Medical Assistant/Ambulatory/UKHC in Lexington, KY for University of Kentucky (2025)

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State Registered Nurse Assistant (SRNA) 2. Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) 3. Registered Nurse (RN) nursing student who has completed first fundamental course and a clinical 4. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) / medic including military medic 5. Graduate from a medical a..."><meta property="article:published_time" content="2025-02-18T13:19:51+07:00"><meta property="article:modified_time" content="2025-02-18T13:19:51+07:00"><link rel="canonical" href=""/><meta property="og:title" content="Medical Assistant/Ambulatory/UKHC in Lexington, KY for University of Kentucky (2025)" /><meta property="og:description" content="One of the following: 1. State Registered Nurse Assistant (SRNA) 2. Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) 3. Registered Nurse (RN) nursing student who has completed first fundamental course and a clinical 4. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) / medic including military medic 5. 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</nav> <main class="mt-2 flex"> <div class="main-container container"> <main class="left-container doc-detail"> <section class="hentry flex items-center md:items-start mt-3 md:mt-3 ml-0 flex-col md:flex-row"> <div class="w-full"> <h1 class="entry-title mb-5 text-center font-semibold text-2xl xl:text-4xl !leading-common"> Medical Assistant/Ambulatory/UKHC in Lexington, KY for University of Kentucky (2025) </h1> <article class="article-detail"> <section class="entry-content paragraph"><p>One of the following: 1. State Registered Nurse Assistant (SRNA) 2. Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) 3. Registered Nurse (RN) nursing student who has completed first fundamental course and a clinical 4. Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) / medic including military medic 5. Graduate from a medical assistant program. 5. Graduate from a licensed practical nursing program. 6. Clinical Services Technician (CST) III at UK in the last 12 months. Basic Life Support (BLS) at time of hire through American Heart Association (AHA) Basic Life Support certification for the Healthcare Provider.</p><p>One year of clinical experience.</p><div><p> The University of Kentucky is committed to a diverse and inclusive workforce by ensuring all our students, faculty, and staff work in an environment of openness and acceptance. We strive to foster a community where people of all backgrounds, identities, and perspectives can feel secure and welcome. We also value the well-being of each of our employees and are dedicated to creating a healthy place to work, learn and live. In the interest of maintaining a safe and healthy environment for our students, employees, patients and visitors the University of Kentucky is a Tobacco &amp; Drug Free campus. </p><p> As an Equal Opportunity Employer, we strongly encourage veterans, individuals with disabilities, women, and all minorities to consider our employment opportunities. </p><p> Any candidate offered a position may be required to pass pre-employment screenings as mandated by University of Kentucky Human Resources. These screenings may include a national background check and/or drug screen. </p></div><p>","validThrough":"2025-08-10T00:00:00-04:00","title":"Medical Assistant/Ambulatory/UKHC","datePosted":"2024-08-09T03:10:52-04:00"}</p><div data-jobid="20396563"><div><div><p>Details</p><p><strong>Posted:</strong> 09-Aug-24</p><p><strong>Location:</strong> Lexington, Kentucky</p><p><strong>Salary:</strong> Open<div class="bg-primary-100 rounded-lg my-6 px-2 py-3 font-semibold insert" style="color: rgb(37, 99, 235)"><div class="text-common !leading-common ml-1 insert" style="margin-top: 0.2rem; margin-bottom: 0.2rem">See Also</div><a class="list-item toc-h2 py-1" style="border-bottom: none" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">MedBud’s July 2024 Data: UK Medical Cannabis Clinics, Pharmacies, Flower &amp; Oil - Volteface</a><a class="list-item toc-h2 py-1" style="border-bottom: none" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">UK HealthCare hiring Medical Assistant/Ambulatory/UKHC in Lexington, KY | LinkedIn</a></div></p><p><strong>Categories:</strong></p><p>Medical School/Programs</p><p>Staff/Administrative</p></div></div><p><strong>Internal Number:</strong> 543188</p><p><strong>Department Name:</strong> M7100: AMB - Surgery/Cardiothoracic</p><p><strong>Job Summary:</strong> </p><div><p><strong>This position is located off-campus in Lexington, KY at <span>UKHC</span> Turfland Clinic.</strong>The Medical Assistant (MA) will be responsible for direct patient care and provides clinical support to providers.</p><p>Duties include but are not limited to the following: obtaining patient medical history information, expediting patient flow, rooming patients, stocking the clinic with supplies, navigating the electronic health record system, scheduling and follow-up with appointments, and assisting with medication fill requests, prior authorizations and scheduling tests, procedures, and consults.</p><p>The MA will communicate with pharmacies, insurance companies, patients and physicians in a respectful manner and follow UK Healthcare behavioral expectations for service excellence.</p><p><strong>The starting pay for this position was recently adjusted. The minimum hourly rate for this position will now be $18.20/hour. All pay rates will be based on candidate's experience.</strong></p></div><p><strong>Position Time Status:</strong> Full-Time</p><p><strong>Required Education:</strong> </p><p>HS</p><p><strong>Required Related Experience:</strong> </p><p>0 yrs</p><p><strong>Required License/Registration/Certification :</strong> </p><p>One of the following: 1. State Registered Nurse Assistant (<span>SRNA</span>) 2. Certified Nursing Assistant (<span>CNA</span>) 3. Registered Nurse (RN) nursing student who has completed first fundamental course and a clinical 4. Emergency Medical Technician (<span>EMT</span>) / medic including military medic 5. Graduate from a medical assistant program. 5. Graduate from a licensed practical nursing program. 6. Clinical Services Technician (<span>CST</span>) <span>III</span> at UK in the last 12 months. Basic Life Support (<span>BLS</span>) at time of hire through American Heart Association (<span>AHA</span>) Basic Life Support certification for the Healthcare Provider.</p><p><strong>Preferred Education/Experience:</strong> </p><p>One year of clinical experience.</p><p><strong>University Community of Inclusion:</strong> </p><div><p>The University of Kentucky is committed to a diverse and inclusive workforce by ensuring all our students, faculty, and staff work in an environment of openness and acceptance. We strive to foster a community where people of all backgrounds, identities, and perspectives can feel secure and welcome. We also value the well-being of each of our employees and are dedicated to creating a healthy place to work, learn and live. In the interest of maintaining a safe and healthy environment for our students, employees, patients and visitors the University of Kentucky is a Tobacco &amp; Drug Free campus.</p><p>As an Equal Opportunity Employer, we strongly encourage veterans, individuals with disabilities, women, and all minorities to consider our employment opportunities.</p><p>Any candidate offered a position may be required to pass pre-employment screenings as mandated by University of Kentucky Human Resources. These screenings may include a national background check and/or drug screen.</p></div> <div><p><span> Create a Job Alert for Similar Jobs</span></p></div><div><div><div><div><p><span></span></p></div><div><p>About <span>University of Kentucky</span></p></div><div><p> Adjacent to downtown Lexington, UK is nestled in the scenic heart of the beautiful Bluegrass Region of Kentucky. UK's campus covers more than 814 acres, with more than 30,700 students and 13,500 full-time employees, including nearly 2,400 full-time faculty and librarians. </p></div></div><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow"><i></i> <span>Connections working at University of Kentucky</span></a></p></div></div><div><p><span>More Jobs from This Employer</span></p><p><small></small></p></div></div></section> <img class="lazyload" data-src=" Assistant/Ambulatory/UKHC in Lexington, KY for University of Kentucky (2025)" alt="Medical Assistant/Ambulatory/UKHC in Lexington, KY for University of Kentucky (2025)" src=""/> <section> </section> </article> <div class="text-2xl font-semibold mt-5 mb-5">Top Articles</div> <div class="container-doc"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="group mb-20 flex flex-col items-center"> <img class="lazyload h-56 object-cover" data-src=" Is Soy Protein Isolate and Is It Bad For You?" src=""/> <div class="group-hover:text-primary-500 block font-medium mt-5 text-2xl"> What Is Soy Protein Isolate and Is It Bad For You? </div> </a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="group mb-20 flex flex-col items-center"> <img class="lazyload h-56 object-cover" data-src=" Soy Protein Isolate a Healthy Source of Protein? 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