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[{"id":"8368","title":"Watch the 'LEGO Marvel's Avengers' Trailer","description":"Earth's Mightiest Heroes come to 'LEGO Marvel's Avengers' this winter","label":"","urlText":"","panelTemplate":"1","rotatorType":"6","created":"2015-06-09 13:04:38","modified":"2015-06-09 13:07:42","img_variant":null,"releaseDate":"2015-06-09 13:07:00","publicationStartDate":"2015-06-09 13:07:00","publicationEndDate":"2099-12-31 23:59:00","publicationWeight":"50","businessUnit":"Video Games","businessFamily":null,"tags":null,"content":"{\"id\":\"5119\",\"title\":\"'LEGO Marvel's Avengers' Trailer\",\"description\":\"Play as Earth\\u2019s Mightiest Heroes in their quest to save the world while reliving some of the most amazing moments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including the famed Battle of New York between the Avengers and Super Villain Loki as seen in \\u201cMarvel\\u2019s The Avengers.\\u201d\\r\\n\\r\\nRe-imagined in LEGO form and told in TT Games\\u2019 signature, classic LEGO humor, \\u201cLEGO Marvel\\u2019s Avengers\\u201d will be available this winter for Xbox One\\u00ae, Xbox 360\\u00ae, PlayStation\\u00ae4, PlayStation\\u00ae3, PlayStati\",\"contentGroupList\":null,\"duration\":\"67\",\"brightcoveId\":\"4285714463001\",\"invocation\":\"\",\"releaseDate\":\"2015-06-09 12:54:00\",\"type\":\"trailer\",\"group\":\"generic\",\"video_type_id\":\"4\",\"publicationStartDate\":\"2015-06-09 12:54:00\",\"publicationEndDate\":\"2099-12-31 23:59:00\",\"publicationWeight\":\"50\",\"hasFutureReleaseDate\":\"0\",\"viewCount\":\"3\",\"viewsThisWeek\":\"3\",\"viewsLastWeek\":\"0\",\"ratingCount\":\"0\",\"ratingAverage\":\"0.00\",\"businessUnit\":\"Video Games\",\"businessFamily\":null,\"tags\":[\"avengers\",\"lego\",\"lego marvel's avengers\"],\"contentGroups\":[\"LEGO Marvel's 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domain!\",\"content\":\"<p>20 years ago, the X-Men as we knew them vanished, replaced by familiar yet shockingly different incarnations struggling to survive in the <a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/comics\\\/events\\\/227\\\/age_of_apocalypse\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\"><b>Age of Apocalypse<\\\/b><\\\/a>. Now <b><a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/comics\\\/events\\\/323\\\/secret_wars_2015\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">Secret Wars<\\\/a> <\\\/b>has given rise once again to this dystopian domain among the realms of Battleworld...though not exactly as we remember it.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p>Making his return to the franchise and event he helped define in the 1990's, writer Fabian Nicieza will be our guide to this bold new <a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/news\\\/comics\\\/24283\\\/secret_wars_correspondence_age_of_apocalypse\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\">AGE OF APOCALYPSE<\\\/a>, and took the time to provide a bit of background on the major players...<\\\/p>\",\"adTag\":\"\",\"next\":null,\"created\":null,\"modified\":null,\"author\":\"57\",\"releaseDate\":\"2015-06-09 11:28:00\",\"publicationStartDate\":\"2015-06-09 11:28:00\",\"publicationEndDate\":\"2099-12-31 23:59:00\",\"publicationWeight\":\"50\",\"viewCount\":\"191\",\"viewsThisWeek\":\"191\",\"viewsLastWeek\":\"0\",\"businessUnit\":\"Comics\",\"businessFamily\":null,\"contentGroups\":[\"Secret Wars (2015)\"],\"contentGroupIds\":[\"918\"],\"url\":\"\\\/cards\\\/140\\\/re-enter_now_the_age_of_apocalypse\"}","links":{"id":"14194","url":"https:\/\/\/web\/20150609182441\/http:\/\/\/cards\/140\/re-enter_now_the_age_of_apocalypse","text":"Learn more!","order":"0","created":"2015-06-09 11:35:22","modified":"2015-06-09 11:35:22"}},{"id":"8361","title":"'Ant-Man' comes to theaters July 17","description":"See Six Minutes of Marvel's 'Ant-Man' in IMAX Theaters June 12","label":"","urlText":"","panelTemplate":"1","rotatorType":"6","created":"2015-06-08 14:31:44","modified":"2015-06-08 14:34:49","img_variant":null,"releaseDate":"2015-06-08 11:34:00","publicationStartDate":"2015-06-08 11:34:00","publicationEndDate":"2099-12-31 23:59:00","publicationWeight":"50","businessUnit":"Movies","businessFamily":null,"tags":null,"content":"{\"id\":\"5116\",\"title\":\"Marvel's Ant-Man - IMAX Extended Look Teaser\",\"description\":\"See a six minute extended look at Marvel's \\\"Ant-Man\\\" in select theaters starting June 12 and see the whole film when it lands in theaters July 17!\",\"contentGroupList\":null,\"duration\":\"16\",\"brightcoveId\":\"4283677853001\",\"invocation\":\"\",\"releaseDate\":\"2015-06-08 10:56:00\",\"type\":\"preview\",\"group\":\"generic\",\"video_type_id\":\"2\",\"publicationStartDate\":\"2015-06-08 10:56:00\",\"publicationEndDate\":\"2099-12-31 23:59:00\",\"publicationWeight\":\"50\",\"hasFutureReleaseDate\":\"0\",\"viewCount\":\"21\",\"viewsThisWeek\":\"21\",\"viewsLastWeek\":\"0\",\"ratingCount\":\"0\",\"ratingAverage\":\"0.00\",\"businessUnit\":\"Movies\",\"businessFamily\":null,\"tags\":[\"ant-man\",\"imax\",\"marvel cinematic universe\",\"marvel's ant-man\",\"michael douglas\",\"paul rudd\"],\"contentGroups\":[\"Ant-Man (Movie)\"],\"contentGroupIds\":[\"32\"],\"url\":\"\\\/videos\\\/watch\\\/5116\"}","links":{"id":"14187","url":"https:\/\/\/web\/20150609182441\/http:\/\/\/news\/movies\/24703\/get_an_extended_look_at_marvels_ant-man_in_imax_theaters_june_12","text":"Learn More!","order":"0","created":"2015-06-08 14:34:24","modified":"2015-06-08 14:34:24"}},{"id":"8363","title":"Brian Bendis Forges an Invincible Iron Man","description":"Iron Man kicks off All-New All-Different Marvel with Brian Bendis","label":"","urlText":"","panelTemplate":"1","rotatorType":"6","created":"2015-06-08 15:41:40","modified":"2015-06-08 15:44:20","img_variant":null,"releaseDate":"2015-06-08 15:44:00","publicationStartDate":"2015-06-08 15:44:00","publicationEndDate":"2099-12-31 23:59:00","publicationWeight":"50","businessUnit":"Comics","businessFamily":null,"tags":null,"content":"{\"id\":\"24704\",\"title\":\"Brian Bendis Forges an Invincible Iron Man\",\"isArticle\":\"1\",\"subhed\":\"The acclaimed writer takes on Tony Stark's All-New All-Different solo adventures alongside artist David Marquez!\",\"description\":\"The acclaimed writer takes on Tony Stark's All-New All-Different solo adventures alongside artist David Marquez!\",\"content\":\"<p>With Marvel moving into an <b><a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/news\\\/comics\\\/24695\\\/this_is_marvel\\\">All-New All-Different<\\\/a> <\\\/b>era following the ultimate upheaval of <a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/comics\\\/events\\\/323\\\/secret_wars_2015\\\"><b>Secret Wars<\\\/b><\\\/a>, who better than future-facing Tony Stark to lead the charge.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p>The Armored Avenger will anchor a new ongoing series, INVINCIBLE IRON MAN, spinning out of this summer&#8217;s universes-shattering events. Brian Michael Bendis, who has penned Iron Man for over a decade as part of larger casts in <a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/comics\\\/series\\\/753\\\/new_avengers_2004_-_2010\\\">NEW AVENGERS<\\\/a> and <a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/comics\\\/series\\\/16410\\\/guardians_of_the_galaxy_2013_-_present\\\">GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY<\\\/a>, relishes the opportunity to team with <a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/comics\\\/series\\\/18508\\\/miles_morales_ultimate_spider-man_2014_-_present\\\">MILES MORALES: ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN<\\\/a> collaborator David Marquez in this bold new endeavor starring one of his favorite characters.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p>We went in-depth with Bendis about his personal history with Tony Stark, how he plans to breathe new life into Iron Man&#8217;s adversaries and allies, the invaluable pieces Marquez provides to the puzzle, and much more!<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> So even though it&#8217;s just been announced, you&#8217;ve been working on INVINCIBLE IRON MAN for a little bit now. Are you enjoying it so far?<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>Yeah. I have an immense amount of time to percolate and to cook and to bake and to think and to workshop things. That is a luxury that we sometimes don&#8217;t get! You know, that&#8217;s just the way it is. But I did, I had a lot of time to think about this and figure out some of the new characters and whatnot, and also I knew who was drawing it. David [Marquez] lives here [in Portland], so we got to talk about it in person. It&#8217;s been a nice, organic, cool, creative experience. I&#8217;ve had the last 15 years to work on the character in supporting roles in a lot of my projects. So I&#8217;ve had a good feel for it to start with, and that&#8217;s kind of what brought this on to begin with.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p>For years, [editor] Tom [Brevoort] would always say, &#8220;You should do Iron Man.&#8221; Not while [former Iron Man writer] Matt [Fraction] was doing Iron Man or anything like that, but just in general when there was a lull in creative teams. They would bring me up. I always kind of had that itch scratched, because I was doing Avengers or I was doing Guardians. I always got to write Tony doing something. When this came around, it felt like the right time.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p>It&#8217;s funny; there was this shot in <a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/movies\\\/movie\\\/176\\\/iron_man_3\\\">&#8220;Iron Man 3&#8221;<\\\/a> that I absolutely adored. At one point, it was the last shot in the movie: Tony holding up this little screwdriver. His whole world is destroyed, and he holds up this screwdriver and he smiles at it, because he knows he can rebuild everything. I completely adored the shot, and it was very inspiring to me. So you actually see the screwdriver in our first issue. That&#8217;s the connection to me. This is a character who can rebuild himself and reinvent himself and kind of needs to, because of his futurist bent, and that&#8217;s the connective tissue.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> When you took over X-Men, you were a huge X-Men fan getting to write those characters. Where does Iron Man fall on that scale of fandom?<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>Oh, gigantically. If we could take the time machine back with me, [Marvel originally] hired me to write Spider-Man. That was the first thing they hired me to write. The minute they let me write whatever they wanted, I wrote a Spider-Man\\\/Iron Man team-up.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> That was <a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/comics\\\/issue\\\/15778\\\/ultimate_marvel_team-up_2001_4\\\">ULTIMATE MARVEL TEAM-UP<\\\/a>?<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>Yeah. The minute I could write anything I wanted, I wrote Iron Man. The minute I put together what I thought were the coolest characters into the Avengers team, there&#8217;s Iron Man. The minute they said, &#8220;What do you think the Guardians of the Galaxy need?&#8221; They need Iron Man. Even during <a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/comics\\\/events\\\/238\\\/civil_war\\\"><b>Civil War<\\\/b><\\\/a>, my best stuff was Tony related. I got all excited about my different bend on the character, his relationship to the way Mark [Millar] would write him [in the main CIVIL WAR series], and I could tell coming down the street that Tony would be turned into the villain of the story by some people. We tend to root for the underdog, and I had this feeling that, &#8220;you know what, Tony&#8217;s sitting on the throne, but he is the underdog.&#8221; And <a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/comics\\\/issue\\\/20777\\\/civil_war_the_confession_2007_1\\\">CIVIL WAR: THE CONFESSION<\\\/a>, which I would argue is one of my better moments at the company, is all literally Tony spilling his guts and referring to one of my top-three favorite comics of all time, which is <a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/comics\\\/issue\\\/9382\\\/iron_man_1968_149\\\">when Iron Man and Doctor Doom go traveling back in time to King Arthur&#8217;s Court<\\\/a>.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> Yeah, you love that story.<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>I do love that story. It is a great John Romita Jr. comic book. So yeah. I think it doesn&#8217;t take much peeling away to realize what a gigantic Tony Stark [fan] I am. I&#8217;m also a fan of writing characters that are a lot smarter than me. It takes a lot of work on this end; I know a lot of people who are smarter than me. I&#8217;m fascinated by how their minds work. I&#8217;m fascinated by the mixture of the analytical and the creative, which is what an inventor is. There are people who are analytical geniuses and then there&#8217;s creative genius, and right in the middle there&#8217;s inventor genius. That is very fascinating. And I tend to, in my free time [<i>Laughs<\\\/i>], read books or biographies about those kind of people. I just tend to gravitate to them, and it&#8217;s about damn time we just hunker down and try to help Tony become the man he wants to be.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> What sets Tony apart? What makes him different? What makes him special? What sets him apart from Hank and Reed and all those other guys?<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>I was reading this book about Howard Hughes&#8212;and they covered a lot of this material in [Martian] Scorsese&#8217;s &#8220;The Aviator&#8221;&#8212;that even with all the stuff that Hughes invented and how people would think of him as a certain thing, he would refer to himself as an aviator. He wouldn&#8217;t refer to himself as a filmmaker or a businessman. There&#8217;s a romantic quality in his heart, and I see Tony as a very romantic character. Not a horndog, but eager for true connection and love. At the same time, there&#8217;s something really fascinating about someone who literally wraps himself up in metal, and everything that that armor means on a symbolic level. So there&#8217;s that. So like Howard Hughes referring to himself as an aviator, I think Tony would refer to himself as an inventor before a super hero or an Avenger or philanthropist&#8212;and that, I find very romantic. And Tony alone in his lab is so exciting. I remember when I was watching one of the early cuts of the first Iron Man movie, I was like, &#8220;I could watch him play in his lab all day.&#8221; And now people are worried that&#8217;s all the book&#8217;s going to be, but it&#8217;s not. I guess that&#8217;s my connection to his character, as someone who could spend an enormous amount of time alone in his studio, I guess I find the time he spends in his lab religious and spiritual. I think that&#8217;s an interesting thing that the other characters don&#8217;t have.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> One of the things that&#8217;s happened over your tenure with Marvel is that Iron Man went from a character that a lot of us who read comics love to being a character that everyone in the world, whether they&#8217;ve picked up a comic or not, knows. Everyone knows who Iron Man is. He&#8217;s not just a flagship Marvel hero; he&#8217;s a flagship pop culture hero.<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>He&#8217;s probably the most well-known super hero in the world alongside Batman. That is an interesting thing. It&#8217;s the way it was presented to me. &#8220;This is our most well-known character. What is missing from the comics that is keeping it from where it belongs in the comic book field?&#8221; Nothing&#8217;s missing from the character of Tony, but what&#8217;s missing from around Tony is a deep rogues gallery. He&#8217;s got some kick-ass villains, but only a couple. Where Spider-Man and all these others&#8212;you could do a top 50. With Tony, you&#8217;d be hard pressed to come up with five. And go ahead and yell at me underneath this article, but Mandarin, Madam Masque, Whiplash, crickets. And yes, I love Blackout as much as the next person, but you know. This became interesting to me. Also, his supporting cast outside of the Avengers and Pepper and Happy&#8230;what else is there? His world hasn&#8217;t opened up in the last few years. That became interesting to me. I can really take this extremely well-known, extremely liked character, and build a world around him that speaks to the future of the character and what the character wants. Here&#8217;s a character that can now reach out and attempt to build the life that he&#8217;s hoping for. That just got very exciting to me. So I went to David Marquez and I said, &#8220;we&#8217;re going to create a bunch of brand new villains. Pull out your sketchbook and show me all the cool villain things you know what to do with.&#8221;<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p>It took me a long time, but I found out that every single artist has a sketchbook full of villains that they don&#8217;t show anybody. They just sketch, &#8220;here&#8217;s a monster I thought of,&#8221; and then they put it away. And you look at it and you go, &#8220;Done.&#8221; I did it with [Mike] Deodato, and I said, &#8220;show me what&#8217;s in the book,&#8221; and lo and behold, boom. David did the same thing. He pulled out four or five things that I really liked. You&#8217;re not going to see them all right away, he hints at them in the first issue. Over the course of our run, you&#8217;re going to be introduced to our stuff. Hopefully they&#8217;ll stick to the wall. You never know. The idea of building a whole world around him without losing anything that&#8217;s unique about him, that&#8217;s very exciting.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> One of the things that makes Tony unique is I feel like it&#8217;s not taboo for him to be&#8230;I don&#8217;t want to say the bad guy, but he&#8217;s not afraid to play <i>not <\\\/i>the hero. He doesn&#8217;t need everybody in the room to like him.<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>He&#8217;s not running for office.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> Exactly. <\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis:<\\\/b> He&#8217;s not like Jay Leno. He&#8217;s more like David Letterman. He&#8217;ll tell you to go [expletive] yourself if he thinks that&#8217;s what needs to be said. I think I like that about him. I think that&#8217;s what most people like about him. Also, I think having all the money in the world doesn&#8217;t make you happy. Doesn&#8217;t make your problems any less problems. I think the audience would like to know, since we&#8217;re living vicariously through him, that if I did have enough money, I wouldn&#8217;t lose my edge. And Tony never lost his edge. He is in recovery and he&#8217;s trying to be a better person and he&#8217;s trying to answer the problems of our future before they happen. It&#8217;s near impossible when you&#8217;re surrounded by characters who break the laws of physics and time and space [<i>Laughs<\\\/i>]. But damn it, he&#8217;s going to try. And that&#8217;s a profoundly heroic journey, and one that is for sure a losing battle, but not for lack of trying. With one giant win, he can really save the world, and that&#8217;s the thing he&#8217;s trying to achieve.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> So specifically, Brian Michael Bendis&#8217; Iron Man, when you pick this up following Secret Wars, what is your book about?<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>It&#8217;s eight months after <b>Secret Wars<\\\/b> and a lot has happened. Tony isn&#8217;t as cash rich as he always is. He&#8217;s not able to fund the Avengers right now. He finds out that his armor has been duplicated by a 15-year-old at MIT, which has pointed out to him how lazy he is in this area, in inventing new armor. He&#8217;s supposed to be 10 steps ahead of everybody. So that is on his agenda. We create a brand-new armor. He&#8217;s met a new woman who is his peer on every level, if not, maybe, his superior intellectually. She immediately reveals herself on the first date to be somebody worth growing the hell up for. She&#8217;s not going to put up with any of his nonsense. She&#8217;s not impressed with any of the stuff that would usually impress somebody. That&#8217;s the challenge, which is just intoxicating for someone like Tony. So we have new armor, maybe new girlfriend, new powers in the armor, and a whopper of a last page of the first issue&#8212;which is not going to be revealed here. On top of all of this, the lovely Kieron Gillen announced in his run, Tony was adopted, but we don&#8217;t know who his biological parents are. That is a <i>huge <\\\/i>piece, and what a gift. I wish I could be able to give Kieron Gillen a bigger birthday present in his life than he gave me, which is &#8220;who are Tony&#8217;s biological parents?&#8221; And of course, we will reveal in the second issue that they are Thomas and Martha Wayne.<img class=\\\"editor marveldynamicgallery\\\" src=\\\"\\\" data-src=\\\"\\\/js\\\/tiny_mce\\\/plugins\\\/marveldynamicgallery\\\/img\\\/marveldynamicgalleryplaceholdercentered.jpg\\\" data-type=\\\"marveldynamicgallery\\\" title=\\\"Invincible Iron Man by David Marquez\\\" data-title=\\\"Invincible Iron Man by David Marquez\\\"><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> So we&#8217;ve talked about David Marquez a bit already. He&#8217;s crucial to this series. <\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>He&#8217;s an amazing talent. One of the great joys of working at Marvel is, every once in a while, someone like Sara [Pichelli] or David will come along, and they are just at the cusp of becoming amazing. And you go, &#8220;okay, let&#8217;s roll the dice.&#8221; And with any talent at any level, it could go either way. Either they&#8217;re about to pop and it&#8217;s going to be amazing, or this is as good as it gets because they&#8217;re not good in this environment.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p>But you go, &#8220;Ooh, I would like to be there. If this person is about to explode, I would like to be there.&#8221; On ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN, we had this amazing situation with Sara, and then you want to double down, and go, &#8220;ooh, who else?&#8221; David was brought up and I liked his stuff right away.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p>He did the <a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/comics\\\/collection\\\/38141\\\/fantastic_four_season_one_hardcover\\\">FANTASTIC FOUR: SEASON ONE<\\\/a> graphic novel, and a few other things that Marvel started paying attention to [before [ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN]. Those who are looking to break in or want to know and are looking forward to their careers: if you take a gig like FANTASTIC FOUR: SEASON ONE and kick ass at it, you&#8217;re made. You&#8217;re in. You get Spider-Man, you know what I mean? I see some younger talent, when they get a gig like that, they don&#8217;t give it their all. They wait for the next one or something. Like, no no. Every one is the one. This one made him and it was easy to say, &#8220;let&#8217;s put him on Ultimate Spider-Man.&#8221; Within the first 10 pages, it was like, &#8220;do you want to be my best friend?&#8221; We struck up a friendship and he came to visit and then [he]moved here.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> Yeah, you really locked him down.<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>Yeah, we locked him <i>down! <\\\/i>His wife and my wife became friends, and we just became really good friends, and what our friendship is based on&#8212;other than the fact that he&#8217;s just the nicest dude on the planet&#8212;is we&#8217;re both creatively ambitious over career ambitious. We&#8217;re both eager to do better. And when you&#8217;re around people who are eager to do better, it makes you want to do better. It makes you feel like you&#8217;ve earned your place standing next to them. And so the run of Spider-Man I don&#8217;t think had a bad page in it from him; and it was like, &#8220;okay, what do we do next?&#8221; And when the Ultimate Universe met its untimely demise, I forget who brought it up, it may have been Tom, like, &#8220;Why don&#8217;t all you Ultimate Spider-Man people come do Iron Man all together?&#8221; And that seemed like a perfect next project where we could try a bunch of new stuff and a new language of storytelling. Usually somebody, after a three year run on Spider-Man, if they see another web, they&#8217;re going to murder somebody. I thought, &#8220;this is perfect.&#8221; David gets to design new armor and new villains and new characters. I could tell from the pages that he&#8217;s just crackling. He&#8217;s giving it everything he has.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> One of the coolest things you guys did just in the past year was him getting to do that flashback story with Miles Morales&#8217; dad, where you get to see that David could draw in a completely different style and still crush it. I&#8217;m kind of curious to get to see what different muscles he gets to flex on Iron Man, because he&#8217;s not a one-trick pony.<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>This is one of the benefits of like, when you&#8217;re hanging out with [an artist] instead of just working over the phone. You get to see their portfolio, you get to see other stuff, and you go, &#8220;hmm.&#8221; And so yeah, this opened me up as far as, there&#8217;s nothing this guy can&#8217;t do. I had a similar thing with Alex Maleev. He was living here in Portland, and during his free time, he would draft prints that didn&#8217;t look anything like what was going on in Daredevil. And I was like, &#8220;we have to figure out how to get this in there.&#8221;<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> We&#8217;ve seen over the last few days, David basically drawn every Marvel character with these teasers we&#8217;re doing; did you see him draw someone where you were like, &#8220;oh, well they have to be in Iron Man, now&#8221;?<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>Well, he draws such a good Miles! What I liked about it is how, going back to John Romita, there&#8217;s something very modern, yet classical about David. He can draw anybody and it looks great. He gives it an immense amount of thought. If you look at the All-New, All-Different poster, those pieces were drawn individually. I saw them as individual illustrations. If you really separate them, you can see a lot of storytelling in the body language. The poses tell a story about the character. That&#8217;s interesting as well. That says everything about David, how much thought he gives into everything.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> So we kind of talked about the new, new, new of it all&#8212;Tony&#8217;s new ambitions, new villains, new this, new that&#8212;but of course there&#8217;s going to be people who go, &#8220;what&#8217;s going on with Pepper? Is the Mandarin showing up again?&#8221; Are you guys gonna just completely like, first-year, scrub it, just show new stuff?<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>Well, no. There&#8217;s a lot of classic stuff going on. The Avengers are still part of his life. And he is, I say, a center piece of the Marvel Universe in a way. There [are] very few people in the Marvel Universe that he&#8217;s not friends with, or friendly with, or has a relationship with. That seems to be a part of what he has that the other heroes don&#8217;t have. When you have an eight-month story&#8212;what happened to Pepper? Where is Pepper? So there is Pepper planned, but nothing with the Mandarin right now, just because I&#8217;m so more focused on the new stuff. But I honestly think that Matt Fraction&#8217;s Mandarin one-shot is one of the greatest Marvel comics in the past 10 years. And if I, for the life of me, couldn&#8217;t think of anything better, why would I bother? I don&#8217;t think I could ever come close to topping that, or anybody else could either.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> And you&#8217;re not going to use Blackout, because you hate him.<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>No, I like Blackout! But when you make a &#8220;greatest villains of all time&#8221; list, the &#8220;hey, who turned out the lights?&#8221; guy is&#8230;especially when Tony&#8217;s got a flashlight.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> That&#8217;s fair. That&#8217;s very easy to combat.<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>And again, there&#8217;s a lot of things people don&#8217;t know about the All-New, All-Different Marvel Universe. And Iron Man is going to be a big, big part of that. There are chunks that we&#8217;re not talking about.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p>But what I&#8217;m looking forward to is genuine surprise and delight as people find Tony on a quest that is very different, and a relationship with somebody in the Marvel Universe that is <i>very <\\\/i>different to what he&#8217;s had before.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> Alright, I feel like the best way to close out an Iron Man interview, is we have to talk about the armor, which you&#8217;ve mentioned a couple times. Any time anyone comes on an Iron Man book, a big question is, &#8220;what can they do that hasn&#8217;t been done before?&#8221; Obviously, a big part of this is David. So what do you guys have up your sleeve as far as tweaking his armor?<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>Years and years ago, we were at a Marvel retreat, and they were going down the list of&#8212;it wasn&#8217;t &#8220;why do we publish this book,&#8221; it was &#8220;what is this book supposed to be about,&#8221; right? And when it got to Iron Man, it came down to, &#8220;it&#8217;s about a boy and his toy,&#8221; right? This is the most basic idea. It&#8217;s about the coolest boy with the coolest toy. And from that conversation, <a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/comics\\\/issue\\\/92\\\/iron_man_2004_1\\\">Warren Ellis&#8217; &#8220;Extremis&#8221; storyline<\\\/a> came out of it, which is very exciting. But I always thought about that when I was writing Tony and thinking about his armor, is this guy trying to create the coolest thing ever. I was looking at all the armors and I had done this bit that they do in the movie too, but years ago I did this bit where all the armors show up to fight at once. And even then, I wrote a note down going, &#8220;wouldn&#8217;t it be cool if this armor was all the armors?&#8221; Much like our phone is a camera is a gaming platform, wouldn&#8217;t one armor being all the armors be the coolest thing Tony could do? So the new armor <i>is <\\\/i>all the armors. It transforms into whatever it needs to transform into based on the mission at hand. He has to pre-program it sometimes, so it literally changes into different armors as it goes. I thought, that&#8217;s cool.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p>So there you go! And you can thank David. He&#8217;s co-creator of that, as we were planning and planning and planning what that would be. He came up with this cool, slick design that you see right there on the cover, but it can change color and form as the series goes on.<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b> Is there anything I didn&#8217;t ask?<\\\/b><\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><b>Brian Michael Bendis: <\\\/b>No! You got new armor, new romance, new friends, new mission; there will be a big new classic bad in the middle of all this as well, and a big surprise at the end of the first issue! So yeah, a lot going on and a very determined creative team that&#8217;s trying to do something special with a special character that means a great deal, and you know, hopefully everyone will like it. Or just enough!<\\\/p>\\r\\n<p><i>Get all the latest <a href=\\\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/news\\\/group\\\/977\\\/all-new_all-different_marvel\\\">All-New All-Different Marvel<\\\/a> and INVINCIBLE IRON MAN news on and through our social channels!<\\\/i><\\\/p>\",\"displaymode\":\"blob\",\"modified\":\"2015-06-08 15:36:45\",\"created\":\"2015-06-08 15:18:09\",\"urlAnnouncement\":null,\"isAnnouncement\":\"0\",\"useParser\":\"1\",\"author\":\"57\",\"releaseDate\":\"2015-06-08 15:36:00\",\"publicationStartDate\":\"2015-06-08 15:36:00\",\"publicationEndDate\":\"2099-12-31 23:59:00\",\"publicationWeight\":\"50\",\"viewCount\":\"1\",\"viewsThisWeek\":\"1\",\"viewsLastWeek\":\"0\",\"businessUnit\":\"Comics\",\"businessFamily\":null,\"contentGroups\":[\"All-New All-Different Marvel\"],\"contentGroupIds\":[\"977\"],\"url\":\"\\\/news\\\/comics\\\/24704\\\/brian_bendis_forges_an_invincible_iron_man\"}","links":{"id":"14189","url":"https:\/\/\/web\/20150609182441\/http:\/\/\/news\/comics\/24704\/brian_bendis_forges_an_invincible_iron_man","text":"Coming soon!","order":"0","created":"2015-06-08 15:43:58","modified":"2015-06-08 15:43:58"}},{"id":"6944","title":"The Women of Marvel Podcast","description":"Jenna Busch joins the Women of Marvel podcast","label":"","urlText":"","panelTemplate":"1","rotatorType":"6","created":"2014-06-20 11:02:54","modified":"2015-06-05 14:19:46","img_variant":null,"releaseDate":"2014-06-20 11:05:00","publicationStartDate":"2014-06-20 11:05:00","publicationEndDate":"2099-12-31 23:59:00","publicationWeight":"50","businessUnit":"Comics","businessFamily":null,"tags":null,"content":"{\"id\":\"836\",\"title\":\"Ep 48 - Jenna Busch\",\"description\":\"The Women of Marvel gather to spotlight June releases as part of Secret Wars, including Thors #1, Runaways #1 and Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #1. Plus we're joined by Jenna Busch from an interview during ACBC last month!\",\"file\":\"\\\/files\\\/podcasts\\\/mcom_WomenOfMarvel_48_JuneBooks.mp3\",\"byteLength\":\"35470437\",\"mimeType\":\"audio\\\/mpeg\",\"duration\":\"36:35\",\"keywords\":\"womenofmarvel women of marvel podcast\",\"seriesId\":\"12\",\"releaseDate\":\"2015-06-05 09:00:00\",\"publicationStartDate\":\"2015-06-05 09:00:00\",\"publicationEndDate\":\"2099-12-31 23:59:00\",\"publicationWeight\":\"50\",\"businessUnit\":\"Comics\",\"businessFamily\":null,\"tags\":null,\"contentGroups\":[\"Women of Marvel Podcast\"],\"url\":\"http:\\\/\\\/\\\/\\\/files\\\/podcasts\\\/mcom_WomenOfMarvel_48_JuneBooks.mp3\"}","links":{"id":"14180","url":"https:\/\/\/web\/20150609182441\/http:\/\/\/news\/comics\/24697\/jenna_busch_joins_the_women_of_marvel","text":"Tune in!","order":"0","created":"2015-06-05 14:19:32","modified":"2015-06-05 14:19:34"}}], template : 'homeRotator' }); </script> </div><!-- /module --> <!-- Movie module start 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