Sustainability - Zenith Investment Partners

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We recognise that to maintain our core values of integrity, diversity, continuous improvement and a commitment to quality, we also must adhere to a culture of transparency. We also recognise that societal issues such as climate change are major concerns for key stakeholders across our staff, clients and society in general.</p> <p>Since 2020, we've increased our focus on providing clients with greater insight and analysis into how funds in颅corporate responsible investment principles into their investment processes and objectives. It's important that we understand our own impacts on the economy, society and all stakeholders that we seek to serve, and be more transparent on key issues that are important to them.</p> <p>In 2024, Zenith became a member of the Responsible Investment Association Australia (RIAA). RIAA champions responsible investing and a sustainable financial system in Australia and New Zealand and is dedicated to ensuring capital is aligned with achieving a healthy society, environment and economy. It is the largest and most active network of people and organisations engaged in responsible, ethical and impact investing across the region.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ui section" style="background-color:#;"> <div class="ui stackable two column grid container"> <div class="column"> <div class="ui item"> <h2>Sustainability at Zenith</h2> <p>We acknowledge that putting sustainability at the heart of what we do is a continuous process and there are many ways we can improve what we do. We aim to work with partners and clients so that we can learn from each other to improve sustainability together across our industry.</p> <p>As part of FE fundinfo, a global fund data and technology leader, Zenith contributes to the Groups annual sustainability reporting.</p> <p><a href="" class="ui secondary button">Sustainability at FE Fundinfo</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="column"> <div> <img style="width: 100%;" src="/media/xv5k1v4f/office-shot-1.png?width=800&amp;height=500&amp;v=1d9924068730170"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ui section" style="background-color:#;"> <div class="ui stackable two column grid container"> <div class="column"> <div style="display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 100%; width: 100%;"> <img style="width: 100%;" src="/media/wiret2g1/adobestock_394547056.jpeg"> </div> </div> <div class="column"> <div class="ui item"> <h2>Not just good but better</h2> <p>In 2023, Zenith Investment Partners became a certified B Corporation (B Corp). We're proud to be part of a global community of businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental impact.</p> <p><a href="/b-corp-certification/" class="ui secondary button">ABOUT OUR B CORP CERTIFICATION</a></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ui section" style="background-color:#;"> <div class="ui stackable two column grid container"> <div class="column"> <div class="ui item"> <h2>Our governance approach</h2> <p>Embedding sustainability throughout our business and operations is a continuous process. We want to build a business that's forward looking and makes long-term decisions which ensure we're making positive contributions to the environment and the wider society. To do this, we have a foundation of strong governance based on company-wide commitments and policies.</p> <p><a href="/important-information/environmental-policy/" title="Environmental Policy" class="ui secondary button">VIEW OUR ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="column"> <div> <img style="width: 100%;" src="/media/iulbinxo/istock-1268902090.png?width=800&amp;height=500&amp;v=1d852e10091bd20"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer id="footer" class="ui footer" style="background-color: #000000;"> <div class="ui container"> <div class="ui stackable grid"> <div class="sixteen wide row"> <div class="five wide column"> <a href="/"> <img id="footer_logo" class="footer_logo" src="/media/1003/inverse_logo.svg"> </a> </div> <div class="eleven wide column"> <div class="ui stackable grid non-tablet"> <div class="four wide column"> <h3 class="ui primaryForeColor nav">About Us</h3> <div class="ui inverted link list"> <a class="ui label light item" href="/about-us/our-business/">Our Business</a> <a class="ui label light item" href="/about-us/our-people/">Our People</a> <a class="ui label light item" href="/about-us/sustainability/">Sustainability</a> <a class="ui label light item" href="/about-us/careers/">Careers</a> </div> </div> <div class="four wide column"> <h3 class="ui primaryForeColor nav">Our Solutions</h3> <div class="ui inverted link list"> <a class="ui label light item" href="/our-solutions/investment-research/">Investment Research</a> <a class="ui label light item" href="/our-solutions/managed-accounts/">Managed Accounts</a> <a class="ui label light item" href="/our-solutions/asset-allocation/">Asset Allocation</a> <a class="ui label light item" href="/our-solutions/research-portfolio-tools/">Research &amp; 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