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2.45335C22.9733 2.72668 23.14 3.33335 22.8666 3.81335C22.5933 4.29335 21.9866 4.46002 21.5066 4.18668C18.9933 2.76002 16.0533 2.31335 13.2333 2.92668C10.4066 3.54002 7.91997 5.16668 6.22663 7.50668C4.5333 9.84668 3.75997 12.7133 4.0533 15.5867C4.34663 18.46 5.68663 21.1133 7.82663 23.06C8.2333 23.4333 8.26663 24.0667 7.8933 24.4733C7.6933 24.6933 7.42663 24.8067 7.1533 24.8067Z"></path> <path d="M2.71327 31.1C1.93327 31.1 1.2466 30.8867 0.733266 30.3667C-0.5334 29.1 -0.166734 26.6934 1.81327 23.22C2.0866 22.74 2.69993 22.5734 3.17993 22.8467C3.65993 23.12 3.8266 23.7334 3.55327 24.2134C1.71993 27.4267 1.91993 28.7267 2.1466 28.96C2.63993 29.4534 5.69993 28.9734 11.5666 24.3267C11.9999 23.98 12.6266 24.0534 12.9733 24.4867C13.3133 24.92 13.2466 25.5467 12.8133 25.8934C10.5933 27.6467 5.8466 31.1 2.71327 31.1Z"></path> <path d="M17.9466 25.1C17.68 25.1 17.4266 24.9933 17.24 24.8067L12.4666 20.0333C12.0733 19.64 12.0733 19.0067 12.4666 18.62L23.0733 8.01334C24.0666 7.02001 25.3133 6.31334 26.6733 5.98001L29.4 5.29334C29.76 5.20668 30.1333 5.20668 30.4866 5.30668C30.84 5.40668 31.16 5.59334 31.42 5.85334C31.68 6.11334 31.8666 6.43334 31.9666 6.78668C32.0666 7.14001 32.0666 7.51334 31.98 7.86668L31.3 10.5933C30.96 11.9533 30.2533 13.2 29.26 14.1933L18.6533 24.8067C18.4666 24.9933 18.2066 25.1 17.9466 25.1ZM14.5866 19.3267L17.9466 22.6867L27.8466 12.78C28.5866 12.04 29.1066 11.12 29.36 10.1067L30.04 7.37334L30.0066 7.25334L29.6466 6.25334L29.8933 7.22001L27.1666 7.90668C26.1533 8.16001 25.2266 8.68001 24.4933 9.42001L14.5866 19.3267Z"></path> <path d="M13.1734 20.3267C13.0667 20.3267 12.9601 20.3067 12.8601 20.2733L8.9534 18.9733C8.70673 18.8933 8.4734 18.7467 8.2934 18.5467C8.1134 18.3467 7.98673 18.1067 7.92673 17.8534C7.86673 17.5933 7.8734 17.32 7.94673 17.0667C8.02006 16.8067 8.16006 16.5733 8.34673 16.3867L9.70673 15.0267C10.4334 14.3 11.3401 13.7933 12.3401 13.56C13.3334 13.3267 14.3734 13.3733 15.3467 13.6933L17.4801 14.4C17.8067 14.5067 18.0601 14.78 18.1401 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14.0013 7.88159 13.3161 5.0221 12.1723C3.59513 11.6015 2.37323 10.8968 1.49172 10.0632C0.608115 9.22764 0 8.19329 0 7.00134C0 5.8094 0.608115 4.77505 1.49172 3.93946C2.37323 3.10585 3.59513 2.40118 5.0221 1.83037C7.88159 0.68654 11.7633 0.00134277 16 0.00134277C20.2366 0.00134277 24.1183 0.686188 26.9779 1.82985C28.4048 2.40057 29.6268 3.10522 30.5083 3.93892C31.392 4.77466 32 5.80917 32 7.00134C32 8.10038 31.4817 9.06824 30.7083 9.86592C29.9394 10.659 28.8724 11.3364 27.6247 11.8974C27.121 12.1239 26.5291 11.8991 26.3026 11.3954C26.0761 10.8917 26.3009 10.2998 26.8046 10.0733C27.9116 9.57557 28.7373 9.02569 29.2724 8.47376C29.803 7.92644 30 7.43164 30 7.00134C30 6.53618 29.7685 5.99203 29.1341 5.39201C28.4975 4.78997 27.5227 4.20178 26.2351 3.68684C23.6657 2.65916 20.0474 2.00134 16 2.00134C11.9527 2.00134 8.33441 2.65948 5.7649 3.68732C4.47737 4.20234 3.50252 4.79059 2.8659 5.3926Z"></path> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M31 6.00134C31.5523 6.00134 32 6.44906 32 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class="toc-overlay"></div> <div class="toc"> <ul> <li class="first"> <a href="#definitions">DEFINITIONS</a> </li> <li> <a href="#1-general-information">1. General Information</a> <ul class="menu_level_1"> <li class="first"> <a href="#1-1-dailymotion-s-role-in-processing-of-personal-data">1.1. Dailymotion’s Role in Processing of Personal Data</a> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#1-2-legal-grounds-for-processing-personal-data">1.2. Legal Grounds for Processing Personal Data</a> <ul class="menu_level_2"> <li class="first"> <a href="#1-2-1-legal-grounds">1.2.1. Legal Grounds</a> </li> <li> <a href="#1-2-2-transparency-consent-framework">1.2.2. Transparency & Consent Framework</a> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#1-2-3-refusal-or-opposition-to-processing">1.2.3. Refusal or Opposition to Processing</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#2-data-we-collect">2. Data we collect</a> <ul class="menu_level_1"> <li class="first"> <a href="#2-1-categories-of-data-we-collect">2.1. Categories of Data We Collect</a> <ul class="menu_level_2"> <li class="first"> <a href="#2-1-1-data-you-provide-to-us">2.1.1. Data You Provide to Us</a> </li> <li> <a href="#2-1-2-usage-and-log-data">2.1.2. Usage and Log Data</a> </li> <li> <a href="#2-1-3-account-data-from-third-party-services">2.1.3. Account Data from Third-Party Services </a> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#2-1-4-third-party-data">2.1.4. Third-Party Data</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#2-2-how-is-the-data-collected">2.2. How is the Data Collected?</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#3-purposes-for-data-processing">3. PURPOSES FOR DATA PROCESSING</a> <ul class="menu_level_1"> <li class="first"> <a href="#3-1-purposes-for-which-data-is-processed-by-dailymotion">3.1. Purposes for which Data is Processed by Dailymotion</a> <ul class="menu_level_2"> <li class="first"> <a href="#3-1-1-general">3.1.1. General</a> </li> <li> <a href="#3-1-2-purposes-for-which-data-is-processed">3.1.2. Purposes for which Data is Processed</a> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#3-1-3-specific-purposes-for-which-data-is-processed-when-operating-the-enterprise-solution-video-player">3.1.3. Specific Purposes for which Data is processed when operating the Enterprise Solution Video Player</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#3-2-purposes-for-which-data-is-processed-by-our-commercial-partners">3.2. Purposes for which Data is Processed by our Commercial Partners</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#4-data-recipients">4. DATA RECIPIENTS</a> <ul class="menu_level_1"> <li class="first"> <a href="#4-1-third-party-login-services">4.1. Third Party Login Services</a> </li> <li> <a href="#4-2-commercial-partners">4.2. Commercial Partners</a> </li> <li> <a href="#4-3-service-providers">4.3. Service Providers</a> </li> <li> <a href="#4-4-audience-measurement-providers">4.4. Audience Measurement Providers</a> </li> <li> <a href="#4-5-public-authorities-and-legal-counsels">4.5. Public Authorities and Legal Counsels</a> </li> <li> <a href="#4-6-third-parties-in-connection-with-certain-corporate-transactions">4.6. Third Parties in Connection with certain Corporate Transactions</a> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#4-7-parties-you-consented-accepted-or-when-you-otherwise-choose-to-share-your-data">4.7. Parties you Consented, Accepted or When You Otherwise Choose to Share Your Data</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#5-data-security-and-account-access">5. DATA SECURITY AND ACCOUNT ACCESS</a> <ul class="menu_level_1"> <li class="first"> <a href="#5-1-data-security">5.1. Data Security</a> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#5-2-account-access">5.2. Account Access</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#6-data-retention">6. DATA RETENTION</a> </li> <li> <a href="#7-youth-restrictions-and-parental-control">7. YOUTH RESTRICTIONS AND PARENTAL CONTROL</a> </li> <li> <a href="#8-your-privacy-rights">8. YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS</a> <ul class="menu_level_1"> <li class="first"> <a href="#8-1-general">8.1. General</a> </li> <li> <a href="#8-2-change-of-privacy-settings-for-promotional-communications">8.2. Change of Privacy Settings for Promotional Communications</a> </li> <li> <a href="#8-3-options-for-third-party-online-behavioral-or-interest-based-ads-on-websites-including-mobile-websites">8.3. Options for Third-Party Online Behavioral or Interest-based Ads on Websites (including Mobile Websites)</a> </li> <li> <a href="#8-4-options-for-third-party-online-behavioral-or-interest-based-ads-within-mobile-apps">8.4. Options for Third-Party Online Behavioral or Interest-Based Ads within Mobile Apps</a> </li> <li> <a href="#8-5-additional-information-for-eea-residents">8.5. Additional Information for EEA Residents</a> <ul class="menu_level_2"> <li class="first"> <a href="#8-5-1-data-subjects-rights">8.5.1. Data Subjects Rights</a> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#8-5-2-data-privacy-framework">8.5.2. Data Privacy Framework </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#8-6-additional-choices-for-the-residents-of-the-united-states-of-america">8.6. Additional Choices for the Residents of the United States of America</a> <ul class="menu_level_2"> <li class="first"> <a href="#8-6-1-additional-choices-for-california-residents">8.6.1. Additional Choices for California Residents</a> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#8-6-2-additional-information-and-choices-for-residents-of-u-s-a-privacy-law-states-except-california">8.6.2. Additional Information and Choices for Residents of U.S.A. Privacy Law States, except California</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#8-7-specific-information-and-rights-applicable-to-korean-residents">8.7. Specific Information and Rights Applicable to Korean Residents</a> <ul class="menu_level_2"> <li class="first"> <a href="#8-7-1">8.7.1. 일반사항</a> </li> <li> <a href="#8-7-2">8.7.2. 데이터 보유</a> </li> <li> <a href="#8-7-3">8.7.3. 개인정보 파기</a> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#8-7-4">8.7.4. 법적 권리</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#8-8-specific-information-and-rights-applicable-to-turkish-residents">8.8. Specific Information and Rights applicable to Turkish Residents</a> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#8-9-specific-information-and-rights-applicable-to-brazilian-residents">8.9. Specific information and Rights applicable to Brazilian Residents</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li> <a href="#9-specific-conditions-applicable-to-dailymotion-secondary-sites">9. SPECIFIC CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO DAILYMOTION SECONDARY SITES</a> </li> <li> <a href="#10-international-data-transfers-and-standard-contrcatual-clauses">10. INTERNATIONAL DATA TRANSFERS AND STANDARD CONTRCATUAL CLAUSES</a> <ul class="menu_level_1"> <li class="first"> <a href="#10-1-general-information">10.1. General Information</a> </li> <li> <a href="#10-2-data-processors-service-providers">10.2. Data Processors/ Service Providers</a> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#10-3-legal-mechanisms-relied-upon">10.3. Legal Mechanisms Relied Upon</a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#11-miscellaneous">11. MISCELLANEOUS</a> <ul class="menu_level_1"> <li class="first"> <a href="#11-1-third-party-access-points-devices-and-links">11.1. Third-Party Access Points, Devices and Links</a> </li> <li> <a href="#11-2-deleting-your-dailymotion-account">11.2. Deleting Your Dailymotion Account</a> </li> <li> <a href="#11-3-applicable-law-and-jurisdiction">11.3. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction</a> </li> <li> <a href="#11-4-changes-to-this-privacy-policy">11.4. Changes to this Privacy Policy</a> </li> <li class="last"> <a href="#11-5-contact-us">11.5. Contact Us</a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <div class="cross-icon toc-close"> <span></span> <span></span> </div> </div> <div class="tocpage-content"> <h1 id="privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</h1> <p><em>Last Update: June 10th, 202</em>4</p> <p>Dailymotion respects Your privacy. Our Privacy Policy Your explains how we collect, use, share and protect Personal Data from or about You in connection with Your use of the Dailymotion Service.</p> <p>If you reside in a country that is part of the <a href="">European Economic Area</a> United Kingdom, or Switzerland (collectively referred to as “<strong>EEA</strong>” unless otherwise explicitly stated herein), any reference to “<strong>Dailymotion</strong>“, “<strong>we</strong>“, “<strong>us</strong>“, or “<strong>our</strong>” in this Privacy Policy refers to “Dailymotion SA” whose details are provided <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p>If you reside in a country outside of the EEA, any reference to “<strong>Dailymotion</strong>“, “<strong>we</strong>“, “<strong>us</strong>“, or “<strong>our</strong>” in this Privacy Policy will always refer to “<strong>Dailymotion Inc.</strong>” whose details are provided <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p>We encourage you to read this Privacy Policy carefully when using the Dailymotion Service or transacting business with us. </p> <h2 id="definitions"><strong>DEFINITIONS</strong></h2> <p>Unless otherwise stated in the present Privacy policy any capitalized term shall have the meaning given to it in the Dailymotion <a href="">Terms of Use</a>.</p> <p>For the purpose of the present Privacy Policy, the terms “<strong>Dailymotion Service</strong>” or “<strong>Service</strong>” shall include the Dailymotion Service as defined in the <a href="">Terms of Use</a> and websites operated by Dailymotion other than ‘’(“<strong>Secondary Sites</strong>”).</p> <p>The term “<strong>Commercial Partner</strong>” refers to entities Dailymotion may cooperate with while carrying out its Service. In particular, Commercial Partners may include content creators, advertisers, media agencies and other actors of the on-line marketing sector. As is the case of Dailymotion, some of our Commercial Partners may also be fully owned by the <a href="">Vivendi group</a> and thus be Dailymotion’s affiliates.</p> <p>The terms “<strong>Personal Data,</strong>” “<strong>Data Controller,</strong>” “<strong>Joint Controller,</strong>” “<strong>Data Processor</strong>” and “<strong>Processing</strong>” used in the present Privacy Policy shall have the same meaning as defined in the <a href="">General Data Protection Regulation</a> (“<strong>GDPR</strong>”), or the meaning provided to equivalent terms in the applicable local data protection laws. Personal Data processed by Dailymotion is referred to as “<strong>Data</strong>”.</p> <h2 id="1-general-information"><a><strong><span class="has-inline-color has-black-color">1. <u>General Information</u></span></strong></a></h2> <h3 id="1-1-dailymotion-s-role-in-processing-of-personal-data">1.1. Dailymotion’s Role in Processing of Personal Data</h3> <p>Certain Data from or about you may be collected or otherwise processed when you use the Dailymotion Service, regardless of whether you do so as a Viewer, Account Applicant, Visitor, User, or Partner (as defined in the Dailymotion <a href="">Terms of Use</a>). </p> <p>If you reside in a country that is part of the <a href="">European Economic Area</a> , the GDPR is applicable to the collection of Your Personal Data. If you reside outside of the European Economic Area, local privacy laws are applicable to such collection, generally those of Your country of residence.</p> <p>Dailymotion is a <strong>Data Controller</strong> when we process Your Data based on purposes that we define and using the means we choose. </p> <p>We may contract with some service providers to help us implement certain aspects of Your Data Processing. In doing so, these service providers act on our behalf following our instructions and thus are considered our Data Processors.</p> <p>Dailymotion is a <strong>Joint Data Controller</strong> when Dailymotion and its Commercial Partners process Your Personal Data together for a common purpose and using the means we jointly choose.</p> <p>Our Commercial Partners are independent Data Controllers when they (or their respective Data Processors) process Your Personal Data for purposes that they define independently and using the means they determine. Depending on the applicable local laws and existing technical protocols, Dailymotion’s role is limited to the collection of Your consent on behalf of these Commercial Partners, and to the transmission of collected consent to them and providing you with access to their respective privacy policies and consent management mechanisms. </p> <p>Dailymotion is a <strong>Data Processor</strong> when Dailymotion participates in the implementation of some Personal Data Processing operations carried out by our Commercial Partners, who remain Data Controllers.</p> <p>In particular, <strong>if Your Content contains Third Party Personal Data (ex. a video You have uploaded on the Dailymotion Service which includes images of a friend of yours), Dailymotion is Your Data Processor</strong>. Further details relating to these processing operations are available in the Appendix B to the <a href="">Terms of Use</a>.</p> <h3 id="1-2-legal-grounds-for-processing-personal-data">1.2. Legal Grounds for Processing Personal Data</h3> <h4 id="1-2-1-legal-grounds">1.2.1. <strong>Legal Grounds</strong></h4> <p>The GDPR provides several legal basis upon which Dailymotion can rely for Processing of Personal Data, namely consent, contractual necessity, compliance with a legal obligation, vital interests of data subjects, public interest or legitimate interest. Similarly, applicable laws may provide for equivalent or additional legal grounds, as explained further below in the country specific paragraphs under Section 8.</p> <p>Because our Service is provided to You through different digital properties, namely through Dailymotion website and app and through our Video Player embedded on third-party websites or apps, our Processing of Your Personal Data and applicable legal basis differ depending on the part of our Service You use.</p> <p>When you access our Service through the <strong>Dailymotion website and app</strong> we rely on the following legal basis when Processing Your Personal Data.</p> <ul><li>Contract: we rely on contract when processing of Your Personal Data is required to provide You with our Service, including when You choose to use its optional features. In particular, we rely on contract when we process Your Personal Data for the following purposes:<ul><li>Display of Content and ads: Dailymotion Service offers access to Content in association with ads. <strong>Presence of both,</strong> <strong>Content and ads is an essential and non-dissociable part of our Service</strong>. Consequently, when we use Your Personal Data to display Content and ads we rely on contract as legal ground.</li></ul><ul><li>Content recommendation: presence of relevant Content is our Service’s major feature. Consequently, processing of Your Personal Data by our content recommendation tools is based on contract</li></ul><ul><li>Use of our Service: we process Your Personal Data in order to enable You to access our Service features. For example, when you upload videos, we store Your Content and if you are entitled to receive payments from us, Your payment details and information linked the amount to be paid are used by us to process such payment</li></ul><ul><li>Account creation and management: YYour email address, password and age are necessary to create an account. Consequently, collection of these account credentials is based on contract.</li></ul></li></ul> <p>In general, we rely on contract when processin of You Personal Data is necessary to respect parties’ obligations under the agreements in place between You and Dailymotion.</p> <ul><li>Legitimate interest: we rely on legitimate interest when processing Your Personal Data is motivated by our or Your interest or that of third parties (ex. other end-users of our Service, advertisers, etc.). For example, we rely on legitimate interest when we process Your Personal Data for the following purposes:<ul><li>Content measurement: when You access Content belonging to Content creators of on our Service, they wish to know how it is perceived by the viewers. This knowledge is also useful to us as it helps us better understand how our Service is used. When we process Your Personal Data to measure Content performance, we rely on our own and Content creators’ legitimate interest. </li></ul><ul><li>Ads measurement: advertisers pay to have their ads shown on our Service. As a result, they wish to know if their ads are watched and whether they are efficient. This knowledge is also useful to us as it helps us better understand how our Service is used. When we process Your Personal Data to measure ads’ performance, we rely on our own and advertisers’ legitimate interest. </li></ul></li><li>Legal obligation: we rely on legal obligation when processing Your Personal Data is required by applicable laws. For example, we rely on legal obligation when we process Your Personal Data for the following purposes:<ul><li>Retention of identifying information of a User: as a content hosting platform we are legally obliged to retain identifying information of anyone having uploaded, changed or deleted Content on our Service. Consequently, when we store Your email address or other identifying information following Your upload, change or Content deletion we rely on a legal obligation.</li></ul><ul><li>Age collection: some of the legal obligations imposed on on-line service providers depend on the age of their end-users. Consequently, when we ask for Your birthdate during the account-opening process, we do so to be able to comply with these obligations. </li></ul></li><li>Consent: we rely on consent when processing Your Personal Data Your Your Your to determine what interests You have and present You with ads that are adapted to Your interests. We also ask for Your consent to share Your Personal Data with our affiliates and third parties.</li></ul> <p>Note that Your when our Processing of Your Personal Data is based on consent we ask you to communicate YYour consent via a positive action (e.g. by clicking the “Accept” button on our Site, Secondary Site or Video Player or through another method defined under the applicable laws). When Processing of Your Personal Data is based on legal grounds other than consent, we provide you with information regarding the applicable legal ground and, when applicable, provide you with means to oppose to it.</p> <p>When you access our Service <strong>through our Video Player embedded on third-party websites or apps</strong>, we Process Your Personal data for purposes and in reliance of the legal basis <a href="">declared</a> with the IAB TCF, as further explained below.</p> <h4 id="1-2-2-transparency-consent-framework">1.2.2. <strong>Transparency & Consent Framework</strong></h4> <p>Dailymotion participates in the <a href="">“Transparency & Consent Framework”</a> (“<strong>TCF</strong>”), developed by the <a href="">Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB)</a> for the purpose of GDPR compliance and applies its Specifications and Policies.</p> <p>We operate a TCF-compliant Consent Management Platform (IAB / TCF identification number 105) for the consent collection and management of Dailymotion’s and our Commercial Partners’ data processing activities on the Dailymotion website and applications.</p> <p>Dailymotion is registered with the IAB as a TCF Vendor (IAB / TCF identification number 573) for data processing activities undertaken through our Video Player embedded on third party digital properties. Our Processing purposes and legal basis relied upon are available <a href="">here</a>. Being an IAB Vendor allows us to confine the collection of consent and communication of related information to the editors of websites or apps that integrate the Dailymotion Player and who participate in the TCF. If you visit such websites or aps, their cookie banners serves to record You privacy choices for these publishers, Dailymotion and other entities chosen by their publishers.</p> <h4 id="1-2-3-refusal-or-opposition-to-processing"><strong>1.2.3. Refusal or Opposition to Processing</strong></h4> <p>When Processing is based on consent or legitimate interest, You can always choose not to consent to Processing of some of Your Data, withdraw Your consent, or oppose to such Processing (unless the applicable laws authorize us not to take into account such decision) as further explained herein. However, this may limit Your ability to take full advantage of the many features we offer and, consequently, deteriorate Your user experience. Furthermore, Dailymotion Service offers to Visitors access to a multitude of videos without charging a corresponding fee. This is possible only by associating advertisements with the available videos. <strong>CONTENT AND ADS ARE BOTH INTEGRAL PARTS OF OUR SERVICE AND THE DAILYMOTION SERVICE CANNOT EXIST WITHOUT EITHER OF THEM. NOT CONSENTING TO PROCESSING OF YOUR DATA WILL NOT ELIMINATE OR LIMIT THE NUMBER OF ADS YOU ARE SHOWN; IT MAY SIMPLY RESULT IN ADS WHICH ARE MORE REPETITIVE AND LIKELY LESS INTERESTING TO YOU</strong>.</p> <h2 id="2-data-we-collect"><a><strong><span class="has-inline-color has-black-color">2. <u>Data we collect</u></span></strong></a></h2> <p>We may collect Personal Data that can identify you directly, such as Your name and email address, and other information that does not identify you directly. This Section explains what Personal Data we collect (2.1) and how we collect such information (2.2).</p> <p>Please note that we may collect Data concerning yourself either during Your use of the Dailymotion Site and Dailymotion Applications, or when you use our embedded Video Player on third-party websites or third-party applications.</p> <h3 id="2-1-categories-of-data-we-collect">2.1. Categories of Data We Collect</h3> <h4 id="2-1-1-data-you-provide-to-us">2.1.1. Data You Provide to Us</h4> <p>We collect Personal Data you provide to us when you interact with the Dailymotion Service, including when you sign up for an account, upload Content, create a playlist or share a playlist with others. For instance, when you register to use the Dailymotion Service, you may provide Your name, email address, birthdate, gender, and other similar information. If you are a member of the Dailymotion Partner Program, Dailymotion may also collect Your payment information, such as Your address, bank account or online payment system details and authentication information, as well as billing and contact details depending on the payment system you choose. Note that we do not collect Your credit card details. In addition, Dailymotion may collect information you provide to us when you respond to surveys, set Your preferences on the Dailymotion Service, directly contact Dailymotion through the <a href=""><strong>Dailymotion Help Center</strong></a> or by other means, or agree to participate in promotions that Dailymotion may offer from time to time. To help you manage Your account access rights, Dailymotion allows multiple log-in accounts to be set up under one Partner account. Consequently, we may collect information you provide to us if you create such log-in accounts.</p> <h4 id="2-1-2-usage-and-log-data"><strong><span class="has-inline-color has-black-color">2.1.2. Usage and Log Data</span></strong></h4> <p>We collect information when you use the Dailymotion Service or view Dailymotion ads outside of the Dailymotion Service. We may also collect information from or about the computers, phones, tablets, or other devices where you install Dailymotion Applications or otherwise access the Dailymotion Service, depending on the permissions you have granted. Such information may include Your IP address, Your device ID, the settings of the browser and operating system you use (such as type and version of an operating system or its language settings), Your activity on the Dailymotion Service including information about the videos you watch on the Service (e.g. video titles and categories), about the ads you are being shown and Your interaction with them, the frequency and duration of Your activities, page views, referral URLs, network state, and carrier information.</p> <h4 id="2-1-3-account-data-from-third-party-services"><strong>2.1.3. Account Data from Third-Party Services </strong></h4> <p>If you choose to log-in, access or otherwise connect to the Dailymotion Service or contact Dailymotion through a third-party service (e.g. Google), such method being completely optional and subject to Your exclusive decision, we may, in order to execute Your choice of a log-in or contact method, collect Your email, gender, birthday as well as any other information you make public using that service. Depending on the third-party log-in service used and its current implementation policies, we may also collect additional information you have authorized the third-party service to share with us (such as, for example, Your user ID, billing information, etc.).</p> <p>If You are entitled to payment from our Service and You chose to integrate an account You have with one of our payment solution service providers, we will receive the payment account details corresponding to Your account.</p> <h4 id="2-1-4-third-party-data"><strong>2.1.4. Third-Party Data</strong></h4> <p>We may, if you authorized such third parties to share such information with us or if otherwise authorized by the applicable laws, receive from them or share with them information about you originating from other sources, such as data aggregators, public databases, and our Commercial Partners, whether <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank">affiliated</a> or unaffiliated entities. Shared data (whether identified, pseudonymized or anonymous and whether collected online or offline) may include information about Your interests, demographic data, purchasing behavior, and Your online activities (such as websites you have visited and/or advertisements you have viewed).</p> <p>We may combine the shared information with the information we collect from or about you and use it in the manner described in Section 3 of the Privacy Policy or as otherwise permitted by law.</p> <h3 id="2-2-how-is-the-data-collected">2.2. How is the Data Collected?</h3> <p>Like many online services, we use, directly or via our subcontractors, various technologies to collect usage data and store Your user settings. The Data thus collected helps us propose, protect and improve the Dailymotion Service and personalize Your user experience, for example, by enabling you to access videos in a language corresponding to Your browser’s settings or in a format compatible with Your device. </p> <p>Despite the variety of the actual measures deployed, the various technologies used to collect data are commonly referred to as “<strong>cookies</strong>” or “<strong>trackers</strong>” and their use is regulated by “cookie laws.” Whenever applicable laws subject the use of cookies to user consent, Dailymotion asks for YYour consent prior to their use.</p> <p>A “cookie” is a small data file that is installed on Your device. A cookie lifespan is limited to its purpose and does not, in general, exceed 13 months. A cookie expires upon the end of its validity period unless it uses so-called “refresh” feature. It may be deleted before the end of its validity period by You or by the technologies You use (e.g. Your browser).</p> <p>Below You will find a general representation of types of trackers we use. You will find information about the use of cookies in connection with advertising on the Dailymotion Service in Section 3 while to learn more about our cookie management rules, we invite You to read our <a href="">Cookie Policy</a>.</p> <p>Depending on the country you reside in, you may, at any time, manage Your cookie settings and choose the purposes for which you consent to or refuse the use of cookies by accessing the “<a href="">Manage Cookies</a>” section available on our Service within the EEA.</p> <ul><li><strong><em>Cookies and Local Storage</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></li></ul> <p>We may use both session cookies and persistent cookies to offer You a high quality Service, better understand how You interact with the Dailymotion Service or with marketing material advertising the Dailymotion Service outside of our Service; to monitor aggregate usage by our users and web traffic routing on the Dailymotion Service; to use technical and automated means to display Content and advertising based on Your Data; to respect the rights of the Content rights holders or that of advertisers and to be in conformity with obligations imposed by applicable laws. We may create a unique device or user ID (“<strong>Service ID</strong>”) for You and store it in a cookie so we can customize Your experience based on Your preferences. These uses allow us to create a better experience for You on the Dailymotion Service.</p> <p>We may collect information through other kinds of local storage (also referred to as “<strong>Flash cookies</strong>“) and HTML5 local storage, including in connection with features such as volume/mute settings for the Video Player.</p> <p>Most Internet browsers automatically accept cookies. By changing Your browser settings, You can instruct Your browser to stop accepting all or some cookies or to prompt You before accepting a cookie from the websites You visit. For further information on disabling cookies or deleting information contained in cookies in general, please click <a href="">here</a>. Please note that disabling cookies or deleting information contained in cookies or Flash cookies may interfere with the performance and features of the Dailymotion Service, including the Video Player. For example, we may not be able to store Your preferences (such as the language to be used by the Service) or login information (such as keeping Your connection session active thus allowing You to be automatically recognized by the Dailymotion Service when You repeatedly access it through the same device) or use technical means to display Content and advertising based on Your online viewing habits.</p> <ul><li><strong><em>Web Beacons, Pixels and other Trackers</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></li></ul> <p>Web beacons or pixel tags are similar to cookies and can be embedded within web pages, videos, or emails. These technologies are mainly used to learn whether You have viewed a particular web page, ad, or email message; and determine other usage details including the time and date on which You viewed Content, the IP address of Your computer, and the URL of the web page from which the Content was viewed.</p> <ul><li><strong><em>Mobile Device Identifiers and Software Development Kits (“SDKs”)</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></li></ul> <p>We may use or work with third parties, including our Commercial Partners and service providers, who use mobile SDKs to collect information such as advertising identifiers (e.g., “ad-ID” or “IDFA”) and information related to how mobile devices interact with the Dailymotion Service. An SDK is computer code that app developers can include in their apps to enable ads to be shown, data to be collected and related services and functionality to be implemented (a mobile SDK is a mobile app version of a pixel tag or beacon, described above). For instance, we may use this technology to analyze how You interact with Content and advertisements and to enable analytics or other features through mobile devices.</p> <h2 id="3-purposes-for-data-processing"><a><strong><span class="has-inline-color has-black-color">3. <u>PURPOSES FOR DATA PROCESSING</u></span></strong></a></h2> <h3 id="3-1-purposes-for-which-data-is-processed-by-dailymotion">3.1. Purposes for which Data is Processed by Dailymotion</h3> <h4 id="3-1-1-general"><strong><span class="has-inline-color has-black-color">3.1.1. General</span></strong></h4> <p>We receive or collect Data, either directly or via our service providers, because we are passionate about creating an engaging and relevant experience for our users, and to ensure that the rights of Content right holders and advertisers are respected. We may also share some of Your data with Dailymotion’s affiliated companies (<a href=""><strong>Vivendi group’s wholly owned companies</strong></a>) or with other Commercial Partners to better understand what You may be interested in.</p> <p>We use all of the legitimately collected or received information to help us provide and support the Dailymotion Service with a first-class user experience that is adapted to each user’s tastes, as varied as they may be. The way we use the Data about You depends on how You use the Dailymotion Service.</p> <p>Note that videos accessible on our Service, be it Content or video ads, do not belong to Dailymotion. They are provided by various right holders who, by sharing their videos on Dailymotion Service, decide which of their videos they make available to You. They relate to a variety of topics, are in in multiple languages, they can be accessed from a number of electronic devices and through different browsers. As a content hosting platform Dailymotion does not curate the videos that are accessible to You. It means that we do not have a team of content editors offering You a selection of Content believed to correspond to Your tastes. Instead, we use technologies to adapt Content and ads to technical characteristics of Your device (ex. to show You videos in a format compatible with Your device and in a language of Your browser) and to Your interests.</p> <p>You will find in the present Section detailed information about the different purposes Your Data is processed for.</p> <h4 id="3-1-2-purposes-for-which-data-is-processed"><strong>3.1.2. Purposes for which Data is Processed</strong></h4> <p>Dailymotion may process the Data for the following purposes:</p> <ul><li><strong><em>Provide, Improve, Develop the Dailymotion Service and Understand our Audience.</em></strong> We use Your Data to deliver the Service, i.e. to display Content and advertisements and to enable You to use each feature of our Service. For example, to allow You to connect to Your account we collect Your authentication data. To deliver a video in a format that works on a device You use, we collect its technical characteristics. If You have uploaded Content on our Service, we will use Your Data to provide You with statistics on how Your Content performs. If You use our monetization feature, Your Data will be used to track Your revenues. Our algorithms use, together with other data, information on Content You access and on how You interact with our Service to recommend Content that might be of interest to You. We analyze Your Data to understand how our Service is used and interacted with and ultimately provide our audience with the best user experience we can offer. We may conduct surveys and research to learn what is expected from our Service. We test features in development and analyze the information that we have in order to evaluate and improve our existing products and services and develop new offerings or features.</li></ul> <ul><li><strong><em>Communicate with You.</em></strong> We may use Your Data to send You newsletters and marketing communications, communicate with You about the Dailymotion Service and inform You about changes of our Service legal terms and policies.. We also record the privacy preferences You communicate to us. We may also use Your information to respond to You when You contact us, or for any other purpose that is disclosed to You at the time we collect the Data or that is related to a request made by You or related to You. To learn about opting out of promotional communications, please see the information we have provided in Section 8 below (“Your Privacy Rights”).</li></ul> <ul><li><strong><em>Show and Adapt Ads.</em></strong> Dailymotion offers its users the opportunity to watch numerous videos without charging any fee in return. Such free of charge service can only be possible thanks to the presence of advertisements. We may use Data we have, including information received from our Commercial Partners, to evaluate and improve our advertising and analytics systems so that the ads shown to You on and off our Services are customized and of real interest to You. We also use Data to limit the quantity of advertisements You are shown on our Service to allow You to fully enjoy the Content. By processing some of Your Data we also measure the effectiveness and reach of ads and services. Your Data may be shared with our Commercial Partners to inform them about Your decision whether or not to allow processing of Your Personal Data and, if You agreed, to allow them to estimate whether the products or service for which they run advertising campaigns may be of interest to You. To learn about opting out of interest-based or online behavioral advertising, please see the information we have provided in Section 8 below (“Your Privacy Rights”) or exercise Your choices via Dailymotion’s “<a href="">Manage Cookies</a>” section available on our Service, provided that You reside in the EEA.</li><li><strong><em>Pay You.</em></strong> <em> </em>If You are a member of the Dailymotion Partner Program, we use Your billing information, such as Your billing address or payment methods details, to proceed with payment of sums generated under our Partner Program monetization features. If You choose a third-party payment method, we will communicate to the payment service provider of Your choice all information necessary to process due payments and may receive from such payment service provider the receiving account details and related payment confirmations. The exact information communicated or received depend on the payment service provider chosen, the payable amounts and then-current requirements of laws and regulations applicable to financial transactions. Note that we do not use or otherwise access Your credit card information.</li></ul> <ul><li><strong><em>Identify Your Geographic Location.</em></strong> We may collect Your device’s location data (limited to the city level only). This information not only allows us to serve You Content related to Your local area, such as local news and sports videos, but enables us to ensure the respect of Content geo-restrictions imposed by the Content right holders. This Data may also be used to tailor advertising to You based on Your location by, for example, not showing You ads for services unavailable at Your location. </li></ul> <ul><li><strong><em>Elaborate Aggregated or Anonymized Statistics.</em></strong> We may “de-identify” information about You and/or other users, which means that the Data is modified (anonymized or aggregated with other information) so it no longer personally identifies You. We may then use this “de-identified” information for any legitimate internal and external business purpose, including for research and analysis of the Dailymotion Service, improving our capacity to deliver customized advertisements, and for promoting our Service to future users, Commercial Partners and other business partners. In particular, we may also share Your aggregated Data (i.e. information in a form that does not allow its recipients to identify You) with advertisers and Content owners to provide them with meaningful insight about the audience of their ads or Content on our Service.</li></ul> <ul><li><em><strong>Ensure Safety and Security of Dailymotion Service and its Conformity with Applicable Laws.</strong> </em> We may use the Data to ensure the security of our Service and anti-fraud protection. Our dedicated engineering teams do so by using automated procedures and advanced technologies such as data encryption and machine learning. Consequently, Your Data may be processed as part of investigation of suspicious account activities or violations of our legal terms and policies. In conformity with our legal obligations, Dailymotion maintains connections logs linked to each User’s account activities and communicates them, if requested to do so pursuant to applicable legal procedures, to duly authorized public authorities.</li></ul> <ul><li><strong><em>Share Your Data with our Affiliates.</em></strong> Dailymotion is part of Vivendi group of companies. We may share Your Data with or receive information about You from our <a href="">affiliates</a>. By sharing Your Data we wish to better understand what interests You and offer You services, Content and ads that are of interest to You.</li></ul> <h4 id="3-1-3-specific-purposes-for-which-data-is-processed-when-operating-the-enterprise-solution-video-player">3.1.3. Specific Purposes for which Data is processed when operating the Enterprise Solution Video Player</h4> <p>We continuously work on improving the Dailymotion Service, including by developing different versions of our Video Player. As part of this effort, Dailymotion may offer to content partners, subject to specific financial conditions, the possibility to use our Video Player for distributing Content without any advertising being associated to it (the “<strong>Enterprise Solution Video Player</strong>”). </p> <p>Content Partners having chosen this new solution (“<strong>Clients</strong>”) integrate this Enterprise Solution Video Player on their websites or their other digital properties (ex: mobile applications) and select Content they wish to make available to You. </p> <p>When Clients use the Enterprise Solution Video Player, Dailymotion remains Data Controller for the cookies deployed by that player and related processing of Your Personal Data. As the Enterprise Solution Video Player is not designed to show advertisements, Dailymotion does not use advertising cookies nor process Your Personal Data for ad-related purposes. For further details on the cookies used by the Enterprise Solution Video Player, please refer to our <a href="mailto:">Cookie Policy</a>. </p> <p>When You watch Content made available by Clients through the Enterprise Solution Video Player, You are visiting such Clients’ digital properties (ex: their websites or mobile applications). Consequently, other cookies than those used by our Enterprise Solution Video Player may be deployed by these Clients or third parties they work with. Dailymotion exercises no control over these cookies and the use of data they collect. For further information about cookies used by Clients and third parties they work with and corresponding processing of Your Personal Data, please refer to the privacy and cookie policies of the Clients’ digital properties that You visit. </p> <h3 id="3-2-purposes-for-which-data-is-processed-by-our-commercial-partners">3.2. Purposes for which Data is Processed by our Commercial Partners</h3> <p>When You watch Content or ads on the Dailymotion Service our Commercial Partners may collect and further process, either directly or via their respective subcontractors, information about You and Your use of our Service. They may use this information, including in combination with other data they have access to, in order to adapt content and ads that may be shown to You on our and on third parties’ services. While doing so, our Commercial Partners process Your Personal Data in their capacity of Data Controllers and pursuant to their own privacy policies.</p> <p>We may disclose to or share Your Data with our Commercial Partners. In particular, we and our <a href="">affiliated companies</a> (Vivendi group wholly-owned companies) may share the information we have about You in order to learn more about Your tastes and let each of the Vivendi group wholly-owned companies, whose services You might be using, offer You more personalized services, products and ads. </p> <p>When advertisements are shown to You on our Service, some Data, in accordance with industry-wide standard technical protocols, is disclosed to or collected by our Commercial Partners to allow delivery of an ad on the device You use or for other ad-related purposes (ex. security, ad measurement, service improvement etc.). Such Data may include Your digital identifiers, information about Your device and its settings, the url of a website, the content and the associated ad You are watching, Your approximate location, the socio-demographic or interest-based category we think You belong to (based on the information we have collected from or about You and/or obtained from third parties), as well as Your privacy choices. Your Your Your We may share additional data with advertisers. For example, data related to ad performance (e.g. how many times it was viewed, clicked on or otherwise interacted with) or general demographic information on ad audience (ex. age range, gender and location of most frequent viewers of their ads (ex. female between 25 and 30 years of age, living in New York)). The actual categories of disclosed or collected Data and the purposes it is used for depend on Your use of our Service, the terms of our cooperation with Commercial Partners, the technical protocol used and, when applicable, on Your actual privacy preferences.</p> <p>Dailymotion works with a large number of ad-related <a href=""><strong>Commercial Partners</strong></a>. The list of these <a href="">Commercial Partners</a> is published on our Service and may be consulted at all times from within the “<a href="">Manage Cookies</a>” section. Note that it does not mean that when You visit our Service all of these Commercial Partners process Your Personal Data. Only the Commercial Partners (or their technical service providers) involved in posting the ads shown to You or publishing Content that You watch on Dailymotion Service process Your data. The identity of our Commercial Partners who process Your data depends on the Content and ads You watch on our Service.</p> <p><strong>When disclosed Data is used by a Commercial Partner for its own purposes, it is that Commercial Partner who is the Data Controller for the Processing it undertakes</strong>.</p> <p>As a Data Controller, each Commercial Partner determines the purposes for which it wishes to process Your Personal Data. These purposes may include the development, improvement and delivery of their services, audience and service analytics, personalization and adaptation to Your centers of interest of their content, commercial offerings and ads, whether on or outside of the Dailymotion Service, conformity with their respective contractual and legal obligations, such as, e.g., geographic restrictions of their content exploitation rights, calculation of applicable fees or anti-fraud measures. You may learn more about ad-related Commercial Partners’ Processing purposes and legal ground(s) by accessing their IAB Vendor registrations or privacy policies through links available within the “<a href="">Manage Cookies</a>” section of our Service accessible from the EEA.</p> <p>When our Commercial Partners’ collection or processing of Your Personal Data depends on Your consent, Dailymotion asks You for such consent on behalf of our Commercial Partners. Consequently, You may, at all times, manage Your privacy preferences with regards to the collection or processing of Your Personal Data by our Commercial Partners Your within the “<a href=""><strong>Manage Cookies</strong></a>” section available on our Service and accessible from the EEA. You may also exercise Your rights by accessing the Commercial Partners’ respective privacy policies, as accessible from the <a href=""><strong>Commercial Partners List</strong></a><strong>.</strong></p> <p>For reasons inherent to the dynamic character of online activities, the list of Dailymotion Commercial Partners may evolve, and we invite You to consult it regularly for the most up-to-date information.</p> <p><strong>Note that refusing the use of Your Personal Data for ad-targeting purposes will not block advertisements. You will still see ads, but they will be less relevant to Your</strong> <strong>interests.</strong></p> <h2 id="4-data-recipients"><a><strong><span class="has-inline-color has-black-color">4. <u>DATA RECIPIENTS</u></span></strong></a></h2> <p>We may share personally identifiable or non-personally identifiable information collected from or about You with third parties, or allow you to share Your personal information with third parties, such as social networks, as explained further below (“<strong>Data Recipients</strong>”).<a><span class="has-inline-color has-black-color"> </span></a><span class="has-inline-color has-black-color">We require such Data Recipients to adhere to strict confidentiality obligations in a way that is consistent with this Privacy Policy and the agreements that we may enter into with them.</span></p> <h3 id="4-1-third-party-login-services">4.1. Third Party Login Services</h3> <p>If You connect to the Dailymotion Service through a third-party log-in system (ex. Your Google or Apple account), You may be choosing to share information about Your activities on the Dailymotion Service with that third-party. Furthermore, if You visit Dailymotion while logged-in to their accounts, then those entities may record Your browser details and combine technical information from Your web browser with other information that each of them already knows about You. Your decision to share information about Your activities on the Dailymotion Service with Your these third-parties may result in Dailymotion sending relevant information about You to these third parties which may then use that information or render it visible to their own users in accordance with applicable law, their own data and privacy policies, and Your privacy settings. We recommend You familiarize Yourself with these third parties’ respective data and privacy policies and available account privacy controls. We remind You that Dailymotion is independent from these third-party companies and that any privacy settings You might have chosen on the Dailymotion Service are not applicable on such third-party sites.</p> <h3 id="4-2-commercial-partners">4.2. Commercial Partners</h3> <p>We work with a number of Commercial Partners who help us offer and improve the Dailymotion Service. Commercial Partners include, Content uploaders, advertisers and other actors of the digital industry. We may disclose information collected from or about You to such Commercial Partners (or their authorized service providers) when we are legally authorized to do so, but such disclosure is always accompanied by appropriate technical, organizational or contractual measures aimed at ensuring the integrity and security of Your information (e.g., aggregation, anonymization, etc.).</p> <p>In particular, we may share information, generally in the aggregated, encrypted or anonymized form, about You with advertisers and advertising-related service providers, for the purposes described above under Section 3.2, including for technical reasons (e.g., to deliver advertising videos on Your screen), to make ads relevant and interesting to You or measure and improve the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Note that we do not share directly identifiable information about You (such as Your email address) with advertisers and advertising-related service providers.</p> <h3 id="4-3-service-providers">4.3. Service Providers</h3> <p>Like most companies, we contract with third parties to provide us with specialized services in connection with our business activities. The services we contract vary and evolve in time and include: payment solutions (e.g. PayPal or Payoneer), analyzing and processing data (e.g. provision of analytics software that helps us improve ads relevancy), hosting our websites and Content, providing customer support, communicating with You (e.g. email or push notification systems) or otherwise help us provide the Dailymotion Service.</p> <p>When the delivery of these services requires so (and if You consented so or if we are otherwise authorized to do so), we share some of Your Data with our Service Providers. Our Service Providers commit to confidentiality obligations in conformity with the present Privacy Policy and with the contracts we sign with them.</p> <h3 id="4-4-audience-measurement-providers">4.4. Audience Measurement Providers</h3> <p>Our Commercial Partners, such as content providers and advertisers, seek to measure the performance of their videos across many platforms, including the Dailymotion Service. Accordingly, Dailymotion may use and permit the use on its Service of independent, industry-standard, third-party measurement solutions (e.g. Nielsen or comScore) that enables us or our Business Partners to include Your video views in our or their measurement statistics. We may also share our own usage statistics, in anonymized or aggregated form, with these Business Partners.</p> <p>To learn more about Your choices with respect to audience measurement software, please see the information we have provided in Section 8 (“Your Privacy Rights”).</p> <h3 id="4-5-public-authorities-and-legal-counsels">4.5. Public Authorities and Legal Counsels</h3> <p>In some instances, we may be required to disclose information from or about You to public authorities or to legal counsels without notifying You or giving You the opportunity to object. We may disclose Your information in good-faith to protect the legal rights of Dailymotion, of our affiliates or Commercial Partners, and of each of our respective equity holders, directors, officers, employees, or agents, and technical service providers acting as our processors or sub-processors; to protect the safety and security of our users or of third parties; to enforce our <a href="">Terms of Use</a>; to prevent fraud; for risk management purposes; and to comply with or respond to the law, a legal process, or a request for cooperation by a government entity. However, it is Dailymotion’s policy, whenever reasonably possible and legally permissible, to promptly notify You upon receipt of a subpoena, court order or other document requesting Your Data , so that You will have adequate opportunity to initiate appropriate legal proceedings.</p> <p>Furthermore, if You notify us that You believe Your legal rights have been violated by Dailymotion or by another user of the Dailymotion Service, we may provide the Data that You provide to us to others to the extent that we believe it is necessary to evaluate and respond to Your complaint.</p> <h3 id="4-6-third-parties-in-connection-with-certain-corporate-transactions">4.6. Third Parties in Connection with certain Corporate Transactions</h3> <p>If we sell all or part of our business, make a transfer of assets, or are otherwise involved in a change-of-control transaction, or in the event of bankruptcy, we may transfer or share information from or about You to one or more third parties as part of the transaction, including as part of the due diligence process. In such case, Your Data would be transferred or shared only as an integral part of the underlying transfer of the Dailymotion Service (or part thereof) and not sold separately to third parties.</p> <h3 id="4-7-parties-you-consented-accepted-or-when-you-otherwise-choose-to-share-your-data">4.7. Parties you Consented, Accepted or When You Otherwise Choose to Share Your Data</h3> <p>Certain functions within the Dailymotion Service may give You the option to share videos through our Video Player, along with any information You want to share, for example, through Your own websites, applications or social network channels, such as Meta or X.</p> <p>If You hold an account with Meta or X, You may choose to share information about a video on the Dailymotion Service with Meta or X users through a dedicated sharing feature on our Service. Such sharing is only possible while You are logged-in to Your Meta or X accounts. Your decision to share information about a video on the Dailymotion Service may result in Dailymotion sending relevant information about You to Meta or X. Meta and X, pursuant to their respective data and privacy policies and to Your Meta and X privacy settings, may process Your Personal Data relevant to the sharing of such video.</p> <p>We may also share any information from or about You with any party when we have Your consented or when You otherwise choose to share such information (e.g. sharing Your contact information to an uploader whose content You have reported on our Service, if necessary, or sharing Your information in the scope of a marketing study You agreed to participate in, etc.). We may also share Your contact details pursuant to the agreements in place between Dailymotion and You. If Your Content contains third-party Personal Data or infringes those third-party rights, we may communicate Your contact details to enable them to exercise their statutory rights. In particular, we remind You that You are a Data Controller of Personal Data contained in Your Content (ex. if Your video shows Your friends). As a Data Controller You have a legal obligation to reply to their requests to exercise their privacy rights. For that reason, if we receive a request to delete a video based on data subjects’ right to have their personal data deleted (or any other similar request) we will forward it to You, inform the requestor that You are the Data Controller of their Personal Data, i.e. of their recordings present in Your Video and may communicate Your contact details. </p> <h2 id="5-data-security-and-account-access"><a><strong><span class="has-inline-color has-black-color">5. <u>DATA SECURITY AND ACCOUNT ACCESS</u></span></strong></a></h2> <h3 id="5-1-data-security">5.1. Data Security</h3> <p>The security of Your Data is important to us. Our goal is to make You feel confident and safe when using the Dailymotion Service.</p> <p>We use a variety of physical, technical, and administrative measures to safeguard information in our possession against loss, theft and unauthorized use, disclosure, and modification. For example, we take steps to limit access to sensitive information from or about You to only those Dailymotion employees, agents, and contractors who have a legitimate business reason to access such information. We also use measures like encryption and hashing to help protect sensitive information when in transmission, and firewalls to help prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to Your Personal Data. We also use techniques such as data aggregation to render it more difficult to link and trace information to You.</p> <p>Despite these efforts, there is always a possibility that a breach in data transmission or storage may occur. We want You to feel confident in our security when using the Dailymotion Service, but <strong>we cannot guarantee the absolute security of Data at all times</strong>. We advise You to exercise caution and, in particular, to use a unique and complex password for Your Dailymotion account, i.e. a password that You do not use for any other service You have an account with (which could prevent, in the event Your Dailymotion password confidentiality is breached, unauthorized access to these other accounts), to change Your password if You suspect its fraudulent use and contact us if You notice any suspicious activities on the Dailymotion Service. As a good practice, we also encourage using a dedicated email address as Dailymotion Service credential thus limiting potential impacts of its exposure in case of a data leak.</p> <p>We remind you that Dailymotion is a content hosting platform and not a content storage service and that You are responsible for keeping copies of any Content You upload on our Service.</p> <h3 id="5-2-account-access">5.2. Account Access</h3> <p>If You have an account with us, Your Personal Data can be reviewed online from within Your account settings. You can also update Your information either via the account settings or by contacting us (see <strong>Section 11.5 “Contact Us</strong>” for more details).</p> <p>Your account is unique to You and protected by a user-generated password. We advise You to choose a unique and complex password, not to disclose it to third parties, and to change it if You have any doubts as to its confidentiality. Do not hesitate to contact us if You observe any suspicious activity on Your account. Note that if You use third party log-in solution (e.g. Google), Dailymotion does not store or manage Your password. Instead, it is that the policies of the third-party log-in solution that apply to the management of Your password.</p> <p>If You allow others to use Your account (including by authorizing others to set up specific accesses within Your account), they may be able to view information about Your account (e.g. Your email address) or any of the playlists created within Your library (e.g. videos You have viewed). You should exercise caution while handling and disclosing Your Personal Data on our Service and avoid sending it through insecure email. Please refer to the <a href="">Federal Trade Commission’s website</a> at for further information on how to protect Yourself from identity theft.</p> <h2 id="6-data-retention"><a><strong><span class="has-inline-color has-black-color">6. <u>DATA RETENTION</u></span></strong></a></h2> <p>Data is stored electronically on Dailymotion’s servers or with our cloud service providers and is kept only as long as necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy or as otherwise required by applicable laws.</p> <p>In particular, You may close Your Dailymotion account and delete any of Your Content at any time. Pursuant to our inactive account and inactive content policies, we may as well proceed with their deletion.</p> <p>We have a legal obligation to retain some Data, such as, ex. information associated with the identity of anyone having uploaded Content or invoicing details. If You ask us to delete Your Data, provided that its retention is not required or authorized by the applicable laws, the Data is deleted or anonymized and used for statistical purposes only. Please refer to <strong>Section 8</strong> below for further details on Your rights in relation to Your Personal Data.</p> <h2 id="7-youth-restrictions-and-parental-control"><a><strong><span class="has-inline-color has-black-color">7. <u>YOUTH RESTRICTIONS AND PARENTAL CONTROL</u></span></strong></a></h2> <p>Children who are under the legal age in their country of residence to enter into an agreement with a digital service provider are defined in this Privacy Policy as “<strong>Juniors</strong>” and are not permitted to register with Dailymotion, i.e. are not allowed to open an account with our Service.</p> <p>The age limit that determines whether a person is a Junior is defined by the laws applicable in Your country of residence and generally varies from 13 to 16 years of age.</p> <p>In addition, Juniors should not use or access our Service without the involvement and consent of a parent or guardian.</p> <p>Dailymotion Service is intended for the general public. It does not specifically cater to any particular age or interest group. When You visit our Service without being logged-in, we do not know Your age. Despite lacking that knowledge, we have designed some Service features protecting Young audiences. In particular, a parental control is activated by default when using our Service.</p> <p>If You are the parent or legal guardian of a Junior, and that child has somehow registered with Dailymotion without Your approval and contrary to our Terms and Conditions, please contact Dailymotion’s support team, available 24/7 through the <a href=""><strong>Dailymotion Help Center</strong></a> to initiate an account deletion procedure. When submitting Your request, please provide us with a sworn statement confirming that You are either a parent exercising full parental rights or a legal guardian of the child and indicate Your full name and address, the child’s full name and address, Your relationship to the child and Your email address. Dailymotion will use this information only to process Your request and verify that You are the child’s parent or legal guardian, and for no other purposes.</p> <h2 id="8-your-privacy-rights"><a><span class="has-inline-color has-black-color">8. <strong><u>YOUR PRIVACY RIGHTS</u></strong></span></a></h2> <h3 id="8-1-general">8.1. General</h3> <p>Depending on Your country of residence, You may be entitled to access, correct and/or delete the Data You have provided to us, by requesting to do so through the setting of Your account, or by reaching out to the <a href=""><strong>Dailymotion Help Center</strong></a> via the dedicated section. When justified by the circumstances of Your request, we may ask You for a copy of Your ID or any other relevant documents, in order to confirm that You are indeed the data subject or a person authorized to exercise these rights on behalf of a data subject, and to determine the laws and procedures applicable to Your request.</p> <p>If You are a resident of European Economic Area, UK, Switzerland, California, Brazil, Korea or Turkey, You may find in this Section (Sections 8.5 through 8.9) specific information and procedures applicable under the laws of Your country of residence.</p> <h3 id="8-2-change-of-privacy-settings-for-promotional-communications">8.2. Change of Privacy Settings for Promotional Communications</h3> <p>You may decide not to receive promotional communications from Dailymotion by accessing Your account settings. You may also communicate to us Your decision not to receive promotional communications by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in a particular promotional message.</p> <p>Note that You cannot opt out from receiving administrative messages, service announcements, and messages regarding the terms and conditions of Your account because those may contain important information necessary to use the Dailymotion Service.</p> <p>You can choose to receive push notifications from Dailymotion on Your device. If You do not wish to receive push notifications, You can use Your device’s settings to turn them off.</p> <h3 id="8-3-options-for-third-party-online-behavioral-or-interest-based-ads-on-websites-including-mobile-websites">8.3. Options for Third-Party Online Behavioral or Interest-based Ads on Websites (including Mobile Websites)</h3> <p>Dailymotion offers its users the ability to make choices about the use of their information for ad targeting. To learn more about how to exercise Your ad preferences, please refer to our <a href=""><strong>Cookie Policy</strong></a>.</p> <p>Some of the third parties that collect or participate in the collection of information from or about You on the Dailymotion participate in the DAA Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising. This program offers a centralized forum where individuals can declare their choices about the use of their information for online behavioral advertising. To learn more and to make choices about the use of Your information for online behavioral advertising on websites, please click <a href="!/"><strong>here</strong></a>. Please note that if You exclude online behavioral advertising using this method, this choice will only apply to the specific browser or device from which You opt out and only to companies participating in the “YourAdChoices” initiative.</p> <p>In addition, some of these third parties may be members of the Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”), a cooperative of online marketing companies that offers a centralized tool for opting out of interest-based advertising delivered by each of its member companies. If You would like to obtain more information about interest-based advertising and the NAI and make choices about their members’ use of information from or about You on websites, please click <a href="">here</a>. Please note that if You exclude interest-based advertising using this method, this choice will only apply to the specific browser or device from which You opt out and only to companies participating in the NAI initiative.</p> <h3 id="8-4-options-for-third-party-online-behavioral-or-interest-based-ads-within-mobile-apps">8.4. Options for Third-Party Online Behavioral or Interest-Based Ads within Mobile Apps</h3> <p>You can define Your preferences regarding the use of Your information or ad targeting within mobile apps by accessing a cookie preference module available directly within the settings of Dailymotion’s mobile applications.</p> <p>Some of the third parties that collect or participate in the collection of information from or about You on the Dailymotion Service participate in the DAA Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral Advertising. This program offers a mobile application called the “AppChoices,” which provides a centralized location where users can make choices about the use of their information for online behavioral advertising within the mobile application environment. The AppChoices application can be downloaded from Your mobile device at <a href=""></a> or from Your device’s app store. Please note that if You exclude online behavioral advertising using this method, this choice will only apply to the mobile device You used to do so and only to companies participating in the AppChoices initiative.</p> <p>You may also exercise Your choices by accessing Your device settings and selecting “Limit Ad Tracking” (for iOS devices) or “Opt out of Interest-Based Ads” (for Android devices), which will allow You to limit our use of information collected from or about Your mobile device (such as precise location data) for the purposes of serving online behavioral advertising to You.</p> <h3 id="8-5-additional-information-for-eea-residents">8.5. Additional Information for EEA Residents</h3> <h4 id="8-5-1-data-subjects-rights"><strong>8.5.1. Data Subjects Rights</strong></h4> <p>Individuals located in the EEA (i.e. European Economic Area, UK and Switzerland) have certain statutory rights in relation to their Data that they can exercise with <strong>Data Controllers</strong>, i.e. with entities in charge of processing of their Data.</p> <ul><li>Data Subjects Rights when Dailymotion Acts as a Data Controller: Subject to statutory exemptions, if You reside in the EEA, You have the right to request f<strong>rom Dailymotion SA</strong> the access, update, deletion, correction or transfer of Your Personal Data that Dailymotion SA processes in its capacity of a <strong>Data Controller</strong>. You can do so by using the settings and tools provided in Your Dailymotion account or by contacting Dailymotion SA. If You encounter troubles using the settings and tools, or if You do not have a Dailymotion account, reach out to the <a href=""><strong>Dailymotion Help Center</strong></a> via the dedicated section or send a letter to the attention of our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Dailymotion SA, 140 Boulevard Malesherbes – 75017 Paris, France. Please include within Your request a clear description of Your request and information about Your country of residence, along with any information allowing us to identify Your Dailymotion account (such as the email address used to log into such account) or Data and to confirm Your identity.</li></ul> <p>Depending on the nature of Your request, You may be asked to provide further documents as needed to verify Your identity and the conformity of Your request with legal requirements and to identify the Personal Data that Your request pertains to.</p> <p>Furthermore, You are entitled to define and communicate to us the rules applicable to Your Data upon Your death.</p> <p>Note that, in compliance with applicable laws, some of Your Data may not be communicated, rectified or deleted despite Your request to do so. In such case, we will inform You about our incapacity to fully comply with Your request and the reasons behind that decision.</p> <ul><li>Data Subjects Rights when Dailymotion Does Not Acts as a Data Controller: We remind You that when using the Dailymotion Service, Your Data may be Processed by different entities acting in their capacity of a Data Controller. If we receive from You a legally compliant request (i.e. allowing us to identify the Data Controller and to reasonably establish that it is filed by a person whose Personal Data is processed) that pertains to Data processed by another Data Controller, we will, if reasonably possible, transmit the request and Your contact details to such Data Controller and inform You about it.</li></ul> <p>In particular, <strong>if Your Personal Data is present in Content available on the Dailymotion Service, it is the User who uploaded that Content who is a Data Controller of Your Personal Data, Dailymotion’s role being that of a Data Processor</strong>. In conformity with the GDPR, data subjects need to address their request to a Data Controller, i.e. to the User who uploaded that Content. Your For that reason, if we receive a request to delete a video showing Your Personal Data (ex. a recording of You) we will forward it to the User who has uploaded that video, i.e. to the Data Controller. That User will have a month to reply (with a possibility of prolonging that delay by one additional month). Only in the absence of such reply, i.e. when a Data Controller does not respect <strong>its legal obligation</strong> <strong>to reply to a data subject request</strong>, Dailymotion may disable access to such video. As a content hosting platform, we have an obligation to disable access to content that is manifestly illicit. The presence of Personal Data in Content is not in itself illegal. However, the absence of an answer from a Data Controller constitutes a non-respect of a legal obligation. It is that non-respect that renders Content illicit and triggers Dailymotion’s blocking access to it on our Service. </p> <p>During the review of Your request by the Data Controller (i.e. by the Uploader), Content remains accessible on our Service unless Your Personal Data that it contains belongs to a category of sensitive Personal Data (ex. health data) or is that of a minor. In such case, because that type of Personal Data requires a higher level of protection, we will temporarily block access to the Content while awaiting Data Controller’s decision.</p> <p>For further details regarding Dailymotion role in the processing of Your Data, please refer to Section 1.1.</p> <h4 id="8-5-2-data-privacy-framework"><strong>8.5.2. Data Privacy Framework </strong></h4> <p>Your Personal Data may be processed by Dailymotion Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of Dailymotion SA. At the date of publication of this latest version of our Privacy Policy, Dailymotion Inc. is registered with the Data Privacy Framework (“DPF”) and committed itself to respecting set standards in processing Personal Data of European Economic Area, Swiss and UK data subjects. With respect to Personal Data received or transferred pursuant to Data Privacy Framework, Dailymotion Inc. is subject to the regulatory enforcement powers of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. Dailymotion Inc. acknowledges its potential liability in cases of onward transfers to Third Parties of Personal Data. You may regularly verify Dailymotion Inc.’s self-certification with the DPF by consulting the list of its participants available <a href="">here</a>. If You have a question or wish to file a complaint regarding the covered data, please reach out to Dailymotion Inc whose contact information can be found in the “Contact Us” section of this Privacy Policy. Please include within Your request a copy of Your ID, information about Your country of residence, and any information allowing us to identify Your account on the Dailymotion Service. Dailymotion Inc. will reply to You within 30 days.</p> <p>If You are not satisfied with the final Dailymotion Inc. decision regarding Your complaint, You may use the other appeal venues defined in the DPF. In particular, upon exhaustion of the appeal rights with Dailymotion Inc. You may file Your complaint with the entity declared by Dailymotion Inc. with the DPF as competent for dispute resolution purposes, namely EU Data Protection Authorities, the Swiss FDPIC or the <a href="">UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)</a> , , and if not satisfied with that entity’s decision, use the arbitration procedure provided under the DPF. For further information on applicable procedures please visit the <a href=""><strong>DPF website</strong></a>.</p> <h3 id="8-6-additional-choices-for-the-residents-of-the-united-states-of-america">8.6. Additional Choices for the Residents of the United States of America</h3> <h4 id="8-6-1-additional-choices-for-california-residents">8.6.1. Additional Choices for California Residents</h4> <h5 id="8-6-1-a-personal-data-processing-information-under-the-california-privacy-laws"><strong>8.6.1.a. <strong>Personal Data Processing Information under the California Privacy Laws</strong></strong></h5> <h6 id="8-6-1-a-i-general"><strong><em>8.6.1.a.i. General</em></strong></h6> <p>If You are a California resident, in addition to any other information You may find in this Privacy Policy, this section is intended to provide You with specific information required under the California Consumer Protection Act (“<strong>CCPA</strong>”) as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA”), collectively referred to as “<strong>CCPA</strong>”. In particular, in this section we explain Your rights, list the categories of Personal Information (“<strong>PI</strong>”) that we collect or use and explain whether and how, in the preceding 12 months, we have collected, disclosed, Sold or Shared Your PI.</p> <p>The terms “<strong>Personal Information,</strong>” “<strong>Business,</strong>” “<strong>Third Party</strong>”, “<strong>Service Provider</strong>”, “<strong>Contractor</strong>”, “<strong>Cross-Context Behavioral Advertising</strong>“, “<strong>Sale</strong>”, “<strong>Share</strong>” and “<strong>Sensitive Personal Information</strong>” used in this section have the same meanings as defined in the CCPA.</p> <p>If You have an account with Dailymotion, we identify You by the email address You use to log-in or any other credentials available for use as log-in from time to time. However, if You do not have an account, in most cases, we rely on a unique online identifier to identify and recognize You.</p> <p>When You access our Service, a Dailymotion cookie (i.e. a small text file) is dropped on Your device’s browser. If You use different devices or different Internet browsers to access our Service (and unless You do so as a logged-in user, in which case we might be able to recognize You regardless of the device or browser used), You are assigned a different Service ID for each of Your device/ browser combinations. In other words, if You first accessed the Dailymotion Service using Firefox on Your laptop, but then visited it on Your phone using Chrome You will appear to us as two distinct users. Unless You access the Dailymotion Service as a logged-in user, any information that we might have about You is attached to that Service ID.</p> <p>Due to legal rules applicable to our activities, the lifespan of our cookies is limited to 13 months. Once the 13-month period comes to an end, the Dailymotion cookie storing Your Service ID expires. The cookie may also be deleted before the end of that 13-month lifespan; for example, it may be deleted intentionally by You or through Your browsing settings. If You continue to use our Service, a new Dailymotion cookie will be dropped on Your browser and a new Service ID will be assigned to You. </p> <p>As already mentioned in this Privacy Policy, we do not cross-reference Service IDs that are assigned to You on our Service. Unless You are a logged-in user (in which case we recognize You through Your account credentials regardless of the number of Service IDs created for You), each new Service ID represents to us a new user. For that reason, and unless You are a logged-in user, if You decide to exercise any of Your CCPA rights, Your decision will only be applied to the Service ID under which we recognize You. In particular<strong>, if You use the Dailymotion Service on several devices or Internet browsers, Your decision to Opt-Out of the Sale and Share of Your PI needs to be expressed on each such device or browser</strong>.</p> <h6 id="8-6-1-a-ii-collected-pi-collection-disclosure-sale-and-share"><strong><em>8.6.1.a.ii. Collected PI: <strong><em><strong>Collection, Disclosure, Sale and Share.</strong></em></strong></em></strong></h6> <p>We may obtain Your PI either from You (directly or indirectly), from companies with whom we have business relationships or from our affiliates. We receive Your PI directly from You when You create an account or otherwise communicate with us or interact with our Service. We collect or generate information about You when You use our Service. Some of the PI that we collect might belong to the category of Sensitive Personal Information (“<strong>SPI</strong>”). We receive Your PI from companies with whom we have business relationships when, for example, we engage them to help us operate our Service. Your PI may be shared with and by our affiliates if they participate in operating our Service or if You use their services.</p> <p>Additionally, in order to enable the delivery of ads, certain PI may be disclosed to us by advertising partners wishing to advertise on our Service.</p> <p>We disclose Your PI to our Service Providers, Contractors and Third Parties. When such disclosure is done for monetary or other valuable consideration, it is referred to under the CCPA as a Sale. When it is done for the purpose of targeting of ads to a consumer based on PI obtained from such consumer’s activity across businesses, distinctly-branded websites, applications or services other than the Dailymotion Service, it is referred to under the CCPA as a Share.</p> <p>Note that the Dailymotion Service is an advertising-based content hosting platform, meaning that presence of both Content and ads is its essential feature. Our business purposes include: enabling You to use Your Dailymotion account and any of the available Service features, using technical means to display Content and ads to You on the Dailymotion Service including to tailor the content and ads to Your needs and interests; delivering and monitoring of our technical platform; processing payments that may be due to Content uploaders; using data analytics services aimed at improving our Service and providing required reporting to content uploaders and advertisers; ensuring security and preventing fraud, abuse or illegal activity; engaging service providers; providing customer support and ensuring our compliance with legal or industry standard rules; and establishing, exercising or defending legal claims.</p> <p>The PI that we collect may be disclosed to (i) our affiliates, (ii) our advertising partners participating in the delivery of ads on the Dailymotion Service (e.g. advertisers, media agencies), (iii) our service providers (data analytics services, technical service providers, payment facilitators), and, (iv) if required so by applicable laws, public authorities. When we disclose Your PI, we only do so to the extent needed to achieve our business purposes or those of our affiliates and to comply with the applicable laws or regulations.</p> <p>In the tables below You will find detailed information regarding the PI we collect, disclose, Sell and Share and the purposes we do so.</p> <ul><li><strong><em>8.6.1.a.ii.1. <strong><em>Collected PI: Categories, Sources and the Purposes It is Used for and the Categories of Third Parties to Whom Your PI is Disclosed</em></strong></em></strong></li></ul> <p>The following categories of PI may be collected by us from or about You and disclosed in the preceding 12 months for the below-listed purposes:</p> <figure class="wp-block-table"><table><thead><tr><th>CATEGORY OF PI</th><th>EXAMPLES OF PI (Depending on the PI You provide to us and Your use of our Service)</th><th>BUSINESS OR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES THE PI IS COLLECTED, SHARED, SOLD OR DISCLOSED FOR</th><th>CATEGORIES OF THE SOURCES THE PI IS COLLECTED FROM</th><th>CATEGORIES OF THIRD PARTIES TO WHOM PI MAY BE DISCLOSED DURING THE PRECEDING 12-MONTH PERIOD</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Identifiers</td><td>A real name, alias, postal address, unique digital identifiers linked to Your device, browser or application (ex. Service ID, third party online identifier, IP address, account credentials (email address, username, and any other account credentials as provided from time to time), account name, a copy of official ID, or other similar identifiers that You may communicate to us directly or indirectly when using our Service)</td><td>-To comply with a legal obligation<br/>-To provide You the Service and achieve our business purposes including display of Content and ads</td><td>-You; either directly or indirectly <br/>-Our Service Providers <br/>– Business or persons providing services to us (ex. payment solution providers (when You authorize them to disclose to us Your account information necessary for us to pay You))<br/>– Advertising partners<br/>-Providers of 3rd Party connect features (ex. Apple connect)<br/>-Our affiliates<br/></td><td>-Advertising partners (digital IDs, IP address only)<br/>-Public authorities<br/>– Our affiliates<br/>-Business or persons providing services to us </td></tr><tr><td>Your Content</td><td>Your videos, comments, reactions, etc.</td><td>-To provide You the Service and achieve our business purposes including display of Content and ads</td><td>You</td><td>-End-user of the Dailymotion Service<br/>-Our affiliates<br/>-Business or persons providing services to us</td></tr><tr><td>Commercial Information</td><td>Revenues generated, Payment method details for payments made by us (to the exclusion of credit card details)</td><td>-To comply with a legal obligation<br/>-To provide You the Service and achieve our business purposes including display of Content and ads</td><td>-You, indirectly (information generated by us based on Your Content activity) <br/>-Business or persons providing services to us (ex. payment solution providers (when You authorize them to disclose to us Your account information necessary for us to pay you))</td><td>-Content right holders<br/>-Public authorities<br/>-Payment solution service providers<br/>-Our affiliates<br/>-Business or persons providing services to us<br/></td></tr><tr><td>Demographic Information</td><td>Date of birth, gender, language, geographic location</td><td>-To comply with a legal obligation<br/>-To provide You the Service and achieve our business purposes including display of Content and ads</td><td>– You; either directly or indirectly<br/>-Providers of 3rd Party connect feature (ex. Apple connect) </td><td>– Advertising partners (age range, either deduced or actual), gender, language and geographic location only<br/>-Business or persons providing services to us<br/>-Public authorities<br/>-Our affiliates</td></tr><tr><td>Internet or other electronic network activity information</td><td>Browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with an Internet Web site, application, or advertisement, including information on the upload of the Content</td><td>-To comply with a legal obligation<br/>-To achieve our business purposes</td><td>-You; indirectly<br/>-Business or persons providing services to us<br/>-Our affiliates</td><td>– Advertising partners<br/>-Business or persons providing services to us<br/>-Public authorities<br/>-Our affiliates</td></tr><tr><td>Geolocation data</td><td>-IP address<br/>-Postal address</td><td>-To comply with a legal obligation<br/>-To achieve our business purposes</td><td>You, indirectly</td><td>-Advertising partners (IP address only)<br/>-Business or persons providing services to us <br/>-Public authorities<br/>-Our affiliates</td></tr><tr><td>Device information</td><td>Device used, language and other settings, operating systems</td><td>To provide You the Service and achieve our business purposes including display of Content and ads</td><td>-You; indirectly<br/>-Business or persons providing services to us</td><td>– Advertising partners<br/>-Business or persons providing services to us<br/>-Our affiliates</td></tr><tr><td>Inferences drawn from PI to create Your profile</td><td>User segments based on Your deduced geographic location, age and/or viewing preferences and behavior</td><td> To achieve our business purposes</td><td>-You, indirectly (information generated by us based on Your activities)<br/>-Our affiliates</td><td>– Advertising partners<br/>-Business or persons providing services to us<br/>-Our Content right holders<br/>-Our affiliates</td></tr><tr><td>Content of Your communication with us</td><td>Any information that You might provide to us</td><td>To provide You the Service and in particular to provide assistance requested from our support service</td><td>You; directly or indirectly</td><td>-Business or persons providing services to us<br/>-Public authorities<br/>-Our affiliates<br/>-Right holders (ex. when You notify to us a possible copyright infringement) </td></tr><tr><td>Sensitive Personal Information</td><td>-Social security, driver’s license, state identification card, or passport, to the extend You communicate it to us (ex. as part of Your exchanges with our Support service)<br/>-Information about Your possible ethnic origin or information on Your interaction with our Service that may reveal Sensitive Information.<br/>Ex. if you watch content related to pregnancy you may see ads for baby products. Your interaction with an ad for health products may be recorded to measure ad performance.</td><td>-To comply with a legal obligation and, in particular, to establish a verifiable consumer request<br/>– To provide You the Service and in particular to provide assistance requested from our support service<br/>-To serve contextual ads. To better understand our Service audience including ad campaign analysis.</td><td>You; directly or indirectly<br/><br/>Business or persons providing services to us</td><td>-Business or persons providing services to us<br/>-Public authorities<br/>-Our affiliates<br/><br/>-None;<br/>Only de-identified and aggregated information may be provided to advertising partners<br/><br/></td></tr></tbody></table></figure> <div class="wp-block-group"><div class="wp-block-group__inner-container"> <p><em>NB. Dailymotion Player is present on Dailymotion digital properties and on third parties’ digital properties (ex. websites). When our Player is embedded on a third party’s website, we use, for technical reasons, the url of that website to deliver ads and Content. In general, urls do not reveal any of Your SPI. In rare cases where full urls might suggest Your SPI (ex. when You visit a website addressed to a religious community, its url may suggest Your religious convictions), note that Dailymotion does not use that SPI. The full urls are used by us for technical purposes, including to display Content or ads, ensure security and debug, without the actual content of the url being analyzed by us. </em></p> <ul><li><strong><em>8.6.1.a.ii.2. <strong><em><strong><em>Collected PI: Categories, the Purposes It is Sold or Shared for and the Categories of Third Parties Your PI is Sold to or Shared with</em></strong></em></strong></em></strong></li></ul> <p>The CCPA defines the “Sale” of PI as sharing, renting, releasing, disclosing, disseminating, making available, transferring, or otherwise communicating orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, a consumer’s PI by the Business to a third party for monetary or other valuable consideration. When Your PI is thus communicated for Cross-Context Behavioral Advertising, then such communication is referred as Share.</p> <p>The CCPA definitions of Sale and Share differ from the common understating of these terms. Note that although Dailymotion does Sell and Share Your PI, we are not a data broker, which means that we do not sell data bases and instead, any disclosure of Your PI is in relation with our business activity i.e. the operation an online service offering access to videos and displaying ads). Additionally, Dailymotion does not knowingly Sell or Share PI of minors under 16 years of age.</p> <p>As a part of our business activity, we may Sell to and Share Your PI with third parties with whom we cooperate, advertisers or tech companies. When You use our Service, our advertising partners collect Your PI, such as digital identifiers (e.g. online identifiers, IP address), activity history (how You interact with their ads) and electronic information (e.g. what browser You use), and You are shown their ads. These companies may use such information to help us conduct our business activities (in doing so, they are our Service Providers) and for their own business purposes including tailoring ads You see on and outside of our Service. Targeting of ads based on Your PI obtained from Your activity across different businesses, distinctly-branded websites, applications, or services is referred to under the CCPA as “<strong>Cross-Context Behavioral Advertising</strong>”. When our advertising partners engage in Cross-Context Behavioral Advertising (i.e. when they use Your PI collected on our Service and on other websites and services, to show You ads on and outside of the Dailymotion Service), our disclosure of Your PI to them amounts to the Share of Your PI.</p> <p>Note that there is no Share of Your PI when ads You see on our Service are targeted exclusively using the PI collected on the Dailymotion Service. Consequently, if You Opt-Out of Sale or Share of Your PI, You will still see ads on our Services and these ads may continue to be tailored to Your interests but that tailoring may be less precise as it will be based only on the PI collected while using the Dailymotion Service. Your PI may continue to be disclosed to other entities but they can use it only for Dailymotion’s business purposes and pursuant to a written contract we have with them.</p> <p>If You are over 16 and wish to Opt-Out from the Sale or Share of Your PI please refer to section below to learn how to exercise that right.</p> </div></div> <p>The following categories of PI have been Sold or Shared by Dailymotion for the below-listed purposes in the preceding 12 months:</p> <figure class="wp-block-table"><table><thead><tr><th>CATEGORY OF PI</th><th><strong>EXAMPLES OF PI (Depending on the PI You provide to us and Your use of our Service)</strong></th><th>BUSINESS OR COMMERCIAL PURPOSE THE PI IS SOLD OR SHARED</th><th>CATEGORIES OF THIRD PARTIES WITH WHOM PI MAY BE SOLD OR SHARED DURING THE PRECEDING 12-MONTH PERIOD</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Identifiers</td><td>Unique digital identifiers linked to Your device, browser or application (ex. Service ID, third party online identifiers, cookie IDs), IP address</td><td>To provide You the Service and achieve our business purposes including delivery of targeted ads</td><td>-Tech companies<br/>-Advertising partners</td></tr><tr><td>Demographic Information</td><td>Age range, either deduced or actual gender, language, geographic location</td><td>To provide You the Service and achieve our business purposes including delivery of targeted ads</td><td>-Tech companies<br/>-Advertising partners</td></tr><tr><td>Geolocation data</td><td>IP address</td><td>To provide You the Service and achieve our business purposes including delivery of targeted ads</td><td>-Tech companies<br/>-Advertising partners</td></tr><tr><td>Device and connectivity information</td><td>Information about Your current connection to the Dailymotion Service pertaining to the device and Service connection; device used, language and other settings, operating system browser, url</td><td>To provide You the Service and achieve our business purposes including delivery of targeted ads</td><td>-Tech companies<br/>-Advertising partners</td></tr></tbody></table></figure> <h6 id="8-6-1-a-iii-retention-period-of-pi"><strong><em><strong><em>8.6.1.a.iii. Retention Period of PI</em></strong></em></strong></h6> <p>Your PI is retained for as long as it is needed to fulfill our business purposes, including the execution of a contract we have with You, compliance with legal obligations or as necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. It is deleted, aggregated, deidentified or anonymized once it is no longer needed for the purposes described above. For each type of data and operation, we set retention timeframes based on the purpose for its collection, and ensure it is kept for no longer than necessary.</p> <h6 id="8-6-1-a-iv-automated-decision-making"><strong><em><strong><em>8.6.1.a.iv. </em></strong></em></strong>Automated Decision-Making</h6> <p>Dailymotion uses algorithms to improve our Service. For example, we use algorithms to generate more pertinent search results when You use our search engine or otherwise recommend content that we believe might be of interest to You. We also use them to infer some information from Your use of our Service. That information may be Your age range or gender. We use that deduced information to provide You with a more personalized experience.</p> <h6 id="8-6-1-a-v-california-consumer-rights"><strong><em>8.6.1.a.v. California Consumer Rights</em></strong></h6> <p>If You are a California resident, You have the right to know what PI we have collected about You, including the categories of PI, the categories of sources from which Your PI is collected, the business or commercial purpose behind our collection Sell or Share of Your PI, and the categories of third parties to whom Your PI may be disclosed. You may request access to (including obtaining a portable-format copy of Your PI that You provided to us) or deletion of Your PI or correction of inaccurate PI that we have in our records and that we have collected or otherwise obtained during the 12-month period preceding Your request. You also have the right to instruct us not to Sell or Share Your PI with Third Parties and, to the extent that Your SPI are used otherwise than to provide You with our Service or as authorized under the CCPA (which, at present Dailymotion does not do) to Limit the Use and Disclosure of SPI.</p> <p>You may exercise any of these rights either directly or through an authorized representative. If You wish to make a request regarding Your PI via an authorized agent, You must provide this agent with Your written permission indicating the right which You wish to exercise, which is to be submitted to Dailymotion together with copies of Your and Your agent’s official IDs at the time of filing a request. We may ask for additional documents or information if we judge them necessary to establish whether Your request meets the legal standards of a verified request (i.e. means to determine that the consumer making a request is the consumer about whom Dailymotion has collected PI, or if that consumer is less than 13 years of age, the consumer’s parent or legal guardian), verify the agent’s authority to act on Your behalf, the extent of the authorizations You have granted and to identify Your PI.</p> <p>Your choice to exercise any of the above-listed rights will not result in any discriminatory treatment regardless of whether in relation to Your use of the Dailymotion Service or Secondary Websites.</p> <ul><li><strong><em>8.6.1.a.v.1. <strong><em>Right to Opt-Out from Sale or Share of Personal Information and Limit the Use and Disclosure of SPI</em></strong></em></strong></li></ul> <p>You have the right to “opt-out” of the Sale or Share of Your PI, which means that You can tell a business to stop Selling or Sharing Your PI and to refrain from Selling or Sharing it in the future. Exercising Your Opt-Out right does not affect previously Sold or Shared PI.</p> <p>To exercise this right, click on the “<a href=""><strong>Do Not Sell My Personal Information or Share/Process It for Purpose of Targeted Ads</strong></a>” link available within this Privacy Policy and on our Service. If You access our Service through our Player embedded on third party websites or applications or while using a small-screen device, You may see a different link. For technical reasons, due the available space, You may see a shorter text such as “<strong>Don’t Sell/Share/use my Info for Targeted Ads</strong>” or “<strong>Opt-Out Sale/Share/Targeted Ads</strong>”. </p> <p><strong>Note that the Opt-Out link may not be visible or functional if You access our Service using a non-California IP address</strong> (e.g. while accessing the Dailymotion Service from a different state or country or doing so using location-masking technologies such as a proxy or a VPN (Virtual Private Network) software). If You are a California resident and encounter problems in the exercise of Your Opt-Out right, such as if You are not physically in California at the time, we invite You to contact us directly using either of the contact methods listed in Section 8.6.1.viii.</p> <p>When available, You may also use a so-called “opt-out preference signal”, i.e. a browsing technology meeting the standards set by CCPA, that enables You to opt-out from Sale or Share of Your PI with all businesses You interact with on-line using a given device and browser without having to exercise that choice individually with each of such businesses. Note that while we provide You with the possibility to opt out from our Sale and Share of Your PI, the implementation of that opt-out preference signal may not be frictionless and require some additional interaction from You.</p> <p>Upon exercising Your right to Opt-Out, we will cease Selling and Sharing Your PI. In particular, we will refrain from disclosing it to Third Parties for their own business purposes.</p> <p>Note that while we will not Sell or Share Your PI once You exercise Your Opt-Out right, we may still disclose such information to our business partners in order for them to help us carry out our own business activities. In these circumstances, our business partners will act as our Service Providers or Contractors and they will not be allowed to use Your PI for any purposes other than those we ask them to or as otherwise authorized by the CCPA.</p> <p><strong>We remind You that an Opt-Out decision is limited to the device and the browser used</strong>. If You use our Service on different devices or via different browsers, Your Opt-Out decision needs to be communicated to us separately on each of them and renewed every time the associated Service ID is no longer active.</p> <p>Additionally<strong>, if Your Service ID is no longer recognized by our Service (either because the cookie it is stored in has expired or because You or the technology You use (e.g. Your Internet browser) has deleted such cookie or prevented its deployment), we will no longer be capable of either recognizing You or acknowledging that You have opted-out from the sale of Your PI. We invite You to verify Your registered options by accessing Your CCPA settings through the “</strong><a href=""><strong>Do Not Sell My Personal Information or Share/Process It for Purpose of Targeted Advertising</strong></a><strong>” link </strong>(or<strong> “</strong><strong>Don’t Sell/Share/use my Info for Targeted Ads</strong>” or “<strong>Opt-Out Sale/Share/Targeted Ads</strong>”) <strong>and to renew the Opt-Out procedure if needed</strong>.</p> <p>Note that Dailymotion does not use SPI for purposes other than the ones disclosed in section 8.6.1.a.ii above or as otherwise permitted under the CCPA. Consequently we limit our use and disclosure of Your SPI to what is necessary to perform the services reasonably expected by an average user of the Dailymotion Service or as otherwise authorized under the CCPA.</p> <ul><li><strong><em>8.6.1.a.v.2. <strong><em>Requests to Opt-In After Opting-Out of the Sale and Share of Your PI</em></strong></em></strong></li></ul> <p>Once You have exercised Your right to Opt-Out, it is possible for You to opt back into the Sale and Share of Your PI. You will be alerted if a transaction requires the Sale of Your PI in order to be completed.</p> <p>Opting back into the Sale and Share of Your PI is an easy two-step process: You just have to request to opt-in and You will then be asked to confirm Your choice. You may do so by clicking the <strong>“</strong><a href=""><strong>Do Not Sell My Personal Information or Share/Process It for Purpose of Targeted Advertising</strong></a>” link (or “Don’t Sell/Share/use my Info for Targeted Ads” or “Opt-Out Sale/Share/Targeted Ads”) or by using any of the other contact methods described in Section 8.6.1.h below.</p> <ul><li><strong><em>8.6.1.a.v.3. <strong><em>Right to Access and / or Delete Your PI and / or Correct Your Inaccurate PI</em></strong></em></strong></li></ul> <p>In addition to the right to be informed about the PI we collect, disclose, Share or Sell (i.e. information available in this Privacy Policy), You have the right to request that Dailymotion provides You with access to the specific pieces and categories of Your PI that Dailymotion has collected, disclosed, Sold or Shared during at least 12 months preceding Your request. This request can only be made once every 12 months.</p> <p>You also have the right to request the correction or deletion of Your PI that Dailymotion collected or maintained during the same 12-month period.</p> <p>If requested so and to the extent technically feasible, upon receipt of Your access request we will provide the specific pieces of PI obtained from You in a form that is easily understandable to the average consumer, in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format enabling transmission to another entity without hindrance.</p> <p>Upon receipt of Your verifiable request to delete Your PI, we will proceed with the deletion of such information unless otherwise authorized or required by law.</p> <h6 id="8-6-1-a-vi-methods-for-submitting-a-verifiable-consumer-request"><strong><em> Methods for Submitting a Verifiable Consumer Request</em></strong></h6> <p>In addition to exercising Your Opt-Out right via the <strong>“</strong><a href=""><strong>Do Not Sell My Personal Information or Share/Process It for Purpose of Targeted Advertising</strong></a>” link (or “Don’t Sell/Share/use my Info for Targeted Ads” or “Opt-Out Sale/Share/Targeted Ads”)available in the present Policy and on our Service, You may submit Your Opt-Out, access, correction or deletion request by contacting our Support Policy Team using one of the following methods:</p> <ul><li>making a request via the “Personal Data” dedicated section available on the <a href="">Dailymotion Help Center</a>;<ul><li>sending an email to <a href=""><strong></strong></a></li></ul></li></ul> <p>At a minimum, the following information must be provided with Your request:</p> <ul><li>Your account login (email address, username or other account credentials used to log-in to Your Dailymotion account) or Your Service ID(s), which You will be able to retrieve by following the instructions that we will provide to You;<ul><li>the nature of Your request, i.e. what rights You wish to exercise;</li></ul><ul><li>documents evidencing that You are a California resident;</li></ul><ul><li>an email or a physical address we may use for further correspondence in relation to Your request;</li></ul><ul><li>whether Your request concerns Yourself or a third party (if You file on behalf of a third party, You must submit documents evidencing Your legal authority to do so (e.g. a signed document from the person You file the request for specifying the content of the request You are authorized to file, together with a copy of that person’s and Your own official IDs)).</li></ul></li></ul> <p>To help our Help Center team identify the applicable procedures, we strongly recommend that You mention in the object or body of Your request a reference to the or California Consumer Protection Act.</p> <p>Depending on the content and circumstances of Your request, You may need to follow additional procedures (e.g. retrieve Your Service ID following the instructions provided by our Support Team) or provide additional supportive documents as necessary to confirm Your identity and allow us to identify Your PI. </p> <p>Note that in order to comply with requests to access, correct, delete, or disclose a consumer’s PI, it is mandatory for Dailymotion to first verify such requests. The CCPA rights in relation to Your PI can only be exercised by You, meaning that Your request cannot concern PI that is not Yours and no one else can exercise the CCPA rights in relation to Your PI (unless acting as Your authorized agent). Consequently, before processing a request, we need to take reasonable measures to verify the identity of the person sending us a request, that person’s entitlement to exercise the CCPA rights and to identify the information such request relates to.</p> <p>The actual verification process may take different forms depending on the circumstances of Your request. For example, if You have a Dailymotion account, You may be asked to reply to a verification email sent to You by our Support Team at the email address You use to log-in. The Dailymotion Support Policy team will guide You through the applicable procedures.</p> <p>Your requests will be answered within the CCPA-prescribed 45-day period. However, when reasonably necessary, we may require up to an additional 45 days to respond to Your request. We will inform You if we decide to extend the reply period.</p> <h5 id="8-6-1-b-third-party-marketing-activities"><strong>8.6.1.b Third Party Marketing Activities</strong></h5> <p>If You are a California resident, You may be entitled to request disclosure of the categories of PI (such as Your name and contact information), if any, that we share with third parties who wish to contact You or send You promotional information about their products and services directly (as compared to when the third party is acting on our behalf or You have provided Your PI as part of a co-promotion by Dailymotion and the third party). You may also request the names and addresses of these third parties. Please note that You can only make these requests once per calendar year.</p> <p>If You are a California resident and would like to request a copy of this information regarding our disclosure of PI to third parties for their direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year, please contact us using the procedure described in Section 8.6.1.a. (viii). or send us a letter at: Legal Department, Dailymotion Inc., 150 W 22nd Street, 12th Floor, NY, NY 10011, United States.</p> <h5 id="8-6-1-c-specific-rules-applicable-to-deletion-of-information-published-by-minors"><strong>8.6.1.c. Specific Rules Applicable to Deletion of Information Published by Minors</strong></h5> <p>If You are a California resident under the age of 18 and a registered user of the Dailymotion Service, You may request and obtain removal of Content or information that You have posted publicly on the Dailymotion Service. To make this request, please contact the <a href=""><strong>Dailymotion Help Center</strong></a> and include a detailed description of the specific content or information You would like to remove and confirming Your country and state of residence. Please note that this removal does not ensure complete or comprehensive removal of the Content or information posted on the Dailymotion Service by You, as there may be circumstances in which the law does not require or allow removal.</p> <h4 id="8-6-2-additional-information-and-choices-for-residents-of-u-s-a-privacy-law-states-except-california">8.6.2. Additional Information and Choices for Residents of <a href="" data-type="URL" data-id="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">U.S.A. Privacy Law States</a>, except California</h4> <p>In addition to any other information which You may find in this Privacy Policy and in particular the description of how Dailymotion may process Your personal information (“<strong>PI</strong>”) provided in Section 8.6.1 “Additional Choices for California Residents ”, this section is intended to provide You with specific information as may be required under the local privacy laws of Your state of residence.</p> <p>Each state legislation provides distinct definitions of the key terms used in relation to the processing of PI. For example, when PI is disclosed to third parties for cross-context targeted advertising (i.e. information collected when You use different services serves to tailor the ads You see on our Service), the California law refers to it as “Share” while the Virginia law uses the term processing for the purposes of “Targeted Advertising”. Additionally, each state law defines independently the date on which You start benefiting from the rights provided to You. We invite You to consult the applicable state laws to know the exact definitions of different privacy-related terms and the entry into force of the rights You benefit from.</p> <p>Unless otherwise indicated in the present Section 8, all references to Share under Section 8.6 refer to the processing of PI for the purposes of Targeted Advertisement. Any other term has the meaning assigned to it independently under each applicable state privacy law.</p> <h5 id="8-6-2-a-residents-of-the-u-s-a-privacy-law-states"><strong> 8.6.2.a. Residents of the <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" data-type="URL" data-id="" target="_blank">U.S.A Privacy Law States</a></strong></h5> <p>We inform You that Dailymotion does not process Your PI for the purposes of profiling in furtherance of decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects concerning consumers. Dailymotion may disclose Your PI in a commercial context, in particularly when delivering tailored ads. However, Dailymotion is not a data broker and does not sell Your PI to third parties as this term is commonly understood.</p> <p>Please refer to section 8.6.1. for information on how Dailymotion may process Your PI.</p> <p>In particular:</p> <ul><li>For information on the purposes of Dailymotion’s processing of Your PI please refer to Section 8.6.1.a.ii “Collected PI: Collection, Disclosure, Sale and Share”</li><li>For information on the categories of personal data disclosed to third parties, the purposes of such disclosure and the categories of third parties to whom we disclose Your PI, please refer to section 8.6.1.a.ii.1. “Collected PI: Categories, Sources and the Purposes It is Used for and the Categories of Third Parties to Whom Your PI is Disclosed”. Note that Dailymotion may disclose Your de-identified PI to third parties such as Content right holders or advertisers for reporting purposes. Such reports contain aggregated information not intended to identify You directly.</li></ul> <p>Dailymotion finances its commercial activities from advertising revenues. The presence of advertisement is an essential part of our Service. Consequently, we may process Your PI to show You the ads believed to be of interest to You. We may also Share Your PI with third parties for the purpose of Targeted Advertisement. In such case, Your PI related to Your use of the Dailymotion Service is combined by these third-parties with information about Your use of other services, to select ads that are believed to correspond to Your interests. You have a right to opt-out from the processing of Your PI for the purpose of Targeting Advertising by either exercising Your choice directly on our Service, by following the link “<a href="">Do Not Sell My Personal Information or Share/Process It for Purpose of Targeted Advertising</a>” (or “Don’t Sell/Share my Personal Information or Target Ads” or “Opt-Out Sale/Share/Targeted Ads” if accessing our Service through Dailymotion Player embedded on third party websites or apps or while using a small-screen device) or by contacting our <a href="">Customer Service</a>. The Opt-Out links may not be available or operational if You access our Service outside Your state of residence. Opting-out will not stop advertising but the ads You will see might be less pertinent, as they will be based only on the information we derive from Your use of our Service.</p> <p>If You wish to exercise any of the rights granted under Your state’s privacy laws (for ex. the right to opt-out, be informed, to access, correct or , delete Your PI, or the right to data portability) You may contact our <a href="">Customer Service</a> indicating Your state of residence and the right(s) You wish to exercise. If You are a resident of a state providing for an appeal procedure and disagree with our reply to Your request, You may appeal it by filing an appeal request with our <a href="">Customer Service</a>, including the original request and the reply provided by Dailymotion. Your appeal will be examined by a specialized team different from the one that issued the original reply. If You wish to contest the appeal decision, You may do so by filing a complaint with state Attorney General.</p> <p>Depending on Your state of residence, our response time to Your initial and appeal request varies from 45 to 60 days and may be extended taking into account the complexity of Your case and our workload.</p> <p>Note that exercise of Your rights will not result in any discriminatory treatment by Dailymotion. Please refer to Section 8.6.1.(a)(vi). “Methods for Submitting a Verifiable Consumer Request” for further details on how to exercise Your rights.</p> <h5 id="8-6-2-b-residents-of-the-state-of-nevada">8.6.2.b. <strong>Residents of the state of Nevada</strong></h5> <p>If You are a resident of Nevada, note that Dailymotion does not presently sell personal data as this term is defined by the Nevada privacy laws. However, if You are a Nevada resident, You may nevertheless contact our <a href="">Customer Service</a> indicating Your state of residency to exercise Your right to opt-out of sale pursuant to the Nevada Revised Statutes §603A et seq.</p> <h3 id="8-7-specific-information-and-rights-applicable-to-korean-residents">8.7. Specific Information and Rights Applicable to Korean Residents</h3> <h4 id="8-7-1"><strong>8.7.1. <strong>일반사항</strong></strong></h4> <p>귀하가 한국에 거주하는 경우, 본 개인정보 처리방침의 내용에 더하여, 본 섹션에서 개인정보 보호법에 따라 필요한 세부 정보를 알려드리도록 하겠습니다. </p> <ul><li><strong><strong>개인정보의 공개 및 이전</strong></strong></li></ul> <p>구체적으로, 당사는 아래 열거된 제3자에게 개인정보를 제공하거나 개인정보의 처리를 위탁(국외 이전 포함)합니다.</p> <ul><li><strong><strong>개인정보의 제3자 제공(제3자가 자신 스스로의 목적으로 개인정보를 처리하는 경우):</strong></strong></li></ul> <figure class="wp-block-table"><table><tbody><tr><td><br/><strong>개인정보를 제공받는 제3자</strong></td><td><br/><strong>제공되는 개인정보 항목(당사가 보유하고 있는 정보 및 파트너사의 유형에 따라 다름)</strong></td><td><br/><strong>개인정보를 이용하는 목적</strong></td></tr><tr><td><br/><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">파트너사</a></td><td><br/>디지털 식별자, 귀하가 이용하는 기기 및 그 설정 정보, 귀하의 대략적인 위치(예: IP주소 일부), 귀하의 프로필(귀하가 속하는 것으로 생각되는 사회인구학적 범주 및 귀하가 시청하는 콘텐츠 및 관련 광고 그리고 귀하가 이 콘텐츠 및 광고와 어떻게 상호작용하는지에 대한 정보).</td><td><br/>광고의 송출(상황별 광고이든 사용자의 관심사에 맞게 조정된 광고이든 무관), 송출된 광고 캠페인의 추적 및 분석, 서비스에 파트너사가 업로드한 콘텐츠의 시청에 대한 추적 및 분석, 사기 적발, 서비스 개선</td></tr><tr><td>계열사 : Dailymotion SA 및 <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">비방디 그룹이 완전히 소유한 회사</a></td><td>디지털 식별자, 귀하가 이용하는 기기 및 그 설정 정보, 귀하의 대략적인 위치(IP 주소 일부), 귀하의 프로필(귀하가 속하는 것으로 생각되는 사회인구학적 범주 및 귀하가 시청하는 콘텐츠 및 관련 광고.<br/>당사가 보유하고 있는 경우 : 이메일 주소, 연령, 성명, 별명, 우편 주소.</td><td><br/>비방디 그룹 회사의 상품을 귀하의 관심사에 적합하도록 맞춤화하기 위하여 이용</td></tr><tr><td>공공 당국 및 기타 법적 절차상 권한 있는 주체</td><td>Dailymotion에 업로드된 동영상에 관한 정보</td><td>법령상 의무 준수</td></tr><tr><td>귀하가 선택한 결제 솔루션 서비스 제공자(Dailymotion 파트너 프로그램 회원에 한함)<br/>PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg (정보 보호 담당 연락처 : DPO; PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg)<br/>Payoneer Inc., 150 West 30th street, Suite 500, New York, NY 10001; USA(정보 보호 담당 연락처 : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>)<br/>또는 기타 귀하가 선택한 다른 은행 기관</td><td>귀하의 콘텐츠에서 창출된 수익 및 정산 처리에 관한 정보, 청구 세부 내용(성명, 주소, 결제 솔루션 제공자에 대한 귀하의 ID, Dailymotion 계정 ID), 정산 정보(지급액, 세금)</td><td>귀하가 당사와 체결한 당사의 계약상 의무의 이행</td></tr></tbody></table></figure> <ul><li><strong> 제3자에 대한 개인정보의 처리위탁(제3자가 당사를 대신하여 귀하의 개인정보를 처리하는 경우)</strong></li></ul> <figure class="wp-block-table"><table><thead><tr><th>수탁자 및 귀하의 개인정보가 이전되는 국가(*)</th><th>이전되는 개인정보 항목(당사가 알고 있는 실제 정보에 따라 다름) 및 이전방법</th><th>위탁 업무 및 보유 기간</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><strong>Dailymotion SA; 140 boulevard Malesherbes; 75017 Paris ; France<br/>(정보 보호 담당 연락처: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">DPO</a>)</strong></td><td>Dailymotion이 처리하는 모든 개인정보.<br/>네트워크를 통한 전송</td><td>Dailymotion이 처리하는 모든 개인정보의 보관 및 당사 계열사의 주요 활동 국가 내 귀하에 대한 당사 서비스 제공 지원.<br/>귀하의 개인정보는 귀하가 Dailymotion 서비스와 상호 작용할 때 이전됩니다.<br/>귀하의 개인정보는 당사의 서비스를 귀하에 제공하는 데 필요한 기간 동안 또는 관련 법률에 의해 달리 승인되거나 요구되는 기간 동안 보유됩니다. 예를 들어, 업로드된 동영상은 프랑스, 미국 및 싱가포르에 저장되고, 그 삭제일로부터 30일까지 당사 시스템에 보유됩니다.</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Dailymotion Advertising SAS; </strong>140 boulevard Malesherbes; 75017 Paris ; France<br/>(정보 보호 담당 연락처: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">DPO</a>)<strong><br/>Dailymotion Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, </strong>137 Amoy Street; Singapore 049965 (정보 보호 담당 연락처 : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">고객 서비스</a>)</td><td>Dailymotion이 처리하는 모든 개인정보.<br/>네트워크를 통한 전송</td><td>당사 계열사의 주요 활동 국가 내 귀하에 대한 당사 서비스 제공 지원<br/>귀하의 개인정보는 귀하가 Dailymotion 서비스와 상호 작용할 때 이전됩니다.<br/>귀하의 개인정보는 당사의 서비스를 귀하에 제공하는 데 필요한 기간 동안 또는 관련 법률에 의해 달리 승인되거나 요구되는 기간 동안 보유됩니다. 예를 들어, 업로드된 동영상은 프랑스, 미국 및 싱가포르에 저장되고, 그 삭제일로부터 30일까지 당사 시스템에 보유됩니다.</td></tr><tr><td><strong>PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., </strong>22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg (정보 보호 담당 연락처 : DPO; PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg)<strong><br/>Payoneer Inc., </strong>150 West 30th street, Suite 500, New York, NY 10001; USA (정보 보호 담당 연락처 : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>)</td><td>귀하의 콘텐츠에서 창출된 수익 및 정산 처리에 관한 정보, 청구 세부 내용(성명, 주소, 결제 솔루션 제공자에 대한 귀하의 ID, Dailymotion 계정 ID), 정산 정보(지급액, 세금)<br/>네트워크를 통한 전송</td><td>지급 처리 및 Dailymotion 파트너 프로그램 회원의 정산 촉진.<br/>귀하의 개인정보는 결제 당시 이전되며 금융기관에 적용되는 법률에서 법적으로 요구되는 기간 동안 보유됩니다.</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Google Ireland Limited, </strong>Gordon House; Barrow Street; Dublin 4; Ireland, Google Inc.(미국)의 자회사<br/>(정보 보호 담당 연락처: <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank"></a>)<strong><br/>comScore B.V., </strong>Herikerbergweg 280, 1101 CT Amsterdam ; the Netherlands (DPO:<br/>Mouton Rouge SASU, 3 rue docteur Bleicher; 54000 Nancy; France (정보 보호 담당 연락처 : Mouton Rouge SASU, 3 rue docteur Bleicher; 54000 Nancy; France)<strong><br/>Amplitude, </strong>631 Howard Street, Floor 5, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA, (data protection contact details: <a href="" data-type="mailto" data-id="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">here</a>)</td><td>귀하가 무엇을 업로드하고, 시청하며, 어떻게 당사 서비스와 상호 작용하는지 등 귀하의 당사 서비스 이용에 대한 개인정보.<br/>네트워크를 통한 전송</td><td>당사의 정보 분석 및 처리 지원. 귀하의 개인정보는 귀하가 Dailymotion 서비스와 상호 작용하거나 Dailymotion이 당사의 서비스 제공자가 제공하는 애널리틱 툴을 사용할 때 이전되며, 최대 13개월 또는 귀하의 계정 기간 동안 보유되고, 그 이후 삭제 또는 총계처리됩니다.</td></tr><tr><td><strong> France S.A.S; </strong>3 Avenue Octave Gréard 75007 Paris – France, Inc, 미국의 자회사 (정보 보호 담당 연락처 : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>)</td><td>귀하의 연락처 세부 정보 및 적용되는 상업적 조건 등 귀하의 당사 콘텐츠 수익화 기능 사용에 관한 개인정보.<br/>네트워크를 통한 전송</td><td>Dailymotion 파트너 프로그램 회원의 계정 관리. 귀하의 개인정보는 예상(prospect) 또는 파트너 계정의 생성 또는 업데이트 당시 이전되며, 귀하의 파트너 계정 삭제 또는 마지막 상업적 연락으로부터 최대 3년 동안 보유됩니다.</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Google Ireland Limited, </strong>Gordon House; Barrow Street; Dublin 4; Ireland), Google Inc.(미국)의 자회사 (정보 보호 담당 연락처: <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank"></a>)<strong><br/>Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL “AWS” , </strong>38 Avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855, Luxembourg, Amazon Web Services Inc. (미국)의 자회사 (정보 보호 담당 연락처: <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank"></a>)<strong><br/>MongoDB Ltd. (Atlas), </strong>3rd Floor, 3 Shelbourne; Buildings, Nallsbridge; Dublin 4; Ireland; Atlas (정보 보호 담당 연락처: <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank"></a>)</td><td>광고가 보여질 때 사용된 귀하의 이용자 또는 디바이스 ID, 귀하에게 해당되는 광고 부분, 귀하에 보여진 광고, 귀하의 광고와의 상호 작용 등 광고 시청과 관련된 개인정보.<br/>네트워크를 통한 전송</td><td>당사의 서비스 및 귀하의 이용에 관한 데이터 일부 호스팅. 귀하의 개인정보는 귀하가 Dailymotion 서비스와 상호 작용할 때 이전되며, 당사의 사업 목적을 위해 필요하거나 관련 법률에 의해 달리 승인되거나 요구되는 기간 동안 보유됩니다. 예를 들어, 귀하의 Dailymotion 광고 쿠키 ID는 6개월 동안 보유됩니다.</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Zendesk Inc. 1</strong>019 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103; USA (정보 보호 담당 연락처: Zendesk’s Global Privacy Counsel:<br/>Rachel Tobin, AGC, EMEA & Global Privacy Counsel, Zendesk International Ltd. 55 Charlemont Place, Saint Kevin’s, Dublin, D02 F985 Ireland<strong><br/><a href=""></a>)<br/>CallPoint New Europe SRL (“Telus), </strong>AFI PARK 3, Vasile Milea boulevard n°4G ; 6th district ; Bucharest, Romania;<br/>(연락처: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>)<strong><br/>법무법인(유) 광장 (대표변호사 김상곤)<br/></strong>• 이메일: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">한국 개인정보 보호 문제 전용 이메일</a><br/>• 우편: 대한민국 서울시 중구 남대문로 63 한진빌딩 법무법인 광장(Dailymotion의 국내대리인)<br/>• 전화: 02-6386-7195</td><td>귀하의 연락처 세부 정보, 귀하의 질문 등 당사에 전달되 귀하의 질문에 관한 개인정보(귀하가 당사에 보낸 요청에 따라 실제 세부 사항은 다름).<br/>네트워크를 통한 전송</td><td>고객 지원 제공. 귀하의 개인정보는 귀하가 당사의 지원 팀에 연락할 때 이전되며, 귀하의 요청을 처리하는 동안 보유되고, 그 후 관련 법률에 따라 기록됩니다.</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Braze Inc. </strong>330 W 34th Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10001, USA (정보 보호 담당 연락처: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>, Braze Privacy Policy Issues, 330 West 34th Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10001; USA)</td><td>의무적 사항에 대하여 연락하고 귀하에 뉴스레터를 보내기 위해 사용된 연락처 세부 정보, 이메일, 성명, 성별.<br/>네트워크를 통한 전송</td><td>의무적 서비스 연락 및 마케팅 툴 제공. 귀하의 개인정보는 귀하가 계정을 생성하면 이전되고, 귀하의 계정 삭제 때까지 보유됩니다.</td></tr><tr><td><strong>Beeswax.IO Corporation, </strong>275 7th Ave 21st Floor; New York, NY 10001; USA (정보 보호 담당 연락처: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>)</td><td>광고 전송을 위해 사용된 귀하의 이용자 또는 디바이스 ID, 비정밀 지리 위치(non-precise geolocation), 연결 데이터, 귀하에게 해당되는 광고 부분, (존재하는 경우) 귀하에 보여진 광고에 대한 정보 등 광고 전송에 관한 개인정보.<br/>네트워크를 통한 전송</td><td>광고 전송 지원. 귀하의 개인정보는 귀하가 Dailymotion 서비스와 상호 작용할 때 이전되며, 90일 동안 보유되고 그 후 13개월 동안 추가로 기록됩니다.</td></tr><tr><td><strong>White Ops Inc., </strong>27 West 24th Street, Suite 901, New York, NY 10010; USA (정보 보호 담당 연락처: White Ops Inc., 27 West 24th Street, Suite 901, New York, NY 10010; USA)<strong><br/>Oracle America, Inc., (MOAT) </strong>500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065; USA (정보 보호 담당 연락처: Oracle Corporation, Global Data Protection Officer; Willis Tower; 233 South Wacker Drive; 45th Floor; Chicago, IL 60606; U.S.A.)<strong><br/>Integral Ad Science France SASU, </strong>33 rue Lafayette; 75009 Paris, France (정보 보호 담당 연락처: <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank"></a> or DPO at <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank"></a>; Lucid Privacy; 1556 Shrader Street; San Francisco CA 94117; USA; Attn: Integral Ad Science)</td><td>IP 주소.<br/>네트워크를 통한 전송</td><td>유효하지 않은 트래픽 감지를 통한 광고 전송 지원. 귀하의 개인정보는 귀하가 Dailymotion 서비스와 상호 작용할 때 이전되며, 당사의 사업 목적을 위해 필요하거나 관련 법률 및 업계 표준에 의해 달리 승인되거나 요구되는 기간 동안 보유됩니다. 예를 들어, “Moat” 솔루션을 통해 유효하지 않은 트래픽을 감지할 때 사용되는 귀하의 IP 주소는 현재 1년 동안 보유됩니다.</td></tr><tr><td><strong>DataDog Inc. </strong>620 8th Avenue, 45th Floor; New York; NY 10018-1741; USA (정보 보호 담당 연락처: Datadog, Inc., 620 8th Avenue, Floor 45, New York, NY 10018; Email: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>.)</td><td>모니터링 도구를 통해 감지된 사건을 조사하면서 접근될 수 있는 모든 개인정보, 조사된 사건의 성격에 따라 달라지는 접근된 실제 정보(예: 귀하의 IP 주소).<br/>네트워크를 통한 전송</td><td>어플리케이션, 인프라, 네트워크의 성능 모니터링 보장. 귀하의 개인정보는 귀하가 Dailymotion 서비스와 상호 작용할 때 이전되며, 1년 동안 보유됩니다.</td></tr></tbody></table></figure> <p>(*) 유럽 경제 지역(European Economic Area,“EEA”)에 위치한 회사들은 EEA 국가에 위치한 인프라를 사용할 수 있습니다.</p> <p>Dailymotion이 개인정보를 유럽, 미국 및 싱가포르에 있는 서버에 보관한다는 사실에 유의하십시오. 또한 당사는 한국 국외에 위치한 제3자 클라우드 스토리지 제공자의 서비스를 이용하여 일부 개인정보를 보관하고 있습니다.<br/>다른 회사들과 마찬가지로, 귀하에게 당사 서비스를 제공하기 위하여 Dailymotion은 업무 중 일부를 제3자 서비스 제공자들에게 위탁하고 있습니다(한국 국외에 위치한 자도 포함합니다).<br/>국외 보관 및 위탁은 귀하와 당사의 계약을 이행하고, 정보통신서비스를 제공하기 위하여, 그리고 귀하의 이용자 경험을 향상하기 위하여 필수적입니다.</p> <h4 id="8-7-2"><strong>8.7.2. 데이터 보유</strong></h4> <p>제6절에 더하여, 당사는 관련 법률 및 규정에 따라 아래의 개인정보를 정해진 기간 동안 보존할 수 있습니다:</p> <ul><li>통신비밀보호법: 귀하의 로그인 내역 기록 : 최소 3개월</li></ul> <p>귀하의 개인정보는 법령상 의무를 이행하기 위하여 필요하거나, 관련 법령상 허용되는 경우(예: 법적 청구의 성립, 행사 또는 방어를 위해 필요한 경우) 당사 또는 당사의 수탁자에 의한 그 보유 기간이 더 연장될 수 있음을 유의하십시오.</p> <h4 id="8-7-3"><strong>8.7.3. 개인정보 파기</strong></h4> <p>개인정보의 보유기간이 경과되거나 처리 목적이 달성되어 개인정보가 불필요하게 된 경우, 개인정보는 아래에서 설명하는 다음의 방법을 이용하여 익명처리되거나 파기됩니다.<br/>• <strong>파기 절차 </strong>: 기술적으로 가능한 경우, 관련 개인정보는 보유기간이 경과되면 자동적으로 파기됩니다.</p> <p>• <strong>파기 방법</strong>: 개인정보가 전자적 파일 형태로 기록되어 저장되어 있는 경우, 이는 기술적 방법(예: 로우레벨 포맷)을 통해 파기하여 해당 기록이 복원될 수 없도록 합니다. 종이 문서의 형태로 기록 및 저장되어 있는 개인정보의 경우, 분쇄하거나 인증 된 서비스를 통해 파기하는 방법을 사용하고 있습니다.</p> <h4 id="8-7-4"><strong>8.7.4. 법적 권리</strong></h4> <p>귀하가 한국에 거주하고 있다면, 귀하, 귀하의 법정대리인 또는 기타 귀하가 관련 권한을 위임한 자는 일정한 예외사유를 제외하고는 귀하의 개인정보에 대한 일정한 권리를 갖습니다.:</p> <p>o 귀하의 개인정보 처리에 대한 정보를 제공받을 권리<br/>o 개인정보 처리에 대하여 동의하거나, 동의를 거부하거나, 동의의 범위를 한정할 권리<br/>o 개인정보 처리를 확인하고 개인정보의 열람을 요구할 권리<br/>o 개인정보 처리를 정지하거나, 개인정보를 정정, 삭제, 파기할 권리<br/>o 개인정보 처리 과정에서 발생한 피해에 대하여 신속하고 공정한 절차에 따라 배상을 받을 권리</p> <p>위 권리를 행사하는 방법에 대한 더 자세한 정보는 제8.1.절을 참조하여 주십시오.</p> <h3 id="8-8-specific-information-and-rights-applicable-to-turkish-residents">8.8. Specific Information and Rights applicable to Turkish Residents</h3> <p>If You reside in Turkey, the following specific conditions apply to You:</p> <p>Dailymotion may process Data listed under Section 2 for the purposes explained under Section 3 based on the following legal grounds:</p> <ol type="a"><li>processing is explicitly laid down in or dictated by laws;</li><li>processing of Your Data, is necessary provided that it is directly related to the conclusion or fulfilment of Your contract with us;</li><li>processing is mandatory for us to be able to comply with our legal obligations;</li><li>the relevant data is made available to the public by Yourself;</li><li>processing is mandatory for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right;</li><li>processing is mandatory for our legitimate interests, provided that it does not violate Your fundamental rights and freedoms;</li><li>Your explicit consent (this legal ground is only used in relation to processing that requires Your consent and is not used for any processing that might be performed based on another legal ground).</li></ol> <p>Pursuant to the applicable privacy laws in Turkey, You have the following rights regarding Your Data:</p> <ol type="i"><li>the right to learn whether Your Data is processed;</li><li>the right to request information with respect to such processing;</li><li>the right to learn the purposes of processing and whether Your Data is used for such purpose or not;</li><li>the right to know the third parties within or outside Your country to whom Your Data is transferred;</li><li>the right to request correction of Your Data if it is incomplete or inaccurate;</li><li>the right to request deletion or destruction of Your Data in accordance with applicable laws;</li><li>the right to request notification of actions taken within the scope of (v) and (vi) above items to third parties, who received Your Data from us;</li><li>the right to object to the consequences that are to Your detriment, as a result of the analysis of Your Data solely by automated means;</li><li>the right to claim indemnification if You suffer damages due to illegal processing of Your Data.</li></ol> <p>For further information about Your rights under the article 11 of the Turkish Data Protection Law, You may refer to the official law text accessible <a href="">here</a> in Turkish only. Dailymotion has designated İlay Yılmaz as its personal data controller representative in Turkey to handle questions and complaints strictly in connection with the processing of Personal Information related to individuals in Turkey. Her contact details are listed under Section 11.5 below.</p> <h3 id="8-9-specific-information-and-rights-applicable-to-brazilian-residents">8.9. Specific information and Rights applicable to Brazilian Residents</h3> <p>Dailymotion may process Data listed under Section 2 for the purposes explained under Section 3 based on the following legal grounds:</p> <ol type="a"><li>consent;</li><li>compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation;</li><li>execution of public policies (only applied to the public administration and when the public policy is set forth in laws or regulations or supported by contracts, agreements, or similar instruments);</li><li>for carrying out studies by research bodies;</li><li>execution of a contract or preliminary procedures related to a contract (Data subjects need to be a party of this contract);</li><li>regular exercise of rights in lawsuits or administrative or arbitration proceedings;</li><li>protection of the life or of the physical safety;</li><li>protection of health (only applicable to procedures carried out by health professionals, health services, or sanitary authorities);</li><li>legitimate interests of the controller or a third party; and</li><li>credit protection.</li></ol> <p>Dailymotion may share the Data with third party data recipients who may be:</p> <ol type="a"><li>our service providers acting in their capacity of processors,</li><li>our partners acting in their capacity of independent controllers,</li><li>competent public authorities,</li><li>Dailymotion’s processors carrying out the processing according to the instructions provided by us and are liable for such processing.</li><li>Independent controllers carrying out the processing in an autonomous manner. Dailymotion does not decide nor is responsible for any such processing.</li></ol> <p>As a Brazilian resident, You are entitled, at any time, to exercise any and all of the following rights:</p> <ol type="a"><li>The right to confirmation of the existence of the processing;</li><li>The right to access the Data;</li><li>The right to correct incomplete, inaccurate or out-of-date Data;</li><li>The right to anonymize, block, or delete unnecessary or excessive Data or Data that is not being processed in compliance with the LGPD;</li><li>The right to the portability of Data to another service or product provider, by means of an express request</li><li>The right to delete Data processed with the consent of the data subject;</li><li>The right to information about public and private entities with which the controller has shared Data;</li><li>The right to information about the possibility of denying consent and the consequences of such denial; and</li><li>The right to revoke consent. </li></ol> <p>For further information about Your rights under the article 18 of the Brazilian Data Protection Law (“<strong>LGPD</strong>”), You may refer to the official law text accessible <a href="">here</a> in Portuguese only. If You wish to exercise any of the rights listed hereinabove, please contact Dailymotion Inc. <a href="">here</a>. To help our Help Center team identify the applicable procedures, we strongly recommend that You mention in the object or body of Your request a reference to the LGPD and/or to identify Brazil as Your country of residence.</p> <h2 id="9-specific-conditions-applicable-to-dailymotion-secondary-sites"><a><strong><span class="has-inline-color has-black-color">9. <u>SPECIFIC CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO DAILYMOTION SECONDARY SITES</u></span></strong></a></h2> <p>In connection with its main activity as a content hosting platform, Dailymotion operates Secondary Sites addressed to professionals in the advertising industry, such as software developers wanting to contribute to or use the Dailymotion APIs, content right holders interested in the Dailymotion’s Partner Program, advertisers, media agencies and various actors of the marketing sector and other persons who wish to learn more about our offering and our company of apply for a job position. All of the Secondary Sites can be accessed from the Dailymotion Site but, due to the particularity of their audience, may be subject to distinct terms of use.</p> <p>Indeed, since the Secondary Sites of Dailymotion are not intended primarily for users of the Dailymotion Site, the Processing purposes described in this Privacy Policy are not the same as those applicable to the Secondary Sites.</p> <p>The Secondary Sites may collect their visitors’ Data for purely statistical purposes, in particular to register the number of visits to the Secondary Sites’ pages and the behavior of their visitors (e.g. navigation time, pages clicked on, videos viewed, or articles read, etc.).</p> <p>Dailymotion may use different types of cookies on the Secondary Sites:</p> <ul><li>so-called “functional” cookies designed solely to operate these Secondary Sites correctly or, if You decide so, to enable You to log-in using third party log-in tools (e.g. Google Connect);</li><li>audience measurement and statistical analysis cookies, deposited by Dailymotion or by our subcontractors providing audience measurement services (e.g. Amplitude).</li></ul> <p>The use of these audience measurement cookies is subject to the same rules as those explained in the present Privacy Policy. You can, at any time, oppose their use by indicating Your decision on the Consent Management page accessible from the footers of our Secondary Sites. You may also exercise Your rights of access, modification or deletion as described in Section 8 above.</p> <h2 id="10-international-data-transfers-and-standard-contrcatual-clauses"><a><strong><span class="has-inline-color has-black-color">10. <u>INTERNATIONAL DATA TRANSFERS AND STANDARD CONTRCATUAL CLAUSES</u></span></strong></a></h2> <h3 id="10-1-general-information">10.1. General Information</h3> <p>Processing of Your Personal Data takes please in the EEA and outside of the EEA. When storing Your Data Dailymotion uses its own servers as well as those of its service providers including cloud storage service providers. Dailymotion’s policy is to use servers located in Europe, whenever technically possible as further described below.</p> <ul><li>Storage of Content:<ul><li>Your Content other than Comments: Content is stored on servers located in the EEA and owned by Dailymotion or by our cloud storage service providers, at present Amazon AWS. If You decide to make Your Content available outside of the EEA, an additional temporary “cache” copy of extracts of Your Content may be created on servers operated by our cloud storage service providers and located outside of the EEA. Creation of that cache copy is inherent to the video deliver technology and serves to reduce the latency, i.e. enables a viewer to see a video faster by shortening the time between the request to see a video and the appearance of that video on the viewer’s screen. A cache copy is stored on servers that are geographically close to a viewer. Creation of cache copies on non-EEA servers results in a transfer of Your Personal Data, namely, extracts of Your Content, outside the EEA.</li></ul><ul><li>Comments: depending on the territory Your access the Dailymotion Service from, You may have a possibility to comment on the Content available on our Service. Your Comments are stored in the USA on servers used by our service provider assisting us with operating the comment feature.</li></ul></li><li>Your Operation of the Dailymotion Service: Operation of the Dailymotion Service involves cooperation of all companies belonging to the Dailymotion group. Some of these companies are located outside the EEA. Consequently, non-EEA Dailymotion entities may process Your Personal Data outside the EEA, namely in the USA, Singapore or other countries in which members of their staff operate.</li><li>Service Features:<ul><li>Display of ads: when You are shown an ad, Your Personal Data may be transferred outside of the EEA if an advertiser or a technical intermediary process it in such territory.</li></ul><ul><li>Service features other than display of ads: Dailymotion Service enables various features, ex. storage of Content, display of Content, statistics, customer support, Content search or recommendation. The Data thus processed is stored on servers owned by Dailymotion and by our services providers (ex. cloud-storage service providers, customer support, business analytic tools, etc.) and is analyzed using Dailymotion’s and our service providers’ tools. For example, if You have an account with Dailymotion, Your email address is transferred to our USA-based service provider who assists us with User communication.</li></ul></li></ul> <h3 id="10-2-data-processors-service-providers">10.2. Data Processors/ Service Providers</h3> <p>Dailymotion uses services of different Data Processors/ Service Providers, the list of which is accessible <a href="">here</a>.</p> <h3 id="10-3-legal-mechanisms-relied-upon">10.3. Legal Mechanisms Relied Upon</h3> <p>We may disclose Your Data to third parties, be it our service providers, our Commercial Partners or public authorities, including those located outside of Your country of residence. Dailymotion respects privacy rights, and strives to collect, use and disclose Your Data strictly as necessary and in a manner consistent with the applicable laws, including when such processing of Your Data is carried out outside of the country of Your residence. In particular, Dailymotion transfers the Data of EEA residents to non-EEA countries, only when sufficient level of protection is ensured.</p> <p>Note that the competent EEA authorities have determined a list of non-EEA countries considered as providing an adequate level of protection. Transfer of Personal Data to such countries does not require additional safeguards. When transfer of EEA residents Data by Dailymotion is undertaken to countries that are not on this list and is not otherwise authorized by the applicable laws, such transfer relies on the following mechanisms to ensure the security of Your Data:</p> <ul><li>The <a href="">Data Privacy Framework</a> (for transfers to the U.S. only), or</li><li>the Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission, accessible <a href="">here</a> and accompanying technical measures, if applicable, or</li><li>Binding Corporate Rules in place within multinational organizations, or</li><li>derogative mechanism as provided in <a href="">article 49 of GDPR</a>, if applicable.</li></ul> <p>Note that because Your Content is You Personal Data, by making it available to viewers outside of the EEA, You render Your Personal Data present in these territories as well.</p> <h2 id="11-miscellaneous"><strong>11. <u>MISCELLANEOUS</u></strong></h2> <h3 id="11-1-third-party-access-points-devices-and-links">11.1. Third-Party Access Points, Devices and Links</h3> <p>The Dailymotion Service may be accessible through third-party websites, applications and other means of access operated by other companies (collectively, “<strong>Third-Party Access Points</strong>“). For example, You can access the Dailymotion Service through third-party websites where the Video Player has been embedded. The Dailymotion Service also may contain links to third-party websites or applications. For example, if You click on an advertisement or a search result on our website, You may be taken to a website that we do not control. None of these Third-Party Access Points, devices, websites or applications are operated by Dailymotion, even if they contain our name or logo. As such, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of the operators of these Third-Party Access Points. Accordingly, we recommend that You review their respective privacy policies for further information.</p> <h3 id="11-2-deleting-your-dailymotion-account">11.2. Deleting Your Dailymotion Account</h3> <p>If You have an account with us, You may choose to delete Your Dailymotion account, in accordance with our <a href=""><strong>Terms of Use</strong></a> , via the settings of Your Dailymotion account when signed in. If You are a Member of our Partner Program, deletion of Your account will require a prior termination of that Program. Please note that after You delete Your account, You will not be able to sign into our website or access any of Your Personal Data. However, You can open a new account at any time. If You delete Your account, we will still retain some information from or about You when we are required to do so under the applicable law or contracts we are party to. We may also continue to use some of the Data in anonymized or pseudonymized forms for various operational and analytical purposes. In addition, if certain information has already been provided to third parties, as described in this Privacy Policy, retention of that information will be subject to those third parties’ policies.</p> <h3 id="11-3-applicable-law-and-jurisdiction">11.3. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction</h3> <ul><li><strong>If You reside in a country of the European Economic Area, UK and Switzerland:</strong> unless the waiver of choice of jurisdiction is not authorized under applicable laws, You agree that any dispute between You and Dailymotion arising out of or relating in any way to this Privacy Policy or our collection, processing and/or use of Your Data shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of France, without reference to its conflicts of laws, and notwithstanding multiple defendants or third party claims. You also agree that any claim or dispute between You and Dailymotion shall be decided by a court of competent jurisdiction located in Paris. </li></ul> <ul><li><strong>If You reside in a country that is not part of the European Economic Area, UK or Switzerland</strong>: unless the waiver of choice of jurisdiction is not authorized under applicable laws, You agree that any dispute between You and Dailymotion arising out of or relating in any way to this Privacy Policy or our collection, processing and/or use of Your Data shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without reference to its conflicts of laws, and notwithstanding multiple defendants or third party claims. You also agree that any claim or dispute between You and Dailymotion shall be decided by a court of competent jurisdiction located in the New York County. </li></ul> <h3 id="11-4-changes-to-this-privacy-policy">11.4. Changes to this Privacy Policy</h3> <p>From time to time, we may revise this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in the law or the Dailymotion Service or for other reasons in our discretion. We may do so as needed, but in any event, the Privacy Policy will be updated at least once every 12 months. Therefore, it is important that You verify the effective date of the latest update of the Privacy Policy each time You visit the Dailymotion Site or use any of the Dailymotion Service, to ensure You are familiar with our most updated policies and practices. If we make any material change to this Privacy Policy, we will notify You by posting a notice on the Dailymotion Site.</p> <p> If You are a User or a Partner, we may also send an email to the email address that You most recently provided to us in Your Dailymotion account settings, prior to the material change taking effect. Accordingly, please keep Your account information, including email address, updated. Any material change to this Privacy Policy will be effective automatically (i) 7 days after the revised Privacy Policy is first posted or, for users who register or otherwise provide opt-in consent during this 7-day period, at the time of registration or consent, as applicable, or (ii) immediately upon its publication, if required so by applicable laws.</p> <h3 id="11-5-contact-us">11.5. Contact Us</h3> <p>If You have further questions about this Privacy Policy, wish to learn more about our information-handling practices, or wish to exercise Your Privacy Rights, You can reach us:</p> <ul><li>by sending an email request to the <a href=""><strong>Dailymotion Help Center</strong></a> via the dedicated “Your Personal Data” section or to the domestic representative designated below, if he/she is located in Your country or state of residence,</li></ul> <p>To help our Help Center team identify the applicable procedures, we strongly recommend that You mention in the object or body of Your request a reference to the local privacy law You refer to (e.g. GDPR, CCPA) and identify Yourself as well as Your country of residence.</p> <ul><li>by sending a letter to the attention of:<ul><li>our Data Protection Officer at the following address: Dailymotion SA, 140 Boulevard Malesherbes – 75017 Paris, France, if You reside in a country of the EEA and/or for matters relating to the GDPR; or</li></ul><ul><li>our Legal Department at the following address: 150 W 22nd Street, 12th Floor, NY, NY 10011, United States, if You reside in a country that is not part of the EEA; or</li></ul><ul><li>the domestic representative designated below, depending on Your country of residence:</li></ul></li></ul> <figure class="wp-block-table is-style-regular"><table><tbody><tr><td>If You reside in South Korea /<br/>귀하가 한국에 거주한다면, 아래 추가 조항이 귀하에게 적용됩니다 :</td><td>Dailymotion has designated Lee & Ko as its domestic representative in South Korea to handle questions and complaints relating to the processing of Korean users’ Personal Information. You may contact our domestic representative by using the following information:<br/>• Lee & Ko (Sang Gon Kim, Managing Partner)<br/>• Email: <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank">Email Reserved for Korean Privacy Issues Only</a><br/>• Mail: Lee and Ko (Domestic Representative of Dailymotion), Hanjin Building, 63 Namdaemun-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea,<br/>• Telephone: 02-6386-7195<br/>Dailymotion has designated Ms. Majdoline TRAVERS as its Chief Privacy Officer under the Korean privacy laws. Chief Privacy Officer may be contacted by email at <a href="">here</a> or by letter addressed to Dailymotion Inc. to the attention of Korean Chief Privacy Officer; c/o Dailymotion SA, 140 boulevard Malesherbes; 75017 Paris; France.<br/><br/>Dailymotion 은 대한민국 이용자의 개인정보관련관한문의를위해 법무법인(유) 광장을 국내대리인으로 지정하였습니다. 아래 정보를 이용하여 국내대리인에게 전화, 이메일, 또는 우편으로 문의하실 수 있습니다.<br/>• 법무법인(유) 광장 (대표변호사 김상곤)<br/>• 이메일:<a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank">국내 개인정보 문의</a><br/>• 우편: 서울 중구 남대문로 63, 한진빌딩 18층, 법무법인 (유) 광장, Dailymotion 국내대리인<br/>• 전화: 02-6386-7195<br/><br/>Dailymotion은 한국 개인정보 보호 관련 법령에 따라 Ms. Majdoline TRAVERS를 개인정보 보호책임자로 지정하였습니다. 개인정보 보호책임자에게 연락하기 위하여는 <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank"></a>에 이메일을 송부하시거나, 수신인을 Dailymotion Inc. 한국 개인정보 보호책임자 앞으로 하여 c/o Dailymotion SA, 140 boulevard Malesherbes; 75017 Paris; France에 우편을 송부하시기 바랍니다.</td></tr><tr><td>If You reside in Turkey (Türkiye) / Türkiye’de ikamet ediyorsanız:</td><td><strong>For Privacy Matters</strong>: Pursuant to applicable privacy laws in Turkey (Türkiye), You may contact our data controller representative in Türkiye for privacy matters by email or mail by using the following information:<br/>Esin Attorney Partnership Email : <a href="" data-type="mailto" data-id="">[Email Reserved for Turkish Privacy Issues Only]</a> Mail : Esin Attorney Partnership (Data Controller Representative of Dailymotion) Ebulula Mardin Cad., Gül Sok. No. 2<br/>Maya Park Tower 2, Akatlar-Beşiktaş 34335 Istanbul, Türkiye. <br/><br/><strong>For takedown requests</strong>: the easiest and most efficient way to report a Content that You deem inappropriate is to click the “report” button below each video. In addition to such online tool, You may also, as a Turkish resident, send a letter or an email in Turkish to the Representative appointed by Dailymotion in Türkiye, in the scope of the Law No. 5651:<br/>Name: Gökhan Gökçe<br/>Address: Buyukdere Cd. No. 193/2 Esentepe – Sisli – Istanbul<br/>Email : <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank">[Email reserved for content takedown requests from Türkiye</a> <a href="">only]</a> <br/><br/>By sending a content takedown request to Dailymotion, You acknowledge and agree that Dailymotion may have to forward Your request (including the personal data contained in it) to the uploader of the disputed content, if such communication is necessary to process Your request.<br/><br/><br/>Gizlilik ile ilgili Meseleler için: Türkiye’deki geçerli gizlilik yasaları uyarınca, bu husustaki meselerle ilgili olarak aşağıdaki bilgileri kullanarak e-posta veya posta yoluyla Türkiye’deki veri denetleyici temsilcimizle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.<br/>Esin Attorney Partnership E-posta: <a href="" data-type="mailto" data-id="">[E-posta adresi yalnızca Türkiye’deki Gizlilik Meseleleri için ayrılmıştır]</a><br/>Posta: Esin Avukatlık Ortaklığı (Dailymotion’ın Veri Denetleyici Temsilcisi)<br/>Ebulula Mardin Cad., Gül Sok. No. 2 Maya Park Tower 2, Akatlar-Beşiktaş 34335 İstanbul, Türkiye <br/><br/>İçeriğin yayından kaldırılması talepleri için: Uygunsuz olduğunu düşündüğünüz bir içeriği bildirmenin en kolay ve en etkili yolu, her videonun altındaki “bildir” düğmesini tıklamaktır. Bu tür internet üzerinden sunulan bir araca ek olarak, 5651 Sayılı Kanun kapsamında, Türkiye’de ikamet eden biri olarak, Dailymotion tarafından Türkiye’de görevlendirilen Temsilciye Türkçe bir mektup veya e-posta da gönderebilirsiniz.<br/>Nom: Gökhan Gökçe<br/>Adres: Büyükdere Cd. No. 193/2 Esentepe –Şişli– İstanbul<br/>E-posta: <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank">[E-posta adresi yalnızca Türkiye’den gelen içeriğin yayından kaldırılması talepleri için ayrılmıştır]</a><br/>Dailymotion’a bir içeriği yayından kaldırma talebi göndererek, talebinizi işleme koyabilmek için böyle bir iletişim gerekmesi durumunda, Dailymotion’ın talebinizi (içerdiği kişisel veriler dahil), ihtilaflı içeriğin yükleyicisine iletmesi gerekebileceğini kabul etmektesiniz.</td></tr><tr><td>If You reside in Brazil / se voce reside no brasil:</td><td>Dailymotion has designated Ms. Natasza Gach as its data protection officer under the Brazilian General Data Protection Act to handle questions and complaints strictly in connection with the processing of Data related to individuals in Brazil. You may contact our data protection officer for such privacy matters by email or mail by using the following information:<br/>Nom: Ms. Natasza GachAdresse : Dailymotion Inc – Legal Department – Attn: Ms. Natasza Gach – Data Protection Officer for Brazil – 150 W 22nd Street, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10011, United States<br/>Email: <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank">[Email reserved for processing of Data related to individuals in Brazil only]</a><br/>You are also entitled to file a complaint with Brazil’s National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) through its official channels.<br/>Dailymotion designou a Sra. Natasza Gach como sua diretora de proteção de dados sob a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados do Brasil para lidar com perguntas e reclamações estritamente relacionadas com o processamento de dados relacionados a indivíduos no Brasil. Você pode entrar em contato com nosso diretor de proteção de dados para questões de privacidade por e-mail ou correio usando as seguintes informações:<br/>Nome: Sra. Natasza GachEndereço: Dailymotion Inc – Departamento Jurídico – Attn: Sra. Natasza Gach – Oficial de Proteção de Dados para o Brasil – 150 W 22nd Street, 12th Floor, New York, NY 10011, Estados Unidos<br/>Email: <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="" target="_blank">[Email reservado para processamento de dados relacionados a pessoas físicas apenas no Brasil]</a><br/>Você também tem o direito de registrar uma reclamação junto à Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD) por meio de seus canais oficiais.</td></tr><tr><td>If You reside in the United Kingdom</td><td>Dailymotion has designated the DPO Centre Ltd. as its local representative to handle questions and complaints strictly in connection with the processing of Data related to individuals in the United Kingdom. You may contact our representative for such privacy matters by email or mail by using the following information:<br/><strong> </strong><br/>Postal Address: The DPO Centre Ltd, 50 Liverpool street, London, EC2M 7PY, UK<br/>Phone number: +44 (0) 203 797 6340<br/>Email: <a href="">Email reserved for UK personal data protection issues</a></td></tr><tr><td>If You reside in the United States of America</td><td>In order to exercise Your rights under the local USA privacy laws, You may contact us at:<br/><br/>Postal Address: Dailymotion Inc., Legal Department, 150 W 22nd Street, 12th Floor, 10011 New York, NY<br/>Email: <a href="">click here</a></td></tr></tbody></table></figure> <p>In case of translation of all or part of this Privacy Policy, You acknowledge and agree that only the English version of this Privacy Policy shall prevail in any event, including where such translation is provided by DAILYMOTION.</p> </div> </div> <div class="footer-container"> <footer class="footer"> <div class="grid"> <div class="footer__logo"> <a href="/"><img class="footer__logo__img" src="" loading="lazy"/></a> </div> <div class="footer__content"> <div class="footer__menu"> </div> <div class="footer__social"> <div class="footer__social__list"> <div class="menu"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer__info"> <div class="footer__info__location tippy-white-theme"> <svg class="icon location__icon"> <use href="#map"></use> </svg> <div class="location__label"> English </div> <div class="location__dropdown-wrapper"> <div class="location__dropdown"> <div class="location__dropdown__title active"> <a href="">English</a> </div> <div class="location__dropdown__title "> <a href="">Français</a> </div> <div class="location__dropdown__title "> <a href="">한국어</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer__info__licence"> <ul class="licence__list"> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </footer> </div> </main> <script src=""></script> <script> const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const isEmbedded = urlParams.get('isEmbedded'); if (isEmbedded) { document.body.classList.add('is-embedded'); } </script> </body></html>