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title="Why FO is free" href="#"> Why is FinancesOnline free <img src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Why FO is free" class="lazyload"> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div id="fo-category-tabs" class="page-category__tabs dynamic-tabs"> <div class="main-container"> <a class="page-category__tab active big-tab" href="/c/freelancing-sites-for-writers/" data-target="#top20-tab" data-term="923" data-nojs="true" data-small-cat="true" > <h1>Best Freelancing Sites for Writers in 2024</h1> </a> <a class="page-category__tab " href="/c/freelancing-sites-for-writers/?top10" data-target="#top10-tab" data-term="923">Product Comparisons</a> </div> </div> <div id="dynamic-tab-content"> <div id="cat-top20" class="page-category__tab-content"> <div id="category-top20" class="category category--white flex-order" data-cat="923"> <div id="category-what-is" class="main-container order-2 content-visibility"> <div class="category__sections no-border"> <h3><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--what-is"></span>What is Freelancing Sites for Writers?</h3> <p>Freelance sites for writers are a boon for both individual workers and businesses. In today’s internet age, you can work from anywhere, anytime for any company in the world. Freelance platforms facilitate this by providing a place where global businesses can find and hire temporary workers. On these sites, independent professionals can create profiles, share their work portfolio, and contact potential employers.<a href="#" class="show-more-js">Show more</a><span class="show-more-hidden"> Organizations can search a database of candidates based on criteria such as skills, experience and more. They can provide temporary contracts to freelancers such as writers, editors, translators, designers, and others. Businesses can save the money they spend on permanent employees, while freelancers are assured of guaranteed payment on freelance sites that provide escrow facility. Start by checking our leader <a href=''>Fiverr</a>, and other recommended solutions in this category.<a href="#" class="show-less-js">Show less</a></span></p> <h3 id="category-how"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--ranking"></span>How was this ranking made?</h3> <p>In order to create this list of best Freelancing Sites for Writers we have evaluated different applications currently available on the market, studying their features, how easy are they are to learn, client service, possible integrations with other systems as well as mobile device support using our unique <a href="/scoring-methodology/" title="Scoring Methodology">SmartScore<sup>TM</sup></a> rating algorithm. This list has been prepared by Nestor Gilbert, our software expert dedicated to the Freelancing Sites for Writers category.</p> </div> </div> <div class="main-container order-1"> <div class="col col--75 col--sm"> <div class="cats-tabs tabs"> <div class="cats-tabs__content"> <div id="cats-0" class="cats-tabs__content-inner tabs-content active"> <div class="category__rank"> <div class="category__rank-head"> <h3>List of Top 12 Freelancing Sites for Writers</h3> <div class="category__rank-sort"> <a data-modal="#why-fo-free" title="Why FO is free" href="#"> <img src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Why FO is free" class="lazyload"> </a> Order by: <div class="category__rank-dd nice-dropdown" data-ajax="" data-term="923" data-size="small_business" data-count="12" data-taxonomy="category_apps"> <span>Sponsored</span> <ul> <li data-sort="sponsored">Sponsored</li> <li data-sort="score">Score</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="small_business_box"> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2ZpdmVyci8="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Fiverr reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-58127" data-id="58127" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-58127">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Fiverr"> <span>1. </span> Fiverr </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.8</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">98%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>Fiverr is an award-winning freelance service marketplace that assists employers in finding the best talent for a project. Leveraging transparency, Fiverr gives employers access to a freelancer's professional history, including rating and feedback of previous clients.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> <button type="button" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9maW5hbmNlc29ubGluZS5jb20vc2VlL2ZpdmVyci8=" class=" btn" >VISIT WEBSITE</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL3Vwd29yay8="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Upwork reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-58134" data-id="58134" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-58134">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Upwork"> <span>2. </span> Upwork </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.7</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">98%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>Formerly known as Elance-oDesk, Upwork is a cloud-based global freelance platform. Upwork provides employers tools to shortlist candidates and review proposals. It has an in-app messaging feature where employers and freelancers exchange files.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2ZyZWVsYW5jZXItY29tLw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt=" reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-58122" data-id="58122" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-58122">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title=""> <span>3. </span> </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.6</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">100%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p> is a freelance and crowdsourcing marketplace used by over 25 million users. This platform has a robust search tool that enables employers to filter the results down to elite-level workers. Employers can also set milestones for freelancers to achieve before they can qualify for payments.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2VudmF0by1zdHVkaW8v"> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Envato Studio reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-58234" data-id="58234" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-58234">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Envato Studio"> <span>4. </span> Envato Studio </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.5</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">100%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A freelance platform that caters to businesses in search of creative artists, developers, etc. Evanto Studio has a large pool of handpicked professionals whose portfolios and rates are available for review. The platform also comes with its own job approval workflow, project management tools, and built-in messaging app.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL3Blb3BsZXBlcmhvdXIv"> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="PeoplePerHour reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-58348" data-id="58348" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-58348">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="PeoplePerHour"> <span>5. </span> PeoplePerHour </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.3</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">N/A</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>PeoplePerHour is a freelance market where businesses can scout for global and local professionals. All freelancers in the platform underwent meticulous background checks to ensure that they can deliver quality service. PeoplePerHour also implements escrow protection as well.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL3RvcHRhbC8="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Toptal reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-58909" data-id="58909" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-58909">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Toptal"> <span>6. </span> Toptal </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.3</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">100%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>Toptal is a popular network of developers, designers, and financial experts. This freelance platform houses a pool of elite professionals, all of whom belong to the top 3% of their respective fields and fluent in English. Employers can also work with their chosen talents for free for a maximum of two weeks.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL21hcmtldGVyaGlyZS8="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="MarketerHire reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-307585" data-id="307585" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-307585">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="MarketerHire"> <span>7. </span> MarketerHire </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.2</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">97%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A service that connects you with the ideal marketer for your project needs. Implements a stringent vetting process so you only get matched to the talent that has the right marketing skills and experience. Find a marketing expert in as little as 48 hours and save time on posting on job sites, conducting interviews, and vetting candidates. </p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2d1cnUtY29tLw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt=" reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-58343" data-id="58343" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-58343">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title=""> <span>8. </span> </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.2</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">100%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A freelance platform where an individual or team of professionals collaborate with employers from all over the world. comes with its own set of team management tools such as a comprehensive project dashboard, time tracker, and status alerts. The platform also supports file sharing and messaging. </p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2Rlc2lnbmNyb3dkLw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="DesignCrowd reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-58334" data-id="58334" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-58334">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="DesignCrowd"> <span>9. </span> DesignCrowd </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.0</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">100%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>DesignCrowd is a creative freelancers’ marketplace that offers a money-back guarantee to dissatisfied employers. Using the crowdsourcing approach, businesses can post their design needs, requirements, and budget and choose the freelancer they want to work with based on the proposals submitted. </p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL25leHh0Lw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Nexxt reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-61299" data-id="61299" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-61299">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Nexxt"> <span>10. </span> Nexxt </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">9.0</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">98%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>Nexxt is a popular career network that acts as an intermediary between freelancers and employers or recruitment agencies. It offers a subscription-based service to recruiters and businesses, which gives them access to job posting, candidate search, application processing, tools to promote job listings, and more. </p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2JyeWJlLw=="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Brybe reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-301791" data-id="301791" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-301791">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title="Brybe"> <span>11. </span> Brybe </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.8</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">97%</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p>A unique digital services marketplace that connects buyers to freelancers and influencers to build fruitful partnerships. It provides business and professional users with a catalog of available jobs and services, respectively. Sporting an intuitive user interface, it allows users to find the best deals in minutes.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-item fo-button-data content-visibility" data-dst="aHR0cHM6Ly9yZXZpZXdzLmZpbmFuY2Vzb25saW5lLmNvbS9wL2hpcmVhYmxlLWNvbS8="> <div class="category__rank-thumb"> <div class="category__rank-logo fo-button-get-href"> <img width="186" height="96" src="" class="lazyload" alt=" reviews" sizes="(max-width: 186px) 100vw, 186px" data-srcset=" 186w, 93w" /> </div> <div class="category__rank-compare"> <div class="select-more">Select more products to compare</div> <input id="compare-58722" data-id="58722" type="checkbox"> <span></span> <label for="compare-58722">Compare</label> <a class="btn btn--blue-hover" href="#" data-url="" title="Compare">Compare <span></span> selected products</a> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-info"> <h4> <a href="" title=""> <span>12. </span> </a> </h4> <span>Our score: <span class="blue">8.7</span><a href="#" data-modal="#score-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <span>User satisfaction: <span class="blue">N/A</span><a href="#" data-modal="#user-modal" data-dynamic="yes" class="icon icon--question"></a></span> <p> is a job finders’ platform based in Irvine, California.</p> </div> <div class="category__rank-btns"> <button type="button" data-dst="Iw==" class="btn btn--blue-hover fo-button-get-href" >READ REVIEW</button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="category__rank-sort category__rank-sort--mobile-show"> <a data-modal="#why-fo-free" title="Why FO is free" href="#"> <img src="" data-src="" data-srcset=" 1x, 2x" alt="Why FO is free" class="lazyload"> </a> Order by: <div class="category__rank-dd nice-dropdown" data-ajax="" data-term="923" data-size="small_business" data-count="12" data-taxonomy="category_apps"> <span>Sponsored</span> <ul> <li data-sort="sponsored">Sponsored</li> <li data-sort="score">Score</li> <li data-sort="user-reviews">User Score</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="category__sidebar col col--25 col--sm content-visibility"> <div class="category__categories mini-hide"> <h4>Similar Categories:</h4> <p>In the event you didn't find just the solution you were looking for here's a list of various categories similar to Freelancing Sites for Writers that you might want to browse through:</p> <ul> <li><a href="/c/freelance-websites/" title="Freelance Websites">Freelance Websites</a><li><a href="/c/freelancing-sites-for-developers/" title="Freelancing Sites for Developers">Freelancing Sites for Developers</a><li><a href="/c/freelancing-websites/beginners/" title="Freelancing Websites for Beginners">Freelancing Websites for Beginners</a><li><a href="/c/freelancing-websites-for-graphic-design/" title="Freelancing Websites for Graphic Design">Freelancing Websites for Graphic Design</a> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="order-3 content-visibility"> <div class="main-container"> <div class="col col--75 col--sm"> <div class="category__content"> <img width="1000" height="483" src="" class="lazyload toc-img" alt="Freelancing Sites for Writers Guide" sizes="(max-width: 1000px) 100vw, 1000px" data-srcset=" 1000w, 300w, 768w, 93w" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="main-container"> <div class="col col--75 col--sm"> <h3 class="toc-header margin">Table of contents</h3> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="main-container"> <div class="col col--75 col--sm"> <div class="category__sections toggle"> <div class="article-section"> <div class="article-section__text"> <p>Freelancing sites are a great way for writers to connect with clients who need content written. These sites typically provide a space for writers to create profiles that include their skills and experience. Clients can then browse the profiles and choose a writer that they feel is a good fit for the project. Freelancing sites are ideal for writers who want to work remotely and have the flexibility to choose their own projects. They also provide an opportunity for writers to build a portfolio of work. For these reasons, freelancing sites are a great option for many writers.</p> <p>On the other end, small businesses may not have the budget to hire a full-time writer, but they still need content for their website or blog. By using any of the best freelancing sites for writers, they can get quality content at a fraction of the cost.</p> <p>Meanwhile, marketing firms need a lot of content on a regular basis, and they often don’t have the time or resources to produce all of the content themselves. With a copywriter freelance website platform, marketers can get the copy they need without having to hire additional staff.</p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="get-to-know-each-platform-with-the-free-plan"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--free-trial"></span>Get to Know Each Platform with the Free Plan</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p>If you’re a business, when considering a freelancing site for writers, it is important to take advantage of free trial offers that may be available. This will allow you to get a better sense of the platform and how it works before committing to a paid subscription. With a free trial, you can explore the different features of the site and see if it is a good fit for your needs.</p> <p>You can also get a feel of the community of writers and see if you will be comfortable working with them. In addition, a free trial can give you the chance to test out the site’s payment system to make sure it is fair and straightforward.</p> <p>For writers looking for a gig) freelancing sites are usually offered for free because, essentially, they are the “product.”</p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="targeted-businesses"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--targeted-businesses"></span>Targeted Businesses</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <ul> <li><strong>Remote contractors and agencies.</strong> Freelancing sites provide remote contractors and agencies with a platform to connect with potential clients from all over the world. Through these sites, they can showcase their skills and portfolios, and set their own rates.</li> <li><strong>Small businesses.</strong> Freelancing sites for writers can provide small businesses with a ready pool of talented writers and editors who can be hired on an as-needed basis. This can help to keep overhead costs down and allow companies to be more nimble in their operations.</li> <li><strong>Large enterprises.</strong> Freelancing sites can provide big businesses with access to a pool of highly skilled writers from around the world in the face of a talent shortage in their home country. This can be particularly helpful to enterprises that need to fill specialized roles or expand their workforce during periods of high demand.</li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="examples-of-freelancing-sites-for-writers"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--examples"></span>Examples of Freelancing Sites for Writers</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <ul> <li><strong><a href="">Fiverr</a> </strong>connects businesses to digital service providers in over 500 categories. Services offered on Fiverr include content writing, graphic design, web development, and more. Businesses can post projects, which are essentially job listings, and freelancers can then submit proposals outlining their qualifications and rates. Once a project is awarded, the freelancer and business can communicate and collaborate via the Fiverr Workspace, a built-in messaging and file-sharing platform.</li> <li><strong><a href="">Upwork</a> </strong>helps businesses find talents in a variety of different fields, including writing and translation, design and creative, sales and marketing, development and IT, legal, and more. The website also offers a suite of tools for businesses known as the Upwork Enterprise Suite. This suite of tools includes a freelancer management system, a project management system, and a payments system.</li> <li><strong><a href=""></a></strong> allows businesses to post projects or tasks and get bids from interested freelancers, while freelancers can search for projects that match their skills and interests. Payment terms are flexible, and projects can be of any size. The platform also offers a range of services such as project management, task tracking, file sharing, and video conferencing.</li> <li><strong><a href="">PeoplePerHour</a> </strong>allows businesses to post projects and receive proposals from qualified freelancers within minutes. Once a project is awarded, businesses can then work with the freelancer on an hourly or per-project basis. PeoplePerHour also offers time tracking, milestone payments, dispute resolution and other features.</li> <li><strong><a href="">Toptal</a> </strong>claims to screen freelancers and only allow the top 3% to join their network, providing businesses with a curated pool of high-quality candidates. In addition to writers, content creators and developers, Toptal also has a network of English-speaking designers, finance experts, and project managers.</li> <li><strong><a href="">MarketerHire</a> </strong>helps companies hire top marketing talent on-demand. This platform also acts as a copywriting freelance website, which includes a talent pool for sales page writers, content marketing and SEO writers, and other marketing professionals. MarketerHire lets you find a long-term marketing partner or a talent for a one-time project.</li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="types-of-freelance-platforms"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--types"></span>Types of Freelance Platforms</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <ul> <li><strong>Broad-based platforms.</strong> These are online marketplaces that allow businesses to connect with a global pool of freelancers from a wide range of fields. These platforms typically offer a range of services, from writing and editing to web development and marketing. Some of the most popular broad-based freelance platforms include <a href="">Upwork</a>, <a href="">Fiverr</a>, and <a href="">PeoplePerHour</a>.</li> <li><strong>Niche platforms.</strong> They connect businesses with freelance professionals who have specific skillsets. For example, there are platforms that are exclusive to developers, writers, virtual assistants and marketers. <a href="">MarketerHire</a> and Codeable are good examples of a niche freelancing site. They only offer a talent pool of marketers and developers, respectively.</li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="key-features-of-freelance-platforms"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--key-features"></span>Key Features of Freelance Platforms</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <ul> <li><strong>Job posting.</strong> With this feature, businesses can post a description of the project, the skills required, and the budget. Freelancers can then browse the postings and apply to the projects that they are interested in and qualify for. This system makes it easy for businesses to find the right person for the job, and it saves time and money by eliminating the need to sift through applications from unqualified individuals.</li> <li><strong>Talent marketplace.</strong> This offers a vast pool of talents from all over the globe. A business can easily find the specific skills that it needs by using filters to drill down inti your search. A talent marketplace is a good way to get access to international talent.</li> <li><strong>Hiring platform</strong>. Many job platforms feature video and chat integration so both HR and applicants can get in touch in one place. This makes it easier to conduct tests and interviews as part of the hiring process. Some platforms also allow you to post job openings and collect applications in one place. This can save time and make it easier to find qualified candidates.</li> <li><strong>Time tracker.</strong> The best freelance websites for writers allow you to track the time freelancers spend working on projects. This can be helpful when you need to manage urgent projects and want to see in real time the progress being made. Some platforms also provide a workspace for tracking outputs, so you can see not only how much time is being spent on a task, but also the results of the work being done.</li> <li><strong>Payment processor.</strong> Most freelancing sites offer some form of payment processing, either through integration with major payment gateways or through a standalone feature. Usually, there is a fee associated with this service, which is shouldered by the business rather than the contractor.</li> <li><strong>Review & rating</strong>. For clients, this feature provides a way to see which freelancers have the highest reputation from previous clients. Freelancers with high ratings and positive reviews are more likely to be chosen by clients for projects. For freelancers, the review and rating feature can help them to build up credibility on the platform. The review and rating feature of a freelance platform can, therefore, be seen as a way to create trust between clients and freelancers.</li> <li><strong>Dispute management.</strong> This feature allows freelancers and clients to submit disputes for resolution by a neutral third party. This can help to prevent arguments from escalating, and it can also help to ensure that disputes are resolved fairly. In addition, the dispute management feature can help to protect both freelancers and clients from being taken advantage of.</li> <li><strong>Notifications & alerts.</strong> This feature helps freelancers to stay on top of projects and deadlines. The notification and alert feature is also a great way to keep track of your messages and communications with clients. You can set up alerts for when new messages are received or when messages from specific clients are received.</li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="benefits-of-freelancing-sites-for-writers"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--benefits"></span>Benefits of Freelancing Sites for Writers</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <ul> <li><strong>Reach out to clients globally.</strong> Freelancing sites provide a convenient way to connect with potential clients from all over the world. This gives writers a much wider pool of potential clients to choose from.</li> <li><strong>Select from a range of writing jobs</strong>. These sites typically offer a variety of different types of writing jobs, so writers can find work that matches their interests and skills.</li> <li><strong>Escrow services</strong>. Many freelancing sites offer escrow services, which protect both writers and clients by ensuring that payments are made on time and that the work meets the agreed-upon quality standards.</li> <li><strong>Build reputation.</strong> These sites often have ratings and reviews systems in place, so both writers and clients can get an idea of the other party’s reputation before entering into an agreement.</li> </ul> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="latest-trends"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--latest-trends"></span>Latest Trends</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p><strong>Advent of Niche Platforms</strong></p> <p>The freelancing industry has seen a lot of changes in recent years, with new platforms and services emerging to meet the needs of businesses and independent workers. Perhaps the most notable trend is the shift from traditional freelancing sites like Upwork and While these platforms are still popular, many freelancers are now using newer, more specialized platforms that cater to specific industries or niches. For example, Fiverr is a popular platform for creative professionals, while Toptal is a go-to source for businesses looking to hire high-end talent.</p> <p><strong>Growth of Co-Working Spaces</strong></p> <p>Another trend is the growth of co-working spaces, which provide freelancers with a place to work outside of their homes. These spaces often offer amenities like shared meeting rooms and event space, making them an attractive option for freelancers who want to network and collaborate with other independent workers.</p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="potential-issues"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--potential-issues"></span>Potential Issues</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p>While freelancing platforms have made it easier than ever to get started as a freelancer, they also come with a number of potential issues.</p> <ul> <li><strong>Fees</strong>. Many platforms take a percentage of each project fee, which can eat into workers’ earnings.</li> <li><strong>Quality of work.</strong> The quality of work can be difficult to control, and businesses may be unhappy with the results if they are not what was expected.</li> <li><strong>Incomplete projects</strong>. There is always the risk that a freelancer will simply not complete a project or will do a poor job, leaving the business out of pocket.</li> </ul> <p>Despite these potential issues, freelance platforms continue to grow in popularity, and for many people, they offer a flexible and convenient way to earn an income.</p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="freelance-and-remote-work-among-millennials"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--default"></span>Freelance and Remote Work among Millennials</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p>The rise of the internet has led to a boom in freelancing and remote work. No longer tied to a specific office or location, workers are now able to complete tasks from anywhere in the world. This flexibility has made freelancing and remote work increasingly popular, especially among millennials.</p> <p>According to a recent survey, nearly <a href="">68% of millennials</a> would prefer to freelance or work remotely than hold a traditional 9-to-5 job. There are several reasons for this preference. First, freelancing and remote work offer greater flexibility and freedom when it comes to hours and working conditions. Second, they often provide the opportunity to work with clients or companies from all over the world. Finally, they tend to pay better than traditional jobs.</p> <p>While there are some drawbacks to freelancing and remote work (such as the lack of benefits and job security), the advantages often outweigh the disadvantages. For many millennials, freelancing and remote work are the ideal way to earn a living.</p> </div> </div><div class="article-section"> <h3 id="freelance-remote-work-tools"><span class="cat-icon cat-icon--default"></span>Freelance/Remote Work Tools</h3> <div class="article-section__text"> <p>When you are new to remote work, it is essential to have the right tools. The right tools will help you establish a smooth and secure work environment, as well as build a good business relationship between clients and freelancers or remote workers. Here are some of the reasons why you must have the right tools as a remote worker or freelancer:</p> <ul> <li>They help you to be more productive.</li> <li>They help you collaborate effectively with team members.</li> <li>They help you manage your time and tasks more efficiently.</li> <li>They help you communicate more effectively with clients and customers.</li> </ul> <p>Here are some of the tools to keep in mind when freelancing as a writer:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Collaboration tools</strong> help remote workers or freelancers stay up-to-date on the status of their projects, tasks, and other team members.</li> <li><strong>Communication software</strong> offer more convenience and efficiency to team members, as well as between freelancers and their clients.</li> <li><strong>Document management solutions</strong> can keep all files organized and easily accessible, making it easier to track updates and versions.</li> </ul> <p>Using these tools can help improve productivity and coordination among team members.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="category category--white order-5 content-visibility"> <div class="main-container"> <div class="category__content category__content--margin col col--75 col--sm"> <h3>List of Freelancing Sites for Writers Companies</h3> <div class="soft__list"> <div class="pull-right"> <p>Order by:</p> <div id="soft-dd" class="soft__list__dd" data-ajax="" data-term="923" data-count="15" data-taxonomy="category_apps"> <span>Newest</span> <ul> <li data-sort="newest">Newest</li> <li data-sort="score">Score</li> <li data-sort="user-reviews">User Score</li> </ul> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div id="soft-table" class="soft__table"> <div class="soft__head"> <div class="col col--33 s-name"> Product name: </div> <div class="col col--20 s-cat"> Category: </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> Smart Score: </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> Price: </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> User Satisf. </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> User reviews: </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div id="soft-table-products"> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Indy" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Indy reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Indy</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.9 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $12 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 100% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="MarketerHire" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="MarketerHire reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>MarketerHire</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 9.2 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $80 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 97% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> </span> <span>1 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Brybe" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Brybe reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Brybe</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.8 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $5 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 97% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> </span> <span>1 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Crewscale" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Crewscale reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Crewscale</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.8 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $30 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 94% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="FreeeUp" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="FreeeUp reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>FreeeUp</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.7 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $5 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 95% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="ContentFly" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="ContentFly reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>ContentFly</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.8 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $250 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 97% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="TaskRabbit" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="TaskRabbit reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>TaskRabbit</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.8 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> by quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 97% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="WriterAccess" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="WriterAccess reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>WriterAccess</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.6 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $279 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 96% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>2 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Nexxt" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Nexxt reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Nexxt</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 9.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $199 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 98% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="Toptal" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="Toptal reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>Toptal</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 9.3 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> $60 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 100% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> </span> <span>1 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="bark" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="bark reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>bark</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.6 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> by quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 81% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>8 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt=" reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p></p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 8.7 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> free </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> - </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>0 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt=" reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p></p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 9.2 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> by quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 100% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span class="full"></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>5 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="DesignCrowd" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="DesignCrowd reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>DesignCrowd</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 9.0 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> by quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> 100% </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>1 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div class="soft__row"> <a href="" title="PeoplePerHour" class="col col--33 s-name"> <div class="soft__img"> <img width="93" height="48" src="" class="lazyload" alt="PeoplePerHour reviews" sizes="(max-width: 93px) 100vw, 93px" data-srcset=" 93w, 186w" /> </div> <p>PeoplePerHour</p> </a> <div class="col col--20 s-cat "> Freelancing Sites for Writers </div> <div class="col col--10 s-ss"> 9.3 </div> <div class="col col--10 s-price"> by quote </div> <div class="col col--10 s-us"> - </div> <div class="col col--16 s-ur"> <a href="" title="User reviews" class="soft__revs"> <span class="soft__stars"> <span class="full"></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> <span ></span> </span> <span>1 user reviews</span> </a> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="pagination" class="fot-pagination"><div class="fot-pagination__inner"><span class="mini-hide">Page 1 of 2</span><span class="fot-pagination__item fot-pagination__item--disabled">1</span><a class="fot-pagination__item" href="?page=2">2</a><a class="fot-pagination__item fot-pagination__item--last" href="?page=2">Last »</a><div class="clearfix"></div></div></div> <h3>Things to consider when you invest in a SaaS</h3> <p>Infrastructure plays a key role in a SaaS solution. If there is an outage, you would not be able to access the system. So, you should pay good attention to the system’s infrastructure when analyzing SaaS providers.</p> <p>Many enterprises fail to ask their shortlisted SaaS vendors questions about disaster recovery, service level agreements (SLAs), and security. These are key infrastructure elements that need careful consideration when analyzing a vendor. </p> <p>SaaS is straightforward to subscribe to. All you need to do is go the website and buy a suitable package for the required number of users. For this reason, many organizations pay attention only to the rate of the package and not to infrastructure considerations. They may also think that thorough evaluation is not essential since it is so simple to get started quickly.</p> <p>But you need to be ready for situations as such as the SaaS vendor going out of business or their website going down. You need to have contingency processes in place to tackle these situations to make sure they do not have a deleterious impact on your business. It is simple to subscribe to a SaaS system, but think about the impact on your business if the platform is withdrawn by the provider.</p> <div class="fot-faq"> <h3><span class="icon icon--faq"></span>Frequently asked questions about Freelancing Sites for Writers</h3> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What is the best freelancing sites for writers? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q1"> <p><a href=""><b>Fiverr</b></a> offers a wide range of services for writers, from copywriting and editing to proofreading and even book cover design. Plus, with Fiverr Pro, you can access a curated selection of top-rated freelancers who have been handpicked for their expertise.</p> <p>But what really sets Fiverr apart is its pricing model. Unlike many other freelancing sites, Fiverr charges by the gig, not by the hour. This makes it easy to budget for projects, and you never have to worry about being overcharged. Plus, with Fiverr’s Money Back Guarantee, you can be sure that you’ll be happy with the final product.</p> </div> </div> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What are the benefits of freelancing sites for writers? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q2"> <p>There are several benefits of using freelancing sites as a writer. First, these platforms provide access to a global client base. This is especially beneficial for those who want to work with clients from different countries.</p> <p>Second, freelancing sites offer flexible working hours. This can be helpful for writers who want to set their own schedule and work around other commitments.</p> <p>Third, many freelancing sites offer competitive pay rates. This can be helpful for writers who want to earn a good income without the commitment of a full-time job.</p> <p> </p> </div> </div> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What are the features of freelancing sites for writers? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q3"> <p>A freelance platform is an online marketplace that connects businesses with freelance professionals. Businesses can post projects or tasks on the platform, and freelancers can browse and bid on those projects. The platforms typically take a cut of the project fee, and they also provide payment processing and other services.</p> <p>The platforms vary in terms of their features, but many allow businesses to post projects for free and offer a variety of payment options for freelancers. Some platforms also offer tools to help businesses manage their projects, such as project tracking and communication features.</p> <p>Likewise, many platforms offer a variety of membership plans with different features and pricing structures.</p> </div> </div> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What is the easiest freelancing site for writers? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q4"> <ul> <li><a href=""><b>Fiverr</b></a>. Fiverr is a popular freelancing platform that helps clients find professionals for a variety of projects. The site has a range of categories for different types of freelancers, making it easy for clients to find the right group for their project. The platform also offers category-based searches, which makes it simpler for clients to find the specific type of freelancer they need. Furthermore, Fiverr has a good reputation for quality work and fair prices, making it a popular choice for both clients and freelancers.</li> <li><strong><a href="">Upwork</a></strong>. The site is easy to navigate, and it provides a wide range of features that make it simple to find and connect with clients. In addition, Upwork offers a variety of tools that make it easy to manage projects and communicate with clients. The site also has a very user-friendly interface, which makes it simple to get started.</li> <li><strong><a href="">Toptal</a></strong>. Toptal simplifies the recruitment and hiring process. By matching clients with the right talents, Toptal allows businesses to start the selection process immediately. This can save businesses valuable time and resources, making Toptal an intuitive platform.</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="fot-faq__item"> <a href="#">What is a good free freelancing site for writers? <span class="icon icon--arrow-down"></span></a> <div class="fot-faq__answer" id="faq-q5"> <p>Unlike other platforms, <a href="">Upwork</a> does not charge any fees for setting up an account or posting projects. This makes it an attractive option for businesses that are looking to save on costs.</p> <p>In addition, Upwork offers a range of features and tools to help businesses find the right freelancer for their project. With over 12 million registered freelancers, Upwork also offers businesses a large pool of talent to choose from. With Upwork, businesses can find high-quality freelancers at a reasonable price.</p> </div> </div> </div> <script type="application/ld+json">{ "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the best freelancing sites for writers?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q1", "text": "<p><a href=\"\"><b>Fiverr</b></a> offers a wide range of services for writers, from copywriting and editing to proofreading and even book cover design. Plus, with Fiverr Pro, you can access a curated selection of top-rated freelancers who have been handpicked for their expertise.</p>\n<p>But what really sets Fiverr apart is its pricing model. Unlike many other freelancing sites, Fiverr charges by the gig, not by the hour. This makes it easy to budget for projects, and you never have to worry about being overcharged. Plus, with Fiverr’s Money Back Guarantee, you can be sure that you’ll be happy with the final product.</p>\n" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the benefits of freelancing sites for writers?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q2", "text": "<p>There are several benefits of using freelancing sites as a writer. First, these platforms provide access to a global client base. This is especially beneficial for those who want to work with clients from different countries.</p>\n<p>Second, freelancing sites offer flexible working hours. This can be helpful for writers who want to set their own schedule and work around other commitments.</p>\n<p>Third, many freelancing sites offer competitive pay rates. This can be helpful for writers who want to earn a good income without the commitment of a full-time job.</p>\n<p> </p>\n" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the features of freelancing sites for writers?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q3", "text": "<p>A freelance platform is an online marketplace that connects businesses with freelance professionals. Businesses can post projects or tasks on the platform, and freelancers can browse and bid on those projects. The platforms typically take a cut of the project fee, and they also provide payment processing and other services.</p>\n<p>The platforms vary in terms of their features, but many allow businesses to post projects for free and offer a variety of payment options for freelancers. Some platforms also offer tools to help businesses manage their projects, such as project tracking and communication features.</p>\n<p>Likewise, many platforms offer a variety of membership plans with different features and pricing structures.</p>\n" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the easiest freelancing site for writers?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q4", "text": "<ul>\n<li><a href=\"\"><b>Fiverr</b></a>. Fiverr is a popular freelancing platform that helps clients find professionals for a variety of projects. The site has a range of categories for different types of freelancers, making it easy for clients to find the right group for their project. The platform also offers category-based searches, which makes it simpler for clients to find the specific type of freelancer they need. Furthermore, Fiverr has a good reputation for quality work and fair prices, making it a popular choice for both clients and freelancers.</li>\n<li><strong><a href=\"\">Upwork</a></strong>. The site is easy to navigate, and it provides a wide range of features that make it simple to find and connect with clients. In addition, Upwork offers a variety of tools that make it easy to manage projects and communicate with clients. The site also has a very user-friendly interface, which makes it simple to get started.</li>\n<li><strong><a href=\"\">Toptal</a></strong>. Toptal simplifies the recruitment and hiring process. By matching clients with the right talents, Toptal allows businesses to start the selection process immediately. This can save businesses valuable time and resources, making Toptal an intuitive platform.</li>\n</ul>\n" } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is a good free freelancing site for writers?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "@id": "#faq-q5", "text": "<p>Unlike other platforms, <a href=\"\">Upwork</a> does not charge any fees for setting up an account or posting projects. This makes it an attractive option for businesses that are looking to save on costs.</p>\n<p>In addition, Upwork offers a range of features and tools to help businesses find the right freelancer for their project. With over 12 million registered freelancers, Upwork also offers businesses a large pool of talent to choose from. With Upwork, businesses can find high-quality freelancers at a reasonable price.</p>\n" } } ] }</script> <div class="category__author" style="display: flex;"> <div class="category__avatar"> <img src="" data-src="" alt="Nestor Gilbert" class="lazyload"> </div> <div class="category__author__desc"> <h4>By <a href="/author/nestor/" title="Nestor Gilbert">Nestor Gilbert</a></h4> <p>Nestor Gilbert is a senior B2B and SaaS analyst and a core contributor at FinancesOnline for over 5 years. With his experience in software development and extensive knowledge of SaaS management, he writes mostly about emerging B2B technologies and their impact on the current business landscape. However, he also provides in-depth reviews on a wide range of software solutions to help businesses find suitable options for them. Through his work, he aims to help companies develop a more tech-forward approach to their operations and overcome their SaaS-related challenges.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <p class="updated">Updated <time datetime="2024-11-18T07:25:24+00:00" title="2024-11-18T07:25:24+00:00">November 18, 2024</time></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Why FO Free Modal --> <div id="why-fo-free" class="fot-modal why-fo-free-modal"> <div class="fot-modal__close"><span></span><span></span></div> <h3> <img width="30" height="30" class="why_fo_free_modal_img" alt="Why is FinancesOnline free?" srcset=" 1x, 2x" src=""> Why is FinancesOnline free? </h3> <p>FinancesOnline is available for free for all business professionals interested in an efficient way to find top-notch SaaS solutions. 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