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id="hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1658776233778" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_widget hs_cos_wrapper_type_module" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="widget" data-hs-cos-type="module"> <style> .grey-background { background-color: #63666b; padding-top: 26px !important; } .grey-background .collat-section.sidebar h2, .grey-background .collat-section.sidebar p, .grey-background .collat-section.sidebar span { color: white !important } </style> <section class="collat-body-wrap "> <section class="collat-section always-show "> <style> .collat-section .collat-images.image-1 { width: 120%; margin: 0 auto; } @media(max-width:767px){ .collat-section .collat-images.image-1 { width: 100%; } } </style> <section class="collat-images image-1"> <img class="" src=""> </section> </section> <section class="collat-section "> <h2 name=""> Recent Recognition </h2> <p>We're always excited to share when organizations recognize what we do well, whether it's for our work, our culture or our processes. Here's a look at some of our recent wins:</p> <p>America's Best Employers for Engineers — now this is a list we're clearly excited to make. <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Read about the list compiled by <em>Forbes </em>and check out our spot at No. 7</a></p> <p><img src="" width="250" height="131" loading="lazy" alt="nceo_burnsmcdonnell" style="height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 250px;" srcset=" 125w, 250w, 375w, 500w, 625w, 750w" sizes="(max-width: 250px) 100vw, 250px"><br>We often talk about employee ownership and how it's central to our culture. We're proud to make the 2024 Employee Ownership 100, compiled by NCEO.</p> <p>The Brandon Hall Group recognized us with awards for excellence in the Leadership Development category in 2023 (silver) and 2024 (gold).</p> <p>We were selected as a U.S. Best Managed Company through a partnership program between The Wall Street Journal and Deloitte Private in 2022, 2023 and 2024. In 2024 we were also named to the Ingram’s magazine list of the Top 100 Privately Held Companies. </p> </section> <section class="collat-section always-show "> <p>32: Local publications and organizations that name Burns & McDonnell a best place to work year after year —</p> <ul> <li><em>Arizona Capitol Times</em> Top Companies to Work for in Arizona, 2014-2024</li> <li><em>Atlanta Journal-Constitution </em>Top Workplaces, 2012, 2014-2015, 2017-2018, 2020-2022, 2024 </li> <li><em></em> Top Workplaces in Arizona, 2021-2024</li> <li>Best Companies Group, Great Employers to Work for in North Carolina, 2017-2024</li> <li><em>Business North Carolina</em> Best Employers in North Carolina, 2015-2024</li> <li><em>Chicago Tribune </em>Top Workplaces, 2024</li> <li><em>Columbus Business First</em> Best Places to Work, 2024</li> <li><em>Crain’s New York Business</em> Best Places to Work NYC, 2024</li> <li><em>Dallas Morning News </em>Top Workplaces, 2024</li> <li><em>Denver Post </em>Top Workplaces, 2012-2024</li> <li><em>The Economic Times</em> Best Companies to Work For in India, 2019-2022</li> <li><em>FW Inc. </em>magazine Best Companies to Work For, 2017-2024</li> <li>Great Place to Work Institute's top 50 list of India's Great Mid-Size Workplaces, 2017-2020, and Best Workplaces for Women, 2020</li> <li><em>Hartford (Connecticut) Business Journal </em>Best Places to Work in Connecticut, 2010-2021, 2023-2024</li> <li><em>Hawaii Business Magazine</em> Best Workplaces in Hawaii, 2024</li> <li><em>Houston Chronicle</em> Top Workplaces, 2010-2024 </li> <li><em>The Journal Record</em> Best Places to Work in Oklahoma, 2024 </li> <li><em>Mainebiz</em> Best Places to Work in Maine, 2019-2020, 2024</li> <li><em>Minneapolis Star Tribune</em> Top 100 Workplaces, 2012-2024</li> <li><em>Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal </em>Best Places to Work, 2023-2024</li> <li>National Association of Business Resources (NABR) Metro Detroit's Best and Brightest Companies to Work For, 2024 </li> <li><em>NJ BIZ</em> Best Places to Work in New Jersey, 2021, 2023-2024</li> <li><em>The Oregonian </em>Top Workplaces, 2021-2022, 2024</li> <li><em>Orange County Business Journal </em>Best Places to Work, 2011-2016, 2022-2024</li> <li><em>Orlando Business Journal </em>Best Places to Work, 2017-2020, 2023-2024</li> <li><em>The Pacific Business News </em>Best Workplaces in Hawaii, 2020-2024</li> <li><em>The Plain Dealer </em>Top Workplaces in Northeast Ohio, 2024</li> <li><em>Rochester Business Journal </em>Best Companies to Work For in New York, 2024</li> <li><em>San Diego Business Journal</em> Best Places to Work 2024</li> <li><em>SC Biz News</em> Best Places to Work in South Carolina, 2020-2024</li> <li><em>St. Louis Post-Dispatch</em> Top Workplaces, 2013-2024</li> <li><em>The Sunday Times</em> U.K.'s Best Small Companies to Work for, Top 50 Best Companies to Work for in the Midlands, and Consultancy's Top 25 Best Companies to Work For, 2022</li> <li><em>Virginia Business Best </em>Places to Work, 2014-2024 </li> </ul> </section> <section class="collat-section always-show "> <p>19: Local publications or organizations that have honored Burns & McDonnell for its wellness programs —</p> <ul> <li><em>Atlanta Business Chronicle</em> Healthiest Employers, 2015, 2017-2024</li> <li><em>Charlotte Business Journal</em> Healthiest Employers of Charlotte, 2024 </li> <li><em>Crain's Chicago Business</em> Illinois Healthiest Employers, 2021-2024</li> <li><em>Denver Business Journal </em>Metro Denver Healthiest Employers, 2015, 2019, 2021</li> <li>Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce's Healthy KC Certified Organizations, 2016-2024</li> <li><em>Hartford (Conn.) Business Journal</em> Healthiest Employers, 2018-2024</li> <li><em>Healthiest Employers </em>Healthiest Employers of Oregon, 2024</li> <li><em>Healthiest Employers</em> Healthiest Employers of Southern California, 2024</li> <li><em>Healthiest Employers</em> Healthiest Employers of Tennessee, 2024</li> <li><em>Healthiest Employers</em> Healthiest Employers of Texas, 2021-2024</li> <li>Healthiest Employers of Virginia, 2024</li> <li>Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Healthy KC Certified Company, 2024</li> <li><em>Kansas City Business Journal </em>Healthiest Employers, 2018-2023</li> <li>New York City’s Healthiest Employers, 2024</li> <li>Ohio’s Healthiest Employers, 2024</li> <li><em>Orlando Business Journal </em>Healthiest Employers in Central Florida, 2021-2024</li> <li>Philadelphia’s Healthiest Employers, 2024</li> <li><em>Phoenix Business Journal</em> Healthiest Employers, 2015, 2017 and 2019-2024</li> <li><em>St. Louis Business Journal </em>Healthiest Employers, 2016, 2018-2022, 2024</li> </ul> </section> </section> <!-- form --> </div></span> <div data-global-resource-path="Burns_McDonnell_February_2022/templates/partials/footer.html"> <footer class="footer"> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <style> .noclass { position: relative } .footer .headlineSmall a { font-weight: 500 !important } .twit { width:27px !important; 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