong></p> <ul> <li>As few as two products may qualify you for a discount (varies per product)</li> </ul> <p><strong>Easy deployment/management</strong></p> <ul> <li>Access to Licensing Web Site (LWS) to easily track and manage licenses, which streamlines recordkeeping and legal compliance</li> <li>Free of charge Electronic Software Delivery, allowing for streamlined deployment</li> <li>All serial numbers, units, platforms, and product licenses published on same license certificate </li> <li>Enjoy one simple and flexible purchase transaction</li> <li>Open to businesses/commercial organizations </li> <li>Access to Adobe licensing resources such as a website dedicated to current volume licensing customers</li> </ul></div> </dd> </dl> </form> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $('#dr_productTabs').dltabs({ activeClassName: 'active_tab', inactiveClassName: 'inactive_tab', displayEffect: {animation:'fade', speed:'slow'} }); }); </script> </div> <!--!/esi:include --> </span> <!-- //End #dr_ProductDetailsPage_bodyWrapper --> <script type="text/javascript"> ptomodule.displayModule("adbevlus_ProductDetailsPage_contentBody"); //script for OT to change content of <span class="opDefaultContent" id="opmodule_ProductDetailsPage_contentBody"> </script> <!--!esi:include src="/esi?SiteID=adbevlus&StyleID=35830700&StyleVersion=19&styleIncludeFile=body-section4.html"--> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div><br class="clear-both"> </div> <div id="SiteFooter" class="SiteFooter Text TextSmall Link"> <div class="SiteFooterNav LayoutRow LayoutH LayoutHAlignRight"> <div class="LayoutHAlignItems LinkStrong"> <a href="" id="sfSecurity" class="SiteFooterNavItem LayoutHItem">Security</a> <a href="" id="sfContact" class="SiteFooterNavItem LayoutHItem">Contact Adobe</a> <a href="" id="sfPiracy" class="SiteFooterNavItem LayoutHItem">Report piracy</a> <a href="" id="sfEulas" class="SiteFooterNavItem LayoutHItem">EULAs</a> <a href="" id="sfPermissions" class="SiteFooterNavItem LayoutHItem">Permissions and trademarks</a> <a href="" id="sfCareers" class="SiteFooterNavItem LayoutHItem">Careers</a> </div> </div> <div class="SiteFooterBar LayoutCell TextInvert LinkInvert LinkStrong"> <p class="SiteFooterRow">Copyright © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. 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