Datacenter solutions : Fujitsu Global

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Please turn it on to view this content.</noscript> <div id="container"> <main id="main"> <div class="main-contents"> <div class="lf-hero-a lf-bl-cy"> <div class="lf-hero-contents"> <div class="lf-hero-contents-inner"> <!-Subtext (optional)-> <h1 class="lf-hero-hdg">Datacenter solutions</h1> <div class="lf-hero-desc"> <p> Your trustworthy partner in digital transformation </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lf-hero-visual"><img src="/global/imagesgig5/Datacenter-image-banner_tcm100-7461639_tcm100-6286607-32.jpg" alt="Datacenter-image-banner"></div> </div> <div class="nav-structure-a js-toggle"> <button class="menu-btn toggle-hook" type="button" data-open-text="Open" data-close-text="Close">Further Information</button> <ul class="toggle-content"> <li><a href="">Data &amp; AI</a></li> <li><a href="">SAP</a></li> <li><a href="">Resilient Data Platforms</a></li> <li><a href="">Hybrid Cloud</a></li> <li><a href="">uSCALE</a></li> <li><a href="">Sustainability</a></li> <li><a href="">IT Products &amp; Solutions</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="section"> <div class="section-inner" style="padding-top: 60px;"> <div class="col_50"> <p>As a global pioneer in technology and business solutions, we navigate the swiftly changing market landscape by harnessing advanced technology to address both business and societal challenges. Our rich heritage is rooted in continuous innovation and expertise, with a relentless commitment to facilitating our customers' success. At the heart of our strategy lies a customer-focused approach, with our objective being a reliable partner for our clients.</p> <p>To achieve this, we engage with you throughout every stage of your data-driven transformation journey. A key component of this engagement is our co-creation program, designed to leverage the power of collaboration to realize your unique digital transformation. Developed from decades of global experience, this program is guided by a strong sense of purpose, focus, and innovation.</p> <p><a href="" class="btn">Read More</a></p> </div> <div class="col_50"> <iframe alt="Unleash the power of your data" src="" style="width:450px; height: 300px;"> </iframe> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section" style="background-color: #eeeeee;"> <div class="section-inner" style="padding-top: 60px;"> <h2>Unleash the power of your data</h2> <p>Unlocking the value in your business data involves leveraging advanced analytics and data-driven insights. By effectively managing and interpreting data, businesses can identify trends, improve decision-making, and drive innovation. This process includes data collection, analysis, and interpretation, all while ensuring data security and privacy. Utilizing tools like AI and machine learning can further enhance data analysis, providing predictive insights that can guide strategic planning. Unlocking your data's value can boost efficiency, elevate customer experiences, and give you a competitive edge in the market. Let Fujitsu be your guide on this transformative journey. </p> </div> </div> <div class="section" style="margin-bottom: -45px;"><div class="section-inner"><h2 style="text-align: center;">Building new possibilities by connecting people, technologies and ideas</h2><p style="text-align: center;">Whatever your challenge is, we can help you solve it.</p></div></div> <div class="section" id="solutions" style="background-color: #8080802e;"><div class="section-inner"><div class="wrapper-3col"><div class="col white-panel"><a href=""><img alt="" src="/global/imagesgig5/datacenter-data-ai_tcm100-7461640_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></a><h3>Data &amp; AI</h3><p>The use of data and artificial intelligence (AI) has become a reliable pattern of success for the restructuring of business models in the digital economy. Companies that pursue a data-driven approach are outperforming industry norms. Together with our unique partner network, our data scientists and IT experts, we help organizations to successfully utilize their data using advanced AI technologies. Explore about new business opportunities based on generative AI and how you can benefit from data science.</p><div class="c-btn"><a href=""><span class="c-btn-ico"><img alt="Arrow" src="/global/imagesgig5/button-iconn_tcm100-7416875_tcm100-2750236-32.svg" /></span>Building a data-driven enterprise</a></div></div><div class="col white-panel"><a href=""><img alt="" src="/global/imagesgig5/datacenter-sap_tcm100-7461641_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></a><h3>SAP</h3><p>In data-driven businesses, real-time analysis and a secure environment are key. Fujitsu is the right partner regardless of your current stage: we can enable your transition to SAP S/4HANA, improve your SAP landscape and architecture for optimal performance, and support you with the right tools to help you analyze structured and unstructured data for informed business decisions. Discover how you can improve your SAP environment and become an Intelligent Enterprise.</p><div class="c-btn"><a href=""><span class="c-btn-ico"><img alt="Arrow" src="/global/imagesgig5/button-iconn_tcm100-7416875_tcm100-2750236-32.svg" /></span>Realizing the Intelligent Enterprise</a></div></div><div class="col white-panel"><a href=""><img alt="" src="/global/imagesgig5/datacenter-rdp_tcm100-7461642_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></a><h3>Resilient Data Platforms</h3><p>In an increasingly data-driven world with widely dispersed data, Fujitsu empowers organizations to leverage their data by reliably and efficiently delivering the right data environments coupled with the right service levels for each business scenario at an optimal cost per gigabyte.</p><div class="c-btn"><a href=""><span class="c-btn-ico"><img alt="Arrow" src="/global/imagesgig5/button-iconn_tcm100-7416875_tcm100-2750236-32.svg" /></span>Key value for IT</a></div></div></div></div></div> <div class="section" style="background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #087c21, #0efb41);"><div class="section-inner"><p style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">No matter your focus, our comprehensive, best-in-class portfolio of IT and security solutions, including hardware, software, and services, can bolster your operations, with a keen focus on sustainability. Our dedicated in-house team is ready to test and deploy IT solutions, offering support from project start to successful completion. They're also on hand to manage and maintain your IT infrastructure. We further enhance our services by partnering with numerous strategic allies for additional expertise.</p></div></div> <div class="section" id="solutions" style="background-color: #8080802e;"><div class="section-inner"><div class="wrapper-3col"><div class="col white-panel"><a href=""><img alt="" src="/global/imagesgig5/datacenter-products_tcm100-7461643_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></a><h3>IT products &amp; solutions</h3><p>Support your business growth with robust, high-quality, sustainable data center technologies, solutions, and services, in strong collaboration with our wide partner ecosystem.</p><div class="c-btn"><a href=""><span class="c-btn-ico"><img alt="Arrow" src="/global/imagesgig5/button-iconn_tcm100-7416875_tcm100-2750236-32.svg" /></span>Data center technologies</a></div></div><div class="col white-panel"><a href=""><img alt="" src="/global/imagesgig5/datacenter-sustainability_tcm100-7461644_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></a><h3>Product Sustainability</h3><p>Digitization and sustainability are closely linked. Sustainability Transformation means to transform your organization using digital innovation to drive positive, lasting change for our environment, economies, and society. It’s about contributing to a more sustainable world while simultaneously ensuring business growth.</p><div class="c-btn"><a href=""><span class="c-btn-ico"><img alt="Arrow" src="/global/imagesgig5/button-iconn_tcm100-7416875_tcm100-2750236-32.svg" /></span>Sustainable Product Portfolio</a></div></div><div class="col white-panel"><a href=""><img alt="" src="/global/imagesgig5/datacenter-partner_tcm100-7461645_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></a><h3>Partner Ecosystem</h3><p>Fujitsu delivers an integrated set of services and solutions that enable customers around the world to innovate and achieve growth. To address each customer’s individual needs, Fujitsu combines deep technical expertise, significant global reach, and the rare ability to orchestrate best-in-class offerings from our comprehensive partner ecosystem.</p><div class="c-btn"><a href=""><span class="c-btn-ico"><img alt="Arrow" src="/global/imagesgig5/button-iconn_tcm100-7416875_tcm100-2750236-32.svg" /></span>Power to Empower</a></div></div></div></div></div> <div class="section"><div class="section-inner"><h2>Are you looking for a cloud concept, but don’t want to move all your workloads to the cloud?</h2><p>You don’t have to. We can support you with finding the right cloud for the right workload and can also offer innovative consumption-based IT models to strengthen the agility of your on-premises IT platforms and reduce risk with flexible monthly payment.</p><div style="background-color: #eeeeee;"><div class="col_50"><img src="/global/imagesgig5/datacenter-hybridcloud_tcm100-7461646_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></div><div class="col_50"><h2>Hybrid Cloud</h2><p>No matter where you are on your hybrid cloud journey, Fujitsu can deliver a unified solution. We’re a world-class hybrid cloud partner, uniquely positioned to find you the right cloud for the right workload to ensure your business continuity, efficiency, adaptability, and sustainability. Our vision is a world without complexity and risk when building hybrid cloud infrastructures.</p><p><a href="" class="btn">Read more</a></p></div></div></div></div> <div class="section"><div class="section-inner"><div class="col_50"><h2>IT “as-a-Service”</h2><p>Consumption-based, as-a-service models offer companies cost efficiency, scalability, and access to the latest technology in a cloud-like manner. It reduces efforts, provide predictable expenses, and allow faster implementation. This model enables organizations to focus on their core business functions, enhancing overall productivity and operational efficiency.</p><p><a href="" class="btn">Read more</a></p></div><div class="col_50"><img src="/global/imagesgig5/img-datacenter-uscale_tcm100-7461647_tcm100-2750236-32.jpg" /></div></div></div> <div class="section" style="background: linear-gradient(100deg, rgba(42,0,164,1), rgba(0,227,238,1));"><div class="section-inner"><h3 style="color: white;">Need additional help?</h3><table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 100%; border-color: transparent;"><colgroup><col width="30" /><col /><col width="30" /></colgroup><tbody style="border-width: none; border-color: transparent;"><tr><td class=""><a href=""><img style="max-width: 60px;" src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-customer-stories_tcm100-7462774_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></a></td><td class="" style="color: white;"><a href="" style="color: white;">Customer stories</a></td><td class="" style="color: white;"><a href=""><img style="max-width: 60px;" src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-product-related-support_tcm100-7462783_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></a></td><td class="" style="color: white;"><a href="" style="color: white;">Product Related Support</a></td></tr><tr><td style="color: white;"><img src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-cx-lab_tcm100-7462775_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></td><td style="color: white;"><a href="" style="color: white;">Future-proof data center</a></td><td style="color: white;"><a href=""><img src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-ai-assesment-consultative-service_tcm100-7462785_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></a></td><td style="color: white"><a href="" style="color: white;">AI, Assessment and Consultative Services</a></td></tr><tr><td style="color: white;"><a href=""><img src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-dx-innovation-platform_tcm100-7462777_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></a></td><td style="color: white;"><a href="" style="color: white;">DX Innovation Platform</a></td><td style="color: white;"><a href=""><img src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-infrastructure-management_tcm100-7462787_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></a></td><td style="color: white;"><a href="" style="color: white;">Infrastructure Management</a></td></tr><tr><td style="color: white;"><a href=""><img style="max-width: 60px;" src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-ai-test-drive_tcm100-7462779_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></a></td><td style="color: white;"><a href="" style="color: white;">Take an AI Test Drive</a></td><td style="color: white;"><a href=""><img src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-integrated-systems_tcm100-7462789_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></a></td><td style="color: white;"><a href="" style="color: white;">Integrated Systems</a></td></tr><tr><td style="color: white;"><a href=""><img src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-reseller-locator_tcm100-7462780_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></a></td><td style="color: white;"><a href="" style="color: white;">Reseller Locator</a></td><td style="color: white;"><a href=""><img src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-server_tcm100-7462790_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></a></td><td style="color: white;"><a href="" style="color: white;">Server</a></td></tr><tr><td style="color: white;"><a href=""><img src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-newsroom_tcm100-7462782_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></a></td><td style="color: white;"><a href="" style="color: white;">Newsroom</a></td><td style="color: white;"><a href=""><img src="/global/imagesgig5/icon-storage-solutions_tcm100-7462793_tcm100-2750236-32.png" /></a></td><td style="color: white;"><a href="" style="color: white;">Storage Solutions</a></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div> <div class="section" style="background: url(/global/imagesgig5/bgimage-red_tcm100-7489431_tcm100-2750236-32.png) no-repeat center center; 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